Catering For A Stag Do - Chapter 3 free porn video

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Once Trish left, Dave set about seeing what cocktails he could make, sorting through the liquor that Bob had supplied.  He couldn’t believe how much there was.  He noted that amongst the common spirits supplied, there was a bottle of vodka and one of peach schnapps.  He had brought cranberry juice, so he was going to be able to make a ‘Sex on the beach’ cocktail.  He had coconut juice, pineapple Juice, and Orange Juice, and noted there was a bottle of Bacardi, so Piña Colada was another on the list. Finally, he saw that there was a bottle of Tequila and Cointreau.  He didn’t have any limes, but he had brought along plenty of lemons, so his third cocktail would be a Margarita.

He set about setting out the glasses and ingredients ready for when they walked in the door.  He was trying to keep busy, so he wouldn’t worry about the stripper.  The group of guys didn’t arrive until 9:15.  Eight of them, all had obviously consumed a bit of alcohol during the day, but they were all in a very happy mood.

Most of them had name badges stuck on their chests.  The first guy through the door had George on his tag.  Dave quickly assessed that he was the number one alpha in the group, as he was organising the other guys into seats and sorting out what they were to drink.  He was a big rugby playing dude, probably six-four, good looking and well built.

Dave knew from what Bob had told him, they were all about twenty-two, as they had all been in the same class at one of Auckland's top private schools.  The other guys all ranged from one small guy that could have only been five four, up to a strikingly handsome guy called James, who being eye to eye, with Dave, was probably around six one. 

George introduced Dave to Bob’s son, Peter, then to the other six guys.  Dave again tried to remember their names, matching them off mentally with the room cards.  They wanted to know when their stripper was arriving, Dave explained she would be arriving soon and preceded to offer them drinks.  They all grabbed a beer out of the ice bin.  Then George insisted they all had a cocktail as well.  So for the next half hour, Dave was busy making Margarita’s, and Sex on the Beaches, he only had to make two Piña Coladas.  

Whilst making the drinks he listened to them all bragging about the golf, and who was shit at ten pin bowling, etc.  George managed to get a blue movie going on the big screen TV.  They all settled down a bit and made comments about the assets of the ladies and men in the movie.

At 9:30 the phone on the bench rang, he snatched it up.  “What's happening?” He snapped, into the mouthpiece.

“Its all sorted, tell them their lady will be there in about fifteen minutes.  Also tell them to be easy on her, that she is a friend's wife and has never done this before.”  Trish quietly replied.

“Who have you got? did Silvia jack this up?” Dave yelled back, but Trish had already hung up.

George watched Dave on the phone and could see the worry and hear the tone in Dave’s voice.  Walking over to Dave, he asked was something wrong? 

Dave explained what had happened and that they had managed to rope in a friend's wife who was very inexperienced.  

“Christ!” said George.  “I hope she’s not some old scrubber.  Bob told me he had some young bird lined up,  And that she would probably give Pete a blow job if I offered her enough money.”

Dave just acknowledged George with a shrug of his shoulders and said that his wife had organised it through the stripper we usually used.  “So I’m just as much in the dark as you.”

George had to raise his voice over all the rude comments the guys were throwing at the TV screen and informed the guys they had some older married woman coming to strip.  This was met with derisive rude remarks about what they would do to the old scrubber.

Dave sat down and contemplated what this meant to their business if this all went pear-shaped.  He remembered the video camera up on the shelf and wondered if it was worth his turning it on.  After ten minutes, he took the remote from his pocket and aimed it at the small hole he had cut over the infrared sensor.  What the hell, he thought and pressed record.

The fifteen minutes had gone like an eternity, George actually moved alongside Dave. “Don’t worry, mate, as long as she has tits and we get to fondle them, the boys are all a bit too drunk to really care.”

Five minutes later, there was a knock at the door, Dave jumped up and pulled the door open, to find Trish standing outside.  She was dressed in an evening gown he had never seen before and black very high heeled shoes.  The dress was a long turquoise number with black lace on it, had a split up the side and was very low in the front showing her ample cleavage.  She had her hair up and looked hot and very available.

Dave half-whispered, half yelled, “What the fuck are you doing here, we agreed you can’t be here.”

She reached forward with a ‘keep calm’ gesture and spoke quietly so the guys could not hear. “I can’t get anyone and I can handle this.  We can’t afford this night to go wrong.  Please don’t get mad. I’m OK and can handle it.”

Then she stepped past Dave, into the room and swayed her hips at the guys, saying. “Right, who’s the lucky groom then?” 

The room erupted.  There were “WooHoo’s” and “get your gear off” etc.  

Dave saw all the guys point at Pete, but he shut the door, took Trish by the arm, and marched her into the second bedroom, shutting the door behind them.  

“You can’t do this, they are expecting the stripper to give the groom a blow job and will probably be thinking they can get a lot more.  You can’t handle this at all.  You have no idea about stripping.  I won’t let you do it,” he said quietly so they would not hear him out in the lounge.

“Frankly, we have no choice.  My wages alone are not going to cover our mortgage, etc. next month if this goes wrong.  And I have a very good idea how to strip, and I can easily handle those young guys.

The door opened and George stepped into the room.  “What's going on?” he asked.

Trish stepped forward.  “My husband is a friend of Dave’s and doesn’t know about this.  So Dave is packing a sad and saying he won’t let me do it.”

Dave interjected, “She’s never done anything like this before.  If my mate finds out he’ll kill me.”

George walked over, put his arm around Trish and told her he would sort out the guys, and make sure they treated her with respect.  Then turned to Dave and said, “Shit man, she has to be a thousand times better looking than the young floozy you had jacked up.  She’ll be fine, go get her a drink, I’ll go sort out the guys.”  And he walked back out the door.

Dave saw he was beaten.  “Where did you get the dress?”

Trish quickly explained she had gone down to the bar and taken the call from Silvia, saying she couldn’t find her flatmate.  Silvia said she had also called the club, but they had two other girls call in sick that night, so that must have been where Ann got the bug.  So she had gone to the hotel Boutique, which was just about to close, it being almost nine o’clock.  She had a stroke of luck, in that they had a stock clearance sale on.  The lady managing the shop shut the door and fitted her up with the ball gown, shoes, and underwear, all for slightly over $1000.  “It was a great deal, I got this gown at seventy percent off, and the shoes were discounted fifty percent.  

But Dave did not appreciate the bargain, he just took in that half their profits had just disappeared, and let his disappointment show. “Shit, Trish, I’m not happy about this.”

“Look, you said Bob will pass on a lot of business to us if we pull this off.  Just trust me and support me, I’ll be OK.” And she handed him a little cardboard envelope containing a room key card.

“What’s this?” Dave exclaimed.

“Well, I needed somewhere to change and put makeup on.  I asked at the desk if they could let me use a room, the lady got the duty manager, knowing we were working here, but the best they could offer was a room at staff rates.  So we are staying the night.” And she turned, opened the door and walked out into the lounge.

George was up beside her in a flash and took control.  He asked her if she had any music with her.  

She replied to him, “I’ve never done this before so all you see, is what you got.”  

To which George replied, “Well what you got is pretty dam hot, you just relax, you’ve certainly impressed the guys, so go and get a drink and I’ll find a MTV channel on the TV.  By the way, what’s your name?”

“Maria,” Trish responded.

“The most beautiful word I ever heard,” he sang, and it was followed by everyone in the room singing, “Maria, Maria, Maria.”

One clown carried on singing, “Maria, Maria, get your gear off.”

Trish responded with, “Boys, slow down, I need a couple of drinks, as I’m very nervous.  So go back to your movie or come and talk with me, and make me feel at home.” And then she moved to the bar.

Dave was a bit worried that her mature motherly attitude to them, may have put a damper on things, but the guys didn’t seem to mind and all started talking at once.  He could hear all sorts of complimentary comments and thought to himself, this may just work.  She does look bloody sexy.

“What do you want to drink?  There is some very nice bubbly in the fridge.”

“I think I need something a bit stronger.  Will you make me a Margarita please, and don’t look angry at me, I’m only doing this to save us.  And I know I can handle it, OK?”

“I’m not angry, I’m really worried about you.  I don’t think you know what you have gotten yourself into,” he replied as he mixed up a very strong Margarita for her.

Trish stood quietly waiting for her Margarita, then said, “Just go along with the story, please, and try not to get angry.  It’s only a little nudity, something you see on the telly every day.” And she picked up her drink and went over to sit between George and the groom.

Dave was left thinking about the costs.  He shouldn’t be thinking about money when his wife was about to get undressed in front of eight horny young men.  But adding the makeup and cost of the room, it looked like the only profit from tonight was going to be the booze that was leftover, and that would not pay the mortgage. 

He looked up to see that George had engaged Trish in conversation, and it was obvious he was flirting outrageously with her.  He felt a twinge of jealousy, but also a little sorry for Peter, the groom, as it was meant to be his night and he wasn’t getting much attention.  But then he saw George whispering in Trish’s ear, and she turned to Peter, put her arm around him and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.  Pete suddenly looked a lot happier with his lot.

The other guys were all leaning in and telling Trish how sexy she looked, each trying to get one up on there neighbor and get some of her attention.  They all wanted a kiss as well, so she got to her feet and moved around giving them all a very motherly kiss on their cheeks or foreheads.  Dave was surprised at how easily she fitted into the role and that she was also flirting openly with them.  George stood, made Trish finish her drink in one gulp, and then headed back to the bar to get her another.

“Fuck!  She’s a winner, you’ve pulled a real winner out of the hat there mate.  Another drink for her please and make it strong, this is going to be a great night,” said George.

Dave mixed her another Margarita, He did it by remote, as his mind was processing a thousand thoughts,  One part of him was saying don’t make it too strong or she might get drunk and go too far.  Another part was actually wanting to see just how far she would go.  So he put three good shots of Tequila into the glass.

George took it out of his hand and walked back to Trish, leaving Dave evaluating if he had done the right thing in making the drink so strong.  He watched her down the drink in three big gulps.  And took in the woman, his wife, standing in front of all these guys.  

He noticed for the first time how the high heel shoes were making her arse jut out, and accenting her fantastic legs.  He could see through the split in the dress, that her legs were encased in sheer black stockings, the split high enough to show bare flesh at the top of her legs.  Another realisation snapped into his mind that she had a suspender belt on.  Fuck, everything that turned him on; and he was getting turned on, his cock getting uncomfortable in his pants.

Taking his eyes off Trish for a moment, he noticed he was not the only one getting turned on, he saw a couple of the guys adjust the front of their trousers.  Looking back at Trish, he saw her turn to George and tell him to put the music on, and she moved to the center of the room swaying her hips.

The telly sprang into life with savage Garden singing “To the Moon and Back”.  And Trish started dancing seductively, rubbing her hands over her hips and cupping her breasts, then holding her hands high above her head pushing her breasts out towards the guys.  There was instant applause, they were all impressed and let her know how they felt with plenty of risqué comments. But considering what they had just drunk in the last half hour and what he guessed the had consumed during the day, they were quite respectful of her.

Trish seemed to have forgotten where she was, she was swaying to the music with her eyes shut.  She had thousands of thoughts racing around inside her brain.  But the rational, intelligent, common-sense actions that had ruled her whole life to date, were being dulled by the Margaritas she had consumed.  Another trait that had always kept her on the straight and narrow and away from rebellious activities, was her propensity to be overcome by extreme embarrassment. 

Tonight, though, she found that embarrassment had mostly been replaced by sexual excitement.  There were pulses racing all over her body, these thrilling little charges were most powerful in her cunt.  That was another taboo rule that had slipped out the window, she never swore and always shut her ears to others swearing. But tonight she found herself wanting to shout out every filthy word she’d ever heard, cunt, fuck, anus, each word magnifying the thrilling pulses.

She tried to reason what had brought about this sudden departure from the comfortable sensible life she led.  To even knock on the door tonight she’d struggled against all her natural instincts.  But once she stepped into the room, everything had changed.  The look of awed surprise on the faces of these young men had given her a sense of power she’d never felt before.  All the lies, tricks and deceit men had used on her over the years were absent from their faces.  She just saw adoration, raw honest lust that made her feel wanted.  No much stronger than that, NEEDED!

The only thing still keeping her slightly grounded and stopping her from succumbing to these desires was Dave standing over by the kitchen.  

He had never been jealous of her.  In fact, he was just the opposite, encouraging her to wear sexier clothes, hinting that she should shave down below.  He had put pressure on her to go without any underwear to several gatherings they had attended.  But she had never put him in a situation like this before.  Yet every time she glanced his way, she saw that he looked worried, but also seemed to be turned on, and this gave her encouragement.

She realised she was daydreaming and had a job to do.  She opened her, eyes looked at the groom, and lifted the hem of the dress right up to her panty line, showing the bare flesh above her stockings.  The guys all went nuts again and shouted encouragement.  

In the brief flash, Dave had of her knickers, he saw they were expensive looking red sheer material with black lace embroidering on them.  The sort of lingerie he bought for her in the early days of their relationship, but something she never bought for herself these days.  He also noted the red suspender belt, hoping this was not too old fashioned for these young guys.

Trish moved forward to Peter, presented her left leg to him through the slit in the dress, she took his hand and placed it above her knee.  His hand immediately started moving up between her legs, but she waggled her finger at him and moved away.  

She moved along the line swaying her hips in front of the other guys and tried this maneuver with the others, the third guy she came to knew what was going to happen and when she went to move away he reached forward, arm behind her bum and with the hand on her leg quickly moved it up and grabbed a good handful her crotch.  Dave braced, ready for the disapproving reaction, but she didn’t seem fazed at all, she just spun out of his grasp, waggling her finger at him and telling him he was a very naughty boy.

She moved back to Peter, and bent down in front of him, leaned forward and rubbed her exposed cleavage in his face.  George hopped up and got a chair from the dining table, which he placed in the center of the room, as Trish moved away in front of the others again, she bent over just out of their reach waggling her boobs.  George went over and lifted Peter to his feet and made him sit in the chair. 

Trish saw him sitting there and moved in on him, bumping and grinding her hips to the music.  Dave saw that most of the guys now were adjusting themselves, some going further and jerking their hands in their crotch.  She backed into Peter, bent over, and lifted her dress so he got a good look at her panties.  Again, he made a grab for her but she knew it was coming and moved out of his reach.

Now she started playing the other guys, pulling the top of her dress from her shoulders, showing them one bra clad breast, then the other.  The bra was a sheer red translucent number with black lace that matched the panties and it that didn’t hide much at all.  You could clearly see her nipples, and they were standing out hard like a couple of sidewinder missiles.  Dave realised she was turned on, as her nipples never got that hard without his working on them with a lot of foreplay.

She closed her eyes and started swaying to the music as she motioned George to come and undo the zip on her dress.  She looked tiny beside him, the top of her head only coming up to his chest.  George played the part well, he swayed with her, sliding the zip down bit by bit, looking over to the guys and asking if that was far enough.  They got very vocal, yelling more, more, more.  He then helped her slide the dress down over her beautiful curves and supported her as she lifted one leg then the other and then flicking the dress towards the bar with her foot.

Unlike the rest of the gang, George had made no attempt to grope or fondle her but just left her standing in front of Pete and returned to sit on the sofa.

This left her standing in the middle of the room, her body looking like it was constrained by an invisible corset.  It was so perfect.  Black high heels, then shear black stockings that stopped inches from the tops of her legs, held up by a lacy black suspender belt. Over this, was the brief, sheer red panties, they had black lace appropriately placed so it afforded small hint of modesty over her crutch. Her slender waist and up over the firm lightly tanned skin of her flat stomach, to the full breasts encased in a matching sheer red bra.  The black lace on the bra was not so strategically placed though, her rock hard nipples standing out, trying to push their way through the light translucent film constraining them.

Trish again thought of Dave and glanced over to see how he was handling her routine.  She was a little surprised to see that he was staring intently at her, with a look on his face that said he was just as turned on as anyone in the room.

Trish turned back to the guys on the setee’s and realised she was standing there, lightly swaying and caressing herself.  Her cheeks heated and her stomach tightened, but she was burningly aware of the effect this was having on the young men.  In fact, she saw that one of the guys had his cock out and was fondling himself.  She had to get a grip on herself, or she was going to go too far and then die of embarrassment.

Realising she was ogling between the young man's legs, Trish tore her eyes away and moved back in front of Peter, bent forward, and rubbed her tit’s in his face again.  ‘Back to business,’ she screamed out, inside her head, ‘this is just an act.’ 

This time, she let him cup her breasts and squeeze them, before moving out of reach again.  She reached back and undid the clasp of the bra, then cupped both breasts holding the bra in place as she continued swaying to the beat.  Then she sat back in his lap, with her back to him, and let him lift his hands to her breasts and pull the bra away.  Peter swung the bra around his head like a rodeo star, to raucous cheers from his mates and he threw it over towards Dave at the bar.  This got a lot of Oohs and Aah’s from the other boys as they saw her magnificent breasts fully exposed at last.  Their looks of excited anticipation, almost sending her over the edge again.

Trish lifted herself up off Pete’s lap before he had time to latch onto her breasts again and she walked around in front of the boys, caressing her breasts in front of each of them.  Finally walking back to Peter and sitting on his lap, her back to him.  She had been moving his legs wide apart before sitting, so when she sat, her legs were tightly closed together.  But this time, Pete had closed his legs and she had to straddle him with her legs wide apart, as she ground herself into his bulge again.

George stood and walked over beside her and whispered in her ear.  She nodded to him, replied in his ear, then continued moving her hips on Pete’s lap.  

George walked over to Dave, took out his wallet, and put a $100 note in his hand.  “I offered her $100 bucks to take her knickers off, she said to give the money to you.  Make sure she gets all of it,” he said staring at Dave, with an ‘or else’ look on his face.  

Dave moved to object and decline, but George had turned away before he could move or say a word, and when he looked over at Trish she just mouthed to him. “It’s alright, don’t get angry.”

Trish stood up again, with Peter trying to hold her in his lap.  But she easily evaded his grasp and moved over in front of George. She turned slowly around and bent over in front of him.  When she stood again, she was almost facing Dave, and he saw that her knickers were just as translucent as the bra, a slash of her pink slit, obvious, pouting slightly open, amongst her pubic hair.  So Dave realised that leaving her panties on or taking them off would matter little at all, the guys were getting see pretty much everything anyway.  But more worrying, was the wet patch that had appeared in the crotch.

This did two things for Dave.  His cock gave a twitch and hardened up so much he had to reach down and adjust it again.  Trish glanced his way, saw him holding onto himself, and gave Dave a knowing smile, while she waggled her finger at him and mouthed ‘you naughty, horny boy.’  

He moved to race over and stop this from going any further.  But Trish instantly read his mind, and when he looked back up from the wet patch between her legs, she was shaking her head and giving him a look, that said, ‘Stay put. I’m OK.’  So he held himself in check and leaned back onto the bar.

Swaying her hips in front of George, she started sliding down one side of her panties, then would pull them up again, with a look on her face that said, “I shouldn't do this.”  Then the other side, pulling it right down to the top of her stockings but holding one hand over her crotch so she wasn’t exposed.  Then with a waggle of her finger, she mouthed, “It’s too soon,” and she moved back to Peter, straddled his lap, and dry-humped his now even larger bulge.  Dave realised that the guys were getting a full view of her wet crotch, and another stab of jealousy tore at his stomach.

After a couple of minutes of this, she stood, bent at the waist, and backed her arse onto Pete's face.  He grabbed her hips and buried his face, blowing a big loud raspberry for the boys, who were getting pretty excited, in fact, there were now a couple more who had released their rampant cocks.

George exclaimed.  “Fuck I can’t take much more of this, get those panties down.”

Trish straightened up and started to pull them down, then mouthed, “I shouldn’t,” and sat back in Pete's lap.  But Peter was getting frustrated as well and attempted to pull her panties down.  So she wriggled free of him and stood again moving over in front of George, she reached inside her panties, cupped her crotch, and with her other hand guided George’s hand to her hip to let him slide the panties down her beautiful legs.  She lifted one foot clear of them, then with the other foot she flicked them over towards Dave.

But George was over in a flash, picked them up, and giving Dave a ‘they're mine’ look, put them to his nose, breathed deeply, then stuck them in his pocket. 

Trish had backed over to Peter and lowered herself to his lap again, but unbeknown to her and everyone else I think, Peter had unzipped himself and was holding his very erect prick out for her to sit on.  Luckily, she sat back a bit far for him and it missed the target, but it stood proudly between her wide open legs.  

Trish gave a startled yelp, as she found herself sitting on bare flesh.  And made to leap up, but Pete was having none of it and grabbed her hips holding her firmly in place.  His rampant cock standing hard against her very wet slit.  It wasn’t particularly large, but his swollen knob wasn’t too far short of her tummy button.  He started thrusting it against her, but she leaned back to him and told him to sit still and behave, or she was calling it quits.  He stopped moving immediately.  But the damage was done, Dave could see all the signs; she was clearly turned on and with barely noticeable movements, was moving her hips forward making her clit rub against his shaft.  

She seemed to finally accept her situation, relax, and accept the position she found herself in, she lay back against his chest, placing one hand between her legs in a modest gesture.  But although this was in an attempt to hide her womanly charms, it actually meant she was touching his prick.  And Pete’s prick started twitching of its own accord against her palm, as he could no longer control his desire. She snapped her hand away as if burned.

Pete moved his hands up to Trish’s breasts and tried to tweak her nipples, but she snapped to attention and told him he must not touch them, 

“You can caress my breasts, but don’t touch the nipples,” she told him.

Dave saw she was bloody turned on, and he knew what playing with her nipples in that state would lead to.  So took he took comfort in the fact she was still thinking straight and had some control of the situation.  He knew he should step in and stop this right now.  But he rationalised that the Trish he had known for sixteen years would never allow this to go too far, and he stopped himself and leaned back against the bar.  

Pete gave some involuntary thrusts with his cock, and Trish automatically responded with small thrusts down onto him.  There was a noticeable viscus white smear of her fluids appearing where she was rubbing against his cock.  Her eyes opened wide in alarm, she looked to George and mouthed, “help me.”

This gave Dave another twist in his gut, that she had looked to George for help and not him.  But there was also another thought going through his mind, “How far would she go?”

George was up and beside her in a flash,  He positioned himself between her and the boys, so they could not see what was said, and bent his ear to her mouth.  But Dave was closer and being on the opposite side, he partly heard, partly read her lips.

“I’m going to cum if I sit here any longer.  I can’t bear the embarrassment.  What should I do?” she whispered to him.

George whispered back to her, “Stand up, turn around and pretend to give Pete a blow job.  I will stand behind you and pretend to hump you doggy style.  That will give the boys a thrill and give you some cover and a chance to calm down.” 

Trish quickly lifted herself from Pete’s lap, turned and wrapped a hand around his prick, then bent down and rubbed his knob against her cheek.  From where all the guys were sitting it probably looked like she had taken him into her mouth.  George moved in behind her, took a hold of her suspender belt each side of her hips, and pulled her arse hard against the bulge in his trousers.  Then humping into her, he released one hand above his head like a rodeo rider, and turned towards the boys, grinning and winking at them.  They responded with hoots and cheers and plenty of ribald comments.

Pete, though, now that he had a hand around his cock, was jerking his hips and trying to get himself off.  He reached forward with both hands and cupped her breasts.  She wriggled her upper torso, trying to stop him, but he was past playing ball and took her nipples between fingers and thumb and stretched and tweaked them.  She visibly vibrated with each rough caress and the fight did finally go out of her, she just slumped and relaxed to the feelings, then started to move her backside against George’s thrusts.  George noticed the change, and pressing hard against her, he lowered his arm, slipped his belt loose, and unzipped his trousers.  This time, as he pulled back he slipped his pants and boxers over his hips, and they dropped to the floor around his ankles.

This exposed his cock, it was a monster probably over seven inches.  Dave knew he himself, was no slouch in the penis size stakes, but this was considerably thicker than his.  

Bending his knees, George pressed it back against the crack of her bum.  Trish flinched as she felt the bare flesh touch her, but she didn’t give any objection and resumed moving her backside trying to maximise the contact and her pleasure.  George pulled away from her and Trish backed up trying to keep the contact.  He reached forward and touched her cunt like he was feeling the texture of silk.  He ran his fingers around her slit, reveling in her copious juices. She thrust back urgently, trying to get his fingers to relieve her desperate need. 

Dave panicked, but could not move.  A million thoughts were racing through his mind.  The first was the knowledge that he should stop this.  Here was his beautiful, caring, innocent wife almost certainly going to be fucked in front of him.  But even stronger was the fact that he was as horny as he’d ever been in his life, and actually found himself wanting to see a fantasy he had harbored over the years, come to fruition.  Dave’s nature had always been non-confrontational, and he never caused a scene unless it was impossible to avoid, so the thought of jumping out a causing a huge scene in front of all these guys, stopped him.  

However, he also could see that Trish was past the point of no return, and very likely did not want to stop.  His many liaisons with women over the years had taught him that often when you did what you knew was the right thing, the woman in question did not see it your way and wound up getting bloody angry with you.

So he just stood there, at the end of the kitchen sideboard and watched George pull back and start to feed his thick seven-inch cock into his wife’s very receptive cunt.  To which Trish just let out a low moan and pushed back against him.  Then she must have felt the size of it, as she jerked up from Pete’s lap and twisted herself around to look at what was entering her.  

Her eyes opened wide. “Fuck! I can’t take that.” And dipping her head down in resignation, adjusted her position to try and accommodate him.   George pushed, then withdrew, pushed again, and withdrew.  Each time forcing another half-inch into her.  When he was about two thirds in, he stopped and stayed still for a minute, giving her cunt time to adjust.  

Trish again twisted around to see what was happening, saw that it was still not all in.  An amazed look came over her face and she looked at me.  Her face was a picture of lust, Dave had never seen this look before.  She mimed to him, “Was she alright.”  Not sure of the answer she wanted, he just grabbed a hold of his raging hard prick through his trousers and pointed it at her and mouthed, “Look what you have done to me.” 

This must have been the confirmation she needed, as she now started thrusting back against George trying to get the rest of his cock in.  George complied, he started thrusting with a lot more vigor, and in only a few strokes was embedded to the hilt.  Then he started long hard thrusts, holding her hips and pulling her back against him with each stroke.

Pete meantime was going to town on her nipples, and George reached under Trish and started manipulating her clit.  She went apeshit, arching her back and responding hard against George’s every thrust, then became aware of Pete's prick in her hand, bent her head, and took him into her mouth.  Pete responded by jerking himself in and out.  Dave expected Trish to pull back at this new onslaught, but no, she just pushed down on him trying to get as much of his six inches into her mouth as possible.

The guy that had been sitting next to George, stood up from the couch and turned towards the bar.  He was much the same height as Dave, but maybe not as solidly built.  Strikingly good-looking though, Dave had not paid much attention to him before now, as George commanded all the attention. He walked up to the bar and thrust $200 into Dave’s hand.

“I’m James, and I’m next.  Got to have some of that.  Fuck! I have never seen anything like this before.” 

And before Dave could react and reject the offer, James turned and moved over to Trish, and started caressing her back and shoulders with one hand, the other he reached under and cupped a breast.  

This new addition to the action seemed to push Trish over the edge, she came hard.  You could see muscles spasming all over her body.  Her hips had a life of their own and were milking George as he fought to hold onto her.  Pete came as well, Trish just kept sucking and swallowed it all.  Something she had never done before, she had always spat it out.  Then George let out a bellow of pleasure and Dave watched mesmerised, as his balls jerked up and down pumping his seed into Trish, her breath exhaling in loud grunts, with every thrust.

As George withdrew, Trish started to slump to her knees.  But James caught her below the knees and as she fell backward, Pete’s cock slipping from her mouth, he caught her back with his other arm and lifted her up against his chest and turned towards the master bedroom.  She looked like a little girl being put to bed, except that her hips and buttocks were still twitching with the subsiding orgasm.  As James stepped sideways and slipped into the bedroom, he leaned down and kissed her on the lips, Dave felt a jolt of jealousy surge through him again, as she responded hungrily.

A couple of the other guys, jumped up, cocks in hand and followed them.  But George stopped them tapped his wallet and pointed them over to Dave.  He was rigid and ready to explode and ruin the evening, with the emotion of what he had just witnessed.  But the sight of these two, trying to get the wallets out with one hand, as they released their rampant cocks to grab their trousers and stop them falling down, broke his anger and he struggled against the urge to start laughing out loud at them. 

He put his hand up to stop them, “She won’t want to take any more.  Sorry, guys.”

“We don’t care, we will just watch. Take this.”  And they thrust money into his hand, spun around, and headed to the bedroom.

Dave glanced around the room, George was heading into the other bedroom, obviously to use the bathroom.  Pete was following him, and there were three guys still sitting down.  Two of them had shot their loads all up the front of their clothes.  He picked up a handful of tissues from the bar and took them over.  As he handed these across, he saw their names were Steve and Jim, and they were looking pretty embarrassed being caught out by a guy that was probably the same age as their father. 

The third guy, Mike, was the shortest of the group at about five foot six, he had not undone his fly but was holding himself through his trousers. Dave offered him a couple of tissues but he shook his head saying he did not need them.  So Dave left them alone and headed into the bedroom.

James had lain Trish down on the king bed and was lying by her side, stroking her stomach and tits.  One of the other guys (Ted) had shed his clothes and was in the process of lying on the other side of Trish.  She flinched away from him and cuddled into James, looking slightly embarrassed.  As Ted caressed her back and buttocks, though she relaxed a bit and moved her hips back into Ted.  Then as he moved his hand down her arse and attempted to get at her from behind, she opened her legs and allowed him access.

Again Dave was flooded with waves of emotion.  She looked so fucking sexy, naked but for her black tights and suspenders, and was still wearing her high heeled shoes.  That she was cuddling into James to get support for her naked discomfort, really hurt.  But the fact that she was still showing all the signs of being physically aroused, was exciting and made him short of breath.

James started flicking her nipple and searched out her lips with his own.  She let out a low moan and kissed him.  He wasted no time at all and pulled her away from Ted, and up on top of him.  She moved into a kneeling position and lowered herself down to rub her cunt along his very erect member, rolling it around between them.  James was reasonably well endowed, but nothing near the size of George.  Ted had rolled closer and had forced his hand between them to play with her tits.  Dave saw her lift up slightly to give him access to them.

The short guy (Mike) came into the room.  He handed Dave some notes and leaned against the wall at the foot of the bed, giving himself a fantastic view.  

Dave didn’t like where this was going and stepped over to Mike and quietly spoke in his ear, “She’s not going to take any more.”

But he just waved Dave off and told him to relax, that he wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want.

James was trying to lift Trish’s hips up so he could enter her.  But she let him know she wasn’t ready, pushed herself back down onto his cock, and kept slowly rubbing her slit along his shaft.  Fluid was flowing from her cunt, it was mostly the load that George had fired off.  But there were a lot of her juices as well because there was a white foamy smear along Alan’s prick. 

The other guy in the room (Zach) had stripped off and climbed onto the bed, he was reaching Over Ted, trying to find something to caress.

Little Mike left the room, then came back with a bottle of olive oil, he’d seen it on the bench in the kitchen, and he started to strip off.  Dave immediately saw why he had not gotten his prick out with the others.  It was tiny, he must have taken a lot of ribbing.  It was only about four inches long and around the thickness of Dave’s thumb.  He moved up onto the foot of the bed and poured olive oil down the crack of Trish’s arse, then massaged it around her puckered little brown hole.  

Again, Dave moved to interject; Trish had never let him fuck her in the arse let alone touch it.  It was one of her big no-nos.  But he stopped himself as Trish let out a loud moan at the contact, and pushed herself back onto his fingers.  This gave Mike all the encouragement he needed and he pushed about an inch of his thick stubby finger in past her Sphincter.  So Dave just leaned back against the wall, wondering where this was all going to go, and if he could handle it.  It was certainly a night of firsts.

Mike poured some more oil, the beckoned Dave over, to take the bottle and then proceeded to massage her bum and push his finger in and out until he was giving her the whole length with every stroke. Trish was out of her mind with pleasure and lifted herself up from James, fumbling around between her legs, trying to maneuver James prick inside her.  He squeezed his hand down between them, and helped her get it lined up, then entered her with one hard thrust of his hips.

Dave moved close to watch this and felt Mike’s hand on his arm, motioning him to pour some oil in his free hand.  Dave tore his gaze away from the finger penetrating Trish’s arse and gave Mike a splash of oil on his hand.  Mike dribbled the excess down her crack onto his probing finger, then proceeded to massage the rest onto his cock.  Then, quick as a flash, he moved up and started trying to push his prick into Trish’s arse.

Dave tensed up waiting for the cry of “No Way!” which had always pierced his ears when he had tried this.  But nothing.  She just pushed back against Mike and leaned to one side, then the other to get her legs wider apart, giving both Make and Alan better access.  Bloody hell, she was was really turned on and bucking herself onto the two members invading her body.  Double penetrated, ‘fuck’ it was too much for Dave, he slipped his aching prick from his pants and gave it some slow strokes.  Ted was pulling on one of her nipples and Zach was leaning over him trying to get at the other one.

Trish was in the seventh heaven, trapped between these young men.  Two different hands pinching and pulling on her nipples, a cock hitting her clit with each thrust, and her arse being assailed by another man who was initiating her into the delights of that most taboo vice, anal sex.  She was being driven into a hypnotic state, that she never wanted to end. There was a second orgasm ready whenever she wanted to let it take hold of her, but she held it off, the intense pleasure was too good for her to let it end.

Mike only lasted about ten strokes, then let out a mighty groan, clenching his arse, and dumped his load.  He rolled off Trish and headed out the door.  

Trish came down to earth, a look of disappointment crossing her face, her glazed eyes, following Mike's departure.   The look of disappointment quickly leaving her face, though, as Ted crawled around behind her and started trying to feed his rampant member into her arse.  Trish pushed back, needing the void filled, but Ted’s cock was quite a bit thicker than Mike’s and she winced in pain as he managed to get the head past her tight sphincter.

Dave, watching from beside the bed, didn’t hesitate this time, he saw Trish’s need and still holding the bottle of oil in his free hand, he stepped forward and poured oil down the ‘V’ in her buttocks and over Ted’s prick, then stood there, watching in amazement, as Ted pulled out, rubbed the oil over himself and pushed his thick five inches all the way home.

Trish now slipped back into her sexual euphoria, hammering her hips back onto the guys, working herself into the state of pleasure she had attained before Mike’s disappointing departure. 

James tried to kiss Trish again, and she started to comply, then remembering that Dave was in the room, she twisted her head away, turned to him a flicker of embarrassment crossing her face.  “I’m sorry.  Do you think I’m horrible?  Please don’t hate me,” she whispered at him.

Dave had no answer; the thousands of conflicting emotions running through his head just stopped him sorting out a comforting answer.  So he just pointed down to the rock hard cock he was stroking, and mouthed back at her, “I’ve never been this horny.”

Her face relaxed a little, she beckoned him over beside the bed, reached out and pulled him into her mouth.  Just the thing they both needed.  For Trish, it relieved her conscience a bit, for Dave, the relief he desperately needed, but more importantly, the fact she still wanted him.

Trish’s hips started working on the boys in earnest now, and she pulled Dave’s cock in and out of her mouth so hard she gagged, he worried about her hurting her throat and tried to pull back a little to give her some relief, but she just held onto him and continued trying to get every inch into her mouth.

James came first, his hips slamming up hard against Trish’s pubic bone.  This set Dave off, and he struggled against his urge to thrust his cock hard into her throat, concerned about really hurting her.  But it didn’t seem to worry her at all, she just took his semen down her throat and started to come herself.  A massive orgasm that, again, had muscles clenched and spasming from the tips of her fingers to her toes.

The instant Trish started coming, Ted sped up, hammering himself between the cheeks of her arse, letting out yells of pleasure.  Dave looked down to see the final shots of his cum, dribbling down over James’s scrotum.  James was so exhausted he didn’t even seem to notice.

Dave stepped away from the bed, intending to go and get Trish a warm flannel.  He saw that George and Jim were standing at the foot of the bed.  So he just zipped himself up and stayed put, not wanting to leave Trish alone for a minute with the extra guys.

Trish rolled off James and lay on her back, looking very sated, but exhausted.  Zach, however, had other plans and tried to roll her over onto him.  Dave leaned forward, grabbed Zach’s arm holding him back.  “She’s had enough,  No more. Sorry,” he said, much louder than he meant to.

But Trish sat up and grabbed Dave’s arm.  “It’s alright.  Go out to the lounge and leave us.”  Then looking at the guy in front of her, she said. “Just be gentle and take it slowly please?”

Feeling rebuked, Dave stepped back and watched as Trish rolled over Zach and faced the wall so she couldn’t see the disapproving look on Dave’s face.

Zach spooned in behind her, feeding himself between her legs.  Trish lifted her legs up onto Zach’s knee, reached down and helped him slip himself home.  He obeyed her request and began slowly moving in and out against her.

Dave was astounded to see Trish respond to his thrusts, she moved her leg higher up onto Zach’s hip, to give him better access and let out little whimpers of pleasure every time he bumped home, against her bum.  

In his peripheral vision, Dave noticed Jim unzipping himself. Then he watched as he moved around the bed and lay hard up against the headboard, presenting his cock to her mouth.  Trish opened her mouth and let him thrust it in.  She didn’t have a lot of energy left and so just let him do all the work jerking himself in and out, fucking her mouth.  But it did seem to excite her, as her hips showed a lot more movement, which encouraged Zach to speed up and thrust harder against her.  

Jim came, voicing his satisfaction with some crude expletives.  This set Zach off,  and his gentle thrusts changed to full hard strokes hammering against Trish’s backside.  As he clenched his arse emptying his seed, he yelled, “Take this load, you fucking bitch.  You can’t get enough of my cock in your cunt, can you?  When I recover, I’m going to ram it up your arse. You’ll love that, won’t you? You bitch.”

Dave’s anger burst.  No one was going to swear and call his wife a bitch.  “Out," he yelled, turning to push them all out.  His anger doubled when he saw that George was undoing his trousers, obviously intending to have another go at his wife.  But one look at Dave’s face and George spun around, and zipping himself back up he headed out into the lounge.  

Dave spun around and pulled Zach off Trish, pushing him towards the door.  He wanted to punch him but, took control of himself, realising he had to fuck things up any more than he just had.  Jim pushed his way past Dave and he saw he was looking really scared.  He saw some of his clothes on the floor, lent down and took them into the lounge.

Everyone was standing around looking shocked and subdued.  

“Sorry, guys, I lost it a bit there.  You all need to keep this under your hats.  If her husband finds out about this, we are all in trouble.”  Dave went to go back into the bedroom, but turned back and picked up her dress and bra.  He thought of asking George for her panties but didn’t trust himself if George said no.  So he just spoke quietly, “The night's over.  Give us some time please, I’ll get her in the shower and then take her home.”


To be continued…




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The Stag Night

The stag week had been going better than expected. Ben, the guy a week from marriage, had been having a great time enjoying the last few days of freedom in Amsterdam. Even I had managed to put an ill-advised night between myself and his fiancée out of my mind, at least enough not to give away what had happened to Ben. All in all there were 5 of us and the week had been spent mainly drinking and exploring the seedier areas but on the last night the best man Mark had suggested visiting a fetish...

2 years ago
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Avril Must Do as She Is ToldChapter 4 The stag party toy

By three o'clock Avril had already regained her composure, but not her self-respect. She looked in the bathroom mirror and saw the same sort of pathetic slut her son must have seen on porn sites; one he would see from now on, every time he looked at his mother. Her husband and father-in-law must think the same of her after her French Maid Dinner Party yesterday. But what could she do but grimace and carry on? She had dressed ( without underwear, of course) and was starting to prepare supper...

3 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 40 The Stag Party

Jason had only told me to be ready to go out two nights before the wedding, for a casual evening with a friend. He had said that jeans were perfectly acceptable, and that we wouldn't be driving in case the night got late or alcohol got involved. When I queried him as to the evening's agenda, he had simply said, "Trust me. You'll like it." Even with my wedding coming in a couple of days, I had never given any thought to there being a stag party. When the taxi pulled up in an industrial...

1 year ago
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Stag do bonus

I was single at the time and was asked by my boss to organize the Christmas stag do for all the site staff who were all men. I arranged for dinner and cabaret for one hundred and twenty men the arrangement was between each dinner course a blue comedian and girls stripping would happen and after dinner would be a cabaret of the comedian and girls dancing for the men. The evening was a mixture of drinking and watching with me being careful not to drink much as I was making sure all went well. By...

Drunk sex
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After the Stag

I attended my future son-in-law’s stag party which was amazing enough in itself, but I woke up the next morning to find myself on the sofa at his parents house in just my boxers and covered only by a thin sheet.   I could remember most of the night but not going back to his parents house.   I checked my watch and found it was almost midday. I called out but there was no one around so I wrapped myself up in the sheet and made for the bathroom. I took a long shower and I gave myself a nice...

2 years ago
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Stag weekend fun

I was recently on a Stag weekend where I finally had anotherguy on guy experience. Thought I’d share this with you. It’s not a quickie, but it is pretty much what happened. I’ll call him Jack. Years ago, I was at a party hosted by the groom where there included a group of three girls, one of which was called Jo. She was with her then boyfriend and to some extent she become part of our circle of friends. Jo has always had that really cute, if not stunningly beautiful, look, and frankly I’ve...

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Game of Moans The Stag Prince

Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister's Wedding Night - 284 AC Robert and Cersei were carried by their respective parties to the bedchamber, each group undressing the bride and groom and shouting bawdy jokes. It was only when Cersei and Robert were as naked as their name-day, did the guest reluctantly retreat out of the room and take their position outside of the door, still shouting ribald suggestions. Robert Baratheon, half-drunk, but still handsome, muscled like a maiden's fantasy, and fresh...

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Katie stag do whore and slut

I have slowly been drifting into selling my body for money. I started with standing on the street, dressed like a tart and accepting any punter who turned up. I have worked lorry parks and industrial estates, entertaining drivers on an overnight trip or else a 10 minute cock suck for those taking a break. I did it for the thrill. My experience with the pimp Mila was mixed, a little rough to begin with and then more on my terms-Although Mila could have had any of the girls working for him I...

3 years ago
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My friend Mary takes on a stag night in Amsterdam

Mary [] told me all about how she celebrated her 70th birthday. Sadly I couldn't make it but I'm sure I would have joined in. A friend of hers, Sarah [], had arranged for a party in a hotel in Amsterdam. She had booked a small dance room and around 20 guests. Well into the party her friend came up to Mary and told her there was a football stag party in the hall just down...

3 years ago
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Goddess Manuela Part 5 Stag Night

When my eyes opened, I saw Goddess Manuela sitting on the sofa next to my bed. She stood up without a word and took out a seringe from her handbag. I just had the time for a last glance at her beauty and smell of her delicious fragrance before the product she injected in my right arm did its effect and I fell into a deep sleep...I woke up in complete darkness, naked in the freezing cold, hearing Manuela's soft voice talking to me. Severin, Severin, you must wake up now, we have a lot to do as...

3 years ago
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The Stag Party Part 3

The Stag Party – Part 3I smelled his cock then for the first time; a faint trace of soap from when he’d showered earlier mixed with an earthy manly aroma. Now I knew it was only inches from my mouth. I swallowed hard and licked my lips trying to get some feeling back. “I can see you want it boy” he said. “Well” ...... “Beg”. I licked my lips again and started:“Please Sir can I suck your cock, please please let me taste your cock Master. I want your heavy balls in my mouth; I want to run my...

3 years ago
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The Stag Party Part 2

The Stag Party – Part 2Fitz pulled me roughly across the lounge and into one of the bedrooms, the buckle on his belt digging into my neck. He pushed me up against a wall and ordered me to stay there, legs apart with my hands on my head. He removed the belt, doubled it up and slapped my bare arse three times with it then made his way over to a large wardrobe. I winced more in shock than pain which made him chuckle “I bought a nice new ball gag recently” he said “You’re going to be the first to...

3 years ago
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After the Stag

I attended my future son-in-law's stag party which was amazing enough in itself, but I woke up the next morning to find myself on the sofa at his parents house in just my boxers and covered only by a thin sheet. I could remember most of the night but not going back to his parents house. I checked my watch and found it was almost midday. I called out but there was no one around so I wrapped myself up in the sheet and made for the bathroom. I took a long shower and I gave myself a nice gentle rub...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A Stag Do To Remember

“Please daddy, let me fuck them!”I couldn’t really take in that my stepdaughter was begging me for my blessing to have sex with both my sons as part of some absolutely crazy scheme she had cooked up with her best friend Sara. Sara’s own brother was having a stag do this next weekend, and the girls for some reason beyond me felt it would be fun to disguise themselves as a couple of strippers and sleep with all the guys, including their stepbrothers. Sara had even found these crazy dog collars...

3 years ago
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Secret Santa Stag

So, it was about time for the annual Christmas/Holiday party, and as usual, I was more than ready to participate. Of course, I was a lapsed Catholic, but a secret pagan side of me thought of it as Yule, which was the true origin of Christmas, anyway. Anyway, the parties tended to get a little wild at our company, a publishing firm where I was one of the rising young editors. Many of us were single young adults, and it was not unheard-of for a few people to get laid at the thing each year, often...

1 year ago
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Catering a Big Deal

The two sets of neighbors offered an interesting contrast, almost a contradiction, even though they were very close to each other. Jim and Cassie had been married for ten years and we often referred to as Mutt and Jeff. Jim was 6’2′ tall and weighed in at a solid 200 lbs. Cassie was 5’2 and tipped that scaled at 110lbs. While Jim was almost larger than life, Cassie was petite and quiet. She was a very pretty woman with an excellent figure with pert B-cup breasts, a tiny waist and a killer ass....

1 year ago
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The Stag Party

The stags were due to set off from the hotel, at around seven, and the plan was that we would be waiting in the second pub along the route, so that they could have a look at Poppy and she could have a look at them, before making the final decision to go ahead or not. We parked at the Travelodge at around quarter to eight and walked round to the pub, which was only a couple of minutes away. I sat Poppy down at a table near the bar, before going off to get some drinks. She’d already had a couple...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

1 year ago
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Stag Weekend Part 3Sunday Homecoming

Plus we all wanted to shower and clean off the smell of other woman before we went back to our girls if you catch my drift. I met Bill and Jason as they checked out and as I finished settling up my bill Rick walked out of the elevator and to the counter looking a bit more than content as he threw me a wink. After a light breakfast at the diner next door Bill and Jason took off home in Bills car. They had come together as they both lived on the other side of the city, same as Rick and I we...

3 years ago
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Stag Weekend Part 2Saturday Night

We got dressed and rode down in the elevator together and she gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving by the service exit. I turned to see my three friends looking at me as I slapped her ass when she walked away. They cheered and applauded as I walked to them. The breakfast was filled with the previous nights exploits as Rick, Jason and I had all gotten laid. Bill had gone to his room and watched porn until two am. After breakfast we did some sight seeing and wound up back at the hotel...

2 years ago
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Stag Weekend Part 1Friday Night

We decided on the long weekend two weeks before the wedding. So we would check into the hotel on Friday afternoon have a leisurely evening and take the condemned man to a local peeler bar Saturday night. Then we check out Sunday morning and have an extra day with the holiday Monday to recover before returning to work Tuesday. We decided there would be no room sharing we each booked a room in the hotel and only Bill and I had rooms on the same floor. Rick was a floor above us and Jason three...

1 year ago
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A husband attends stag night at his local club and gets drunk out of his mind8230 again

Andy was dead drunk, and when he was like that somebody eventually had to take him home. We left him lying around for a while because it wasn’t a pleasant task. Andy was one of those guys who fell to bits suddenly when he reached his limit. When he went he was gone. The trouble with Andy was that he did it all too often and his wife was pretty much sick and tired of it. Al’s bucks night had been great up till now, but it was over and somebody had to take Andy home. We drew...

3 years ago
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White Lactating Wife is a Black Stag Party Slut

It is a little unusual to find a couple who was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota living in North Carolina. That was the case for my wife Cindy and me when we moved to Raleigh. My father retired from the Army and he and Mom were living near Raleigh when his health declined. Mom needed help taking care of things around the house from time to time, so I agreed to move near them and help. My name is Greg and I went to trade school for a year to become a machinist after graduating from high...

3 years ago
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My wife with stag party

My wife and I occasionally check into some upscale downtown hotels on Friday or Saturday nights to enjoy the cities nightlife. By doing so we don't need to be concerned about driving drunk. My wife loves to wear outfits that show off a very nice backside and C cup bust. This usually means tight fitting jeans and a low cut blouse or a tight fitting pull over dress. One weekend we decided to check in one of our favorite hotels to enjoy the revived downtown social scene. As we were enjoying a...

4 years ago
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Wife has sexy adventure with grandad in seven stag

I just wanted to share a little tale involving my ex when she was just 22 and we were married for a year, the reason being that though it was so many years ago, it still turns me on to remember it... and especially as my ex was at her stunning best then, with a mane of crimson hair, pert little tits, long legs, a gorgeous ass and most of all, an adventurous attitude.We had rented a holiday cottage in Devon, next door to a widowed man, let’s call him Maurice, who lived there permanently. Maurice...

2 years ago
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White Lactating Wife is Impregnated at a Black Stag Party

It is a little unusual to find a couple who was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota living in North Carolina. That is the case for my wife, Cindy, and me when we moved to Raleigh. My father retired from the Army and he and Mom were living near Raleigh when his health declined. Mom needed help taking care of things around the house from time to time, so I agreed to move near them and help.My name is Greg and I went to trade school for a year to become a machinist after graduating from high...

3 years ago
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Stag Cuckolds Adventure

You are Robin Wren, a great looking college sophomore, and you are once again stroking your large cock to cuckold porn; currently and seemingly perpetually girlfriend lacking. That isn't completely true, you aren't perpetually lacking a girlfriend. Yesterday, you had a girlfriend, Penny . She wasn't even your first girlfriend this semester. There was also Nancy and last semester there was Tracy, Kristin,Leslie, and Jane. You don't seem to have any trouble getting a girlfriend. Your great looks,...

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Now a bull my first stag vixen threesome

My introduction to the world of swinging actually started with a change of circumstances- working away from home for long periods of time. So whereas engagement with swinging sites earlier had been largely academic due to lack of freedom to meet (married and wife unaware), suddenly I was away from home a number of nights a week and left to my own devices.I embraced the sites with alacrity imagining that one ad would have women queuing at my door. Like all excited men joining those sites I soon...

2 years ago
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The Spirit of the White StagChapter 3

The gray light of dawn snuck into the cabin and Colin became aware, once again, of the soft and delicate female still sleeping on his chest. Under any other circumstances, he'd have gotten up and started his day. But these weren't his usual circumstances. In fact, there was nothing about this day that could be called "usual". Letting the memories of what they'd shared during the night roam around in his memory, it began to register that the cabin was still warm, even though he hadn't...

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