Inspiration Ch. 09 free porn video

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All breath play associated with MY erotic writings are not encouraged to be attempted by those without the proper in depth knowledge and education concerning this fetish. Please, caution, precaution, and trustworthy partners are a MUST but most of all…



Saturday arrived with a blast of white.

The cab ride to the bookstore was a bit hectic as a thick snowfall blasted the city and started to blanket the streets. Rosangela arrived about fifteen minutes late, nearly slid on her ass a few times trying to get to the bookstore entrance.

Once inside, it was obvious that the day would be a slow one with the weather developed outside. She immediately noticed no Marcella but Al was there, he was always there no matter the weather.

Al looked somewhat anxious as he approached Rosangela who was behind the checkout taking off her snow dusted coat. He announced, ‘Marcella couldn’t make it in due to the weather.’

Rosangela looked to her boss then stated, ‘Yeah, it’s getting nasty out there and I’m sorry I’m late.’ She hung up her coat and started to prep the register.

Al nodded then said, ‘It’s okay, you made it here safe.’ his nervous eyes looked out the front window, saw the snow steadily coming down, ‘Not sure if they’re gonna make it.’

She paused and glanced at her distressed boss then asked, ‘Have they called?’

Al shook his head, his eyes focused on the dreadful sign of less dollars.

She commented, ‘Then I’m sure they’ll show.’

Al nodded then questioned aloud, ‘But will the customers?’

She looked to the window, saw the thickening mess of white.

Within an hour’s time, Bob the agent and his client Victor Hardway showed but as Al feared, the customers were very few for the snow seemed to build.

Rosangela stood behind the checkout with her elbows leaned atop the counter as she stared at the bright white continuing outside the store. There was no traffic with just a slowly passing car here or there. The store was silent with exception to the chit chat in the back from the only three men in the store. She kept herself at the store front, kept her distance from the author.

A few diehard Victor Hardway fans arrived and tracked snow into the store which slightly brightened Al’s disappointment.

Rosangela scooted her rear on a tall stool, listened to the flattery being thickly flung at the author. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled with her shoulders drooped. Her eyes constantly glanced at the mini display of the author’s latest book, her image staring back her and taunted her to pick up a copy and read it.

Her face grimaced at the beckoning book cover. She was intrigued, wanted to know exactly what tale the author wrote evolved around her and those tantalizing fetishes. She was curious if he managed to slip in her unique fetish within those written words. Would he truly dare introduce his readers to the breath play fetish?

‘Rosangela,’ Al’s voice came from no where.

She snapped from her thoughts and glazed stare at the book then looked to her boss who seemed so devastated by the weather and its ability to steal away his money.

Al announced, ‘We’re closing up shop early.’ He sounded sad.

She nodded then agreed, ‘Okay,’ then asked, ‘When?’

Al checked his watch then replied, ‘Likely in about an hour.’ He huffed with annoyance then glared at the weather outside.

She again nodded and agreed, ‘Sure, no problem.’ then she slid her rear off the stool and stated, ‘I’ll start restocking.’

Al nodded then sighed and left to do his typical closing routine.

She left the check out, the Victor Hardway fan club of three continued on with their flattery and feminine giggles. She started to stroll the aisles, somewhat eyeing the books but more so listened to the continuous chatter mingled with the author’s hardy chuckles.

At the end of an aisle, she couldn’t resist an urge to take a gander at what was going on over at the author’s signing table. She somewhat leaned and peered around the shelving unit to her right.

There he was, casually seated on the edge of the table with the three erotica groupies before him. She noted, he looked damned good wearing her favorite of his fedoras, charcoal gray with the red band.

She watched him lay out the charm which was no tedious task because, well, he was Victor Hardway. Her eyes glanced at the three young ladies, all three were all smiles and persistently giggled up a storm.

She thought to herself, he could easily pick one and be set for the night. Her face slightly grimaced as she added in thought, or all three. She cringed at the thought then leaned back and proceeded to check the aisles.

Nope, no real need to restock for nobody really came and bought anything except for their star author’s book January. She retrieved several new books and replaced the bought books on a swivel rack. She paused before placing the final book on the rack. There was a growing temptation to read the book, she’s read all his books. Yet, of course, that particular book was different because she was the inspiration.

Her lips twisted side to side then she made the decision to take advantage of her discount and purchase the latest Victor Hardway erotica.

She left the swivel rack and returned to the checkout. Almost sneakily she rang up the book, kept her eyes down in focus to ring it up as quickly as possible. She placed the cash in the till, pushed the drawer closed, then quickly spun around to shove the book into her purse.

‘Want me to sign it?’ Victor’s voice questioned.

Rosangela startled and the book dropped to the floor.

The door chimed and the giddy laughter disappeared into snowy outdoors.

Her head turned and she peered over her shoulder to discover the author of the book she just bought standing all smug on the other side of the checkout. She gave him a sarcastic quick smile then bent down to pick up the book.

He leaned forward against the checkout with an amused slanted grin across his lips. His eyes studied her bent position, her ass looked lovely and curvy painted over by the brilliant red of the dress. He commented, ‘It would be an honor to sign it for you.’

She rose up and shoved the book into her purse.

His eyes scanned her lovely figure enhanced by a quite flattering and well fitted pencil skirt dress accented at the waist by a wide black vinyl belt. He had to slyly compliment, ‘You look even more inspirational today.’

She quietly grumbled in response, ‘Shut up.’

He continued to eye her as she refused to turn around and face him, tried to look busy. He inquired, ‘Closing early due to the weather, hmm?’

She huffed, annoyed by his persistence to lay his charms out on her as he had with the triplet groupies. She simply stated, ‘Yes.’

He had to ask, ‘Need a ride?’

Her shoulders slumped and she again huffed. She turned on her heels with both hands planted on her hips. Her eyes narrowed at him and his damned good looking sly grin. She shook her head and snipped, ‘No, dammit!’

He chuckled then ended his lean against the checkout. He stepped along the checkout, casually tucked his hands into his pants pockets while his eyes remained on her as she continued to glare at him. He commented, ‘It’s pretty nasty out there.’

He stepped around the edge of the checkout as she turned to keep a suspicious eye on him. His eyes watched her face him and down they scanned, loved the bright red off the shoulder fit of the dress which nicely brought out the ample shape of her tits.

His eyes lifted and looked into hers then he commented, ‘I’m betting the cab service won’t be catering your needs.’

She loudly huffed then nearly growled.

He brought one foot forward then leaned and suggestively stated, ‘Whatever your needs, allow me to c
ater to them.’

She pointed at the door then commented, ‘You allowed three very willing women to walk out the door when I’m positive they would’ve loved to have you cater to their so called needs.’

He slowly shook his head, took another step behind the checkout, then disagreed, ‘No, because in return, they could never cater to mine.’

She started to have the feeling of being cornered and wished Al or that Bob guy would come and put an end to the situation. She took a step back, hated the manner he looked at her for it prodded her to take him up on his offer.

Yes, she had needs and knew exactly what his needs were. But, the last time needs were being bet, it hadn’t ended the manner in which she had secretly hoped.

She shook her head then denied exactly what he suggested, ‘We tried that already, Mr. Hardway, and in the end, it didn’t work out that well for…’ she cleared her throat, ‘Well, it just didn’t work out.’

He quickly corrected her, ‘There was no end.’

Her eyes frowned in question to his meaning. Out of what she said he commented on ‘in the end’ which made no sense to her. She believed it had an end, not one she desired but it was an end. Wasn’t it?

She shook her head, blinked away the question then grabbed her purse. She pushed her way passed the author then headed straight for, well, an escape.

Momentarily taken aback by her abrupt departure, again, his expression changed, a seriousness developed. He understood her meaning but in all honesty, only to himself, there was no end.

Though she walked out, he let her walk out, there was never an end. She seemed to never leave the further he delved into creating the painting and book. She continued to thrive in his mind then the moment the book was finished, he realized his need for her had never ended.

He quickly followed, had no care if his agent’s suspicions about Rosangela were proven correct.

She shoved here way into the lady’s room, the last place she had an orgasm. She slammed the door then locked it. Could she stay hidden in there until the store was to close?

She leaned back against the door, not exactly in the same situation as the day before.

A pounded fist sounded on the door.

She huffed and closed her eyes.

Why was he pursuing her so damned hard?

She shifted on her heels, unlocked the door then swung it open to come face to face with temptation. She awkwardly glanced at him, he was far too quiet. Her eyes frowned with question, didn’t understand the seriousness of his expression.

He blinked, his eyes focused on her. With an odd tone, seemingly sincere, he urged, ‘Allow me to take you home.’

Her eyes shifted from him and glanced down the hallway. She again looked to him then asked, ‘Why?’

The seriousness about his expression didn’t fade. Inside he faced the reality of her importance but refused to verbally state it, then he replied, ‘Why not?’

She took a deep breath then slowly exhaled. Her eyes reluctantly looked into his and her head slowly shifted side to side. How could she set herself up again for another bout of disappointment in herself?

He refused to take no for an answer. If he didn’t again get his hands on her and be gifted the wondrous and unique inspiration she plagued him with, he would likely go mad.

He took a step forward and penetrated his eyes down into hers. He wished he could understand the depth of expression within the bright blue of her eyes, pick through and understand each one. Those expressions were so blended that it made it impossible for him to read.

Her breaths heightened, the intensity of determination within his dark eyes raised a type of dysfunctional excitement. He was the predator after all and she was always the prey but the circumstances had switched. She no longer had control of his predator instincts and barely had control of her prey flight instincts. In fact, she sensed she had nearly unconsciously set herself to be trapped.

Again he stepped forward, his hands grabbed the door frame. His eyes burned with deeper penetration within hers, witnessed the distinct flex of her pupils. He listened to the sound of her heightened breaths. In his mind he heard her words from months ago, ‘Fuck me how I want to be fucked!’.

Her eyes widened, saw the intense expression over the features of his face heighten the handsomeness. He was always remarkable to look at in all those black and white artful portraits within his books. But face to face, there was nearly not a word to describe how damned glorious he was.

Her heels were nearly glued to the bathroom floor as he took another step forward, his body pushed against hers.

His hands dropped from the door frame, she took a step back. Again, she was heightening her trapped situation, no escape for he blocked the door.

One heel scraped back against the floor as he leaned into her. She knew the moment he worked his way over the bathroom threshold there was nothing to stop an instant explosion of obvious sex. Yet, would that explosion return to an unsettling aftermath?

He took another step forward followed by another which forced her to step backwards.

The purse dropped from one and as the other released the door and it started to close. With a shake of her head she protested, ‘No.’ She wasn’t going to play naive, knew exactly what he was about to make happen.

The door clicked closed which caused her chest to flutter.

His hand reached back towards the door, his fingers found the lock and with a twist it clicked.

She again protested but weakly, ‘No.’

She said no but what brightened the blue within her wide eyes was a desiring yes. He lifted his hands and brought then gently against the sides of her neck. His eyes held hers, wanted to see the truth as he urged, ‘Tell me, Rosangela, what transpired in here yesterday that sounded so beautiful, hmm.’

A lump built in her throat, she swallowed hard against it. The touch of his hands sent a jolt of sexual electricity which traveled and struck between her thighs.

He leaned and brought his lips against her ear. Deeply he inhaled, took in the soft scent of her subtle floral perfume. He heard her every deep breath and felt the heat breathe against the side of his face.

He whispered with encouragement, ‘Tell me, please, what I provoked you to do in here.’

Her eyes closed, his whispery voice triggered her arousal shooting to another level. There was nothing more stimulating than questions and more so when they were spoken by his heavenly vocals.

As his hands slid down over her exposed collarbones, he dragged his lips very lightly from her ear and down the slope of her neck. The heated flush of her skin felt against his lips.

He gave his assumption of her previous day’s actions within those very walls of the bathroom and stated, ‘You made yourself cum by breathlessness, didn’t you?’

Yes she did, that’s what she did. She bagged herself for the first time in those several months and provoked herself to cum harder than she had all those previous mediocre times.

She felt a tremble strike her body in response to the slid of his hands against her heaving tits. Her head bobbed and from her a surprising but simple confession, ‘Yes.’

His lips formed a satisfied grin then they grazed back up the slope of her neck and returned against her ear. Intrigued and aroused, he inquired, ‘How many times have you breathlessly cum throughout these long six months?’

Her head shook and she again surprised herself giving a response, ‘That was the first.’

His grin broadened, sensed immediately that she was unable to breathlessly cum all that time without his assistance. He slyly questioned, ‘And why is that?’

Her body again trembled, his hands moved down against her hips then slid down against the sides of her thighs. She deeply inhaled, afraid to confess the tru
th. A slight tense cringe tightened her body, his fingers started to work upward the hem of her dress.

He knew her answer and gave it, ‘Because you lacked inspiration.’ he drew her dress hem higher, ‘You need inspiration and yesterday I gave it to you.’ then he gave his own confession, ‘Just as you inspired me. Last night,’ he heavily breathed, the hem of her dress reached her hips, ‘Alone with my inspired thoughts of you, I again came.’

Why, she screamed in head, why him? Why did every descriptive word that he spoke make her want him? Was it because they weren’t the written word but words spoke by his glorious voice and melody?

His head turned and lips grazed along her cheek. The back of his right hand fingers brushed across her thigh and with a twist of his fingers the first garter was undone, her body shuddered. His left hand undid the other front garter then both hands moved to the back of her thighs and with ease both back garters were undone.

He dragged his hands up the back of her thighs then tucked them beneath the gathered dress hem. He buried his hands beneath the waist of her panties then his fingers firmly gripped the underside of her plump ass cheeks. Her body again shuddered.

She felt nearly helpless, her body persistently trembled with each of his actions. And the growth of arousal between her thighs made her further helpless against each of his precise actions.

Her eyes opened and aimed at the vanity sink. The memory of her solo play filled her mind. A visual developed, a fantasy where he was the one who firmly suffocated her with the bag from under the sink.

His lips neared hers as his eyes noticed hers peering to her right. His eyes glanced at the vanity sink then he asked, ‘Is that where you bagged yourself for the first time in six months?’

She shakily nodded as her breaths steadily grew heavier.

His grin formed that mischievous perk at the left corner as his eyes remained focused with inspiration at the simple vanity sink. His lips motioned against the corner of her mouth as he urged, ‘Tell me, Rosangela, that you want me to fuck you as you truly desire to be fucked.’

Her eyes shifted with slight hesitance then met his eyes. Very slowly her head nodded as she nearly whispered, ‘I want you to fuck me,’ she paused, took a deep breath then finished, ‘Suffocate me while you fuck me.’

His grin held firm, he stated, ‘Give me a bag and I’ll do as you desire.’ His hands slipped from her panties.

She gave a nod then stepped her right. Her breaths were erratic as she moved to the vanity sink.

He shifted on his leather shoes as he undid the buckle of his belt then pulled the belt from belt loops of his trousers. He stepped towards her as she slightly crouched and opened the vanity cabinet. Behind her, he undid the fly and zipper of his trousers and listened to the sound of a plastic bag being removed from a box.

He felt the flinch of his cock as it hardened with anticipation. For months he wanted nothing more than to bring her again into breathless ecstasy.

Her eyes momentarily eyed the bag in her grasp then shifted and looked into the mirror seeing his looming reflection behind her. There was no turning back, her pussy beyond convinced her she couldn’t if she wanted to.

His eyes locked with hers within the reflection of her flushed face then he ordered with a calm tone, ‘Put your hands on the sink.’ He reached around her and stole the bag from her hand then watched her grip the edges of the sink.

Her eyes locked with his, she listened to the delectable sound of the bag being unraveled. Her eyes flinched wider the moment the bag came into view behind her in the reflection. She deeply inhaled, instinctively knew it would be a time before fresh air would fill her anticipating lungs.

Her eyes watched as he leaned, brought the open bag above her head as one of his hands held his belt. She held that deep breath as she listened and felt the bag be lowered over her head. Her pussy pulsed and was instantly slick.

The bag around her head, he leaned and pressed against her as he worked the looped belt down to the base of her neck, his hard cock prodded against her rear. He gripped the end of the belt and drew it back until the loop tightened and sealed the bag around her neck. The belt held firm, he tugged down her panties with his left hand exposing her lush round rear.

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Paul stared at his Civics test. He had a zero. How could he make a zero on a true/false test? It defied statistics. He put the test away and pretended to pay attention. He was calculating the odds; a 50% chance for each question, twenty-five questions, the chance of not getting any correct, vanishingly small. If you flip a coin 25 times and it comes up heads each time, someone is cheating. Paul approached Miss Dillard after the bell rang. "Miss Dillard, are you sure I didn't get any...

2 years ago
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The Night I met Mandy

One night I decide to go out. Not sure where to go, I end up at a bar. I go inside, take a seat at the bar and order a drink. As I sit drinking my drink, I start thinking about how I am making a mistake going out on my own. I should have just waited until one of my so called friends had time to go out. As I am preparing to leave, a cute chick sits two stools away and smiles one of those bright smiles and asks if I am alone. I shake my head yes, she moves closer and we start to talk. After a...

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Glory Hole Girl

Glory Hole Girl By Linda Laving [email protected] I was sitting across the table from my friend Jenny at lunch one Friday afternoon, and she looked great as usual. Jenny was model material, late twenties, 5'6, maybe 110 pounds with full breasts and a skinny waist, long legs, and topped with long golden blonde hair and blue eyes. The subject of work inevitably came up, and she asked me how I was doing, so I told her I was unemployed ... for obvious reasons. Obvious...

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Feeling Hidden

He had her just this morning before their shower, so the very idea that he needed her again this soon thrilled him and led him to believe that he was making the right decision about her. The times they had share thus far had been very intense. Take last night for instance. He had her tied to the bed with nipple clamps on her sensitive breasts and his mouth on her tight little box as he teased her; bring her so close time and time again as he taught her to control her orgasms. She screamed his...

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Your A Man Now

Helen was putting away folded laundry when she made the first of several startling discoveries that would change her life. She had had an unusually busy week, so the laundry had gotten backed up quite a bit, and she had an extra big stack of her son's underwear. As she was trying to make room in his drawer for the clean, underpants, she came across something she was not supposed to find buried in the bottom of the drawer. It was a pair of women's knickers that had been wadded up and stuffed in...

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New Years day teacher PT 2

Hello all, sorry for the delay in finishing this story. I'll get right back to it. Like I was saying, she led me to the bed and removed the" cum blanket" we were making out and playing with each other's sweet spots. She had told me the night before that she had an obsession with men's asses. I said hell, I'm game thinking I don't really care what she's into as long as I cum. She wasn't lying, we got into a 69 and while I was eating her pussy, she began rubbing my asshole which felt great! I...

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Black Magick

found this wonderful story about a white boy with no purpose in life, and not knowing his true destiny to serve as a dominant Black Man's pet. I only wish I could have been found like Danny, and had my life give the purpose to be a Snowflake for a Man like Master Shabaz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danny Sullivan planned on spending the long Thanksgiving weekend with...

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Mares Tales Chapter 21

Mare's Tales - Chapter 21 ? by: Beverly Taff Morning broke clear and frosty as the weak winter sun splashed its late rays onto our bed. It revealed four small lumps surrounded by two larger ones under the soft contours of the duvet. Dot's internal clock woke her as the suns rays gradually washed her face with light. Despite her careful efforts to extricate herself from my embrace, I woke as she tried to slide surreptitiously out of the bed. "What time is it?" I...

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Solace Rosanna Ch 17

2003: L. D. Jansen stood on the steps of her apartment house, hands thrust into pockets as she watched the departing taxi glide down the block and turn the corner. She turned abruptly and strode purposefully into the building. Her concentration was such that she did not hear Dodge, the doorman as he bid her a good evening. Jon Dodge found the enigmatic woman extremely attractive, not that he would ever let that little secret out. He watched her lithe, muscled physique as she strolled into the...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 19 A Girl from Aizu

Kaoru: Yahiko! (Kenshin and Hanya continue to stare each other down. Hanya holds up a hand.) Hanya: Stop. I see to fight any further here for Takani Megumi is pointless. I myself want to collect these two and report back to the Okashira. Kenshin: You were the ones who started this. We won't stop you from leaving. But the little one will stay here to give us the antidote for> Hanya: I have no such duty to an enemy. Kenshin (charging): Then we'll have to take it! (Hanya...

1 year ago
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Incestuous PartyChapter 2

Seventeen year old Karen Martin laid back in her bed, thinking about what had happened during the day. She would never forget the expression on her newly wed Uncle Larry's face when she told him she was going to the college in Cortland, and wanted to know if she could stay with him until school started in three weeks. Larry hadn't seen his niece in almost four years, and they were hardly what people would call close. But she was family, and as they say, blood is thicker than water. But if...

2 years ago
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Private show surprise at the porn store Part Two

Andrea leaned forward against the window, the phone at her ear. She moved her right middle finger languidly up and down her very slippery swollen slit. She whispered, "I have masturbated so many times thinking about you and me together. Never did I think of anything like THIS. The head of your cock is so swollen Peter." She parted her lips with thumb and forefinger. Her cunt was bright red. She hissed, "I want to feel that luscious purple head push into me right here." Her middle finger...

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start at the beginning my first time bye bye v

Ok let me start with what i think is obvious, its the internet so about 99% of it is made up horseshit. I look at it a differnt way, whats the point in lying? really - whats the fucking point? you dont get paid or gain a thing by lying so why do it. Down the pub with some mates I will tell a few lies, leave out the parts that make me look bad and all the rest, but on here I tell the truth.OK down to business, my first time with full sex was about 3 months before my 18th birthday with my...

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MagnifChapter 5

"Hold on!" said Jeff desperately "Let's stick with the original plan and meet the local Red leadership." "They just killed my ship and crew," pointed out Nye. "You don't know that. You can't prove that. Let me take you out to the area where your ship was supposedly fired on. It's a wheat field." "Who owns the field?" asked Weston. "Everybody. We share everything. We are different races but we are all Magnifs." "You did say the Reds live in their own colony." "Yes, but...

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Church Ladies

Church Ladies My story begins in a comfortable neighborhood, in a comfortable little city, in a midwestern area, an area where there is little crime to worry about and neighbors tend to watch out for each other. A bit about myself to begin with, and then on to the focus of this story. My name, Daniel Peterson, or Dan as I was called by most, and my wife Patricia or Pat as she was called by most. We were both retired, and living comfortably with little to worry us. Our kids were...

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The Anomaly Volume One The Battle for the Known UnknownChapter 7

Holy Trinity - 3750 A.D. It was Wednesday on Holy Trinity. This was one of the two days of the week—the other, of course, being Sunday—that was designated an Energy Saving Day. Despite being in Mercury orbit and well bathed in sunlight from the nearby presence of the Sun, the Archdeacon and the Chief Pastors had deemed that the energy expenditure of the colony's burgeoning population couldn't be squandered on more than five days of daylight each week. Isaac was tending the small garden...

1 year ago
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Memory Master

Memory Master By Cal Y. Pygia "I can remember whatever I want, whenever I want?" Amanda asked. The salesman nodded, patting the dome of the Memory Master. "Whatever you program." He'd already explained the procedure twice, but he'd explain it a hundred more times if need be, to make a sale. Besides, he knew that the lady probably had understood what he'd said the first time. Usually, customers asked him to repeat the steps of the procedure several times for no other reason than to...

2 years ago
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Hard Learning

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 337

I didn't really need to sleep, but I faked it anyway. I faked it while I assessed what Edsel had told me. Most of it rang true, not all, but then no one really tells the whole truth. After she fell asleep I took a close look at her arms with my night vision. An eighteen year old junkie wouldn't likely bother to hide her tracks very well. Even with inferred I couldn't find any scars. That only meant that she wasn't shooting anything in college. She could still have been sniffing and/or...

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Fervid Enrapture

The pale man was naked and smooth, He knelt on the bed and stretched his back into an arch proffering his buttocks as high in the air as he could, pushing his shaven relaxed anus out. That hole opening and shutting like a wink. The tanned man above grew excited and placing his fingers on his ribs began to flick his own nipple with his thumbnail. The deliriously warm feeling went straight to his loins and his ball sac twitched repeatedly, his enlarging penis grew thick and strong, blue veins...

4 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 13 The Kalinin of Kushtia

As far as trying out the account management idea was concerned, Clegg was as good as his word. He set up a meeting for me only a few days later. "So, I understand from Mr Clegg, that your new approach is to meet the specific needs of your clients rather than just picking up whatever you find lying around." The robed man in my office had an Asiatic appearance but spoke English without any trace of an accent. Clegg had said he was the Kalinin of Kushtia an old school friend, though he...

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A Joke Change BeginningChapter 2

I was out for a day, and doped up for another, but I later pieced together what happened. I hit a parked car. A woman was walking her dog on the other side of the street and she called 9-1-1 before my car even stopped moving. She wasn't a doctor or even an EMT, but she was a midwife and nurse practitioner ... anyway she knew first aid. She tied her dog's leash to the parked car's bumper and came over to the driver's upside-down door. She could tell that I was unconscious, the airbags...

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The Swimmer by loyalsock

Laura hit the pool everyday before school. She knew she was good butwanted to be better, maybe even join a swim team. Swimming kept herthin and lightly muscled as her 18 year old body developed towardswomanhood. Laura took pride in her shapely legs, tight ass, abs andthe 32Cs she had grown up top.Lately another swimmer had caught Laura's eye. Over in the fast lane agirl just a bit older than Laura powered up and down the pool, lengthafter length, turning tightly at each end. Laura admired...

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Always and Forever Chap 3

“Me too,” EJ agreed. “Wait.” He stopped me before I put on my panties. “What?” I asked confused. “Lay back down, really quick.” I did what he said, still looking at him confused. He opened my legs and bent over my pussy. He kissed my outer lips and licked all over me. “Mmhmmm,” I moaned. He sucked my clit into his mouth. I put my legs on his shoulder. He pushed two fingers into me. I started to have an orgasm. I pushed my pussy into his mouth as I arched my back. “EJ,” I...

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Grace the BikersChapter 3

The Elderly Wives Club of Long Leary continues It was Joy who broke the long silence after I had refused to tell them about my three individual love sessions with my sons. “We understand perfectly Grace, and we have no problem with that,” she said. “ unfortunately we do have problems. There are only seven days before the Wiccan meeting on the night of the Blood Moon. Due to unforeseen business problems involving Maureen, the movie we planned to make with you in Holland over two weeks will...

2 years ago
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Starting To Love My Retirement

Well one month into my retirement and I’m starting to love it. Since I have retired I’m have been seeing more of my neighbours. Before I retired I would see one or two neighbours briefly on the weekends for some chit chat while cleaning the yard or driveway. Now I see many of my neighbours everyday while outside. This past weekend my neighbour living behind my house was just taking a morning walk and stoped to talk to me.He asked my why I was not at work I told hime I am now retired. He...

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Teachers Hot LipsChapter 7

It didn't surprise Janet that by the time Bobby returned that evening she was horny again. She'd had to take her second pill of the day, and that did it. She paced around her living room waiting for the boy, unable to concentrate on anything but her hot, swollen pussy. She wondered what things would be like when she stopped taking the pill. Would she be frigid and sexless again? That certainly didn't seem possible after the way she'd lived this week. But she wouldn't know till Monday,...

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Lawson was the name of the system and planet but they should have named it lawless. Mostly I would have to blame the one empire, two federations and two republics that were in a dispute over the system. It made it so there was no effective law enforcement. When the system was settled it grew quickly. Once it reached a population of ten million the larger neighboring systems took an interest and things started going bad. Now the population was down to under five hundred thousand and the peace...

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08 TogetherChapter 47

Present – Liz and Bernie – back in Leadville I make a call to the cabin, talk to Gretchen, tell her what's going on and she yells into the phone, "Liz, what the hell is wrong with Jennifer! We finally help her find Ben, which was practically an impossible job, and she kicks him out?" I know I need to smooth things over so I respond, "Gretchen, don't blame Jennifer for this because it really is Mira's fault. She met Glen in the Leadville jail and told him she was preggers with Ben's...

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Tawnis Story

Chapter 1 – A Pleasant Morning ‘I’m awake. ‘ ‘Where am I? ‘ ‘What happened last night? ‘ ‘Why do I smell like sex and alcohol?’ ‘Oh, no. Did I go home with someone last night? ‘ This room doesn’t look familiar. I’d never have drapes like that and this bed feels way too expensive for a college student like me to have. So, it must be someone rich. Ah, damnit Tanya! Think girl, think. Okay, what was the last thing that I remember from last night. Okay, Suzie… Who’s Suzi- oh, my...

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The Things A Teacher Should Or Shouldnt Do

When I was in high school and middle school, I knew we had very little respect for substitute teachers. To us, it wasn't a flunky job or anything disrespectful. We just didn't give the same credit to someone filling in for a day or two when the regular teacher wanted a day off.In today's society, I knew that substitute teachers weren't looked at with the highest amount of respect either, but I needed a job, and it was something different. So I took a risk, and jumped head-first into something I...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 73

The interviews went better and at the end of the day on Friday we had our three fulltime people selected. It was now up to HR to make the formal offer with salary and benefits; then it became a waiting game to see if they accepted. We also selected two for backup if any of our first choices turned us down. The jeweler called late in the afternoon; he had the rings. I picked them up on one of my trips around the college grounds. They were beautiful. Now I was left with the question of how to...

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Peg Your Husband Hell Love It Part 1

Anthony and I had been together since high school. Even though we had known each other much longer (somwhere along the lines of third grade). Once we both graduated, he moved on to become a doctor, and I a pilot in the air force. It was difficult to stay together through college and all but somehow we made it. After our lives were finally in order we decided to settle down and get married. It wasn’t a surprise to any of our family; they had expected it to happen. We’ve been married for about...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 21 Officer Candidates

Sybil, Martha, and Sister Sybil, formally known as Geha was no longer confused. She now knew who she was and how it all started. The one thing she and her alter ego had in common was their origin. She was born on a planet named New Olympus colonized by the Privileged. She once again knew that the Privileged were exiled from a society known as New Gods who had split into three distinct societies, the Standards, the Outcasts, and the Privileged. The Privileged split into four groups and left...

1 year ago
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Blacked Carolina Sweets Paying His Debt

Carolina has just found out that her boyfriend has made a mistake – a big mistake. He has racked up a big debt with his gambling and now he owes someone a lot of money. But he has nothing left to give, so he offers the only thing he has left – Carolina. When they arrive at Mr. Wallace’s house, she knows that their relationship will never be the same again. Although she is nervous, she is really excited too – but when she enters the bedroom, she finds a little more than...


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