- 2 years ago
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When I woke up the next morning, I could hear a commotion coming from the kitchen. I got up and went to see what was going on. When I entered the kitchen, I found Grandpa and some other people talking. Grandpa noticed me and said, ‘There you are Clay, come on in and get some breakfast.’ As I pulled out a chair and sat down, Grandpa continued, ‘Do you remember your cousins Don and his wife Sue, Ed and his wife Sally, and Rose and her husband Larry?’
Before I could reply, Rose, seeing the bandage on my head and my shiner as she placed a plate full of food before me, exclaimed, ‘Clay, what happened to your head?’
‘It’s nothing,’ I demurred as I sipped my coffee. ‘I just had a minor accident but it’s alright now – looks worse than it is.’ I looked around, trying to remember what names went with what faces from Grandpa’s introduction. ‘It’s great to see all of you again.’
We all started to exchange ‘Nice to see/meet you’, except Rose who was quick to point out, ‘But you’ve never met Sally or Larry.’
Realizing that I had screwed up, I covered as well as I could. ‘I was meaning you, Sue, Ed, and Don.’
‘Oh. Anyway, I do want you to meet my new husband, Larry, and this is Sally – Ed married her about 3 years ago.’
I greeted them, ‘Pleased to meet you both.’
Just then I heard a baby start crying. Sally left the room and when she returned, she brought in a baby boy about 6 months old. She said, ‘This is little Ed, named after his daddy.’ Then she excused herself to go feed her baby.
Rose asked, ‘What about you, Clay? When are you going to settle down and start a family?’ Her question caused Grandpa to laugh so hard that he slipped off his chair and made me choke on my food and turn beet red.
‘What’s so funny?’ she demanded, glaring at both of us.
Grandpa stopped laughing for a minute. ‘He got married at Red Cloud’s camp yesterday – to the twins.’
‘Really? Which one?’ Rose asked.
This got Grandpa laughing again. He gasped, ‘You weren’t listening! Both of them – he thought he was trading for a horse!’
‘It’s not that damn funny! Anyone could have made that mistake!’ I declared indignantly.
Rose and the others grinned while she continued her inquisition. ‘I see you still jump before looking – don’t you? – Clay. I thought you would have grown out of that in that fancy doctor school and the army.’
‘I did learn to think first. It was just a misunderstanding, but everything will work out, I’m sure.’ My disclaimer even sounded lame to me.
Grandpa was still snickering over my peccadillo – he was having entirely too much fun with this. Changing the subject, I drawled, ‘Sorry to throw a wet blanket on your party, Uncle Henry, but don’t you think we should be getting back? I need to check my patients, and then bring the girls back here.’
Reminded of what we had laid out for the day, Grandpa stopped snickering and started barking orders to the others. ‘Rose, Clay will be moving into John’s old cabin. Will you open it up to let it air out some before they move in?’
‘Sure, Dad! I didn’t think you were ever going to let anyone live in it.’
Sally had just returned from feeding the baby and hearing that John’s cabin was being opened again, looked wistful as she volunteered, ‘ I wish I’d have known! I would have asked long ago, so the baby wouldn’t bother everyone in the night.’
Concerned that any of his children feared that their children might be causing a disruption in the household, Grandpa moved to dispel those fears. ‘Honey, Little Ed is no bother at all. Besides, your mom is crazy about him just like she is Don’s two boys, Davy and Brad. Children are always welcome here, so your being here with yours is no bother at all, and we hope you all will grant us old folks even more grandchildren. ‘
As he concluded, he glanced rather pointedly in my direction, making me nervous. Feeling pressured, I declared, ‘Whoa there, Uncle Henry! Don’t look at me for awhile yet, I’ve only been married one day!’
Grandpa grinned unrepentantly. ‘I know that! Just lettin’ you know that I like a lot of kids around.’
Despite his softer words that grin somehow didn’t make me feel much better. ‘Your making me feel like I should have them both pregnant already.’
Grandpa teased, ‘Well, those girls SHOULD be pregnant, from all the noise they made last night!’
He saw my face get red and as I opened my mouth for an unkind retort, he apologized, ‘Sorry! I didn’t mean to embarrass you or make you feel guilty, but like I said – I like kids, and those girls sure did sound happy!’
Still adjusting to the thought of being married and not yet ready to even think about kids, let alone seriously consider them, I warned, ‘Well, let’s just not go putting the wagon ahead of the horse!’ which caused everyone else but me to laugh. Knowing I could never beat the teasing, I wisely bit back any other bitter replies.
But the more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that the twins could very well actually be pregnant already. At that time, the women folk often scheduled weddings to coincide with the bride’s most fertile period. Although our wedding was very spur-of-the-moment, so that level of planning wasn’t a factor, I did have unprotected sex with both of them. There was still a pretty good chance, they had caught, especially when in my time it had been observed that a woman’s orgasm is often the most intense at the time of impregnation – and those two had certainly had intense orgasms!
Grandpa shook his head and rolled his eyes at me as if I had just proven that I was a real tenderfoot, then he got back to the business at hand. ‘Don, you and Ed take Hector and Lou and start digging some privies out in the big east field. We’ll need a bunch – Red Cloud will be moving his camp there shortly and I imagine they’re going to be here for quite a spell.’
My two great uncles replied together, ‘Sure thing, Dad – we’ll get right on it.’
By the time Grandpa had us all organized, I had finished my breakfast. The two of us got our things ready and prepared to leave to return to the Camp. As we saddled up, I saw two small boys come out of the barn carrying milk buckets, going toward the spring house to put the milk away. Watching them, my mind wandered as I remembered doing that very same thing when I was a boy.
I was jarred from daydreaming about my childhood when Grandpa called to them, ‘Brad! Davy! Come over here and say hello to your Cousin Clay!’
As they approached with obvious curiosity, Grandpa explained, ‘He’s my brother’s son. He will be staying here for awhile.’
The one Grandpa had identified as Brad, and from his size the older of the two, sounded a little stand-offish as he greeted me and in the direct nature of children, challenged me. ‘Hi Clay. Why haven’t you been here before? I didn’t know I had any cousins except little Ed, and he’s just a baby.’
Using the background information Grandpa had been giving me since we first met, I was able to respond naturally. ‘Well Brad, last time I saw you, you were just a baby yourself, so I’m not surprised you don’t remember me, and Davy hadn’t been born yet. Give Little Ed time – he’ll grow fast enough.’
‘So where have you been all this time?’ demanded Davy, the smaller one.
‘I went back east to go to school, then I joined the army.’ I explained.
‘WOW! Was you a soldier and fight Indians?’ Davy exclaimed, with all the naïve excitement of the very young. I didn’t like his tone on the word ‘Indians’.
Given our family’s real roots, I thought it was time and past to let these young ones knew how wars were really fought, and about their heritage. ‘No, I was a doctor in the army. I didn’t do the fighting, I just patched up young men who got hurt just doing what they were told was their duty by foolish and greedy leaders, against other young men who were also doing their
duty, protecting their homes and families. Despite what you may have heard, the Indians are not bad people – they’re just trying to protect themselves. If you don’t believe me, just look right here at home and how nice your grandma is.’
‘But she’s Grandma – not an Indian – she’s just Grandma, ain’t she?’ Even as he uttered the words, Davy’s closing on a question showed some uncertainty.
I wondered how it could be that these boys were not aware of their Indian heritage, especially when they lived in the same house as their grandmother who was intensely proud of her people. I didn’t think Henry, Dove, or Henry’s sons would allow that to happen, so could it had to be something else. Maybe it was something as simple as kids missing the connection as kids are wont to do, such that while they absorbed Dove’s teaching and were proud of their heritage, they had come to think her people were Sioux, but not Indians? From Davy’s overly romantic ideas of the Army and Indian fighting, his inability to distinguish Grandma from anything other than she was Grandma, and my own memories of childhood, I thought this was likely the case.
Following that thought, I drove my point home. ‘Yes, Davy, she is your grandma, but she’s also an Indian – a Sioux Indian – and very proud of it.’
I knew I’d hit the mark when both boys’ eyes got big as saucers and I could almost see the light bulb come on over their heads as they both let out a long ‘Oh-h-h…’
That subject dealt with, Brad changed direction with that suddenness that only kids can, leaving us mere adults’ heads spinning, as he looked confused and asked, ‘How can Clay be our cousin, and be so old and Jake be our uncle and be younger than us?’
Grandpa, looking relieved at the change of subject, fielded that one. ‘That’s because Clay is my older brother’s son. And although Jake was born a long time after your dad, and after you, he is still your dad’s brother – his little brother to be sure – which makes him your uncle.’
And seemingly right on cue, a four year old came running from the house and threw himself into Grandpa’s arms shouting, ‘Daddy!’
Grandpa scooped the small boy up into a warm hug then indicating me with a nod of his head, said, ‘Jake, say hello to your cousin Clay.’
From the way he shrunk back into Grandpa’s arms, I could tell he was shy around strangers. Still, I held my hand out for him to shake as I greeted him. ‘Hello Jake, pleased to meet you. I’m Clay.’
Obviously a little nervous, young Jake gave me a shy smile as he took my hand. As I shook hands with the dark haired young boy, I studied him, barely able to contain my excitement as the reality of my situation in time truly came crashing in upon me.
It was hard to believe that this was actually my own grandfather, who taught me to hunt and fish and later, after my parents died in a car accident, taught me how to be a man. This was the man that raised me most of my life, and here he was now – just a boy! My head was spinning!
Grandpa’s voice penetrated the fog in my mind as he asked Jake, ‘Where have you been Jake? I haven’t seen you all morning.’
The small boy forgot about me as he addressed his father. His eyes sparkling with childish delight, he explained, ‘I was over by the creek. There’s some big fish in there! Can we go fishing, Daddy? You said you’d teach me…’
To young Jake’s disappointment, Grandpa apologized, ‘Sorry, son, we can’t today. I need to go back to Red Cloud’s camp and fetch your mother and Clay’s wives home. You remember Running Deer and Little Doe don’t you? They’re married to Clay now, and they’re all coming here to live with us, but we have to go and get them today.’
Jake’s disappointment disappeared as he saw another possibility. ‘Can I go too? I like to play with the other boys there. We are all going to be Hunters and Braves.’
‘Not this time, son. We’ll just be going, and coming straight back, without any time for you to play. But … your friends will all be moving over here in a few days, and you’ll be able to play with them all the time then. For today, why don’t you get Brad and Davy to go riding on your ponies? Then how ’bout we go fishing in a few days after we get all the new folks settled in?’
Jake brightened up at Grandpa’s news that his friends would be living close by, and then he held Grandpa to his word about fishing. ‘You promise?’
Grandpa hugged the small boy as he set him back down declaring, ‘Sure! We’ll all go – even Davy and Brad.’
The boys then disappeared to do boy things and we went to the barn. After we saddled up my horse and hitched up a wagon to bring all the girls’ things back with us, Grandpa and I set out for Red Cloud’s camp.
As we rode back we chatted. I told him, ‘You know, it was quite a shock seeing Jake. He took me in when I was seven, after my folks were killed in a car accident. It was him that taught me how to shoot, hunt and fish. He was more of a father to me than a grandfather. I really miss him.’
‘What’s a car? Is it like your Power Wagon? And what caused the accident?’
‘Yeah, a car is sorta like my truck, only smaller. They’re more for passengers than carrying stuff like my truck. Four people at a time can ride comfortably in them, but you can’t carry as much. Their car was hit head-on by a drunk driver going 60 miles an hour, killing them both.’ As I said it, I was struck by the similarity in the way the Clay of this time and I lost our parents – mine had been killed by a runaway car driven by a drunk, and his had been killed by a runaway wagon. Hmmm…
‘Them things go that fast?’ I could see he was amazed by this, as in this time, only trains were anywhere close to being that fast.
I astounded Grandpa even more when I explained. ‘Most cars can go a lot faster than that even, but it’s not safe. At those speeds, things just happen too quick.’
‘Your truck doesn’t go that fast?’
‘Right now it can’t because of the accident coming here, when it got broken. But, if it was fixed and on a good road like we have in my time, I could go a lot faster than 60.’ The rest of the ride to Camp, Grandpa was quiet except for the odd muttering to himself or the occasional question to me for clarification as he ruminated on what I had told him about vehicles and speed in my time.
When we got back to Red Cloud’s camp it was like an ant hill, what with all the bustling activity as people got the camp ready to move in the next couple of days. After a short search, we soon found Red Cloud. He was talking with a woman and a boy about ten years old.
‘Two Lives, this Dawn. She come live with you and wives. She cook, clean, and help wives. Make up for honor lost by son, Two Knives. This her other son, Standing Bear. He come too.’
I started to say, ‘But, she don’t owe…’ but before I could finish, Grandpa nudged me, not too gently, in the ribs, which told me to shut up.
I knew the people in my life were just trying to look out for me and keep me from making a fool of myself, or worse, but regardless, I was starting to get a little irritated that it seemed I had no control over my life anymore. I wasn’t going to put up with it much longer, so instead of keeping my mouth shut, I shook my head at Grandpa and said, ‘Red Cloud, she doesn’t owe me a debt of honor at all. Two Knife paid that with his life.’
Red Cloud nodded. ‘That is true, but this is her idea. Feel ashamed of what Two Knife did. Besides she is a widow. Without Two Knife, she has no one to look after her and Standing Bear.’
I think Grandpa understood my feelings, but I could see by the smile on his face he was also enjoying my discomfort as I realized I was going to get a readymade family, whether I wanted one or not. I understood completely what was going on – Dawn needed a family to support her and for her to care for, but did not want charity. However, she could have what she needed by paying what she considered to be her ow
n debt of honor. Even cynical old me knew that this was no scam – she utterly believed what she was doing was right – I might not be happy about it, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that type of dynamic.
Despite knowing my fate was pretty well sealed, I still had misgivings and went looking for my wives to see what they thought I should do. I found them getting things ready to move. After warm greetings and even warmer hugs and kisses, I had them show me our patients so they could report and I could check on how they were healing.
When I asked their opinion on having Dawn with us, they were all for it. Confused, I asked why, and they told me that in camp all the women work together to make the jobs easy, so having her with us would make their jobs easier. Besides, they liked Dawn and they claimed Standing Bear needed someone to teach him how to be a man. It was Two Knife that they never liked and he was gone now… They were very pragmatic about it and could not grasp why I might have doubts. I was learning that my twenty-first century urban social baggage was out of place in this more communal society.
When we went to examine our patients, I learned that they were all doing fine except for the one with the sabre wound. When I discovered that he had removed the bandages and the stitches I had put in so carefully, I sent Little Doe to get Red Cloud, who arrived fairly quickly.
When Red Cloud got there, I explained that if the leg became infected, the idiot could die or lose the leg. When Red Cloud lit into him in his own language, I could tell from his tone that he was mad. After tearing the brave a new one, Red Cloud asked me to fix the leg one more time, but if he did it again, to just let him die.
So I fixed the fool’s leg again, again with no local for the pain, putting the stitches back in and applying a fresh bandage. Then I gave him some more ampicillin. I was becoming concerned at how quickly I was using up my meager supplies with no way to replace them.
When I finished up, I left some clean bandages and left instructions to have someone keep checking the wound. I also instructed the patient to stay off the leg and to keep it clean. If he behaved himself, the stitches could come out in about ten days, but it would still be sore for a while.
I turned to my young wives and asked, ‘Are you all packed and ready to go to our new home? It’s dusty and needs a good cleaning, but it should be big enough for now.’
Running Deer said, ‘Little Doe has us packed and all we need to do is to load it, but Dawn will need some help gathering all her things and taking down her lodge.’
It sounded like they had everything well in hand except for Dawn’s stuff. I told them, ‘Just have her gather up all her things and put them with your things in the wagon we brought. She won’t need her lodge. She and Standing Bear can stay in the house with us. There’s plenty of room for her. Have her give the lodge to someone that needs it.’
Deer nodded in understanding then said, ‘I think she wants to keep it for Standing Bear.’
‘Ok. We can strip off just the coverings. If we leave the poles, it should fit in the wagon. If it doesn’t, I’ll make a travois using the poles and pull it with my horse. Let’s go check with her now and see how many things she needs help with. But remember, Deer, you don’t work with that arm. Let’s do it and you can supervise.’
Although they both answered, ‘Yes, Clay.’, somehow I got the feeling that just like any married man, I was no longer the one I charge.
With that, the three of us went over to see Dawn and let her know that she would be living in the house with us. We also told her that we would put everything she wanted to keep in the wagon, and I would haul any extra on a travois if necessary, but we wanted to leave as soon as possible. Then right away the girls started to help her pack. I started to help, but they said it was woman’s work and for me to go be with the men.
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The loss of Nick has been difficult these past few months. You think that you’ll get over something like this, that somehow the nights will become less lonely, less empty but it isn’t true. It isn’t true at all. The bed is too large for just one person and there are times when I wake up and I can still smell him, feel him in the bed next to me. Do you know how lonely that feeling is? It’s worse than a nightmare to wake up and believe with all my heart that he is there, that somehow I’ll turn...
IncestHeather pressed on the back of Sam’s head, and he didn’t resist. A wicked grin curled her lips. She leaned in, allowing Will’s cock to rub and leave a trail of saliva and precum along her cheek. The second before Sam touched Will, she swooped in and intervened with a sloppy kiss.Frustration burned within Sam’s gut. Heather told him to blow Will then got in his way. He gasped against her mouth. He wanted this. No. He couldn’t. The pill, his new body, had to be playing tricks on him. There was no...
CuckoldKaren leaned back from her grandmother's sewing table having just finished her modeling outfit. She laughed to herself wondering what her grandmother would have thought about using her homemaking skills to make a slut outfit! The butterflies in her belly danced, creating a smile across her lightly freckled face.It had originally been Pete's idea to take photos of his sexy wife. They, like so many other couples in their early forties, had greeted the digital camera by dropping both their...
Wife LoversAs I made my way upstairs, the house was filled with silence. It was almost as if the pounding Sam had given me the night before had deafened me, and my ears were practically ringing as I dizzily wandered into the kitchen for breakfast. I still had my panties on from last night, pulled up tightly under my shorts, wedged into my soft ass and capturing what remains of his semen that were still trying to leak out. He was changing me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I made myself a...
The Brown family lived isolated from everyone, their large wooden cabin stood alone in a thick forest, there was only one way to the property and that was up a dirt track. The Brown's home schooled there girls, in order 'to save them from the evil of general schooling', As the Brown's were deeply religious. All the girls followed there mothers looks, petite with blonde hair. Jackie was developing into a women, she was only 5ft, her breasts where developing into a nice pair of 36 D's,...
Hy friends, Ye meri pehli story hai.Mera nam rahul hai.I live in gujarat.Mera mail id hai .Me ek joint family me rehta hu. Mere ghare me mere mummy-papa , dada-dadi or mere chacha-chachi rehte hai.Meri age 19 hai. Ye us time ki baat hai jab me 10th me tha.Mere uncle USA me job karte hai.Unki ek choti beti bhi hai jo karib 2 saal ki hai.Aab me aapko aapni chachi le bare me batata hu.Meri chachi mast gori dikhati hai.Uski age karib 32 years hai.Uske boobs ki size 38D hai jo mene ek din chupke se...
Hello folks, after sharing my incident in here, I have decided to share one of the most memorable experiences. Check on this link. She is a distant family friend. Round face, pretty and beautiful. With curves and fat at the right places. Her fair skin matched perfectly with her tight bosoms of 34B. She is what fantasy is made up of. In our brief meetings during family functions and occasions, her clothing used to reveal just the right amount of midriff. She had such a teasing cleavage that...
The two burly security guards of BimboTech threw Willow into a transparent plexi-glass cell. It stood in the middle of a large and luxurious room. Willow got up at once to pound the glass with futile fists. She could tell that this was a prison. And that she needed to escape from it. But the men pulled her away from the wall. They forced her into a peculiar looking chair. Her hands and feet were secured. Her neck was latched with a collar. All she could do was look forward. And cry. "Now...
I was just minding my own business, watching TV while home alone, and felt a sudden urge. We all get them. I just felt like I had to 'take care of myself', you know what I mean. So I did the thing all eighteen year old boys do. Went upstairs, into my parents' room, and approached the drawer. You know the one I mean. Mom's special drawer. Where the sexy lingerie and the toys are kept. It's where all my best wank material comes from. I see exactly what I want.
IncestWhile I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door - Only this, and nothing more." I ignored it. It might have simply been one of the maids or someone else. I returned to my book. Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December. The number of days dwindling til the date of my 17th birthday. I expected nothing special. My parents had already...
Rachel closed the hotel door behind her and leaned against it. On a business trip with David- it took months for them to work this out, without anyone at work realizing what was happening. And finally, an opportunity came and they both jumped. One week out of town, just the 2 of them. She felt a trickle of moisture seep out from between her pussy lips at the thought. She checked her watch. David should be getting in about an hour from now. She texted him her room number before slipping off her...
Thanksgiving is here and today we celebrate it by introducing you to new girl Gabi Gold, a super sexy blonde that has plans to invite her boyfriend over and meet her in-laws, Clarke Kent and Private legend Sophie Evans. Whilst preparing the turkey things heat up in the kitchen between this horny teen and her father in-law, and soon after she’s straight down on her knees giving a blowjob. Watch then as Gabi lays back to have her pussy eaten before enjoying a hard fuck on the counter and...
xmoviesforyouBack to Earth “So how was the last part of your trip?” Dad asked. “It was pretty busy. We had to say goodbye to everybody. The Teokraeus are all in a very bad way, but the doctors say they can fix them; every single one. The doctors learned a lot while working on Ooryphyon and they said they can do it much more easily with this next batch,” I said. “Twenty of the soldiers were taken out of stasis. They need rebuilds as their bodies were poisoned. All the guards frozen in ice blocks are...
IN HIDING BY JANICE It was going to be my first day of my new school after summer vacation. It was a new school for me for several reasons, my older sister, Tanya, and I had moved from the west coast to the east coast after the recent death of our parents, it must have been traumatic for me because I really do not remember too much about it, the accident, or anything before it. Another reason for the move is because...
After they both got their breath back, Charlene said, “Elaine, I don’t need to wake up next to you. I don’t need to wait until we both come home from work exhausted, and all we want to do is sit and veg out. I don’t need to think about this any longer. I love you. We have been best friends for a long time, and you know me better than anyone else. I know you better, too. And I do; I love, love, love you. I love the way your mouth curls when you are pissed, and I love the way the corners of your...
SupernaturalInsurance Policy By Teaser *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* "Hello?" I mumbled into the receiver, my eyes not even open. "It's me, Tracey." My cock went to half-mast. "I have a hot date tonight." she continued, "And I need some insurance." Full mast. "Do you still have the pair I gave you last time?" I remained silent. "Shave everything, wear them all day, and be over here by 5:00. And don't be late or I may keep you all weekend." "Yes Tracey." I meekly replied. "Good, see you...
Day 158 Saturday "Fuck me," Denise shouted. She was on the table with her legs spread wide open. Dale was busy thrusting into her with vigorous driving strokes. Dale would pull back until his cock had almost left her cunt and then drive forward causing Denise to rock back and forth. Although she was still a large woman, she no longer had rolls of fat that moved to and fro. Karen watched the action from the doorway of the dining room with an open mouth. She couldn't believe Denise. For...
True storyWhen i first met my ex, she wasn't quite a slut yet. She didn't like sucking dick and rarely did it, maybe 5 or 6 times only. Sex was boring to her. It was just plain old missionary and they never really finish her. She had fuck 4 guys prior to me and according to her, they were really small compare to me except one guy(the last one) was similar in size with me but slightly smaller. Now, I'm not the biggest but at fully erect I'm 7 inches in length and 4.5 in girth at the thickest...
Cute, streaked-blonde babe Kat Chase puckers plump lips and squeezes her natural titties playfully on top XXX director/performer Mick Blue’s casting couch. She’s a porn newbie, and Mick shows her the ropes. First, he drizzles her cunt in shiny oil. Kat masturbates, and Mick whips out his boner for her to suck. She gives him a thorough blowjob, letting his big cock poke the back of her throat as she gobbles on the throbber. Mick plunges his dick inside Kat’s dripping cunt, and...
xmoviesforyouNow, I am surprised, sometimes, by my wants and desires, so lets talk about a certain fun time I had recently.You see, I love to fulfill my fantasies. One fantasy has always been my desire to see just how far my wife of thirty-five years would go if put in a sexual situation. One that was just plain, out of the norm for us. One night I got my chance to experience my desire..You see my demure wife is a great looking lady, despite our middle ages. As with everyone age takes its toil on our...
Sandra and I had been going out together for about six months. She was the perfect looking girl for me, with her beautiful freckled face, slim turned-up nose, pouty red lips, light green eyes, long blonde hair that she usually kept in a ponytail or braids, a great body topped with perky B-cup tits, and a cute firm ass that just screamed to be pumped. She was only 23, but Sandra already knew what she wanted out of life, and wasn’t afraid to go for it. She had met her latest acquaintance at the...
Sequence 1 It was a bright and early day in the small town of Croydon. Railroads and industrial buildings have completely covered the area. There were a few trains that were not being used. Behind one of them were the Assassin's George Westhouse and the Twins, Jacob and Evie Frye. The three were coordinating the assassinations of Templars Rupert Ferris and Sir David Brewster. George decides to task Jacob with the assassination of Rupert Ferris, a middle-aged man who owned an iron factory...
Hi Dear ISS readers, I’m a great fan of the entire writer who has submitted their stories for us. Today I decided to submit my own story for all of you, read this and enjoy.My Name is Sameer (age 24) I’m from Delhi, presently settled in Chennai, this incident happened when I was in Delhi, and doing my UG, I was 19 yrs then, I look Very charming and sweet thus many people calls me chocolate baby, I was so innocent and never much aware of Sex and love making, i’ve no siblings and in my school and...
Chapter 1 "I, Howard Constantine Mathis, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." With those words, Howard C. Mathis, a former accountant, went from being a recently divorced Vice President to assuming the highest office in the land. Just ten years before, he had run for Governor of New Jersey, and was considered an underdog in...
When Cord opened the door, Erica no longer looked confused. She came into the room with conviction. "I... I lied," she said. "I didn't come to Portland to go chopping. I came here to have an adventure." "Like maybe there's been a little trouble at home with the Professor?" asked Cord. "Yes," said the long, lanky coed with blonde hair. They've tried to keep me from knowing about it. I had to get away, to know what to do. Then I saw you two and, well, I felt suddenly warm and...
The remains of the battle spread out at their feet. Grinning wickedly Integra watches out as her monster search for more enemies to rip to shreds. Watching the darkness fade Integra works her way through the wreckage to the remains of the Hellsing mansion. "God, I need a cigar. Where is Walter when you need him?" Invading her mind Alucard lets out an evil sounding laugh. 'You had me kill him master. I must say the angel died easily I was hoping for more of a challenge.' Crawling over...
Sex has always been something that I could take or leave. It was never very important to me. I could go for weeks without sex and it didn’t bother me. Then I became pregnant for the first time and that all changed. Suddenly all I could think about was sex. Suddenly I was horny all the time. Then, I gave birth last fall but my new need for sex remains. I’m just as needy now as I was during those nine months of insatiable horniness. My hormones ran wild during those nine months. Since then my...
On my birthday, I took the day off. A lazy summer day. The kids were in camp. Linda made the cake I love, she added extra frosting. Around 6 pm, the doorbell rang, she opened and a handsome, 35ish, strong bodied guy came in carrying some stuff. Linda smiling said, “This is Alex, the masseur I hired for you. Just relax and enjoy, leave everything behind and you will feel like you are reborn.” I had never tried a massage, never liked this. Anyway, I complied since her intention was to make me...
“Tom, love! Are you home?”“Yes, Mum!”Tom came down the stairs two at a time and took two of the bags that Janice had placed in the hallway. She carried the other two into the kitchen, kicking the front door closed behind her.“Thanks, love,” she said as he set the shopping down on the table.“No prob!” Tom said and fished in a bag for a packet of biscuits. “You should have waited. I’d have come shopping with you.”“You do enough, love,” Janice said stroking his cheek. “You’ve got your exams...
I said I would tell you about the small gathering of Ladies who like me were selected for a BBC sex party, part for breeding and part for our multi orgasm pleasure with these a****l monsters.The 2 rooms were one for breeding Ladies and the other for us to have our pussies filled and filed over and over again.One of the Ladies who loved to breed with African BBC men was Sue. Sue is a blonde Lady of 35 yo and about 5' 3" tall. She has a big ass and titties with huge brown nipples. Her belly is...
Driven Jon James scowled at the damn car; it was a Skoda, not the modern almost acceptable sort, no... his car was the classic armour plated box on wheels. The only redeeming quality about the car was its reliability. How good was that for impressing girls? There was only one thing for it, a trip to the garage, someplace special that could make the old car into something that really kicked. Finally Jon found a place, recommended by his friend Mikawa Akira; it was called...