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Chapter Two

The Priory of Junen

Three hours later the unconscious man was transferred onto the smooth wooden table in the small thatched hut Lena shared with Eula.

Merryl and Karina left immediately without speaking.

Trying to shut out their strained faces from her mind, Lena struck a fire in the hearth at the centre of the cool, dark hut, feeding the flames with dry kindling. When it was blazing with reassuring heat she lit as many candles as she could find, while Eula fetched water from the well. The hunting trip hadn’t been a complete washout, Lena had managed to harvest a number of crucial herbs and while they steeped she mixed a poultice in advance for her patient’s thigh.

When Eula returned with the small cauldron of water, Lena was examining the man’s worst wound. She peered over Lena’s shoulder and wrinkled her nose at the filthy wadding around the broken arrow. ‘Eesh, what a mess.’

‘I know. I’m almost scared to look.’

‘Have you seen anything worse? I don’t think I have. Except maybe when Iyllia stood on that barb last summer and it turned into an abscess. Remember?’

‘I’m not likely to forget. I had to drain it three times a day for a week.’ Lena gingerly plucked at the grubby bandage. ‘Whoever did this almost did a good job. Shame it wasn’t clean. At least they had the sense to leave the arrow in. He might have bled to death otherwise.’

Her first task was to remove the tourniquet. She tutted in frustration. ‘It’s set solid.’ With a sharp knife she gently sliced through the inches of matted material until at last it cracked apart.

Both women jerked back, gasping sharply in unison.

Eula grimaced. ‘Maybe I’ll burn some safar oil. He’s a little ripe.’

Lena gave a rueful smile at the understatement. ‘Good idea.’ She hardly dared look too closely at the wound at first, fearing what she would find, but after rinsing away the caked blood saw with immense relief it wasn’t as bad as she’d dreaded––a little red, but not yet seeping. The tourniquet had been tight enough to keep filth at bay. But there was no denying an arrowhead was not a sanitary object. Junen knew what evils lurked beneath the surface.

Soon the welcome scent of safar wafted past her nose. ‘Oh, Eula, that helps.’

Eula returned to the table still with a frown of discomfort furrowing her brow. ‘Not much. What a rotten stench.’

‘I know, but it’s mostly the bandage.’ She held up the offending material.

‘Let me take that. I’ll burn it outside.’ Pinching her nose, Eula disappeared outside with the bundle held at arm’s length.

With the bandage removed the air was noticeably improved. Lena cut the man’s leggings off. They were soiled beyond repair anyway and she had to make sure there weren’t any hidden wounds about his person.

His genitals lay inert and innocuous in a nest of dark curls. It wasn’t the first she’d seen in her life, most recently she’d tended Caldey’s baker for the furuncle he’d developed in his groin. She’d behaved with perfunctory courtesy. But then Doran Malwand was as doughy as the bread he baked. It was easy for Lena to tend him with professional disinterest. The man lying here on her table begged to be looked at. Under the grime and dried blood he was a beautiful specimen––fit and lean, except for powerfully muscular thighs. A horseman, she guessed, and shivered at the thought of the beasts he’d controlled with a squeeze of his muscles.

Butterflies fluttered for a moment in her belly, and with a small frown at the direction of her thoughts, she set the image aside, covering his groin with a cloth and going through the mental list of tasks she must perform.

A low groan rumbled through the man’s chest and his cracked lips parted.

Dismayed to see him waking already, Lena scurried to find some valerian to help him sleep. She returned just as his lids began to flicker open revealing pain-veiled eyes.

He stared at Lena. ‘Y-you came back.’ Some unseen muscle twitched in his body making him gasp and in reflex grip her arm with surprising strength.

‘Hush. You’re safe now. But I need to give you this so I can deal with your leg.’ She held up the stubby bottle of viscous fluid.

Panic replaced the pain in his eyes. ‘D-don’t take my leg!’ He tried to rise up but groaned and slumped back, his hand going to his head.

‘It’s all right, I’m just taking the arrow out, nothing more.’ Uncorking the valerian she poured some onto a wooden spoon and held it close to his lips. ‘Here, this will help.’

To her alarm he pressed his lips together and shook his head.

‘I’m going to hurt you…a lot. I can’t have you moving about.’

He shook his head again and remained tight-lipped.

Lena pulled back with the spoon. ‘Why won’t you take it?’

He regarded her with a wary eye in case she meant to trick him into opening his mouth. ‘I-Ib preber to b-be awake,’ he mumbled through almost closed lips.

‘If it was me I’d want to be asleep.’

‘I d-dob want to wake ub w-wibout a leg.’

Lena’s heart gave a squeeze of sympathy. ‘You have my word, you’ll keep your leg.’


She made the sign of Junen across her breast. ‘On my life.’ Then she held up the spoon with an encouraging smile.

He hesitated, even more pale than he had been, but after another agonising twinge that made sweat bead on his grimy forehead he finally conceded and opened his mouth.

Lena passed the spoon between his lips and gulped as they closed over the small scoop. She’d never noticed before how intimate an act it was to feed someone when they were as helpless as he was.

By the time Eula returned the man was asleep again. ‘What can I do?’ she asked.

‘Keep an eye on him. If he shows any sign of waking, let me know.’

Eula pulled up a stool and focused intently on the man’s face. ‘Who do you think he is? A soldier? He looks fit enough to be one. He had no uniform though.’

Or he discarded it, Lena thought. ‘Anything is possible.’

‘He hardly looks dangerous though. Don’t you think? I don’t know what all the fuss is about.’

Lena wasn’t so sure. She’d felt singularly not herself from the moment she set eyes on the man and she had no explanation. Why did her hands linger on his skin as if she took as much pleasure from touching him as she might from being touched? An image popped into her head of what it might feel like to be touched by him, and she shivered. Why did she keep looking at his face, which in repose and despite the beard revealed him to be younger than she thought, maybe about her own age, or a year or two younger? Not dangerous? She was beginning to understand Josta’s reservations, and Nerris’s for that matter.

She couldn’t help her cheeks growing warm and fired a nervous glance at Eula to make sure her thoughts weren’t too visible, but her friend was concentrating equally hard on their patient. ‘He might not be dangerous now, but who knows what he’s like when he’s well? He could be a monster.’

Eula gave a doubtful smile. ‘You think?’

Feeling strangely lightheaded and shaky, Lena latched on to Josta’s advice as a means to keeping herself on the straight and narrow. ‘I’m just saying we don’t know anything about him.’

‘He’s very handsome.’

‘Compared to who?’

Eula flickered a look at Lena with a questioning raise of an eyebrow. ‘Have you seen a man more comely?’

Lena peered closely at the protruding arrow trying to decide how to attack it but felt her cheeks grow hotter and was grateful for the dim light. ‘Can’t say as I noticed.’

Eula made a small scoffing sound. ‘So why is he here?’

Pausing for a moment Lena met Eula’s look with a small frown. ‘To be healed of course.’

‘Would you have been so intent on rescuing him if he looked like the baker?’

Discomforted that Eula had come so unwittingly close to
echoing her own thoughts, Lena frowned. ‘Doran is a very nice man.’

Eula snorted again. ‘You’re a terrible liar. You always have been.’

‘I need to concentrate now. This is going to be tricky.’ That was no lie. Working quickly and calmly she made incisions around the wound and began to edge the barb out. The delicate work took a great deal of concentration and thoughts of the man’s appearance drifted to the back of her mind.

When she finally dropped the bloodied arrow on the table Lena breathed a sigh of relief. ‘He’s lucky,’ she said, ‘it didn’t hit anything vital.’

‘Nice work,’ Eula remarked with open admiration.

‘How is he?’

‘Fine. Still out cold.’

‘Good, on the shelf there’s a small bottle with red liquid in it…just to the left, could I have it, please?’

Eula fetched the bottle and passed it over. She picked up the arrow, squinting at it as she turned it over in her hand. ‘Well, if he is a soldier he’s not an enemy of Anteran.’

Lena didn’t know as much about weaponry as her friend. Different mentors concentrated on instilling different skills in their novices. Eula was a novice hunter and knew a great deal about weapons and the like. ‘No?’

‘Anteran soldiers don’t use longbows, they use crossbows.’

‘Oh?’ Lena remembered the Faerie’s protestation of innocence. ‘Is it a Faerie arrow?’

Eula peered at the iron tip. ‘No. And the workmanship isn’t very good. Most regular smithies would take more pride in their craft. Whoever made this didn’t give a damn. They just wanted to churn out something capable of killing or maiming.’

The two women looked at each other.

‘Cathasian,’ they said together.

Lena looked at the man with no small amount of relief. If he was an enemy of Cathas he was likely a friend of theirs. She would have mended a Cathasian as well as anyone else, but the ramifications for the Priory if they were found to be harbouring an enemy of the territory would be huge.

Flushing the wound with the contents of the bottle she pointed to her workbench. ‘Grab those flat tongs for me please? Hold them like so.’

Eula held the wound together with the tongs as Lena made a series of holes along the torn edges of skin with the point of a blade. Then she threaded a bone needle with linen cord and stitched the wound. After tying a neat knot at the end of the row she sluiced the wound again, this time with a salt solution, then stood back.

‘It’s good,’ announced Eula, examining the stitching, ‘some of your best.’

‘Tell me that in a day or two when he keeps his leg.’

With Eula’s assistance she dealt with the lesser gashes across the young man’s torso and arms, at the same time thinking about what her friend had said. He was comely, possessed of a tightly muscled body harking to years of hard, physical training. There wasn’t an ounce of spare flesh on him. She had to pause for a moment to still the trembling of her hand, wondering if contrary to the standing joke she really had caught a cold during the hunting trip. It was the only explanation for her current, almost fevered, condition. It wasn’t like her at all to be so nervy, not when it came to the business of healing.

When she finally finished it was well into the small hours of the morning. She applied a poultice to the man’s thigh and covered him with a pelt. ‘I think we’ve earned a rest.’

Retiring to the hearth both women sank down––relieved to finally put their feet up. It had been an incredibly long day and night.

‘Thanks for your help tonight,’ Lena murmured.

‘You’re welcome, but I hope not to have to do that for a while,’ Eula said, stifling a yawn. Her eyelids were drooping.

Just then Josta entered the hut. When both girls jumped up she patted the air. ‘Sit.’ Her keen gaze shifted to the patient on the table. ‘How is he?’

‘If we can stave off inflammation he may survive,’ Lena answered.

‘Did you learn his name?’

Lena mentally kicked herself for the basic oversight. ‘He was awake for a short time but very distressed. I didn’t think to quiz him.’

‘Never mind. And how long do you think before he can walk?’ Clearly the priesta felt eager to see the man on his way.

‘His leg will take some time to mend, but he seems strong and healthy. I’d say in a week, maybe two, he could travel with the aid of a crutch.’

‘Days will be bad enough,’ Josta said with a sigh. ‘I’ll have a hard time justifying weeks.’

‘If he survives that long,’ Lena remarked.

Josta rested her hand on Lena’s shoulder and squeezed. ‘I’ll go to the temple and pray for a speedy recovery.’ With that she ducked back out of the hut.

‘Doesn’t she ever sleep?’ Eula asked, yawning again.

‘Not much.’ Seeing how tired the other girl was, Lena stifled a yawn of her own. ‘I’ll make up a pallet by the fire. If you can help me carry him down I’ll sit with him to make sure he doesn’t take a fever and you can go to bed.’

Once the man was resting in the little bed Lena fixed for him, Euna retreated to her own cot on the other side of the hut while Lena sat down next to her patient. She touched her palm to his forehead, relieved to feel it was cool and dry, and let her hand linger to brush a strand of hair away but snatched it back when he opened his eyes. For some reason she felt guilty, as though she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t. But she was only tending a patient, like she would any other. ‘Hello,’ she murmured.

The closer to consciousness he rose, the more clarity his bright eyes took on, like an oil lamp being turned up. His hand went straight away to pat down the pelt and he relaxed when he felt the reassuring lump of his limb.

‘I told you all would be well. How do you feel?’

He licked his lips and Lena at once brought a cup of water to his mouth. When he’d taken a few small sips he sighed. ‘Like I’ve been trampled by a herd of oxen.’ His voice was rough with dehydration and disuse.

‘Stranger things have happened in these parts.’

He snorted and winced.

Lena helped him drink more water again then put the cup to one side. ‘What is your name, sir?’ she asked, remembering Josta’s imperative but wanting to know more for her own need than anything else. She didn’t want to keep referring to him as the man, or the soldier.

Opening his mouth to speak, he hesitated. ‘Uh…’

It took Lena a moment to realise the significance. Seeing his confusion she touched his shoulder. ‘It’s of little note. You’ve had a great deal of valerian today, and suffered a lot of pain.’

A crease deepened between his brows. ‘But my name. I know it…it’s…’ He rubbed his furrowed forehead. ‘It’s…’

‘No matter,’ Lena assured him. ‘It’s not unusual to feel confused, especially after a blow to the head. You’ve quite an egg there. Doubtless you’ll feel better in the morning. Don’t worry about it too much.’

He lay quietly for a few moments, still frowning. ‘Y-you’re the one who found me in the woods,’ he said at last.

‘That’s right.’

‘Where am I?’

‘You’re a guest of the Priory of Junen, near the village of Caldey, in Anteran,’ she prompted, seeing no hint of recognition in his face.

His hand clenched into a fist. ‘It’s on the tip of my tongue…’

She tried to distract him. ‘I’m Lena.’ She pointed into the shadowy corner where Eula lay snoring already. She was a famously heavy sleeper. ‘My friend, Eula, helped mend you as well.’

His gaze slipped sideways following her hand. ‘You know a lot about healing, Lena.’

She made a face. ‘I wish I knew more. Unfortunately I’m a slave to time as much as the next person. I’m learning to be patient.’

His mouth twisted into a wry smile. ‘I have a feeling I’m not a patient man.’ Suddenly his long fingers closed over hers. ‘Thank you for helping me. I thought I was going to die. Those men…they didn’t look right.’

Surprised by
the passion of his admission, and disconcerted by the unaccustomed intimacy with a man, she disengaged her hand and clasped it in her lap as goose bumps stippled across her arms. ‘You don’t have to thank me. It’s my job. And they weren’t men, they were Faeries.’

His lips crooked into a faint smile.

‘Is something funny?’ Lena asked, bemused.

‘I must be drugged. I thought you said those men were Faeries.’

‘I did. They were.’

He scoffed, and winced again. ‘That’s ridiculous. There’s no such thing as Faeries.’

‘You said yourself they didn’t look right.’

‘I know, but I meant they didn’t look like…’ He was having difficulty following his own logic. ‘Faeries are like dragons. They’re myths designed to make children behave.’

‘Every bedtime story has an ounce or so of truth in it. They were definitely Faerie-folk, and you’re fortunate they didn’t decide to punish you for being on their land. They aren’t always so accommodating.’

He was quiet for a time. When he spoke again his voice was low. ‘Whoever they were, if you hadn’t found me I’d be dead. I owe you my life.’

Lena had no argument. He very likely would have died. He still could. ‘Hush, don’t dwell on it. You’re safe now.’ Her hand slipped over of its own accord and stroked his cheek. If he hadn’t had the strength to call out she might never have stumbled upon him. Thinking of him lying cold and lifeless in the bracken sent a chill through her blood. ‘Shall I give you something for the pain? It will help you sleep.’

He didn’t need it. He’d drifted off of his own accord.


Lena started awake with a curse. She’d nodded off beside her patient with her head on her arm and it had gone to sleep. Shaking the numb, useless limb until the flashing pain of pins and needles heralded a return of circulation she saw the fire had reduced to black embers and a faint, watery light filtered through the door. It was nearly dawn.

A moan drew her attention. The man’s cheeks were flushed and hot to the touch, yet he shivered.

‘Bloody moon.’ Lena scrambled to the pantry to rummage through the jars, so focused she forgot to apologise to Junen for swearing. Blue Bramble oil. Where in the blazes of death was it? She knew she had some somewhere. When her hand fell on the familiar jar her heart thudded in relief. Praise Junen!

He growled when she pushed back the pelt and began smoothing the cool oil onto his body. His skin burned under her hands. She cursed herself again for sleeping as his damp head tossed fitfully back and forth in discomfort and he fought to snatch the cover back.

‘I’m sorry,’ she murmured, knocking back his hands and working the unctuous oil into his chest, ‘I know you feel cold but this will help.’ She swallowed hard feeling the tight points of his nipples sliding under her palms. It was an outrage, she thought, that she should take any physical pleasure from tending to him. She resolved to visit the temple at the first opportunity and beg forgiveness.

A scuffling noise behind her made her look around as Eula got up from her cot and shuffled across the room, rubbing her eyes. ‘How is he?’

‘Fevered,’ Lena replied.

‘Damn. Can I do anything?’


‘I’m going to Morn Prayers now. I take it you’ll stay here?’

‘I can’t leave him like this.’

‘Of course. I’ll tell Josta.’

With shaking, oily hands Lena screwed the lid back on the jar and sat back, cursing again her inattention. It would be full daylight before she knew if she’d arrested the fever in time. She stoked the fire. In a short time the dawn chorus would begin and Morn Prayers would commence. All the priestae and novices would be gathered at the temple. No doubt Nerris would note her absence and mark another black strike against her name. Right now she didn’t care. Nerris could whistle. She returned to her vigil. There was no law to say she couldn’t praise Junen from where she sat. Raising her eyes to the thatched ceiling she spoke quietly. ‘Blessed Mother of the forest, You sent him here to us, and I wouldn’t question Your motives, but I beg for a sign of some sort…anything to guide me. What would You have me do?’ She waited, holding her breath, but no sign came.

Idiot. What were you expecting, a thunderclap from the sky? As if the Great Mother would waste Her time talking to a novice, and a failing one at that! She sent him here and need not explain Herself to the likes of you.

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I was driving through northern Michigan and my car broke down on some old backroad when I was looking for a place to park and sleep for the night in my car. I had tried to fix it but I could not see well with my flashlight so I decided to sleep for the night and try again in the morning. That’s when I went to sleep and about an hour or so later someone startled me when they knocked on my window.“Are you alright young man? I was driving home for the night and I see you were broke down.” I told...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day at Mudd Lake

Enjoy the intensity of your desires. Chapter Eight A Rainy day at Mud Lake The day started out warm and breezy, the weather forecast was calling for rain. She anticipated the arrival of her date. She had planned a nice dinner for outside. They were to meet at the park and drive together to a secluded spot by the lake. She had packed a nice bottle of wine, salad, spaghetti, garlic bread and chocolate mousse. She hoped all would go as she had been dreaming of in her mind. She dressed in a...

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Spacetran Part 1

Spacetran By Beverly Part 1. The craft landed without any sensation of deceleration and I had to look outside to convince myself it had actually landed on the moon. The harsh cruel outlines of the unweathered rocks and the black sky combined with the fractional gravity to convince me I was definitely not on earth. 'The whole thing must be true.' I thought. The whispered stories about the rescued astronauts had until now been the stuff of mystery and conjecture. For...

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It started as any other day with an uneventful drive to work. It was still dark when I started out but, even through the torn up paving in the construction area near my house, I was able to avoid all the major potholes and ruts on the drive. Once out on the highway, traffic flowed pretty much at the speed limit actually letting me get to work a bit early where I easily found a choice parking place close to the building. During the drive I watched the sun rise in my rear view mirror so by the...

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Mom sold again

Jill sat at the kitchen Sunday morning, her son Evan was still asleep but she couldn’t stop thinking about the events of Friday and Saturday. Evans two friends had given her the best sex she ever had, and she had no intentions of giving them up. The phone rang it was her husband Al, she answered with a cheery hello due to the fact she was still leaking cum form both openings. The conversation went on until he told her he would probably be home by the weekend. She was surprised as she was...

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Better Study Habits Pt 11

Part Eleven The next day was more or less a normal Saturday for Rachel, Karen and Tabitha. They studied hard, taking occasional breaks to talk about makeup and clothes....and boys. Rachel and Karen talked incessantly about European boys and how they were so turned on by their accents. Tabitha on the other hand was opening up about her attraction to her old friend Jonas. Rachel and Karen listened in awe as Tabitha would emotionally lay her feelings out so explicitly. "Wow," said...

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Revenge of the son0

My dad left me with a note telling me to get my revenge if I really want to he will take me in then. So that's my goal to get revenge then move back in with my dad. My mom is kind of hot and attractive even with the no breast part. I can't wait to fuck her up. I always jack off thinking and smelling her panties. Dad always told me to force her into sex cuz that's when it's fun. I am going to have to try that and find out. Oh where have I been I've forgetting to say I'm 6'3 and 210lbs....

2 years ago
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x Hamster (not "xhampster" lol)! Any serious pornoholic has definitely at least heard of Most of you, I’m willing to wager, have fapped to this tube website on more than one occasion. For some of you, it might even be your go-to porn tube site. And, if that is the case, you are certainly not alone. There are 10 million others who fap to xHamster frequently enough to be registered users. After XVideos and Pornhub, it is the third most popular pornographic site on the internet...

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2 years ago
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I never thought of him as anything

John was my older brother’s best friend throughout their entire school career so I pretty much grew up knowing him as well. About the day I started showing interest in boys is the day he started showing interest in me. I never thought of him as anything more than a friend then. I merely brushed it off as a passing phase because they left for college the year I became a senior. I dated a few guys but nothing ever came of it. Then something changed when he came home that summer. I was out on the...

2 years ago
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Theres A Babysitter in my bed

It has been too long since I’ve touched a woman…. I thought as I walked in the front door, stumbling a little from the few drinks I had at the bar after work. Continuing inside I look at my kitchen clock its 8:55PM past my son Bens bedtime. Looking down I see the babysitter Carmen reading on the couch and I couldn’t help noticing what she was wearing, a pink mini skirt and a white tank top, with no bra! Just looking at her long brown hair and perfect body was giving me a hard on. I turn around...

2 years ago
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Your Master Requires Your Allegiance

Your Master RequiresYour Allegiance First Day Jitters "I am the instructor for this class. You will address me as Miss Cathy.Learn what I teach you, and you will be able to leave this place." For emphasisshe tapped the pointer on the floor. "Nice touch, but be sure you look around the room. Try to make eye contactwith everyone." Robert sat on the couch while Cathy rehearsed her first class,only two days away. "Remember, when you come in they'll all be watching you.You'll be an unknown...

3 years ago
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Omaha Vice Part III

Late Fall 2237 Annie Constanceson, nee Ahmed al Ibriam was standing before Federal District Judge Miriam Kathleensdaughter taking the oath of allegiance to the United States and being awarded her official citizenship to the United States. Annie had agreed to marry Debra Constancedaughter and as a wedding present Marilyn Evelyndaughter, her former employer had voided her debts and given her as an additional wedding gift, a personal bank account with five thousand dollars. Annie...

1 year ago
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Alone With the Coworker

As July came to an end and August became to fall shortly Payton drove his beat up dodge into the parking lot of his job. Only been working there only 6 months he already got a raise and a promotion. As he fixed his tie he was ready for his shift. Being the youngest manager at Roberts Hardware at the age 18 he made sure his first day as manger was perfect. He head into the build getting the first whiff of hardware he was uneasy with the thought of messing up his first day as manager. Now his...

4 years ago
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See and Play Girls day of Play

“I think you will like your surprise,” said Lisa, “actually, I am sure you will like it.”Jase had returned to town, picked up Lisa from her house, and was driving them to the Airbnb cabin he had rented during his last visit.“What makes you so sure?” he asked. “You must have done a lot of preparation since you begged me for the security code to the door.”“I like making you happy,” she replied. “Everything is ready for your surprise except one last thing.”“What one last thing is that?” he...

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The Halloween Party

Gina Matthews was a pretty ordinary girl with a pretty ordinary life. She was eighteen years old, a freshmen at Westhaven University, and a server at a fast food restaurant that wasn't well known or very successful.However, her ordinary life would completely change when she was invited to a party by a cute guy named Josh Kelman.Gina was walking through a campus hallway one evening when Josh approached her. He held out a black and orange card to her."Hey, Gina, I'm having a Halloween Party this...

2 years ago
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New neighbour 2

I ran down the stairs, still wet from the shower, hurriedly wrapping a towel around my waist. Fumbling for my keys, I unlocked the door, not paying attention to who it was stood on the other side of the glass. Finally I pulled the door open and there, stood on my front door step, was my new neighbour, the woman from my fantasy just moments before.'Oh, uh, hi' I mumbled, suddenly very aware that I was practically naked.'Hi' she replied, cheerily, 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you' she...

2 years ago
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Last Thoughts

Hey babe, I smiled and wished you good luck when you left this morning. I knew you had to go, and I knew how torn you were — glad to finally be moving on, but wanting me to be there too. It was so hard to watch you walk away. I wanted so much to call you back, to hold you close and make you stay. Or climb into your bag and hide away, to be with you. But we both know that I can't do that. I have to stay here, just as you had to leave. You are missed. The lunch chatter was much subdued...

2 years ago
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The First Ninety DaysPart 16

Day 90 On the morning of his wedding reception, Jonathan Rupert Stanford was up before the sun. Outside the window was the orange glow of a streetlight; it cast its glare up through the prison-bar pattern of the shutters, painting zebra stripes on the ceiling overhead. He was sweating and his heart was racing. He had dreamed that he was alone, and that all the world had somehow gone, and left him behind. He had been alone on a long, featureless void; all that he could see was sere grey...

2 years ago
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From now and for Emma 2

"I made a massive mistake," Mark said after he woke me up to breakfast in bed. "I saw Annie in the park and asked about going out with her friday night, I totally forgot that I am you." That happened Monday morning just three days after a fateful friday night when Emma took me to her home. We shared a kiss that made us switch bodies against my will, it is just one of the ways the entity inhabiting and posing as the former me, Mark, can transfer minds. As Mark it's got my memories...

2 years ago
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Hot Tub Play

Kelly watched her mom wash dishes at the sink. Pondering over how to tell her mom that her friend, Lily, was coming over, she had gone over different options all afternoon. She had met Lily online, and they had formed a fast friendship that led to an online romance. From what she had seen on the web cam, Kelly liked what she seen. Lily had shoulder length, brown hair that settled nicely with her amber colored eyes, which always reminded Kelly of a wolf. Her body was athletic in build, almost...

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Leslies Panties

My wife has a friend who is a few years older than her, just turned 60, but she is still a real MILF! She comes to visit from down south a few times a year, and I can't wait for her to arrive, mostly because of her oh so sexy panties and delicious scent. The last time she arrived, my plans went a little awry. I thought everyone was out, so I went into our bedroom, got a small vibrator, cock ring and rubberband. I then got naked and wrapped the rubber band around my cock and balls, giving me a...

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The Highschooler chapter 5

“Are you ready for another” she said and looked at me hungrily. It was going to be a long day and I would reach a point that I could not go any farther but I hoped that that point would come much later. She set down her drink and moved forward and got on all fours crawling across the bed with the most devious smile on her scrumptious lips. She moved to where she straddled the length of my body and kissed me softly in a playful manor, then she kissed me again this time the embrace was longer. I...

3 years ago
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How to Dominate a Strong Woman

My name is Lucas James Plywood. I’m a young black man living in the City of Los Angeles, California. These days, I’m a student at the prestigious Central California College, one of the best private schools in the state of California. Add to that the fact that I basically attend this great school for free and you’ll realize why I’m in such a celebrating mood. I’m going to tell you what I’ve done. In the end, you’re going to have a blast reading it. Almost as much of a blast as I did living it....

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HandsOnHardcore Aria Lee Kit Mercer Pussy Over Pizza

Slutty little pizza delivery babe Aria Lee will have you on the phone with Dominos after seeing the good times that this horny and curious teen delivers to her customers. The petite brunette finds herself at blonde MILF, Kit Mercer and her husband, Alex Legend’s house to end her shift on Friday night, and when Kit puts the moves on the young temptress this sensual FFM scene will make you explode in pure x-rated ecstasy. Mr. Legend puts on a legendary performance handling these two...

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A Tale Of Forbidden Love

A Tale Of Forbidden Love My name is Shannon, and I work for an affluent college just outside of Chicago. I recently turned 30 years old, and have been single for the majority of my life. Admittedly, it's been an easy way to go for me and my finances since my parents were well off ever since I can remember. In fact, their large, charitable donations to the college landed me the job five years ago. I didn't see the point in working since money was never an issue for us, but now I clearly enjoy...

4 years ago
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Sasur Ne Mazbur Kiya Part 8211 6

Phone pe pata laga ki sasur Guwahati se flight pakad chukein hai Dimapur ke liye. Unko airport pe lene jaana tha pati ko. Sasur ji samay pe hi ghar aa gaye. Aate hi unhone dono dewar ko Dinesh aur Suresh ko 2 ghante dur kisi kaam se Kohima bhej diya.  Main kuch khane ka nasta le kar sasur ke room mein ghussi. Toh dekha pati Rajesh ko pyar se uski galtiyan samjha rahe the. Pati thoda dara hua sa bhi tha. Kyunki sasur ka bharosa nahi tha. Kab gussa ho jaye aur thappadon ki baarish ho jaye. Lekin...

2 years ago
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Young lesson in Sex

That day I had slipped around to Donna's window and was watching her. I hit the jackpot that day. I watched as she undressed and walked across the hall to the bathroom. I couldnt see her very well from her window. She had her back to me for the most part. I could see her ass real well and once she turned just enough I could see one tit from the side. I had to see more. I slipped around and went into her house and slipped into her bedroom and hid behind her door. ( During this era people...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon HotelChapter 3

Dick knew he was acting like an immature teenager when he "burned rubber" pulling away from Sue's house. He had popped the clutch without thinking, his mind too full of anger and unhappiness to care about noise or wear and tear on the new car. His anger was directed against not only Sue, but himself as well. He realized Sue wanted to keep her virginity intact until the wedding; that, at least was understandable. It was all right with him, too, as long as he could occasionally score with a...

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The Black Rose

Author Note: This is not your typical erotic love story, there is no sex and yet it is erotic in it’s own way. Any of you who have read my story The Tattoo know that i love tattoos and i regret never getting one myself. It was a black rose and it was intended to honor both my mom who died in ’83 and my sister who was killed by a drunk driver in the summer of ’92. being diabetic prevents me from having it put on now, so i guess this is that tribute i never got around to taking care of, this is...

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Whos Nervous

There's six of us who have been hanging out since early in elementary school. We've lived close to each other and also gone to school together for a long time. There's me, Andrea, I'm the youngest, thirteen, I'll be in the eighth grade next fall. Sharon just turned fourteen, she's in my grade at school, Brenda is fourteen, ditto. Then, Andy, he's fourteen, also in my grade, Luke is fifteen and will be a sophomore in high school and so will Luke. We had all been friends for so long that...

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Amazing Grace Part Twelve Chapters 4548

Chapter Forty-FiveGrace was feeling rather pleased with herself for hiring Avery Bailey to be the new administrative assistant for the New York home office. He was a quick study and eager to please. Plus, he was outgoing and friendly but not overbearing.Mac seemed equally impressed and suggested that they might be able to head to Ireland sooner than later. “I feel better knowing he is Bentley’s nephew. But even if he weren’t, he has been quite the asset here.”Grace smiled. “I couldn’t agree...

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Evan By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you have not yet reached adulthood where you live, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My name is Evan Light, but almost no one calls me Van. I'm almost twenty years old and not...

2 years ago
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Words Made FleshChapter 8

"So," Amelia began as her and Sophia sat down on the couch, "did you find a quote that was to your liking?" Restrained techno music played in the background, surrounding them without suffocating them. The light from the dining room cast a warm glow into the living room where they were sitting. As the two girls got comfortable, Estelle appeared from the kitchen holding two wine glasses that she offered to them. Amelia took it without looking away from Sophia, as though her answer was the...

4 years ago
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My Sister and I for the First Time

Introduction: Again [Intro: This is a true story featuring sex and romance between a brother and sister who are both fairly young. If this would offend you, please do not read it. This was several years ago now, but is as true as I can make it. Everyone is over 18.] I looked from my laptop up as my sister Angie came into my room. Hey Zack, whats up? she said Hey sis. I just heard from Stephanie. She has too much work to do this weekend, and she cant make it back. Our older sister was in...

2 years ago
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older woman

2 yrs a go i met a woman a front off her house she ask me inside. She whas wearing a nice shord dress and highheels. We walked and she ask me iff i whas single and i told her yess i am. Than she told me thats she whas single to. She ask my age and i told her 35 and she ask me how i think how old she is. I anser 30-35. and she started to laugh very hard hahahahaha. NO muchs older she say and i anser 40. she say again NO and say thats she is 49 yrs. And i told her thats she look still so thight...

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