In FluxChapter 2 free porn video

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Mike returned to Herring’s; he had the look of a beaten man. His feelings were a witch’s brew of confused and contrasting emotions. Anger, sorrow, depression, relief, fear; all were present and all were waiting to boil out of him. Unfortunately, his stoic nature refused to unleash them. He was one of those people whose tendencies were to keep things bottled up, to try and work things out on his own. They may have stayed simmering inside him had it not been for Donna.

Donna Corelli worked at Herring’s as a sort of executive secretary. Like Mike, she had no official title, but as Mike was looked upon as the head salesman, she was generally considered to be in charge of the administrative side of the business. She was the one who co-ordinated everything; you had a problem, you went to Donna. She would either solve it or explain who to see. A young woman, and more than a little attractive, she’d been working there for five years. She’d started straight out of high school at seventeen. Due to her young age, Mike had started calling her “Kid” went she first started, she’d responded by calling him “Daddy”, it had started as a joke, but after five years they still addressed each other that way; a running gag. She was the one who noticed the change in his demeanor after he returned.

“Are you all right, Daddy? You don’t seem like your normal self tonight.”

“Yeah, Kid, I’m fine, just a little tired, that’s all.” The distracted tone of his voice told her differently.

“No, I think there’s something wrong. Sure you don’t want to talk about anything? Talking helps.”

“No, there’s nothing to talk about. Like I said, I’m OK, I just need a good night’s sleep.”

“Typical man. Well, if you change your mind just let me know.”

He nodded his head, then turned and headed towards the showroom. While he appreciated her offer, he really didn’t want to pour out his guts to someone so young. As he stood in the showroom looking disinterestedly at the new models, it occurred to him he did want to talk to somebody about it. It was going to become common knowledge anyway; it was not the kind of thing one could keep secret. Donna had been perceptive enough to know something was wrong, so she might be the logical one for him to vent to. He turned and went back up the stairs that led to the second floor offices.

He looked around; Donna had returned to her cubical. When he went in, she looked up at him and smiled.

“What’s up, Daddy?”

“Look, you wanted to know what’s wrong, did you mean it?”

“Of course I did, ready to talk?”

“Yeah,” he waited a few seconds, “my marriage just ended.”

She set down the ink pen she’d been using and leaned back in her chair. She had a wide eyed, open mouthed look of astonishment on her face.

“Tonight? What in the hell happened? I mean, are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. I guess it’s been over for a while, it’s just tonight I got the final proof.”

“Go on, what kind of proof?”

“I followed her from work, her boyfriend picked her up and they went to a motel.”

“Maybe they went for a business meeting or a dinner. Suppliers take me to dinner sometimes, motels have restaurants. It doesn’t mean anything is going on.”

“No, he got out in front and went in to register, then they drove around the back and went in.”

“Look,” Donna glanced around the cubical, then back at Mike, “this isn’t the right place to talk, let’s go somewhere after we leave here where we can discuss it privately, OK?”

He really wasn’t sure he wanted to go with her, but then remembered he’d turned down her offer to talk in the first place, then changed his mind. He didn’t want to keep doing that, besides, he had nowhere to go. He was in no rush to go home since he still hadn’t figured out how to deal with the situation. Perhaps going with Donna would buy him time to think things out.

“That sounds good, I hope you don’t mind.”

“Nonsense, Daddy, that’s what friends are for. What works for you, a bar, restaurant, or my place?”

“I could use a drink, probably should eat, but I don’t feel like talking in public.”

“My place then, I have food, drink, and privacy.”

“You’re positive it’s all right? I feel like I’m imposing on you or something. I mean, this isn’t exactly your problem. I don’t feel right about dumping it all in your lap.”

“Don’t be foolish, you’d probably do the same for me if the situation was reversed, and you never know, someday it might be.”

“OK,” he answered reluctantly, “if you’re absolutely sure you don’t mind, I really would appreciate it.”

“I’ll be leaving about eight, you want to come with me in my car or do you think you can find it on your own?”

“I think I should take my own car, so I can leave afterwards. Having you drive me back to the lot to pick it up would be asking too much, and taking a cab just seems silly.”

“You know where I live?”

“Yeah, vaguely, that old converted motel over in the west side, right?”

“That’s right, apartment number five.”

It was a little after eight when he pulled into the parking lot of Donna’s apartment complex. He’d been tempted to go back to the Kmart to see if Joanie’s car was still there. He felt the need to do something; flatten the tires, take the rotor out of the distributor, plug up the exhaust pipe, anything to let her know he was aware of her goings on. But he thought better of it, fought the impulse, and drove straight to Donna’s.

It was difficult to call it an apartment “complex”, it was an old strip motel that had been built in the late forties. It was hard to tell exactly why it was built in town, rather than on the outskirts of town like most of the other old style motels from the period. One did have to remember of course, it was built before the completion of the interstate highway system and many city streets were considered to be the main routes. Any business it may have done died with the arrival of the interstate. It may have been a little better constructed than its contemporaries, therefore it had been remodeled and rented out as townhouse apartments while the others sank into decay and neglect.

He went to her door and knocked, not sure what he was going to say, or why he had even come, for that matter. Donna opened the door and flashed a sympathetic smile.

“Come on in, Daddy. Make yourself comfortable.”

Entering, he looked around. It appeared as if each apartment had originally been two units that had been combined into efficiency style domiciles; he’d lived in worse places. Donna gestured towards a chair.

“Sit down, relax. I was just about to throw a frozen lasagna in the oven; it’ll take a little while to get done. That’ll give us some time to talk.”

“Thanks,” he said taking the seat, “you really don’t have to go to all this trouble. I won’t stay long.”

“It’s no trouble and you need to eat. Now what can I get you to drink? I don’t have a lot pick from, but you’re welcome to it. Wine, some vodka for mixing, peach brandy, and I think there’s some whiskey; you’re choice.”

“I’ll have whatever you’re having, I don’t want to be a bother.”

“Stop with this being a bother nonsense, friends aren’t a bother. Now, I’m having a wine, are you sure that’s what you want too, or would you like something else?”

“No, wine is fine.” He paused momentarily, “Hey, how about that; I’m a poet?”

“Yeah,” she smiled, “you’re right up there with Kipling and Khayyam.”

She went into the kitchen area and put the lasagna into the oven. She opened the refrigerator and took out a large bottle of Reunite and poured two glassfuls. Returning to the living area she handed him one and settled into a chair with hers.

“Now, tell me, just what’s going on?”

Mike sat quietly for a few seconds. It still seemed odd to him to be talking about something like this to a girl so young. The fourteen year difference in their ages was bad enough, but the difference between a man in his mid-thirties and a woman in her very early twenties is immense, almost generational. To him she was still inexperienced, a novice in the intricacies of life, hardly someone who should be advising him. The whole situation made him uncomfortable. But still, he didn’t know how to react to the whole situation. He did know this however; he didn’t want to go home.

“I don’t know that there’s all that much to tell. I’ve had the feeling there’s been something wrong for a while, then, a couple of weeks ago I knocked off early. When I got home, Joanie wasn’t there. Now, that in itself wasn’t that big of a deal, but when she finally arrived, she seemed nervous, a little agitated, you know like that.”

“Probably just surprised to find you home. Are you sure you’re not over reacting? Maybe you’re see things that aren’t there.”

“That’s what I thought at first, but then she was real quick to jump into the hot tub and make love.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” She smiled at him.

“Yeah, well, you’ve never been married. The honest truth is as time goes on, you have sex less and less frequently.” He paused, obviously embarrassed to be talking about this, “Joanie’s never been a spur of the moment type of girl. When she was that quick to get it on, it seemed as if she were trying to divert my attention. After that, I started calling the house and at the Homestead on nights when she knew I was working. I started putting together the pieces. Then tonight, like I told you at work, I tailed her, saw where she was going.”

“Are you sure there’s no other explanation for tonight? Think about it for a moment, you may be missing something.”

“No, nothing,” he replied sadly, “tonight clinched it. Her going to that motel ... I have to face the facts.”

He shook his head slowly then, his elbow on the arm of the chair, rested his forehead on the palm of his hand. Then he emitted a strange chuckle, and spoke abstractedly, almost to himself.

“If she’s been seeing him once a week, that means he’s been getting more off her than I have. That night in the hot tub, I got ‘sloppy seconds’ from my own wife. God damn it, what a fool I’ve been. If it was anybody else, I’d be laughing my ass off. Just a God damned clown, it’s one hell of a thing.”

He felt her hand on his shoulder. Surprised, he looked up at her, he hadn’t noticed her get up and walk over to him. He saw the pitying sadness in her eyes and he wished he were somewhere else, wished desperately he hadn’t said anything, wished he could wake up and find it was all just a weird dream; he wished all that but knew it would do no good. This was reality in its harshest form.

“No, don’t do this to yourself, you’ve been fooled, that doesn’t make you a fool. There’s a difference.”

“That’s nice of you to say,” he smiled up at her, “but it’s not the way I feel.”

“Doesn’t matter how you feel, you trusted her, that’s what you were supposed to do. If you’re right and she broke that trust, that doesn’t make you foolish, just human. Now, finish your drink and I’ll get you another.”

He was surprised at the wisdom coming from one so young. He wondered if he’d had that much insight into things when he was that age. In fact, he was wondering if he had that much insight now, at his age. Then again, he couldn’t help thinking it was probably easier to see a problem when it was someone else’s. He watched as she came back with another glass of wine. She set it down then went back to her own chair.

“So, have you decided what you’re going to do about it?”

“Well, I’d like to go over to the motel and beat the living shit out of the two of them, but I’m not really going to do anything like that.”

“No, that’s not the way, you’ll just get in trouble.”

“Yeah, and besides that, I didn’t get a good look at this guy. He might be bigger than me. Getting my ass kicked would just add to the humiliation.”

“Well, at least your sense of humor is still intact. But really, a fight wouldn’t solve anything.”

“You’re right there. I guess I’ll be calling a lawyer tomorrow.”

“That’s the sensible thing to do. I wonder though, are you going to talk with her first?”

“I guess I should, but, damn, I don’t know what to say. I’m afraid I’ll start raving like a lunatic.”

“You’ll be alright once you have time to settle your nerves and get your mind straight. Right now you’re all jumbled up inside.”

They sat in silence sipping their wine. Mike was letting her words sink in; more bits of wisdom from this young woman. She was right. He had to get a grip on his emotions and control himself. His marriage was over, that was a fact. Actually, that wasn’t what was bothering him, it was the way it had ended. If only Joanie had just come to him said she wanted a divorce he would have taken it in his stride; there was a beginning and an end to everything. It was the deception that was killing him.

They retired to the kitchen area when the lasagna was ready. He ate with no great enthusiasm. It wasn’t because of the quality of the food, which was really quite good, but his mind was elsewhere and he couldn’t appreciate it properly. He didn’t want to appear ungrateful so he felt the need to compliment the meal.

“This doesn’t seem to be your run of the mill supermarket frozen dinner, what brand is it?”

“Thanks and none. I made it myself. When I make it I do up a big batch and freeze some for a later date. My freezer’s full of seal-a-meal bags of quick homemade dinners.”

“Good idea, I’ll have to remember that now that I’ll be on my own.”

“You’ll develop other ideas on your own. Living alone isn’t bad, in fact I kind of like it. Of course, I grew up in a large family, two brothers and two sisters, so I love having my privacy for the first time in my life.”

That was the moment it really hit him; he was going to be alone from now on. There was finality about it that he couldn’t ignore. That thought cast an air of melancholia over him. When they finished eating he helped Donna with the dishes but his mind was far away. Finishing the dishes, they returned to the living room.

“Want another drink or have you had enough?”

“All things considered, I don’t think there enough booze in the world to fill me tonight.”

“You’re welcome to all I have, I just don’t want you getting so drunk that you’ll go and do something foolish.”

“Naw, I’ve always been a happy drunk, it’s just that tonight I can’t get my mind off my problems.”

“OK, just checking.” With that she took his glass, refilled it, and returned it to him. “One more question, what are you going to do tonight?”

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean is this, you can’t go home tonight, you’re too wound up. Have you got somewhere to stay tonight?”

“No,” it was something he hadn’t thought about but she was right, going home tonight would be a mistake. “No, I hadn’t even thought about it. I’ll check into a motel. I know where there’s a good one, highly recommended by my soon to be ex-wife.”

“That’s one option,” she smiled at him, “but I think it’d be better if you stayed here on my couch for the night.”

“Oh, God no, that’d too much of an imposition, you’ve done enough already.”

“Again with the imposition nonsense, I’ve already told you to knock it off. Men, you never want to take help from anyone. You’re staying here, at least for tonight, after a good night’s sleep you’ll feel better and you’ll be able to see things clearer in the morning when you’re rested up.”

“You’re right, if you really don’t mind.”

“I don’t. The couch folds out, it’s my version of a guest room. I’ve never used it so I don’t know how comfortable it is, but it’s better than sleeping in your car.”

He felt a strange contented sensation and thought that this must be the way a stray cat or dog feels when somebody lets them come in out of the cold for the night. In a way it was pitiful, but he felt safe for the night. He gratefully accepted her offer. As far as he was concerned, tomorrow’s troubles could wait until tomorrow, tonight he could relax. He got out of the chair and went over to the couch and sat down.

“I thought I’d come over and check out the guest room,” he joked, “seems comfortable enough.”

“I’m glad it meets with your approval and I’m glad you’ve decided to take me up on the offer. Things will probably look better in the morning.” Then she looked at him quizzically, “Are you going to at least call her and let her know you won’t be home?”

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The reporter looked away from me, glancing at her notes in right hand. “Afternoon,” I called, seating myself and adjusting the chair in front of the television cameras.She nodded at me, turned to the first camera and delivered a short introduction about our interview. “So Mr Rawley, please can you take us back to the morning of the fifteenth?”“Sure.” I adjusted my check shirt in the baking heat of the bright lights of the studio. “I was the senior producer on World News’s flagship programme and...

1 year ago
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Dushmano Ne Bathroom Mein Choda

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Main ek 20 years ka ladka hu. Naam scerecy ke liye disclose nahi karunga . Or ye story tab ka hai jab mein 18 years ka tha . Mein school mein 10th class mein padhraha tha . Mere class mein shristi naam ki ek ladki thi . Woh school ki sabse hot aur popular ladki thi . School ki captain bhi thi our sara ladkay uss pe marte thain . School ka sabse bully leader ladka anuj bhi uss pe marta tha . Isi darr ke karan aur saaray ladke shristi se jyada baat nahin karte...

2 years ago
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Indian Sex Stories Reader Ki Jarurt Ko Pura Kiya

Hello Dosto mera naam sandip hai me gujarat se hu. Meri pichli story ek romantic sex with my bhabhi likhi hai. Me unsub ko thankyou kehna chahta hu jinho ne muje feedback diye. Kafi sare mail aaye sab ko meri story bahut hi pasand aayi ladko ne muth mar ke meri story padhi aur ladkiyo ne ungli karke meri story padhi. Me unsub ko thankyou kehna chaha hu. Meri story padhne ke baad muje ek hangout me msg aaya jiska naam susmita tha. Use meri story bahut hi pasand aaye aur vo mujse chat karna...

1 year ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 13

A woman packs for every possible occurrence ... and then Murphy takes over. But before the packing Mom asked, "Where are we going in Pentwater?" "I've spoken to the real estate agent here. He has spoken to the realtor there. There are exactly three places for sale on the north side of the lake." I paused for the sake of drama. Mother made that motion with her hand that signifies, hurry up, asshole. We don't need no stinking drama. "The house on the north east corner of Dover and...

2 years ago
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Suno rehana ki chudai

Dear ISS Readers love you all .Meri story ‘Crazy kiya re chud gai riya re’ ki apaar safalta ke bad I am really overwhelmed with the response.Bahut se female fans ke emails aaye and they are eager to meet and they would like to hear more stories from I decided to post my another hot , real , lively and erotic story of my next fuck Rehana..Rehana and we started on Internet and she used to tell me her name is Neha and and she is from Banaras.She told me she is 30 and she is married and her...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 13 Opportunities

August 23, 1987, Chicago Illinois “How was last night?” I asked Jessica when Kara and I went to meet her at 5:00am on Sunday morning. “There was a fight of some kind in the projects. Mercy couldn’t take all the victims so we got four. Stab wounds, broken bones, and lacerations, but nobody died. One guy from a traffic accident, but he was dead before the paramedics got him to us. It’s usually a bad idea to run your car into a light pole at eighty while running from the cops.” “Uh, yeah. But...

3 years ago
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Awakenings Ch 23

It was a little after ten when Jeanne called. That meant it was a little after eleven for her. During the previous hour I'd started to get nervous because it was getting so late. I was concerned that Jeanne might have encountered some sort of difficulty. Amy and Mel kept reassuring me. They both maintained that Jeanne was most likely having a good time and wanted to prolong the evening. Rationally I knew they were correct, but I couldn't help myself. I was still anxious. I had the same problem...

3 years ago
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picnic fun

The picnicIt was a hot and humid day, Lacy awoke to the AC going full and it was only 7 am. I am laying here, naked and coolness of the air seem tease my skin. I listen to the local news and weather and it was going to be another three Hs, hot humid and hazy. This isnt a day for sitting in the office. A quick call to the Boss and after a call back I am on a three day weekend.Its late June, and it summer weather so why not summer fun. But with my coffee in my hand I curl up in the big double...

2 years ago
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Cheating BBW coworker takes load to face and tits

I was working at a small office with three other women. One of the women I worked with decided to cheat on her long term boyfriend with me. When we fucked for the first time having known each other really for just a few days she let me cum inside of her unprotected. This is a recount of the second time I had her over and she agreed to take my load on her huge tits.The first week after we hooked up things were largely the same as before. We managed to avoid being obvious and would sometimes...

1 year ago
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They always look after you

They always say your parents know best. And mine certainly did. They never cared whether I was sporty or not. They never criticised or mocked me when I wanted to become a actor. To them I was there son and they simply wanted me to be happy.I shouldnt have been worried when I considered I might be Gay but I still bottled it up and never told them. I was driving with mum to visit her friend Angie when we got chatting. She knew something deep down something wasnt right. I was 19 and had never...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Carolina Sweets Blaten Lee Following Stepmoms Instructions

Carolina Sweets knows that when her mommy tells her to do something there is no ifs, ands, or buts! Even if it means sucking off her stepbrother. Carolina was a little bit off put by this request, but when her mom Blaten Lee also joined in on the fun all seemed to be well. This mother daughter duo took their turns pleasing stepbros cock with their mouths and pussies. Carolina got to sop up most of the cum, but just the enjoyment of seeing her stepkids happy was enough for Blaten. She was...

2 years ago
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Fucked by Ten Men

I wanted to share the details of Alex and Adam's sex party/orgy last Friday before I start getting into this week's fun with Rachel and Taz.  I also thought that writing about it would get me turned on and super horny for when I meet the young couple later tonight.A little bit of back story for those of you who haven't been following my sexual adventures over the last decade.  Alex is a guy I knew through a group of guys I hang out with, here on the coast north of Sydney.  I was, and still...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Parking lot whore

Introduction: Cock tease learns a lesson I left the department store and walked through the parking lot towards my car, swinging my hips and the bags with my new purchases. It was a gorgeous day and Id bought some sexy new clothes – a dark blue lace teddy, thigh-high nylons, a revealing black dress, some new bras – I couldnt wait to wear them. But the highlight of my trip had been teasing the older man in the shoe department. Hed been helping me try on shoes, and Id shamelessly teased him. I...

3 years ago
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Mom Eyes The Kids Chapter Eleven and Twelve

Holly threw her ass and hips about wildly as she found out that having her cunt sucked was even better than she had imagined it would be, the physical sensations increased by the dark thrill that it was her own sexy mom who was munching her cunt – and, too, by the knowledge that she would soon be returning the oral favor. Diana's head jerked from side to side like a terrier with a wet rat in its jaws, and Holly ground her cunt around on the woman's mouth, giving Diana a fuckhole facial,...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Gia Paige Sydney Cole Uma Jolie Three Is Company

Standing together in bras and thongs, Gia Paige and Sydney Cole pretty themselves up for an afternoon of passion. They can’t help but tease one another with their makeup brushes, and soon those light touches result in Sydney’s bra being pulled down so that Gia can tease her lover’s nipples. That’s how Uma Jolie finds her girlfriends, and she’s instantly happy to join in on the fun! Leading Uma to the bed, Sydney and Gia climb on top of the comforter and watch as...

2 years ago
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Pleasure Cruise Part 3

The last couple of days aboard the ship had been amazing and filled with experiences I could never in my wildest dreams have imagined, but I was excited to be having a day on land. We had docked at first light and I had spent much of the morning wandering around the small shops and market stalls that stood along the beach front. The heat was intense and I was grateful I had chosen to dress in very little. My skimpy green bikini and a pair of denim shorts made up my outfit of choice - the green...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Going Dangerous

Okay, so I was pissed off and that probably wasn't the best time to suddenly accept an invitation to meet a stranger in a bar but frankly, I just didn't care anymore. My boyfriend was a no show for the third Saturday night in a row. He always had a good reason for it but enough was enough. We were on a downward slide toward a break up and the reality was that I had dressed up expecting a good time and I was stuck at home again. Well, no more I decided! If he thought I was staying at home...

3 years ago
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Sex With 19 Years Old Boy

Hai myself priya mittal, 28 years old housewife living with rahul my husband and we decided not to have baby because my husband not ready for that. He used work in mnc company and leave home at 9am and comes at 6pm and we live in pune my stats is 34 28 36, my skin colour is cream colour and I shave my pussy hair because my husband doesn’t like. During free time in home I used to read iss stories but only few are interesting and I used to imagine as heroine in all stories I read it was giving me...

2 years ago
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Gym Sex With Muscular Guys

Hi, I’m Anjana, 27 years old from Chennai. Thank you for the overwhelming response for my previous stories. This story is also a real sweet and sexy incident happened to me long back. This was my very first anal sex. Please do comment on my story. I was 22 years old during that time, when I went to Bangalore for an exam. I stayed in a hotel for a brief amount of time. The room was good enough for a single person. It had a medium king size bed and a balcony. After 2 days of staying in the room...

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Scribe and Star

“Does she know?” Stargazer asked as they walked along the dirt trail. Scribe adjusted the pack on her shoulders. “Does who know what?” She bent down to pick up a couple of milkweed pods, carefully inspecting them before tossing them in the backpack. “Does Red know that you still dream about her mate? How you wish he’d chosen you? How you’re still in lo-” Scribe’s hand made contact with his cheek. “Shut up!” she snapped before turning away. “We don't talk about the past, you know that.” ...

Straight Sex
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You Are A Sissy Faggot

Look at you, you are pathetic so pathetic your ex-girlfriend dropped you off at my place. This note says she caught you dressed like a slut sucking a man's cock. It says you were dressed in black negligee garter and fishnet stalking, you were done up right. Now strip out of those clothes I want to see what you have and make it fast because I will discipline you with this crop if you don't hurry. Well, well, well your ass is sexy like a girl's huh just the right bubble and look at this a...

3 years ago
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At the Tearoom

Images of Desire, At the Tea-Room Part 1 Lana was bored. She perched on a table at the back of the tearoom swinging her long legs and occasionally looking up at the huge clock on the wall. The minutes seemed to grind by achingly slowly. It was late afternoon on a warm but rainy day and few people were passing by. Even fewer were venturing into the tearoom. Sometimes she saw figures huddled under umbrellas rushing by outside, and heard the sound of their heels clicking on the pavement....

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It had been four months at the church when I noticed the preacher's fourteen-year-old daughter. She was very beautiful for her age. She had long, curly blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes that spoke volumes to my soul. Her figure was slim, with slightly matured breasts and a sleek back that curved delicately to a round, toned ass. I enjoyed watching her in her skimpy little Sunday dresses. She rarely closed her legs when she sat down, so I constantly got a view of her floral print...

3 years ago
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When Moms away me and my stepdad will play

I was about 17 at the time, when my mom started going on week long work trips. And one day I pulled up from school to find my stepdad had beat me home. I walk in and he was in my shower (very unlikely) and the door was open. Me and him had a very open relationship. So I asked him why are u in my shower? He said hell why not join me? I then start getting undressed and jump in with him. I helped him shave his balls as he did mine. Well from that day on instead of walking around in boxers like we...

2 years ago
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If I had to pinpoint one thing in my life that struck true, undiluted fear into me, it was flying.The whole ordeal terrified me. I would literally rather cross the country on a train for three days than be stuck in a flying metal tube for five hours, but since no one in my family seemed to care for my opinion, the plane is where I ended up on an August evening. A very large, selfish part of me wished I'd never even agreed to this trip. It wasn't like spending my last month of summer at my...

1 year ago
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Chuck White 1

Chuck White 1 How it Began 1...lick, 2...lick, 3...lick, there I was with my face buried between the hairy ass cheeks of a stranger, licking his asshole. Counting each and every lick. Why? I'll get to that momentarily. First, I want to clear one thing up. He was technically a stranger in that I had never met him before but....he was my wife's lover. And that has everything to do with why I was tongueing his ass. So it's...

3 years ago
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The shopping trip

As I walk down the streets of the local town I spy an attractive woman casually window shopping. There is an air of mystery about her, which intrigues me, draws me in. I decide to spend some time in her company even though she is unaware of me. I observe her every move, the gentle sway of her hips as she moves from shop to shop… * Finally, she stopped outside a clothes shop and walked in. I was undecided whether to follow but my curiosity got the better of me and besides I was now under her...

2 years ago
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The Medieval Era

The year is 1066; William, Duke of Normandy, invades England from the south as King Harald Hadrade of Denmark seeks to besiege the north. King Harold Godwinson of England has defeated Hadrade at Stamford Bridge, and proceeds to combat William in East Sussex, in the famous Battle of Hastings. Godwinson is killed by a rain of arrows, and Duke William is crowned King Of England two months later.

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After School With Grandpa

My parents knew that I visited my grandpa often. We told them I was doing chores for him around the house in return for some pocket cash because at sixteen, they knew I needed it. This wasn’t exactly the truth. The truth was that my grandpa and I had been having sex most days after school. I’m about to tell you one of my favorite stories. As I drive to his house I become very horny. I’ve been thinking about this all day at school. I can’t concentrate on anything but having sex with grandpa. It...

1 year ago
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Moving Day with Kelly 2

Kelly and I drove back to her dorm room to hopefully get the last of her stuff into the truck and move it to the sorority house. As we parked the truck, Kelly looked up at her dorm room window, “I wonder what’s going on in there. Do you suppose they’re still packing stuff up or do you think they’re done and doing other stuff?” “I don’t know Kelly. Let’s just go find out. After all, it is your room; you are allowed to go in there.” “Yeah, you’re...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 26

That night when we went to bed, we went to my dad’s room. Holly and Keith were in the guest room, and the girls were in my room. Linda was in overdrive. As soon as we got into the room she was all over me, kissing me and taking my clothes off. I let her get me naked, then I took off all of her clothes. We were in my dad’s queen-sized bed tonight. As soon as I had her naked I pushed her down on the bed and crawled between her thighs. Looking up into her eyes I started giving long slow licks...

1 year ago
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Relief Is Just A Phone Call Away

I have always been extra friendly toward a longtime friend of mine called Dwayne. He’s one of my past lovers. John and he have also become close friends. However, we do keep in contact thanks to the internet and cell phones. I also know that my feelings fuel John’s ultimate fantasy a threesome. Although we have yet to do a FMF, he loves watching another man fuck me. I’d do that in a heartbeat with Dwayne, but he lives out of state. It has never happened, until now. One Friday, while...

3 years ago
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A Prisoners Ties

The house was old, damp, and dark. I stumbled through it, bleary eyed and desperate for the toilet, fumbling along the walls for a door handle. I'd long lost the party but, insulated by the warmth of my liquid dinner, I didn't really feel like I cared. My hand eventually closed on a door handle and I pushed it open to be greeted with the oddest sight I could possibly imagine. A figure, clad in the most bizarre fetishistic outfit conceivable, stood hunched in the corner. It jumped as I...

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