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My name is Kevin Randle. 

I recently broke up with my girlfriend, Sarah. She’d be cheating on me with her personal trainer and had been doing so for six months. We’d only been together a year and she had been cheating on me for half of that time.

I was suspicious of her activities for most of those six months. Unbeknownst to me, all my suspicions had been right. The late night cell phone calls for Sarah, the girls’ nights out that she supposedly had with her friends, the change in attitude and behavior. It didn’t take a genius to figure out something was going on. I happened to go by her parents’ house one day when they were away when I couldn’t get a hold of Sarah on her phone. She had told me she was going to the gym but I saw her car outside her parents’ house along with a car I had recognized as her trainer’s. I knew what was going on inside and didn’t bother to push the matter any further.

I went back to our place and packed up as much of my belongings I could fit into my car. Then I decided to call my parents to see if I could come home for awhile to figure out what I was going to do over the next few months to get back on my feet. They were ecstatic. They were out of the country on an extended vacation and had left my younger sister, Katie, at home where she’d been for the last two months. 

They actually gave a nineteen year old girl access to a joint checking account with them and gave her a monthly allowance to live off of. My parents were well off financially so that really wasn’t a big surprise, nor was it a surprise they trusted Katie so much. I knew her all my life and she was as trustworthy as a person could get. You could leave a truck full of money parked outside the house and if Katie were to find it, she’d call the police instead of pocketing the loot.

They wholeheartedly agreed to let me come back home and stay as long as I wanted. In the middle of packing my stuff away, Sarah happened to come back home, sans her walking penis, AKA her trainer. I guess he was all fucked out and decided to go home.

Sarah was, obviously, stunned by what she found. She ran up to me as I was tossing in a suitcase, my car already almost full, and hysterically asked for an explanation. Surprisingly, I was completely calm. I simply told her that I knew what was happening and that it was alright. I knew she didn’t need it by now, since her affair had been going on for many months, but I gave her my blessing. 

By now she was in tears and begged me not to leave, but I could practically smell the sex on her, even if she’d probably showered thoroughly after her recent session, which couldn’t have been longer than a few hours ago. I couldn’t let that pass and had to stay adamant and strong. I kept packing the car, looking for the last bits of things I had yet to pack. 

As I went back into the house, Sarah tailed me closely, still crying and desperately trying to keep me from leaving. Still calm as the wind, I just put my hand on her cheek and told her that we’d be alright and that I hope she’d be happy from then on. My heart sank when I said those words but I knew they had to be said. By now, I’m sure she was thinking back to every time she had been fucked by her trainer, every time she’d knowingly deceived me and kept her secrets, and how all those secrets were now coming to the surface and that she couldn’t hide from them.

Sarah hadn’t a clue where my parents’ house was, which was about 150 miles from our condo. I had already changed my cell phone number and given it only to my closest friends I’d made in town in the two years I’d lived there. I knew that once I left, she wouldn’t be able to contact me. She still begged and pleaded but I knew the ultimate truth: I’d found a pregnancy test that she’d cleverly buried deep in the trash. It was positive. 

I knew that I wasn’t the result of that positive because we’d only had sex maybe twice in the last few months and I’d worn a condom both times and she’d had her period after the last time we had sex, so she had to have had sex with her trainer after her last period and didn’t bother to make the guy wear protection. Either that or she fucked someone else I don’t know about without protection. It wasn’t my problem, though, thankfully and was completely guilt-free.

I told her that I knew she was pregnant and that made her freeze up immediately. Her eyes became sharp and focused, her breathing stopped, her trembling and crying halted. She just stared at me, knowing she wouldn’t be able to talk her way out of it. I placed my hand on her face again and wished her luck with the father and hoped that the baby would be healthy. 

Tears were streaming down her face as she looked down, sinking in shame. I still loved her but her crimes against me were unforgivable. I had to stay the course and sever ties between us.

My car fully packed and almost nothing left behind, anything of importance anyways. I turned away from Sarah for the last time and got into my car and drove away. As I drove away, I glanced at my rearview mirror and saw her standing in the driveway, face still aimed at the ground. I could tell already she was increasing in weight from the child that was growing inside her, the child that wasn’t mine. 

I have to admit that I cried on the way home. The nearly three-hour drive was arduous emotionally. I spent the whole time thinking of the year I’d spent with Sarah. All of the good times and bad, all of the times we’d made love, and argued, then made up by making love. All the movies we watched together, all the meals we shared, the conversations. It was all over. 

Then I realized that about half of the memories I’d had of us were during the time she had spent a good time of time on her back, another man pleasuring her and eventually filling her womb with his child. All the memories I’d ever shared with Sarah were tainted and no longer contained any sentiment. It would take time, but I knew that emotionally, I could be free of her.

On the way home, I also thought of mom and dad, and of Katie and how they were going to be as big a part of my life as they were before I left home for college. My parents, who were retired, had done well in the stock market and, because of this, traveled. They traveled a lot. It was pretty pointless that they even owned a house. The vacation rentals they stayed at when they were away were more permanent than the house that just seemed to serve as their ‘rest home’ or ‘temporary transition zone’ before jetting off to a new adventure.

Coming back home at twenty-two could be something to be ashamed of, but I didn’t feel ashamed. Everyone faces situations beyond their control and sometimes need help and I was no different. Thankfully, my parents were painfully and eternally generous people and would always be willing to open their doors again, even if they had to open them from many thousands of miles away, to their son. 

I’d felt a bit guilty at asking for help, but then I realized how well off my parents were and how little use they were getting out of the house and how much their state of financial security allowed them to encourage me to come home again. This helped the folks two-fold. Firstly, it made them feel better that their son was safe and sound, and secondly it made it convenient that someone, namely me, could now be around more to keep an eye on my sister, Katie.

It was weird because Katie and I were brother and sister, had the same parents, were both half Asian/half Caucasian, but we didn’t really look alike. If you had to pick us out of a crowd, you’d never think we were related. My hair was naturally light brown, my skin a bit naturally tanned, and I kind of looked like a mix of mom and dad, facial feature-wise, whereas Katie had lighter skin, much darker hair and didn’t really look like mom or dad.

She looked considerably more Asian than I did. Her eyes were darker, whereas mine were like my hair, light brown, even though we were of the same ethnic makeup. She could probably pass as full-blooded to someone who didn’t know her. To sum her up physically, if actress Rachel Leigh Cook gained about ten pounds and was Asian, she’d be Katie. She was super cute.

We were always pretty close growing up. Strangely, we never were really at odds for any extended period of time. It was actually kind of boring because we never fought. We were always congenial and comfortable around each other. She never really got on my nerves and I can only assume I never got on hers. She was always in a cheerful, yet reserved mood around me. Pleasant, upbeat, yet not overly enthusiastic, possibly even shy. It always seemed like when she was force a smile, she actually wanted to smile, but was shy to let on that she wanted to smile. It was sometimes strange to behold, albeit cute and adorable.

Katie was a bit of a homebody. She had friends and talked on the phone occasionally but she was so far from the atypical teenaged girl. You’d never catch her rolling around on her bed, chewing loudly on gum while yakking nonsensically on the phone about unimportant bullshit with some equally typical teenaged girl about what boys they thought were cute.

She was usually pretty quiet and kept to herself but when she did speak up, she was always soft-spoken, kind and sincere and as if she was generally interested in everything you had to say. It was quite refreshing to talk to someone who made you feel like you existed. I think that’s why I always got along with Katie. She was hard not to get along with.

Strangely, even though she was quite cute, she never seemed to bring a lot of attention out of other men. Just on looks alone, she could definitely be the kind of girl that got guys looking but she never seemed interested in that kind of attention. She was a bit shorter than me, around 5’2” and was a bit shapely, she had a few extra pounds of baby fat on her, but that sort of added to her personality of not being overtly provocative. She was like a shadow, blending in with her background, never drawing attention to herself.

In public she was always quiet, reserved and never dressed provocatively. She was a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl and it was equally nice to know that on top of being genuinely sweet, she wasn’t a whore, like millions of other girls her age. I had respect for her and cared for her not just as her brother, but as a human being.

Secretly though, I always had this strange thought that would float into my mind that I would question later, then feel guilty about the honestly inquisitive nature of the question, which was thinking of how ‘hot’ she could look if she wore some short shorts and a small top, along with some makeup. Then the voice in my head would do a double take, be aghast at the thought, slap itself, slap me, and pull my mind out of the strange haze that was the state of mind where I would pontificate about such things. 

I don’t think it was a thought of sexual curiosity; it was more about me being puzzled how a girl that was really a diamond in the rough hadn’t caught the attention of bunches of guys who would fight for her affections. She was really almost too good to be true, and then I realized how glad I was to be her brother and to have her in my life.

When I pulled up to the house, it looked the same way it did the last time I visited. I went up and rung the doorbell, Katie opened the door. I was greeted by that cute smile and a big, firm hug. She looked like she’d just got out of bed, wearing pajama pants and a tanktop, but was still unbearably cute. She helped me unload my car and after several hours of unpacking, I settled in.


After a few days, the pain of my separation from Sarah had really settled in. I was pretty much drowning in depression. I didn’t want to feel that way but I couldn’t help it. Even through all of the things she’d made me endure, the loss of our relationship was painful. I found myself moping around the house constantly. I ate little, slept less and spent most of my time lying in bed. I think Katie noticed it because I was less social than usual. I don’t know if she expected me to be all smiles and bouncing-off-the-walls-playful with her when I came back but I was hardly cheerful. I tried to be, but it was hard. I couldn’t mask the pain as much as I wanted to, so I figured if I couldn’t mask the pain fully, I wouldn’t bother trying at all.

Shy as she was, Katie couldn’t bear to confront me about it. She would walk past my door sometimes and peek in at me, but timidly keep walking without uttering a word. Or she’d be in the kitchen getting something to eat and I’d be at the kitchen table nibbling on a sandwich, my mind focused on thoughts of Sarah and she’d walk by and sneak a peek at my face, but she could tell my body was present but my mind was elsewhere.

I glanced up at her just quickly enough to gauge that she was concerned, but didn’t make any effort to make it clear that I was emotionally distraught. I’d simply glance up, not flashing a fake smile or any discernible emotion and would return to pecking at my meal. She usually seemed disappointed in my lack of initiative and would turn her eyes to the ground as she made her way past me and into her room.

Finally, one morning, I was sitting at the breakfast table eating cereal when Katie shuffled over in her slightly-too-long PJs and sat down across from me with a bowl of cereal of her own. I smiled politely at her in an artificially genuine way and she smiled back, hers was one of concern and warmth.

“So, did you sleep well?” she asked softly.

I felt like my body was creaking, my joints tight and tense from my growingly depressed state that I was afraid to move, afraid that Katie would hear my muscles wrench and would be alerted to my shoddy physical condition. I shrugged my shoulders slightly and tried my hardest to answer without my voice cracking. “I slept ok. You?”

“I slept good.” She answered awkwardly, tucking a tuft of hair behind her ear while slouching over her bowl of cereal.

Several minutes slowly rolled by when Katie abruptly spoke again, breaching the dead silence. “So, what’s been up your butt since you came home?”

I looked up at her, knowing my cover had been blown. It was no use to try and dance around the issue or play it out as if she’d never make the initiative to coax the truth out of me, because she had. “What do you mean?”

She still came off as harmless, never making a sudden movement as she prodded me, still hovering over her bowl of cereal, her eyes alternating from the table, to mine. Even though I should’ve felt nervous, I didn’t. She was too innocent to make my privacy feel threatened. 

“You know what I mean.” She said.

“I don’t, really.”

She seemed to struggle with pushing forward in her attempt to draw the truth from me. She wasn’t used to being assertive and it showed. She made a face like she was trying to figure out some deeply complex mathematical equation. “Well, you’ve been pretty much moping around the house ever since you got here. You haven’t gone out or even talked to me much. I’m just worried for you, that’s all.”

I thought it was such a sweet gesture. I felt ashamed that I couldn’t trust her enough with my feelings to tell her before. I looked down, searching for a way to ease her an answer. “I don’t know, just been thinking about a lot, that’s all. Just had a lot on my mind.”

She seemed only partially content by my vagueness. She wasn’t completely satisfied but didn’t seem to want to push the issue either. She didn’t want to tread on ground I wasn’t comfortable with. I saw the lack of total contentment on her face and knew I couldn’t leave it at that. I hoped she’d find the courage to feed her curiosity.

“I know I’m not a relationship expert, but if something’s wrong, you can talk to me about it. I am your sister.” She said.

“I didn’t want to come here and bother you with all my problems.”

“Hey…” she said. “…I just don’t want you to keep everything inside. You can talk to me.”

It felt nice to know that someone cared about me. Actually cared about how I felt. “Just had some problems with Sarah…”

“Oh…” she said softly, fearing she’d forced me to confront something I wasn’t strong enough for.

I drummed up the courage to tell her. “Umm, we kind of broke up. Well, I broke up with her…”

Katie looked at me with eyes so calming that I felt at home where nothing could hurt me, regardless of how painful the memories were. “…I found out she’d been cheating on me. She got pregnant too. She didn’t know I knew. So I left.”

She looked almost as anguished as I was. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. Time heals all wounds, right?”

She smiled and I realized how fortunate I was to have her in my life. 

I spent the next few days dragging through the house, sluggish and anemic. I’d go from the kitchen to the bedroom, spending most of my day lying nearly comatose in bed, watching lackadaisical as infomercial after infomercial plugged along. I never cracked a smile or showed any evidence of consciousness, save for my open eyes.

I noticed Katie walking by my door every few hours and peeking in, but she never made the initiative to enter. Part of me felt guilty that I wasn’t more hospitable and brotherly, but the rest of me was too emotionally and physically sapped to put forth the effort to apologize or invite her in. 

I was usually glad when I’d notice her shadow stop momentarily at my door and then move away because I didn’t have to face up to the questions she’d undoubtedly ask. Questions about Sarah, about what I was going to do next, about when I was going to snap out of my stupor. I just didn’t feel like doing anything but soaking in my misery. I wasn’t in the mood for any human interaction.

It was a cool Wednesday night and I was settled in my usual place: lying lazily on my bed, wrapped in blankets and staring listlessly at the television. Peripherally, I noticed Katie once more orbit past my door, checking in on me, no doubt, but this time, instead of leaving after a few moments, she wandered in.

I laid there, giving no reaction to her having entered. Without moving my head, I scanned my eyes over at her and found her standing there, inconspicuously watching my TV. After about a minute, though, she walked past the TV to the side of the bed my head was and sat Indian-style on the floor. She looked up at me and noticed my eyes were open. She seemed surprised.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were awake. I thought I’d come in here and check in on you. I hope I didn’t wake you up.” She said.

“No, you didn’t. I’ve been awake for awhile.”

“Every time I’ve walked by your room, you’ve been in the same position. You’ve been laying like that since you woke up?” she chuckled.

“Yeah.” I said lazily, no emotion on my face, eyes still trained on the TV.

Katie seemed to think for a few seconds, thoughts stirring in her head. “Do you want me to leave?”

“It’s ok, you can stay.” My voice sounded like I was ill, but I wasn’t physically ill, but my emotional fatigue had shown and Katie realized it.

“Is… is it ok if I sit here?” she asked hesitantly.

For the first time in hours, I lifted my head and, feeling the muscles stretch and creak inside my body, I looked over my shoulder seeing the other side of the bed vacant, so I slid over to the vacant end. “You can sit on the bed if you want, since I don’t have any chairs in here.”

Her eyes seemed to light up as she slowly stood and carefully sat on the bed. “Ok, thanks. I’ll try not to crowd you.”

“I don’t see how you could. You couldn’t weight more than, what, 100?” I asked, my voice still stuffy and muffled, my eyes blank and humorless.

She smiled nervously as she sat there, almost blushing, her legs pulled up to her chest. “Hmm, actually, I think I weight closer to 112 or 115.”

For the first time, I actually forgot about Sarah. My eyebrows rose. I didn’t think she weighed that much, which really wasn’t much at all. “Really?”

“Yeah, why?” she asked, tucking strands of hair behind her ear.

“I don’t know. You look like you weigh less than that.”

“Ohh, ok.” She said with a perky smile, seemingly flattered.

After about fifteen minutes of silence, she spoke up. “Have you been feeling ok?”

It took me a few seconds to respond. “I’ve been ok, I guess.”

“You just haven’t seemed yourself lately. I know everything that happened with… what’s her name, but I’ve just been worried is all.”

“Thanks. I think I’ll be ok.”

“Is it ok if I visit you from time to time? Or do you want to be left alone?”

“Umm, no, you can stay if you want.” I said.

Over the next week, Katie became a constant tenant in my room. After the first few days, she didn’t bother to ask if she could come in and stay with me, and I didn’t care that she didn’t ask. For the first time in awhile, I actually enjoyed the company. Katie didn’t pressure me with questions, or prodded me to open up with my emotions. She just kept me company, showed me that someone truly cared for me, and let me deal with my internal conflicts in my own way. She merely was there for me in case I wanted to open up. To me, she was like a safety net, there to catch me when I needed to be caught.

I felt completely comfortable having her around. She’d usually just sit next to me on the bed, her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around her legs, smiling and laughing as we watched cartoons or funny movies. I even smiled once or twice. Ok, I lied; I actually started smiling a lot. I still wasn’t ready to leave the confines and safety of the blanket, but I was loosening up.

After a couple of weeks, I’d become so comfortable with having Katie around that the scars from Sarah’s betrayal had begun to heal. I’d even kicked off the blanket! Now, I’d usually lie casually on the bed, on my side. I was now smiling and laughing more than I ever had since I came home. Katie made the transition back into normalcy easier by being my constant companion, there for me when I needed an ear to listen to me, a voice other than my own to listen to, a presence just to keep me company.

It was strange being in the company of another girl and having Sarah almost out of my mind. If Katie wasn’t my sister, she’d make an ideal mate, for me, anyways. We were highly compatible and almost always got along really well. Only someone as sweet as her could have me feeling so good so soon based on what I’d gone through, and I don’t even think Katie realized the effect she had on me. I’d glance up at her sometimes as she watched TV in my room, watching her smile and laugh. She was caught up in being with me like when we were younger and practically connected at the hip. She was completely oblivious to how she was affecting me. I appreciated that she was just there and didn’t ask for anything in return, even my acknowledgment that she was there. She was just happy to be with me and that made me happy to have her.

One night, an incident happened that changed my relationship with Katie forever. At the time, I was excited beyond measure, and then I felt regret, but now I realize how special the moment was.

Predictably, as every day for the last several weeks, I was still finding solace vegging out in my room. Katie was lying on her back next to me. We were watching some cartoons. The mood was light and cozy. The evening weather was neither warm nor cold, it was perfect. Outside, the air was still, save for the rare slight ocean breeze.

I noticed Katie was in a heightened, sunnier disposition than usual. She seemed almost blissful. Her smiles were deeper and richer, the look in her eyes was friendlier, there was just something I couldn’t put my finger on, but she was in a very good mood.

After the cartoon was over, she turned towards me, her smile turning more serious, no doubt in respect for my emotional condition. “Hi.”

“Hi.” I replied.

“You seem better.”

“I feel better.” I said. “Thanks to you.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“You’ve really made it easy to get my mind off of her, off of what happened.”

Katie scooted towards me a few inches and placed a gentle hand on mine. “You know, you don’t deserve what happened. She doesn’t deserve you. You deserve better. I mean, you’re such a great guy. You deserve a girl who will love you the way you should be loved. I know I’m not Sarah, but I know I can take care of you better than she can. Well, not in every way, but almost every way.”

I smiled. “What do you mean, ‘almost every way’?

She blushed. “You know what way I mean.”

I realized what she was talking about. “Ohh, that. Well, I wouldn’t know. I couldn’t compare you two. I’ve only been with her.”

Katie got this deflated look on her face. “I know.”

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XChange Variables

Click here for the original X-Change Story by Noah_Peal. The opening premise is inspired by X-Change Life, a web-based game created by Aphrodite. This story serves to add variables of various characters that you can name yourself. This also serves as an update to the current X-Change Pill variations and the Flavors, though keep in mind that this is my interpretation of the provided information. Most of the descriptions for the pills and flavors were taken from the X-Change Subreddit. You are...

3 years ago
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Going GoingChapter 15

Angela Nash pulled up in front of her sister's home and began to get Ethan and Ella out of their car seats. Amy came out to help, calling greetings. Angie turned and embraced Amy, laughing. "Help me unload," she said, "and get our stuff indoors. It's been a long drive." They proceeded to unload the car. Amy was glad the car was small. It was packed, tightly, with all the stuff Angie would have to live with until the extraction. And it was a lot. All of Angie's stuff was crowded into...

3 years ago
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Realizing I love cock

My love of cock all started when my ex started playing with my arse, first Sam started rimming me she then started fingering my arse while giving me a blow job which to this day I still absolutely love. Well by now I loved my arse to be played with I would finger myself or use SAMs dildo when I was wankng I was hooked. It didn't take long before we graduated to a strap on, I will never forget the first time she fucked me with it I was so horny, my cock was oozing pre come as she slowly worked...

3 years ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 77 Anna Isnt Coming Back Again

Thoughts It was so hard for me to fill the position at Lady Heather's because of something everyone should know by now, but few seem to think of until reminded. We — robots in general, but fembots in particular — are all individuals. More so than you might have ever realized. Each of us have our own desires, goals, and ideas of how we wish to be of service, as well as to whom. As a result, one robot is never completely interchangeable with another one. Finding a robot with the complete...

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Drugged and Bred

Staring down at the cruel stick, I said to myself "This can't be happening." Yet I knew it was. The test was cheerful in it's finality. One line: Negative Two Lines: Positive. With a heavy sigh, I sat down on the lid of the toilet. Why did this happen? Why me? What was I going to do? Tears slowly started to well in my eyes as I saw all my life plans shattered with those two lines. "I'm only 15 ... and I'm pregnant." I closed my eyes, but the memory came rushing back to me like it was...

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1001 Words for Love I The Library

She spoke with her hands, letting them flutter like anxiousbirds, her lips shaping words, each as silent as the snow that settled on her shoulders, covered her bare toes, turned her dark hair white. Above her the sun stared off into the distance, its black fur swallowing its own light, its kitten face smiling as it dreamed of balls of yarn and tasseled ribbons and tasty fish, or perhaps it was just waiting for the moon to come so that it could take a relaxing dip in the ocean. “No.” The word...

2 years ago
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Exs fulfill a fantasy for each other

For some reason when we were married, my ex-wife had a fantasy about seeing me get fucked by another man. I'm not sure why a woman would fantasize about this - it seems a little odd to me. She's the only woman I've ever known who shared a fantasy of this type with me. I'm not gay or bisexual, and have no interest in having sex with a man. But she fantasized about it sometimes. Maybe it was because I wanted her ass and she thought I should have the experience of having a dick in mine. I don't...

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A weekend away

Dan and Jules had been planning a weekend away for quite a while, it hadn’t been an easy few months and both needed to get away and relax. Thinking it might be fun they booked a 70’s adult themed weekend at Butlins, having done some research it seemed like it might be fun or completely awful but they figured they would give it a go. To put the weekend into perspective – Dan and Jules had been married 30 years, he being 52 and she being 48. During their time together they had often played a...

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There Can Only Be One Winner

Her alarm rung home the cruel truth, it was time to get up and face the world. She didn’t want to, Lou wanted to stay exactly where she was, making love to her pillow, and to herself. She checked the clock next to her and established she had time, she reached underneath her bed, pulled out a box and took hold of the long, thick piece of well used plastic.Lou loved fucking herself, she was barely even wet before she plunged the cock between her trimmed lips, gasping with pleasure as its point...

Straight Sex
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 296

Say thanks to robcan57 ‎for this one!!!! The minister, all fired up because of recent obvious problems of infidelity, shouted out, “I want everyone who has been heing and sheing to stand up!” Half of his congregation stood up. He then shouted out, “I want everyone who has been heing and heing to stand up!” A couple of men stood up. He then shouted out, “I want everyone who has been sheing and sheing to stand up!” Several women stood up. The minister looked over his congregation and...

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Skeletons in my Closet part 17

Skeletons in my Closet part 17Shelton's in my Closet part 17 The Shrink and Empathy As John drove Michelle cuddled up to him. I asked him why the new vehicle. John smiled as he told us both that it gives us a little more privacy.”Can’t have the whole town knowing daddy is fucking me, mom, ” Michelle said smiling at me.”That’s making love to you, ” I said smiling back at her.Michelle moved from John to me. She cuddled up against me as she had to him. John looked over and smiled at me. ”Did I...

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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 8

Will pulled the car into our driveway. The three of us hadn't even made it out of the car before Julie came running out the front door of my house to greet me. Julie launched herself at me as I climbed out of the car. "God I missed you," Julie declared as she hugged me and smothered me with kisses. I returned the hug. "I've missed you too, sweetie," I said as I tried to return the kisses. Will and Ed climbed out of the car and started unloading while Julie and I greeted each other....

4 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 29 Fun In Florida Pt1

Introduction: This story is about our vacation in Florida and the fun we had there. Sharing Cindy Chapter 29 Fun in Florida, Part 1 The following is part one of what happened on one of our vacations to sunny Florida. Cindy loves the beach. It may be spending endless hours relaxing on the warm sand beaches, letting the stresses of our lives melt away with each cold drink. It might be the fact that we can leave everything behind: jobs, cold weather, etc. It might be the atmosphere that comes...

1 year ago
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Sarah Carerra 221 Independent Women

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: December 20, 2010) Chapter 21 - Independent Women After church the next morning, I found myself laying on Sarah's couch while listening to the Countdown. Because it was Independence Day, both Emily and Ethan were with their...

3 years ago
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Colors of the NightChapter 4

Travis awoke with a raging erection; it ached from too much female too close. Anya lay on her side facing away from him, still sleeping. He sidled up to her backside and let his cock ease into her crack. Anya rewarded him with a quiet moan and she stirred into wakefulness. She shifted her top leg exposing the bottom of her nether lips. Travis took his cock in his hand and aimed it at the new target, using his erection to caress her sensitive skin. Anya opened her mouth and moaned...

2 years ago
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beach house Part III

I woke up and leisurely stretched and rolled over on my side. I was watching the two boys now dressed in jeans and t-shirts. I could definitely smell food. I got up and walked out to the kitchen and sat down at the breakfast nook. Well Richard I said. When did you become a chef and laughed at my own remark.Well all those conversations in the kitchen with you might of helped, you think? Stop being a smart ass, I laughed, it smells good whatever it is. I leaned over and said. What is it anyway?...

4 years ago
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Locker room stories of a hairy lover Part II

Part II "Dude you're insanely hairy! How did that happen?" I smirked a bit, while saying that, to not make it awkward. "My father's Italian, remember?" His father, Frank Ramirez, was the last coach of our team. He was expelled from school, after someone had caught him shagging a student, then our current coach was hired. Jared had a good point, his father IS one helluva hairy man! "And MAN, am I smelly. Gotta use the showers," he said. I took a quick sniff of my armpit and said, "Yea bro,...

Gay Male
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My dad part 2

One evening he came home with a bag from KMart and he threw it on the table while I was doing my homework. He said from now on around the house I want you to wear these clothes. I was excited about having new clothes but when I opened the bag it contained girls nightgowns and sundresses. He said I was to wear the dress for him when he came home and that I was to wear the nightgowns to bed with him. I was shocked but I knew there wasn't any hope in refusing because he would do the...

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Would You Like That Orgasm With Fries

Introduction: Fun times and revenge at work Hello! This is my most recent submission and is intended to be a stand alone story. Thank you to my many friends who have prompted me to write again. I get a rush out of the idea people are enjoying themselves when they read the stories I submit. English is my second language, but I am trying to do better with having others proof read and being more careful myself. Enjoy it and let me know what you think! Would You Like That Orgasm With Fries? ...

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Neighbor Bhabhi Ke Saath

My name is Rahul age 25 from Mohali. This is my first story so koi galti ho to maaf krna. The actress of story is surbhi. Her age is 32 years old and her status is 34-32-36. Whenever I use to see her ass my dick start jumping in my pants. Bhabhi use to call me for house work like bring to bring some item from market. Her husband use to work in mnc and he use to go out of city sometime. Whenever I go to down (i.e bhabhi home) I use to stare her boobs and ass I like her boobs. They are fair in...

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Surprise MMF

Suprise mmfWe had a few fuck sessions a few times at this motel before. I paid for the room and waited for her to show up with a freshly shaved throbbing cock, balls and ass. I was surprised when she showed up with another dude. We had discussed possible mmf, mmff & mff fantasies before, my cock throbbed even more considering what might take place. I sat on the bed as they came in and settled in. She looked hot in a short skirt & what I was sure was stockings. I couldn't wait to find...

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The Coworker

The Coworker By Lina S. I knew I had to move. I had to move and leave everything behind. It's the only way to get my life in order. To fight the severe depressions, the anxiety the pretending to be someone else. But no one knew. I was on my own with everything. At work, I came up with, "I need something new. A change, a new challenge." And it was kind of true. Although I thought about it differently than I told everyone. As I said. I pretended to be someone else. I left early. I...

2 years ago
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Horse Head Mask

The loft was on the west side of the city, in the seedier, industrial part near the tracks. That was part of the appeal, having to brave the slightly meaner streets in order to get to the best Halloween party in town. The other reason was landlords for old converted warehouses left their tenants well alone. I couldn’t believe I’d been lucky enough to score a coveted RSVP spot -- a friend on Facebook had said they couldn’t go, and asked did anyone want the slot? I’d been on my phone when the...

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The Favor 6

When I awoke, the morning light had already lit up the room and for a second I had no idea where I was. It dawned quickly on me, though, as the nights endeavors was pretty unforgettable. I felt soar - a clear reminder of being thoroughly fucked. The culprit slept beside me, and I couldn't help feeling anything but happy. All these years secretly cross dressing, and now being publicly dressed as a girl. What more could a girl ask for? Despite the fact I was having a slight hangover I...

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Graduation Night for My Sissy Girl

I’m going to give you a special set of instructions to make you feel like a soft, sensuous girl. You love feeling like a girl, don’t you? There’s no other feeling like getting dressed up in pretty, feminine clothes, trying new looks, new shoes, new dresses and skirts, new lingerie, new pantyhose and stockings, new panties and bras, new jewelry, accessories and makeup. It’s so much fun being a girl.You are a girl. And you want to do allthe things girls do, don’t you? You want to look like a...

3 years ago
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Cricket Match Lead To Bed

Hi friends this is my first story and I will be eager to get your responses. I’m from Kolkata let’s come to the story it was 1st January and we were playing cricket in the ground of our residential campus being a medical student and I have a good reputation in the locality and there are 26 families in our complex suddenly and I hit a ball for a six and the ball landed in the balcony of the 2nd floor of type c quarters in that particular quarter resides. A lady called Jyoti a 26 years old beauty...

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Dominated By My Elder Sister

Hi my name is Aajit and I am from Chennai, India. I am 19 years old 6 foot 1 Inches tall with fairly built body and fair in complexion. I had a normal size penis about 5-6 inches in length when fully erect. We lived in a joint family; I my parents and my grandparents aunts lives in a same house happily. As me and my cousin lives under the same roof we were like friends rather than a brother and sister relationship; and I am the younger in my family. I have three cousin brothers and two cousin...

2 years ago
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Super Sex with SM 3 Hello Hymen

Stella Maris offers me to take her virginity in a special ceremonyWe decide to tie her up in our bed, legs bent back and spread wideShe sees herself in the mirror at the ceiling only one meter aboveStella Maris first time sees her holy hymen, time to say "bye bye"Stella Maris loves to come from my tongue doing its dance at her love lipsStella Maris loves to watch her pretty pussy by the hand mirror I give herStella Maris loves to learn how her love lips swell from my cunning kissesStella Maris...

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Private Liv Revamped Latina Model Enjoys Photoshoot And Anal

Today in Private Specials, Elegant, Young and Anal Loving 2 we have the pleasure of introducing you to Liv Revamper, a gorgeous Latina model that has come for a photoshoot with Private stud Alberto Blanco. Liv shows off her beautiful body for the camera and things soon heat up when the photographer can resist no more and dives straight in for a taste of that juicy pussy and ass. After returning the favour with a good cock sucking it’s time for Liv to put those Latina curves to work and enjoy a...

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When I first got the link for Blow Pass, I immediately imagined a subscription service offering unlimited blowjobs for one low monthly fee. It turns out I was kind of right, though the actual service doesn’t include full service from the local crack whores. This is a premium smut network dedicated to beautiful women giving head.BlowPass.com has been around in some form or another since 2005. I’m already hard as a rock looking at their landing page, so I have a feeling I know how they’ve lasted...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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I live in the Chicago area with my mother and older sister; my father went to prison on drug charges. He’d been in and out multiple times for possession and dealing, but this time he was found with enough to get him 15 years... He tried to cooperate and give up some information, but none of it played out well enough in his favor. Drugs, specifically heroin, were a real issue in my family… not for me so much, but my father sold regularly (but rarely used), while my mother and sister on the...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Angela White Ella Knox Fucking The Squirting Step Sisters

Angela White was in the shower washing her beautiful natural big breasts. Markus Dupree joined her and started to eat her pussy. Just in that moment her step sister Ella Knox came in. She was upset, after all Markus was her boyfriend now. He fucked her hard at the refrigerator and made her breasts bounce all over. Angela was calling him. Markus left Ella and went to the bedroom to check on Angela. She jumped him naked and started to suck his dick. When they were fucking Ella came in. Markus had...

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Christmas Waif

It was 10:20 at night on Christmas Eve when I heard the noise. It was raining and there was enough wind to cause the branches of the oak tree out front to scrape the front of the house so I didn't pay any attention to it until I heard it a second time, a little louder, a little more insistent. Something between a knock on my front door and somebody scratching at it. I went over to the door and turned on the outside light. There's a picture window next to it and I moved the blinds out of my...

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At the Hot tub

My wife Amber and I have a favorite place on the coast that we love to go to when we want to get out of town for the weekend, away from the hometown crowd. We look forward to these weekends because we tend to get a quite adventurous and daring sexually. For example, we usually start talking about sex and playing around in the car on the drive over, we leave the hotel curtains open and wonder if anyone might be watching. We have also found a very secluded beach that she Amber loves getting naked...

2 years ago
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Girl Friend and I Become Step 3

Girlfriend and I Become Step… #3Nestlé and I kept Nancy nude like we were every day after that first time we included Nancy in our sex time, the day she barged in on us hiding from her boyfriend, and at night we would put Nancy in the bed with us, putting her on one side of me and Nestlé on the other side of me, when we slept. Nancy got into the routine of saying, “I have a little sexy ass butt” every time she had to turn her back toward me for whatever reason every day, like I told her to do,...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 15 Medical and a Guest

Stepping out of the transport tube, Tammy walked into the medical bay, and over to a young girl. Looking down, she saw a beautiful child lying there, who should not have a care in the world. "Ashley, we will make it better for you, I promise." Tammy looked around the huge room, and saw Molly down at the far end talking to someone, and wandered down that way. As she got closer, she saw Commander Hutcheson sitting up in one of the beds. "Commander, you should start feeling better, now....

3 years ago
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The Referral Chapter 1

I was sitting in my living room having just got back from a business trip earlier that week relaxing before fixing something for dinner when the phone rang. It was my answering service."Mr. Harris, you have a message from a Mrs. Deborah Covington. She would like you to return her call. Her number is (619) 844-2126," the operator said."Thank you." I hung up and looked at the clock. It was 4:30 in Dallas where I live which made it 3:30 in San Diego where the area code says this Deborah...

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Step Daughters Desire chapter 5

We ended chapter 4 with slave Sandra waiting for punishment for acting like a bitch. Slave Sandra waits in the basement play room naked, kneeling, legs, spread, hands clasp behind her back, forehead pressed on the floor, crying with pain in her heart for disappointing Master Frank and making him angry with her. Her knees hurt from remaining on her knees on the hard floor of the basement for the past hour waiting for the man she loves with all her heart to come and administer her punishment...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Nicole Aria Nicole Is Bound To Tie The Knot

Sexy wife Nicole is very proud and happy to have such a caring, loving husband who provides her with a fantastic life and a fantastic variety of cock to fuck anytime she wants. Stud and buddy Michael is the treat of the day and he walks in with Nicole nicely tied up and dripping wet for his hard cock buried down her throat. Nicole enjoys every inch of meat balls deep while her husband watches in glee stroking his cock until it is time to join in on Nicole’s hot thick facial of cum from...

2 years ago
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Two black men from Senegal

I had gone to Atlanta, to participate of a very boring conference.The first night, as I was having dinner alone at the hotel’s restaurant, I saw a couple of very good looking and tall African men sitting at the next table.Both black men were looking at me.One of them winkled at me; I winkled back at him…As they stood up to leave, the other man showed me his room key number. I giggled and told them to wait for me. I would be there in just half an hour.I sipped another cup of coffee; thinking...

2 years ago
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My Dutch pet

My Dutch pet This is your story from the beginning. Your ship has just arrived in the Caribbean and after many weeks at sea you are eager to go ashore with your friends and have a few drinks and hopefully meet a girl that you can go home with that night.? It has been a long time since you had sex and you are hoping that you can charm a local girl so that you do not have to pay a prostitute. You visit many bars and near the end of the night you are quite drunk and up to now have had no...

3 years ago
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Dangerous ObsessionChapter 2

He was fucking Doris in the morning when I entered with his breakfast tray. Setting it down I looked for a bed table we had bought when Doris was sick. Then knowing my duties as his servant I brought a towel and stood holding it over my arm like a waiter in an upscale restaurant. When they were finished and after I had cleaned their genitals I propped up some pillows for him and then set the table and tray over his lap. Doris began to feed him like a baby but when I turned to leave he...

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Why you shouldnt ignore a woman

The sun had set as I was watching her as she enjoyed a glass of wine on the deck. She must have known I was watching, because she gave me a show. I had learned from her in other encounters that she liked being watched. It started off with her slowly licking her full lips after each sip of wine, then after a bit her hands would caress her body. She was wearing a low cut, long, loose t-shirt, I could clearly see as she cupped her breasts to squeeze them and pinch her nipples through the soft...

4 years ago
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Wendy Ch 10

Wendy ch.10: The Wedding Wendy drove the first five miles before making an excuse about being sore from the day before. She pulled off the road just outside the city limits. I opened my door, preparing to go around to the driver’s side when she spoke. “I’ll slide over,” she said, motioning for us to changes places by me passing under her. It would have been faster if she let me go around the car. First, she slid her copious butt to the center section of the seat, then rolled onto me, meeting...

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