Corona HeightsChapter 6 free porn video

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The day after his landmark session with his daughters, Jack got a phone call in the evening.

"Mr. Crosby, I am the counsellor in charge of special mix sessions. We need you for a special mix session next Tuesday evening. Plan on being picked up at 5:30, and being returned home after eleven."

"Special mix session? What is that?"

"From time to time, we have groups of women who, for whatever reason, are deemed to need the same kind of exposure to men as the young girls. This is such a session."

"You mean adult women? Married?"


"But ... but I thought I would only have to with younger girls!!"

"Mr. Crosby, we are aware of the issues you had moving in here, but it was decided that you are an excellent choice for this session."

"I still have those issues," Jack objected. "I'm doing all right, but can't I limit my involvement to just the girls?"

"Please don't be offended, Mr. Crosby, but that is not your call to make. I will tell you this. One reason you were chosen is that you have been identified as an ideal adult escort candidate. Another reason is your proven ability to produce numerous ejaculations."

"Are these women afraid of men? Or inexperienced? Or what?"

"Yes. Not to make light of it, but believe me, this is not done lightly. It is the Foundation's belief that it is necessary to bring these women to a healthy family life. In some cases, the family risks eviction if the problem is not corrected."

"How many?"

"There will be four women and you will be one of four men. As always, there will be male and female counsellors."

"Will we do the same things as for the girls?"

"Since the women are all adults and there are no legal concerns, the activities will be two-way."


"Yes. Not only do these women need familiarity with different male bodies, they need to experience the touch of different men."

"It ... it sounds too much like an orgy!"

"Not at all. The same overall limitations on sexual activity apply, and the counsellors watch very carefully. Tuesday at 5:30. The usual abstinence and supplement rules apply. Thank you, Mr. Crosby."

After the phone call, Emma found Jack with his head in his hands. When he explained what the problem was, her gleeful attitude left him completely baffled.

"How can you be happy about me making out with other women?" he asked angrily.

"Oh, Honey! Please don't be upset. You've done so well with all of this stuff. Why am I happy? I've got the top stud and the nicest guy in the whole town, and now everyone will know it! That's why I'm happy!"

"I need a counsellor," Jack said with a groan.

"You realize how ludicrous this session would seem to an uninformed observer, don't you," the counsellor asked Jack as he settled naked into her office chair. "You've just been given a free make-out session with four women, and you're upset."

"I'm sure you've read my file," he said sourly.

"It's Emma's reaction that really upset you, isn't it?" she asked, and he nodded.

"First of all, Jack, make no mistake. Emma really and truly understands your feelings about fidelity. The experience of your assessment day convinced her beyond a doubt."

"Then how can she be so ... so flip about this?"

"First of all, remember that sex is women's domain. We are naturally more comfortable with all aspects of sex. Doesn't Emma have proprietary feelings about you, her husband? Absolutely - very strong feelings.

"But Emma is also a realist and a pragmatist. She understands that the sexual environment, the sexual rules are different here. She can't have you as completely to herself as she would like, but that's just one price of living here. She has made that accommodation and she is OK with it."

"But that doesn't explain why she was so happy about the assignment."

"OK. Try to follow this. The sexual rules here are not what she would ideally choose, but she has learned to accept them. In the environment that she has accepted, she is fortunate enough to be married to a herd bull."


"Yes, that's the best analogy I can come up with. You have sexual attributes and capabilities that distinguish you from the other men, and she is so proud that she can hardly stand it. When, because of those attributes, you are asked to help out less fortunate women, imagine what it does for her ego. Now, more women will know that she has the herd bull every night."


"Jack, please understand that Emma would have been perfectly satisfied with the way things were between the two of you before the move. The move was essential to her, though, as you well know. The sexual rules are different, and she has adapted to them."

"But I haven't."

"I believe, Jack, that we are doing you a favor by invoking your status as a subject."

"You're telling me that her attitude does not mean that she loves me any less or is any less faithful?"

"Exactly. If anything, the opposite is true. How was she in bed after that phone call?"

"Uh... !"

"Point made. Now, hopefully, we have eased your mind about Emma's feelings and attitude. Do you need special help with your own feelings, or will you be able to work through it on your own?"

Not answering directly, he said "I can't see myself in this 'herd bull' role. I'm not that well built. I'm hung OK, but no porn star."

"But you have some all too rare traits, Jack. You genuinely love women, for one. For another, you instinctively seek to please them. A woman's physical side is attracted to big muscles and big cocks, no doubt. But she is ruled more by her emotional side. Knowing that she is loved, respected, and valued trumps cock size any day."

"So, your advice to me is... ?" he prodded.

"Quit your whining and go make those women fall in love with you."

Being naked in a mixed group was no longer a big shock to Jack, but this time, the feeling was different. By arrangement, the four women were there first and were already naked. The men waited outside and introduced themselves to each other.

The only one of the other three that Jack recognized was Rad Mason, who had been at the initial parents' meeting and at the girls' display practice night. Jack had talked to Rad a few times those evenings and found him to be very congenial and likable. He could see why Rad was chosen for the special mix. His male model physique would have an inevitable effect on the women.

As soon as the men entered and shed their clothes, the female counsellor walked up to each man and performed a little ceremony. Giving a running monologue about the man, she stroked him until he was stiff enough, then tied a piece of colored yarn around his penis.

"Some kids' games are still fun!" she declared when all the men had been 'tagged', holding out a bowl for the women to draw out colored chips for their dinner companions.

Dinner was set up with nice two-person tables. Since they were all adults, there was wine, and a bar had been set up for the evening. Jack noticed which woman had drawn his color and took the initiative to introduce himself. He saw the counsellor nodding her approval.

"If you would all take your places," the counsellor said, "I have a few remarks.

When they were seated, she went on "During the course of the evening, we hope that you will interact with all of the other participants. We counsellors will do our best to encourage every possible pairing. Just so everyone understands, the women have been ordered to participate. Men, your challenge is make them feel like it has not been a punishment when they leave."

"Ladies, each of you has talked with a psychologist, some of you at length. The reasons we believe you need this evening have been carefully explained. If you still have negative feelings, these men are not the ones to vent them on.

"Tonight is your biggest chance to experience, guilt free, sexual contact with a man other than your husband or partner. Please, please, use tonight to learn things that will make your love life better.

"You are all adults, so I don't need to talk about getting acquainted and carrying on conversations. I sincerely hope you can all look back on tonight as the beginning of some positive change."

The woman Jack was eating with was named Ginny, and he doubted that she would be able to eat much, if anything. He was about to start conversation when she pushed back her plate and said "I should never eat another bite, anyway."

The best description of Ginny was 'full-figured'. Well short of obese, every part of her was rounded and full, but did not look loose or fleshy. He felt he had to say something, but he was well aware of what a dangerous subject a woman's weight was. "Could I ask why you were invited to this soiree?"

Ginny looked at him hard for a moment, then gave him a slight smile. "Usually, women end up here because they have problems with mix days. I sure did."

Without saying anything, Jack gave her a questioning look which she did not respond to. Not knowing what else to do, Jack laughed. This time, she gave the questioning look and he duplicated her previous response.

"Guess we could arm wrestle," he joked when the silence got almost to the point of being embarrassing. Her eyes and mouth popped open, and finally, a smile cracked her face.

"I think you'd better eat up," Jack told her. "The way I plan to have you bouncing and screaming in orgasm, you're going to need the energy." He then purposely concentrated on his own dinner, which was up to the usual high standards.

"Is there a long sign-up list for you guys for these nights?" Ginny asked, just when Jack was sure she was going to go silent for the rest of the night.

"I was ordered here just like you. Had to see a counsellor to get OK with it," he told her, deciding that maybe the truth would get through to her.

"Bullshit!" she spat out. "Is that because you didn't want to mess with loser broads, or what?"

"You, uh, may not believe this, but it's because..." Jack gave her a ten-minute recap of what he and Emma had been through.

"That sounds like the biggest sob-story line I've ever heard," Ginny said, obviously not believing a word of it.

Jack was on the razor edge of losing his temper, but he managed to hold back. Signaling for a counsellor, he told the man "Would you connect Ginny to my wife and let them talk, please? Also, I authorize you to call up the records of my assessment day problem and show them to Ginny. Will you do that?"

"But that's very irregular," the counsellor objected. "I'm not sure I can do those things."

"If you don't, I'm afraid Ginny will leave tonight without anything having changed. Do you want that?" Ginny was once again sitting with eyes and mouth open in astonishment.

"All right," the man said. "What's your number?"

"No," Jack replied. "Take Ginny with you and look up the number. I don't want her to suspect any kind of a setup."

"Oh, Jack!" Ginny finally said. "You don't have to..."

"Ginny, it's harder than hell to sit here and lie with my dick hanging out. If you have such trust issues, I don't want any questions about what I tell you. Go."

At that point, the counsellor took over and helped Ginny to her feet. As he led her off, she looked back at Jack with a stricken expression.

Ginny's chair was barely empty before the female counsellor sat in it. "What gave you that idea?" she asked.

Jack shrugged and said "I think she's a really tough case. For some reason, she's not going to believe me or anyone else."

"Tonight is sort of the last gasp for her," the counsellor admitted. "She could not even get through the first massage from the boys."

"Couldn't you treat a case like hers as if she was just too fat or too old or too crippled to be in a mix day? Just leave her off the list?"

"If it was just her, yes. The problem is, she's freaking out when any of her family get an assignment."

"How were they ever accepted?"

"Jack, the percentage of errors is higher than we would ever care to admit. This is, after all, not an exact science. In her case, though, it happened after they moved in. Her assessment scores were just too good. They've been here a couple of years and she has been through several successful mixes."

"Husband screwing around?"

The counsellor nodded. "It totally destroyed her self-worth. She's able to be naked, but that's all she can deal with."

Jack had been sitting there, drinking coffee and chatting with the counsellor for well over twenty minutes when a stunned-looking Ginny came back and handed the phone to the counsellor. As the counsellor walked away talking on the phone, Ginny flopped into the chair and stared at Jack with glassy eyes.

"Your ... your wife ... she said I'm ... silly bitch. She's c ... coming down here to p ... paddle my stupid ass." Ginny took a deep breath and her speech steadied. "She seemed so nice at first! She said if I didn't want to jerk off all these nice cocks and have the men get me off, she was going to take my turn!"

The female counsellor was motioning for Jack to join her, so he left Ginny. Looking hard at Jack's face, she said "There's nothing in your records about being henpecked." She held a straight face for almost five seconds before breaking up in a grin. "Your Emma is a force of nature."

"Really? I didn't realize that," he quipped.

"Seriously, if she comes down here, strips, and starts doing what Ginny should with these guys, can you handle it?"

That was indeed a serious question. "Do you think it will help Ginny?" he asked.

"I get the sense that poor Ginny has no chance of leaving here with her virtue intact, so to speak, if Emma takes charge of her."

Jack looked at the counsellor for a long time before telling her "I'll make Emma thinks it's my idea if it'll keep Ginny from getting kicked out."

Casually but affectionately, the counsellor took Jack's penis in her hand and told him. "I convinced her there was no time for makeup or anything. A car was waiting for her when she hung up. She should be coming through that door right about ... Now!"

It was obvious that Emma was on a mission. Just inside the door, which the male counsellor was waiting to open, she shucked her clothes and left them in a pile with her purse. Seeing Jack across the room, she hollered out "Hi, Honey. Where's Ginny?" Emma looked around and happened to lock eyes with Rad. Jack saw her blush briefly, but square her shoulders.

Jack looked toward where Ginny was still sitting. When Emma turned her gaze that way, Ginny looked like she wanted to shrink under the table. Emma hurried over and held out her hand to Ginny, saying. "Hi, Ginny. I stink. Come on in the hot tub with me. We'll get acquainted before we start collecting semen samples." A quick look around showed all of the other participants gaping at the intruder while the two counsellors fought back laughter.

"Mingle!" the female counsellor said to Jack as she walked past. "Let Emma handle it."

Seeing a slim woman with great legs standing by herself, Jack went and introduced himself to Emily. "Do you know who that was who just came in?" was the first thing Emily said.

"Sure do. That's my wife, Emma," Jack answered.

"Why is she... ?"

"It's like this..." Jack gave Emily the short version of what had happened.

They stood and chatted for a few minutes, with Emily looking hard at Jack's face the whole time. "Do you happen to have a son named Chad?" Emily suddenly blurted out.

"I sure do!" Jack said with a smile. "How do you know Chad? Oh! You're that woman!"

She blanched for a moment, then nodded her head. "What a sweet boy he is," she said with a smile. Then, obviously looking him up and down and paying special attention to his crotch, she said "Like father, like son."

Just then, he saw Emma motioning for him to come to the hot tub. "Emily, let's get together later, OK?" She nodded, and he went to join his wife and Ginny.

"Sit here on the edge, Lover. Ginny is starting with you."

"Emma! I just can't! He's your husband, and..."

"OK, Ginny. If I call one of the other guys over, will you do him, instead?"

"Oh, Emma!" Ginny wailed. "Please! This is just so ... so..."

Emma got right behind the distraught woman and wrapped her arms around her. She rocked back and forth just as Jack had seen her do so often with the children. His feelings of love for her just welled up. At the same time, his penis started to swell up.

"Now look, Ginny. You've got Jack all excited about you doing him. I will NOT let you leave him hanging. Here!" She took Ginny's hands and placed them on Jack's shaft. "I'm sure you know what to do." Emma looked Jack right in the eyes, but he could not read the expression.

"Remember, Ginny, poor Jack's been cut off for three days, and he's taken supplements besides. He should have a really nice load for you."

Holding Ginny's hands in place against her half-hearted attempts to pull them free, Emma kept on talking enthusiastically. "You've just got to feel his balls when he comes, Ginny. They pump so hard! It just makes my pussy tingle to feel it. Come on, get him hard. Help him relieve all that built-up pressure. You know, ever since I got pubes, I've been fascinated by cocks, haven't you? I play with Jack's every night before we fall asleep. Do you you play with your husband's like that? 'Course, I think Jack's is the most awesome one anywhere, but I suppose you think that about your husband's too, don't you? See, it doesn't take much to make him..."

Jack finally caught on that Emma was steamrolling the poor woman. If anyone could do it, she certainly could. As she babbled away while busily making Ginny's hands stroke him, Emma glanced down a couple of times over Ginny's shoulders at her breasts. When he caught on, he cupped them in his hands, and started teasing the nipples with his thumbs, the subject of Emma's babbling changed.

"I'll bet those are just the fullest, firmest boobs you've ever held, aren't they, Honey? They look just spectacular. Oh, look how far the nipples are popping out! Wow! After she gets you off, you'll sure want to chew on those while you do her, won't you?..." The stream of talk never stopped.

At first, Ginny seemed to try to recoil from his touching of her nipples, but Emma held her in place. Before long, Ginny started to gasp a little, and when she did that, her hands began to grasp his cock firmly. That started Emma's monologue in yet another direction.

"See, Ginny! It's just irresistible, isn't it? It feels so big and hot in your hand that you can't help stroking up and down, can you? Oh, yes! Keep that up and you'll get him there before long at all. Oh, I hope so! I'm sure he needs it so badly and..."

Not surprisingly, the three of them were somewhat of a spectacle. The counsellors were trying to get everyone else to go about their own business, but it was a tough sell.

Somewhere along the way, arousal and instinct took over. Before Jack realized what was happening, Ginny was pumping his shaft with one hand and holding his balls with the other. He really did have a lot of built-up pressure. About the time he became aware that she had gotten serious, he was there.

As the first spurt came out, Ginny seemed to be jarred back to awareness. But when she tried to pull away, Emma had ahold of her hands. "Ginny, Ginny, don't stop! Don't leave him hanging! Finish him off!"

Ginny must have had a strong compassionate streak because she only missed a couple of strokes. She was pumping him again before his last dribble.

Jack needed a few minutes to recover, but Emma had other ideas. His hands were still on Ginny's breasts, but Emma took one hand and brought it down to Ginny's crotch, which was a little above the water line as she stood. She resumed her constant chatter.

Jack overcame his momentary exhaustion, understanding what he needed to do. As he opened his hand and slipped his middle finger down through her slit, Ginny tried to pull away again, but Emma was holding her in position and talking right in her ear.

"Oh, Ginny! You made my Jack feel so very good! Didn't his balls feel just incredible bouncing in your hand like that? And did you see how many spurts he made? But Ginny, Jack will feel really bad if you don't let him do for you, too. He's just that kind of a guy. He always makes sure I get more than my share of comes.

"Don't tell me it doesn't feel good to have his hand on your pussy. I'll bet he slid his middle finger right down between your lips, didn't he? Ohhhhhh! I just love that feeling, don't you? Did he brush your clitty?..."

Jack could have wondered where the constant stream of words came from. He could have wondered if he had enough energy to control anything but his hand, if he didn't know his Emma so well.

All four of the men knew why they were there, and all four were chosen because of their natural care for women. When Emma, without Ginny being able to see her, motioned to two of the men, one of them Rad, to get in the pool, they responded quickly, having been watching raptly. When they were in the pool, they understood her head gesture to mean that she wanted Ginny lifted out onto the mats. The woman counsellor was on her toes and laid out some towels, with some others at hand for drying off.

The next trick was to lift Ginny from the tub without her freaking out. Emma talked to her almost like a child. "You're going to get a nice little ride, now, Ginny, right out onto the mat. There, Jack came make you come just like you did for him. Hang on, now! The guys are going lift you right out. Wheeeeee!"

By the time she was lifted, Jack's hand was paying serious attention to Ginny's clit. That might well have been the only sensation she was sure of. They only had to move her about five feet, and it took all of three seconds. When they laid Ginny down, Emma was by her head instantly, having never stopped talking.

"When Jack masturbates me or when I do myself, I like to be on my back like this. I think I can come stronger, don't you. When it's a good one, I just have to straighten my legs way out to get the best feelings..."

Jack only had to turn around to keep his hand on Ginny's pussy. When she was all stretched out, Rad got the idea to take a nipple in his mouth and the other man quickly followed suit. Whether because she liked it or because she was just overwhelmed, Ginny made no complaint to the new sensations.

Jack looked up at the woman counsellor and made an exaggerated licking motion followed by a questioning expression. She responded with a deep frown, which she held for a few seconds. Then, she looked down at Ginny, shrugged her shoulders and nodded to Jack.

"Ohhhhh, Ginny! You are so lucky! Jack is going to lick your pussy. He is so good at that! You should feel really special. Oral sex is a no-no here. See how much everyone cares about you. They're breaking the rules to make sure you're going to be all right." On and on Emma babbled as Jack attacked Ginny's pussy with his mouth.

Between stimulation of all of her erogenous zones and Emma's constant suggestive chatter, Ginny would have had to be totally frigid to hold off from an orgasm. She wasn't. It was a good one, but not a monster.

Before Ginny's throes even started to recede, Emma was talking so the men could hear her. "That's good, Ginny! Goooood! Let the feelings take you. Just enjoy it. It's not over, either. The men are going to stay right where they are and give you an even bigger, better one. Does your clitty get real tender when you come, or can Jack keep sucking on it? Just nod if he can keep sucking on it."

It was barely perceptible, but it was a nod, and Emma told Jack not to stop. Ginny only had one more from the efforts of the three men, but it was the hoped-for monster. It took ten minutes to generate, but for the last minute plus, Ginny was a writhing, moaning, gasping mass. The climax was a literal explosion, her body jerked so violently.

When it was over, Ginny was probably conscious, but unable to do anything on purpose. Emma had another idea and motioned Jack to lie on his back beside Ginny. Then she had the men put Ginny on her stomach on top of Jack and cover her with towels.

"Stay right like that as long as you can, Lover," Emma whispered in Jack's ear. "She thinks she's too heavy for that and it should thrill her. When she wakes up, love her up some, OK?"

Ginny WAS too heavy for comfortable sleeping on top of him, but Jack could handle it, and he was so in awe of his wife's sensitivity that he could not think of objecting. Ginny certainly did feel different from Emma, but it was not an unpleasant sensation.

Not knowing whether she was aware of it or not, Jack began caressing her back and squeezing her buttocks gently. He ran his hand down her crack as far as he could and gripped and squeezed her entire cheeks in his hands.

Ginny was probably aware long before she let on, but eventually she raised her head and just stared at Jack as he kept up his attention to her ass. "Emma's like an irresistible force, isn't she?" Jack asked finally. Ginny did not answer, but laid her head back down on Jack's chest.

A couple of minutes later, Ginny, with her head still down, asked "Why did you do that - with your mouth?"

"Because I thought it would make you come better."

"That's against the rules."

"I got approval," he assured her.

"Think you could get approval to put it in me?"

"Ginny, that would take approval from both of our spouses. As much as I want to help you, I wouldn't even ask Emma."

"I guess you're right," she said reluctantly. What she did next, though, was significant. She moved her pelvis back and forth, rubbing her mound against his penis. It was just a lazy motion, but over a few minutes, it had him stiffening. When it was getting rigid, she raised her bottom, reached down, and brought his cock upward so it was between their bellies.

When she resumed her motions, he could not help releasing a moan. The feeling of his cock buried in the soft flesh of her gyrating belly was exquisite.

"God, Ginny! I don't know why you're afraid of doing anything. You're sexy as hell!"

"You're a minority of one," she said bitterly.

"Against a majority of... ?" he probed.

"I'm sure they told you the losers are mostly here because they can't hold their husbands," Ginny countered, this time with only sadness in her voice.

"I would think that would make you more eager for attention at mix days," he opined.

"Well, I guess I'm not normal in lots of ways," she grumped.

"Such as..."

"Can't believe you're not crushed to death."

"Let me guess. He's always on you about your weight, right?"

"Until lately. Now, he's not 'on' me about anything."

"Tell me your weight history," he said, taking a chance.

"What? You can't ask a woman that!"

"Oh. Only the shrinks can ask that, huh? Damn! I made you stop moving."

"Why do you want to know that? I suppose you want me to step on the scale, too!"

"Don't need the scale. I can feel all I need to know," he retorted and emphasized it with some extra strokes and squeezes.

She started moving again and he just waited her out. "He probably shouldn't have married me," she said after a while. "We were really in love, but my weight always bothered him. He would never say anything about it until ... until..."

"He never played with you like this?" Jack purposely stroked and squeezed some of the less firm flesh around her middle.

"He just pretended it wasn't there."

"So, he's in great shape, I suppose."


"You still didn't tell me how much more you weigh now than when you got married."

"I haven't been eating well, so I'm down to about plus ten."

"After how many kids?"

"Three. Boys twenty and sixteen, girl eighteen."

"Did you marry at fifteen?"

"What a line!" she snapped, but could not hide her smile. "Us chubbies just don't show age as badly. The wrinkles don't show."

"Oh, I see," he said. "Here I thought it was because you had a naturally good body and great skin."

"If you're into fat broads, why did you marry your gorgeous wife?" she countered.

Dodging the question, he asked her "When do you look your best, Ginny?"

"Huh? You mean what outfit?"

"Sort of. Out of all the times when you see yourself in the mirror, which one are you happiest with."

"You mean least unhappy with, don't you?"

"It's sad that you think of it that way, but, OK."

She did not say anything for quite a while, so he took a different tack. "Ginny, I would say you have a 'fun' body. Did your husband ever act like he was having fun with it?"

"That's a strange question? I don't know what you mean."

"Did he ever seem like he just couldn't keep his hands off of you? Falling asleep in bed; watching TV together; times like that - was he always touching, stroking."

"When we were making out or making love, he had to have his hands on my boobs. I guess that's the only thing I can think of."

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Corona HeightsChapter 10

Really good friends find ways to pull off memorable events. Somehow, Emma found out when Ginny's final decree was to be delivered, and that started the wheels rolling. Shortly after the package was delivered, a limo pulled up and the driver said he was there to take her to a D-Day celebration. "You'll have to give me a few minutes to change, then," she said. The driver held up a new tooth brush in its package and said "I have been told that this is all you will need. The celebration...

3 years ago
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Corona Virus And Chill

Day 1Alright, so because of the quarantine I'm not able to see my therapist. He told me that until it was over, I should start a daily journal to record my thoughts in. Even gave me a book for it and everything, so let's give this a shot.Feeling pretty good overall today, considering current events, that is. I'm still employed, for now, definitely thankful for that. A lot of people have gotten laid off and I've still got to make rent. Pretty stressed that I'll lose my job too in the coming...

1 year ago
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Corona Pyar Hai 8211 The Rooftop Sex

Hello readers, what a lovely afternoon this is while I’m writing this story. I am back after a long time with a new story about my rooftop sex experience. Got busy with my life and couldn’t take out much time to write about my experiences. But since I have a lot of time on my hands, thanks to this lockdown (don’t we all?), I am penning down my latest story that happened this Saturday night. About me, my name is Vipul, and I live in Chandigarh. 28 years of age, a regular body, a decently good...

2 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 4

There were two other boys in the van when it picked up Chad Monday morning. He was still a little hard when he got into the van. As he was waiting to be picked up, he had gotten the random thought that he was glad he did not have to go through the same naked pickup that his parents had done. Thinking about that made him think of standing naked in front of Candy, Cassie, and his mom. There was no way of telling which thought affected him more, but the result was predictable. Sean was the...

3 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 7

The morning after Ginny's 'night in heaven' was Saturday, and Cord was home for the weekend. Her husband, Perry, had been in bed asleep when she got home. She had no desire for any sexual activity with him then, anyway. Perry must have had a hangover because he did not move when she got up. Her first thought was about her kids and how they would feel about the night before. For herself, she was still high, with not a single regret. She had to be sure that she wasn't the only one. There...

2 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 9

Candy had been the driving force behind the plan for Jack to escort the four girls, herself, Cassie, Rachel, and Tess, to an assessment session. Only a full-fledged escort was allowed to take more than his or her own child through assessment, but Jack was now qualified. When Emma went about trying to schedule it for the girls, the staff objected to four at a time and would not back down. Naturally, Candy was quite upset, even to the point of forgetting the whole thing. She did not want to...

3 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 11

In the normal after assessment meeting with their teams, Katie and Stan got a surprise. "Your assessments were completely satisfactory for residence," Katie's team leader proclaimed. "We do have one demand, though, or you will not be accepted. Your children must not return to your former home, and you will not see them before you leave. "Mr. Morrison, we understand that you have a work commitment, and we will work that out. Mrs. Morrison, you are to be with your husband and the two of...

1 year ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 12

As the guys walked in the door Monday morning, Cord wrapped Ginny in a big hug. She pressed her body against him, wriggled sexily, and laid a lover's kiss on him. When the kiss ended, she laid her cheek against Cord's chest, looked toward Nick and gave him a shy grin. "I just love all my hunky guys so much!" She was probably aware that the short robe that was her only garment pulled open to all but expose a nipple. The bottom of the robe had also pulled up so Nick could not help but...

2 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 13

The onset of spring had not brought new hope to Ellie. She had given it everything she had, but it wasn't enough, and she just knew that Bert would not be coming back from this trip. Who left on business trips on Friday evening, anyway? It was the fifth time he had done that. She and Emma had talked endlessly about her marriage problems, of course, and she had been getting counseling. He wouldn't go. The counsellor had been brutally frank with her. "I believe Bert feels like he is in a...

3 years ago
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Coronavirus With Kelly

It was Friday, March 27, 2020. Things were starting to get crazy with COVID-19. Kelly had been working from home that entire week. I was deemed “essential” and was overwhelmed at work trying to deal with a fast-moving situation. My stress level was beyond high. Intimate relations were absolute last on my list of things to worry about.When this whole thing was just a Chinese problem, we had begun a remodeling project of both of the bathrooms on the main floor. Several guys in the trades had been...

4 years ago
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Seit einer Woche Ausgangsperre.Auch die Puffs sind zu. Klaus hat Angst. Angst seinen Job zu verlieren. Angst nicht mehr ficken zu können. Die Stadt ist ausgestorben. Kein Mensch auf der Strasse. Keine Mädchen zu sehen. Tot. Traurig geht er durch die einsame Strasse. Da sieht es sie. Blonde lange Haare. Runder Mädchenarsch in hautengen Jeans. Buchfrei trotz kühler Temperatur. Weisse Jacke, ziemliche Oberweite. Pömps die klack klack einen festen selbstbewussten Schritt auf das Pflaster tagen. Nur...

3 years ago
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Coronavirus Takes A Different Toll On Me

Things unravelled quite differently, for me, in the past three days. I have been quarantined, have experienced panic and movie-like situations, and also had my first sexual experience. It has been quite eventful and exciting, although I feel guilty for the deeds I have done. I want to share my experience with someone but it is too dark a secret to tell to anyone. So, I am writing this story to the community here. This is my first story, so please let me know your response. It all started around...

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Coronavirus and me and Dad

I found love closer to home than I could possibly imagine and not in the way I ever thought possible, I have a very good job, my parents did everything they possibly could to help me, denying themselves holidays, using their savings to help me so failure was not an option for me and how do you repay that kind of commitment, March this year we thought mum had caught a cold but it wasn’t, it was this coronavirus, she died in hospital a couple of weeks later and me and dad were devastated along...

1 year ago
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Coronavirusthemed porn is a thing

COVID-19 has affected virtually every aspect of our lives, so why should the way we watch porn be an exception? Not only are we watching more of it, but it’s all about hazmat suits, masks and gloves.In an article posted on Psychology Today, Dr. Martin J. Lehmiller writes that the virus has given porn consumption rates a boost. He refers to Pornhub — a free video sharing and pornography site — which reported a steady increase in March since lockdowns around the world began. In fact, on...

2 years ago
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TO UNDERSTAND THIS STORY YOU NEED TO KNOW THE TV SOAP STORY CORONATION STREET. THE STORY IS FICTION ken looked at his granddaughter Amy and told her to go and get Simon for his tea, Amy begrudgingly went upstairs she put the landing light on but the bulb had still not been changed and the landing remained in darkness, Amy approached Simon’s room and stopped when she saw the door was ajar and Simon was standing naked his back to the door, Amy smiled as she admired Simon’s naked bum, to her joy...

4 years ago
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Coronation Street

It was a beautiful day on the famous Cobble street in Weatherfield, Bethany Platt had just sat down having just got in from work when there is a knock at the door.

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Notes. This is my first TG story, so please, have mercy! I will forewarn that this is an identity death story. If you aren't a fan of the identity death genre, then please avoid giving criticism for that reason alone. But this is also meant to be a horror story. So if you enjoy horror stories then perhaps consider giving it a read. I wanted to avoid just jumping to the erotic scenes as quickly as possible, but if you are here for that, then jump to chapter seven. The story does...

4 years ago
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Lets Get It On

BY THE TIME THE CLOCK CHIMED FIVE O’CLOCK I was a bag of nerves waiting rather impatiently for my buzzer to ring. I must’ve cleaned up my tiny one-bedroom apartment countless times today in anticipation for this visit. Finally, after months of chatting on MSN and text messaging and almost nightly phone calls we will meet in person. This weekend was his only chance of coming up here for a visit and I made damn sure to book it off at work. I received a call this morning when one of the other...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 16

They met us in the kitchen dressed and ready to go. We had coffee and a light breakfast and left for CME in my car. John had noticed that I handed Lisa into the car and went around to get in myself. He did that this morning and I think Karen gave him an eyeful in appreciation for his effort. Lisa always does for me. We pulled in at the parking lot and handed our respective ladies out. We walked in to hugs and kisses mostly for Karen. Lisa grabbed Angela and Red, told them what we were going...

4 years ago
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Dressing for fun

It was a Saturday night and we had been working hard all week and were ready to go out and play. We planned to go out to the Green Bar and then on to the jazz bar for dinner. We showered and I suggested that we shave your pussy as I like to be able to see your fat lips and pretty pussy lips. You were quite happy and were giggling as you lay back on the bed enjoying the feeling as I knelt between your thighs and you parted your legs to allow me to stare at your spread pussy lips. Carefully I...

2 years ago
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Second Semester Working for a LivingChapter 12

What a day yesterday was. I now know I have enemies, and I think I know who, but I will have to think on this some more. I know I can't let this go on too long before I have to put a stop to some of the threats against me. I figured that I would have to step in again with the Orthanians. I may just let Harlou blast the whole darn planet to cosmic dust and not worry about it anymore. I say that because they really piss me off. I mean, I'm not a vengeful person, but I do have my evil side...

1 year ago
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Even Single Women Need Attention 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone! This is Banner again, continuing my story about Sonia from the first part. I went to her home around midnight. As she said the door was open, I went inside silently and closed the door. The lights were off so I wasn’t able to see anything clearly. I whispered her name to let her know I’m here. Suddenly she grabbed my hand from behind and pulled me. In a shock, I fell on her and we both lean on the wall support. She closed the door. I grabbed her waist. She was holding me from my...

3 years ago
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My Sons Wedding Day

Firstly let me tell you the background. I am a 52 year old housewife, on my second marriage, with three c***dren, all from my first marriage. Both of my husbands have been, well, fairly ordinary in the bed stakes. You know – once or twice a week, rather unimaginative, with not really enough interest in my needs and desires. But in fairness I never pushed for anything more, thinking that was how it was for most people.Then came my younger son’s wedding and my whole life was turned upside down!He...

1 year ago
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Pornstar Ch 08

The American Body Beautiful The whole thing about Lill’s virginity kept on bubbling up and causing suppressed hilarity among our group through the next week. Mandy wanted to start a rumour round the school, and Lill didn’t want that mostly because she didn’t want people talking about her any more but also because she said there was just no way anyone could have found out without sticking something up her, and nice girls weren’t supposed to let that happen. Mandy dreamed up more and more...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 37

Six years later... Earth time: Sunday, June 14, 2043 5:50 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time Aina time: day 251 of 1449 H.E. 4:19 AM Isabelle looked at the wall clock and felt a rising tide of exasperation. "People! In exactly three days the tunnel will open! We need to come to closure on this." Cindy took a deep breath and paused to look around the situation room. They had made many changes to their arctic home over the years, and currently one entire floor was devoted to mission...

1 year ago
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Booty Calls

The Nutaku's booty calls game! Dating can be tough. It takes money getting a bitch drunk enough for a butt-fuck and a Dirty Sanchez. Nowadays, you’ll also have to worry about some #metoo bullshit if you don’t make her cum a dozen times. It’s bad enough that sometimes I’d rather play dating sims like Booty Calls on Nutaku.Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. A video game may never be as a great as a real-life bang, even when coupled with a really kickass silicone pussy. Sometimes you gotta make do, though....

Best Porn Games
2 years ago
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Best Birthday EVER And it wasnt even mine

Name's Zeke. I'm a 31 year old living in Tacoma, Washington; Of average height and build; I got blonde, naturally curly hair, and brown eyes. I work a temp office job part time; And do 4 days a week (1 on weekends) at a convenience store. There's nothing particularly out of the ordinary about me. And that's why I've absolutely GOT to share the story of a mind blowingly extraordinary experience I recently had.About 3 months ago; I broke up with a girl I'd been seeing on and off for about 2...

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Maggie Pintero was a beauty. The first time I saw her, she was wearing what I guess could best be described as a sundress, made of soft, light cotton with small pink and green flowers against a yellow background. Small cap sleeves, a low bodice that displayed the warm soft blush of her breasts, and a full gathered skirt that when she walked fluttered, whispering of the treasure beneath. I remember the dress so vividly because as a young man just graduating high school, our neighbor lady down...

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I was born at the tail end of the boomer generation. My family consisted of my parents and two older brothers and an older sister. Then there was me. The closest in age to me was my sister and she had four years on me. Because of the difference in ages between me and my siblings I spent a lot of time alone -- especially after my sister hit puberty and started dating. One summer day when my parents and brothers were at work, my sister was out in the back yard 'suntanning' with a couple of...

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Sharons Busy DildoChapter 7 Ruby Lips

It was Saturday night and the horny itch was getting worse. Sharon needed to do something to get rid of it. She paced the living room floor naked. Her smooth thighs and wet twat lips were open and scenting the room with her sweet smell. "Gosh," she grumbled, "I wish I could get a real cock right now. A really big prick in my little twat would make me so happy." She looked down between her legs. Her delightful little hole was open and ready. "I think I better spend some time jacking...

4 years ago
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Art Part Two Ch 08

Chapter 08 Dr. Heidi gives Art a trial run on his new role. ‘Heidi, how about some water, I have a strange taste in my mouth and for some reason I’m really hungry.’ ‘Maybe you have a strange taste in your mouth because your mouth was in a strange place, we’ll talk about that later. I’m not surprised you’re hungry either, you had quite a workout last night. If you move carefully to your right you’ll find a table with food and water. Oops, I gave too much away there didn’t I? You tried to...

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Bleak House

Bleak House Synopsis A fervently righteous young couple find their views challenged when they becomelost on the moors and seek help at a house where the occupants very sexuallyliberated. Bleak House by obohobo Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written foradults only. MF MM FF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this fileis illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this...

3 years ago
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The Curse of the WereWhore Part I

The curse of the were-whore By Machiavelli Friday Joe-Bob Brigham watched the woman sauntering across the street, his tongue hanging out. She was a looker. High firm breasts (Too small though, they were only maybe a 36C) tight little ass, and legs that wouldn't quit. She was wearing a long skirt with a slit up the side to the thigh. A white blouse, with a bolero jacket and carried a small clutch purse. All Joe-Bob could think of was imagining those legs wrapped around him, her...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 38

“No, I am not going to come in your pussy! “This time, anyway. We’ll fuck again, and the next time, you can sit on my cock and fuck me without a condom. If you want me to come in your pussy, you can just ride my cock until I fill your little pussy, and you’ll have my baby.” “YES! OH HELL YES! I can’t wait to fuck you like that.” Sherry told her, “You need to use a little common sense while you’re fucking, and don’t think with your pussy while you have Jerry’ cock stuffed up inside you. You...

2 years ago
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Papa Ne Randi Banaya 8211 Part 2

Continued from last part…… Anil lagataar meri choot me zor zor ke dhake maar rha tha. Meri choot k chithde ho chuke the. Choot se khoon beh rha tha par Anil chodne me mast tha. Madhav ne apna mota lund mere muh me pel rakha tha. Me bhi maje le lar uchal uchal kar chudwa rhi thi. Ek haath se me suresh ka lund hila rhi thi. Bahut maza aa rha tha. Aaaah aaah aaaah . …… Chodo madarchodo chodo. Bhosdi walo tumhari gand me itna hi dum hai. Ek londiya ki garmi nhi shaant kar pa rhe ho behenchodo.. ….....

3 years ago
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College life 12

*******************Corey and I were about the last ones to arrive down the hall to watch theSuper Bowl. It didn't matter to me if I couldn't see the TV. The nicesurprise was seeing how many girls had shown up to be with the variousguys. There was Kris, Colt, Bryson, Scott, Alex, Justin's (Alex'sroommate) and even Kendall sporting a girl on their side. Liz seemed alittle nervous being her first time back with all of us around but she knewus well and what to expect. We were all enjoying the...

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NubileFilms Cindy Shine Leanne Lace Two New Beauties

Cindy Shine is in the shower while her girlfriend Leanne Lace waits on the couch. Cindy takes her time, rinsing off her firm tanned ass and her flat belly with great care. Eventually Leanne begins to wonder what’s taking Cindy so long, so she makes her way upstairs to join Cindy in the bathroom. Grabbing a towel, Leanne entices her girlfriend out of the tub with a kiss. The girls take each other’s hands and relocate to the bedroom. Since Cindy is already nude she takes her time...

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Fruit Of The Vine

Fruit Of The Vine Since grapevines grow grapes and grapes make wine, then wine is the fruit of the vine as some old song used to say. Well I grow a variety of grapes, assorted berries, and fruits that I make my own wine from. The Government allows me to make two hundred gallons a year for my own consumption. Well I make a great deal more than that and I let my friends and neighbors come over for some samples too. Given enough time anyone can get drunk. I especially like it when...

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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 39 Plans and Preparations

The start of the winter semester meant that it was once again time to bury ourselves in school work, and domestic life, with business interests and pleasures of the flesh on the side. Our workload seemed to be even heavier than it had in the fall, so we decided to set aside time for the more pleasurable aspects rather than missing out on them. We still found that we enjoyed sex in the morning most of all, so our days usually got off to a fun-filled and hedonistic start. Our friendship with...

2 years ago
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Gloria Goes to Work for BBC Inc Ch 0106

There were already half through one of the worst years since they had been married. It was like one set back after another for George and Gloria, first after trying to get pregnant since their honeymoon, this year she had two miscarriages. The Doctor claimed her husband had not only a low sperm count, what few he had been too weak to keep her with child. This was not only devastating news it was very humiliating to her husband as her female gynecologist not only prodded his privates she...

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Memorial Daze Part Three

Leaning his head into my throat, tracing it with his tongue, then along my chin and finally onto my lips where he closes his mouth on mine. His right hand holding the back of my head as he kisses me, his left down groping between my legs. Then once more he humiliates me “Tell me to stop and I will Teri!” an evil smile on his face. Extending my left hand out then bringing my open right hand sharply down to meet my right hand, I keep repeating the motion only to have Joe mock me....

2 years ago
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Rendezvous IIChapter 44

Karen By 7:00 am Saturday, there were two thousand contestants and visitors ... and they kept coming. The last lodge went up at midnight The paper shooters were done at noon. There was a break for lunch ... and other activities. The “Ringers” were scheduled for 2:30. Lunch was catch as catch can. Because of the late advertising of the Mountain Man Run, the few scheduled food vendors had become the many mobile “lunch on wheels” vans and old bread trucks. Mexican was just beginning but the...

3 years ago
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Mom with house owner

I am from Tamilnadu. I am the only son but my father died 4 years back and my mom is working. We live in a single bed room house with common toilet. I was very normal son to my mom till when i Was 18 years of age and my mom was about 38 years. My mom got married at a very young age hence even after 19 years of giving birth to me she is very young and beautiful. She was very fair with smooth skin, big eyes, long black hairs, bulging breasts, very big asses. I never thought my mom sexually and...

3 years ago
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Natasha Part 1

My captions blog @ ------------------------------------------------------------ "Thank you for taking the Soviet train Lines" He hesitated for a second,then looked upward and stamped my passport. "...Sir." It was rare that I slipped back into my true voice, I quickly recomposed myself and wished the young lad a great day. On the train, I found out I shared a cabin with a woman. She was pretty, and young. Judging from her clothing, she came from a...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Kelly Anderson

The Adventures of Kelly Anderson By Kristine Roland This is a short bit of silliness in honor of my favorite author. My apologies in advance... Kristy -------------------------------- YOU don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of Jason's Story; but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Ms. Kristine Roland, and she told the truth, mainly. There was things which she stretched, but mainly she told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but...

4 years ago
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The Most Dangerous Thing pt 2

The next four years were a wild mix of sexy, depressing, scary, and lonely for Carrie. After that first time she’d fucked, she’d decided it wasn’t really for her, and hadn’t done it again for two years. Her mom had asked her if she’d ever wanted to “do it” with a boy, and Carrie had told her about the incident in the water. At first her mom had been shocked and appalled, but when Carrie told her of her blunt lack of interest in “fucking” now, she calmed down. They’d talked about it a few times...

4 years ago
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Hangin With The Girls

Please feel free to copy this story as needed. Contact me to let me know what happens to it. Thanks :) HANGIN' WITH THE GIRLS Charlene sighed as she did her brother's hair and make up. She wasn't happy with the idea. "And you're really sure you wanna got to school like this today?" "Not just today." I said. "Bullshit, you're gonna go to school like this every day?" "Sure am." "Okay Brian, I mean Zoe." A group of girls greeted me at the school gates. One wore a long...

1 year ago
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my first sex

when I was a p*****n I had a couple friends. we did the usual things k**s do and one day my friend and I ended up showing each other our penis. this became a usual thing and one day he bent down and after pulling on my dick, leaned forward and put my dick in his mouth. well needless to say it felt great and when it was my turn to do the same to him I was very happy to try out on his dick all the things he had just done to mine. we would have sleep overs. and soon I had my other friend over and...

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Die Verfhrung einer Hausfrau beim Betriebsausflug

Meine Frau und ich waren seit fünf Jahren verheiratet. Wir kannten uns bereits seit der Volksschule und lebten mitten in einer Kleinstadt vor den Toren Münchens in Deutschland. Sie ist die einzige Frau, mit der ich je zusammen war, und ich war der einzige Mann, den sie hatte. Ich bin ein normal aussehender Typ, dunkelblonde Haare, durchschnittlich gross und schwer. Meine Frau ist ein süßes bodenständiges Mädchen mit bayrischen Vorfahren. Sie hat schulterlanges blondes Haar und einen schönen...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Summer Brooks She Is Not Exactly My Niece

When Summer Brooks turned 18, her pervy uncle who was not really her uncle, started feeling a little too comfortable around her. He started making unwanted advances on her, especially when his wife and daughter were not home, grabbing her by the crotch and sniffing his fingers. She did her best to ignore it, but secretly it was just making her want him even more. One day, she pretended to leave her bag at his house. When she came back to pick it up, she seduced him, climbing up on top of his...

2 years ago
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White Tshirt Game

Have you ever heard people say they were trysexual, metrosexual or they just didnt have a label? Well I suppose that's me. I dont believe I have a label. I love sex with both men and women, but I dont like women. Not enough to engage in a lesbian relationshp. And I love men, but because I am single and have no relationship plans in the near future, I guess I dont like men enough to be in a relationship with them either. But my dark mind goes a litle deeper than just plain vanilla sex with men...

1 year ago
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Foreigner Ke Sath Sex

Hi dosto mera naam Renuka hai. Umar 34 saal hai mai regular story reader hoon. Maine bohat sari story padhi hai kafi achhi bhi lagi. Kafi dino se mai soch rahi thi ki mai bhi apni kahani likhu par dar rahi thi kaise likhu lekin aaj himmat ho gayi aur likh rahi hoon. Ye kahani 2 saal pahle ki hai. Mai ek widow hoon mere pati ki death 2.5 saal pahle huyi thi. Meri do ladkiya hai ek 10 aur ek 7 saal ki. Jab unki death huyi to mai housewife thi ghar ka sara bojh unpar tha unki achanak death ne ghar...

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