Indiscreet Innocence: Party Women Need Love ,Too free porn video

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Note : This story is completely fictional!

Chapter 1. Indiscreet Innocence

Two years ago, very Irish Catholic and very innocent Kathleen O'boyle came to teach English at Sexton. She had the typical features of the dark Irish: long black hair framing a white face with prominent cheekbones tapering down to a slightly peaked chin. Her mouth was wide but with a delightful overbite and, coordinated with sparkling eyes, known to smile "like a 'morn in spring."

Long stemmed with freckles, she nevertheless had a very wide flair to her hips and plush drumstick thighs. Her breasts were the hallmark of her allure. Extremely large, yet nevertheless compact, they rode high and wide apart on her chest, somehow complementing the length of her swan-like neck. The breasts, themselves wide-based, occupied a lot of territory. Their conical development although reasonably elongated were so ample, they could be considered huge, but nevertheless appeared compact and dome-like. In fact, they stuck far out, and their width kept them firm, yet, it bears saying again, very, very large. The best part, however were the nipples that spiked far beyond her dark aureoles when she was aroused, which was quite often.

At first she didn't party and wouldn't have believed it if someone had told her that in 3 years time, she would become notorious for riotous living.

It all started when, at the age of twenty-four, she fell in love with the shop teacher and football coach. He was also Catholic, but none-the-less divorced. Kathleen decided not to introduce Stosh to her parents. Their affair flourished, and the beautiful, inexperienced lass knew she was in love.

Stosh was ten years older than Kathleen and ran with a very wild crowd. Stosh didn't realize that, thanks to their bar-hopping at locales with erotic atmospheres, followed by alcohol-driven, uninhibited sex; this innocent's newly awakened body was now populating her mind with pornographic fantasies; so, not realizing he had a veritable sex bomb in Kathleen, Stosh tired of her seeming innocence.

In order to loosen her up, Stosh decided he’d introduce her to his dissolute friends, Laura and Jim, who were married but enlivened their sexual life with a great deal of variety, in both separate and combined bacchanals. Stosh, Laura and Jim, who Kathleen had never met, planned a party for her twenty-fourth birthday that was intended to open her up to new adventures. Just in case Kathleen's participation in their intended orgy didn't work out well, Laura had, unbeknownst to even Stosh, invited Earnie, one of her hundred or so boyfriends, Earnie's sister and Sal, one of said sister's hundred or so boyfriends.

The short, bulbous blonde who answered the door in a low-plunging evening dress had a drink in her hand. "Stosh! We were starting without you. And this must be your lovely lady-friend, about who I've heard so much!"

Laura had a comely, porcine face with a sexy, impudent look. Her nose was wide and saucily upturned. Overall she was bustling and brassy, and, notorious for her rapacious, drunken rampages. The curvaceous Laura had obviously consumed more than the drink she was holding. Thanks to the upturn of her nose combining with her shortness and vivacity, Laura was not only sexy but also attractive. With very globular, out-thrust breasts and large buns, her short figure was fully-packed. Her dress was a one-piece pull-over that had such a plunging front, Kathleen could see how well-rounded her cantaloupe-like boobs really were. 

Since they were almost rubbery firm, a bra wasn't necessary. Their spherical, inner surfaces, exposed by the indecently wide neckline dominated the view of her overall attributes. The dress wasn't tight, so Kathleen wasn't to notice until later that Laura's hefty and rounded hips and ass protruded blatantly. The bustling hostess was verging on becoming fat, but had never gained weight thanks to the physical exertions of her partying, but in return, she overflowed with party-induced, female hormones. Oozing with lust, she was a veritable estrogen factory.

Whiskey fumes engulfed Kathleen as Laura eagerly tilted her wide-jawed face up to kiss her. While Kathleen dutifully lowered her face into the hostess' plush lips, Stosh mischievously forced Kathleen's hand down over Laura's well differentiated waist, and then down further out onto the globes of her outcropped buttocks. 

Kathleen was stunned! She knew her own ass was capacious but to feel the hot flesh of Laura's globular endowments made Kathleen jealous, and worse yet, horny. A guilt-induced thrill coursed through her innards. Laura's ass cheeks were perfect hemispheres of arousing bun and far more protuberant than her dress had displayed. 

Complementing the whiskey fumes, there was a warmth radiating from the woman's burgeoning ass that seemed to broadcast the intent of the party. Kathleen didn't dare recoil lest she offend the hostess, who now snaked a tongue past the innocent's lips. Stosh forced Kathleen's hand into the fleshy seam of Laura's crevice, and another thrill rushed through Kathleen. She felt an engorged mound nested right under the crevice made by the juncture of the sex-bomb's ass cheeks.

"Oooooo, I can see we're all gonna get along jush swell," Laura gasped as her husband dragged the Irish beauty away from his tipsy wife. Jim then took up where his mate left off, but this time it was Kathleen's ass that received the caressing hands. As a combination of horniness, guilt and outrage surged through her, the Irish beauty saw her lover, Stosh, bend to embrace the sexy Laura. With both hands on her ass, they intertwined in an obvious lover's kiss.

Chapter 2. Party Virginity

"Stop it, Stosh! I don't want you rushing things! Ooooohhh! Ooooohhhh! God! Stop it! I'm a virgin an want to stay that way 'till later."

Even as Jim fondled Kathleen, the absurdity of the remark registered with her. Laura was married, and that ruled out virginity to start with, but one look at the lascivious Laura was enough to dispell the remotest likelihood of virginity. In fact, Laura was the antithesis to virginity. What Kathleen didn't know was, when uninhibited partiers used the term, virgin, it usually meant since the last shower or douche.

When a girl at a party tells a potential lover, "I'm a virgin," it's usually meant as reassurance that, should he decide to feed from her trough, the results won't include another man's bodily fluids.

Later on in the party, a woman may advertise that she's not a virgin, even though it would be obvious, and this might also prove an inducement to the more debauched among the by-then, raging-drunk revelers inclined to administer oral suction to well-lubricated genitalia.

As Kathleen pried herself away from Jim, Stosh had cupped a hand under the cheeks of Laura's ass and was massaging the mound of her cunt from behind. "Oooohhh God, Stan! What're ya dooin to me?"

Amazed that, instead of trying to stop it, the little woman, reaching a hand into her own crotch intensified her soul-kissing, Kathleen screamed "STOSH!"

That broke up the embracing and the red faced hostess gasped, "She's right, honey. We're going waaaay too fast. Less wait 'till the other guests get here before we start."

"START WHAT?" Kathleen blurted angrily as Stosh pulled away from Laura and came over beside his girlfriend to put an arm around her lovely waist.

"I'm sorry, we were getting a little carried away," Laura gasped. "Thass what happens when anyone touches my derriere!"

"I didn't mean to touch it. Stosh put my hand down there while we were kissing." Kathleen objected.

"I should have known. That's Stosh for ya. He knows that I have no self-control, and it can ruin a party for the women to have things get out of control at the beginning. He wants to skip the best parts, and get right down to nasty.”

Laura went on, “I'm controllin the party, and not you, Stosh! Since you're such a mischief maker, why don't you make your beautiful lady friend one of your devil drinks. Has he gotten you drinking his kamikazes yet?"

Chapter 3. Irish Genes and Whorish Scenes

To get his girlfriend enjoying booze had been the coach's first order of business, and he habitually took her to the bars where she learned to drink the especially potent mixtures he ordered up. It wasn't long before her Irish genes came into play, and she soon looked forward to that first drink of the night, then the next and the next and the next. Kathleen's drinking had added an element of abandon to their sex life that would've otherwise been impossible considering her strict background.

As Stosh returned with two wicked-looking drinks for each of the women, he asked Laura, "Who all did you invite?"

"Earnie and his sister, Nellie, and her boyfriend, Sal."

"OW WOW! Nellie's some hot number! Do you think she's makin it with her brother?"

"I wouldn't doubt it. Nellie gets it on with everybody. I don't think she makes any exceptions with relatives, but we'll know for sure when they get here."

That was too much for Kathleen. She beckoned Stosh off to the side by the liquor table and whispered in his ear, "What kinda party have you taken me to? I don't wanna be around this kinda stuff. And this, Nellie, whoever she is ... why I'd never even want to be near someone like that." She formed in her mind a picture of a sluttish, abandoned, tramp, who would "get it on with anybody," even her own brother.

"OK honey, OK. I'll tell 'em to cool it. How about another drink?"

"After what's been happening so far, I think I need one." With that, Stosh mixed her another devil drink. Kathleen suddenly realized that taking another drink could be risky. She was in an atmosphere that might require her to remain in control of her behavior. She hadn't ever lost control from drinking, well, not exactly, unless you counted how she acted in bed with Stosh after a night in the taverns, but that could've been due to the atmosphere as well as the drink. One embarrassing remembrance involved her behavior after witnessing a platinum blonde woman who left the tavern with two men.

The blonde beauty had arrived with just one man, who appeared to be her husband. This was confirmed when he ordered drinks in a loud voice and added, "You might as well make two for the missus, 'cause she's gonna want more right away." Seeming to disregard the fact that open barstools were in short supply, the foxy beauty lay a small, glittering handbag in the center of the seat next to her.

"Stosh!" A tipsy Kathleen had chided, "Your eyes are gonna roll across the floor." The blonde was glamorously dressed, but although not overexposed, this woman looked like she had been poured into her shimmering, off-lemon, evening dress. She had breasts that were the size and shape of large cantaloupes, and her waist tapered under her ribcage only to flair out and blend with sensually wide, cylindrical hips. 

Sitting at the barstool, the cocktail-drinking knockout displayed her globular buttocks to magnetic advantage, and her lovely ass was what Stosh couldn't take his eyes off. The bartender was already serving her second martini with a large supplementary decanter. She tilted her elegantly smooth face to sallow through ruby lips the elixir that would inspire her for adventures to cum, and cum, and cum.

"Wow!" said Stosh, "She's tying one on!" The rounded calves of her legs, tinted in such a way that suggested encasement in the sheerest of stockings, seemed to advertise the zaftig nature of those parts of her body that only the most fortunate of people might later experience.

Stosh had the unmistakable signs of an erection bulging in his crotch, and Kathleen, who had already had more drinks than was prudent, slurred, "So ya like it when a beautiful woman ties one on, do you? Suppose I was to tie one on, would ya like that too? Or aren't I interesting enough?"

Just then, an athletic-looking, young man walked in, seeking a barstool to occupy, and the blonde, spotting him, removed her handbag from the stool next to her. Meanwhile, her husband, turned in the other direction as though he wasn't her companion. The placement of the little purse hadn't been as thoughtless as one might have suspected. The stud, seeing this an open invitation, which it was; sat down and ordered, for both himself and for her. Again, her now empty cocktail glass, was joined by third full decanter of potent libation from which the bartender then replenished it.

Now, Kathleen, herself, couldn't take her eyes off of the blonde. Stosh had signaled the bartender to make his dark-haired companion another heavily-laced drink. It took ten minutes for both Kathleen and the blonde to drink up and have an additional round served. 

Just as the blonde's drink arrived, the bartender must've said something to the husband that tipped the stranger off to their relationship, because, after he turned away, the blonde went through the motions of introducing her two male companions to one another. The husband seemed delighted, but the stranger looked less than pleased. 

With that, the blonde leaned her beautifully coiffured head down on the newcomer's shoulder, and her arms affectionately and somewhat kittenishly encircled the stranger's neck. The husband, then, guided the stranger's hand onto the oval surface of a spherical breast. That turned the trick, because the stranger kissed her back.

"My God!" Kathleen gasped! "What's going on?"

"I think it's two-for-one night," Stosh quipped, the bulge in his crotch swelling.

The blonde, then, kissing the stud first on the cheek, then, wiggling her ass; attached her lips firmly on his. What followed was a three-way discussion that led to their paying the bill and leaving with the blonde’s rear wiggling between 2 masculine forms.

They departed in such an indecent manner that the image of their three inter-locking, swaying bodies would haunt Kathleen with horny images for weeks (until her own adventures surpassed this scene). 

The blonde, now obviously tipsy and bracketed between her two companions, flirted with both her soon-to-be lovers, kissing one on the cheekbone and cupping the other's crotch in the hand that wasn't holding her handbag. As she sashayed, the welcoming breadth of her pivoting hips and pelvis sent chills of lust and envy through Stosh and Kathleen. There was just the hint of a tummy bulge in her form-fitting gown swelling above an outcropping where her substantial thighs came together.

As the threesome wended their passage with serpentine over-correction due to the effects of alcohol, Stosh remarked, "I'll bet they do this every night."

"You mean the three of them?"

"No! Of course not! I mean she and her husband go out every night looking for new men to get in threesomes with them."

"Threesomes," Kathleen repeated dazedly, her cunt watering more than her mouth at the thought. 


Just then, the threesome was abreast of Kathleen and Stosh, and the stunningly beautiful, platinum blonde looked right into Kathleen's eyes and winked lasciviously. This seemed like a message passed from one dissolute woman to another; and as Kathleen's breasts heaved, her heart raced. Her breath caught in her throat. Unbeknownst to herself, even, Kathleen's tongue did a circuit of her lips.

In typical self-centered manner, Stosh took this as a sign that his comments were the source of her excitement continued, "Ya! They're gonna have a sandwich and she's gonna be the meat. Some juicy meat!"

"A sandwich. Let's get out of here, Stosh, I wanna make love."

The "love" they made that night left Kathleen with feelings of guilt. Being so drunk, she didn't recall everything she had done or tried to do, but she did remember suggesting a game, "I'm gonna call you two different names while we make love, an I want you to talk in two different voices, an call me dirty names. When ya cum from behind, talk one way, and when ya cum from the front, sound different, an don forget to talk dirty." During the maniacal sex that ensued, it's hard to say who shouted the filthiest words. Stosh remembered how wild she was that night, and that's what had decided him to bring this lovely innocent to meet Laura and Jim.

"Here's your drink. There's more where that came from."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Kathleen said hesitatingly. "Don't let me have any more after this one." Having deceived herself with the rationalization that she had attempted to control her drinking through the intervention of Stosh, she greedily attacked the glass in her hand. 

Watching her, Stosh smiled in anticipation of how interesting this lovely creature would become with another drink or two inside her tubular torso, which he intended to make sure she would have.

As Kathleen swallowed rapidly, she caught a glimpse of Laura and Jim tenderly kissing and caressing with empty glasses in hand. He had his free hand buried deep in his wife's ample crotch while she had her arms wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling his face down so she could soul kiss?him. From their other hands dangled empty glasses, dripping on the rug. 

"Oh God, Honey! Pleeease don't get me started! It'll ruin all the fun. You're jush like Stan. You don't care about the affectionate parts."

"How do you want it, Babes?" Breaking her absorption in the scene, Stosh was prying an empty glass out of Kathleen's hand. Had she drank that entire drink without even knowing? What the hell, she might as well have another. Stosh'll stop her if she gets too drunk.

Holding her own glass out for a refill, Kathleen said, "Make this one a little stronger. You wouldn't think they were married the way they're carrying on." Kathleen's panties were soaked.

"I think parties have something to do with keeping their marriage alive and well," Stosh said handing his girlfriend another, even more potent, drink.

"I don’t know whash you mean," Kathleen slurred after having sipped a fair amount. "How could being promiscuous help a marriage? This doesn't taste all that strong to me. Can you spike it?"

As Stosh poured straight 156 proof rum in Kathleen's glass, he insisted, "Oh, messin around's the best thing for a marriage. It keeps it from getting stale."

"Yah, well there's other ways to help a marriage than cheatin."

"That's just it. You can't call it cheatin if a man's proud to see his wife makin it with other men and visa?versa, and they love to put on shows to turn other people on."

"Do you mean they're exhibitionists?"

The fabric of Laura's dress was captured in her bountiful crotch due to the previous intrusion of Jim's hand, and Jim's jeans bulged with a massive hard-on. Kathleen's inevitable debauchery was the reason the host and hostess were so horny. As the Irish beauty gazed with alcohol flooding her brain at Jim's bulge, she wondered if his cock was bigger than Stosh's.


Chapter 4. Sister, Brother and Another

After several rings, Jim, zippering his fly opened the door on the trio of guests they had expected earlier. Nellie, a tall, young knock-out wore a loose lavender dress with spaghetti straps and a plunging neckline that exposed most of her firm, young breasts. This was a surprise to Kathleen, who after hearing the description of her lecherousness, expected someone similar to the crude Laura, but worse. This beauty had a willowy, yet sensuous aspect more in keeping with a spontaneous, happy, small-town girl.

She flounced into the living room with a vanity box dangling sensuously from a cord, like a hooker's handbag. Her light brunette hair was clasped around behind her head making a bobbed-like effect that blended wonderfully with her natural, yet impulsive grace. What the lavender dress didn't show was the fact that her compact ass cheeks were very oval. Very oval indeed, and quite enlarged as was the fuck pouch mounted at their juncture. 

As the lithe beauty walked into the room, dangling the bag, a bag that contained, incidentally, a strap-on cock and a vibrator among other the other feminine?hygiene supplies that any well-prepared party-goer might need, Kathleen almost gasped with admiration of her charm as if she had brought moonlight into the house.

Her gyrating walk was sensually provocative, causing the balls of her ass to piston about the union of her inner thighs. Kathleen noticed that, thanks to Nellie's spontaneity, her rear was always in motion, either twisting or thrusting outwards, or swiveling so gracefully. It so happened that this particular beauty wasn't a party virgin, and the vagina that her cantilevering buttocks revolved about, contained the juices of two recent lovers. 

When comparing the whorish hostess with the supple party girl, appearances were very deceptive. They would both fuck at the drop of a pair of pants, but the newly-arrived Nellie would not only fuck the men, including her brother; she'd fuck the women, the empty bottles and even the candelabrum, and if there were any teen-age kids sleeping upstairs, she'd go up there and fuck them, too.

Considering it was evening already, Nellie, an inveterate partier, was, in fact, relatively virginal when compared to her usual state for that time of night. Without having been told, she somehow knew that Laura's parties required this of her. Had she not encountered two strangers in the laundromat, she would've arrived in a more pristine condition.

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Innocence Lost Ch 22

In Which Innocence is found in work and in work is found revived passion. Innocence had achieved her independence: she had at last found a bedsit and a job that paid well enough for her to afford the rent. Honore had loaned her the money necessary to pay the deposit on her new home, but she hoped that with overtime she’d be able to repay her eventually. It was a very small bedsit – much smaller than what she’d been accustomed to in Labia or Wonderground – but at least when she shut the front...

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Innocence Lost Ch 18

In Which Purity is reconciled with Innocence, Purity is separated from Chastity, and Purity appreciates the value of Twelve, but is displeased by the association with Chastity. Purity hadn’t seen Innocence for such a long time, and she was very pleased when she heard that she and her sister had left Wonderground. She’d never cared to visit a place with such a poor reputation for racial discrimination, so it was with rather more enthusiasm than might otherwise have been the case she took the...

4 years ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 23

In Which Innocence is displayed on film and is shown together with an old friend. It was Dodie who reminded Innocence of the interview she’d had with Fuck Films Today and her appearance in Forbidden Love. ‘It seems absolutely ridiculous to me that you should be working for virtually nothing at the Fierzehn, especially as you don’t really like music, when you could be earning a hell of a lot more in fuck films.’ ‘I’m not sure I want to be filmed fucking people,’ Innocence retorted. ‘Don’t be...

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Innocence Lost Ch 20

In Which Innocence is lost in Congress, and Twelve introduces Innocence to the literary merits of Honore. Twelve had no intention of returning to the flat to rejoin Chastity. She’d had just about enough of her and how she’d persuade her to do things with her young lovers that made her feel guilty and soiled. She carried her rucksack of possessions over her shoulder through the streets of Labia, relishing the attention her appearance aroused, and made her way to the railway station. She wasn’t...

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Innocence Lost Ch 29

In Which Une joins in the study of Algebra, the properties of Twelve are examined by Algebra, and Chastity returns to Innocence. After their one session of lovemaking, Algebra was disappointed to find that despite her attempts to repeat it Dodie was decidedly unenthusiastic to do so. Algebra soon came to conclude that her brief love affair with Dodie had finished almost before it had begun, and resigned herself to her studies as a means of keeping her mind off her continued passion. Her...

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Innocence Lost Ch 32

In Which Honore learns about the relationship between Purity and Innocence, a film is made illustrating Innocence’s virtues, and Honore is introduced to Leon. Honore was struggling with the composition of her Adventures of Priccho, in which she’d now managed to get her hero to a Land of Naughty Boys, where he was having sex with a number of boys and admired how large their penises were, in many cases more than eighteen inches long, not knowing that this was merely the first stage of a...

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Innocence Lost Ch 13

In Which we learn about the rewards and joy of unbridled pleasure, but also see how it may compromise the better virtues of Innocence and Chastity. What could be done about Null? wondered Kedi as she sat astride Innocence thrusting her crotch backwards and forwards on Innocence’s wonderful penis. She was unable to avoid wondering about this as Null was sitting opposite her on the floor, chained as always to the furniture frantically masturbating herself while Innocence and Kedi were in the...

1 year ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 15

In Which Dodie compares the relative virtues of Innocence and Chastity, Kedi abandons Chastity, and Dodie leaves the comfort of Innocence. Dodie understood the freedom of Innocence’s love-making, and how it would frequently involve her fucking her sister or Kedi, but it did little to lessen the jealousy she felt as Kedi or Chastity would be yelping with pleasure from the continued thrusts of Innocence’s beautiful penis. Although she so often thought of her lover’s prick being her own that she...

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Party Women Need Love Too Part 7

Note : This story is completely fictional! With that, a smile widened on the girl's negligent, lopsided face. Her lips pursed out in a lewd smirk, and she said, "If I'm gonna do it, guysh, I wanna do it with everybody. Doesh everybody wanna do it with me?" "WE DO! WE DO!" the men all shouted. "See these panties?" Nellie, now quite drunk, almost fell off the staircase while waving Kathleen's panties in the air and hollared, "These are Kathleen's birthday panties, an if you don think she's hot,...

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Innocence Lost Ch 21

In Which Leon rediscovers Innocence, and Honore is introduced to virtues beyond the normal condition. Leon never enjoyed his visits to the city of Congress whenever they were necessary. He was very uncomfortable squeezing his enormous penis into the leg of his trousers – even though he always made a point of wearing them very baggy irrespective of how fashionable or not that might be at any one time. He particularly dreaded getting an erection as it pushed so obviously against the inside thigh...

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Innocence Lost Ch 11

In Which Mouse appreciates Innocence and her thespian ambitions in equal measure, her performances help Kedi otherwise wedded to Chastity, but she affirms greater affection for the virtues of Innocence than those of Chastity. Mouse was passionately in love with Innocence, with a passion that burst through her tee-shirt and swelled her breasts. She could hardly bear to be parted a moment from her side. She loved putting Innocence’s gorgeous penis deep inside her mouth and allowing it to brush...

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Party Women Need Love Too Part 6

Note : This story is completely fictional! "YOUR OWN BROTHER?!!! YOU'RE GONNA FUCK YOUR OWN BROTHER?" Laura pulled the bottle away and said, "That excites you doesn't it?" "Yes, it does," Kathleen allowed as her hand rubbed up in down in her crotch. Fluids formed over her knuckles as she masturbated. "Uuuhh! Uuuuhhh! Fuck your own brother! Uuuuhh! Uuuuuhh! Aaahhh! Aaahh!" Nellie noticed the outpour imediately, "Hey Laura, thish gal is wet! I MEAN WET!" "Well, aren't we all? Aren't we all? When...

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Innocence Lost Ch 12

In Which Kedi discovers an innocence quite unlike the Innocence she knows so well, Innocence learns that the virtues of her name can contain elements of ignorance, and Mouse achieves success in her audition. Null was a girl driven entirely by sexual passion. But an undirected, random and indiscriminate sexual passion. She was forever in a state of sexual readiness, constantly dripping with passion, and constantly aching to have her vagina filled with sexual satisfaction. She was a slender girl...

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Innocence Lost Ch 28

In Which the Science of Algebra lives with the virtues of Innocence and Dodie discovers some of the more bizarre attributes of Algebra. True to her name, Algebra was a student of Mathematics at the University of Congress. She had applied unsuccessfully to read at the University of Labia, but Congress was a good second choice, where she was able to study with some of the very best professors in the country. Also true to her name, Algebra was a girl of very pure principles and practices. She was...

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The name of the game is Innocence

This is not a sex story but a tale about a game me and my friend Jess use to play called Innocence. The purpose of the game is to get a friend to push their limits and revel themselves pretending to be none the wiser to a designated person known as the receiver. The rules of the game are as follows: 1. Only play innocence in a controlled environment2. Never put yourself in any danger 3. Never play innocence were people may get offended4. Always choose your receiver carefully If you decide to...

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Party Women Need Love Too Part 5

Note : This story is completely fictional! (Nellie had just paid Kathleen a visit, sitting and wetting the bed with the drainage from making out with 3 men. She went to get more drinks, leaving Kathleen drunk and lusting for her return.) Her tongue snaked out, and she laid her fingertips on the wet spot. As she tasted the saltiness of Nellie's drainage, she wondered if that was only Stosh or, in addition to that, someone else's cum she was tasting. "Oohhh, what's happening to me? What's...

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Sparty Party

Most of the people on the street looked up as I drove past. They were drawn by the sound, like that of a huge angry bear on steroids. My Pype bomb exhaust system announced the presence of my blacked out 2014 Mustang 5.0. People walking down the street had several reactions. Most smiled in appreciation at the automotive masterpiece that was my favorite vehicle of all time. A smaller number, actually stopped what they were doing and stood in slack jawed worship. Those were the faithful, the ones...

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Party Women Need Love Too Part 4

Note : This story is completely fictional! "Hi honey, I brought you a birthday drink." Nellie, a tall girl with pear like breasts, and reddish blonde hair had walked into the darkened room with a tipsy swivel to her hips. Something about feeling a man's emissions inside her always caused her to walk more sensuously, with more of a pivoting step that better accentuated her ball bearing ass cheeks. She had a willowy, limber torso and an adorably open and instinctive corn fed face. She had the...

4 years ago
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Innocence Enslaved part 4 Afterparty

Emily lay still, exhausted. She could feel the prickly fur of the dog that had mounted her, stuck to her soft, smooth skin of her bare body, stuck to the dried saliva, sweat and cum of multiple men. Even now she could feel remnants of the creatures cum slowly leaking from her sore, stretched pussy to mingle with the sperm of her father and uncle dripping down her round buttocks. The pretty young redhead had given up. Just hours ago she had woken, dazed and confused, strapped naked to a...

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Blood Sacrifice of Innocence

Everything in Nature adores the chaste virgin, as she walks through her Almighty Father’s Garden of Paradise, naked and unashamed. She will never know sin, so long as the snake is kept out of Paradise. When she has matured, the lover sees the beauty so breathtaking to behold, and innocence so pure, surely she must have the blood sacrifice of innocence, to atone for accursedness in his seed. Her lover places her needs for security and commitment, above his own base instinct, elevating...

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The Innocence GameCh 03 The Result

Part Three of Three in The Innocence Game series. Please read Chapters One and Two if you haven’t already done so, as they explain key events leading up to this point. And please enjoy! ——————————————— ‘How many more of these are there?’ Emily asked ‘Just this last one’ Brent said ‘Good luck!’ Christi and Hailey wished her good luck as well as they escorted her out of the car. Then she looked up at the junior high. I had a feeling she was trying to guess which one of the memories from this...

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Innocence Lost An Early Introduction to BDSM

Innocence Lost: An Early Introduction to BDSM, Pt. I ? Hannah Sullivan was not your average schoolgirl.? She was not interested in most of the things that excited her schoolmates.? People might have confused her demeanor as being shy or even stand-offish.? Actually she was just basically independent.? She was a pretty little teen but lagged behind her classmates in body development.? She was a virgin who had not yet developed much of an interest in boys.?She had an experimental and adventurous...

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Innocence Enslaved chapter 1 That Fateful Night

*As usual, if you're going to neg it please tell me why so I can improve. Don't neg it just because you don't like the themes, they're all tagged so if you don't like them don't read the story. And if you do like it, don't hesitate to give it a +1. All comments, suggestions and constructive criticism welcome.* Innocence Enslaved chapter 1: That fateful night Emily woke slowly. Her eyelids felt heavy, she was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable, the...

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Innocence Enslaved

Innocence Enslaved chapter 1: That first nightEmily woke slowly, her eyelids heavy. She was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable,the surface beneath her hard and unyielding... had she fallen out of bed? Still drowsy, she blinked a few times and tried to lift a hand to rub her eyes. That's when she realized she wasn't in her room, and suddenly she was wide awake.She realized she was face down on some kind of table, her ample breasts squashed painfully against the...

1 year ago
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Party Women Need Love too VIII

Indiscreet Innocence VIII: Kathleen Does It Like a Pig Kathleen found herself now surrounded since everybody. Laura looked as pig-like as a woman could get and still be attractive with her full breasts flailing from her masturbating, and cum dripping off her chin and nipples. She wanted nothing more than to bring the once-haughty Kathleen down to her level. "Good! The slut came! We got her nish an opened up for some cock. NOW, LESS GET HER FUCKED,” announced Laura who with the other hand had...

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Innocence Lost Ch 16

In Which Gryphon teaches Innocence and Chastity in a college of Further Education, and develops a particular affection for the attractions of Chastity. Gryphon had enjoyed her work as a school-teacher and it was a great disappointment for her when it became clear that she would have to seriously consider a move to another institution – and as there was such a shortage of suitable places in the district, it had to be to the local college. The job suited her as she was able to indulge in both...

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Innocence Lost Ch 17

In Which Gryphon purchases affection and gains a little satisfaction, the provision of Chastity to those willing to pay, and Gryphon’s discovery of the hidden virtues of Innocence. Despite the rewards of her affair with Chastity, Gryphon still didn’t feel that her sex-life was wholly satisfactory. She acutely felt the insecurity of having a relationship with a girl who had so many different partners and made no pretence otherwise. She looked for another outlet for her sexual needs, and thought...

2 years ago
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Innocence Enslaved part 1 Rude Awakening

She realized she was face down on some kind of table, her ample breasts squashed painfully against the cold surface, and her hands were strapped to the sides. She could feel something strapped around her head, and taste the rubber ball gag that had been shoved in her mouth. To make matters worse, she was naked. She began to panic, struggling to free her hands.  "It's no use", spoke a deep, monotone voice from behind her. She struggled to turn her head to see the source of the voice, but...

1 year ago
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Who Needs Innocence

Her eyes burned through my soul.  Who is she? I wondered.  The coffee shop was fairly busy, but for some reason, my gaze was locked onto the beautiful, blonde college student who stared back in challenge.  I was caught like a deer in the headlights, as though an oncoming semi-truck was about to plow through me.  Little did I know just how accurate that omen would turn out to be.I composed myself and turned to the counter. Luca, the owner of this gem of a café, was busy finishing an order, so I...

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Love and Innocence

Though you may find it hard to believe now, I was once a pretty girl when the bloom of youth still gilded my cheeks. I used to receive many admiring glances and love notes from the young bucks of the town when I was sitting in church on a Sunday, especially if they thought my father wasn't looking. Now I am as you see me, with white hair and wrinkled skin, although my teeth have survived the ravages of time, thank God or good fortune. Sadly my waistline betrays my fondness for too many honey...

Straight Sex
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Slut Wife Tina Loves being a Party Whore

Terry was away on business for the first few weeks after Thanksgiving this year and after the first few days I was getting pretty horny. I decided that I'd break a couple of my own rules at least just this once by going out without him. All year long I've received quite a few emails mostly from guys that I've been fucking at parties but a couple from women who have seen some pictures. Of me naked, and to tell the truth reading what they said they would do to me made me hot and wet to. Some of...

Group Sex
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Innocence of Sultana

Sultana, a hot girl from a poor family of innocent daily labors. born in a small village raised to be a very religious but she stands alone in her entire village. Even though she was raised by poor parents, she looks like she is a princess, no matter how dirtier or fade her dress is. She is the candy of the eyes for entire villagers. Her beauty and innocence makes every villagers wants to have a piece of her. Her parents are idiots, even though they love them more than anything in the world but...

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My First Time losing my innocence

Losing my Innocence – My First TimeMy Very First Time - losing my innocenceLoving me for the first timeIntroducing myself as a young girl.When I was young teenager I didn't have a lot in the way of body confidence. I was very skinny and when I dared to look at myself naked in my full size mirror, I just saw a young girls innocent underdeveloped body. I'd just started puberty but unlike some of my friends who were fast starting to develop I seemed to still be a skinny young girl. I remember how...

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Innocence Enslaved part 5 Learning to cope part 1 of chapter 2

**As always, don't neg it just because you didn't read the tags or above foreword or you just don't like the themes. Please give feedback and if you don't like it let me know why so I can improve.** Innocence Enslaved part 5: Learning to cope ***** The two boys couldn't believe their luck. If Jakes brother hadn't given them bottle of whiskey they would have stayed home playing PlayStation and skipped the party completely. They figured it would be boring simply because of the...

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Innocence Lost chapter 1 pt 1

The beginning of the end part 1 My name is Kate or Katie as I was born. I am 35 and I live in L.A. I am a mother of three children and do my best to support them as a single mother. I have two boys and a daughter, my oldest named Cindy and my two boys Luke and Richard. At first you may what's wrong?, well...I have visits from the suicide watch teams every couple of days and my two 10 year old boys live with foster parents. I haven’t seen Cindy for three months now, I have no idea where...

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Teenage Innocence Results Sex With Sister

Friends guilt is what I feel when I think about those incidents 8 yrs. back. I was 18yrs. old boy then and my own sister was younger to me. Actually I was sexually abused when I was just a small boy by a cousin brother much elder than me. At that age out of innocence I used to think its what u should do with ur brother or sis. Slowly I started to touch my sis. and not with any one else ,cause fear was there of getting nude and try to touch intimate parts at that age meant its bad and getting...

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Easy to see some womenlove bi men

I had a buddy a while ago and he would suck my dick from time to time and occasionally I would return the favor. He told me he new a lady that wanted to see. I was sceptically at 1st but one day he invited me over for a afternoon blow job and when I got to his apartment he had a decent looking lady with a big ole ass on the couch in a corset with all the trimmings and he had on a tight t-shirt and some by cut shorts. I don’t know exactly what they were doing when I arrived but it looked...

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