Consequences, Marie Ch. 02 free porn video

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[ For this story to make any sense you need the background, IMHO. The story ‘Consequences, Marie’ is the background. There is sex in this story. There is incest (father-daughter), exhibitionism, FFM, FF and group sex.. but they aren’t the story. The relationships are the story. Your votes and comments are encouraged. Please vote and please comment. I honestly want to know what you think. ]

In the morning we (Janice and I) sat in the kitchen and ate breakfast as we talked. I called Elaine and told her that if it was Ok with her I’d put the house on the market and make sure she and Marie got a fair share of the money. She agreed. We had a friend in the church who did real estate. I called her and listed the house. She came over later in the day and we did the paperwork. She wanted to know why we were selling the house. I told her we were getting a divorce and that if she wanted details she should ask Marie. At that point she stopped asking questions.

Janice went shopping. She brought home a few sexy things for her to wear for my enjoyment.

That evening, we talked about where we might want to move. The bank I worked for was all over the nation and I knew I could transfer just about anywhere we wanted. Janice was so focused on being able to live openly as my wife that she didn’t much care where we went. We decided we wouldn’t take much of what was in the house. We’d hold a yard sale or two and get rid of most of it. Since the house was being sold anyway I figured Marie could take the bedroom set to her mother’s and the rest could go.

We held the first yard sale the day before we flew to Tampa to board the cruise ship. We made a thousand dollars. I talked with Elaine and she agreed to come to the house while we were gone and take whatever Marie wanted or she wanted. When we got back we would be free to get rid of anything in the house. Sell it, give it away or throw it away. Elaine asked who was going on the cruise with me.

‘I’m taking Janice and my new girl-friend. You don’t know her.’

‘Oh. How long have you had a girl friend?’

‘Not that it matters at this point, but our first date was last night.’

‘Does Janice know her?’

‘Yes. They are becoming quite close.’

The next morning we flew to Tampa Bay. We ate at a restaurant overlooking the water and boarded the ship at one in the afternoon. As we did the boarding process one of the clerks asked Janice if it was MS, Miss or Mrs. Peterson. Her passport had the right name for any one of the three to be so.

‘Mrs. Janice Peterson.’ She answered. Then she looked over at me and winked. The clerk handed back her passport and other papers and said, ‘Have a wonderful vacation!’

Janice hooked her arm in mine and we walked aboard. I realized that she didn’t have rings. If she was really my wife she would have rings. At one of our stops that would be need to be fixed.

Over the first hours of our cruise I discovered something that should have been obvious but took me by surprise. She knew me better than I knew myself. At dinner the first night she told the server what I wanted for dinner while I spoke with one of the other passengers. Then I turned and ordered the exact things that she had ordered for me. The others at the table laughed and complimented Mrs. Peterson on knowing me so well. When she found out there was a formal night she asked if there was a place on the ship where she could get a great dress. She went shopping for a dress. It was my favorite color and fit her perfectly. I wondered why this beautiful young woman wanted to be with me. I started to wonder how she knew me so well and realized, she had been studying me her whole life.

On the second day out she explored the ship and found me after a show where I learned how to cook jerk chicken and island rice. She had us change into bathing suits and led me to the top-most deck where we discovered fifty or so women sunning topless. We also discovered forty or so men watching the fifty or so women. We ordered diet Cokes and she took off the bikini top and handed it to me. Then she handed me the sunscreen. She grinned and said, ‘If you don’t protect them, they’ll burn and then you can’t play with them for the rest of the trip.’

I squirted a big gob of lotion in my hand, rubbed my hands together and moved around behind her.

‘Lift your arms, Sweetheart.’

She did and I reached around her, cupped her breasts and massaged the lotion all over her wonderful breasts. I squirted more lotion on my hands and massaged it all over her body, legs and back. When I finished I stood up and noticed a man with a video camera.

I walked to him and said, ‘I would love to have a copy of the video you just shot. How can we make that happen?’

‘I think I can do it in my cabin. I’m in C318. Come down in about an hour and I’ll have it for you. You, Sir, are the luckiest man on this ship!’

‘Don’t I know it! By the way, We’re in C418. Thanks. The video will be a great keepsake from the trip.’

I went back to Janice. ‘He filmed you rubbing lotion all over me, didn’t he?’


‘I wonder if it shows when I came from you touching me?’

‘God! I felt you shudder! It felt that good?’

‘Having people watch you holding my tits and massaging them, running your hands down my belly and bumping into the tiny bottoms I have on was sooo sexy. I loved how it felt. I loved knowing you were hard, for me.’

After an hour in the sun I gave her back her top and helped her put it on. We went down to C318 and the man invited us in. He handed me a DVD in a jewel case. It was labeled with the date and name of the cruise ship. His wife was sitting on their bed when we entered the room.

She was topless. Her breasts were larger than Janice’s and completely tanned. Her bikini bottom was nearly invisible. A string with a tiny triangle that was transparent. She was fully shaved.

‘Young woman, I’ve seen lots of sexy women since I married this horney old man but watching him (she pointed at me) rub lotion on you was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in public! You came while he rubbed your tits, didn’t you?’

Janice blushed and said, ‘I did. It felt so sexy. People were watching!’

‘Let’s sit together at dinner. We want to get to know you better. We own a resort and you have won a week long stay at our resort in Florida.’

‘Ok. We’re scheduled to eat at eight.’ I gave them our table number and Jack called the purser or someone and had us shifted to a smaller table for four. They promised to bring brochures and pictures from their resort.

In our cabin I slipped the DVD into the player and Janice stripped out of her suit. I sat on the bed and she sat in front of me, between my legs. I used body lotion and followed the action on the screen. She moaned when my hands cupped her breasts and we watched me cupping her breasts in the sunshine. Jack had panned the crowd and saw all the people watching us. He zoomed in on my fingers pinching and pulling gently on Janice’s nipples. I did it again as we watched.

On screen my hands left her breasts and slathered lotion down her body until I bumped into her suit. On the bed there was no suit. My lotion covered fingers and hand kept going and covered her lips with slippery lotion and my finger dipped into her crease. Janice’s back arched and she said, ‘I’m going to cum, Daddy.’

‘Cum on my hand Mrs. Peterson!’ I pinched her clit and she screamed! Her body shook and her back arched harder. Her legs clamped around my hand. We held that position for a long time.

When she was able, Janice moved. Off the bed and onto her knees. Her hands grabbed my suit and pulled. I lifted a little and my suit was thrown across the room. Her mouth opened and she took my cock in her mouth.

Seeing Janice with my cock in her mouth and her tear-filled eyes looking at me was too much! She sucked and I came! She didn’t hesitate. She sucked harder a
nd swallowed everything I gave her.

When her mouth finally released my cock she smiled and said, ‘The girls at school are wrong. I loved how that felt and tasted. I did that to you. They said it was gross and tasted terrible.’

‘I’m told that the taste changes depending on what a man eats. Maybe cheeseburgers and French fries don’t make good tasting cum.’

‘You shouldn’t ever have cheeseburgers and French fries, if that’s true.’

‘There’s a conversation we haven’t had. Birth control.’

‘I thought you knew. Mom had the doctor put me on birth control pills three years ago, to regulate my periods. I won’t get pregnant. I’ve read up on babies born to father-daughter couples and while the incidence of problems isn’t huge, I don’t feel comfortable taking the risk. The family name will go on. Jake will take care of that.’

‘I thought I remembered something about Marie getting you on birth control but I wanted to be sure.’

‘I’m sure we have time for you to fill my pussy before dinner. Please.’

She opened the sliding glass doors out onto our balcony and put herself on her back on the small table out there. I followed her and slipped into her, holding her hips and watching the water slide by as we joined. Our motion moved her breasts in a slow motion. Her head was thrown back and she lifted it, looking into my face and she said, ‘I love you. I love how you feel. I’m only sorry we had to wait so long to be together.’

‘I’m glad we’re together. I am happier that I can remember being.’

It wasn’t long before I filled her. She got off the table and squatted over the small drain in the middle of our balcony. I got down and watched as our combined juices slowly dripped from her beautiful pussy and fell into the drain.

After the first gob fell I got under her and caught the next drop with my mouth. We both got up and kissed.

‘You are the sexiest man I’ve ever known.’

‘Lie on your back on the bed, please.’

She did. I opened her legs wide and lowered my face to her pussy.

‘Are you going to lick my pussy?’

‘Yes. Lick it, kiss it, suck on your lips, push my tongue inside it. Just lay back and enjoy.’

I did just what I promised, and more… and less. I teased her to the brink of orgasm, then back off. I teased her back to the edge and backed off again. The third time she got so close she was quivering all over and she was no longer able to make words, just sounds.

When I stopped she grabbed my face and thrust her hips against my face pushing herself over the edge and into a huge body-shaking orgasm. When she let go I immediately moved up and kissed her. My face was covered in her nectar and I tasted like her. She gave me a passion filled kiss and when she came up for air I moved down and sucked hard on a nipple.

Her back arched, she made a low, deep noise that was not quite a moan or a growl but was a combination of both.

We both collapsed and lay panting beside each other on the bed. I can’t be positive but I think I dozed. The sun was getting low on the ocean when I got up.

‘Daddy, should I shower so I don’t smell like sex or dress so you can smell us all during dinner?’

‘Shower. Shave all the hair from your puss. Rinse inside so you don’t drip all during dinner. Ok?’

She nodded and went into the tiny bathroom and even tinier shower. When she came back into the cabin she had a razor in her hand and the little bit of hair she had was covered in shaving gel.

I shaved her until there were no hairs anywhere near her puss. I rubbed lotion onto the freshly shaved skin and Janice said, ‘I will keep it smooth for you. I just wanted to watch you take care of me, this time. Thank you.’

She got up and put on thigh high stockings, her shoes and pulled on a dress. A low cut, short dress. It was white and shimmered as she moved.

‘No underwear?’

‘No. I dress for you. Momma dressed to hide herself. I want you to see me. I want others to see me and for you to know I belong to you. If we go dancing, I only dance with you. I want to walk down the hallway with you holding my hand or with your hand on my ass. When we eat dinner I want your hand on my leg while we eat. Reach up and touch my pussy. Feel how smooth it is and that it and I are just for you.’

The tops of her stockings were peeking beneath the hem of her dress. Only her magic kept her from exposing her ass and pussy as she walked. We had some time before dinner so we walked outside on the promenade deck. I held her hand half-way round the deck. I moved my hand to her ass for the second half of the trip.

When we went inside we passed a restroom and Janice said, ‘I need to go in for a moment. My juices are flowing down my legs.’

I stopped her and said, ‘Before you go, may I have a taste?’

‘Right here?’

I nodded and slid my right hand up under her dress. When I touched her slit she moaned and I gathered a taste and brought it to my lips. She watched as I sucked on my fingers. Then she said, ‘Oh God!’ turned and dashed inside the ladies room.

I waited for her. When she came out she grabbed my arm and said, ‘That was incredible! I came watching you suck your own fingers. The tops of my stockings are wet. I’m going to sit on a napkin or when I leave the chair will be soaked.’

‘Ready for dinner?’

‘I think I need the fuel.’

We walked into the big dining room and a server led us to our new table. Jack and his wife were already there. He was wearing khaki pants and a safari shirt. She wore a silver, mostly transparent, dress and a tiny black g-string. Her breasts were covered but not hidden. They sat as we did.

‘Janice, that dress is so sexy. God to have a body like that again. Good thing my man likes what I’ve got.’

‘I think my man likes what I’ve got too.’ Janice said. I guessed she had never been around adults talking like that before. The people of our church didn’t talk like that. I wasn’t sure they thought like that.

I leaned over to Janice’s ear and whispered, ‘If she asks, you’re twenty-two.’

‘I don’t know if I introduced myself before. I’m Kelly and this is Jack.’

‘Janice and Pete.’ I said, using a nickname I had since high school.

‘Have you been married long?’

I answered, ‘A year.’

‘An anniversary trip?’

Janice nodded.

‘Honey, don’t take offence but you look so young I would guess you haven’t finished high school. Your body looks like it finished college but you have such a young face.’

‘It sometimes is a problem.’

‘Getting carded at every club you go into. Buying goodies at a liquor store.’ Jack added.

‘We don’t drink.’


‘Diet Coke, juices, water, but no alcohol.’

Janice added, ‘I tried it a few times but never developed a taste for it. And, every guy who sees me with a drink in my hand thinks it’s an invitation to grope my ass!’

Kelly nodded her head. ‘If I had a hundred dollars for every strange man who groped my ass I’d be a rich woman!’

Jack looked at her and said, ‘You are a rich woman.’

She raised her water glass and toasted, ‘To all the men who have groped my ass.’ We all drank a bit of our water.

‘So, tell us about your resort.’

‘It’s called ‘S.D. Paradise.’ The S.D. stands for Skinny Dippers. It’s a clothing optional resort on the west coast of Florida. We have half a mile of beautiful beach, two swimming pools and two hot tubs. Our clubhouse is big enough for dinner dances and we’ve had as many as three hundred people at one of our parties. We allow RV’s, tents and have twenty cabins for rent.’ Kelly sounded like an ad on the radio.

Jack added, ‘We have a bike and hiking trail, two tennis courts, poles for six volleyball courts on the sand, a snack bar and a store.’

Janice said, ‘And people are all naked?’

‘If they want to be.’ Kelly answered. ‘Sometimes women wear bot
toms if they don’t want a string to show. Sometimes someone will wear a cover-up if they’ve had enough sun, or the weather gets cool. Mostly, we wear sandals.’

Janice turned to face me and said, ‘Gee, if we went there you’d need to put sun screen on me five times a day!’

‘It’s a tough job but someone’s got to do it.’ I said, smiling.

‘There will never be a shortage of willing hands for that job.’ Jack added.

We looked at the pictures and the full-color brochure for the Skinny Dippers Paradise. We didn’t pick a date when we would visit but delayed that by letting them know we were going to be moving soon and would want to get settled in our new home before we took any more trips.

By the time dinner was over it was almost ten. We wandered and found three of the clubs where dancing was happening. Each had different music catering to different aged dancers. We danced once and Janice stopped it after about twenty seconds. It was a slow song and when she raised her arms to put them around my neck her dress pulled up high enough that her ass was exposed. I know that because when I cupped it I got skin.

‘If we’re going to dance slow we need to be in our cabin, I think.’ She said as she backed off and lowered her arms.

We walked around on the promenade deck seeing the moonlight on the water, feeling the wind and feeling free. I didn’t say anything for a long time. I held Janice’s hand as we walked. At the most forward part of the ship I stopped us and embraced her. She lifted her face to mine and said, ‘I’m so happy. Thank you.’

Our kisses were soft, gentle and lasted long enough that three other couples had joined us by the railing. When we opened our eyes we saw them and Janice giggled a little. I leaned down for another kiss and she softly said, ‘Love is contagious.’

We were back in our cabin before midnight and snuggled into bed. The drapes were open and we could see some stars in the night sky. I thought about closing the drapes so the sunrise wouldn’t blast us awake but it looked as though we were going to be on the shade side of the ship in the morning so I left the drapes open.

Janice pressed her back against my front in bed and my arm went over her body and she held my hand to her breast,

‘I have a problem.’ She said.


‘And, I want you to help me.’

‘Ok. What is the problem?’

‘I don’t know what to call you. For eighteen years you’ve been Daddy or Dad. I know your name is Nick, but I’m having trouble saying it. I used your nickname, Pete, during dinner and it felt disrespectful.’

‘You don’t need to use my name, Dad or Daddy. Pick another name. Call me Honey. It doesn’t matter to me what you call me, just that you love me.’

‘I’ve loved you my entire life.’

‘I started loving you months before you were born.’

As women do sometimes the shift in topics was sudden. ‘Do you think Mom will ever be Ok?’

‘Maybe, if she would get help. Grandma’s family and lots of people in the church have an aversion to psychologists and shrinks so she may never be willing to get any help. Without help, no, I don’t believe she’ll ever get better.’

‘You still love her, don’t you?’

‘Of course. The lesson is that love isn’t enough. I started loving her when I was in the Air Force and we shared our lives. Lots of shared life in our years together and those memories will last. I love her. I love you. I love Jake too.’

‘Do you love me because I’m your daughter… or?’

‘Or, do I love you as my wife?’

She nodded. I tightened my arm around her, drawing her against me a little tighter.

‘Sweetheart, I love both of you. I love all the shared memories of you growing up and I love the women who has come to me just when I needed her. I love that little girl and I love the woman she has become.’

‘When we move, are you going back to church?’

‘No. When we get back I’m filing for divorce and writing a letter asking to be excommunicated from the church. According to their rules the only way to really get a divorce is if either Marie or I leave the church.’

‘I’m sad that Mom feels the way she does. I hate that something had to go bad between you for me to have you.’

‘I am too. Watching Marie disintegrate after the miscarriage hurt a lot. I felt like there should be something I could do to have my wife back. There was nothing. She would need to be willing before anything would help.’

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A Spy Too FarChapter 2 AnneMarie

Anne-Marie lay back in the bath and thought about the days events. She had been pleasantly surprised at first meeting Tony, although when she had first seen him unshaven and in his sea going uniform, she was a little put off, but something about him she found very attractive. If she had to have a make believe husband, at least she thought, it was nice to have one who after a shower and a shave looked a bit dishy, and she would not have to pretend too much with him. The photographs she had...

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Flight To The PastChapter 4 Anne Marie

Formality demanded on my calling on Anne Marie and her Father Lord Archer, in due course to introduce myself. Emily had somehow, through her contacts got me an invitation to a soiree at Lord Archers house on the eve of my formal visit. The estate was next to mine to the north and the hall was about three miles which was no real distance even over the rough roads and tracks. On entering the ball room and being formally introduced to Lord Archer the host. I had spied the Hon Anne Marie the...

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The first time we are going to meet it will be in a secluded spot that we’ve decided was perfect for us. It was out of the way, quiet and pleasant. We have chatted online and exchanged letters for a while and had built up wonderfully, exciting expectations of how it would be the first time we’d make love. Our letters had gotten more and more passionate and exciting, the images each of us created for each other more than fantastic. I couldn’t wait to feel the touch of your lips on mine, the feel...

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Jasons QuestChapter 19 Jesse Marie

Captain Judson rose and walked briskly from the salon. Once on the promenade, he paused to peer upriver, ahead of the boat. Although it was full dark, by the light of a full moon, he saw another steamer some fifteen hundred to two thousand yards ahead. She appeared to be on fire! At that moment, a terrific explosion lifted the entire boat, at least the middle two thirds, out of the water as it blew the steamboat to shreds and splinters. Boiler explosion! Or some explosive cargo went up....

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Jasons QuestChapter 21 Jesse Marie

Jesse and Marie had their shakedown, learning period about trail travel in a wagon in the weeks it took to reach Monroe, Louisiana. Lots of little things had to be learned the hard way and some were never learned, but taught, once they joined up with two other wagon loads of seasoned travelers. Things like: how to scour cooking pans with river sand, how to properly bank a campfire for the night, why it was necessary to locate off the trail some distance when possible, how to rig a canvas...

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How it all began 4 Pam tries her luck again then helps Marie

Once her hubby leaves for work she again puts on her pickup cloths and heads out to find a different day bar.. After driving around a bit she finds what she's looking for, An out of the way quiet bar with only three cars in the parking lot.. She parks and gets out putting her jacket back in the car and rolling up her skirt ad makes her entrance going straight to the back and sits in a secluded booth facing the front.. The bartender serves her beer and welcomes her.. A couple min later the...

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Sister Ellen Marie

The evening before she was to begin her teaching career by taking over Sister Delores' eight grade class at Saint Agnes parochial school, Sister Ellen Marie examined the files of each of her students so she would be familiar with their backgrounds and be able to prepare her lesson plans to their abilities. After carefully reading each file she realized that there were a few very bright students, some that were middle of the road B and C students and then there was Shawn Miller who seemed...

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How I Met Lisa Marie

My trip to Boston put me on Interstate 90 in Montana east of Butte. My Buick’s cruise control was set a couple of miles per hour above the posted limit and I slowly crept past a single motorcycle rider that was in the right hand lane. The bike didn’t look like a Harley, but it could have been. The rider was definitely a curvy lady. Women just sit a bike different than men. I think it’s because of their different hip joints. As I slowly passed her I couldn’t see much of her face because of her...

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Firt time with marie

My friend and i use to go to a bar in old montreal , we we're outside to have a smoke , when suddenly it appears in front of me , a real hot bbw with so fucking big tits , she was wearing a small shirt and i saw her magnificient breast standing there , she was about to put on a jacket , so i said to her what you want to hide that beauty breast , she was blushing and laugh a bit ,and she come to talk with us , so for the end of that night we we're drinking togehter and have a good laugh , and...

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Finding the Real Aunt Marie

Right from the very first time I saw Marie naked she was my ideal fantasy woman. She's my dad's youngest sister and only 7 years older than me, that first time was on holiday when I was 13 and she was 20. I hid so I could get a look at her getting changed and thought all my birthdays had come at once when she stood naked in front of me with her gorgeous tits and lovely hairy pussy in clear view.After she left I grabbed her panties to sniff and wank with, something I've done in the 15 years...

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A Night with Marie

Authors note: This is a true story. The only thing changed was the names of those involved. ***** Finally, I got my friend home. I’ve successfully kept her from being arrested and thrown in jail. I’ve got her home, to her room and into her bed. She’s lying there crying her soul out, and having massive panic attacks. The grief of her lost child from years before, the anger at her drug addicted mother, the shame of having Heroin withdrawals, and the overwhelming despair that all those...

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Marie had to work hard to earn money. Her English was not real good and she needed money and a lot to get fake tits so she could be a sexy female escort. Her slim body was not so attractive to the rich men needing a sexy big titted date for the evening. The girls with the big tits did earn a lot of money. Marie liked the idea of being with the rich men, young or old. She was a beautiful woman.She finally got enough money and went in for the surgery. She chose a DDD and knew that would attract...

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I met Marie the old-fashioned way. Drunk, at a bar. To be fair, I was drunk and she was sober, but still, my drunken state led me to hit on her, which made her shoot me down. I still entertained her enough to get her number, and after a few days of sober texting and calling, she finally agreed to go out with me. We went out a few times and never progressed further than a good night kiss at the door. She was oddly reserved for a woman of her age (39), but definitely showed signs of passion in...

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There are consequences for nearly everything you do. Or don't do, for that matter. You look at a girl who attracts you, but decide you are too shy to ask her out. Did you just miss out on your one and only? Or maybe you decide to download that new hit song by that band you really like. No problem, until the lawsuit arrives because you got caught. We all face consequences for our actions, and the consequences of the actions of others converge to lead us to decisions that will likewise have...

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Consequences I arrived in the dry hot Arizona town on a Saturday and checked into my hotel, not a fancy place but clean and quiet. Plus I was going to be there at least four months on my project, so I needed something affordable The first week was uneventful, go to work come back to the hotel have a few beers and go to sleep. I really was not into going out and exploring the town, plus there wasn't much of a town to explore. Just an Indian reservation and a few bars. I woke up...

2 years ago
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My name is Kelly-Marie, apparently my parents couldn’t agree on Kelly or Marie so I became a hyphenated child. About myself, I am rather large breasted, I will be covering their size later in this story. I married my high school sweetheart, football jock and current husband of some 300 plus pounds. Being large breasted I have not kept the figure that I had in school either, but no way have I allowed myself to go the way my husband has. Oh yes, this story is also about my son Jarred whom I...

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Mother in Law Marie

My mother in law Marie moved in with my wife and I a few months ago. She is in her 70's and still a nice looking woman. Short gray hair, big saggy tits, incredible nipples and nice legs for an older woman. We always got along well, but I wasn't sure about her moving in as our k**s are grown and I like my privacy. She wore house dresses with no bra so her tits and hard nipples were always on display. One day she was sleeping on the couch, my wife was at work so I went to my office and started...

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The Initiation of AnneMarie

The Initiation of Anne-Marie By Rosemary Flowers "It must have been the amphetamines" I mused as I observed my image in the mirror. Why else would I have submitted to this crazy and possibly dangerous challenge? The vision that stared back at me in those unfamiliar clothes was not reassuring. In long blonde wig, absurdly short floral summer dress, high heels and black stockings I was the image most transvestites would die for; but unfortunately the current...

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Consequences by dilsonI awoke to the sound of my wife, Beth’s, alarm at 6am. It was the middle of winter and the all night sounds of the forty mile per hour gusts of wind beating on the front of the house had provided little rest.Less than an hour later, Beth kissed me goodbye and left for work.I enjoyed the comfort of a warm bed a bit longer, and then dressed to get an early start on the newspaper.This morning would be the first opportunity I’d had in weeks to surf some porn and I was looking...

4 years ago
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A student gets caught cheating on her test. "There she goes again, looking at her neighbor's paper! She is so obvious. She has to be the worst cheater ever. Now she is looking at me and acting nervous. If she looks at her neighbor again, I am taking her exam away," Joe thought to himself as he sat at his desk, pretending to grade the previous period's final exam. Hailey, the student in question, was sitting a mere three rows back and her nervous eyes kept darting to, and then staring at, her...

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Consequences II Male Privilege

This is the second story in the "Consequences" series. What happens when a woman uses some power of wishes to forcibly trade places with her best friend because she believes he has it easier just because he's a man? A couple of snippets of song lyrics appear in this story. They are, in order of appearance, from the following songs and artists - "The World I know" - Collective Soul "Galileo" - Indigo Girls "All Fired Up" - Pat Benatar The song lyrics are copyright various by...

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Consequences of a Winter Storm

Consequences of a Winter Storm By Donna Lynn Cooper Although I was actually the 19 year old babysitter in my second semester at the local community college, at this moment I looked very much like Carole Douglas, the wife of Jack and the mother of their three children. I was dressed in one of Carole's sexy red negligees; a cap sleeved long skirted mix of luxurious satin and lace; and was seductively crouched on the floor of the master bedroom in front of Jack, who had arrived...

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Consequences April

Edited by Angel Love. Thanks as always Consider: In most major events, it is the little things that can make or break them. In 1986, the Challenger space shuttle was lost due to a cheap O ring that probably cost less than a few dollars. Because of that, seven lives and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost. Consider: It is often mentioned that a blood clot, sometimes so small that it takes a microscope to see it, can kill someone. Blood flow to a critical part of the brain is blocked and...

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House in the Woods Marietta

© Copyright 2003 My weekend guest had arrived early from Pullman and was comfortably ensconced in my dungeon. She was properly bound, but with one hand free to select from the array of sex toys I had placed within reach for her use as she watched a pre-programmed series of porn DVD's. I had promised her she could play with my slave, Amy, when she arrived later, but didn't want her wandering around the house since I was expecting some guys over for poker later that evening. I was...

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Consequences III So Damn Unpretty

Consequences III: So Damn Unpretty By Myria Still angry, I slammed the door to my apartment closed and stormed into the living room. Tossing my coat over the back of the couch I sat down and kicked off my heels - my feet were killing me. Dammit, why did things have to be so complicated, hadn't I been through enough? I grabbed a tissue from the box on the end table, nearly knocking over the lamp in the process, and, heedless of my make-up, wiped my tears. Guys, Christ! They...

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Nikolai and Anya Anne Marie

Knocking on the door to what was supposed to be Nikolai’s apartment I waited anxiously for him to answer. After a few moments I heard a sexy, masculine voice saying just a moment in Russian. I hoped that it was Nikolai. I would know as soon as I gave him the code phrase, and he responded with the completion of the scripture verse. “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,” I said quietly in Russian when he opened the door. “For he has visited and redeemed his people.” He replied in Russian...

1 year ago
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A Duke Dog for Marie

My name is Marie and I am a 42 year old female who loves sex. I had learned to masturbate at an early age. I still do it a couple of times a day, even now. My husband satisfied me when he was around but he died about 3 years ago. I have always loved to masturbate and seem to enjoy it so much. I have a collection of sex toys and dildos which I use often. I keep two small hand towels on the arm of my chair and couch as I am a squirter and my pussy floods when I cum. I use them to put under me...

2 years ago
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Losing my virginity to Marie

It was always her soft manner as well, always gentle, with such grace, suggested a highly sexual person but more in a role of deep understanding, not just lustful but more cerebral she made no apology for who she was, her boobs were massive and she didn't care if people looked, she got closer, this time invading my personal space"I'm so sorry she whispered"Her exposed boob now so close to my body, you can feel the aura radiating off her, not overpowering, just enough to be comforting. Her...

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Keiths Subversion Marie

I'd waited over a week for Keith to come back online again. But he just seemed to have vanished. He had been a guest on the chat site, so I hadn't really considered him a serious prospect. Although he had been kinda cute and it could have been fun if he'd shown up again.In the absence of Keith I was amusing myself browsing the various porn chat rooms I frequent when I'd come across Marie. She'd advertised herself as single looking for fun, but I could see this wasn't true. She was clearly...

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Busty Michelle Marie

today i'm your aunty... aunt Joann mother has sent you to my house, to be my sissy maid for a day you are dressed accordingly....sissy maid uniform, very, very short, stocking tops showing...6" shiny black high heels, strapped on your feet, and locked. your tight corset, making your waist so narrow and feminine...your huge bust in a tight bra....maybe 42 HH...fully made up face...ultra thin brows...full eye shadows massive false lashes, and mascara on top....pale ,...

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My aunt Marie

Hi, it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. I can’t resist your comments and opening up all my secrets so far. Now I post my experience I had with my other aunt her name is Marie. This happened 7 years before. She was my fathers’ brothers’ wife. She is tall, fair and had ample boobs and ass. I have always fantasized of fucking her. Once they visited our place. That afternoon I was sleeping in the bedroom. My aunt came in after having bath, she had petticoat tied above her boobs which...

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Consequences Donna

She thought consequences didn't apply to her. I read many stories about spouses cheating. Usually the stories had me think about answering the question: Would I react the way the characters in the stories react. The only thing I was sure of was that I couldn't see myself forgiving my wife. Probably divorce would be a default result reaction. As I read I could usually feel my emotional reaction wanting me to want to physically hurt my wife and the man who screwed her. At the same moment I knew...

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Consequences. By Tanya H. When chance and workload allowed I would excuse myself from the office at lunchtimes and enjoy a short walk into town for a sandwich and cup of tea. If I had made my fitness commitments the previous week I'd even allow myself a cake. That particular day spring carried the promise of summer, the sun was shining, it was pleasantly warm and I had left my jacket across the back of my chair. Through trial and error I had found the cafe where I could get...

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Consequences A New Life Part One

Consequences: A New Life This part has been edited and expanded thanks to the help of Robyn Hood. Note: This story is set in the near future where science is able to create artificial bodies. Apart from that I've tried to keep the story as 'real' as possible. Part 1 Friday night and the unseasonably warm weather has brought even more people than normal on to the Shoreditch streets. Music pumps from bars as relaxed students and hipsters mill around drinking. We have had a...

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Consequences                      David Dexter couldn’t concentrate on the columns of figures that were filling his computer screen. He found his eyes being drawn repeatedly to the photograph of his slim and very attractive wife that sat on one corner of his desk. He swallowed anxiously and glanced at his watch. What on earth had he done? When he’d left home three hours earlier Diana had been nervously pacing back and forth in their lounge. She was still wearing her night gown and her face was...

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Consequencesb7 2NN If you are a minor go elsewhere now! If you are offended byhomosexuality, sexual torture, scat or snuff or of a generally squeamishnature, go elsewhere now. This is not for you. Prologue As I shoot my load into the absolutely gorgeous woman beneathme, a voice somewhere in the back of my mind tells me that this iswrong. She's my best friend's wife and this is not how you treat yourbest friend. But Sheila is beautiful and we've been attracted to eachother for ages. The spark...

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Consequences Judith Revisited

I wrote Consequence- Judith almost a year ago but the ending always bothered me. Judith paid for her affair with Wes as she should, but I felt sorry for her. She fell on hard times afterwards, but then picked herself up and moved forward, raising her two sons and building a new life for herself. This is her story. Please forgive me for doing this but the comments from some readers told me they felt the same way I did. Edited by LadyCibelle with my thanks. Consequences-Judith, Revisited I...

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