Group Action Is Best free porn video

The following story is fiction. It didn't happen. I wish it could and would! But it didn't. If you don't like reading stories with gay sex in them or can't for legal reasons, then don't. If you do and you can, read on!
Chapter One
"Awwww FUCK!!!" Tony almost grabbed his computer monitor and threw it out the window. Instead he alternated from burying his face in his hands to slamming his fist on his desk to picking up pencils and throwing them across the room. The racket brought Rick, his boyfriend, running into the room.
"Hey, hey, hey babe!" Rick ran up behind Tony, pulled him out of his chair and wrapped him up in a hug. Tony's face was beet red, the veins in his neck standing out and throbbing. Tony was shaking, acting like he was about to burst into tears. Rick held him until he calmed down some.
"Ssssh, babe." Rick whispered in Tony's ear, "It's ok now. I'm here. I'm here. What the hell's going on?"
"They did it again!!" Tony mumbled. "They fucking did it again, damn it!!"
"Did what?" Rick asked, "Who did it? What did they do to you?"
"They deleted another one!" Tony cried. "Over five thousand members and they just deleted it!"
Rick rolled his eyes. He knew just how Tony felt. He'd had several of his own deleted and Tony wound up having to make him feel better just as he was doing for Tony now.
Tony and Rick got together a year ago when Tony was just starting college. Rick was in his last year at the time. His previous roommate had graduated and moved out. He met Tony at one of the college's master's.
Like many college students, one of their favorite pastimes was looking at porn on their computer. Especially the free porn. For a long time now they would log on to where they could become members of separate gay adult "groups" and correspond with like minded guys and post and view pictures and video clips showing hot guys posing naked or sucking dick or fucking. They loved it so much that for the past year since they were together they started and "managed" their own groups. Between them they "owned" a dozen groups of different themes.
They had groups that focused on young guys, college guys, muscle guys, guys in underwear and swimsuits, blonde guys, dark haired guys, European guys, skinny guys, farm guys, and city guys. Each separate group was usually concerned with a single topic, and guys from all over the world could log on to their computers and join a group. They could then send email to the group for the entire membership to read. Many cyber friendships were made this way, and both Tony and Rick were in contact with other guys who "owned" and managed groups of their own.
Anyone could start any kind of a group. It was all free. The only requirement for group owners was that they had to have, or set up, an email account from NetGroups, which was no problem since it too, was free. Each group had a section where guys could send messages to the group, often with pictures attached. The pictures didn’t open in the group itself, but members of the group could choose to have the messages copied to their personal email so they could see the pictures. Many group members chose that option. There was also a section where guys could upload multiple photos without a separate message attached. And there was a section where guys could upload hot video clips of guys stripping or jacking off or sucking cock or eating butt or fucking. The rest of the group could then either watch the clip or download it to their own hard drives. The management of NetGroups required that each member of an adult group have a profile of themselves uploaded to NetGroups showing that their age was legally old enough to view pornographic material; which was normally no problem since joining NetGroups was also free.
The problems started when one went outside the adult groups and ventured into the rest of the cyber world, “among them English.”
Net Groups was huge. There were thousands and thousands of groups that had nothing to do with porn. If desired, one could click to see a listing of all the non-porn groups. There were groups concerning gardens, pets, sewing, and cooking. There were support type of groups for various illnesses or psychological type of problems. Religious groups had Net Groups of their own. There were groups formed to talk about carpentry, home remodeling, building projects, and landscaping. It was safe to say that any subject one could think of, odds were there was at least one Net Group dedicated to that subject.
Since Net Groups was a compilation of "communities," things happened as they normally did in any kind of a society - even a cyber society. Some communities immediately assigned themselves the authority to tell other communities what to do. That was no more apparent than in the non-adult groups. Complaints came into Net Groups management about the adult groups on a daily basis. Not complaints about anything specific, just complaints that the adult groups simply existed. The main culprits were, as usual, the religious groups. For all time religious people of all religions demanded that the rest of the world see them and treat them as superior to everyone else, and the cyber world was no exception. Among those people, being anti-porn was a popular bandwagon to jump on and make a name for themselves as some kind of "savior" to the rest of the world, and people all over the place were trampling each other to reach the top of that heap.
Complaints also came in from people claiming to be working to "protect" underage children. Again, "I'm only trying to look out for the kids" was a great bandwagon to jump on and make a name, and a great excuse to justify treating anyone poorly. Whether or not those people really did care about kids, or even had kids of their own, was not discussed. Attempts to bring that subject to light were quickly swept under the rug. And once again, the main culprits were the religious groups. The idea of parents monitoring their kid's time on computers also took its place under the rug. These days, both the media and court decisions have shown that parents have successfully shuffled the responsibility of raising kids off onto schools, churches, baby sitters, malls, television, the police, neighbors, the community at large, and the management of Net Groups. It was getting awful crowded under that rug! In spite of the hypocrisy though, those people were in fact scoring points.
Net Groups listened to those people. The PR was easier to deal with that way. Adult groups would get deleted without warning or explanation. Someone would log on one day and simply find that the group was no longer on their list. No matter the subject, managing a group was quite a task, and building up the membership to several thousand members was quite an accomplishment. Losing a group like that was like losing a member of the family. Friendships that had been built up and solidified way beyond the plane of porn were suddenly cut off. The manager of the group and any member who had an email address from Net Groups also had their email account deleted. Losing a group was no small thing.
That's why Tony was upset to the point of tears. Rick knew that from experience, since he had lost some groups of his own. Usually they would calm down, get themselves a new email account from Net Groups under a different name, start the group over again, and send an invitation to join to every one on their member's list who had an email address from a source other than Net Groups, and hope for the best until the group was deleted once again.
It took some time for Rick to calm Tony down. He took Tony into the bedroom and for a while simply held him and rubbed his back and talked to him and kissed him and assured him that he was bigger than what had happened to him. When Tony started to smile again, Rick laid him out on the bed, slid Tony's boxer briefs off, wet his lips, and made Tony feel REAL good again...........three times!
After their shower they decided to get out of the house and go out for dinner. Tony noticed that Rick seemed a little pre-occupied on the way to the restaurant: not as talkative as he usually was. For his part, Rick was thinking back to a couple of months ago when he was talking to a guy in a chat room. The guy also had a few Net Groups and they were talking about the problems they were having keeping their groups up and running. The guy was telling Rick that there were things that could be done, but they would take some time and a lot of effort and patience. What was his name again?
At the restaurant they talked about the group Tony had just lost and how he was going to get it back up again. Seems it doesn't matter that the group abides by the Terms of Service of Net Groups, the adult groups get deleted anyway. Since Net Groups doesn't give any warnings but simply deletes the groups, the owners had no idea what, (if anything), was wrong. Rick told Tony about the guy he'd talked to in the chat room. More and more of the conversation they'd had was coming back to Rick now. He was liking what he was remembering.
The waiter brought their food and left. While they ate, Rick started telling Tony about his talk with the guy in the chat room. Soon Tony's food was all but forgotten as he listened to Rick talk. Tony's smile grew and grew. One reason for the smiles was the things Rick was telling him. Another reason was because the tables in the restaurant had tablecloths that reached down to the floor, and Rick had his foot up in Tony's crotch and was using his toes to play with Tony's cock.
By the time dinner was over they'd decided to try and find the guy from the chat room. But first they had to get their feet out of each other's crotches and find their shoes. Tony's dinner and both their deserts were in take out bags. Rick left enough money to pay for the dinner and a tip on the table. Customers usually took their checks up to the cashier to pay but Tony and Rick were regulars (because of the table cloths) and were well known by the staff, so they were trusted not to walk out without paying. On the way out this time they overheard one of the staff say, "Those guys are nice. They seem to really like the food here." Tony and Rick had to hurry out the door before they broke out laughing.
A few weeks later Tony came home from school and as usual shouted out that he was home before dumping his back pack on the floor by the front door.
"Hey!!" Rick hollered from the extra bedroom they turned into a den. "Come on in here. He's here!"
"Yeah?" Tony said as he walked in the room. "Who's here?"
"That guy I told ya about at the restaurant. The guy about the groups? He's in here now. I'm talking to him." Tony said. He seemed excited. He quickly kissed Tony and pointed to the computer screen. He was in the chat room under his usual nick name, "RikiDiki," and he was talking to a guy who called himself, "SamtheSham." Tony pulled up a chair and read as they talked.

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