Catering For A Stag Do - Chapter 8 free porn video

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When Trish and Dave got down to the bedroom, they found no sign of Sally.  They didn’t know what room was Ezekiel’s so they just had to hope that Rufus was right about Ezekiel looking after her.

It was a little after midnight, so they just cuddled up together and went to sleep.


When Sally walked away from the master bedroom, her whole body was in a state of excited upheaval.  So much had happened that night, her mind was in a turmoil trying to process everything.  She had never even fantasized about something like what she had watched, but it had rekindled the sexual need she had been feeling that night.  ‘God three men at once, and Trish!!! The one woman she had thought was elegant and proper, almost a prude. Unbelievable!

Then she thought about what had happened with Ezekiel in the other room, she had no idea how many orgasms she had had.  She thought it was three, but it all seemed like one long orgasm it was that good.  His huge black body towering over her pale frame, really got her buzzing.  Plus the fact he was nothing like the three men she had previously slept with.  The first was hardly any older than her and had no experience.  The next she didn’t even want to think about.    Then Jules who had used her for two weeks then dumped her with nothing but humiliation and betrayal.

Ezekiel had made love to her; she now knew that what she read in some of her more raunchy love storybooks, actually could happen.  He had made love to her, then when she came, he had kissed her whole body from head to toe, finally finishing up between her legs where he ate her until she came again.  Then not even leaving her to recover, he was in her again and drove her to at least one more orgasm, maybe more, she was a bit unclear about that part of the act until he came in her, and she knew she definitely came when that happened.

She came out of her thought’s realizing that Ezekiel was asking her a question.  “I said, do you want to come and sleep in my room?”

Sally didn’t hesitate, replying, “Yes!”  She didn’t want to face Trish and Dave until she sorted out everything racing around her brain.  The two of them had walked out of the penthouse and down the corridor to his suite.

Ezekiel dropped his robe, took hers from her shoulders, drew the covers back and they climbed into bed.  He kissed her then asked her what she thought about what they had just watched.  She replied that she needed time to sort out what she felt.  Then Ezekiel asked her if she would like to do that.  Without really thinking, she replied, “I’d do anything you wanted.”  He asked her if she needed to use the toilet, and she realized she was busting, so nodded her head.

“Right, go to the bathroom, I need to get something, I’ll be back in a minute,” he said as he hopped out of bed.

When Sally had peed and washed, she climbed into bed and lay back, thinking about the fantastic night.  She heard the door open but did not open her eyes, wondering what he would do to her, thinking, ‘surely he can’t do it again’, as she had read lots of stories saying most men only were capable of doing it once a night.  

She eased her eyes open just enough to see his silhouette, standing out against the lights of the city, just before he crawled in beside her.  She noted he had turned out the main lights, so the room was bathed in a mellow glow from the open bathroom door and the city lights pouring in through the huge wall to ceiling window.

Then as his beautiful body snuggled into her, she felt another body climb onto the bed and cuddle into her back.

Her eyes flew open, flicking her head back she saw it was Adam.  She felt embarrassed, but Ezekiel turned her head back to him and kissed her, making her feel safe.

Then he pulled back, looked at her, and asked her if she was okay.

She said she was, then, “But I don’t want to do what they were doing."

Ezekiel, understood she meant the threesome, and asked, “Why, is it the anal? Have you never done that?”

She was embarrassed, and reluctantly replied, “Yes! I had a boyfriend for two weeks, and that’s all he wanted to do the second week, and it hurt.”

Ezekiel told her to relax they wouldn’t do anything she did not want, he told Adam to go and pour a couple of glasses of bubbly.  He got out of bed himself and plugged his iPhone into the stereo, and put on some music she had never heard before.

As Adam got back into bed, she noticed her clothes were over on the settee, they must have brought them back for her.  Adam placed the bottle (in an ice bucket) on the bedside table, then handed her the glass.  She sat up next to him and took a sip, it was beautiful, she asked Adam what it was. 

“French champagne, very expensive stuff. I took it from the fridge in the penthouse.” He replied.

Sally and Adam sat sipping their drinks, Ezekiel declined a glass, explaining he had had enough.  But he talked with her and asked all about her boyfriend.  After Sally explained what Jules had done, Ezekiel said to give her his address and he would organize someone to go around and give him a good reaming up his arse with no lubrication.

Sally sniggered, noticing she had finished her glass and that Adam was refilling it, she realized she was getting quite tipsy on just one glass.  She told Ezekiel he needn’t bother, as Dave had already sorted Jules out.  They discussed the music, Ezekiel explained each song, the songs were all made by black bands around Los Angeles. Before she knew it Adam was attempting to fill her glass again.

She refused, pointing out she was feeling all warm and fuzzy and had already had too much.

Ezekiel was lying on his side, head propped up on his left arm, he looked like a model out of one of her girly magazines, only none of those models were handsome black men.  He reached out and pulled her down to his lips and she trilled with the feeling of him searching out her tongue.  She wriggled herself down beside him, feeling his arousal pressed hard against her.  

She felt Adam spooned her from behind, kissed her neck, then down her back, onto her pert little globes.  And then he was was trying to get his tongue between her cheeks and into her ass.  The feelings were so good, she was almost disappointed to feel Ezekiel rolling onto his back and pulling her up to lie on top.

Ezekiel roughly pushed his hand between them and guided himself into her, his need very plain, arousal distorting his face.  She tensed up, as she felt Adam moving into position behind, knowing very well what his intentions were.

“Relax!” Ezekiel said in her ear, “You have to relax, I promise you it will be alright.”  And he started moving against her, long deliberate strokes, that immediately had those wonderful feelings returning. 

Sally felt a squirt of cold cream, poured directly onto her firmly clamped tiny orifice.  And relaxed a little as Adam massaged the lubrication softly up and down between her cheeks.  But when he started pushing his finger in, she tensed again.

“I can feel you tensing up again, and although it feels great when you grip my cock like that, it’s going to be much better for you if you can relax.”  Ezekiel spoke into her ear.

Adam was patient, he massaged all around her butt, now and again, touching her hole, as he brushed his fingers past it.  Then as she finally succumbed totally to Ezekiel’s ministrations, and relaxed.  She felt Adam, inserting his finger, just a little at first then before she knew it, he had his whole finger in and it felt great.

He began to jerk it in and out, almost vibrating it,  She was finally relaxed, and the attention Adam was giving her, felt just as good as what Ezekiel was doing to her.  He had pushed her up from him, so he could suck on her nipples, and was still thrusting into her with long steady strokes.  She was as much turned on by the look of desire on Ezekiel’s face, as what the two of them were actually doing to her.

Then she felt Adam rise up and push his cock against her, he held it there against her ass, waiting for her to relax and accept it.  

Ezekiel lifted her up higher and looked into her eyes, “Relax!  Push back against it, and make like you want to poop."

She tried, what he said, and was rewarded with a smile from him.  

“Good girl, I felt that. Now again.” He said.

And this time as she pushed back into Adam, she felt his knob pop in through the resisting muscles.  There was a little pain, but this was not the terrible ripping pain like when Jules had done her.  This was actually a pleasant pain that brought her a trill of pleasure and pride, in that she was pleasing both men.  She had to move her legs further apart, as they were stretching her.  She was amazed that she could take them, and that the pain was nothing like she expected it to be.

She pushed back now, wanting more, and both men obliged, upping their tempo and pushing into her harder.  The feeling in between her legs was almost unbearable, she bucked and writhed her small butt around between them.  It took a while, with both men grunting in pleasure, but still, it was over much too fast for her.  Although she wanted it to last forever, she couldn’t hold her emotions back and erupted into an orgasm that almost left her lifeless between them.  She lay gasping, fighting for breath, and the thought flashed through her mind, ‘had it been as good for them?’

They all rolled apart and let their hearts calm down.  She watched Ezekiel fall asleep, felt Adam spooning up against her, then he relaxed, and she knew he had also nodded off.  Soon after, with a huge smile on her face, she slipped into dreamland as well.

She awoke, to the early dawn light creeping in through the window.  Crawled over Adam, and went to the toilet.  When she returned and crawled back over Adam, he grabbed her, rolled her on her back and climbed between her legs.  Their lovemaking was slow and languorous, he was patient, and as he drove her towards her first climax of the morning, she glanced over at Ezekiel.

He was watching her with a warm smile on his face.  As her pleasure peaked, both of them held eye contact.  It made her orgasm much more rewarding.  She was happy when Adam got up and went to the shower.  She felt an urgent need to have Ezekiel take her as well.

Ezekiel rolled over beside her, cuddled into her, but let her calm down a little.  But then apologizing to her, he also climbed above her.  “I’m sorry but I need you as well.”

“I don’t mind, in fact, I might want you more than you want me.”

She opened her legs wide, pulled him down and into her.  He started very slow and tenderly, but when his iPhone rang out an alarm, he annoyedly hit it silent and took her in haste.  As he was pounding into her, amazingly being driven toward another orgasm, she heard the door opening and two house boys entering the room with trays of food.

Ezekiel didn’t hesitate or even slow down his assault on her body, so she just rolled her head towards the window, so they couldn’t see her blushing red with embarrassment.

Ezekiel came and this set her off as well.  Once calmed down, she looked over to see if the house boys had left.  And was happy to see the only Adam was in the room, happily sitting at the table eating breakfast.  She realized she was also famished, so when Ezekiel rolled off her and headed to the shower, she stood up and walked over to join Adam for breakfast.  She didn’t even think about pulling on her robe, it was hung over the arm of the sofa, but with all their seed and her juices running down her legs, she did not want to dirty it.  So just grabbed Adam’s wet towel off the floor and sat on that.

There were trays of food, she had no idea when anyone had ordered it, but it was prepared for three, so it had to be after Adam had arrived in their room.  There was cereal and fruit, pancakes, toast, bacon, eggs, and two large containers of coffee.  Adam asked her what she wanted, she indicated the pancakes, and he served her one covered in maple syrup.  Then added blueberries, pecan nuts, and a big blob of cream on the edge on the plate.  He served her another two before her hunger was sated.

Ezekiel finished his shower, dressed in his golf clothes, then sat beside her serving himself a small portion of cereal and fruit.  She speared a blueberry, then a piece of pancake wiped it through the Maple syrup and caught up a bit of the cream.  Offering it up to him, she felt a thrill as she watched his mouth open, his pink tongue flicker around, tasting the air, then leaned forward and took it in his mouth.  This gorgeous warm feeling flooded through her, and she knew if he asked her, she would be over on the bed in a flash, legs spread, wanting him to take her again.

Both the men finished their breakfast and made ready to leave.  Ezekiel came over to her and gave her a kiss goodbye.  “You are a very special young lady, I will remember you for the rest of my life.” And he turned to the door.  

Then called over his shoulder.  “There is an envelope on the bedside table for you.  They tell me there is no tipping in NZ, but the three of us all decided we were all going to tip Trish if it was a good night, so I’ve left you my contribution.  Please don’t take it the wrong way, it's just for you to buy yourself something nice to remember me by.  It’ll make me feel good if you accept it as it is intended.”

Adam also came and kissed her, “I don’t want to go, but you understand it’s out of my hands.  I’d like to see you again.”

Then they were gone.  She felt a bit cold, so she headed into the bathroom and took a shower.  Finished, she went to put on her maid's clothes, that were bundled up on the sofa.  But not wanting the hassle of dressing up, she just pulled on the robe, picked everything up, and headed down to the suite on the floor below.

When Sally opening the door to the suite she immediately heard the sounds of Dave and Trish making love.  So she tiptoed over, disrobed, and slid beneath the covers off the foldout bed.  She lay there, trying to shut out the sounds of their lovemaking, and soon was asleep.


Dave woke at around 7:00, he thought about phoning up for room service.  But realized he wasn’t all that hungry, and besides, he knew there was plenty of food up in the penthouse.  So he slipped out of bed and into the bathroom.  When he came out, Trish was awake and she beckoned him to come and lie beside her.

They talked about the night before, which soon had them both feeling horny and making love.  After, when Dave’s heart had slowed near to normal, he said he would go and clean upstairs and bring the leftover food down for breakfast.  “You go back to sleep for a while, I should be no more than an hour.”

He got dressed, then moved through into the lounge, where he saw that Sally had come back.  She was asleep, spreadeagled only half under the covers.  He went over covered her up, lightly kissed her on the forehead, then headed upstairs.

The first thing he did in the penthouse, was to retrieve all three camera’s and hid them under the unused glasses, etc.  The camera’s sorted, he then packed everything else.  It didn’t take long, as he didn’t need to clean very much, just empty the dishwasher and gather everything up.  Like last time he had done a function for Bob, most of the supplied booze was untouched.  He did notice there were only three bottles of Champagne in the fridge though, he guessed that Ezekiel must have taken one to his room to share with Sally.

He took the first load of glasses, plates, and bottles of booze, down to the van.  Then returned for the plates, warmers, and cookware.  Finally, he piled the leftover food onto the trolley and headed back down to their room to make brunch for the girls.


Sally woke, she was vaguely aware she had been woken by Dave leaving the room.  She looked at her phone and figured she’d slept for nearly an hour.  She was busting to go to the toilet, all seemed quiet, so she crept through to the bathroom, noticing that as she had thought, Dave was gone.  When she came out she saw that Trish was awake and beckoning her over to lay beside her.

“Do you want to talk about last night before Dave gets back?  He’s up clearing everything out of the penthouse.”

Sally nodded at Trish, but she was embarrassed, and hung her head, not wanting to look Trish in the eye.  Trish was obviously naked in the bed and she didn’t know how to approach the subject of what she had seen.

Trish patted beside her, “Here, I’ll wrap the sheet around me.  Lie beside me. Dave has told me you saw a lot more than we wanted you to see.  So I need to try and explain.”

Trish then explained how she had been given a lot of unasked for attention by an uncle when she was young.  Her mother hadn’t believed her and she had had to cope with things herself.  She did this, by shutting down every man that made the slightest of advances, she even rebuffed men that made even the most simple of innuendoes about sex to her.  She had grown up with the reputation of being the goody-goody of their neighborhood, and that had stuck all her life.  But the fact was, inside she had always had an urge to rebel and rued the exciting escapade’s she had missed out on.  Especially some of the more spicy ones her girlfriends had bragged about.

She had already told Sally some of what had happened at her first striptease.   But she now her filled in, with a lot more detail, what had actually happened.  Also how Dave and she had been almost disbelieving themselves, at how each had reacted on the night.  Then with time and after much soul-searching, had come to a mutual understanding that they both would quite like to experience it again.

“So I hope you, don’t judge me too badly and will stay working with us?  We both really want you to stay.”

“I’m all good.  I know I should have listened to you guys telling me it would be best if I left when dinner finished.  But I was having such a good time and Ezekiel was being so nice.”

Sally then went on to explain that she had just been astonished, not at what she had seen and not because she was a prude, but because she just never envisaged that that would happen at a business dinner.  Even more extraordinary for her was that Trish would ever be involved in something like that.  

But then, she explained, Ezekiel had taken her along to his room and introduced Adam into their love-making.  

“It was amazing, I now have some understanding why you might do that.  But I can’t understand Dave letting you?” 

When Trish heard about her having had both Ezekiel and Adam that night, she queried Sally about her having ever done anything like that before.

“No!”  Said Sally.  “I have only had a couple of other men.”

“So Jules wasn’t your first then?”

“No, but I don’t talk about the others.”

Trish looked over at Sally, “I don’t think we should have any secrets after all we have been through.  I would like you and I to be like sisters, be open and support one another.”

Sally nodded and slowly opened up about how she had wound up in Auckland.  

She lay back, looked upwards, and spoke to the ceiling.

"I’ve also had a lot of attention from men from an early age but didn’t react to it the way you did.  I always loved the attention.  I have four brothers, three of them older than me.  So my mother and I were always outnumbered, and I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I learned early, how to manipulate my brothers and my father to get things I wanted.

"I left school at sixteen and took up a pastry chef apprenticeship.  Three days a week I worked in a bakehouse in the industrial area of Taihape, then two days in one of their cafe’s in the center of town.  Those two days working at the cafe, I had to start at 5:30 a.m. but finished at 3:00 p.m.  The other days at the bakehouse were 8:00 to 5:00.

"Many of my girlfriends were bragging about having lost their virginity, and although I didn’t actually believe many of them.  I decided I wanted to lose mine.  I knew that guys blabbed about it, and in a small town like Taihape, that was deadly.  So I picked out the most nondescript guy I knew from school, he hardly mixed with any of the other guys I knew, and didn’t appear to be a gossip.

"We met at the movie theater on a Tuesday night; picked because hardly anyone went out on the town that night and I was unlikely to be seen with him.  We made out in the back row of the theater and I’m not at all certain he even got inside me.  But he did make a hell of a mess, I had his stuff all over my dress, down my legs and worst of all, much of it between my legs.

"I hadn’t thought it through that well, I knew about the risks of getting pregnant and thought I would just make him pull out before he came.  He was so premature, I never got the chance, I never even sensed what had happened until I felt his wetness on me.  It was a huge anticlimax, not what I had wanted or read in books.  Well, the next day it seemed like every guy in town knew I’d turned it up for Mike Menzies.

"It was truly horrible, and worse still a day later when my mother marched me off the doctor, to put me on the pill.  I guess one of my brothers had gotten back at me, by telling her what I had done.  I had to undergo all the doctor's questions, some that I could see no need for, other than his demeaning me and looking for some sexual pleasure of his own.  But he did acknowledge that as my period was due in only three days, I was unlikely to be pregnant, and he wrote me out a prescription for the pill.  Which he explained in detail, was not to be started until my period had arrived and finished.

"Of course, with all the stress, my period was three days late, and caused a great deal of stress for both my mother and I.  But even when my period came, my stress didn’t ease up much, because I had every guy in the town thinking they were going to sleep with me.  Even one guy at the bakehouse, pulling me into the storeroom and attempting to force me.  He didn’t walk upright for a couple of days. I also found that all those girlfriends that had been bragging about losing their virginity, had suddenly gone very quiet, they were all bullshit and bravado.

"About two weeks after this, my dad’s best mate (Stan Sanders), called by and sat and talked with me.  I had known him all my life and had always gone to him for support and to get answers no one else would give me.  He empathized with all I was going through and told me he wanted to see me alone, listen, and give me support.  I turned him down as I really had had a gut full of it and just wanted to forget everything.  But he insisted, telling me to meet him down by the rugby club the next day after I finished my shift at the Cafe.

"So the next day I met him there.  He ran the bar, he stocked it and cleaned out the pipes for the beer once or twice a week.  The Rugby Club and its grounds were only ever used on the weekends, sometimes there might be a mid-week function held there, but that was very rare.  He chose the Wednesday, as it was his maintenance afternoon at the bar, and was certain no one would be around.

"It was what I needed, I opened up to him about how tough things were and he was great, he really understood me.  I left feeling much better about myself, and ready to stand up to the guys giving me a hard time.  We arranged to meet the next Wednesday, and then the one after that as well, I really started looking forward to those afternoons.  I would help him with all his tasks and we would chat about all sorts of things.  Plus the guys were starting to get the message that I wasn’t going to be an easy game, and most had given up on me.

"The fourth Wednesday we met, he presented me with a beautifully wrapped present.  I was really embarrassed when I opened it, to find a racy set of yellow lace lingerie.  Embarrassment aside, a short while later, he had convinced me to model it for him.  Not even sure how, but soon after he had me flat on my back on a couch in the club lounge, my new panties pulled to one side and was making love to me.

"I knew it was wrong, hell, he was more than twenty years older than me.  But he made me feel like I was wanted and I meant something to him, when everyone around me, just seemed to want to take me down or use me.

"Stan started meeting me on Monday’s and Wednesday’s after work at the rugby club.  Some weekends he would sneak me away, lying hidden on the back seat of his car, to snatch an hour or two alone in a bush park somewhere outside of town.  He taught me lots of different ways of making love, it was thrilling and exciting. 

"Then late November I was informed I had to go to Wellington for my week of apprenticeship classes at the Wellington Polytech.  I was to be put up in a small hotel, which turned out to be more of a boarding house.  I was to travel down on the Sunday, do the hospitality course all week, then return to Taihape on the following Saturday.

"When Stan heard about my trip, he quickly came up with a plan to meet me when the course finished. 

"His job took him out of town four or five times a year, usually only for two or maybe three days.  He got me to extend my stay at the hotel until Sunday.  Also once I’d been attending the course a few days, to phone my parents and say I was staying with a girl I’d met on the course and would be home Sunday.  His idea was to drive down to meet me on the Friday, and drive me home on the Sunday.  He arranged with his work, to be away from Wednesday and led his family to believe he was up working in the Hamilton region.

"On Friday, we finished our course at midday, so some of the students could travel home, the rest of the students who were leaving on the Saturday, arranged to meet up for a party that night.  But I got a text from Stan just before lunch, saying he was waiting outside. He took me back to my room and we made love all afternoon, it was amazing.

"Then there was a very guilty hour or so, with the students from my course, banging on my door around 6:30 p.m.  They were trying to get us to open up and come to the party with them.  Banging on the door and shouting out at us that they knew what we were doing.  This gave me the first real misgivings I had had during the affair.  The thought of these people I had gotten to know and like during the course, seeing me with such an old man, had me lying in the bed feeling very embarrassed.

"We went out for dinner when the others finally left.  Then around 10:30 he took me back to the room and made me dress up in a dress and black boots he had brought with him.  The outfit was sexy, but also pretty slutty, and he drove me down to Cuba Street where he convinced me to enter a strip club with him.   I was not all that keen, something that was way out of my comfort zone.  But once we were seated on a sofa, away to the side, I calmed down and started to feel a bit excited, watching all the different acts, as the strippers bumped and ground their way past the patrons.

"After a couple of acts though, he started cuddling me and slipping his hand under the dress.  I looked around in embarrassment, to find at least three guys paying more attention to what we were doing that what was happening on the stage.  I said there were men watching us.  He just told me to go with the flow, to shut my eyes for a bit, I would soon find it exciting, and that he would protect me and wouldn’t let them come near us.

"Soon he had my panties around my ankles, my legs apart and was frigging me with two fingers.  I saw one of the men get up and walk over towards us, I rebelled, slammed my legs together and yelled at him ‘to get me out of there’.  He motioned the guy to leave us alone, told me to relax, then continued caressing me on the outside of my clothes, until I calmed down a little.

"But before long he had his hands back under my dress, and quickly worked at getting my panties down around my ankles and my breasts exposed.  I shut my eyes, but then opened them again quickly, realizing what would happen if I didn’t keep an eye on the guys.  I saw they were already starting to edge closer again and tensed up.  Stan motioned for them all to keep well away, but swiveled me around to face them and pushed my legs open wide.

"It was at that moment I realized what I had gotten myself into.  It was like a light had turned on and I was outside my body seeing everything very clearly.   I realized this was not about his caring for and loving me, it was all about his pleasure only.  For the first time, I thought about his wife, I had honestly not even thought of her before.  I thought about his family and my parents finding out.  Yes, he had kids, and only a year or two younger than me, I knew them all well.

"I just wanted it to be over and didn’t want to make a scene, so I just let him continue.  But told him to keep those guys away, not to even think about letting them come near us.  He promised he wouldn’t while fingering me hard, trying to get me to climax in front of them. 

"I realized it was not going to be over until I came, and also was aware that he would be quite happy to let those men join in, so I faked an orgasm, thinking it would then be over and we could leave.  But he wasn’t finished and made me masturbate him in front of about five masturbating guys, whilst lifting my breasts to them, and roughly pushing his fingers back between my legs, as deep as he could.  I saw the strippers watching and saw the pity in their eyes.  They were all in control, lording it over all the sad men in that joint.  I wasn’t in control, I felt dirty and used, and knew that our affair had to finish.

"The rest of the weekend was a blur, we made love, he took me out to restaurants, and to the theater.  It should have been the weekend of my life, but my feelings had radically changed.  He had pushed it too far and shown his true colors.  He even had me on the side of the road, halfway home on the Sunday.  I put up with it but knew that was to be the last time.

"When I dragged my case through the door at home though, I knew I was too late.  My mother met me at the door and I saw the anger in her eyes.  I had no idea how she knew, but was in no doubt we had been found out.  But she didn’t say anything, which I can’t forgive her for.  She should have talked to me and supported me; found out my side of the story.

"Stan came past the cafe, on Monday and told him it was over.  He tried to get me down to the rugby club after work to discuss things, but I refused him.  He harassed me on the Tuesday and again on Wednesday morning until I gave in and said I would meet him at the club later, but I wasn’t doing anything and just wanted to talk about what was going to happen, as my mother knew about us.  That seemed to sober him up a little.

"Later that day I turned up at the club, to find Mrs. Sanders waiting at the door.  I turned to ride away, but she called to me, that if I didn’t come in and talk, she would make sure everyone in the town knew what I had done to their marriage.  Inside I was met with a very sad looking Stan, and the bastard trying to argue with his wife that I had seduced him.   She obviously knew this was bullshit, but called me a cheap slut, marriage wrecker, and much more, anyway.

"The real shock though, was when she told me I was just as bad as my mother.  This was a big revelation to me, made me realize I really had been taken for a fool, that I was probably just one of several he had had in the town.

"Turned out she had caught Stan out with my mother, only a few months before.  She knew there were others, but offered him one chance, that he was to never stray again.  And threatened my mother, exposure to my father, if she even looked Stan’s away again.

"When I got home from the rugby club, I tried to have it out with my mother, but she wouldn’t talk about it, and with my brothers and my father in the house, I couldn’t push it.

"Mrs. Sanders, kicked Stan out that evening, and it quickly passed through the town, that Stan had been playing up.  I believe he went and stayed with a mate from his work.

"Then the rumor spread around town, that Mrs. Sanders knew all the women Stan had slept with, and if any took him in, she would ‘out’ them to everyone.  I’m told there were quite a few worried wives around the place. Poor old Stan, he lasted about two weeks I believe, before he packed his car and moved to Wellington.  But I was long gone by then.  I think there were a few husbands turned against him, suspicions that their wives may have been among those involved, pretty much confirmed.

"I only lasted two days, I got on the internet and found myself the room with Silvia, took some money from my eldest brothers top drawer.  I left him a note, promising to pay it back, and asked him to explain to my father that I would call and tell him I was okay once I was settled.  Saturday morning I slipped out of the house and caught the train to Auckland.

"You pretty much know the rest, I kept myself away from any men until I fell into that disastrous relationship with Jules and got burned again.  It seems I’m not much good at choosing men."


They lay there for a minute absorbing all they had told each other.

Then Trish commented.  “Your past is much like what many of my friends went through when they were in their late teens.  And I know the choice you have made in men has nothing to do with it.  You're right, your parents should have been more open and talked with you.  But I’m surprised that after all that, you like to strip?”

“Yes, I know, I’ve thought about that.  But even in the strip club with Stan, I felt the eroticism of the situation.  I guess I’m an exhibitionist, I like that feeling of being exposed and desired, but only when it’s on my terms.”

At that moment, Dave walked into the room.  The girls reacted by covering themselves and looking guilty.  Dave knew he had walked in on them, talking through what had happened.  He called out for them to ignore him and to continue talking and he would make them breakfast.

He got the scalloped potatoes out and mixed some of the leftover asparagus in with them, then set them to fry in a large pan.  He got some eggs and strips of bacon out, and started the toaster going with slices of Vogels bread.  Then he set about making a fruit smoothy with the berries, juice, milk, and cream.  Once he flipped the bubble and squeak and was happy it wouldn’t burn, he took the girls a glass of the smoothy over, then went back and got a bacon omelet going in another pan.

The girls got up and sat with him at the table, to eat their fry-up.  Sally in her robe and Trish looking very sexy in nothing but one of his oversized tee-shirts.  

Dave looked over to Sally, “Has Trish managed to talk us out of your bad books, for our dropping you in it last night?”

The set both Trish and Sally laughing.  “You were not in my bad books,” replied Sally. “I have to admit to being shocked and surprised though.  I now understand why you didn’t want me there.  But I’m okay, I had a pretty exciting night in the end, myself.”

“Hmm,” murmured Dave.  “By the end….. looked to me like you were enjoying it from the minute you arrived.  You sure heated up the atmosphere around the dinner table, with your antics.  I really was worried about Wild Bill having a heart attack, he was beetroot red.”

Trish spoke up. “Sally was given money by Ezekiel; I told her it's hers, is that okay?”

“Of course.  Which reminds me, you have that envelope from Rufus and I have money in my pocket from Bob.”  Said Dave, pulling the bunch of notes from his pocket.

They laid it out on the table and counted it, then sat shocked for a few minutes, before Dave exclaimed.  “Bloody hell!  Eight and a half grand.  No wonder Rufus said to take a holiday to Bora Bora.  We could stay in the Hilton Bora Bora with that,  convert these US dollars to NZ dollars and you would have nearly fourteen thousand.  Wow, that’s a bloody good tip.”  

Sally had over three thousand US dollars herself, and having no idea where to keep it herself, she asked Dave to look after it.  

“I’ll lock it away with ours down the shop.  What are you going to do with it?”

“I’ve always wanted a car.” Said Sally, and asked them to help her with finding one.


Monday, Dave ordered a safe, it was likely to take a week before it arrived.  Then after he had sorted out and stacked away all the glasses, etc. he sat down in his office with the SD cards from the three cameras.  He was a bit worried about the card from bedroom two, not sure how Sally would react to his videoing her without for warning her.  Even though that wasn’t intentional, he was still uneasy, so he locked that card away in his drawer with all the US dollars.

The other two cards he copied onto his computer and then had a quick look.  ‘Whoa! It was hot’, better than any porno Dave had ever watched.  He spent a good part of the day editing the two sequences together.  Not a lot needed to be done with their camera footage in the lounge, showing Trish dancing and stripping.  But there was a lot of work editing the second video from the master bedroom.  Lots of bits with people in the way and periods when nothing was happening.

The sound was not great on the dance sequence, so he went home for lunch and brought back the CD with Trish’s Spanish dance music on it, he dubbed this over the video soundtrack.  It took him a while to get the volumes correct so that you could still hear the voices, also getting the sound synced properly.  That done he burned it to a DVD and locked it away in his top drawer.

It was three weeks before he got an opportunity to take the video home.  Sally had started seeing a bit of Adam, and that weekend was staying at his place, so he had arranged for the children to have the weekend with Trish’s parents.

Once they had had dinner the Friday night, he sat next to Trish in the lounge and turned the TV on.

“I don’t want you watching Friday night sport when we have the weekend to ourselves.”  Complained Trish.

“I wouldn’t think of it.  I just thought you may want to see some video taken at an event we were at recently?  But if you're not interested then we could play cards or something.”

“You didn’t?  Oh! My god, I never even thought about you videoing the night.  You dirty bugger! …. Pause that TV and don’t move.” She said, leaping up and skipping out of the lounge.

It was only a few minutes and she reached around into the lounge, turning off the lights, leaving the room lit up only from the dining room lights and the TV screen.  Then in she entered the lounge swaying her hips enticingly, wearing nothing but the brief lilac lingerie set that she had worn on the night of her flamingo dance.

Dave pulled her down beside him and switched on the DVD.  As they snuggled together, the TV burst into life, showing the penthouse door opening and Trish moving into the room.  Dave’s memory of the night didn’t do credit to how beautiful and sexy she looked.  They only made it as far as Rufus undoing her zip in the middle of the lounge, before they were ripping at Dave’s trousers and making love on the floor.

By late Saturday night, they still hadn’t seen the end of the video, but they had watched plenty of it and had some pretty incredible sessions making love all around the house.  Their sex had taken an abrupt change in the last year, with role-plays and a far wider range of positions.  Some of their new bedtime activities would have been thought of as perversions only a year before.  But this weekend, things lifted to a new level.  When they watched their antics in that master bedroom, sensuality and their normal romantic love was replaced by impulsive desire and lust, and they had both lost control, several times.

The video was only two and a half hours long, but they were still watching it, trying to get to the end on Sunday afternoon.  Naked, they lay on the floor in front of the TV, they were at the part where Dave had Trish cocooned against him, Rufus towering above, about to enter her.  In the video, they had unknowingly positioned themselves at the perfect angle for it to capture the action, Rufus’s cock looking even bigger than it did in real life.

When they were startled out of the languid lovemaking by the sound of car doors out on their drive.  It was the grandparents returning the children early.  They leaped up and scurried in different directions to get themselves decent.  Dave had to get the DVD out of the player and race upstairs to find some clothes.  He had no idea how Trish got her clothes on, but when he returned downstairs, she was sitting talking to her parents.  He found later, she had headed for the laundry room and found some clothes she had worn days before.

They finally got to see the ending later that night, on the small TV in their bedroom.  But that would not be the last time they were to watch it in the coming months.

About a month later when Sally and he were working down the shop, Dave drummed up the courage to tell Sally about the video in the other bedroom.  She was not upset but did ask if he had watched it.

“No, I have to admit to being tempted, but I haven’t.  And I haven’t even told Trish about it, knowing she would probably push me to show it to her.  But you do know I saw you a couple of times in the bedroom?”

“I kind of sensed you were there at one stage.” Then, “Well I want to watch it with Adam, and if he’s okay about sharing it with you guys, then I’m happy to let you and Trish watch it.  But!  And it's a big BUT, only if we can watch your video.”

“How do you know there is a video of us?”

“Because you said you put a sensor camera in each bedroom and only got me by mistake.” Said Sally, looking at Dave as if he was being stupid.

So Dave got the SD card from his drawer and burnt it to a DVD for Sally.  Which she took home that night to watch with Adam.

There was not a lot of time for any more sexual misadventures in the next few months.  They found themselves putting in some horrendous hours, especially as Sally had started marketing a range of cake and chocolates treats on their new website.  It just took off, they needed a couple more staff but didn’t have the time to look for people.  So they got friends to help some nights,  Adam was always ready to help if he wasn’t away on business.  And Trish put in lots of hours after her teaching day was finished.

By Christmas, they were desperate for a break.

To be continued…….



Same as Catering For A Stag Do - Chapter 8 Videos

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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 13

Trish came awake slowly.  Alain was on top of her, his thick cock, stationary, deeply embedded inside her.  She felt stretched wide and a bit sore, but the pleasure he was giving her, was overriding her discomfort.  She opened her legs wide to allow him more access, and her left knee bumped against another warm body.She opened her eyes to find it was just a dream.  She was on her back, legs spread wide, her leg hard against Dave’s hip.  Her fingers were embedded deep in her cunt, and she tipped...

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The Stag Party Part 3

The Stag Party – Part 3I smelled his cock then for the first time; a faint trace of soap from when he’d showered earlier mixed with an earthy manly aroma. Now I knew it was only inches from my mouth. I swallowed hard and licked my lips trying to get some feeling back. “I can see you want it boy” he said. “Well” ...... “Beg”. I licked my lips again and started:“Please Sir can I suck your cock, please please let me taste your cock Master. I want your heavy balls in my mouth; I want to run my...

3 years ago
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The Stag Party Part 2

The Stag Party – Part 2Fitz pulled me roughly across the lounge and into one of the bedrooms, the buckle on his belt digging into my neck. He pushed me up against a wall and ordered me to stay there, legs apart with my hands on my head. He removed the belt, doubled it up and slapped my bare arse three times with it then made his way over to a large wardrobe. I winced more in shock than pain which made him chuckle “I bought a nice new ball gag recently” he said “You’re going to be the first to...

3 years ago
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After the Stag

I attended my future son-in-law's stag party which was amazing enough in itself, but I woke up the next morning to find myself on the sofa at his parents house in just my boxers and covered only by a thin sheet. I could remember most of the night but not going back to his parents house. I checked my watch and found it was almost midday. I called out but there was no one around so I wrapped myself up in the sheet and made for the bathroom. I took a long shower and I gave myself a nice gentle rub...

Straight Sex
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A Stag Do To Remember

“Please daddy, let me fuck them!”I couldn’t really take in that my stepdaughter was begging me for my blessing to have sex with both my sons as part of some absolutely crazy scheme she had cooked up with her best friend Sara. Sara’s own brother was having a stag do this next weekend, and the girls for some reason beyond me felt it would be fun to disguise themselves as a couple of strippers and sleep with all the guys, including their stepbrothers. Sara had even found these crazy dog collars...

3 years ago
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Secret Santa Stag

So, it was about time for the annual Christmas/Holiday party, and as usual, I was more than ready to participate. Of course, I was a lapsed Catholic, but a secret pagan side of me thought of it as Yule, which was the true origin of Christmas, anyway. Anyway, the parties tended to get a little wild at our company, a publishing firm where I was one of the rising young editors. Many of us were single young adults, and it was not unheard-of for a few people to get laid at the thing each year, often...

1 year ago
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Catering a Big Deal

The two sets of neighbors offered an interesting contrast, almost a contradiction, even though they were very close to each other. Jim and Cassie had been married for ten years and we often referred to as Mutt and Jeff. Jim was 6’2′ tall and weighed in at a solid 200 lbs. Cassie was 5’2 and tipped that scaled at 110lbs. While Jim was almost larger than life, Cassie was petite and quiet. She was a very pretty woman with an excellent figure with pert B-cup breasts, a tiny waist and a killer ass....

1 year ago
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The Stag Party

The stags were due to set off from the hotel, at around seven, and the plan was that we would be waiting in the second pub along the route, so that they could have a look at Poppy and she could have a look at them, before making the final decision to go ahead or not. We parked at the Travelodge at around quarter to eight and walked round to the pub, which was only a couple of minutes away. I sat Poppy down at a table near the bar, before going off to get some drinks. She’d already had a couple...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

1 year ago
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Stag Weekend Part 3Sunday Homecoming

Plus we all wanted to shower and clean off the smell of other woman before we went back to our girls if you catch my drift. I met Bill and Jason as they checked out and as I finished settling up my bill Rick walked out of the elevator and to the counter looking a bit more than content as he threw me a wink. After a light breakfast at the diner next door Bill and Jason took off home in Bills car. They had come together as they both lived on the other side of the city, same as Rick and I we...

3 years ago
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Stag Weekend Part 2Saturday Night

We got dressed and rode down in the elevator together and she gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving by the service exit. I turned to see my three friends looking at me as I slapped her ass when she walked away. They cheered and applauded as I walked to them. The breakfast was filled with the previous nights exploits as Rick, Jason and I had all gotten laid. Bill had gone to his room and watched porn until two am. After breakfast we did some sight seeing and wound up back at the hotel...

2 years ago
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Stag Weekend Part 1Friday Night

We decided on the long weekend two weeks before the wedding. So we would check into the hotel on Friday afternoon have a leisurely evening and take the condemned man to a local peeler bar Saturday night. Then we check out Sunday morning and have an extra day with the holiday Monday to recover before returning to work Tuesday. We decided there would be no room sharing we each booked a room in the hotel and only Bill and I had rooms on the same floor. Rick was a floor above us and Jason three...

1 year ago
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A husband attends stag night at his local club and gets drunk out of his mind8230 again

Andy was dead drunk, and when he was like that somebody eventually had to take him home. We left him lying around for a while because it wasn’t a pleasant task. Andy was one of those guys who fell to bits suddenly when he reached his limit. When he went he was gone. The trouble with Andy was that he did it all too often and his wife was pretty much sick and tired of it. Al’s bucks night had been great up till now, but it was over and somebody had to take Andy home. We drew...

3 years ago
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White Lactating Wife is a Black Stag Party Slut

It is a little unusual to find a couple who was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota living in North Carolina. That was the case for my wife Cindy and me when we moved to Raleigh. My father retired from the Army and he and Mom were living near Raleigh when his health declined. Mom needed help taking care of things around the house from time to time, so I agreed to move near them and help. My name is Greg and I went to trade school for a year to become a machinist after graduating from high...

3 years ago
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My wife with stag party

My wife and I occasionally check into some upscale downtown hotels on Friday or Saturday nights to enjoy the cities nightlife. By doing so we don't need to be concerned about driving drunk. My wife loves to wear outfits that show off a very nice backside and C cup bust. This usually means tight fitting jeans and a low cut blouse or a tight fitting pull over dress. One weekend we decided to check in one of our favorite hotels to enjoy the revived downtown social scene. As we were enjoying a...

4 years ago
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Wife has sexy adventure with grandad in seven stag

I just wanted to share a little tale involving my ex when she was just 22 and we were married for a year, the reason being that though it was so many years ago, it still turns me on to remember it... and especially as my ex was at her stunning best then, with a mane of crimson hair, pert little tits, long legs, a gorgeous ass and most of all, an adventurous attitude.We had rented a holiday cottage in Devon, next door to a widowed man, let’s call him Maurice, who lived there permanently. Maurice...

2 years ago
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White Lactating Wife is Impregnated at a Black Stag Party

It is a little unusual to find a couple who was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota living in North Carolina. That is the case for my wife, Cindy, and me when we moved to Raleigh. My father retired from the Army and he and Mom were living near Raleigh when his health declined. Mom needed help taking care of things around the house from time to time, so I agreed to move near them and help.My name is Greg and I went to trade school for a year to become a machinist after graduating from high...

3 years ago
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Stag Cuckolds Adventure

You are Robin Wren, a great looking college sophomore, and you are once again stroking your large cock to cuckold porn; currently and seemingly perpetually girlfriend lacking. That isn't completely true, you aren't perpetually lacking a girlfriend. Yesterday, you had a girlfriend, Penny . She wasn't even your first girlfriend this semester. There was also Nancy and last semester there was Tracy, Kristin,Leslie, and Jane. You don't seem to have any trouble getting a girlfriend. Your great looks,...

3 years ago
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Now a bull my first stag vixen threesome

My introduction to the world of swinging actually started with a change of circumstances- working away from home for long periods of time. So whereas engagement with swinging sites earlier had been largely academic due to lack of freedom to meet (married and wife unaware), suddenly I was away from home a number of nights a week and left to my own devices.I embraced the sites with alacrity imagining that one ad would have women queuing at my door. Like all excited men joining those sites I soon...

2 years ago
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The Spirit of the White StagChapter 3

The gray light of dawn snuck into the cabin and Colin became aware, once again, of the soft and delicate female still sleeping on his chest. Under any other circumstances, he'd have gotten up and started his day. But these weren't his usual circumstances. In fact, there was nothing about this day that could be called "usual". Letting the memories of what they'd shared during the night roam around in his memory, it began to register that the cabin was still warm, even though he hadn't...

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