Hanna Ch. 18-21 free porn video

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Chapter 18


We made our way slowly up the covered walk-way, appreciating its shade and relative coolness, but still found that after our time in the sun the air-conditioning in our room seemed far too cold by comparison.

‘I’m sure we would get a bit of a breeze if we opened the door to the balcony Mac. So why not turn off the air-conditioning in the bed-room, then we won’t have to cover ourselves while we sleep.’ she suggested, adding. ‘I’ll just go and rinse the rest of the salt out of my bikini, I shan’t be more than a minute or two.’

Her idea was both practical and stimulating, and I did that, then stripped off my shorts and quickly finished drying myself before pulling back the bed covers and lying down.

I lay there thinking back over the events of the day, remembering the sound of her happy laughter when we were down in the market, the way she had instantly won the hearts of the men in the cafe with her crude gesture, the way she looked when she’d knotted the scarf around her lovely neck. Then the even more beautiful, excitingly beautiful picture she’d made in the bikini. The way I had seen her when swimming below her, seeing her sensual nakedness. Trying desperately to recall the sensations that had flooded through me when we’d made love out there.

Those thoughts were brought to a sudden halt when she returned from the bath-room, she was proudly and totally unashamedly naked.

The fact that I was too really only struck me when she stopped half way across the room. ‘You have a really great body Mac, and I’m so glad you keep it in such good condition. So many men in your position don’t bother, they seem to think that money alone is sufficient to attract a woman.’ she said as her eyes drifted slowly up and down.

‘I’m glad it pleases you darling, though it’s not something I consciously work on. I seem to remember you saying that you had been lucky with your genes, I think the same applies to me. But I think quite a few muscles have tightened up since I have met you.’ I added with a grin.

She gave that deep-throated laugh that sent tingles running up and down my spine. ‘Likewise, and I seem to have developed a few I didn’t even know existed before.’ she replied as she moved forward and got up and knelt on the bed beside me.

‘That siesta, were you planning on dropping off immediately?’ she said in a low whisper, as she slowly ran her fingers up my leg. ‘Or has that magnificent body still got just a little bit of energy left?’ she added as her fingers slid down over my thigh, then up to where my cock and balls limply hung.

‘Oh I think we might surprise you.’ I replied, reaching up to cup both breasts, then feeling the same tingling that had raced up my spine running through my fingers as they closed around those amazing, silkily firm globes.

Her eyes stared down deep into mine, the light grey colouring taking on a slightly darker hue, and the silvery bronze highlights flashing as our hands moved in unison, hers moving over my stomach, thighs and groin, mine stroking and gently fondling her breasts.

‘Close your eyes darling.’ she said softly after only a minute or two. ‘Now, I want you to think back through what we have done today, I particularly want you to concentrate of things you have seen and then tell me which was the sexiest. Ignore the time when we were actually making love please, that’s too obvious. Will you do that for me?’ she asked as one hand continued slowly running up and down my inner thigh, the back of it from time to time brushing against my cock and balls.

I did as she’d asked, at first having a great deal of trouble ignoring both the continued tingling sensations coming from my own hands, and what hers were doing to me. But what helped was the fact I’d actually been having such thoughts only a few minutes earlier. ‘There are three things that stand out.’ I said after a couple of minute’s thoughtful silence. ‘The first was down in the market, when you bought that scarf and tied it around your neck.’

‘Really! What was sexy about that?’ she said with obvious surprise.

‘Well, you. I mean you already looked gorgeous in that outfit, the pastel colours really complimented your complexion, and it fits you so well, showing off every gorgeous curve. But at that moment you looked so happy. I wanted to hug you so tight right then. And do much more than just hug you.’ I added meaningfully.

She laughed softly and gave my leg a quick squeeze. ‘I wish I had known that. But now, the others?’

‘Obviously one of them was the way you looked in the bikini, I mean, well what can I say. And especially after we had been in the water.’ I added. ‘While it was still wet, it clung even more tightly to you. Simply mind-blowing!’

‘Good, that’s what it was meant to do. Now, the last one? And this time try to do better at describing what you saw, and how you actually felt please.’

I fell silent again, that time for a bit longer, my hands dropping away from her as I gathered my thoughts and tried to find the right words to do what she had asked me to. ‘OK, here goes, but I don’t think I’m very good at this sort of thing.’ I said before starting.

‘It was before we made love, after I had been out for my swim and was coming back to find you. Remember how I dived under you and came up between your legs?’

‘Yes of course I do.’

‘Well of course I didn’t know you had taken the bikini off, that is until I looked up as I swam underneath you. That’s the sexiest of the three.’

‘Describe it, and also how you felt darling.’

I closed my eyes and brought the scene back into my head. The image of how she had looked in the water above me was sharp and crisp, but I knew that describing it, and how I had felt at that moment would be difficult.

‘Well as I said, I didn’t know you had taken the bikini off so seeing you naked was a surprise, and sexually exciting too of course. But there was much more than just the fact that you were naked.’ I paused, marshalling my thoughts before continuing. ‘I don’t know if I can explain this part, but I’ll try.

When you watch a large wave curling as it starts to break there are a few moments when, if the sun-light is in the right direction, you get the impression you can see right through it. You may have seen the effect when you have seen newsreel footage of surfers riding down through the tube of a really big wave. I have often seen dolphins riding the surf in towards the shallows, and sometimes, if the angles are just right, for a few moments it doesn’t look as though they are swimming, but actually flying, flying through sapphire coloured air. It’s magic!

Well when I looked up and saw you above me it was like that. The sun-light was so strong and the water so clear that you looked just like that, looked as though you were moving through some sort of liquid sapphire. But there was more than just that.’ I said, pausing for a moment before continuing. ‘Normally when you look up through the water at something above you it’s just a dark outline of the shape that you see. But, perhaps because the angle of the sun was just right for the light to be refracted the way it was, you looked as though you were being lit from beneath. I could see every detail, crystal sharp.

Of course the first things to catch my eye were your breasts. Their weight pulling them down from your body, but their buoyancy trying to counteract that, the conflicting forces giving them a more spherical shape. And the magnifying effect of the water making them seem even larger than they already are.’ I added, remembering only to well the feelings I always got when I felt that silky flesh beneath my fingers. ‘They were moving slowly up and down as you swam, and right then I wanted more than anything else in the world to just float up and press my face between them.

But I didn’t, my eyes had moved on, down along the rest of your body, seeing the amazingly sensual outline shap
e of your waist and hips, then your legs, and they are such long, very long legs. And, as they scissored the water, up between them, the dark, matted patch of hair. But, and this is the most amazing, and the most powerfully erotic part, as they kicked, allowing the sun-light to stream down between them, I was convinced I could see the split ridge of your pussy-lips.’

Again I paused, the image too clear for comfort, but, as that was what Hanna had asked me to do, trying to remember exactly what thoughts had gone through my head at that moment. ‘Even though I had only a few seconds in which to see you like that, and I could tell from the growing pressure in my lungs that I would soon need to surface for air, I also knew that in those brief moments my body had reacted. And reacted incredibly powerfully. As well as the pressure in my lungs I could feel another, even deeper and stronger pressure inside me, feel the blood pounding through my veins, hear the sound of it throbbing loudly in my ears.

I can’t begin to tell you exactly what I thought, other than to say that right then I wanted, no needed you more than anything else in the world.’ I said after another, longer pause. ‘At one level of my brain the way you looked made me think of you as some sort of magically ethereal being, a mermaid. At another, I just wanted you, needed you, needed to feel my body melding with yours.’

I felt one of her hands briefly pressing lightly against my still closed eyes. ‘That was beautiful, romantically poetic darling.’ she said in a soft whisper. ‘But don’t open your eyes yet, try to imagine you are still there, in the water beneath me, looking up at me, and still feeling those needs.’ she added as she moved herself up over me.

During the time it took me to recount what I had seen and felt her hands had never stopped moving, their slow caresses adding to the effect the recall of those images and thoughts had been having on me. But I only realised just how strong that effect had been when I felt her fingers stroking more firmly up and down my almost fully engorged cock.

‘I am that mermaid.’ she said in the same low, whispering voice as she lifted herself higher. ‘But I have changed my tail into legs, and have given myself what earthly women have between them. And I have worked some more magic so you can continue breathing under water. I have also read your mind and so I know how you feel. I feel the same way too, I have done so since I first saw you entering the water. The sight of your powerfully strong body made me feel strangely weak, and then as I watched you swimming into my domain I felt things stirring inside me, felt things that I hadn’t experienced for a very, very long time.

So long in fact that it took me a little while to understand exactly what those stirrings meant. Then I knew, and in that moment I also knew what I had to do.

This is what I had to do.’ she whispered as I felt her steadying my cock then her slickly moist pussy-lips slipping slowly down over its head. ‘I had to feel the wonder of your powerful body entering mine, pushing deep, opening me up.’ she said as she slowly pushed down. ‘Going deeper, deeper, this special part, this magnificent part of you almost splitting me apart.’ she added as she ground herself right down.

Somehow, in spite of the sheer physicality of the thrills she gave me, I was still able to maintain the fantasy inside my head. I was still in the water, she did have those magical powers, our bodies were truly melding. Then the gently undulating motion of the waves moved us up and down together. Each rise and fall creating a separate peak of joy. The intensity of the shared pleasure we were feeling rising a little higher with each one.

Unlike the previous evening, when she had ridden me so frenziedly, that time she was much less hurried, less demanding, and what we were doing together, more sensually satisfying. When she had first pushed down I had almost automatically lifted my hands back up to her breasts, closing my fingers right around them, feeling their already stiffened tips grazing against the palms of my hands. Then as she rose and fell I began fondling and squeezing them, and heard her start to give a series of low, contented sighs.

We basked and wallowed in that dream-like state of shared bliss. Neither of us wanted it to end. Each was somehow aware of not only our own but also the other’s pleasure. Each doing our best to suppress the normal urges that would have taken us too quickly towards its inevitable conclusion. And, I think, both starting to become aware that the feelings we were sharing were not just the result of some shared fantasy, nor were being caused by just the physical thrills we were giving each other, but were actually coming from some other, much deeper and truly emotional place.

But of course, in time, our bodies betrayed us, their reactions dragging us back from that wonderful space we had been in together. And the fantasy effect had been so strong that by the time I was aware of my return from it the tension and urgency inside my real body had already reached near criticality.

As I returned to reality the first thing I felt was the bruising ache in my balls as they shrank up against the base of my cock. Then I opened my eyes and saw Hanna’s face, her head thrown back, the sinews in her neck stretched tight, her mouth gaping wide as she sucked air down into her lungs. I looked lower, saw the dark, curling bush of pubic hair, the straining shaft of my cock appearing and disappearing as she rose and fell.

Then my eyes clamped shut again because it suddenly felt as though the sea we had been drifting in was actually inside me, rising as it approached the shore-line, becoming the most unimaginably immense wall of breaking surf. A wave that was carrying me, the sound of its roar filling my ears, its power leaving me totally helpless to do anything but go with it.

The foaming crest of it caught me, lifted me, tossing me like some weightless bauble as it sped on. I was aware of my body’s reactions, felt it flexing, pushing up and down, somehow using the power within the boiling surf to continue riding the wave. And at the same time as all that was happening to me I felt the physical pressure inside me rising ever higher and higher. Then all the multiplicity of sensations merged together, and as they did I was filled with an unbelievably exhilarating elation, they rose even higher, crested, then broke in a series of judderingly foaming peaks.

The rapture continued on until my need had been exhausted, and the sea had done with me. Having lifted me so high, then carried me faster and faster as it rolled beneath me, it finally cast me up on the shore, leaving me beached, and gasping for air.

I re-opened my eyes to find Hanna looking down at me, her usually sparkling eyes were cloudy, almost glazed, but there was a tight smile on her lips. ‘I don’t know where you have been, but if the effect is always that strong you can go there anytime you like my darling.’ she said in a hoarse whisper before slumping down on to me.

I held her tight, feeling the reverberation of her pounding heart-beat harmonising with my own as we waited for our minds and bodies to recover from what we had shared. And only when they had, rolling apart, and without even worrying about the pooling mess beneath us, falling blissfully asleep.


Chapter 19

Gala Night

We must have slept for nearly two hours and I was actually woken by the sun dropping below the frame of the door to the balcony. For a moment I was completely disoriented, then I stretched and heard a muffled protest from Hanna as my movement disturbed her. My memory suddenly came flooding back, I knew where I was, with whom, what we had shared, and my spirits soared.

‘Come on sleepy-head.’ I whispered as I bent low and kissed her neck. ‘Siesta time is over, some tea, then it’ll be time to get ourselves ready for the party.’

I watched her coming even more slow
ly to the surface than I had, mumbling something unintelligible to herself, then her eyes finally opening and seeing me looking down at her. Seeing her face at that moment was like watching the most glorious sun-rise, her smile radiated sheer joy and happiness, and her eyes literally shone as though they were lit by some inner light, their diamond-like flecks sparkling brilliantly.

‘Oh thank God, it wasn’t just a dream.’ she said in a tone of amazed relief. ‘Kiss me please.’ she added as her arms reached up around my neck and pulled my head down.

Of course I was more than happy to do as she had asked and the fervour of her kiss gladdened my heart as much as the sight of her smile had. ‘I had the strangest dream Mac, about us, well it was more about you actually.’ she said when we broke for air. ‘Unlike most dreams it was a sort of re-run of today, well at least of the best bits.’ she added with a cheeky smile. ‘I was having such a wonderful time with you, was feeling so amazingly happy. Then I somehow knew I was dreaming, knew I was waking up, and didn’t want to return to reality. But I couldn’t do anything about it. Then when I woke and saw you looking down at me so lovingly I realised that reality was even better than the dream had been.’

‘It’s wonderful to hear you say that darling.’ I said, bending to kiss her again. ‘I have been feeling things like that about you too. This is the wrong time and place to do it, we are removed from reality here and let’s just enjoy that, but when we get back to Paris I think we do need to talk about us. I hope you think so too.’ I added anxiously.

‘I’d like that darling. And although I agree that it’s best to discuss some things less emotionally, if you are starting to feel the way I do I think we ought to make tonight a bit of a personal celebration.’

Looking back it’s interesting to see how we were both still gingerly skirting around the ‘love’ word at that time. Each of us knew how deeply we were feeling about the other, both probably suspected those feelings were shared, yet the practical streak in both of us kept the reins on either of us over-committing too quickly.

Perhaps it was just that we were both intelligent enough to know that the other had a demanding career as well as a personal life, that melding those might not be as easy as it had been to do so with our bodies.

But even so I think we both also knew that regardless of whether or not our relationship was to move on to become a more conventional one, we had each found someone who had already become incredibly important in our lives.

‘I’ll say yes to that.’ I replied. ‘But right now I need some refreshments, I’m going to order up some tea and something light to eat. How about you darling?’

She agreed she was ready for something too, so having ordered we quickly made ourselves a bit more respectable before the waiter arrived.

Then while we were eating she suggested that as we had done the previous evening, I should have first use of the bath-room, but then rather than mooching around waiting for her, I should go down to the bar. ‘For one thing, I’ll have to wash my hair, so it will take me a little longer to get ready. But you never know who you might bump into Mac, I mean business contacts of course.’

Although I had actually been hoping I might get a chance to watch her getting ready I said nothing about that, but instead nodded my agreement. ‘So long as you don’t leave me alone for too long.’

‘No more than half an hour or so, then you can buy me a glass of champagne, don’t forget we’re going to have a private celebration.’

So, having showered and shaved again I handed the bath-room over to Hanna, then finished dressing and went downstairs.

Although screened from the dining area, the bar was essentially an extension of that space and the resort owners had wanted the option of being able to use the whole for exhibitions or fashion shows. So the ceiling above the restaurant was actually two floors high, with a small mezzanine gallery running along three sides, and leading down from that were two staircases, one on either side, which led into the area taken up by the bar.

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"I told you that you can't come over tonight, I've got to see my fiancée!" said Jeremy to Fiona, his little something on the side. "Why do you prefer that little blonde tramp to me?" Fiona whined. Jeremy rolled his eyes heavenward. "I don't prefer that little blond tramp over you. You're my favorite tramp and you know it." "Flatterer." She interjected. "You know me too well" he admitted. "Nonetheless I don't prefer her to you. I just prefer her Daddy's money to...

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I knew I should have checked the long range weather before I left theairport. I had been airborne for several hours and the weather was rapidlygetting foul. November weather can be very tricky in this area and can changequickly...warm one hour and cold the next. It was snowing heavily now, I washitting strong, gusty headwinds, and I wasn't exactly sure I knew where Iwas. I estimated I had about an hour's worth of fuel left in my single engineCessna 172. Unable to make radio contact with...

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Internet sex

I met Steve online and we hit it off. We chatted for a few weeks and I liked what I found out about him.He was six feet two,250 pounds and very hairy. His body had blond hairy all over it.The only thing trimmed was his eight inch, very thick penis.(from the pictures he sent me)We agreed that he was to come to my house on Friday. When the bell rang I answered it wearing a towel and my jaw dropped. Steve was gorgeous!!I took his body in as I swear I drooled a tad bit. I took his hand and pulled...

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Nights of passion

NIGHTS OF PASSION BY KEVLAR. To say Melissa was a stunning woman would be to compare the Great Wall of China as being really tall. She had long flowing black hair, Green eyes that sparkled like emeralds, and a voice that was angelic but also had an air of mystery in it. Her frame was small but not petite.Her breasts were almost a C cup and one of her best assets other than her small apple shaped ass. She had been thinking of attending her 10th High School reunion and was reluctant to go when...

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Books ENP

We have done Video Games. We have done cartoons. Others have done movies. Others have done whatever else there is. But what about all the characters that exist in literature? Here’s the deal. Any character in any form of literature is allowed AS LONG AS they are 18+. Comic Books Graphic Novels Novels Novellas Poems Manga Comic Strips Plays Book Series Do NOT use ENF/ENM characters that belong to other online authors. Hooked6, SDS, splotch etc characters are NOT allowed to be added unless 1) you...

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Weekend At Estelles

My story begins in 2003. I married the love of my life one year after I enlisted in the Armed Forces. I will keep much of my service a secret, I don't want my buddies, if they read this, to know who I am. So, my name is Randy. Married life was fun, both of us wanted to be child free so I elected to have a vasectomy to make sure it never happened. Sylvia and I were both animals in bed, we fucked every night and sometimes multiple times on the weekend if I wasn't working. Sometimes we invited a...

2 years ago
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Terror On Elm Street

Miriam Smith was just finishing up some shopping at an older mall near the Birmingham airport. These stores were certainly not the premier stores that had recently opened in a new mall near their beautiful home in Mountain Brook. The pretty blonde wife was doing more window-shopping than buying as she was waiting patiently for her husband to call notifying her of his delayed arrival at the airport. He was flying back this evening from a business conference in San Francisco and his plane should...

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Me and Charlie Blake

I lay in a swing-chair, my arms folded softly over my belly, feeling the tips of my long golden curls. The sun is warm as it seeps through my skin, heating my whole body. My eyes are closed and I can smell the sweet scent of the garden around me. Yes, this was bliss, this was my life, my perfect happy life. My soft eyelids flutter open as I hear the heart of all my happiness approach the swing I am on. A gentle hand places itself on my head and I giggle “Hey.” I say it like a little girl still...

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my Hotmail

Once again it was Saturday night, 8pm and as usual I was on my computer, not to mention I was horny as hell and really needed to taste some cunt.There was no point in trying to get the wife to fuck, it was just not going to happen.So I opened up my Hotmail to see if my lady friend was online and see if she was alone and wanted some company. I sent my message: Hi, how are you? How are you feeling? Are you alone?With an evil grin, I send my message and waited for her reply. It arrived a few...

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Mera Frist Sex Simran Bhabi Ka Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto me dilmeet phir se hazir hun. Sorry dear me job ki vajha se koi story send nahi kar paiya. Dosto me base itna kahna chau ga Plz bhai bhean maa beta jase pavitar restho ko bdnam na karo. Chalo ab story par ate hai.Simran bhabi ka bare me to app janta hi hai bhabi ki figure 32 34 36 thi. Raat ko ek bar bhabi ko chodna ka bad hum log ek dusra ka sath chipak kar so gaye. raat to 2 baje mera to susu karna bathrum me geya jab vapise ayea to babhi abi bi nagi thi mera lund phir se kharda ho...

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The Crush

I can remember the first girl I fell for in college. I was a sophomore. She was amazing, she had jet black hair, long and straight, like a waterfall of black ink, she was spectacular. Her frame was tall and lean, like a cheerleader, but she was not really into being a spectator. She was more of an athlete. She liked to climb, loved to bike, and played football and tennis on the side. She was, in a word, very well balanced. She was also completely out of my league. Which is why I was surprised...

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Encounter at Johns

Finally I had set aside a weekend with nothing to do, got directions, and went to visit him. I knocked on his apartment door, and he opened it within a few seconds. He must have been waiting for me. I stepped inside, set my backpack down and took off my sandals. John was a very tan, smiling bald man about my height, 5'10 and 160ish pounds. His eyes were big, always seemed to be wide open, and his smile would have been a tad creepy if I hadn’t seen pictures of him and been prepared for...

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WeFuckBlackGirls September Reign Vanessa Vega 07282020

Charles is a total gear head, who is always fixing his motorcycle. He’s so into his bike that he keeps it in the living room and works on it even when his Girlfriend, Vanessa has her hot girlfriend over. They try to get him to sit down with them but he’s too busy with his bike. Even when they change into sluttly lingerie it’s hard to get him to pay attention to them. This time Vanessa has a good idea…she sees he is looking at something on his bike with his inspection...

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Back to School Haircut

Back to School Haircut By AshbyM It's early September, the tail end of summer is turning into autumn, and you decide it's time to update your wardrobe. You head into town and spend the morning browsing the shops. After a few hours, you've filled a couple of bags with new clothes, new underwear, a new pair of flats, and a cute jacket that was on sale. You're satisfied with the day's shopping and decide to head home. As you walk down the high street you pass a barber shop that you've...

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Alexie and Sophie learn about sex0

A requested story and I have taken the ages out of the story so put in your own. Alexis is daughter and Sophie a friend and both go to a private girl’s school. Alexis came home and had a look about her that meant that there was something bothering her. “What’s the matter Alexie? You look like something is bothering you. Come over here and sit on daddy’s lap.” OH damn she is so cute in that uniform. That skirt is short, and you have such nice legs and a cute butt. As you sit on my...

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My sister and I

For years I had talked to my sister and made it very clear that I wanted to pick up where we left off just before we both moved out of our parents’ home. She knows I wear panties, knows that anytime I visit her home she comes up at least one pair of panties short. She would even ask for copies of my sexcapade tapes that I shot most of my sexual encounters. She even wanted tapes of me masturbating. I always filled her request, but she would never fill mine and even told me she would never finish...

4 years ago
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Little Reds Riding Ass

(FICTION) But could be fact with a bit of coaxing!!!He knew she was squeamish about anal sex, they had spoken about it so many times but she always said no.She complained that it hurt, it didnt feel comfortable and she just wasnt ready."Awww come on, you know I would never hurt you, I'll be gentle, if you dont like it we can stop!"She was having none of it, her bloke was very well endowed and he had a fucking meaty cock, way too thick to go into something so small. They had known each other a...

2 years ago
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Forbidden LoveChapter 7

I got up early the next morning. I hadn’t felt this good in ... well, I don’t think I ever felt this good. I was whistling as I washed my mom’s old minivan when she looked out the door. “Ready for some breakfast?” she asked. “Starved,” I returned with a smile. “Come on in, it’s almost ready.” “I’m almost done. I’ll be there in a minute.” I hurried to clean up the car washing material and put it away in the garage. I was wearing a pair of shorts and T-shirt with tennis shoes. The front of...

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Teaching him

knocked on my son's bedroom door and opened it without waiting. I admit that I wanted to catch him doing something naughty, and I almost did. Evan was sitting at his computer, and minimized the window he was looking at in a hurry. I didn't see what it was, but I had a good idea."Is it okay if we talk?" I asked him."Sure, Mom," he mumbled, obviously annoyed at being interrupted.I picked my way into his room, biting my tongue to keep from saying anything about the mess, and sat on the bed. It was...

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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 22 The Compromise

Over the next week, I was with Queen Helena at one function after another. She was working with me to help me know what would be expected of me when I became the new queen. I still heard the cruel gossip when Oliver wasn't around, yet the Queen said nothing, as if she didn't hear them. Her training was valuable and I was very grateful for it, but it restricted the amount of time I got to see Oliver so we haven't had any time to plan our own wedding, even though I kept getting asked about...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 22 Investigations

"You are absolutely certain, then? The coroner's report shows no drugs, no hallucinogens, no substances of any kind?" "No, sir. Father Bernard's body showed no evidence of any substance that might have caused hallucinations or insanity. There are no drug traces or other physiological evidence pointing to a trigger for his breakdown." "Yet he virtually tore himself to pieces. His face was a mask of utter terror. This is not the act of a rational man, obviously. The simple conclusion...

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taming michelles ass

Looking deep in to her eyes I said, “You have been locked in my dreams for so many months now – I’ve waited so long for this moment too – to finally be able to hold, gaze into your eyes, kiss you and make love to you – Michelle I want to make you mine and only mine!!!.” “Kiss me I want to taste your lips on mine” I leaned in and kissed her thin lips as my hands went to her face and began to caress her. Michelle wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer to her and then she...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 220 Play Before Work

I feel like she is telling me to have fun with Alex. We were both hungry, so we dug around in the kitchen to scare up some food. One of the cooks shooed us into the dining room with half a bottle of some wine. It must be something expensive if it caused Alex’s eyes to go wide. “Don’t ask me anything about wines. I have no clue,” I told Alex. “Back home, the drinking age is twenty-one. Most people don’t let kids have wine with dinner. The only time I know that I know of where a kid had...

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SheWillCheat Paige Owens Paige Owens gives up her husband for a massive black cock

Paige Owens has a job interview today; to be a personal assistant for a wealthy (and very handsome) black man but there’s a problem. Her insecure husband keeps texting her until she finally just calls him in the middle of her interview. It seems like he wants to end things, he sucked anyway so she’s not sad but now she REALLY needs this job, and she lets him know she’ll do anything it takes to be part of the corporate family. He takes her into the bedroom to see if she really...

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My Hate Experience In Telugu Part 8211 4

Hi, readers, I am manasa.This is the continuation of the 3rd part of my story. Any feedback or comments please drop a mail to my height 5.5 and my structure is32-30-34. Looking fair. My bf name is ramesh and his brother name is naresh. Ika story loki veldam. Ala padukogane nidrapattesindi, konchem sepatiki evaro na pussy lo dengutunnattu anipiste dream anukuntu kadalaboyanu. But nijam gane evaro nannu gattiga pattukuni na pussy lo dengutunnaru. Kallu terichi chuste naresh dengutunnadu...

2 years ago
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From Business Relations To Sex Partners

Hi, I am Akash Singh again with a new indian sex story of having sex with an HR of a company. About me, I am a guy with average height and attractive looks, and a beard which puts a cherry on a cake. 22 of age, working in an IT company as Sales About lady HR with whom I had my pleasurable nights named Daisy, 24, good height, the bold look, 36-28-36 as it seemed. Big busts and equally big booties. This happened 2 months ago when I went on the field and in a company in Ahmedabad, where she was...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 10

The next morning I offered to drive Linda to school, but she refused. “Get ready for your date with Holly, Mandy and I can walk to school. Have a great time and give her my love, I will see you tomorrow.” And with a soft kiss she walked on towards the school. I had already packed my bags again, so got dressed in jeans and a shirt again, and called Holly. She answered on the third ring, and said she was ready. So I drove to her house and she was waiting in front and gave me a kiss after she...

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Sibling MagusChapter 9

I arrived at House Lacertae and saw the line waiting to get in. it wasn’t too bad for a Friday night. I found a place to park and remembered Leanne’s messages. I sat in my car and called her. She answered on the third ring. “Seth? Where are you?” “I’m at House Lacertae,” I said. “I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier, things have gotten kind of crazy.” “I heard,” she said. “Jordan called everyone and told us about the Sheriff and your sister. I didn’t know if we would be able to get together...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 38 Transformations Part II

November, 1982, Chicago, Illinois I checked my watch and felt I had enough time. We pulled the bed out and this time we made love the conventional way. After she had three good orgasms, I filled the rubber with cum. We were on a co-ed floor, so Julia lent me a large towel and I went to the guys’ showers to wash up while she did the same in the girls’ showers. We met back in her room, dressed, hugged and kissed and I headed to The Bog for a quick bite before my afternoon class. After class, I...

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PornstarPlatinum Dee Williams Hard Cock Pay Back

It looks like I did it again. But I can’t help myself. When I get a credit card in my hand I just have to spend spend spend! Unfortunately my husband, Sterling Cooper, is not a fan of my shopping trips. Sterling has ways to make sure that I don’t over spend. Looks like I’ll be paying this credit card off with my mouth and pussy. I’m gonna be here on my hands and knees for a while folks, pleasing my rich husband. He got out the fuck machine and everything, so you guys are...

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Banishing The Past

It had been eighteen months of uncertainty, kept apart by work, distance and spouses on both sides. In that time we had managed just a few days of actual contact, wondering when the next time might be. Several times we had run close to being found out but had managed to convince our other halves that nothing was happening.Then it happened, a weekend of no contact, I had become worried and sent a quick message and it hit me. She'd found someone else in her area and was leaving the husband who...

Gay Male
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Imaginary story2

I am Moley, 23, recently married to a civil servant who was transferred soon after marriage with a promotion.After a short honeymoon we packed and left to the place where my husband has to work. My husband, John, was a very sexy fellow and will always think of sex only. I used to make fun of him. He used to ask for a quickie when he comes for lunch. He does not want to mess up with too many clothes and he used to ask me not to wear panties or bras during day time so that when his urge for...

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Il sogno diventa realt

Sono venuto a prenderti all'aeroporto di Milano. Appena mi hai visto mi hai   fatto un radioso sorriso e mi sei corsa incontro. Ci siamo abbracciati   come buoni amici, quindi ti ho accompagnata al tuo albergo. Appena giunti in stanza, ti ho donato un bouquet di rose rosse. Ad una rosa avevo tolto tutte le spine e ci avevo messo sopra un   biglietto. Tu hai preso i fiori con un grande sorriso, poi hai visto   la rosa senza spine con il biglietto attaccato. L'hai aperto e l'hai...

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That he lay down his wife for his friend

I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing She walked into the room where we were waiting for the meeting to start, her high heels clicking on the stone floor intending to be noticed. Dutifully most male eyes turned and stared. Female eyes showed no reaction, but Mrs Guthrie, an elderly parishioner sitting on my left said, “Jezebel, Whore of Babylon.” I responded, “Corset (much needed), makeup too thick, shoes wrong colour.” Jean on my right and wife of a cosmetic...

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The Bastard Ch 05

Chapter Five: ‘Elizabeth’ I was wrong. Something else happened. It happened that Elizabeth came to see me late. Very late. I must have fallen asleep, because I woke to pounding on the door. I don’t know how she got into the building. I thought I heard her voice calling in a dream, but she pulled me out of the dream and through the dark hall and the living room. The only light was the yellow gleam from the street lamp in the alley, streaming up through the windows to project drops of melted...

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