Hive free porn video

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Far outside a city in South Africa, there stood an ancient baobab tree, its frayed leaves and cracked centre a testament to its former glory. The day was winding down, the sun settling for its final hours as fingers of ruddy yellow light painted the hilly earth.

The tree stood alone, seemingly out of place, just like the women who had made the journey to see it. Apart from the excited chattering of the women, the area was eerily quiet, not even birds dared perch near the tree.

Tracy stood before the primordial baobab, shivering from a chill wind that only blew across this particular hill. The dying grass shifted like the sea as the tree branches twisted ominously. Its leaves were few and far between, stricken with a drab brown colour, as if it were dying.

Tracy looked to Carika, the girl she often jokingly referred to as her token black friend. Her sister had come with, while the other two girls had come from Tracy's apartment. She promised them something cool and was now on the verge of disappointing them.

"Cari...this is a tree."

"Yup!" she said, looking at the tree proudly, as if it was everything she could possibly imagine.

"You dragged us all the way out here...for a tree. I thought you said it was gonna be neat and interesting."

"It is! It doesn't look like much now but back in the day it was something special, according to legend anyway. The Zulus forbade their women from going near it, and the Boers tried to burn it down...but something happened."

Tracy scoffed. More fairy tales. She made a mental note not to let her friend get drunk next time they had a night out on the town. "Alright, humour me. What happened?"

Cari shrugged. "I dunno. But I know this...legend has it this tree could turn women into goddesses...make them beyond beautiful." her voice was filled with awe as she looked upon the tree, desperately wishing that for once the stories were true.

Tracy thought she heard a buzzing sound, just below the edge of her hearing, but she shooed it away. "You're already pretty Cari, don't get greedy."

There was more than a little truth to her words. Carika had long, straight brunette hair, framing her pixie shaped face upon a well-proportioned body, her breasts looking bigger than they actually were due to her small size. Cari sighed. "Easy for you to say...come on, let's take some of the leaves, maybe that's how the spell works."

Tracy smirked at her remark. She knew she was hot. Her breasts were vary large to the point of overflowing, complemented with a lilly white complexion, a firm pert round bottom with lustrous, jet curls for hair, she could always be the belle of the ball. However, she knew she was blessed, and carried herself with a fair bit of humility, not wanting to sully her image with a bitchy attitude.

Tracy looked at the other girls. Cari's sister was servicing her cigarette while the two other girls were busy taking pictures. "Sure, might as well. Let's make it quick, not good to be out here when it's dark."

Cari laughed as she stuffed the leaves in her handbag. "What? You nervous? I thought you said you don't believe in myths..."

Tracy heard the buzzing again, louder, but thought it was a trick of the wind. "Yeah well kidnapping is no myth. I just wanna go...oh shit..."

"Too much information Tracy!" she giggled, unaware of the situation developing around her.

"No....Cari look...there's someone here."

A cloaked and hooded person stood before the group, Tracy could tell from the outline that it was a woman, a very curvy woman. In the dim light of dusk, she could see some of the patterns on the robe, hexagonal shapes interlaced with impossible geometric lines, imbued with rich purples and deep yellows. In the fluttering wind the robes parted just enough for her to get a tantalizing glimpse at the woman's breasts, heavy silken globes that glistened in the dying light of day.

An out of place honey scent snaked into her senses, dulling and arousing her at the same time. She staggered, her vision darkening, as she more saw cloaked figures slowly homing in all around the group. Before she could alert the others she felt a hand close around her throat, dragging her down to the ground.

Before darkness overcame her, she couldn't help but notice the sticky yet supple skin of her assailant. And in the recesses of her mind, she heard silvery smooth voices drift along her ear.

"Yes. Good. More. More!"

"This one. Different."

"Yes....very special."

And then Tracy knew no more, as she and her friends were carried into the night.

Tracy awoke to the sensation of being coated with something warm. She opened her sticky eyes and saw honey, gushing from an organic spout on the roiling ceiling. The golden substance dribbled down her thick, white thighs and soaked into her heavy breasts. Amber rivulets dripped down her flat belly, contorting from the new sensation as she let out a quiet gasp.

Despite the alien environment, the warm nectar made her feel cosy and relaxed, as if she had come home. Still, despite her comfort, pangs of fear resounded through her mind. If this was a benevolent environment, why did she have to be restrained?

The entire room was awash in organic sounds. She saw the other girls, strung up to the waxen walls by foreign secretions. They were all beginning to wake up, their moans of confusion and surprise adding to the chorus of natural melodies within the hexagonal chamber.

She saw out of the corner her eye the figures from before. They were definitely all woman, their magnificent curves defying reality. Their voluptuous breasts hung high from their chests, full and ripe. The statuesque women seemed to be nodding to each other, communicating, but without words. As they did so, Tracy could see the profile of their bottoms, which were just as plush and taut as their chests.

They were like the fertility goddesses of old, stepping out of the mists of myth and legend, only something was not right about them. Tracy squinted her eyes. They were not tan, nor were they dark skinned. They were literally golden skinned, as if their skin had literally taken on the colour of honey. What was more strange, was their facial features.

Their faces lacked definition, with few features noticeable, such as their lips, noses and eyes, everything else was de-emphasized, giving them all a uniform, doll-like countenance. She strained even more to get a better look, but their faces simply were not giving her the detail she craved. Their eyes glowed golden yellow, pockets of light in a dark silhouette. They looked unreal. They did not look black or white, Asian or Arab. They looked like nothing else on this planet.

Suddenly a horn sounded through the chamber, and the golden women peeled back, a glistening chamber gate slamming down where they stood. The room had been sealed off. She noticed a gigantic...thing, lowering itself from the ceiling like a spider. Except it was not a spider. It looked to be an oversized bee, until she saw its upper half. It was a man!

The man was unbelievably ripped, his pectoral muscles defined like two slabs of slate, his bulging arms looked as if they were forged from iron. He was as dark skinned and ambiguous in feature as the women of the colony, only his eyes were pitch black. Runnels of honey ran down his chest and down onto his lower half as he brought his stinger to bear.

Except it wasn't exactly like a stinger.

It was a tube, long, translucent yet black, ribbed and dripping with amber fluids.

Tracy eyed it with fearful anticipation. Other girls screamed, struggling helplessly within their bonds, shaking their arms and legs as they tried to force their way out. He pointed it at the nearest girl, Carika. She whimpered as the thing trembled and wavered before her, quivering with anticipation, eager to sink itself within its prey.

She knew the man's intent and backed herself up against her restraints as far as they would allow, but it was useless. She cried out as the man strode forward, goosebumps spreading as he slid his stinger along her inner thighs. "No! Please"

The man dropped onto Carika's vulnerable body like a lion upon a gazelle. She was captured. She wriggled in his grip, mewling, as his fingers slid across her smooth belly, tantalizing her rising breasts before he plunged down into her silken cleft. Her shout of surprise was muffled as the man kissed her passionately, hugging her close as he thrust deep inside her.

Tracy looked on with mixed emotions. Her heart pounded and her sex grew moist, wanting to watch out of morbid curiosity but also wanting to escape. She bit her lip as the hybrid creature pummeled into her friend's body, her pussy overflowing as the man coupled with her in savage need.

Carika's panicked cries had turned to muffled moans of bliss, bucking her hips to force as much of his organ deep inside her. Her thighs convulsed wildly, sending sloshes of honey mixed with her own love juices onto the floor as the being kept himself attached to her mouth, flooding her brain with mating pheromones.

His hands drifted down to her creamy breasts, massaging them as his palms easily slid over her honey covered mounds. She grabbed his hips in turn, now a willing part of the mating process as her pheromone addled brain took over. She moaned hungrily into his mouth, her sweaty body shining in the amber light as she clenched her vaginal muscles around his monster preparing for his seed.

Her heart raced as the man collided violently against her hips, her shapely legs rollicking in the air, swaying as if on a turbulent sea current. Her glassy eyes were wide and dilated, locked onto her stud as he pinned her against her restraints, his relentless pace and deep penetration making incoherent cries and moans of pleasure tumble out of her throat as she succumbed to her orgasm.

Love juices squirted onto her new lover's stinger and she clutched his body desperately, wrapping her legs around him, now eager for his gift. She didn't know what it would be, only that her subjugated mind was telling her to take every last drop in. She moaned at the thought of giving herself to his offering. She licked her lip, she needed it, she needed him inside her...all of him.

Carika was breathing heavily, her wind knocked out from repeated climaxes. The man too, was panting, eager to release his load. And then it happened. With a deep, inhuman growl, he came. He mashed together her soft milky breasts as he slammed against her, his organ pulsing and undulating as writhing lumps were pumped into Carika's willing body.

Her belly plumped up, as if pregnant, but then whatever was pumped into her, quickly dissolved, restoring her stomach to normal. She let out a quiet moan, a smile spreading across her face as she felt the beginnings of inescapable change within her body. Her eyes had rolled back into her head as if unconscious, drool streaking her neck as her body went through slight jerking motions.

Tracy was now fully terrified. The hybrid man had collapsed on top of her friend, his head settling on Carika's dark breasts, before slumping off of her honey coated skin and collapsing on the floor, his member easily sliding out of her well stretched sex. He did not stir. Tracy wondered if the effort had killed him, as if mating was a fatal effort for these creatures. Her thoughts were broken as Carika released a strangulated moan.

All eyes in the room darted back to her. Suddenly her body tensed, her back arching as she let out a long moan. Her toes curled and her head rolled back and forth as her thighs thickened and legs lengthened, her previously full hips flaring into existence as her psyche caved in, replaced with new directives as she gave herself up to the colony. She let out a soft gasp as she felt her mind rewritten, surprised at how good it felt to serve.

Within a few moments her will and mind were one with the colony. Then rest of the changes kicked in, exploding rapidly across her convulsing body as the hive added another to its ranks.

Starting from her feet up, her ivory complexion started to darken and then lighten into a rich golden hue. Her dead straight hair wrinkled, into wavy brunette curls, as her face morphed into ambiguity, her identity diluted and consumed by something greater.

Throughout her convulsions, her moans started to morph into something indescribably and lusciously musical as she surrendered to her change. Her breasts began to grow, blossoming into lush, glistening melons while her flat bottom bloomed into soft, voluptuous swells. She had become a statuesque fertility figure. Richly muscled yet sublimely soft and inviting.

Tracy looked at the changed Carika, irrepressible fear gripping her heart as the former friend slumped away from her dissolved restraints and began to walk towards her. Meanwhile, she saw more hybrid men drop from the ceiling, hitting the ground with a juicy plop as they ambled towards their future mates.

Tracy pushed herself as far back as possible as Carika approached her. She whimpered as she saw her strut forward on pure instinct, her motions that of a woman whose will was no longer her own. Her breasts swayed with each step, her tight stomach muscles flexing seductively as she came into view.

"Carika please...let me go. We can get out of here!" she pleaded, her voice barely audible over the concert of moans flooding the chamber. Carika tilted her head, looking at her uncomprehendingly. Tracy only sighed. Her friend was gone.

Carika leaned over Tracy's naked body, squeezing in and writhing all over her, the two becoming a lewd tangle of flesh. Tracy felt Carika's soft, honey coated breasts lightly nudge her face, before she pressed them down fully. Her world became dark and muffled as she felt warm flesh on either side of her face.

She could feel Carika lightly humping against her thick leg, slick honey ensuring she could slide easily. She also heard the orgy in the back, a cacophony of moans and grunts, not close to slowing down. Within the soft pillows of her breasts, she also heard Carika speaking.

Carika laid her head on top on Tracy's as she spoke softly to her, cradling her former friend's face in the valley of her breasts. "You.You are Special. Will be like me. But not."

Tracy shivered. Carika's troubled speech scared her. Carika leaned away, relieving the pressure on her face. "Please, I can help you! Just don't turn m-" she was interrupted as Carika stuffed a puffy nipple in her mouth.

Tracy tried to keep from sucking but already she could taste the honey. Her soft globe shuddered as a jet of nectar spewed into Tracy's mouth. Now she couldn't help but suckle. She swallowed the warm fluid down and felt her awareness of the outside world dwindle, it was as if the feeling of comfort when she first woke up had been magnified to irresistible levels.

More than comfort, she felt her arousal rising, her nipples perking up as she moved to grind her pussy against Carika's slippery leg. Tracy moaned softly as Carika glided back and forth on her syrupy flesh, her soft hands slipping onto Carika's hefty and sculpted ass cheeks. She pulled her closer, thrusting against her leg as she desperately tried to quench the fire in her loins.

"Yes. Drink. More. It make process....easier." moaned the hive girl, rejoicing in the sensation of pouring her nectar into her former friend. She loved how her breasts throbbed, how Tracy's throat undulated with each swallow, and how soon her friend would be ready for joining the colony. She grew extremely wet at the thought and moved down to kiss Tracy.

Tracy's head lolled to the side when the warm globe was parted from her lips, her mouth and throat stained with drool and nectar as her mind swam in a heavenly narcotic high. She was vaguely aware of Carika's soft voice resonating in her ear.

"Shhhh. You have enough. Now we wait. For King." Carika slid down Tracy's body, giving a playful lick on her ample breasts before nuzzling into her neck. "I. Love you. We love you." she whispered.

Tracy looked into the creature that used to be Carika. Her golden eyes were empty and doe like, yet seemed to contain the utmost sincerity in what she just said. It was then Carika mashed her lips into Tracy's mouth, moaning feverishly as she wrapped herself around her. Her soft lips were so buttery smooth and dewy that Tracy felt compelled to kiss back, lost in her embrace as the two rubbed each other's breasts together, sliding against each other with languid and sensuous motions.

Carika held her there, loving her for what seemed like an eternity. She cradled the dazed and helpless Tracy like a mother to her child, easing her into the next stage of life. As the two slowly writhed against each other, lost in their bliss, the moaning in the background dwindled. The strident howls of joy tapered off, the tell-tale sounds of slapping flesh and gushing seed fading into silence.

Silent if but for all the women, emitting low, soft moans as they underwent their transformations. The more they resisted, the more they moaned, beautiful funeral songs to their humanity as sheer pleasure overpowered their will to exist.

None of them, no matter how strong, were a match for the hive. All succumbed, giving themselves over to their new existence, until finally, the chamber was quiet again. Only the organic squishing sounds of the walls gave company to their thoughts.

Carika withdrew her sweet tongue from Tracy's mouth, their game of bliss at an end. Carika caressed Tracy's cheek gently as she leaned back. "I go now. It is time for you."

Tracy stared forward, her mind was buzzing. She still felt drugged, but less so, the neurotoxins in Carika's nectar beginning to wear off. She saw the other women had fully changed, but she hadn't. A glimmer of hope shot through her heart. Perhaps they would let her go? Maybe they met their conversion quota? The whole thing was situated as a type of assembly line after all. Then her heart dropped, her mouth becoming dry from what she saw before her.

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When was the last time you made me cum? It has been such a busy week and my mind has been so full of work I can't quite remember. Was it Tuesday? Or, maybe...was it Wednesday? Yes, I think it was Wednesday. That's right. Wednesday we had lunch in my car. Wow. Today is Friday...only two days without your voice in my ear growling, "Cum for me darling," and I can't think straight. "Darn!" I burned my forehead with my flat iron. I can't even focus on what I'm doing and shouldn't be allowed to play...

4 years ago
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We are now a couple. You have moved in with me permanently as you used to crash here a lot when were just friends. One day I get a call from my friend Cheryl, she is feeling a bit down and has asked to come and stay with us. She and I used to have fun when we were at university. And when I say fun we used to fuck on occasion. I ask you if she can stay and you say “of course, she’s your friend and she needs you” but I haven’t told you that her and I used to be intimate. You know that I have...

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He wasn’t sure when he’d first noticed her as anything other than a co-worker. Perhaps it was after they had been working together for 18 months or so. She was in her late 50s, but he didn’t know her age. All the other secretaries were in their 20s making Jenny different and less popular with the younger guys on the team. She had had a hard life to this point with a disastrous first marriage and a long spell as carer for her mother who had died a couple of years ago now. All of this had...

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 68

When we were little ... littler, Mom sewed up a lodge with a double needle commercial long arm Singer that she bought when Levi’s abandoned the US of A. It had never been used. Something about the machine wouldn’t do what Levi’s needed it to do. So, rather than ship the batch of 200 to China, they sold them pretty darn cheap. Mom and Mr. Shingle ... he of the Frogmorton General Store ... bought two. I wonder if the machine is still at the house? Frogmorton is gone ... National Forest now. We...

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Tim the Teenage Part XXXII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirty-Two By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VIII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - After Summer Camp Part 3 - Who's The Master In This House? (mc, mf) "Tim, you never did say why you were coming with us," Penny said as she got comfortable against Michael's chest. We were riding in the limo with the permanent bed. I had planned to use it for sleep if not sex. Penny was a little mad at me for insisting I ride along with her. She thought I wanted some gratitude from her in...

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My more realistic vision of cuckoldry part one

This is just a fantasy and did not happen. Feedback very welcome. There comes a point in your life when you look back at your mistakes and look to the future and what you want to make you happy. After a failed marriage and many failed relationships. I was doing just that, looking seriously at how I could make my future happier. For a few years I had been interested in cuckoldry, after reading about it as a lifestyle in the old Forum magazines. To be quite honest I was never convinced that I was...

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Being seduced by Sam

I was in my early twenties fresh out of my hitch in the Military but still craved a good work out. This is where my story begins. I had signed up for a trial membership and really liked what the gym had to offer me in the way of a work out. The problem was i didn't have a work out partner as i needed one to help me with my form and to spot me on the bench and while i was doing squats. I was matched with Sam because of the time when we preferred to work out usually late night or early morning...

4 years ago
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suprised dogging

It had been a bad day, stuck for hours trying to get my truck loaded hoping to get home for the weekend.At last loaded and on my way home, or so I thought. An unexpected phone call from my boss, take that load and deliver it in the morning !!I knew I could never get to unload Friday so I went as far as I could pulled into a lay by and thought I'd have an early night.As I was sat there I heard a knock on the door, looking up I saw a woman in what I thought her 40s standing there, I opened the...

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Sons Turns His Sexy Mom Into Slutty Girlfriend

This is Varun here and this story is about how seduced my mom and ended up loving her from head to toe. I am in the first year college doing my engineering. Natasha is my mom’s name and she is a 44 years old hot and sexy woman. Not that I always fantasized about mom but my first semester in the college changed everything. My friends introduced me to this incest concept and I heard a lot of stories about how they fucked their cousins and aunts. Hearing those used to give me a hard-on. What I...

3 years ago
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Hijabi to Whore Part 1 Virgin No More

Iqra was sixteen year old girl from london with a pakistani background but at an early age she realized that she preferred the English values more than the Islamic values and she followed them albeit in secret from her family so this is how Iqra a hijab wearing Muslim girl started her journey of becoming a whore.If you are from the UK you would know that cricket matches between schools n universities are a big deal and so the story begins there it was the end of the cricketing season and the...

1 year ago
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Fucking Ass and Boobs of Friend Mother in front of frnd

Fucking Ass and Boobs of Friend Mother in front of frnd By im4unu Sandeep is a friend of mine at collage. His mom is a beautiful figure with a huge ass & big breasts with a fair complexion. She never heard the invention of bra and her husband useless guy as Sandeep Mom is married to him as a second wife. Sandeep Mom has 2 sons and a daughter. Sandeep Mom’s house consists of a living room where the bed is located, a small room where all the pooja for gods are done and a small kitchen. When...

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It was a dark stormy night

It really was but not in the Shakespearean sense but the way we love it here in the southwest. I was out at Tommie's place which is one of many ranchettes in this beautiful rural desert. Tommie and I first met many years ago during one of my curiosity visits over to the crossdresser section of a now defunct online connection site. By day Tommie is a well regarded home builder who sheds his tool belt after work and retires to this remote area to spend his time as Tommie, a beautiful woman...

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A Page From My Diary

A page from my diary….. May 2009 32 is my age average built, love to travel and passionate about love and sex. I have born and brought up from a well-educated family and I have done my bachelor from the USA. I brought up in my maternal uncle’s house my maternal grandparents’ are very close to me. I lived a big mansion which is my maternal grandfathers. After completing my 12 th I left my father’s house and came to maternal grandparent’s house and lived there. Living with two uncles and...

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My Husband Beats Off When I Share The Details Of Getting Fucked At A Friends Wedding

My name is Carol and I'm thirty-four years old.  I am very pretty, or so I'm told, with large natural 32D tits and tight abs.  This is a real story that my husband, John, is obsessed with.  He beats off as I share the details of me getting fucked at a friend's wedding.I'm somewhat of an exhibitionist.  I love to wear low cut tops that show off my large tits.  John encourages my behavior and likes to see other guys check me out, which they do all the time.  I don't always close the drapes...

Wife Lovers
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Good things come in small packages Chapter 6

AugustMy cock length: 4 1/2 inchesLoss: 1/4 inch.The night for my August measurement duly arrived. Mandy unlocked the cage and I showered. Ten minutes later – and with my heart thumping - I once again ventured into our bedroom. Mandy was quick to get me hard, and I felt the cool ruler resting on my cock as my wife measured.She uttered a low chuckle – which could only mean one thing.“Jesus, how long now?” I inquired, my voice already thin and squeaky with suppressed excitement. I could already...

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The Player Ch 03

Beth looks at the hallway entrance. It's Brad! What the fuck is he doing? With the fucking she’s getting, she had forgotten all about him. He’s still intoxicated and is leaning against the wall.Brad is having trouble processing the scene in front of him through his alcohol-induced fog. There are two people on the couch, a woman on all fours and a man kneeling behind her. Is that Beth?His speech is slurred. The words come out as a croak, "Beth, is that you? Are you alright?""I'm fine,...

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1 hot day I'm at work bored I get an anonymous text frm my ex. "What are doing" said, I replied "nothing at work bored" she ask am I around anybody I say a minute later I get pic of her pussy saying she horny I replay I am to I send her a pic back of my dick makes her even wetter. She replied " daddy I'm wet now I need yo dick in me where u working at tonight "I reply "at the equinox gym" she says "I'm on my way" I said OK as if I didn't believe her. 20 mins later she calls me "daddy I'm here...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 111 Old Wounds

She'd been asleep. Doubtlessly dreaming of family and friends left behind on Majesta prime. Nagi remember being excited, as always, she supposed? on the prospect of seeing a New World. Wondering the same sort of things any girl of fourteen standard galactic years did. She'd had her moment of temper of course, demanding why she should have to go? Perhaps father would begin advising construction of a new spaceport on planet Boralis as newly appointed master architect for the imperium, But...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Bernadette Big tits blonde Vegas cougar

– 51 years old – She is currently single but was married once – Has done very limited adult video work in the past – Almost worked with James years ago, finally made it happen – She is more of a people pleaser loves to give pleasure – Prefers younger men, to mold them to suit her desires – A very sexual female, a lot of energy in the bedroom – She is into some freaky dominatrix shit, she is the dom – Loved fucking her, hot blonde big titties and petite body – At the end she jerked my cock until...

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The Lord and the Stableboy

You are the Lord of many lands, with hundreds of serfs that work under you and are obligated to you and part of that obligation means that they must ensure that you always have somebody to meet your physical needs. Each year for ten years on the longest day the villagers have sent to your mansion a girl with who you can relieve your appetites and discard when she ceases to satisfy you. You are aware that the serf do not like this much and many have appropriately aged daughters sent to other...

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Nanban Kozhutha Mallu Athaiyai Oothen 8211 Part 2

Indru kathaiyil athai udan nadantha kama kathaiyin thodarchiyai pagirugiren. Athai en kaiyai pidithu attach bathroomku ennai azhaithu sendraal. En nanban asanthu urangikondu irunthaan, room light off aagi irunthathaal kandipaaga kan vizhithaalum naangal arugil ilathathu theriyaathu. Ena seivathu athaike thairiyam irukum pozhuthu naan en bayapadanum. Naan athai udan bathroom sendren, ulle light poda villai, aanalum ventilater vazhiyaaga velicharam therinthathu. Athai thapal potu ennai kama...

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Cool Lovely Rain

The stifling heat woke me from a troubled sleep. My entire body was bathed in sweat and the sheets on my bunk were damp with my perspiration. Anchored out like that, with no generator running the air conditioner didn't work. Although the hatch was open, there just wasn't enough breeze to push any wind currents below deck. Of course, the heat was only part of the problem. I was horny as hell. I laid back down and tried to envision in my mind a picture of the young nymph, the beautiful...

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How I lost my GirlFriend

I'm a 35-year-old professional guy with a story I want to share.A few years ago I was watching some porn with my girlfriend, a pretty brunette a couple of years younger than me. One of the actresses had a pierced clit hood, and we were both intrigued.We went online and read a little about body piercing down there. My girlfriend already had her belly button pierced, but hadn't put much thought in any kind of pussy piercing. We were surprised by what we read. Was it really true the clit hood ring...

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My kinky brother

My horny brotherChapter 1Hi, I'm Shelly, divorced in my late thirties. My br(o)ther Mike is in his thirties also divorced. We found what we were looking for in each other. Although we're free to date we don't. We found what we sexually need in each other so what's the point in dating? I spread my legs and open my holes for my br(o)ther.I'm in decent shape for a woman my age. I have redish blond hair, green eyes. I have very pale skin with a lot of freckles. I have a very high sex drive as does...

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My True Story 1

This is a true story, of us fucking last week, our names are changed, but everything else, really happened. It had been a long and exhausting day for Adam and me, but we are where we want to be. A newly wed couple, moved to a new state and fresh start for both of us. Adam had been hinting to me all day about being horny. Every time he would, I would get a slight tingling in my pussy from just thinking about him inside me, and it getting really hard not to take him where ever we were. Finally...

Wife Lovers
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Posing TogetherChapter 3 Meagans Masturbation Lesson

During the month of June, Debbie was able to paint several more nude pictures of Meagan and Peter together. She got one profile painting of the two with their backs to each other, and another where the two stood facing her. In that picture, she had them hold a box between them by leaning on it. She turned the box into a full Greek column in that painting. There was another painting where Peter and Meagan sat cross legged both more or less facing the easel, but at an angle looking away from...

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I love you grandpa

I am NOT the simply sharingshort story about a granddaughter's love.My parents knew that I visited my grandpa often. We told them I was doing chores for him around the house in return for some pocket cash because at sixteen, they knew I needed it. This wasn’t exactly the truth. The truth was that my grandpa and I had been having sex most days after school.I’m about to tell you one of my favorite stories. As I drive to his house I become very horny. I’ve been thinking about this all...

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Ahriman The Evolution of a Serial Killer 11

Introduction: Part 11 Please read parts 1-10 to understand the story, especially before voting. The trip to Jacksonville had taken him nine and a half hours, but he felt energized as he walked into the club. As when he had obtained Kaneez, the noise inside pounded his brain and made him want to vomit, but he kept his other smile on his face and leaned against the bar, a gin and tonic at his elbow. He picked up the glass and took a small sip as his eyes roamed over the crowd, looking for his...

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How Did I Get Here

It was small, maybe 4 inches long, and only an inch wide, it slid almost loosely in and out of me. What it lacked in size, he made up for in enthusiasm and speed. My legs were spread wide, keeping my body low for him, a couple of pillows under his knees brought him up to the correct height. His small hands gripped my hips, pulling and pushing with his frantic thrusting. My eyes remained closed, elbows on the bed, his slim hips seeming to almost fit in between my ass cheeks. He came quickly...

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The perfect night

I was sitting on my bed when there is knock at the door and then a beautiful girl in the sexiest knee high leather boots and then stocking with suspenders and then a sexy black bra with a red bow she then grabbed my arm dragged me into the living room she then threw me onto the chair and then slowly started to give a lap dance moving her body so slowly and seductively her oo so perfect body is in my face , I go to touch her and she slowly moves my hand and guides it down her flawless body past...

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Brenda Rube Essex Grannies with Big Hairy

The two old girls who own the corner shop are a right dirty pair. I've known them for about 20 years. We often wondered if they were a pair of fannylickers, but they enjoy a bit of cock up their cuntyholes too much to bat for just the one side. Rube is about 63, she's got great big udders that spill out of her bra, fucking lovely they are. Brenda is a bit older and blonde with even bigger hangers. She likes to keep hers covered in tight t-shirts and tops , but makes up for it in the legs...

2 years ago
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Third Times the CharmChapter 15

David and Grace Anderson saw very little of Hineahuone Te Wherowhero over the next few months ... breakfast, dinner and the back of her head. Breakfast was generally, "I only have time for coffee." Slurp Guzzle Gulp "Ahhh bye." Dinner was a little more mannerly, "Good evening, Grace, David. Ooo that looks good." Gnash Rip Tear Clatter Scrape "Thanks." Burp "I'm in the study." or, "I'm at the library," was followed by the slam of her books on her desk or the slam of the door...

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