- 2 years ago
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Chapter 8
Max’s theory about being out in public, so that we could manage to get to know each other better, was a fairly sound one, except that we did usually end up ducking into some alleyway or a public toilet or in the car to fuck each other to satisfaction. I don’t know if the reason for this was behaviour was because he had an exhibitionistic streak or if he felt the need to assert his dominance over me or if he just found me that irresistible. The truth was probably a mix of all three. It was another one of those things I didn’t ask him about.
I had learned a great deal about Max’ work- and it made sense why his weekends were busier than the rest of his week. He spoke to me about his past- he even opened a bit about his relationship with Jenna. He told me about how she had supported his choice to pursue his passion of cooking despite holding a degree in business management. They had been in love and together for long enough that they’d both talked about marriage being the next natural step for them. Diego had been Max’s friend for years and was in fact responsible for introducing Jenna to him. It sounded like the three of them had a great deal of history that made the betrayal that much worse. He said he couldn’t hold it against them that they’d fallen in love with each other but I could tell that Max had a lot of residual trust issues.
For the most part I still considered Max to be somewhat of a mystery. We were spending a lot of time together both indoors as well as out- and yes, I was back on birth control- but I had yet to meet or even hear about Max’s friends. Could someone really be that alone in the world? It seemed hardly possible. But that was the impression Max gave me. He’d been so focused on making it in the culinary world that he’d not bothered building much of a social life.
We spoke about our past, we even spoke about what we wanted in our future, but we never spoke about what it was we were doing together in our present. I guessed Max was just having some fun while getting over a painful relationship while I was just living in the moment. I was no longer searching for that perfect for ‘long term relationship Indian guy’, I was just enjoying each day as it came and tried not to think about what would happen next. I figured I could be happy as long as I kept thinking that way.
‘I just don’t get why you can’t just leave some of your stuff here.’ Max stated with annoyance, this wasn’t the first time we were having this discussion. ‘I mean, it’s ridiculous that you can’t just spend the night if you feel like it because you don’t have your stuff here and that you need to always lug that huge bag around anytime you plan to.’
I sat quietly as I usually did whenever he brought this up. Arguing would’ve been pointless. He would say what he needed to and then eventually calmed down.
‘And it’s not as if my place is cramped like yours. There’s plenty of room in my closet and my bathroom for your stuff. Why do you have to be so irrational?’
I couldn’t explain it to him. I understood his argument but I was afraid that leaving my stuff around would make it all feel real somehow, like a real relationship and not just a casual fling. How was I supposed to explain these irrational fears? So instead, I sat mum observing the floorboards.
‘Nayana? What is it?’ He asked, tenderly parting the hair away from my face. ‘What are you not telling me?’
I chewed on my lower lip as Max waited patiently for some explanation.
‘May-maybe,’ I fumbled, ‘perhaps we shouldn’t be spending so much time together?’
I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my hands, hoping that maybe I’d see some answer in the lines of my hands.
Max sighed and got off the bed.
‘Clearly you have some reason that you refuse to share with me. I won’t force you.’
He walked out of the bedroom and then immediately returned as if he’d just remembered something.
‘I need to go to my dad’s town to close the sale on his place. I’ll be gone for around three to… four days, tops… Will you come with me?’
I knew it would be difficult for me to take four days leave from work at such short notice but I also sensed that this trip would be hard for Max, and I feared that he didn’t have anyone else he could ask.
A day’s drive was all it took for us to arrive at Max’s father’s place in Shelby. He had chosen to drive so that it would be easier to carry back any of the keepsakes he may want to hold on to. En route I discovered that the place we were going to wasn’t just Max’s father’s place but was also the home he grew up in. I was glad I had agreed to go along with him.
When we finally got to Shelby, it was late in the evening and Max was exhausted. He had made reservations for us to stay at one of the local bed and breakfast joints. He drove us straight to the B&B and got us checked in.
‘Goodness! That one is a hoot.’ I was referring to the sweet old lady who ran the B&B, who had just finished directing us to our room.
Max nodded in agreement, ‘She could teach the telesales people a thing or two.’
‘Yes. You’d better tip her well after all those compliments about what a handsome looking couple we make.’
‘You doubt that?’ Max squinted and looked at me.
‘Yeah, we’re quite the pair- the incredible hulk and his little woman!’
‘C’mere my little woman and show your hulk just how incredible you find him.’
I rolled my eyes in response and turned around. That’s when I noticed them.
‘Twin beds!’ I couldn’t stop giggling as I jumped on the one that was next to the window.
‘This one’s mine.’ I announced my claim.
He looked around in disbelief. ‘What the hell?’
‘I think it’s perfect,’ I said while bouncing on the bed, ‘I’ll at least manage to get some sleep this way.’
Max sounded irate when he asked, ‘My snoring keeping you up?’
‘No, it’s your scent.’ I blurted and immediately covered my mouth with my hands to shut myself from saying any further.
Max caught the gesture and jumped on the bed beside me.
‘My scent, eh?’
I pursed my lips and shook my head.
‘Oh now I HAVE to know.’
Max grabbed me and started tickling me.
‘Spill or I won’t stop.’
A few minutes of getting tackled by him and I couldn’t take any more of it.
‘Okay okay. Just stop.’
‘Alright, now spill.’
‘Your scent- it keeps me up at night.’
‘You sayin’ I stink?’ He appeared puzzled.
‘Nuh,’ I groaned. ‘Your scent keeps me up because I… ‘
‘You’re mumbling to yourself. I can’t understand what you’re saying.’
‘I said, that it keeps me up at night because it makes me wanna do stuff… to you.’ I said meekly.
‘So, my manly scent keeps you up all night?’ Max teased.
‘Oh shut up!’ I hit him on the head with one of the pillows. ‘So now you know, so go to your bed.’
‘I didn’t make you come here with me just to have you sleep in another bed. You’ll just have to learn to deal with my pheromones.’
‘Sheesh! I knew I’d regret telling you.’
He stopped laughing and drew close to me.
‘Okay, no jokes. Now, tell me what is it exactly?’
‘I can’t explain it.’
‘Well, try.’
I closed my eyes and tried to find the words to explain the sensations.
‘It’s like I wake up in the night and everything is dark and quiet and I can’t really see or hear anything except… except maybe the sound of your breathing, but… I can smell you… And if we’ve, you know, done it, I can smell us.’ I took a deep breath imagining I was inhaling that scent now.
‘And it’s so heady, and so palpable that I can only focus on you… No,’ I shook my head to correct myself, ‘no, I am aware of nothing but you b
eside me. And then, I feel overcome by this… this great… umm… craving for you- like I just have to have you inside me and around me, y’ know, so it’s just you. And this need to… consume you is so great at times it hurts.’
I was completely focused on my thoughts and rattled them off as they came to me without filtering them in any way. It was only after I was done that I played back in my head all the things I’d said and realised that I’d admitted to Max some things that I hadn’t even to myself till then. I chewed on my lip and considered discussing it with him. Instead I got up, walked to the bathroom and locked myself in. I felt we both could use a few minutes to process my ramblings. I saw that there was a bath tub so I put it to use. An hour long soak didn’t provide me with any sort of clarity but it did help me relax enough not to feel the need to hide out in the bathroom any more.
I finally stepped out of the bathroom only to find Max fast asleep on the twin of the bed I’d claimed for myself. I sighed in relief, grateful to have been spared the awkward discussion.
The following morning I woke up to sunshine, birds chirping and Max arranging breakfast from a service cart onto the little table by the window. He looked at me and smiled- everything felt right in my world again. I told myself everything would be fine if I could just stop trying to analyse my thoughts and feelings as much as I did.
We finished our breakfast and headed to Max’s old home. Along the way he pointed out spots associated with his childhood and shared some of his anecdotes with me. Evidently, Max had chosen to ignore my musings from the previous night and I saw no reason why I couldn’t as well.
I listened to Max tell me stories about how little he was and how he hadn’t come into his current size until after high school. It was odd for me to think of Max as anything but the great big mountain of a man he was. It was even harder for me to believe the stories about him receiving ‘wedgies’ and ‘noogies’- thankfully he also explained what those unfamiliar terms meant- for being the runt amongst his boyhood friends.
We parked in the driveway of his old home. I observed him as he slowly got out of the car and stood watching one of the windows on the top floor of the house. His eyes seemed clouded and his gaze distant like he was observing another scene from another time instead of the one before him. Instinctively I moved to stand beside him and gave his hand a little squeeze.
‘That used to be her studio,’ He said in a faraway tone. ‘I’d come home from school and watch her with her canvases and then I’d call out to her… She would notice me and lean out the window to wave to me. It’s been so long since she’s gone, but I still expect that if I called out, she’ll lean out the window and wave.’
I realised Max was referring to his mother. He hadn’t told me a lot about her but enough to know that Max had loved her dearly and hated his father because he blamed him for her death. He walked into the house with me beside him, we were still holding hands.
We spend the day sorting through the things to check if there was anything Max may need or may want to hold on to. Incredibly he was able to fit the contents of his past into two neat little boxes, everything else was set aside for one of the local charities to come and collect the following day.
Most of the rooms in the house had been converted or painted over since the time that Max had last lived there so I had to rely on my imagination and the sparse collection of family photographs to visualise the stories he was sharing with me. Before that day he’d never spoken about his childhood and yet every nook and corner now had a story that just had to be told. It struck me that there’s no escaping nostalgia when one goes home.
I followed him from room to room listening to his stories, I laughed when he laughed and leaned against him when he’d go quiet and remember his mother. He told me about how his home had been so different from the others because his mother encouraged him to make a mess, whether it was with the paints in her studio, mud in the backyard or food in the kitchen, she encouraged him to have a hands on approach towards anything he did and to be unafraid of creating a mess. I thought about how liberating it would be to live life without fearing any of the messes we’re likely to make along the way.
By evening we were done with the place, the estate agent was going to come by the next morning with the relevant papers for Max to sign and then we would be free to leave. We drove straight back to the B&B after what must’ve been an emotionally exhausting day for Max.
He was calling for room service as I headed straight to the bathroom to fill the tub. I opened the pack of scented candles I’d spotted the previous night and lit them around the bathroom. Then I went to get Max.
‘Come on,’ I dragged him into the bathroom, ‘get in and have a nice soak.’
He looked at me very seriously before he asked, ‘But aren’t you afraid that this may mess with my manly scent?’
I closed my eyes in embarrassment.
‘What? You didn’t think I just forgot all the things you said last night, did you?’ He asked in a low tone.
‘Well, I’d hoped…’
‘… that I forgot that I can turn a woman to putty by my scent alone? Nuh-uh, not the kinda thing one forgets.’ He teased.
‘Shut up and get into the tub before the water goes cold.’
I moved to leave the bathroom but he grabbed me by my hand and pulled me back.
‘Join me?’
His expression had changed, it was no longer teasing. I’ve never understood how Max could switch from one emotion to another as rapidly as he did.
Without waiting for my response he began to undress me. I waited till he was done and then undressed him. The tub was large but I wasn’t sure it would accommodate the two of us. He climbed in and then held his hand out to help me in. I slid down his chest and settled myself between his legs.
Max put his arms around me and leaned forward to settle his chin in the crook of my neck. There was something very intimate and comforting about the gesture.
‘Thank you.’ He whispered.
Something about the way it was said made me wonder what it was he was thanking me for. I’d learnt that reading his expressions was often easier than asking what he meant. Unfortunately there wasn’t enough room for me to turn and watch his face. I hugged my knees and rested my chin upon them.
He kissed me below the ear lobe and gently ran his hands up and down my back. Eventually his hands reached around to play with my breasts- cupping and squeezing them, to have me purring in no time. I leaned back into him, savouring the tingles as he pulled on one nipple and then the other while his, now hard, cock pressed into my back. He nibbled on my earlobe as one of his hands reached below to tease my clit. He was breathing hard in my ear now and I was no longer feeling relaxed. I needed him.
Splashing a great deal of water, I stood up and turned around to face him before I lowered myself again. I finally settled straddling his hips. Max held me by hooking his arms under my shoulder as I grabbed his engorged member and began to lower myself onto it.
We both moaned as I began my slow descent down his impressive length. The muscles in my thighs quivered but I refused to be rushed. Finally my butt made contact with his thighs. I looked at Max and ground my hips. Max thrust upwards in response. Because of our position within the confines of the tub he was unable to move more than a couple of inches.
I couldn’t help but break into a fit of giggles sensing his predicament. In response he held my hips tight and thrust as hard as he could, in the process displacing most of the water from the tub.
‘Aaah.’ I moa
He looked at me smugly.
I steadied my body and focused completely on squeezing the walls of my pussy around his cock. I was rewarded with an, ‘Oh fuck!’
It was my turn to pull the smug face.
He looked intently at me and then captured my mouth in a kiss while his hands grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me down harder on his cock. This time we both groaned.
I began to slowly raise and lower myself on his cock, enjoying the sensation of my nipples rubbing against his wet chest. Max kept staring into my eyes, but he wasn’t just looking at me but rather into me.
You’re analysing again.
I closed my eyes and just gave in to the sensations but Max would have none of that it would seem. He pulled my face close to him and insisted, ‘Look at me, Nayana.’
I opened my eyes.
‘I want you to look at me while you fuck me. I want you to see who it is you are fucking.’
I didn’t understand what he meant by his words but I did what he asked. I looked into his eyes as I raised and lowered myself faster and faster. The intensity of his stare seemed to propel the motion of my hips. I was ready to come, I was just waiting for him now.
He grabbed my hips hard and pulled me to him as his penis convulsed and shot its load inside me. The sensation of his come splashing over my inner walls always resulted in prolonging my own orgasm. I keened and ground my hips down allowing my pussy to milk his cock of every drop of come.
Max collapsed against the tub, hugging me close to his chest.
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He slowly moves to the exit of the tent; painstakingly avoiding waking her. He exits the tent; wearing only his polypropylene thermal underwear bottoms to take off the morning’s bitter cold bite. He stirs the coals of last night’s fire and adds more wood. He stokes a good fire; rubbing his hands in the growing warmth. He takes a pot and gets fresh water from a jug and puts the pot in the fire to boil the water. He turns to her and wonders what it is she is dreaming. He stares at her;...
Used by My Friends bygypseeroze©SURPRISE GANGBANG It had been a week since I'd been in the store room. I'd taken off 2 shifts so I wouldn't have to see Cliff. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing him and knowing what he must be thinking of me. How could I have let him humiliate me like that? As much as I hated him for doing that to me, I couldn't get it out of my head. I was so constantly turned on by the mere thought of him cumin on my face that I was soaking wet all the time. The day I went...
Halloween Bodysuit Adventure Masquerade Seduction Scenario (Written October 15, 20-21 2017) "Hey, Tiger, what's up?" As he heard a voice call across the room, turning around to see who was calling out to him. Chris Turner, you see, was at a Halloween party just outside of the state college he attended at the house of a friend of a friend he knew in class. He decided on donning a Spiderman costume wearing the full mask and suit, but had on his regular khaki loafers still on. The...
She stood there for what seemed like hours, unable to move, like her legs were concrete, sad and alone. The door open, the Bouncer waiting patiently outside, giving her privacy, as one of the other girls comes in, oblivious to Ambers current emotional state, with a client, eager to take over the room. Amber exits the room, taking the money as she leaves, not even making contact with Charlotte, her co-worker, she knew she had to work the rest of her shift, she needed this job badly, even if she...
As Zax proceeded past the seashore and vanished into the horizon, he did not pay much attention to the people on the beach and those in the harbor. The sea was a fascinating spectacle it was hard for him to match it to anything he ever witnessed. The closest he could think of was the blue sky. The sea appeared just as vast and while there were differences between the two, as he went on, other than scope and color, Zax detected more and more similarities that made him equally appreciate both...
Based on a true story, by Master ZigurShe was a lovely Asian wife. Her looking was simply provocative. With that sensuality that only Asians have, a mixture of humble and sensuality that makes her as desirable as delicious for sexual perversions and all the senses enjoy. Not tall, average body, silk skin, a long dark hair, covering a beautiful face, with beautiful Asian eyes, voluptuous lips, and that look that only the naughtiest ones have.Her body was smooth, with her vagina completely...
The sun came through the tall windows, flittering down between the book shelves and books softly, dancing with the dust motes that lingered in the air. It was pleasant here, at least for her; she readjusted her glasses and focused again on the text open before her. She could feel the headache growing inside her, it happened sometimes, she still wasn’t use to the glasses and the affect they had or didn’t have. She couldn’t read without them, not without asking for a headache and the current one...
Sensory Deprivation Do you enjoy sensory deprivation and if so how do you incorporate it into your sex life?A long time ago I had a sexual partner that dabbled a little into this and if I'm honest with myself I've craved to explore it a whole lot more but have yet to find a partner who is willing and capable to take control of me.I remember the first time just like it was yesterday, I came home from work and he was waiting for me with a length of rope and a blindfold, he told me to undress and...
Unfortunately, Transportation proved to be a bigger problem than Customs had been. Those there frowned at us when we arrived. Of course, we did make quite a procession. There were the two cages in the lead, each of which was pulled by a station tug. Then there were the four of us walking along with Bob. Finally, there was the nest. It was sitting on a wheeled flat and pulled by a third tug. “There is a three hour wait for transportation to the surface,” we were told by the...
Standing in the doorway, Alexa watched the sweat drip down the gardener's chest. The tall, muscular man had stopped beside the mower and wiped his brow off with a well-tanned arm. It was the day before Independence Day and the temperatures were well into the nineties. She had been observing him all afternoon. An illicit thrill raced through her at the thought of what punishment she was courting. Since the first time he'd caught her staring at him half dressed, he'd taken it as a challenge. A...
I graduated sometime in mid-June 2002. During my last semester, I started interviewing for software developer jobs. I accepted a position as a junior developer for a small business in Portland, about 8 hours north. The company was a total of no more than 40 people. The IT department consisted of two people, my boss and me. My boss was an older man probably in his mid-50s. He seemed like a genuine position. He was eager to have a young developer that he could mentor.I woke up early that Saturday...
I always had a thing for my wife's sister, Cindy. My wife Amy knew this, and never really objected to it. Cindy was a shy, sweet, innocent girl. We were sure that she was a virgin, and probably had never even been kissed.Amy was about 5'4", with long, straight jet-black hair, 95 pounds, dark skin, and 32c boobs. She has a perfect, jet black triangle of pubic hair that looks stunning against her brown skin. Cindy is much lighter-skinned than Amy, and is tiny-about 4'11", no more than 80 pounds....
It had been filling the edges of my mind for several months, like sand fills air pockets in a jar full of pebbles. My growing attraction to a long-time friend was now nearing obsession and I still hadn’t worked up the courage to tell him. But tonight was going to be the night. Bryn had come over to help with dinner and my outfit. As dinner was nearly ready, I dressed in slimming black slacks and a low cut blouse the color of rich champagne. ‘Fabulous,’ Bryn assured me. She put the finishing...
‘Horizontal time I think,’ was all she said. Emily Tibbett led me by the hand, up the long staircase and into her bedroom. The sheets were silk and cold as she gently guided me to lie, then she lay beside me and her mouth covered mine in a long, deep kiss. The kiss became more and more intense and her finger entered me slowly almost painfully. After a long while of kissing and gentle fingering she moved her hand around my back and allowed her leg to slide between mine and, like before, she...
LesbianMaster is at work awaiting his new girl's arrival at the motel. As instructed, she sent him a message with her room number as soon as she checked in and put the spare key card under the mat outside the door. He smiles as he mentally runs through everything he is going to do with her and to her. Just thinking of meeting him has her cunt wet and slippery. She unpacks everything, organizing her BDSM gear so that all is accessible for her Master sadist. She has never shown anyone her...
Wonder of wonders, nothing untoward disturbed our sleep that night and all our newfound stock was still hanging around when we woke. They didn't get excited when I went out walking among them either. Most of the stallions still steered clear of me, but for some reason the mares didn't seem to. I was feeling pretty proud of myself for a few minutes there. Then I remembered I'd left the herd's former stallion where I'd found him, without even spending a round to put him out of his misery....
You stop and look at the road ahead, it looks like an old country road that is only used once in awhile. Your hesitation earns you a whip strike to your left ass cheek. You jump and start moving again without thinking. Angel uses the reigns to lead you left down the road, she gets you going into a trot using the reigns. After 45 mins you begin to relax enjoying the freedom of being outside with no cloths and being used as a beast of burden by a naked woman you have never met before. Before...
I found it hard to concentrate the next day at work. My pussy seemed to be constantly wet. Watching Monica mate with her dog was a world away from just watching bestiality videos. The worst part was how it turned me on, both watching Tyson and having feelings for Monica. I was confused about which was turning me on more. I was so torn and that was driving me crazy. After work I could get home fast enough. Ripping of my knickers I brought Trigger inside. Even as I said the words “Trigger lick”...
He felt the environment close around him. His closest by his side but a thousand times removed with the turn of a page and the strum of a guitar string. Sunlight broke through the dust streaked glass, the heat of it seeking out the areas of his body most affected by its earlier attention. A million different thoughts broke the air around him. Each one lapping over the other as the travellers around him screamed silently at the departure announcement board. His so called gift felt more like a...
I had just bathed and settled down to watch a Porn movie and enjoy myself with a bottle of Red, one of the few little treats I give myself, when my husband was away working on the rigs, on his two on and two off schedule. I had spoke with him a little back around six, just before he went on night tower, and it had been eight days since I last was with him, so my juices were flowing. All day had been leading to this moment, a magical time for a woman, where her mind and body can go somewhere...
Yankee Swap, Chapter 5: The Whirlwind of Stacy "Well, Kim, how are you fixed for a dress for tonight? This is a fancy affair, so you need a great dress!" Stacy had adhered the wig to Ken's scalp and was leading him back to the main section of the store. "Let me see, probably a fourteen regular. Maybe a twelve." She pushed three hangars into his hands and led him off towards the center of the store. "In you go - I want to see you in all three of these, even if you think they...
I leaned forward and grabbed my sexy partner around the ass, pulling her forward so that she had to put her legs on either side of the chair to straddle me. Her breasts were right in my face, flushed, erect nipples pointing past my cheeks. She must have been presenting them to me, so I obliged, wetting them with my tongue and lips. The sounds in her throat seemed to be moans of encouragement, so I spent some time with them, lifting and squeezing some, but mainly licking and flicking and kissing...
CheatingThe following is a true story on me cheating on my boyfriend.So I been in a relationship with my current boyfriend for about a year now and I absolutely love him! It's just I have a lot of sexual fantasies with some involving multiple guys or guys with enormous cock. My boyfriend has a 5 inch cock and I'm okay with it, I love sucking on it and riding him. It's the perfect size for me (I'm 5'2) but it just doesn't completely do it. A few months ago, when my boyfriend went to vacation I was very...
*The virgin games inspired me to make a gay version, if that is not your thing and you prefer to see women deflowered, then you should go to the story made called Virgin Games* With the desire for new and crazier reality TV shows, the studios have done it again. Now there is the Virgin Games - gay edition. This is a competition where straight men are tossed into a massive complex with nothing but a map to start with. Each year they change the interior of the complex completely so the...
Gay"Aarrrgggg... Oooohhhhh... Will." I licked my lover's clitoris again. Then I looked up from my position between my 16 year old lover's legs. Her smooth slightly tanned legs were shaking. Her tummy quivered. I looked between her grapefruit sized white breasts at her face. Her eyes were closed as she shook and moaned. Her face was framed by flowing blonde locks of hair. More disheveled than usual. I loved to look at my lover when she had an orgasm. This was her second in the past ten...
Everyone knows there very few genuine girls on here. Its a overloaded cockfest on here to be honest. And everyone knows it.I think most people, including myself of course; post pictures of their bods and cocks on here knowing full well that they will mostly be seen; and gain recognition; by and from men. Fishing for any compliment is just human nature after all.I encounter so many '100% straight' guys on here.But push them and most admit to thoughts, desires or even experiences of one kind or...
John was working on Bert. He had been born at 9:18 PM on February 19th, 2019. So far, the little one had not shown any signs of life, “Bert, come on son, breath.” Sally and Willa were with him in the next room from where Jenny was. Teresa and Johnny and her team were just down the hall. John was on the edge of panic, “Come on Bert. Your home Bert, come to daddy.” John looked at the time, 9:27 PM. “No heartbeat,” Willa said very disappointedly. “He’s not breathing daddy.” Sally shared. She...