Massaging Joey
- 2 years ago
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Me and Joey” Part One The first thing I ever noticed about Joey Cantrell was his butt. It was in economics class during the second trimester of our senior year at Crossfalls HighSchool. Joey sat in front of me in class, and of course right off the bat I realized how incredibly gorgeous he was. He looked and dressed like a model, always in some pair of designer jeans that wrapped around him and expressed his small hips. A football player, his body was lean and toned and muscular. He was a self-admitted metrosexual who fake baked, gelled his hair every morning, and even watched his fingernails, yet somehow he had the student body wrapped around his pretty little finger. His parents were rich and let him drink, which of course meant he threw plenty of parties, which of course meant he had an endless supply of friends. It was his charmed life that eventually drew me in, but my first interest went to his rear. That day I was late to class, as usual. Unlike Joey, I rebelled against high school norms. Cigarettes and pot were a pastime for me, and you’d never catch me bothering to wear anything special other than jeans and a T-shirt. As I strolled my way down the hall towards the door, I considered myself a straight as an arrow heterosexual male. In the past two years I’d had two girlfriends and had slept with two others. Boobs and pussy got me off, not dick. At least…not until I entered economics class that semester.
Right when I opened the door Mrs. Carpenter shot me a raised eyebrow, and I gave a quick glance to the rest of the classroom and saw a few turned to look at me while the rest looked toward the front. The room was dark except for the overhead projector which shined light onto some graphs on a dry erase board. In front of the board was Joey, who turned his head to see who came in. I did not catch his eye, but by some force of nature I caught a look at that backside. Now I’d seen awesome asses on girls, clothed and unclothed, but man was his perfect. It was small and round, and his jeans hugged every inch. It looked tight and muscular, and he was leaning on one leg so the right cheek was poked out and higher than the left, making for two insanely perfect round halves of the sexiest badonk I’d ever witnessed. Suddenly Mrs. Carpenter caught my attention again as I realized she was pointing to the tardy log on the table. “Fine,” I muttered, and gave my attention back to my being tardy. Everyone turned back to look at Joey, even me. I looked up for a second to see him looking straight back at me, and like a pussy I darted my eyes down quickly. I signed then looked for an empty desk. There was one at the back, just like I liked it. After a few minutes Joey was finally asked to sit back down, and I nerves shook me when he got into the desk in front of me. Then he shocked the hell out of me when he spun around and flashed me a smile and whispered, “Way to be late.” I couldn’t even respond. For the next few weeks I don’t know whether it was just a simple fact that I could not understand economic concepts or that Joey robbed all my attention from the subject; either way, I’m glad I struggled.
Almost every day Mrs. Carpenter let the class loose to work on some assignment, allowing people to work in pairs. Me and Joey were never in a pair working together, but every day he would help me. He made me a little 5 year old kid, giggling at some stupid problem I’d done wrong maybe or maybe not on purpose that he was correcting, but he would laugh, too, and then flash that damn smile and those blue eyes. I always wanted to get closer to him, to talk to him, to get to be friends or have some relationship other than just my tutor. However, he and I ran in different circles. At Crossfalls High School it was acceptable for the popular kids to talk to the outcasts, but to forge an actual friendship was not common. In the hierarchy of classmates, Joey was king and I…was not even on the scale, and I didn’t want to be. I just wanted to be with him. Well about a week later on a Friday a buzz carried around school that Joey was throwing another huge party, and when I sat down in economics class the other students were already talking about it. “Yeah my parents are gonna be gone till Tuesday,” Joey was saying. “Is it BYOB?” Megan Cox asked. “Yeah. I’ll have some stuff, but it won’t be enough, and I want a lot of people to come.” Mrs. Carpenter interrupted as she trotted into the room. “All right everybody, shut up. Let’s start…” She continued talking and writing something down on the whiteboard when… Joey turned around and whispered, “You comin’?” “To your party?” I stuttered. “Yeah.” “I don’t know…” “Dude c’mon. There’ll be booze and pussy.” “I don’t even know where you live.” Mrs. Carpenter interrupted again. “Gentlemen! You have something you wanna share?” We shut up. “Good.” She went back to her whiteboard. Joey wrote something on his desk and then tossed it over his shoulder onto mine. I opened it up. It was a phone number and underneath was scribbled: CALL THIS FOR DIRECTIONS. I shoved the note in my pocket.
Usually when an acquaintance invites you to a party it is in the heat of inviting people, and when the actual party arrives, it does not really matter whether or not you’re there. So instead of calling Joey that night I hung out at Steve’s place like I usually did. The routine had gotten pretty routine there. A bunch of guys lounged around, smoked weed, and played guitar, but I didn’t mind how boring it seemed. They were descent musicians and there was droe and alcohol to fuel me for a Friday evening. “Yo Travis! When’s the last time you got some pussy?” I smiled at Steve and held up a 4 with my fingers. “Is that days?” he asked. Suddenly my pocket vibrated and I reached for my phone. “Is that days!” “Hold on!” I flipped open my phone and saw a “1 NEW MESSAGE” then pressed VIEW. It was from an unknown number and read: “Are you coming or not?”. My first thought was ‘Holy shit! Is he really asking about me?’. I grabbed my beer and rushed outside, tearing that piece of paper from my pocket and ignoring Steve as he asked where I was going. Out on Steve’s back porch I used the dim light to compare the unknown number and the note number and they matched. I jumped; he was actually asking me if I was coming or not. Maybe he really wanted me there, but I looked around and saw where I was. I was at Steve’s trailer, drunk and high, barefoot and no shirt. I wouldn’t fit in at Joey’s house with his party and his upper class friends.
Plus, I was already too trashed to drive. Even then, my shitty mustang probably wouldn’t make a drive all the way there and back. I put my phone and the note back in my pocket and returned inside to drink some more. Monday in class everyone was talking about the party of course, but Joey did not join in. Instead he talked to me first and asked, “Where the hell were you?” “Dude I’m sorry. I was already trashed by the time you sent that.” “Yeah, well whatever. It was good without you.” He turned around and did not talk to me the rest of class. Why was he so pissed? The bell rang and he left quickly with his other friends like he always did, and I left near to last like I always did. Before that day I never believed in fate, but it came along anyway. Janet Valentine, a girl I’d been talking to off and on for the past few days, invited me to her house that night, explaining that her parents were going to be out of town for the whole night. If anyone knew me, they knew I would never turn down an offer for sex. So that night I drove my shitty mustang to Janet’s, which was in the nice part of town with rolling hills and mansions. We had sex for about three hours, but it was not like it usually was with girls. Every other time I loved it and came like a fountain at the end, but this time I was distracted and actually faked my orgasm. Luckily I got away without her noticing this. “Bye Travis,” she said sweetly. “Maybe we can do this again.” “Sure thing,” I told her. I kissed her, then headed on my way in my shitty mustang. This is where fate came in. While driving through the country meadows of the rich half of Crossfalls my shitty mustang finally died like it’d been threatening for weeks.
The engine went bu-bum bu-bum bu-bum until it was finally still. I pulled it
off the road and cursed and hit the steering wheel. “Why!” Half the people on my
phone I did not trust to give me a ride, and the other half were not answering,
and I was very far from home. With no other choice, I abandoned the ‘stang and
began hitchhiking down the road, though I was very doubtful on getting a ride.
People on that side of town wouldn’t be that generous. Like I figured eleven
cars passed my thumb, my feet got tired, and the sun was halfway set behind the
hills and the mansions. Honestly I was starting to consider going back to my car
and sleeping there. It was nice out here. I could just put on the radio and
groove all night. I could survive without food or water for a day, and it would
be a nice trip from home for a change. In the middle of trying to call Janet for
the fourth time a black truck approached from down the road.
The phone went to Janet’s answering machine. I hung up and stuck out my thumb, thinking maybe just maybe. To my utter surprise the truck slowed to the side of the road and I dashed desperately to the passenger door and opened it. “Thank you very much!” I halted when I looked inside and saw the driver. Joey had stopped to pick me up. “What are you doing out here?” he laughed. “Uh…visiting a friend.” “So you can visit them but not come to my party?” “Uh…” He smiled that beautiful smile. “Just get in.” I climbed in and he sped off down the highway. There was silence between us for a while, because I was too nervous to talk and I guess he just didn’t have anything to say. “Thanks,” I finally forced out. “It’s all right. This is kinda cool. We never get to hang out after school.” “Yeah I know.” “Where am I taking you?” “Uh…to the Valero.” “The one at the end of the road?” “Yeah.” “You live near there?” “No. It’s about a twenty minute drive all the way to where I live. It’s all right. I don’t wanna put you outta your way.” “Hey it’s all right. I don’t mind.” “You sure?” “Yeah. I got nothin’ to do tonight. So how’d your car break down?” “It was a piece of shit. It was bound to happen sooner or later.” “That sucks. What were you doin’ out here?” “Uh…you know Janet Valentine?” “Dude of course! Fuckin’ hottie!” “Yeah, I was seein’ her.” “Did ya’ll…” “Yeah.” He laughed. “Holy shit. Was it good?” “Yeah…” He paused. “Doesn’t sound very good.” “Well, I guess…I’ve been with better.” “Ah…I understand.” There was more silence. “So…,” he asked, “how many girls have you been with?” I chuckled. “ I don’t know. Maybe 5. You?” “Only three. How do you get so many?” “It’s only 5.” “Yeah, but I heard there’s a lot that want you.” “Oh…I don’t know.” He paused again. “I…heard you had a big dick.” I laughed. “What?” “I’m serious. I’ve heard you got a big cock.” “Who told you that?” “A couple of people.” I laughed again. “I guess…” “Uh…how big is it?” “You asking like measurements?” “Yeah. Every guy measures it.” “When I’m hard it’s like…9 inches.” “Holy shit. Seriously?” “Yeah man. No bull shit.” “I don’t believe it.” “What…you wanna see it?” He suddenly got quiet and I caught his eyes glancing down at my crotch.
I got a little nervous, too, but excitement took hold of me and I went forward with full force. “You’re asking me if I wanna see your dick!” “Yeah. You wanna see it? You don’t believe me.” “Fuck no I don’t!” But his eyes kept glancing down in between my legs. “Yeah you do.” I unzipped my pants. “No I don’t dude.” Of course he was doing nothing to stop me. I pulled down my pants under my butt then brought down my boxers a bit. I was getting hard just reaching into them to grab my dick and pull out in front of Joey. I whipped it out and let it hang there in front of twinkling eyes. “Holy shit dude! That’s huge!” I laughed. “You wanna touch it?” “Fuck no! Put it away!” He was laughing, though. I put it back in my pants and zipped myself up. “Man you’re pretty fuckin’ crazy,” he said, still laughing. “I flash everyone. It’s all right.” “I’d flash too if my cock that was big.” I laughed. “So…how uh…how big is yours?” “Not that big, but I’m not small.” I waited, staring at him, and finally he caught my glance. “What? You wanna see?” “Well I showed you mine.” “You gay or something? I don’t wanna show you my dick.” “Dude sorry, sorry. If you’re too shy its all right.” “What…you think I’ve got a little dick?” “I never said that.” “I’m driving anyway.” “Okay, okay. Calm down man. Didn’t mean to make you mad.” “Good.” We resumed to quietness while Joey turned on his headlights, and we were still on the long country road, still a good ways from home. Suddenly he reached down and began unzipping himself. “All right dude. Fine. You want it you got it.” I was laughing. He reached into his boxers. “Here’s my big fat cock for ya!” He pulled it out, a thick and longer than average piece of meat that I gawked at. Then he shook it playfully. “There. You like that? Huh?” I kept laughing…and looking at it. He was half hard, like I was. A few moments went by and I looked out the window just to break from the situation, but when I looked back it was still out, laying on his jeans. “You gonna put it away?” “I think I might just drive with my cock out.
That gonna bother you?” “No, no. Do what you want.” I chuckled. My face was getting red and it was hard to kill my smile. The ride continued in another quiet for a good ten seconds before Joey asked jokingly, “So…you wanna blow me?” When I didn’t answer or laugh right away or scream and threaten to punch him for asking, when I just hesitated, he suddenly went back into complete straight male mode. “Holy shit dude! I wasn’t serious!” He tried putting his penis back into his pants. “Geez. I don’t think I’m ever giving you a ride again.” “You hard?” I asked. His dick was growing, which was why he was having trouble putting it away. “No I’m not fucking hard, dude.” “I can see your dick man. You’re getting a boner. You want me to blow you?” “No fuckin’ way man! You stay over there! Stop looking at my dick!” “Well it’s kinda hard when it’s sticking out of your pants!” We paused. “You want me to suck your cock don’t you.” “No fuckin’ way man!” I looked back out the window. He put his dick back inside and we sat quietly, and he looked straight forward and rigidly gripped the steering wheel. “You’ve had blowjobs before right?” I asked. “Of course. What guy hasn’t?” I looked down. I couldn’t believe the words that were bubbling up to my tongue. It was at this moment I knew that, at least physically, I was attracted to another guy. My mouth was starting to water. “When’s the last time you got one?” I asked. “Three weeks ago.” “Huh…” I glanced at him. His eyes drifted towards mine but then quickly dodged back to the road. “Why?” he asked. “You know…a mouth is a mouth right?” He was starting to squirm and bulge formed in his crotch.
He kept looking back and forth from me to the road. “Dude I personally don’t think there’s…” when I paused I had no control as my hand moved and placed itself on his inner thigh, “…anything…wrong with one guy helping another out.” I started rubbing his thigh, moving up to his crotch. His hips wriggled slowly and his breathing got faster. “It’s a long drive to my house.” “Dude this is fuckin’ crazy!” But he wasn’t stopping me. “Just go with it.” I moved up from his thigh and immediately cupped the bulge in his crotch, and he moaned and gripped the wheel harder. I unzipped him, then reached inside and felt it. It was the first time I’d ever felt another guy’s dick. It was hot, full of blood, pulsating. I exhaled as I pulled it out slowly, trying not to hurt him. A whole seven inches of Joey’s dick was gripped in my palm, and with that firm grip I leaned down, nervous and shaking, and put the tips of lips on his head. Holy shit! I had another dude’s dick right in front of my mouth, and I was kissing the head. Joey kept squirming in his seat, holding onto the steering wheel tighter and tighter. Finally he groaned, “Just fuckin’ suck it Travis.” With that, I plunged downward, taking every inch of his hot dick into my mouth, tasting it, feeling his pubic hair against my cheek when I’d swallowed all of him. He moaned above me, “Holy shit.” I could feel the head poking the back of my throat and he got rock hard in my mouth. I loved it.
I lifted up, sucking lightly as I did, but when I only had the head in my mouth I went straight back down and took him again. This time I wiggled my tongue around his shaft, which must’ve drove him crazy because at this he put his hand on the back of my head and moaned louder. The truck swerved a bit. “Shit!” Joey quickly got it back on course. “Keep doing that!” My head bobbed up and down as I slobbered and sucked on his pecker, getting faster and faster. I reached in between his legs and rubbed his balls from the outside of his jeans. “Fuck!” he exclaimed. After almost five minutes… “I think about to cum,” he moaned. I only went faster. “Fuck! I’m gonna cum dude!” I kept going. I sucked harder around the shaft and went wild around his head with my tongue. “Are you gonna fuckin’ swallow it?” I answered by continuing. I didn’t care if he came in my mouth. I wanted him to. “You’re gonna swallow? Aw shit! Here it comes!” One more stroke of my mouth and I felt Joey spray deep into the back of my throat. It was huge load of salty jizz that filled my mouth and dribbled out a bit onto his throbbing member. I knew what to expect, though, because I’d tasted my own before. “Fuckin’ A!” he sighed.
I swallowed, then continued to suck and lick his cum off until everything was clean. I leaned up and back into my seat, wiping my mouth. I regained my breath while he recovered from the shock. We didn’t talk the rest of the way. Fifteen minutes later we arrived at my mobile home and I got out of the truck. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Hey,” he stopped me. “We’re not gonna say anything to anyone.” He was dead serious. I nodded. “Of course. I definitely wouldn’t want you telling either.” “Good.” “You owe me one, though.” He didn’t respond, just looked at me coldly, and it killed me a little just standing there and taking it. “I gotta go,” he said. I closed the door, and he sped off. I felt like shit.
Joey part 1 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story and it may not be sold; it may be shared at free sites only. Any comments or ideas may be sent to [email protected]. Joseph Nadar was trapped in the locker room after he showered; he was at the middle school after gym class, it was the only class that he did not like, for this very reason the bigger guys had taken his clothes and left him, laughing as they departed. He was glad they did not take the towel as it was all he...
Introduction: School time is more humiliating than ever for Joey. Joey and his Bullies 5 By Mathew Elizabeth Joey,Evan and Little Jake made it to school before the bell rang. School was already a place he considered hell. But he believed his thoughts of the past would be nothing compared to his experiences he was going to take part in the present. Both Evan and Jake lead him into the school toilets. He already knew his day of humiliation would be more than mere name calling and punches. The...
He was working late again, forced to supervise a senior's work on his end of year assignment. To be fair, he really didn't mind all that much. The kid, Joey, was a real looker. 5' 11" and thin, with a soft, boyish face, long blonde hair, and eyes to die for; Light green with flecks of amber and full eyelashes that loved to gaze languidly at Mr. Brennan's clothed crotch when he thought no one was looking. And don't get him started on that ass. Oooo, that ass! The merest thought of that...
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Introduction: This is about a girl and her neighbor, Joey, find what is buried in their hearts. Most people in their life have the good neighbor. My entire life I grew up next to a boy named Joey who was the same age as me. As children, we played with our toys, rode our bikes, and played in the sandbox as another child our age would do. When I was around twelve, my body started to change. I began growing breasts, my body began taking the womanly shape, and I became more attracted to boys. ...
Introduction: A boy is tormented by his highschool bullies, as they dominate him in every aspect of his life. Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This author will not be held responsible if this work gets into the wrong hands. This story contains consensual but intimidating descriptions of sexual activity between boys and older people. Please write: [email protected] I would like to hear if you...
by Larry Malone In the old neighborhood, years ago, the word “gay” was never used. and disparagingly, “they” were called “queer” or “fags” and weren't accepted at all. So, in those days, “they” didn't exist ...except for Joey. Joey wasn't gay, he was just... “a friendly nice guy.” Not the sharpest tool in the shed and he barely got out of the eight grade in education but everyone liked him. Joey was the kind of guy who always had a smile for every body and would do anything for you to...
When I was around twelve, my body started to change. I began growing breasts, my body began taking the womanly shape, and I became more attracted to boys. Joey noticed me as a changed, but he did not stay far behind. I noticed his voice getting deeper; I could see the hairs that were growing on his arms and legs become thicker. We both noticed each other changing; however, we never said anything about it. When we were both thirteen, things were changing from what they used to be. We...
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Joey becomes my SlavePart OneOn the flight back from my birthday trip to Maui Joey asked if we could move to the rear of the plane so she could ask me something? I was puzzled by this but said, " Okay. "After we moved to seats in the back she said, " Your husband Mark said IF you wanted me, I could offer myself to you as your final and forever, birthday gift? "I looked into her eyes and said, "I've already had you as part of my birthday gift in Hawaii. What are you suggesting here? "She looked...
A dad is a dominant and self-assured older man (generally 35 and older) with a strong sexual drive, high level of experience, tremendous energy, stamina, and prowess. A dad is an in charge man, a leader, and a teacher, but does not take advantage of his son and lover. A son is generally a much younger (under 30) submissive and is energetic, honest, highly sexually driven and motivated looking to learn sexually from a powerful experienced older partner and dominant man. Each of them accepts...
I suppose that this being my first attempt at writing about one of my experiences I should introduce myself: I am Annie, and that is my real name. I am a recently divorced forty-something mother of two grown children, both of which live out of state. My husband and I always had an up and down sex life, and, no, I am not speaking of his penis!Over the years his sex drive dropped off as mine continued to increase. As time went on we would try different approaches to help with the situation but...
MILFJoey becomes my SlavePart ThreeDinner was wonderful and I know Mark loved having a girl on each arm as we exited the resturant. He's such a hunk. We did make a striking pair, Me with my blonde hair and Joey with her jet black hair. Mark has a shaved head and broad shoulders with 21 inch arms. He pumps a lot of iron and even in a sport coat it shows.Mark suggested having a drink at a local gentleman's club and Joey said, "How exciting. I've never been to a topless bar before." Mark told her,...
In the kitchen he was seated on a chair, his hands tied behind his back and his legs to two sides of his seat. As he was surrounded by his captors he was scared for his life like never before in his young life. One of the men took out a gun and the woman started talking. „I am now going to remove your gag. If you scream, André will shoot you. Understood?” Joey nodded and the woman took the rag out of his mouth. „Joey can take whatever you want just please don't kill me” Joey started...
> > I have paused in my writing for only a moment, asJoey has called me to attend to him. I am glad he wants me,and not my wife or one of my darling children. What is it this time?> The magnificent Latino teenage stud is in thebathroom, getting ready for>a date. At nineteen, he is a total thing of beauty. Smoothbrown body, well>muscled abs and pecs. Fully pouty brown nipples. Beautifulsculpted arms. And then of course that dick. I have never in my thirty two years seen a>dick like...
Joey becomes my slavePart TwoMark pulled into the garage/shop and the automatic door closed behind us. Joey had never been inside our house and she stood there admiring the 3 Harley's and other vehicles until I took her by the hand and said, "This way my lovely Slut."She followed us into the house and Mark said to me, "Give her a tour of the house and I'll mix up some cocktails."I said, "Yes Sir" and still holding Joey's hand I led her throughout the house showing her the "Master" suite and the...
Mark awoke to Joey on one side and me on the other side and we were kissing and licking his neck to wake him up. He stretched out and put one of his muscled arms around each of us and said, "Ok, I'm awake and just what do my gorgeous sluts have on those dirty minds?"I said, "We want to lick you from head to toe Master.""Ask me nice and I might allow it." Mark said.I put his hand on one of my tits and said, "Please Sir. We would very much like to put a smile on your face this morning....
"No, not like that," I moaned as Charles tried to use brute force with his new increase of telepathic strength to penetrate my shield. "You have to be a lot more subtle." "I don't need to practice being subtle, Joey," he said with difficulty. "I have a life time of experiences in being subtle. What I need now is practice control of my new strength." "All right, all right... " I said, throwing up my hands and then checking the time. "We have twenty minutes left before we have to...
Susan When we got back to Joey's house Heather told us that Sheila was studying at Wendy's as they were still working on their science project so we could have our discussion now if we wished. I could see from the look on Joey's face that he wanted to get this over with so I answered for both of us. "I think that would be a good idea, the sooner we get finished, the sooner Joey will be able to relax." Heather smiled at that remark and led us into the room which she used as a study and...
I started the shower water and set it to a comfortable temperature and stepped in. The hot water felt great running down my head, face and shoulders. I used the soap that was in the shower all ready to wash my self with. The water was running a long time then I shut it off. I grabbed the towel hanging on the rack and started to dry myself off. I was now drying my hair when I heard a knock at the door. ‘Hun, are you ok. You’ve been in there for a long time?’ Clearing my throat, I said,...
I don't mean to make the impression that everything Suzi and I did together that summer was in some way sexual. Hmmm... Actually, I can't think of anything we did do that wasn't somehow related to sex, but I know there had to be as many nonsexual occasions as there were sexual ones. I guess they just weren't memorable enough to remember them. Okay I got one. I helped her wash her car the night after we got back from our two day camping trip together. Wait minute... Shit. Suz sorta...
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Group SexA few days after Peggy broke the taboo ice by fucking her new stepson, she was anxious to share the event with Wanda, her college girlfriend. Wanda was the one person she could tell anything to and would not get any condemnation from. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She and Wanda had an unspoken competition between them. Each wanted to outdo the other with the dirtiest stories and nastiest desires. There was always a hazy line between what was real and what was fiction between these two....
Tuesday Evening Susan My mum and Joe's mum went off to the cafe for some refreshment and I was left alone with Joey. I think it was an intentional ploy by his mum to give us some time to ourselves. When I looked over at Joey his eyes were glistening with tears. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to stop them," he told me. "I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to fighting." The fact that you knew that and still faced up to those two large oafs and that makes your actions so brave in my...
Joey When I awoke on Friday morning it dawned on me that this was the last day of our week being naked in school. So much had happened in that time to radically alter my life that in one sense it seemed to have been much longer than just a week. On the other hand now that it was almost at an end it seemed to have flown in. It seems strange, that depending on your perspective time can be so contradictory. I got up dressed and showered and went down to breakfast. Sheila was already there and...
It must have been some turbulence that woke me from a disturbing dream, and for a moment I felt disorientated and confused to where I was. But when I opened my eyes, the urgent feelings I had from the dream I already had forgotten left as I turned to make sure Suzi was still safe beside. I tried to adjust my position to help ease the intense stiffness in my back without disturbing her, holding my breath when she stirred, but then smiled when she place more weight against my upper arm that...
“I keep seeing it! You in collar with a leash, you in a private school outfit on the computer and playing with you lips, and you fuck your twin s*s’s brains out with a strap on!” He said yelling and pointing at each woman in the private room.The girls blushed at their deepest fantasies being revealed.“Y-You really keep seeing that?” one woman said.He sits on the couch frustrated. “What is wrong with me…?”_____________________________________________________________________________________Joey...
Joey I made my way to the head master's office and the headmaster and he indicated for me to take a seat while I waited for my partner and wondered what her reaction would be. To my surprise, when she entered instead of being agitated at the prospect of going naked she seemed quite calm, I even though I saw a hint of a grin as she looked at me. "She probably thinks that she will be able to ignore me and the buddy system without me causing her any problems and she is right," I thought....
Joey. After I told her she was not just the girl I dreamed about but my dream girl Susan kissed me and once again I was hard and once more we were engaged in a fast and furious bout of lovemaking. By the time our passions had subsided she was no longer drowsy but bounced out of bed and dragged me into the shower with her. There was no doubt she was right when she told me I would need it. I was lathered in sweat after our morning romp. When we had dried off I looked at her and said, "Now...
VOLUME-2 Chapter VI Joey and nursemaid. • The privy in the laui-el-walk. • Scared. • Whiteteeth in the ditch. • The nurse-maid's bed-room. • Robert amusing her. • A lost virginity. • Aunt and Joey. • Nearly caught. • Amatory instructions to nursemaid. Lusting worse after the kiss, I went to the house. My cousins were out, my aunt taking her afternoon's nap. I rang my bed-room bell for something, simply to get a woman near me, in the shape of a housemaid who was as ugly as sin. I pulled...
Joey was a good friend of mine. We had dated for a while, fooled around a bit, but nothing serious. It was a hot day in the summer, and I was home alone, bored, so I decided to call him up to come swimming. He, too, was hot and bored, so he told me hed grab his suit and then ride his bike over to my house. When I got off the phone with him, I found myself thinking about when we went out. As I said before, we didnt get far, but we did do a bit more then just tongue. I found myself getting wet....
Joey When I got home that evening I told my mother that I had met with Susan and that we had agreed to support each other throughout the rest of the week. When she asked me what I thought of the girl now that I was talking to her and getting to know her. "She seems very nice I told her and not the snobby bitch I thought she was. In fact if the truth be told, she can be a bit earthy at times." "What do you mean she can be a bit earthy?" My mother wanted to know. "When we stripped this...
Joey The doctor was as good as his word and he began his rounds on Wednesday morning by looking in on me. He gave me a check over asked me a few questions and then said that if someone brought me some clothes I could leave. Shortly after this Heather and Susan arrived carrying a case with clothes for me to wear in order to get me to the school. My mother had dropped it off at their place on Tuesday evening. I got dressed, thanked the nurses for looking after me then Heather drove us to...
Joey When I woke up on Thursday morning I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Last night Susan took my virginity and the sensations were incredible. What I found even more unbelievable was the fact that I had been able to bring her to several orgasms on the two occasions we made love. When she told me that these orgasms had been more intense than any she had ever experienced before I was walking on cloud nine. As a result I was really chipper when I went down to breakfast...
"Maria...Marie!!" Maria looked behind her as her friend frantically ran up to her. "Finally you slow down what is your problem!?!" Kaila said. "Nothing I was just wondering how it would feel to fuck a virgin." Kaila just starred at her. "None of the guys you dated were virgins?!? You got it bad girl." Maria was naughty and loved experienced guys to teach her new moves. Maria had long blond hair and blue eyes and she had C breast. She was slim but muscular. "I know I do you red headed girl."...
EroticJoey becomes my SlavePart FourAs the door to Steve's office closed with a loud click I saw that Dakota was sitting in a chair in front of his desk. She seemed surprised to see me and I just handed her the money and told her "Mark said to give you this. He enjoyed the lap dance."She stuffed the bills down into her blouse and Said, "Tell him it was my pleasure." Then she looked at Steve and he told her, "You're lucky... Me and Mark used to ride together in a motorcycle club so we have a history....
My pal Joey, lived across the alley, he began talking about "doing it" . I was not sure what he was talking aboutbut I was all in. Soon we were in the graveyard across the street in the hedges. It became our go to spot. He would bring Playboys he had swiped from his dad and we would google at those tits, this was 1962 so no bush back thenOur boners pushed against our shorts as we looked at those tits. Soon we were talking ourselves into Doing It. It didn't take much convincing on either of our...
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, except in the case of reviews, without written permission from the Paratwa Partnership, Inc, 354 Plateau Drive, Florissant, CO 80816 This is a fictional story involving youth/youth and adult/youth sexual relationships. If this type of material offends you, please do not read any further. This material is intended for mature adult audiences. Names, characters, locations and incidents...
"Come on, sleepy head. Time to get up and go to school," my mom said, gently rubbing my shoulder. "I don't want too," I mumbled, not opening my eyes. "Breakfast is on the table, so get your ass up before I get your father to drag you out," she said, sounding like she was already down the hall. I could smell the bacon in the air, and I suddenly realized I was really hungry, so I opened my eyes, expecting to see my old room... "Shit," I moaned, finding myself in some sort of...
Last time on Joey’s powers…"Ohhhhhh... fu-fuck meeeeeee.."He then relies some one was still here."ok if this isn't real, no more carrot cake at the cake monster!" he thought. "Here it comes"He opened the door silently and could not believe what he saw...___________________________________________________________________He saw Candie squirting right at the office! this is the 1st time he had seen it outside of porn tapes. Her top piece was un-buttoned with her tits hanging out, thong, &...
Joey Mum was giving us a lift home since Susan was staying the night and Sheila was going to ride along with us. As we were standing waiting for her Natalie approached carrying one of those cardboard tubes which usually contain a poster. "During my Lunch hour I did a bigger sketch of the drawing I did this morning. I would like you to have it, you will have to argue among yourselves about who gets to keep it." She said with a grin. We thanked her very much, but she said she was pleased...
My name is Joey. I work as a delivery boy for a pizza chain. I have always been a little bit shorter than other people and have never had so much luck with girls. I did once have a brief encounter with a male co-worker while on the job, but he quit soon there after. By the time I had saved up some money from tips and paychecks my parents were pressuring me to move out of the house, I was 23 and well over due. I looked for an apartment that was close to work and moderately priced but the only...
GayBelow a new set of real life stories about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda, nick name Peituda Safada.You can meet her at the strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba Brazil!Fernanda & Paulla entertaining a guy.I had sex 2 days ago with together another dancer from the club:An american guy wants see how 2 girls do lesbian sex.He orders us to put out all clothes, only we must wear our shoesAfter that we must kissing. He wants see how our tongue goes deep in each other mouth .We must play by...
Joey's King For An Hour(Mf)The elevator doors opened and Joey stepped in, wearing workout clothes and sunglasses."All the luggage in the car?" she asked me."We're ready to leave whenever you want.""Good." she said, then turned to the mirror and took a selfie. Friends only
The old man looked out his kitchen window watching the heavy snowfall and the young boy who was making his way past his house through the deepening snow. Far into the coldest winter the old man had seen in some time—everyone was feeling its bone chilling effect. He knew the boy's name was Joey, and that the boy's father had lost his job a while back. The sad fact, the family had fallen on hard times of late. The boy was walking hunched over as he tried unsuccessfully to ward off the biting...
My name is Joey and I had never thought of myself as gay. I was a virgin up until I was in my early twenties, but I just thought I was bad with women on account that I’m a little short. It wasn’t until one afternoon that I came to realize why I was so bad with girls. I work at a pizza place called Garlic Jim’s. As part of an advertising promotion, our boss has us hang door-hangers, or coupon vouchers, on people’s front doors. The employees would usually go out in groups of three or four each...
GayMy name is Joey. I live in an apartment with a roommate, Matt. I also work at a pizza place as a delivery boy. Over the past couple of months I have been saving up money to go to my sister’s wedding. I told Matt that I would be leaving for a few weeks to stay in California to see my sister get married. So I got on a plane and headed down to San Francisco. My sister and her fiancé, Evan, picked me up at the airport. She was thirty-six at the time and he was about to turn forty. No one in my family ...
GayDear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...
Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversAndee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversAndee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked "Just For You." She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...
Wife LoversI had just finished my first year of college and my mom and dad insisted that I go with them on a quick summer trip to visit one of mom’s old college buddies in Austin, Texas. Normally, I don’t mind such gatherings, but for some reason or another, Austin just didn’t appeal to me. I had been there many years before and didn’t find the city attractive. When we arrived, there were the customary hugs and greetings- since our family is Hispanic. (You have to love a culture that embraces hugging!) I...
First TimeAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...
Andee smiled as she read the text message on her phone. Before breakfast, she had sent a somewhat vague note to her friend from the night before about wanting to try Roulette again, wondering if he might interpret the suggested sexual undertones – especially after the enthusiastic round of sex from the night before. She thought for a moment, wondering just how acquainted she wanted to get with Connor. It seemed her “one-night stands” in her sexual adventure were more like weekend-long affairs,...
Wife LoversAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been ... interesting. It was a...
Wife Lovers