Corona HeightsChapter 5 free porn video

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Sunday afternoon, Emma answered a call from the display scheduler.

"Mrs. Crosby, this week we're doing display practice sessions. All of the children will be done Wednesday and Thursday nights. We will do all of the boys Wednesday night and the girls Thursday. There are three practice sessions each night by ascending age group, as you remember from your assessment day. Because you have seen the displays on your assessment day, adults do not need practice sessions.

"In order to give the impression that you are otherwise occupied, escort pickup rules are in effect. Dinner will be served."

"Escort pickup rules? Oh! I thought we were done with that."

On the day the kids started school, after lunch, Fran led Gail and Nils to the bedroom. She got herself propped against the headboard and asked Gail to get up on the bed. With a little cajoling, Fran got Gail stretched out on her back with her head in Fran's lap. "Nils, Darling, fuck her brains out. You both need it," Fran said. "Gail, he's been snipped and he's clean."

"But, Fran!" Gail objected, already lubricating at the prospect.

"Gail, you have gotten to be a great friend to both of us. Nils and I love each other dearly. This paralysis has torn us up, as you know. He still fucks me, but I can't feel a damned thing and nipple play doesn't always get me wet. We love blow jobs, but I long for him to have the real thing.

"I sense that you are a very sexual person who must be really suffering through this long abstinence. We are all going to help each other here like the very best of friends. This will never happen without me, but I want you both to give it all you've got. It won't make me feel bad or jealous. I don't want any falling in love, but if it happens, we'll deal with it. Oh, one other thing, if the Foundation's experiment works and I get feeling back in my pussy, you're done, got it?"

While Gail was still reeling, Fran softened and said through tears "I had to say it that way, Gail, or I would never have gotten through it. You won't believe how I've agonized over this, but it is the right thing. I hope ... I hope you're not turned off by a little female touching. I'd like to participate. Kiss?"

Gail did not even hesitate. She had not kissed another woman seriously since college days, but she reached up and pulled Fran's face down to hers for a gentle kiss. She moved one hand to Fran's breast and squeezed affectionately. "Nothing you could do would offend me, Honey. But are you sure? You letting me use his beautiful cock? Oooh! I see he likes the idea."

"Gail, you turned me on the first time I saw you," Nils said.

"With all this fat?"

"I had more to lose than you, and you've already lost quite a bit. I can tell what you will look like after, and it's awesome."

The moistening that had started in Gail's pussy went into full flow with that comment. "Quick, before Fran comes to her senses," she almost shouted.

Missionary was not the optimum position, since both of their bellies were sizable. No matter that he had to hold himself more upright, the penetration alone almost sent her into climax. He was bigger than Stan, and she could feel the power in his strong body transmitted to her through that magnificent tool. Stan was a good lover, but Nils was a force.

He had barely bottomed out when she came. The pent-up sexual tension of the weeks since the two men took care of her erupted from her in a long, thrashing orgasm. Fran had been taking care of him regularly, so he had not yet built up to his own. Even the excitement of a new pussy and the clenching of her vaginal walls around him were not quite enough.

"My God, woman!" Fran said, cupping and kneading both of Gail's breasts. "I thought you were sexual, but I had no idea! That was something to see."

"Oh," Gail gasped in a weary attempt at humor, "that was just a ... just a quickie. Nils, see if you can get me a big one."

His size and power were indeed able to take her to another one at least as big. That one carried him along with it.

Nils and Gail collapsed in the afterglow for a few minutes, then Gail got up on her knees. "Fran, let's get you laid out here. Nils, I've got this boob, you do the other one. How close can you get, Fran, Honey."

"Good feelings, but never really close."

"Can we give you some good feelings, anyway?" Not waiting for an answer, Gail took the nipple in her mouth while running her hand all over Fran's tummy, side, hip, breast, shoulder, neck, and armpit. Nils began duplicating her motions.

For many minutes, they caressed Fran, to moans and some tears from her. After a while, Gail reversed their earlier positions, with Fan's head in her lap. "Hope it's not too ripe for you," she quipped.

"Keep doing that to my boobs and I won't smell a thing," Fran retorted. Gail was duplicating Fran's earlier action of cupping and kneading both breasts. "Rules," was Fran's one-word directive.

"No sleeping over here," Fran started out. "At least for now. Sleep with one of your sons if you need a man in bed."


"Sorry, no blowjobs for you. It's the one thing I can do, and I need to keep it for myself."

"Damn! But I understand," Gail assured her.

"Nils loves to lick pussy, but I guess the fun is in the reaction. I want him to do it to you. If it's too hard on me, we'll talk," Fran said. "As far as positions, anything goes. One thing I'm afraid of is that you two will, uh, pull your punches. I started this so you two could be satisfied, so..."

"Honey, that will never happen until it's with you again," Nils interrupted.

"Oh, God, I love you!" There was a long, tearful interlude.

"Discretion," Fran said when she was once more composed. "I'm proud, I admit it. I would rather no one knows about our arrangement."

"I suppose there's a chance one of the kids would guess," Gail said. "I know they would never tell anyone, though."

"Fran, you can't believe how much this has done for me. But if you ever can't take it, I'll stop, just like that. I'll still come for lunch every day, and you'll still be a wonderful friend. Understand."

A tender, tearful kiss was Fran's answer.

Among all of the other things that the Foundation had done in Corona Heights, the way they designed the school system was as radical as anything.

The general practice in most districts was to spread small elementary schools around in neighborhoods so no child was very far from their school. In the Heights, there was one large school campus. That meant that more students had to be bussed, but the advantages had been deemed to outweigh the transportation premium.

But that was not were the uniqueness ended. It was not just a campus, it was primarily a single building. Although the various age levels had most of their activities concentrated in distinct areas, all students at some time during the day had to mingle with all other grade levels, even if just passing in the halls.

The rationale for this co-mingling was that in family life and in real life, all ages were together. What was gained by isolating age groups completely for major portions of the day? Did that not just encourage more disrespectful behavior? If a major Foundation goal was to improve family life, then promoting acceptance and sensitivity for younger or older children was a key factor.

A corollary benefit was the ability to use older students in actual teaching situations, along with a significant number of parents with special capabilities.

Concentrating everything into one building allowed the district to hire a few of the very best at each discipline and amplify their capabilities with other help. The general income and education level of the Heights was well above average. In particular, there were many wives who had left the work force who could make a significant contribution. It also allowed students to more easily take classes that suited their ability rather than just their age.

A published objective of the district was to incorporate as much as possible of the flexibility, personal attention, and learning efficiency of the home school environment into a structured environment with the resources, social advantages, and breadth of opportunity of a large school.

As a result, most students saw their siblings of all ages sometime during the school day. A surprising number also saw one or more of their parents. The Foundation was death on the usual kinds of gangs and cliques that flourished in most schools. One of the fastest ways to get in trouble was to be caught in any way disrespecting another student for any reason.

The halls were patrolled thoroughly and violators were dealt with quickly and sharply. Many of the classes were quite large, but along with the main teacher, there were two or more qualified assistants who helped with instruction and enforced behavior.

The whole philosophy about student behavior was that it was better for everyone if students interacted courteously and respectfully. Tension and discord benefitted no one. 'Going with the flow' at CHS meant something very different from what new students were used to.

On Monday, the first day of school, Candy made an instant new friend, Rachel Murtaugh. Candy was impressed with a number of things about the girl, especially the fact that she seemed extremely interested in getting to know Candy. They were the same age, lived quite close to each other, and were in three classes together.

Rachel had wanted to contact Candy on the weekend, but she had been worried about how Candy would react to Rachel and Jack being together at mix day. Rachel had actually ridden by the Crosby home on her bike, but had not found the courage to stop. Meeting in school was so much more natural.

Cassie and Carter were in a couple of classes together, to their great glee, and the were both able to see Madison a few times during the day.

Late on the first day, Carter and Madison had the same route to their next class, and lo and behold, there was Rad, walking the same hall. Now, that would be a situation where one might expect some embarrassment, but not for the girls. Almost squealing with glee, they each grabbed one of Rad's arms and showed their obvious affection as they walked together down one long hallway.

"Not that I'm complaining," Rad said at the point where they had to go their separate ways, "but what brought that on?"

"Didn't you know that you are now the absolute top stud of all time in this school?" Carter said with a grin.

"Oh, so you're making sure all of the other girls understand your ownership, huh?"

"Yup!" the two said in unison, not repentant in the least.

"Well, I will look forward to this little daily walk together. I get to claim the two sexiest young ladies in the school. We, uh, maybe shouldn't be quite so lovey-dovey, though. I don't know what they do to teachers for PDA violations with students."

The afternoon at mix day, Claire had used all of her force of personality to get Emily to promise to show up at Claire's house the first day of school. Emily was actually anxious to see Claire again after a week, and they greeted each other with a warm hug.

Claire knew that Emily would have to be brought along slowly. Her self-confidence and self-image, though helped greatly by Sean at the mix day, were still right on the deck. After quite a series of phone calls, Claire had received permission from the counseling staff to be Emily's mentor.

"I need to be honest with you right up front, Emily. I will be in contact with the counseling staff about how you are doing," Claire said.

"You're ... you're spying on me?"

"No. Please understand. I have been talking to everyone I can and calling in some favors. I asked for the chance to be sort of a substitute mom for a while."


"Because I just instinctively liked you the moment I met you. Because you don't deserve to be feeling the way you do about yourself. Will you let me be a friend?"

"Will I still have to talk to the counsellors?"

"Only if you don't think you're making any progress," Claire assured her.

Emily was thoughtful for a while, then said "So, it's you or the counsellors, huh?"

Claire nodded rather uncertainly. Emily moved to sit next to Claire and hugged her warmly. "That's no choice at all. Aren't you afraid I might be a hopeless case?"

"Not a chance," Claire declared, her confidence back in force. "Uh, I didn't mean any offense to your mother."

"Oh, I understand. I really haven't been able to talk to her about ... everything."

"Don't you have a good relationship with her?"

"Oh, sure. It's just that ... well ... we love each other, but we're kind of different. I'm more like Dad in looks and personality."

"So, she's not built like you?" Claire asked.

"Nope. She's got boobs." Claire opened her mouth to retort, but decided that the breast issue had to be handled delicately.

"How about your mother-in-law? Do you get along well with her?"

"Jane? Oh, she's great. I really love her."

"Is she, uh, built more like you?"

"Oh, no. She's REALLY got boobs."

Claire decided that there was no dodging or soft-pedaling the issue, after all. "It seems like boobs are at the root of a lot of your concerns."

"I don't have boobs. Mine are only titties," Emily complained.

"You know," Claire said thoughtfully, "when I met you at the mix club, I never noticed your 'boobs' at all. That must mean that they're not small enough to draw attention."

"Well, they're sure not big enough to draw attention," Emily shot back. Then, with a catch in her voice, she added "Or hold interest."

"What's your husband's name?"

"It's Don. Don, Jr. Donny."

"So, he's chasing after women with big boobs, huh?" Emily nodded with her head down.

"Hmmm. Well, let's take a dip in the pool, have a little drink, then eat some lunch, shall we?"

"I didn't bring a suit."

"Not allowed in our pool most of the time."

"But your husband..."

"Not here."

Emily looked uncertain, but she did strip down and they had a very enjoyable time.

Clark, Claire's husband, arrived home within minutes of when Emily had put her clothes back on, shaking her up a more than a little. She could not know that Claire had worked out a signal so it would happen that way. Over lunch, Clark went about charming Emily, something he was very adept at. By the time she left, he had worked the nervousness out of her and she was smiling and talking to him like an old friend.

The next day, when Emily again went to Claire's for lunch, Clark was the one who greeted her at the door. He laid it on thickly, even kissing her hand as he expressed his happiness at seeing her and told her how lovely she looked. With the smile he extracted from her, she did look radiant.

Once Emily had greeted Claire, Clark put a little pressure on by asking "Do I get to skinny-dip with you ladies today?"

Claire put on an indignant act and made him promise to stay in the study, which had no view of the patio. Emily undressed outside, but kept looking nervously back toward the house. "He won't look, will he?"

"Could you blame him if he did?" Claire challenged.

"At you, maybe," Emily said glumly.

"Honey, have you looked at your ass and legs lately?"

After lunch, Claire told Emily "We're going to visit the woman who trained Sean so well."

"Oh, I'd love to meet her. She must be something."

"I think she is. She's in a wheelchair, just so you know. She has company right now, so we'll have to wait a while. If you'd like, you can go home and I'll pick you up."

"Will we have to wait long?" Emily asked. Claire could tell just from the tone of the question that Emily wanted to stay with her longer. That was a good thing.

"While we wait, Emily, tell me how you know Donny's cheating." The recounting of her discovery process took most of a half hour.

When Emily ran down, Claire asked "So, how did you decide that you wanted to try to win him back?"

"To me," Emily said, "divorce just looks awful. I mean, we've got this whole network of friends and relatives. What happens to it if we break up?"

"But don't you feel humiliated? Angry?"

"Yes, I do, but I also blame myself partly."

"Emily, that's just not right."

"Well, I probably don't give him enough excitement."

"That's still no excuse."

"Donny's ... oh, how do I want to say this. He's a great provider and a good dad. He has always excited me. He makes me happy and I feel good being with him. He's just..."

"But how can you forgive and forget something like this?" Claire interrupted.

"He's just impulsive and follows his feelings too much. I think that's what happened here. I just need to make him see that it's better with me than with ... Chesty."

"If he hasn't seen that in all of these years..." Claire left the question hanging.

"I have to make him see it," Emily insisted. "My family and everything that goes with it is too precious to just walk away from because I'm angry and humiliated. Besides, I really do love him.

"I see a lot of wives who treat their husbands almost like their kids. I swore I'd never do that, but maybe I was wrong. It's like this man who is so organized and thorough about work just drifts through the rest of his life, following his nose."

"In his case, following his cock," Claire quipped.

"Or a bouncing boob," Emily countered sourly. Suddenly, Claire had Emily in a bear hug.

"I knew I liked you instinctively," Claire proclaimed, "and now I know why. When I meet your Donny, it's going to be hard not to kick his ass around the block, but I won't for your sake. You say he's smart, but it's hard to believe because he sure doesn't know shit about what a prize he married."

"Th ... thanks, Claire. You can't believe how much you're helping me. I'm trying to become a different person so I can ... can ... manage him, I guess."

"And you can't become that person if you feeling sexually naive, is that the problem?" Emily nodded.

They talked for quite a while longer until Fran called to say they could come over.

Nils was home when Claire and Emily arrived and they all spent a while chatting and getting acquainted. Nils was very open about his weight and being in the study. After a while, Nils said "With the settlement money, I've kind of let business slip. Now, I'm trying to crank it up again. We want our son to move his business here and merge it with mine. I'm setting up an office here in town. It was very nice to meet you two."

Nils was barely out the door when Fran said "OK, Emily, take your clothes off."

When Emily hesitated, looking shocked, Claire told her "I told Fran a lot about you and your fixation on boobs. She knows a lot about bodies, believe me. Show her yours. Remember, not naive any more?"

Emily blushed at Claire's comment and undressed. When Fran motioned for her to turn around, she did, but Fran was not satisfied. "Emily, let me make one suggestion right now. Learn to think that you are displaying your body every moment of your life."

"But I'm not that bold," Emily protested.

"With a body like yours, you should be," Fran retorted. "When you walk down the street, when you undress in front of your husband, when you're cooking dinner, when you're in the middle of your run ... it doesn't matter. Just think about the men that are watching you and do your damndest to make their cocks twitch."

"Fran, with legs and ass like hers, she can make them jump right up," Claire insisted.

"Wow! That's so different from me," Emily said.

Hugging her from behind, Claire told Emily "You were telling me how you had to change so you can 'manage' Donny. You don't want to be sexually naive any more. What she's telling you is right on."

"But I'm not beautiful or sexy!"

"Who told you that?" Fran demanded.

"Well, I mean, I look in the mirror every day and I see these little girl titties. My face isn't anything special, either."

"Come on back to my exercise room, Emily," Fran ordered. There, Fran got Emily doing four different exercises that worked her upper torso, particularly her pectorals.

"Claire is right, Emily. You have a marvelous lower body. You need to develop your upper body."

"But I'm hard and bony enough already," Emily complained.

"Believe me, Emily. This will not make you hard or mannish looking. It will give you some nice, smooth size. I will tell you that you will gain some weight, but it will be firm muscle."

"It won't grow my tits, though."

"But it will look like it has. Your pecs are under your breasts. As they enlarge, they make your breasts stand out more. Combined with growth in your upper back muscles, your chest will definitely look larger. It is surprising how much difference even a little muscle growth will make. Combined with improved posture, you will be pleased.

"There's another thing, Emily. As you develop, you will feel tightness and some tenderness in the muscles you are working. They will feel larger to you. That will help your confidence in your body to grow."

"It won't hurt my running, will it?"

"Not at all. Of course, I can't speak from experience, but..." Fran stopped with a catch in her voice.

"Maybe I need to buy some equipment like this for home," Emily said, eager to change the subject. Donny could use the exercise, too."

That launched a long discussion about Emily's marriage problem and how she was attacking it.

Fran really wanted to help Emily, as did everyone who met her. She just affected people that way. With Gail over for lunch every day, though, it ... well, of course!

"Emily, come over again later tomorrow afternoon. Use my equipment for a few days and I'll help you get started. Then you can get your own."

When Emily arrived at Fran's on Wednesday, Nils opened the door for her - naked! "You've met Fran," Nils said, "so I think you can imagine how this happened." He gestured at his nudity.

"We'll explain it to you, Emily," said a heavy naked woman who came up behind Nils. "I'm Gail and it's nice to meet you."

Emily resisted the urge to turn and run, fearing that Fran would order her to strip. Her natural politeness forbad that, though, and she greeted the two naked people as warmly as she could. Actually, it was three naked people when she saw Fran.

Over lunch, Emily heard all about the Renewal study and how the three had ended up having a naked lunch every day afterwards. She told them briefly about her problems.

"Emily, I will never in my life be slender. I knew that my husband was becoming ashamed to be seen with me in business settings. Instead of working to look the best I could with what I had, I gave up and let myself go. It cost me my family." Gail had to stop at that point to regain her composure.

"The body I had was enough for Stan when he married me. I could have kept it enough if I just hadn't given up. Emily, use what you have. Make it the best you can. I applaud you for vowing to win him back."

After lunch, all three helped Emily work out a sequence of exercises. No one even mentioned her stripping. Before she left, Fran told her that she would not be subject to the naked bodies after that.

It had been a few weeks since Emma and Jack had to do a naked pickup. Having been through a mix day had not dampened the kids' eagerness to be present for their departure.

Of all of the 'subject' demands on residents, having to meet and be naked with the other parents for periods of time somehow seemed the most upsetting. All of the parents with children in any of the boys' sessions were required to be there for the entire evening. That made quite a large group, and it made a long time for all of them to be naked together. On the positive side, there were a dozen counsellors or psychologists present, and they would be available for discussion for the whole evening.

For Emma, the anticipation of seeing Chad naked in his practice session was the dominant factor for the evening. For both Emma and Jack, another positive was Gail's presence. They were together at dinner and would be again for the older boys' practice, since both Chad and Sean would be in that group.

"Look at you!" Emma had said immediately upon seeing Gail before dinner.

"It's only ten pounds, but it feels so good to be really doing something about it," Gail had enthused, delighted that Emma had noticed. She had gone on to describe the 'study' she had been put in.

Many of the parents had been wondering why they had been brought in so long before the first session was to start. When everyone had finished eating, the got an answer as a man addressed them.

"These practice sessions are important for orienting your children for display duty. We have taken this opportunity, though, for a little education for you, the parents. At the core of the Foundation's program for allowing families to send forth more successful young adults is a dramatically different approach to what has been called sex education.

"Rather than trying to tell you any more about it in words, we have a film that is considered superior by all who have seen it. Take a few minutes to use the bathrooms, then follow your escorts to our theater."

"So that's why we're here so early," Jack commented. In the theater, the fifty or so parents were grouped together in one section. The same man spoke again.

"Tonight, among this group there will be a lot of distended nipples, erect penises, drooling vaginas, and arousal aromas as you watch your sons." The man paused at the predictable buzz. "Yes, Men, I said hard cocks. If you get hard watching the boys, it does not mean that you have any homosexual tendencies. Our male imaginations are good at transferring ourselves into arousing situations. In other words, you will feel like you are out there displaying yourself. The result is natural and inevitable.

"We want all of you, mothers and fathers alike, to enjoy watching your boys tonight. If you are worried about your fellow parents noticing evidence of your arousal, it may detract from the value of the experience.

"I need to remind you all that your bodies belong to the Foundation by contract. That means your cocks, your pussies, your boobs, and everything else belong to the Foundation. The Foundation has decided that it is no longer beneficial for your to be secretive about those parts of you that were once considered private. What they look like and how they work are just normal, natural human phenomena.

"We believe that the film you are about to see is an absolute masterpiece. I believe you will agree. Watch."

A very simple white-on-black title 'PARENTHOOD' was displayed with small type below it proclaiming ownership by the Corona Foundation. After that was displayed for about ten seconds, another simple text screen declaring that 'Except as clearly shown before the scenes, the following are true throughout this film': 'All adult couples portrayed were actually married at the time of production' and 'All adult/child groupings portrayed are actually parents and children'. After that, it became apparent that the subject of parenthood would be treated from the very beginning.

A naked young woman stood at a bathroom counter holding what was recognizable as a basal thermometer. She was telling her naked young husband that this was the perfect day. There followed a love scene that was as tender and emotional as it was erotic. The camera did not shrink from any view, but the words and caresses were so emotional that even the sight of penetration had no hint of pornography. The endearments and the hopeful murmurs afterwards added to the romantic feelings.

Another impregnation vignette had the husband entering to see his wife spread naked on the bed, arms stretched toward him and her words exhorting him to 'Come here and make a baby'. The man's hurried undressing to reveal his already aroused state and the eager, almost frantic way the pair coupled did not have the emotional beauty of the first couple. Still, it was loving, real, human, and endearing. The viewer could not help identifying with and rooting for both couples.

A third couple brought some chuckles, but still had the complete sympathy of the audience. A young man sat wearily in a recliner, watching a baseball game on TV, clad in a robe. The wife sauntered sexily into his line of vision in heels and a transparent teddy.

"Time for the seventh inning stretch, Darling," she cooed.

"Honey, don't you think it would have taken by now, if it was going to?" he complained.

Her sexy demeanor disappeared as she pled with him "I don't want to take any chances. Please, Baby, it's not that awful for you, is it?"

"Aw, Sweetheart, you know how much I love it. I just don't think it will get hard again."

The seductress was back in a flash. "You mean you don't think I can excite him any more," she pouted. "Well, we'll see about that." She knelt in front of him, opened his robe, and went to work on his limp organ.

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Corona HeightsChapter 4

There were two other boys in the van when it picked up Chad Monday morning. He was still a little hard when he got into the van. As he was waiting to be picked up, he had gotten the random thought that he was glad he did not have to go through the same naked pickup that his parents had done. Thinking about that made him think of standing naked in front of Candy, Cassie, and his mom. There was no way of telling which thought affected him more, but the result was predictable. Sean was the...

3 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 6

The day after his landmark session with his daughters, Jack got a phone call in the evening. "Mr. Crosby, I am the counsellor in charge of special mix sessions. We need you for a special mix session next Tuesday evening. Plan on being picked up at 5:30, and being returned home after eleven." "Special mix session? What is that?" "From time to time, we have groups of women who, for whatever reason, are deemed to need the same kind of exposure to men as the young girls. This is such a...

3 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 7

The morning after Ginny's 'night in heaven' was Saturday, and Cord was home for the weekend. Her husband, Perry, had been in bed asleep when she got home. She had no desire for any sexual activity with him then, anyway. Perry must have had a hangover because he did not move when she got up. Her first thought was about her kids and how they would feel about the night before. For herself, she was still high, with not a single regret. She had to be sure that she wasn't the only one. There...

2 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 9

Candy had been the driving force behind the plan for Jack to escort the four girls, herself, Cassie, Rachel, and Tess, to an assessment session. Only a full-fledged escort was allowed to take more than his or her own child through assessment, but Jack was now qualified. When Emma went about trying to schedule it for the girls, the staff objected to four at a time and would not back down. Naturally, Candy was quite upset, even to the point of forgetting the whole thing. She did not want to...

3 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 11

In the normal after assessment meeting with their teams, Katie and Stan got a surprise. "Your assessments were completely satisfactory for residence," Katie's team leader proclaimed. "We do have one demand, though, or you will not be accepted. Your children must not return to your former home, and you will not see them before you leave. "Mr. Morrison, we understand that you have a work commitment, and we will work that out. Mrs. Morrison, you are to be with your husband and the two of...

1 year ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 12

As the guys walked in the door Monday morning, Cord wrapped Ginny in a big hug. She pressed her body against him, wriggled sexily, and laid a lover's kiss on him. When the kiss ended, she laid her cheek against Cord's chest, looked toward Nick and gave him a shy grin. "I just love all my hunky guys so much!" She was probably aware that the short robe that was her only garment pulled open to all but expose a nipple. The bottom of the robe had also pulled up so Nick could not help but...

2 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 13

The onset of spring had not brought new hope to Ellie. She had given it everything she had, but it wasn't enough, and she just knew that Bert would not be coming back from this trip. Who left on business trips on Friday evening, anyway? It was the fifth time he had done that. She and Emma had talked endlessly about her marriage problems, of course, and she had been getting counseling. He wouldn't go. The counsellor had been brutally frank with her. "I believe Bert feels like he is in a...

3 years ago
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Coronavirus With Kelly

It was Friday, March 27, 2020. Things were starting to get crazy with COVID-19. Kelly had been working from home that entire week. I was deemed “essential” and was overwhelmed at work trying to deal with a fast-moving situation. My stress level was beyond high. Intimate relations were absolute last on my list of things to worry about.When this whole thing was just a Chinese problem, we had begun a remodeling project of both of the bathrooms on the main floor. Several guys in the trades had been...

4 years ago
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Seit einer Woche Ausgangsperre.Auch die Puffs sind zu. Klaus hat Angst. Angst seinen Job zu verlieren. Angst nicht mehr ficken zu können. Die Stadt ist ausgestorben. Kein Mensch auf der Strasse. Keine Mädchen zu sehen. Tot. Traurig geht er durch die einsame Strasse. Da sieht es sie. Blonde lange Haare. Runder Mädchenarsch in hautengen Jeans. Buchfrei trotz kühler Temperatur. Weisse Jacke, ziemliche Oberweite. Pömps die klack klack einen festen selbstbewussten Schritt auf das Pflaster tagen. Nur...

3 years ago
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Coronavirus Takes A Different Toll On Me

Things unravelled quite differently, for me, in the past three days. I have been quarantined, have experienced panic and movie-like situations, and also had my first sexual experience. It has been quite eventful and exciting, although I feel guilty for the deeds I have done. I want to share my experience with someone but it is too dark a secret to tell to anyone. So, I am writing this story to the community here. This is my first story, so please let me know your response. It all started around...

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Coronavirus and me and Dad

I found love closer to home than I could possibly imagine and not in the way I ever thought possible, I have a very good job, my parents did everything they possibly could to help me, denying themselves holidays, using their savings to help me so failure was not an option for me and how do you repay that kind of commitment, March this year we thought mum had caught a cold but it wasn’t, it was this coronavirus, she died in hospital a couple of weeks later and me and dad were devastated along...

1 year ago
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Coronavirusthemed porn is a thing

COVID-19 has affected virtually every aspect of our lives, so why should the way we watch porn be an exception? Not only are we watching more of it, but it’s all about hazmat suits, masks and gloves.In an article posted on Psychology Today, Dr. Martin J. Lehmiller writes that the virus has given porn consumption rates a boost. He refers to Pornhub — a free video sharing and pornography site — which reported a steady increase in March since lockdowns around the world began. In fact, on...

2 years ago
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TO UNDERSTAND THIS STORY YOU NEED TO KNOW THE TV SOAP STORY CORONATION STREET. THE STORY IS FICTION ken looked at his granddaughter Amy and told her to go and get Simon for his tea, Amy begrudgingly went upstairs she put the landing light on but the bulb had still not been changed and the landing remained in darkness, Amy approached Simon’s room and stopped when she saw the door was ajar and Simon was standing naked his back to the door, Amy smiled as she admired Simon’s naked bum, to her joy...

4 years ago
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Coronation Street

It was a beautiful day on the famous Cobble street in Weatherfield, Bethany Platt had just sat down having just got in from work when there is a knock at the door.

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Notes. This is my first TG story, so please, have mercy! I will forewarn that this is an identity death story. If you aren't a fan of the identity death genre, then please avoid giving criticism for that reason alone. But this is also meant to be a horror story. So if you enjoy horror stories then perhaps consider giving it a read. I wanted to avoid just jumping to the erotic scenes as quickly as possible, but if you are here for that, then jump to chapter seven. The story does...

2 years ago
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Desire Chapter 1

STANDARD LEGAL STUFF: *This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional. *If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW! *Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, young teens, sexuality, nudity, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW! If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy. Desire Chapter 1 London, England,...

3 years ago
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Sister SpreadsChapter 2

Joy was ashamed of herself. All she did was sit down beside her brother at breakfast and her cunt started throbbing. And when Eddy slid his hand up under her dress and rubbed her bare pussy, she just spread her legs for him, right at the table. Then she shivered while he finger- fucked her all through the meal. It made her cunt spasm against the chair seat so hard that she almost choked on her food. Her mother and father were at the far end of the table. They never saw how Eddy played with...

4 years ago
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Succulent Desires Chapter 5

Alice pressed her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes as Aidan drove towards the Malmaison hotel.   The car was silent, but not a heavy silence.   Alice reached for Aidan’s thigh since his hand had to be used to shift and delighted in the feel of him underneath her hand.   She remembered how he felt, how his hands felt on her and in her.   These thoughts caused Alice ’s breath to quicken and her pulse beat a bit harder.   When the car stopped and Aidan turned the engine off,...

3 years ago
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Never done this before but

Long story but the wife has been unwell for a while and the one time excellent sex has stopped. Shit happens but I gotta empty my balls somehow.Amyway I decided to try dogging. I ventured out to some well known areas that Suzy and I had previously done little shows at but was more than disappointed when there was only guys sitting in their cars waiting for some action.I trawled around 5 or 6 spots that should have had at least a small amount of action but there was just nothing happening. I...

1 year ago
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my sweet vixen

The warm sweet fragrance from my freshly washed and dried covers emit around me as I would lay in my bed to relax and drift into a quiet slumber for the rest of the night I lay against my pillow, thinking of her. My mind wanders at how amazing she is, older and heavier than I am and at the same time beautiful and brilliant with her words. She tells me a million times how much she adores me and is thankful that I am something of a gift to her, these words so simple yet so precious and sweet that...

3 years ago
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my time with myself

Introduction: tales of the times when im alone in bed panting, sweating, and shaking, I lie here in bed with my hand still clamped down on my throbbing wet cunt. I love these times when im by myself and i drift away into my fantasy world. I love to worship my body, and I am home alone a lot due to my husbands work schedule. He leaves early, when my sexual awareness peaks, and i often find myself horny as fuck, and when i kiss my darling husband goodbye at the door and lock up the house, i strip...

2 years ago
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A Slut Like MeChapter 12

"Mom?" Megan said when she finally caught her breath. "What Sweetheart," I replied. "What just happened?" "Um ... you had an orgasm, Meg. What do you think happened?" "I don't know. I've had lots of orgasms and they never felt like that." "Well, it feel to me like you had a pretty intense one." "Oh, Mom ... it was more than intense. I felt like I was going to melt right into the bed or something ... like my whole body was this hot liquid. I've never felt anything like...

2 years ago
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The Watcher In Surburbia

I’d seen them move in a little over three months ago, newlyweds I suspected. They were kissing and hugging every few minutes; they couldn’t take their eyes of each other. While they were unloaded the belongings from the removal van I took my opportunity to go over and introduce myself to them. He was polite introducing himself and his wife – their names were David and Layla. I hadn’t noticed from my living room window how attractive Layla was, but here she stood, probably the most...

3 years ago
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Playing With Fire

It was funny, really, today had started out like any other normal day – or at least what's normal for me these days – and now here I am, alone and tied to a bed. Don't misunderstand, I willingly consented to this. It's all a part of the game, you see. My boyfriend and I have a very... exciting sex life. By day he's my boyfriend, Ezekiel. When we're alone he becomes my master, and I become his toy; his slave to use as he desires. I guess I should start at the beginning... * “Hey, Em,” Zeke...

Straight Sex
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The NIS Scholars BlogsChapter 5

Will Travis, June 9, 2009 Today was my turn to present in class. When I signed up for this, I was worried about being naked in front of other people. I live in Eastern North Carolina, so we didn't have anything like The Program in school, and I'd never been naked in front of anyone but my family before. I was a little self-conscious the first day, but it quickly wore off, and I've gotten used to being naked and even having sex in front of people. In fact, I kind of enjoy having an...

1 year ago
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My need for dad

100% fiction! I knew my dad had tried it on with my older sisters, but also knew that they were not interested. I often wondered why he had never tried it on with me, i felt jealous and decided his 18yo baby girl was going to make him want me so bad. My plan was to tease him so i started wearing as little as possible when he was home from work, mom worked nights and left around 6pm so i was left alone with dad all night, i know he looked at me when he though i couldnt see. He liked to watch t.v...

2 years ago
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Charlottes New Job Part 9

"Well, Peter, since it is 4:30 now and it's already been a busy day, can we just go to see the Grauman's Chinese Theatre and the Walk of Fame?" she asked. It took about twenty minutes to drive the eight miles or so to the theater due to the afternoon traffic. But they made it and they were able to find parking nearby.They crossed the street and began walking down Hollywood Boulevard looking at all the stars on the famous Walk of Fame. They walked past Grauman's Chinese Theatre and she asked...

1 year ago
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Scales Like StarsChapter 11

Author’s Note: Happy 4th of July everyone! If I was a smarter dragon, I’d have had the dramatic space battle against world destroying alien ships happen last week. Oh well! Merton sobbed. Great. Whacking. Heart sucking, lung destroying sobs. He curled inwards on himself, his arms wrapped around his shins. He sobbed – and then choked out a loud, blubbery: “What the absolute livery fuck?” The space surrounding the transparent cocoon of life sustaining dragon-shifted cells that sheathed his...

2 years ago
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The FeelChapter 7

When Ariana woke up, she felt like she had been just finished giving birth. Not that she had any direct experience with that, but it had to be similar. Her muscles were so sore you would have thought someone punched her. Her thighs were bruised where she had driven her pelvis up into Steve's crotch. And between her legs was a dull ache that throbbed as she lay there. She started to rise, then groaned as her sore stomach muscles protested. Instead she rolled to one side, then off the...

3 years ago
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Jack Jessie part 2

Amy let herself into the house. She and Jessie had been friends since grade school, and knocking had fallen by the wayside. “Jess! Saw you were home alone, and came to hang out!” Amy was puzzled, there was part of a pizza on the coffee table, bottle of wine, and moaning coming from the back of the house. “OMG! She brought a boy over, and got her cherry popped!” Amy thought giddily. “I gotta sneak a peak, and see who it is.” So she quietly made her way down the hallway to Jessie’s room, and...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 11 Renee ZimmermanChapter 6

Renee was agitated again by the time they got to her house. That was because Bobby ignored her for the whole trip. He responded to her comments, but didn’t drive the conversation forward. He almost acted like one of the men her father would have had drive her here or there, doing his job, and not attempting to mix with his betters. Why that bothered her, she didn’t explore. All she knew was that it did. She didn’t think about the fact that she had rebuffed him, earlier ... had rebuffed him...

1 year ago
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Who Chooses the ChosenChapter 2

Harper tracked back and forth with his sights, waiting nervously to see if Jarvis could see any targets. At the foot of the mountains, the two miles of scrub before the Swamp looked tiny, but he knew that with orcs or goblins about it would be the most dangerous for his Fist. 'Sarge! Sarge!' Baker shouted as he rushed into the clearing. 'Messenger from the Backfist. We've got an orc war party coming up a valley right up our backsides.' 'Shit.' murmured Bull. 'Okay, give me the...

4 years ago
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My boss

Hi I am Sumedha, working in a private firm. I was married a year ago. Today I want to share my experience to all you readers out there. Not even in my dreams I had thought that I would scan pornographic sites and share the most personnel information with others. I have read many stories in the last couple of days. Mostly from boys who describe about assets. Well for those who are interested I am 35 -25-36. Aren’t there any girls who enjoy sex? Well I was one of those homely girls for whom sex...

2 years ago
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The Story of Master McBridepart 4

The boys then gathered the pictures and began to walk away. My heart dropped when one of the boys turned around before walking off into the bushes, and said that he’d see me in school, and then walked away as they all walked away laughing. I wondered what that meant? Their laugh sounded sinister, yet I didn’t ponder too long about it as I needed to find my towel and get home. After getting safely at home, and as I lie in bed, I began to think about what all had occurred this day. Part of me...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Saya Song Stripper Experience

Saya Song in a new dancer of The Stripper Experience . Her boss is a sneaky piece of shit named Johnny Goodluck . Johnny loves to get some fresh stripper pussy’s and today he gets to use his old ass trick to get in saya’s pants . The club is closing down and Saya is missing her family ring, that Johnny stole and hided around the strip club . Saya is desperated and tell Johnny that she will do anything for him if he can help her in this finding. And here it is the ring mysteriously...

2 years ago
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Sister Celeste Angel of Mercy Chapters 4 End

Chapter 4When I returned on Thursday evening, I found a troubled man. He had stayed motivated through Wednesday morning, but had spent the past day in a funk.‘This isn’t bad,’ I said as we ate another excellent dinner of venison tenderloins marinated in Teriyaki sauce and served over a bed of noodles with asparagus on the side. This time dinner was accompanied by a Cabernet Sauvignon. ‘Injections every three days is not a horrible thing. If we had to, we could resort to weaker daily injections,...

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Spying on sister and breaking some of Xhamster

Back at the breakfast table on Monday morning, young Christine could hardlybelieve how much had changed since this same time the previous Friday.After being so sure that her weekend would be ruined by her struggle withher desire to touch herself, everything was suddenly and unexpectedlydifferent. First, her friend Laura, a year and a half (and one grade)older, had briefly explained masturbation to the curious seventh-grader.Then she had gotten the best education imaginable; she came home and...

3 years ago
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Padosan bhabhi ki jabardast chudai aur uski gaand chati

Hello ladies and guys… this is Kapil from Delhi. Maine aap logo ki kai kahaniya padhi hai aur usi kahaniyo se prerit hokar main aaj aap logo ko apni ek kahani sunane ja raha hu. Pehle main aapko mere bare main batana chahta hu. Meri umar 28 saal hai 5 ft 9 inch height hai aur rang sawlasa hai. Mere mom dad ki ek lauti aulaad hu. Main divorcee hu, meri shaadi aaj se 4 saal pehle hui thi aur patni ke saath anban hone ke karan 2 saal hi tiki. Abhi tak maine dusri shaadi nahi ki hai, main 30-32...

1 year ago
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mum in law

We have been having my mother in law to stay for a while. she does not look her age and she has a body to match. If we are out together we often get mistaken as being a couple which has always been a bit of a turn on for me as secretly I have always wanted to give her a good seeing to. well! it is strange how some times your dreams come true. My with has recently had a lot on at work due major changes being introduced by her company which has resulted in her working long hours and in me...

4 years ago
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The Storm Under The Sea

Hey everyone. I’ve been reading stories on this site for a few weeks now, and decided to give it a shot. If you’re a lady, and like what you read, feel free to email me at I was studying in Bangalore for about 5 years. I loved the city and found that most people there were more Western-oriented than the other parts of India I’d been to. I’m 6 feet tall, about 75 kgs. I’ve been told I’m handsome on more than one occasion, but what do I know. My cock is a decent 7 inches. I include a lot of...

2 years ago
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It was far from the first time that a man had cum in my mouth, spurting his creamy penile discharge with a grunt and then a sigh. It's happened so many times that I've long since lost count. But I can count, and remember by name, those individual men to whom I've given the gift of my lips and tongue. I'm perfectly serene to think of myself as a cock-sucker but not an easy one. I won't do it on a first date. For me, the only purpose of a first date is to decide if I want a second date, and...

1 year ago
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Magic Part 3 Mesmerized

Magic stood in the darkness of his room. His mind was obsessed with a stranger he met through his email. Her name is Kandie; she seemed to walk out of his dream into his life. Oh god, he just had to have her! First, he wanted to drive her desires higher than they had ever been, then when they meet…..the magic would turn into pure ecstasy! He sat down and began writing her another enticing email.“My sweet Kandie, I found myself so wanting, last night, that I discovered myself standing there in...

First Time
1 year ago
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"I think that's enough for today, Kayla," I said to her and the photographer, lowering the camera and screwing the lens cap back into place. "Good, it's so hot out here," She replied. She couldn't wait to get back to the air conditioned comfort of the limo to go to the private studio. We settled ourselves inside and adjusted to the cool darkness of the studio. To profile your modeling portfilio, I prefer indoor shots. Indoor shots suit your skin better, but we have to have you in a...

2 years ago
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An Unwelcome Visitor

An Unwelcome VisitorI looked at the letters lying on the table, the cut out magazine words standing out against the white background.My friend, Joanna and her boyfriend Marty, had been getting threatening letters for over a week now, though they couldn?t work out why. Each letter had a different message ? we know where you are, we are watching you, look out ? and they gave me the creeps.I had been trying to convince my friends to go to the police for the last hour, but they refused, saying...

1 year ago
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Good things come in small packages Chapter 9

My somewhat cataclysmic (but not unwelcome) descent further into subspace continued unabated. The knowledge that Mandy had, at the very least, allowed another guy to kiss her and to fondle her breasts made my stomach flutter. The fact that her elder sister now knew that Mandy could fuck whomever she pleased and about the slow demise of my pecker added greatly to the degrading thrill and sheer carnal humiliation that I was feeling. The sensation was almost like a drug that I could no longer use...

2 years ago
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The Dress Redux

It was Monday at lunchtime and one of the first warm days of the spring and the sun felt amazing on my naked body as I lounged on the patio for some much-needed sun.  It felt so good to feel the sun again on my body as I took some time for myself during a work break.But my reveling was soon interrupted by my phone chirping a notification of a text message; ‘Hey, do you have time for a chat?  Want to ask you something.’  It was a message from my ex-boyfriend Chris. We had a long-term and intense...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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How I Became A Cock Hungry Slut Part 8211 1

Hello all the readers, I’m Riya Sharma, I’m 23 years old and I live in Delhi.I’ve been reading Iss stories for quite a while and I really like it, so I thought that I should share my story as well.This is my first attempt at writing a story. Let me tell you about myself, I’ve heard guys often saying that I’m a total sex-bomb and also noticed them ogling at my assets.I just love all of this now!My complexion is fair.My height is 5’6”.I have a curvy figure.I have big firm round boobs and...

1 year ago
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Kodumaiyaaga Kaamam Seiyum Kanavan

Enaku thirumanam aagi en kanavan iranthu niraiya varudangal aagugirathu, ippozhuthu enaku vayathu 40 aagugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan ippozhuthu avanukum thirumanam aagi vitathu. Aanal en manathil pakathu puthithaaga kudi vanthu irukum oru sexiyaana aanai paarthen, en vayathu athigam irunthaalum en manam kuzhanthai polave thaan irunthathu. Avan vayathu ennai vida athigam, 48 alathu 50 irukum peryar thamas avan oru chirsthuvan. Enathu peyar delfin, naangal athigamaaga kari...

2 years ago
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FionaChapter 8

"So how is it?" "It's fine," Fiona snapped. "Stop fussing. And you've asked me this a dozen times. Kathryn's fine, I've been interviewed by the police again and have another chat booked next week." "Chat?" "Well whatever. Kathryn's made me go." She put her hands on his hips and pulled him towards her but Greg resisted. "What's wrong now?" "It's ... too soon." "What's too soon?" "This," he muttered. "You were attacked last week and ... well, you...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Sarah Cute Feeding Her Pussy Some Chorizo

Sarah Cutes bubbly titties and tight slit are to die for. So, when our stud sees her playing with herself out by the pool, he knows he has to sample her hot Latina cooch. She takes him inside and shows him just how wet her pussy can get, sliding his pool noodle in between her luscious lips with ease. He strokes inside her cunt, doing lap after lap until Sarah is ready to cum. She orgasms on his rock hard chorizo, and begins to crave his hot sperm. He finally bursts, giving her the serving of...


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