The Slave Girls Of Sodomistan free porn video

Agathe is a good Freedonian girl. She worked hard for her parents on their farm, and was then sold into marriage at eighteen years of age to a merchant, a widower three times her age. Her parents got a very good price: Agathe is a rare beauty - average height, pretty face, green eyes, light brown hair, an lithe, nubile body with ample breasts, not too big, but not flat-chested by any means.
For three weeks she was a good wife. She enjoyed the benefits of being married to a rich merchant, and paraded around town on his arm. She organised the servants cooking and cleaning, took charge of the house, and most importantly allowed her husband to fuck her whenever he wanted. Being a virgin she very much enjoyed sex, although it never seemed to last long. She'd enjoyed masturbation before marriage and her husband had seemed happy to see her enjoy her own body before and whilst he fucked her. Her husband used both her mouth and her pussy. She orgasmed hardest when she touched herself whilst he was inside her, and she was on all fours like a dog. Sometimes her husband had put his hand on the small of her back, resting his thumb on the hole in her bottom, and it seemed to add to her pleasure.
On the twenty second night of her marriage the invaders came. Marauders over the mountains, from a land some said was myth. Freedonians could never bring themselves to believe the stories of sporadic travellers - a country with completely different religion and culture aggressively expanding its borders. She was awoken by the sound of shouting, screaming, and horses hooves. Suddenly the town was ablaze. Everything was confusing. All the men are killed, the women tied up and placed in large carts pulled by strong horses.
The journey lasts for days, through high mountain passes and lush green valleys. The women are looked after well, in that, whilst tied up, the soldiers do not touch them. They are fed well, and allowed to urinate and defecate at regular intervals. She counts at least ten carts, with at least ten women on each. They are not allowed to talk. A few of the women on her cart risk whispering to each other, and the theory is that they have been kidnapped by soldiers from a country called Sodomistan. Other women had seen their husbands killed in front of them. Only women have been taken prisoner. Agathe is no idiot - she knows the fate that awaits her - what happens to women captured in war. Older women on the cart also tell her that legend has it that in Sodomistan a woman is treated differently, like a slave. That the religion is different. Men put their cocks in women's bottoms to have sex, hardly ever using the pussy. One woman has heard that women are never allowed to touch themselves.
On arrival into the capital Sodom, the women are taken to the palace, the highest point in the city. There are cheers from the crowds lining the streets. Peering through the bars of the cart she can only see men. The women are taken to a large central courtyard and made to line up. They are untied. Soldiers stand guard. An important, decorated soldier arrives, introduces himself as the slave master of Sodomistan. They are ordered to remove all of their clothes and stand ready for inspection.

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