Corona HeightsChapter 3 free porn video

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The Crosbys ended up moving into their Corona Heights home almost immediately. Jack suspected that some strings were pulled for them to avoid having to transport them from the city again for their extra sessions.

It was rather irritating, actually. The movers were still there when the call came. Jack answered.

"Mr. Crosby, this is the Admin scheduler calling. I know this is rather short notice, but we need you and your wife for a new resident parents' session tomorrow evening. We have scheduled it for eight o'clock, so hopefully, there will be no conflicts. It will not be a long meeting - ninety minutes max, and there will be refreshments. You will be picked up by your escorts at 7:40, and the usual pickup rules apply. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Uh, yeah. Naked, with the kids there, right?"

"That's right. Can I put you down as a 'Yes'?"

"We'll be ready."

Both Emma and Jack were a little stressed from all of the details of moving in. Showering and getting ready helped, though.

"Jack, is this meeting just for us, or will there be other parents there?" Emma asked.

"Well, the way the woman talked, there would be others."

"Every other time we've been picked up by Rob and Jess, they stripped off our clothes as soon as we walked in the door. They wouldn't make us meet with other parents naked, would they?" she asked.

"Shit! I'll just bet they would. Damn! I don't think I'm ready for that," he said.

"Well, come here. Let's at least get you ready in one way," she teased. He would never get over what a woman she was.

Of course, there was no problem getting the kids there for the send-off. When they got in the van, there was another couple, a single man, a single woman, and their escorts already aboard. The empty seats were next to the single woman. After quick introductions, the single man, named Rad, said "Unless I miss my guess, we're going to get to know each other a lot better than we expected."

"We, uh, figured that out," Jack replied.

The single woman, Gail, asked "What do you mean?" She looked puzzled for a moment, then a look of horror came over her face. "Oh, God, no! They wouldn't, would they?"

"I'm pretty sure they will, Gail," Jack said, trying to calm her down. Her escort seemed willing to let Jack carry the ball.

"They can't make me do that! It would be awful! I'm ... I'm..." Gail stammered.

"You're a mother who worked hard to get into the Heights for the sake of your children," Jack cut her off. "That's all that matters."

"But you all look so nice and slim. I don't want anyone to see how bad I look," Gail said, clearly on the verge of tears.

"Gail," Jack said softly, "how many people have already seen you? We've all been through baring ourselves to our children. This can't be any harder. You just stick close to me and Emma. You'll get through it just fine."

Sure enough, when they pulled up to the Admin Center, there were three other vans already disgorging their loads. As soon as they went through the door to the big glass-walled room, the escorts all removed their subjects' clothes in the usual way. There were fifteen to twenty naked new resident parents in the group, most looking very nervous, some evidently in shock.

A man and a woman stood by the glass wall. Since they were wearing lapel mics, they were obviously in charge. "Good evening," the man said, "and welcome to this brief but important orientation meeting.

"First of all, a word about what appears to be a surprise to most of you. It has been stated over and over during your qualification process that you are signing over substantial control of your bodies to the Foundation. You are nude for this meeting just to emphasize what that means. This was not done for humiliation, regardless of what some of you may think."

At that point, the woman took over. "We want to do quick introductions before we get down to the night's business. When I bring you up here, I want you to tell us your names, where you moved from, what neighborhood you live in, and the ages and sex of your children. Please don't try to say anything more, and if both parents are here, make sure that both of you speak."

One couple and a single mother were called before the woman motioned to Gail. Gail froze and began shaking. Jack took one of Gail's hands and looked over at Emma, who quickly took the other. Together, they led their new friend to the front. "She's pretty stressed," Jack explained to the woman.

"Are you friends of hers?"

"Now we are," he answered, earning an undecipherable look from the woman.

Almost crushing Jack's and Emma's hands, Gail managed to give out the required information. It turned out that she lived only a half mile away. She did not let go of their hands as Emma and Jack did their intro, nor when they stepped back to where they had been standing.

Amongst the seven couples, two single mothers, and one single father in the group, there was quite a spread of ages and appearance. One young mother was very pregnant. The woman who made Jack's penis twitch was the other single mother, mid to late forties, but an absolute beauty.

When Rad, whom they had met in the van, introduced himself, Jack had to fight back a small twinge of jealousy as he could feel both women react to the man's awesome body.

"Thank you all," the man said, taking back control. "I hope you will all mingle and get a little better acquainted when our business is completed. Now for the necessary business."

"First of all," the woman said, "Mix days. We have found that it is important to get new resident teens into their first mix day very quickly. One way or another, they will find out about them and will be very anxious." A ripple of comments from the parents validated her statement. "If they make new friends who talk about mix days, it becomes a negative social barrier until they experience their own. Unfortunately, the complexities of scheduling make it impossible to get them in immediately. The delay is usually one to three weeks.

"Now, most of you are not impatient for your own first mix day." That produced another ripple of comments and chuckles. "We have found, though, that it is best for all family members to experience their first at about the same times. Obviously, we cannot have parent and child in the same day, so that is one more scheduling complexity."

The man spoke again. "We firmly believe, from experience and from exhaustive testing, that mix days are making a huge contribution toward healthier families. However, they are not without challenges. One of the big challenges is meeting other participants in social situations.

"For example, mothers, picture this. A teenaged boy who has massaged you and masturbated you shows up at your home as your daughter's date, or perhaps as a friend of your son. How do you react? Men, imagine the similar situation for yourself." That triggered a number of gasps and a period of murmured conversation.

"I know that all of you have read the position statements about nudity and sexual contact. They probably did not mean nearly as much when you read them as they mean right now. Without the proper attitude toward nudity and sex as normal and natural, encounters such as I described could be traumatic. Can you see now why we brought you together naked, unannounced? I will tell you that there will be more such situations in your immediate future. It is all part of the process of acclimating you to your status as both a resident and a test subject.

"Of course, our very typical decency laws do not allow it, but we believe that any one of you should be able to leave the house naked and complete a normal shopping trip without undue trauma." There was another pause for reaction to that.

"One final comment about mix days. We believe that all family members should talk freely about what happens during their mix days. We strongly suggest, though, that until all eligible members complete their first one, no one should discuss them. When everyone has had the experience, meet as a family unit and make sure everyone talks freely and describes their experiences in detail. I know that may sound like an impossibility to you right now. Believe me, that first session will change a lot of your thinking."

"The second topic is displays," the woman said. "I need to emphasize that like everything else we do, displays have been tested and refined and are a key component of our data gathering. They are not just prurient porno shows.

"No one is asked to appear in a display until they have completed their first mix day. Of course, mix days only apply to pubescent children and adults. We find that there is little problem getting pre-pubescent children to participate in displays.

"For teens, it is particularly important for the mix day to happen first. Almost universally, the teens feel grateful for what the adults were willing to do for them. That makes it almost impossible for them to refuse to participate in displays."

"Every child goes through a display practice session with others of their display group. One thing that must be kept secret is that you parents will watch the practice sessions for each of your children. Your children must not know that, however. We do not like the dishonesty, but once again, there is a sound experimental basis for what we are doing. I will tell you that we may soon institute a new protocol where the children are told of their parents' surveillance after the fact. The obvious problem with that is preventing the children from warning other newcomers."

She waited quite a while for some intense conversation to die down. "In case you are concerned about alienating your children if they know you spied on them, don't be. For one thing, you can honestly say that you had no choice. More important than that, though, is the fact that children who later find out are overwhelmingly pleased. Girls, in particular, are often elated to know that their fathers saw them naked and exposed.

"The point is that teens want their parents to see how they are developing. They are just unable to express that desire and are too body-shy to expose themselves on purpose. The practice session is a non-threatening way to let their parents know that they are no longer a little boy or girl.

"On that note, there is a viewing area for the display room that you did not see. Whenever one of your children is in a display, you will be notified. You are free to watch from that viewing area, but only for the short time of their session. As usual, you will be naked as you watch, and there may be other parents of both sexes present.

"In many homes, casual nudity may become common enough so parents can easily follow their child's development. In cases where that is not true, the parents' viewing area is a valuable way to keep track."

"There is one last topic of business," the man said, "and this will quite likely surprise you. You have all been through assessment days, and probably assumed that they were just for prospective residents. Not true.

"We have a constant flow of outside subjects going through exactly the same tests. We choose the subjects because of factors that make them of research interest. They are well reimbursed for participating. It is an extremely valuable part of our extensive research database.

"The assessment of outsiders does not affect you directly, but another part of the assessment program definitely does. We want to collect data from subjects ranging from puberty on." That started some very energetic conversation and some verbal protests.

The man actually whistled to calm things down. "Before you get too upset, let me emphasize that we will never, ever violate our policy of not requiring children to do anything sexual. That said, we will offer your children the opportunity to go through an assessment if they wish to." He had not really done much to quiet the reaction with that disclosure, but he just waited for things to die down.

"Let me tell you how it works. After every mix day and every display session, your post-pubescent children will be given a brochure that offers them the chance to go through an assessment. The brochure is very straightforward about what they will have to do. They must read the brochure on the spot because they cannot take it with them.

"You, as parents, must never mention the possibility of an assessment day to your child. You must neither encourage nor discourage them. You cannot acknowledge that you know that they have the opportunity. Deciding whether or not to do it must be done entirely on their own.

"I know! I know! Teenagers never decide anything entirely on their own. Their peers always get involved. That is something we cannot prevent, nor do we try. IF your child asks to do an assessment, you will be notified and you have the right to deny permission. As you might suspect, that is a move that should be weighed very carefully.

"In answer to one of the first questions we always get, yes, they would go through exactly what you did: opposite sex escort, adult, though; ALL of the sensors; the interview session; exactly the same displays. They must do the same naked pickup with the entire family present.

"There are differences, though. We have found it better to take the teens in groups - groups of friends. Thus, there will be just one woman escorting up to four boys, or one man escorting up to four girls.

"Another difference is that we allow the teens to request someone as their escort. It might surprise you to know how many girls request their father as the escort. Fewer boys request their mothers, but it does happen all the time.

"That gives us some interesting problems. First, the bonding that can occur between parent and child is extraordinary, and we want to encourage it if at all possible. For a child to be open to that level of extreme intimacy with their parent is wonderful. For those reasons, we would love to comply with the child's request.

"However ... we take great pride in the level of training we give our escorts. Therefore, if a parent is requested by their child and they wish to fulfill the request, the parent must be willing to go through four intensive training sessions. We reserve the right to disqualify the parent. If the parent is accepted, he or she will only escort their own child. There will be another escort for other children in the group, if any. The one exception is if the requested parent is already a qualified escort.

"We have dumped a lot of information on you," the woman said. "We would rather not take questions from the floor. Instead, seek us out as you enjoy the snacks and we will do our best to answer your questions."

It was obvious from Gail's expression that all she wanted was to get dressed and go home. From the intensity of the discussion, though, she could see that the meeting would go on for a while. Still holding both Emma's and Jack's hands, she told them "You guys saved my life. I don't know how I would have gotten through this. No offense, Rob," she said to her escort who was right with them.

"None taken," Rob replied. "I'm just happy that you could meet these folks. I've told you many times, Gail, that no one really cares about your weight."

"Well, I do!" she exclaimed. "Right now I'm beating myself up for all the years of neglecting how I look."

"How about we get something to drink and find one of those counsellors," Jack said. "I've got a couple of questions."

"You're not stalling to keep from going home, are you, Stud?" Emma teased.

"Why would I do that?"

"Well, we should do the same thing when we get home as we did last time."

"You mean... ? But I'm not ... I mean, I haven't..."

"We'll find a way to take care of that," Emma assured him.

"What?" Gail, who was beside them, asked.

"Oh, the last time we came home and the kids were waiting, we decided to just stay naked until we went to bed. We had a snack and talked, and it was a really sweet time. That other time ... uh, let's just say there was zero chance of Jack getting a hardon. Tonight, it could be a problem."

"Emma!" Jack protested. Gail looked like she was about to stroke out. "Are you trying to scare away our nice new friend?"

Emma and Jack made another 'testing' visit to the Admin Center three nights after the parents' meeting. On the way home, Emma said rather causally "Same as last time, Sweetie. It's worn out for sure tonight, isn't it?"

"The other night was ... God!" he told her. "I hated to dash away like that, but Cassie..."

"I know. I had a little talk with her the next morning, about how embarrassing it would be for you if you got hard from seeing her bare pussy peeking from under that T-shirt."

"Was she sorry?"

"Hell, no! Didn't even pretend." Emma broke down in giggles at that.

"Well, it won't be a problem tonight," he assured her.

"I wonder if Chad can tell how swollen my pussy is?" she mused out loud.

As Emma had proposed, they had fallen into a passionate coupling together as soon as their second 'test' session had ended. Jack had again amazed himself and her with his recuperative powers. They did have advanced warning of the second session and he had refrained from coming that day. It actually made things a little dicey for him at departure time because the same rules were still enforced. Naturally, none of the kids, at least none of the older three, would think of missing a sendoff - or a welcome home, either.

When they got home, they could see the expectancy on the kids' faces, again just the older three. The parents' meeting had ended quite early, so Clint was up for their arrival that night. They had wondered if knowing what was to happen would keep him up every time after that. Apparently, he found the whole scene more embarrassing than anything else.

When they arrived home after that second session, Emma, already highly emotional, burst into tears before the escorts even got their travel clothes off. The fireplace was on in the family room, several large pillows were spread around, and food was all laid out.

Emma, never able to stay emotional for too long at a happy time, whispered mischievously in Jack's ear "See what those little minxes will do for a chance to ogle your dick!"

As the evening wound down, Candy, always the most reticent about anything potentially embarrassing, blurted out "Mom, how long before we can do one of those days where, you know..."

No matter what mood she was in, Emma could never, ever pass up a chance like that to put some pressure on the kids. "What day are you talking about, Honey?" she asked sweetly.

Mother and daughter played verbal badminton to Candy's increasing frustration until her eyes began to leak a little and Emma relented. "I wish I could tell you, Baby, but we have no control over that. The only thing I am quite sure of is that it will be before school starts."

"But that's weeks away!" Candy protested, to which Emma could only pat her on the leg as a show of sympathy.

"Your dad and I will probably have two more nights like this, if that will help any," Emma offered. Inexplicably, Candy covered her face and lit up like a stop light.

The Foundation did not waste any time. Of course, the month before school started was the busiest month for move-ins, so the timing was probably understandable. The call came the day after the parents' meeting.

"Mrs. Gail Murtaugh? This is Foundation Scheduling. Are you still available weekday mornings? Good. You are scheduled to begin participating in a Renewal study next Monday morning. Your escort will pick you up at 8:30. Please do not eat anything before that."

A thought tripped in Gail's head. "My escort? Will this be nude?"

"Yes, Ma'am. Renewal sessions are all nude. There will be both men and women in the sessions."

"You mean? ... Oh, no, that's..."

"Mrs. Murtaugh, you know that you have no choice," the voice said gently.

Although she was in knots inside, Gail just sighed. Somehow, she had survived the trauma of the night before. There should not be nearly as many people in the study, she thought. Of course, that nice Crosby couple wouldn't be there to hold her hands, either. "Must I be nude when Rob picks me up?"

"Yes, that procedure is in effect for the first five days."

Somehow, Gail just did not feel the terror that her first unveilings to her children had caused. Since the incident at the mall and the emotional aftermath, she could feel the closeness with them growing. They had gotten to the point where casual touching was becoming common place. Sean had not said the first 'I love you' yet, but his actions said as much.

Seeing that his big brother was no longer doing the sullen rebel bit, Ethan had reverted to the happy twelve-year-old that appeared to be his natural state. With him, Gail was getting the hugs and occasional snuggles that she so longed for.

Having talked about some very intimate things on several recent occasions, her relationship with Rachel was turning out to be what she had envisioned when she first nursed her newborn daughter in the hospital.

All in all, despite her weight, Gail felt like the required naked appearance with the kids would be a way of reaching out to them. After that first swim together, there had been several others, both in the old and the new homes. The new pool was also very private. Gail had declared that she would not buy a swimsuit until she could wear one the size of that last one she had thrown away. Sean had teased that her birthday suit would be fine with them. The statement pleased her, but she was not ready to do that.

She had started her own diet program, but she was actually relieved when the call came. Since the counsellor had mentioned it to her weeks before, she had been expecting it. The mixed nude part was more than a small surprise, but there was not the fear that she once had.

Whether it was boldness or horniness, she stayed naked after her shower the Monday morning of her first session. She had to restrain herself from hugging Rob when he came to the door. Between the way he had treated her and his influence on Sean, the boy had achieved near-deity status in her mind.

All of the study participants were in the van together, five women and three men. Knowing what was to come made their introductions rather strained, but they soon had all of the names straight.

They were first led into the glass-walled room where their outfits were removed. A woman who identified herself as one of the two test monitors, the other being a man, started the introduction.

"The fact that you are naked is to emphasize that you are now a test subject. Yes, this program is to benefit you, but everything that happens will be recorded in detail as part of our ongoing research into conditioning, weight, and their effects on long-term health indices.

"Be assured that although you are test subjects, as usual, we will do nothing that is in the least experimental or unproven without exhaustive consultation with and approval from you.

"Now, for a little ceremony of sorts that we do at the start of each new test. Will the men and their escorts please join me up here. Thank you. There really is no equality of the sexes. We just plain aren't the same. Being nude for men always presents the big fear of erection. We're going get that fear behind us right now, at least for today's session."

The escort girls had been briefed in advance. As each began stroking her subject's penis, they spoke words of reassurance or command, whichever seemed to be needed. It did not take long before three cocks were at attention, all three rather obscured by substantial bellies and heavy thighs.

"Gentleman, I regret having to put you through that, but our research has shown that until you get past that worry, your progress will not be as good. As for why we don't just let you dress, we will talk about that with you one on one if you wish."

Gail and all of the women were stunned and transfixed. As she checked out the men, one named Nils Oberg stood out - he really stood out. He had a handsome, if puffy, face and looked to have a nice build buried under at least sixty too many pounds. Even on his six foot plus frame, there was no place to hide the extra. The fact that his cock stood so far out under a substantial belly made it all the more impressive.

"Back to my point about no equality of the sexes," the woman went on. "If you men weren't in this study, you would be assigned to mix days. There, your erections would be subjects of great interest to and attention from teenaged girls learning about men. To be crude but realistic about it, men, you signed a contract for the Foundation to own your body. That means it owns your cock. It will be displayed as the Foundation sees fit.

"Just to thank you for being good sports about it and to show you how us gals really feel about hard cocks, give them a hand, girls, and be sure and encourage them." The five women managed some very sincere sounding clapping, yelling, and whistling.

"Now, I'd like to bring out two graduates of the last study." A man and woman walked in, both naked, looking trim and fit. The men's erections had not fully receded and the woman's body would not help that at all.

"Before you is the after picture," the lead woman said pointing to the two people. "Here are some before pictures." There were lots of oohs and aahs at the display of several pictures of each of them, hardly recognizable because of the weight they carried at the beginning.

The male leader took over at that point. "We actually could have done this with any of the people from the last study. Every one of them, every one, achieved similar results. There is no reason for any one of you not to have the same success.

"Now, many of you are probably thinking of all of the previous unsuccessful diets you have been on. The big difference here is that this is not a diet. Remember, the Foundation OWNS you. The Foundation will MAKE you succeed. You are going to have to try very hard to fail.

"The program for the study is simple - nutrition and exercise. Notice I did not say diet. You will never hear that word for the rest of this study. Your meals will be completely planned out for you, prepared for you, and delivered to your home." That brought expressions of surprise from everyone.

"You will be brought here every day and your exercise will be closely supervised. Can you cheat by eating things not provided? Of course you can, but we WILL find out. For once, it will be easier to just follow the program. Then you will look like this," and he motioned toward the two examples.

After the examples had left, the man got everyone's attention again. "What I have to say next may not be easy for you, but it has to be said. Mix days are perhaps the single most distinguishing feature of life in Corona Heights. Those of you in this group have been deemed to be outside of the physical limits that we have set for participation in mix days.

"Believe me, those limits were set up after a great deal of consideration and debate. Please remember that the purpose of mix days is to provide proper sex education for our young teens. In general, it is good to have all ages, shapes, and sizes of adults involved, but careful study has shown that adults that are too out of shape decrease the learning value for the teens." He waited for some murmurs and a few sniffles to settle down and the woman took over next.

"I let him do the tough part, did you notice, Ladies?" she said to try to lighten things up. "Understanding the mix day experience is important for everyone who lives here. In particular, it would be very bad for those of you with children to have them experience it when you have not. Therefore, we set up a mix day for people who would not ordinarily qualify. That includes you folks, new residents that are too physically challenged to be able to participate, and new residents who because of age would not be good participants.

"Who will be the teens at your mix days? They will be drawn from our escort staff. Thus, they will be older than what you will encounter when you enter the rotation for regular mix days. As you all know, they are all courteous, respectful young people. Your weight and condition will not be an issue with them.

"You will need to commit the whole day, so we will give you as much advance notice as we can. I want to emphasize that your mix day will be exactly like what your children will experience, if you have them. Let's take a short break and we will answer any questions one on one."

When they started their workouts, Gail found herself drawn to Nils, and not just because of the size of his cock. She could clearly see his wedding ring, so she had no illusions that he was available. Maybe she just did not want to feel so alone.

At a short break, Gail sat right beside Nils. Baffled by her own boldness, she said to him "That must have been terribly embarrassing for you earlier. It sort of made me feel guilty."

With a little chuckle, Nils replied "Oh, it was, but I'm almost getting used to it - almost. We've, uh, been through a lot of stuff to get here and my bare penis seems to be the entry pass for everything. Sometimes, it has to be hard."

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Corona HeightsChapter 7

The morning after Ginny's 'night in heaven' was Saturday, and Cord was home for the weekend. Her husband, Perry, had been in bed asleep when she got home. She had no desire for any sexual activity with him then, anyway. Perry must have had a hangover because he did not move when she got up. Her first thought was about her kids and how they would feel about the night before. For herself, she was still high, with not a single regret. She had to be sure that she wasn't the only one. There...

2 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 9

Candy had been the driving force behind the plan for Jack to escort the four girls, herself, Cassie, Rachel, and Tess, to an assessment session. Only a full-fledged escort was allowed to take more than his or her own child through assessment, but Jack was now qualified. When Emma went about trying to schedule it for the girls, the staff objected to four at a time and would not back down. Naturally, Candy was quite upset, even to the point of forgetting the whole thing. She did not want to...

3 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 11

In the normal after assessment meeting with their teams, Katie and Stan got a surprise. "Your assessments were completely satisfactory for residence," Katie's team leader proclaimed. "We do have one demand, though, or you will not be accepted. Your children must not return to your former home, and you will not see them before you leave. "Mr. Morrison, we understand that you have a work commitment, and we will work that out. Mrs. Morrison, you are to be with your husband and the two of...

1 year ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 12

As the guys walked in the door Monday morning, Cord wrapped Ginny in a big hug. She pressed her body against him, wriggled sexily, and laid a lover's kiss on him. When the kiss ended, she laid her cheek against Cord's chest, looked toward Nick and gave him a shy grin. "I just love all my hunky guys so much!" She was probably aware that the short robe that was her only garment pulled open to all but expose a nipple. The bottom of the robe had also pulled up so Nick could not help but...

2 years ago
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Corona HeightsChapter 13

The onset of spring had not brought new hope to Ellie. She had given it everything she had, but it wasn't enough, and she just knew that Bert would not be coming back from this trip. Who left on business trips on Friday evening, anyway? It was the fifth time he had done that. She and Emma had talked endlessly about her marriage problems, of course, and she had been getting counseling. He wouldn't go. The counsellor had been brutally frank with her. "I believe Bert feels like he is in a...

3 years ago
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Coronavirus With Kelly

It was Friday, March 27, 2020. Things were starting to get crazy with COVID-19. Kelly had been working from home that entire week. I was deemed “essential” and was overwhelmed at work trying to deal with a fast-moving situation. My stress level was beyond high. Intimate relations were absolute last on my list of things to worry about.When this whole thing was just a Chinese problem, we had begun a remodeling project of both of the bathrooms on the main floor. Several guys in the trades had been...

4 years ago
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Seit einer Woche Ausgangsperre.Auch die Puffs sind zu. Klaus hat Angst. Angst seinen Job zu verlieren. Angst nicht mehr ficken zu können. Die Stadt ist ausgestorben. Kein Mensch auf der Strasse. Keine Mädchen zu sehen. Tot. Traurig geht er durch die einsame Strasse. Da sieht es sie. Blonde lange Haare. Runder Mädchenarsch in hautengen Jeans. Buchfrei trotz kühler Temperatur. Weisse Jacke, ziemliche Oberweite. Pömps die klack klack einen festen selbstbewussten Schritt auf das Pflaster tagen. Nur...

3 years ago
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Coronavirus Takes A Different Toll On Me

Things unravelled quite differently, for me, in the past three days. I have been quarantined, have experienced panic and movie-like situations, and also had my first sexual experience. It has been quite eventful and exciting, although I feel guilty for the deeds I have done. I want to share my experience with someone but it is too dark a secret to tell to anyone. So, I am writing this story to the community here. This is my first story, so please let me know your response. It all started around...

3 years ago
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Coronavirus and me and Dad

I found love closer to home than I could possibly imagine and not in the way I ever thought possible, I have a very good job, my parents did everything they possibly could to help me, denying themselves holidays, using their savings to help me so failure was not an option for me and how do you repay that kind of commitment, March this year we thought mum had caught a cold but it wasn’t, it was this coronavirus, she died in hospital a couple of weeks later and me and dad were devastated along...

1 year ago
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Coronavirusthemed porn is a thing

COVID-19 has affected virtually every aspect of our lives, so why should the way we watch porn be an exception? Not only are we watching more of it, but it’s all about hazmat suits, masks and gloves.In an article posted on Psychology Today, Dr. Martin J. Lehmiller writes that the virus has given porn consumption rates a boost. He refers to Pornhub — a free video sharing and pornography site — which reported a steady increase in March since lockdowns around the world began. In fact, on...

2 years ago
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TO UNDERSTAND THIS STORY YOU NEED TO KNOW THE TV SOAP STORY CORONATION STREET. THE STORY IS FICTION ken looked at his granddaughter Amy and told her to go and get Simon for his tea, Amy begrudgingly went upstairs she put the landing light on but the bulb had still not been changed and the landing remained in darkness, Amy approached Simon’s room and stopped when she saw the door was ajar and Simon was standing naked his back to the door, Amy smiled as she admired Simon’s naked bum, to her joy...

4 years ago
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Coronation Street

It was a beautiful day on the famous Cobble street in Weatherfield, Bethany Platt had just sat down having just got in from work when there is a knock at the door.

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Notes. This is my first TG story, so please, have mercy! I will forewarn that this is an identity death story. If you aren't a fan of the identity death genre, then please avoid giving criticism for that reason alone. But this is also meant to be a horror story. So if you enjoy horror stories then perhaps consider giving it a read. I wanted to avoid just jumping to the erotic scenes as quickly as possible, but if you are here for that, then jump to chapter seven. The story does...

1 year ago
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A Promise From A Slut

‘Unbutton another button.’ My husband’s eyes were twinkling. It was that silly promise I had made to do anything he asked for one week. He knew that when I was on the brink of an orgasm I would agree to anything and he had me right on the edge when he had suggested it. Now I was having to deliver. ‘Come on Jenn, everyone wants to see those big titties of yours.’  It was Shawna, my best friend and sometime lover. I tried to give her my best glare, as I unbuttoned the next to last button on my...

4 years ago
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My Private Tutors Part 2

 Hello everyone! In case you forgot, my name is Shelly Rockton. I am twenty-one years old, 5'1" tall, have blonde hair that reaches a little past my shoulders and my eyes are ice blue in color.Mr. Reese my English professor who I must call Sir. Mr. Stewart my Zoology professor (a man of color) who I must call Sir Stewart. Mr. Thompson my Calculus professor who I must call Sir Thompson. They are helping me in preparing myself better for their quizzes and exams in order for me to graduate on...

3 years ago
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Kaise Females Ke Group Ka Gulam Baana

Hi my name is pat.I am from Mumbai and my age is 29, my story is all about FEMALE DOMINATION like Piss,Foot worship etc. I love this FEMALE DOMINATION and die for it.. now I write my story in Hindi. Muje bachapan se hi 30+ age ki aurte bahut pasand hai me hamare mohalle aur kahi bhi badi umar ki aurto ko nazar me leta hoon mene kai aunty ke high heel vaali sandel ko apne jeebh se chata hai aur heel bhi suck kiye hai mene apni dream woman ko talas ne ke liye internet par bahut mail kiye akhir...

3 years ago
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Maid for the Job Chapter Five

Maid for the Job Chapter Five Two days later as my boss left for work she reminded me about the weekly grocery shop. As she says this I am surprised and amused. Can it be only a week since my first morning as a new woman, only a week since the terror of having to open the door to the delivery man and having to contrive the situation so I looked like some kind of harridan? I can't believe so much has happened in so short a time, and right now it seems odd that I would try to make...

2 years ago
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A Friend in NeedChapter 28

Greg woke briefly, and in searing pain, as the doctors and nurses worked frantically on his broken body. Once they noticed that he was awake, they started asking a bunch of questions that he did his best to answer, but the pain was making him confused. He saw the lights on the ceiling pass over him as they took him to surgery, and once through the doors, he felt the falling sensation as the anesthetic poured into his body. Then once again it was into oblivion. The nurse on duty came into...

3 years ago
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Just Being Neighborly

Sandy was lying on the bed and I was at the foot of the bed slowly pushing her skirt up her thighs. When I had her sexy black panties exposed I was seeing them for the second time that evening. The first time had been when I opened the car door for her in the restaurant parking lot. As she swung her right leg out of the car I had an unobstructed view of Sandy's beautiful thighs and the black satiny patch of material that hid her pussy from my sight. She had hesitated for a couple of seconds,...

1 year ago
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HQporner POV

If you thought that watching free POV porn in good quality was impossible, you have another thing coming; Introducing your one-stop-shop for all things high-quality porn, including POV. Today we’ll be talking about POV porn, but just so you know, there are all kinds of porn categories on this website you can explore. We’re going to keep it simple and talk about the niche in particular, which I’m guessing is pretty important to you since you clicked on this review. So, without...

POV Porn Sites
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Nestled in the center of rolling mountains, surrounded by sky-reaching spruce trees, blanketed in a thick layer of snow nine months out of the year, was a small growing town called Greenwall. The little mountain town was founded over two hundred years ago by a man by the name of Simon Kaster. Only a trading post in the beginning, it steadily grew into an impressive hub for northern trade, but as the years passed, the trade left, but the people remained. While never much to the average...

2 years ago
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Power Hungry

We've been here too many times before. You try and tease me. Pushing me against the wall in a discreet corner of the office copy room. Pulling on my pencil skirt and rubbing on my red lace panties and clit just enough to leave me breathless. Holding all the power. Never letting me prove my worth. Never letting me push you to the edge and making you beg for it.Today that all changes. I want to show you what I can do and I know you want it too. I smile devilishly. I'm ready to make you cum for...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Tamil Maganai Kaamam Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai munbe therivithu kolugiren. Intha kathaiyai padithu vital ungaluku kama thegam athigamaaga kidaikum. En peyar Vimala, en kanavan iranthu vittu 6 varudangal aagugirathu, ippozhuthu en vayathu 38 aagugirathu. Enaku 19 vaythu aagum pozhuthe thirumanam aagi vitathu, en kanavan ippozhuthu ilathathaal en magan udan thanimaiyil vaazhnthu varugiren. En kanavanin thambiyai vaithu kondu irukiren, aanal ippozhuthu ellam avan veetirku varuvathu...

2 years ago
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How I Care For My Mother

Hi, this is Abhi from USA. I came to USA in 2009 for my master in Electronic Engineering and now working in Electronic Company in Los Angles (LA). I m 25 year old, unmarried, fair skin, 6 ft tall, have nice athletic body after working hard here. I have my own apartment here in LA. I now introduce my family. I have small family, father, mother and elder sister, now married and settle in Pert, Australia. My father was working in MNC in New Delhi and my mother earlier working but after our born...

2 years ago
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Night Walkers Opposites

NIGHTWALKERS: OPPOSITES BY MAGGIE FINSON Author's Note: I am using The Nightwalker world with ScramblerJ's kind permission. All characters appearing in Hunter's tale, the first story in this world, and the world set-up are ScramblerJ's property. Any characters appearing in this story (with the above-mentioned ones excepted) are mine. If you find a few things different, consider it my fault and my fault only. I hope you enjoy this one. Chapter I A bedlam of...

2 years ago
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A Glimpse Through the Mist of TimeChapter 18

It was late when we arrived downstairs. Tina and Aleksy were sitting at the table, empty plates before them and the scent of Eggs and Bacon still hanging in the air. "Wondered when you two would get down." She looked up at Bella. I see you found the clothes I sneaked into Daniel's room." "Yes. Thank you, Tina." Emma came in, having sensed that more hungry stomachs needed feeding. She looked at Bella and shouted for Gerry who rushed in. She looked at Bella and then back to Emma....

1 year ago
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lou xxx

Margaret had long kept quiet about a desire to participate in a threesome with a man and another woman. She was no lesbian, not even really bisexual. But she did like looking at pretty girls, and she thought the site of another, naked pretty girl making love to the same man as her would be highly erotic. And, if she were honets with herself, she found the idea of a few accidental brushes of soft, silky female flesh tantalizing.She was an attractive woman of 26, about 5'7" with very long blonde...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 Chapter 6 The Flaming Woman

Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Six: The Flaming Woman By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Knave Angela – The Altar of Souls, The Princedoms of Zeutch My demand hung in the air as I advanced on Lady Delilah, emotions swirling wildly through me. I had so many questions about all the strange things that had happened since my Quest's start. And she would give me answers. My hand fell to the hilt of my sword. I didn't care that she was a senior Knight Deute. I didn't care that she made...

2 years ago
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My women of Earth

My species tend to be taller and bulkier than the people of Earth, last night I watched old film, Conan something, the actor playing Conan would be classed a little short but about average body mass and muscle where I come from. I’m also about middling so apart from my skin colour I can get away walking around publicly. I’m black, not the brown of your black people or of that wondrous food you call chocolate but that real absence of colour “black”. A genetic enhancement means we can call...

4 years ago
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Train Wreck

Train Wreck By Dimelza Cassidy The choices we make and the chances we take. It had been a long, tiring day. I worked at a local high-end car dealership, delivering serviced customer cars and dealer trades, as well as driving the parts van. It was brainless work, but rewarding nonetheless. At least to me. After trudging up the four flights to my apartment, I washed off the day's grime and checked my e-mail. I lived alone by choice. Most women or men...

3 years ago
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A Horny CowpokeChapter 11

"Shit, where do those bastards get off thinking that they kin charge fer water that way?" Josh looked over the number of cattle he had and said, "Fer one thing, I ain't got enough cash ta pay that much, even ifen I wanted ta. Ten miles is too far ta push the cattle this late in the day. Tell the women ta git their guns ready, cuz we may need their he'p when the time comes ta reason with those galoots." They continued to push the cattle toward the water and soon saw it in the distance....

3 years ago
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A surprised assfucking in panties

A very curious thing happened to me the other day and I feel I need to share it with you... I have been 'mildly' crossdressing for over a year now. I say 'mildly' because I am not into full feminization, I just love the feel and look of lace panties when they are hugging a good looking cock, not to mention the taboo. I have taken to wearing stockings too which feel amazing, it's like having your whole lower half caressed persistently. I have thought of wearing a bra but, although I can almost...

2 years ago
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Innocence Lost PART ONE

Everyone's first time was either great or horrible. Mine was neither.  I It was just a week before Highschool and I had been talking to a guy I had a crush with in Middle School on IM. He was the ladies' man type of guy. He was muscular, adorable and smart. He went out with numerous girls in Middle School, and I was just the type who could only dream of having a boyfriend. Anyways, I blushed everytime we talked, and I had always waited for him to go online. Finally, after hours and hours of...

First Time
1 year ago
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If You Leave

The ringing of the cell phone cut insistently through the fog in Charlotte’s mind, refusing to let her sink back down into her relaxed, dreamy trance. ‘Yes, hello,’ someone said irritably as they finally answered it. Wait…trance? She cracked an eyelid open just a little, the act seeming to take a lot more effort than she’d expected. When did she go into a trance? ‘Yeah, I really can’t talk now,’ the man said as Charlotte tried to focus on him through eyes that were used to wearing glasses. She...

2 years ago
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His Gift

His Gift By the G-Man Gabrielle sat before her vanity doing her eye make up. She wore his favoritelike he asked when he e-mailed her earlier in the day. ?I've got something for you. I'll be over tonight. You know what to wear.? What to wear were stockings, heels, g-string, and bra?all black. It was simple.It was elegant. And he loved to see her in it. Her whitish complexion lookedgood in contrast to the black material. Her proud breasts pushed out the bra(with a lee-tle help from a surgeon)...

3 years ago
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The Barclay Twins Part 1

I met the Barclay twins on a long cross-country flight from Miami to L.A. As they entered the plane, my heart skipped a beat and I said a quick prayer, “Lord, please let those gorgeous creatures sit in first class!” They were simply gorgeous, maybe in their early twenties, maybe in their late teens, with long black hair down to the small of their backs, sexy lips, and beautiful brown eyes. They didn’t have big bazookas, but I didn’t care. At that moment, the only way I could tell them apart was...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 32

I didn’t tell Lucy about what I’d done to Mom. A part of me was scared, I guess. I knew it was a means to an end - a happy ending, in every sense of the phrase. But I also knew that what I’d done was ... well, it wasn’t you’d call nice. I think I could have. Lucy was so turned on by my power; even if I was being a monster, I’m sure she’d still love it. Maybe she’d love it more. But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I love my sister, I love my Mom. Seeing Mom break down...

1 year ago
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Perversion Part 2

100% fiction!mom didn't give any indication that she knew what went on at Gran's. As the day wore on I began to wonder if Gran had been bullshitting me about Mom and Uncle Charlie. By supper time I was sure of it. A little after ten, when the TV movie was over, Mom took a shower and came back in her ratty old flannel robe. “(sniff sniff) Something stinks in here and It sure ain't me. How about washing the crud off your smelly body? You want everyone in church tomorrow to smell you?” I knew I...

4 years ago
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USAmericana Hot Topics

What I'd not expected was a curvaceous, corseted, gorgeous goth to be bouncing up and down on my cock while moaning in delight. Perhaps I should explain. There'd been a number of changes at the mall, most of which involved invoking the various 'unmasked gods' that had taken charge of 'USAmerican' culture over the last few years (there'd been a 'Paradigm Shift' or something like that, so they'd apparently decided it was time to come out into the world). Wealth, god of wealth and...

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Shanus Loving FamilyChapter 2 Shaad and Sameena

At about the same time two hundred fifty miles north Shahabad Jahangir Khan across the long corridor in another estate ('Shamiyaana') almost replica of his brother's 'Asraa'. The purpose was again to use and maintain the Greenland to give employment to local villagers and both succeeded big times. Any neutral observer would have seen a very tall heavily built man about six foot four inches moving like an athlete. He was dressed in a white masculine version of kurta and salwar with open...

2 years ago
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The Candy Man

I met this guy and he had an addiction for candy. He was over six feet and was very thin with a muscular build, with abs of steel, brown hair and beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He was the one I went to when I wanted something sweet. I went to him and pushed him against the wall, pulled him close to me and kissed him softly and slowly. He pulled me close and kissed me rough and fast. We moved toward the couch and lay down on the couch with him to the left side of me with his right hand on my...

2 years ago
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My first love

I was 18 when i met my boyfriend who was 18 too. We both loved each other very much more than our lives. Abhi(boy) didnt kissed me even once also in two year of our love, we just use to talk and chat in phones. Finally one day abhi asked "Do you know why they kiss when they get married?", to me(anu). I didnt know because i was that girl who had never kissed before to anyone and off course it was my first love. Abhi told me that by kissing their feeling become strong and even their love too. He...

4 years ago
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The Initiation Part 1

The Initiation- Part 1 There was intensity about the situation, she knew what she was letting herself in for, or thought she did anyway, but the frisson of excitement coupled with extreme apprehension was palpable. She was going to meet a master, she’d been introduced to him online but today was the first time she was going to meet him in person. She’d been told exactly what to wear for this meeting, white blouse, black skirt, boots and a shelf bra. She had also been told under no...

1 year ago
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Reddit Distension, aka r/Distension! The best fuck sessions I’ve ever had involved my giant cock being almost too much for the bitch I was banging. Have you ever been in that situation, you horny bastard? Where your dick is so massive for the tiny hole you’re plowing that you can see it poking out of her stomach? It’s one of the hottest things ever and makes you realize what a giant cock you have!Oh, you don’t have that problem like ThePornDude, do you? Blows to be you! To see what I’m talking...

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Teaching Kurt and Dani

Sometimes, people have no idea what they are doing.That was a truth that Monica knew well, though she had no idea it was about to hit so close to home as she drove her Lexus up the driveway to her spacious residence. The divorce from her husband five years ago, after a rocky f******n years of marriage, had left her with a nice settlement and a beautiful daughter. She had gone from having no skills in the workforce to a near-six-figure income during those five years. At the same time, her...

3 years ago
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Train Three Sexy Slaves 5 Twat Spank Anal2

Aisha is easily the biggest beauty of my three tasty tender sexy slender slaves over both Alex and AiAisha is radiating happiness with her sweet seductive smile and blushed cheeks almost all of the timeAisha enormously enjoys her role in the execution of painful punishment of Alex for her two offencesAisha sexily sits at the fine face of Alex wetting it all over when she rides her nose lips and chinI allow Aisha to take over the pussy spanking, when I start to prepare Alex for her anal...

2 years ago
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THE TOYBOY (leads to my first cocksucking experience).We both stared at his cock in awe. This was the erection of youth, iron hard and standing vertically from his groin. Connie smiled and reached out and touched it with her fingertips. It twitched as she touched the sensitive head. This was hers and she knew she was going to enjoy it.I suppose the story is an all too familiar one. We had been married a long time, and while we still loved each other the physical side of our life had diminished....

1 year ago
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The Idea

Less than a year ago Tim my husband and I had been married six years and were getting along great. Upper middle class, we had just about everything. I had just turned thirty-one and Tim was forty-four. Tim is 5'8" and quite handsome with his salt and pepper hair. Tim is also a workaholic banker and a great provider. While Tim is no hard body and a little pudgy, he isn't fat. Tim is very adventurous and it was that adventurous spirit of his that I fell in love with. Tim is always hungry to try...

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