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Hiding Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Running from the guys that wanted to beat me to a pulp because I saw them rob a store with a gun, I ran into a small shop which turned out to be a dress shop. Panting hard I ducked behind a rack of dresses watching as they went through every store looking for me. "What are you doing in those dresses? Are you a pervert?" "No Ma'am! There are guys looking for me because I saw them rob a store. Your shop was open and I came in. They're over there. Across the street. They're going into every store to see if I am there so they can drag me out and maybe kill me! Can I go out the back? Please?!" "There is no back door, but maybe I can help. Go into that room and into the changing room and undress as in naked, Quickly! Do it now! I'll be right in." Rather quickly she had me a pair of panties and a small bra, then an ugly green dress she pulled over my head. She was just done fixing the wig on my head when those guys came in and started looking around. One of them opened the door and saw me getting dressed and left the room. "He ain't here. That little twit is in serious trouble when we find him!" "Get out of my shop! This instant or I'll call the police!" "Careful lady, we can get you too." She was behind the counter watching them make the threats, and as soon as they started towards her she pulled out a revolver and pointed it the biggest guy. "I suggest that you leave and do not come back!" "Okay okay lady! We're leaving!" Finally she came into the room I was in. "What's your name honey?" "Michael." "Well, that won't do dressed like that, so what about... Jennifer? That's a very nice name." "Jennifer? But why? Can't I just change back and leave?" "Come over here and look outside." I could see those guys standing at the end of the street looking at the dress shop, like they knew I was in here. The lady told me her name was Janet, and grabbed my hand and we went back into the small room where she removed the dress I was wearing. I was just standing there as she looked at me. "Since those boys are still out there, and there is no way you can get past them, why not let me fix you up really nice, then the two of us can simply walk right past them. We can go to the police station nearby and you can let them know what you saw and how they threatened you and I'll tell then how they threatened me. The police can take care of those boys and you'll be safe. But first, we need to get past them, and that means that you need to look like a girl. Lets start with this corset. It'll make your waist smaller and push up your boobs." The corset was snug but not uncomfortable, and did everything she said it would do. I had a very trim waist and boobs that looked like they were overflowing! Then came the pantyhose, which felt electric when I put them on, then a dress that was just above my knees and had a square neckline which displayed my brand new boobs! The wig was the same one, but she used barrettes which gave me an open face. Eyeliner, mascara and some blusher, along with a muted red lipstick, and when I looked in the mirror, I did not look like me in any way! "Lets go honey. No better time than right now." Janet and I walked out, and after she locked the door she and I strolled right past those boys and around the corner then into the police station. I stayed right beside her, doing what she told me. Like holding my arms the way she did. I told the sergeant who I really was, and after Janet explained things and what they said to her and explained my disguise, she told him where the boys were. He quickly sent several officers out and since they were looking for those guys anyway, they were nabbed right away. Janet and I walked back to her shop and went inside. I was just standing there looking in the mirror at a girl that was nice looking, but was me, and I'm a boy. "You look very nice as a girl." "Yeah, I guess. I didn't expect that." "Do any of those boys know you?" "The tall one. Names Jimmy. He and I went to school together. He was two years ahead of me and he probably recognized me. Why?" "I think we should call your mother and have her come here to the shop so she can meet her newest daughter. I mean, if they know who you are, then they will probably know how and where to find you, and I'm sure that an armed robbery would get them a long bit of time in prison, so it might be worth it to them to seriously hurt or even kill you! You look really nice as a girl, so lets call your mom and see what she says." I have an older sister who is married and lives in another state, which leaves just mom, dad and I. My dad is a newspaper writer and can work from home most times. I wondered what he would say about seeing me dressed as a girl. My mom has always been at home, with one daughter and one son. I wonder what she will say when she sees me. I walked down a few doors and got us some sodas then Janet and I sat talking and waiting for my mom to show up. That took about half an hour. She came in and took one look at me and smiled! "Well! This is a new look for you Michael! You look quite lovely, but why are you dressed as a girl?" Janet and I told her why I was dressed up, then I told her about Jimmy, who I was sure recognized me, and would not hesitate to beat me to a pulp or kill me since I could name him as the guy with the gun. I just stood there trembling when I thought about it. Janet was the one that started the oncoming detour to my future when she offered me a job in her shop, saying that the boys would not bother me there. "Those boys," Janet said, "know that I have a gun and they know that I will not hesitate to shoot them if they come in here and try to hurt either of us. That happened to me once before and I shot the robber in the chest, so the police already know that I will not be intimidated by those kind of thugs. She would be very safe with me. I can use the help, and Jennifer is exactly the right size to model most of the clothes I sell, especially the civil war era dresses. They are big sellers since I am the only outlet in this half of the country. I also have dresses that are from the early part of the 19th century including all of the undergarments. But I sell a lot of the current styles and you could easily help me by staying out front while I fit the girls! I'll pay a good salary and we work five days a week. Interested?" "Me? A model? Modeling what?" "The dresses of course! Like I said, you're the right size and you look just darling all made up." "Look in the mirror honey," my mom said, "and think about this then tell us you can't do this." "But I would have to dress like a girl every day! Right?" "Yes dear," Janet said, "but I rarely have a man in here, and since all of my clientele are female, it would be better if you were also seen as a girl. And there is the issue of those boys that are looking for you, as a boy, not a girl. You know as well as I do that they will get bail, and the minute they are out they'll be looking for you. The boy you. The choice is yours but...." "I guess," I said softly, "but I don't know anything about being a girl!" "Lets go home honey. We can talk about this there. Maybe your dad can help." I wore the skirt and blouse home, walking straight into dad when we went in the house. "Well! Look at you! Is this for a costume party?" "No Howard. Michael was at the convenience store when it was robbed at gun point, and he saw the robbers and recognized one of them. But the guy with the gun also recognized Michael, and they have been chasing him all afternoon. He ran into a dress shop for protection, and the owner, Janet, fixed him up so they could walk to the police station and report those boys and give them all his information, and that is why he is wearing a skirt and blouse!" "But there is more isn't there? I can always tell Madeline." "Janet offered him a job modeling her dresses, but he would have to work as a girl of course. But since those boys will get out on bail she and I thought that this is the perfect protection! They would not dare attack a girl, not now, not facing a very long time in prison. They will not want to compound that!" "So.... Michael is going to be dressing as a girl every day? And still live here?" "Of course he will! Why not?" "You think those boys don't already know where Mike lives? If they see a girl leaving every day don't you think they'll figure it out?" "You have a solution?" "I think I do, but if I am right then Mike has to agree to it because it will turn him into a believable girl, not just a boy in a dress." Nobody said a word, including me, so dad said that he would set it up for the next day! Dad did not bother to explain, and I wasn't sure that I wanted to be a girl, but being dead was much worse, so I kept quiet. I heard dad on the phone and later went to bed wondering just what he had in mind. The only thing I knew was that he said that I would be a girl. I really hoped I wouldn't lose any body parts. I didn't think I would, but girls do not have what boys have. At breakfast mom told me to wear the same skirt and blouse because she and I would get me a few things that I would need. I had no idea what she was talking about. The very first place we went to was our doctors office, and after a short consultation, and a very complete description of what he was going to do and why, he grinned and told me it would be perfect. He said he was going to turn me into a girl. He did not say what would be perfect! I was on my back my feet in stirrups as he changed my manhood into girlhood, and when he showed me with a mirror it looked exactly like what I had seen on the net. I had my very own kitty as mom calls it, and it looked perfect! I also had two small stitches that he said would fall out in a few days. As soon as we left the doctors office we went to a small shop where the lady gave me a pair of boobs that looked like I grew them myself! She also made my buns and hips a bit bigger. By the time we got home I had been turned into a girl! "You do understand that we did that to protect you," dad said softly. "Bob called me this morning and told me those boys were released on bail, so you can bet they will be looking for you, the boy you. Just stay in character and as soon as they are in jail you can be yourself again. Your mother said your girl name is Jennifer, is that okay with you?" "It's fine dad. Just how did you know about what the doctor did and that store?" "I did a piece on the transgender community and several of them mentioned these options, so I called one of them to make sure. That's how I knew. Now all we need to do is get you some clothes! Go with your mother and she'll help you get what you need." Mom insisted, so I had to try on bras, which turned out to be a 34A, then panties, full cut with a print on them, followed by pantyhose, then several skirts, blouses and tops, plus a few dresses and some shoes. I changed into one of the new skirts and a plain white blouse and walked into the kitchen to get something to drink, but we were out. "I'm going to walk over to the store and get a soda, okay?" "Just be careful honey." It's about a six block walk, but it was a very nice day. I got about halfway when he attacked me. "Dressing up like a girl won't save you puny ass Michael. I'm going to cream your ass." "But...but... I'm a girl! My name is Jennifer!" "We'll see about that!" He grabbed my arm and threw me down, and reached under my skirt and grabbed me by my...kitty! His eyes went wide and he was obviously shocked, but then he smiled and ripped my panties off and began to unbuckle his pants when he was yanked off of me and thrown to the ground hard. He started to get up but quit when he felt the gun barrel against his head. "This is a .357 magnum revolver and will make you very dead. Just lay there like that until the police get here." Someone, probably a neighbor called the police, and after figuring out what happened, Jimmy was hauled away. The gentleman escorted me home, which is when I found out that he is a retired Sheriff! I also saw Janet sitting there with my parents! "Lets get you cleaned up honey," mom said. I changed clothes, and still shaking a bit went back to the kitchen with her, the to Janets shop. "This... incident is exactly why you are pretending to be a girl!" Janet said, "and it's simply great that your father was able to find a way to protect you! But you'll probably have to be a young girl for an unspecified time, since trials like this one can go on for two years or more, and with this attempted rape, well, it might get much worse for him. He will get a very serious length of time added for an attempted rape, and I'll bet his friends will not be very happy will they? That means that you will actually have to become a young lady. And like I told you, I need some help in my shop, and since I am the one that got you started on this path I think that your mom and I should be the ones to supervise your transition. Her at home, me at work." "Transition?" "Oh my dear girl! How you walk, talk, use your hands and arms, how you sit down and so on. They are different for girls you know, and that is why you'll need help developing those skills. That is why I insist that you come and work at my shop. After some training you will be wonderful as my model. You will live here at home but work for me. Your mother and I will guide you on how to act like a girl. And at the end of the trial you can continue on as a boy if you like." Up to that point my dad did not say much, but he was nodding his head yes, so it was a done deal as they say. I started at the shop the next day, and as Janet showed me how to do things I became more comfortable around other girls that came in to buy things. Once in a while I would see a girl in her bra and panties but not very often and I did not stare. I mean, I have my own. Janet had me wear different dresses, usually from the civil war era and she would take pictures for her website and catalogs. I actually liked some of those dresses, and was wearing one when a guy came into the shop. He was wearing a uniform. "My sister needs a dress," he said. "Like that one," pointing at me. "Of course! Just have her come in and we'll get her the perfect dress." "Come in?" "Every dress has to be fitted to the wearer since we do not sell those dresses off the rack. I have a reputation to keep up sir. Just have her come in, let her pick out her dress and I'll do the fitting." "I had no idea. Thanks," he said, and left. It was not that unusual for that to happen so I thought nothing of it. The work wasn't hard and I began to see how complicated it can be for a girl to get the perfect dress. I also learned all the names of the clothes and terms the girls used to describe them. I got used to wearing a bra every day and using the bath like a girl got to be tedious but acceptable. The one thing I did like was the way I looked. I like the makeup, the taste of lipstick and the perfume. After I got home I changed into a pair of shorts and a top, put on my sneakers and was sitting on the front porch when he rode up in his old car. "I hear your name is Jennifer. I'm Stan. This is my sister Megan. We live down the street a bit." "Hi." "We were just on our way to get a soda," Megan said, "want to come?" "Sure, but I'll ask to make sure." Dad said I could go with them but he came out to watch me get in the car anyway. He is starting to get very protective, like he was with my sister.Stan looked real familiar, then I realized that he was the guy that came into the shop to buy a dress for his sister, who was obviously Megan! "You wanted to buy a dress! For Megan?" "That would be me." "Just come onto the shop," I told Megan, "and we'll get you outfitted really nice, and you can pick out what you like, not what someone else likes, especially a boy!" She and I hit it off right away and left Stan wondering why he was being left out, but to bring him back in I asked him about the uniform. "I attend a private boys school. Megs goes to public schools." "Until June when I graduate," she said quickly. "Our annual cotillion in in August this year and I'll be attending as a debutant. I've been to them before but never as a participant." "That means a fancy dress! I can help you with that!" "I'll bring my mother instead of Stanley," she said with a grin. Stan sat next to me and were joined by Megans boyfriend Fred along with Carol and Jeff who I was introduced to. Carol looked at me strangely and I thought she knew who I really was, but.... "You're the girl my Grandpa stopped from getting raped! Right?" "Yeah. He put that pistol against that kids head and he stopped instantly. I'm glad your Grandpa was there! It could have been real bad. Tell him thanks for me will you?" "Tell him yourself! He's sitting over there with those other old guys." I got up and walked over to his table. "Thank you for saving me." "You're welcome honey. It was my duty and honor." "Thanks anyway" As we were leaving I felt Stans arm around my waist and grinned to myself but did not say anything. They dropped me off at home and I went in smiling at what had just happened. Not only did I get to meet my protector, but a girl my age and her very handsome brother, who obviously likes the way I look. My asked me why I was so happy and I told her, then went to my room. I never thought that having a guy look or treat me that way would thrill me, but it does. I supposed that after six months as a girl I was becoming a girl for real. At work Janet had me doing a spread for the online catalog, but all civil war era or Regency gowns. There were a few that I really liked, the bright blue one with the plunging neckline for example. One thing was that since I was wearing a corset almost all the time my waist was getting smaller, and my boobs were always hiked up, and seemed to be getting a bit bigger. I mentioned it to Janet and she merely smiled. That night at home I told mom about my boobs, and she checked. "It looks like the drugs are working! I think we'll be able to remove all those appliances very soon!" "Drugs? What drugs?" The drugs the doctor prescribed for you of course! At your last physical he pointedly asked you if you liked being a girl and you said yes! So he gave you the drugs that will cause you to become a real girl with your own boobs and hips and buns! He asked and you said yes! Don't you remember?" "My own boobs? That's great mom! Thanks!" "Lets go get those fakes removed, okay?" "You bet!" I discovered that I had grown to a full A cup on my own, my buns and hips were bigger and rounder, my skin was silky smooth and my beard, such as it was, was very sparse. I was thrilled. "By the time I was 19 I was a full B cup," mom said, "and since you'll be 19 in a few months maybe you'll be the same." "I hope so mom!" I was back at work the next day when Megan and Stan came into the shop. Megan went directly to the dresses while Stan just stood there staring at me and smiling. He has a very nice smile. "You're going to get an invitation to be a debutante this year and I want to be your escort" "But who would do that!? I don't know anyone that is a member!" "My father is the one. Our Grandpa was the sheriff that saved you, and he is the one that told my dad to invite you and for me to be your escort! He says that we look perfect together and I agree, don't you?" "I guess, I suppose, can my folks come too?" "Of course!" Janet and I helped Megan find a dress she liked and held it aside until her mom could come in to approve. He and Megan left and I turned to see Janet smiling at me, a dress held in her hand. It did not take long for me to get into the corset then get the dress on. I swooned when I saw my reflection in the mirror. The dress is all white taffeta with an embroidered silk overlay populated with baby pearls. It is off the shoulder with a low neckline trimmed in white lace, flaring out at my waist to sweep around and end just above the floor. I also used a hoop to hold the dress out like it should be. It was huge but very elegant and very sexy. "I've been holding his dress for you honey. I knew that someday you would need it, and it looks simply wonderful on you. And with that handsome young man as your escort You'll be perfectly safe since it will take two people to get you out of it!" "Why Janet! You think that little ole me would harm that young man?' I said that in a little girl voice then started laughing, although the thought of Stanley holding me was quite exciting. Janet called my mom so she could see me in the dress, and while we waited another girl came in. "That's it mother! That's the dress I want!" "I'm sorry," Janet said, "but we do not sell duplicate dresses for the same event. This dress belongs to Jennifer and will be the only one." "But I want it!" the girl said petulantly. "I'm sorry dear, no." "But," she said, then her mother stopped her. "Can we see what is available?" "Of course. Come this way." The girl and her mother followed Janet into the dress room while I stayed out front. Mom came in shortly after and with one look she gasped. "I know at least one young man that will like this dress! You look simply delicious!" Mom helped me get changed and when I was back to my usual mini skirt and top she went home and I went to help Janet with that girl and her mother. That afternoon when I was back at home Stan came over, and taking me by the hand we walked into the back yard. Without warning he spun me around and kissed me, hard and long, a throat swabbing that left me panting. "What I really want to do Jenny, is hold you against me, tight and naked." "So you want me to be your girl?" "In every way possible. You are the hottest girl on the planet and we belong together and you know it." "Your Grandfather thinks so anyway." "And me." "Then you better kiss me again to make sure." When I went back in the house I think I was vibrating with excitement. Stan! Wants me to be his girlfriend! Mom saw me run to my room and followed me into my room. She gave me 'the talk', the one that all girls get from their mother about boys. Through a fluke of chance I had discovered that I really am a girl, and I love it, and now I have a guy that wants me. My father knew exactly what was going on but seemed a bit distant, so I asked mom why he was that way. "He's lost honey. He has always had a son that he could talk to and do things with, and now he has a daughter who he sees as staying with me more often. Like your sister did. He's trying very hard to be the father you want, the protector your sister had, while knowing that you started as his son. He's a bit lost honey. I know that you love him and everything he does for us, but...." "I need to let him know how I feel, right?" "It might help to let him know that you appreciate what he does for you. You are a girl. Bend him around your little finger like your sister did." That night I went to my dad and slid into his lap and put my arms around him, laying my head on his shoulder. "Love you daddy," I said softly. "Daddy?" "Daddy." "Okay honey. I love you too." I was at the salon to get ready for my debut in that gorgeous gown, mom right beside me. We both got the works from head to toe, then I went him to get ready. But instead of the Granny panties mom likes me to wear, I was wearing some high cut white satin panties. Because of the corset I had no need for a bra, and since mom was right, I'm a B cup now, and with the help of the corset I have impressive cleavage and a very small waist. Both Mom and Janet helped me get the dress on, then the white satin shoes. I wore pearls of course, and my very best perfume. Stanley showed up in his tailored tuxedo and looked simply wonderful. I put on my white gloves and let him led me to the limo. My mom and dad along with Janet would join us later. Stanley wanted to kiss me but I did not want to mess up my makeup and said no although I wanted him to ravish me. As we walked in I could see all the girls in their gowns and every one of them looked spectacular. The event was wonderful with all the waltzes and dancing and food. Mom had made me a bib that would cover my entire gown and insisted that I wear it. It did protect my gown from the one mishap I had. A stain on a six thousand dollar gown would be very bad! Mom helped me get the dress off, and the next day I took the car and went to see Stan. His eyes lit up when he saw me, and I drove us to the park. Laying out the blanket, I lay down and offered him the spot next to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me tight, and began to kiss me which drove me crazy. I slowly unbuttoned my blouse and he began to fondle my breast which made me crazier, so I touched him and he reacted and I quickly had him naked in my hand. Panting in lust and passion he and I groped and kissed and touched, until he finally pushed my head down to him. I touched it with my tongue, then suddenly took him. He grunted in ecstasy and I stayed there until he erupted. I was beyond delighted that I had done that because in my mind I had made him mine and he had made me a woman. By the time I got back home I was on cloud nine, but my mother, using her mommy senses wagged her finger at me and I followed her into my room. "I'm guessing that you were a bad girl today. I saw that look on your face last night, you and Stanley both. You took care of him didn't you?" "What do you mean by that?" "You know what I mean Jennifer! You opened wide and took him!" "I can't get pregnant that way!" "You can't get pregnant at all!" "Yeah, well...." "I suppose we need to see about the surgery now, don't you think so?" "I'd love it mom!" "So will Stanley I think." I went in the hospital a week later and became a girl for real. It was during my recovery that the trials started and while I thought they would call me as a witness in the robbery they said no. They had the whole thing in living color from security videos. The trial for the attempted rape was different. I was called to the stand and said what happened and how it ended. The retired sheriff also testified and over Jimmys objections he was sentenced to 40 years on top of the 15 he got for the robbery. He will be a very old man by the time he gets out. Janet expanded her store and I became the manager. Stan and I got married a year later. © 2020 The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.

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Stick your rod of steel in my ass hole, Superman, fill me up with your super hot jizz you dirty fucker, Wonder Women said, looking over her shoulder as the camera zoomed in to record the hard member entering her ass hole which had already been stretched earlier by her friend Supergirl’s fist as they waited for Superman and his friends to turn up. Bracing herself on the cushions Wonder Women's ass cheeks spread as the rod of steel entered her brown stretched ass hole.Up to the hilt in one swift...

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supermarket sluts part 1

It was Kieron's first day of work, he had applied and succeded in securing a place at the local supermarket where his older brother and mother had worked for a few years. He was nervously awaiting 8am when he was due to start and as he left was wished good luck by his mum, dad and brother. As Kieron walked to the store he started to wonder if he would be able to charm a young or even older stunner that he could get a summers worth of satisfaction out of. He was no expert but knew his way...

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Possession Is NinetenthsChapter 8

Summer steps through the doors, spotting Michael’s crouched form from behind. She smiles to herself and flicks her hair blonde back, off her shoulder. “Now that is a position that I like to see a man in,” she says, startling the man, “on his knees.” Michael quickly stands and spins around to face her. “I didn’t expect to see you today,” he admits, a little red in the face. “I told you that I would be here,” she quickly says. “I am a woman of my word.” “I see that.” He tries not to let her...

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Drum practice

As I sat at my drum set jamming and playing to heavy metal, the fiance (now ex wife), walks in carrying a big glass of ice water. It was quite hot that day and the water was just what I needed. I stopped as soon as she walked in and watched her set the cup down beside me. "Need anything else honey?" "No I am ok for now, thank you""How's the drumming going?""It's good, still a couple songs I am not used to yet but getting there""Oh but I think you just need a breather to regain that...

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The Beardsley School for Girls 42 Elisabeth

Doctor Lenox picked up the shaving cream and lathered her mound, his fingers luxuriated inthe feel of her vulva. When he had her lathered, he picked up the straight razor. "Hold verystill, Elizabeth, I don't want to cut such a lovely pussy," her body tensed.She felt his fingers move over her, the razor poised at the top of her sex. She tensed when shefelt the metal touch her, drift over the soap, slide effortlessly down, only to return to the topand begin again. She forced herself to remain...

1 year ago
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Through My Eyes AgainChapter 9

I arrived at Col’s house as large snowflakes started to drift down in the still air. I could catch them on my coat-sleeve and see the individual crystals glisten in the streetlights, showing their six-pointed star structure. I knocked on the door. Col answered it and I grabbed his hand. “Look. It’s snowing.” I laughed. “Grab your coat and come outside.” Whilst he was getting his coat, I dropped my school satchel in the hall and then we were off outside. Those first few enormous flakes had...

2 years ago
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Ages of FlightChapter 6

“Gil?” I awoke with a start and sat up in my chair. The steady beep of the heart monitor sounded as I looked at Jo’s bed. She had rolled her head toward me, and her eyes were open. “Jo?” I stood and moved close to her. “Jo?” She blinked. “Why am I in the hospital?” I scrubbed at my cheek with the back of my hand, wiping away some of the tears. “We were in a bad car wreck, baby. I’m okay, but you were really hurt.” I gently touched her cheek. “You’ve been out for a week.” “I’m really sore,...

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red head

It was early when i left work , so i had plenty of time to go home and shower before i went to the airport to collect my my wife's sister . it was a job i didn't really want to do as we never really got on , she never liked me from day one , she thought i wasn't good enough for her sister, i hadn't seen her since my wedding day nearly 2 years ago, but as my wife had to work late the job feel down to me , she was coming to say with us as her marriage had broken down . When i arrived home...

2 years ago
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The ShootistChapter 12 The duel

The unjustified torture of Hank Blossom required my immediate response. Of coarse, there was no way that I would be able to catch the wagon before it reached the Upton ranch, but I had to do something. I was sure that the ranch hands had not thought up this treatment of Hank by themselves. It had to be instigated by one of the Upton men. Therefore, I figured that an attack on a ranch hand would not do anything to halt the war. I had to concentrate my efforts on the two Upton's who were the...

2 years ago
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Corina Chapter 19

There are many more chapters about my beautiful little redhead wife so if you like them keep watching as I post more one at a time for a while.IF you like them just comment and I will keep them cumming for you!!!We finally agreed that to keep the game going was what we were going to do. Corina felt a lot better after I told her I was just teasing about being tired of the teasing. Then I got up when Corina went into the kitchen and followed her watching her naked ass in front of me. When she...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 17

Walking into his backyard, Ed inspected the privacy fence satisfied with the job he had done. The posts were straight, there were no gaps in the pickets, and it was strong. The tops of the pickets were flat rather than pointed. There was no chance of impaling a kid that tried to climb over it. He had finished installing it the day before. The noise of Kelly and Beth coming through the gate caught his attention. Turning he saw that they were struggling to carry in four folding lounge chairs....

4 years ago
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VicePresidential Duties

November 8, 2016 - Election Night Victory Party Cheers erupt all around you as the news headlines read "Justman-Butler ticket wins election!" Congratulations! After a hard-fought and bitter campaign, your running mate has been elected the 45th President of the United States in a landslide, winning 412 electoral votes. You are Sam Butler, the Vice-President elect, and a tall and fit 44-year-old, with brown hair and a comely face. You are a handsome, charismatic man, making you a great...

1 year ago
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The War In The Pacific Part One

1944, West Coast of Japan, The Final Days of The Pacific Theatre of WarIt was a dark night; twelve hours had passed since Williams was separated from his squad. He had parachuted into war-torn Japan, near to a city on the coast of the country. His squad comprised of six other soldiers but he saw most of them go down into the sea, and even one smash into a cliffside. Eric “Tommy-Gun” Williams was part of the US Parachute squadron. Well trained and a respected soldier, he was however ruthless in...

Love Stories
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The beach trip part 2

After a world class blow job on the balcony we moved into the room and went to bed to sleep this time. In the morning, I got up for some coffee and left Tammy sleeping. I slip on my bathing suit and went down to get some breakfast and coffee and bring some back to the room for Tammy also. As I was getting my coffee I looked up and the same guy as the night before was at the counter filling the cereal container. I walked over to talk with him and I asked him if the beach was good today. He...

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The Winter Shade

New weekly Quest: Find the rune that unlocks the rest of your powers Rewards: The rest of your powers , A visit from the queens of the Fae, 1 RARE weapon ticket (Hint: the rune will speak to you) [Accept] [Reject] Very confused Jack sits up and yelps as a small window pops up in his vision. Years of playing video games have taught him that no matter the quest always accept it, well unless it tells you to kill yourself. He hits accept warily and he looks over into the mirror in his room. Jack...

1 year ago
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School for Whores

Chapter 1 My name is Tony Nash, and I am 25 years of age, single and perpetually very randy. I am enjoying life and carefully avoiding serious attachments of the female kind. I had at an early age developed the policy of ‘love them and leave them,’ and for me it works. I had been brought up by my grandparents who were very religious. They doted on me and I had quickly learned how to fool them as a teenager. I attended church regularly, and kept my bedroom tidy, and watched my manners, and...

Erotic Fiction
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Chapter 1 the Rebirth

This is the first of a number of chapters in the life of who is now Jami Lin. Jami started out as a fairly typical young lad who was interested in much of what young boys and then teens were interested. James as he was then known was a very energetic boy who ran track and was very involved in competitive swimming and diving, bicycling and dabbled in tennis and golf. He was the youngest child, by seven years, of three children with two older sisters, Grace and Lauren. He lived in...

4 years ago
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A gentle but firm master

She went to her bedside table and retrieved the plug and the kegel set. She was able to push the kegel balls inside her pussy one at a time with relative ease. However, the anal plug needed some lube which had also been in the bedside table as well. She pressed the tip to the edge of her rosebud, took a deep breath and started to work it inside her. When she got to the widest part she had to stand there and hold it for a while. She knew she looked like such a slut at that exact moment,...

3 years ago
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Nathalies New World Chapter Three

Wife... Mia Stephanie.... Girlfriend Terrence... Wife's lover Sasha ...... Salon Owner David.... Me My life was indeed changing. That day with Mia and Stephie was the point from which there could be no possible return. There could be no going back, but where it was going was anybody's guess. The next morning I woke early preparing to head into the office. Standing in the shower with the steaming hot water caressing my body I let my mind drift back over the preceding days. I...

1 year ago
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The Wifes First Threesome

My wife and I are in our late twenties and had run into a lull in our relationship so we began to look at ways to spice things up. We joined an adult site and I got my wife to slowly start thinking of the idea of bringing someone into our bedroom to spice things up. Originally we began thinking of trying to add a woman to the mix because we both were into the thought of that. So my wife started out chatting with random people (girls, couples, men) and finally progressed to the point of getting...

4 years ago
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Daughter of Gor combined version featuring bonus sequel The Short Second Life of Gunter Rahmsdorf

Author's disclaimer This is a work of fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman, and no financial or other gain is being made or intended by the author of this work. This work must not be reposted on other sites. Author's Note: I wanted to combine the sections of Daughter of Gor and correct some minor typos and editorial issues that came from posting in parts. But before I disappoint you - most of...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Vl

Stirring noises in the hall woke Megan up. Shaking Savannah they quickly put their night clothes on. Megan had just made it under the covers when there was a knock at the door. Opening it Savannah said, good morning uncle Bill. Why are you here, he asked. Oh, Megan had another nightmare last night and I came in to comfort her so she wouldn't wake you Savannah said. Oh ok, he replied. Your aunt and I are heading to town now. Ok uncle Bill, Savannah said hoping he didn't suspect anything. Closing...

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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 5

It was 4 pm when I woke up. My Sleeping Beauty was looking so cute, that I didn't want to wake him up. Besides, I had some preparations to make, and Peaches was sleeping for good. I gently lifted him off my chest and laid him on a deewan. The Mantra of my life has been one- live your young life at the fullest, and I was going to prepare for that. I took my wallet and car keys to go shopping for tonight, but then stopped on my track. The shadow that appeared in the hospital ward. I...

3 years ago
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Enchanting Part 2

"Y'all really want to know?" I said. "Hell yeah, my dude. Denise? How'd you get that?" My classmate Darryl said. "Well... I'll tell you..." I started. I met Denise a couple of years ago in algebra class. She caught my eye. She was a gorgeous chocolate skinned girl who was also a dancer. I learned very quickly there was more than what meets the eye regarding her. I was a certified horndog back then. I was sixteen. She was sixteen. She had buxom breasts and a great ass that made...

2 years ago
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on the road part 1

all disclaimers apply if you are under 18 please leave immediately. I was really excited about being away from home at the dorm for university but quickly became discouraged about having a room mate and not being able to dress up or have any “alone” time. Sharing a bathroom shower also put a stop to all my masturbation and self fucking with my dildos. I began to think of ideas of how to get alone time; I would often go the the student library which had a large handicap toilet but it was...

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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part Fiv

continued....“Put your hands behind your head Whore! You better give a great air start, because my cock needs some lubrication tonight! Where do you want me to cum Slut? Speak up!” he said.“I want you to fill my ass with all your white spunk! I want to be shitting your cum for a week!” Emma said.“Well...we have a dirty talking Slut here! But that’s the right answer. I could get to like her. Take my cock in your mouth and make sure it’s hard enough to force open your tight little ass!” he...

3 years ago
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Mistaken IdentityChapter 18

It was nearly 1:30 PM when the limo carrying Sarah pulled up in front of her house. Nancy and Julia were standing next to a car in her driveway but headed toward the limo as it stopped by the curb. Nancy opened the door and offered Sarah a hand. "I sure am glad to see you all," said Sarah as she hugged each of them. "We're glad to see you as well." While they were greeting each other Al had moved to stand near them. "Hi, Al," said Nancy. "It's been awhile." "Yes, ma'am." As...

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Flight of Fantasy

The pre-flight brief meeting had been straight forward enough — the usual crew introductions, safety awareness checks, in-flight service briefing, etc. Passenger numbers on the flight were confirmed: 174 travelling in Economy Class, seven in Business Class and only two flying First Class. Outward bound was from London-Heathrow to Bahrain, where the crew would have a 48-hour stopover before manning the inward bound Bahrain to London flight. The crew were allocated their seat positions and work...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 13

Terri gazed with smug satisfaction at her handiwork, smiling at the sounds of Heather's grunts and moans. Heather was turned in her seat towards the side, her hips thrust forward, her hands gripping the edges of the chair. Her clothing lay strewn around her seat. Perspiration glistened in the fluorescent lights. Her legs were wrapped around an invisible lover, hips jerking in rhythm to phantom thrusts into her pussy. Around her, the rest of the class plodded through their assignments,...

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Bhabhi Sadia Ke Zabardast Chudai

Hi Friends ! I’m Shani (not real name). Yeh mery pehly story hai aur mera pehla sex experience. Main apko apny bary main batata chaloon k mery age 18 years hai or mery height 5 feet 10 inch hai. Mery lunn ka size 7 inch hai. Yeh sex experience mery bhabi (cousin’s wife) k sath hai jis ka naam Sadia hai. Sadia ke age 30 years hai. Us k 2 baity hain. Us ka boobs size boht badda hai aur us ke gand bhe kafi moty hai. Wo boht khubsurat hai Gora rang lamba qadd aur slim body aur uska husband mulk sy...

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AshaChapter 2

By then they had reached the school. Asha went to her classroom and Mr. Manish to his office. In class Asha kept thinking of Kunwar and her Headmaster and what they had done with her. She had enjoyed being sexually stimulated by them. Two orgasms already for the day! She blushed. When she went home she found that her mother's parents had already arrived. Her grand-mother was a heavy lady but her grand-father was still in good shape. He was built big and was muscular. To Asha he was...

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Introduction: getting back with my now boyfriend How do you know when you have met the one? Does he arrive on a magic carpet, declaring his love for you, then you feel your heart bursting out of your chest (but in a less gory way). Or is it more simple then that? A simple feeling of joy you feel whenever your together. Nobody tells you these things your just expected to know whos the right one, even though people always get involved. Maybe its different for everyone, but what if you let them...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel AJ Applegate AJ8217s Anal Fitness Workout

AJ Applegate — the fit, all-natural blonde with washboard abs and a perfectly plump rump — shows off her form packed into skintight stretch pants. The big-assed babe demonstrates her favorite workout drills for director Mick Blue before slobbering over his massive shaft in a POV-style blow job. Next, AJ displays her sphincter for the horny stud. A deep rim job gives way to vigorous cock riding. The gorgeous vixen gets her holes prodded with dildos, takes an anal plunging, sucks...

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MumthazShilpa and Sonali

Hi friends, I am Ravi Sreedhar, I am 19Year-old, 5' 6" in height and doing my graduation. I was staying with my brother who was Lt.Col in Army and was studying in Delhi for Degree first year when this terrific incident here is happened. My first sexual experience was with my cousin sister as well as teacher Latha aged 23 [Uncles daughter] at the age of 16. We had a wonderful period of 2 years. During that time we had several wild and beautiful love making occasions. She was more interested...

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The Stall

Waiting  for a flight must be the most annoying thing about the holidays. This Time was a little different though. As I sat Waiting  for my delayed flight a man a couple seats down as visibly upset at his delay. I paid him no mind and went back to playing my game of solitaire.10 minutes later I went to the bathroom and then he entered still mad about the delay he mumbled to himself. I could here him from my urinal he was two down from me following proper manly bathroom etiquette. "What the fuck...

4 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 14 The Halloween Ball

Micester High wasn’t just a school, it was the town’s leisure and community centre—funded by Liddington-Phipps, of course. Every year there were five charity Balls held in the school’s massive sports hall. The Halloween, Christmas and Valentine’s Balls were all themed. The Late Spring and Late Summer balls didn’t have themes but were the largest and most lavish. The Balls themselves were supposed to be for over-eighteens only, but in reality, most of the kids from years eleven, twelve and...

3 years ago
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Helping Lil Sis Study Part 2

Heres Part Two! Youll notice I put a little dialect in the story, I hope you enjoy it! Dont forget I always love positive or helpful feedback.(: Kyle finally sat up after a few minutes from recovering from his powerful and intense orgasm. He didnt remember even shooting so much cum so quickly! To his surprise when he sat up, he found innocent little Samantha licking his cum off herself. This wasnt exactly helping him stay soft. Mmm big bro, your cum tastes so good! Samantha said, giggling as...

1 year ago
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Visiting Day With My AuntGlad She Decided to cum

The next week on a Monday I was told by my parents that they were going to a concert and I was going to be home by myself. I was fine with it because I had stayed home by myself plenty of times. The concert was in the evening but my parents were going to meet some friends beforehand so they left quite early. So, there I was by myself and quite bored. I didn’t feel like watching TV, but I turned it on anyways and just watched whatever program was on. Right before I fell asleep I got a call...

3 years ago
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Wills new old home Part 5

Introduction: So Will has an erotic dream about Brook and Pierce, Lynn and Will deal with hangovers, Amy feels regret, and Rachel, well, she is still crazy…also Blane is still in the hospital Hello, is this Mr. and or Mrs. Bailey? Yes, this is Mrs. Bailey, who is this? This is Dr. Phelps, from the UCSD Medical Center. Your son, Blane, was taken to our emergency room about five minutes ago. He has overdosed on three kinds of substances, we think its a mixture of cocaine, alcohol and another...

1 year ago
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You Wanna Bet

By Mary and Kim The 8th hour bell had just rung and we were all settling in to our desks when Jesse leaned over and quietly teased…… “Well Wilson……what’s the bet going to be this time?” We were in 8th hour Geometry and Mr. Belfiori was handing back the tests that we had taken the day before. Jesse Larson and I always made “fun” bets with each other on who would get the better score on our quizzes, or tests and stuff. The bet was usually something simple like buying the other person a...

2 years ago
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Jill the MirrorChapter 7 A Blighted Rose

We weren’t, however, to get right into scene. Lucy’s cell phone rang, with an odd tone. “Hang on, Howard. That’s my emergency ring. “Hi! What’s wrong? “Oh. Yes, I can help. Don’t say anything if possible. I’ll send people to come get you. We have a specialist in security clearance law, Don Jenner, who will meet us.” Lucy told Howard and Diane, “Weird coincidence. That was Rose. She’s nearly hysterical. Apparently, she got called into the security office and told that her clearance was...

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All American BoyChapter 51

The rain didn’t let up until nearly noon, then the sun popped out. The skies were clear and the temperature was a lot cooler. This was more like football weather and the feeling just added to the talk of the day... The Masonville eighth grade Mavericks and the big win yesterday. It seemed that everyone had a copy of the Masonville hometown paper with them this morning. Ben even brought two copies of the Dallas Morning News to school with him. There on the front page of the sports section...

3 years ago
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When the door bell rang, I knew it is Jessica whom I have called an hour ago to come by. Since it was Friday evening, I told her already to spend the weekend with me at my apartment. She very reluctantly agreed. Since we are c***dhood friends, I knew she won't refuse. I hurriedly wrapped around the housecoat rushed towards the door. As I expected, it was Jessica, coming straight from her office. I returned from my work much earlier today.The moment I opened the door, I was surprised to...

1 year ago
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A night with my aunt

I am Rakul,last year when i was 18 i went to my uncles house for vacation holidays.i want to tell about my aunt,she is white,with little fat where ever needed ,good looking and she is 27 years old.the day i went to her home my uncle had gone abroad for business work and we two were lying in her bedroom that night.we started chatting on different topics atlast sex too..it was 12 then.casually i just had my hands over her body,she didnt mind it,after sometime she asked me to sleep leaving her,but...

1 year ago
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The Ultimate Makeout Part 8211 2

Any aunties and females in Delhi who would like to enjoy, can contact me Once kara and Abhi were done, they were laying on the bed exhausted for about an hour with Abhi’s dream girl, Tara laying right next to them with her hormones high as fuck. Abhi had already decided that he would be making Tara crave for him so much that she would never say no to him ever. Once Abhi regained his strength, he went out and got some stuff with him from the kitchen which included honey, chocolate syrup and...

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Crapshoot Ch 05

“I like you like that,” Nick said as he poured Judy another glass of champagne. “I like beautiful women nude and totally available.” Judy smiled up at him, strangely at ease with being completely naked with a man other than her husband. She liked the way he was looking at her, his eyes darting from place to place on her body. She also liked the thought that she was his possession for the evening, to do with as he pleased. “I like it too,” she purred. She sat up on her knees and unfastened...

4 years ago
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A dream come true

I was leaving college, to head for the little town and get my freak on, when a female student from one of the neighboring college flagged me down. I stopped and rolled down the window 'Hi David, could you give me a ride.' I started to refuse, but had no chance, she was opening the door and getting in. 'Wait where are you going,' I stuttered. 'Just drive, David, I'll tell you as we go,' I looked at her as she slipped out of her coat. 'You never seem to notice me or any of the other girls that...

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