The Affair Continues-Part 2 free porn video

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From last time: She stretched and touched her breasts and belly with a smile. She lay there thinking of what it was going to be like later. She heard the shower go off and the curtain part. She rolled over and cuddled the pillows underneath her as she watched Bill dry off. She looked at the broad shoulders and large chest. She watched the hands that just pleasured her. She watched them glide over his body and wished it were hers. She wanted to touch him. She looked at his loins and thought about feeling it inside her. It had been such a long time since she had really felt him inside of her. She couldn’t wait until later, but knew she had to if they were ever going to get to the opera in time.)

She got up and rinsed herself off, and rewet her long curly hair. She finished getting ready without much delay.

Twenty minutes later Teri is standing in front of the mirror in their room giving herself the final once over to make sure everything is just right. She is wearing a classic black dress, like the one Audrey Hepburn wore in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. (This was a matinee performance, so she chose a simpler dress to a more formal long gown that one would were to an evening performance.) It showed off her trim waistline and ample breasts without revealing anything. She knew Bill liked that in an outfit. She thought about pulling her long dark curls up into a French twist, but thought that Bill would prefer it down. She knew he liked her long hair. Instead, she only pulled up the front and crown. She left a few stray strands hanging down framing her pretty face. This also gave her the illusion of more height. Being 5’4”, she felt very self-conscious next to her 6’ husband.

She was just putting on her lipstick when Bill walked in and said she wasn’t dressed yet. She wondered what he could have meant by that. Standing behind her, he reached around in front of her neck draping a strand of pearls for display. “Happy anniversary,” he said to her as he clasped them around her neck. He kissed her neck lightly.

Pearls, she thought. He never buys her jewelry, or at least he hasn’t in the past. She was delighted with them. She turned around and kissed him and thanked him for them.

“They’re lovely.”

“You told me once when I thought you didn’t want jewelry that if I bought you jewelry, you would wear it.” “They look nice with your black dress.”

Teri draped a black lace shawl across her shoulders and was ready to go.

The opera was everything she had expected it to be. Moving. Thrilling. So much passion, she thought. It was simply beautiful. She thought about everything going on in the world and thought that if only people would look to the fine arts instead of hating each other the world would be a better place.

The music evoked such sadness in her, and at the same time joy. She thought about how lonely she felt the last few years, and yet here she was with the man she loved wrapped up in all of the emotions the afternoon had to offer her.

After the opera, Bill had one thing on his mind, his need for his wife. He was hungry for food, but he sexual appetite was greater. Tonight he was going to get what he had waited for, long for so long. Tonight he was going to have what was rightfully his.

He drove home as quickly as he could without breaking too many of the laws. He drove with purpose, with a mission. As he drove, he watched his beautiful wife beside him. She was thumbing through the pages of the program booklet and reading about all of the singers. The evening sun had given her long dark curls reddish highlights. It looked almost like the velvety texture of a burgundy colored rose. How he loved her hair. He had often wished that they had a little girl with long curl auburn hair like hers.

He watched her reading. Saw her full lips. He watched her as she mouthed the names of the opera singers to herself. He liked to watch her lips. Those beautiful lips as smooth as grapes and as sweet as wine. He couldn’t wait to partake of their sweetness.

He thought about the day he married her; eighteen years ago today and still just a lovely and sexy as the day he married her. He was amazed that after all this time she was still with him. He wondered why she married him and why she stayed. She could have married anyone and she chose him with all of his insecurities and quirks.

He glanced down to her breasts. God he loved her breasts. They were so full and round and voluptuous. They were his. He had already tasted them once today and couldn’t wait to get her home to taste them again. Just thinking about it made him hard.

He pulled into the driveway just as he thought he couldn’t wait any longer. He got out of the car and went around to the other side to help his wife of eighteen years get out of the car. He took her hand, looked into her big brown eyes, lean her against the car and kissed her full and fervently on the lips. Her breasts crushed into him. His growing manhood crushed into her. Teri could feel his want through his pants.

They went into the house and stopped in the living room. They continued the kiss hungrily with their arms wrapped around each other. Bill scooped Teri up into his arms and he continued kissing her up the stairs. He laid her down gently on their bed, mouths still locked, arms caught in the embrace. Their tongues explored one another’s mouths tasting each other. Their passion was mounting.

Bill worked on taking his jacket off as he continued kissing her. Teri helped him and started to unbutton his shirt. He got his jacket off and pulled his shirttail out of his pants. Teri worked at the belt buckle, button and zipper. He stood up and lowered his pants and briefs freeing his throbbing manhood. Teri grabbed his member and went to work sucking it. She started licking it at first, but then Bill, who was more than ready, forced her mouth onto it. She tongued it and worked her full smooth lips back and forth on it. She relaxed her throat and took his entire shaft in her mouth. She felt his balls push up against her face. Her mouth was warm and moist. She skillfully began to slowly work the length of his shaft in and out of her mouth. As she moved it out of her mouth, her tongue licked the back of his head right in the sensitive area. He had missed this. She was well accomplished at pleasing him this way. He moved her hair away so that he could watch her as she mouthed his organ. He liked to watch her work. It added to the excitement. Her mouth was so beautiful wrapped around his organ. Her lips were so ripe and luscious. In and out, her hands kept it at a steady pace.

He grabbed the hair in the back of her head and began to move her head a little more quickly across his shaft. She felt so good. He wanted to bang his member right into the back of her head, but he must settle down and wait. He didn’t want to come, not just yet. He had other plans still. He wanted to last for her.

He pushed her shoulders back causing his manhood to pull out of her mouth suddenly. It made a popping sound as it came out.

He extended a hand to her. She took it and rose from the bed. He kissed her full on the lips. Then turned her around and unzipped her dress. He parted the back and kissed her back near the shoulders. He noticed the lace teddy she was wearing underneath and smiled. He was going to have fun with this.

He dropped her dress to the floor and helped her step out of it. She turned to face him and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt. She slowly removed the shirt from his massive shoulders. He had large square shoulders that she loved. She felt safe, protected by those strong shoulders.

She stretched up a little to meet his lips. His kiss was soft and gentle, but passionate and wanting. It firmly conveyed his need, his desire to have her.

He kissed her neck, parted her hair and dropped one of her straps off of her small shoulder. He kissed her shoulder. Teri nearly melted under his kisses. He worked his way to the other shoulder and removed that strap. His kisses sent tingles deep within her core. Teri reached her arm up to run her fingers through his hair. His thick hair curled around her slender fingers. She loved his hair. Their boys had his hair. Bill was one of the few men left in his family who didn’t have a receding hairline.

Bill took hold of her shoulders and spun her around. He wanted to look at her face, her beautiful face. Her face was just as beautiful as it was the day he married her, 18 years ago. He looked into her big brown eyes. Her long lashes curled around into her eyelids. He could see the world through her eyes. It was a beautiful world. Her eyes evoked tenderness and mercy, and love. She truly loved him. He could see it in her eyes.

Teri looked deep into Bill’s ice blue eyes. This was the man whom she had married. This was the man whose children she bore. This was the man she loved. This was her soul mate. She had always loved his blue eyes. One look into his eyes would tell her what was on his mind, or at least what mood he was in. When he was angry, his eyes turned a dark smoldering shade of green, and when he laughed, his eyes were as blue as the sea on a clear day. They were one of the features that attracted her to him first.

They looked into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity, but was in reality only a few seconds. Long enough though for them to mentally tell each other they loved each other. That they still loved each other today, just as much as they did all those years ago, if not more.

Again their lips met in a passionate embrace. Each one was hungry for the other one’s kiss. As they kissed, Bill fell on top of Teri on the bed. He began to explore her body with his hands. He reached down to her breasts and felt them through the lace. He found the nipple of one and gave it a tweak between his fingers. Then he went on to manipulate the other one. Teri thought she was going to explode with passion. She was quickly becoming aroused between the deep kissing and his explorations. She could feel the crotch of her teddy becoming wet.

Bill broke off the kiss and moved down to her chest. As he moved down to her chests, he planted light kisses down her neck and shoulders. Again sending shivers down Teri’s spine.

The bust of Teri’s black lace teddy was laced together with a thin black ribbon. Bill smiled at Teri as he undid her bow and began loosening the laces and pulling apart the two sides that pulled her breasts together. He ran a finger down her breastbone. His touch sent shockwaves throughout her body. He leaned in and kissed her in between her breasts and inhaled her perfume, Eternity. Its scent was intoxicating. He reached in and freed her left breast. He kissed it lightly at first, and then more hungrily. He took her nipple in between his thumb and forefinger and rolled it. Teri moaned softly. Then he took it in his mouth and tasted it. It was warm and soft, but quickly became hard in his mouth. He sucked it and pulled on it lightly, then released it from his mouth. Her nipple stood straight up about an inch. Then, he moved in on the right breast and released it from the confines of her teddy. He knew this was the more sensitive breast. He cupped it as he kissed it and toyed with it before zeroing in on the nipple. He took her nipple and mashed it lightly between his fingers, then took it into his mouth. Ever so lightly, he ran his tongue over the top of it.

“Ooooh,” a slight moan escaped her lips.

He sucked on it while he cupped and held her left breast. Teri was beginning to writhe underneath him. She was becoming increasingly aroused. He knew if he kept this up, he could make her come simply by manipulating her breasts. Tonight, she will be in ecstasy many times, he thought to himself.

He moved back to her left breast and sucked on it, then to her right. He continued to move back and forth a few times, and then he pushed them both together and licked across the tops of both nipples in one continuous movement. Back and forth, he moved his tongue licking both of them. He knew this turned Teri on.

Moaning continuously now, Teri burned with desire. She wanted him, needed him now more than she had ever needed him.

He stopped and stared at his beautiful wife for a few minutes. She smiled back at him quite happily.

Bill got up and moved down to the foot of the bed and to her feet. He kissed her lightly up her leg to her thigh. She was wearing thigh highs. Teri bent her knee and Bill hooked his thumbs under the lace band of the hose and pulled it down revealing her silky legs and painted toenails. She must have painted them for this occasion. He moved over to her other leg and repeated the same tender kissing and removed the other thigh high. He stared at her bare legs for a second. She had the most beautiful legs he had ever seen on a woman. She had been very active in sports when she was younger and had very shapely legs. Her legs were slender but with well-proportioned curves. He smiled at them remembering how she liked to wrap them around him when they were making love and pull him deeper into her. Just the thought of it made his manhood twitch with delight. He kissed her leg up to her thighs. Then he kissed down the other thigh and inside her thighs, parting them a bit.

Already he could smell the smell of her arousal. He knew he was getting her worked up. You won’t have to wait much longer, my darling, he thought to himself.

He moved to her mound and kissed her lightly through the lace fabric of her teddy. He smelled her sex scent. Hooking a finger inside the crotch of her teddy, her played with her lightly. Teri squirmed a little. The fabric was already damp with her juices. Then he unhooked the hooks on her crotch one by one until the bottom of her teddy was open to him. He flipped the top part up revealing her well-maintained mound. She kept it trimmed for him knowing how her hair irritated his member. He touched her lightly. She was already moist. He parted her lips with a finger. They glistened with her love juice. He ran a finger slowly around her lips. Teri let out a soft moan. He stroked her perineum. That too was damp. He dipped his finger in slightly and pulled it out. Another moan escaped Teri’s lips. He traced his damp finger up to her clit and rubbed it gently. He didn’t want to get her too excited, not yet anyway. He traced his finger around her labia and then down her perineum again. Then inserted his finger into her wetting it more and traced around her labia some more. He continued this pattern of dipping his finger and tracing around the folds and down her perineum a few more times. He knew this was arousing his wife. She was a sex kitten and loved to be toyed with like this.

Then he became a little more serious. He remembered how he had brought her pleasure earlier in the day. He penetrated his finger deep this time. “Ooooh,” Teri moaned. Then pulled it out, and dipped it in again. Each time he dipped it in, he went a little deeper. He had large fingers and he knew how to satisfy his wife. He knew just where he spots where and just how she liked to be touch. Then he dipped a second finger in. Teri’s moaning became louder.

He brought his mouth down to her mound. He could really smell her now. He knew it wouldn’t be long before she exploded. He kissed her mound and worked his way to her labia lips, all the while sawing at her pussy with two fingers. He brought his fingers out and tasted her. He planned on doing a lot more than just simple tasting before he was all done. He licked her folds and then began to lap at her womanhood.

Teri was moaning out loud now and squirming and thrashing.

Bill went back to one finger inside her and began moving his finger more rapidly in and out of her. He hooked his finger around and found the fleshy part inside her he knew would drive her crazy. Teri began to buck her hips wildly. Bill stuck his tongue inside her and began to lap up everything he could. Teri grabbed the bedspread and clung to it as she rolled her head back and forth. She was breathing more heavily now and was on the brink of desire.

Bill reached up with his free hand and fondled one of her breasts.

Teri screamed out in utter delight.

Bill found her clit with his mouth and closed his mouth on it.

“OOOHHHHHHHH!!!!” Teri was really yelling now. Bill knew she was close.

He sucked her clit and rubbed it with his tongue. Again he stuck his finger deep inside her then hooked around and found her spot. That was it. Teri exploded in an earth-shattering wave of passion.

“Ooooohhhhhh, Bbbbiilllllll! I’mmmmm cccccummmmmmiiiiinnnnnngggggg!!!!!” She cried out.

Teri’s juices spilled out all over Bill’s fingers. His mouth was right there to lick all of it up. He continued his manipulations with his finger, sawing at her for all she was worth.

Wave after wave of orgasms came crashing down on her. Teri was in sexual paradise. She grabbed his hair and pushed his head into her. She ground her womanhood into his face bucking her hips wildly like a bronco.

Seeing his wife get off was stirring him up again. He withdrew his finger from her and lapped up all of the juices that she had to offer him.

Slowly, steadily, Teri began to calm down. Her screaming turned to soft moans and her breathing started to regulate.

However, Bill wasn’t going to let her rest. He sat up and quickly got off the bed. He reached for Teri and pulled her up. It was time for the teddy to come off and for him to see his wife in all of her heavenly glory. He helped her pull the teddy down and let it drop to the floor.

My God my wife is beautiful, he thought. She is 37 almost 38 years old and still just as fine as she can be. Her 36C breasts were round, firm and very voluptuous. Her stomach was as firm and tight as it was the day he married her, even after carrying two sons in there. Her hips were well proportioned. He turned her around so he could have a look at her perfect arse. He loved its perfect, cupid shape. Nice and round and perfect for grabbing hold off. He could feel the yearning in his loins just by staring at her.

He went around to the other side of the bed and helped her pull back the covers. Then he walked back around to her side of the bed. All the while never taking his eyes off of hers. When he reached her, he kissed her deeply on the lips. Then searching her eyes as if to say, “Are you ready?” he pushed her gently back into the bed.

He laid down on top of her between her legs. He kissed her again passionately to get her juices flowing again and to make sure she was ready to receive him. He felt more than ready to have her. He placed his member at her entrance and then kissed her. His hands met hers and he brought them together over her head. He continued kissing her deeply, passionately, and entered her in one swift movement. She felt warm and inviting. After 18 years together they certainly didn’t need any introduction. She accepted all 8 inches of him into her. He felt her muscles envelope his shaft in her. She felt tight.

Bill rose up and came almost out of her and then slammed into her again. He felt his head hit the entrance to her womb. Oh, it had been such a long time. He felt alive again. He felt like he could slam his cock right through her cervix into her womb. He had made her come once tonight and he was determined that he was going to make her come like she had never come before.

Teri felt him hit her cervix, and felt the passion in his kiss. It had been a long time since Bill had made her feel like this. She felt like she had when they were trying to get her pregnant with her first son. She felt so loved by him, so wanted by her husband. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him in closer to her.

Bill loved the feeling of her legs wrapped around him. She had power in her legs. She had possessed him. He came up almost out of her again and slammed back into her. Teri moaned and brought her hips up to meet his thrusts.

Bill continued to jack hammer into his wife for about 20 minutes. Teri matched each thrust into her. They were two sex-crazed animals. It was pure hormonal lust. Teri wanted her husband as much as he wanted his wife.

Bill could feel the heat in Teri rising. Teri stopped and pushed her hands against Bills shoulders signaling him to stop. It was her turn to do some riding. Bill got off of her and Teri quickly got up on her knees, turned around and pushed Bill down greedily to the bed. She moved around and climbed on top of him. Bill pulled her down to him and hungrily took a breast in his mouth. He sucked on it, then took the other one and did the same. Teri loved when he sucked on her breasts in the middle of sex.

Teri gyrated her groin around his member and then pushed herself on him. Bill clasped her hands and then straightened his arms pushing her up. Teri moved up almost coming off of his member and then came back down on top of him. She pushed her self down in such a manner that she could feel his member sliding across her clit. She leaned over and kissed him full on the lips, then returned to the task at hand. She moved herself up and down his shaft each time quickening the pace.

She could hear his breathing getting heavier. Bill was starting to moan softly. She knew he was getting close. She continued to ride him. Up and down she went like a bucking bronco.

She arched her back and leaned back a little grinding herself on his shaft some more. Teri started to moan.

Bill watched her. He loved to see the expressions on her face. There was a sense of concentration on her face and yet there was a sense of sheer delight. He watched her breasts bounce up and down as she moved up and down on his cock. He reached up and began to squeeze and fondle her breasts. They were both close to coming.

Their moans became louder and louder and began to synchronize. Teri leaned forward and grabbed hold of his shoulders.

“”Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh…” Teri kept repeating.

“OOHHH! Ttteerrrrrieeeeeee!!!!” Bill screamed. Teri felt his cock thicken inside her. Teri went up and slammed herself down on top of him. She could feel his balls slap her in the arse. She felt him slam into her womb. Bill grabbed hold of Teri and held her down on top of him. Bill was overcome with the sensations of a thundering orgasm.

Teri could feel pulse in his cock buried deep inside of her. Teri was screaming out at the top of her lungs in sexual bliss. Teri was overwhelmed by the mountainous orgasm that was ripping through her body. She felt like her eyes were rolling back into her head. Every part of her body tingled.

Bill continued to blast his seeds deep into his wife’s womb. He cried out with every spurt. Teri began squeezing and contracting her muscles milking every last drop of fluid out of his shaft.

Oooohhhhh, it had been such a long time since they had agreed with so much bliss.

Slowly, both Teri and Bill began to come back to earth. Teri collapsed on Bill’s chest and kissed him there. “I love you,” he said softly. “I love you, too.” She returned. She kissed him on the lips.

Teri rolled off of her husband and lay in his arms beside him. He kissed her on the forehead, then on the lips when she reached up to him. His kiss was gentle at first, but then turned more passionate. He had felt young and alive tonight. He had fallen in love with his wife all over again and he wasn’t about to let her rest. Tonight he was a sex crazed animal and felt the lust surge up in his loins once again.

He pushed her up and made her get up on all fours. Then he grabbed her arse and gave it a light smack. “Ouch! What was that for?!” Teri yelled. “Because you have been a bad girl!” Bill said and he smiled at her. Bill patted and kissed her arse, and rubbed her vagina. Their mixed juices were running out of her lips. Teri wiggled it her arse playfully. Bill was being an insatiable tiger tonight.

It had been a long while since Bill had felt like playing with her this way.

He took hold of his member and rubbed it up and down her clit. He lined it up and rammed it home. Semen squished out of her and ran down her legs. “Somebody’s awfully wet down here,” he said. He pulled almost all the way out and then rammed it all the way back on her. All 8 inches of him ran in and hit her cervix. He knew Teri like it this way; she could feel him hit her womb. And he liked holding on to her hips and arse. He reached up and grabbed her breasts. Teri moaned.

He continued ramming into her for all she was worth. It had been a long time since she had made him feel like this. He felt young again. He felt alive again. He felt like he could ram his cock all the way through into her womb.

It was pure animal lust and Teri knew it. It had been a long time since Bill had been this sex crazed. Every time he hit her cervix, he hit a nerve and sent shivers down her spine. Teri moved her hips along with his hands and ground herself against him. She could feel his balls slapping her in the arse.

Bill slammed into Teri like a stallion around a mare in heat. He had already made her scream out in passion and desire a few times tonight and he was going to make her scream out again.

Teri’s eyes felt like they were going to pop out of her head. Twice in one night? She thought. He hadn’t been this way with her since they were newlyweds. Back then they would go at each other two to three times a day minimum. Now she was lucky if she got the obligatory once a month. She could count the number of times they had made love this year on one hand. She thought back to when they were first married. The feelings, the emotions that were conveyed during sex. It was raw animalistic lust. Just thinking about all of that made her emotions surge. She could feel the tides rising up within her. She started moaning out again.

Bill was getting close too. He could feel the familiar swell building up in his cock. He reached up and grabbed her breasts again and squeezed them roughly this time. Then he grabbed hold of her arse and went about slamming it home.

Teri felt the pulse building up in Bill again. She felt his manhood tensing up.

“Ahhhhhhhh! Oh, Baby!” Bill was crying.

Feeling Bill blast another load deep within her put Teri over the edge. She screamed out in another earth-shattering orgasm as the tidal waves ripped through her body again for the second time while they were making love tonight.

“Oh, baby!” Bill said again sounding a little out of breath this time.

“You made me feel like a young man again tonight.”

Teri collapsed on the bed, tired but very satisfied. Her husband that she married had come back to her. She smiled to herself and thought about how happy she felt at that very moment. She wished she could freeze time at that very moment.

Bill collapsed in the bed and crawled up next to Teri. She turned to her side and the two of them spooned together in Bill’s arms.

“I love you!” Bill whispered into her ear. Teri smiled to herself and said, “I love you too, Bill.”

Bill gave a little chuckle and said “That was the best sex I have had in a long time!” “We should do that more often.”

If only, Teri thought to herself, and drifted off to sleep blissfully in her husband’s arms.

To be continued….

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Misha just turned 31, had three kids, and a husband that works far more than he earns. She was telling me his boss was taking advantage of Bert’s work ethic, ‘do the job until it’s done’. I thought she was hinting for an influx of cash but I couldn’t help, not much anyway, “Ah, sorry Misha, I don’t have a lot of spare cash right now, with Connie furloughed.” My sister looked at me surprised, “Oh, no, Pat, I didn’t mean it like that. We are fine that way, I just don’t like how he is with...

3 years ago
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Mera Affair Anupriya Ke Sath 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hun aap logon ke liye new sex story. Jismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise maine Shashank Chopra (27years) ki newlywed wife Mrs Anupriya Chopra(25 years) ke sath apna extramarital affair shuru kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko apni new sex story batata hun. Jaisa aap logon ne meri last sex story mein padha ki kaise Shashank Chopra ne meri wife Aditi ko uske sath extramarital affair shuru karne ke liye ready kiya....

2 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

2 years ago
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One Mans Affair

I received an Email from a lady name of Emily about one year ago. The note promoted a rush of memories of events long past but that seemed as fresh as if they had occurred days or weeks previous. I have had only one extra marital affair during a long marriage, and Emily was the ‘other woman’. Along with the romantic and erotic memories that returned, I also recalled my deep sense of guilt and the terror of being found out. I was very surprised to hear from her given the unpleasant parting...

2 years ago
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An Innocent Affair

An Innocent Affair By Elrod W. Tom Haskin was all smiles as he stepped off the elevator. And why not? His older son Bobby had done pretty well in T-ball last night, and his wife had helped celebrate - especially after the boys went to bed. Tom had every reason to feel good. The presence of Miranda Barajas in his office dampened his enthusiasm a bit. She was seated across the desk from his chair, her short skirt riding up her thighs seductively. Miranda smiled when Tom walked...

1 year ago
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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 8

After Michelle’s last trip to Seattle for a weekend with Mike, he told her that he wanted her to leave me and marry him. He’d told her he couldn’t go on sharing her so she had to make a choice. She had. She told him goodbye and came home, this time for good. After she got home, we went to bed, both of us nervous about what our future might hold, but secure in our love for each other. In the middle of the night, I woke up to Michelle crying. I put my arms around her and pulled her to me, asking...

Wife Lovers
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The Affair

The Affair Myles phone gave a beep which announced an incoming ext. He hurriedly grabbed it and with growing excitement read the new message. 'Excelsior hotel 12.30, don't be late' He quickly cleared his desk and went out into the reception area. "Stephanie I'm just off to that meeting with Mr. Walters," said Myles Rogers as he headed towards the door, "I think I'll be at least 2 hours." "Okay Myles, hope it goes well," said Stephanie Morton. "He seems awfully jumpy, I hope...

3 months ago
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Affair with the Ex is always a disaster Extra Marital Affair Stories

I knew the day Tulip moved into our neighbourhood; it would soon be a recipe for disaster. But I never imagined it would be a disaster that pulls me so much. Let me start from the beginning how an affair with the ex can be disastrous. I am John, a 34 year old male who is happily married for five years. My live is average, simple and free from drama. I go to office, work the entire week and get back home to hot supper and lots of love every day. It was what I wanted since my break up with Tulip....

Extra Marital Affair
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

1 year ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

1 year ago
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Reaffair with same lady bhabhi 1

Hello friends ,Welcome to “ Re-affair with same lady (bhabhi) ” Part – 1. What you are going to read is a 100 % factual. This is my real life incident. It is a write up of what had happened in my life with my cousin brother wife. Hope you will enjoy the entire STORY. Before ending, i bet you, your one hand will reach your private part.Never expected in my life that, i will be lucky to have secret relationship with my loving bhabhi. Myself :- Aman from Punjab. I am 30 Years old. I am not sex...

4 years ago
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My Affair with a HmongHmoob coworker

To get the full story, please go read "Married Hmong affair - Part 1" She said don't quit if you quit, make sure u tell me or else I will MISS you a lot...then I said really? LOL!! then she replied "oh yeah!" and LOL! Then I said to her, "i can get your phone#?" she said, "i will think about it." Then she walked back to her desk. I have thought about it over night and I felt scare to myself. I could get into trouble if she tells anyone like her husband, friends or our manager at work.On...

2 years ago
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My One And Only Affair

I'm divorced now. My ex-wife had an affair which ended our marriage. She doesn't know that I had my own affair, seven years earlier. We were great fuck mates. I fucked her constantly and I fucked her one day before we split up. But after she had our baby, she changed in many ways, including sexually. She didn't want to fuck nearly as often as she used to and her pussy was dry almost every time we fucked, before she changed, her pussy got wet just from thinking about sex! I'm patient by nature...

Straight Sex
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Affair I Remember

I am a cuckold. My wife had an affair with another man. It has been over for several years now, but it still turns me on to think about it. When I first found out about her affair, I was simultaneously numb with shock and sexually excited. It took a while to get over the shock and I didn't take advantage of the situation to its full erotic potential. Looking back at it now, I can see the opportunity I missed. Here is what happened, starting with a little background. Jo and I got married at...

2 years ago
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Anatomy of an Affair

Week 1 I never set out to have an affair. Maybe if I write it all down, it will help me figure out what is going on. I am not one of those housewives who volunteered because they were bored and lonely, or just vaguely unsatisfied. He was just someone I had forged a friendship with at work and started flirting with. Yes, I enjoyed his attentions. It felt good and right, just different enough, and I felt powerless to resist. Oh, who am I kidding? When your hormones are raging and someone is...

1 year ago
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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Yet another office affair

Introduction: Every office affair is the same… or is it? Yet another office affair… Its all about her cumming for me you know… Dont get me wrong, I love cumming, i love filling a girls pussy with my cock and feel her walls stretching as I enter her and fill her with my seed… But for me, its nothing unless I can feel her shake, writhe and moan uncontrollably until she explodes… Only then I know for a fact that I have made a woman mine. Now you all know about office affairs… When a marriage is...

3 years ago
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The Developing Chronicles Of Our Affair Part 1

I don't remember the details of how we started talking, but he will. Details never escape him. I do remember the important bits... the magnetic pull, the extraordinary sex, but I'm getting ahead of myself; it wasn't that fast.I was and am happily married to a wonderful friend. He is sweet and kind and caring, but he has a history, and that has had an enormous influence on our sex life, which means we practically don't have one and haven't really for about a decade. I have a high libido,...

2 years ago
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The Affair

The Affair By Margaret Jeanette Tammy Scott was having lunch at a local spot when a handsome young man came over to her. He introduced himself as Dr. William Henderson and said he just had to tell her that she looked beautiful in the outfit she was wearing. When he asked her to join him for lunch she accepted. She didn't know why she had accepted but for some reason she was attracted to this man. They enjoyed a good lunch and she found herself laughing at many of the jokes he...

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A Compounded Love Affair

I joined the company in the month of May year 2005. After a tumultuous time at a BPO – where we learnt that there are no nights to go home, only late evenings and then early morning. Food so pathetic that the taste buds went for a toss. Only thing that kept the eye open were the ladies on and off the floor (standard term for a place where calls are taken) or probably the supervisor shouting after just getting pummeled by an early riser in the States. Ma continuously pestering me to join...

2 years ago
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Charmaines Meaningful Affair

CHAPTER 1 Sitting on a stool at the bar in a rowdy group who’d been to dinner at the Comedy House restaurant-theatre, Charmaine Ross noticed the curly-haired guy about her age studying her, thankfully appearing very casual about it. The heart of the bored woman fluttered. She hadn’t committed adultery for a couple of years. Unless she did it soon she’d forget how good it was. Douglas was losing fitness and these days puffed and even dribbled over her and he performed his beloved bang. Like...

4 years ago
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How We Explored My Friend8217s Wife Affair By Tapping Her Phone

I first thank ISS for publishing my story. Hi guys I’m back with continuation of my story in an another dimension. For better understanding of the story please read my story” How I explored the affair of my Brother’s wife” or it’s ok if you don’t read the story. This is a story of my friend who used a secret call recording app that was given by me. As I explained in my previous story “How I explored the affair of my Brother’s wife”. Bangalore is full of surprises. I would like to thank for the...

1 year ago
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The Affair Continues Part 3

Teri awoke with a start. She had been sleeping so peacefully. It was such a beautiful dream. Then she realized that it wasn’t a dream. She felt a twinge from her irritated mound and smiled to herself as she remembered being loved by her husband like she hadn’t been loved in a long time. Bill had been so passionate, so driven. He was almost like a sex-crazed teenager tonight and Teri had wanted it all. She needed it. She had craved his touch for so long. Hungered for his love and affection....

3 years ago
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ExtraMarital affair continues in a parking lot

Hello everyone! Greetings for the day. My name is Rohan (pen name). I am 36 years old married man from Mumbai having a kid. I have an athletic body as I am into triathlons. However, due to lockdown, I have gained some weight. I am an IT Engineer by Profession and a Tri-athlete by Passion. This is the continuation of After the first sex, we did not get much chance to meet soon. Avantika’s parents and son would be at home all day. However, we continued chatting over WhatsApp and sharing nudes....

1 year ago
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While this project was a big step for my husband, I suspected there was more to it than just a great business opportunity for him…..and I was right. Two days after Frank left for his project, the doorbell rang around dinner time. When I opened the door, there was Ben – my husband’s boss – standing on my porch with a bottle of wine in hand. I admit I was not surprised, but I was definitely pleased, as I stepped aside to let him in. He walked past me into the entranceway, and as I turned...

1 year ago
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While this project was a big step for my husband, I suspected there was more to it than just a great business opportunity for him…..and I was right. Two days after Frank left for his project, the doorbell rang around dinner time. When I opened the door, there was Ben – my husband’s boss – standing on my porch with a bottle of wine in his hand. I admit I was not surprised, but I was definitely pleased, as I stepped aside to let him in. He walked past me into the entranceway, and as I turned...

2 years ago
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Married Affair Part3

But here we were again, talking on the phone, expressing our love for each other, how we had both made mistakes, remembering how we had been fantastic sexually together."I've got to fuck you babe, I need to stick this swollen cock inside your wet pussy, I need to cum inside you, over your tits and over your pussy lips" you were horny, I could imagine you sitting in that hotel room, tugging on your cock as we began to talk dirty."Send me a picture of you cuming, I want to see you cum for me" I...

3 years ago
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The Love Affair Still Continues

Hi to all readers, Shivam mittal this side. I am an average built guy aged 32 years height of 5.7”, this incident happened when I started my first job with an Insurance company in 2005.I was assigned a desk and just opposite me was the heroine of this story who was a widow, her Name is ‘Ritu’ Being the first job I used to be occupied in my work and was not in discussion to people sitting nearby, however I used to observe that this b’ful lady ‘Ritu’ used to stare at me many a times, though she...

4 years ago
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Lust On The Beach The Start of the Affair

Introduction: Gaynor is a 49 year old mature married woman with two full grown daughters who has gone to the coast for a relaxing few days, a chance meeting with a familiar younger man leads to so much more……… Lust On The Beach (The Start of the Affair) Gaynor Day Out Gaynor Day was in her 40s and had blonde bronze like hair with a slim athletic body which for her age of 49 was impressive. At this present time the office secretary was laying down on the beach reading a book entitled...

3 years ago
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Affair of the Heart

John and Beth had been having an affair for over 20 years. They had shared their most intimate secrets with each other. They knew everything about each other. Their hopes, their dreams, their fears, nothing was kept secret. John was there when Beth had concerns about her children and she was who he turned to in his doubts about his job. They were there for each other in times of joy and sorrow, in triumph and failure. Over the 20 years they had become soul mates. But what was so unusual about...

1 year ago
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Found in the www The affair with Mrs Sims

The affair with Mrs. SimsMy wife and I separated and divorced when I turned 30. We didn't have any k**s yet, so I felt quite free. It was a big weight off of my chest! After the divorce was final, I decided to change jobs (And basically careers) and go from being a Network Administrator, to opening up my own PC Repair shop. I had some money saved up, and it didn't cost too much to get started. I had a bunch of used PC's, monitors, parts, and so on, and kept a nice selection on new processors,...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates A Complicated Affair

Altered Fates: A Complicated Affair By Theunknownauthor Everything you are about to read is true! Every person, place or thing that is mentioned in this account is real, although I am changing the names and not giving any exact locations. I am doing this so that readers won't try to verify the validity of this story on their own. This isn't an easy story for me to tell, but I feel that I need to get it off my chest. For almost a year now I have been reading various accounts...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach An Affair to Remember

Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember ElrodW A man who's having an affair would love to leave his wife for his best friend and love. The problem is that the wife has the power to ruin him if he tries. He needs help - magic help of the kind that Bikini Beach specializes in. But the results aren't quite what he was thinking. *********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember This story is copyright by the author. It is...

2 years ago
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An AFFair

Let me give you a background first of all. I’ve been married 12 years and for the past seven, sexual activity between me and my wife (Ritu oviously name changed) has stopped completely. I love her dearly, but she has lost all interest in sex and as time went by, I got tired of being alone. When we had sex, I would make sure she would always climax, most times multiples. She admitted that she enjoyed it, but I found out, if she never had sex again it would be all right with her. Since our...

3 years ago
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My extra marital affair

I am Amit, residing in Dubai for last 13 years along with my wife (Sujata) and parents. I am a businessman, having diversified company herein Dubai, dealing in some 150 items. We usually source material from Mumbai, which in turn sold to GCC countries and also exported to African countries. I have to travel a lot to Mumbai for this reason. Prior to my marriage, I used to stay with my mother’s relatives in Vasai when I was in Mumbai for purchasing. But. Now I always live with my sister-in-law...

3 years ago
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My Affair with the Queen 2

Five years later, Queen Isabella is still gorgeous and our affair is ongoing.Isabella knows that I love to see her wear her tiara, so I took this photo right after she sucked me off. The tiara serves to confirm the fact that I’m getting a blowjob from the Queen! Of course, she had to re-apply her lipstick, but her blowjob was wonderful.Angelica and I have given the Queen four grandsons with another one on the way. She still wears me out in bed most nights, and I still enjoy Isabella’s blowjobs...

4 years ago
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A Family Affair redux

The {lastname} family are, at least on the surface a pretty normal, typical affluent family. They live in a quiet neighborhood, a gated community. Well off, they are like many of the other families in the neighborhood, or at least were until one day when a diary was left open. John : (image) Senior executive at a large Silicon Valley tech firm. Has a son, Alex from his first marriage, married his current wife Suki after she divorced her husband. His relationship with his wife has been on the...

2 years ago
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Sauna Affair

Copyright© 2004 There was a young gaucho named Bruno Who said, "Screwing is one thing I do know. A woman is fine, And a sheep is divine, But a llama is Numero Uno." If not for the way my son fucked me in the sauna once a week, the rock hard cock shoving enthusiastically back and forth into my persistently hungry hot wet cunt, I would say he hated me! These last few months my son David would not even look at me, give me hugs or even talk to me. His often absent father even...

1 year ago
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My WeekLong Affair with a Hot Escort

This was the third time I was meeting Xena. I was having an affair with her and I had kept it a secret from my wife. What do I say? I was addicted to her or rather my cock was addicted to her pussy. And she was naughty as hell so I enjoyed doing things with her of sexual nature. I don’t feel bad having an affair with a hot escort like Xena. Once, she invited me to her apartment and she had a “friend” there. I fingered both of them and licked their pussy alternatively. It was a big success for...

Extra Marital Affair

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