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It began when my sister Inci and her son Naim came to stay with my wife and me for a week. Although older than me at 49, Inci was still an attractive woman who looked 10 years younger thanks in part to her slim figure (despite having three children). She was married to a successful businessman although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her husband worked, once his company became profitable, she got to enjoy the dividends that it brought (money, car, designer clothes, etc…). She also organised herself a good social life (separate from her husband); though she never dallied (all my sisters were brought up to believe in Turkish values as to regarding marriage).

They had three children - two girls (20) & (19) and one boy (15). The two girls were tending college while the boy was still in school. Although Inci loved them all, it was her son Naim who was her favourite.

As I said, Inci came and visited me for a week. She and the kids had just returned from a holiday in Cyprus (visiting relatives) and she was sporting a healthy tan. Naim had nothing better to do before going back to school (all his friends were away or busy) so he tagged along.

Unfortunately, my wife had to work up north all that week and my son (who was the same age as Naim) was away on a school field trip. Although I was able to take most of the week off, there was one day I had to go into London to attend an important business meeting. On that day, Inci gave me a lift to the station and promised to pick me up when I called.

Although the day started out okay, by mid-morning I was starting to feel a bit unwell. Before lunch I was forced to leave my meeting and catch an early train home. I tried phoning my house but all I got was my answer machine (presumably Inci and Naim were out) so I took a taxi. Once home, I found the house empty and I collapsed on a settee in a small room just off the living room and fell into a light sleep, a warm rug wrapped round me

I awoke a while later feeling almost my old self and saw Inci slumped in a chair in the main room wearing a dressing gown (obviously she had just had a shower) sipping a whisky. She looked upset and later it came out that my brother-in-law had phoned saying that he had to work all the following weekend and they wouldn't be able to celebrate her birthday (though he did promise to make it up to her). I was looking directly at Inci but she hadn’t spotted me.

I was just about to call out to her when a voice shouted: "Mum are you home?"

I kept quiet as Inci answered him. "In here, dear." and in walked in Naim.

Naim was a good-looking kid who was fast growing into adulthood. Just slightly taller than his mother (she was just over 5 foot); he still had some growing up to do. Judging from the muscle tone of his arms (he was wearing a t-shirt), it looked like he had started working out. He obviously saw that Inci was upset and when he enquired what was the matter, she told him about the weekend.

Sympathetically, Naim pulled Inci to her feet and gave her a hug. Smiling, he suggested that they went out since I was not due home for at least a few hours. She agreed. They seemed to pause in their embrace and then Inci pulled away, perhaps aware that she was only wearing a dressing gown (and a thin one at that)?

"I had better get changed," she said.

"Can't we have a quick drink first?" asked her son.

Inci paused for a moment and then said, "Okay, what would you like?"

"A whisky?" I heard him asked.

Inci looked at him; "You know that you are too young to drink whisky, young man" she scolded.

"Aw come on Mum, one won't hurt - please?"

After a pause, she said "Alright, but don't tell your father!"

Inci bent over the drinks cabinet and poured both of them a whisky. With her back to him, she didn't see Naim look at her covered rump.

"My God, was he actually eyeing up his mother?" I wondered, "Surely not?"

Then I happened to glance at the front of his pants and saw what looked like a bulge. I was speechless; he actually had an erection. I couldn't believe it! I knew that boys his age were constantly horny (I used to be like that myself) but to be aroused by your own mother?

Naim was already sitting on the settee by the time Inci had finished and came over to join him.

"Cheers" she said and both of them took a swig from their glasses. They idly chatted for a few minutes and then Naim saw that Inci's glass was empty.

"Come on Mum, I'll get you another one" he smiled.

"I shouldn't really. I have already had two." she replied.

"Oh come on" persuaded the boy.

She relented and Naim went over to the drinks cabinet. I noticed that his glass wasn't empty but he quickly remedied that by gulping down its contents and then refilling both glasses with liberal amounts of whisky and a very small amount of soda.

Naim returned to the settee and handed Inci her glass. She took a mouthful and said "My God! How much whisky did you put in this?".

"Sorry, Mum!" was all Naim said before bolting the entire contents of his drink down his throat, causing him to splutter.

"Silly! You shouldn't drink it like that!" Inci said.

They continued talking and the conversation came round to my brother-in-law. At length, Naim started going on about how badly his father treated her and that it wasn't right. Inci only half-heartedly tried to defend him.

Naim leaned forward and embraced his mother, kissing her on the cheek.

"I do love you, Mum".

"I love you too dear" replied his mother, hugging him back.

Naim then pulled back a bit and then kissed her hard on the mouth. Immediately, my cock soared into an instant erection.

"Naim! How many times have I told you not to kiss me like that!" Inci scolded after she broke the kiss.

I couldn't help but stare. I knew that Naim had always been affectionate towards her, more so than his two sisters. I just didn't know how affectionate. When Naim clasped her to him and began babbling, she still thought she could handle the situation.

As far as I could make out he was groaning, "I'm sorry! I do love you, Mum" while palming her breast through her thin dressing gown.

I was stunned, but Inci seemed to take it in her stride. It didn't look like this was the first time she had to fight off her son's amorous advances. Regaining control, she pushed him gently away.

"Naim, I am worried about this unhealthy attitude you have about me." she said firmly.

"I'm sorry, Mum - I couldn't help it" Naim replied.

Looking at him as she put down her glass, she said, "No it's my fault. I know that all you boys think of is sex. But you should be interested in girls of your age, not your mother."

"But you are so beautiful!" Naim protested.

"Naim, STOP IT!" said his mother sternly, "I am your mother! You have to stop this, it's not healthy." She paused, looking at herself in her dressing gown; "Now, I think I'd better get changed before you get any more ideas."

Naim didn't say a word except just sit there.

My sister took one sip of her drink and then leant forward to put her glass down, on to the coffee table. That was where she made her mistake, as she leant forward, the top of her dressing gown came apart slightly. The gap was too little and too far away for me to see but obviously Naim could see right into it and I saw him stiffen. I still remembered her gasping as he shot his hand inside her robe, scooping out one breast which he literally covered with great, groaning kisses.

"No, no Naim, stop it! I am your mother!" I could hear the gasp in her voice as she pushed him away.

To my astonishment I was now on Naim's side, and willed him to carry on. I felt my erection getting stiffer (so much so that I had to unzip my flies) as watched and almost collapsed with frustration when Naim slipped to his knees, blurting apologies amidst a stream of tears with Inci trying to comfort him. But it was only momentary, and I watched anxiously as he raised the bottom of Inci's robe almost to her waist.

Groaning, Naim bent to kiss her legs, but sensed that his fingers would have the most effect at this point, and his urgent probing at the very top of her legs made Inci gasp. She made one tremendous effort to still the hand that was caressing her flesh, but Naim wasn't about to give in. I could hear her shouting "Naim, stop it! I mean it!"

"But I want you so much, Mum!" groaned the boy and if to prove it, he leant back and quickly undid his belt and flies, freeing his erect penis.

Inci's eyes bulged as she took in the dimensions of her son's huge erection.

"Oh my God! It's enormous! " she exclaimed bring her hand to her mouth.

I must admit, I always I thought I was nicely blessed but next to this big brute (which looked more at home on a donkey than a young boy), mine looked like a tiddler.

However, what shocked me more was seeing my sister, groaning, reaching out and taking it her hands and finding it too thick for her fingers to encompass it. For a while Inci manipulated the strong shaft, as if she could make it expand even further. Then she swung her legs along the settee, lifting her arse so that Naim could open her robe further.

Simultaneously, Naim and I gasped at the sight of her cunt. I have never saw a cunt looking so vulgar and flushed, ruddy with lust as I did hers that day. I sensed, rather than saw, that a sheen of Inci's love juices had flooded on to her thighs which she had spread wide, still arching her bottom off the settee towards Naim's tool. He had slipped down his trousers and poised his muscley thighs between Inci's totally abandoned legs. There was to be no finesse. Both mother and son were lost to the lewdest of sensual lust, and I raised my head slightly, panting almost in time with the mating before my widening gaze.

Suddenly the phone rang which nearly gave all three of us a heart-attack. Pulling her robe together, Inci quickly got up, pushing Naim aside in her mad scramble to the phone.

"Oh hi!", she said to the person on the other end of the line, "No, I am alright….. No he hasn't phoned but I am due to pick him up from the station". It was my wife. "I get him to give you a call when he comes in."

Inci hang up the phone. She turned back to Naim who was by now sitting on the settee, his large organ still jutting out in front of him.

"I must get dressed", she said coldly and went upstairs. The moment was gone. I groaned in frustration, cursing my wife for phoning.

The boy just sat there on the settee. Then slowly, he started to stroke his cock. Within moments, his hands were a blur and suddenly, while groaning for his mother, he shot his thick white spunk into the air. I was astounded, I never saw so much cum as the boy shot wad after wad. Finally he collapsed on the settee, panting.

My heart was beating like a hammer, thinking what could have happened. I realised that I had desperately wanted to see them fuck.

A few minutes later, Inci returned dressed in a knee length skirt and blouse. Naim had by this time had cleaned himself up and put on his jeans.

"Naim, what happened was wrong," she started as she sat next to him, "wrong and unnatural. You do realise that you could have got me pregnant and God knows what would happen if your father ever found out"

"Pregnant?", Naim looked up, looking horrified. "B-but I thought you were on the pill."

"No, " Inci replied, "your father and I don't, ahem….. Anyway! You must promise that you will never try to do this again."

"I am so sorry, Mum. I don't know what came over me. You must think I am really sick!" he whined.

"No! No, I don’t think you are sick, honey. A lot of boys have fantasies about their mothers, but that is all they are - fantasies. It doesn't come true. They grow out of it and find girls of their own age."

"But I'm not interested in girls, Mum. I just want you.", he said, his voice shaking. "I am so fed up being a virgin and I love you so much".

I couldn't believe it and nor could Inci by the look on her face.

"Oh God! Don't say things like that! You sound like that you are actually in love with me, your own mother."

"I am." The boy said quietly.

"Oh my poor baby," Inci said with tears in her eyes, taking him into her arms. "What am I going to do with you?"

Within seconds, they were both crying.

Inci slowly stopped sobbing and then cleared her eyes and looked directly into his.

"But it wasn't right." Inci said finally, "Now I want you to promise me that you will never try to touch me that way again."

"I promise." the boy said, wiping his eyes.

Looking at the clock, Inci got up. "I'd better get going, your uncle is due to phone any time for me to pick him up from the station. You had better put some clothes on.", pointing to Naim's naked chest.

Both mother and son left the room.

I was left shaking, hardly believing what has just happened. But I didn't want this end like this. I wanted to see how far this scenario could play out. Would Naim try again and would Inci succumb? I had to find out.

By this time, my erection had shrunk enough for me to easily zip myself up. I then slowly crawled off the settee and went through the kitchen to get into the back garden. Fishing out my cell phone, I called the house. Naim answered.

"Hi, Naim, it's your uncle. Is your mother around" I asked.

The boy sounded distant. "I'll just get her for you".

A few seconds later, I heard Inci's voice.


"Hi, Inci. bad news! I won't be able to come home tonight, the meeting is taking longer than I thought. But I should be back sometime tomorrow." I said.

"Um, okay, "she replied, "problems at work?"

"Oh no! Nothing I can't sort out. Look, I am feeling tired, I'll phone you tomorrow." Inci told me that I had to phone my wife before hanging up.

I quickly crept back into the house (thank God I keep the door's hinges well oiled) and was soon back in my hiding place in time to see the both of them come back into the living room.

"What's happened?" asked Naim.

"Oh, he's been held up and won't be back until tomorrow." Inci replied.

"Oh" was all Naim said.

Inci looked at her son for a few seconds and then said "Look, nothing really serious happened. I am sure that we can put all this behind us."

"I suppose. " Naim's reply was so quiet that I could hardly hear him.

"Look, " Inci said cheerfully, "come here and give your old mother a hug."

"You are not old." Naim said but nevertheless he walked into her arms.

"I do love you, you know that?" she said.

"Yeah," he said, "and I love you too."

Inci gently kissed Naim on the cheek.

"There, that's not so ba…..mmpphhh!" Inci started to say as Naim's mouth found hers, his body pushing hers again the wall.

His hands were all over her, rubbing her breasts. He then started to nibble her neck.

"Naim! STOP IT! You promised me that you wouldn't do this. I am your mother, this is incest!", she gasped, fighting against him.

Naim made no reply as they struggled, my sister desperately trying to get out of her son's clutches. The struggling got more fierce. So much so, I started to worry that he try to rape her. I had originally found this all arousing because my sister had succumbed despite her protests. This was different. Inci was really struggling now and the way my nephew was acting, I didn't know what he would do.

I started to get up when Naim pulled his hand off Inci's breast and stuck it up her skirt. A moment later, Inci froze and just gave a deep-throated "Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh".

I just watched open-mouthed at the change that come over her. One minute was she had been struggling in protest, now she was grabbing Naim's face and locking her lips with his in the deepest french kiss I ever witness.

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She laid on the bed, the pink jelly vibrator slowly working in and out of her pussy. At 25 years old, Tammy and her pussy were intimate friends. But this time it was different, there was another player in the game. That put a whole new spin on things! She was laying across the bed on her back, her knees were bent and her legs were parted widely. She could feel the head of the fake cock as it pushed its way past her swollen pussy lips. He sat across from her watching her intently. Tammy had...

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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 3

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered "Fiction" although it has its basis in "Fact". This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these events...

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Mo Paribara Ra Katha 2 8211 Bhai Bhauni

Hi friends, I am Rajiv again with my another real story. Apana mane mora prathama story “Mo Paribara ra Katha: Bou Bia Re Mausa Banda” pasand karithibaru dhanyabad. Mo prathama story re mu kemiti mo bou ku pura langala abasta re dekhuthili aau mo mausa kemiti mo bou ra bia aau gandi gehi thile lekhithili. Mo bou ku randi bhalia gehi sarila pare sedina ratire mausa tanka gharaku pheri gale aau ratire mu mo bou ra gihana video dekhi muthi mari soi padili. Bartaman ta parara katha lekhuchi. Ta...

1 year ago
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Granny Vacation Part 1

I don’t have much experience with story writing so please excuse my grammar and structure. From the beginning, I had been invited to go stay at my friends summer condo… I don’t have much experience with story writing so please excuse my grammar and structure. From the beginning, I had been invited to go stay at my friends summer condo for a few weeks, luxury vacation with beaches and bitches I was told, the only condition is my friends grandma will be staying there so we...

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A Fresh StartChapter 11 Working at Shelleys

I went over to Shelley’s on Saturday, and we started smoking cigarettes, sucking down almost an entire carton. Her parents were home all day long and had the disconcerting habit of wandering down to the basement at odd moments to ‘look for something’, in other words, to check on what we were up to. This kind of kept any of our own romance limited, although we did get in some pleasant French kissing. Likewise, we smoked another couple of cartons on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (total, not...

1 year ago
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Maragana GirlChapter 20

Kim's friends became increasingly nervous as the end of April approached. The reason was simple enough; they were due to receive the final switching of their sentences on April 25. The switching was the final major event of their sentences they needed to endure before their release in July, but that did not make them any less apprehensive about having to face the switching table. Spokesman Havlakt lobbied hard to get the group's final punishment canceled. They had contributed greatly to...

4 years ago
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young girlfriend shared bbc

Names are not important. I am 6' 2" physical fit about 200lbs. I consider myself very good looking. At the time, I was 40 years old. My girlfriend was 22 years old. Absolutely beautiful, 5' 1" and 98 lbs. She had black hair and of Mexican decent. I have always loved the younger ladies. I love being in control. I guess she had a little bit of a father complex for me. We had been dating for about 3 months. We were totally in love with each other. She was very timid and allowed me to make all...

1 year ago
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Accounts Teacher Monika Ka Dildo Sex

Mera naam Monika hai. Main Kolkata mein rahti hu. Ye ek real incident hai jo 1 saal pehle ka hai. Aur real hone se story long hai. Ye story Sonu jo mera slave hai uski help se uski hi language mein likhi hai. To story dildo sex ki hai. Hello dosto main Sonu hu, meri age 22, height 5’8 ft, fair color, lean body hai. Main college mein padhta hu. Mere ghar ke upar rent pe ek family rehti hai. Family mein uncle aunty hi hai. Uncle mere papa ke old friend hai. Aunty ka name Monika hai. Woh school...

3 years ago
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Vampire slave

Introduction: Brown hair, Green eyes, BB cup tits and an apple ass. Perfect male bait…… The cool fresh air swirled around me, enveloping me in a blanket of fresh moss, buttercups and rain. I walked slowly in the partly cloud covered sky. The sun was gone and the moon was at its highest. I was just walking home from my friends birthday party wich included tuns of guys, 3 male stripers and a fuck tun of alcohol. I was walking home slow and taking in the night not needing a ride, seeing as I...

2 years ago
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Youth RetreatChapter 6

Orgy, Part 1 There was a silence of approximately three thousand years, broken only by Paul Lindberg. ‘You’re joking, right?’ He asked, voice cracking. ‘I mean, you can’t be serious.’ The teens all turned to look at the handsome, ginger-haired male with hollow eyes. They were thinking the same things as he was. He could see it, in their eyes. ‘No, ‘ Cal spoke up. ‘We’re not joking.’ He looked the teens over keenly, his eyes glittering as he stroked his soft cock steadily back into...

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Animal instinct

This is my first story here! I am 47 years old man, married with two kids. If you like the story and want to send comments, you can mail to I was getting amused as our laser printer kept spitting outputs from a very large file. I was aware that these elaborate MIS reports have become a monthly ritual in our office than be of any purpose to our management. However, I invariably took those countless printouts just to escape from the rage of my bullying boss. It did have one benefit anyway. I had...

1 year ago
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Few days ago with Peggy

So me and Peggy had started to mess around with tying each other up, since this was here payment for staying with us. Again, Peggy is my wifes younger sister that had to stay with us for a few weeks...months. So this last time, I had tied Peggy up, hands and knees foward, and ankles to the back. She was stuck on all fours with her ass in the air. I was slowly torturing her, by fingering her and leaving, I would open the curtains when I knew the mailman was coming so he could see, etc. Then on...

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Sexil Manasinte Neeyantranam MalayalamHOT

Sexil Manasinte Neeyantranam (Malayalam)=HOT. By jesolal Hi! ella malayalee Chedathi / Aunty / Vidhava / Ammachi / Ammamachi maarkkum, Kochi yil ninnum, 42 vayas, 5’ 8” uyaram, 9” kada-kole udamayude pranaamam sweekarichaalum. (E-mail “ jesolal”) Kaama khadi Matti (2) inte thudarcha……… Jhaan thudarnnu, aa samayath ente praayam 16 vayas, +2 nu padikkunnu; Mummi yude veedum jhanghlude veedum 5 minutes nadannal mathi, raathriyil jhanghal Mummi yude veetil pokum, avide mummi yude oru...

3 years ago
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Cuckold secret

It's my fault I'm being cuckolded by my wife. I'm the one that put the idea in her haed way back when we first married. Every time I looked at her five foot four body I couldn't help but think of how it would be to share it . At one hundred pounds even and with blonde hair and blue eyes my wife was a head turner. On our honeymoon as we enjoyed the motel pool I kept seeing guys checking out her legs and thirty four b cups. One night while playing putt putt golf she was wearing a very short white...

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BodyGuards III Cyber AssaultChapter 5

Mei and Wei drove up in the Land Cruiser as lights began coming on in the Monastery. An old gentleman wearing saffron robes and rubbing the sleep from his eyes shuffled slowly across the compound followed by a gaggle of similarly dressed men as Darren knelt beside 'Althea Resnick' and began feeling through the leather on her leg for the break. "What's your real name, and who do you work for?" He asked as he gently probed around the fracture. "Sorry," She replied through gritted...

3 years ago
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An Unfinished Symphony 1

An Unfinished Symphony Kelly Ann Rogers One of the nice things I've learned about writing is to share the process of creation with others. It's not just that this keeps me from writing badly, but also because it's fun to engage other writers. As a result, there are several people to thank. First and foremost is Jill MI. She's a great editor and put in more time than I could ever thank her for. She has posted many of her own stories (some as Angel Rasch) and edited the work of a...

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A Little Taste of Paradise Ch 03

I could feel something touching my body as I lay sleeping. I was at the in between stage of sleep and awake. It was a warm, wet touch, one that I had grown to enjoy over the past few days. I slowly opened my eyes to find Jack kissing and licking his way down my body. His hands were lightly touching me. My soft moan let Jack know that I was awake and enjoying him doing this to me. He moved down closer to my wetness. His tongue grazing over my belly button as his hands moved down past my hips...

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A Warm Inviting Winter Cabin

John had been working extremely hard on an advertising campaign that the boss insisted be finished immediately. It was very hard work and the boss was quite demanding. Finally, after three long weeks, it was done! (Of course, not a word of thanks!) John wondered what to do to celebrate. At least it was a three-day weekend. Go out with friends to a bar? No, too noisy. Besides, John didn't feel like being around a lot of people. The cabin? Yeah, John thought. I haven't been there in months. I...

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I felt his cock pressed tight against my ass and he felt huge I could not budge and inch as the subway car was filled beyond capacity and as the car bumped and swayed along I felt my short skirt riding up on my ass now I have a really nice round bottom and great hips from all the aerobics and work outs I do to stay in shape and that cock of his was nestled between my cheeks rubbing up and down up and down I began to fantasize about it what it would feel like in my pussy or even my ass OMFG I...

4 years ago
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Lea was sitting naked on the table and Rob was standing beside her. Three naked men were across from her as Rob showed off her body for their entertainment. He told her "Spread your legs. Yes. Now wider." He then grabbed a tit with one hand and pushed two fingers in her cunt with the other. As he ravaged her body he tongue kissed her mouth. Rob loved showing her off to his male friends. Lea would do anything he said and he loved using her body many ways. She was so sexy and so beautiful and...

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The Family from Redgrove Chapter 3

****************************************************************************** The Family from Redgrove Chapter 3 ****************************************************************************** Liz wondered what was going on between Trish and Vicky. They had come downstairs together acting strange, and now Trish was staring at her youngest sister in a way that seemed odd. She realized Andrea was in fact Trish’s youngest sister, but she was also her daughter. Liz had known for some...

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Old is gold

Hi everybody, I an Ayush. I would like to share a true experience of mine which I expect to be a treat to all you readers so read and enjoy it’s can send me mail here Well to begin with I am 22, 6’1″ height, well toned body and a 11.5’cock. Presently I doing study & some time help in dad business in my city Patiala. Yeh story kuch din pehle ki hai . Ek din mein dad ke office mein tha. To ek ladki jiska name payal hai mere office mein job ke liye resume dene ayi . Jab mene usse dekha to dekhta...

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Unexpected Quickie

I have known T for nearly a year. We have class together at least once a month. We’ve worked on projects together and been group partners. I have always been attracted to this massive man. I have for months sat in class and imagined him on me, in me, his mouth, his hands. I really didn’t think it was a possibility. He seemed like a big family man and I hesitated to even approach him. Then, out of the blue in the middle of some texting about school, he got a bit flirty. I returned with flirty...

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slutty girlfriend

Here is my story, i was talking to a friend online i know him for years and he has a girlfriend for a long time so one time we chattet a bit around and he says-like to see some amateur porn pics i found from girls i meet?-i said yeahh why not lets see what you gotthen he sent me an email with some hot nude chicks and i see some nude pics from his gf too i say to him hey i think you just sent too muchhe answered like my gf?-yeahh she is hot nice pussy u fuck man-like to fuk her too?i thought its...

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Then She Asked Me

Do you remember the first time you masturbated? I mean really did it the way you still do it today? I do, I was just turned fourteen and was showering after gym class. I was in there with Steve Kenny, my best friend and there was another guy over on the other side that I saw who had his hand around his dick going at it. I nudged Steve and we watched out the corner of our eyes as it happened, arcs of white cum went flying up out the end and went swirling down the drain as we heard him groan in...

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Down in the sand dunes

Before my love of dressing en’femme I had already experienced the feelings and delights that another male could give me and that I could give to another male, so you will see that the ‘experience’ was there. Near to my home on the East coast of England was a long curving beach with dunes along it. From the WW II there were a lot of old concrete fortifications machine gun posts and the like and I used to spend hours and hours exploring them, just the mystery of them I suppose. Sometimes I’d have...

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Slut Of My Servant 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, my name is Kushi. Here I am going to narrate my true incident in my life. My family is very rich. I have very sexy figure. I have 38-24-36. My breasts are very attractive in my body. When I used to wander with sexy outfits boys would stare at me which I generally neglect it. I never thought I would become a bitch to a servant in my house. Not only to him but to his friends also. My father and mother will mostly wander cities due to their business deals.Iam writing this story in...

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For The Common GoodChapter 6

"I didn't know that you were still here," Sheila said frostily. Priscilla opened the door wide and escorted her into the living room. Sheila gave Bob a hug. "I'm so sorry about Maggie," she said. "I know Sheila and I thank you. I've decided to go back to work tomorrow. I'm going crazy just sitting around here thinking." She looked at Priscilla, "Could I talk to Bob privately?" Priscilla started to leave the room, "That's Ok Sheila. She can stay. She's been a great help to...

3 years ago
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Mom Is Mine And I Had Her Body

Hi ISS readers.I am from AP.I dont want to reveal my name as it is a real story. Here the story begins.At first I never had a thought of any bad intentions towards my mom.But after I read some of the stories of this site , I came to know that there can exist such kind of relations with no problems in life.Coming to my mother,she is a normal lady of medium height but very fair in colour.I like it very much.She is exactly 42 right now.But her boobs are so small which will be fit in one’s hand...

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SnatchedChapter 17

"Good, I was looking forward to giving him the same sendoff I gave Kaglao. Nothing is more foul than a grown man that will take sport by hurting a child." The women were all looking at me then, even the young girls. The small one, in her mother's arms, was staring wide eyed at me, even though I thought she could barely understand what I was saying. "How did you dispose of Kaglao then," the mother finally asked. "It was a little extra work after he was wounded seriously, but I was...

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