Imperfect Ch. 04 free porn video

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Alone at last, I decided that the most relaxing thing I could do would be to give myself a pedicure. And after all, I deserved it. So I dug out my long abandoned hot pink nail polish and my nail care kit and set to work. I sat down next to the phone, in case it should ring, and plopped my toe separators in and got to work. No sooner had I started then just as I suspected the phone rang. Since I had been prepared for this, I simply picked up the receiver and continued on with my business.

‘Hello!’ I chirped.

‘Hey beautiful,’ said a male voice on the other end that I recognized as my friend Lin.

‘Who is this,’ I teased.

‘What- you don’t know? I’m shocked and hurt!’

‘Whatever, silly! What’s up Lin?’

‘I just called to see what’s up. See if you’re feeling lonely tonight…’

‘You sweet-talker you. Actually, I’m feeling pretty good. Giving myself the pampering treatment.’

‘Oh really?’ I noticed his voice went way up at the end of the sentence. ‘I could help you out in that area.’ . ‘I bet you could.’

‘Come on Nikki. I could give you a nice back rub. You know you love it when I massage your neck for you.’

‘Yeah, I love it so much, I can never tell you no.’

‘That’s the idea,’ Lin said devilishly.

‘I know. It’s tempting. I’m really tempted.’

‘But…?’ he prompted.

Lin is a real scoundrel. Defiantly the cad among my fiends and acquaintances. I adore having him around because he’s always willing to go the extra mile to try to convince you that he’s not the bad guy you think he is, but trust me, he is. He’s your classic, ‘I’m not like other guys’ guy. And in the next breath he’ll tell you that women deserve to be treated badly, because we let men do it. Still, he knows all my weaknesses and he’s good at exploiting them. And he knows how hard I find it to resist his charms. (Charms and snakes go hand in hand, I try to remind myself. But it does not good. Not in Lin’s case.)

Lin’s name is Lyndon, after the President, a fact that he’s quite vain about. But we all call him Lin. I’m not sure if it’s just to knock him down a peg, but if so, believe me, it hasn’t hurt him a bit.

Lin is nine years older than me which makes him 38, but he still thinks he’s a college frat boy. He wears sweatshirts, drinks beer and chases women. I think it’s his job! Actually, he’s a D.J. for a local outfit that works weddings and parties and other functions. He’s also a designer for a graphics firm during the day, and he plays the guitar for fun (and seduction) and takes nature photographs which he sells to magazines. He’s a very busy man, yet he always manages to look like a slacker. His dark brown hair falls into his eyes regularly, and I think he uses that as an excuse for why he can’t see half the time. He would never want to admit that he’s starting to need glasses. A course beard is usually growing a-la Sunny Crocket from Miami Vice on account of the fact that he usually shaves at night before a gig and lets it go the rest of the day. Beneath all of the unkempt hair, he’s actually a very nice looking guy. But most of the time, you just have to take my word for it.

Actually, he has no trouble attracting female attention, even at his worse. That’s because even in this horrible state of neglect, he’s still better looking than 9/10ths of the population. And charming. But I repeat myself.

‘If I say yes, you’ll forget all about me and not come over anyway.’

‘No! I would never-! OK, maybe I would,’ he admitted chagrined.

‘I’m not going to wait all night for you,’ I warned.

‘No of course not.’

‘I didn’t have plans, but I’ll leave just to spite you,’ I threatened.

‘Why you spiteful little bitch!’ he exclaimed with a laugh.

The laugh was infectious. ‘You’ve got an hour. If your not hear by then, me and my hot pink toes are going to see a movie. Whether we can afford to or not!’

‘I’ll be there.’

‘I won’t count on it,’ I said dryly.

‘Hey! Don’t be like that!’ He sounded defensive and wounded. I rolled my eyes.

‘YOU don’t be like that and I won’t have to. Now bye. You’ve got an hour.’

‘Slave driver,’ he complained before hanging up. I should write a book, How to Tame your Lin. There was really no way around it, he needed to be treated roughly if you were going to get any respect or compliance out of him at all. Trust me, I’ve tried nice. It just gets me ignored. He must be a secret masochist, because the more of a bitch I am, the more he comes back for more.

I’m not really like that, but it’s a roll I play well. And I don’t feel bad about it either. Sometimes being nice just doesn’t work. And if you can’t be compelled by nice, then it’s your own damn fault if I have to resort to uber-bitch because it’s the only thing that works. Hey, it’s hard to be a woman sometimes. We have to use what we’ve got. Especially if it’s something that usually works against us. I take great pleasure in the irony of those moments.

Would he show up? Who the hell knew. Who the hell ever knew with Lin. Some other pretty girl might catch his eye, and he’d be off chasing her skirt like some stray dog. But if he didn’t show up, I was going to bed, despite what I told him. I was too tired and too broke to actually go see a movie. Hey, what a man doesn’t know doesn’t hurt him. That Lin walks all over my heart to easily as it is. I would be giving him no more extra ammunition tonight.

I resumed painting my toenails. Well, actually I had never stopped and was on the second to the last toe already. Those nails were so small, I really should have used a toothpick to do it. So in no time I was done and with nothing to do but sit there and literally watch paint dry.

I grabbed the clicker and started flipping through the channels. I’ve been told I channel-surf like a guy, barely stopping to see what’s on before going to the next channel. Usually I stop were a guy would to, explosions or boobs. Hey I ain’t to proud to admit it. Those are the things that tend to get my attention.

Only this time it was something else that I whizzed past and had to back click to see if I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing. Indeed! There was a news story about the new gallery, and they were showing my picture as what appeared to be the main illustration.

I had never felt so psyched. I had butterflies in my stomach all right. It was just the local news, but my painting has been shown and my name had even been said. It was a banner night for l’il old me.

I watched that but found that I had missed the majority of the story. It seemed favorable in tone anyway, so that was one good thing. It seemed that every were I turned, there was my painting. Maybe I really was on my way, just as my mother had told me.

That ended so I flipped over to some cartoons to pass the time. After an hour, my nails were good and dry and there was no sign of Lin, so I went to bed, thinking was the end of him for the night. How wrong I was. I was awakened to the sound of loud pounding on my door and opened my eyes to see that several hours had passes and it was the middle of the night. I threw on a robe and staggered out to see who or what was at my door, and sure enough it was Lin. He saw me and waved, so I gave up on sneaking back to bed and ignoring him.

‘Are you drunk?’ I asked in an irritated voice when he nearly fell into my living room.

‘Just a little,’ he admitted.

‘What the hell are you doing here at this hour?’ I demanded in a grouchy but sleepy voice.

‘Well you said you were going out, so I figured I’d wait till a bit later and I went down to the pub to pass the time.’

‘You are a shit,’ I said with the beginning of a grin. I don’t know why I couldn’t stay mad at him. ‘Get your ass over on the couch and lay down. And no throwing up on my carpet.’

‘Scouts honor,’ he said slumping onto my sofa.

‘Phfft!’ I dismissed his comment. I do
ubt he was ever a scout- they probably kicked him out.

We talked for a little while, after I locked up, about how his life sucks and how I’m the only one he can always count on- the kind of stuff you can always count on a drunk to opine about in the wee hours. I simply nodded and made sympathetic noises. I doubt that he would remember a thing I said in the morning, so what was the point?

‘You can sleep here tonight,’ I told him, slipping his shoes off and covering him with a blanket.

‘No no, I don’t want to be any trouble sweetie.’

That made me smile, drunk or not. ‘It’s no trouble. You’re no trouble- you’re a friend.’

‘I’ll be going here in just a minute or so,’ he promised. The next thing I heard from him was snores. He sure was one to fall asleep fast. He looked so oddly vulnerable lying there on my couch like that all passed out and barely conscious. I kissed him on the cheek and pulled the blanket up to his chin.

‘Goodnight snake charmer,’ I whispered as I flicked the light out and tiptoed to bed.

Amazingly I heard him whisper back, ‘Goodnight beautiful lady.’

It took me almost as long as it had taken him to fall back into dreamland, and when I woke up, I had nearly forgotten that he was there until I rolled over and found him in my bed. ‘Lin, wake up!’ I yelled at him.

‘Who?! Wha-?’ I wasn’t buying it, but it was a convincing performance.

‘Your in my bed. You know we can’t do this. You gotta get up.’

‘I’m just sleeping,’ he protested. His body felt so warm pressed up against mine, I was tempted to let him win. But I knew him and I knew myself. I knew my weaknesses and he was one. ‘I’m going to the couch,’ I told him taking my pillow and comforter and leaving him with a sheet.

‘Spoil sport,’ he mumbled, still feigning sleepiness.

I went to the couch and tried to sleep, but I was awake. Fortunately, he soon got out of bed and went to work in the kitchen making breakfast. It was my turn to pretend now. I turned toward the back of the couch and pretended to be sleeping, still hoping for a few extra winks. He could wake me when he was done. Yelling at him for wandering into my bed could wait until I had my coffee.

Before long, he came out of the kitchen calling out for me to wake up. ‘I made you breakfast,’ he said, balancing a plate stacked with toast, eggs and sausage with a glass of juice and a mug, steaming with fresh coffee. ‘I couldn’t find a tray,’ he explained looking at his full hands.

‘I don’t have one,’ I replied, taking the coffee and blowing across it. ‘You can set that there,’ I directed him, pointing to a side table pushed next to the couch. He did, and then pulled a stool across from me and sat down.

‘You’re not going to eat?’ I asked him, wondering why he was gazing at me in that funny way.

‘I don’t like breakfast.’

‘Oh yeah, I keep forgetting. I’ve got some other stuff if your hungry,’ I said, trying to be hospitable.

‘I can’t eat this early in the morning anyway. I’ll be ok. Try your eggs.’

‘You didn’t poison it did you?’

He stuck his lower lip out in a pout and lowered his eyes petulantly. ‘Now why would you go and say something like that?’

‘Sorry, you’re right. That wasn’t very nice.’ He looked up at me with a smile. Besides, if anybody was going to poison someone around here, it would be me poisoning you.’

‘Hey!’ He squinted his eyes at me making a very childish face. I was tempted to tell him to be careful, or it would stick that way, but I was too tired for verbal sparing so I cut into my omelet with my fork. ‘Mmm’ I mumbled over a warm delicious forkful. Lin looked pleased and proud.

‘Sorry about crashing your place last night.’

‘It’s not that you’re in trouble for,’ I told him pointedly.

His look told me unquestionably that he knew exactly what I was talking about.

‘You didn’t like having me in your bed again?’ His tone was between a pout and a tease. But he was also baiting me. He knew I liked it, and he knew that wasn’t the point at all.

I looked at him sharply. ‘Don’t push it,’ I warned.

‘But don’t you-‘

‘Don’t!’ I interrupted, shaking my head.

He decided that it was time to act contrite. ‘Forgive me?’ he said, faking his most sincere repentant look.

I felt like rolling my eyes. Instead, I snapped at him semi-playfully, ‘Don’t let it happen again!’

There it was, I had vented my frustration and he was off the hook. He knew it and I knew it. I also knew he would try something like it again- as soon as he got the chance.

I was willing to over look it because I was busy eating my breakfast. Besides, I didn’t feel like fighting. I didn’t even feel much like bawling him out. He knew that I wasn’t giving in this time, and I knew that he wasn’t giving up. There was no point in dwelling on it, the lines were drawn.

He was here, sitting across from me. He had prepared me a lovely breakfast. Life was good. ‘So what do you have planned for today?’ I asked him.

‘Well Jess is bringing the kids back from her mom’s tomorrow, so it’s my last night of freedom. I guess I’ll go to Sparty’s or the Dollar.’

I shook my head at him. ‘She deserves better than you,’ I admonished.

He didn’t even look ashamed, he just agreed. I had known Lin for a long time, way before he met and married Jessica Blain, making her Jessica Lowell. The few times that she had joined him and his gang at one of the bars he frequents she had seemed sullen and mousy. Unlike her husband, she wasn’t social at all. I’m not sure why she always insisted on coming, other than to keep an eye on her husband. And if that was her goal, she was failing miserably.

I myself am not a regular member of his little circle of lost boys, but if you get around at all in this town, you run into Lin Lowell. Despite the often constant presence of his wife during the first year or two that he knew her, no one seemed to know much of anything about her. But one thing was certain. She didn’t care much for me.

Among my fiends, old relationships are always considered water under the bridge. We certainly don’t cling to pointless resentments against exes no matter what they might have meant in there time. Apparently, in Jessica Blain’s world, previous girlfriends were viewed as a threat. Even though the rest of us knew that she should have been more concerned with the next conquest than with ancient history. In any event, she viewed me with suspicion, and I had never been to fond of her either. We were definitely not friends.

So it wasn’t her, and it wasn’t the generic principal that he was married that kept me from letting him make his move on me either. Pure and simple, it was trust. As a boyfriend, as a lover I just didn’t trust him with what matters most in those relationships- my heart. But as a friend, and one in constant pursuit of something that, as an old girl-band once sang, he was ‘never gonna get’ things were just fine. I kept my wall up, and I was able to enjoy his worthwhile personal qualities. I realized that I still had something he wanted, and it brought out the best in him. But I also knew that it wasn’t all an act. Sometimes it was hard to find, but he really did have some redeeming value as a human being and a friend, although he had very little (that I could see) as a husband.

As for Jess, I felt sorry for her sometimes knowing the kinds of things he was up to, but it never rose above the level of pity. As near as I could tell, she was walking through life with her eyes closed, being suspicious of all the wrong things and letting the real ones just slip by either unnoticed or ignored. It was hard sometimes to tell which. In recent years, she spent an awful lot of time visiting her mom, and I got the impression that she needed to be away from him almost as much as he wanted to get away from her. Why they even stayed together was anybodies mystery, but apparently they both got some kind of payoff fr
om the arrangement. The rest of us- those who knew him however formally or informally- made our speculations but beyond that didn’t get involved. As for myself, although I sometimes wanted to just ask him, I never did.

Across from me, Lin sat not looking in the least bit guilty. I wonder if he ever felt genuine guilt, or if in all cases that he showed it, it was only an act.

‘So you got big plans for tonight. What about the day?’

‘What are you kicking me out?’

‘Of course not, you made me breakfast. You get to stay as long as you want.’ But I knew him, he wasn’t going to stick around. Not for long.

‘I thought I’d hang out here with you for a while. Maybe watch some TV or something and later this afternoon I’d go meet up with the boys for some pool or something.’

‘Killing time ’till you can get sloshed huh?’ I teased.

‘You know me too well,’ he said rolling his eyes. I was supposed to take that to be some kind of denial. But I knew better. I smacked him with my pillow.

‘Well, if you want to stick around here, you can help me with the dishes after breakfast.’

I finished up and he accompanied me to the kitchen. ‘Is this anyway to treat a guest,’ he grumbled as he rolled up his sleeves.

‘Your not a guest,’ I told him. ‘You’re Lin.’ He understood what I meant. We had a unique connection. Not quite family but similar in that balance of familiarity and that love/hate quality that characterized our relationship.

I had been right that he didn’t hang out for long. He was sweet and attentive- more so than he ever had been in the brief amount of time that we were a couple It felt good to be around him. He was funny, he made me laugh and he even listened when I had things to say. He’d always been a good listener, as surprising a quality as it had been long ago, I took it for granted now. We had lively conversation and he often got exited about the same things that I did.

So when the time came that he told me he had to go, I was really starting to wish he would stay. Of course I didn’t say so, even though my insides were aching to keep him near me. Instead I shoed him out with the scathing comment, ‘I was getting sick of you anyway.’

He kissed me on the cheek- I allowed it, and then he left. I stood in the doorway feeling sort of empty. I realized that I should use the time to my advantage and go work on my painting, but I just wasn’t feeling it. I just wanted to grab a bag of chips and curl up with some comfort snacking. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any snack food in the house, so I put on my shoes and headed out the door to the nearest Quick Stop.

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I’m in my big leather chair and you keel down in front of me sliding your hands up and down my thigh, you look up into my eyes and with out a word you slowly begin to undo my pants taking my cock out and slowly you begin to stroke me. With your other hand you begin to lift your skirt up around your waist, you slid you hand between your legs and begin to rub your clit. You tell me you have something in your bag to take it out, I look in your bag and I find your dildo.You tell me you want me to...

2 years ago
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Meri College Ki Virgin Friend Or Meri Or Uski Pehla Hard Sex Mere PG

Hi, my friends me ye story pehli baar likh rha hu. Ager apko meri story pasand aye to jroor mujhe email kre. Meri email id hai ager koi bhi ladies girl, bhabhi ya aunty mujse contact krna chahe to jroor mujhe email kre. ye baat un dino ki h jab meri ka 2nd sem chla hua tha. Or me roj college jata tha. Mere sath ek ladki padhti thi. Uska name usha tha. Or bo roj mujhe dekh ke smile krti thi. Mera bhi man us se bat krne ko hota tha pr dar lagta tha. Or bo bdi hi khobsurat or sexy thi uske...

3 years ago
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Franks surprise at work

After he pissed he started thinking about that 10 incher and also about his coworker who was closing with him. He was an old black guy named G who was really jacked and Frank just knew he must have a big cock. Suddenly G came in and stood at the urinal and took out his cock. Frank couldnt help but take a peak over. He barely stopped himself from gasping at he huge cock hanging out of G's pants. It must already be 8 inches long and it was still soft. Suddenly Frank realized hed been licking...

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Sissy Slut Gets All His Holes Filled

He was waiting for me as instructed, dressed in the bag of clothes I had left for him earlier in the week. I entered the motel room to find him sitting on the bed in the mini skirt, sheer blouse, lace topped thigh high stockings and stiletto heels from his goodie bag. With his legs crossed, he appeared to be quite demure but I knew the desperate, horny slut that was raging beneath the surface of his sissy attire. He knew I was the only person on the planet that could satisfy all his perverted...

2 years ago
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Debbie succumbs to charm of the shoe salesman

Debbie succumbs to charm of the shoe salesmanWe are Alan and Debbie, happily married for many years. A while ago we were in Devon on a touring holiday and one day drove into Cornwall . We lunched in a small village pub, then went walking and looking at the few shops there. Late in the afternoon we came across a small shoe shop. My wife had been looking for some open sandals for a while. On entering the shop we were met by a gentleman of around mid-50's. My wife would have been 53. Another...

4 years ago
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kate 9 cont

I followed Kate up the stairs to mums room, the batteries in the vibrator, was dying and it was starting get hot inside me,Kate told me to sit downI told her my wrists was hurting and the vibrator getting hotTurn round she said, my knickers and tights was pulled down, she turned the vibrator off and eased it out, it was such a relief,She then undid the handcuffs being able to stretch my arms felt great.Do you want to keep the knickers on she asked,I don't mind I saidLet's take them off she...

2 years ago
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Sexy Accounts A Nephews Lust Part 2 Discovery

From the view of the Nephew.It must have been a year since I last got into my auntie’s bedroom. I had only seen her a few times since then and not spoken much. My erection and roaming around her bedroom were never mentioned again. I didn’t see my cousins as much, now we were getting older. I had to make do with my video, which I had saved onto my hard drive to wank off to, and any photos, which lay around.It was my cousin’s seventeenth birthday and my auntie was having a small party 'round...

1 year ago
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My Mothers LoverChapter 8 The Riviera Night Sail

Diary: Sunday, March 11, 1973 Dear Diary, Mame's friend and our host took us to Villefranche on his sailboat. Idyllic little harbor at the end of a mesmerizing night sail. On the sail home, Jacques took us to a cosy little bay for the day. C and I spent a day of freedom far away from home civilization, speaking freely, feeling free, feeling each other, too. A little storm at night, so we took a safe haven and had just that much more time to enjoy ... One of my fondest memories ... so...

4 years ago
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Jane Doe 1

This isn't a true story but i wish it was. Every morning on my way to school i would see this really gorgeous girl on the bus and i wish i had the chance to fuck her. My name is Judi, im 16 years old, 5'2, i have light brown hair and hazel eyes. I have a pretty firm and round butt, and i wear a B cup. Guys find me quite attractive but unfortunately i'm a lesbian. I've been attracted to other females ever since i was younger. On the first day of my junior year in highschool I get on...

3 years ago
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The story of Franck Sysco part 1

The following story is a work of fiction; any resemblance to anybody is purely coincidence. This story is also intended for mature adults only, so reader’s discretion is advised. If some of the following content could offend you, it is not the author’s intent. The author’s intent is to give to readers a good distraction and a good entertainment, whatever the story’s circumstance is going or the character’s behavior could be. The following story is not intended to influence or provoke any...

4 years ago
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Family PlanningChapter 12

Truth is the daughter of time. Saint Lisbon has a very long history, and an uncertain future. The people keep to themselves, and they hold many secrets. Families hide behind lies, and breed their own version of the truth. My family isn’t any different. It’s Saturday morning at the mayor’s house. My sisters don’t have school, and we don’t have any plans for the day. I hope to sleep until noon, and I look forward to a good morning kiss from Emma, Amber and Payton. The four of us remain quite...

1 year ago
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Who doesn't love a girl that can squirt? Well, if your answer to that question is 'me', I'd suggest you to turn around right now to not continue. See, the site in question here is called Squirting GFs, and as you might assume, it's all about amateur babes that get fucked and spray their delicious pussy juice all over the place. Note that Squirting GFs is a premium paysite, so if you're not willing to part with cash for some good amateur gushing, this is not the place for you. Now, on the other...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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Sex Fantasies Of Neighbor Teen Janhvi 8211 Part 1

It was around six in the evening. I came from my office and stood in the lobby of my apartment, searching for the home key in my back bag. Janhvi, my teenage neighbor staying with her parents just crossed over me. I saw that she was crying. She entered her home and closed the door with a loud sound. I was really surprised by her action. Janhvi was a sweet little girl and I have never seen her in this emotional state. I always considered her as a happy-go-girl. I stood outside her door and...

2 years ago
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Fat Bottomed Girls

True story!Bringing it back to the early 2000's I was a young high school teen doing my best to manage studies, friends, girls, and work. I was always athletic, and I loved baseball, basketball and football but in my high school years those all took a backseat with my parents all but demanding I hold a job if I wanted the necessities. (car, gas, cell phone, spending $ etc.) So off to work I went.I don't know what triggered it, my love of bigger women. If I could take a guess at the beginning of...

4 years ago
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Horny Sex Starved Mother In Law and Wife

I can only tell you my wife's labia was once petite. When this woman was 20 her labia and pussy was sweet and smelled perfect enough to adore and marry. Through the years of fucking Jen's pussy became so fragrant that her panties would smell up the closet and all my clothes smelled of her fragrance. People would approach me on how well I smelled on a daily basis as my clothes smelled of her scent in a very musky and good way. Then she turned forty...her pussy turned from sweet to musty and...

3 years ago
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Vanessa Zach Passionate Pleasure

Introduction: I havent written in a while so please be nice. Enjoy Vanessa looked up into Zachs eyes and smiled. The brilliant blue always got the best of her. The light gleaming in from outside made them both retreat to the covers and hide from the outside world. Zach reached out to Vanessa and touched her delicate, cold face. They both stared deeply into each others eyes until Zach chuckled, breaking the bond, and rolled on top of Vanessa, pinning her arms down. Vanessa giggled cutely and...

3 years ago
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Tinkle BellChapter 3

Bella looked fabulous in the short black dress she had picked out to wear for dinner. Mom and dad had taken us to a nice Italian restaurant. And though it was an Americanized version of Italian food, Bella quite enjoyed it, or at least, very much enjoyed being there. Almost from the start she had begun teasing me ... right there inside the restaurant! We had taken a semi-circular booth in order to watch some of the floorshow that went along with the meal. Skimpily clad women who danced,...

4 years ago
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Mom Chudi Sir Se

Hey guys I m arshu, yeh meri dusri story hai, ki maine kaise meri mom ko sir se chudwake exam mai pass hua, meri pehli story toh aapne padi he hogi, ki kaise maine meri baju wali aunty ki apni rakhel banaya, “Seema ko banaya apni randi rakhel”. Mai time waste na krte hua sidhe story p aata hu. Meri mom sana age 35 figure 38-32-38, gora color aur dekh k kisi ka bhi lund khada hojye aisa figure h meri mom ka. Toh yeh tab ki baat h jab mai 9th mai tha, mai exam mai lagatar fail hote jaa raha tha...

2 years ago
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“We have time for one more caller, you’re speaking with the doctor, what’s you question!?!” “Doctor Cossett, my husband and I have been married for twenty three years and the zip has really gone out of our sex life, do you think you could give me some tips on how to liven things up a little bit?!?” “Well caller, we’re almost out of time, but I have found that changing the venue of your love making can add a whole new dimension to the way you feel...

3 years ago
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‘Hi Darling’, I said. ‘Hi Dan’, she replied, ‘my Boss Ted let me go early because I said that we would go to his house tomorrow afternoon for a social game of tennis with him and his wife Barbara, now I don’t want any complaints or you will be over my knee, besides this will good for my career’, added my wife. I should explain, my wife, Janet, had been spanking me for a few years. It started as mutual spanking as part of our lovemaking, but soon she decided she preferred just to spank me, so...

4 years ago
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The Start of the Affair

She was in her early 40s, just a couple of years younger than me. We met at a celebration party when my wife’s course at the local university had ended. It was the usual drinks and snacks sort of do, and my wife was introducing me to various people as we were moving around, and spending time chatting to various people that we’d met before. Suddenly amongst one small group that we joined, she was there, tall and slim, though well rounded, her neat waist giving her a real old fashioned hour-glass...

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Bunkd by the Kikiwaka monster

The noises in the woods began to frighten the young girl until thrashing in the nearby brush startled her into running madly through the woods ripping and tearing her clothes until she crashed into a clearing mostly naked and her body badly scratched up. She collapsed in the clearing and passed out. An unknown time went by before she woke up. Emma found herself laying naked on a bed of soft grass and leaves in a cave. Sitting up and looking around she saw the cave had luminescent moss growing...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Fantasy Cassies POV0

"OH YEAH"! I scream in ecstasy as I have an amazing orgasm and fall back beside Chris in our bed. After several minutes both heavy breathing I put my head on his muscled chest and whisper "that was amazing you are so good" " so are you" he said. Chris and I had been together 6 years. Both of us had, between us, pretty much every sexual fetish there is and had explored them all. Or so I thought. One day I was looking at fetish stories on the Internet and called Chris over. We looked...

2 years ago
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my father in law

My Father-in-lawI had been married for two years when my Father-in-law decided to come fora visit. My wife's mother had passed away when she was a little girl andher Father never remarried. He had just retired and wanted to come andspend some time with us to help adjust to retirement. We had just bought anew house and had some minor improvements that needed to be done. Jack, myFather-in-law, offered to come and do some of the work for me so I wouldn'thave to take time off from work to do...

3 years ago
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The Ravishing of Constance Ch 13

Constance woke feeling sated in body and mind. This was a state that she welcomed, and she lingered long in the bed she’d made up on the floor in a corner of Jacqueline’s cabin. Warm tropical sun slanted through the portholes in dustmote-dancing beams, playing over the brass and the rich wood. She closed her eyes and dozed to the swaying of the ship. All was quiet. The sea was calm, the winds low, and the sailors no doubt recovering from their lengthy debauch of the day before. She wondered...

3 years ago
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To Love and to Cherish

TO LOVE AND TO CHERISH ====================== Copyright C 1996, Daedalus This story contains what is known as "transgender material". It does *NOT* contain any elements of m/m, s/m, b/d, humiliation, pain, or anatomically detailed descriptions of sexual acts. If this lack offends you, do yourself a favour and read no further. All characters and situations described herein are fictional and any resemblance to any real or fictional persons or events is purely ...

2 years ago
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Golden Chains in Sherazad Chapter 1

This one is completely the work of my depraved imagination. (With some inspiration from Jade Dragon and Eucher). I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I really wanted to revel in Queen Kailya’s humiliation so it required a fairly lengthy introduction. I mention nasty things like rape etc but for tags, (M/F, cons, fantasy, oral, inter) Secondly this is an adult story, if you are younger than eighteen please DO NOT READ!!! If you liked it, drop me an email...

2 years ago
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If You Want To

Without taking his eyes off the television screen, the boy grunted, and began stroking his penis through his jeans. His mother, sitting in the armchair opposite his, noticed the movement, and twined her fingers together, knowing what would happen shortly. The programme they were watching was a nature documentary, completely innocent of sexual overtones, but she knew that had nothing to do with it, and she stared at him, her breath starting to come faster in anticipation of what would he would...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Maya Woulfe You8217ll Learn To Love Me

Daryl (Derrick Pierce) misses the relationship he used to have with his stepdaughter, Lena (Maya Woulfe). There was once a time when they were inseparable but now Lena’s all grown up and distant. Sometimes he wonders if he’s done something wrong that drove her away from him. One evening, after Lena brushes him off yet again to hang out with her friends, Daryl finds her diary left out in the open. Although he doesn’t want to hurt her trust, he’s desperate to find out...

1 year ago
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Asian guy gets surprise attention from other guys

Based on a true story! Well it started out innocently enough. One day while I was cruising for porn (that's how I found this site too) I came upon a site where people post pics of themselves and comment on others. I decided to give it a try, hoping to find some girls to flirt with online. So with my cheap camera I took some self pics. I'm in my late 20s, fairly good shape, 5' 9", about 160 lbs, light skinned, slender with a good toned body but not super cut. I work out a bit but I don't go...

3 years ago
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Cockfest at the sauna

Occasionally I have to go to London for a meeting, I always arrange for it to finish around lunchtime, so I can head off to my favourite gay bar for a few drinks and then onto a sauna for some fun.yesterday the meeting dragged on and on, and I found I was getting hornier as the minutes passed. Eventually we finished late afternoon, and I decided that I'd go straight to the sauna as I was so horny.... I was already oozing precum!the sauna is a couple of stops away on the underground, and I...

1 year ago
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The Tug Cock

My mood poem, a short interlude of disgust.I am wanking(again).Across the room Lewis fucks my wife.I am of little or no consequence. I wank because Lewis tells me to. It's better than facing his anger. I'm embarassed about masturbating. Not the act itself you understand, no I've long outgrown the Adrian Mole anxieties of my teenage years. No I'm, embarassed about masturbating when I listen to my wife Chloe fuck and even more so if I tug on my cock when I watch her with Lewis. It is the noises...

2 years ago
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A Taste

Almost as far back as I could remember my parents have fought. Not physically fought but had loud arguments. This usually occurred at night. I do not know exactly what they argued about because I would attempt to shut it out. However, one night when I was 12 years old I was awakened by a particularly loud argument. I could hear dad’s deep voice state something to the effect that “You cannot do that!” I heard mom shout, “You just wait and see what I can do!” At that moment I heard a...

2 years ago
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Animal FarmChapter 11

The next day, Sunday, Stacy slept until almost noon. Her parents didn't appear until she'd been up for half an hour. She had brunch with them, trying with some success to put out of her mind thoughts and mental pictures of them naked and sexing it up with the various partners. She felt she'd seen and had enough sex to last a while. She'd really been pooped riding back from the lake just before dark the day before. She'd had a bite to eat and gone right to bed, immediately dropping off...

3 years ago
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Surrendering To Desire

There could be no doubt about the source of the noise coming through the wall from the adjacent flat. The guy in the next flat was jerking off, and really going for it. Lauren was pretty certain she could also hear the tell-tell sounds of a porn channel in the background.Lauren was not in a position to judge because as she lay there alone in her London flat she was pleasuring herself with a new glass dildo she had bought from a well known British sex retailer online. Lauren was just being...

2 years ago
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Summer Fun Chapter 4 Private Party

Marc and Jeff have been getting a little peeved at me for not being around much lately. Between working at Pizza Depot, and fucking- I mean, working, with Renee at the apartments, I can see their point, I’ve probably been a little scarce. Today, I have the day off and I’ll make sure to spend some time with them. We want to go swimming again today, but not at the community center pool, so we ride our bikes out to Tucker’s Pond. The pond is a hidden away, deep swimming hole, just past the...

1 year ago
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We’re used to seeing dudes doing all the work in porn. They are the ones who always do the fucking and banging, and the chicks are just there taking it. Well, I don’t know about you, but from time to time, I like to just kick back, relax, and let the chick do everything. If you want that too, then you should check out /r/SheFucksHim. This place is made for guys who like to relax during sex, as they let the chick do all the heavy lifting. Listen, it might seem unfair to let chicks do all the...

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