Happy Birthday Angie II
- 3 years ago
- 46
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Note : This story is completely fictional!
I must admit, I was more than a bit surprised when a new guy at work – a middle-aged, moderately overweight and mostly bald guy named Bill – invited me to come over on an upcoming Saturday morning to his new stepdaughter’s birthday party. First, I hardly knew the guy. And second, he was giving me 3 weeks notice; that just seemed far too ‘planned’ to me. Feeling a tad suspicious, I told him I might ‘pop by’ if I could. But his face immediately grew worried.
“It’s REALLY important that you come,” he said, his brow wrinkling a bit.
“Why?” I asked calmly, but my suspicion level now was soaring. What was it with this guy? He hardly knew me. Did I know his stepdaughter? Did he THINK I knew her?
“It’s her 18th birthday!” he sang, giving me a big, dumb toothy grin.
‘Snore,’ I thought to myself.
“Oh! And bring your cameras!”
“Cameras?” I asked sceptically, suddenly feeling taken advantage of. Was all he wanted a free photographer?
“Your digital; and a couple of video- cams with tripods would be nice. I’ve got one myself I’m going to set up; but I’m going to be kind of busy for awhile,” he explained. Then he noticed my concentrated frown, and he said. “Believe me… Brandy’s Mom has a HUGE load of fun planned… for everyone. It will be MORE than worth your while. Trust me.” And this time, his smile looked sincere.
I smiled back. “Sure. I’ll be there,” I said.
“I promise,” I said.
And he happily shook my hand. “Great! Show up as soon as you can that morning. You won’t regret it,” he said, before returning to work.
On the Saturday morning of the party, I drove to Bill’s house in my van, with three tripods and video-cams in the back. I arrived at the door holding just my digital in hand, though. I wasn’t even 100% sure I was at the right house. A slim and attractive brunette, seemingly in her late thirties or early forties, answered the door.
“Are you Mark?” she asked, sprightly.
I nodded. She’d obviously been expecting ME, in particular.
“I’m Bonnie, Brandy’s Mom and Bill’s wife. Did you bring all your cameras?”
“Sure,” I said. “Everything’s in my van. Is Bill here?” I asked her.
“He’s on the couch,” she answered. “He always gets a little dizzy when he takes Viagra. Well… why don’t you come on in and see what’s up first,” she said, as she turned to lead me in.
‘Viagra?’ I asked myself, as I followed her. Why the hell had he taken Viagra? You see, as little as I knew Bill, one thing he DID boast about all the time at work was how one Viagra gave him a rock-hard boner for AT LEAST four hours. “I can’t even put my pants on,” he’d claimed. So why in Hell would he take Viagra just before people started arriving for his 18-year-old stepdaughter’s birthday party? I soon got my answer.
When we got to the big living room (and it truly was big), all the furniture had been pushed to the walls except for the couch, which was in the center of the room. Bill was on it, his head propped up against one end with pillows. True to his Viagra tales, he wasn’t wearing pants. Besides a big grin (Hey Mark!” he said), he was wearing a mostly-unbuttoned shirt, pyjama bottoms that were pulled part way down, and slippers. At least, I assumed he had both slippers on, since I only could see the one leg that he had hanging off the couch, with his foot on the floor. The other was hidden, as was his leg, by Brandy.
You see, Brandy ALSO was on the couch. But where Bill was on his back, Brandy was on her knees. She WAS wearing pants… tight 5-pocket navy jeans, in fact, that looked VERY nice on her. I say that with confidence because what greeted everyone as they walked into the room was her cute little ass, rising up from the couch. And, in those tight jeans, her ass was VERY cute (made even cuter because she seemed to be struggling a little bit, wiggling it side to side). She also was wearing a brown belt, black spike heels, and a cute baby blue tank top. The entire outfit, apparently, had been one of her birthday gifts. But she also was wearing two other gifts. One of the gifts was a pair of padded handcuffs, with her hands firmly secured behind her back and resting on her back, just above her beltline. And the other gift, which held her in that bum-first position, was one of those bondage head harnesses. You know the kind – a bunch of thick, black leather straps that go around a bondage slave’s head, one under the chin, a couple criss-crossing over her head. They certainly held her head in position, but they didn’t obscure her face; and a cute light brown ponytail stuck out the back to rest between her shoulder blades.
Mom had put up pretty pictures of Brandy on all the tables in the room, so I could see what she looked like, and I could see from them how pretty Brandy was… a real sweet, next-door-girl type of face. But right now, that face was buried in her stepfather’s crotch. You see, the head harness had two other straps… long ones that buckled together. And right now those two straps were reaching around Bill’s waist and were buckled together behind him... locked, in fact, as I was soon told.
I squatted down to get a closer look. That’s when I saw what the Viagra had been about… for Bill’s rock hard, bone thick cock was totally filling Brandy’s mouth. And, because that strap around Bill’s waist had been pulled so tight, Brandy’s little nose was pushed hard into Bill’s belly fat and nearly hidden. I couldn’t believe it! This lucky bastard had his rigid wang all the way down Brandy’s throat!
As I was squatted down inches from Brandy, I saw a certain level of panic on her face. I then realized that her hand-cuffed hands were struggling to reach something that was hanging on a long dangling string secured to a hook on the ceiling (I’d missed seeing it earlier because it was so small). What she was struggling to reach was a key, but she could only just touch it, from time to time, with one finger. It was just out of reach.
“It’s the key to the lock securing the harness strap behind my back,” Bill said, seeing me looking at it. Then he laughed.
Immediately, I saw the futility in the teen’s actions. What if she could reach it… and grasp it? Her hands were locked behind her back. The lock she had to reach was behind Bill’s back, and he was lying on it. Later, Brandy’s Mom even told me that the real key to the harness, in fact, was hidden on the floor under the couch. They’d just hung that key there for some silly fun.
Anyway, poor Brandy would every so often struggle to raise her hands off her back to try to reach the key, attempt to grab it, fail, and then let her hands rest back down again. Her attempts could be best described as feeble and totally beyond hope, but certainly entertaining.
“Are you okay?” I asked the girl.
But all she could do was gurgle a bit.
“Blink twice if you’re having fun.”
I watched. She definitely hesitated for a bit. But then she slowly blinked twice.
“Are you sure?” I asked again.
Again she paused, but slowly blinked twice.
I nodded and smiled.
“Then it’s time for some pictures!” I exclaimed, happily pulling out my digital.
“Look into the camera, Sweetheart,” I said as I aimed it right into her face. Brandy turned her head as much as the hard cock several inches down her throat would allow, and opened her eyes wide. Man, she looked sweet! Her mouth was so stretched by Bill’s cock she couldn’t have opened wider had she tried. And turning her head towards me caused her little nose to bend a bit against Bill’s belly. It was so CUTE!!! And then her eyes… they were big and brown and beautiful and sexy and, yes, there was a delightful sense of desperation mixed with total hopelessness in them.
“Say spaghetti!” I told her (since that is the word, apparently, that produces the best smile).
All she could do is gurgle a bit… but that DEFINITELY worked for me.
“good girl!” I said, taking picture after picture. Finally, I said – “Don’t go away! I’ll be right back.” – And then I went off to get the rest of my equipment from the van. It took me several trips to bring in all my stuff.
“This is so great, Mark,” Bonnie told me once I’d brought in the final load and was sorting through things on the living room floor. “Isn’t it great, Honey?” she asked her daughter, putting her hand on Brandy’s ass and petting it for a bit.
Brandy wiggled her bum to show her excitement.
“Can you check on my cam too?” Bill asked me, as I started setting up my tripods.
Later, as I was setting up the last tripod and video-cam, Brandy’s Mom brought me a beer and started to tell me about the day’s plan.
“We wanted Brandy to get used to having cock down her throat before all the guys arrived at noon,” she explained, casting loving glances towards her daughter.
“The guys?” I asked.
“Bill invited ALL the guys from his and your factory to come on over. He wanted them to meet his new family and we thought – what a fun way for us to get to meet everybody?”
“And Brandy will be giving out blowjobs?” I asked.
“Uh huh!”
“To ALL of the guys?” I asked incredulously.
“Of course,” Mom answered, proudly. “We wouldn’t want ANYONE to feel left out!”
I started to whisper, not wanting Brandy to hear what I was saying. “That’s more than 300 guys! Does Candy know that all these guys have been invited to fuck her face?” I asked. “At least half of them are older and uglier than Bill and me.”
“You’re not ugly. Besides, Brandy doesn’t care!” Bonnie assured. “She’s a good girl and is REALLY looking forward to this. I’m VERY, VERY proud of her.” And then she cast another glance towards Brandy, and I could tell that this Mom truly DID love her daughter.
I glanced back at the girl, whose little bum was wiggling helplessly again… she’d wiggle it for a little while… then stop… then wiggle it some more… then stop… then try to reach the key for about ten seconds or so… then give up and wiggle her bum some more. And every so often, you could hear another muffled gurgle or moan. It was all very sweet.
“How long has she been tied up like this?” I asked. It was now about 10:30.
“Since just after 8,” Mom answered.
“2½ hours?” I asked, again in disbelief.
“Uh huh!” Mom smiled pleasantly.
“How did you do it? Did she know! Did she struggle?”
Bonnie shook her head. “Of course not! She was very cooperative. But it WAS awkward. It was all like a little dance. We had to do it with Bill lying down first… and then we had to stand him up… and then we had to lie him back down again.”
“Why do all that?” I asked.
“Well… I had to use my full weight on Brandy’s head to push her all the way down onto Bill’s cock… he has a big one. It took over 5 minutes before it finally popped past her tonsils; but then it slid easily right down her throat.”
“Wow! How did she like that?” I asked.
“Oh… she started gagging right away and tried to pull back, but Bill and I were ready for that. We both held her head for awhile; and then she seemed to tire a bit, so I held her head firm with both my hands and Bill used one, while he used his other hand to push himself up off the couch. Meanwhile, Brandy kind of had to follow; so she naturally slid down to the floor on her knees. Once Bill was on his feet, the only tricky part was getting the harness belt around Bill’s waist, because I had to let go of Brandy’s head. But Bill is a lot stronger than she is, of course. So he just held her with both his hands and I rushed around to do up the buckle and pull the belt tight. Of course, once I got the belt in the buckle, it was pretty much a snap. I had all the leverage and Brandy had none, so I just had to pull and there was nothing she could do but follow. And the whole harness is REALLY well made, so there was no way anything would tear or break apart.”
“Brandy was pretty much fucked!” Bill piped in, and Mom nodded and laughed.
“You were, weren’t you, Sweetie!” Bonnie said, patting Brandy’s bum again.
“Throat fucked,” I added, quietly.
Brandy blinked twice and gurgled.
“Anyway, once I got everything as tight as I could, I locked the buckle with the key. And then it was easy. I just slowly eased Bill and Brandy back onto the couch. The whole thing took about 10 minutes. It actually was LOTS of fun, wasn’t it, Brandy?” she lovingly asked her daughter as she continued to pet the girl’s bum.
I glanced at Brandy to see her again slowly blink twice.
“Of course… it was her first time with a cock down her throat and she puked into her mouth a few times… but she’d agreed to everything beforehand, and hadn’t eaten much, so it was all right.”
“But to do this for four hours?” I said, again letting my incredulousness show.
“Well, no. Bill and I improvised on the length of time. We told her we just wanted to try the harness out to see how it worked. But once she had Bill’s cock down her throat, there was no turning back.”
“And what about sucking off ALL the guys from the factory?”
“No! Brandy wanted that. She’s never given a blowjob before, but some of her girlfriends at school have. Anyway, she wanted to make all her friends jealous; and what better way than to blow ALL the men at the factory where her new stepfather works?“
Wow! My eyes returned to the cute little pony-tailed brunette with the sexy ass that continued to wiggle helplessly, and I had a whole new level of respect for her.
“That’s why the pictures and videos are so important,” Bill said, and I finally understood.
“Yup,” Mom answered. “She wants all these pictures and stuff to show everybody. And, admittedly, we want them to show our friends and family too.”
I nodded my head vigorously. Now I was COMMITTED to making sure I caught everything on camera. At the end of it all, Brandy and her Mom and Bill would have hours and hours of video footage, and thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures they ALL could be proud of.
With renewed enthusiasm, I finished setting up my three video-cams and checked on Bill’s, making sure that there was going to be nice ongoing footage from four different angles… one close-up focussed on Brandy’s pretty face; one focussed on her gorgeous little ass, and two different angles capturing the entire scene from a distance, for the full effect. Then I pulled my digital out again and started taking nice pictures from everywhere. I started with a few distant shots, including several lovely ones of Brandy’s ass. Then I went in for some close-ups. Soon, I was back squatting inches from Brandy’s pretty face, asking her again to turn her head and eyes as much as she could toward the camera. Brandy was so sweet, once again trying to pose as prettily as she could for my camera. At one point, I asked her if she could push her nose even harder into Bill’s belly, and she did so. Of course, she already was about as far as she could go, but it was fun to see her determination trying to drive Bill’s cock even further down her throat.
Every so often, I asked her a question and had her blink once for ‘no’ and twice for ‘yes’. I told her, for example, about all these great websites I knew about where I was sure I could get lots of these pictures and the best video coverage posted ‘so everyone can see it, around the world’, and asked her if she’d like that.
Without hesitation, she blinked twice.
I asked her if she was looking forward to having her throat fucked by all of Bill’s working buddies.
She blinked twice.
And a bit later, when I started to notice a little bit of clear fluid dribbling out the side of her mouth, I asked her if Bill was pissing.
She blinked twice. In fact, hours later when she had a few seconds without a cock in her mouth, she explained that Bill had pissed in her throat several times, but because she was face down, most of it was spilling back into her mouth and just sitting there. She was swallowing it as best she could, but it was difficult with his thick cock in her throat. Essentially, for four hours, her mouth was 90% filled with cock, and the remaining 10% with a little of her own puke, and lots of Bill’s piss.
And I kept asking her if she was having fun… and her answers became more and more spontaneous and confident as she went on. Blink, blink… she WAS having fun!
Of course, I also kept telling her how pretty she looked, and how AMAZING her ass looked in those tight jeans, and how I couldn’t wait to shove my own cock down her throat, and she just kept looking at me with her big, beautiful brown eyes looking so appreciative.
“Hgggggggghhhhhh!” she gurgled, happily.
Of course, I eventually asked her if I might be able to earn more than one blowjob from her… and she just kept blinking: blink, blink - blink, blink - blink, blink… It was so sweet!
Guys from Bill’s work started to arrive at around 11:30, but Mom wanted to give it until 12:30 to release Brandy, so the guys could enjoy watching her with Bill and get pictures of their own. As you might imagine, Brandy’s pretty ass was fondled by virtually every guy in the place. Now she wiggled it to be cute. A couple of guys asked if Brandy was wearing panties and Mom said ‘yes’.
“White bikini panties. Satin ones I bought for her last week,” she elaborated.
“Nice!” the guys nodded.
And Brandy wiggled her bum proudly.
As it was, by 12:30, the whole house with overrun by Bill’s co-workers, but almost exclusively just the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift… guys who’d gone home, rested a few hours, maybe showered, and then popped over to see Bill, meet Bonnie, and pork Brandy.
“How did Bill manage to get guys to agree to come in shifts?” I asked Bonnie a few minutes before 12:30.
“He told them that Brandy would be available all day, all weekend, including Family Day on Monday,” she answered.
“Ahhh… Family Day! I had forgotten about that.”
“It’s a 3-day weekend. So every shift has 3 turns with her.”
“I wish the factory worked that smoothly,” I chuckled.
Naturally, it was a bit of a production releasing Brandy from her bondage. Once again, Bill had to be helped to stand up from the couch and Brandy had to sink slowly down to her knees on the floor. Mom then had guys push the couch back a bit, and a couple of other big burly guys carry in two big cinder blocks with hooks on them, to place on the carpet on either side of where Brandy was kneeling.
Of course, I wanted pictures of all this, as did other guys who’d brought their cameras. Then, once Brandy was on her knees with Bill standing, we paused for about 15 minutes for even more pictures, initially with Brandy’s hands handcuffed behind her back, as they had been all along so far; and then with each wrist individually hand-cuffed to one of the cinder block hooks. That way, Brandy was stuck on her knees. Finally, Bonnie asked around to see if anyone had noticed a key on the floor when the couch had been moved. The look of realization suddenly dawned on Brandy’s face as she came to realize that the key she’d been trying to reach all morning, which still was hanging from a string, in fact, had been a fraud. Everyone laughed when word of that little joke spread through the crowd.
“I’m sorry, Brandy,” Bill said to the girl whose face was still deeply buried in his crotch. “It was just too good a joke to pass up.”
Brandy still couldn’t even look at him, let alone say anything. So all she did was wiggle her bum to tell him she’d enjoyed the joke too.
But the fact remained that the missing key remained missing, and it became clear that another joke was being pulled. As it is, it took Mom promising that Brandy’s mouth would be made available for a full week for someone to finally step forward with the key, but not before there was further negotiation.
“Next weekend too!” a voice called out from the crowd.
“That’s okay with you, isn’t it Honey?” Mom asked her, trying to coax the key thief to come forward.
Blink, blink.
Finally, the strap behind Bill was undone, and Brandy was allowed to slide off of him. She swallowed whatever puke and piss still was in her mouth and then gasped for breath as the harness was removed from her head. But she didn’t get to rest long; for even though Bill had cum about 15 times while inside Brandy’s mouth, he still had a hard-on and wanted an actual blowjob from her. So, within 15 seconds of being released from almost 5 hours of having Bill’s rigid bone down her throat, she had Bill shoving it back down there again. This time, however, thanks to 5 hours of having her throat pried wide, Brandy managed to push herself on with only minimal help from Mom’s hand.
Bill essentially throat-fucked Brandy for the next 5 or 6 minutes, only pulling back to empty a huge load of cum into her mouth. Everyone with a camera wanted a picture of Brandy showing off her mouthful, and so she had to hold it, her head titled back and mouth open, while all around her, people went… click, click, click, click, click.
Then, no sooner had she swallowed down Bill’s load than Mom was pulling another man into place. Bonnie didn’t even know who he was… he’d just been standing there. Introductions could come AFTER he was in her daughter’s mouth.
Eventually, Brandy was let up to go to the bathroom herself. But in a minute she was back on her knees and excitedly waving the next guy over. And, no sooner was this guy in her mouth than she was looking for me - her cameraman – she wanted each and every guy to have several nice pictures of her, with him, to bring home and to work.
The night shift shafted Brandy all afternoon, until about 8 that evening, by which time the 7 to 3 day shift started to sift in. By 10, any night-shifter who hadn’t had a turn inside Brandy’s mouth was promised “first dibs” the next day. Brandy, meanwhile, was choking down day-shift guys now. Then, by about 2 the next morning, the 3 to 11 swing shift guys started to show up, and Bonnie and Bill proudly brought them in to join in the fun.
Things quietened down by about 10 that morning, as the swing shifters started heading home. I was exhausted. I had no idea how Brandy was still going. It must have been adrenaline. But when I asked to lie down on the couch while waiting for the night shift to show up again in a couple of hours, Brandy insisted that I take Viagra, while she went into her head harness again.
“Don’t you need some sleep?” I asked her.
She just shrugged.
“Anytime a teenage girl offers you anything, you’d better TAKE it,” Bonnie kidded, already grabbing the harness off a nearby table.
This time, of course, I just stood there while Brandy latched on, and Mom held her head only lightly while Bill sauntered around the back to pull the straps even tighter than before.
“Real tight, Bill,” Bonnie urged him on.
Then Brandy and I did that delicate little dance getting into position on the couch. Finally, Brandy’s Mom helped me with some pillows so I’d rest comfortably.
“You SHOULD get some sleep,” she told me. “Brandy will definitely want you to take more pictures when the guys start arriving again. Isn’t that right, Honey?”
Brandy wiggled her bum.
“Bill’s putting a little sign on the door, so we all should be able to get at least a few hours sleep,” Bonnie continued.
“Okay,” I said, putting both hands behind my head.
“Are you okay?” I asked the girl whose face was affixed to my crotch as I was about to close my eyes. All I could see was the top of her head, so she just wiggled her bum again playfully and I knew she was.
“She’ll be fine,” her Mom added. “You just get some sleep. Again, you’re going to be busy when the guys start showing up again.”
I nodded, yawned and stretched. “Good night, Brandy,” I said, even though it was morning.
And again, she wiggled her bum cutely.
Believe it or not, I actually did sleep a bit. And when I woke up, Brandy’s Mom and step-dad were sleeping in their own bedroom, having placed a sign on the front door of the house that read – “Please do not disturb until 2 p.m.” Brandy, meanwhile, was right where I’d left her.
“Are you awake, Brandy?” I asked her.
Again, she wiggled her bum. I looked around. The key was on the table, not that far away. I started to feel like I needed to pee, and considered trying to unlatch myself to go to the bathroom. Brandy might need to use the facilities too. But, when I went to reach over to the table… I couldn’t.
What? It took me a few seconds for me to realize that my wrists were in
handcuffs, cuffed to the legs of the couch behind me. Brandy’s Mom or Bill must
have done this to me while I’d slept. Brandy and I were stuck like this until
they let us up. But I now REALLY did have to pee.
“They’ve locked my hands up too, Brandy,” I said to the girl. “And I’ve got to pee. Do you mind?”
I watched Brandy’s bum and, sure enough, it wiggled sexily. I relaxed and let my
urine flow. I remembered what Brandy had said about Bill’s piss just sitting in
her mouth for hours, but I now figured that this was fine. I was having fun.
Brandy was having fun. And guys should start showing up soon.
Of course, neither of expected that we’d be stuck like this for over 12 hours,
or that I’d have a 14-hour boner from the Viagra… but that’s exactly what
happened. You see, Brandy’s Mom had shut their bedroom door so they wouldn’t be
disturbed by me calling out early to release us… and that meant they also didn’t
hear the doorbell ring. Then, the first guy who rang it figured that everyone
was exhausted, so he generously changed the ‘2’ on the sign to a ‘5’. Hey!
Brandy still was available for 8 more days, and she’d already blown more than a
hundred guys. So she certainly had earned a little rest.
Soon after the doorbell stopped ringing, Brandy’s bum started wiggling again… and it kept wiggling with increasing desperation from then on. I called out to Brandy’s folks… but man! Were they conked out! Finally, at about 4:45, Mom woke up and came out to see us still stuck there. She couldn’t stop laughing, and had to wake her husband up to see this. Bill came out and he burst out laughing too.
“You are so silly, Brandy!” he said.
“Don’t worry, Sweetie,” Mom told her. “We’ll go take the sign on the front door down and just wait until the room fills up again. The guys just HAVE to see this. It shouldn’t be more than an hour, though.”
As it is, guys started to arrive shortly after five. But one of the first guys who arrived noticed the harness key still on the table and stole it again, just for fun; but then, as luck would have it, he was the one guy who received an urgent call from home on his cell phone (he’d forgotten to pick up milk for the baby) and had to leave… forgetting that he still had t harness key in his pocket, all just before Bonnie started looking for the key to release her daughter.
“Who has the key, guys?” she kept asking. After awhile, Bonnie started to negotiate again. Of course, she figured that the keys were still with someone in the room, so she just kept offering Brandy’s mouth for longer periods of time until someone stepped forward.
“How about 2 weeks?” she offered. “Three weeks? That’s okay, isn’t it Sweetie?”
Brandy was desperate to be released and just kept blinking her eyes and wiggling her bum.
Blink, blink. Blink, blink. Blink, blink.
A month?” her Mom offered. It was like an auction.
Finally, having already offered Brandy to work as ‘the factory slut’ for a full year, giving blowjobs ‘on site’ to whoever wanted one, whenever and wherever they wanted, Mom finally pulled Brandy’s jeans down and started having guys fuck the girl’s ass while waiting for Brandy’s mouth to again become available. The satin panties Brandy was wearing were so cute, Bonnie had the guys leave them on and just ease them over to the side. Brandy hadn’t counted on having her ass fucked by more than 80 guys, but that’s what happened. On the positive side, the teen WAS both pleased and proud that everyone seemed to like her panties.
It was almost midnight when the guy with the key sauntered in again and, reaching into his pocket to put his car keys away, found the key we all still were looking for. No one could believe it when the guy finally confessed (sheepishly) that he’d had it with him at his home the entire time.
“You rascal!” Bonnie squealed, laughing harder than ever. As you might imagine, she absolutely insisted that Bill take several pictures of the notorious key thief squatting next to Brandy, dangling the keys inches in front of her face as the poor girl continued to gag on my still rigid cock. “And you’ll be the next guy Brandy wears the harness for!” she said, earnestly. “It’s the LEAST you can do.”
Luckily, he agreed.
Finally, after ten minutes of pictures, Brandy was released. Quickly, she ran off to the bathroom to pee, poop, and take a 2-minute shower. Then she changed into a new pair of panties and pants (nice black pants this time) plus a cute yellow top and heels; returned to the bathroom mirror to fix her make-up (she insisted that she wanted to look ‘pretty’ for the guys); and then was back out among the crowd on her knees again. Her ‘break’ only had lasted 15 minutes, but Mom apologized to all the guys for the long delay from 5 o’clock until now and immediately started waving guys over. With Brandy wearing pants again, her ass-fucking was over, at least for now; but the taste of her ass seemed to be on every single cock that entered her mouth… many of the most recent ones still brown with shit (Brandy had really had to poop by the end). The teen almost puked the first time a brown cock entered her mouth, but Mom told her just to breathe deep through her nose and she’d get used to it. Mom was NOT going to have guys wiping their shit-covered cocks on her towels!
“Sorry, guys!” she had told them. “Just wait for Brandy to clean you off.”
For all she’d had my bone-hard cock in her throat for a solid 13 hours, Brandy was thrilled to be back giving actual blowjobs again. The house was full of guys, many of whom had been waiting since 5:30 or 6 that evening, so there was NO WAY Brandy could send them home without letting ALL of them have their turn reaming her throat. And because she actually had dozed off a bit during those first few hours with my cock down her throat, even though it now was almost midnight, she felt rested and raring to go.
People passing by the house in the middle of the night knew there was an all-night party going on, because guys were outside on the front lawn drinking beer and laughing, all the lights in the house were on, and the curtains to the big front living room window were wide open, showing all passers-by the room full of people. It was one of Bill’s buddies, in fact, who, while running out to buy more beer for everyone, noticed the big front window as he parked right across the street and came up with the idea of moving Brandy so she was kneeling right in front of that window. At night, with it dark outside and light inside, it would be as if she was on the silver screen.
“Would you like to be a movie star, Sweetie?” Bonnie happily asked her daughter.
Brandy’s mouth was full of cock, but she nodded and said “Hmm hmmm”, so there was no doubt she LOVED the idea. I had to reposition the tripods a bit, but everyone helped by moving out of my way. And soon Brandy REALLY was in the spotlights.
The silver screen analogy wasn’t that far off. Because the guys were great about not blocking the view, both inside and outside the house, people walking by the house truly couldn’t miss seeing her and everything she was doing, even from the far sidewalk. Several people, in fact, stopped in mid stride and wandered over to enjoy the show, including a big gaggle of Brandy’s girlfriends from school, who had been on their way home after a night downtown, but now stood just outside the window, tapping on it to get Brandy’s attention. Brandy kept glancing out to see who it was, but she couldn’t really see them -the window was like a mirror to her; all she saw looking back at her was herself sucking cock after cock after cock. (This made for dozens and dozens of lovely pictures, by the way, catching Brandy admiring herself in the mirror as she held so many different thick cocks in her mouth).
It was at around 6 a.m. when people walking their dogs started passing by the house. One guy stopped and stood there at the window with a stunned expression on his face and his black Labrador retriever just barking away. The man just happened to be one of Brandy’s favourite teachers. Luckily, the gaggle of girls still was there, cheering their classmate on, and one of them had the wherewithal to tell Mr. Miller to go inside.
“She’d LOVE to see you!” he was told.
Needless to say, Brandy WAS both surprised and pleased to see Mr. M., and quickly took him into her mouth. And, as the professor repeatedly drove his cock as far as he could down Brandy’s throat, his dog kept barking excitedly, wagging its tail, and licking the girl’s face. Dad joked that the dog must smell all the shit on Brandy’s breath.
“If he’s a boy, I think he wants his turn,” Bonnie piped in.
Sure enough, Blue WAS a boy and DID want a turn. And, being such an animal lover, Brandy was happy to give him one. Soon, passers-by and everyone who came up close to the window to watch got to see Mr. M. holding Blue’s front paws up to support him standing up on his hind legs, while Blue pumped his pelvis violently, and Brandy just opened her throat to let the big black pooch follow his instincts. By now, it was getting light outside and the teen could see all her friends just outside the window. She couldn’t believe they were here so early on a Sunday morning. But, of course, they’d first noticed her at around 1 a.m. and had decided to stay and watch. Some even had called their folks and told them to come down… and some parents had.
“Go Blue! Go Blue!” the girls and their parents laughed and cheered.
Brandy was giddy with excitement; if she hadn’t been having her throat mercilessly pounded, it would have been all she could do to keep herself from laughing.
Needless to say, the next several weeks during which Brandy worked off the first month of her ‘debt’ (after this, Bill would start taking her to the factory with him) were as fun as the first two days, and Brandy had the time of her life. Mr. Miller made arrangements for Brandy to get ‘community credits’ for her ‘community service’ over the next month. After that, she’d just go to work with her step dad after school and collect ‘job placement credits’; all the school required was proof of her attendance, which ended up being daily pictures of her which she dropped off at the main office every morning, Monday through Friday. Because Bill worked the swing shift, the after school schedule would work out perfectly. Mom even went out and bought a cute little cushion for Brandy to kneel on that she had embroidered with Brandy’s name.
In the meantime, not only Dad’s coworkers, but numerous neighbours, and family friends and people just walking or driving by the house ended up popping in to pound the pretty teen’s tonsils. One of Brandy’s regulars soon became a homeless man named Emil who wandered all over town every day wearing the same tattered coat and pants, muttering to himself; he started popping by at least 2 to 3 times a day. Even though he smelled terrible, it was both fun and funny to see him continuing his ‘conversations’ while holding onto Brandy’s head with both hands and endlessly pulverizing her throat with his violent pelvic thrusts. And Brandy’s Mom was always nice to him, always bring him to the front of the line and then giving him a sandwich to take with him after he’d finished with her daughter.
“See you later, Emil!” Bonnie would wave at him invitingly as he left. He remained oblivious to her, of course.
Sean, the key thief, got to spend his own quality time with Brandy on the couch. And, this time, Mom played a trick on HIM and, after harnessing Brandy in, popped over next door to send the harness keys off with a young couple of neighbours who were leaving town for the weekend. Luckily, Sean’s wife had given him permission to have the weekend to himself; hearing about his plans, his doctor had laughed, given him permission to take up to 4 Viagra pills a day because of his youth and fitness, and told him to enjoy himself; and Brandy had put on her nicest jeans and satin panties again.
All weekend, Sean basically just reclined on the couch, watched sports on TV, ate the wonderful food Bonnie brought him, and waved at all the people in the window. And, every 4-6 hours or so, Brandy’s Mom showed up with a little glass of juice and a blue pill for him to take. Naturally, before she gave it to him, she’d squat down and check on how her daughter was doing.
“Is he getting soft, Sweetie?” she’d ask.
Brandy invariably would blink once for ‘No’.
“Is he still all the way down your throat?”
Blink, blink for ‘yes’.
“He’s not letting up even a little bit?”
Brandy would give a very deliberate single blink.
At which point, Mom would stand up… hesitate a moment… say – “Well, why don’t you take it anyway, Sean?”… and give him the pill and juice nonetheless.
It’s amazing the way the drug works, really. No matter how full Brandy’s mouth and throat felt, about 15 minutes after Sean took the pill, the girl would feel his cock start to swell even more and push even further down her throat. You could put your finger on her neck and even feel it there. The first time I told Brandy’s Mom this, she rushed over, all excited, and felt it for herself.
“Come here, Bill!” she called out, quite overjoyed.
Bill was amazed.
“Wow! You’re doing great, Kid!” he said to Brandy. And he meant it. He also couldn’t wait for himself to have another turn like this with her.
Meanwhile, there always was a playful look of panic in Brandy’s eyes, as she waited for this man’s already huge, post-thick, 10-inch cock to stop growing.
“Look right at the camera, Sweetheart,” I’d instruct her.
And she would.
“Is he still growing?” I’d ask.
She’d blink twice.
Mom would be so elated to know that, she’d squat down to feel her daughter’s neck again.
“This is so much fun!” she’d say.
Over those first two full days that the neighbours were out of town with the harness key - while I was busy taking pictures and getting even more video footage from time to time (I’d announce… “This is hour 27 of Brandy’s deep throat adventure”); and Mom was busy making food for the guest and otherwise scurrying around doing household things; and Bill was chatting with Sean and watching sports with him; and Sean was just enjoying all of it - Brandy couldn’t really do much, except pose for pictures. But Mom eventually fit her with a headset from her work and hooked up her cell-phone to it, so that the teen could take calls from her girlfriends. Everyone loved calling her because she’d become such a good listener. Naturally, we all teased Brandy about this. And, when some of Brandy’s girlfriends did come over, one of them suddenly thought it would be funny to have Brandy initiate calls to several of the boys in her class. Needless to say, one of them would dial the number for her. They’d listen in through Brandy’s phone as each guy answered.
“Hello? Hello?” the guy would say.
Brandy would gurgle, the best she could, into her headset mouthpiece. Not surprisingly, after awhile, one of the guys figured out who it was and told his friends. Now, they all knew what was going on.
“Is this Brandy?” they’d all eventually say, after the first couple of gurgles.
“Hgggggghhhhhh!” Brandy would gurgle again.
“How’re you doing?”
“God! You’re a good listener!” they’d kid her too. “You wouldn’t mind blowing me and all my buddies when you get back to school, would you? Will you do that for us?”
Brandy would gurgle and blink twice.
“She says ‘Yes’,” one of her girlfriends would say, good-humouredly.
And then Mom would get on the phone and tell the guy that Brandy would be going back to school in just over three weeks, but that all the boys were welcome to visit her at her home.
“She’d LOVE to have ALL of you visit!”
But the phone call that Mom undoubtedly enjoyed the very most came early on the Sunday afternoon, when Bill handed her the wireless phone and told her it was from the neighbourhood couple with the key. Mom’s side of the conversation went like this:
“So… are you two enjoying yourself? Uh huh! Uh huh! Well, that sounds great! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Well, of course! Of course! We’re all doing great here! Would you like to say ‘Hello’ to Brandy?”
And then she came over and squatted next to Brandy and held the phone to her daughter’s ear. Brandy just listened and gurgled a little bit.
“Hgggghhhh! Hggggghhhhh!” she said, deep in her throat, a couple of times.
Then Mom took the phone back.
“Oh yes! She’s LOVING it! She’s doing GREAT! Uh huh! Uh huh! Well, sure! Oh that’s GREAT! Well sure! Oh no! Of course not! Don’t be silly! Of course not! No, no, no! Wednesday would be fine! Of course not! There’s absolutely NO need! Of course not! We’re all doing fine! Wednesday evening or even Thursday would be GREAT! We’ll see you then. Goodbye! Would you like to say ‘Goodbye’ to Brandy? She held the phone to Brandy’s face again.
“Hgggghhhhh,” Brandy mumbled. And she must have figured out the good news from Mom’s one-sided conversation, because she had tears of joy starting to trickle down her face.
Sean was a little concerned about how his wife would react. But she seemed pleased too, and even came over on Sunday evening to visit with her husband for a little while. She must have loved how Brandy’s ass looked, because she asked her where she’d bought her jeans. Bonnie piped in that Brandy had been given the jeans for her birthday, and told her where she had bought them. I commented to Melony (that was Sean’s wife’s name) that she would look exceedingly nice in jeans like that (and she would… as she was, she was wearing a yellow sweater and chocolate brown pants plus heels, and it was evident that she had a very nice figure and sweet ass too). Then Melony asked about the head harness, and Bonnie was very pleased about that and told her EXACTLY where to get one.
“Your ass would look AMAZING with you like that,” I told her, my eyes glancing back towards Brandy.
“Thank you!” Melony said, proudly. And then this pretty blonde thanked me for my two compliments by giving me a blowjob right then and there, all the while holding hands with her husband, who used his other hand to take pictures with my digital.
“Cheeeeese!” he said.
“Hmmmmm!” Melony replied mischievously, looking right at him.
After awhile, he let go of her hand and started to fondle her butt. I reached down to fondle it a bit too. The material felt nice and warm against my hand.
After about 10 minutes, she swallowed my load; but what could she do but blow Bill while it was MY turn to take pictures. Like Brandy, she was very proud to pose for the camera. I didn’t forget Brandy though. I made sure I took several capturing BOTH girls in their respective poses.
Finally, before leaving, Brandy asked for my phone number and told me she’d call me when she bought those jeans and “a cute harness.”
“You want me to take pictures of you?” I asked.
“I want to try it out with you,” she said, coyly. Sean just laughed and nodded his approval.
“Next weekend,” he said. “I’ll latch Melony to you before I head out to work my Saturday night shift and let you off when I get back. And take some Viagra just before you come!”
“That would be great!” Melony added, looking forward to what she could see Brandy enjoying now.
And I was in full agreement.
And so it was that Mom’s trick on Sean turned into a wonderful, 5½-day escapade of fun for her daughter, who clearly seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Come Monday morning, guys started showing up again to be blown; but everyone actually was very pleased for Brandy AND Sean that their fun would get to last a few days longer.
Stretching into the week itself meant that a local news station got wind of it and sent along one of their ace reporters, a pretty little blonde named Kaitlin, to interview Bonnie, Bill and, of course, Brandy. Kaitlin showed up in a business suit (black jacket and pants, a white blouse and heels), but quickly lost the jacket when she squatted down to interview Brandy and ended up having a cock pushed into her mouth. She ultimately ended up on her knees for the rest of that day servicing all the guys who’d shown up to see Brandy, while her film crew took coverage, of both Brandy and Kaitlin, for the evening’s news.
The segment ended up with the voice of the producer saying… “And now it’s back to the station with these words from our own Kaitlin Smith.”
And Kaitlin said - “Hmm hmm hmmm!” – as she looked right into the camera.
Brandy’s even broader fame meant that, by Wednesday morning, people from all over town and even out of town were popping in to take pictures of her, and she was doing her best to pose for them. What a sweetie! Soon, Bonnie could proudly claim that, right now, her daughter was the most famous little cock-sucker in town.
And, of course, word also spread about Brandy and Blue; so by the time Thursday morning had rolled around, the neighbours with the key came home to find that their street had become the most popular street in town for folks to walk their dogs down. Somehow, starting first thing that Thursday morning, dogs from all over the neighbourhood were finding their way into Bill and Bonnie’s living room; and, by the afternoon, the house was beginning to seem like Dr. Doolittle’s, with animals all over the place. Brandy sure looked sweet and seemed to be having fun under big dogs, like Mr. Classen’s two Great Danes, that were HUGE in more ways than one.
Brandy actually had so much fun with Mr. Classen’s two huge dogs that she wondered if the milder tempered one would tolerate her being in her harness, and so we tried it… and it worked, with a lot of help from Mr. C. himself. Mr. Classen was SO nice, arriving at the home really early one morning with his toolbox and six pre-measured and pre-cut pieces of 4x4 lumbar. Using that wood, he constructed a very functional ‘dog hoist’ for Rambo (and Atlas, and other big dogs like them) to use. The design was simple, really. He dug 18-inch holes into Bill and Bonnie’s front lawn (with their permission, of course, but as a surprise for Brandy) and sank four 4½ long 4x4s to form a 2 x 2 foot square. Then he rested each of the two remaining pieces, each 2 feet in length, between two of the sunk-in posts and parallel with the sidewalk, and secured everything with braces and screws. From the sidewalk, which was only about four feet away, it ended up looking like two inverted, thin, rectangular letter U’s, two feet apart and perfectly aligned in parallel with each other. He then even painted everything Brandy’s favourite colour, which happens to be light purple. By the time he knocked on the door to get Brandy, he already had hoisted Rambo into position, with his entire forelimbs, from elbow to paw, resting on the two-foot lengths, and had secured the dog’s limbs there, in two places per limb, with special padded braces that he’d designed at home and screwed into the top of the planks, so that Rambo was standing up comfortably on his hind legs. Mom led Brandy out with Brandy’s eyes closed, and guided her to kneel right in front of Rambo, on a pillow on the ground, right between the two inverted U’s. Brandy looked especially HOT this day, having donned a tight pair of hot pink shorts to go with a pale blue, short-sleeved t-shirt and sneakers. And she was palpably excited. She had NO IDEA what was going on, but she knew it was going to be great! I took pictures of all of this, including her hot ass in those hot shorts (I cream my pants every time I look at those pictures).
“Open your eyes, Sweetie,” Mom finally said.
Needless to say, Brandy’s jaw dropped and her eyes got huge, and she started to thank Mr. C. over and over.
“This is so sweet!” she squealed.
But she needed no further prompting from anyone, than Bill saying – “Well... try it out, Kiddo” – to look at the breakfast awaiting her and dive in. She already was enjoying the first juicy fruits of her meal when Mom returned with the head harness. Rambo, meanwhile, seemed perfectly comfortable up there, lasting for almost three hours before he seemed to get restless and Mr. C. let him down. Amazingly and to Brandy’s delight, the animal kept pumping his hips the entire time, Brandy’s now-harnessed and belted head moving with him with every thrust. And over the entire 3 hours, Brandy had a large audience filling the sidewalk and all the front lawn. Damn! That was fun to see and catch on film! Mr. Classen was pretty sure that even Atlas would be fine up there, and promised to bring him around the next day. Meanwhile, with Brandy still in her harness and with her hands still hand-cuffed behind her, Bill grabbed old Mr. Aiken, a dear neighbour who is 88 years old and in perfect health, and just happened to be standing there, and belted Brandy to him. Brandy was so pleased, because she’d always liked old Mr. Aiken, whom she’d known since she was little. Then, for the rest of the day, encouraged by Brandy’s Mom, who seemed to be enjoying Brandy’s new toy as much as the girl herself, other men stepped forward to have a turn reaming Brandy’s throat. By then, she had her head harness off, but Bill had added four hooks screwed deep into the lawn, to which he cuffed Brandy’s ankles and knees; as well as one hook screwed into the wood on each side, at roughly the height of Brandy’s waist, so her wrists could be hand-cuffed there instead of behind her back. Now, even without the head harness on, Brandy had to stay right there, with her mouth at a perfect height for entry. It was all for show, though. We all knew that the perky teen was in heaven and wouldn’t leave for anything. The guys were comfortable too, as they could just lean their forearms down on the horizontal beams on either side of them, or hold them for leverage and REALLY plunge their cocks down the pretty teen’s throat. The finishing touch was me showing up the next morning with a sign I’d made to nail to the inverted U closest the sidewalk, which read: “Ring doorbell for Brandy.” That way, others just passing by could enjoy turns with her, when she was free from all her other, indoor ‘responsibilities’, which neighbours quickly figured out mostly was in the mornings, before guys from the factory started showing up.
Soon, Bonnie started ‘bolting Brandy in’ by about 8 o’clock and would just leave her there until about noon, sometimes even leaving the house herself to run errands. Invariably, when she returned, Brandy had spent the entire morning having fun blowing an endless stream of men, some of whom had just been driving by in their cars. She rarely used the head harness outdoors, as it just took too long to set up, and guys wanted to get ‘in and out’ in a hurry. Most just grabbed her head firmly and throat-fucked her, which she thoroughly enjoyed. It also was easier for her, since she didn’t have to work so hard as when her head was doing all the bobbing to and fro. Even Rambo and Atlas preferred having Brandy not in the harness, as they could pump better.
After awhile, Bonnie had Bill put another hook up into the wood so she could hang up a little ‘donations basket’, to raise money for local charities, and most guys were very generous, dropping in, at the very least, whatever small change (pennies and nickels mostly) they had. By the end of the morning, there were always at least 2 to 3 dollars in change. Brandy felt really good about that; and it made her time on the lawn count towards community service credits for graduation; plus she ended up on the front page of the local paper, with a picture of her blowing Mr. Aiken again under a big heading that read “Local Girl Goes Deep for Charity.” So it truly was a ‘win-win’ situation, all around.
Often, more than money went into that basket. Mr. Aiken preferred dropping in a few hard candies for Brandy to enjoy later. Believe it or not, some people still had old-style Poloroid instant cameras and left pictures of Brandy in there. Some girls from Brandy’s school left pairs of their panties for the men to enjoy or, better yet, pictures of themselves with cocks in their mouths. And one particularly generous man left a gag O-ring for Brandy in there. When Bonnie came out to release Brandy and collect the donations, she saw the O-ring there in the basket, recognized it for what it was, and immediately put it into Brandy’s mouth and strapped it on so she could have fun and try it out. As it turned out, Mom had to go out that afternoon, and didn’t return home until after 8 that evening, so Brandy had a nice long day trying out her newest toy. After that, Bonnie always left the O-ring gag on yet another hook she had Bill place into one of the vertical beams near Brandy’s head, so guys would see it and could insert it into Brandy’s mouth if they wanted to. In general, once it was in, it stayed in, at least until noon when Mom came to bring her daughter inside, because guys loved seeing Brandy totally immobilized AND powerless to close her mouth. And Brandy never asked anyone to take it out.
She might say – “huh, huh huh huh!” – but everyone was sure she just was telling everyone to pork her throat harder or deeper or faster, or something like that.
Some people even started to bring bread crumbs and nuts and stuff to feed the various squirrels who tended to scamper across the lawn while they watched Brandy or awaited their own turn. The squirrels became so used to seeing Brandy kneeling there, they actually started to treat her almost like a tree, crawling all over her legs and stuff. Having Brandy there getting her tonsils pulverized by some big burly guy while little squirrels crawled innocently over the back of her legs or even up to her shoulders made for a very sexy and yet endearing scene.
It became routine, therefore, for the postman to walk right past Brandy every morning on his way to deliver the mail to Brandy’s house.
“Hello, everybody! Hi, Mr. Deaver! Hello, Brandy!” he’d say.
“Or Hi, Mr. Classen. Is that Rambo or Atlas? Hello, Brandy.”
“Hmm hmmmm!” Brandy always replied, brightly.
A couple of times, the postman said “Hello, Brandy” and it wasn’t her. First, after my weekend with Sean’s wife, he convinced Melony to try out the ‘dog hoist’, and Brandy was willing to share. So, on a Saturday morning, Sean drove Melony over to Bill and Bonnie’s place, where I was to meet them at 7:30. I, in fact, decided to get there early to set up some cameras on the front lawn; and it’s a good thing I did, because Melony was too excited to sleep that night and convinced Sean to get there at 7. Sean was laughing when he drove up, because Melony had spent almost an hour in the bathroom making sure her make-up was perfect, and STILL was fixing it in the little car mirror.
“Rambo and Atlas are going to LOVE you,” he told her, jokingly, but lovingly. He wanted her to have fun. In fact, Melony looked gorgeous.
“You’re a lucky man!” I told Sean as I watched Melony being shackled into place. She’d just washed her long blonde hair and it was so silky and smooth looking, extending half way down her back. Her face was angelic. Her make-up was perfect. And her figure was unbelievable. That she’d chosen to wear a tight pair of white short shorts, a light pink top and black heels was enough to push my testosterone level up past gorilla level. I, for one, could hardly wait for Mr. Crassen to arrive with his two pals.
As it was, Rambo and Atlas did think Melony looked wonderful, enough to pork her throat continuously for a combined 4 hours. Then, it was Mr. Classen’s turn; followed by Mr. Aiken; followed by Bill; followed by an endless stream of others. By mid afternoon, someone tried the O-ring gag on her and, predictably, it stayed on once put in place.
Now… I know what you are thinking… mail isn’t delivered on Saturday OR Sunday, so how did the postman come to say “Hello” to Melony? Well, we can all thank Melony’s own sweet hubby for that one; because he just disappeared mid afternoon, taking all the shackle keys, and even the O-ring key along with him. He called long-distance at around 10 that evening, saying that he’d caught a 6p.m. flight and now was in Las Vegas with some buddies, something he’d been planning for weeks.
“I’ll pop by with the keys Monday morning after my Sunday night shift,” he said. “Tell Melony I love her.”
“She’s right here,” Bonnie said, smiling broadly over how Sean really seemed to have started something that first night he forgot the keys in his pocket. Bonnie then placed the wireless phone up to Melony’s ear so Sean could tell her everything herself. All Melony could do was roll her eyes, shake her head and say “Hmmm (men)!”
And then the next guy in line inserted his cock in the O-ring and down Melony’s throat as Bonnie announced to everyone mulling about that Melony’s mouth would remain available for another 40 hours or so.
“Call your friends and tell them ALL to come on down!” Bonnie urged, as Melony stared up at her with big grateful eyes.
Incidentally, Melony had decided to wear a very sweet pair of red, nylon bikini panties under her white shorts and, by the time Bonnie and Bill came to check on her on the Sunday morning, her shorts were just being pulled down to around her knees. Now, Bonnie argued that the neighbours wouldn’t want to see bare ass on the street – no matter how cute the ass – so she insisted that the panties stay up. But that didn’t stop a 12+-hour stream of ass-to-mouth for the young blonde wife of Sean. Bonnie told the guys to leave Melony’s panties up – “they look so pretty on her!” – but to just push them a little to the right to insert their rods – “that way, the people on the street get to still see the panties on their side.” When Sean called to check on his beloved late that afternoon, in fact, she had one guy in her mouth and one guy in her ass at the same time, a situation Bonnie told him had been virtually continuous since the morning.
“Guys start with her ass and then go to her mouth, with two guys on her ALL the time; but they’ve been great about leaving her panties up,” Bonnie said.
“What?” Sean erupted, laughing uncontrollably. “Put her on.”
As she had the evening before, Bonnie held the phone to Melony’s ear while Sean chatted gaily with his wife for a few moments… this time, though, poor Melony had to really concentrate on what her beloved hubby was saying, because both her throat and ass were being pounded mercilessly. All she really remembered was him telling her that he really wished he was there to see all of this, and for her to just keep having fun.
“I’ll be right over tomorrow after I go home from work, sleep for a few hours, and have a shower and breakfast… no later than early to mid afternoon. Love you.”
Eventually, Melony’s nice shorts were pulled up again, and guys returned to just fucking her mouth for the last 16 hours or so. When he finally showed up, late afternoon, Sean had his own camera out to take several dozen pretty pictures of his wife to show both his and Melony’s parents and all their friends. But he also took several of the dog hoist itself, announcing loudly to Melony and everyone within earshot that he intended to return to build a similar device for his wife to use right next to Brandy’s, facing the opposite way, so the two girls could enjoy watching each other.
“They could have races! First one to 100 blowjobs!” one voice piped in from the back, to universal approval.
“How about 200?” another called out.
“Next weekend definitely!” Sean promised, nodding and lovingly patting his wife’s bum. He knew she’d have fun giving 200 blowjobs in a row, even if it did take a couple of days. “We could invite your folks and sibs down to watch you, Honey!” he said, encouragingly.
With a huge black cock buried all the way down her throat and just held there, Melony just gurgled her approval. You could tell just how excited she was! And, true to his word, Sean showed up at the house to work for about 1-2 hours every day before heading off to the factory for his evening shift, and even stopped by a sex shop to buy Melony her own O-ring, so that, by the next weekend, he himself got to strap his lovely blonde wife onto her very own device, with Rambo and Atlas already lined up for her and Brandy both, so as to start the weekend-long festivities off right.
The second time the postman addressed the wrong ‘Brandy’, it was our city’s own wondering reporter, Kaitlin Smith, who’d come to do a follow-up story on Brandy. Come noontime, when Brandy was ready to go inside to resume her activities there, Kaitlin decided she’d like to see what the whole device felt like… so she was strapped in. In her patented black dress pants and heels, plus a cream-coloured blouse, she looked just like the Kaitlin Smith viewers usually saw on television… except for the O-ring gag, which her producer put into Kaitlin’s mouth immediately. Then, taking directions of Sean’s page, the producer left Kaitlin like that overnight, because he wanted to “finish the story up with Rambo and Atlas”, since they were the two everything had started with initially. Needless to say, Kailtin could hardly say no to the merits of that idea. (In fact, she couldn’t say anything at all.) In the meantime, let’s just say that Kaitlin got to really know the men of our neighbourhood all through the night, while waiting for the big climax with Mr. Classen’s dogs.
But, with those two exceptions, and because Melony and Brandy can work together now (and often do), Brandy gets to greet the postman every day that he comes around now.
“Is that Brandy again today?” he calls out, approaching the house from the sidewalk behind her.
“Hmm, hmmm!” she answers happily, when she can. Otherwise, she just pushes out and wiggles her bum playfully, proudly displaying whatever jeans or pants or short shorts she’s wearing (my favourites are still those insanely tight navy blue jeans she has, her pink shorts, and a nice pain of pale yellow, front-pleated, front-pocket dress pants that show off the lines of her underlying satin bikini panties very nicely). Of course, the postman says “Hi” to Melony as well, whenever she’s there, which is at least 2-3 times per week. And Melony is always pleased to see him and wiggles her bum too.
Now that Brandy is back at school, she does her ‘community service credits’ in the morning on the front lawn. At around noon, a couple of her girlfriends show up to watch and envy their friend and, when she’s there, Melony; then Bonnie let’s Brandy loose, and the pretty teen walks with her friends the 1½ blocks to school to catch classes from about 12:30 to 3:00, usually fixing her make-up in a little pocket mirror as she walks and talks.
Then, right from school, she gets picked up by Bill on his way to the factory to earn her ‘work study’ credits. On weekends, though, she spends all her time on the front lawn ‘catching up’ with all those who can’t make it during the week. Bonnie shackles Brandy in at around 8:00 a.m., usually with the O-ring locked into her mouth, and then Mom heads off to a new volunteer job she’s taken, from 9 to 5 on Saturdays and noon to 5 on Sundays, through her church. Bill usually sleeps in, but it doesn’t matter because (1) Bonnie always takes all Brandy’s keys anyway; and (2) the girl always is kept busy well into the evening.
As for me, I wouldn’t miss Brandy’s weekend fun for the world. I’m usually there setting up my cameras as Bonnie is getting her daughter ready. And it’s usually me who is Brandy’s last throat fucker of the day. Then I go home and spend a couple of hours downloading all Brandy’s pictures and video coverage to a really nice free-access website I’ve set up for her.
Brandy LOVES knowing that millions of guys all over the world, including almost all the guys she knows, are beating off to her pictures. Don’t you, Sweetheart?
She just looked up at me and blinked her eyes twice. What a cutie!!!
“Miranda, please don’t spend any money on me. I don’t need a gift.” Tom argued with me. “But Tom, I want to make your birthday extra special. This is the first time you’ve had a birthday since we started dating.” “Miranda, I’m serious. Don’t waste any money on me. My dream birthday is just having over three or four friends, watching the Heat play basketball, playing poker, and drinking beer.” “That’s it?” I...
Laura has requested a special birthday present from her hubby and meanwhile has prepared a complementary present for him. An all-dialogue story. Laura's Birthday by Vickie Tern "Well, I'm here, Laura. Denise took longer than she thought, but finally she ... well, this is what you wanted! So, happy birthday sweetheart, a very happy birthday!" "Ahh, I beg your pardon, Miss, but do I know ...? Oh! Oh my God! Is that you,...
The next couple of weeks, while still crappy at work, fly by. Every night is bliss, and when the weekends come I’m in paradise as I am my Daddy’s little girl full-time. We don’t go out much. We will occasionally stop for a drink at the bar we had met at on the way home from work. But I am usually too anxious to get home and into my diaper to want to stay long.You know I’m in torment on these occasions but tells me that I will always need some outside adult interaction to keep me balanced in my...
FetishIt Started With My Birthday I was having a ball. Well, surrounded by three beautiful girls on my birthday, all a little high on some killer cocktails, at a club in San Francisco, which male wouldn't be on a high. My girlfriend Kelly had two of her college friends visiting and inevitably I was invited to hang out and be their chaperone - especially today, on my birthday. It worked well as her friends were staying in downtown, not too from where we had our apartment. Kelly and I had...
Wendy's Birthday Wish By Maggie "Kitten" O'Malley Wendy stood looking at the pink and white iced birthday cake before her. Glancing around the room, she smiled lovingly at her friends and family that had insisted on taking her out to celebrate her birthday. Actually, she didn't feel much like celebrating. Had it not been for their love and persistence, she would have been home curled up in her bed and probably crying her eyes out. Today was Wendy's 50th birthday and it was hitting...
"Look what I brought home!" Megan Pierce ran to the doorway as soon as she heard her father's voice. He stood in the doorway holding a large white box in his arms, which he struggled to keep upright. "Dad, let me help you with that!" Megan said, as she rushed to help hold the other end of the box. The two of them carried the box into the kitchen and rested it upon the counter. "Let me see, let me see!" Megan said excitedly. Bill Pierce gave his daughter a knowing smile, and...
I was working in my office when I heard a soft ping alerting me to a text message. Thinking it must be from my daughter, the only person who texts me regularly, I dug into my pocket for my phone. The message said: “I am really looking forward to meeting you; I’m sure we can have a great time together.” Accompanying the message was a photo of an attractive woman sprawled on a sofa. The photo was taken from above her shoulder, so it was difficult to clearly see her face. I could clearly see...
MatureMia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia he...
First TimeChapter One: Lola's Hot Birthday Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Lola Albertson “Today's guests are the six futa-sisters who organized the campaign that got their mother, Becky Woodward, elected president of the United States last year,” Adelia Tash said as she sat in the central chair of her streaming studio. My sisters and I, plus my wife, were seated in two couches flanking her. I was to the left, Jen at the end, with Rebecca next to me and Christina beyond...
BIRTHDAY BOY Carmenica Diaz Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Ross, Happy birthday to you…Birthday Boy! 01 of 12: Just another Saturday night. Rosshung his head, his heart was pounding and an overwhelming sick feeling threatenedto swamp his stomach. Naked, gagged and huddled on the floor in the cornerof his own bedroom with his hands handcuffed behind his back, Ross couldn'tbelieve this washappening! He couldn't believe that his wife, Debra was doing ...
My Mothers Birthday was coming soon, and my parents were both busy planning her big birthday bash, however before that weekend I got a text message from Katie, the hot young girlfriend of Tyler one of our neighbours, and it in it she had invited me to another birthday party at a neighbour I didn't know."Should I bring my parents?" I text back."No. this is strictly just, us party!" she text back.So, Saturday night I told my parents I was going out to friends, and then strolled off down the road...
Birthday Wishes by Bruce Leach 1. "Goodnight Claire, night Robert. Happy birthday Jess!!" yelled his aunt Nancy as Jessie Evans closed the door on the last of his party guests. Thank god the whole ordeal is over, Jesse thought, family parties are the worst. He figured at 19 he should be able to have his own friend over to his own party, but the big get together was a family tradition. All his aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and all their spouses got together...
My name is Erin. I'm an 18 year old girl living in a small Montana town. Last May i graduated from high school and now i'm living out on my own.About a month ago i answered a local newspaper ad for two cords of oak firewood to be delivered to my house to keep me warm during the cold winter. The next day a high school boy, Buzz, arrived at my house with a pick-up truck full of firewood. The ad was just for delivery of the wood and not stacking. So, i asked Buzz to dump the load on my drive-way...
She’s actually been sucking my dick nightly for years. I say “nightly” because she primarily does it when she comes in to say goodnight, but she’s always been willing to give me a quick blow if I asked and no one was around. Once, I was particularly horny one summer afternoon, so I went and found mom sitting at her computer doing some work. I walked up.. “Mom?” “Yes honey?” She said, turning to look at me, “What’s up?” But her eyes quickly caught sight of the tent in my shorts, and she...
-- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2006 -- I was quite grateful to step out from my very first helicopter ride and onto solid ground. Although I'd already become well-acclimated to hanging out with world famous people over the past few days, none of them had been the President/Owner of the company I worked for, and my stomach had been full of butterflies just from being in the same cabin with him for the past forty-five minutes. The natural instability of a helicopter in flight hadn't helped that...
“Fore!!!!,” Sam shouted as he swung the club, striking the little white ball with a resounding ‘crack.” I held my hand up to shield my eyes from the sun as I watched the ball sail into the distance, veering off to the right before disappearing into a copse of tall trees. “God Damn It!” he cursed, pounding the driver into the turf in frustration. I smiled in amusement as I made my way to the gold cart, taking a sip of the luke-warm beer in my hand. “You know,” I said with a smile as I...
Beth married Phil ten years ago, yet the fire hadn't gone out in their relationship. They still passionately loved each other and sex was the centerpiece of their marriage. They had done just about everything a couple can do when making love. Indeed, no matter how kinky they became, it still was with love.They had used a variety of toys on each of other. They had tried light BDSM. They had fucked indoors and out, in the car or on the playground swings. They loved trying new ways to have sex....
Wife Lovers"It's Leia Mason's birthday party this weekend" said my mother holding up the invite."Who?" I asked looking confused because I didn't recognise the name."Leia Mason, she lives down at number ten, with her husband Billy!" replied Mother "They're the young couple who moved in a couple of years ago!""Oh" I said still not sure who she meant."So, are you coming to this one?" my mother asked "I'm sure you won't regret it!" she then added with a knowing smile.Of course I was going to our neighbours...
Renee's Birthday By Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 There are some definite problems associated with being a single mom who is trying to raise a teenage son and work full time. The other day is a case that best exemplifies this point. It was my son Richard's fifteenth birthday, and he and I were supposed to be going out to dinner to celebrate this occasion. However, at the last minute, I found out that I had to work late in order to complete a rush project that absolutely...
Birthday Bliss I woke up slowly in a semi-awake state enjoying the lie in. In my semi awake state I felt different, a great feeling. As I became more and more awake, I realized the reason for my wellbeing. My girlfriend Tammy was under the sheets trying to revive my penis. We had made it twice last night before we fell asleep exhausted. Tammy never liked to give head = or so I thought- and I wondered at this new found love of my cock. I moved the sheet and looked at her as her head...
Author's Note: This story is a Thanatos Society fan fiction - it's been a few years since Cerberus gave us one of his genuine stories, so this is just my addition to the canon. It is very extreme and probably not to your taste.0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0(Narrator): Thank you for purchasing this new release DVD from Thanatos Movie Productions - Prissy's Sweet Sixteen. If you have seen any of our other productions, you will know that it will involve the degradation and torture of an...
It was my 18 birthday last week, and what a birthday it was! Don't get me wrong though, it started crappy like my last three birthdays, but it ended in a way I couldn't ever enticipated. My name is Stephanie, as I mentioned before, I am eighteen years old, I have long straight black hair, don't call me a brunette though cuz it annoys me, it's black, not brown, with sparkly blue eyes... People usually make fun of my height, when you're only five foot two, it's bound to happen I guess, and I am a...
First TimeDavid made our anniversary quite an event, and while I knew I could never top that, I knew with his birthday coming I needed to do something a little special. it took some planning, even some courage on my part, but this is how things went. Jess I told me we were going out for my birthday, said she had a special evening planed. I was looking forward to it, she had arranged the babysitter, reservations, it was going to be fun. I had no expectations of repeating our anniversary, that was kind...
I retired early last year and decided to go to Prague for a couple of months to sight see. My wife could not go because of the demands of her employment. I was aware that Prague, the capitol of the Czech Republic, was a beautiful medieval city which had been almost untouched physically in World War II. In addition, I had just read in Newsweek magazine that along with France the Czech Republic’s population starts sexual activity early and is more comfortable with sex than the other countries...
Six years ago I went on the best date of my life, and funny enough, it had nothing to do with the girl I was with… It was the summer of 2014 and I had been seeing this girl for about a month. She was cute enough, funny, easy to talk to, but she wasn’t 100% my type. She was rather petite…I prefer my girls on the bustier side — thick thighs, booty, big boobs, just something you can really grab on to. Ironically, my luck with those girls had been thin. But again, she was fine and pleasant to be...
This happened when I became officially major – completed 18 years of age. A brief on my family before the story: I am Vinod, only son of my parents – mom Soniya, age 41 years and papa Sanjay, age 46 years. We have been well-to-do family, running a profitable business in a suburb of a major Indian city. I was sent to another town to complete my graduation – to stay with my aunt, younger sister of mom. Her husband used to be abroad on a job and she used to stay alone. This is where the incidence...
IncestSusan's Birthday By Susan Fraser Chapter 1 - My birthday It was the morning of my 18th birthday and I woke up early and lay there thinking. Today I would be man and the thought depressed me. I lived with my parents and my older sister Ann and in two days time we were due to move to live in the Lake District. My father, who was an architect, had decided to move his business there and I was going to start working for him. My mother and sister were going to open a...
Wishes do Come True, a Birthday Wishes Beginning. By: Tiffany Taylor Copyright 2008 Tommy was sitting in class bored out of his mind. Slowly he started to doze off. For him tomorrow was THE BIG DAY and that was all he could concentrate on as he started to doze. Tommy had a dream of his future. In it a man and a woman were kissing, making Tommy very happy. He sensed the love between them and their happiness. "Mr. Tabler, would you...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY I don't know why I did it. A crazy impulse. Maybe just that I was a bit randy. I'm not really in a relationship these days, haven't been for a while. And I guess I'm beginning to wonder if I will ever be again. It isn't my biological clock I'm worried about, the hell with that, I never wanted children anyway. But I did want a man. And men who could fulfill my particular needs while still treating me with love and respect--outside of...
My father and I were at the airport to say farewell to my mother. The international company she works for is promoting her as manager of one of their overseas branches. Mom told Dad, "Bob, please take good care of Honey (my nickname). She is beautiful and so young, almost 16 and needs parental care and love, but I won't be around. So please be extra nice to her... keep her happy." Dad said, "Of course Beth, don't worry. I'll take good care of her and give her plenty of my love." Then...
100% fiction! Cheryll was taking a shower in my bathroom because the shower in her room had lost water pressure the night before. She is a beautiful 18 year old who looks just as her mother did when she was her age. She has a beautiful caramel color, with shoulder length hair and piercing grey eyes that she had gotten from me. I stood there staring through the shower doors watching as she slowly soaped her body, enticingly bending to wash her legs so that I could see the soap sliding down the...
IncestIt is Thanksgiving vacation, school’s out and everybody is coming to the house tomorrow for the big feast. Me and Mommy grocery-shopped and we have everything ready for tomorrow morning in the kitchen, with a 16-pound turkey thawing in the fridge. But the most exciting thing isn’t that all the family is coming, or the delicious meal and seeing everyone again, but that it will be Daddy’s birthday! Mommy and I have big plans! BIG plans!! Cassy had come up with the idea to give HERSELF...
Introduction: Husband gets special birthday gift Today is Adams birthday. Today he turns 30. Not a huge birthday but a milestone of sorts. Hes excited because his wife Kevia had promised him a birthday hed never forget. He amused himself all day thinking of what that might entail. Kevia is an absolutely stunning woman. As far as Adam is concerned, shes the most beautiful woman Adam has ever seen. She has eyes that sparkle and a smile that will disarm you in a heartbeat no matter how angry you...
My name is Christine. I am a stay at home housewife living a comfortable life with my husband, Tom. I met Tom at the University of Colorado in Boulder during my sophomore year of college. He invited me to coffee one day after class. We seemed to hit it off immediately. We began dating exclusively soon after our coffee date. We were married upon Tom's graduation in May, 1992, more than twenty three years ago. Upon graduation, Tom accepted a very good paying position with an energy company. The...
InterracialSynopsis: Very Long story. Jennifer and her friend Linda get a paddling, and Jennifer gets her rectum pleasured by her friend.---------------------Jennifer's Birthday PaddlingJennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89'.I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit...
Jo’s Birthday TreatJo gets an unexpected suprise on her birthday.John was working away on Jo's birthday, he'd tried to get back in time but the job he was working on needed a couple of days more than he'd anticipated.It had been too long since they last had sex and John was disappointed he couldn't fuck his wife on her birthday, look into her eyes as she thrust her pussy on to his cock, and hear her throaty moan as she juddered and orgasmed beneath him.Over the last few days they had been...
Jason!" shouted his mother from the foot of the stairs. "What?" he shouted from his bedroom. "I need to go into town to get some things for Cindy's Birthday party on Saturday." "OK, see you later," he shouted back. A moment later his mum shouted, "Come on, I haven't got all day." "Why can't I stay here?" he asked. "No, you have to help me choose a nice birthday present for her." "Mom," he moaned, "I'm busy!" "Busy playing that play station thing," his mum retorted, "now...
It was not until one hot summer’s night when I was heading to the bathroom late after studying for a test the next day. I had to go pee and well brush my teeth so I could go to sleep, I had a test in first period, which is my history class one of my worst subjects for me I have to say. I could hear my mother and father talking, I heard mom speak out, yes harder, that’s it. Then dad said not so loud our son might hear you. Mom giggled saying our son can’t hear a thing while he is sleeping. ...
“Janet?” Jim asked to see if she was awake yet. “Yes” Janet answered wondering what would ruin the moment of silence. “Happy Birthday!” “Who told you?” “A psychotic NYMPHO at work”. “You must mean Trisha in Accounting”. “Yes. Do you know her?” “She used to work for me until she moved to Accounting. Plus, I get the pics you *********** that are inappropriate. She has a nice ass, doesn’t she?” “Yes, she does. She keeps sending the nudes through company mail knowing...
“Janet?” Jim asked to see if she was awake yet. “Yes” Janet answered wondering what would ruin the moment of silence. “Happy Birthday!” “Who told you?” “A psychotic NYMPHO at work”. “You must mean Trisha in Accounting”. “Yes. Do you know her?” “She used to work for me until she moved to Accounting. Plus, I get the pics you decide are inappropriate. She has a nice ass, doesn’t she?” “Yes, she does. She keeps sending the nudes through company mail, knowing I’ll see...
In my way of thinking there is no other day on the calendar that should be as important to you personally or mean more to you than your BIRTHDAY. With out this day your very existence would cease to be and your life would have never occurred. In some cases the world would have been a better place with a lack thereof.The year was 1965. Gas was thirty one cents a gallon. Milk was ninety five and you could get a loaf of bread for less than a quarter (.21). Sonny and Cher first appeared on t.v. as...
Don't get me wrong though, it started crappy like my last three birthdays, but it ended in a way I couldn't ever anticipated. My name is Stephanie, and, as I mentioned before, I am eighteen years old. I have long straight black hair, don't call me a brunette though cuz it annoys me, it's black, not brown, with sparkly blue eyes. People usually make fun of my height, when you're only five foot two, it's bound to happen I guess, and I am a measly one hundred and ten pounds and on my...
An original story by Starrynight. Enjoy: Audrey felt her eyes closing as she tiredly dragged herself up the stairs all the way to the third floor. She fumbled through her purse for the keys and unlocked the door. She put her purse down and yawned as she looked around her tiny two-bedroom apartment. It was 7 am and the stuffy little house was silent. Audrey quietly stepped over to her small bedroom and removed her jacket. She was wearing her nurse's uniform underneath, and although she was...
I have 2 guys that wants to take me out somewhere for my birthday. Benjamin and Stephen. I'm so confused right now. I don't know what to do. I really like them both. I been talking to Benjamin for 3 years now. One year after I moved here. I meet him at the local grocery store. He was hawking me as I was doing my weekly grocery shopping. I was shocked by the way he was checking me out all over the store. I'm not the prettiest woman on earth or have the greatest body. I'm 5'6 197...
Having a birthday during a worldwide pandemic makes celebrating a challenge. No going out to eat or getting together with friends. It is the third week of working from home with no social interaction. Going to the store for necessary items gets more stressful with each trip and the restaurants are only serving takeout. My wife told me if I wanted a present or card to pick one up on a trip to the store as she is not going out till this is over.My birthday arrives, and I am working from home in...
ToysIn late summer of ’09, we were on holiday at a fabulous resort. A soft breeze blew across my naked body as I lay on the beach. It was not really enough to cool the hot rays of the sun but it was refreshing. I loved the warmth of the sun on my bare skin. That’s one of the reasons Dave and I love the clothing optional beaches and resorts that we often visit. I also love them because I truly enjoy having men looking at me while I’m parading around naked. It’s arousing for me to know they are...
Straight SexAn original story by Starrynight.Enjoy:Audrey felt her eyes closing as she tiredly dragged herself up the stairs all the way to the third floor. She fumbled through her purse for the keys and unlocked the door. She put her purse down and yawned as she looked around her tiny two-bedroom apartment. It was 7 am and the stuffy little house was silent. Audrey quietly stepped over to her small bedroom and removed her jacket. She was wearing her nurse's uniform underneath, and although she was dead...
"Come on! This going to be fun!" grinned my mother as we walked down the road, with me dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and jeans, and her in a grass skirt and a coconut bra that barely covered her big white hanging breasts."Do we have to dress like this?" I asked "Yes! It's a Hawaiian theme birthday bash! So we have to dress the part!" my mother replied cheerily."How come dad gets out of this?" I then asked"Because he's working late! Now cheer up!" replied Mother eager to get to the party.A short...
Happy Birthday Dear Sissy "My! What a good boy you are, Alan! It's so sweet of you to do the washing every day ? and I really do appreciate the sweet way you have folded all of my panties and other lingerie! Most boys wouldn't even touch them, let alone fold them so carefully!" She then tousled my soft curly blond hair and leaned over to give me a wet kiss. As she normally did it was a kiss on my lips. I had grown accustomed to her kissing me, and also to her wearing next to nothing...
Jennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89'. I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit older than me (closer to 40 I guessed). I have always enjoyed the company of older women since my mid twenties. The have their act together, know what they want, and are at...
SpankingIt was Friday and It was the day before my birthday. I arrived home after work. Carol greeted me at the door and said, "Happy Birthday, honey." I smiled and reminded her my birthday wasn't until tomorrow. She smiled but said nothing. Then she lead me to the patio where I saw the most awesome gas grill. "Happy Birthday," she reiterated. " I wanted it delivered when you weren't here so it would be more of a surprise, besides there may be other presents for you tomorrow." I put my arms around...
Love StoriesIt was a warm evening, around 7PM. Sharon Fox was watching television with the lights off. Life was depressing. She had been jobless for six months now and had to borrow money to support herself and her 15 year old son Josh. Her son was over at someone else's house. What made her more depressed was that she was now living at the time of peak oil. Deep down she knew it just wasn't going to be bad for just her and her son, but for the entire country. She knew that many people won't have...
"Hello baby," I answered the phone with a slight southern drawl and flirtatious nature. "You wanna fuck?" came the voice on the other end. "Mmmmmm you know it hon," was all I could reply. "It's that time of year, same place. See you there Friday. Love ya darling." And then he hung up. I knew what this meant, it was birthday time again. And oh how I looked forward to my birthday treats with my hot, black, Philly lover. He knew exactly what I needed and was there to give it to me on my birthday....
InterracialIII. Today is your birthday. "So what are you doing tonight anyway?" Grace asked as they closed the Blue Cat for the day. "Please tell me you have something planned. That you aren't just going home and watching reruns of House." "You know I only watch reruns on the Food Channel." "Then tell me you're doing something more special than that." "I really don't think I could bear anything more special than that." "Let me at least take you out to dinner. I promise I won't tell the...
I am about to tell you about a wonderful evening that I spent with my sister some years ago. It was her birthday and a very special time for her. But before I get to the activities, I should give you some background. Some of this may seem irrelevant but I assure you it bears on the story. At the time of this story I was 24 years old. I was 6'1" and weighed about 185 pounds. I was in fairly good shape as I had been working for six years at the US Post Office in the Parcel Post department....
"What do you want for your birthday?" Amelie asked me.I looked up from my laptop and frowned. "That's a good question. And a really annoying one. Because I have absolutely no idea.""It won't be long now, Lena. Only three more weeks. I have a few ideas, but I still lack the one big gift that makes you really happy." She nudged my foot with hers. “You must have a special wish, right? ""May I think about it until tomorrow?" I asked.Amelie pressed a big kiss on my cheek. "I'll even...
LesbianFriday rolls around and I eye my night’s uniform with mistrust. It is a pretty straightforward school girl uniform. Pink and gray plaid skirt that is a little short but modest compared to my normal uniforms, white blouse, pink push-up bra which will show through the blouse a good bit, and pink panties that have a lacy crotch with a little ribbon bow on them. I don my uniform and Sylvia gives me a pair of pigtails with pink ribbons. “Well aren’t you just all the boy’s school girl fantasy...
Do you have a kink? The great powers who define such things say the desire to be spanked lies underneath the sexual kink umbrella. Honestly, I don't even like to use the word 'kink'. It is defined as a sexual interest that falls outside the mainstream appetite. In other words, it is an abnormal interest. Trust me, if you are a shy person, you want to fit in so you don't draw attention to yourself. Being labeled 'abnormal' is painful. So you can imagine I didn't want anyone to know about...