The Stag Party free porn video

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After a very greasy but wholly satisfying full English breakfast, we moved onto the first bar. The plan for the day was drinking, followed by football, more drinking and, later, town where undoubtedly more drinking would take place. We forced Dan into taking some early afternoon shots and headed on to the football.

"Fancy a flutter, boys?" I asked as I approached the in-house bookmakers at the stadium.

"The big man's in great form, got first scorer written all over it" Sean replied

"£50 each?? I've got a good feeling about him" Said Dan, clearly not concerned about wasting too much money today

"Why not, he's 6/1 so that's £350 back each if it comes in" I said, handing my £50 over to the cashier. The other guys weren't big gamblers so just me, Dan and Sean went in on the wager.

It was a boring game, but it didn't matter, a late goal from our Number 9 sealed a 1-0 win and, more importantly, won us our bet. We collected our winnings and went back to the hotel we were staying in that night. After a celebratory drink, met with jealous remarks from the others who didn't come in on the bet, we headed to our rooms to get ready for the evening. Sean and I were sharing a room.

"So, what's the plan tonight Sean? After all, you are the best man" I asked as we checked our attire and covered ourselves in excessive amounts of aftershave.

"We have a VIP booth booked at Aurora and then I've booked us in for some gentleman's entertainment at Velvet later on" Sean explained, grinning

Aurora was one of the local nightclubs. It had two floors, three rooms and always provided a great night out. Velvet on the other hand, was a strip club. It was an upmarket place and a regular hot spot for stag do's and lads’ nights out.

"I suppose it wouldn't be a proper stag without someone getting some titties in their face" I laughed.

We reconvened with the others back in the hotel bar and had some more drinks while we waited for the taxi. the cab soon arrived and off we headed to Aurora. Two of the lads had been hitting the drinks particularly hard all day, so much so that once we got to the front of the queue, the doorman wouldn't let them in. After attempted negotiations with the bouncer proved to be useless, the two guys apologized to Dan and went back to the hotel. The remaining six of us carried on inside.

The hostess showed us to our booth, which overlooked the dance floor in the main room of the club. The booth came with a bucket of beers and some bottles of vodka, none of which lasted long. We had our fill of drinks for the time being and made our way down to the dance floor. We spotted a group of girls who were clearly on a hen/bachelorette party, given away by the inflatable penis' and 'L' plates hanging from most of their necks. Not to mention the Hen herself, wearing a tight white dress that showcased her fine figure, a mock veil and her own set of 'L' plates. We approached them and made it clear that we were also celebrating an upcoming marriage in the group.

Dan had always been pretty boring and soon enough he and the Bride-to-be discussed each other’s wedding plans and continued chatting whilst the rest of us partied in their honour. Sean and I started dancing with two of the girls who were particularly attractive. one was dark haired, slim and clearly very drunk. The other had blonde shoulder length hair, a curvaceous figure and wore a tight black dress with a deep cleavage that accentuated her impressive rack. The brunette instantly gravitated towards Sean which, to my advantage, left me with the blonde. We drank and danced together, getting more and more flirty with every song the DJ played. After a while I looked around to see where the others were. Dan and the Hen were sat at the booth, still describing to each other the fine details of their upcoming weddings. Sean was still attempting to dance with the brunette, despite her now being almost too drunk to stand up. The other three were nowhere to be seen and must have slipped off while we were preoccupied.

"Looks like your friends have abandoned you" The blonde said, flashing a cheeky smile

"So have yours" I replied, motioning in the direction of the rest of the hen party, staggering towards the exit

"I'm Chloe" She stated, clearly in no rush to join her friends.

“Chris” I replied

“Fancy a drink? we have plenty at our table” Chloe asked, taking my hand insistently.

She led me to their booth, now empty after most the other girls had left. They had the best table in the house, right at the back of the room, tucked away in a corner, with a frosted glass screen separating the booth from the rest of the room and giving us some privacy. I sat down and Chloe closed the screen. I poured us each a vodka and coke and Chloe sat down beside me. She took a sip of her drink and then leaned straight in to kiss me. Her lips were cold from the drink and I could taste the alcohol as I slipped my tongue inside her mouth. I placed my hand on her cheek and the back of her head, with my fingers nestled in her hair. Her hand slid onto my thigh. We kept kissing as I pulled her body closer, her chest pressing against mine. I lowered my hand from her face and caressed her breast, teasing her nipple through the tight fabric of the dress. Her hard nipple pressed against the fabric and I gently pinched it between my fingers. Chloe let out a gasp, a mixture of pain and pleasure.

She walked her hand further up my thigh and began to cup my crotch, squeezing and stroking through my jeans. Before long, Chloe unzipped them and slid them down just enough to reveal my cock, almost bursting out through my boxers. She finally stopped kissing me for a moment to take a look down at my member as she pulled it out from my underwear. She must’ve been impressed, as she stared for a moment before shimmying down off the seat and onto her knees in front of me. She was almost completely under the table with only her head and shoulders clear. I looked down at her, catching her blue eyes for a moment before she turned her gaze back to my throbbing penis. Chloe took me in her hand and licked my cock from the base of the shaft to the tip, sliding her now warm lips over the end of it. I ran my fingers through her hair as she sucked and kissed my cock all over. My groans of pleasure were drowned out by the loud music. The beautiful blonde stroked my cock quickly as she sucked, clearly in no mood to just tease anymore. Her tongue swirled and flicked around the end of my penis. She glanced up to look me in the eyes, whilst never taking her lips away from me. I gazed back at her. Her gorgeous blue eyes and seemed to look right through me. Her blonde hair partly covered her face giving her an ironic look of innocence. Her lips wrapped around my cock and I could see it in her cheeks when she sucked. The sight of her beautiful features, coupled with the amazing job she was doing with her tongue, quickly brought me to a massive orgasm. My body tensed up and I moaned loudly as I blew my hot, sticky load in her mouth. She sucked every last drop from me, swallowing the lot.

Chloe stood up and took a large swig from her drink. I pulled my jeans back up and recomposed myself. I stood up and moved closer to Chloe. Her body looked perfect in the tight black dress. placing my hands around her waist, I lifted her curvaceous frame onto the edge of the table. I kissed her neck and moved myself in between her legs as she wrapped them around me.

Chloe whispered in my ear "I told myself I wouldn't do this tonight"

"You can't let your friends have all the fun, can you?" I replied, rhetorically

I ran my hands up the outside of her thighs and up her dress. Upon reaching her thong, I went to pull it down but Chloe stopped me. She smiled and reached down between her legs, pulling the crotch of her sheer black thong to one side, presenting me with her shaven pussy. The wet lips glistened despite the low lighting in the room. I took a seat and positioned my face in front of her waist. Her aroma filled my nostrils and I felt myself begin to salivate. Reaching round, I pulled Chloe's bottom half towards my face and she put her legs over my shoulders. She laid back on the table, touching her nipples as they continued to press against her dress more insistently than before. I started to kiss the inside of her thighs. I alternated between her left and right leg, edging higher each time. The closer I got, the stronger and better the aroma became. I reached the apex of her open legs and started kissing around her vulva. Chloe pushed her hips towards my face but I kept teasing her. I laid a few more kisses on her, this time around her warm pussy lips to make them extra wet. Then I pulled away just slightly and blew cool air onto her warm lips.

"Uuhhhh" Chloe gasped

I carried on blowing for a few seconds, watching her hips move as the tease sent her crazy. Chloe ran her hand through my hair, pulling it gently. That was enough of the teasing. I used my tongue to split her labia and slipped it around her drenched pussy. exploring every inch, I licked up and down and poked my tongue just inside her vagina. Chloe moaned throughout.

"Eat it" I heard in her breathless voice.

I worked my way up to her clit, licking every inch of her pussy on the way. Chloe began to tremble as I swirled my tongue around her throbbing mound. I sucked her clit into my mouth and rolled my tongue around it. Her juices tasted warm and sweet. Gently, I bit down on her clit, softly running it between my teeth. Chloe's hands grabbed my head, pushing my face harder into her crotch. I could hear her moans through the loud music. I peered my eyes up as I ate her out and noticed her pinching and pulling at her hard nipples through her dress. I picked up the pace as I licked and sucked more and more vigorously. Chloe's breathing quickened too. Then, her body tensed, her thighs tightened around my head. Chloe pulled my hair in her ecstasy as she came hard. I tasted her cum as it seeped from her sopping pussy. She moaned and quivered with pleasure for a good ten seconds. I sat back, wiped my mouth and admired the view of Chloe, sat open legged in front of me, her pussy dripping wet and her nipples almost bursting through her dress.

"Well, what a treat you are" I complimented

Chloe smiled, swept her hair out of her face and re-adjusted her underwear. She hopped down off of the table and picked up her bag.

"So, can I get your number, or is this just a one-time thing?" She asked me

I was a little taken aback, not expecting her to ask for my number at all.

"Errr, sure. Yeah" I answered, almost nervous all of a sudden.

Chloe handed me her phone and I added my number to her contacts. As I did so, there was a knock on the glass screen covering the booth entrance. The screen opened and revealed four people. Dan, Sean and Chloe's two remaining friends walked in.

"Where have you two been? You've missed all the fun" Said the drunken brunette, who was draped around Sean's neck.

"My feet were hurting so we came up her to relax for a bit" Replied Chloe.

The four of them looked unconvinced by Chloe's lie, but didn't question it

"Well, we're ready to leave now, you coming? or are you staying with your new boyfriend?" The girl asked

I stepped in "It's nothing like that" chuckling. "Us guys are leaving now anyway"

We all started to leave the booth. Behind everyone else, I turned around and gave Chloe a hug, squeezing her fine ass as I did so. She flashed me a wink and whispered to me

"Keep your phone on".

We all left and the girls and us went our separate ways. The night was still young and there was plenty more partying to be done. We hopped in a taxi and headed towards Velvet.

"Nice chat with the Bride-to-be?" Sean asked Dan

"Not really" Dan replied

"Why, what happened?" I asked

"She made a move on me. Told me she didn't love her fiancé and I was her last chance to get some action before the wedding. Seemed like a nice girl before that. Wasn't very happy when I rejected her, that's when we came looking for Sean, then you"

Sean and I laughed "These hoes ain't loyal" Joked Sean.

"You two seemed to have fun" Dan gestured to us

"You could say that" I smiled

"Speak for yourself" Said Sean "I had to keep her upright for most of the time, she was hammered"

"Explains why she went for you instead of me then" I Joked

Sean and Dan laughed "Cheeky bastard"

"So, what really happened with you and the blonde"

"Nothing much, went back to her booth for some drinks and a chat. Had a little kiss, you know, nothing major" I said, convincingly and they left it at that.

Soon enough, we arrived at Velvet. We paid the taxi driver and headed inside. Velvet was an upmarket strip club and not as seedy as many of the similar establishments in the city. The girls were better dancers, smoother talkers and generally hotter than anywhere else. It was a pricey place but that kept most of the assholes away that you so often get in a strip club. Sean told the lady at the bar that we had booked for a stag party and explained that there was only three of us now. She showed us to our table and sorted us some drinks.

The table was right by the stage and it was quiet that night, so there were plenty of dancers to go around. Soon a muffled microphone voice introduced a girl to the stage.

"Gentleman, keep your eyes on this one. Please welcome, the delicious.... Cherri"

Delicious was an understatement. I was immediately drawn to her dark red hair, with subtle curls that ran right down to the small of her back. My eyes followed down to her round buttocks, peeking out from beneath a tiny, white, pleated skirt. Her legs were long, with thick thighs that ran into white, knee-high, tight fitting boots. Scanning back up, I noticed her hourglass waist leading up to huge boobs, neatly tucked into a white lacy bra. Her beautiful face completed the look. The room was almost silent, I think everyone was in shock.

The music started and Cherri approached the pole in the centre of the stage. She grabbed hold of it, wrapped her legs around it and started to climb. In a second, she was a good 8 feet off the ground. Her skirt was doing very little to cover her rear at this height. She let go with both hands, holding herself with her thighs. Reaching round, Cherri unhooked her bra and threw it to a group of guys at another table, drawing a cheer from those watching. Her breasts were perfect. Big, natural and pert with subtle areolas surrounding her hard nipples. With her thighs still supporting her weight on the pole, Cherri pinched her nipples between two fingers on each hand, tugging them gently. She leaned back, now perfectly horizontal and slowly slid down the pole to the ground. She split her legs to free herself from the pole, flashing her white lacey knickers in the process. It was only a second's glance but was enough to keep her audience drooling. Cherri knew what she was doing. Rolling onto her front, the red-haired beauty slowly slid back onto her knees, keeping her chest close to the ground, with her ass facing the crowd. Her white thong was just enough to cover her pussy and asshole, leaving just enough to the imagination of those watching.

I looked around the room and noticed how every single guy was transfixed on Cherri. Some of them had other dancers sat on their lap trying to talk them into buying a dance who were being completely ignored. Cherri finished her show by blowing a kiss to the audience and slipping back behind the curtain. It took a few seconds for everyone to come back to reality and refocus on the rest of the room. Girls began to descend on the surrounding tables, eager to take advantage of the sexual frustration that their colleague had just built up. Soon enough, 3 girls arrived at our table.

"So, you're our VIP's, we’ll be taking care of you this evening" Said one of the girls

"First dance is free for stag parties, so follow us"

each girl took our hands and led us towards the VIP dance booths, they were different from the regular booths. Regular booths were sectioned off and meant for 1 guy and 1 girl, but this was a large, round, open room with no security. Being a more upmarket establishment, the security in the VIP area was done by cameras to not disturb the customers' experience.

"I'm Savannah" Said the dancer who'd taken me to the booth

"Nice to meet you" I replied, with a wry smile, as I sat down facing her.

Savannah, like most of the girls working at Velvet, was gorgeous. She was 6ft, blonde, slim and flexible. Her moves were good and certainly got my motor running but I couldn't help but think about Cherri. I'd been mesmerized by her. Even as the leggy blonde was grinding on my lap, with my hard cock rubbing her crotch through my jeans, my mind was elsewhere. I HAD to have a dance with Cherri.

After a few minutes, the now naked Savannah kissed me on the cheek to indicate the dance was over and I left to booth to return to the table while she got herself dressed again. I sat down and Dan and Sean soon followed, walking gingerly to try and conceal their erections.

"This is a hell of a place" said Dan

"Only the best for the stag" replied Sean. We clinked our bottles together in a toast to Dan.

"Fancy another round honey?" I heard from over my shoulder

I looked round and saw Savannah standing by my side. She crouched down beside me and fluttered her long eyelashes in my direction.

"Actually" I replied "I wanted to ask a favour"


"What's the chances of getting Cherri over here to dance for the stag?" I asked

"She'll be pretty busy I expect, but I’ll see what I can do. Just promise me you'll take me for another later" Savannah winked as she went off to find Cherri.

We carried on drinking for a while and chatting about the night so far. Sean was pretty occupied with his girl, going back and forth for dances with her and buying her drinks in between, so it was mostly just me and Dan. Soon, I noticed Cherri and Savannah coming over to the table.

"So, which one of you fine gentlemen is about to ruin their lives by getting married?" the redhead asked.

"That would be me" said Dan

"How about we see if we can give you a proper send-off?" said Savannah

Dan looked excited but terrified. I couldn't help but laugh at his face.

"How about we both go with them, so you don't get eaten alive eh Danny? my treat" I suggested.

Dan replied with a worried nod. We left Sean with his girl and followed the girls to the VIP booths. They sat us opposite each other with about 5ft of space in between. I paid the charge and got comfortable. Savannah had changed into a blue Bra with black lace suspenders and blue stockings. Cherri was back in her white Bra, skirt and boots and looked even better close up. Cherri approached Dan and Savannah came to me. They both began dancing.

Savannah quickly took off her bra and pressed her round fake breasts in my face, rubbing a nipple across my lips. I sucked it gently as it passed, causing Savannah to moan quietly. She straddled my lap and started grinding on my crotch, as she had done previously. My cock began to press against my jeans and Savannah could definitely feel it. She slid off my lap and turned away from me. In almost perfect synchrony, Cherri turned to face her. Cherri was also topless now and I couldn't believe how perfect her breasts were. They were much more than a handful but still pert and round, they jiggled as she moved and her nipples pointed perfectly forward. Some women pay thousands to have boobs like that but hers were all natural. Savannah seemed to share my opinion on them as she reached up and grabbed them, taking one of Cherri's hard nipples into her mouth. Cherri squeezed the blonde's round ass cheeks and pulled her closer. She slipped her thumbs under Savannah's knicker line and pulled down her thong. She reached back around and squeezed her butt again, spreading her cheeks apart. This gave me a perfect view of her pussy and ass.

Cherri stepped back and sat down on the floor between Dan's legs. Savannah moved onto all fours and slowly crawled towards her. Cherri laid her head back onto Dan's lap and Savannah moved up between her legs and started to kiss her passionately. Dan must've had a hell of a view. I saw the two girls’ bodies rubbing together as they kissed, with Savannah's ass facing me invitingly. I looked up at Dan. He was sweating, breathing heavily and looked ready to pass out. I could hardly tell if he was excited or ill. Poor guy, married life was probably the last thing on his mind right now. The girls finished kissing and Cherri laid Savannah onto her back, with her head on the floor between my feet. Cherri kissed the lower legs of the blonde and worked her way up towards her bald pussy. She kissed and blew around her lips and clitoris before delving her tongue into it. Savannah grabbed my legs as she arched her back and moaned loudly. Cherri's long red hair ran down her back to her skirt, which had risen up to reveal her ass and thong. Reaching between her legs, she pulled her panties to the side and began stroking her pussy with a perfect view for Dan. She slid her fingers around her clit and slipped them in and out of her wet vagina. Savannah drew my attention again and she arched her back, gripped my legs tightly and let out a loud groan. I'll never know if it was a real orgasm or just for show, but it looked pretty convincing to me. The girls stood up and kissed again. Savannah went over to Dan. Cherri sat herself down beside me.

"How was that?" She asked me, smiling

"Incredible" I replied "You really are out of this world"

"Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought we'd better stop before your friend collapses or something" She chuckled

"He'll be fine. You've probably just ruined his marriage before it's even started, but other than that he'll live" I said, laughing

"Only three of you on a stag do, the groom can't be very popular"

"We lost a few along the way, we're just the last men standing"

Cherri glanced at my crotch. "Standing being the right word"

My erection was still clearly visible through my jeans. Cherri looked impressed.

"You must have this effect on hundreds of men a night?" I said

"Yeah, but it's not always so easy to tell" she replied with a seductive wink

There was a moment of pause where we both just looked at each other for a second

"Chris, was it? " Cherri asked me


She lowered her voice. "Listen, I finish here in about half an hour, you seem nice and not creepy at all, fancy going for a drink after? I know a quiet bar around the corner that stays open late for when we finish"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I just about managed to answer

"Y-yeah, sure. Sounds great"

The girls got themselves dressed and Dan and I went back to our table. He barely said a word, I think he had PTSD or something. While we sat finishing our drinks I noticed my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see what it was

'Lamouth hotel, room 507

30 Minutes, I'll be waiting.

Chloe xx'

Now I had a problem. 2 women both wanted me. One was a flexible, red-haired stripper and the other was a gorgeous blonde beauty who's pussy I could still taste on my tongue from earlier. Not the worst situation to be in I’ll admit, but one that had me thinking.

*** Read the 2 different endings: 'Chloe' or 'Cherri' ***


'I'll be there' I texted back.

I told Dan and Sean that I was going back to the hotel and started to leave. I saw Cherri taking someone into the booth for a dance so knew I wouldn't be caught. I felt awful leaving such an incredible woman without an explanation, but Chloe seemed like the best option. I paid the table bill and left, walking briskly out. It was 4am and it was about a 20 minute walk to the Lamouth hotel from Velvet so I didn't waste any time. after about 5 minutes my phone buzzed again.

It was a picture message

'Bring Champagne'

Chloe was sat on the bed in a black silk-lace looking gown that was open to the waist. Her nipples were hidden behind 2 empty champagne flutes that she cleverly held in one hand, while the other took the photo.

I quickened my pace and soon I arrived at the hotel. I went to the bar and asked the barman for a bottle of champagne. I took the bottle and headed for the lift. Having stayed in the hotel before I knew roughly where I was going. I reached room 507, composed myself for a moment and knocked the door.

Chloe opened the door. She had closed the gown and tied it at the waist, highlighting her impressive hips. Her large breasts almost spilled from the lace fabric and, once again, her nipples poked through eagerly.

"Miss me?" Chloe asked

"Almost as much as you missed me" I flirted, jokingly

I popped open the champagne and poured us both a glass. She took a large swig from hers and set it down next to the bed, crawling on. The blonde beckoned me over with her finger and began to untie her gown. It slipped off her shoulders and down her arms and back, settling at her waist as she knelt on the queen size bed. I unbuttoned my shirt and took it off, walking towards her. Chloe crawled towards the edge of the bed to meet me. She kissed my chest and squeezed my buttocks. Unzipping my jeans, she reached inside and pulled out my hardening cock.

"I definitely missed this" she said longingly

She began to jerk my shaft, slowly and gently, allowing me to get fully hard in her hand. She spat on it, lubing it up. I reached down and pinched her hard nipple. Chloe licked my shaft from balls to tip and slipped her mouth over the end. I groped her breast as I watched her head bob up and down on my manhood, while it throbbed in her warm mouth. she cupped my balls as my jeans and boxers slipped down to my ankles. Chloe pulled back, holding her big tits together invitingly. I slid my wet penis between them as she bounced them up and down. My cock was completely engulfed between her breasts and I moaned deeply. knowing I needed to stop before I blew my load, I gently pushed her back onto the bed. I wanted to tease her but I couldn't wait to taste her wet pussy once more, so I took my tongue straight to her clit. I licked and sucked as Chloe moaned and ran her fingers through my hair. I reached up and squeezed her boobs again. Within minutes, her body tensed and her legs tightened around my head just as they had done in the club. Her body shuddered and her hands tugged at my hair. I could taste her warm juices gently running from her soaking wet pussy.

I stood up and admired her curvy body laying on the bed, gently writhing in the ecstasy of orgasm. After allowing a moment for her to enjoy the feeling, I stepped forward once more, rubbing my throbbing member between her legs. Chloe reached down and guided me into her. Her pussy was tight and hot, I had to be careful not to cum straight away. I began moving with long slow strokes that had made Chloe moan in a high-pitched tone.

"Uuuhhh, fuck meee"

She ran her hands through her blonde hair and then gripped the bed as the feeling intensified. Her rock-hard nipples staring back at me as I admired her body.

"Faster" She whimpered

I obliged willingly and positioned my arms either side of her head, holding myself over her. She spread her legs wide and I plunged deep strokes into her, faster and faster. Her moans quickened and she soon came again, grabbing my shoulders and she screamed. I didn't slow my pace. Her tits bounced with every powerful thrust, as mixture of her spit and my fluids glistened in her cleavage. Her eyes rolled in her head as she squealed with pleasure, holding her legs wide apart with her hands. The bed was the perfect height as I plunged myself as deep into her as my rock-hard cock would go. I continued thrusting and could feel my own orgasm drawing closer. Chloe knew what was coming and looked passionately into my eyes, her blue eyes were as sexy as they had been when I first noticed them earlier that night and that pushed me over the edge. I pulled my cock from inside of her and came in thick ropes over her pussy and stomach, with some reaching up to her tits. I stepped back, exhausted, and admired the view in front of me. A gorgeous blonde bombshell, covered in my cum, still panting heavily as her body pulsed from multiple orgasms.

After moment she reached to her chest, ran her finger through a trail of my cum and brought it to her lips. She tantalizingly licked it off. Chloe sat up and leaned forward to take my shimmering cock into her mouth once more. She licked the tip and gently wrapped her lips around it, sucking the last of the juice straight from me. Her lips glistened with the glaze of my cum. The rest of it was running down her body, over her pussy and off onto the bed. My cock began to rise once more as her warm tongue circled my helmet. Chloe proved once more how she was a blowjob expert. As I reached full hardness, my cock completely filled her mouth. She gagged a little as she took my full length, but carried on sucking. I was tender from the orgasm I’d just had, but the feeling was far outweighed by the euphoria of Chloe's abilities. Faster and faster she rocked her head back and forth down the length of my shaft. Soon enough, I reached my climax once more. I didn't ejaculate as much this time, but my orgasm was just as powerful. I moaned deeply and loudly as my cock contracted in her mouth, leaking warm cum onto her tongue. Chloe sat back.

"You just can't get enough can you?" I asked, breathing heavily

"I don't hear you complaining" She answered, smiling

I started buttoning my shirt "We'll have to do this again sometime"

My suggestion was met with an even bigger smile "Of course. See you soon"

I finished redressing and left. I'd definitely picked the right woman that night. I got back to my hotel and went to bed. I couldn't wait for my next encounter with Chloe.


I turned my phone off and slipped it back into my pocket. Chloe was awesome but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to go for a drink with Cherri, who knows where it might lead? Sean came back from another lap dance. He looked at Dan, who was still slightly dazed.

"You alright big man?"

"I'm not totally sure" replied Dan

"Haha, don't tell me you're having second thoughts about marrying my sister now?" Sean joked

"Nah, no no. Of course not" Dan stuttered, coming to his senses finally

I interjected "Listen lads, I'm gonna call it a night in a bit. Going for a drink with that Cherri"

"Fuck off! No way! Really?" Shouted Sean "How'd that happen?"

"I don't know really, we had a quick chat after the dance and she just asked me to go for a drink. She must like me" I answered, smugly

"Can I come?" pleaded Dan

"I think you've had your fill tonight fella. Plus, don't let Yas hear you talking like that" I laughed

Dan sat back from the edge of his seat, solemnly drinking his beer. Cherri approached the table. She was wearing a black designer coat that hid her fine figure. Black heels made her slightly taller than me.

"Still up for that drink?" She asked

"Of course" I got up and followed her out.

"The bar isn't far, just around the corner"

We walked for a couple of minutes until we reached a large Victorian style building. The curtains in the windows were all drawn and the door was closed. Cherri knocked. A large man opened the door, clearly security of some kind.

"Hi Ray, busy tonight?" Asked Cherri as she stepped inside

"Nah, dead" Replied the man.

I followed her inside. The doorman watched me as I entered. We stepped into a large Victorian style bar. fancy tables and decor were scattered around the room. There was probably about 12 people here, all couples by the look of things. We approached the bar and Cherri handed her coat over to the barman, who hung it on a peg behind the bar. Only now could I see what Cherri was wearing. She wore a tight black dress that was very short, barely covering her ass. The dress was backless too, running right down to the small of her back. Her dark red hair fell down her back and filled the empty space. At the front, her large breasts were bulging from the low cut, silky fabric. She looked utterly amazing. I stared for a second, almost wondering what her body beneath was like, regardless of the fact I’d seen it all not long ago.

"You look incredible" I told her

"Thanks, you're a handsome man yourself" She smiled

We bought some drinks and headed to a table in the corner. A door opened at the other side of the room and another couple entered. They both looked flushed and tired, especially the male. They kissed on the cheek and he left, as she headed to the bar.

"What is this place?" I asked Cherri

"It's a brothel mainly" She stated, bluntly "Most of the girls here are working girls. Some strippers who whore on the side and others just here for some fun"

"And you?" I queried

"Well I’m not a hooker. I'm just a stripper who likes a nice quiet drink with the guys who aren't total perverts. It's quiet here and filled with my kind of people"

Cherri took a large sip of her wine. Some condensation from the glass dripped onto her chest and ran into her cleavage.

I stopped looking at her chest before I was caught "That's fair enough I suppose" I said, "I'm honoured that you don't think I'm a pervert" We both chuckled

"What's your name?" I asked

"You know my name" Cherri retorted

"Your real name"

She paused for moment before answering "Hazel, but seriously, I prefer Cherri. It's not just a stripper name, people have called me Cherri since I was a little girl"

"I see, I'll stick with Cherri then"

"Why'd you want to know anyway?" She asked

"You fascinate me. I want to know more about you. I met you barely 2 hours ago and I'm so intrigued by you"

"Guys don't want to get to know strippers, guys just want to fuck them" She stated

"Can you blame them? You're experts in teasing us, and most guys can't cope with just teasing" I said

"But you're not like most guys are you? There's something different about you" Cherri looked as intrigued by me as I was by her

I sipped at my drink "How did you get into stripping?"

"I used to be a dancer in nightclubs. One night I got talking to a guy who owned a couple of gentleman's clubs. He asked if I'd be interested in making some real money. I went along for a trial and have been stripping ever since. I love it. I can make decent money, it keeps me fit and I get to meet lots of people"

"You're great at what you do" I remarked "You had me mesmerized. Not to mention what you did to poor Dan"

Cherri laughed "Thanks, I think he was dribbling at one stage haha"

We carried on drinking and chatting for a while, until Cherri looked at her phone.

"It's getting late, and I'm working again tomorrow night. I'd better be going" She said

"Let me walk you home. I can protect you from the perverts that way" I joked

"Sure, it's not far"

She grabbed her coat and we made our way to hers. It was nearly 5am by this point and the sun was starting to rise. before long, we reached Cherri's front door.

"Where's your hotel?" she asked

"Across town from here, I'll call a taxi"

"Don't" Cherri looked at me with intent "Stay here with me"

Her dark brown eyes looked deeply into mine. Her lips parted slightly and she reached out to take my hand. I stepped closer to her and placed my other hand on her waist. I leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were cold, as were mine, but they soon warmed as our heart rates increased. I gently pushed her against the outside of her door. Our kisses intensified and she pulled my waist close to hers. She opened the door quickly and we almost fell inside, kicking the door shut behind us. She pushed me hard against the wall of her hallway. Her hands were frantically searching for a way into my jeans through the darkness. I grabbed her ass and pulled up her tight dress, squeezing her ass cheeks hard. Cherri finally found a way into my jeans and pulled them down just enough, dropping to her knees in front of me. With my back against the wall, my rock-hard cock sprung free in front of her face and within a second, became engulfed in her warm, wet mouth. She spat on my cock, lubing it up for another deep plunge into her throat. I placed my hands on the side of her head, running my fingers into her fiery hair. Her green eyes glanced up at me, longingly. My grip on her head tightened as I forced my cock hard into her throat and began face-fucking her. Cherri's eyes began to water as she gagged on my throbbing member. She gripped my legs, pulling me towards her with every thrust, clearly wanting more. Spit ran down her chin and onto her tits, which had completely fallen out of her dress in the rumpus.

After a few minutes of devouring my cock and having her throat fucked, Cherri pulled back. She wiped her mouth and chin with her arm and stood up. She held my hard, sloppy penis in her hand and started to walk towards the lounge, slipping her hand off but running one finger from base to tip as she did so. I followed her in. Her lounge was large and modern, with photos of Cherri and her friends and family dotted around the room. Before she had a chance to sit on the couch, I bent her over the armrest and positioned myself behind her round ass. The redhead reached both hands back, pulled her dress up and her cheeks apart, exposing her knicker-less pussy and asshole to me. Her pussy was visibly wet and very inviting. I rubbed my cock over her lips and slowly slid inside her vagina. Cherri let out a gasp as it filled her tight hole. I grabbed her waist and stared fucking her.

"Uuuhhhh" She cried out with pleasure as my balls slapped against her clitoris. I held her waist and pulled her close to me with every thrust, deeper and deeper. She grabbed my arms tightly as I held her. Her body jumped with every thrust. She lifted her right leg and I held it up, spreading it out wide. This allowed me to slide even deeper inside her. Her flexible body made it easy to position her where I needed her. Cherri's pussy was sopping wet by now but very tight, even as I stretched it with my solid member. I pounded her hard and deep as she screamed with ecstasy. After a while, her body froze and then began to shudder. Her moans turned to loud panting and I felt her vagina contract around me as she orgasmed powerfully. I slowed my pace, allowing her to fully enjoy the feeling. After a few seconds, she stood up, and my cock slipped from her soaked pussy. Cherri reached down and tugged me gently towards her, leading me around to the front of the sofa.

She took off her dress as I unbuttoned my shirt, slipping it off my shoulders. Her body still shocked me, even though I knew what to expect. The dim sunlight breaking through the lounge blinds lit up the room just enough for me to see Cherri clearly. Her fiery hair was illuminated as the streaks of light passed through her locks. Her wet pussy glistened, as did a few beads of sweat on her forehead and chest. I sat down on the sofa in front of her. All Cherri was wearing now was her black heels. She began to dance. Her moves were so rhythmic that it almost created its own music among the early morning silence. It didn't matter that there was no real music playing. Her ass swayed and her boobs jiggled as the talented dancer showcased her abilities. Dropping to the ground, she prowled towards me on all fours, keeping eye contact with me the entire time. Her hands slid up my thighs and onto the sofa either side of me. Grabbing my waistband, Cherri pulled off my jeans and boxers. I kicked my shoes and socks off quickly. My cock was solid. Its full, large length stood tall in Cherri's gorgeous face. Her juices were still partially shining on my shaft. She stood up and turned away from me, once again showing me her perfect round ass. She bent forward at the waist, peering around her long, muscular legs. Reaching through, her hand tantalizingly stroked at her pussy. My eyes were fixed between her legs. Cherri stepped back close to me and began to lower herself down. Her ass cheeks sat either side of my cock and she started grinding her hips on my lap. Cherri leant back, pressing her bare back against my torso and wrapped her arm around the back of my neck, pulling my face alongside hers. I kissed at her neck as my cock throbbed between her ass cheeks. Using her free arm, the beauty reached down and pulled my cock from between her cheeks and began to rub it on her wet pussy. Slowly, she moved her hips forward, sliding my tip and shaft into her. Cherri rotated her hips once again as she rode me, grinding her body on mine. She leant forward and placed her hands on my knees. Her ass began to bounce up and down on my cock as her buttocks slapped around my groin. I held her waist and slid my hands up and around to cup her perfect breasts. I pinched at her nipples as Cherri began to moan and pant once again. Every bounce saw my cock fully inside her tight vagina. My breathing became heavier and faster and I too began to sweat. Reading the signal that I was close, Cherri stood up and turned to face me. She placed her knees either side of my waist and climbed onto me. I laid back as much as I could on the sofa as the redhead popped me back inside of her. She rode me like a woman possessed, her huge tits bouncing in my face as she did so. I groped her tits, sucked her nipples hard and slapped her ass. Cherri looked deep into my eyes and said 3 words any man loves to hear.

"Cum inside me"

I grabbed her ass firmly to stop her bouncing. She moved her torso close to mine, spreading her ass and pussy wide. Cherri wrapped her sleek fingers around the sides of my face and neck, still staring into my eyes. She knew what was coming. I slid my hips down towards the edge of the seat more, grabbed her waist again and began thrusting my solid cock hard into her pussy. Faster and faster I pounded, my balls slapping against her ass.

"Fuckkkk, uuuhhhhhhh" She screamed as I gave her every inch "Oh my god, I'm gonna cummmm"

We came together. I fired blast after blast of hot cum deep inside of her, as we both groaned with orgasm. Her body trembled and my balls contracted as they finished their job. Soon, my erection started to subside and my cock slipped out of her. My cum soon followed, dripping out of her still-pulsing hole and falling onto my softening manhood. We kissed passionately as my seed ran out of her. Cherri sat up and moved her legs off of the sofa, standing in front of me. She looked down at the mess we'd made around my cock. In one last naughty action, Cherri held her long hair to one side as she bent down and licked our cum from my cock and the surrounding area. After it was all gone, she swallowed and flashed me a devilish smile.

"It's almost morning, you might as well sleep here with me for a bit until you go back to your hotel" Cherri suggested, hopefully

"It is morning" As I motioned towards the digital clock that read 7:14am "But I’ll still take you up on the offer.

She took my hand and led me upstairs to her bedroom. As I laid in the bed, thinking about how I'd just fucked the hottest, sexiest woman I'd ever met, I knew that this would be one stag party that I would never ever forget.


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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 7

Dave watched Bob move to the end of the bed, admire then caress Trish’s butt, before stepping back to remove his clothes.  Whilst Bob disrobed, Dave stepped out of the room to check on Sally again.  He was amazed to see Adam sitting in a chair next to Sally, and her holding his hand.  She had her eyes shut, with Ezekiel towering over her, hips moving with hard determined thrusts. Dave looked to Sally’s face, expecting it to show pain, as she was being taken so hard.  But there was nothing but...

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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 6

Dave left the lock on the penthouse door snipped open, so he didn’t have run and open it for Sally each time she came up with the food.  Fifteen minutes after he had called downstairs, she pushed her way through the door, carrying a tray with the starters.  She put them down and slipped off a thin white cotton housecoat, revealing her maid's outfit.“Christ! Sally, you can’t wear that, you’ll have the men grabbing at you all night..…  Did Trish pick that?”“No, it's what I chose, I don’t want...

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After the Stag

I attended my future son-in-law’s stag party which was amazing enough in itself, but I woke up the next morning to find myself on the sofa at his parents house in just my boxers and covered only by a thin sheet.   I could remember most of the night but not going back to his parents house.   I checked my watch and found it was almost midday. I called out but there was no one around so I wrapped myself up in the sheet and made for the bathroom. I took a long shower and I gave myself a nice...

2 years ago
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Stag weekend fun

I was recently on a Stag weekend where I finally had anotherguy on guy experience. Thought I’d share this with you. It’s not a quickie, but it is pretty much what happened. I’ll call him Jack. Years ago, I was at a party hosted by the groom where there included a group of three girls, one of which was called Jo. She was with her then boyfriend and to some extent she become part of our circle of friends. Jo has always had that really cute, if not stunningly beautiful, look, and frankly I’ve...

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Game of Moans The Stag Prince

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Katie stag do whore and slut

I have slowly been drifting into selling my body for money. I started with standing on the street, dressed like a tart and accepting any punter who turned up. I have worked lorry parks and industrial estates, entertaining drivers on an overnight trip or else a 10 minute cock suck for those taking a break. I did it for the thrill. My experience with the pimp Mila was mixed, a little rough to begin with and then more on my terms-Although Mila could have had any of the girls working for him I...

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My friend Mary takes on a stag night in Amsterdam

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After the Stag

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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 13

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Secret Santa Stag

So, it was about time for the annual Christmas/Holiday party, and as usual, I was more than ready to participate. Of course, I was a lapsed Catholic, but a secret pagan side of me thought of it as Yule, which was the true origin of Christmas, anyway. Anyway, the parties tended to get a little wild at our company, a publishing firm where I was one of the rising young editors. Many of us were single young adults, and it was not unheard-of for a few people to get laid at the thing each year, often...

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Mein Name ist Paul, ich bin 16 Jahre alt und bin etwas aufgregt... Mein Freund Flo (Florian) hat heute Geburtstag und hat nicht nur mich, sondern auch M

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Heathers Birthday Party

I'm usually a party animal, but tonight I wasn't in the mood for dancing or flirting and especially not taking some random guy into a private room for fooling around! All these were things I would usually be doing... but not tonight, and all because of Drew. Drew was Heather's 18 year old boyfriend, he was gorgeous, Nearly 6 feet tall, with an amazing body, warm chocolately brown eyes and longish, messy, sandy blonde hair. I of course had the hugest crush on him! The weird thing is I...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Spirit of the White StagChapter 3

The gray light of dawn snuck into the cabin and Colin became aware, once again, of the soft and delicate female still sleeping on his chest. Under any other circumstances, he'd have gotten up and started his day. But these weren't his usual circumstances. In fact, there was nothing about this day that could be called "usual". Letting the memories of what they'd shared during the night roam around in his memory, it began to register that the cabin was still warm, even though he hadn't...

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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 12

Trish slid off the bed, pulled on the long toweling robe that came with the bungalow, and stepped out to the lounge.  She was pretty sure she knew who would be outside the door, and, knew that if she had let Dave answer it, he would have sent him away.  She should probably do the same, but she had had a threesome fantasy for many years and had been horny thinking about it since her talk with Alain in the bungalow earlier.  Dave thought that he had come up with the fantasy of her and him sharing...

Wife Lovers
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Catering for a Stag Do Chapter 11

As they walked towards the bungalow, in the balmy night air, Jacques lifted Trish’s dress up above her waist. Although there was no one around, the thrill of someone maybe walking around the corner, had Trish blushing and excited.  It was almost a full moon, the light and the shadows this cast, really accentuated the curve of her hips and butt.Dave followed suit, lifting Jacquelyn‘s dress. She gave a gasp of embarrassment but didn’t attempt to pull it down. He pulled back and walked slightly...

Wife Lovers
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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 10

Trish was worried it was Jacques back early, but Dave climbed off the bed, and walked to the front door, knowing it would be room service.  He had ordered an assortment of things off the breakfast/brunch menu, knowing they were both going to need energy.  Especially since they had not had anything substantial the night before.But when he opened the door, he found Jacquelyn, standing there, looking extremely nervous.“Sorry, but can I come in and talk with Trish for a minute?”  she asked.  Dave...

Wife Lovers
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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 9

Dave was looking into his open safe, there were a few business documents and the two very incriminating DVD’s, but his eyes were resting on the eight and a half thousand US dollars.  They only had a couple of bookings for January, which was a relief, as they had had functions coming out their ears for the last three months.  He transferred his attention to their function book and checked the details of those two bookings.  Neither was that large, Sally could handle them, as both were on a...

Wife Lovers
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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 8

When Trish and Dave got down to the bedroom, they found no sign of Sally.  They didn’t know what room was Ezekiel’s so they just had to hope that Rufus was right about Ezekiel looking after her.It was a little after midnight, so they just cuddled up together and went to sleep.——When Sally walked away from the master bedroom, her whole body was in a state of excited upheaval.  So much had happened that night, her mind was in a turmoil trying to process everything.  She had never even fantasized...

Wife Lovers
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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 3

Once Trish left, Dave set about seeing what cocktails he could make, sorting through the liquor that Bob had supplied.  He couldn’t believe how much there was.  He noted that amongst the common spirits supplied, there was a bottle of vodka and one of peach schnapps.  He had brought cranberry juice, so he was going to be able to make a ‘Sex on the beach’ cocktail.  He had coconut juice, pineapple Juice, and Orange Juice, and noted there was a bottle of Bacardi, so Piña Colada was another on the...

Wife Lovers
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Stag Weekend Part 3Sunday Homecoming

Plus we all wanted to shower and clean off the smell of other woman before we went back to our girls if you catch my drift. I met Bill and Jason as they checked out and as I finished settling up my bill Rick walked out of the elevator and to the counter looking a bit more than content as he threw me a wink. After a light breakfast at the diner next door Bill and Jason took off home in Bills car. They had come together as they both lived on the other side of the city, same as Rick and I we...

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Stag Weekend Part 2Saturday Night

We got dressed and rode down in the elevator together and she gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving by the service exit. I turned to see my three friends looking at me as I slapped her ass when she walked away. They cheered and applauded as I walked to them. The breakfast was filled with the previous nights exploits as Rick, Jason and I had all gotten laid. Bill had gone to his room and watched porn until two am. After breakfast we did some sight seeing and wound up back at the hotel...

2 years ago
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Stag Weekend Part 1Friday Night

We decided on the long weekend two weeks before the wedding. So we would check into the hotel on Friday afternoon have a leisurely evening and take the condemned man to a local peeler bar Saturday night. Then we check out Sunday morning and have an extra day with the holiday Monday to recover before returning to work Tuesday. We decided there would be no room sharing we each booked a room in the hotel and only Bill and I had rooms on the same floor. Rick was a floor above us and Jason three...

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A husband attends stag night at his local club and gets drunk out of his mind8230 again

Andy was dead drunk, and when he was like that somebody eventually had to take him home. We left him lying around for a while because it wasn’t a pleasant task. Andy was one of those guys who fell to bits suddenly when he reached his limit. When he went he was gone. The trouble with Andy was that he did it all too often and his wife was pretty much sick and tired of it. Al’s bucks night had been great up till now, but it was over and somebody had to take Andy home. We drew...

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White Lactating Wife is a Black Stag Party Slut

It is a little unusual to find a couple who was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota living in North Carolina. That was the case for my wife Cindy and me when we moved to Raleigh. My father retired from the Army and he and Mom were living near Raleigh when his health declined. Mom needed help taking care of things around the house from time to time, so I agreed to move near them and help. My name is Greg and I went to trade school for a year to become a machinist after graduating from high...

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Wife has sexy adventure with grandad in seven stag

I just wanted to share a little tale involving my ex when she was just 22 and we were married for a year, the reason being that though it was so many years ago, it still turns me on to remember it... and especially as my ex was at her stunning best then, with a mane of crimson hair, pert little tits, long legs, a gorgeous ass and most of all, an adventurous attitude.We had rented a holiday cottage in Devon, next door to a widowed man, let’s call him Maurice, who lived there permanently. Maurice...

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Stag Cuckolds Adventure

You are Robin Wren, a great looking college sophomore, and you are once again stroking your large cock to cuckold porn; currently and seemingly perpetually girlfriend lacking. That isn't completely true, you aren't perpetually lacking a girlfriend. Yesterday, you had a girlfriend, Penny . She wasn't even your first girlfriend this semester. There was also Nancy and last semester there was Tracy, Kristin,Leslie, and Jane. You don't seem to have any trouble getting a girlfriend. Your great looks,...


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