Game Of Life Ch. 03-04 free porn video

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Copyright© 2008 by Denham Forrest, The Wanderer

Chapter 3: Complications of Life as a Divorced Man

Things didn’t go as easily as all that, though. Vivian and I did have to see some arbitration or counsellor guy, not that it was much more than a waste of time. There were some uncomfortable confrontations between us, but not in front of the children.

The divorce took six months to go through and all that time the children were trying to talk me into going back home again. The poor little sods had no idea why their parents had broken up and weren’t to know for several years. I believe both Vivian and I, told them that we’d just drifted apart, not that the children bought that story for a minute. Kids aren’t daft nowadays and Katie – at least – put two and two together successfully within the year, or so she was to tell me later.

I stayed sharing Grace’s flat for over a year, actually until she found a fella who asked her to marry him. He had plenty of cash and she promptly moved in with him, which allowed me to take over the lease of the three bedroomed flat from her. It was plenty big enough for the children to stay over with me when they wanted. As a matter of fact, they had stayed over even whilst Grace was living there, with James bedding down on the sofa in the lounge.

I liked the guy that Grace married. He was a big shot at one of my company’s clients and to be honest he suited Grace down to the ground. I got the feeling that Grace had known him much longer than she ever let on to me, it could be that he might have visited my office many years previous, before I worked there and whilst he was lower in the pecking order at his own company. My suspicion always has been that he must have run into Grace back then, but they both would have been married at the time.

Whether she actually loved him — or he loved her – is another matter, but they had something special going between them. They were two fifty five year olds who had little to worry about but growing old together. Which they did rather extravagantly, you say it, they did it. World cruises, a holiday home in Florida and all that kind of thing.

Grace of course retired when she married her new man, and Dizzy Lizzie replaced her as my secretary come PA. That’s slightly unfair way to refer to her because although Liz (actually Elizabeth) had the air of chaos about her and everyone seemed to be under the impression that she was a dizzy blond. I believe most of it — if not all – was an act. She has always been extremely intelligent, and she surprised me with her efficiency the first week she stepped into the breach.

I should have known that Gracie would never have dropped me in the apple-cart, Grace hired Liz whilst I was away visiting our French operation for a month. Being single again, had the drawback of making me the first guy on the list to be sent — or rather asked to go – all over the place at the drop of a hat. Grace must have decided that I needed someone who could inject a little fun into life in the office when I was there, and Liz was fun to have around the office and really played the dizzy character to the hilt.

The nearest parallel that I can draw, is to the kind of thick dizzy blond character Marilyn Monroe used to play in some of her films, there was a remarkable resemblance between them, even down to that voice. She looked sexy, she dressed sexily and nearly every other guy in the office envied me my secretary. Quite a few guys in the office asked Liz out on dates, I do believe assuming that they were going to get lucky. But as it turned out, Liz wasn’t that kind of girl. In fact we soon learnt that Liz packed one hell of a left hook, and more than one of my – would be Casanova – colleagues walked around the office sporting dark glasses for a week or two, after they had taken her out.

‘Liz, you really must stop beating all the guys up. It really hurts their ego’s and you could finish up giving them a complex.’ I jokingly said to her one morning. After yet another Casanova entered the office wearing a large pair of sunglasses.

‘Bugger Jim, what do they expect? Just because I enjoy the messing about and flirting, that doesn’t mean to say that I’m easy. They want a laugh and a joke, I don’t mind. But if they think that a meal and couple of drinks will get them into my knickers, then they’ve got another think coming. I’m very choosy about who I go to bed with.’

No, I didn’t ask! I needed a reliable PA behind me and I had no intention of letting my life around the office get any more complicated than it already was. It was complicated enough outside the office, as it was anyway.

When I was in the country, Katie and James would spend most weekends with me. Although I would have been happy to pick them up from Vivian’s house, generally I found them waiting in reception at the office when I left work on Friday evenings – or even coming up to my office to find me if I was running late.

One thing that I thought was funny was that after Grace had left and Liz came on the scene, James took to arriving very early on Fridays and sitting in Liz’s office with her until I was ready to leave. That was providing that he didn’t have Frankie in tow, because I’m pretty sure she’d had chewed his balls off (hypothetically), tease that she was, Liz had the poor little bugger’s tongue hanging out most of the time.

And yeah well, Liz would play dizzy Lizzie and wind the little bugger up just as much as she wound every other male of the species up, except me. As I’ve said, Liz had a great sense of humour and was also a great tease, but we had a good working relationship, she never, ever, teased me. Well except maybe for one or two times, and the truth be known I didn’t know it was really Elizabeth anyway. I’ll explain all that later.

Anyway, for a long time, I totally misunderstood what the children turning up at my place of work on Fridays, instead of waiting at home for me to collect them, was all about. I assumed that it had something to do with their mother having another boyfriend around and either the children not liking him, being embarrassed to see her with him, or Vivian not wanting me to spot him. But I was completely on the wrong track.

It took a very long time for the information to get back to me that Katie had sussed just about everything out. Because I’d blanked both the children on their requests to bury the hatchet and get back with their mother, they’d eventually dropped Vivian as a regular subject of conversation. I have no idea why I got the idea that Vivian was dating other guys into my head, but I had assumed that was the reason the children stopped bugging me about getting back with her.

But then one day Katie mentioned something about memory cards and recovered files — I can’t remember exactly how she phrased it now, because I wasn’t paying close attention to what she was saying — but when I reflected on what she’d said later, I realised that Katie knew almost all there was to know about her mothers indiscretions, the who, and the when, even if she didn’t know the why.

Exactly how Katie had worked out how I had found out what had been going on between Vivian and William Banks – which by the way, I believe is something that her mother has never discovered, to this day — I didn’t know. I had told no one about that memory card and what was on the file I recovered from it, except Grace and my solicitor, neither of whom would have told Katie. The who, and the when, I believe she worked out from snippets of overheard telephone conversations of Vivian’s.

I had never questioned Katie on what she did or didn’t know, because that would open the way for Kate to demand that I was completely open with her, I’d vowed to myself that I would never bring the children into the fight.

Anyway, that day, I also discovered the reason they were spending every minute they could at my place was to punish their mother for breaking up their once happy(?) home. I learnt
that both my children spent nearly every evening out with either friends or at Frankie’s parents house just a couple of doors down the road to their home. For Katie to spend evenings with her brother and his girlfriend by choice, says a lot more to me, than it does to most folks. They were never that close, were forever trying to score points against each other at home and fought like cat and dog before the break up.

It all came to a head when I was having one of my regular medicals with the company doctor, who just by chance was also our family NHS physician. After he’d finished my medical and told me that I would safely live until next year’s check-up — and the exorbitant payment he’d get for doing it – he asked me if I would mind having a little chat about the family’s health. I thought he meant the children, so I said of course I wouldn’t mind, but it soon became apparent that he wanted to talk about Vivian.

I had little or no interest in Vivian or her health by then, – except for the fact that the children lived with her and I was about to tell him so – but before I could stop him, he’d informed me that he was worried that Vivian might be heading for a serious mental breakdown. Once he’d told me that, I had to let him carry on.

The Doc informed me that, in essence the children and almost all of Vivian’s family were treating her as a pariah, and it was placing her mind under more pressure than the doc thought it could take. He beseeched me to investigate, and intervene if I possibly could.

‘Look, Jim, I don’t know what happened to break up your marriage to Vivian. But the way you, your children and even her family are treating her, she’s going to have a nervous breakdown before very much longer. I’m worried about her, Jim, can’t you cut her some slack, or at least get the kids to lighten up on her a little.’

I told him that I hadn’t actually clapped eyes on Vivian since our divorce. I had no idea that her family or the children were giving her any grief, and that I would investigate what was going on.

My investigations started the following Friday evening when I tackled Katie. James had gone off with Frankie somewhere.

‘What’s this I hear about you giving your mother grief?’ I asked her at an opportune moment, during the TV adds.

‘Don’t know what you mean, dad.’

‘Katie, I was at the surgery this week for my annual check-up and Doctor Bridger told me that you mother is not well, she could be heading for a nervous breakdown! And that the way you and James are behaving at home could partially be the cause of it. So what have you two been getting up to?’

For a few moments I saw a look of embarrassment on Katie’s face, then she looked me right in the eyes and said.

‘What does she expect? She cheated on you with Uncle Bill and drove you away! She destroyed our family. James and I don’t want to live there with the slut any more, we want to come and live here with you.’

‘Jesus, who in the world told you and James about your mother and Bill Banks?’

‘No one, it wasn’t hard to work it out dad. First you suddenly leave home, there were no rows or arguments or anything at home, you were just gone one day. Then a few months later and somewhat strangely I thought at first, Gran and Granddad Keats aren’t talking to Mum any more when they call, they only ever want to talk to James and me. James and I soon realised that it was something mother had done that had caused you to leave home, but it must have been something bad that would make them be nasty to mother, after all she is their daughter.

The next thing we discover is that Aunty Stacie and Uncle Bill are getting a divorce, and then when I was on the telephone to Gran one day, I heard Aunty Stacie talking to granddad in the background, she was very angry with mother about something, but Gran wouldn’t tell me what.

‘So I put it all together, Mum had been making all those trips to Aunt Stacie’s house when she was pregnant. Although where she found the time or opportunity while she was there I have no idea. But I figure that something had to have gone on between Uncle Bill and mother and you eventually found out about it. Oh yeah, I’m pretty sure now, that you finding out had something to do with the missing memory card turning up again, it was less than a week after it did, that you left home. What did she do, leave pictures of her and Uncle Bill together on it?’

‘Katie, whatever your mother did, is strictly between her and me. You and James are being very silly, by taking sides.’

‘But she destroyed our happy home dad.’

‘Technically I suppose you could say that she did, but it was me who walked out. So as far as you children are concerned, you should blame both your mother and me equally.’

‘Don’t be silly, dad, you didn’t cheat on mummy!’

‘How do you know what I did, can you ever be sure that I haven’t had a girlfriend tucked away somewhere for years.’

‘No dad, you wouldn’t do that, why are you even suggesting that you might have.’

‘Because I could have had one for all you know. I haven’t asked you to get involved in my argument with your mother. Maybe I haven’t told you about the whys and wherefores of your mother and my divorce, because I’m as guilty as she is.’

‘Why are you saying that?’

‘Look Katie, whatever your mother or I, did, or didn’t do, you only have one of each of us. One mother and one father, and we both love you and James equally. If you don’t return that love now, then before you know it, it could be too late. Accidents happen you know, what are you going to tell your own children when they ask you about their grandmother. That you ignored her until the day you had to stand at her graveside?’

‘But mother’s not going to die.’

‘Of course she is, Kate, the same as I will one day. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day your mother won’t be there any more, the same as one day I won’t be here any more either. We all have to go at sometime Kate … and accidents happen all the time. Life is far too short to hold grudges, especially when they have nothing to do with you.’

I didn’t want to tell her that a friend of mine had had a nervous breakdown some years before. He never recovered fully and had become what was known at the time as a manic-depressive, eventually he’d driven his car into a tree and killed himself.

‘But you hold a grudge against mother.’

‘That’s a little different Katie and you know it. Your mother made a sacred oath to me and she broke it. Anyway … I don’t really hold a grudge against her, I just couldn’t remain married to her. If I met her in the street tomorrow, I would be completely civil to her.’

‘Dad, are you telling me that if we didn’t come to the office on Fridays. You’d talk to mother without arguing when you picked James and me up from the house.’

‘Of course I wouldn’t argue with you mother, there’s nothing left for us to argue about.’

‘We … James and me, we thought that you and mother would argue if you came to the house and that would put you into a bad mood for the weekend.’

‘Well I can assure you that would not happen, Katie. Now will you please tell me what kind of a social life does your mother have?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well, does she go out in the evenings with friends.’

‘No, mother never goes out … unless it’s to work or shopping. Oh, I see where you are going, mother’s life must be pretty empty. She doesn’t go out in the evenings now that you’re not there to take her, and I’m not even there for her to take shopping on the weekends most of the time. When you’re away she used to ask me if I wanted to go shopping, she’s stopped now because I always told her I was meeting my friends from school.’

‘Well that’s all got to change, Kate. I’ll talk to your brother when he and Frankie get back, Frankie had got into the habit of sharing Katie’s room on Friday and Saturday nights. Your mother needs you two and you might fin
d that you need her in the future as well. I’m not immortal, who knows what could happen to me in the future.’

When James and Frankie came home later that evening, I discovered that I had an unexpected ally in Frances. I know that the girl played one of her parents — and their new spouses – off against the other, but she appeared adamant that Katie and James had been behaving appallingly towards their mother. I got the feeling that James and her had had words on the subject before.

Saturday morning saw all three children and myself stopping at the florist, so James and Katie could buy flowers for their mother, which I paid for. Surprisingly Frankie bought a bunch of flowers for Vivian as well.

‘I feel rotten because I knew what they were doing was wrong and I should have done something about it.’ She told me, when I caught her eye as she ordered the flowers.

‘You spoke to James, what more could you have done Frankie?’

‘Spoken to Mrs Sanders more, or even come to you about how things were going. My dad almost had a breakdown after mum walked out the first time, I should have seen what effect all this was having on Mrs Sanders.’

That was an interesting thing for Frankie to say, because I didn’t think that I’d actually mentioned that the Doc thought Vivian was heading for a nervous breakdown to the children. That had been my reserve ammunition.

Another stop – at a cash machine – and I handed James fifty quid as I got back into the car.

‘What’s this for dad.’

‘Tonight you and Katie … and Frances if she wants to go, are taking your mother out to dinner at Bailey’s, your mother likes it there. I’ll ring them, book a table and organise for the evening to be charged to me. Don’t forget that your mother likes to dance either. That money’s for the taxis, I don’t want your mother drinking and driving, you hear me!’

‘You’re the boss dad.’

‘Why don’t you come along as well, dad?’ Katie asked.

‘Regretfully that ain’t going to happen, Kate.’

‘But you still love mum, don’t you?’

‘Of course I do, Kate. We were together for a long time. But that doesn’t mean that I can live with her if that’s what you are thinking. Your mother and I will never get back together believe me. And anyway, today is about you and James repairing your relationship with her. If I was there it … Look, you just convince your mother that you still love her, that’s all I ask. Besides I’ve got somewhere else to go later today and I won’t be back until tomorrow.’

After calling Baileys and arranging everything I dropped the three youngsters off at Vivian’s house, then headed north towards my ex-in-laws house, up in Lincolnshire. It was late afternoon when I arrived and found Vivian’s father working in his front garden. He looked pretty shocked to see me there.

‘Hello Jim, what brings you to this neck of the woods?’ He asked with an embarrassed look on his face. I hadn’t seen or spoken to the man since before the divorce so I could understand his surprise at seeing me.

‘Hi, Dad, I need to have a word with you and Mum.’ Although not my favourite people, I had always called Vivian’s parents Mum and Dad since before we had got married.

The old codger led me inside the house and for the next two hours we had a real old ding-dong of an argument. By the time I left – on reasonably amicable terms – I think I’d successfully drummed it into their heads that all three of their daughters needed them.

So what if Stacie had a justifiable beef with Vivian and Janice. I figured I’d convinced them, that as parents, it was their duty to a least try to stay neutral and treat all three daughters the same. They could be annoyed about what the girls had done, but I thought it was a big mistake to cut Vivian and Janice out of their lives. I gave them the same warning that I had given the kids, if anything happened to Vivian — or Janice come to that — then it would be too late to put things right.

I’d also added into the mix that they were unlikely to see much of Jamie and Katie in the future as well, and that punishing the children for the sins of their mother was not very Christian of them. I felt reasonably confident that they’d change their attitude towards Vivian when I left and pretty pleased with myself, as I drove to the hotel I’d booked into later that night.

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Game WorldChapter 48

We were out to sea and heading westward when I finally had Miranda Scott brought to me to have a chat. By that time we'd recovered all our troops and I had heard from my lieutenants. All three had been very successful in their missions and none had taken any serious casualties. Surprise and overwhelming force had ruled the day and I was pleased to hear it. Of all of them, Dork had had the hardest task considering the situation that I had put him in. At times his men had been forced to...

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Game WorldChapter 67

Elsa was right. We did need to deal with the consortium and we needed to do it soon. Right now our actions had everyone on the other Earth scared shitless. If we didn't do something soon, those people, regardless of how scared they were might decide to take matters into their own hands. I didn't want that to happen. To prevent that I needed to manage them before they started think they could manage me. Acknowledging that, I decided I needed to hold a meeting. The first two people I called...

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Game with Rani Aunty

Hi ISS lovers I am Jona from Kurnool (Andhra Pradesh). I am reading these stories from past 3 years and never felt bore and never ended without jerking. Such a gr8 fan of this site. This is the real incident which is in between my neighbor aunt and me. As it is my first story please encourage me with your mails. Waiting for your feedback at This is not a straight away sex story incident. So the people who want only sex can leave this one. I am 22 years old with normal body structure. My aunt...

2 years ago
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Game Night Of Sex With Vasanthi

The day I had been looking forward to has arrived and I am ready for the game night. It has been more than 5 months since our doctor advised Vasanthi and me not to have any intercourse. Even after my boy was born, we were still advised to wait another 3 months before we engaged ourselves in bed. Doctor: The normal waiting period is around 4 to 6 weeks, Karim. But I suggest you both wait a little longer for 3 months atleast. I want Vasanthi to be fully healthy before she takes you in again. The...

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Game WorldChapter 46

I slept poorly that night as did my mates and we all woke in a foul mood that just wouldn't go away. The reason was that we were all still pissed at how things had gone in Panwan. All of us wanted to strike back at Onyx Network and pay them back for the mess they'd made of things, but none of us could think of a way to do it that was both feasible and satisfying. The big problem was that we all understood that what we'd been doing for the last few days had only a short term effect on the...

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Game Set And Match

Wimbledon. A district and town of South West London, but the first thing you get when you look it up on the internet is the tennis results. Wimbledon is the home of the Lawn Tennis Association and hosts one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world.The internet contains abundant footage of top-class tennis players, umpires, line judges and ball boys and girls, all captured on high definition. What it doesn’t capture is what goes on behind closed doors, and it certainly doesn’t...

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Game WorldChapter 41

The big problem I had was what to do next. You see I had a plan of making Game World work for me and to achieve that I needed to keep the networks playing ball according to my rules and not theirs and while I knew that I was currently the number one draw, I also knew that fame could be fickle. Part of that fickleness comes from expectation and unfortunately for me, I'd been blowing away every bar chart, bell curve, and rating system in use on the alternate Earth and I'd been providing the...

4 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 86

"My name is Wolfgang Harding," the man informed us, "and I was a program manager for Teutonic Network." By then we'd moved from the lobby of the resort to the upper dining room so we could chat. The other man had been taken off in restraints to be dealt with later. For now I was interested in talking to Wolfgang. I ordered coffees for everyone and then waited for them to be served. Dork and Nimue were still with me and we all sat in silence until the waitress had finished serving...

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Game Plan

Hi all, I am Mahesh and a regular reader of ISS stories and I am here to share my great experience which is hard to believe and quite enjoyable to read. I am 35 years old bachelor working for a consumer durable major in Bangalore. Our department consists of more than 100 employees and our section comprises of nearly 20 employees. I live alone in Bangalore as a paying guest near jaya nagar. I look little fat, with normal height. For many young girls in my office, I don’t look that attractive...

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Game WorldChapter 44

Fighting the goblins was anti-climatic after the fun and games that Corinth and I had gotten up to down by the lake, but it was something that we still needed to do or to be specific, I felt we should do. My mates thought otherwise. The goblins had mounted guards at intervals all around the plateau upon which Arlberg stood. There were two goblins per sentry and one of each team of sentries was mounted on a warg. In total there were twenty-six goblins watching the walls of Arlberg and the...

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Gamer GoddessChapter 9

"What's so important that is has to be all hush-hush?" Dan asked, sitting beside the bed. "I heard you've been making time with my girl. Getting all kissy face and everything, what's the deal?" His face flushed. "You damn well know I would never do anything like that! It's all her. The damn witch won't leave me alone. It's like somebody turned on the flirting switch and she won't back off." "What? You're saying my girl's a slut now?" His face paled. "No. That's not it...

2 years ago
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Game leads to sex

Hi I’m Nita from Maharashtra. I m 45 yrs. Old women. One request to shag while reading ladies put there fingers in your pussy even I had cummed a lot while writing this incident. I m short in height. My hair r medium till my back. My figure is 34 39 38. I’m Gujju married women. I’m fair in color. I’m happy with my sex life it was normal. Not much fantasies too. It all happened with my nephew. I m clever and smart. It was summer vacation and my hubby and children went to outstation for 15 days,...

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Game WorldChapter 6

The next day brought me information that set the pace for the remainder of the day and helped solve a couple of questions that had been floating about in my mind during the night. The fact came out that the other slaves didn't like Caitlin and Rory and as the eldest male, a man called Bolo told me over breakfast, while they appreciated the fact that Kola and I had rescued them the night before, the group didn't like me either. It quickly became apparent that these people all came from...

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Game WorldChapter 20

Elsa Mueller joined me for breakfast the next morning. I was sitting with my mates and my friends and with Lord Barnabas. Barnabas was up and out of bed again, although still under the supervision of his former concubines. They were watching over him like hawks, which I had no complaints about. I wanted him up and functioning but only when he was truly able. I didn't want to rush things too quickly for the old man. Elsa's arrival gave me an opportunity to discuss the issue openly with both...

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Game WorldChapter 38

Felicity gave Samira the antitoxin that night and by the morning her condition had started to improve. She was still unconscious but her vital signs had improved as well as her skin colouring. If a casual observer looked at the young woman, they wouldn't immediately assume that she was dead. For a moment I breathed easier, but only for a moment. Like always Game World never lets up and we found that out later in the day. I was strolling about the city having a look about, when an alarm rang...

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Game WorldChapter 79

"What are we going to do now?" It was three days after the action in the gorge and Anastasia had come over to chat with me after supper. As always she started our conversation with what was starting to be her personal catch-phrase. I tried to ignore it. During those three days my people had been training the recruits with a little more diligence. While all of them could use a bow their skill and accuracy was still not strong enough to employ them against anything other than slavers. If I...

4 years ago
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Game Day

The four of us took our seats at the stadium, we hardly ever got out together anymore. We were high school friends. Back in the day we were inseparable. But with new lives, families and jobs we hardly ever got to say hi, let alone get together so when Howard sent a group email that said he had tickets to a home football game. We all made plans to get that day off. Terrence was the leader of the group, well that's how he acted anyway. He was a tall kid back in high school. But now he was...

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Game WorldChapter 60

It took us three days of hard riding to get where I wanted to go so that I could fulfill my promise to Nimue. For the most part we rode in silence with everyone tied up with their own thoughts and concerns. Our trek took us southwest and then due west through rugged woodlands and open fields until we reached the ocean. Once we got there we headed south again, keeping to the bluffs and avoiding the beach. It was slow going and it was near dusk on the third day when we spotted what I was...

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Game Day

It's Game Day... Sir has decided that we will host a Game Day party. The details have all been decided: the food, the guests and the pre-game, half-time and post game entertainment. The last of the hot food is ready and set out buffet style, the beer is cold and in the fridge. I've dressed as directed and will greet our guests as instructed. My job is to serve: the food, the drink. I'm also to make sure everyone signs up for the Pool. There are prizes for each quarter, and the final...

2 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 81

"You've got to be kidding?" That was Ben questioning what I was showing him. Hope had moved us south and to the west of our last location. We were now in what could be considered the deepest, darkest part of Africa. We were to the west of a large body of water that I knew as Lake Victoria and we were looking down towards it from high up on a jungle covered mountainside, using binoculars to actually see what was happening down on it. We were there for three reasons. The first was because...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

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Game WorldChapter 42

Dawn came too early for me and Kola but we rose anyway. My poor mate was sore but content and she thanked me with a kiss for my enthusiastic performance last night and the tenderness and patience that I had displayed. I showed her my appreciation by returning her kiss with one of my own, making it deep and passionate, knowing that Mai Woo and the networks were watching it. Then we went off to breakfast and the work that awaited me. I ate breakfast at the central hearth, joined by Tagar and...

1 year ago
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Game of Thrones Season 7

Game of Thrones. Amazing. Season 7. The hype is real! Sex. Also amazing. This story is basically a sex-filled retelling of each Game of Thrones Season 7 episode. I will try to release them every week, but no promises! The chapters may be one long sex scene or a bunch of smaller ones. Maybe it will be a bunch of longer scenes! It all depends on what happens in the episode. I will try and vary the characters and the scenes, but again I haven't seen the episodes yet. One thing I won't do is just...

2 years ago
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Game Day Fuck

It was the night of the big game, all the dorms were quiet, no one was roaming or out, all the TV's in the common areas were tuned to the game. Even in the rooms that had their own TY sets, the game was own. In our dorm room, where Daryl and I resided, the set was own the big game, with one exception, I was on my knees between Daryl's knees sucking his cock. Daryl enjoyed having his cock sucked while he relaxed and watched the tube. The phone rang, Daryl answered and told the person on the...

1 year ago
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Game Set Match

Game, Set, Match. By Julie O Edited By Amelia R & Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "I can't believe we're doing this," said eighteen-year-old Tasha Briggs. "Neither can I; it's so stupid," interjected Nick Kester. "Don't be a wet blanket," said his older...

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Game Set and Match

Game Set & Match   by   Miss Irene Clearmont.An adult tale of female domination.   ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2012.Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost. Martina Navratilova No one rejoices more in revenge than a woman. JuvenalThe character ?Sheikha Tasnim? was used with permission from Clare Penne and her wonderful stories ?My Passage To Womanhood?. This story is dedicated to Clare without reservation!  -...

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Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 2 The Game

I had to park in a fairly remote parking lot of the high school since it was so late in the game and pretty much the whole world was already at the game hours ago. I was kind of surprised when another car pulled in next to me as I was getting out of mine. I locked up my car and started the trek over to the stadium where I could already hear the crowd cheering and the muffled sound of the announcer calling the game over the lousy sound system that the school had. You could barely tell what the...

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Game WorldChapter 32

What they had to say was interesting and in many ways enlightening and informative. It was also arrogant, indulgent, and banal and I found myself gritting my teeth at times and shaking my head with disbelief and it was only through shear will power that I was able to keep myself from snapping the necks of all three visitors. As it was it took a while for the Asian woman to explain things to my satisfaction. The woman's name was Mai Woo and she was a marketing specialist for Jade Network....

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Game WorldChapter 52

"Pirates," I shouted a few minutes later, lowering my spy glass and handing it to Tagus as I did. My friend took it from me and had a look. There were four canoe-like craft slipping away from the ship that we were approaching. The canoes were low in the water and they were shooting across the sea towards a distant island at a good pace. From what I could see there were three men in the bow of each craft paddling like crazy and there were three men in the stern of each craft doing the same....

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Game WorldChapter 78

I spent one more day at Iskar and then I fled the city. That day turned out to be a very long and tense one and I quickly lost my taste for the adventure. What I saw and heard during the day just made me want to head home. We ended up with four types of slaves as a result of our efforts. There were those that wanted nothing to do with me and my people. They grabbed what they could and then they fled Iskar in the hope of eventually finding some place safe where they could start life a new. I...

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Game WorldChapter 82

My trip back to 'zombie land' wasn't actually out of the blue. I had been following Nimue's progress ever since I'd left the other Earth and I knew that the cloning procedure had been a complete success and that Dr. Gruber had grown a new arm for Nimue. I also knew that Nimue had been out of bed for at least a week and that she had been involved in an extensive physiotherapy program trying to rebuild muscles and coordination with her new limb. According to Hope that program could be...

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Game WorldChapter 85

It was late in the afternoon of the next day before I got to get away from business and have a moment or two to myself. At the time I was standing on a slope of a hill overlooking the site where Hope was building her mega-teleportation system. The site stood a few hundred yards to the south of the resort in a large clearing. The area was a beehive of activity and I was impressed by what I saw. Structurally the facility was almost complete. The facility was roughly the size of a small...

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Game of Change

A group of friends find a board game that will transform their bodies in all sorts of way both physically and mentally whether they wish for it or not. "This game seems cool" says one of the friends "might as well play it" says another bored "whats it about" one asks "lets read the rules" says the first friend Rules of game This game will transform your body and mind throughout the game. These transformation will remain this way till their is a winner. If the group is to stop playing all...

4 years ago
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Game of Stamina

I was bored as hell tonight. It was probably going to be one of those nights where nothing was supposed to happen but I couldn't have been more wrong. Tonight will be the night my whole life changed, for better or for worst.I'm a typical 23-year-old guy who loved to go out on weekends, meet different girls in clubs, and then just fuck the shit out of them in the end. Pardon my French, but that's the way I am. I think that's the way any guys are, whether they admit it or not. We, as boys, are...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 13

As it turned out Tagus had been on Game World for many years and he had many stories to tell me. First however we needed to fish all the men out of the water and get them back onto the beach. Fortunately the water wasn't that deep along most of the jetty and where it was, the men who'd fallen in knew how to swim or at least to float. That kept us from losing anyone. Afterwards, Tagus invited us onboard his vessel and offered us warm sweet tea, which I had to admit was better than the wine I...

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