- 4 years ago
- 35
- 0
Chapter Two
The Priory of Junen
Three hours later the unconscious man was transferred onto the smooth wooden table in the small thatched hut Lena shared with Eula.
Merryl and Karina left immediately without speaking.
Trying to shut out their strained faces from her mind, Lena struck a fire in the hearth at the centre of the cool, dark hut, feeding the flames with dry kindling. When it was blazing with reassuring heat she lit as many candles as she could find, while Eula fetched water from the well. The hunting trip hadn’t been a complete washout, Lena had managed to harvest a number of crucial herbs and while they steeped she mixed a poultice in advance for her patient’s thigh.
When Eula returned with the small cauldron of water, Lena was examining the man’s worst wound. She peered over Lena’s shoulder and wrinkled her nose at the filthy wadding around the broken arrow. ‘Eesh, what a mess.’
‘I know. I’m almost scared to look.’
‘Have you seen anything worse? I don’t think I have. Except maybe when Iyllia stood on that barb last summer and it turned into an abscess. Remember?’
‘I’m not likely to forget. I had to drain it three times a day for a week.’ Lena gingerly plucked at the grubby bandage. ‘Whoever did this almost did a good job. Shame it wasn’t clean. At least they had the sense to leave the arrow in. He might have bled to death otherwise.’
Her first task was to remove the tourniquet. She tutted in frustration. ‘It’s set solid.’ With a sharp knife she gently sliced through the inches of matted material until at last it cracked apart.
Both women jerked back, gasping sharply in unison.
Eula grimaced. ‘Maybe I’ll burn some safar oil. He’s a little ripe.’
Lena gave a rueful smile at the understatement. ‘Good idea.’ She hardly dared look too closely at the wound at first, fearing what she would find, but after rinsing away the caked blood saw with immense relief it wasn’t as bad as she’d dreaded––a little red, but not yet seeping. The tourniquet had been tight enough to keep filth at bay. But there was no denying an arrowhead was not a sanitary object. Junen knew what evils lurked beneath the surface.
Soon the welcome scent of safar wafted past her nose. ‘Oh, Eula, that helps.’
Eula returned to the table still with a frown of discomfort furrowing her brow. ‘Not much. What a rotten stench.’
‘I know, but it’s mostly the bandage.’ She held up the offending material.
‘Let me take that. I’ll burn it outside.’ Pinching her nose, Eula disappeared outside with the bundle held at arm’s length.
With the bandage removed the air was noticeably improved. Lena cut the man’s leggings off. They were soiled beyond repair anyway and she had to make sure there weren’t any hidden wounds about his person.
His genitals lay inert and innocuous in a nest of dark curls. It wasn’t the first she’d seen in her life, most recently she’d tended Caldey’s baker for the furuncle he’d developed in his groin. She’d behaved with perfunctory courtesy. But then Doran Malwand was as doughy as the bread he baked. It was easy for Lena to tend him with professional disinterest. The man lying here on her table begged to be looked at. Under the grime and dried blood he was a beautiful specimen––fit and lean, except for powerfully muscular thighs. A horseman, she guessed, and shivered at the thought of the beasts he’d controlled with a squeeze of his muscles.
Butterflies fluttered for a moment in her belly, and with a small frown at the direction of her thoughts, she set the image aside, covering his groin with a cloth and going through the mental list of tasks she must perform.
A low groan rumbled through the man’s chest and his cracked lips parted.
Dismayed to see him waking already, Lena scurried to find some valerian to help him sleep. She returned just as his lids began to flicker open revealing pain-veiled eyes.
He stared at Lena. ‘Y-you came back.’ Some unseen muscle twitched in his body making him gasp and in reflex grip her arm with surprising strength.
‘Hush. You’re safe now. But I need to give you this so I can deal with your leg.’ She held up the stubby bottle of viscous fluid.
Panic replaced the pain in his eyes. ‘D-don’t take my leg!’ He tried to rise up but groaned and slumped back, his hand going to his head.
‘It’s all right, I’m just taking the arrow out, nothing more.’ Uncorking the valerian she poured some onto a wooden spoon and held it close to his lips. ‘Here, this will help.’
To her alarm he pressed his lips together and shook his head.
‘I’m going to hurt you…a lot. I can’t have you moving about.’
He shook his head again and remained tight-lipped.
Lena pulled back with the spoon. ‘Why won’t you take it?’
He regarded her with a wary eye in case she meant to trick him into opening his mouth. ‘I-Ib preber to b-be awake,’ he mumbled through almost closed lips.
‘If it was me I’d want to be asleep.’
‘I d-dob want to wake ub w-wibout a leg.’
Lena’s heart gave a squeeze of sympathy. ‘You have my word, you’ll keep your leg.’
She made the sign of Junen across her breast. ‘On my life.’ Then she held up the spoon with an encouraging smile.
He hesitated, even more pale than he had been, but after another agonising twinge that made sweat bead on his grimy forehead he finally conceded and opened his mouth.
Lena passed the spoon between his lips and gulped as they closed over the small scoop. She’d never noticed before how intimate an act it was to feed someone when they were as helpless as he was.
By the time Eula returned the man was asleep again. ‘What can I do?’ she asked.
‘Keep an eye on him. If he shows any sign of waking, let me know.’
Eula pulled up a stool and focused intently on the man’s face. ‘Who do you think he is? A soldier? He looks fit enough to be one. He had no uniform though.’
Or he discarded it, Lena thought. ‘Anything is possible.’
‘He hardly looks dangerous though. Don’t you think? I don’t know what all the fuss is about.’
Lena wasn’t so sure. She’d felt singularly not herself from the moment she set eyes on the man and she had no explanation. Why did her hands linger on his skin as if she took as much pleasure from touching him as she might from being touched? An image popped into her head of what it might feel like to be touched by him, and she shivered. Why did she keep looking at his face, which in repose and despite the beard revealed him to be younger than she thought, maybe about her own age, or a year or two younger? Not dangerous? She was beginning to understand Josta’s reservations, and Nerris’s for that matter.
She couldn’t help her cheeks growing warm and fired a nervous glance at Eula to make sure her thoughts weren’t too visible, but her friend was concentrating equally hard on their patient. ‘He might not be dangerous now, but who knows what he’s like when he’s well? He could be a monster.’
Eula gave a doubtful smile. ‘You think?’
Feeling strangely lightheaded and shaky, Lena latched on to Josta’s advice as a means to keeping herself on the straight and narrow. ‘I’m just saying we don’t know anything about him.’
‘He’s very handsome.’
‘Compared to who?’
Eula flickered a look at Lena with a questioning raise of an eyebrow. ‘Have you seen a man more comely?’
Lena peered closely at the protruding arrow trying to decide how to attack it but felt her cheeks grow hotter and was grateful for the dim light. ‘Can’t say as I noticed.’
Eula made a small scoffing sound. ‘So why is he here?’
Pausing for a moment Lena met Eula’s look with a small frown. ‘To be healed of course.’
‘Would you have been so intent on rescuing him if he looked like the baker?’
Discomforted that Eula had come so unwittingly close to
echoing her own thoughts, Lena frowned. ‘Doran is a very nice man.’
Eula snorted again. ‘You’re a terrible liar. You always have been.’
‘I need to concentrate now. This is going to be tricky.’ That was no lie. Working quickly and calmly she made incisions around the wound and began to edge the barb out. The delicate work took a great deal of concentration and thoughts of the man’s appearance drifted to the back of her mind.
When she finally dropped the bloodied arrow on the table Lena breathed a sigh of relief. ‘He’s lucky,’ she said, ‘it didn’t hit anything vital.’
‘Nice work,’ Eula remarked with open admiration.
‘How is he?’
‘Fine. Still out cold.’
‘Good, on the shelf there’s a small bottle with red liquid in it…just to the left, could I have it, please?’
Eula fetched the bottle and passed it over. She picked up the arrow, squinting at it as she turned it over in her hand. ‘Well, if he is a soldier he’s not an enemy of Anteran.’
Lena didn’t know as much about weaponry as her friend. Different mentors concentrated on instilling different skills in their novices. Eula was a novice hunter and knew a great deal about weapons and the like. ‘No?’
‘Anteran soldiers don’t use longbows, they use crossbows.’
‘Oh?’ Lena remembered the Faerie’s protestation of innocence. ‘Is it a Faerie arrow?’
Eula peered at the iron tip. ‘No. And the workmanship isn’t very good. Most regular smithies would take more pride in their craft. Whoever made this didn’t give a damn. They just wanted to churn out something capable of killing or maiming.’
The two women looked at each other.
‘Cathasian,’ they said together.
Lena looked at the man with no small amount of relief. If he was an enemy of Cathas he was likely a friend of theirs. She would have mended a Cathasian as well as anyone else, but the ramifications for the Priory if they were found to be harbouring an enemy of the territory would be huge.
Flushing the wound with the contents of the bottle she pointed to her workbench. ‘Grab those flat tongs for me please? Hold them like so.’
Eula held the wound together with the tongs as Lena made a series of holes along the torn edges of skin with the point of a blade. Then she threaded a bone needle with linen cord and stitched the wound. After tying a neat knot at the end of the row she sluiced the wound again, this time with a salt solution, then stood back.
‘It’s good,’ announced Eula, examining the stitching, ‘some of your best.’
‘Tell me that in a day or two when he keeps his leg.’
With Eula’s assistance she dealt with the lesser gashes across the young man’s torso and arms, at the same time thinking about what her friend had said. He was comely, possessed of a tightly muscled body harking to years of hard, physical training. There wasn’t an ounce of spare flesh on him. She had to pause for a moment to still the trembling of her hand, wondering if contrary to the standing joke she really had caught a cold during the hunting trip. It was the only explanation for her current, almost fevered, condition. It wasn’t like her at all to be so nervy, not when it came to the business of healing.
When she finally finished it was well into the small hours of the morning. She applied a poultice to the man’s thigh and covered him with a pelt. ‘I think we’ve earned a rest.’
Retiring to the hearth both women sank down––relieved to finally put their feet up. It had been an incredibly long day and night.
‘Thanks for your help tonight,’ Lena murmured.
‘You’re welcome, but I hope not to have to do that for a while,’ Eula said, stifling a yawn. Her eyelids were drooping.
Just then Josta entered the hut. When both girls jumped up she patted the air. ‘Sit.’ Her keen gaze shifted to the patient on the table. ‘How is he?’
‘If we can stave off inflammation he may survive,’ Lena answered.
‘Did you learn his name?’
Lena mentally kicked herself for the basic oversight. ‘He was awake for a short time but very distressed. I didn’t think to quiz him.’
‘Never mind. And how long do you think before he can walk?’ Clearly the priesta felt eager to see the man on his way.
‘His leg will take some time to mend, but he seems strong and healthy. I’d say in a week, maybe two, he could travel with the aid of a crutch.’
‘Days will be bad enough,’ Josta said with a sigh. ‘I’ll have a hard time justifying weeks.’
‘If he survives that long,’ Lena remarked.
Josta rested her hand on Lena’s shoulder and squeezed. ‘I’ll go to the temple and pray for a speedy recovery.’ With that she ducked back out of the hut.
‘Doesn’t she ever sleep?’ Eula asked, yawning again.
‘Not much.’ Seeing how tired the other girl was, Lena stifled a yawn of her own. ‘I’ll make up a pallet by the fire. If you can help me carry him down I’ll sit with him to make sure he doesn’t take a fever and you can go to bed.’
Once the man was resting in the little bed Lena fixed for him, Euna retreated to her own cot on the other side of the hut while Lena sat down next to her patient. She touched her palm to his forehead, relieved to feel it was cool and dry, and let her hand linger to brush a strand of hair away but snatched it back when he opened his eyes. For some reason she felt guilty, as though she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t. But she was only tending a patient, like she would any other. ‘Hello,’ she murmured.
The closer to consciousness he rose, the more clarity his bright eyes took on, like an oil lamp being turned up. His hand went straight away to pat down the pelt and he relaxed when he felt the reassuring lump of his limb.
‘I told you all would be well. How do you feel?’
He licked his lips and Lena at once brought a cup of water to his mouth. When he’d taken a few small sips he sighed. ‘Like I’ve been trampled by a herd of oxen.’ His voice was rough with dehydration and disuse.
‘Stranger things have happened in these parts.’
He snorted and winced.
Lena helped him drink more water again then put the cup to one side. ‘What is your name, sir?’ she asked, remembering Josta’s imperative but wanting to know more for her own need than anything else. She didn’t want to keep referring to him as the man, or the soldier.
Opening his mouth to speak, he hesitated. ‘Uh…’
It took Lena a moment to realise the significance. Seeing his confusion she touched his shoulder. ‘It’s of little note. You’ve had a great deal of valerian today, and suffered a lot of pain.’
A crease deepened between his brows. ‘But my name. I know it…it’s…’ He rubbed his furrowed forehead. ‘It’s…’
‘No matter,’ Lena assured him. ‘It’s not unusual to feel confused, especially after a blow to the head. You’ve quite an egg there. Doubtless you’ll feel better in the morning. Don’t worry about it too much.’
He lay quietly for a few moments, still frowning. ‘Y-you’re the one who found me in the woods,’ he said at last.
‘That’s right.’
‘Where am I?’
‘You’re a guest of the Priory of Junen, near the village of Caldey, in Anteran,’ she prompted, seeing no hint of recognition in his face.
His hand clenched into a fist. ‘It’s on the tip of my tongue…’
She tried to distract him. ‘I’m Lena.’ She pointed into the shadowy corner where Eula lay snoring already. She was a famously heavy sleeper. ‘My friend, Eula, helped mend you as well.’
His gaze slipped sideways following her hand. ‘You know a lot about healing, Lena.’
She made a face. ‘I wish I knew more. Unfortunately I’m a slave to time as much as the next person. I’m learning to be patient.’
His mouth twisted into a wry smile. ‘I have a feeling I’m not a patient man.’ Suddenly his long fingers closed over hers. ‘Thank you for helping me. I thought I was going to die. Those men…they didn’t look right.’
Surprised by
the passion of his admission, and disconcerted by the unaccustomed intimacy with a man, she disengaged her hand and clasped it in her lap as goose bumps stippled across her arms. ‘You don’t have to thank me. It’s my job. And they weren’t men, they were Faeries.’
His lips crooked into a faint smile.
‘Is something funny?’ Lena asked, bemused.
‘I must be drugged. I thought you said those men were Faeries.’
‘I did. They were.’
He scoffed, and winced again. ‘That’s ridiculous. There’s no such thing as Faeries.’
‘You said yourself they didn’t look right.’
‘I know, but I meant they didn’t look like…’ He was having difficulty following his own logic. ‘Faeries are like dragons. They’re myths designed to make children behave.’
‘Every bedtime story has an ounce or so of truth in it. They were definitely Faerie-folk, and you’re fortunate they didn’t decide to punish you for being on their land. They aren’t always so accommodating.’
He was quiet for a time. When he spoke again his voice was low. ‘Whoever they were, if you hadn’t found me I’d be dead. I owe you my life.’
Lena had no argument. He very likely would have died. He still could. ‘Hush, don’t dwell on it. You’re safe now.’ Her hand slipped over of its own accord and stroked his cheek. If he hadn’t had the strength to call out she might never have stumbled upon him. Thinking of him lying cold and lifeless in the bracken sent a chill through her blood. ‘Shall I give you something for the pain? It will help you sleep.’
He didn’t need it. He’d drifted off of his own accord.
Lena started awake with a curse. She’d nodded off beside her patient with her head on her arm and it had gone to sleep. Shaking the numb, useless limb until the flashing pain of pins and needles heralded a return of circulation she saw the fire had reduced to black embers and a faint, watery light filtered through the door. It was nearly dawn.
A moan drew her attention. The man’s cheeks were flushed and hot to the touch, yet he shivered.
‘Bloody moon.’ Lena scrambled to the pantry to rummage through the jars, so focused she forgot to apologise to Junen for swearing. Blue Bramble oil. Where in the blazes of death was it? She knew she had some somewhere. When her hand fell on the familiar jar her heart thudded in relief. Praise Junen!
He growled when she pushed back the pelt and began smoothing the cool oil onto his body. His skin burned under her hands. She cursed herself again for sleeping as his damp head tossed fitfully back and forth in discomfort and he fought to snatch the cover back.
‘I’m sorry,’ she murmured, knocking back his hands and working the unctuous oil into his chest, ‘I know you feel cold but this will help.’ She swallowed hard feeling the tight points of his nipples sliding under her palms. It was an outrage, she thought, that she should take any physical pleasure from tending to him. She resolved to visit the temple at the first opportunity and beg forgiveness.
A scuffling noise behind her made her look around as Eula got up from her cot and shuffled across the room, rubbing her eyes. ‘How is he?’
‘Fevered,’ Lena replied.
‘Damn. Can I do anything?’
‘I’m going to Morn Prayers now. I take it you’ll stay here?’
‘I can’t leave him like this.’
‘Of course. I’ll tell Josta.’
With shaking, oily hands Lena screwed the lid back on the jar and sat back, cursing again her inattention. It would be full daylight before she knew if she’d arrested the fever in time. She stoked the fire. In a short time the dawn chorus would begin and Morn Prayers would commence. All the priestae and novices would be gathered at the temple. No doubt Nerris would note her absence and mark another black strike against her name. Right now she didn’t care. Nerris could whistle. She returned to her vigil. There was no law to say she couldn’t praise Junen from where she sat. Raising her eyes to the thatched ceiling she spoke quietly. ‘Blessed Mother of the forest, You sent him here to us, and I wouldn’t question Your motives, but I beg for a sign of some sort…anything to guide me. What would You have me do?’ She waited, holding her breath, but no sign came.
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THE GAMES PART FOURTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. I appreciate your time very much. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you! And...
Brittney woke up with a grin on her face and a gleam in her green eyes, hungry like always, hungry for cum. She quickly put on a tiny bikini, it streched taunt over her breast while her curly blonde hair fell down almost to her nipples. She ran down to her garage and hopped on her bike and started peddling to the beach. "Ooooohooooo" some construction workers called and whistled at her as she rode by.
Chapter 3 - Unexpected Reversal I am speechless as I try my hardest to understand exactly what she is asking, or maybe even telling me. After a moment of considering the implications, as my mind just races through everything, I finally get out, " want me, to be a.a girl?" It's very difficult for me to accept that concept, from another person. Looking directly into my eyes, like she's trying to peer into my soul, she quietly and with a sincerity that goes beyond anything...
This story comes after our relationship with Tre had ended. He ended up meeting a really nice lady and when they got more serious in their relationship, he decided that the wonderful thing we had going had to come to an end. His new love was not into open relationship and sharing her well- endowed boyfriend.After that relationship ended, we both decided to take a break on it and really focus on our marriage since it seems that we were caught up into such a tornado of passion. My wife also joked...
"What was it like?" Ann Marie asked. "You know ... the first time you made love?" She snuggled up in Jake's arms. Blade Runner was on one of the movie channels, but neither was paying much attention to it. She was wearing one of his dress shirts, the front unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up. He didn't bother to dress. Instead, upon returning to their room, he simply stripped down and crawled into bed. Her hair was down, its curls falling gently over her shoulders. Ann Marie pressed her...
It took Zena some time to calm down from the event. They sat in Ken Lee's office until she began to feel better. She steadfastly refused to go to the hospital and have her arm looked at. She was sure it was just a strain and would be better in a day or so. Besides, she had a job to do. Bill and Ken sat on either side of her, making sure she was alright. "OK, Zena, you head on home now. Take the rest of the day off and tomorrow if necessary. You've had a big shock to your system and the...
Hi all- after reading the comments I forgot to add the little detail I am Ckelley85, writing under a different name. There is lots of different reasoning behind that but regardless here I am trying to write this story that has been in my head for sooooooooooo long. Please feel free to leave comments. Thanks everyone! Bella went into the living room where her father was engrossed in watching TV. As Bella neared him, it soon became apparent why he was so engrossed, ‘Dad are you fucking kidding...
When you received a letter in the mail that said you had won a great prize, initially you figured it was just more junk mail. Similar to how they always send you those pre-approved credit cards when really all they want to do is eat up you money. Looking closer though, you noticed the sender is the name of that charity auction I was at a few weeks ago. Suddenly intrigued I cut open the envelope and read on, wondering what it could be: Dear Mr. Doe, We thank you for your participation in the One...
She sat smiling at me.a look of devilment in her eyes,her tongue gently made a luscious journey accross her sensual lips,the smile said it all.’you want me..haha,but you can’t bring yourself to try can you’,it said.and she was fucking right.20,my wifes daughter from a previous bad relationship,all tarty and dressed to thrill a man into serious trouble.a wanting little cow who had already learnt long ago how to use her assets and to get what she wants just by being hot n sexy. I hate that kind...
01 As the month long holiday break began, students from the university returned home to see their families, often traveling in luxurious air trains that they school picked up the tab for as part of their tuition. Newly enslaved, former boys, however, took a different ride on the same trains. In a storage car near the middle of the train, four fresh slaves waited at attention in a row. Each slave held a blank expression as if having been turned "off" for the time being. Their names and...
Abenteuer zweier Bauernmädchen in Danzig Vorspann Diese Geschichte darf Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren nicht zugänglich gemacht werden. Es handelt sich um reine Phantasie. „Die nachfolgende Geschichte ist für Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren nicht geeignet. Sie spiegelt nicht meine Neigungen wieder. Ich sammele Informationen aus Erzählungen, Presse und TV, sowie Chat- und Teleerlebnissen. Manche Stories enthalten als Grundlage tatsächliche Ereignisse, die ich durch eine von mir dazu erfundene Handlung...
Trans Angels is “home of the best TS porn online”. A relatively new site that started in mid-2017, Trans Angels is all about them chicks…with dicks. The site features top-rated models like Chanel Santini and Domino Presley all in various scenes you can watch from the site.Content is somewhat limited at 117 scenes, but the site is updated very regularly with 2-3 scenes added per week. A lot of these scenes are entertaining porn skits such as “Chauffeur Her”, where the Chauffeur fucks the shit...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesKayla Kayden was born in Syracuse, New York, on September 6th, 1988. Kayla is a private person, so little is known about her childhood. However, I do know a little about Syracuse, New York, and let’s just say that if you grew up there, you’d also be willing to suck dick to escape also.The Great PornstradamusBecause I could find so little on her background, I’m going to stare directly into the windows of Kayla's soul (I’m not talking about her eyes) and take some educated guesses.I’m going to...
Twitter Porn AccountsAs the trial began emotions were high. I didn't want my family there. Not because of me but I didn't want them to hear what their mother had done, the sexual acts that made her a slut, the things she did with those men. It made me look like a wimp, a cuckold. I didn't want my family thinking of me this way. I called Mary. When she answered the phone and said, "Hello," I paused. In fact she had to say it twice, "Hello, hello." I said, "Mary, this is Dan." She said, "Dan, oh, my...
Introduction: A man and wife find out about the boss and his wife At The Company Picnic My wife and I attended our first company picnic just last weekend. It was a small affair as the company isnt that big but everyone seems like family. We were new so when we arrived, the boss immediately invited us over to his table where we met his wife. They were both very gracious and kind, wanting us to feel at home. The afternoon progressed until it was time to clean up and go home. After helping, we...
‘Let me GO you sick fucks! I don’t know anything.’ Rose had been shouting this for hours at the men who took her, but to no avail. She was tied to a chair surrounded by no other furniture, in one of the many rooms of the DeVeal mansion, owned by the infamous bank robber Mr Richard DeVeal. The ruthless gangster was standing across from her, flanked by his two amazingly ripped bodyguards/henchmen. ‘You know what, I’m getting pretty tired of hearing you say that,’ he said, ‘and I’m actually...
Three weeks before school started, Kim and Jan, identical twins from Germany, were scheduled to arrive. Carol and Bill Baker offered to host the twins, believing that it would give their daughter, Melody, a chance to learn about another culture and to share the spotlight before going off to college next year. As an only child, Melody was always the center of attention. Sharing the house with a couple girls would teach her some good skills about the real world of dorm life at college.While...
Taboo‘Kate!’ exclaimed a shocked Gwen as she tried to take a step toward her sister. Steve suddenly grabbed Gwen’s elbows and pulled her to his chest. Then he kissed her for a very long time. ‘I’m still going to…’ insisted Gwen before Steve once again pressed his lips to hers. ‘Okay, I get the hint,’ whispered Gwen. ‘I won’t say anything to Kate now. At least not if you keep kissing me like that. I’m still pretty pissed at her. I’ll give her a piece of my mind when we get home.’ Then Gwen...
It was finally here. The day that Hank had been wanting to arrive for the last seven months. It was finally the first day of football season. He was again able to watch his favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. This was even more important as they just happen to be playing his least favorite team the San Francisco 49ers. He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. The pepperoni with extra cheese pizza he ordered had just arrived and his beer had been chilling for about an hour. So it...
I am 24 years. In our culture i****t is forbidden sin. But it happens in my life it is changed me all of sexual thoughts in my life, I am cool and very good looking guy with well built and fair complexion. I never thought that it would happen with me. The names involved, excluding mine, have been changed for obvious reasons. But believe me; it is all true, though it happened just 2 days before.My mom is 44 years and she is very sexy with height 5 .7 feet and 60 kgs with big size boobs. Just...
AFTERMATH ('THE SLUT') By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 WARNING: CONTAINS REFERENCES TO SUICIDE & RAPE. Author's Note: One of the saddest stories on FM is Janice's 'The Slut': "Three teenage girls exact revenge on the older brother of one of them, who is obnoxious to them, with dire results." It's a short but powerful story, cutting 'close to the bone' of reality. Many of its reviewers demanded a sequel. 'Aftermath' is an unauthorized tribute to Janice's gut-wrenching realism....
You are young, son of mine "You are young, son of mine, " his dear mother said, "But well taught to keep yourself neat; Yet your hair hangs down way under your head Would cutting it be too much of a feat?" "When at school", the son tossed his hair with a flick, " 'Short back and sides' was made the house rule, Now that I mix with an intelligent clique By them long hair is deemed cool." "You are young, son of mine, " her voice was quite clear, "Brought up as a quite normal...
This story was actually requested from an on-line friend....Mathews is actually a girl, and asked me to create a story for her about one of her fantasies....She liked hopefully you may enjoy this as well... I have to give inspirational credit to post to the board to JadeM...Her stories have captivated me over the last few days, I cant stop reading her stories...... here it goes..... ...................................... Chapter 1 Matthews has finished changing for...
Tony can hardly believe his eyes when he realizes that his hot and busty teacher, Miss Kagney Linn Carter, is a cam girl on the side. With her hot body, it makes sense for Miss Cater to show it off for cash. Tony realizes that he may be able to benefit from his discovery, so he goes to Miss Carter’s house to confront her. After a brief freakout that her secret has been revealed, Miss Carter does the only thing she can think: she buys Tony’s silence with a private show. Sitting Tony...
xmoviesforyou“That was so lame,” I scoffed. I never expected she would break into tears. I never expected she would end up sobbing in my arms. I never expected I would hug her like I did. I never expected I would kiss her. She kissed me back. I wasn’t expecting that. “God! I needed that,” she said. “I realize this an awkward time to mention this, but ... what is your name?” And Cyn laughed. “You have no idea how many times I’ve heard that.” “I’m almost ashamed to say,” Miss Physics said. “Why?”...
Do you believe in the supernatural? Well, your belief is irrelevant, because the Spirit of Lust exists. Some say there’s only one, other believe there are many. Regardless, those who have delved in studies of this supernatural entity all agree on what it does. The Spirit of Lust takes advantage of the emotionally weak. It possesses a person and uses their fears, regrets and anger to fuel their lust, leading them to a life of debauchery. There have been many whose lives have been ruined by this...
Mind ControlCrystal was a disputed system which meant a lot of fighting. Beside the six combat stations at the mid point going into the system there were four other stations. One in orbit around Crystal IV and three in the metal rich asteroid belts. The problem for the prospectors and miners was when Kregal fighters came in they searched the belts and destroyed anything they found. My name is Darren and my family has been in Crystal since before the war started. I was sixteen and working in a external...
We were walking by a river near my home, when we decided to sit down by the embankment. It was a hot day, and we were enjoying our summer holidays. We had spent the afternoon previously in my bedroom getting rather well acquainted, and already, I was looking lustfully at my new found sex friend. We sit down on the embankment – it is soft and sandy. Taking in the view, we sit back and let the world pass us by. It’s a quiet spot here, nobody really knows about this section of the lake, and...
Carol Learns About SpankingChapter One: Carol?s First SpankingCarol could not believe her ears. Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill. And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month. Last month it was more than $200. Now it was more than double. When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences. And, she...
This is not my story, I found it online and wanted to share. Enjoy!My sister and I had always had a great relationship. I was the younger "protective" brother and she was the older "troubled" c***d that always had me on my toes. You see my sister and I were the only ones we could count on after my dad died in a plane accident. My mother was a local gynecologist, and always busy with patients and rarely at home. So that left my sister and I with a lot of time together to talk and lounge around...
When you want to watch blowjob clips, you want to be able to watch the whole fucking thing. Most horny fuckers like us scrobble around, we jump to the point where the dick is harder, and the bitch is really pouncing on it, but the one thing they must avoid is ending too early. A blowjob video that never really gets going is like lame sex: it sucks, and you wonder why in the fuck did that shit in the first doesn’t fuck around with any of that. They’ve been delivering...
Blowjob Porn SitesJaycee Starrs boyfriend is a liberal guy, and he wants her to have all the experiences she desires in life. So, she takes the opportunity to sleep with another dude. She gets herself dolled up in shiny pink lip gloss, sexy lingerie, the works. But when they finally get down to it, the guy treats her like a slut, which is something she is not used to. He grabs her aggressively and hammers her pussy hole until she is orgasming ecstatically. Lucky for her boyfriend, Jaycee has learned that she...
xmoviesforyou- Do I make both of you horny? I know I caught them by surprise, Ricardo didn’t even know what was going on. They both stuttered. They tried desperately to say something but no words would come out of their mouth. I leaned in and grabbed Ricardo’s penis, it was rock hard. With my other hand I grabbed Ramses hand and guided it into my mouth. They still couldn’t say anything. I was ready to explode. There were millions of people on that beach. Hundreds looking directly at us, but at that moment...
IncestI’m Theodore Dalrymple, know as Dal, a 63 year old, retired computer image artist and very active, self employed fine artist, in good shape, 5’10’’ and 94Kg. I also have a very high sexual interest, as had my illustrious father Augustus Cecil Dalrymple, a famed fine artists but not quite in the same league as his name sake Augustus John, who he sometimes painted with. Father had been a notorious lecher and child fancier although in the old days these things, tended to be hushed over and not...