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Chapter 1

The water was a sickly green color from the rotting vegetation and the bed was soft mush.

Paul Zwylliger tried not to put too much pressure on his feet, tried to simply hang by his wrists, which were tied to the bamboo bars at the top of his river cage.

Ernie had tried to stand, had tried to lift the river cage, there was no bottom to the bamboo structure.

But Ernie had sunk down in the muck and his weight pulled the river cage down, trapping him underwater. The soldiers stood around and laughed at his frantic struggles and laughed at the men that cried out for them to help their comrade.

Moments later, when the North Vietnamese soldiers were sure Ernie was dead, they pulled the cage out of the murky river, used his lifeless body for their amusement, then simply threw him into the river and let his body drift downstream.

The afternoon sun beat down, blistering Paul’s face. He ducked his head under the water for as long as he could hold his breath, then rose up again. Moments later, the searing heat again forced him to stick his head under the water again.

Lieutenant David Glass started screaming and Paul looked to see the three NVA soldiers pulling his cage from the river.

‘Mother fucker! No! I told you everything I know!’ the man babbled and screamed.

Paul had no doubt that the spineless officer had done just that, spilled his limited knowledge to the NVA before they even struck him once. He also had no doubt that the Army, in their limited scope of vision, had told the Lieutenant very little of their mission. Other than standing around, screaming inane orders that had the eight of them wandering around in circles, Lieutenant Glass seemed to have no idea what they were to do, or what the Army had hoped they would accomplish.

‘Fuck, I’m not even supposed to be here,’ Paul Zwylliger had confided to Ernie Bell, right before the huge explosion and the ensuing blackness.


Carl entered the trailer, carrying a desk. Sister Angela looked up from her notes, nodded curtly to the retarded giant and pointed to where the desk would go.

Paul Zwylliger looked up with interest as Carl lumbered down his aisle, carrying the heavy cast iron and wood structure as if it did not weigh nearly fifty pounds.

‘What you got there, Mr. Carl?’ Paul asked.

Sister Angela put her finger to her lips, there were others still taking their tests.

‘It’s a desk,’ Carl responded.

‘Oh, okay,’ Paul smiled as Sister Angela made a ‘shh’ sound.

‘Got a new girl coming,’ Carl confided to Paul.

Carl liked Paul. Carl knew he wasn’t too smart, his Daddy told him all the time he wasn’t too smart, but that was okay, because God made him strong. But it bothered him when kids made fun of him. Paul didn’t make fun of him, Paul was always polite.

‘A girl?’ Paul asked, ignoring Sister Angela’s growing agitation. ‘She cute?’

Carl almost dropped the desk when he started laughing hysterically.

‘Paul, you so bad!’ Carl giggled as he put the desk down at the end of the aisle. ‘I’m going to tell that girl she better keep an eye on you!’

‘If you two don’t stop…’ Sister Angela warned.

‘Now look, you getting me in trouble!’ Carl said, truly frightened.

‘I’m sorry, Mr. Carl,’ Paul apologized.

With a ‘thunk’ Carl put the desk behind Paul, then quickly left the classroom.

A few minutes later, the door of the mobile building opened and in stepped a rail thin girl. The twenty five students looked up with real interest as the tall girl approached Sister Angela’s desk.

‘Class, this is…’ Sister Angela said, and then looked at the card the girl handed her. ‘Sheila Zubecky, am I pronouncing it correctly?’

‘Yeah, She La,’ Sheila said with a straight face.

‘No, no, I meant…’ Sister Angela sputtered, confused.

Paul stifled his laughter.

‘Oh!’ Sheila said, small smile playing across her lips. ‘Yeah, Zew Becky, pretty much like its spelled.’

‘Okay, the desks are in alphabetical order,’ Sister Angela said, pointing down the aisle where Paul sat.

‘Um, hey retard, Bubecky? I get the last seat,’ Sheila sneered as Paul began to move his books to the last desk.

‘Um, hey retard? Z W comes after Z U,’ Paul smirked.

‘Oh!’ Sheila said, and then brightened. ‘You mean I finally won’t be the last one called?’

‘Nope, that’ll still be me,’ Paul gave a rueful smile.

‘Far out,’ the girl smiled and took her seat.

Sheila Zubecky stood at five foot ten inches, looking Paul eye to eye. She possessed a twenty nine inch chest, a twenty eight inch waist and a twenty nine inch rear. She had a buck toothed grin, wiry brown and red hair that did not behave, and thick coke bottle glasses.

To Paul, she was perfect, though. She possessed a sense of humor that rivaled his own, an outspoken nature, and wasn’t afraid of getting dirty or sweaty.

Their dates usually consisted of going fishing on the Basin, which were largely spent swapping spit, drinking the beers and smoking the cigarettes she’d stolen from her father.

‘Next time Foghorn there farts on me, I’m punching her in her head,’ Sheila threatened. ‘What’s that girl eat? Nothing but beans?’

‘Yeah, well, Ginger Young’s been sitting in front of me for eleven years now, I’m just glad she’s farting on someone else for a change,’ Paul admitted and cast his line out.

‘Hey um, I got something to tell you,’ Sheila said and flipped her cigarette into the brackish water.

‘Yeah?’ Paul asked and took a sip of the hot beer.

‘I love you,’ Sheila said and looked away.

‘I love you too,’ Paul admitted.


On the west bank of the river, the villagers went about their daily lives. The children played, the braver ones even coming close to the prisoners and mocking them. The adult men toiled in the fields and the adult women tended to the small gardens in front of their huts, or tended to their wash. The children were unmanned, yet none dared stray too far from the safety of their mothers’ eyes.

The three soldiers looked from cage to cage and Paul tensed as they looked at him. They jabbered to each other then came to a consensus.

‘Fuck!’ Paul barked as they approached.

One NVA held the AK-47 trained on him while the other two grabbed the cage and pulled it out, lifting Paul out of the brackish water. He continued to complain bitterly, cursing them and their mothers.

‘I don’t think he’s happy to be coming with us,’ the one holding the rifle said and the other two laughed as they untied his wrists.

‘Oh, that’s a shame,’ one of the soldiers laughed. ‘We will have to change his mind, right?’

‘Commander Nguit will make him very happy,’ the one with the rifle said and the three laughed as they shoved him toward the grass hut the commander occupied.

Paul stumbled, winching as his water-logged feet stepped on the stones and twigs that littered the ground. The stones and twigs cut into his already mottled flesh, making each step tortuous.

‘Hurry, we wouldn’t want to keep the commander waiting,’ one of the soldiers giggled.

Paul suddenly realized, the men were speaking Vietnamese, but he understood their every word.

The air inside of the hut was hot, dank. There was no air circulating and made the interior quite suffocating.

The one soldier kept his weapon trained on Paul while the two other soldiers tied him across a bar.

Commander Dat Nguit was a harsh faced man, his face still bearing the scars of teenage acne. He stood in front of Paul and harshly screamed questions at Paul.

‘What was your mission? Were you looking for me Is that why you were here?’ he asked in heavily accented English.

Paul did not answer the man’s questions, just staring at him.

The reason they were in the vicinity of the enemy e
ncampment was because of Lieutenant’s incompetence. Paul wondered how the man had earned his stripes, he had no idea how to read a map’s coordinates, had no concept of patrol protocol or formation. The only thing Lieutenant Glass knew how to do was scream useless orders.

Paul screamed as one of the soldiers brought a rattan reed down across the back of Paul’s thighs.

‘Answer me!’ Commander Nguit screamed.

‘Yes we were looking for you,’ Paul wheezed, tears coursing down his face. ‘We heard you suck cock almost as good as your sister and your mother and grandmother.’

Commander Nguit took a moment, digesting Paul’s comment. When the translation became clear to him, he screamed in rage.

‘Beat him until he is dead!’ the man screamed at the three giggling soldiers.

‘Beat me until I’m dead?’ Paul questioned and screamed again as the rattan reed was brought down again. ‘But then how will I fuck you up your ass? You like getting fucked up the ass, don’t you?’

He screamed as the reed slashed into his water softened skin again.

And then you and these other faggots like licking the sperm out of each others’ asses, right?’ Paul gasped out.

Paul was awakened when they put him back in the river. The brackish water immediately began stinging his cuts and welts.


Stanley Monroe, Alphonse Marcoloni, and Samuel Bordelon each approached Sheila and asked her to the St. Thomas Aquinas Homecoming Dance. With a sneer, she turned each of them down, she was going with her Paul.

Stanley was the only one that was actually attracted to the flat chested eighteen year old girl, Al and Sam only asked her out because they didn’t like Paul Zwylliger. Al because Paul made better grades and Sam because Audrey Kessler, his girlfriend, had let it slip that she thought Paul was cute.

‘Oh, so you’re one of those, huh?’ Sheila mocked Paul as Paul prepared to put on his helmet.

‘One of what?’ Paul asked.

‘Zwieback, get out there!’ Coach Norman yelled at him.

‘Oh, one of those idiots thinks it’s all fun to hit on each other,’ Sheila sneered.

‘Zwieback! Now!’ Coach Norman screamed.

‘You’re a goof, Sheila,’ Paul laughed and trotted out.

‘Thirty nine,’ Coach Norman commanded.

They ran play number 39 and Paul caught the ball that Sam flipped out to him, even though Sam purposefully threw it off target.

Al got knocked on his ass when he tried to plow over Paul, but Paul didn’t give an inch.

Chapter 2

Paul listened as the soldiers discussed an upcoming ambush they would be performing, a division of U.S. Marines had been spotted traveling north east. If the battalion continued on their trajectory, they would be less than three miles from the encampment in twenty four hours.

In preparation, the NVA had built up for the past week and instilled a new commander and additional troops, swelling the number of soldiers to nearly one hundred.

The new commander was very young, and is wont with most youth, very arrogant. His arrogance manifested itself in his cruelties toward not only the P.O.W.s under his jurisdiction, but in his treatment of his soldiers and the villagers.

Paul did feel sorry for the villagers. They were a simple folk, industrious, hard-working, and devout. They just happened to be caught in the middle of a conflict between two opposing forces.

They cared nothing for politics, only wished to be left alone to toil in their fields, hunt for the occasional game that wandered close by, fish their river, and provide for their families.

Paul watched the sneering commander as he marched to and fro, preening and posing for the children of the village.

The commander seemed especially fond of one young boy, often seizing the boy, and tickling him.

The afternoon sun beat down mercilessly and Paul ducked his head underwater again.

When he could hold his breath no longer, he popped back up.

The commander and the boy were no longer in sight.

The children played, running and shrieking, the mothers and older children tended to their chores, the soldiers marched back and forth.

At twilight, one of the village men stood and called out ‘Toi!’

He called it out several times and a young woman spoke with some of the few children that had not been called in to the evening meal.

‘He is with the Commander,’ Paul thought, watching as the man and woman search around for their child.

Some of the soldiers took notice of the mother and father and offered to look beyond the village for their child.

‘Toi!’ mother and father called out.

Paul wanted to tell them where their child was but he knew if any of the soldiers found out he spoke their language, he would be executed. He felt a gnawing in his stomach, a gnawing that was even more powerful than his hunger.


Michael Zubecky worked seven and seven for Bayroid Hydraulics, an oilfield company. This left Sheila at home alone to care for her younger brother, MJ, Michael Junior, who was eight years of age.

Doris Zubecky, Michael’s wife and Sheila and MJ’s mother, had been in Delphi’s Diner when a man driving a large Cadillac came in, loudly and brashly demanding service. The man let it slip that he was a movie producer and was looking for potential starlets.

Doris gave no thought to Michael, Sheila, or MJ as she got into the man’s car and left Bender, Louisiana behind. Within twenty four hours, she was sucking and fucking the man and within forty eight hours, Doris was fucking and sucking many men in front of the Bell & Howell 16mm cameras in the hotel room.

MJ gave no thought to answering the knock on their trailer door, he just assumed it was either Paul Zwylliger coming over, or Joey, his friend that lived three trailers closer to Highway 52.

‘Hey, shrimp, your sister here?’ Stanley Monroe asked, shoving the boy aside.

‘Yeah, she home?’ Sam Bordelon giggled

Despite the doctor’s affidavit and Sheila and MJ’s testimony, there was no indictment forthcoming from Judge Dan Robertson and no arrest for the rape of Sheila Zubecky. Graham Johnson, the lawyer for the three boys also produced some film that starred Doris Zubecky as evidence in his clients’ innocence.

Paul Zwylliger was heartbroken when the Zubecky clan abruptly moved, and had that gnawing in his stomach when he looked at the smirking faces of Stan, Sam, and Al.


‘I know where you can find your son,’ Paul hoarsely called out to the mother as she frantically held the lantern, searching close to the cages at the river’s edge.

‘Yes? Please, please tell me,’ she cried in anguish.

‘The commander, he has him in his hut,’ Paul said, pointing as well as he could with his restrained hand toward the commander’s hut.

The woman ran to find her husband

Obviously, someone alerted the commander, he quickly marched out of his hut, clutching a small bundle wrapped in cloth.

The woman and her husband saw the commander and with loud shrieks, stopped him.

‘Toi!’ the father screamed, clutching at the bundle.

A soldier beat the father away with the butt of his rifle, but not before the mother managed to uncover the face of her child.

‘You monster! You are dragon!’ the woman screamed.

The commander callously threw the body of their child at them and marched back into his hut.

‘Man, that is some fucked up shit,’ Dwayne Jefferson, a large black man said.

Lieutenant Glass laughed and taunted both the soldiers and the grieving parents.

‘Man, that is some fucked up shit,’ Dwayne said again, this time referring to Lieutenant Glass’s behavior.

‘Think he’s finally snapped,’ Paul agreed.

‘No talk! You no talk!’ their lone guard screamed, pointing his rifle at them.

‘Fuck you, slant eyed cock sucker,’ Dwayne said.

‘I say no talk!’ the gu
ard shrilled.

Dawn was close to breaking through the trees on the east bank of the river when Paul saw the father slink from the hut where he and his family slept.

The two guards slept soundly, having drunk some of their very potent wine hours earlier.

The father stealthily made his way to the commander’s hut and crept in.

Moments later, he reappeared and Paul watched as the man frantically wiped at something in his left hand.

‘Hey,’ he hoarsely called out.

The father froze his fear quite apparent on his young face.

‘Here, over here,’ Paul called out in the man’s dialect.

The man looked, but did not move.

‘I am the one that told her wife where your son was,’ Paul again called softly.

My son!’ the man moaned.

‘I cry my own tears for your loss,’ Paul assured the man.

‘He was a child,’ the man cried.

‘You killed the commander?’ Paul asked.

‘He killed my son,’ the man sobbed, coming closer.

‘If they find you have the knife, they will kill you,’ Paul said.

‘I do not care,’ the man said defiantly.

‘But what of your wife?’ Paul said. ‘She is young and she needs you to be there to protect her.’

The man looked at the hut where his wife, his parents and his two sisters slept.

‘Give the knife to me, I will let them kill me,’ Paul cajoled.

The man looked at Paul and nodded.

‘Thank you,’ he said and pressed the knife into Paul’s hand.

‘No, thank you,’ Paul thought as the man hastily scurried back to his hut.

The knife was a short blade, the knife that the villagers used to harvest rice. Paul was grateful that his thumbs were double-jointed, he could not reach the cord that secured his left wrist, so he sliced first through the cord that secured his right wrist, and then cut the left wrist free.

Immediately, he sank into the mud, but was able to kick his way back up. He cut away the cord that secured the top of the cage, and pushed himself up onto the bank.

‘Far fucking out,’ Dwayne hissed.

‘Shh, fuck man, keep it down,’ Paul hissed as he tried to get to his feet.

He managed to wobble to where the two guards slept and sliced through their throats.

. The pain in his feet was intense so he gave up and crawled back to where Dwayne was.

‘Here, man,’ Paul wheezed and cut the cords of the cage, then cut the cords that secured Dwayne’s wrists.

Dwayne nearly screamed as his own raw feet touched the stone and twig littered ground, but managed to go to the third cage and cut it open.

‘I’m going back, fuck, can’t believe I forgot to get those fucking guns,’ Paul hissed. ‘You’re in charge of getting them out of them fucking cages.’

Lieutenant Glass roused himself as two more P.O.W.s were freed and began screaming for them to free him.

‘Shut up!’ Paul hissed, shoving the man’s head under water.

‘Please!’ Lieutenant Glass blubbered.

‘We will! Just shut up, ass hole!’ Paul hissed, slicing through the cords. The moment he was freed, Lieutenant Glass tried to run.

‘Sit on that dumb ass mother fucker, huh?’ Paul ordered two of the men.

‘Can’t we just fucking kill him?’ Dwayne asked.

‘No, man, he’s an American,’ Paul said.

He scurried as best he could to the villager’s huts and stole the larger of the sandals that the men left outside, as well as a few of the garments that still hung in front of the huts.

‘What the fuck we doing with them dresses?’ Peter Slovenik asked as Paul shuffled back.

‘Rip them up for bandages if we need them,’ Paul said.

‘And to gag this mother fucker,’ Bennie Ford said, thumping Lieutenant Glass on his head.

‘Come on, battalion’s about five hours away,’ Paul hissed, gesturing.

‘Man, how the fuck you know that?’ Dwayne asked.

‘Heard them talking, that’s why they brought in all them extra soldiers,’ Paul said as the eight men scurried southwest.

‘Heard…? Since when you speak Vietnamese?’ Dwayne asked.

‘Languages was my bag, had a full scholarship to Loyola if I hadn’t gotten arrested,’ Paul said.

‘I’m in charge, not you, I say we go that way,’ Lieutenant Glass demanded, pointing southeast, following the river.

‘What is your rank?’ Dwayne asked.

‘Lieutenant David Glass, United States…’ David said, throwing out his chest.

‘Well, mother fucker, this here’s Colonel Paul Zwylliger, United States Army and I say he’s in charge, not you, you piss ass mother fucking Lieutenant,’ Dwayne sneered.

‘Since when is he a Colonel?’ David shrilled as they continued to scurry as best they could in the pitch black darkness.

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you were just calling to tell me that you have a busy day and may not get home as early as you had originally planned therefore dinner and the show would have to wait. This was no surprise to me as it was not the first time you had to cancel. "No problem, we will just make it for another night" I said. You appologized and said you would call me later. I had the entire night planned in my head but as luck would have it, plans change. I went about the day thinking of all the things I...

2 years ago
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My Hot Dorm Mate Part 3

Well no problem with morning wood today! Just picturing Mark possibly peeking at Lisa’s cute ass, and his certain frustration if he did, got me going again. Yeah, I was gonna have to wake Lisa up for more – NOW! I started to gently kiss the nape of her neck and she stirred, rolling towards me, starting a deep kiss. Then she jumped up a little, panicked, realizing she was late for class and still had to run back to her dorm. She finished her deep kiss, but pushed me up a bit and...

4 years ago
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My sister in Law Second Time Continued

This story started in My sister inlaw First Time and continued in My sister inlaw Part TWO or My sister in Law Second time .To explain, I didn’t think the second part had been uploaded as I couldn’t find it so I wrote it again. Unfortunately, I forgot the name I had used so both are now up there. If anyone knows how I can delete one of the please let me know. Sorry to be thick. Any way back to the story.In the rush for June to get dressed I pocketed her knickers. She was a bit put out when she...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Lana Rhoades Adria Rae Sit On My Face

Lana Rhoades is looking for a hookup on a dating app when she comes across the profile of Adria Rae. She has some similar interests and a gorgeous face. Lana calls her up and shares her profile. The lesbians arrange to get together right away. Adria arrives and suggests they go for a hike, but Lana knows what she wants to do. She wants to try facesitting. Since it looks like it’s going to rain anyway, Adria goes along with Lana’s suggestion. Lana slowly leans in to kiss and caress...

2 years ago
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Wife sets Me up with a GayMaker

I had always been curious about men. I had always wanted to experiment but alas I was way too scared of being "gay" to ever follow through on any of my urges. Chalk that one up to 18 years of living in a conservative Christian community. Instead I left my sexual urges to the alone time I had to indulge in my other fantasy of crossdressing. I loved the thrill and excitement I got from wearing women's lingerie. I used to look forward to when my parents would be out of town and my older sister at...

1 year ago
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Fucking The Neighbor A True Story of Infidelity

I took an afternoon off from work one day and went to Susan’s office. Now, she worked in a little town called Buffalo and I worked in a fairly large Minneapolis ‘burb called Bloomington, you know, where the old Met Stadium used to be. From one to the other had to be between 40 & 60 miles.When I walked into her office, the receptionist asked if she could help and when I told her who I was looking for, she immediately said, “I bet you’re Bruce!” I replied that I was and she buzzed me into...

3 years ago
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Behind the Curtain

“You wanted to see me, Shelby?” Annette Delany asked as she knocked on the opened door of the office and stuck her head inside. “Sally’s not at her desk and...” “Come on in and have a seat, Annette.” he replied with a quick wave of his hand as he continued his phone conversation. “I’ll be with you in a few minutes.” The 22 year old brunette stepped into the large office and sat down in one of the two chairs in front of Shelby’s large oak desk. Carefully she adjusted the conservative blue and...

1 year ago
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StungChapter 2 Returning Home

I hated leaving Aunt Penny. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. Except for that hornet's sting which I was convinced that changed me. If that bullfrog had not eaten the insect, I would gladly kissed it if I ever saw it again. Aunt Penny and I were in tears hugging and kissing each other on the cheek when my flight was called. "Here darling," she shoved an envelope into my hand. "Cash this check when you get back home." "But Auntie, you've given me so much," I protested....

1 year ago
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Bobbie Breaks

Our routine continued for the rest of the time Amy was away on business. I would ask for money, and Joe would usually unbuckle his pants without a word. I’d give him a blowjob, and he’d give me some cash. I enjoyed it because it was the only time I was allowed to take my bra off.I channeled my frustration at having my girls locked away into being the biggest thot I could. He didn’t want to see my free swinging titties? Fine. He was gonna see every other inch of my body at every opportunity. And...

3 years ago
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Naughty Betty Sold My House pt1

We were a typical couple, grown kids across the country, empty nesters that really didn’t have that much in common anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my wife, but I soon found out after we married that we were not sexually compatible at all. We did have sex early on in our marriage but it just wasn’t what I wanted in life. I am a lover of the female gender in every way. I love to touch, taste and feel my way through love making, to be adventurous and try everything at least twice. I am...

3 years ago
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Felicity Ch 27

‘I need a pussy right here,’ Larry said as he pointed directly at his face. He was naked on his back on the floor at his girlfriend Rita’s apartment in a mini orgy with his friend Andy and his girlfriend Doris. He was mildly surprised when it was Doris’ pussy that was being lowered to his mouth but he did not hesitate eating it. He accepted all of her instructions and urgings until she had an orgasm. It had been his first time to eat pussy and decided it was OK. It was then that he noticed...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub Surprise

My heart was racing. I couldn't believe that I was hiding in my lover's bushes spying on him. I could barely balance on my heels as I crouched in the bushes. I knew that my sexy lover and neighbor Adrian was just on the other side, but he couldn't know that I was watching him. Tonight I had a huge surprise for him and I could hardly contain myself. Unaware of his audience, my gorgeous lover slowly undressed. I watched as he tossed his clothes aside, admiring his tight butt. When he started...

1 year ago
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Milfty Dana Vespoli Wedding Ring Stepmom Fling

Legendary vixen Dana Vespoli has been having issues with her husband for a long time, and today it has hit a brick wall. She tries to go out with her friends and have a good time, but for some reason she just cannot get into the swing of things. When she turns to her stepson for comfort, he offers his thick cock to fill her void. Later, Dana opens her mouth wide and gives her horny stepson a slobbery blowjob. A couple days later, Dana sends her stepson a dirty sext telling him he can fuck her...

1 year ago
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My Nieces Talent

My Niece's Talent By Jerrie526 Author's note: The majority of this story is fiction but the first parts of it are true. My niece Ashley was a joy to me in those innocent days before puberty and the teen years. I love her highly. She gave me permission to write her into this story because it was the only way that this plotline would work. The parts that happen before her puberty are real and autobiographical to me. I did go through these things with her and truth is sometimes harder...

4 years ago
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How lsquoBout I Give You a Present

I was playing Santa at a party and my girlfriend said that we should go because she was tired. I said no, so she said, “Well, how ‘bout I give you a 'present' on the way home?” Of course I got us the hell out of there. But then in the car she decided she wasn't going to do it so I got mad. When I brought her home, she told me that she was sorry she didn't perform, and said, “If you beat me upstairs I’ll suck your dick, but if I beat you, then you have to eat me out.” We raced and she beat me,...

4 years ago
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A New Door

People tell me I look like a girl because I am too slender. I also happen to have a girl face so I am not surprised. Girls don't like it much for whatever reasons. I guess they think dating me would make them look like lesbians. So I was desperate to receive some loving at the age of 21. So I figured I might as well try something new. Something I've never tried before. Having sex with males. I mustered my courage and went to a gay bar I found online. As soon as i walked in I felt some stares on...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 17

Within the confines of the Conestoga wagon, the wives of Waite Phillips had arranged a bedroom. It was not elaborate but it was functional. They had been making love to Waite nightly and they loved every minute of it. He was gentle and fierce with his lovemaking. Add to that the tactile sensations of the sister-wives as they also make love to each other and it becomes a firestorm of sensations. For Waite it was fantasy and reality. He now had Peggy Sue, Carol Ann, Lisa Marie, Annabel Lee,...

2 years ago
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Yannis decision chapter 19

I woke up and looked for Yanni but he was not in the bedroom. I was the only one in bed and I was horny. I went to pee and to look for Yanni. The house was empty. Neither Yanni nor Mistress Gaby nor Mistress Nancy were in the house. I was all by myself. I have been in this situation before, and when I am horny I just take some of my toys and begin giving me the fuck I was craving. First I inserted the butt plug to open my pussy. The butt plug is thick and does a great job split opening my...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Starting of Hritika8217s Affair

My name is Hritika Saxena and I am from Delhi India.I am 23 age,and married,I got married when I was 21,just 2 years ago,I live with my husband and his parents in my home,have no kids yet. My husband is a businessman earns good money but don’t have time for home,mostly on business trips so that’s why we lived three people at home.My in laws keeps themselves busy with each other mostly. So in a way I left alone,so I always try to keep myself busy. I am 5”6 in height and have exquisite features,I...

1 year ago
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Weakened and Taken

It started simply enough. I see an attractive woman at the hotel bar and offer her a drink. She accepts and we converse. Soon, we are laughing and joking like intimate friends. She recommends that we take the conversation and drinks to her room, and I agree. I allow her to walk ahead, not only to lead the way, but also so I can admire the extreme curves of her ass. The sight of their provocative sway entices me, and I feel myself harden. She stops at her door, and with a sensual glance, opens...

She Males
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Second Chances Chapter 14 The Morning After

Saturday, September 27, 1997 My head is throbbing. I can feel sunlight on my eyelids. Where am I? Try to open my eyes, but my eyes are dry and its hard to open. I must still have my contacts in. What happened? I try to remember. The memories are coming back. The party. I was making out with a cheerleader. I was playing beer pong. I punched Amber in the face. I smiled at that last memory. My head is still throbbing though. I managed to open my eyes. They're so dry. Yup....

3 years ago
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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 7 Mind and Body

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 7 Mind and Body A day of pampering can cheer a girl up MANDY made sure she was up early, before six o'clock. She showered and dressed in comfortable clothes, a loose pink, grey and white gym outfit with pink and white runners and a hooded top. She had bought the outfit the day before with Emma. She put her hair in a ponytail with a pink scrunchy...

1 year ago
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Punishing Rachel Part One

Introduction: This is my first attempt on any kind of site… Ive previously only written stories for individuals on a personal level. I hope you guys like and I welcome CONCTRUCTIVE criticism and live for praise ???? (The.Aftermath) I shouldnt have liked it… There must be something wrong with me… Rachel stares off into space, the person complaining in her ear about her cell phone fading to an incoherent mumble as shes swept up in thoughts of what happened over the weekend. Flashes of memory...

3 years ago
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The ErotiChronicles of 2016 AD Ch 02

8:00PM. Archie stared at the clock on the classroom wall as he watched the seconds tick by, every movement of the longer hand moving in short, painful beats, marking each moment of his time wasted, yet he continued to pointlessly distract himself from his work by watching, waiting for the hand to create a perfect circle until- 8:01PM. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. The classroom was packed with computers lining along the sides of two of the room’s walls, completely devoid of human...

2 years ago
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Jason DunlapChapter 4

The view through the keyhole was enough to sicken the most jaded pedophile. Three girls, about 8-10 years old were being dragged down the hall. The girls were crying, naked, and bleeding at the crotch. And they were being dragged toward his door. The Ghost barely had time to escape out the window and move out of sight as he hung on the rope. The door was pushed open and the three girls were pitched unceremoniously into the room. Then the door was closed and locked. The terrified girls were...

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Agnes at the Gloryhole

The dream from a few days earlier still lingered in Agnes mind. The thoughts and images left her excited, and the intense sessions of fucking her boyfriend Michael, although she thoroughly enjoyed them, made her want more. Today she decided to try indulging in something a little different. She walked into an unassuming but sizable building from off the street. The building was in fact an “Adult” store; its walls lined with videos, publications, and various products on display for purchase....

1 year ago
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Private Sofia Curly Sofia Curly And Silicone Doll Treats Husband To Anal

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Sofia Curly, a natural busty brunette who debuts in our Barcelona Nights. She seems to be having trouble with her boy Dorian Del Isla, they try everything and even with those big natural tits nothing works. After Sofia overhears him in telephone call she suspects the worst, is he really cheating? Curious, she follows her man to find him fucking a silicone doll! But Sofia is not mad, she is intrigued. The couple leave their troubles behind and...

2 years ago
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Unusual School Romance Female Edition Part 4

Authors Personal Note= If You Find that This Story Is Not For You Than You Are More Than Welcomed To Leave At Any Time you Want No One Is Forcing To Read The Whole Story Authors Personal Note 2= Please Keep In Mind That My Stories Maybe Unique And Not Just In Format But Also The Author Tries To Fit As Much X Rated Scenes As She Can Just As Long As She Could Fit It In The Plot As Best She Could So That It Doesn’t Feel Like A Or Some Cheap Porn And May Not Be For Everyone Author’s Personal Note...

1 year ago
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El vecino

Como otras muchas noches después de cenar mi esposa se queda en el salón mirando la tele, uno de esos programas que a mi no me gustan en absoluto. Mientras, yo estoy en otra habitación charlando en un chat de contactos. Mi esposa y yo somos swingers desde hace tiempo y algunas noches me gusta entrar en algún chat con la intención de encontrar chicos para futuros contactos. La presente historia arranca una de esas noches, acaba de sonar el timbre de la puerta, ella ha abierto la puerta y entra...

3 years ago
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An unusal day for stuart

Stuart Bartholomew is a 20-year-old College kid, who is as rare as they come. He combines athleticism with intelligence, being a Science Whiz, especially when it comes to Chemistry. He's so advanced to the rest of his class that he's allowed to conduct his own experiments. One day he's playing "Mad Scientist", as he likes to call it when doing his own experiments, Stuart decides that he needs more chemicals and heads for the storage cabinet. As he has a brilliant mind, he is absent minded and...

Mind Control
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First ImpressionsChapter 2

I truly enjoyed anointing Pat and Julie with moisturizer. Tactilely, they were soft and pliant and warm - I suppose that stirred other memories. At this stage in their development, they were like babies, puppies, and kittens - they enjoyed physical contact and a soft, reassuring voice. Maybe some day they'd have a few words that they would recognize, but now the tone and volume were the important elements. Jay had invited one of her friends, Elaine (with bronze Zander) to sleep over. Elaine...

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Road Trip

It was a Friday afternoon and I had no plans for the weekend. Most of my friends were busy, so I was left home alone with nothing to do. Within a few hours I was bored out of my mind, so I called Ricky, a friend of mine, to see if he wanted to do something. I've had a crush on him for the last few months, but didn't want to risk our friendship by getting romantically involved. He answered on the first ring and admitted to being just as bored as me, then suggested that we go on a road trip. I...

2 years ago
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Varsha Mami Ki Maalish 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers , thanks for loving Varsha mami stories so much. Un dino main vacations ke liye mama ke ghar par tha. Mama ke ghar me mami aur unki 4 saal ki ek ladki rehte hai. Ab main Varshs mami ke bare me apko batata hoo. Uski figure near about 34-26-38 hai. Varsha mami ki badi gaand dekh ke koi bhi uspe lattu ho jaye. Varsha mami ke boobs bhi bahut attractive the. Mami ki gaand ko hamesha hi ghoorata tha. Ek din mami unki ladki Sonu ko leke school se ghar aa rahi thi. Tabhi sidhiyon se upar...

2 years ago
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Nurses in Africa

Karen Tanner and her friend Linda had been on a shopping trip to the bazaar in the small town near where they worked. They were both nurses working on a one year contract in a small west African country. Both women were very experienced and had been offered nearly double their pay at home to spend a year working with sick and extremely poor people.Both women were married although Karen and her husband were separated months before she left for this job. Karen had found this position, applied and...

4 years ago
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My Bi Fantasy

I was on a road trip, I went in early to make sure everything was ready at the hotel for everyone else to arrive tomorrow and make sure the conference room was the way we wanted it etc. I took a nice shower, spritzed on some warm vanilla sugar body spray and sat on my bed naked wondering if I was making a mistake.I've told you all that I am a tomboy. The best way to understand the way I act and dress is watch Det. Hart in "Miss Congeniality" that's what it is like. I decided to break the...

2 years ago
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Thias MemoryChapter 5

Shane stopped his car in front of an old beautiful house "We're here," "Thia wake up," he leaned over her, looking at her sleeping peacefully in her seat. He put a hand on her shoulder "Thia," Thia shifted a little then opened her eyes slowly, she looked at Shane's smiling face and her heart started beating faster than usual "where are we?" she turned her head to look out of the window. "I'll tell you inside. Come on," Shane opened his door and got out of the car, he was...

3 years ago
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The Hijab Queen

The year is 1099 and the first crusades have begun. My name is John and I am a Christian Crusader fighting for the city of Jerusalem. We have fought for many days for this city but all have died except for me. Alone in the desert, I now march to find anyone who can help a warrior like me. With only my sword, armor, and a few drops of water I begin to feel the heat affecting my body. Every step I take causes me pain and soon I give up and lie down to rest. I soon drift off into a deep sleep...

1 year ago
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24 August 2007Chapter 2

As the celebrations continued, Dan and Wendy prepared for their honeymoon trip. “You didn’t pack very many clothes,” he commented about her lightweight suitcase. “Low tops, very short skirts, a very sexy dress or two, and a bikini don’t take up much room,” she smiled, giving him that wickedly sexy smile. “You’re making me hard already wearing your sexy, very low top, and likely your shortest skirt.” “I love wearing sexy clothes for you,” she caressed her new husband. “And no doubt for all...

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