Hanna Ch. 22-25 free porn video

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Chapter 22

The Taste of Honey

Although the climb was quite easy to begin with it quickly turned to a more rocky scramble, so in case she missed her footing and needed support I let Hanna go first. Of course that also gave me the opportunity to enjoy the sight of her bottom moving beneath her skirt, and with that and the slowly expanding view of the surrounding sea beneath us, I was more than perfectly content.

Although the little island was probably no more than a few hundred metres high the track wound circuitously around it and so it took us the best part of an hour to get to the top. But the view from there was more than worth the effort it had taken and for a few minutes we stood there in silence, turning slowly as we took it all in. In one direction was the island we had left a couple of hours earlier, its rocky outline blurred by the increasing heat haze. In another the start of a string of similar islands, then a vast expanse of almost glassy sea, its surface only broken here and there by a variety of large and small ships and boats heading in many different directions.

‘What a view!’ Hanna said softly. ‘I’m so glad we came up here, and that we seem to have it to ourselves.’ she added looking around the rocky outcrop.

‘Dimitri said that other than a few locals not many people make the effort. But now how about some refreshments? It looks as though those were left where they are for just that purpose.’ I said, pointing to a few flat-topped slabs of rock that had been moved to make a couple of rough benches beside the light-house.

‘A very good idea darling.’ she replied, moving towards them.

Until then we had felt hardly any wind, just the slow, almost sluggish movement of the air around us, but just as Hanna lifted one leg over the rock she was about to sit on, as though called up by some mischievous sprite, there was a sudden, quite powerful gust. As it blew past us it caught the free end of her wrap-around skirt and whisked it momentarily waist high, and in the second or two that it hung there I had a completely unobstructed view of the full length of one leg, right up to her crotch. Although brief the view was long enough for me to see the dark triangle of hair, and to realise that she hadn’t put the bottom half of her swim suit back on after our activities in the boat.

As she tugged her skirt back down she looked up and saw from the expression on my face that I had seen her partial nakedness. ‘Oh la la, I seem to have been a little forgetful.’ she said with a cheeky grin.

‘A charming trait, and a lovely surprise.’ I said, sitting down on a rock opposite to her. ‘Now I have two wonderful views to choose from. But first, some refreshments.’ I added, opening the bag Dimitri had provided.

Inside it were a couple of plastic containers, two bottles of chilled fruit juice, some figs and serviettes. ‘There don’t seem to be any cups.’ I said, handing one of the bottles to Hanna.

‘I can get my lips around you, so I should have no problem coping with the neck of a bottle Mac.’

‘But hopefully the contents will be more refreshing.’ I replied with a smile as I began opening the containers.

The larger of the two was segmented and held some biscuits, goat’s cheese and olives, the other contained half a dozen small squares of my favourite Greek delicacy, baklava. For the next few minutes we replenished the energy the climb had taken out of us, munching and drinking in silence. But although it may have seemed that I was concentrating on the tingling flavours of the cheese and olives, I was in fact also recalling the all too brief glimpse I’d had, the suggestive comment Hanna had made, and becoming all too aware that doing so was making something other than my taste buds prickle.

Having emptied the first container I used the lid of the other one as a plate and divided the baklava between us, relishing the sweetness of the dripping honey, which tasted all the sweeter after the salty tang of the other things we had eaten.

‘You obviously like honey.’ Hanna said as she watched me carefully licking each of my fingers.

‘Mmm, I love it in, or on anything, I always have. When I was a kid I was forever getting into trouble from Mum for nicking it by the spoonful.’

‘So would you like to lick mine too?’ she said, extending her hand towards me.

‘With pleasure.’ I replied, moving to sit alongside her. Of course having licked and sucked the stickiness from her fingers I had to do the same to her lips, then swirled my tongue around inside her mouth for any remaining traces.

‘Very thorough.’ she said with a giggle when we broke for air. ‘But there is still some left in the bottom of the box, if you would like that too darling.’

I nodded and reached for it, but she was quicker than I was. ‘No, let’s see if we can make it more interesting, for both of us.’ she said cryptically. ‘Just move back a bit please.’

When I pushed myself further along the slab of rock that gave her room to move, and having undone the waist-band of her skirt she lifted one leg up and over so she was straddling it. The skirt fell away, leaving her naked from the waist down and I stared at the furry triangle of pubic hair, automatically licking my lips as I began to understand what she had in mind.

As I had guessed she would, she ran her fingers around the bottom of the container then gave me a truly wicked smile as she lay back and slowly spread the glistening, sticky sweetness over and between her pussy-lips.

Again I found myself licking my lips as for a few moments I did no more than stare down at her, my mouth salivating at the prospect of still more honey, the rest of my body responding to the sudden rush of blood triggered by what else she was offering me. Then I pushed my hands underneath her bottom and lifted her a little so I could more easily reach the delicacy she had provided.

‘Ah yes darling! That’s wonderful!’ she sighed when I began to slowly lick her. ‘You have a truly magical tongue.’ she added, relieving the strain on my arms by arching her hips higher, then apart from gradually intensifying sighs of pleasure, falling silent.

The tightness I had felt in my shorts when I’d had that first, fleeting glimpse beneath her skirt had increased dramatically when she fully exposed herself, and grew even more when I began to lick her. And as I was in no rush, thoroughly enjoying both the taste of the honey and the knowledge that I was at the same time also giving her pleasure, the longer I took the stronger it got.

At first I simply ignored it, concentrating on making sure I licked up every last trace of honey, and as she had trailed her fingers up over herself that meant checking right up through her pubic hair. My exploring tongue and sucking lips triggered a series of soft gasps of surprised delight from her, sounds that deepened a little when I also began lightly stroking her hips and thighs with my finger-tips.

All that time her hands had been lightly caressing my neck, shoulders and back, but as my tongue returned to lick and probe her increasingly moist pussy I felt them tightening, then felt her finger-nails digging sharply into my flesh. Sensing she was finally starting to build towards her climax I slid my hands back under her bottom, lifting her even higher and then began to flick and swirl her jutting clitoris with my tongue.

Even as I started doing that I could feel my own sexual tension rising and was even more conscious of the way my rock-hard cock was by then straining almost painfully against the restrictions of my shorts. So as her body responded to her rapidly approaching orgasm, muscles tightening and locking, I took the opportunity to free it by reaching one hand down to undo, then push my shorts and swim briefs down over my hips.

By then I knew
Hanna well enough to know that she rarely had a single peak and having taken her through to the end of her first I pulled her further along the slab of rock until her bottom was resting on its edge. In that way, although I still had to bend my knees quite a bit, I was able to get into her.

As all her senses had been focussed on her climax, until the moment she felt my cock-head pushing her pussy-lips apart she probably hadn’t thought about what I might do next, but as I pressed it deeper her eyes flew open. ‘Oh yes! Yes darling!’ she cried in an excitedly surprised voice, then, as she swung her legs up around my waist and urged me to thrust even deeper, added. ‘Fuck me, please fuck me hard!’

Although the position was awkward for me, and I had some concern about how painful the rock beneath her might prove to be, given her apparent need, and the pressure that had built inside me, I really had no choice. And so I did just as she’d asked, fucked her, fast and hard, very, very hard.

Her pussy was so wet from the combination of the thorough licking I had given it and her resulting climax that the first thrust had buried the entire length of my cock deep inside her. But having her legs lifted and locked around me had tightened her abdominal, pelvic and thigh muscles. So each time I thrust I was receiving two, very distinct types of thrill, although the already sensitive head was slipping back and forth between moistly clinging folds, the shaft was being held in a tight, clamping grip. Then somewhere deep inside my brain the two separate sensations seemed to be fusing together, producing waves of blinding excitement that flooded through my entire body.

But even as the resulting ecstasy intensified I remember having the fleeting thought that somehow every time we made love the thrills, and their effects were in some way different to every other time. And like so many other things about Hanna, that was something I had never experienced with any other woman I had known.

My thrusting obviously restarted her orgasm because after only half a dozen strokes she began crying loudly and doing her best to buck herself harder up onto my pistoning cock. Seeing the almost desperate strength of her response I drove faster and harder, feeling large beads of sweat breaking out on my forehead as I steadily increased both speed and power.

Although the thrills I was getting from the slick tightness of her pussy were strong, even stronger was an overwhelming drive to give Hanna as much pleasure as I possibly could, and that, plus the fact that it wasn’t that long since the totally draining orgasm she’d given me in the boat, gave me the will-power to at least partially repress my own needs. And in some strange way also helping me was the increasingly hot sun beating down on my back, giving me feeling I was actually drawing energy from it, and so might be capable of fucking her almost indefinitely.

So for quite some time I just watched Hanna, watched her eyes flickering briefly open and staring up into mine, watched the increasing number of spots of perspiration appearing on her forehead, and her mouth gaping wide as she sucked in sustaining breaths of air. I also saw the slowly changing expressions on her face and could tell from those that the feelings my steadily pistoning cock were sending through her body were transporting her to some other, private, and perhaps quite secret place.

I took her to two or three more orgasms but by then, given there was only a hard slab of rock beneath her, I was having a very real concern as to what my pounding her down against it had been doing to her. So when I felt her body relaxing at the end of a particularly strong climactic peak I slowed down and eased my cock back a little, leaving just the head inside her.

Her breathing was rapid and shallow, by then her face was covered with sweat, and although she had opened her eyes and was looking straight up at me, her gaze appeared cloudy and unfocussed. But although her words were also blurred and muffled by her hissing gasps I managed to hear most of what she said. ‘… like a god! Like I’ve been fucked by a Greek god!’

Hearing her say that gave my ego a terrific boost, and the implication that she was already more than satisfied seemed to give me the green light to simply concentrate on just my own needs. And as I could tell from the rapidly increasing tension that right then my own climax was not far off, I did just that.

But as I was also still worried about what lying on the rock might have been doing to her back I held myself in check a little and used a carefully restrained technique to get myself off.

As she still had her legs locked around my waist, even though the rest of her body was much less tense, the muscles around her pussy were still taut, still holding my cock in that tightly clamping grip. So, pulling back until I had just the head inside them, and then using just short, unhurried movements, I began to push back and forth, getting shock like thrills from the super-sensitive rim each time it rubbed against her pussy-lips.

As I began I saw Hanna’s eyes clear and for a few moments her sweat coated face was creased by a puzzled look. But then she suddenly seemed to understand exactly what I was doing, realised what was causing the look of tense excitement on my face, and she smiled as her legs gripped me even more tightly.

‘Yes darling, like that, make yourself come by doing it just like that!’ she hissed as she continued to stare up at me.

Perhaps it was just that all that I had been doing had made my cock-head even more swollen, but it actually felt to me as though she had somehow brought even more muscles into play. Whatever the cause, the friction had certainly become much stronger, intensifying the delirious sensations I was experiencing, sending my level of excitement right up off the scale, and quickly taking me to the brink of climaxing.

I felt the dizzying rush of it approaching, felt my aching balls rising, felt a range of muscles tightening in anticipation, and knew it was then just a few seconds away. But, for some reason, instead of finally thrusting deep inside her as I normally would have done, I did as she’d suggested, in fact slowing and restricting my actions even more, keeping my cock-head between her tightly gripping pussy-lips and moving it just enough so they grazed back and forth over its rim.

And just as I had brought it on in a way I had never done before, when it came it seemed unlike any other orgasm I had ever experienced.

In the split second before it actually began, although I managed to hold in check the desperate urge to thrust powerfully forward, I felt the rest of my body arching backwards as my eyes clamped shut. Then, with every nerve end firing, and every fibre stretched almost to breaking point, it was as though an inexorably rising flood had finally breached its restraining dam. And instead of my cock firing off the usual series of jolting bursts, that time it felt more like a hose that had been blocked, then suddenly untwisted, the instantaneous release of pressure virtually emptying my balls in a single, unbelievably powerful jet.

I heard a deafening bellow and a much higher pitched squealing sound echoing off the surrounding rocks as I unloaded, then as I was gripped by the still body wracking follow-up rushes I lost interest in everything except the sensations ripping through my body and the resulting fire-works display inside my head.

When, sometime later I was released from the delirium that had overwhelmed me, I found myself being pulled tightly down against Hanna’s comforting body, held tight by both her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She was murmuring softly in my ear. ‘Wonderful man, wonderful, wonderful! So strong, virile, yet also loving and caring. You’ll never know just what you do to me. But for now just stay still, rest a minute, get your strength back.’

I couldn’t argue with her, I felt both exhausted and
utterly drained, and was glad to do as she’d suggested, give myself a chance to control my gasping fight for breath, give my heart a minute or two to at least slow its racing beat.

But when I had regained a degree of normality the first thought that came into my mind was for Hanna’s back, the concerns I’d had earlier returned with a rush. Pushing myself free of her encircling arms and legs I pulled her up with me. ‘How’s your poor back my darling?’ I croaked, ignoring her semi-nakedness and turning her around to check for myself.

Surprisingly, although there were a couple of patches of redness there weren’t any actual abrasions, and it didn’t look as though she would bruise either. I could only think that the skirt had somehow become bunched up and provided just enough cushioning to withstand the pounding I had given her earlier.

‘You seem to have come through all that relatively unscathed.’ I said, bending to plant kisses on the redness. ‘A couple of patches are slightly red, but nothing that won’t fade quite quickly. I was worried I might have done more damage than that to you.’

‘I didn’t really care.’ she said, turning to face me. ‘You were magnificent, everything a girl could ask for, and much, much more. Putting up with a few scrapes and bruises would have been a very small price to pay.’ she added, pulling my face closer so she could kiss me.

Again the only thing I had available to clean us up with was the already damp and balled up handkerchief she had used to wipe my semen off the boat’s wind-shield. I gave my still dripping cock a quick wipe and handed it to her. ‘Sorry but this is all we’ve got I’m afraid.’

‘Don’t worry, we can have a swim when we get back down to the beach.’ she replied, giving herself a quick wipe. ‘One small price a woman has to pay for really great sex is what trickles out and down her legs when she gets up afterwards. And from the way you came I think virtually all of it will be yours this time.’ she added as she fastened the skirt around her waist.

‘I only wish I could have somehow taken a photograph of your face right then darling.’ she said as we got up to retrieve our clothes. ‘Although what you did was totally unexpected, even just the expression on it told me how powerful a climax you were having. And the combination of what you were doing and being able to watch your reactions gave me another little one too.’ she added with a low giggle.

‘Really? I couldn’t tell.’

‘I think you were off somewhere else at that moment darling. Just as I was, earlier, when you gave me that incredible series of orgasms. I hope you don’t mind, but it was all so utterly amazing that I drifted off into a private fantasy.’

‘I seem to remember you muttering something, something about Greek gods?’

She gave that spine-tingling, deep-throated laugh I had grown to love so much. ‘Mmm, that’s right. You were so powerful that I fantasised about you being one, one of the gods. You had carried me up to Olympus, so you could ravish me there. And I was certainly very thoroughly ravished, and loved every minute of it.’ she added with a chuckle.

‘And you still had another orgasm when I climaxed?’

‘Just a little one, little but nice.’ she replied with a grin. ‘Because I had got so aroused my nubbin was still erect, and the way you were doing it meant you were rubbing directly against it.’


‘Sorry, clitoris. Nubbin was the closest English word I could find for what we used to call it as school-girls. Anyway, as I said, it was the combination of a lot of things. The fact that I was still so aroused, you doing it the way you did, and being able to see reflected on your face the effect of what you were experiencing. And then to top all that off was feeling you come so amazingly powerfully. It was so strong that I could feel it jetting into me, and it’s not often a woman can actually feel that.’ she added.

‘Yes it was strong, partly because I’d been holding myself back so I could increase your pleasure, and partly because doing it like meant the stimulation was very localised, so it was much more intense than usual.’

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I got home at around nine-thirty; all I could think of was having a long soak in a hot bath. It was only now with the effects of the drug abated that the enormity of what I'd done came home to me. I sat in the hot soapy water and cried. I felt cheap and dirty like a crack whore who'd do anything for a fix. I eventually managed to pull myself together reasoning that what I had done so willingly was due to the effects of the drug. I was still the decent person I always was. I just had to make...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 17

[Preservation – Janice] He wanted us north. Overall, he was pleased with the jaunt south but disappointed in the result based upon the original objective, which was to look at the partition. Even now, we couldn't do that without specialized protection and supplies. That would wait, maybe for a long time. We had a lot of territory under our control or knowledge to the west and to the east. We were growing in both directions. The surprise from the north by the Triple-A's was not pleasant in...

2 years ago
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Summer time, sunset. Two of us naked at the beach, there is bottle of chilled white wine, two glasses, small wavelets splashing our legs, cocks and asses. You are drinking wine while I'm sucking your soft cock and I can feel how it is growing in my mouth. After some time you take my hand to slightly masturbate your cock and now you want to give me a head. I'm so happy to put my cock between your lips, but you are taking control, you are playing with my foreskin, kissing it, licking it, than you...

1 year ago
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umchucks The Legend Ch 19

Chapter 19 (Revival) ‘I have Numchucks. Please get in touch with me. IMPORTANT.’ Was the message on my E-mail. Thirteen messages from Sandra. I was back in Riverside and she was still at The Pines. Separated but kept in contact through e-mail a few random calls. Two years later and get a message like that. I was trying to shake the idea that this was possible. All the messages said the same thing pretty much just sent at different times. I E-mailed her back with my ‘Doubt it’s Numchuck’s’...

2 years ago
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The Dentist Put Her Under and Put It in Her

"It's a wreck, is what it is," Tommy Cordova half mumbled through the gauze of the surgical mask, his face bent closely to Kate's face, the polished steel mirror working to varying angles in her mouth.I heard Kate stifle a sob, her right eye doing a minute tic towards where I stood, arms crossed, sagged in the corner of the exam room.Tommy straightened up after another moment and slipped the magnified safety glasses off his face. "Two molars are shot. The one furthest back looks okay.""I don't...

4 years ago
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Making It Work Ch 03

To the Anon who suggested the monikers, thank you very much. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that in the first place. ****** [Incessant knocking] Ananda: [looks at clock] Eight thirty in the morning? I don’t think so. ‘Go away!’ David: ‘No, get up.’ I stare at him in disbelief. What is he doing here? Ananda: ‘It’s too early for all of this. Go away.’ David: [Crosses arms and leans against door] ‘I already told you no.’ Ananda: ‘What are you even doing here? Don’t you have a life to...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 17

“This is P.G. Talk to me, Bret,” Tanya said, talking at the circuit board Frank had torn out of her purse. Her sexy but now-ruined clothes had been discarded and now she wore an old shirt and a pair of pants that Frank had left up here years before. ‘P.G.?’ Frank thought to himself, not believing what he just heard. ‘It’s not possible!’ He looked at Tanya to compare her. With her hair trimmed in that style, and with her secret agent status, ‘P.G.’ could mean only one thing: ‘Pussy...

3 years ago
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Surprise or coincedence

Having been married for three years, we were discovering the zest and excitement is slowly fading out of our relationship. I am 26, quite athletic though medium built with a very high libido. Rita, my wife is 24, and very attractive. Both of us work for a software company.if u like it plz reply me in o The other day, we had been to a disco. As usual, rita was dressed to kill. She had an off-shoulder top, revealing the bulge of her tits, and possibly a strapless bra. But her nipples still poked...

1 year ago
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My ExFiles pt1 The Dirty Talker

Names have been changed to protect the guilty. The innocent can count on God. I dated Alec for a few months when I was in my twenties & we fucked a few times either side of that, just as buddies. He was a sweet guy, maybe a bit too sweet for me. The kind of sensitive new man who would send me links to feminist websites with emails saying “thought you might be interested” and who would worry about sexually objectifying or exploiting me when, truth be told, that was exactly what I wanted him...

2 years ago
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Not EnoughThe Pact

What the bloody fucking hell did I get myself into here? How did I keep coming across females who slept with their family? Was I wearing a fucking sign on my back? Was it tattooed across my forehead? I walked to the end of the porch, my morning run suddenly abandoned; I leaned over and grabbed the rail and tried to crush it in my grasp. I wasn't really trying to do damage ... just trying to get it to recognize me. I needed to make an impression on that wood; crack the paint, score it,...

2 years ago
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Housekeeping Refined

Ever since his parents moved because of their new job opportunity, Damian felt like the lonliest person in the world. He was moved away from all of his friends and the life he had ever known for the past 15 years. His dad had accepted a senior VP position at a new IT company which meant more money for the family but the psychological damage from the move damn near took it's toll on Damian as he became a shell of his former self. He was very outgoing and vibrant but when he left he had a very...

First Time
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T V times

I had an amazing experience a year ago when I was on here previously , I became friends with a sexy cross dresser called Dark Angel; we messaged each other and arranged too meet when my husband was away .. well to cut a long story short we ended up in bed together both in stockings and heels . I am on my back with my leggs wrapped around angel whilst she is fucking me on top. Because we were alone I had left the door open, suddenly I noticed my husband standing there watching . I thought he was...

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Pehli Chudai Chote Phufa Ji Ke Saath 8211 Part II

Namashkar doston apni story ka agla bhag lekar hazir hoon aapko pehla bhag pasand aaya uskeliye shukriya jaisa ki aap sab jante hain main aur mere chote phufa ji rakesh pehli chudai ke baad phir taiyar ho gaye chudai ke liye mujhe to swarg mil gaya tha itne mote lund se chudkar ab rakesh mujhe nange hi god me utha laiya aur bathroom me le gaya wahan garam pani se mujhe nehlaya aur shower ke neeche ek kursi laga diya aur khud kursi par baith gaya main use chumne lagi aur uske saanp jaise lund ko...

2 years ago
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Dead Stupid

You know what happens when you tempt the Devil? You end up at an auto service station in the middle of nowhere on a holiday weekend while a guy tries to find a tire that will fit your car. That is how the Devil gets his due, all because I was too lazy and stupid to replace the spare tire after I had used it. Tomorrow I kept telling myself, Damn! The service station attendant, the same guy who had towed my car, hung up the phone and looked at me. "Mister, the shop in Oakdale has a tire that...

3 years ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 10 Caroline

Seth sat quietly beside Jefferson rubbing his wrists and flexing his cramped fingers. The trooper lay sprawled on his back with his arms extended. He did not seem to be breathing. "Didn' mean to hit him so hard," whispered Jefferson, still holding an ax handle in his huge fist. "We jus' sort'a run together at the corner there. He turned an' I whacked him. I heered you comin' up the hill, Seth." The boy put his ear to the man's chest. "He's not dead, Jefferson. His heart's still...

1 year ago
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A Gift For Her Part 1

The night was finally here. After months of talking to Lynn online, I was finally going to meet her. And the best part was that it was going to be just the two of us. Her husband was still deployed and my husband was staying home with our son. Her daughter was staying with her aunt, so we would have the house to ourselves. I was so excited; I almost forgot to clock out at work. When I got home, I raced through a shower and got my bag together. I knew exactly what I wanted to take, but I had to...

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MommysGirl Vanna Bardot Ryan Keely Making Mom Sweat

Ryan Keely and her 18-year-old stepdaughter Vanna Bardot are doing yoga together, going through lots of sexy yoga poses, chattingas they do so. They’re both really happy that they’ve finally found the time to hang out together. Before long, the ladies are very sweaty and Ryan mentions that she is getting VERY hot. Vanna suggests that she take her shirt off.Ryan agrees and pulls her shirt off, revealing her massive breasts, which are barely contained in a tight sports bra. Vanna...

3 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 10 Cheetah

The weekend might include a day or two of rest to most of the cultures of the Earth, but out in the Diaspora no such luxury existed. This particular Sunday morning was no exception. The shuttle prototype sat in the hangar bay of the orbital fortress, waiting for the ground crew to finish flight preparations. The Marine crew of one sergeant pilot and one sergeant loadmaster were running through an extensive pre-flight checklist. This checklist was longer than the version used with the...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 359 April Takes A Boat Ride

That makes sense. If you are on duty and need to pee, you must do something. We soon reached out to the carrier for them to direct us in. I knew how to land on the ship, but that didn’t mean I had a clue how they would guide me in. Movies always made this big deal about calling the ball and similar things. I followed their instructions to line up the glide path and then flew right in. My tail hook hit the first arrestor line, and they didn’t need the nets they had up if I screwed up the...

4 years ago
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Young Man Used by a Married Couple

What I’m about to tell you happened fifteen years ago. It’s only after reading other people’s experiences online that I’m beginning to take ownership of that event. All through my twenties I was disgusted by the memory of what I allowed that night, but these days the memory burns white hot and I find myself wishing it could happen again. But I’m no longer the lean and muscular young man I was, so I doubt such a thing ever will.Back then my particular thing was the thought of fucking another...

Group Sex
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A Special Kind of Love

I walk down the busy street; my heart is pounding with nervousness and excitement. It is pride month, and I usually would be going to an event or a celebration, but today I had a date. I stumble and trip on my open-toed sandals. I glance down to make sure my red-nail polished pedicure is still intact.I arrive at a famous coffee shop in downtown, a little early. I look at my reflection in the window. I worked hard on my hair and makeup today. The light wind blows my hair, and I try to push it...

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Shall we take him home

We used to go to the same pub at least a couple of times every week. We became regulars and got to know loads of people. Being only about a 10 minute walk from home, it was great. One young man of about 20, called Richard, seemed to develop a sort of crush on my wife. Don’t get me wrong, nobody flirts more than me. I had passionate kisses with a few women frequenting the pub, but at that time it was no more serious than that.  The thing with Richard was that he took any opportunity he could get...

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Crystal ClearChapter 27 Filming and Sex in the Alps

The powers that be at Sony Entertainment had decided that Wengen, Switzerland, would be the perfect place to film the outdoor ski scenes for our movie Downslope. The small ski town was serviced by a rack railway system. The massive and famous Eiger rises spectacularly in front of the town, a well-known part of the Alps. Ski slopes of all varieties and difficulties left from the town, with a wide variety of transport to return to home base once some end point had been reached. Crystal and I...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Blake Blossom 09252022

Blake caught her boyfriend Elias taking on the phone with his ex girlfriend behind her back. She called him out on it and threatened to break up with him. Elias panicked and asked what he could do to make it up to her. Blake said that since he can talk to his ex, that she now gets to talk to her ex. Blake demands that Elias watches her talk to her ex in front of him. Elias agrees to this stipulation to keep Blake from breaking up with him. So Blake has Elias sit in a chair as they wait for...

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Mom and Son2

The next day when Alex stays home with his mom The next morning after my first incest encounter with my son was an odd feeling. I new what we had done was wrong but it was such a hot, erotic sex session. It was taboo, dirty, wrong but it felt had felt so good. I waited until after my husband had left to go to work before I went to go check on my son. When I went into his room I was wearing a pair of sweat pants and one of my husbands' button up pajama tops; basically trying to have that...

2 years ago
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Black List I GhostsChapter 29

“We can’t do that here,” Spencer argues. “Why not?” Sam asks. “Nobody is going to know.” “Because this is an airplane and it’s highly unprofessional,” he explains. “Besides we should get some rest while we can.” “We’ll get rest, Spence,” she argues. “This is a long flight. Besides I need to quell down this excitement.” “You’re not going to do that when we go after Delgrious?” he asks. “Well, yeah,” she answers cheerily. “But I’m pumped now. And it’s not like I’m asking you to bend me...

4 years ago
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Imperfect Mother

I went through my own Oedipal phase, and for probably a year, I masturbated with both incredible frequency and superhuman ferocity to thoughts of my mother. My folks were borderline hippies, and consequently nudity and sexuality were neither taboo nor dinner conversation topics. I saw them both nude more than a few times, mostly by accident, and I remember thinking that my mother's body, in particular, was a thing of singular beauty. I remember a few times, when my father was away traveling...

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Slots III

SLOTS III By Julie O. Chris checked his watch, it was just past 10:00 and they were just crossing the Nevada State Line. They had made pretty good time despite getting caught in LA traffic. He figured they would be in their hotel in less than an hour and then the Honeymoon would truly start. Erin was also checking the time. However she wasn't as excited to see the time pass. She truly loved Chris and was so happy to be his wife, but she was also nervous about their first night...

4 years ago
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Battlemage Book 7 the Sound of Sensual JusticeChapter 3

Once breakfast was finished Ariel wandered the guild grounds once again. She was trying to learn where everything was, and she passed various areas once again including the blacksmith shop where Nathan worked as a blacksmith's assistant. When they first arrived they found that the guild already had a blacksmith, but like the other members he went on missions because he could make more money doing that than he could having the members pay him to fix their weapons. So there was a need for...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 96 Learning

"You were one of Witherfang's. A werewolf." I could feel Alistair shift at my back, and Aedan took a protective half-step forward. I suddenly felt like I'd been transported into a teen romance novel instead of a fantasy RPG. A bitter smile passed across his lips, and he visibly relaxed his tense shoulders, keeping his hands up and away from his weapons. "Yes, I was. I was there, when ... the Lady died." "I am-" He cut me off. "Don't say you're sorry." His tone was clipped,...

3 years ago
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Country living is dark at night, dark and quiet. The only light comes from the moon, the stars and the two mercury vapor field lights. The only noise from crickets, cicadas and an occasional dog bark. I half sensed, half heard Mary coming home; her arrival disturbed my deep sleep. The clock on the bedside table told me it was one-twelve, late, but not as late as she has been other Thursdays. Mary made as little noise as possible, but still I sensed her car pulling in the driveway. I sensed her...

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The Apprenticeship of Amanda

I was sitting in the parlor of my home, waiting. Before long, a knock on the door ended my short vigil. I stood, catching a view of myself in the mirror. Beautiful and tall, about 30, with long dark brown hair, brown eyes, a long black dress with a long slit in the front, sheer tan pantyhose, and black high heel sandals. I ran my hand through my hair, adjusted my dress, and walked to the front door. Opening the door, a vision of loveliness stood before me. She was 18, petite, with...

1 year ago
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My Shy Little Fling Part Two

Her chest heaved as she gasped in great lungfuls of air. The sweat beading on her cleavage belied the exertion she was being put through and she looked at me with longing in her eyes in the brief respite. Alison lay on her back on my desk. Her shirt was open and her bra pushed up, revealing two impeccably round and firm orbs topped with perfect pink nipples. Her jacket was hanging loosely off the edge of my desk, removed and discarded in my urgency to have her. Her trousers and red lace French...

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