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IN HIDING BY JANICE It was going to be my first day of my new school after summer vacation. It was a new school for me for several reasons, my older sister, Tanya, and I had moved from the west coast to the east coast after the recent death of our parents, it must have been traumatic for me because I really do not remember too much about it, the accident, or anything before it. Another reason for the move is because of my health/physical condition, I have a severe case of gynecomastia I am a fifteen year old boy and have the breasts of a fifteen year old girl. I was tired of being beaten up and picked on so much that my sister, after taking custody of me, made the decision of raising me as a girl until my condition improved and went away. We rented a house in a new neighborhood, my sister Tanya, twenty five and me, a fifteen year old "Girl". The Thursday before school started I had to be registered at school and get my class schedule and a list of school supplies. The first day of school was a short day because all we had to do was get our school books and register each class. Because of my condition I had a note from a doctor excusing me from certain classes, like gym and anything like that The first real full day at school was ok, we, the students, found our groups, the nerds, the popular ones, the in groups and the invisible ones. The invisible ones were the ones that nobody really noticed, they could miss several days of school and no one would notice, I wanted to be one of them. Because of my condition I didn't want to get involved with anyone. I walked to school alone, made no friends, ate lunch alone, and walked home alone, at least the first few days. School started on a Tuesday and by Friday everyone was settled into their groups. Thursday a boy named Ron asked if he could sit with me at the lunch table, I shrugged, as long as he left me alone I didn't care. He tried talking to me but I answered him in words of one syllable or less. Tanya asked me every day how school was and I gave her the usual answer, ok...I guess. Then I made my first of many mistakes. I told her about the boy, Ron, who ate lunch with me. She insisted that I should at least talk to him and not be such a snob, and at least I would not be a loner. I thought she had a point so the next time he talked to me I was civil, and guess what? He turned out to be a nice guy. In a few more days we were walking home from school together, he lived two blocks further than me. We became friends and Tanya seemed to encourage me on. One day, a Friday; when he dropped me off at my house he asked if I would like to watch him and his friends play at the school baseball field the next day, they played almost every Saturday. It wasn't a regular game, just a few guys getting together and having fun, I told him I would think about it (Actually I had no intention of going). Tina saw us talking and asked what we were talking about so I told her. She suggested I go even if it was just to get out of the house. I still really didn't want to go but Tanya insisted and I have never been able to say no to her, at least as far as I can remember, so, the next day I showed up at the field wearing pink shorts and a halter top which Tanya picked out for me. I was still a bit too new at this to be able to pick out clothes. In the house it really didn't matter what I wore but Tanya always made it girlish. I guess Ron must have seen me because he pointed his bat at me to acknowledge that this was for me, he hit a homer and brought in two other runners on bases and won the game. One of the girls sitting nearby encouraged me to go down on the field to congratulate my boyfriend, which I did because they went down to the field to be with Thiers. Ron looked quite surprised when I walked up to him and gave him a big hug and congratulated him. He took me to the Pizza Place, along with a couple of his friends and their girlfriends. I am quite shy ordinarily, and you should know why, but I went along any way. It turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought; Tanya had been encouraging me to get out more and be with kids my age. She said that I should learn all I can about being a girl if I was going to be one as soon as I turned eighteen and had my surgery. Tanya was sitting on the porch when Ron walked me home and she invited him up to meet him. I guess she liked him because when he asked me to go to the movies with him that night she agreed before I could say no, which I was going to say. As soon as Ron left she took me inside and picked out something for me to wear for my first date, never even asking me what I wanted to do, and that was to dig a hole and bury myself. Sure, it was true that when I turned eighteen I was going to have surgery but I figured there was plenty of time to get used to going with boys. She picked a nice outfit that I got into right after dinner. Ron was supposed to be picking me up about seven so we could make the early show and be home by eleven o'clock, my curfew. I wore a white rank top with spaghetti sleeves and thin ruffles running down the front, I think it is called a tuxedo design top, my skirt was light pink, knee length with three tiers of lace trimmed ruffles and an elastic waist, I wore a four inch wide leather belt at my waist and a denim jacket, and suede, knee high boots. Do I really have to say how nervous I was when Ron picked me up? Tanya told him to have me home by eleven o'clock, not one minute after eleven, but eleven. We met some of the kids from school there and they seemed surprised to see me with Ron, they all thought I was a snob. I knew I was going to have to put up with being kissed by a boy and the first time I was, I was a bit sad that I had to wait so long, it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, I wanted more, and got it. We got home just on time and Ron said he would be on the corner waiting to walk me to school on Monday. That was the start of something nice and Ron and I became an item. My sister met his mother and they became friends and we had Sunday dinners at each other's housed several times. His mother got Tanya a job with her at a financial institution, a brokerage house. We had thanksgiving at Ron's house and Christmas dinner at my house, and there was when the next really big thing happened. My god, here it was, Christmas already and I had a dilemma; I was really tired of stringing Ron along, I wanted to tell him the truth, I wanted to tell him that I was really a guy, but not that I was gay and I wasn't gay, I was a girl in a boys body, there was no fucking way he would be able to handle that. The reason I wanted to tell him is because I was so much in love with him that he deserved the truth, but how was I going to tell him? Christmas Eve Tanya and I exchanged a few presents. I gave her a handbag and a scarf that I knew she would love and she gave me a peignoir set, she had one exactly like it and I mentioned how much I liked it, and a new Christmas dress. She told me that the peignoir was a bit old for a fifteen year old, but I would not be wearing for any guy, I think she knew that Ron and I had been making out for a while now. We ate breakfast in out peignoirs and watched TV until it was time to get dressed for our company, Ron and his mother. I was anxious to get into my new dress and see Ron again, we had not seen each other in three days and I don't think I could take not being in his arms much longer. I got into my dress with Tanya's help, I still had a small problem with back zippers. I don't know why she thought I need any help, and I think she was beginning to look at me as her daughter or a much younger sister the way she has been acting lately. I looked great in my new dress; it was navy blue, velour, with short puffy sleeves trimmed in lace. It had a big lace insert from the high neck to a deep "V" neck; it was snug at my waist and flowed down to the hem which was half way between my knees and ankles. I wore black flat shoes and my usual undergarments. Ron and Pam came early so that Pam could help Tanya cook dinner. As soon as Ron and I finished greeting each other in my room, which took about fifteen or twenty minutes, he asked me to go for a walk with him; oh, he told me how lovely I looked, he does that a lot. It was cold out so I put on my favorite jacket, black short pile with fur at the cuffs and around the hip length bottom and around the hood. With the hood up I was a warm as toast. We told the adults we would be back by dinner time and headed out the door. We walked to the park between our blocks and sat on our favorite bench. I was still determined to tell him the truth. He put his arm around me and pulled me so close to him that, to quote Groucho Marx..."if I was any closer, I would be behind him". "Sweetheart," he said, "it is no secret how much we care for each other so I want you to have this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring which he slipped onto my finger. It was a gold ring, fake, naturally, with our initials; a big C with an R inside the C. I was so touched by this that I started to cry. "What is the matter love? Did I do something wrong?" Ok, this was it, I had no choice. "I love you so much Ron, but I cannot take this." "Why the fuck not, doesn't you love me." "Yes, I love you more than anything, which is why I can't take this. You see...I'm not...I'm really..." "Come out with it sweetheart, what are you trying to say, you're not what." Through sobs I told him, "I'm not really a girl, I have the same thing between my legs as you do." Then the water works started. He was able to calm me down; he wiped my tears with his hankie. "I know that, I've known that since we started going together but I love you so much I don't care. Sniff, sniff, "What...what do you mean? You know I am a guy?" "Sure, the day you agreed to go out with me I found out." I managed to stop crying; now more tears of joy than anything else while he told me. He told me that he was so overjoyed that I had finally agreed to go out with him that he did something he hadn't done in well over a year. He used to have a girlfriend that lived in my house and he used to use his telescope, (This was when he was a star gazer, I didn't know that), to peer into her bedroom to see her naked. I did not realize that our house were arraigned so that he could do that, I knew we could see each other's houses but peeking into each other's window never occurred to me, naive girl that I am. He told me that as soon as he zeroed into my room he saw me coming out of my bathroom with my robe on, he watched as I sat at my vanity and dried out my hair. When I stood up and took off my robe to put on my night gown he got a full, unobstructed view from top of my head to my knees, all which was all that showed through the window frame. He saw, according to him, my pretty face, he worked down my body to my firm breasts and down to my flat belly then to my...not the naked pussy that he was expecting...but to a prick, a penis, a dick, what the hell. He almost fell out of his chair. He looked again but I was already in my night gown and robe. He told me that he should have been pissed off, really pissed off, but he said he put too much time getting me to go out with him that he was not going to throw it away, besides, he said "he loved me so much it didn't matter, I was going out with him and that is all that mattered. What a sweetheart, is it any wonder that I love him? "Now sweet stuff, tell me about why you have a cock." "I am a boy, and my name is Nick. Or it was before all this stuff happened. When it was about time for me to start puberty I started growing breasts, I was diagnosed as having something called gynocomastia, or something or other, I never was able to pronounce it, but it is a condition where boys develop breasts. As luck would have it, I had a severe case. My doctor said he had never seen such a severe case. Naturally I was teased, tormented and abused by my school mates, I was even beat up a few times. The doctors, who never had to go through this stuff, just told me to hang in there and it might go away on its own. When our parents died in an automobile accident Tanya came to my rescue. I was so traumatized by my parent's death that I wiped it, and my past, out of my mind. It was her that wanted to move away from home because there were too many bad memories. We moved here and to prevent any more teasing she suggested I become a girl. I had, from time to time been caught wearing girls clothes at home so it was not so bad doing it, dressing as a girl, I mean. "So, there it is." "OK," said Ron. "I can live with that. All that means is that when we graduate and before we get married, we will get you an operation. How does that sound? There is just one thing I want to ask you sweetheart." "And what is that Hon?" "Some one of these days...can I touch it?" he asked pointing to my crotch. "Only if I can touch yours Babe. Now, I am hungry; let's go see if dinner is ready. One more thing love, let's not tell anyone about what I told you, OK?" "You got it beautiful." We went home, more in love than ever before, at least I was. They must have noticed something about us because as soon as we entered the house they asked what was going on. Ron took my left hand and lifted it to show my ring. Sis and Ron's mother, did I ever mention her name, well, it's Pam, seemed very happy. That was Christmas Saturday; the adults had to go to work the following Monday but we kids had the next whole week off. The first thing I did Monday was to call Ron and ask him to come on over but to wait about a half hour. I got into one of my good dresses, one of the fancy party dress that I had never had the chance to were, I had several because Tanya always bought me fancy dresses when I showed a good report card, and sometimes just because I was a good girl. I knew Ron would come right in without knocking and see me standing in the middle of the living room all dressed as if going out on a big date. I had on a white strapless dress with black piping around the waist and knee length, the skirt was full and swayed with my every movement. It had a zipper up the back but only a short one, so I could handle that; it was the full zippers that gave me a problem. "Wow! You look gorgeous sweet thing." He said while looking me up and down and, I assume, undressing me with his eyes, (If I had anything to do with it, he will be doing the same with his hands very soon). We kissed hello. I stepped back a step so I could get to the buttons on his shirt and sooner that it takes to tell about it...I had his shirt off and was working on his pants. Shortly, he was standing in front of me completely naked, not even wearing his socks. That was the first time I had ever seen him, or any boy, naked. I stepped forward again so he could get to the zipper of my dress by putting his arms around me and unzipping. I was as naked as him in seconds. The only thing that ruined this scene was my dick, if not for that it would have looked like two teens naked. I reached out and touched his throbbing dick, "Remember love...we agreed to touch each other's dicks?" Without answering he took mine in his hand and began stroking mine while I did the same to his. That is as far as we went that day but aside from me putting on my bra; we stayed naked all day. Every day that week the same general scene took place, me in a fancy gown, greeting my guy and undressing him and he undressing me, until Thursday. Thursday we both got up the nerve to go to my bedroom and snuggle, both naked, on my bed. We fell asleep and the next thing we knew Tanya was standing at the bottom of my bed waking us up. We both got dressed as quick as possible. She assured us that we were not in trouble, "wow." I thought to myself, "No girl in the entire world ever had such a wonderful sister." Ron thought he was dead but she told him there was no problem, we were just being teen agers. One more thing she told me that night, I don't know if it was supposed to upset me or not but it didn't; she had been going out with a guy at work for about two weeks and she wanted to know if it was OK for her to bring him home this Sunday for dinner. She sounded excited about it so I said OK; after all, my boyfriend has been over here for Sunday dinners more that at his house. I met her boyfriend I guess he was nice but I could take him or leave him. His name. by the way, was Jerry. It was my sixteenth birthday, Tanya and her boyfriend were going to take me and my boyfriend out to a big, high class supper club, naturally I needed a new dress; I still had not worn all my party dresses out, but this was something special, so, a new dress was required. I had seen the dress I wanted a few times while Mall crawling with one of my girlfriends from school, we even went in so I could try it on, naturally I could not let her in the room with me. The dress was a teal blue one with a deep V neck that Tanya said was a bit too low for me but let me have it anyway, it came to a few inches above my knees and was all fringed like one of those flapper dresses you see in those old movies. It was a bit on the expensive side but I deserved it so I put a down payment on it and went with Tanya the next day to pick it up. When we went to pick it up Tanya said that I should get shoes and some sexy underwear so she took me to Fredrick's of Hollywood which had an outlet there. The night of my birthday I felt like a queen being escorted my sister, Ron, Ron's mother and Jerry, Tanya's boyfriend whom I did not really like so the less said about him, the better; I tolerated him for the sake of Tanya. Tanya loaned me one of her many fur jackets, this one was ecru and thick fur with long sleeves and come to just below my hips. We had a great time at the fancy place they took me; the worst part was when Jerry kissed me for my birthday. The school year was over and quite naturally Ron and I were going to our prom together. Tanya and I went shopping for my prom gown and found one easily, it was about the fourth or fifth one we tried on and I loved it, wait until Ron sees me in it. The night of the prom was finally here and I was as excited as any teenage girl could be. I spent the day having my hair and nails done as were many of my class mates. Ron was going to pick me up at seven and I didn't want to keep him waiting so I started getting ready, with the help of Tanya, at about five. My new gown had been hanging on my closet door all week since I, we, bought it and I was so looking forward to getting into it. Tanya was not really happy with how low it was cut, it showed almost half my breasts but she went along with it. When I saw how really beautiful I looked in it I Alost cried. I know I already described it to you but bear with me for a minute while I go through it again because with all the proper underthings on it was even prettier. It was white, with long sleeves that were edged in white marabou feathers, the top was snug all the way to just about my hips where it flowed out to a skirt so full that if I spun around fast enough the skirt would spin out until it was parallel to the floor, it, the skirt, was lined with a built in lace ruffles peeking out from below the hem. I already told you about how low it was cut. (I will admit that it was a bit low for a girl my age. I kept checking the clock; Ron was expected at any minute. Tanya was going to lend me her white fur stole and beaded bag. The bell ring. "It's him," I squeaked and ran for the door. Tanya stopped me "Just you wait there young lady where he can get a good look at how beautiful you are, I'll open it," she said and handed me the stole and bag. When she opened the door it was not Ron but two guys in suits that neither of us had ever seen before. They were F. B. I. agents and had a search warrant and arrest warrant for the Bonny and Clyde bank robbers. I had no idea what the hell they were talking about; there were also several cops, both male and female. We were asked for I. Ds. I showed them mine which I pulled from my purse and Tanya showed hers. One of the police women took me aside but I was able to see and hear what was going on on the other side of the room. One of the agents pulled a device about the size of a pack of cigarettes out of his pocked. There was a small black screen in the middle where he made Tanya put her finger and just a few seconds later he said, pointing to Tanya "It's her alright, cuff her." They put cuffs on her. The agent turned to me. "Who are you?" he asked. There was a police woman standing next to me, she put her arm around my shoulder, "It's all right sweetie, tell him who you are." "I'm her sister," I said pointing to Tanya, "and I am just getting ready to go to the prom with my best guy." I stepped back to show her my gown. "That is a very pretty gown and you look so pretty in it, I'm sure he will love you in it. We won't be long here and maybe you can still get there before it is too late. Across the room I heard one of the agents ask Tanya where her husband was, and if she cooperated he would see what he could do to make things easier for her. "You guys are as dumb as a sack or bricks; he has been here all the time. There he is right there," and she pointed to me. She then said, "Give it up Nick, it is all over." It felt like a sort of darkness left me and my mind opened, A whole bunch of information came to me, I had been hypnotized all the time, since the middle of last summer to be exact. That story I told Ron at Christmas was all a hypnotic suggestion; my name is really Nick, I am not fifteen or sixteen, I am an adult in my early thirties, my sister is not my sister but my wife and we are not orphans; we are bank robbers from the west coast. We had close to a dozen bank robberies under our belt and the feds were closing in on us. Tanya was the thinker in our group, she suggested we move as far away as possible and change our identities. Since I was a shrimp, standing gust barely five feet three inches tall I could easily pass as a teen ager, and what better teenager than a girl. But first we needed a bit of minor surgery. I had breast implants and while under the knife was hypnotized and implanted with a false identity and biography, I also had some minor surgery to make my face more feminine; all during my relationship with Ron Tanya kept reinforcing the suggestion and forcing me to go with him. the made up biography was the one I told Ron that Christmas. I was placed in cuffs; both of us were taken out to a police car, on the way I saw Ron waving to me trying to get my attention but I ignored him. EPILOG It has been about two weeks, two hectic weeks, since the big arrest and a lot has happened. At the jail we were given jumpsuits to wear, and one of the same policewomen that arrested us at the house stood by while we changed. It was there that she saw for real that I was a guy but I don't think she was completely convinced of that until she saw me in my panties and bra. She, Sandy was her name, made several remarks as to how pretty my gown was so I told her she could have it if she wanted it; I don't know if she took it or not but I certainly had no more use for it. Then the questioning began. We, Tanya, I mean Shelly and I, co- operated all the way. We gave them the numbers of all the off shore accounts where we kept the money we stole; we turned in all the money we kept at home for spending money. Because we co-operated we were given the opportunity to just plead guilty without a trial, which we accepted. Our lawyer said that the least we would get was twenty years for each robbery but there was a very good chance that he could get them concurrently instead of consecutively, which he did and with good behavior maybe we would be out in fifteen years. We would be serving them at a minimum security facility much like a country club; there was one big problem with that though; what would they do with me? Except for my penis I was a woman so I could not serve in the male facility and because I had a penis I could not serve it in the woman's facility. Our lawyer fixed that by using the fact that Shelly and I were man and wife, and in certain cases married couples could, and have, served time together. They also recognized same sex partners so we did serve our time together. P. S. I just realized that I never told you how we got caught, it was my wife's fault, she let her guard down for just a second. Her job working in the Brokerage House was the cause. They were so pleased with her performance that they decided to give her a promotion to a high classified position; this needed a special pass and clearance. She filled out the papers and gave her thumb print for the special photo ID. She did not realize that the information would be sent to the federal government because her job was actually with the government. When they ran her print through the system out popped her real ID, Shelly Watson, not Tanya Parr, the rest is history.

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Bill’s turn: The boss is coming. Well, 1.5 bosses. And Dan Richards is among equals, he being one of the three that started 3Sigma, according, as the story goes, to an idea brewed up in the first meeting of Cindy and Tina. And of course, we DO have a CEO, Anders Solheim, father of Johanna, father-in-law to Stoney Jackson, one of our engineers. Silly place – other than calling Anders CEO, the place has NO titles among the engineering staff, making me one among equals. The “0.5” is Cindy,...

3 years ago
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The House at Greenwood Lake

My name is Lisa, and I’m eighteen. I just graduated high school and am now on my summer vacation until I start college. I've been accepted to New York University. I’m so excited. I’m going to be studying to be a nurse. I've done very well in high school. I received a scholarship for Soccer. Even though we live in New York, I still will be living on campus. I'm five foot three inches tall, I have blonde long hair and blue eyes. I don’t have a huge chest. I guess I am 34 B-Cup. I have a shaved...

3 years ago
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I Meet Diane

Time passed in a procession of daydreams and fantasies. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get that call, when late in the afternoon my phone rang! ‘Hello, is that my train companion?’ a voice asked. My mouth went dry but I managed to stay cool and replied, ‘Yes it is, if that’s my coat wearing lover?’ She just gave a short throaty laugh and confirmed it was her. ‘What are you doing at the moment?’ she asked. Even if I was busy there was no way I was going to turn down...

4 years ago
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Salir meyer gud phatano

Sanai-er modhur sobde ghum bhanglo. Aj kaya-r ekmatro meye shreya-r biye. Ami ar amar stri, maya biye attend korte amar sali-r salt lake-r barite esechi. Bou school theke 7 diner chuti nileo, chele-r samne exam, tai darjeeling theke or boner biyete aste pareni. Bari bhorti lok, sobai basto, tari modhye shreya-r ma, amar choto sali, mane kaya, ek cup gorom cha niye ghore dhuke bollo, ‘ja, otho eber, ektu badei to tomar peyer-er shreya-r gaye holud suru hobe. Chole eso.’ kaya amar theke onek...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 143 The light in the darkness

John followed his Lionesses across the hangar towards the parked gunship, their armoured boots ringing with every step on the titanium deckplates. As he approached the Raptor, its Crystal Alyssium hull caught his eye, the flawless white surface sparkling under the bright glare of the overhead lights. He came to a halt under the chin-mounted Tachyon Cannon and studied the predatory assault craft with a speculative look. Alyssa turned back to face him and nodded in agreement as she overheard...

3 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 22 Debs Does Some Talking

“Well now, so who’s the hero of the week then?” Keith spun his head around from his cup of tea to see who this new inquisitor was. It had been such a hectic sort of a day for Keith - what with sleeping in then being the only nude guy at a nudist camp amongst 50 or so textiled people then dealing with and sorting out the unwanted advances of that creepy couple that were now, most thankfully, in police custody. As for now though ... dressed in t-shirt and shorts again all Keith wanted to do...

1 year ago
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The deal of a Lifetime for a dad and his son

Note : This story is completely fictional! I don't like long drawn out explanations about myself or any thing so here it goes. On a sunny Saturday morning, I went over to my friend Devon's house to watch tv with him. Little did I know that his parents were gone for the day and his older brother Demetric was gone to play football with some friends. When I got there, Devon was acting kind of funny when he answered the door. Thinking little of it, I followed him to the basement. When I got down...

2 years ago
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Confession Wife gives Husbands Best Friend

I would like to say that this whole episode began innocently, but evil lurks eternal in the hearts of men and women. At least I can say that I was not guilty of harboring any forethought to the event. Unfortunately, I can’t also swear that the whole thing is over either. I will just lay it all out for you and let you judge whether my behavior was warranted or simply lewd.When I say that Nick is my husband’s best friend, I’m not exaggerating. He isn’t just someone met recently. They have been...

3 years ago
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The girl frequently worked late and was often the last to leave this block of offices. The only other car in the lot besides his and hers had pulled out ten minutes ago. There was movement at the door of the office block. She fumbled briefly finding the key to lock the door behind her then dropped the key ring in her big purse. She was short, maybe a fraction of an inch over five feet tall. She had honey blond hair, worn straight down her back about half way to her tight round ass. He...

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Dragon ClansChapter 23

The first rays of sunlight, usually missed by most the morning after the festival opening, shown brightly upon Michael and Tera as they ran smoothly up the ancient lane making their way out of town. Michael had risen early, the gray hued light of dawn just becoming visible and filtering into the room. Lying on his back he stared up at the ornate 17th century ceiling. It's latticed woodwork and deep rich colors reflected its age as well as the craftsmanship which wrought it. Valerie was...

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Be Careful What You Wish ForChapter 6

Kara and I looked at each other before we left the house and all we could do was shake our heads. My outfit was revealing enough that the men began to parade through my office again when I got to work. Half way through the morning, Gregg came in and tried to talk me into a trip to the garage again. I was trying to politely turn him down when the intercom buzzed and I picked it up. Steve told me to give the poor guy a blowjob so that he could get back to work. Isn't it nice the way Steve is...

2 years ago
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Phone Sex With My Mother In Law Jane

A month had past since my encounter with my mother in law at the New Year’s Eve party and I have not heard a word from her until today, she sent a rather long text, late last night and another this morning.Hi Tim. I’m sorry to bother you; I said to myself, it’s not fair on my daughter’s marriage to have anything to do with you so soon, after what we did. But I cannot stop thinking about the passion you have rekindled in me. I’ve dressed sexually and tried seduction on my husband, but he is not...

1 year ago
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10 to 1

You have always had a taste for exploring old abandoned buildings and when you heard about a Hall of Mirrors that was not too far from where you live you could not pass it up. Of course the last thing you had expected when you went in there was to find a door between dimensions. One minute you where in a dank old building and the next you where stepping out from between two trees in a bright sunny park. Stepping back showed that you could return home so you decided to have a little explore. You...

4 years ago
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Football car flashing game

Anne was not a sports fan. Her family was never into sports. It had been fine, until she met Eddie, who loved sports especially football. They got along well in all other areas – beliefs, goals, physical activity, dreams. Eddie loved his football, and spent every Saturday during the season either watching football on TV or going to watch his team Newcastle United play at St. James’s Park. Although he wasn’t a season ticket holder, he tried to go to as many home games as possible. This suited...

4 years ago
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At Her Whim

At Her WhimPart 1I wake up next morning, as always, in your bed. I tried to roll over and nuzzle you awake which was one of our routines every morning, when I realised that I am tied spread-eagled to the bed. I was already naked when I went to sleep last night so I was not surprised by this fact.I call out for you and am glad to see you walk in and enter the room. I notice you wearing your silken nightie and a long sheer flowing robe both red in colour."Good morning, my pet," you greet me with...

3 years ago
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Just A Dream

My friends are here to visit from my hometown! Now when I say friends, what I mean are two sisters that rode my bus until high school and turned out to be best friends with my now exgirlfriend. It wasn’t until I was out of high school that I really got to know them well. Michele is the older sister, who was in my ex-girlfriend’s class and Nikki is her younger sister. Nikki, is the hotter sister by far with her short stature, freckled face, blonde hair and breasts that I would hold for days. Oh,...

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Loves True ObsessionChapter 23

He looked into her eyes and saw tears forming as she said, "Ohhh Jack, that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me in a long time. I am yours forever, my love, and I will be a great wife to you and a great mom to our children. I love you with all my heart and soul forever and ever, Jack." He reached up and wiped the tears from her cheeks before he laid her back on the pillows and kissed her deeply. He broke the kiss when he heard Ariel's stomach growl. She giggled, he laughed and...

2 years ago
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I Knew I Was A Sissy Part 1

I was on my early teens when I saw my first porn movie. It happened during a weekend, one Saturday afternoon. All the boys gathered at the house of one of our friends as his parents were to be away for several hours to attend a wedding. One of the bravest of the “gang” had managed to get a porn movie and we were all excited. Movie was inserted on VCR (yes, I am that old) and the action started. Everybody was commenting on the gorgeous girls and after a few minutes (possibly seconds) we were...

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Horse Whipped

Horse Whipped Synopsis When the stable owner sees an enraged girl whip her horse unmercifully, he decides the punishment must fit the crime.Horse Whipped by obohoboWarning The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC If you are underage or offended by such material or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or...

1 year ago
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First time with Teen Crush

The story is true but the names have been changed. This is my first attempt at writing about my memories. Angie and I dated for almost 4 years before she went back to my ex-best friend to marry him. That didn’t last. We were both 17 at the time. Angie was my best friend’s girlfriend and off limits, or so I thought. Angie and Pat had dated for the past year and I had heard stories from Pat about their bedroom activities. It turned out that Angie loved sex as much as he did and seemed to like it...

First Time
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For herTied Up

You lay back on your bed, helpless. Your wrists tied together with a stocking, and you find yourself blindfolded by a pair of your thin tights. You had no idea what I was going to do to you, but the excitement was overwhelming. You tried to relax, but you didnt know where the next touch was coming from, your nerves where tingling, your senses playing tricks on you like never before. I looked down at you on the bed, looking amazing. That stunning figure, helpless, I could do what ever I desired...

1 year ago
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the meeting

It had taken some time to get over my divorce, not that it had been particularly messy or sordid, quite the contrary as we had settled everything in a business-like and polite manner. It was simply that after 15 years of marriage, I found the transition back to bachelorhood to be difficult.I had always thought myself to be fairly open and friendly and enjoyed meeting people and good conversation, but now I was conscious of the fact that I was treated with some degree of scepticism. I could...

1 year ago
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The Library

As Cora neared the library, she felt heart beat a little quicker than usual. Immediately, she knew why and was not surprised. She was hoping he would be there again, sitting alone at his table, surrounded by his regular pile of art books, wearing his worn blue turtleneck sweater. Cora always did like visiting the library; she loved the smell of the books, the feeling of being surrounded by so much knowledge, so much inspiration. But ever since she saw him for the first time, last Friday, her...

4 years ago
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Henry and LnczeChapter 5 Lnczes initiation

The following day after our evening meal I felt very much better and Ra'chel declared me fit enough to sit up and have some visitors. "Most days after our main meal, we either sit and make items for ourselves or visit our neighbours or they visit us. We haven't done it since you've been here because you were too ill to take it in and everyone understood that overstressing you could retard your healing. Everyone, of course, wants to check you out — and check that J'cob did a good job on...

2 years ago
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The Tale of Arienh and Mavina

“Go and fetch the water, Mavina, and mind you, go quickly. Your father will be home directly, and I don’t want you losing your head daydreaming.” “I will, Mum,” and she kissed her mother on her rosy cheek. Looking at them both was like looking in a mirror. Each had strawberry blond hair that flowed and bounced, when not tied back or plaited. Their fair skin was like cream and long, thick eyelashes curled around wide eyes that were as green as the grassy hills. Mavina was a smart young lass,...

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The Lotus Room

Duang finishes his dinner early these days. He waits a while then as soon as he can, excuses himself from his elderly parents and climbs up to his room on the second storey of their wooden house. It’s his usual time to check on his harem. It’s cool at this time of the evening, really the best time to be up here. The sun is setting behind the shiny leaves of the mango trees. A squirrel is munching a hole in the half-ripped dark-green fruits dangling on long thin stalks, its last meal for the...

1 year ago
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A Grave Matter

Robbing for Research goes awry. "If these future surgeons are ever going to learn how to do surgery on people, we've got to get them more bodies to cut on." "Well, Doc, - there's no more Indigents in the morgue, so we can't steal 'em from there." "I don't understand - this is the year 1930 - there's a Depression on. You'd think more people would be dying." the Doctor, complained bitterly. "What would you have us do, Doc — go out to North Union Cemetery and dig up the people...

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The teenager aupair

Scott Collins was your typical Spring Valley teenager. 5’9” with short sandy brown hair, the 18 year old had graduated last month in the middle of his high school class. Co-captain of the swim team, his record had been enough to get him a partial scholarship to State in the fall. With only part of his education costs taken care of, a summer job was a must, just as it had been for the last three years. Scott was lucky enough to have had a steady summer job as a councilor at the local...

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First Time Sucking 2

Here i am at home again all dressed up and just about to jerk off when mary (soon to be ex fucking bitch. What could i do but get on hands and knees and pull up my skirt. Wife then tells mary to come here and we will put this crazy. Then she came with a big shutter and colapsed on the bed. Then mary turned to me and said get over here and clean her up i did what i was told. I was enjoying my self when i felt her at my ass. She shoved it up my ass and started to pump me for all she was worth. I...

3 years ago
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On Vacation With SaraChapter 11

The mindless fucking went on for another hour; I would guess when Becca finally arrived. Only Jack, who had gone for the supplies hadn’t fucked me at least once. “Hey Terry, I got you this.” And she handed him several different colors of sharpie pens. “Great idea, Thanks Becca.” And with that he began to get creative and he and Tommy began to write every nasty thing they could think of on my body. People shouted out their ideas and some of their masterpieces included: “Cum Whore, Slut,...

4 years ago
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Sleeping Beauty

So when the four of us sleep together, in Tobey's bed, which we do a lot of course, Tobey and Lucy sleep on the left side and Cait and I on the right and Tobey is on the far left and Cait on the far right so Lucy and I are in the middle and there's no reason for it really, it's just what became the norm and it's not always like that but usually and even if we've spent hours fucking before we fall asleep I sometimes wake up with Lucy and Tobey at it again. And sometimes I watch them and...

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lost my virginity

i'm sabi . I want to share the experience of how I lost my virginity in one of the most unlikely circumstances. This happened around 1 year ago.We had a marriage of one of my cousins in my native village.But,since I had my practicals just the day before which I cannot skip. My father stayed with me ,while my mother and younger brother went to the function a week earlier.Our native village was a 10 hr journey from my place by bus,but my father decided to drive in our car as it will be faster...

2 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 20

Over the next few days, those following the dinner—and Abigail did pay for it just in case there was any doubt in anybody’s mind—I got looks from the both of them. They seemed to be waiting for me to do or say something that might indicate how I was doing in getting past my grief at the death of my dad, which I both was and wasn’t. But, I did have a problem. In spite of what I saw as major put downs by Abigail, if not Harriet as well, in what I’d overheard; I did need to keep in mind that...

4 years ago
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Not This TimeChapter 25 DoGood

The problem with the tenants’ union didn’t go away overnight. Just as I suspected, I discovered that Briggs had incorporated a non-profit and was still trying to recruit local residents to join his ‘class action’ lawsuit. The actual substance of the suit was still vague. Jim was fuming, but there was nothing he could do until someone actually lodged a formal action. I’d spiked any major motivation for the neighborhood to actually pursue a lawsuit. We continued with the renovation of the units...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Isabelle Deltore Satisfying His VR Fetish

Porcelain skinned sex goddess Isabelle Deltore is the star of this saucy Hands On Hardcore 4K premium glamour porn feature where she obliges her man Yannick Shaft’s kinky VR fantasies. The busty babe has gotten herself all worked up in the shower, and her fornicating with the shower nozzle will surely get you stroking your hose in no time. Meanwhile in the livingroom, Mr. Shaft is in the midst of a heavy stroke session himself with his VR mistress. When his curvy assed wife joins him on...

3 years ago
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Only in Georgia

This story is true and you probably will not believe it.I was working at my friends new house and it was one of those days where almost everything went wrong. It was late and I was tired and feeling low. I decieded to stop off on my way home at my favorite bar and have a few drinks. I sat at the bar and ordered my regular Wild Turkey & coke. As I was finishing my first beverage a old employee of mine sat down beside me and asked If I could give her a ride home because her roommate stood her...

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Life Drain

Special thanks to KillerMuffin for her editing assistance * * * * * The first time I saw Laura, she was standing in the middle of the road. Silent. The only movement was a slight tremble from the tears rolling down her cheeks. I walked straight past her, assuming the classic ‘Oh, I didn’t just notice you’ expression that London people are somehow innately born with for such tricky situations. Surprisingly though, for the few seconds that I had seen her, I was able to form an almost perfect...

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The Clean Up

This is the follow up to Laundry Day that I pulled off of my old profile. I hope you enjoy and tell me your thoughts please.Amanda was the first to stand and helped Ariel to her feet. They went to the bathroom where they have a jacuzzi tub big enough for 2. Ariel sat between Amanda's legs placing her head on her chest. "I still can't believe we haven't done that before. I liked it more then I thought. Hell I loved it." Ariel chuckled. Amanda was still taken in by the whole experience and...

1 year ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 31

"What you are going to have to find is a dog sitter. Someone who is at the same place all the time and would take Dog for a few hours while you pretend to be the Sheriff," Simpson said. "Mrs West," I suggested. "I can't see her walking Dog when he has to go out. She is a bit frail I think. Once he get past this depression, if a cat crosses his path he will pull most anyone down." Simpson said. We were standing in the shade of the gun shop while Dog lay quietly panting. "I don't...

2 years ago
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Daddys girl

He was sitting down on the edge of the bed. His face serious and his frown worried me.   “Are you sure about this?”  I hugged myself, the feeling of being vulnerable itching inside me.   “Yes... I want this.”  He sighed and then looked me over again. I squirmed a bit, avoiding his gaze. Even while wearing my favorite dress, I could see he was imagining what was under it. It seemed it was taking him quite an effort to do. As if for the first time, he finally could see me as a woman.   “Once we...

1 year ago
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My Wife And Her Brother 8211 Part III

I am Raj (45_ and my wife Saroj (42) (names changed). We both are in Government service and live in Hissar (Haryana). We have two kids. Son in Engineering college at Faridabad and daughter in medical college at Gurgaon. Both are in Hostel. My wife has a very attractive figure (38/28/38) (height 5.7). She is of very holy mind and passes about 2 hours daily in worship. She is very active in bed but not allows sex during her fast days (minimum 6 days in month). She often wears very formal...

2 years ago
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Favorite Aunt

My marriage wasn't much of one. It felt more like a partnership than a marriage. I was on the road a lot to make ends meet and my wife was working part time, being homemaker and raising our daughter. Needless to say, we both were pretty miserable without being able to spend much time together.Then the unthinkable happened. While traveling through Kansas toward a South Carolina destination, I got a call from my sister that no sister should have to make. My wife and daughter perished in a car...

2 years ago
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Midnight Room Service

That long, slow creaking sound, followed by a sudden thud — a sound known to just about everyone who's ever stayed in a hotel as of one of your neighbors letting go of the door to their room, the door loudly pulling itself closed and slamming shut. I had just hoped it was something I would have avoided in a 5-star hotel, but, then again, why not something else to draw out an already long business trip. I rolled over to see my small travel alarm clock on the nightstand and saw the glowing red...

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