Imperfect Ch. 05 free porn video

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Quick Stop is the local convenience store. There’s one on ever corner in Capital City and at least one in each town surrounding it. Here in East Capital, we have a few and I am lucky enough to live nearby one of them. Quick Stop is the place to go for milk, bread, donuts, coffee, ice cream, beer, cigarettes, snacks, candy and a myriad of other last minute essentials. Residence in this town don’t know how to get along without it, and most of them have worked there at some point in their lives.

Some of the people who work at the Quick Stop on my street are nice and helpful, but some of them surprisingly are not. One dude in particular always says ‘we’re out’ whenever I ask for anything I can’t find on my own. He’s never been any help at all, and for that matter, I always double count my change whenever he waits on me. I don’t trust him at all.

There was a short red-headed girl who was working that day. I smiled at her and said hi. She’s always been helpful and friendly, if a bit too talkative at times. At least she was friendly which is better than I can say for some of her coworkers. I really didn’t need help finding anything today though. I grabbed a hand basket and filled it with a two liter of Pepsi and a large bag of Lay’s potato chips. I was really in the mood for chip dip but they were out.

‘You got any sour cream and onion in the cooler?’ I asked as I approached the counter.

‘Shipment comes in tomorrow,’ she said shaking her head.

‘Oh well.’ I put my purchases up on the counter.

‘Nice day, huh?’ she said brightly as she rang up my order. I looked out and realized that the sky was a cloudless blue and the temperature was just a notch above warm.

‘Your right, it is,’ I told her, smiling. ‘Maybe I’ll go over to the park to eat this.’

‘You might want to get some cups,’ she said nodding toward the paper good isle. Beside me, the store was empty so I hopped over and grabbed the package and handed it to her to ring up.

Now that’s what I call good customer service. ‘Thanks.’ I told her nodding toward my purchase.

‘Yeah, I sure wish I could be out there,’ she said dreamily. ‘I don’t get out until 10:00. The day will be over by then.’

‘Oh man, that sucks,’ I commented. ‘I know what you mean though, I should be inside painting right now, but I’m just not up to it.’

‘Oh, you’re a painter!’ she sounded interested, but I was hungry.

‘Yeah, I’ll tell you all about it another time. I gotta go, thanks a bunch,’ I took my bag and waved as I ducked out the door. She looked about as disappointed to see me go as I had been when Lin left. I felt a little bad about it, but when the sun warmed my body as soon as I stepped outside, I felt wonderful. I even whistled as I strolled over to the park and found myself a nice spot under a tree to spread out under.

I really needed to talk to Zoë, I told myself as I savored the salty taste of crisp fresh potato chips. They were by far my favorite snack food, even more so than ice-cream or other sweets. I am an amazing salt fiend. I pour it onto my food in amounts that shock my friends and concern my family. I’ve been warned about my arteries, my blood pressure, and water retention. I ignore them all. What life is worth living without salt?

Doesn’t even the bible say, ‘you are the salt of the earth’? Would it say that if it weren’t good? I also remember that salt used to be used as currency and it’s even were we get the word salary, which is definitely a good thing but also reminds me that I should be working, because I don’t make a salary.

I did however, just sell a picture, which is worth celebrating. I realize that I never even told Lin my good news, but maybe he already heard. What I really want to do though, is tell Zoë. I wanted to share my good news and find out what was going on between us.

As I savored the crunchy goodness of my top quality snack, I thought about the other night. It had been fun, but no questions had been answered. If anything more had surfaced.

I had confessed to Chase on the way back to Zoë’s that I really didn’t live with her. ‘I just figured it would make things easier with the transportation and all if I stayed at her place for the night. But it didn’t seem important to explain all that at the time.’

‘That’s ok,’ he reassured me. But I could see he was wondering how we were going to find any time alone if I didn’t really have my own bed-room at Zoë’s. I tried to give him a reassuring smile, but who knows it probably just looked like a drunken grin.

‘Zoë’s place is better than mine anyway. She’s got tons more space.’ It was true. Zoë lived in a small house with a small yard, but it was still bigger than my little one bedroom apartment. In fact, in contrast it was like a mansion.

When we got there, Chase brought the refreshments he had secured in and we all went to the kitchen, which also served as a dining room. My own kitchen was just a space across from my bed where I could cook and wash dishes and my ‘dining room’ was a card table.

Zoë’s kitchen was bright and clean, and her table was a sturdy yellow wood, pine I think. She had four chairs around it, but she could have crowded at least two more in if she really needed to. We had done it a few times before when some the gang got together to play cards.

When it came down to pretty much everyone being broke, we’d gather at someone’s place and play Uno or Strip Poker if we were feeling more adventurous.

Chase had brought wine coolers for Zoë and me, and beer for himself, so we all sat down and opened our drinks. We relaxed, or at least tried to look like we were relaxed, and started on some small talk. After a little bit, Zoë excused herself to the ‘powder room’ as eloquently as if that were the usual accepted name for the place.

‘So, I finally get you alone,’ Chase said, pushing his chair over closer to me. He smiled and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. He had the faint smell of beer on his breath, which in this instance I found quite masculine and arousing. I let him kiss me on the ear while I gathered my courage.

‘Yeah, about that…’

‘Is something the matter?’ he asked me, moving back a little. ‘Have you changed your mind or something?’ his voice was gentle, undemanding. ‘You feelin’ ok?’ he asked, wrinkling his forehead with concern.

‘Yeah, I feel fine. I was just wondering if- well you seem really into me.’

‘Yeah, I like you. Is that not ok?’

I laughed, ‘Of course it’s ok. I like you too. In fact, I have an offer to make you that you might really like.’

‘OK, so what’s the problem?’

‘Well, there’s a chance you won’t like it, or you might freak out or something.’

He sat back in his chair. ‘I like to think I’m a pretty easy going guy. Go ahead. I promise to stay calm.’

I took a deep breath. ‘Zoë and I were kinda thinking maybe the tree of us…’ I moved my head back and forth in a ‘you know’ kind of gesture waiting for him to catch on, without my actually having to say it. Why was I so nervous about this?

He laughed now, a really good honest laugh. ‘Do you mean a threesome?’ he asked good naturedly.

I nodded.

‘That’s every guys dream! Why would I freak about that?’

‘Believe me, I’ve met a few guys who have.’

‘Well, I’m not one of them.’

I felt like I was breathing for the first time since we arrived at Zoë’s place. ‘That is such a relief.’

When Zoë came out I smiled at her and told her we were on. Zoë smiled at me, and then Chase. He smiled at her and then turned back to me. We were all smiling. ‘Well, I don’t know how much we’ve all had to drink, but I think it’s enough,’ I said standing to pour the remainder of my drink into the sink. ‘We’re all grinning at each other like a bunch of drunken fools.’

‘It’s not the alcohol,’ Chase had said sagely.

Just then my memory of the nights events was interrupted
by a Frisbee whizzing past and dashing into the dirt next to my impromptu little picnic.

A pair of tan legs in shorts ran by to retrieve it. ‘Excuse me,’ said a male voice. I looked up to say it’s ok and saw that it was the man himself.

‘Chase!’ I exclaimed, rising to my feet. He greeted me with a warm hug.

‘Nice to see you again Nicole.’ Then he lowered his voice a bit. ‘I had a great time the other night, by the way.’

‘Me too.’ I smiled at him.

‘I was hoping maybe sometime I could see your real place?’ he asked hopefully.

I chuckled flirtatiously. ‘That would be nice.’

‘Well, I gotta go,’ he said motioning to his friends. ‘The guys are waiting. I’ll call you tonight, ok?’

‘Ok.’ As he walked back to the group I could hear them teasing him. I waved and he waved back and I had no doubt that he really would call.

My two-liter was now empty and the chip bag was half empty. I was feeling much better now, so I decided to pack up and go back and get some work done on that painting before Chase called.

My painting was going well when Chase called later that evening. He told me he wanted to take me out the next weekend. We made plans, but we didn’t talk for long. I told him I had to get back to work. I was really making headway on the painting but I still hadn’t talked to Zoë. I was anxious to speak with her, but I got butterflies in my stomach every time I thought about calling her. So I buried myself in my painting instead.

Midway through the week, she came to see me. She was dressed in a hot pink slip dress that looked like it was right off the pages of Fredrick of Hollywood. She looked amazing.

‘Come in sweetie, you look beautiful!’ I told her. I wanted to tell her so much more, but I couldn’t even begin to find the words.

We talked about all of the things that aren’t important, and a few things that were. ‘How’s your painting going?’ she asked me.

‘I’d say I’m about half way through. And the pieces at the gallery are a hit. Guy wants 5 more for his next show, and the Michigan store is going to sell some of the nature themed ones. And I just got another grant that will keep me fed for three more years.’

‘Wow! All your hard work is finally paying off.’

:’Yeah I’m getting a taste of success, and I gotta say, I’m starting to like it.’

She laughed at my joke and I felt at least ten feet tall.

It seemed like no matter what we said to each other we were dancing around the issue. I couldn’t believe how afraid I was to speak up. But as I looked at her beautiful body I knew that if I didn’t I would be sorry.

‘Zoë- about the other night at the bar-‘

‘Nicole, I completely understand.’

‘You do?’

‘I felt something too.’

‘You did?’

‘Of course. We have a something special between us. I’ve always known that. Since the first time I laid eyes on you.’ Her voice was soft and sentimental.

‘What does it mean?’

‘What do you want it to mean?’

That gave me pause. I realized that I really didn’t know. ‘I’m not sure.’

‘That’s ok,’ she said stroking my hair reassuringly. ‘I’m not sure either. I do know that I don’t want to own you or control you. I just want to hold you, and have you hold me. No strings. Do you want more than that?’

‘I- I don’t think so. But, damn girl. It’s so hard for me to think when you’re around.’

‘We don’t have to think, if you don’t want to,’ she said moving closer.

That was an invitation I could not refuse.

I put my arms around her and drew her in even closer. Our lips met again. It was familiar and new. It was reassuring and exciting. It was all I could ever hope for. We tasted each other for a long time, basking in the deliciousness of each other. We were in no hurry as we ran our hands over and through each others hair, letting the other’s touch fill us with shivers of delight. There was no hurry as we pulled each others clothes away and dropped them to the floor. We took our time as our bodies became tangled in each other, savoring the pleasure of each others touch. Time was not a factor, we were in no hurry to reach any particular destination. We took our time and enjoyed every minute.

I let her stroke her hand over my stomach for a very long time, until she finally reached down to stoke my mound. She didn’t attempt to penetrate me, or even reach between my damp lips. There was no sense of urgency. I knew we would get there. I was enjoying the ride.

She let me touch her body in awe and appreciate her beauty in slow motion. She never urged me on further, she knew my intentions. He body shivered beneath my touch, encouraging me to take my time, to appreciate every moment, every inch.

Was this foreplay- this slow and wonderful touch, this stroking and caressing that took place with no internal or external pressure to progress? No, I think that it was not. I feel certain that it was lovemaking long before she pressed her two fingers inside of me and set off a chain of moans and whimpers. Long before I searched for her g-spot with my pinky, we were making love.

And still, there was no hurry. We simply let ourselves enjoy the moment, even doing all we could to make it last. It was a rare opportunity, one of the perks of sleeping with a woman. Both of us enjoyed every minute as much as we enjoyed the final, beautiful, satisfying climax.

And afterwards when we held each other, neither of us wanted to be anywhere else.

Zoë and I lay with our arms wrapped around each other, our breaths synchronized, our hearts pounding in unison. After a long while, I finally spoke. ‘I think I love you.’

‘Yes, I feel the same.’

‘I don’t think I’m in denial, but I really don’t feel that I’m gay.’

She laughed, musically. ‘I know what you mean. I don’t feel like we’re lesbian lovers. I just feel like we’re lovers.’

‘You know, I don’t feel particularly- um, monogamous either. But I feel kind of guilty about that- like I should only want to be with just you.’

‘Who makes up those rules anyway?’ she said dismissively. ‘I love you just the way you are. You wouldn’t be the same person if you weren’t such a free spirit, if you didn’t own your sexuality the way you do.’

‘So, it doesn’t bother you?’

‘No. As long as you want to be with me, and I want to be with you, nothing else matters to me. I’ve never minded sharing you. I only mind being without you. That’s the only thing that hurts.’

‘I didn’t know.’

‘That’s ok babe. I don’t think I did either. We numb ourselves. We lie to ourselves. We live in denial. Whatever you want to call it. But when you kissed me at the bar, all the denial just melted away. I didn’t even know how to deal with it. That’s why it took me so long to see you or even talk to you. I had so much to sort out.’

‘I had so much to sort out too. Only I didn’t know the answers to any of it until I saw you.’

We just hugged. Already skin to skin, already naked flesh pressed against naked flesh, we wrapped our arms around each others necks and squeezed. A gesture that communicated our understanding so much better than words.

‘So are we in a relationship?’ I finally dare to ask.

‘I don’t know if I would call it that, exactly. That sounds so demanding. I think we’re friends who love each other and who share pretty much everything.’

‘That sounds about right.’

‘Just so there’s no misunderstanding, if you ever feel like that’s not enough for you, you let me know ok? And we’ll re-evaluate how we do things.’

‘Gotcha!’ I agreed. ‘But I think I like things this way. I just wanted to make sure- you know, make sure that I knew were we stand and what the rules are, so no one gets hurt.’

She laughed, and I felt like she was the older one. There seemed both wisdom and playfulness in her voice when she said, ‘There are no rules babe!’

Its hard to explain how good that made me fee
l, like we were on the same page. Like she knew me better than any one ever had, and accepted me just exactly for who I am. That beautiful, unconditional love is so hard to find. I never would have believed that it was even possible.

Laying there, I wondered why I didn’t want to be monogamous. I mean, I was so content in her arms like I never wanted to be anywhere else. Like I could stay there forever. And yet I knew that I could never give up my sexual freedom. I flashed back to the weekend.

I remember how happy Chase was when we finally broke the news. But I was nervous, uncertain. How would we work this out? I wanted him and I wanted Zoë but something about the combination was off. He seemed psyched by the idea of a threesome, yet still largely focused on me.

It was his suggestion that finally broke the ice. He said that he would love to see the two of us in a sixty-nine. I myself was pretty jazzed about the idea too. Zoë has the sweetest little pussy, with a natural blond fuzz that covers her just the right amount without her having to wax or shave. In no time at all we had each other out of our clothes and turned around clit to lip, lip to clit, flicking, flicking, licking, licking.

I could hear Chase sigh as I slurped noisily on her beautiful cunt, putting on a show for him and enjoying being such an exhibitionist. Zoë was above me, lapping at my kitty-cat like she was a pussy herself. She was smacking her lips and showing off for him too. We were both so enthusiastic, that Chase soon said, ‘you two don’t look like you need me at all!’

I looked up to see that he had freed his cock from his pants and was stroking it up and down while watching us with a great big smile. I realized then that I definitely wanted to have that thing in me that night. Much more than I had thought when I first went down on Zoë. I smiled back at him and licked my lips. Then I dived down and started giving Zoë the licking of her life.

We ate each other to orgasm, coming loudly and sloppily. I sucked reverently on her cunt, until she filled my mouth with her cum and then I crawled over on my hands and knees toward Chase. I climbed up on his lap, and kissed him deeply, sharing Zoë’s juices with him. He kissed me back enthusiastically, sucking her sweet come off my tongue.

He slipped his hand into my wet slit while we kissed. I almost had to think about baseball to keep myself from coming immediately. I whimpered, and felt Zoë crawl up behind me and slide her finger into my ass. The two of them finger fucked me like for a while, I just held on and whined with pleasure. As Chase held my tongue captive, I could do little else.

‘Come for me baby,’ Zoë rasped. ‘Show Chase here how you can make that pretty pussy squirt.’

I held Chase’s cock in my hand, stroking him now that his hand was occupied with me. It jerked excitedly in my hand when she said this. ‘Oh god, yes!’ I yelled. ‘Finger my ass Zoë! Finger my pussy Chase! God yes, I’m coming- don’t stop!’ Of course I didn’t come right when I said, ‘I’m coming.’ They kept up the stimulation and I squealed out a long string of high pitched vowel sounds that don’t qualify as words. Then I came, squirting my pussy juice right over Chase’s lap and onto his erect and waiting cock.

‘Look at that, you naughty girl!’ Zoë suddenly chastised. ‘You are going to have to clean that mess up!’ Before I could even more she barked at Chase. ‘Push that slut off your lap!’ And he shoved me to the floor, quite roughly. Before I even knew how to react, Zoë had grabbed a handful of my hair and was shoving my face in his crotch. ‘Clean that mess up, you dirty little slut! Look, you’ve spilt your filthy juices all over his beautiful cock. No! No! You’re not doing it right, you worthless little bitch!’ When I heard sweet little Zoë call me a bitch, my pussy was on fire. All I could think was that I wanted him to pound that beautiful cock into me hard and fast. ‘You’re not doing it right, you worthless little bitch! I’ll have to help you.’ She pushed my head to the side and dived right down beside me. Pretty soon we were both licking his cock and even each other’s tongue. I felt certain his prick added another full inch since she joined me in lapping up my juices. He was certainly enjoying himself.

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Job Interview

I was interviewing for a new secretary and it had nearly reached the end of the day with no likely successful candidates. There was just one to go, a Keliana Kotey, whose CV certainly looked impressive and seemed as if she would do pretty well for the job, but I had to wait and see. The company’s receptionist, Paula, put her head around the office door to tell me that Miss Kotey was waiting and asked if she should show her in. I agreed and sat back to watch the view of Paula’s nice arse as she...

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Penny Finds Out Julies Secret

Julie and I go back to my first moving here. She lives next door and was so shy at first that I wasn't even sure I had a neighbor. After I moved in I caught a fleeting glimpse of a tall blonde, but never got a good look. It was over a month before we formally met and I learned that it was because she is a very, very private person. Eventually, my winsome personality brought her a little out of her shell.I'm a small girl and Julie is the exact opposite, I normally would be seriously attracted...

1 year ago
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Into Oblivion

'Am...I alive?' The thought echoes in the caverns of my skull followed by a fierce pounding on the back of my head where the Imperial Guard cracked me in the back of the head with his mace. I push myself up and find myself staring at...

4 years ago
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Sandy And Ted Part 2 Teds Turn

I woke up to find Pam's head next to mine but our bodies apart. Between our legs was Sandy, still face-down in the same place and sleeping soundly. I kissed Pam's forehead and got up. As I went into the bathroom I turned and looked back at the bed. Sandy was still in her school-girl outfit, the plaid skirt up on her back with her perky little ass sticking out. The sight made my cock start to grow.I showered and dried off. Entering the bedroom I found Sandy cuddling with Pam. They looked at me...

2 years ago
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BethChapter 104

December 10, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, Heather texted out: Competition parameters for 10-16 Dec: button-down, preferably interesting; lots of leg. As Liya, Heather, and I approached the kitchen table for breakfast, Sandy looked up and said, “Please tell me that we’ve got the ToC denouement on video. I was so absorbed in feeling Charlie’s cock with my tongue as each of you rode it that I didn’t think about anything else.” Liya replied, “We did. Heather told us quietly, and Rhee and I traded...

1 year ago
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To Love and Lust

Welcome to the first chapter of “To Love and Lust”. Admittedly I wasn’t sure where to put this, but decided transsexual would be better instead of incest. This CYAO has you go through the story through the daughter view point. I may add the Mother’s in at a much later date, but I cannot promise that. Please enjoy.

2 years ago
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A Simple Wish

‘Fuck me!’ Holly gripped the sheets tight as she pushed herself against his massive erection. She had been begging him to be rough and he was still being too gentle. She gritted her teeth. ‘Seriously Cavan. Go harder!’ Holly grunted and reached her hand down under her body. She ran her hands over her hard nipples and down her firm belly. She didn’t linger her fingers against her bare mound. She went straight for her pulsing clit and rubbed hard. She had buried her head in the fluffy pillows...

2 years ago
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My wife has her first Black cock continued

My wife began meeting Jim regularly after that first encounter. Meeting up with him weekly, then coming home and sharing her exploits. Typically ending with us making love. Although, perhaps my cock wasn't quite filling her lubricated pussy as well anymore, usually requiring me to finish off her pleasure with my tongue. I soon became accustomed to the taste of her used, cum filled pussy, actually savouring it. Eventually she brought up the idea, that I should join them for one of their...

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PICNIC A bright, sunny morning with hardly a cloud in the sky, the girls had risen from their beds and had showered and dressed by 9.30. They took their breakfast of coffee and buttered toast on the terrace, sitting opposite each other with the low onyx-topped table between them. Jane was helping herself to more coffee. She was wearing a cornflower blue silk blouse. The blouse was semi-transparent, the white lace on the top of her camisole was showing through it. Looking over at her friend as...

3 years ago
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Serad Surrender

                           Surrender                            by Abe     I, and two of my ladies, set out for Arstby, where the peacewas to made.  The roads were poor.  We traveled in coveredchairs, carried by slaves, with a baggage train of pack horses,laden with my clothes, fine furniture, and a chest of gold. Twenty armed foot soldiers, half the remaining garrison of thecastle, escorted us.  The going was hard, especially as the rainhad turned the road to mud.     On the second day, we...

1 year ago
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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 9 Anticipation

Several days passed. Claire entered the containment room, bringing in breakfast for Lauren. Gruthsorik had taken up residence in the front corner of the cell near the outer entry door. Lauren stuck close to the walls whenever she moved between the bunk, the toilet/shower area, and the inner entry door in the other three corners, constantly keeping an eye on the demon. Right now she was still asleep in the bunk. Gruthsorik was awake, however. Claire paused to speak to him. "You haven't gone...

2 years ago
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Just Hitchhiking part 2

I finnished draining the drivers fat cock and sat-up in the front seat to realize all eyes had been on my efforts and I wasn't getting away with just doing the driver. The guy riding shot gun in the front was next to demand my service, he already had his cock out shaking it to get my attention. I told him to give me a few minutes to rest and I would milk his trouser snake! He placed my hand on it I guess to reserve his place? His was huge and still growing, I glanced over the seat to see the...

2 years ago
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Chelseas Twelve Days of Christmas

Authors Note: This is my entry in the ‘Winter Holidays Contest’. There are some elements of the BDSM category in this story so if that is not to your taste perhaps choose a different story. If, however, you read and enjoy it please vote and leave a comment. Thank you very much to my friend, Margaret who proofread for me. ~ellie Chelsea’s Twelve days of Christmas Chapter 1. Innamorata Chelsea Gillian walked slowly down the staircase into the magnificent ballroom. She was poised and beautiful....

4 years ago
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The Bar

Slowly approaching the door, the roar of the Coliseum still echoing in my head, ‘Maximus!… Maximus!… Maximus!’. I need my escape… I need Syds’. Opening the door in a wide arc, letting the initial scene wash over me… ah… my people. Frolicking in the tub, couples becoming intimate in the shadows, the usuals sitting at the bar, drinking and laughing… basically having a good time. Entering, I receive more than my fair share of greetings and kisses, even a few wanton leers, as I make my way to...

2 years ago
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I was ordered to watch

My wife has always been an out going person. She is one of those people that can make the best of any situation. I introduced her to cuckolding . I did it by accident. I would leave the history on our PC uncleared. She knows how to search it to see where I have been. One night while we where dinning out she brought up the subject. Over an after dinner drink I was complementing her on how pretty she looked in the dress she was wearing. She out of the blue said does it make you horny when other...

1 year ago
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Too Late To Turn BackChapter 4

"So how do we do this?" Jen asked. She and her husband Mike were in the middle of a long conversation about Steve. Jen had finally agreed to take the next step in their Game, and go to bed with Steve. "It's easy," Mike said excitedly, so happy that his wife had finally agreed. "Steve and I already talked about it. He'll call you up in the next few days and ask you out." Jen's head was spinning. They had talked about it? But she decided it wasn't worth getting into. She had agreed...

4 years ago
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Toy Store Boy Chaper Four Unexpected Twists

Chapter 4: Unexpected Twists I had just put on my jeans when I sat back down on my bed again. I leaned my head into my hands more confused then I could ever remember. Was it possible to be in love with two women? What had Katie wanted from me this morning? Wed had all year to talk about this stuff. Now that shes leaving, she wanted me to admit my love? She knew I had a girlfriend. I loved Katie more then anything, but at that moment I really didnt want to choose between them. Katie had said...

2 years ago
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Dragon bride

by Droid447 Lord Ethan Nogard was watching engrossed as two women engaged in a delirious sexual encounter a few steps from him. He was secretly celebrating the death of his uncle, the King, in the battlefields of the north. His cousin, the first in line to sit on the throne, had been taken prisoner by the enemy and he most certainly was dead too. Lord Ethan's chances to become King increased dramatically. There was only one obstacle between him and the throne and he was planning to...

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Lucy enjoys being made into a slut

I had known Emily for years we had gone to college together a long long time ago and we were both in our 40's now. Although we had never had a relationship, over the years become very good fuck buddies. Sometimes when we were single and sometimes when one or both of us were in a relationship. We had kept this secret from everyone we knew, so all our partners friends and family just thought we were close friends.Emily and I had the same adventurous and curious nature about sex and most of our...

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Caught in the woods

After the first time Chris M*de me give him a blowjob in the hay loft he had used my mouth almost every day. It was summer and since he lived at the end of the road and both my parents worked either they would send me to his house or he would come over to my house to take care of me while they were away. The back half of my parent’s property was wooded and backed up to someone else’s property. While we were out exploring Chris and I had found and old club house looking thing in the middle of...

4 years ago
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Interview With a PimpChapter 8

"Is Kathy still one of your "ladies?" "Yeah and still one good looking piece of ass." "Her movie career?" "She gave that up a long time ago. Tried porno films a couple of times, but the pay wasn't nearly what she could make workin' for me." "Turning to another subject, there are stories of pimps hitting, even beating their hookers. Any truth to that?" "Yeah, but not me. Oh, I may slap a girl around a bit if she tries to short me on a night's take, but I don't beat 'em...

2 years ago
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The Cafe

Mac loved young girls. They had to be of legal age, barely, to keep him out of jail but his pleasure was in big titted horny youth. Today he was meeting a young gal at the cafe. She was told to wear just a tank top and short skirt. As they took a table to the rear of the cafe, he sat beside her. He looked her over loving her big firm tits in the tight top. They got their drinks and ordered and her ran his hand over each tit making the nipples pop against the thin fabric. He slid her chair...

3 years ago
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Jealous Magic

Jealous Magic Prologue My name is, or was, Vince McGrath. I was once a 20-year-old man, but all that was taken from me by magic, yes magic. When I had left school at 18, had managed to be accepted into a very select university located just outside a large but picturesque Scottish village known as Darkhaven. Surrounded by thick Scottish woodland, Darkhaven is one of those villages where the rich have moved in, raising the property prices and forcing most of the original...

1 year ago
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The Girl on the Train part 2

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments and messages! Okay, so things take a turn for the weird in part 2. Some backstory: I was browsing around for porn one day and came across a term I'd never heard before - 'vore' (Vorarephilia). Intrigued, I investigated and for a short time became quite enamoured by certain aspects of this scene, and whilst one more of my few remaining shreds of innocence was indelibly eroded by the internet, it did result in this little piece of fun.If this isn't your...

2 years ago
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Male Wife

MALE HOUSE WIFE BY JANICE My name is Nathan; I was twenty one when my life started changing. I had my own company which employed between twenty and twenty five people. It seemed the biggest problem I had was my stature; I stood five foot two inches tall, average for everyone in my family for several generations. I was a good business man but felt that if I was more imposing I might have more customers. Maybe I was a...

1 year ago
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BangBus Lana Mars 20 yo Fucks on The Bus

The bus is constantly lurking the streets of Miami searching for some hot babes to fuck. A lot of chicks nowadays love to fuck and they aren’t shy about it, this makes our job easier sometimes. This week we pulled up on a 20 year old hottie on her way shopping with money that she had stolen from her mom. Noticing how desperate for money she was, we started offering up money for several different things. This chick was money hungry and was not afraid to show us everything she had to offer. Once...

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My Mother8217s Second Marriage 8211 Part 3 An Erotic Wedding

Hello there, Ankit here again. Please read the first two parts of the series to understand this third part. In the last part, you saw how Tina was introduced and how we both fucked each other and decided to get married to each other. Now, coming further to the story. It was 2 pm and we all had steamy sex sessions and were just relaxing and deciding on how to get us married. My mother was super excited and she wanted to get this marriage done in a sexier way. We decided to get married in our...

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Darkness and LightChapter 33 Chaos and Deception

Kassja leaned over the Emperor and whispered in his ear. “ ... Deliver this message with my best regards to my mother and Family,” Kassja finished, and then pushed Dharkuntis off his throne. There he lay, with blankly staring eyes, while his blood poured out of the wound in his throat and his existence was forced to leave Calmyra. Out of the corner of her eyes Kassja watched a guard storming towards her. He was roaring in anger and armed with a long spear. Two steps and he dropped to the...

3 years ago
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Bimbo Kisses Lollipop Dreams A Platinum ChefDelacroix Side Story Part I

Bimbo Kisses, Lollipop Dreams: A Delacroix Side Story. Robert didn't have anything left to live for. The drugs were barely getting him from one day to the next. Without any money, he and his girlfriend decide for one more score to buy the drugs they craved. But things go wrong, and Robert is watching his life bleed out of a gunshot wound. But he was saved, redeemed by a spirit of justice who only demanded one thing in return: Use this gift to help the lives of others. Robert was...

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Third Shift

Third Shift     The first day on third shift was difficult, but I wouldn’t have traded it for the world.   The shift started at 1900 hours and ended at 0700 in the morning.   A warm spring day made all the natives restless and we were very busy.   I was assigned to Medic 1 and it was one of two Paramedic Ambulances in the county.   My partner for part of the shift was a very attractive lady named Jessie.   She had been with the service for several years and was newly married.   Jessie was...

2 years ago
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The hot day was starting to cool off as the sun was about to set in less then an hour. The midsummer party was a real success, the food had been really good and everyone was in high spirits. Now that we have barbecued the party had really started and the music had been turned up.Luckily the villa my friend had borrowed was a bit away from the other villas and surrounded with lush trees that helped muffle the loud music. It also meant it had pretty much a private beach with jetty where you could...

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My fantasy about my neighbor

I have always fantasized about getting caught (by someone older than me) smelling someones dirty panties. This one of my fantasies that I have about a single mom that lived across the street from me, and she had huge breasts!! I have been over many times fixing something at her house. When I am alone, I would usually be able to fined one of her dirty panties or thong and smell them and then I would lick them and imagine how her pussy would taste in my mouth. One day when I was fixing her...

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From boy to man

This is a story about a young man named James Duncan. James had everything a young man could want at 16 years old. He was the captain of the football and basketball team, and he ran track to keep his 6’3′ frame lean. He had moved to the Valley suburbs two years ago when his father died and his mom remarried which burned him to the core. His stepdad was cool and he know that James was angry at his mother for doing that so he spent time with James as much as he could and James was appreciative of...

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A Party Girl

I was one of the first to arrive that evening. My host had e-mailed me and particularly asked me not to be late. And, he said, there was no need to bring a date unless I especially wanted to: there would be plenty of girls. It sounded as if he thought there might even be too many! That is the sort of challenge I enjoy, so I made a special effort to be on time. In the room set aside for men to leave their clothes, I pulled off my shirt and slacks and put on a towelling robe, tying the belt...

Straight Sex
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Her fantasy not his Part 1

She already knew his fantasy (I’ll write about it once it’s happened!) and lying in the darkness, shattered at 12pm it could still get her blood pumping. But Mia wondered if her fantasy was too embarrassing to share with Matt. Sure, she knew he’d love it but could she risk feeling too much passion, maybe she’d sleep on it. Lonely in her big double bed she had to tightly wrap herself in her warm duvet before falling into a dreamy sleep... Matt and Mia were taking a summers shopping trip in the...

Group Sex
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Mom Helps Me In My Slutiness 8211 Part 3

Hello this is RIDA again with the third part of my story. After that steamy session with mom and hardick there was a new phase in my life. My mom had agreed to get me married to hardick to have a nice fucking life ahead. But the problem was my dad. My mom was also getting horny . Many a times my mom and me would go to hardicks place and have sex with him. But as days progressed mom was getting horny day by day.. She would slip in the night in my room and have lesbian sex with me. One such day.....

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