Corona HeightsChapter 11 free porn video

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In the normal after assessment meeting with their teams, Katie and Stan got a surprise. "Your assessments were completely satisfactory for residence," Katie's team leader proclaimed. "We do have one demand, though, or you will not be accepted. Your children must not return to your former home, and you will not see them before you leave.

"Mr. Morrison, we understand that you have a work commitment, and we will work that out. Mrs. Morrison, you are to be with your husband and the two of you are to work seriously at restoring intimacy in your marriage. We want you to have no contact with your children for the whole month until Mr. Morrison starts his new job in the city."

"Who will take care of the children?" Katie asked.

"The Masons have agreed to take Kelsie. We think their girls can have a great influence on her. The boys will be in an apartment and Kim will be staying with them. Jake will be close by if he is needed."

"That's ... that's amazing," Katie said.

"But we haven't even found a house," Stan objected, and we have to sell our old one."

"We believe we can work things out so it will not cost you anything. You can fly out to look for a house if you promise not to contact your children. Or, you can find one tomorrow."

"Why do the kids need to stay here?" Stan asked.

"We believe that complete, immediate separation from their old companions is the only hope for your boys. Some extreme things have been done to them today and we believe some strong impressions have been made. Going back to their old ways, even for a day, could erase any progress that was made."

"You said the boys. What about Kelsie?" Katie asked.

"It is our opinion that she can be turned around. We believe you have a good chance for the kind of mother-daughter relationship that I'm sure you long for. She has met some girls that she is impressed with, and those girls all have good relationships with their mothers. Being in those homes is bound to have an effect. That effect will be diminished by another look at her old haunts."

"Then we'll do it," Katie said, the hope evident in her voice.

"There is one other important thing," the team leader said. "As soon as you get back home, we have arranged for you to start martial arts training. When you move here, it will continue."

"We've never had any interest in anything like that," Stan objected. "Why would you want us to do that?"

"One reason is that you both have neglected your physical conditioning. I'm sure the stress of your home situation has contributed to that. The training will help you get in much better shape.

"The most important reason, though, is that both of you need to be able to overpower one of your sons in a physical confrontation."

"What? You mean fight with our boys? You expect Katie to do that?" Stan was very upset.

"Let me explain this carefully," the team leader said. "Your boys have been in gangs for years. Now, these are not urban gangs with colors and such, but they operate on the same basis. That basis is respect. It's the old tribal system, or the herd system in the animal world. It's all about power and respect.

"Because of things you failed to do over the years, your sons have no respect for you at all. The only way to gain some respect may be by physical superiority.

"Now, I'm not suggesting that you purposely pick fights with them, or anything. What will most likely happen is that one of them will defy you. Perhaps they will just try to leave when you have forbidden them. You will use the skills that you have learned to keep them from leaving. You will probably have to put them down on the floor and most likely hurt them. But make know mistake, it will gain you respect."

"I can't imagine ever being able to do something like that," Katie said.

"Believe me. In about two months, you will be ready."

"What if Guy decides to get into martial arts, too?" Stan asked.

"Then your problems with him are over. Good martial arts programs stress respect, honor, and sportsmanship even above physical skills. If he sticks with it, he will be changed."

Seeing Stan shaking his head, the team leader said "Something that you will have to get used to living here is the Foundation telling you that you have no choice. Admittedly, your situation is unique, but you will be signing your contract before you leave. That means that you have ceded ownership of your bodies to the Foundation.

"I believe from what has happened the last two days that you know that we have your best interests at heart. This is a case where you are just going to have do as you are directed and trust that we know best. It would be a shame if at this point you decided that you did not want the Foundation to have that kind of control. Should you decide that, we would have to send you and the children all back and just wish you good luck."

"We don't want that!" Katie said quickly. "We appreciate what everyone has done - really we do."

"We'll take the classes. It's just so different for us," Stan added.

"Just look back at how much of the last two days you have spent naked in front of other people and you will see how different everything is here," the team leader pointed out. "In three months, we will deliver some pictures of how you look naked right now. You will be astonished at how much better you look. By the end of the school year, we believe that you will have a completely different relationship with your daughter and that you sons will at least be out of danger of jail."

"That would be worth any amount of change," Stan said sincerely. "I'm sorry if I seemed skeptical or reluctant."

"Should we drop by your house first?" Cord asked Tallie as they were leaving the club.

"I called my mom and told her I would be out all night."

"She didn't care?"

"I didn't ask her for permission." Cord detected the edge to her voice and held his silence.

Realizing that a hint of bad feelings with her parents could damage their relationship before it even became one, Tallie told him "I'll tell you all about it later tonight, OK?"

At his house, Cord offered her something to eat or drink. When she did not respond, he turned around to see her sliding her panties off. With a grin, he said "I see my snack."

Despite his light-hearted quip, he looked her over seriously. As she quivered with fear of rejection, he walked up to her and wrapped her in a hug. They shared their first serious kiss.

Tallie's long-suppressed passion kicked in and she jammed her hands into his shorts while they still kissed. Without saying a word, she turned and dragged him to the master bedroom. He was briefly concerned about using his mother's bed, but he realized that Ginny would not mind at all. She wanted this for him.

Tallie was taking charge and leaving no doubt about it. In the bedroom, she turned and began almost ripping his clothes off. When he was naked, she grasped his already-hard cock and pulled him toward the bed. Reaching behind herself, she flung the covers away enough to make room for them on the sheet.

"I need to get a condom," Cord panted, catching her frantic need.

"I'm on the pill and clean. You're clean," she insisted. Seeing his questioning look, she said "I asked your mom."

At that point, Cord was pretty sure that he had been set up, but the thought made him happy. If his mother saw some of herself in Tallie, that was all good news for him. Tallie's size did not bother him at all, and he very much wanted a woman with passion like his mother's.

"I owe you at least one come," he told her as she pulled him down atop herself.

"I can come from fucking," she answered. "In me. Please."

Running his hand down between her legs, he could tell that she was ready. He was hard and she wanted him in. That was an easy request to satisfy.

Ginny had indeed seen her own sexual fire in Tallie's eyes. Time and again as their initial union became more and more intense, Cord's mind flashed back to the brief time with his mother. That night, he had been sure that he would never again equal that sexual experience.

Of course, sex between mother and son has to be unique because of all of the shared memories, the shared history, the lifelong shared love, and the genetic connection. Still, Cord could sense so much of the same passion, the same lust, the same tenderness, and the same abandon in Tallie. He knew that he had found a unique woman and all he could think about was that he wanted to keep her.

Tallie could indeed come from fucking and she did just that multiple times over the next hour. When he had come twice and needed to recover, they showered and he used his mouth.

Finally, they were both sated and lying face to face in the bed. He was weary, but his hand could not resist tracing gently all over her body. He could see concern in her face and he kissed her and said "Don't worry. This is no one-night stand. I'm not an idiot. I can never get enough of this."

She had been hurt too many times. "I've had a few other guys," she told him. "I'm sure you could tell I'm not a virgin. They all loved this part, but they would never go anywhere in public with me."

"There's a big dance on campus a week from Saturday. Get out your sexiest dress and be my date." It was exactly the right thing for him to say and she hugged him and shook against him.

"I need to warn you - you're not going to be able to get me on a diet and make me lose weight," she said.

"Did I say anything about that?"

"No, you didn't. You seem to like my body, and that's hard for me to believe. You just need to know that I'm always in some kind of study with the Foundation. They've got stuff that would take some weight off, but I refuse to be artificially smaller. You'll see that I eat very carefully and correctly, but it doesn't matter." She caught herself ready to tell him how she might 'grow out of it', but it was just too soon.

"Look, Tallie. You've met my mom, right?"

"Yeah. I wish I had her body."

"But you're a lot like her in so many ways. Not just in size, either."

"So you're looking for a girl like your mom, huh?"

"Is that a bad thing?" he demanded.

"Not if I'm that girl. Not at all." Still showing her wounds, she asked "Won't you catch a lot of crap from your college friends for dating a fat high school kid?"

"I'm going to give you a free pass on that one, Tallie. Ask my mom what happened the last time she called herself fat in front of me."

The next while was a dreamy time of kissing, cuddling, and petting. He explored her body openly, not avoiding the places with extra flesh. She traced his muscles over and over.

"You said you would tell me what's up between you and your mother," he said at long last.

"Yeah, I did," she said glumly. "I need to be held really close while I do it.

"So, you see, it really is a matter of principle like you hear so often," she summed up after giving him the whole story.

"It must be tough when you can't see a resolution," he commiserated. "I assume you won't be taking me to your house."

"Not unless they agree to dress."

"How hard will that be on your mother?"

"Very, and I feel very bad about that. I do love her and I know she loves me. She has agonized with me over my lack of dates. I never had the guts to tell her that I turned some down because I didn't want them coming to the house."

"Am I going to be a pawn in a power struggle," he asked.

"Would that drive you away?"

"No. If you'll be my girl, my loyalty belongs to you and I'll take your side."

There was an emotional double whammy for Tallie in that statement. First of all was him calling her his girl. That had never happened before. Then, his unhesitating assertion that he was on her side - so many new things happening at once. Again, she was on the verge of telling him the big secret, but she just could not.

She cried. For quite a while. After sniffling her way back to speech capability, she told him "I'm really doing everything I can do drive you away, aren't I?"

"And failing miserably," he retorted.

Back at the Admin Center, Ginny and Rad were cuddling, his hand in its usual place on her ass. "It's funny," she mused aloud. "We were so desperate for some time alone. Now, we've got it, but after everything that happened, it's kind of a..."

"It's like the adrenalin sag after a match," Rad pointed out. "We were so wound up and into helping the Morissons. When it all ended, it's a little disorienting."

"Yeah, and yesterday morning you had the girls here to play with your dick. Now, there's only me." She loved fishing around him.

"A very wise woman reminded me that the girls are going to grow up and leave. As long as I still have you to play with my dick, I'm the luckiest man alive."

One of the most amazing things about Ginny was that she never seemed to accept that Rad was done for, and she was usually right. His words had her needy again and she was determined that he was going to satisfy that need.

As she was working on him, he told her "Did you realize that you have now joined Claire and Emma as one of the 'almost staff' women residents?"


"Because of the special things those two have done, they get by with things that no other resident could," he explained. "You, my Ginny, are now in that same category."

"Does that mean I get to do a mix day every week like Claire?" she teased.

"Not until you're sixty, like Claire."

"Oh, you'll be tired of me by then, huh?" she pouted.

"Not a chance. I'm just into fair play. I'll want teeny-boppers playing with my dick at least once a week, and it's only fair for you to..." That was as far he got before she tried to suck his tongue out. She had gotten on top of him.

In all of their years of marriage, Perry had never let her lie on top of him for very long. That one special mix night, she had laid on Jack for quite a while and it was a revelation. Now, Rad seemed to love it and her weight did not seem to affect him at all. It was a feeling she could not get enough of. And with his hands constantly playing with her ass...

Cord did as Tallie requested Friday morning and dropped her off a block from home, leaving her plenty of time to get to school. He wanted to take her, but she refused and he did not want to push. He was definitely concerned about the battle between her and her parents, although he had no trouble at all wholeheartedly siding with Tallie.

Tallie had not expected to get in and out of the house without being detected, and she did not. "Tallie, what's going on? Where were you last night?" Pat asked. She had slept very poorly after Tallie's brusque call.

"I spent the night with a guy," was Tallie's answer.

"Who was it? Where did you meet him?" Pat asked.

"Gotta get to school," was all Tallie would say.

Len was already on his way to work and Pat called him in tears. "We'll just have to take more control of where she goes and what she does," was Len's response after Pat told him about the brief exchange with Tallie.

"How do we do that at her age?" Pat almost screamed.

"Can we at least get the guy over so we can meet him?" Len asked.

"That's the one thing that for sure won't happen," Pat told him.

"Why not?"

"Oh, don't be dense," she said crossly. "You know how she feels about bringing anyone to the house. She just won't do it. I'm pretty sure she's turned down some dates for that reason."

"Turned down dates? You've got to be kidding! She doesn't get that many chances! Why would she do something that drastic for such a silly reason?" Len fumed.

"Len, it's not silly to her. She's deadly serious about it. She calls it disrespectful."

"What do you mean we're not going back home?" Reid demanded as Kim and Jake led him and Guy into an apartment close to the school.

"Just what we said," Kim replied. "You are staying here and starting school Monday. Your parents are going back so your dad can finish up his job there, get the house sold, pack everything up, and get moved. They are choosing a house here today."

"But I want to see my friends," Reid insisted.

"Tough! They are not your friends. They were sucking you down. You've got a chance to start fresh here, so don't blow it."

"So we're living here alone for the next month?" Guy asked, looking around the apartment.

"Dream on," Kim said. "I'm your substitute mother for the next month.

"You mean baby-sitter, don't you?" Guy sneered.

"Well, if you keep acting like little kids, yeah, that would be a good description," Kim agreed.

"Why should we do what you say?" Reid challenged.

"Because if you don't, I'll knock you right on your ass," Kim said casually. "If you think you were sore and embarrassed yesterday - I haven't started having MY fun, yet." She had a cold tone of voice that made her threats very believable.

"Is Jake staying with us, too?" Guy asked.

"No. He has another assignment. Why? Thinking the two of you can take me?" Her laugh made their spines tingle.

"Look, you two. I can be a bad-ass nightmare or I can be your new best friend. I've got connections around here like you wouldn't believe. I can use those connections to make your life a living hell. Or, if you decide to try and change, you can have more fun than you can handle. You're here. You're staying here. Your parents are gone for a month. You figure out what you want to do about it and let me know, OK?"

That was the day after their unforgettable day. It was noon and they had checked out of the suite at the Admin Center. Their parents were off house-hunting and would be flying out in the evening. Kelsie had gone off to live with the Masons for the month.

"You guys ever ride dirt bikes?" Kim asked. When both shook their heads, she said "Wanna try 'em? There's a place just out of town with a course. We can rent bikes there. You up for it?" Because of his skate-boarding, Guy was more into physical activity. Reid was not at all certain, but he could not admit that.

Kim had marvelous control of her emotions. She probably despised the two kids, but she never let on. After her little warning speech, she acted as if she assumed that they wanted to change.

It was a chilly day, but the course was fairly dry. The boys had very few clothes with them, but everything they needed was available at the course. Reid really was not very coordinated, so it took him a while to get the hang of it. Guy, though, had a blast and was reluctant to leave.

Tallie dreaded the certain confrontation when she got home from school, so she delayed as long as she dared. It was easy telling Tess how wonderful her night had been and how thrilled she was to have two more dates set up.

"Have you told him your good news?" Tess asked.

"It's not good news, Tess. It's just a hope. Even if it was for sure, I'd like to be sure he wants me just like I am before I tell him."

Tess was so happy for her friend that she could hardly contain herself. She had met Cord a few times socially before the previous night and she would certainly have gone for him herself. He seemed to be a genuinely good guy, too. "What did your mom say about Cord?"

"She doesn't know who it is. I only told her I spent the night with a guy."

"It looks like you're going to dig in for battle this time, huh?"

"This time, it's definitely worth it," Tallie assured her friend. "Well, guess I'd better go and get it over with."

"Want me to come with you?" Tess asked.

"Yes, I want that, but no, I won't let you. That would be inconsistent," Tallie said resolutely. Tess hugged her and wished her luck.

"You can't just go around sleeping with any guy you meet!" Len said hotly when he and Pat had Tallie cornered. He had left work in mid-afternoon and had been fuming when Tallie did not show up right after school. Pat tried to calm him down, but she was not having any luck. Tallie was still clothed, and the fact that she had finally taken that stand just angered Len more.

Pat was very upset, but she had kept her cool enough to be concerned with the long-term implications of the battle with Tallie. The two younger children had never thought about rebelling on the nudity issue. If they became aware of Tallie's objections, their whole lifestyle could be threatened. It was very dangerous letting Tallie stay clothed even for a little while.

"If you won't tell us who he is and let us meet him, you can't go out with him," Len said emphatically. "And get those clothes off. You know the rules."

Tallie was as angry as she had ever been. She wanted in the worst way to lash out. It was only her deep-seated love for her parents that kept her quiet. Instead of doing battle, she picked up her purse and hurried out of the house before either parent could react. Since they were both naked, she knew that they would not be able to pursue her immediately. The thought of either one of them getting physical with her did not even cross her mind.

Tallie's phone was in her purse and her first inclination was to call Tess. If this mess was as serious as she feared, though, she did not want Tess in the middle of it any more than necessary. She knew where Cord's house was and she could walk there. Trying to think about all of the possibilities, she became concerned that her parents might come out in the car and try to find her. She needed to get away for at least the night and let things settle down.

She knew that Cord's mother was living at Mr. Mason's house. Every girl at school knew that his name was Rad, so she called information. She held it together until Ginny got on the phone, then lost it. She was barely able to say that she needed someone to pick her up.

"Cord's here, Honey. I'll send him and he should be there in no more than ten minutes," Ginny assured the distraught girl.

When Cord pulled up, he was on the phone with his mother. He jumped from the car and took her in his arms. "Let's get away from here," he said. The house sale won't close for several weeks and you're welcome to stay there. If you can't work things out with your parents by then, we'll figure out a new plan."


"I told you this was no one night stand."

When they got back to the apartment, Kim told Guy and Reid to hurry up and shower and headed for the second bathroom herself. The apartment had two bedrooms. Each of the boys had one and she was sleeping on a foldout bed in the good sized living room. The boys could have doubled up, but she was living out in the open on purpose.

She stalled until she heard one of the boys in the hall and walked out with nothing but the towel around her hair. "Are you both done?" she asked nonchalantly. "Let's go make dinner."

Guy was the boy she encountered, and his cool failed him again in the face of a naked female. Although not her usual style, she had shaved her crotch bare for the assignment and Guy just could not pull his eyes from her prominent and well-defined lips.

Kim was bi. She liked hetero sex and would have been willing to mate up with the right man if she ever found him. She and Jake connected quite regularly, and she knew that he would not mind making it permanent. He was content with what they had, though, and so was she.

At thirty-five, Kim's athletic body was in perfect shape. While not classically sexy, everything about her was appealing. She understood very well her affect on males and she was good at using it for assignments.

While Guy was still frozen, Kim turned and walked to where she kept her clothes in a couple of suitcases. She leisurely found the clothes she wanted, then put on a show as she dressed. She never gave any indication that she knew Guy was watching.

The boys were shocked and confused when Kim began giving them tasks toward dinner. She had expected that and in a very casual way, she helped them through what she had directed. She was pleased to see that already, neither boy thought to object or complain. Perhaps for once she would not have to hurt anyone to establish her authority.

Each boy's room had a TV and a computer on the Net. It had been decided not to restrict channel access or Internet site access. The boys' public personas were more important to address than their private pursuits. Drug and alcohol use were the key exceptions to that. After dinner and the supervised cleanup, the boys were happy to retire to their rooms.

Putting the boys in separate rooms was another tactical move. Although there were some significant personality differences, they had always fed off of each other. Some 'divide and conquer' was in order. The two bedrooms shared a bath, so they had access to each other without disturbing Kim.

It took until well into the evening for Pat and Len to admit to themselves that Tallie might not be coming back right away. Len was still inflamed with his righteous anger, but Pat was beginning to feel some panic that the long-feared choice between their lifestyle beliefs and their daughter had just been forced. What made the panic worse was the fact that the choice seemed to have already been made.

"Do you think we've lost her?" Pat asked.

"Lost her? What do you mean? Where would she go?"

"I don't know. What if she just stays away?"

"She wouldn't do that!" he said confidently.

"I don't know, Len. She has been more and more insistent about the nudity lately. If the guy she found is really special, she might run off with him."

"Don't be ridiculous. How could two high school kids live?"

"We don't know that he's a high school kid."

"Who would know who he is?" Len demanded.

"I suppose Tess would know."

"Then call her. We need to end this nonsense."

"Tess, who was Tallie with last night?" Pat asked when she reached Tess.

"I don't mean to be disrespectful, but why are you asking me and not Tallie?" Tess answered.

"She wouldn't tell me, and now she's gone," Pat admitted.

"Shit!" Tess let out. "You mean you finally did it? You drove her away?"

"Drove her away? We didn't do anything. Everything is just like it always was," Pat objected.

"That's the problem. You never backed off from your crazy ideas, no matter what she said."

"But we love her! We've done everything for her!"

"Except respect her," Tess said bitterly.

"How can you say that?" Pat said, tears starting. "We have a right to raise our children according to what we believe."

"Of course you do. But you have to expect to lose them when your beliefs cost them a normal, happy life."

"She was never unhappy!"

"She has been terribly unhappy for a long time. She tried to tell you in a kind, loving way, but I guess you never heard her. Do you have any idea how many dates she turned down just because she was ashamed to let anyone know what her home life was like?"

"She ... she did? Oh, God! Tess, where is she? Please!"

"I honestly don't know. The last I saw her was just before she went home to face you. I haven't heard from her since then."

"Who was the boy?"

"If she didn't tell you, I would be a poor friend if I did."

"But what if she's in trouble? What if she needs help?"

"She's needed help for a long time, but she hasn't gotten any from you. Why should she look to you now?"

The phone just slipped from Pat's hand. She was too shaken by what she had heard to even hang up properly.

For the second night in a row, Tallie and Cord cuddled in the master bed of Ginny's house. Things were much more somber than the first night, however. There was still arousal and energetic lovemaking, but the tone was not the same. From Tallie's side, there was a sense of need, almost desperation.

"This isn't fair to you," she told Cord, "having a girl thrown in your lap without any say about it."

"Woman," was his only response.


"I said 'woman'. I had a woman thrown in my lap, not a girl, and it was the luckiest day of my life."

"But you hardly know anything about me," she protested.

"A lot more than you think," he corrected her. "I hope you're not offended, but I keep seeing more and more things about you that are just like my mom."

"You really love your mom, don't you?"

"Sure do. You love yours, too. That's what's tearing you up."

"Do you think I'm being unreasonable?" she asked.

"I think you have spent years ignoring your feelings for their sake and you just couldn't take it any more. Do you see any chance of them compromising?"

"It's like a religious thing with them," she explained. "If they give in to the 'textiles', it's a sin."

"But they work and shop and everything else with clothes on," he objected.

"Yes, but on 'their' turf, everyone follows the rules.

"If I went with you, naked, would it help?"

"You'd do that?"

"Tallie, a big part of me wants to just take you with me and say to hell with them. But that would be childish and impetuous. We both have school to finish and it would be a crime if you didn't go to college."

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Corona Virus And Chill

Day 1Alright, so because of the quarantine I'm not able to see my therapist. He told me that until it was over, I should start a daily journal to record my thoughts in. Even gave me a book for it and everything, so let's give this a shot.Feeling pretty good overall today, considering current events, that is. I'm still employed, for now, definitely thankful for that. A lot of people have gotten laid off and I've still got to make rent. Pretty stressed that I'll lose my job too in the coming...

1 year ago
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Corona Pyar Hai 8211 The Rooftop Sex

Hello readers, what a lovely afternoon this is while I’m writing this story. I am back after a long time with a new story about my rooftop sex experience. Got busy with my life and couldn’t take out much time to write about my experiences. But since I have a lot of time on my hands, thanks to this lockdown (don’t we all?), I am penning down my latest story that happened this Saturday night. About me, my name is Vipul, and I live in Chandigarh. 28 years of age, a regular body, a decently good...

2 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 4

There were two other boys in the van when it picked up Chad Monday morning. He was still a little hard when he got into the van. As he was waiting to be picked up, he had gotten the random thought that he was glad he did not have to go through the same naked pickup that his parents had done. Thinking about that made him think of standing naked in front of Candy, Cassie, and his mom. There was no way of telling which thought affected him more, but the result was predictable. Sean was the...

3 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 6

The day after his landmark session with his daughters, Jack got a phone call in the evening. "Mr. Crosby, I am the counsellor in charge of special mix sessions. We need you for a special mix session next Tuesday evening. Plan on being picked up at 5:30, and being returned home after eleven." "Special mix session? What is that?" "From time to time, we have groups of women who, for whatever reason, are deemed to need the same kind of exposure to men as the young girls. This is such a...

3 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 7

The morning after Ginny's 'night in heaven' was Saturday, and Cord was home for the weekend. Her husband, Perry, had been in bed asleep when she got home. She had no desire for any sexual activity with him then, anyway. Perry must have had a hangover because he did not move when she got up. Her first thought was about her kids and how they would feel about the night before. For herself, she was still high, with not a single regret. She had to be sure that she wasn't the only one. There...

2 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 9

Candy had been the driving force behind the plan for Jack to escort the four girls, herself, Cassie, Rachel, and Tess, to an assessment session. Only a full-fledged escort was allowed to take more than his or her own child through assessment, but Jack was now qualified. When Emma went about trying to schedule it for the girls, the staff objected to four at a time and would not back down. Naturally, Candy was quite upset, even to the point of forgetting the whole thing. She did not want to...

1 year ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 12

As the guys walked in the door Monday morning, Cord wrapped Ginny in a big hug. She pressed her body against him, wriggled sexily, and laid a lover's kiss on him. When the kiss ended, she laid her cheek against Cord's chest, looked toward Nick and gave him a shy grin. "I just love all my hunky guys so much!" She was probably aware that the short robe that was her only garment pulled open to all but expose a nipple. The bottom of the robe had also pulled up so Nick could not help but...

2 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 13

The onset of spring had not brought new hope to Ellie. She had given it everything she had, but it wasn't enough, and she just knew that Bert would not be coming back from this trip. Who left on business trips on Friday evening, anyway? It was the fifth time he had done that. She and Emma had talked endlessly about her marriage problems, of course, and she had been getting counseling. He wouldn't go. The counsellor had been brutally frank with her. "I believe Bert feels like he is in a...

3 years ago
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Coronavirus With Kelly

It was Friday, March 27, 2020. Things were starting to get crazy with COVID-19. Kelly had been working from home that entire week. I was deemed “essential” and was overwhelmed at work trying to deal with a fast-moving situation. My stress level was beyond high. Intimate relations were absolute last on my list of things to worry about.When this whole thing was just a Chinese problem, we had begun a remodeling project of both of the bathrooms on the main floor. Several guys in the trades had been...

4 years ago
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Seit einer Woche Ausgangsperre.Auch die Puffs sind zu. Klaus hat Angst. Angst seinen Job zu verlieren. Angst nicht mehr ficken zu können. Die Stadt ist ausgestorben. Kein Mensch auf der Strasse. Keine Mädchen zu sehen. Tot. Traurig geht er durch die einsame Strasse. Da sieht es sie. Blonde lange Haare. Runder Mädchenarsch in hautengen Jeans. Buchfrei trotz kühler Temperatur. Weisse Jacke, ziemliche Oberweite. Pömps die klack klack einen festen selbstbewussten Schritt auf das Pflaster tagen. Nur...

3 years ago
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Coronavirus Takes A Different Toll On Me

Things unravelled quite differently, for me, in the past three days. I have been quarantined, have experienced panic and movie-like situations, and also had my first sexual experience. It has been quite eventful and exciting, although I feel guilty for the deeds I have done. I want to share my experience with someone but it is too dark a secret to tell to anyone. So, I am writing this story to the community here. This is my first story, so please let me know your response. It all started around...

3 years ago
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Coronavirus and me and Dad

I found love closer to home than I could possibly imagine and not in the way I ever thought possible, I have a very good job, my parents did everything they possibly could to help me, denying themselves holidays, using their savings to help me so failure was not an option for me and how do you repay that kind of commitment, March this year we thought mum had caught a cold but it wasn’t, it was this coronavirus, she died in hospital a couple of weeks later and me and dad were devastated along...

1 year ago
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Coronavirusthemed porn is a thing

COVID-19 has affected virtually every aspect of our lives, so why should the way we watch porn be an exception? Not only are we watching more of it, but it’s all about hazmat suits, masks and gloves.In an article posted on Psychology Today, Dr. Martin J. Lehmiller writes that the virus has given porn consumption rates a boost. He refers to Pornhub — a free video sharing and pornography site — which reported a steady increase in March since lockdowns around the world began. In fact, on...

2 years ago
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TO UNDERSTAND THIS STORY YOU NEED TO KNOW THE TV SOAP STORY CORONATION STREET. THE STORY IS FICTION ken looked at his granddaughter Amy and told her to go and get Simon for his tea, Amy begrudgingly went upstairs she put the landing light on but the bulb had still not been changed and the landing remained in darkness, Amy approached Simon’s room and stopped when she saw the door was ajar and Simon was standing naked his back to the door, Amy smiled as she admired Simon’s naked bum, to her joy...

4 years ago
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Coronation Street

It was a beautiful day on the famous Cobble street in Weatherfield, Bethany Platt had just sat down having just got in from work when there is a knock at the door.

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Notes. This is my first TG story, so please, have mercy! I will forewarn that this is an identity death story. If you aren't a fan of the identity death genre, then please avoid giving criticism for that reason alone. But this is also meant to be a horror story. So if you enjoy horror stories then perhaps consider giving it a read. I wanted to avoid just jumping to the erotic scenes as quickly as possible, but if you are here for that, then jump to chapter seven. The story does...

2 years ago
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Wanting the Wife Used

1 Introduction: I should explain that I am now a late 50’s, male and married to a mid-40’s female. We have been married for almost 20 years. On and off during much of this time we have been involved in swinging and swapping partners. At first I was more interested in my pleasures with the other woman but I would watch my wife in action. This included some interest she expressed in female to female contact. During this time I have seen her with a few women. It was and is very erotic. ...

3 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 248 Nautica Pavilion

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: August 8, 2011) Chapter 48 - Nautica Pavilion The next two days were generally uneventful. We remained in Indianapolis for most of Wednesday, because Dad wanted to visit the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the museum nearby....

2 years ago
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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 5 Fear

“Wow you look like you are about to throw up.” Tai opened his eyes. A beautiful woman in her 20’s sat in front of him. He gazed at her lovely face with absolutely perfect rack. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all. He smiled at her slyly. “Yeah maybe out of boredom. This is taking forever.” “Well if we do this wrong it would be a bit of a disaster. Is this your first time?” “Well sort of but I’ve done a bunch of stuff like this before.” “Really what kind of stuff?” The...

2 years ago
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The NerdChapter 4 My Sister

Kathy got rid of her ex boyfriend Steve. She apologized for cheating and making a fool of me. Steve was her first boyfriend and they had to break up when he was sent to prison. He was her first love and when she ran into him one day she just got carried away. They came up with the idea of him pretending to be her brother so that they could resume their relationship. She told me she realized he was not what she wanted and that it was me she loved. She knew she had been a bad girl but she...

4 years ago
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A Bad Day Turned Good

Jen had a bad day at work, she’d been texting me all day andfrequently complaining about having to stay late. Sadly, it was nothing new and it was happening more often than ever. Usually I’d resent her having to stay behind, but this day it was quite good fortune. It gave me time to prepare. I’d decided several days before that I needed to cheer her up and treat her; now it had fallen into place quite well. After work, I’d made the trip into town to get the necessary supplies when she’d text me...

3 years ago
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PromisesChapter 2

Jim toured the offices where he would be working. It looked to be a well run business. He knew he would fit in with little trouble. At least he would if he could keep his mind off Bobbi. That night he slept in a bed that had no memory or association with her. God he was lonely. When he got up in the morning he was more tired than when he went to bed. Haggard and worn, he went for a walk, finally stopping at a little diner a block from Cindy's. As he came in, a man motioned him over to a...

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Random Encounters Ramyas Cousin Sister

This is a continuation of my encounters with Ramya. You can read the first part of it at Random Encounters 1- The Cute Bihari. Me and Ramya has been hanging out together for a while and we never really hooked up despite the lingering tension between us. I guess my efforts were half hearted and she was still hung up over her ex -bf. Anyway, it finally happened a few days before she was about to move out of the city and it was worth the wait. The long overdoses of the encounter spiced it up and...

1 year ago
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Justin and Twila Fire and Ice

I opened the door of my house after a long day of helping a friend move. It was dark, aside from the lights in the house and the stars in the sky. Small, wet snowflakes melted on my cheeks. "Justin! I'm home!" I shouted as I walked into the house and kicked off my boots. No answer. Just a trail of rose petals that twisted and swerved all throughout our home. I tiptoed along side the crimson trail. It lead me to the couch. On the side table, there was a steaming hot chocolate. On the couch,...

Love Stories
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The Widow Next Door

When I first saw Laura, my heart almost stopped. She was so gorgeous!I have a new neighbor! She’s a gorgeous brunette and she just bought the condo next door. It had been vacant for several months because it was so expensive, so she must have money as well as good looks.I only saw her briefly in the hallway, and that wasn’t long enough, so I went next door and knocked.“Hi! I’m Bill Thomas and I live next door. Welcome to Xanadu.”“Thanks, Bill. I’m Laura Lane. I feel so lucky to have found this...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 2 The Ritual of the Holy Virgin

I was bored as I waited in the antechamber to the High Virgin Vivian. She was the leader of all the Temples of Saphique, our Virgin Goddess. I wasn't afraid of the trouble I was in. So I blew off prayers to play with a pair of novices. I didn't break their cherries. They were still pure enough to be inducted into the priesthood. I really didn't see what the fuss was. My mother would have to give another donation, and that would be that. Then I could go back to relaxing in the arms of a...

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BBC Training part 2

Again not me but as told to me by a friend as a true storyMe and Henry, the young dominant black college student I had met at an ABS and gone to have sex in his dorm room, had settled down to me meeting him in his dorm room frequently two times a week. It was weird me being almost 30 going up to his dorm room and passing other younger students and their odd expressions seeing me enter Henry’s room. He lived alone, but the walls in the dorm were paper thin and my moans and his groans must have...

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PurgatoryX Clara Trinity Fantasy Couple Vol 3 E2

A week passes without another word spoken in regard to Jay’s (Jay Romero) newly revealed fantasy. But that doesn’t stop Chloe (Chloe Temple). She’s not the jealous type and as a matter of fact, she knows she’d enjoy watching her man get-it-on with her best friend (Clara Trinity). So, Chloe secretly arranges a “sweet, sexy, petite, little surprise” for Jay. At Chloe’s request, Jay closes his eyes. When he’s allowed to peek, he finds his super cute Asian fantasy girl, Clara, on her knees, sucking...

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Sex in Delhi

Hi! Friends I m Parveen and I m 22 m Delhi. I m writing my first story on and hope u will like it and even if not u will give your precious feedback for my story……and honestly specking this is my real life incident that happened with me when I was 21 and went to stay at my cousins house.. Now I will describe both of us my cousin and me. I m 5’7″ fair slim looking guy with 7″ Lund. Shalu (All Name Change) is of 19 and her height is 5’5″ fair and has a not hot figure but I like ok 36c 28...

3 years ago
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ThesisChapter 2 Acquisitions

"I'm puzzled, Mr. Ross." Corinne Aimes, the founder and owner of two companies, Huntingdon Management Development Limited and Inward Bound, is talking amiably with Larry Ross, a man who claims he can inject a substantial cash investment into her business. They are sitting in the garden of a Cambridgeshire pub. Corinne is drinking white wine. Larry is enjoying a pint of bitter. "So your business, Clegg Enterprises Group, specialises in recruitment and placement," says Corinne. "Sort of...

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Ten Doors

Lewis wakes with a jump. He has woken to find himself in a room with ten doors. He has no idea how he got here, or why he is naked, but there he is lying spread-eagled on the cold floor. Examining his surroundings, he can see that he is lying in a circular shaped pit in a circular room. There’s a raised level surrounding the pit that has soft padding running around it and beyond this, there are ten evenly spaced doors. Lewis’ head is still heavy from the drink and he’s finding it difficult to...

Gay Male
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Randi Mosi Ki Chudai

This happened to me a 3 years back. It was the marriage of one of my another mosi. My family and my mosi’s family all went there. I was desperate and attracted to something towards her. The marriage was over. The next day everyone was so tired that everyone was in sound sleep including me and my lovely mosi. She was a raandi. She was so sexy that anyone will die to fuck her. I have seen her fucking her devar many times. Back to the story now. Everyone was sleeping in a roomy, mosi was also in...

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Thanks Bro

My brother is about five years older than I. I was not sure why he still lived at home with us at twenty one years. He caught me wanking several times so he asked me to come with him to meet this woman named Helen. I did not know why. She was an older woman, around sixty, not bad looking and married. The three of us talked for a while over tea. Several weeks later my brother came in and told me I had been accepted and I should go with him tomorrow. I asked him accepted to what and he said I had...

4 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 10

Morning came with the usual pounding on the bulkhead by Festou. Dent sat up and looked over to Nesho who was lying under the blanket naked, one leg sticking out. The sight of that long, slim pale limb started Dent to thinking about the previous night and what they had done and involuntarily he started to get hard again. Shaking his head to clear it he stood up and retrieved his small clothes from the deck where they had been thrown the night before and slipped them on. Walking over to the...

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Getting A Good Grade Chapter 1

I have always had trouble in school. Held back twice in my school "career", I was now an eighteen-year-old junior at Jefferson High School. I had considered dropping out, but I know how hard my parents worked to get me this far.So when my junior year started, I sucked it up and began the drudgery once more. I figured I would give it one more chance just to please my parents. Then if it was still too tough, I was eighteen and an adult–I could drop out and no one could stop me.And so with very...

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The Royal Wet Nurse

The Royal Wet Nurse By Celeste Ann Taylor Being the youngest child can suck big time, especially when your name is Frederick. My oldest brother is the heir to the kingdom and my sister's married to the heir to the neighbouring kingdom, so I'm left on my own; the forgotten spare that no one wants. Most of my days are spent just wandering the castle being shepherded politely away from anything that's remotely interesting. I spend a lot of time reading, I get lost in the tales...

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Ready for Desi XNXX porn, aka Desi52, aka Desi49? As a lifelong fan of pornography, I’ve always thought India should put out more of the stuff. They’ve got one of the highest populations in the world, which means more people to fuck on camera. Still, it was downright impossible to find Desi smut in most parts of the world before the Internet. Sites like Desi XNXX aka Desi XNXX 2 make it a hell of a lot easier than a random shitty Indian sex (or is set up like...

Indian Porn Sites
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Three Square MealsChapter 108 Second chances

Alyssa’s cerulean eyes seemed to drink in every detail of John’s shocked expression as she waited for his reaction. “What did you do?!” he finally whispered, staring unblinking at the elongated tips of her ears. She hesitated, unsure of herself. “I wanted to do it for you ... It felt like it was time.” Closing the distance between them, John gathered her in his arms and pulled her in for a smouldering kiss. Alyssa’s doubts fell away as she responded to him, moaning into his mouth, the tips...

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The Fantasy Got Better

The Fantasy got better (continued) She worked late all that week. I do not know where she gets the energy as I fucked her every night. I looked forward to licking my cum from her pussy and from her wet panties. They were wet every night and full of my cum. She told me next week was going to be her treat and no blindfolds were to be worn. Our play night had finally arrived. I was told to have a wank, shower, wash my ass, get the strap on out and lay it next to the bed. I could not wait. She...

Wife Lovers
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Riding in the Limo

During my senior year I helped a friend of mine with his job. Steve drove a limo for a local company. When he was too tired he would let me drive and I got to keep the tips. This soon turned out to be a lousy deal for me as there were not many tips. Around the same time I started dating Sarah. Sarah was your typical small town girl who had just moved to San Antonio. To her this was a monster town, to me it was just another town. Sarah had long blonde hair to the middle of her back, blonde hair,...

First Time
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FIRST TIME WITH GIRL FRIEND Hi friends, this is my first story it’s a real experience of mine which happened about a year back I read a lot of stories on this site and decided to narrate mine too. I am 30 years of age and look good. I had a girl friend and she stayed with her father and brother. I often used to go to meet her and we used to meet at sheela aunties place, she was my girlfriend’s neighbor. I used to go to her place and she would then call my girl friend on some or the other reason...

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Low Gravity

So basically, some people are getting less affected by gravity. Either willingly or by something beyond their control. It go from playing with light gases, a lab accident, something coming out of outer space. Anything goes. This is their story.

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“Do you trust me?” You look confused as you stand in front of me in the room. “Trust you? What do you mean?” I smile. “I wouldn’t hurt you. I just want to try… something.” “What?” My grin widens. “I want to see how… good… I can make you feel. If you ask me to stop I will. But if I stop I won’t make you feel as good as I could. Well?” “Err, I suppose so, what are you…” I cut you off by placing my finger on your lips.

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A Human in the World of Monsters

You find yourself lying on a bed of flowers, having broken a fall which (by all possible means) should've killed you, yet here you lie very much alive and still breathing. You sit up carefully to inspect yourself for any damage, quickly skimming over legs clad in your lightly dirtied brown boots and thigh high socks, you can feel a bit of pain when you push down on certain spots, only being minor bruises here and there. Looking farther up at your brown shorts and under your baggy blue and...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 10 Final Part

In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...

4 years ago
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Doing MandyChapter 13 Getting Some Help

Tom finished fucking Mandy and no sooner had he put his cock back into his boxers that morning than he began to hatch the next sex rendezvous that he would share with his busty blonde sex partner. He went and got a bite of breakfast, giving Mandy a little time to catch her breath after their lusty fuck that morning. About two hours later, Tom went to a phone booth and dialed Mandy's number at her office. The phone rang a couple of times and then he heard Mandy's sexy soft voice...

2 years ago
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A Cloak of Lies Ch 07

A Cloak of Lies By Molly Wens Chapter 7 Camille threw an arm across her eyes to block out the beam of the overhead lamp that penetrated her sleep. She moaned, pulling away from the hand that grasped her shoulder. ‘Agapi,’ an achingly familiar voice said. ‘Time to get up.’ Her heart jumped in her chest. Was that Niko’s voice? Her Niko? How could that be? Then a torrent of memories flooded her sleep-fogged brain, reminding her of the events of the last few days. Niko was alive, and he’d...

2 years ago
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Eleanor Ch 07

‘Kate?’ Ragnar murmured, into the quiet of the evening. ‘Mmmm?’ Kate replied, snuggling deeper into the warmth of Ragnar’s chest, relishing the feel of his hard body so close to hers. She would never grow sick of cuddling this man. ‘Can you turn over for a bit? The baby is kicking me relentlessly.’ Ragnar said apologetically, he didn’t want to disturb her, but he was due up in an hour for taking command of the night rowers, and needed some sleep. And currently his child was kicking through...

1 year ago
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Something Afoot

I had just pulled up to the apartment I shared with my sister after a trip to the grocery store when I got a text from her. I shut off the car and checked the text before climbing out. “I know it’s so weird, but don’t forget my tampons. Please?” I shook my head and chuckled. Little did she know that my ex-girlfriend had broken me of that phobia. It seemed that every other month she would run out, and I’d have to go to the store for her, to an aisle no man should ever venture into. Other than...

3 years ago
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The Trophy Wife Parts 3 and 4

Authors Note: I hope you have liked the story so far I have had fun writing it & I am excited about the future of Aaron/Angel As he transforms into the trophy wife. The Trophy Wife Part III & IV The Sun peeked through the window of our upstairs bedroom. In about two hours, I would be out of it for about two months. To say I was excited would be a understatement as I had come to terms with becoming a woman and I was eager to let it happen. I quickly showered off being...

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