- 3 years ago
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This story is a work of fiction containing adult material of a graphic and erotic nature. It is intended for the enjoyment of adult readers. You must be 18 or older to read this story, you must be able to read erotica in your own community and not be offended by the contents. The author has agreed to allow this story to be read online by adult readers on selected and approved websites. Any questions including requests for permission to use this story on other websites or alternative media should be directed to me, Greg Lee Hunt at the e-mail address below.
Authors Note: Your feedback is important to me. I want to know whether you liked my story or you hated it and why. I welcome suggestions and ideas that might be incorporated into the follow-up submissions. Please e-mail me at the address in my profile. I promise to read every e-mail concerning this story and in spite of a busy business and personal schedule, I will try to respond promptly. (I will not, however, respond to personal attacks. Criticism is fine, just no character attacks). I have enjoyed writing this story (lots of tissues, towels, and lubricant) and I hope my story will have YOU cumming too. Happy reading
Authors Introduction — Gaming is a multi-layered story filled with all kinds of games – casino games, mind games, power games, and, of course, ‘sex games’ –all taking place on several levels at the same time. The story is set in Las Vegas, Nevada, also known as ‘Sin City’, the gambling capital of the world. While ‘Gaming’ is primarily an ‘erotic’ story, it does contain other elements that make it interesting to me as an author. The story involves intrigue, blackmail, double-crosses, retribution and other elements found in mystery novels.
The protagonists are not typical erotica characters. They are three married middle-aged women (sisters). They are well-heeled suburban housewives who fly to Las Vegas angry because their husbands have gone away on a ten day fishing trip giving the women short notice and leaving them alone without plans. In Vegas the three women win a fortune at the tables and are subsequently blackmailed and sexually corrupted by three much younger men. The story contains scenes illustrating a variety of erotic genres including younger men-older women, non-consensual sex’, group sex, slut wives, lesbian sex, exhibitionism, interracial sex, oral and anal, and toys and fetishes. There are references to incest, though none actually occurs, and, in future submissions, (this is only the first half of the story) there will be some female domination and perhaps (I haven’t yet decided) there will even be a scene containing man-to-man sex. It is the author’s hope that there is something here to appeal to almost everyone’s prurient tastes.
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GAMING Prologue – Family Games
Maureen walked into the house returning from a shopping trip to the mall. She heard the shower running. It had to be Shawn. His car was parked in the driveway. This was his last day at home. He would be returning to University to begin his senior year tomorrow. God she would miss having him home. He was her youngest and favorite son.
It had been so wonderful having him home. Yet ironically she was relieved that after tomorrow the temptation that she’d felt for the last few weeks would no longer be there. The incestuous feelings of lust for her son that had reemerged during Shawn’s visit were becoming increasingly difficult for her to suppress. They’d started up again on the first day of his visit and built since then. What triggered those desires was seeing Shawn wearing a skin hugging blue Speedo swimming in the pool with his fiancée Jennifer as Maureen observed the growing bulge forming in Shawn’s crotch. She imagined that Jennifer would soon take care of the problem. Her mouth watered. God! Sometimes she would give just about anything to be able to change places with her future daughter-in-law. She’d fantasized about sucking her youngest son’s cock from the time he was thirteen. She’d resisted the craving every time, just as she was trying to do now, but he was so tempting. She could feel itching, dampness and tingling sensations in her crotch. Maureen had experienced similar feelings about her older sons Ryan and Erik too, but with Shawn the yearnings and forbidden desires were more frequent and much stronger.
Maureen’s husband, Steve, had been so busy with his growing surgical practice for the last year that he’d hardly had time for her. But, he had a vacation coming and maybe they could use that time for her to quench her considerable sexual thirst, which Shawn’s visit had only exacerbated.
Peggy lay on her unmade bed, wiping the tears from her eyes. Her lovely velvet dressing gown was untied and open at the waist. It gave her the opportunity to view the reflection of her naked body in the mirror. Peggy had to admit that she had a great figure. She would be fifty in a week and a half, but she had the body of a woman half her age. She had long shapely legs, a lovely firm ass, a firm belly, and, best of all, her perfect 36 C breasts, crowned by large aureoles and three quarter-inch long bullet shaped nipples, were firm and not at all saggy. Plastic surgery had taken care of that. God she was horny and how she loved sex, so how come she was married to a small dicked husband who had no sex drive. Worse than that he suffered from premature ejaculation. Not once in twenty-seven years of marriage had he ever been able to wait long enough to have Peggy warm up. This morning was no different. Edward had left for the office only minutes earlier having blown his wad and leaving Peggy high and dry as usual. She opened the drawer in her nightstand and pulled out the long, metallic cylindrical vibrator that she frequently used to satisfy her sexual needs.
They had fought over the usual things. Brian wanted more sex and Barbara wanted to spend more money. As usual the argument was very loud and heated. God! Brian could be miserly, Barbara thought, denying her the lovely necklace she had seen at Tiffany’s and that she couldn’t resist wanting to buy. In an act of vindictiveness, Brian had cut off her access to his credit cards and her own were maxed out. Brian left in a huff, frustrated by Barbara’s refusal to give him what he wanted most – a blowjob. He’d actually begged her, acting like a little kid, tears in his eyes. She had given him head only once before, and that was on their honeymoon, twenty years earlier. She told him afterwards that she’d found the experience of having a penis in her mouth repulsive and disgusting.
‘Little twerp’ Barbara yelled as her husband slammed the door behind him. What a wimp Brian is, the wuss thinks he needs to beg me for it. If he were a real man, he wouldn’t ask – he’d demand it, he’d take it, he would force me to do it! She thought. Barbara liked being taken and used. She took out her cell phone and speed dialed a number that she saved for the times when her horniness overwhelmed her.
GAMING Part 1 – Luck Is No Lady Tonight
(Three middle-aged sisters fly to Las Vegas angry with their husbands. They win a fortune at the dice table and become ‘game’ stalked by three much younger men. The young men are college fraternity brothers with less than honorable intentions looking to cash in of the women’s good fortune by any means necessary.)
Maureen, a very pretty, plumpish woman wearing a purple dress leaned against the table rail, nervously drumming the nicely manicured fingers of her left hand against its lacquered surface. She stared intently at the red and white plastic cubes resting in her fleshy right hand. Then she closed her palm and made fist. She brushed the tightly clenched fist to her lips and whispered ‘lady luck please be good to me one last time!’ She shook her closed hand vigorously and felt the dice rattling inside them. Her sisters, Peggy and Barbara, flanked her — massaging her shoulders in a gesture of support. The three women fashionabl
y dressed were obviously well heeled. A huge stack of casino chips lay piled up on the table front of them. A fortune would be riding on the outcome of one toss. The sisters had already agreed that this would be their last roll of the dice this evening – win or lose.
The three women had arrived in Las Vegas earlier in the day. They would not have been there at all but for an inconsiderate action by their husbands’. The three brothers’-in-law had hastily scheduled a fishing trip to a remote river in Alaska. They’d be gone ten days leaving their wives stranded and alone. This announcement did not sit well with the three ladies. They were so infuriated, in fact, that it took an unusually generous offer from their husbands’ to placate them. Each husband wrote a check for $5,000 from his own personal account made out to his wife. ‘You can spend this anyway you like and no questions will ever be asked,’ they said. Then packing only their outdoor gear and fishing tackle the husbands drove off to the airport. They were in a so much of a hurry to leave that they’d neglected to kiss their wives goodbye.
When their anger finally subsided, the three sisters decided to pool the money. ‘Hey, I know, why don’t we fly to Vegas, we can splurge and really indulge ourselves.’ Barbara suggested.
Peggy agreed. ‘That’s a wonderful idea, sis. Let’s see if we can make airplane and hotel reservations, so we can leave tomorrow.’
‘Yeah, I’m still hot under the collar about the way Steve and the guys abandoned us. He’s been so busy with his practice lately. When he gets home, all he wants to do is eat dinner, and wind down then it’s off to sleep. I was really hoping we could use this time off for a little romantic getaway. It’s been much too long, if you know what I mean.’ She double winked. ‘Maybe a little hot casino action will cool me down!’ Maureen wisecracked.
It was an extraordinarily busy week in Las Vegas. Using their frequent flyer miles the ladies were able to get airline reservations. Getting a hotel room was another matter. There were five major conventions in town at the same time and all of the good rooms were already booked. The sisters’ were used to first class accommodations and were not about to settle for staying at a sleazy motel. Peggy, the oldest sister at fifty, solved that problem with a single phone call. She contacted one of her friends, recently widowed, who owned a luxurious vacation villa in Las Vegas. The woman was glad to offer Peggy and her sisters the use of her home.
A large, noisy crowd was gathered around the craps table. Most were drawn there by the action and the incredible winning streak of the three middle-aged women. Many in the crowd had been betting with them and letting their own bets ride with the fortunes of the lucky ladies. Maureen held onto the dice for nearly an hour, and after a slow start she’d either made her point or rolled an unlikely combination of successive sevens or elevens. Standing in the crowd unnoticed up until now were three strikingly handsome young men. Like the others in the boisterous crowd they’d been drawn to the table by the excitement surrounding the lucky streak. Down on their own luck, the three men were fraternity brothers. They had been attending a national convention of ‘Greeks’. They had lost not only their own stake but also some of fraternity’s funds that were entrusted to them, which they had foolishly gambled away and not invested in a new IFC program like they were supposed to. Nearly broke, they watched the three ladies with increasing interest.
It was Barbara, the tall gorgeous redhead and youngest of the three sisters, who first noticed that the handsome lads were eyeing her and her sisters. She nudged her sister Peggy, a perky pretty blonde. Peggy nonchalantly looked up, took a quick peak at the three younger men and smiled approvingly. Then she whispered something to her two sisters. They nodded their heads and chuckled among themselves. Upset with their husbands, the three ladies had started drinking on the short airplane flight and hadn’t stopped. They’d already downed several rounds of double Scotches while playing at the craps table. They were well on their way to being oiled. Their winning streak exhilarated them even more. ‘Hmm, those young men are very nice looking, but they’re also so young.’ Peggy thought to herself. She allowed a playful, slightly naughty thought to enter her mind for an instant then quickly dismissed it, ‘. If only I were young and single again! But then, I suppose anything is possible in Vegas’
As the pile of chips in front of the ladies grew larger and larger, the three young men whose names were Scott, Jason and Chris, gradually moved in closer. Scott, the leader of the group, had tousled blond hair and could have easily been mistaken for a male fashion model. Jason was a jock, standing 6-5 and possessing a ripped, chiseled body: Chris was a handsome young man lithe and of mixed racial heritage. He had a fetching smile that could melt ice. Ordinarily, these young men would not have given the older women a second glance, but these were not ordinary circumstances. Scott turned to his friends and whispered something that was intended only for their ears. Not that it mattered anyway because the din around the table was so loud that he could have shouted at the top of his lungs and still not be overheard.
The three young men ordered a round of double Scotches and when the cocktail waitress brought them, Scott gestured to the tall gorgeous redhead on the left, and finally caught her attention. He mouthed the words ‘Would you like a drink?’ and held it out toward her. Barbara smiled and nodded. Her luscious mouth forming the words ‘Thank you’. The young men relayed the drinks over to the three women.
Scott was an experienced fraternity party bartender. By their actions he could tell that the women were already ‘feeling quite a buzz’. Their condition suited his purposes perfectly. The older women would be easy prey for the sinister scheme he was concocting. If it worked they’d get back the money they’d lost and collect a little interest, in more ways than one. All of a sudden, the three women, who were at least old enough to be the young men’s mothers, were beginning to look very, very, attractive.
Barbara kissed her older sister on the cheek. ‘C’mon seven!’ she whispered to herself. Peggy, the oldest sister, kept herself in excellent shape. She looked much younger than her age. She brushed her fingers nervously against Maureen’s forearm. Maureen drew her hand back and let the dice fly toward the far end of the table.
The dice hit the railing at the far end, caromed off and tumbled around over and over again. To the sisters the wait seemed an eternity. Everything was happening in ultra-slow motion. The first of the two dice bounced and twisted one last time and landed with ‘five’ pips facing up. When the second die finally landed a ‘two’ was showing. The hushed crowd broke out in a roar – cheering and applauding. ‘Seven, the lucky lady is a winner again!’ the table boss announced with a cavalier attitude.
The three sisters squealed in delight and jumped up and down, hugging and kissing each other. Meanwhile the croupier was raking in the dice and adding to the already mountainous pile of chips. He raked the dice in front of Maureen, who brushed them aside.
‘I think my sister’s and I are through for the evening. We don’t want to press our luck any longer.’ Peggy said, taking charge of the situation as usual. ‘Where do we go and what do we need to do to collect our winnings?’
‘I’ll take care of everything for you, ma-am.’ The pit boss said politely. He turned to the croupier, ‘Tommy, would you pack the chips in that satchel!’
Peggy who liked to take charge of things turned to the nattily dressed pit boss smiled and handed him a handful of thousand dollar casino chips…’ Thank you for everything. This is for you and the croupier.’ The pit boss smiled and Tommy, the croupier, nodded his appreciat
ion too.
‘The casino manager will take care of everything for you. He’s expecting you and is already waiting in front of the cashier’s office. Congratulations again ladies on your winnings. We hope you will come back to Caesar’s real soon.’
The polite and efficient casino manager met the ladies and explained the procedures. Everything would take about twenty minutes. ‘In the meantime why don’t you make yourselves comfortable at the bar. Drinks are compliments of the house of course. I’ll find you when everything is ready. By the way, how would you like to receive payment – casino credit? A check? Or do you want it in cash? I’d recommend the first method. That’s the safest option, but it’s totally up to you, of course.’
Peggy thought it over for a few seconds before consulting with her sisters’. ‘You know, after the way our husbands took off without checking with us, I’m not sure we owe them any of the rewards of this trip. We’d better take our winnings in cash that way Edward, Steven and Brian will never have to know about it. We can open our own safe deposit box or set up our own account and use this for play money whenever we need it. Three equal shares, of course’ Her sisters nodded in agreement.
She turned to the manager and spoke for her sisters. ‘We want everything in cash, please.’
The casino manager smiled politely. ‘Are you staying at the Hotel ladies? If you are, after we count the money we will keep it in your own separate safe compartment and under armed guard for you. Of course it will be available anytime you want it’
‘No thank you, we’re staying with friends. Their place is very secure also.’ Peggy replied becoming impatient with and put off by the Casino Manager’s obvious tactics. ‘And we’d like to take it with us.’
The manager furrowed his brow and gave the ladies a patronizing look. ‘Very well then, ladies. I’ll take the chips into the office and when we’ve determined the amount of the winnings, one of you will need to come back into the counting room to confirm the amount and to sign for the cash. You can watch the entire counting process on the closed circuit television monitor or one of you is welcome to come with me to watch the count. That’s all there is to it.’
‘No that’s okay we trust you.’ Maureen said.
The Casino Manager paused and thoughtfully added, ‘You know there were an awful lot of people who saw you win a very large sum of money tonight. Vegas isn’t so safe anymore and you are three women alone. Caesar’s would be happy to provide you a chauffeured stretch limo to take you home, if you like. That way you’ll be safe from the creeps who sometimes prey on unsuspecting winners.’ He was polite, well trained and seemed to be very efficient. He was also ingratiating himself to the ladies, fishing for a generous tip.
Peggy nodded appreciatively. It wasn’t unusual for Las Vegas Casinos to provide perks like chauffeured limousines to high rollers. Beside it would be a public relations disaster for Caesars Palace and the City of Las Vegas if the ladies were robbed or worse on their way home.
The manager handed a piece of paper and his fancy gold pen to Peggy, ‘Sign here please!’
Peggy signed it with a flourish. Then the three women sat down at the bar and ordered another round of double Scotches neat. The bartender delivered them promptly. They hadn’t been sitting at the bar for more than a couple of minutes when the three athletic and handsome young men they’d observed at the craps table earlier sauntered over and sat down nearby.
‘Good evening and congratulations on your good fortune ladies. Can my friends and I buy you drinks? It’s the very least we can do because your luck has brought us luck too!’ Scott was lying, of course, but it was a nice way to break the ice.
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They marched for hours, struggling through the rough terrain, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the crash site as possible. Zhari’s leg ached constantly, and her armpit was sore from leaning on the XMR stock. She wanted desperately to use another painkiller, but they only had a limited quantity, it would be foolish to expend them so quickly. Besides, she did not want to show weakness in front of the human pilot, McGregor. She eyed him bitterly as he strained to support her...
I wake up squealing feeling a gag inserted into my mouth. I start to struggle immediately, but whoever is doing this is straddling me pinning my arms to my sides. I writhe and buck but they just giggle concentrating on getting the ball gag strapped in tight. Next they blindfold me, still in total control of my helpless body. Again it's tight.. I tense knowing they must shift their weight next to do anything further to me. Sure enough they rise and I start to break free! but they just...
You know when its a holiday and you just wanna check out & play video games? Especially when your grandma is trying to get you to go to church. Step-grandma, whatever… Easter is barely a holiday & bunnies don’t lay eggs. When my step-grandma Andi James called in sick for me, I (Johnny Love) couldn’t believe my ears! A whole afternoon of online video games was in front of me. But Andi wanted a favor in return. When she started running her hands into my boxers I was...
xmoviesforyouDear diary, The days grow warmer and so does his touch. All I feel is too much to explain. I can’t find the words to express it; not to you, not to even him. It’s funny, as of late I feel like I have grown closer to him than to you. How this is possible I have yet to see. I pray nightly that I won’t wake up from this dreamland. He means so much to me… It was the summer of 2008. I had just turned 16 in May and purchased my first car: a worn, but still beautiful, 1978 Camaro. My dad and...
Dusk was setting as I arrived home on Friday; daylight lasting longer, proof spring was nearing, renewal, nature waking from a long slumber. My Ford F1 pickup, the Old Sod, complained, its engine coughing and shuddering before shutting down, ominous dark smoke billowing from the tailpipe. It was as if turning the car key was only a suggestion to the contumacious truck to turn off, a suggestion it chose to ignore just to spite me. The door creaked as I slammed it shut. One of these days it was...
Shortly after arriving at the scene of a murder that took place the night before, highly professional police officers Candy Alexa, Vince, Lorenzo, and crime scene investigator (CSI) Thomas decide to take a kinky fuck break. Before theyve collected any evidence whatsoever, Candy is naked and the three men have their cocks out. From there, Candy hops on one of the guys cocks while she switches off sucking the other two off. Things really become unprofessional when they start fucking on the crime...
xmoviesforyouMY PANTYHOSE FETISH GROWS – PART 6My pantyhose fetish is an integral part of life now as play with Nick intensifies…Months later, I still had Nick’s white t-shirt from when he had finger fucked me. Sometimes I would wear it to bed along with a pair of pantyhose. I felt so sexy wearing it and often wondered if he realized it was missing. I had seen Nick several times since our last encounter either at his home or mine but it was always due to either a cookout or dinner being hosted by his Mom or...
A few days after the incident in your room, your mom has to travel to Dallas for work. I'm sitting in the living room, watching the game, having a couple of beers. After the game is over, I flip through the channels and I come across some soft-core on Cinemax. It's about teens...of course. I've got a bit of a buzz going, so I let myself think about you, asleep in your room, and how I watched you last Saturday night. How I stroked my cock while I looked at you, how I nearly came all over you.I...
That night after dinner I watched as my sexy wife pulled her black stockings up her beautiful shaped long legs…Ana looked at me and she blew me a kiss.My hardening dick started to ache inside of my trousers.She then stood up and put on a lacy black bra, cupping her beautiful round firm tits. I could see she was excited, with her hard nipples pushing against the thin material.My whole body was trembling with anticipation as I watched Ana slipping into her tight black dress.She was silent but...
I stared at the ceiling. The magnolia paint almost matched the sunlight that was creeping through the blinds. I don’t know what it was about the pattern in the ceiling but it always mesmerised me when I found something that oddly looked like an object or a face within it. Even at nineteen, I still looked for these things. Minutes whizzed by on my clock as I carried on staring. I couldn’t believe this is how I was spending my first summer morning back from college. I reached over and grabbed the...
TabooThe sun rose on Wednesday just like it always does. The sky looked different. A front had rolled through and it would rain soon. Ben and Erin woke together and kissed gently. It quickly went beyond that bringing on a lot of passion until Ben rolled on top of her and pushed into her pussy. He fucked her tight pussy for many long minutes until they came together gasping from their orgasms. He rolled off her onto his back and she went to suck his cock clean. There was a light knock on the door...
"I've got them both on me," she said. "Let me see them a minute please," I said. When she handed them to me I unloaded them. I left the percussion caps in place but removed the bullets and shook out the powder. I told her to store them inside the wagon and to let Dad know where they were. "We'll see if he wants to kill me now and when he tries it there'll be nothing but a loud pop from the caps," I said. She looked at me so funny then but said ok. We were up with the sun the next...
“When we get back to campus, I’d like to show you something. Come to my room and you’ll learn a little more about me.”“Couldn’t we do that in my room, though I’m pretty sure I’ve seen just about everything you’ve got.”She gave him a seductive kiss.“True but this is about what you may or may not have heard about me.”“Oh, so now you’re an international man of mystery?”Max just shrugged; his hands palms up.“I’ll be there about two.”Max was finishing up his paper and studying, when a video message...
Love StoriesI hope my story will be enjoyed by the faithful readership at Fiction Mania. The genesis of this story was from many of the wedding fantasies I have thought about, some stories and captions I have read over the years. This story came to me after reading a wedding vignette from Amanda's Reading Room titled The Wedding Prank from 2018. It involves an every day guy, getting manipulated into a wedding gown unknown to him as a part of a April Fool's joke played on him by his fianc?. Of c...
Originally inspired by TrumpCard's 'Owner of the World' story, (since removed), this is simultaneously an extension of the first World Owner prompt. There is nothing different about this compared to World Owner 'I'; it is simply another portal to narrative branches rooted in the world-owning/reality-warping premise, since the original was becoming bloated with threads. Likewise, this will cut to the chase: Earlier in the day, you were/someone was given ownership of the world. You can now do...
Mind ControlAnd then she was there across from me. “Before you open your mouth and go off on me,” said Claire. “I have a couple of messages for you.” “Yeah, what?” I said. “One your daughter is out in the waiting room. She’ll be coming in in a few minutes.” “You said a couple of messages,” I said, not actually reacting to the information that my daughter was outside waiting for me. “Yes,” she said. She came toward me, smiled, and slapped me as hard as she could. “What the fuck!” I said....
I travel a lot, and I’ve seen some really weird shit in airport bathrooms. So I was stopping off in Iowa to change flights for a flight to Cali. I needed to piss and hit the bathroom, which looked pretty clean for such an out of the way airport.So I’ve got my cock in my hand and I’m pissing, trying to shake off a hangover. Then wonderful weirdness happened. I at first couldn't believe it was happening, because it’s one of those things that happen only to other people. But it did, and it...
Let me describe my wife. Tall.5'10". Buxom is the old fashioned term. Nice pair of 38D's and long full thigh legs. She's got an arse that goes with the thighs and a bit of a belly too. She is not the prettiest of ladies but she looks great to me still at 42. The best is her gorgeous ginger hair that she still wears long, halfway down her back. She scoops it into a loose bun when she needs it out of the way to work.After just over 20 years married and two k**s going off to uni we decided we...
I couldnt have been two minutes out of the drive and less than a mile down the road towards the train station when Ali caught sight of Marjorie coming up the drive. She was looking out of the kitchen window and noticed that Marjorie had bounce in her step not the trudging walk of an ageing doyen. No walking stick either, although still the beetle crusher shoes, pop socks, tweed twin set and that awful black hat sat on top of her head with her massive hair all coiled underneath. Beginning of...
I wanted to get away from my usual opus to write something shorter. I wanted to write something a little more fun. For those fans of South Park, enjoy. If not, enjoy anyway...and start watching. South Park (the lost episode) by Raven Poe. Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny stood on the corner waiting for the school bus. It was spring, yet they were still wearing there winter coats and hats. "I wonder if Wendy's gonna be on the bus, Dude?" asked Kyle to Stan. "Mhpf gjht tyif,"...
My sister, Jessica, was paying us a visit. Jessica had been recently divorced, and I was glad to see him go. Anytime they were here, he thought he had free reign with his hands. They were all accidental, of course. I was surprised my husband, Fred, ignored his meandering with his hands on my body.Jessica has a terrific figure, and I sometimes wonder how our mother and father could create two different women. I am small-breasted in comparison to Jessica, and she is much curvier than I am. If the...
SeductionChapter Three: The Unicorn's Mothers By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Anton – Rothin Forest, Kingdom of Athlos Almost nine months had passed since the last time I entered these woods. This time, I had no fear. I was beyond fear. After my leg recovered, I traveled to the island of Mictam and sought out the dread warlocks of Chevsa. I only had fleeting memories of the...things performed on me by those dreadful men. In my dreams, flashes of pain, blood, and loss filled me. A scar ran...
I was trapped in the hell of my wife's dreams for so long I didn't know who I was when I finally woke up. It took recording my story to finally come to peace with the fact that I was only dreaming, that this was my reality. You see, the movie Inception wasn't just a movie. The act of highjacking your dreams is real, and the affects, as you will read, if I succeed in remembering exactly what happened are both fantastic and horrific. I am writing this both to help me understand and serve as...
A few days went by after our cookout and dinner on our patio. I also kept peeking at their backyard around bedtime, but hadn’t seen any further Jacuzzi parties by the three of our new neighbors. I saw Beth running one day when I was driving into town on an errand; I just tooted the car horn and waved. She waved back. Ginger and I both had our heads down from dawn till dusk for three days honoring some of the promises we’d made to our clients the week before: brief analyses, comparison...
Amanda curled up again in Douglas's arms. She wanted to push the world away and began to cry once more. He raised her chin, kissed her softly on the lips. "Honey, you, and I both know there is Bryan to consider. You two have five years together and there is something between you, or you would not of been together this long. You need to talk to him, seriously now, you owe him that much.""You're right! Oh god, how can life be so complicated!" As she methodically went through the motions of...
Love StoriesI should have gone to my second job that night, but when Annie asked me not to go, I agreed immediately, (well she'd put on her new see through nightie and poured us both out a drink!) We were up bright and early the next morning and ready to go on our new adventure, we both loved the bikes and enjoyed a leisurely three hour ride to the marina for the other boat, a lady in London called Mary Quant had just invented the mini skirt and Annie's mum had made her one, it made cycling behind her...
A REFLECTION OF BATWOMAN TO HER SISTER ALICE Belinda She is a fan of the TV series "Batwoman." Eagerly awaited the first episode and even with the previews wonder who would play Batwoman. In later previews, becoming aware of the other characters; one character she remembers from watching the movie "Enigma." The additional character she remembers in the previews is Alice. Batwoman and Alice seem to strike a special reflection with her. She could tell...
Although the last chapter gave me the clearest video and loud audio of her masturbating in daylight... another wonder session was captured at night. In fact, only a couple nights later. The best part was as I reviewed recordings from the preacher and preacher wife's room, I realized Jaimie was masturbating the same time her p______ents were fucking in the other room, where she could no doubt hear them.Again, what wonderful video for future use, when I finally show her!It was a Tuesday night...
I was just your average teenage girl growing up in the bay area of California in the nineteen sixties.It was a turbulent time in our country.There was war, protests, gay rights, and lots of drugs.My dad was in the military and spent a lot of time abroad.My mother was a lush and could barely speak two words without slurring them.When my dad was at home, they were always fighting, and I could not stand my home life, I would go out and do as I please.I was a top student in high school and a model...
LesbianHi all, this is my first story on ISS. This was a real-life incident that happened to me in April 2020. The Corona pandemic has been a testing time for all of us. The lockdown made everyone stay at home with the family. This incident happened to me during this lockdown period. Talking about me, I am 6 ft tall, 27 years of age, a mallu guy brought up in a southern metro city. I am doing my master’s in a reputed college in India. We were told to go home in March due to the ongoing pandemic crisis...