Doc Ch. 11 free porn video

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I awoke the next morning feeling just so warm and snuggly with the twins cuddled up on either side of me. I felt like just staying in bed with my two lovelies, but the call of nature was too strong and if I didn’t get up we were going to have a wet bed. That unpleasant thought forced me to move. I untangled myself from the twins and made my way to the outhouse.

Damn! It was cold out here this morning! As I shivered in the early morning chill, I wondered, ‘if this was only July, what would it be like come winter?’ This was one thing I’d have to do something about, because I did not relish the idea of using smelly, tippy, chamber pots all winter. And, I certainly did not look forward to freezing my butt on a drafty, frosty privy seat with the frigid South Dakota wind blowing up my ass.

I knew that in this time, some of the more well-to-do homes in some of the bigger cities had inside privies. Maybe we could order something from the Montgomery Ward catalog? Hmmm… even if we could just get or manufacture a toilet seat, I thought I could rig up a chemical toilet. I had a couple five gallon buckets in the camper…

Regardless, I figured I could come up with something that kept delicate skin off frozen boards without a lot of stink. And, I just knew that regardless of their cultural beginnings, the women folk would quickly adapt and be VERY appreciative of such a thoughtful amenity…

When I finished my morning ritual, I went back in to wake the girls so we could all go to breakfast with the rest of the family, but everyone was already stirring. While I waited for them to get ready, I noticed that Dawn kept glancing at me with a shy smile.

I thought, ‘Oh no, I guess we were too noisy again. I’ll have to tell the girls that we need to be quieter in our lovemaking.’ So, as I kissed and hugged my sweeties good morning, I quietly mentioned, ‘I think we made too much noise last night – we need to try to be quieter’ I nodded my head in her direction. ‘Dawn looks embarrassed this morning.’

Instead of smiling or blushing in embarrassment, Running Deer became very serious as she observed, ‘She’s not embarrassed – she wants the same. She’s been a widow for too long. Maybe you should make her your wife too, and Standing Bear needs a father anyway.’ As she spoke, Little Doe was nodding in agreement.

Taken aback, I dissembled, trying to collect my thoughts. ‘I’ll think about it. I just married the two of you and I don’t think I need any more wives. Won’t you be jealous of another wife?’

My sweeties were absolute dolls, and Dawn, as well as being a good worker, was very likeable, and more importantly for this discussion, was VERY attractive – any man would be proud to have the raven-haired beauty in his bed. I sure didn’t want the green-eyed monster rearing its ugly head just because I acted rashly – something I had a bit of a reputation for, it seemed, and based on recent events, it was deserved.

The twins looked at me like a child who was slow with his lessons. You know – the schoolmarm annoyed-but-patient one… Running Deer sounded almost exasperated. ‘Not be jealous! Much status! Man should have as many wives as he can provide for and who can give him lots of children to help him. Big family! Family VERY important to Sioux people!’

Talk about your culture shock! This was sure different from my time, where women were so insecure in their relationships they would kill you if you even brought up the subject of another woman. To suggest adding another to the relationship… well… let’s just say it would be a slow and painful death. Here and now, at least with these two, they not only seemed comfortable with the thought of introducing another woman into the relationship – it was THEIR idea!

We were just about to the main house, so I pulled my two close and told them, ‘I said I would think about it. Now give me some time to get used to the idea. We will talk later, and we should talk to Dawn, too. I don’t know for sure what she wants – just what you two say she wants.’

As I reached for the door to let us in, Deer and Doe looked at each other then at Dawn, who had been standing by the doorstep waiting for us to catch up, and together, mouthed, ‘Later…’ With me temporarily off the hook, we went in to meet the family and eat.

Before we sat down to breakfast with the rest of the family, I introduced the girls, Dawn, and Standing Bear to the family. Rose, who seemed to be the family spokesman (I DO NOT buy into that PC feminist crap! ‘Spokesman’ was good enough for hundreds of years. It’s still good enough…) for the family, said ‘We’ve known the twins all their lives but it is good to meet you, too, Dawn and Standing Bear. Welcome to the family, everyone.’

All my kin greeted the girls and Dawn with smiles and hugs. Bear got handshakes from the men and hugs from the women. The poor kid just about died of embarrassment at all the open affection and attention from the women.

Over a huge country breakfast, we discussed what we were going to do today. Grandpa said, ‘We should go into town today. I need to go to the courthouse and see Judge Mitchell about those leases. We also need to tell him about those murdered miners we found and how it was made to look like Indians done it.

‘And you, Clay, have a bunch of things you should do. Among others, you should let people know there is a new doctor in the area. You may want to bring your bag with you just in case you get some business while we’re there. If he’s around, maybe you should make the Marshal’s acquaintance, too, and offer him your services as a deputy. I haven’t met the new man yet, but I hear he’s a fair hand. Also, you might want to get a few things for your new wives while we’re there.’ That last got smiles from ALL the women. When I allowed as that was a good idea, the smiles got even bigger.

After breakfast, we got ready to go to town. Ed, Don and Larry were going to stay and continue to get things ready on the ranch for Red Cloud’s camp to move in. All the ladies wanted to go with us (some things are the same in all time periods, like women and shopping…). When the boys found out we were heading to town, they wanted to come too, which prompted me to ask if there was going to be enough room for all of us.

Grandpa explained, ‘Most of us will ride our horses, but Sally and the baby will ride up front with me in the wagon. The wagon is too uncomfortable for most. Only the driver’s seat is on springs, so nobody likes riding in the back, but we’ll throw in some hay and a blanket for the two youngest boys, Davy and Jake, to ride back there.’

I didn’t really need Grandpa’s explanation. If I’d been thinking half-way straight, I’d have remembered about farm wagons because we still had some around the ranch when I was growing up. However, it got me thinking if there was a way to make my truck into a wagon. It would take a lot of work. I’d made utility trailers out of old pickups before, but without the tools I had the use of then, it would be much more work. Here and now all I had was the toolbox I carried in the truck. The only cutting tools I had in it were some chisels and a hacksaw with only a few blades for it. I also had a cordless drill, but no way of charging it, so it wasn’t going to be a lot of help. This was going to take much thought, and if I did it at all, it was going to be a lot of work

After we saddled up and hitched the wagon, we mounted up as Grandpa had described. Once we were all moving, I motioned to Grandpa and we dropped behind a bit. I checked that we were out of ear-shot of everyone else and asked Grandpa, ‘What about money? I don’t have any from this time.’

Grandpa looked thoughtful, then said, ‘That could be a problem, but I still got the money that the army sent with Clay’s belongings. It was to cover three months’ back pay. That’s rightfully yours – almost $150. When we get to town, I’ll give it to you. If you need any more, I’ll loan i
t to you, but you are probably going to be doing some doctoring while we’re there, so you will be making a little anyhow. We should figure out a way you can be in each of the local towns a couple of days a month. Hill City, Silver City, and Deadwood are all close. Deadwood’s the farthest from the ranch, a little under 10 miles.’

The thought of traveling from town to town as a doctor made me think more seriously about using my truck – or at least parts of it – as a wagon. Maybe I could also use my camper as a mobile house between the towns, so I didn’t have to travel so much back and forth.

The rest were still ahead of us and everyone was so busy talking and carrying on with their neighbor that they probably couldn’t hear us anyway. Regardless, I kept Grandpa back a bit because I still wanted to talk with him in confidence. Then I told him about the twins thinking, no – insisting – that I should also take Dawn as my wife and of course therefore making Standing Bear my Son.

Grandpa took a few seconds to answer, and I appreciated the thoughtfulness of his reply, which included some very reasonable caveats: ‘Dawn’s not much older than you – maybe a year or two. Two Knives was actually her stepson. Her first husband, his father, was killed in a hunting accident. She’s still a real looker and would make a fine wife.’ I nodded and grinned enthusiastically, much to his amusement.

‘Dawn is a proud woman. I have no idea how she might feel about it, though. You’ll just have to ask her if you decide it’s not such a bad idea. However, I think you should consider this: Standing Bear is a good boy (I nodded agreement.) but he really needs a father and a good role model now that his big brother is gone. Two Knives might have been stupid as far as the twins were concerned, but he was good to his little brother. Poor Standing Bear is having a hard time now, since his brother shamed the family honor. To the Lakota, that was the act of a coward.’

I had been thinking about this a bit, and I wasn’t so sure. I thought he acted more foolishly angry than cowardly. ‘He was no coward – just crazy from his desire for Little Doe. When he saw how things were between us, he probably thought that if he killed me, then as the winner, the twins would be his. And… he wanted Little Doe so much he was not willing to lose. To him, there were no other options. He wasn’t my enemy – he was just a contender for the girls who got lost in his frustration and it cost him.’

Grandpa gave me a look filled with affection and pride as he said, ‘You’re right, and it puts Two Knives in a lot better light for the rest of his family. You need to tell Standing Bear what you just told me. I know it’s only been a couple days since it happened, but I can see that he is already a troubled young man over it. He really looked up to his older brother before all this, and now he looks up to you, too. It will make it a lot easier for him to accept his brother’s actions and start holding his own head up if you tell him you don’t think his brother was a coward.’

As we rode, I continued to watch the family as they rode or drove ahead of us. I assured Grandpa I’d take his suggestion and I had some more questions. ‘That’s a good idea Uncle Henry. If it will help make him feel better about himself, I’ll talk to him and explain what I think. Now, back to Dawn, what do you think about me taking her for a wife also? I like her a lot, and I agree about Bear, but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea. Where and when I come from, the women would try to kill me if I even suggested such a thing. Here and now, they not only seem happy about it, they’re the ones actually making the suggestion.’

Grandpa tried to hide his grin at my discomfort and confusion, but his tone was serious when he told me, ‘Don’t forget – they were raised in a different society than the white man. Most white women now would act like the ones where you come from, although with the Mormons in the country, a lot of people are adopting to their ways even if they don’t take the religion.

‘As for the Sioux and many other tribes, although most men only take one wife, it is not uncommon for a man to have more. The people think it’s OK as long as he can provide for them. Sitting Bull is actually typical, as he has only ever had one wife and is devoted to her. Often, a man ends up with more than one wife for just the same reason you may take Dawn – her man is killed and another takes her into his family to provide for her and raise her kids. It will only happen though if his existing wife (or wives) says it’s OK – if they don’t, then it’s a deal breaker. Jealousy isn’t just for white folks, y’know…

‘Remember, with the Sioux, kin, or otakuye, is everything. What we think of as a village or local tribe is actually one large, extended family, or tiyospe. That’s why Red Cloud didn’t make any fuss when I suggested the village, except for those braves leading the army away, stay with us on the ranch. Remember I said they were family? Well, through Dove, they are my family, and by extension, yours. And now, you have made it even more so by marrying the twins and adding Dawn and Bear, which brings me back to it. Yes, I think it would be a good idea, and not just for you, but for everyone.’

‘Well, if it’s such a good idea, why didn’t you take more than one then?’ I asked, although I suspected he’d already hinted at the reason he was monogamous.

‘Didn’t need more than one. Besides, Dove would kill me. Remember, I said jealousy isn’t exclusive to the whites.’ He smirked

‘Yet you think I need a whole house full. Why?’ I asked

Grandpa chuckled, ‘Your case starts out special because of the twins. They came as a package deal. They’re already used to sharing with each other, so it’s easy for them to share with another woman. Because they think that way, they consider it a real status symbol. So they actually want you to take Dawn as a wife and in the doing, adopt Bear. It doesn’t hurt either, that those three have always been close friends.

‘But I have my own very selfish reason for wanting it: I need as many kids around the place as possible – keeps me young, and with you having three wives, I think you’ll be making lots of little ones for me. Besides, after I spoil them, I can send them home to you.’ Then he started laughing like hell at me.

Seems the idea of ‘grandparents’ revenge’ is not a concept peculiar to my time… ‘Thanks a lot. You keep up that cackling, we’ll have to check to see if you laid an egg.’ I grumbled as I pulled a face, which only made him laugh harder.

After that I just rode quietly, listening to the women chat with each other, getting better acquainted. I figured if I said anything else in the next little while it would just set Grandpa off laughing at me again. After awhile, when he had settled down and I had cooled off, I asked him what the plan was when we did get to town.

He said, ‘First, we’ll drop the women and the boys off at the general store. The women know what supplies we need at home, and can shop very well without us looking over their shoulders. Standing Bear and the other boys can keep each other company and do the stepping and fetching for the women while you and I go to the court house and talk to Judge Mitchell.

‘When we’re finished talking with the Judge, I want to go over to the assay office and discuss an idea I have that might help Red Cloud’s people. And, while we’re about it, we’ll introduce you to all the people along the way and maybe stop at a couple of the larger saloons to let people know we have a doctor in the area. Once people know who you are, you should be able to make some money.’

It wasn’t much longer before town came into sight and then we were there. We headed straight for the General Store, where we parked the wagon and tied up our mounts. Before the women headed into the store, Grandpa handed me the cash he said was mine, and I promptly handed most of it over to the ladies, l
ess a few bucks for my own use.

I told them to get whatever they needed, but also to be careful, as it was all we had for now. The twins and Dawn weren’t very familiar with money, but Grandma Dove was, and assured me she would look out for them. She appropriated the cash herself and promised that she would make it stretch. As Grandpa and I headed off toward the courthouse, we told the boys to stay with the women to help with the lifting, and also to keep an eye out for any trouble.

We were in the court house talking with the Judge when Jake ran in, yelling for us to come quick. As we rushed out of the courthouse, we could hear yelling coming from the direction of the store. When we got closer, I saw a crowd of people standing around, but they were blocking the view so we couldn’t see what was actually going on. When we managed to push our way to the front, I saw a half-drunk miner was holding Dawn by the arm, trying to drag her into a dark alley. However, Standing Bear was blocking the way, his knife out and threatening. Half his face was turning black and blue and one eye looked to be close to swelling shut – he had obviously been struck very hard in the face.

I quickly drew my cross-draw pistol and put a round between the drunk’s feet. I shouted, ‘WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!’

The crowd, like any in a Western town at the time, quickly drew back at the sound of gunfire, mindful of what could happen to bystanders when there was gunplay. Startled by the noise and the impact of the bullet tearing up the boardwalk between his boots, the miner released his grip on Dawn then slurred drunkenly, ‘I was just going to get a little of this squaw, and that Injun kid got in my way so I swatted him.’

I couldn’t help but think that not only was this idiot drunk, but be was also incredibly stupid, when he couldn’t or wouldn’t recognize a son trying to defend his mother. Then I realized that he was also a typical-for the-times anti-Indian bigot, who thought he could do whatever he pleased with an Indian woman with no consequences. That realization only made me angrier than I already was.

My eyes narrowed and I fixed him with a frigid stare. In a deadly cold voice that should have frozen Hell, I told the dumbass, ‘That lady is my wife and that boy is her son. You touch either of them again and I’ll kill you where you stand, understand? Hell, I’d just as soon shoot you right now, or let my boy at you with his knife, but if you lived over it, then I’d just have to patch you back up.’

The drunk backed away from the immediate threat of my drawn weapon and Bear’s still purposefully waving knife as he offered, ‘Don’t want no trouble, Mister, you c’n have her – I’ll just take one of these other squaws then.’

The drunken fool still didn’t get it. He thought I was just keeping Dawn for myself, but the other women were still fair game to his bigoted lust. Sorely tempted to put the sorry excuse for a man down anyway, I deliberately pointed my gun at him. ‘No, you won’t be taking any women against their will today.’ I indicated Running Deer, Little Doe, and Dove. ‘Those two are also my wives and that one is my aunt, and this here is my uncle, her husband. Touch any of them, and you’re a dead man.’

Now even surlier at being thwarted in his unwanted attentions toward the ladies, the fool lurched threateningly toward me. ‘What are you, a Mormon or something? It ain’t right you having three women all to yerself, and the rest of us having none.’

Becoming increasingly annoyed with this idiot as he got too close, I warned him, ‘One more step, and I’ll shoot.’

The fool looked around and waved his arm to indicate several other men in the crowd, some of whom moved toward the front, and bragged, ‘You can’t shoot us all!’

I smiled menacingly, ‘That may be, but you’ll never know, because you’ll be the first to die.’

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Taking Virginity Of Horny Girlfriend

Hi guys and girls i have been reading stories here from many years and finally decided to share my experience with you all which i had with my gf priyanka.let me describe her to you all she has a figure to die for with 34-28-34 size. Our relation was not so kind of seriious one but we were friends only for any girl,aunty,bhabhi intersted in or physical sex can contact me on We both are from kolkata.this incident happened a few weeks ago before we broke up.she is quite horny in bed and can...

2 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 6

So Jack went to the refrigerator, took out what he needed to make breakfast, and sat everything on the stove. He opened the cupboard to get 2 frying pans, putting them on the stove. He opened the package of bacon that he took from the fridge, separated the slices and put them in one pan over low heat to cook. While the bacon was cooking, he poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table, looking out the window at two horses grazing in the pasture behind Ariel's house. He glanced toward the...

3 years ago
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The Desirable Mrs Hawke

CHAPTER 1 Sue Chung, face lined with fatigue, shook her companion awake and growled angrily, ‘You pig.’ Eyes fluttering, a pain stabbing behind them, Jimmy Crowley’s brain brought him into real-time to establish where he was and with whom. Ah the drunken slut and they were on the deck of the wrecked fishing boat to fish off it when the tide covered the reef. They’d gone out to the reef the previous day when the pretty travel agent’s rubber inflatable had blown away in a gust of wind when her...

1 year ago
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Dont Sleep in the SubwayChapter 34

(Railroad Camp to Mormon Territory) After that graphic example of the high level of violence in the railroad camp, we did our best to blend into the background of the chaos that was ever changing right in front of our very eyes. The womenfolk on the wagons retreated a bit further into the shadows of the interiors unless they were actually driving and our Indians managed to look a little less Indian and a little more like dirty, dusty figures on horseback. Fortunately, the vast majority of...

4 years ago
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And the Winner Is

Mr. Stephen King Rural Road 1 New Hampshire, USA Dear Mr. King, My friend Becky said she knew you and I entered this story contest but I didn't win anything so I thought I would send you my story. They didn't even give me any feed back. Could you please criticize it for me? By the way, I learned in my writing class that you should always edit a story before sending it out so I used my spell checker. The Love of Her Life Mary had never met anyone like John. He was the love of her life....

2 years ago
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A Hate Fuck with Emma0

“Greg,” he said before pausing to phrase his next words carefully. “I have received an accusation that you’ve been bullying someone, and I wanted to talk to you about it.” My mind started racing. I’ve never bullied anyone before. I’m a good person. I don’t tease people, I don’t call them names, and I’ve certainly never gotten into anything physical. Sure, I have a tendency to be a bit more blunt than the average 18 year-old high school senior, but I only criticize when appropriate and never...

4 years ago
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A Story of Jane Ch 01

A Story Of Jane (In The First-Person Singular) Chapter One PROLOG The most difficult aspect of the story I’m about to relate, its most unique feature, is one of tense. Now, don’t get me wrong, I realize that the first person singular past tense narrative style has been around since well before Homer. That’s not it at all. The problem is perspective. I guess that doesn’t make any sense to you. No, of course it doesn’t. It’s just that …. Well, if you read this through to the end, I’ll remind...

3 years ago
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Pickup Loop HoleChapter 17 Walk Funny

I was sleeping in the arms of a tiger and a wolf. In the dream world I was far wiser than in the real world. Answers were easy. Lucid dreamers are aware that we are dreaming. It is one reason my "willing suspension of disbelief" is so difficult to achieve while watching movies. Normal humans enter a hypnotic state when watching movies—and the Bab Lab indicates that our primate cousins, the Olive Baboon, do the same. It's easier to willingly suspend disbelief when hypnotized. Memory is...

4 years ago
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Best Friends

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ? if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. Best Friends By Patricia Walt and I had been best friends since middle school. We were both awkward geeks that found friendship and sympathy in our shared rejection by the rest of...

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Adultery Heaven 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday night didn't come quick enough. I was lucky when Monday night came. As I got home from work, my wife was getting into her car with the boys. She said her parents wanted to see the kids so they would be gone for two or three hours. I went in the house, changed, and ate dinner as fast as I could. I plopped on...

3 years ago
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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 12 Kermac Spy

UPWARD The NAVINT commander had her Avatar established in the secure conference room underneath the surface of Richter 4. Also present were Cherubim, Algear Moansti, Admiral McElligott and now the Avatar of Admiral Stahl blinked into existence. The little group was made complete by a massive alien. The large alien, the Nul All Leader was here the first time by invitation. I was the Commandant of NAVINT that opened this top-level meeting and after she acknowledged the ones present she went...

3 years ago
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A Strong Alliance Elzira Ch One

As the Elf King drew nearer he saw the beauty of the child, she was an Elf to be sure, her large eyes, tiny frame, and ears set in a point acknowledged that, but her beauty was in her innocent look, the small curve of her still developing frame, the way her body bounced atop the horse as they approached. Titus also noticed what she wore, it was no finely made Elven gown, but a simple sheer shift. Her feet bare as if taken straight from bed. Titus eyed the girl, and then glared at the King....

3 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part V

Part V - The inspection of Jezebel by Mistress Beauregard continues at the Head Mistress's office of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Does our little Jezzie make the grade, or will the milking ceremony be called off? (Author's Note on pronouns: in this alternate reality, the Matriarchy's goal is to convert all males into sissies, essentially a third gender. Pronouns evolved to reflect this new gender, he became sie,...

3 years ago
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Hijinx High

You were surprised when you got the job; you are young and had gained no real teaching experience apart from the little in the last year of your degree. Something said in the interview had been puzzling as well: Your coming from an all-male school gave you an 'insight into life here at Anne's'. While this made a twisted sort of sense, you had doubts about how being basically unexposed to young women made you more capable of teaching them. Also, your attention at the interview was not as much as...

1 year ago
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Demon BaitChapter 5

New character appearing in this chapter and others: Cassius Minor Demon, short at 4’-8’’ tall, red skin with short horns on his head, gray hair and beard, very fancy and expensive seventeenth century clothes, silver buckles on his shoes Bob and I entered what looked like a very ritzy saloon with fine wood furniture and wallpaper plus better lighting, but it was deserted presently. It appeared that those who had been here had left in a hurry. There were turned over chairs and drinks left...

4 years ago
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His wet tounge

I had known him for the longest and also knew he had the biggest crush on me. one day riding in a school bus, we were playing cards. angry that I had won, he told me to suck his cock. I playfully responded "pull it out" and he did exactly that. his hugee cock was rock hard ! his big black dick stood invitingly before me, the veins all popped out jus the way I liked it ! however at the time I was way too young and felt disgusted. as I grew older, I began to fantasize more and more about his huge...

1 year ago
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Araby Sexy! As you may have been able to imagine, porn is hard to come by in many countries in the Middle East. Extreme censorship reigns supreme in most countries in the Arab world, with it being probably the hardest to access in Saudi Arabia, where many porn websites are censored, as are the proxies by which one could get around the censorship. This is, undoubtedly, a result of sharia law and religious institutions heavily limiting what citizens can and cannot consume. Porn is, obviously, not...

Arab Porn Sites
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Extreme Board

Hmm, Extreme-Board? Do you regularly watch pornography? Are you the kind of person who can’t go a day without watching pornography because fapping to internet porn keeps your neurochemical makeup balanced and your mood in check, keeping you from opening fire on a group of civilians with an AK-47? Do you like to soothe your life’s frustrations by squeezing one out every now and then and getting that good old dose of dopamine that you oh so desperately crave? Well then you sir, are what’s called...

Porn Forums
1 year ago
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Armis IoChapter 24

500 Pearl Street, New York, N.Y. To use an old movie cliché, the pages on the calendar turned. Three months later... Federal District Judge Carmela Samosa presided over her part of the Southern District of New York. She looked down at David X. Helm, of the firm of Robinson, Shapiro, Shapiro and Helm. He was standing at the plaintiff’s lectern and no one was standing at the defendant’s. The audience part of the room was filled with lawyers representing others plaintiffs. Helm: “If it please...

3 years ago
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The Sheriffs Inmate

Amber had been driving all day on her way to the college where she'd been accepted. She wanted to arrive with plenty of time to become familiar with her new surroundings, where she was to room with her sister, a third-year student. Amber had gotten a full athletic scholarship to attend. She stood about 5' 6", weighed 120 lbs, had sandy blonde hair, green eyes, 30D breast, and a taught, athletic build to her. She also had a tattoo on her back that read "Wild Child."She was pushing her luck,...

College Sex
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The ancient slime

You are an ancient pink female huminoid slime who is trapped in a container because you were bent on taking over the world. Suddenly you hear the temple cave doors open up and you hear foot steps coming your way. Then the person opens your jail and you see...

3 years ago
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Interlude with my hot wife

Introduction: Husband finally sees wife after two day absence Interlude This is a bit of a look into our life. This is a true story, short, but honest. I was horny as hell, no other way to soften the expression, horny, wanting to pounce and pound my wife with reckless abandon. But as is usual with me I didnt want to cum fast, I wanted to draw out any pleasure, keep things going as long as possible so that my mind is swimming in the experience. I also wanted to make sure my wife cums first....

1 year ago
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Beginning Of Being A Slut Part 1 Fucked By HOD

Hello, ISS Readers. This is my first story on here. So please excuse me for any mistakes and show me some love. First, about myself, I am Monika 24 years old and with stats 34 30 36. I am 5’6” tall with a well-maintained body and fair skin. This story will be about how my sex journey kicked off. Coming to the story, it was my first year in college. I was 18 years old. I have had boyfriends earlier and never did anything more than oral fun. Due to my looks many guys and men were after me...

2 years ago
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My Awakening Grows Darker Part II

In all my trips to the neighborhood, parking was the pits. Because of all the apartment buildings a parking spot was very hard to come by, and tonight was far worse than normal. Not only did I drive around so many times, there were just not the normal number of people moseying around. After about 45 minutes of slow cruising, I did notice a black man that I had never seen before and it seemed he was looking for the same thing as I. I jokingly thought to myself I hope he’s is looking for a...

2 years ago
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Exchange Island Odyssey part 2

Danny woke up feeling something familiar happening to him. Someone was giving him a blowjob. But it felt kinda weird, as if his cock was different. He started waking up and as he did he could feel a face against his legs. He felt a stubble of beard in the face and that startled him. "What the-" and opened his eyes. Looking down he almost screamed as he saw not his wife sucking his dick, but a big dude licking him, and between his legs nothing but a blonde patch of hair ending in a pussy....

1 year ago
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Hot Encounter With Teammate Niya 8211 Part 1

Let’s jump right into it without any delay! I was sitting in my Orientation classroom with my team. Over the past few weeks, we had been leading the scoreboard with me acting as the captain. Next to me sat Niya. Niya was gorgeous. Long hair that she liked to leave undone, juicy pink lips that were always suggestive, wide eyes that gave you innocent glances while at the same time suggesting something unspoken, and a light, airy voice that could break hearts. Niya’s body was one to die for. I...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 45

Emma walked back with Bruiser against her chest. She was standing above Brent who was still sitting on the sand. Her shaved pussy was directly across from his eyes. Something occurred to him. “Um, Emma...” he said, but didn’t finish. “Yeah? What is it, Brent?” she asked curiously. “Uh, thank you for taking care of me ... down there...” - God, he had just thanked her for a hand job. What the fuck was wrong with him? “Um, would you like me to ... um ... for you...” he stammered. Emma was...

4 years ago
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The General Book 2Chapter 7

It was the conversation from hell, one that Mark knew he would always dread. Sandy Mason had briefly touched on the same issues but he had been able to deflect them successfully. Not so with Debbie. She was correct. He was very definitely falling in love with her, he very definitely wanted their relationship to continue, and he knew that her feelings were legitimate and reasonable. What he didn't know was the solution. A million ideas were flying through his mind at that moment. He knew that...

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Its Just a Game

(A game of seduction that goes awry)Chapter One - The BeginningMy name is Megan. My first marriage went bad because our sexual appetites conflicted; I was always suspicious of his ever increasing need for kinky sex."Don't I excite you anymore?" I'd ask. I never understood my husband's need for variety.After the divorce I started dating Trent, It wasn't long and we were married. I suppose everyone suffers the banal existence of married life if they don't find a way to introduce some excitement...

1 year ago
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LouisaChapter 5

Carmina and Louisa walked into the Larch home promptly at 9 am. The boys were in the living room, lounging on the huge sectional couch. "Right on time I see," said Mort, his voice oozing with lust. Expressing himself in the Bela Lugosi voice brought Carmina's short hairs on end. Adding to the effect, he tightened his lips baring his incisors. The Lycan was ready to satisfy his thirst and desire for the blood of a Virgin! "Mom. What is going on?" Louisa asked. "I'm sorry Louisa,"...

3 years ago
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Galaxies End

They told us to keep a journal as we began our travels. I didn't see the point but after We left the Sol system, I think they're right. The Explorers Guild I mean. So a little bit about myself, I'm John Smith and I am a Human male aboard my ship the Salamander. Myself and my crew of two other friends from Mars have left the supercity there in order to find our own way about the galaxy. Kaylee is an old friend, born on Mars to a couple engineers that helped build the spaceport there. She's about...

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Farmers Daughter Parts 5 6

Part 5 - Let the Dog Have Her I peeled the duct tape from my daughter's lips, revealing a raw, red, rectangular patch of skin around her mouth. She coughed and glared up at me, her hands still bound behind her back as she lay on her belly upon the ground. The leash around her neck remained tied to the chain-link fence, despite her feeble struggles. I left the swatch of duct tape stuck to her pussy mound, sealing numerous loads of cum up inside her hole. Mack and John stood around with...

4 years ago
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A summer to remember

Summer! I love summer and the one I'm going to tell you about was a summer to go down in the annals. I was young, footloose and fancy free, and I was on holiday.I’d better explain. All those years ago, I had been invited to spend the summer holidays with my friend Pete and his parents. He lived in a northern seaside resort and I had just moved from there to a midland industrial city. No contest, I was going! The sea, the sun, the girls…Ah the girls, that also explained why I was laid up in bed,...

2 years ago
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Family maza

Hi friends. I have been reading the stories at ISS. But this is the first time I am writing a story here. This is not a normal story. It includes extreme dirty, kinky and nasty incest sex. So people who are not interested in piss, shit, and other such things, please stay away. And people fond of this, you will be in heaven. Here it goes in hindi… mera naam rahul hai aur mai 19 years ka hu. Mere ghar me mere aalawa, meri baadi behen radhika, meri maa shilpa aur mere papa rajesh bhi rehete hai....

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