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Looking up from her schoolwork, Garnet saw David walk across the grassy field towards her. She had a last period spare today and had decided to spend some time outside getting her homework done. David always picked her up after he finished his college classes and today was no different. Garnet smiled, knowing that she was blushing. She couldn’t help it really. He was tall, muscular and looked so damn sexy. His blonde hair was cut short and he had the most piercing blue eyes. She leaned back on her hands as he stood above her, his body casting a shadow.

‘How is my cute girlfriend?’

Garnet didn’t even have time to answer. David bent down on one knee and kissed her sensually. The kiss left both of them breathless, and when he aggressively pushed her onto her back, she gave up on trying to be dignified. His tongue probed her mouth and when their tongues met, she lost all control.

David wrapped his strong arms around his girlfriend, rolled over onto his back, and pulled her into his lap. She wiggled around, fitting perfectly straddling his muscular thighs. They eyes locked in a loving embrace. David rubbed her back softly, loving the feel of her smooth skin.

‘I missed you.’ Garnet smiled and nibbled her bottom lip. She did that on purpose because she knew that David would give her the same reaction as always. His cock would swell, and he would desperately need to go somewhere private. It had been like this for the length of time they had been dating, just over four years.

Their relationship had always been intense, but one thing that they had not done yet was have sex. It wasn’t that they didn’t want it. David had told her many times that if he had no morals he would have fucked her senseless on their first date. Of course, considering he was two years older, that would have been illegal. He wanted to wait – or at least, that was what he said – for the first four years.

‘I missed you, too, Baby.’ David ran his thumb against her chin, enjoying how pouty her lips looked. ‘I forgot to ask you something yesterday.’

Garnet’s face had a puzzled look. ‘What?’ Suddenly she couldn’t breath properly. Yesterday had been her birthday and it had been a momentous occasion. Her parents, well mother and stepfather had brought her out to dinner with David. He had been acting strangely the whole evening and part of her was anticipating him asking her the big question. He hadn’t though. He had driven her home, kissing her softly and once again wishing her an amazing eighteenth birthday.

‘Your parents work late on Wednesday, right?’

Garnet’s face fell. That wasn’t the question she wanted to hear. ‘Yes, they do.’

‘I think we’re ready to do something, Garnet. Something we’ve both wanted for a very long time.’ David ran his hands through her red hair and kissed her gently. He moved his lips against her jaw line and then after sucking gently on her round earlobe, he whispered, ‘We need to make love.’

Garnet gasped. She needed to think straight, but his mouth felt so good on her neck that she closed her eyes, desperately trying to pay attention. She wanted this more than anything, but knew that it would be best to wait. They had waited four years already, but something told her that this was going to be her birthday present. Garnet opened her eyes and saw that David had a look of concern on his face.

‘I’d like to baby. I want to feel all of you.’ David ran his large hands up and down her body. He could feel the tension in her body as her muscles tightened. He didn’t want to push her but now that she was legal, he was going to become pushier. He was a little shocked when she responded so quickly.

‘Let’s go.’


Garnet followed David to his truck like a little puppy dog. She got in, and soon they were driving towards her house. He pulled off the highway and began driving down the dirt road. His truck did not blend in well with the rest of the vehicles on the street. Sure, Garnet’s neighbors had trucks, but they were old and rusty. David’s truck was brand-new, shiny, with not a speck of dirt or rust anywhere on the frame. Neither Garnet nor David realized how strange it was for a guy from Poplar Grove to be driving down Tenth Road, let alone dating the redhead who lived at the end of the road.

There were some very distinct differences between the two young lovers, and one of them was money. David lived on the good side of town. His house was two stories and was decorated with the best furniture. His mother stayed at home while his dad worked as a doctor. His parents had money, which was evident from the new truck, his clothing, and the fact that he never really took his education seriously. In high school, he had been the captain of the football team. He now went to the college in town and played on their football team. He could have gone to the state university but he didn’t want to leave Garnet behind.

Garnet lived on the other side of town – the side where the blue-collar assembly line workers lived. Garnet’s mother was a secretary for an insurance company, and her stepfather did, indeed, work at one of the assembly plants. Garnet didn’t know which one and really didn’t care. They had always lived in the same house, and when she was growing up, she didn’t even know that people could have bigger homes. It was a revelation when she switched from her small elementary school to the big high school in the middle of town.

They entered the small home and walked single file down the hall to her bedroom. The home had two bedrooms on one side of the house with the bathroom, kitchen and living room on the other. Once inside her tiny bedroom, there was a moment of awkwardness. Garnet had no idea if David was a virgin, but she was. She had only ever dated David, and had never even though of anyone else. David saw Garnet bite her lower lip, leaned down, and sucked on it gently.

‘You’re on the Pill, right?’ David began to undress, pulling off his shirt and then beginning to undo his jeans. Garnet shook her head and he continued. ‘Well, go get some tomorrow. There is no way we’re using condoms, they’re against my religion.’

Garnet nodded. She had waited four years for this, and finally she was getting exactly what she wanted. She was going to give her virginity to her boyfriend, and it was going to be amazing.


Garnet’s whole body quivered as David slammed into her for the tenth time. She counted the thrusts because she was waiting for the pain to go away. It had washed over her body with his first thrust and now it was hurting more. She closed her eyes, gripping the pink girly sheets on her bed. She had heard how painful the first time would be, but this was beyond her imagination.

‘God your pussy feels so fucking good.’ David grunted and continued to fuck her mercilessly. He was completely naked, with a thin layer of sweat covering his body. He looked down and watched as Garnet moaned and whimpered. She was felt so good that he couldn’t stop. His body wouldn’t let him. He wanted only one thing, and that was to flood her pussy with his cum. He knew it was dangerous but the animal instinct inside him was guiding his every move.

He kept pushing his bare cock inside her pussy, loving the feel. He didn’t care how stupid he sounded telling her that condoms were against his religion. It was true that the Catholic Church forbids the use of any form of birth control but then again, premarital sex was out of the question. He validated his guilt by rationalizing that they would eventually get married so whether they did it now or later wouldn’t make a difference.

‘It hurts.’ Garnet ‘s voice was barely audible as David continued his rhythmic pounding of her young pussy. She hadn’t opened her eyes, partly because she was holding back tears, partly because she was worried that his facial expression would tell her exactly what she didn’t want to know.

‘Fuck!’ David cried out as he exploded inside her. It was a powerful o
rgasm, and he held still, feeling every drop of his cum empty into her womb. It was an intense feeling, one that he wanted to savor.

Garnet opened her eyes when the fullness that had pained her had finally left. He had slid out of her and was now standing, reaching for his clothing. She sat up, legs open as his cum dribbled down her thighs to create a puddle under her.

Garnet saw how happy and pleased he was with himself. This was not what she wanted. She had held out for four years and now, one day after her eighteenth birthday, she had given him exactly what he wanted. She didn’t have to ask him what he was thinking. She knew. She knew him too well, and it was excruciatingly painful seeing the look in his eyes. He had played the game so well but now it was over. He didn’t need to be the sweet, romantic boyfriend who had swept her off her feet. In the split second when her hymen was ripped, he became the arrogant boyfriend, using her for one thing.

‘That hurt, you know.’

Garnet was whining, but David didn’t react. He was finally dressed and looked over at her. Her red hair was tangled in a ponytail and her hips were red from where he had gripped her skin, trying to push into her deeper.

‘Sorry. I have to go home. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.’

And with that, he was gone. His rushed by her. Garnet couldn’t move. She was worried her legs wouldn’t be able to hold her up. She looked down and saw the mixture of her blood and his semen pooling under her. It was only then that she lost control of her emotions. She cried out as tears poured down her face. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

As her body shook, she got up and ripped the sheets off her bed. Her parents would be home soon and she needed to remove any traces of this incident. She bunched the pink sheets into a ball and then shoved them under the clothing that was already in the white plastic laundry basket. As she moved around, she felt her inner thighs dripping with wetness. It disgusted her. She jumped into the shower and cleansed herself, rubbing her body raw with a facecloth. It was only when she turned off the water that she stopped crying.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she tried to see if she had changed. So much had changed in a short period, but her outward appearance was the same. She was short, petite, and had fiery red hair. She looked younger then her eighteen years but that didn’t matter. She dried off and was dressed and placing her pillows back on her bed when the lights from her parent’s car flooded her window.

She was relieved that they were home, she couldn’t stand to be alone. She grabbed the book she was reading for her novel study, and sat on the living room couch.

‘…She’s such a slut. I can’t believe she would do that to her parents. It’s tragic, really.’

Garnet heard her mother’s voice, and then smiled as her mother entered their small home.

‘Hi, Garnet. You will never believe what happened to Tiffany.’

Garnet watched as her step dad walked around her mother and made his way to the bedroom. The two of them never spoke. It was like they were invisible to each other. When her mom had begun dating Jerry two years ago, Garnet was forgotten. Her mother had decided that she had been deprived of the privilege of dating, so now that her daughter was sixteen, and trustworthy, she was allowed to be wild and crazy. Jerry had wanted Emma the first time he had seen her. They had met through a friend, and he was ecstatic when only a short two weeks later, he had finally fucked her. They had married within six months.

When Jerry had moved in, Garnet had tried to be nice. She was happy that her mother had finally found someone else, and although she had been very hypocritical, telling her daughter not to move too fast with David but then marrying Jerry within six months, she wasn’t going to say anything. Jerry hadn’t even tried to be nice to Garnet. He was always busy with work and hanging out with his friends. Of course, that consisted of watching football and drinking beer. When he got home, he wanted only one thing – Emma’s sweet little body. Unfortunately, having an eighteen year old in the house proved to make things very difficult and Jerry resented the fact that this little red haired vixen was preventing him from getting more sex.

‘What happened?’ Garnet was smiling. Talking to her mother brought her back to reality and made the situation of earlier that evening almost erase from her memory. Her mother rarely chatted with her and so this was an exciting moment. She was clinging to the hope that her mother would have a normal conversation with her, as opposed to lately, when each discussion began with how useless Garnet was, and how when she graduated in five months, she better get a job and an apartment.

‘She got knocked-up. Yeah some guy from Drango’s Bar on the highway. Supposedly, she snuck in and got drunk. She fucked some biker and now is pregnant. You had better not talk to her at school. There is no way that my daughter is going to be associated with a slut like that.’

Garnet listened to her mother. She didn’t even notice the language her mother used. It was normal for her. She spoke her mind, whether it was positive or negative.

‘That’s horrible. Is she going to keep the baby?’

‘Fuck no. Her mother is furious. I spent the last hour of work on the phone with Danielle. She is going to send her off to Vermont. Some woman up there takes in knocked-up girls and cares for them until they give birth. She’s so embarrassed. I mean, Danielle was the one that had suggested that the students learn nothing at all about sexual education and keeping themselves safe. She wanted that banned from the school. Then the stupid administration had to reverse that decision and tell us that you immature little minds needed information about both the emotional and physical risks of sex.’

‘It’s called family life education, Mom. It’s useful.’

‘Fuck I’m not having this conversation. Just beware that if you force David to have sex with you and you get knocked-up you will be kicked out of her as fast as you can blink. David is a very sweet guy. He would never force you to have sex.’

Garnet watched as her mother simply stopped talking and then walked into the kitchen. She was always abrupt like that.

Later that night, Garnet replayed the day’s events in her head. She didn’t want to remember what had happened, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted to imagine that none of it had happened. She didn’t want to think about how she was no longer a virgin. She didn’t want to think about how rude and unloving her mother was towards her. She cried into her pillow and finally fell asleep, her eyes crusted with tears.


Garnet woke up and went to school like it was any other day. She tried to be cheerful, but the throbbing between her legs wouldn’t go away. She tried walking normally, but her thighs hurt and she could still feel the wetness soaking her panties. It disgusted her completely and made it extremely difficult to forget what had happened.

The day flew by and before she knew it, she was standing by the back doors of the school, waiting for David to pick her up. It was strange, really. Her mind was racing with thoughts, wondering if he would pick her up or not. She knew he would, though. It was like what happened the night before was a dream. When he pulled up in his truck she got in.

‘Hi, Baby.’

‘Hi.’ Garnet looked over and he was his same old self. She nervously bit her lip until he finally spoke.

‘Thanks for last night. It was amazing.’

Garnet was shocked at how sincere he sounded. Did he really think that last night was good for her? She gulped, trying to get rid of the lump in her throat. She wanted to cry. Instead, she remained quiet. It was raining outside and she watched as the car moved quickly down the wet pavement. She was afraid. She half expected him to dump her. She anticipated much more
then his kind words.

‘My mom told me yesterday that Tiffany is pregnant.’ Garnet’s voice was without emotion. She had just remembered the conversation from the night before and was interested in hearing David’s opinion in the matter.

‘Really? That’s fucking hilarious. You better not get knocked-up.’

Garnet opened her mouth to speak but then shut it. She wanted to respond, but she knew not to. She knew his thoughts on birth control. Two years ago, they’d had a conversation but now as she remembered it, she realized how twisted and warped his mind really was.

It had been on her sixteenth birthday. She had gone out to dinner with her parents and David. Once home, David and she had cuddled on the couch in the living room like always. Garnet knew her parents were in their room, and considering how much beer Jerry had drunk, she knew that they would not be disturbed. Jerry’s sex drive went through the roof when he was drunk, and Garnet preferred to be as far away as possible from her parent’s bedroom when that happened.

Garnet remembered how sensual it felt as David rubbed her shoulders and told her how much he loved her. As they stared deeply into each other’s eyes Garnet had asked a personal question.

‘How many children do you want to have?’ Garnet was nibbling her bottom lip, waiting for his response.

‘As many as we have. When we finally make love, I want to feel all of you and I want you to feel all of me.’

‘Really?’ Garnet blushed. She was still taken aback by how sweet and romantic David was. She was so lucky to have him.

‘Yes, really. I just wish that you were older. Two more years.’

Garnet blinked and realized she had tears in her eyes. Thinking back to that moment in time had caused emotions to stir inside her that she didn’t know she had. She had expected him to propose on her eighteenth birthday. She didn’t think he would just want sex. It wasn’t that she didn’t want it, but it hadn’t been the best so far.

Later that night, Garnet lay in bed tossing and turning. Her mind was racing, and she needed to get to sleep. Her alarm clock read 2:15, and she was desperate to fall asleep. David had dropped her off at home at eleven. It was her curfew, so thankfully, Jerry and her mom didn’t have anything to say as she stumbled in, her skirt on crooked and one of the buttons of her shirt missing. She stormed down the narrow hallway and entered her bedroom.

They had had sex again. This time it was in his truck, and he was even rougher then the first time. She didn’t want to think about it, but the soreness in her thighs reminded her of how he held her legs tight. She knew there would be a bruise on her neck and she was thankful that the school uniform included a white turtleneck. She winced as she remembered how tightly he held her neck as he slammed her down on his cock. Garnet could still feel his juices oozing out of her. It was a weird feeling, knowing that someone else’s bodily fluids were inside you.

Garnet stumbled out of bed at seven. She knew that she had fallen asleep at some point, but she didn’t remember when or how. Her body ached and she rushed to get dressed. As she made her way to the kitchen, she heard her parents talking. Once again, her mother was ranting about something.

Garnet ignored the conversation and moved quickly to get breakfast. She was wearing the turtleneck, knowing that the dark purple bruise at the nape of her neck was almost covered. Garnet was overly aware of the thick tension in the room. It had been like this since her mom met Jerry. Not like she ever had a great relationship with her mother, but they had slowly drifted further apart.

As Garnet poured herself a glass of milk, she thought to herself how her eighteenth birthday had been a life-altering experience. In a short period, her mother had no longer felt the need to be a mother and her boyfriend had decided that she was better off as a sex toy than as a fiancée. Nothing was getting better for her.

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InterracialPickups Hannah Hays 12282017

Let’s take a rare view into the life of The Man with the Biggest Black Cock in the world — Mandingo. He’s always on the prowl, and today he’s snagged a cute, petite blonde named Hannah Hays. We’d love to show you the “pick up”, but parking lot security snagged our camera! So we begin today’s tale in Mandingo’s “play room”, Dingo’s POV camera focusing on Hannah’s sweet, blonde beauty! It doesn’t take long for...

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Second ChanceChapter 37

Seven months following the sale of Deirdre’s defense companies to government approved buyers, and securing a hold harmless agreement from the UK and EU, I bought back Wellington Castle at a significant discount, from a Count that overspent and underworked. When we moved back in the place had been completely redone by the former owners and needed very little work on my part. Baby Girl liked being back home on Scottish turf, and her brood were happy to be wherever she was. They also enjoyed...

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Captive in the Woods

She got a fire going and fixed herself some dinner as the sun began to go down. After eating, she cleaned up the pan and then sat staring into the flickering flames of the fire. She could hear sounds made by small night animals passing through the woods around her campsite, but no screaming sirens or honking horns or guns going off. No sound of humanity, no light but the fire and stars above as full night fell. The quiet became more intense, and she suddenly wondered why she could no longer...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 667

At the Castle Six weeks earlier continued. ...”It seems to be just what we are thinking of, but not for the first trip. We need to get back into everything before we go that far,” Dessie replied. “Well, if we can help, just let us know,” Karl said as both he and Glenda came to their feet. When they had gone, Phillip looked over at his wife, both seeming to realize that they had just made friends, probably good friends, and sex wasn’t even part of it. “I like them,” Dessie said...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 9

Once she had delivered the clothes to a still complaining Coreen, Elizabeth got a pan and a pitcher of hot water. She grabbed a cake of soap and a bath towel, which might do as a wash cloth for the giant, and returned to the dining room. Mortimer was still lying where she’d left him. “I brought something to get you cleaned up,” she said a little breathlessly, letting her eyes rove over his broad, muscled chest. She dipped the towel into the pan, soaking up all the water, then rubbed the...

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the duster brothers its a book iam writting spe

where to start i guess from the beginning will be a good place. well our story starts back in 300 A.D when draclua the king of all vampires has 3 sons. by one of his wifes drake the oldest spike the middel son and lan the youngest. the three brothers was raised to be perfect killers as most vampires princes's are but these three was diffrent as the grew up they grew in power as a gift to them on their 15th birthday they was each given a leather duster. each with their own symble on the back of...

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My Older SisterMy Sex EducatorMy Mistress Frank and Donna

There are real life exceptions and I do have an interesting story that has developed over a lifetime with my older sister that I want to share in this space, to my readers, the ones I can tell everything to. My sister Donna was born in the ‘50s, the oldest of 9, in an Irish/Italian Catholic family in the urban Midwest. She was more Italian than Irish in looks and temperament and she was short, had dark skin and black eyes. She was pretty, smart and angry, a perfect rebel for the ‘60s and oh...

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lost little boy

''please please please im soooo sorry please''looking at the tall strong black security guy dragging me in the changing room. late night at the hotel pool''please please dont call my mom ''''stop crying , stupid little boy, you think you can come here use the pool without paying for it''slap slap slaphitting my ass hard pushing me face on his desk ass up''aiiiee aieee stop stop omg ahhhh''my little bleue swimsuit down ass up getting ass slap''please stop ohhhhhh no no please im soooo...

1 year ago
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My wife in the Mens road side restroom

Husband’s account: My wife and I were on the road for a few hours when we made a stop at a rest stop on the side of the highway. She wore a green top, jean mini skirt, and matching green thong and bra with heels and tan stockings. I have to say she looked quite sexy and inviting. Unfortunately only the men’s room at the rest stop was operational. I used the bathroom first as my wife contemplated whether to use the men’s room or go to the wood line behind the stop. I came out and told her the...

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Moms interracial Encounter III

The date was July 2, 1989, my mom and I were on our way to Myrtle Beach S.C. for vacation.I felt real good about the trip, knowing we would be away from Walt. Don’t get me wrong I liked Walt but didn’t like having a big black man having sex with my mom. The trip went well, made it through Columbia with no troubles. The traffic in Conway was surprisingly light. We finally arrived at the condo my mom had rented. It was a one bedroom, one bath condo on the third floor. My mom slept in the bedroom...

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Repo Auto CenterChapter 12 Linda Revealed

Her name was Linda and she was a local, hapa haole, born in Hawaii on the big island. Her father was a doctor and she grew up in Kona but came to Honolulu because her family was Catholic and they wanted that Jesuit run education for her. But she was Hawaiian in spirit through and through. Her older brother also went to school with us, a couple of years ahead. He was a tall handsome dude and I would often see her with him. I thought them a couple before I found out they were siblings. That...

4 years ago
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I Was a Teenage Panty Thief

I was interested in girls from the first time I realized girls had a pussy and what it was for. The thing was, I was shy. I think I was afraid girls could read my mind and know all I was thinking about was getting them naked and fucking them. I started masturbating, but I never could seem to get off just from stroking my cock with my hand. I would lie on my back and rub my foam rubber pillow against my dick like a girl was riding my cock, cowgirl style. The pillow cases at our house were old...

3 years ago
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HOT married muscular nerd from work

My straight married friend was really horny one day. He had been fucking me for a while at this point. He called me up and asked me if I wanted to "come over." I happily obliged and went over to his apartment. He answered the door in a white robe but it wasn't tied in the front. He was like Chevy - LIKE A ROCK! He told me to come in and he walked into the back of his apartment to his bedroom and laid on the bed. He took his finger and motioned for me to come over to him. He removed his robe and...

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Memorial Day Memories

Memorial Day Memories School had just ended for me and my sister. Separated by just over a year (me at 21, her just turning 20), we were in separate colleges and returning home at about the same time. During the drive I could think of nothing but the pure bliss that would be relaxation after the intense studying of finals. I pulled into the driveway and there was my sister. A sight for sore eyes indeed. Standing at barely five feet tall she stood with a hand on her hips and a playful scowl on...

2 years ago
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Youre getting laid

“It’s gross,” said Evan. “Oh come on, it's just my period, you're getting laid, why are you complaining?” She asked. She did have a point. Evan was turning down sex, but it wasnt normal sex. Zoey was on the heaviest day of her period. She claimed that sex would help with the pain and was much better than normal sex off her period. Evan was not convinced. He wasn’t squeamish, nor did he faint at the sight of blood, it was just a different experience. He did want to have sex, but he was...

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The Juxtaposition of Gender

It all started at the Halloween Party. We were both frantically looking for costumes but could not find a decent one. Three hours before the party, Erica and I decided to just dress up in each others clothes. She borrowed my shirt, I borrowed her blouse. She wore my shorts, I wore her skirt. She insisted I had to wear her bra to make it look realistic. I complied only if she wore my boxers. She agreed, but under the condition that I also wore her panties. Not before long, we were both...

1 year ago
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AftermathChapter 9

I just tossed a coat over my short-sleeved shirt and took a changed and re-dressed Patrick in my nearly-healed left arm and went to the car. I hoped Angus wouldn't think me rude, but I was sure that he'd stay with Weena and Martha to see me on the big screen. Patrick had graduated to a kiddie seat and I buckled him in. We got to the station only a bit past six. "Dr. Hollister?" the guard at the door asked. "Yes." "Sue's just gone on. They're in Studio 1. Right there." He pointed...

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10 Book2Chapter 5

The next day Melissa decided to give us Jordan. He came early in the morning. His father was the one who assisted in the delivery. Stan and Jessica were talking to him for the last few days and showing him the ropes. Though we were up late, we trouped down to the Union Station and boarded the train. The red carpet had been rolled out for us because of the president's orders. Getting two extra cars attached to the train was something odd. We did not know for sure but it was logical that Pat...

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Air Plane Bathroom

In the airport I saw plenty of attractive women, but when the flight attendant showed me my seat I found a total HOTTIE sitting next to my seat. This plane had 3 vertical rows with only 2 seats next to each other horizontally per vertical row. My seat was in the middle vertical row, the horizontal row just before 1st class seats. Luckily the seats next to me and the HOTTIE in each vertical row were empty, now no one can see me nor the HOTTIE do anything except the flight attendants perhaps. As...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 104

After the rather late night / early morning of the Valentine’s Ball, and the chatter and champagne at lunchtime, I dozed on the train most of the way to York. We arrived at nine o’clock, half an hour late due to having to go slowly through engineering works on the line, only to find that the Darlington to Middlesbrough line was closed and all Middlesbrough passengers were having to go via Northallerton and Yarm, which meant an additional change of trains and more delay. It was well gone ten...

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At the Prom and Beyond

"So, how are you and Baker getting along?" I asked Kali as I sent a pass to her. She drove passed me like I was rooted to the ground and easily laid the ball in the hoop. Kali gave me a big smile as she passed the ball to me. I drove toward her then pulled up abruptly and sank a three pointer from the top of the key. "Three!" I yelled. "Nineteen to sixteen!" I stood at the foul line and dribbled, waiting for Kali to answer my question. "Tommy and I are doing fine," Kali said...

4 years ago
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The Spirit of PolandChapter 14

Anelie was beginning to think she had lost her mind. They had been traveling three days up this magical path. Or so her memory told her. She was unsure. Anelie remembered stopping twice to sleep, setting up camp near a stream very like the one where they had started. They woke. They traveled. They rested. Conversations became rarer. It was like she was in a dream. Maybe she was dreaming. It would explain what she thought she was now sensing. Anelie glanced to the left again. While their...

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Samantha and Hannah Twins Summer Fun Part 3

Samantha leaned forward again and kissed her again, this time with more passion, she cupped Hannah's cheek as she did so.Hannah felt the soft lips of Samantha's on hers and then her tongue flicking against her lips, pressing against them gently. She let her mouth open allowing Samantha's tongue to dart into her mouth.Samantha pressed her lips harder against Hannah, the kiss becoming more passionate. She let her hand slip from Hannah's cheek, she traced down across her shoulder and onto her...

1 year ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 8 Look At You Now

The sofa was clearly there only for visual appeal and nothing more. Carter tossed and turned, but no matter what he did, how he coiled and uncoiled himself, he could not find an ideal sleeping position. Eventually, he settled for throwing his legs over one end, and lay there, like the perfect crash test dummy. There was no way he was going after Aron, like before, or sleeping in the same bed. In a way, this was convenient. He wasn’t going to engage in penetrative gay sex with his best...

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Hello I answer the phone in a breathless whisper. Silence… my heart hammers waiting to hear the voice I knows is on the other end. Come to my house his husky voice purrs into my ear. I am quiet, my stomach does a nervous flicker. Now he growls in his deep manly voice, silently daring me to tell him no. I know I dont deny him, he knows I dont deny him. Im on my way I whisper. Another growl, bra & panties and he ends the call. I fling the covers off of my sleep warmed skin and grab a set of...

3 years ago
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Night at the ballet

I was being dragged to the ballet by my fiancé and I dreaded it horribly. I hate dressing up. I was wearing black dress shoes, my black slacks along with a black blazer with a button down white shirt and a tie. She insisted I wore a tie. It was in a grand theatre and where the seats were comfortable enough but honestly, what guy wishes to watch a ballet? Did I mention I was dreading it? Let me describe myself a little first, I’m 6’3′ with green eyes and black hair that I keep cut short. I’m not...

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Accidental Daddy the NeighborsChapter 2

I had thought about talking to both sets of parents for a while considering one of the three girls involved was a juvenile, as she was only 12, but then I'd lose my status as a cool adult. I checked over the tapes later that morning and other than the trespassing, the other two didn't really do anything wrong. They hadn't stayed in the hot tub, nor had they gotten naked on camera and masturbated in there. I made sure to drain the hot tub after and clean it thoroughly though. My wife is OCD...

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Kid of the house

Mom and Dad had wanted to take a cruise around the Caribbean for some time and when the opportunity came they took it, it was a 10 day cruise, and I was happy for them specially when I heard the cruise would be taking place in October, that meant that I would have the house for myself, I was loving the idea, party at my place, girls, drugs, beer. Dad was always pretty cool with me, I was the only boy out of 4 kids, so he was always proud of me just for being a boy, I was smart, had looks and...

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Niece Katy Plays Hostess

Niece Katy Plays HostessBy billy69boy (with special thanks to Nastydaddy2)(Sequel to Niece Katy’s Surprise Visit)I got up off the patio, and helped Katy to her feet. I walked her into the house and laid her on the couch, and cleaned her up with a towel. She was drunk and exhausted, so I let her sleep while I took a shower and changed my clothes. A few hours passed, and night was beginning to fall, when she stirred, rubbed her eyes, and sat up. “Hi Uncle Billy, what time is...

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InterracialBlowbang Jennifer White 11022017

Jennifer White is having what she calls a “back yard barbecue”, but if you know Jennifer White, you know this isn’t going to be anything that resembles a barbecue. No outdoor grilling. No laying around the pool. In fact, the only meat that’ll be served today are the dozen BBC’s who showed up, knowing all about Jennifer and the “back year parties” she throws. Jennifer makes sure to show up late, in the skimpiest bikini she could find, as well as a pair...

4 years ago
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The Meet Part One

It started with her having yet another first date with a man that just didn’t hit her buttons. Exhausted and disappointed she turned to her virtual world and the little black boxes that promise a night of lust and fulfilled longing that she so desperately needs. She chooses a friend she’s chatted with a couple of times – the one that scares her just a little because he lives so close to her neighborhood and can turn a tale that nearly always increases her need. A quick chat of stories read...

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First time

Hello readers, this is your one and only JJ back with a lesbian erotica it’s amazing to have got so many feed back for my last submission Tantra of Lesbian Love, the feed back is what keeps me going to post more and more. Anyway thank you very much. Going back as submitted before this is also a lesbian set in the back drop of the temple town called Chindambram few hundred kms form Chennai obviously this is the first lesbian experience of the English tutor Malathi who works at the university she...

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Rocky Mountain Road Trip Part Five

Rocky Mountain Road Trip Part FiveMy husband Mark now took charge and we both waited to see what he would do with us? It's always exciting when I don't know what's coming but I do know that Mark is a creative master.Mark looked us over and then said, "Both of you on your knees." We immediately obeyed him and dropped down onto our knees with our hands palms up on our knees and heads down in the classic "Submissive Presentation" pose.He walked around us and then he took a bowl off of the dresser...

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 34 Integrating the Cranes

I wasn't there when Suzy arrived in school on Monday morning, nor was I in any of her classes, but I heard second and third hand that she caused quite the stir. The first thing that people noticed when she walked in was her skirt. Suzy apparently always wore pants, and seeing the short skirt on her raised a few eyebrows - and I imagine a few boners, too. The shirt was next, and given the number of open buttons, it caused quite a bit of surprise itself. The thing that really got people...

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