Indiscretions Ch. 11 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX


By D.C. Roi

Chapter eleven

When Linda arrived at the motel on Sunday, Tom’s room was locked. She let herself in using the spare key he’d given her. She expected him to be waiting for her and wasn’t sure where he was. She decided to surprise him when he did get back, so she took her clothes off, then walked into the bathroom to get herself a drink of water. After she finished her drink, she walked back out into the room.

‘Hi,’ Tom said.

Linda jumped. ‘Tom! You startled me!’ she exclaimed.

‘I was down at the office, settling my bill when I saw you pull in,’ Tom said, walking toward her, arms spread.

Linda moved against him, unmindful of her nakedness, and their lips met. Thrills roiled in Linda the minute her lips touched Tom’s. When he cupped her buttocks and pulled her against his swelling middle, she felt her legs going wobbly.

When the kiss ended, Linda pushed Tom’s jacket down over his shoulders. He shrugged and it fell to the floor. Next she opened his shirt. Once she had his shirt off, she began to kiss his bare chest.

‘I take it…’ Tom said, thrilled by her resolute attempt to get him naked, ‘…you’re glad to see me?’

Linda responded by sucking one of his nipples between her lips. She nibbled it and felt it grow hard. As she did she felt a tremor go through him.

‘Ohhhhh!!!’ Tom moaned. As his body responded rapidly to Linda’s caresses, he slid one hand onto her back and began caressing her gently while his other hand slid between them and cupped one of her breasts.

Linda, shuddering as Tom fondled her breast and teased her erecting nipple, undid his belt, then she opened his pants, which plummeted to his ankles. She pushed his shorts down next and his erection bobbed into view. She wrapped one of her soft, slim hands around it and began stroking it.

‘Oh, God, Linda!’ Tom murmured, ‘Do you have any idea how great that feels?’

Linda surprised herself and Tom then by dropping to her knees and taking his erection in her mouth. She was glad to discover the taste wasn’t bad, a little salty, perhaps, but not unpleasant. She began exploring the swollen shaft with her lips and tongue and could hear him moan and feel him shake.

‘You better be careful!’ Tom warned, his voice strained. ‘You might make me come!’ He was stunned that Linda, who’d seemed so reticent about kissing his cock up to now, was doing this to him.

Linda heard Tom’s impassioned warning, but didn’t stop. She continued licking and sucking his cock and felt her insides churning and wetness beginning to seep down her legs. She began sliding her mouth up and down on the swollen shaft, stroking his balls with her hand as she did.

‘Please!!!’ Tom moaned, his legs trembling, ‘Oh, God, Linda! I’m so close! You’re gonna make me come!’

Linda had never experienced a man coming in her mouth and decided it was time she did! She wanted to make Tom come like this! He’d given her so much pleasure with his mouth she wanted to return the favor! She increased the intensity of her caresses.

‘Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!! Aggggghhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!’ Tom cried. While his body shook uncontrollably he grasped Linda’s head and began thrusting his cock into her mouth.

Linda felt the penis in her mouth begin to throb, then warm, sticky fluids jetted into her. At first she thought she’d gag, but then she experienced a reaction she hadn’t counted on. ‘Mmmmmmmppphhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmmmppphhhhh!!!’ she moaned around Tom’s pulsating pole, her body quivering, as his orgasm triggered one in her, too. She continued to suck and lick him until he was limp in her mouth, then she leaned against his legs, her arms wrapped around them. His legs were still trembling softly.

‘My God, Linda!’ Tom whispered, ‘That was unbelievable!’ He bent down, lifted her to her feet, then picked her up in his arms. Her head fell onto his shoulder and her soft hair tickled his face as he carried her to the bed, laid her gently on it, then laid down next to her.

‘Do you think what I did was awful?’ Linda asked hesitantly.

‘No way! I think it was wonderful!’ Tom replied. He kissed her deeply and his hands started moving over her lithe, lovely body.

Linda, exultant, felt herself responding powerfully to Tom’s touch. When his lips moved to her breast and seized a nipple, it was her turn to moan with pleasure. ‘Ohhhhhhh!!!!’ she groaned, shuddering.

After paying attention to Linda’s breasts and rigid nipples for some time, Tom pushed himself up on his elbow and said, ‘Turn over.’

Linda did. Immediately his hands and lips went to work on her back, gliding up and down the smooth surface. Gratifying sensations spread before his moving hands in ever-widening waves, the way water spreads before the bow of a ship. Those waves of joy returned upon themselves, grew, and intensified.

Now he was playing with her ass! Linda was elated by the thoroughness with which he cupped and caressed each cheek. The sensations she was experiencing grew even more intense when his finger began to explore the cleft between the finely-formed globes of flesh. He was making her wild!

Her hips began rocking and she pulled her knees under her, raising her bottom off the bed, offering herself to him. Tom’s hands stroked her legs and played over her buttocks, then his finger traced the tiny pucker of her nether opening.

‘My God, Tom!’ Linda moaned. ‘That feels incredible! Soooo nice!!’

Tom began stroking her thighs, continuing to electrify her, then his caresses moved to her vagina. His fingers slid between her well-lubricated, silken lips, toying with her sensitive clit. Next he stroked the little expanse of flesh between her vagina and anus, sending still more jolts of excitement through her.

‘Tom, please!!! Oh, God!!! You’re driving me crazy!’ she whimpered, ‘I can’t stand it! It feels too good!!’

With tantalizing slowness, he slid one finger between her labia, into her pulsating opening, which was slick with the juices of desire. His other hand slid down her belly and he grasped her engorged clit between his thumb and forefinger and began stroking it.

‘Mmmmmmmpppphhhh!!!!’ Linda moaned into the pillow as one of Tom’s fingers began probing into her while his hand twirled her clit. She lifted her head. ‘Please, Tom!’ she moaned, ‘I need you! Take me!! Please!!! Take meeee!!!’

Tom, just as turned on as Linda was, wanted her as desperately as she seemed to want him. He moved behind her, between her legs, grabbed her hips and raised them higher, making her a lovely target for his engorged cock. He moved closer and his erection, hot, and hard, slid against her thigh.

‘Please! Please, Tom, take meeeee!!!!’ Linda moaned, pushing back against him. When she did, she felt the tip of his erect member slide into her. ‘Yessssss!!! That’s it!!! That’s ittt!!! Put it in!! Put it in meeeeeee!!!’ she cried.

With a powerful thrust, Tom pushed all the way into her until his thighs slapped against hers.

Tom’s sudden movement drove Linda’s head against the pillow. As he continued lunging into her, she reached down, touched herself at the point of their joining, and could feel his shaft sliding in and out of her. ‘I can feel you!!!’ she groaned, ‘I can feel you!’ Her fingers twirled her clit as he drove into her.

Tom was beyond control. He couldn’t keep his hips from moving, from driving his cock deep into the body of the lithe woman kneeling in front of him.

‘Now!!! Oh, God!!! Now!!!’ Linda screamed. Her back arched and she rocked her hips wildly as a powerful orgasm overwhelmed her. ‘Ahhhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!! Yesssss!!! Yesssss!!! Yesssss!!!!!!’

‘Take itttttt!!!’ Tom bellowed, no longer able to hold back, ‘I’m coming, too!!!’ He exploded his torrid cream into her.

They rocked and bucked, their bodies straining, until nothing remained for them to share.
Finally Tom pulled his partially hard shaft from Linda and flopped next to her on the bed, spent.

At first, Linda stayed as she was, head on the pillow, her body curving wonderfully up in the air, her gorgeous ass still exposed. Slowly, she lowered herself onto her belly, then she turned to face Tom and looked lovingly into his eyes.

‘You are incredible!’ she whispered.

‘You are, too,’ he replied.

They moved into each other’s arms and lay there for a while, holding each other, savoring the warmth that passed between them.

‘You know,’ she said, ‘it wouldn’t be at all hard to fall in love with you.’

‘I know, I was thinking the same thing about you…’ Tom replied, kissing her on the forehead, ‘…and that worries me. I didn’t start this to hurt you, and I’m afraid that’s all I’ve done.’

Linda nuzzled against him. ‘You didn’t force me to do anything I didn’t want to do,’ she whispered into his chest. ‘I began this knowing what the score was.’

After a while, Tom stirred, and lay back. ‘Would you like some dinner?’

‘I’d love some,’ Linda replied. ‘I’m famished.’

‘You want to take a chance on going out?’ he asked.

‘Ah…if it’s OK with you, I wouldn’t mind going out,’ Linda said. She needed time to rest up before…whatever.

‘You have any suggestions?’ he asked.

‘You decide,’ Linda told him.

They got up, took a friendly shower together, then, still naked, walked back into the bedroom.

‘Damn,’ Tom said, pulled her into his arms and kissed her. ‘You’re so damn beautiful I can’t keep my hands off you.’

‘Hey,’ Linda pushed him away playfully, ‘I thought you said you were going to feed me.’

‘Oh, yeah, I forgot,’ Tom replied, releasing her. He began slipping on his clothes.

Linda went into the bathroom, straightened her hair and applied a little makeup. Then she put her silky dark-blue dress back on, but left her bra off. She thought about leaving off her the rest of her underthings, too, but couldn’t quite bring herself to do that. She’d never before gone out in public wearing so little under her clothes.

A while later, they were seated in a shadowy booth in a nice restaurant in another town, one where Linda wasn’t likely to be recognized. ‘This is really nice!’ Linda told Tom, then she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The movement caused her breasts to sway slightly under her silken dress, and the contact of her semi-rigid nipples against the smooth fabric caused a tremor of excitement run through her.

Tom felt her shudder. ‘Are you cold?’ he asked.

‘Anything but,’ Linda replied. She linked her arm in his and pressed against him.

A waiter arrived and took their order. He brought the drinks Tom ordered, then left. Leaving her arm linked in Tom’s, Linda picked up her drink, raised it to her lips, and sipped it. Then, in response to a wild thought, she dropped her arm to his leg and began to stroke it gently.

‘That feels nice,’ Tom whispered, pressing his leg against hers.

Boldly, Linda moved her hand to his crotch. She could feel his cock, which had already begun to swell and stiffen.

‘You devil!’ Tom scolded.

Linda noted that, despite his tone of voice, he shifted his body so she could have better access to him. ‘Are you complaining?’ she giggled. She’d never had the courage to do something like this in public before.

‘Not at all,’ Tom replied. Then, believing turn about was fair play, he put his hand on her leg and began to caress her through the slippery material of her dress.

Linda shuddered again. His touch felt wonderful, and the smooth material served to increase the delight his touch was giving her. She leaned back against the booth, luxuriating in the lustful sensations his caresses were causing.

Tom raised his hand and touched one of her nipples, which were poking out against the thin material of her dress.

‘Ohhhh!!!’ Linda moaned.

Tom’s hand moved back to her leg and slid to the inside of her thigh.

Linda parted her legs, knowing that in the dimly-lit restaurant, with the table cloth hanging in front of them, nobody could see what they were doing to each other. She found the situation incredibly erotic and exciting.

‘Mmmmmmnnnn!!!’ she murmured when Tom’s hand moved onto bare flesh. Without her realizing it, he’d managed to hike her skirt up, and now his hands were sliding over her silky soft her inner thigh. Pleasure radiated from his fingers into her leg, up into her vagina, and out through her entire body. She felt her nipples grow even stiffer.

Linda couldn’t talk. All she could do was clutch Tom’s arm as wild emotions infiltrated every part of her. This was so bad, so crazy, and so exciting!

Then Tom’s hand stopped moving. ‘Want me to stop?’ he asked.

‘No! Please!!!’ Linda pushed at his hand, ‘Don’t stop, it feels too good!’

Tom immediately resumed what he was doing and the fantastic feelings returned. Linda felt his hand had been moving deeper and deeper between her legs, closer and closer to her vagina, and could feel herself getting wet. She was glad she’d at least worn panties.

Tom began stroking her vagina through the damp material of her panties. He sat there, coolly looking around, while under the table, his finger was reducing his companion to a panting, squirming mass of lust. Up and down, through the moist fissure, he slid his finger, and he felt her hips begin moving in counterpoint to it. At the upper end of each stroke, he let his finger brush over her clit.

‘You…Ahhhhh!!!…are driving me…Ahhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!…wild!!’ Linda gasped, while Tom’s fingers continued to work on her wonderfully sensitive spot. Being in this public place made the thrills even more intense. Her buttocks writhed uncontrollably on the seat of the booth, her head lay on his shoulder, and she clung to his arm tightly, hoping her wild trembling wasn’t visible to the restaurant’s other patrons.

There was a flush of passion on Linda’s face, and her erect nipples were poking out against her dress. Her chest was heaving with passion and her body was vibrating with need. She was sure Tom would make her come any second and wasn’t sure how she would keep from screaming out in joy when that happened.

Then, suddenly, Tom took his hand from her and she felt her passion ebb a tiny bit. Maybe he was going to wait until they got back to the room before they finished. Then all the ecstasy she’d been feeling, and more, returned when he slid his hand back between her legs, hooked aside her panties, and shoved his finger into her.

‘Ahhhhhhh!!!!’ Linda gasped when Tom’s finger slipped into her vagina. Thrills exploded like fireworks behind her tightly closed eyes and she almost came. Through half-open, lust-clouded eyes, she saw the waiter approaching with their meal and struggled desperately to get herself under control. She was sure he would stop what he was doing now.

She was wrong. He intensified the movements of his hand, bearing down harder on her clit, moving his finger faster and faster. The harder Linda fought to keep from coming, the closer to coming she raced.

The waiter set the tray with their food on a stand near their table and began to uncover it. Then he turned to bring it to the table.

Linda desperately wanted to tell Tom to stop, but she knew if she opened her mouth, only moans of ecstasy would come out.

‘I’m coming!!! I’m really coming!!!’ Linda thought. She bit her lip to keep from screaming out loud as she was flooded with intense sensations of delight. She tried vainly to cover up what was going on inside her.

‘Is the lady all right?’ she heard the waiter ask Tom.

‘She’s fine,’ Tom told the young man, while he continued to caress Linda’s vagina. ‘It’s just that she’s not used to drinking, and she was a bit tired, too. I’m sure she’ll be fine once she has a little something to eat.’

‘Yes, sir,’
the waiter replied, sounding a bit uncertain. He finished placing their order on the table, then left.

Linda’s orgasm finally ran it’s course, and Tom took his hand from between her legs. He wiped it surreptitiously on his napkin.

‘You bastard!’ Linda gasped, punching him weakly on the arm. ‘Too much to drink, huh?’

‘Would you rather I’d said, ‘You’ll have to excuse her, she’s having an orgasm?” Tom chuckled.

‘No, I guess not,’ Linda admitted grudgingly.

She managed to get herself calmed enough to eat. She was quite hungry and, since the meal was very good, she ate quite a lot. Her appetite apparently had been stimulated by the strenuous sexual activities she’d been engaging in most of the day.

After dessert Tom and Linda shared coffee and talked.

‘You have to go home tomorrow, don’t you?’ Linda asked.

Tom nodded. ‘I’ve got to head back tomorrow,’ he said. ‘I need to get on the road early, if I can.’

‘What happens then?’ Linda said, her eyes sad.

‘I’m not sure what you mean,’ Tom replied.

‘You’re going home,’ she said, ‘Where does that leave me?’

Tom began stroking her leg again. ‘I guess that’s up to you,’ he said. ‘Where do you want to be?’

‘That’s just it,’ Linda said, ‘I…I don’t really know.’

‘I can’t promise you anything more than today,’ Tom said. ‘I…I hate to say that, but…’

‘I know,’ Linda said. ‘You’ve been honest about that from the beginning.’

‘You want to go back to the room, now that we’ve had some food?’ Tom asked and squeezed her leg.

‘I was hoping we would,’ Linda said.

Seated next to each other in the cab of the big pickup Tom towed his horse trailer with, they drove out of the parking lot.

Linda began to stroke Tom’s leg the minute they got in the truck.

‘You keep that up, and I’m liable to have a crash,’ Tom said, his a little hoarse.

‘If I remember correctly, I owe you,’ Linda whispered. She continued running her fingers over his thickening cock through his jeans. She could feel it grow and swell. After a bit, she unzipped his the jeans, reached inside them, and wrapped her hand around Tom’s swollen lance.

‘My God!’ Tom gulped, ‘Do you have any idea how that feels?’ The sensations rushing through him were making it harder and harder for him to concentrate on driving.

‘I’d say I’m turning you on,’ Linda replied calmly.

‘How…how am I supposed to drive?’ he croaked.

‘Stop and park if you want,’ Linda retorted, smiling.

‘Here, on the Interstate?’ Tom replied, gasping.

‘I guess you have a problem, then,’ Linda said. She tugged his erection out of his pants and almost giggled. It looked a bit obscene, sticking out from Tom’s fully-clothed body. Then she began caressing it gently, feeling it throb as her fingers moved over it.

Luckily for Tom, he spotted a rest area just ahead of them. He pulled in, parked in a shaded area near the back, and shut off the truck’s engine.

Linda tugged on his erection to get him to turn toward her, then she knelt on the floor, bent her head, and licked the florid, arrow-shaped tip of his cock, tasting the salty, taste of his excitement.

‘Ohhhhh!!!’ Tom exclaimed, thrusting his hips forward, trying to get Linda to take him in her mouth.

Linda took just the swollen tip between her lips and licked it for a moment, then she lowered her head and took as much of him as she could in her mouth. She began moving her head up and down, fucking him with her mouth. She could hear Tom’s gasps and moans of pleasure and was thrilled.

‘Ohhhhh!!!’ he cried, ‘That’s incredible!!!!! My God!!!! Please!!! Please!!! Don’t stop!!!!! Don’t stop!!!!’

Other cars and trucks entered and left the rest area, but their love-making continued. The chance of discovery there was probably higher than it had been in the restaurant. And that seemed to heighten the level of excitement the two people were feeling.

‘Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!!’ Tom groaned when his hot fluids began jetting into Linda’s mouth. ‘Ohhhhh!!!!! Ohhhhh!!!!’ His hips rocked and twisted on the truck seat.

Linda swallowed as much of the stuff Tom shot into her mouth as she could, but she didn’t get all of it, and what she missed dribbled down over her chin as, hungrily, she licked and sucked on his now-softening cock. She finally allowed his now-limp cock to drop from her mouth into her hand. She planted a soft kiss on the tip, then tucked the flaccid organ back inside his jeans. Then she got back up on the seat next to Tom, looked up at him, and smiled. ‘I think that makes us even,’ she murmured softly.

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John took a deep breath to calm himself and glanced at the holographic image above Dana’s engineering station that showed they at least had their shields up now. “Ok Alyssa, you’re with me. We’re going to have to repel boarders.” he ordered brusquely. “Dana, try and get the damage to fire control repaired.” “Calara, send out a distress call. Don’t fire back unless they continue attacking, they might think they knocked out all our weapons. They know we can’t get away and they’ll probably...

4 years ago
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College Expectations

College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...

3 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 11

I saw it too and didn't know what to do about it. "I think Vicky will latch onto Ben, or at least I hope she does. Sharon is just being Sharon. She flirted with me like that from the moment we met the first time. She was a very close friend before and I hope she can be again. We managed it without sex then. We should be able to now." Beth suggested that we let people believe that I was in a committed relationship with Connie or Paula it would help but Tina said "you can't do that Matt....

3 years ago
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NikkiChapter 6

"That, my dear, is us returning to civilization. That's telling me that the utility power's been restored and I'm ... we're still on generator. I need to go flip the switch and shut the generator down." I stood up, naked. She smiled. "Come here," she said. "You're dripping." I stepped back and faced the bed, letting her soft, warm mouth clean my dick and balls. I dove into her wet pussy with my mouth and returned the favor, then we both got out of bed and went to the utility room...

2 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 12

Helen Parker and her husband Dave were in the process of getting a divorce. When the couple first separated, the woman did get a restraining order, but as the divorce progressed and things went well, she dropped it. Unfortunately, her estranged husband had begun to drink more and more and, as the divorce proceedings continued, he began behaving more and more irrationally. Finally, Helen, frightened by her estranged husband’s behavior, had the restraining order reinstated. Then, one day while...

4 years ago
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Mom Ko Choda

Hello indian sex stories friends, Mera naam rohit hai. Mai aapko batane jar aha hu ki kaise maine . Bat kuch mahine pahele ki hi hai jab mom or mere bich ye sub start hua. Muze bahut bura lagta ye sub karne k baad but jab karte hai tab to itna excitement raheta ki mai apne aap ko rok nahi sakta. To ye sub ki suruat 10th k baad hui jabse maine internet pe porn dekhna start kiya. Dhire dhire muze achi achi sites milne lagi jisme mom son wale bahut se videos the muze nahi pata tha aisa bhi kuch...

2 years ago
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Its Donkey TimeChapter 7

Belinda and her brother were staying in a small hotel with the individual units built around a central plaza or courtyard, where they had let the desk clerk assume that they were man and wife, rather than brother and sister. In fact, the clerk had been so impressed by sexy Belinda that, even assuming that she was a respectable married lady, he had jacked off five times while thinking about her. Had he known she was sleeping with her brother, he could no doubt have jerked himself to death in...

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Harry potters secret

We got to the library and sat a table in the back. We were half way done with our work when Hermione showed up and sat next to us. "Hi guys". she said. "Hey hows it going?" Asked Ron. I Wasn't paying atention to there conversation. I was too busy looking at her tits. Normaly you don't notice them cause she is always in her school robe but today she had on a tight sweat-shirt and the where clearly visable. I also took notice of here pants they where super tight and when she stood up...

3 years ago
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Lust In Space Chapter 11

After the women of the Council had gone back to their homes, Tara and I brought Diodia into the palace and we sat down to talk with her."Tell me Diodia about your journey. How far away is your city of Aemmerhia?" I asked."Aemmerhia is on the shores of the Great Sea of Acrules. I do not know exactly how far that is, Sir. Mine was not a direct route at all. I left Aemmerhia and traveled many moons to get to Thiunia, the closest kingdom to Aemmerhia.I was tired and very hungry, so I... I stole...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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If Only in My Dreams Another Year

Lieutenant Dan Miller shifted in his sleep. He sensed that he was waking up and he strove to hold on to where he was, in a deep, beautiful dream. In it he wasn't patrolling first the streets of Baghdad and then the countryside. He wouldn't be listening intently and keeping his fingers crossed as an Intelligence officer assured him that opposition at the site to be raided would be minimal. He wouldn't be inhaling dust from the road patrols, eyes straining to detest the presence of an IED. He...

2 years ago
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The Sands of Destiny 1

*Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. The Sands of Destiny: (1) Where It Lands, Nobody Knows By Ron Dow75 [email protected] Occasionally, he had a semi-awareness, as the lifepod asked him for instructions. It was suppose to maintain course for the most trafficked parts of the space lanes. Evaluating the chances of rescue, it's next option was to find...

2 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 6

We had separated during the night, and I had used the bathroom and pulled my shorts back up. Rita's gown was down where it should be when a hand was shaking me. I opened my eyes and one of the twins asked, "Have you been here all night? You slept with Mom?" I smiled at her and told her, "Yes, all night and yes, we slept. Listen to that word, slept." The other twin plopped on the bed on my side, "Yeah, right. I'll bet you slept. It doesn't smell like you slept. It smells like...

3 years ago
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A fantasy part 2

Continue;---------------------------------------------------------I could feel things startet to be more intense. Or, I could see it, and what I saw made me horny as hell. Strange, I thought, why am I getting horny be seeing my wife beeing abused....or is she?....I could not figure out, she seems in control, but yet, the two old men are in control. Is this what it is all about, the strenght of the female sexuality? She is smaller, weaker but yet, if the men are ""normal"", nothing really bad...

3 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 17

I don’t know how long I sat in that room, in handcuffs, on a metal chair. I would have been more comfortable sitting on the hard, tiled floor without the handcuffs. No one checked on me. No one brought me my phone and charger. No one came in to ask questions. I started to believe that everyone had forgotten about me. My stomach grumbled. I was hungry. Even after that huge breakfast this morning. Either my metabolism had gone way up since they arrested me, or it had been several hours. My...

3 years ago
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ShakespeareChapter 7

The next several days were strange. First of all, Merhnah was duly selected as the First Matriarch of the Council, but she appointed Shwantè, still Second of the Council, as chief negotiator with the humans. More precisely, Ambassador Rochelle Morris. Second, and to me more perplexingly, Commander Jay Nelson would take her pinnace back up to the carrier that was Morris' flagship each morning, and come back to my campsite each evening. She would cook meat over the fire, eat it, and spend...

4 years ago
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Sexploits with Katie Ch 02

Of course, it was only a month and a half after that threesome that I had sex with my other good friend Katie for the first time. As my relationship with Katie progressed and with the double penetration still fresh in my mind, it didn't take me long to consider Katie as a sexy piece of sandwich meat as well. In fact, if any other of my female friends were to fulfill my dirty fantasy, I knew Katie would be my best shot, especially when I found out I was only one of three guys who were banging...

3 years ago
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Mary and jack ch 1

This is My first story. Please let me know how you like it. Mary and Jack are lovers, but nobody knows about it. She is 32, he is 17. She is a high school english teacher that is married with two kids, he is a nerd that just so happens to have the biggest cock in the school. Jack wasn’t popular until that day in the showers after his first gym class. As all the boys walked into the shower, all eyes were on the 9 inch long, 4 inch wide monster between his legs. Now he is the talk of the school....

2 years ago
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Wife fucked by her boss

Hi, my name is Harish, I am married for the past couple of years, my wife works for a pharmacy company, she is a very sexy lady but at no point of time did I ever imagine she would betray me. One day when she was having her bath I accidentally saw a sms on her cell. It said lets enjoy today, it was send by her boss, incidentally that day I was supposed to go out of town on business purpose & was to come the next day, I was supposed to leave in the afternoon, she called from her office to check...

1 year ago
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Terrys story cont Part 18

i continued going to Frank’s Tuesdays and Fridays. Jack had me meet him at his house usually every other day. He’d have me get naked and take care of him. When he’d finish, he would have me jerk off for him and then i’d leave. Even though i was really being forced into this, i found it very hot because it was new and different.By the end of the first week he said he wanted to try something new. He lay on the bed and had me kneel on his side. He brought out a vibrator and started running it over...

1 year ago
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Family BrideChapter 7

His balls lying loose against Jeanne's cheek as she sucked him, his fingers tweaking Valerie's tits as he fucked her mouth with his tongue, Rich pulled his knee out from under his father's hand. As though desperate to touch flesh, the older man shifted his hand to Jeanne's thigh, his fingers grazing her hairy mound as he rooted his face deeper into his daughter-in-law's creamy cunt. Her labia were well distended and he could swipe his tongue along their inner walls almost to the inner...

2 years ago
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Harmless Little Lie Chapter 3

One of the biggest issues with a lie is that one has to always remember they told it or else be deft at covering up being confused while remembering the falsehood to maintain it. The first option was as possible as finding the general public having a consensus on anything, so liars better be quick thinkers. Adam Bagdasarian was going to have to once again show his skill at the second option for the off handed harmless little lie kept up coming back. The lie's visits were as welcomed by...

1 year ago
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Shipwrecked 4

Four days had passed since our little dance in the rain. There had been similar showers but we were definitely getting that cast-away look and I decided that it was time for a well deserved bath. More exploration of the island discovered both a fresh water spring and a collection of hot mineral springs that I had not yet shown the women. The had been bugging me to take them on one of my walk-abouts and as well as the soap root that I had mentioned. The girls had another concern, especially...

2 years ago
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SusanChapter 18

Wednesday was addressing day at the Record-Herald, as usual. As far as Susan was concerned, this week's paper seemed dull and lifeless, knowing what could have been on the front page if they'd had the information they needed from Henry, but maybe next week would make up for it. At least the discussion wasn't as much about Susan's experiences at Riverside as it had been the previous week. At least she didn't have the worry that Gingrich would do something to have her thrown out of...

3 years ago
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Soul Man

“Hey Alice!” Heather, the new editor shouted across the office, “You like that singer… Hank Brooklyn, don’t you?” I looked up from my PC smiled and nodded in her direction. “You can have this if you want,” she continued shouting, “It’s just come in the post.” Heather was waving a CD and what looked like a T-Shirt in the air for me and everyone else to see. I saved my article on a new gardening centre and walked to the other end of the local newspaper office that I worked...

1 year ago
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Group sex in the office though I have a bf Cheating Sex Stories

It was early morning. I was just off the bed, getting ready for office when my boyfriend walked in with a breakfast tray and a big smile. Guilt swept over me though I loved his sweet gesture. Mike and I have been together for two years and we were the happiest couple you will find. I moved to his city getting a job here just to live in with him. Things went haywire right after that but Mike did not need to know. I put on a strained smile as I went on with my hair and makeup. Mike took the...

4 years ago
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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 4

"I'm ready for you; I think you're ready for me," said Candice cryptically after class. "I think I'm ready for anything," said Joseph. Walking to Candice's house, they said little to each other. Mostly Joseph complimented her on the artwork he'd seen at Jordan's and Sarah's. Candice simply nodded and smiled. It was enough; her smile was radiant not only because of its unusual occurrence but because it was a smile of such purity and truth and depth it was a projection of...

2 years ago
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Live Sex With An Indian Gorgeous Couple

Hi Everyone, I am an Jasmine, An American girl and today I would like to share my experience with an Indian couple over Skype video call. There is a couple from Dehradun, India, whom I met through my Mutual friend anoya over Facebook. Rajeev who is in late 20s have been very polite to me over a month. He’s married and have a beautiful wife named as Garima. After a month of all those sweet talks, one day I was feeling aroused in my apartment, and I happened to find Rajeev being Online that time....

2 years ago
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First Time Meeting

We’ve been chatting online for a while. We’ve teased each other. We’ve shared the naughty things we want to do to each other. And, now, we finally have a chance to meet up. It’s nothing extreme, just a simple meet up at a coffee shop not too far from you. I’ve thought a lot about what could happen The more I think about it, the faster my heart races and the harder my dick gets, but the more I second guess myself. You see, I want to fuck you. Senselessly. I know how long it’s been for you. I...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Just Cause part 2 of 2

Bill rolled Shelly over to her stomach and grabbed her hips. He pulled her ass up in the air, positioning her on her shoulders and knees. Shelly tried to struggle free, but Bill held her hips tightly. Whack! Bill smacked her ass as hard as he can with his hand. Shelly groaned on her gag. Tears rolled down from her eyes to the blanket. “Listen whore you better don’t move a muscle, or I’ll go there into the barn and shoot all those guys there, no matter who they are. Then I’ll slit open your...

4 years ago
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Voodoo Queen0

By Jimmmy D. Amaris... A beautiful name only matched by the girl who owns it. Locks of auburn tresses shaking about her shoulders and perfectly slender neck. Wonderfully perky breasts, and an equally perky butt. I thought there could be no creature more divine than this. "Hello." Amaris said in a playful voice, jumping on my back. "Hi..." I said with a grunt, nearly falling over from the surprise, "You wanna get off my back? Walk next to me like a normal person?" She...

2 years ago
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Hiding in SchoolChapter 20

Bree and I walked hand in hand from Sue’s house all the way to mine. I reached for the doorknob and Bree said, “Wait.” We were now looking into each other’s eyes. “Are you sure you want to tell your family about us now? We could wait until later. Like after the wedding. We could elope.” I rubbed her cheek and said, “I can’t wait to tell them about the greatest thing that’s happened in my life up to this date. I wish I could tell the world.” Bree smiled, “I so want to kiss you right now....

3 years ago
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Afternoon fun at my favorite national department s

This just happened last weekend. Let me describe myself. I am a tall, curvy, blue eyed blonde and 44. I am also married and we are swingers. This past Saturday was a very nice warm day for a winter day in late February in Indiana. I wore a short dress without panties and d**g my husband out shopping. Well, my husband always wanders away from because I am looking at shoes, dresses, etc. and he gets bored. I have a full cart full of merchandise and walking the aisles. I notice this nice...

3 years ago
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Shifty Fades of Beige

Dear readers, this is the bare arsed plot. To save you wading through pages of tedious exposition till you get to the smut, you get a brief set up below then it’s straight into the BDSM…The Set UpConan Steel is the cruel but brilliant twenty something millionaire CEO of a soft furnishings company in Rochdale. He acquires a young intern, the beautiful and headstrong Alexandra Rasputin, the daughter of Russian émigrés. Steel is intrigued by her ethereal nature and confession that she is a virgin....

1 year ago
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The Queen of Cups

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, fair warning. I'm working on this OTHER story...more grounded and realistic with a fairly complex and likeable main character who gets caught in a web of bad decisions. NOT that story. Here, a total jerk--through a magical conceit that I'm rather proud of--gets sent on a humiliation conga. I didn't skimp on the writing so it's still got some funny bits and neat twists, but if huge boobs and lots of sex aren't your thing, then I'll catch you next...

3 years ago
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Three Sisters ndash Crazy dream

Crazy dream or can life really be this good, Ricky was the youngest of 4 k**s and was blessed or cursed with 3 older sisters all depending on how you look at it. From an early age he was treated with seeing 3 beautiful girls running around in various degrees of dress or undress. When they were young they would even bathe him, he was their own personal live doll. They would dress him up and he played along, not because he liked it but because they were nice about it. If he didn’t play along...

2 years ago
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WWE Next Breakout Star

"And Welcome everybody to your longest, weekly televised show Monday Night Raw, live in LA! I'm Michael Cole, along with WWE Hall of Famer, Jerry the King Lawler, and boy do we got a good one for you today!""That's right Cole. Our champion, CM Punk, will go one on one with John Cena, in a steel cage match!""And if that's not enough, all the Diva's will be in a summer bikini battle royal for the WWE Divas Championship!""Boy, I just love the divas Cole!"Bzzt! Drake turned off his TV, broadcasting...

3 years ago
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Roadtrip Caravan Park Girls

A politically correct married guy encounters genuine slut trailer trash times three: [Chas, Beth and Erica's road-trip between college and university]It was either the local caravan park or three weeks at my mother-in-law’s. Some choices in life aren’t really options.Fiona and I were just back from working in Japan for two years. I had taught ESL and so had Fee with a TESSOL Certificate. We were now waiting for the rental lease on our house to expire so we could really be home. Fiona was happy...

2 years ago
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It was a pretty typical train ride home from work. The car was packed as usual for an early Friday evening. It had a been a rather long week and I wanted nothing more than to get to the parking lot, get into my car and get home. I was mentally making what passed for plans in my head when I noticed the woman sitting diagonally from my seat. I watched as her heavy breasts softly bounced with the swaying of the train car. My mind began to mentally imagine those large fleshy orbs bouncing wildly as...

4 years ago
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Maa ka balidan 3

Hi this is lady fucker again with another part of sexy story. Aap se requst hai ki aap pahla aur dusra part padhe. Jaise ki pradip ki maa ne bataya ki uski maa ne paiso ke liye sahukar se chudwaya aur ab aage. Us din maa ne apni aadhi pyass ko ghar aakar mere bap se sant ki aur fir mere bap ko bataya ki wo rat ko ghar aayega aur muze chod kar karz me se 100 rupiye kam karega. To mere bap ne kaha ghar kyon bulaya yahan to bharti hogi wo jaise hi aayega use lekar khet chale jana wahan neem ke ped...

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