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Chapter 1

The water was a sickly green color from the rotting vegetation and the bed was soft mush.

Paul Zwylliger tried not to put too much pressure on his feet, tried to simply hang by his wrists, which were tied to the bamboo bars at the top of his river cage.

Ernie had tried to stand, had tried to lift the river cage, there was no bottom to the bamboo structure.

But Ernie had sunk down in the muck and his weight pulled the river cage down, trapping him underwater. The soldiers stood around and laughed at his frantic struggles and laughed at the men that cried out for them to help their comrade.

Moments later, when the North Vietnamese soldiers were sure Ernie was dead, they pulled the cage out of the murky river, used his lifeless body for their amusement, then simply threw him into the river and let his body drift downstream.

The afternoon sun beat down, blistering Paul’s face. He ducked his head under the water for as long as he could hold his breath, then rose up again. Moments later, the searing heat again forced him to stick his head under the water again.

Lieutenant David Glass started screaming and Paul looked to see the three NVA soldiers pulling his cage from the river.

‘Mother fucker! No! I told you everything I know!’ the man babbled and screamed.

Paul had no doubt that the spineless officer had done just that, spilled his limited knowledge to the NVA before they even struck him once. He also had no doubt that the Army, in their limited scope of vision, had told the Lieutenant very little of their mission. Other than standing around, screaming inane orders that had the eight of them wandering around in circles, Lieutenant Glass seemed to have no idea what they were to do, or what the Army had hoped they would accomplish.

‘Fuck, I’m not even supposed to be here,’ Paul Zwylliger had confided to Ernie Bell, right before the huge explosion and the ensuing blackness.


Carl entered the trailer, carrying a desk. Sister Angela looked up from her notes, nodded curtly to the retarded giant and pointed to where the desk would go.

Paul Zwylliger looked up with interest as Carl lumbered down his aisle, carrying the heavy cast iron and wood structure as if it did not weigh nearly fifty pounds.

‘What you got there, Mr. Carl?’ Paul asked.

Sister Angela put her finger to her lips, there were others still taking their tests.

‘It’s a desk,’ Carl responded.

‘Oh, okay,’ Paul smiled as Sister Angela made a ‘shh’ sound.

‘Got a new girl coming,’ Carl confided to Paul.

Carl liked Paul. Carl knew he wasn’t too smart, his Daddy told him all the time he wasn’t too smart, but that was okay, because God made him strong. But it bothered him when kids made fun of him. Paul didn’t make fun of him, Paul was always polite.

‘A girl?’ Paul asked, ignoring Sister Angela’s growing agitation. ‘She cute?’

Carl almost dropped the desk when he started laughing hysterically.

‘Paul, you so bad!’ Carl giggled as he put the desk down at the end of the aisle. ‘I’m going to tell that girl she better keep an eye on you!’

‘If you two don’t stop…’ Sister Angela warned.

‘Now look, you getting me in trouble!’ Carl said, truly frightened.

‘I’m sorry, Mr. Carl,’ Paul apologized.

With a ‘thunk’ Carl put the desk behind Paul, then quickly left the classroom.

A few minutes later, the door of the mobile building opened and in stepped a rail thin girl. The twenty five students looked up with real interest as the tall girl approached Sister Angela’s desk.

‘Class, this is…’ Sister Angela said, and then looked at the card the girl handed her. ‘Sheila Zubecky, am I pronouncing it correctly?’

‘Yeah, She La,’ Sheila said with a straight face.

‘No, no, I meant…’ Sister Angela sputtered, confused.

Paul stifled his laughter.

‘Oh!’ Sheila said, small smile playing across her lips. ‘Yeah, Zew Becky, pretty much like its spelled.’

‘Okay, the desks are in alphabetical order,’ Sister Angela said, pointing down the aisle where Paul sat.

‘Um, hey retard, Bubecky? I get the last seat,’ Sheila sneered as Paul began to move his books to the last desk.

‘Um, hey retard? Z W comes after Z U,’ Paul smirked.

‘Oh!’ Sheila said, and then brightened. ‘You mean I finally won’t be the last one called?’

‘Nope, that’ll still be me,’ Paul gave a rueful smile.

‘Far out,’ the girl smiled and took her seat.

Sheila Zubecky stood at five foot ten inches, looking Paul eye to eye. She possessed a twenty nine inch chest, a twenty eight inch waist and a twenty nine inch rear. She had a buck toothed grin, wiry brown and red hair that did not behave, and thick coke bottle glasses.

To Paul, she was perfect, though. She possessed a sense of humor that rivaled his own, an outspoken nature, and wasn’t afraid of getting dirty or sweaty.

Their dates usually consisted of going fishing on the Basin, which were largely spent swapping spit, drinking the beers and smoking the cigarettes she’d stolen from her father.

‘Next time Foghorn there farts on me, I’m punching her in her head,’ Sheila threatened. ‘What’s that girl eat? Nothing but beans?’

‘Yeah, well, Ginger Young’s been sitting in front of me for eleven years now, I’m just glad she’s farting on someone else for a change,’ Paul admitted and cast his line out.

‘Hey um, I got something to tell you,’ Sheila said and flipped her cigarette into the brackish water.

‘Yeah?’ Paul asked and took a sip of the hot beer.

‘I love you,’ Sheila said and looked away.

‘I love you too,’ Paul admitted.


On the west bank of the river, the villagers went about their daily lives. The children played, the braver ones even coming close to the prisoners and mocking them. The adult men toiled in the fields and the adult women tended to the small gardens in front of their huts, or tended to their wash. The children were unmanned, yet none dared stray too far from the safety of their mothers’ eyes.

The three soldiers looked from cage to cage and Paul tensed as they looked at him. They jabbered to each other then came to a consensus.

‘Fuck!’ Paul barked as they approached.

One NVA held the AK-47 trained on him while the other two grabbed the cage and pulled it out, lifting Paul out of the brackish water. He continued to complain bitterly, cursing them and their mothers.

‘I don’t think he’s happy to be coming with us,’ the one holding the rifle said and the other two laughed as they untied his wrists.

‘Oh, that’s a shame,’ one of the soldiers laughed. ‘We will have to change his mind, right?’

‘Commander Nguit will make him very happy,’ the one with the rifle said and the three laughed as they shoved him toward the grass hut the commander occupied.

Paul stumbled, winching as his water-logged feet stepped on the stones and twigs that littered the ground. The stones and twigs cut into his already mottled flesh, making each step tortuous.

‘Hurry, we wouldn’t want to keep the commander waiting,’ one of the soldiers giggled.

Paul suddenly realized, the men were speaking Vietnamese, but he understood their every word.

The air inside of the hut was hot, dank. There was no air circulating and made the interior quite suffocating.

The one soldier kept his weapon trained on Paul while the two other soldiers tied him across a bar.

Commander Dat Nguit was a harsh faced man, his face still bearing the scars of teenage acne. He stood in front of Paul and harshly screamed questions at Paul.

‘What was your mission? Were you looking for me Is that why you were here?’ he asked in heavily accented English.

Paul did not answer the man’s questions, just staring at him.

The reason they were in the vicinity of the enemy e
ncampment was because of Lieutenant’s incompetence. Paul wondered how the man had earned his stripes, he had no idea how to read a map’s coordinates, had no concept of patrol protocol or formation. The only thing Lieutenant Glass knew how to do was scream useless orders.

Paul screamed as one of the soldiers brought a rattan reed down across the back of Paul’s thighs.

‘Answer me!’ Commander Nguit screamed.

‘Yes we were looking for you,’ Paul wheezed, tears coursing down his face. ‘We heard you suck cock almost as good as your sister and your mother and grandmother.’

Commander Nguit took a moment, digesting Paul’s comment. When the translation became clear to him, he screamed in rage.

‘Beat him until he is dead!’ the man screamed at the three giggling soldiers.

‘Beat me until I’m dead?’ Paul questioned and screamed again as the rattan reed was brought down again. ‘But then how will I fuck you up your ass? You like getting fucked up the ass, don’t you?’

He screamed as the reed slashed into his water softened skin again.

And then you and these other faggots like licking the sperm out of each others’ asses, right?’ Paul gasped out.

Paul was awakened when they put him back in the river. The brackish water immediately began stinging his cuts and welts.


Stanley Monroe, Alphonse Marcoloni, and Samuel Bordelon each approached Sheila and asked her to the St. Thomas Aquinas Homecoming Dance. With a sneer, she turned each of them down, she was going with her Paul.

Stanley was the only one that was actually attracted to the flat chested eighteen year old girl, Al and Sam only asked her out because they didn’t like Paul Zwylliger. Al because Paul made better grades and Sam because Audrey Kessler, his girlfriend, had let it slip that she thought Paul was cute.

‘Oh, so you’re one of those, huh?’ Sheila mocked Paul as Paul prepared to put on his helmet.

‘One of what?’ Paul asked.

‘Zwieback, get out there!’ Coach Norman yelled at him.

‘Oh, one of those idiots thinks it’s all fun to hit on each other,’ Sheila sneered.

‘Zwieback! Now!’ Coach Norman screamed.

‘You’re a goof, Sheila,’ Paul laughed and trotted out.

‘Thirty nine,’ Coach Norman commanded.

They ran play number 39 and Paul caught the ball that Sam flipped out to him, even though Sam purposefully threw it off target.

Al got knocked on his ass when he tried to plow over Paul, but Paul didn’t give an inch.

Chapter 2

Paul listened as the soldiers discussed an upcoming ambush they would be performing, a division of U.S. Marines had been spotted traveling north east. If the battalion continued on their trajectory, they would be less than three miles from the encampment in twenty four hours.

In preparation, the NVA had built up for the past week and instilled a new commander and additional troops, swelling the number of soldiers to nearly one hundred.

The new commander was very young, and is wont with most youth, very arrogant. His arrogance manifested itself in his cruelties toward not only the P.O.W.s under his jurisdiction, but in his treatment of his soldiers and the villagers.

Paul did feel sorry for the villagers. They were a simple folk, industrious, hard-working, and devout. They just happened to be caught in the middle of a conflict between two opposing forces.

They cared nothing for politics, only wished to be left alone to toil in their fields, hunt for the occasional game that wandered close by, fish their river, and provide for their families.

Paul watched the sneering commander as he marched to and fro, preening and posing for the children of the village.

The commander seemed especially fond of one young boy, often seizing the boy, and tickling him.

The afternoon sun beat down mercilessly and Paul ducked his head underwater again.

When he could hold his breath no longer, he popped back up.

The commander and the boy were no longer in sight.

The children played, running and shrieking, the mothers and older children tended to their chores, the soldiers marched back and forth.

At twilight, one of the village men stood and called out ‘Toi!’

He called it out several times and a young woman spoke with some of the few children that had not been called in to the evening meal.

‘He is with the Commander,’ Paul thought, watching as the man and woman search around for their child.

Some of the soldiers took notice of the mother and father and offered to look beyond the village for their child.

‘Toi!’ mother and father called out.

Paul wanted to tell them where their child was but he knew if any of the soldiers found out he spoke their language, he would be executed. He felt a gnawing in his stomach, a gnawing that was even more powerful than his hunger.


Michael Zubecky worked seven and seven for Bayroid Hydraulics, an oilfield company. This left Sheila at home alone to care for her younger brother, MJ, Michael Junior, who was eight years of age.

Doris Zubecky, Michael’s wife and Sheila and MJ’s mother, had been in Delphi’s Diner when a man driving a large Cadillac came in, loudly and brashly demanding service. The man let it slip that he was a movie producer and was looking for potential starlets.

Doris gave no thought to Michael, Sheila, or MJ as she got into the man’s car and left Bender, Louisiana behind. Within twenty four hours, she was sucking and fucking the man and within forty eight hours, Doris was fucking and sucking many men in front of the Bell & Howell 16mm cameras in the hotel room.

MJ gave no thought to answering the knock on their trailer door, he just assumed it was either Paul Zwylliger coming over, or Joey, his friend that lived three trailers closer to Highway 52.

‘Hey, shrimp, your sister here?’ Stanley Monroe asked, shoving the boy aside.

‘Yeah, she home?’ Sam Bordelon giggled

Despite the doctor’s affidavit and Sheila and MJ’s testimony, there was no indictment forthcoming from Judge Dan Robertson and no arrest for the rape of Sheila Zubecky. Graham Johnson, the lawyer for the three boys also produced some film that starred Doris Zubecky as evidence in his clients’ innocence.

Paul Zwylliger was heartbroken when the Zubecky clan abruptly moved, and had that gnawing in his stomach when he looked at the smirking faces of Stan, Sam, and Al.


‘I know where you can find your son,’ Paul hoarsely called out to the mother as she frantically held the lantern, searching close to the cages at the river’s edge.

‘Yes? Please, please tell me,’ she cried in anguish.

‘The commander, he has him in his hut,’ Paul said, pointing as well as he could with his restrained hand toward the commander’s hut.

The woman ran to find her husband

Obviously, someone alerted the commander, he quickly marched out of his hut, clutching a small bundle wrapped in cloth.

The woman and her husband saw the commander and with loud shrieks, stopped him.

‘Toi!’ the father screamed, clutching at the bundle.

A soldier beat the father away with the butt of his rifle, but not before the mother managed to uncover the face of her child.

‘You monster! You are dragon!’ the woman screamed.

The commander callously threw the body of their child at them and marched back into his hut.

‘Man, that is some fucked up shit,’ Dwayne Jefferson, a large black man said.

Lieutenant Glass laughed and taunted both the soldiers and the grieving parents.

‘Man, that is some fucked up shit,’ Dwayne said again, this time referring to Lieutenant Glass’s behavior.

‘Think he’s finally snapped,’ Paul agreed.

‘No talk! You no talk!’ their lone guard screamed, pointing his rifle at them.

‘Fuck you, slant eyed cock sucker,’ Dwayne said.

‘I say no talk!’ the gu
ard shrilled.

Dawn was close to breaking through the trees on the east bank of the river when Paul saw the father slink from the hut where he and his family slept.

The two guards slept soundly, having drunk some of their very potent wine hours earlier.

The father stealthily made his way to the commander’s hut and crept in.

Moments later, he reappeared and Paul watched as the man frantically wiped at something in his left hand.

‘Hey,’ he hoarsely called out.

The father froze his fear quite apparent on his young face.

‘Here, over here,’ Paul called out in the man’s dialect.

The man looked, but did not move.

‘I am the one that told her wife where your son was,’ Paul again called softly.

My son!’ the man moaned.

‘I cry my own tears for your loss,’ Paul assured the man.

‘He was a child,’ the man cried.

‘You killed the commander?’ Paul asked.

‘He killed my son,’ the man sobbed, coming closer.

‘If they find you have the knife, they will kill you,’ Paul said.

‘I do not care,’ the man said defiantly.

‘But what of your wife?’ Paul said. ‘She is young and she needs you to be there to protect her.’

The man looked at the hut where his wife, his parents and his two sisters slept.

‘Give the knife to me, I will let them kill me,’ Paul cajoled.

The man looked at Paul and nodded.

‘Thank you,’ he said and pressed the knife into Paul’s hand.

‘No, thank you,’ Paul thought as the man hastily scurried back to his hut.

The knife was a short blade, the knife that the villagers used to harvest rice. Paul was grateful that his thumbs were double-jointed, he could not reach the cord that secured his left wrist, so he sliced first through the cord that secured his right wrist, and then cut the left wrist free.

Immediately, he sank into the mud, but was able to kick his way back up. He cut away the cord that secured the top of the cage, and pushed himself up onto the bank.

‘Far fucking out,’ Dwayne hissed.

‘Shh, fuck man, keep it down,’ Paul hissed as he tried to get to his feet.

He managed to wobble to where the two guards slept and sliced through their throats.

. The pain in his feet was intense so he gave up and crawled back to where Dwayne was.

‘Here, man,’ Paul wheezed and cut the cords of the cage, then cut the cords that secured Dwayne’s wrists.

Dwayne nearly screamed as his own raw feet touched the stone and twig littered ground, but managed to go to the third cage and cut it open.

‘I’m going back, fuck, can’t believe I forgot to get those fucking guns,’ Paul hissed. ‘You’re in charge of getting them out of them fucking cages.’

Lieutenant Glass roused himself as two more P.O.W.s were freed and began screaming for them to free him.

‘Shut up!’ Paul hissed, shoving the man’s head under water.

‘Please!’ Lieutenant Glass blubbered.

‘We will! Just shut up, ass hole!’ Paul hissed, slicing through the cords. The moment he was freed, Lieutenant Glass tried to run.

‘Sit on that dumb ass mother fucker, huh?’ Paul ordered two of the men.

‘Can’t we just fucking kill him?’ Dwayne asked.

‘No, man, he’s an American,’ Paul said.

He scurried as best he could to the villager’s huts and stole the larger of the sandals that the men left outside, as well as a few of the garments that still hung in front of the huts.

‘What the fuck we doing with them dresses?’ Peter Slovenik asked as Paul shuffled back.

‘Rip them up for bandages if we need them,’ Paul said.

‘And to gag this mother fucker,’ Bennie Ford said, thumping Lieutenant Glass on his head.

‘Come on, battalion’s about five hours away,’ Paul hissed, gesturing.

‘Man, how the fuck you know that?’ Dwayne asked.

‘Heard them talking, that’s why they brought in all them extra soldiers,’ Paul said as the eight men scurried southwest.

‘Heard…? Since when you speak Vietnamese?’ Dwayne asked.

‘Languages was my bag, had a full scholarship to Loyola if I hadn’t gotten arrested,’ Paul said.

‘I’m in charge, not you, I say we go that way,’ Lieutenant Glass demanded, pointing southeast, following the river.

‘What is your rank?’ Dwayne asked.

‘Lieutenant David Glass, United States…’ David said, throwing out his chest.

‘Well, mother fucker, this here’s Colonel Paul Zwylliger, United States Army and I say he’s in charge, not you, you piss ass mother fucking Lieutenant,’ Dwayne sneered.

‘Since when is he a Colonel?’ David shrilled as they continued to scurry as best they could in the pitch black darkness.

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Victoria wasn't as happy as she thought that she would be. She found that fifty dollars didn't go as far as she thought that it would. She could only get one dress, and that wasn't as nice as she wanted, but she found that she could make do. She had to plead for Tom to make another trip to town to pick up her dress on Friday afternoon, but she found that he was much more agreeable when she wasn't asking for money. Saturday afternoon came and Victoria asked Tom if she could use the...

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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 11

CHAPTER 11 - If there is to be reconciliation, first there must be truth After Heather's unexpected departure, Ellen felt she needed to say something so she called the guys together and attempted an apology, "I'm so sorry for the way my friend acted. Just between us, she has never been with a man." That drew a collective gasp. Philip said, "You mean she's a virgin at her age?" Ellen with an evasive comment went on, "I didn't exactly say that." While the men were trying to...

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Santas Ride

Santa's Ride. This is Belle. This tale comes from Bobbie and Barry. Bobbie is doing the telling. This is Bobbie. I was cleaning out our attic and found a tale from Barry's past. Some how Santa dealt with a foe of both of Santa and of one of Barry's Great great grandfather's. Hi everyone and Merry Christmas. This is Bobbie Winston. Have I got a story for you. I was cleaning out our attic. I was also looking for the Christmas stuff. Ever since we were wed, Barry always insisted...

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JulesJordan Zoey Monroe My ASS Will Never Be The Same After Dredd Tears Into It

Blonde bombshell Zoey Monroe opens up her backdoor for IR Anal action with Dredd. Zoey’s got those ‘girl next door’ looks but don’t be deceived, this chick is one of the biggest sluts I’ve ever seen. She may act all quiet and cute, but behind closed doors Zoey is a hellfire whore that can handle the biggest cocks in her tiny asshole. She’s been warming up with her biggest butt plugs but she’s still blown away at the size of Dredd’s BBC....

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 16 One Regulations Blanket

It had only just gone 7:45am when Jack’s father said, “Well, it has been a most interesting morning and seeing as how it is still only Sunday I am going back to bed! You two nudists have cost me some valuable sleep-in time.” With that Mr Flynn turned from the front door and headed back up stairs with Mrs Flynn giving her a naughty little wink and a gentle slap on her butt. Beverly Flynn gave a silly little girly giggle as she followed and gave Jack and Susan a slightly guilty look as she...

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What she really did in the heat of the night

In my previous story "Cuckold couples identity is a big suprise", I told about a "reunion" with my ex girlfriend Susan. This time I look back at an incident that happened about 20 years ago when we had been dating only a few months.In this country people go on a cruise when they want to completely forget daily problems. Lots of crazy things can happen on a cruise and the familiar phrase is here "what happens on a cruise, stays on a cruise".My girlfriend had went on such a cruise with two other...

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Lounging by the pool

Summer of 95 we had just installed a in ground pool in the spring. It was a hot summer day and had taken Friday off to lay out by the pool with the wife. The property we had was surround by 8' trees next door neighbor the one house was 200 yd away he had pasted away the year before and the other neighbor 1/2 mile down the rd separated by a tree line we had a 4' chain link fence surround the pool and a road out front there was a 6' wire fence with cars driving by. I suggested to the wife we take...

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Showing Off on the Nude Beach in Panties

Another true story. This happened some years ago. I'm a shameless show-off (i.e., exhibitionist) and a CD. Hope you enjoy this.By the way, here's me in the very panties I wore that day. Notice how prominent the outline of my erect penis is in them:-----------------------------------------------------------I was at a nude beach that I used to go to a lot. I usually went there when I was horny, to enjoy the chance to walk around nude, around other naked people, and maybe even get aroused while...

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Grandmas House

GRANDMA'S HOUSE By Lisa Lovelace Over the river and through the woods... It all started late one sunny afternoon when I was eleven years old, while Mother was getting dressed to take Father to the wedding of the daughter of one of her close friends, way down in Pullman. She called to me from her bedroom. "Liam! I think I left my tea in the kitchen. Would you bring it to me, please?" I did, and walked into my parents' bedroom to find Mother dressed in a short dressing gown....

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Tis the season

I started walking over to the shop. I was wearing loafers, dress socks, khaki pants, and a nice long-sleeve button-up shirt. It wasn’t too cold for being the first weekend of December: 50’s with a nice breeze. I had an appointment at 5:00 to visit the shop and do some Christmas shopping. In a normal year, this would have been an all-day event, visiting different shops and checking items off the list. This year was different and because of the lockdowns, appointments were necessary and only one...

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My god, this was hot. One of my first experiences roleplaying online, and a small wisp of dragon vs. vampire turns my character from a seductive vamp to a passionate, sentient being. In the same wave that carried my thoughts to another level of plot twists and seduction…he carried my thoughts to HIM. I wondered… was HE like that? My thoughts continued to berate me, singing their praise at his expertise in the sensual arts of literature and of the mind. Soon enough we started to talk, our...

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Left alone with his friend

Introduction: boyfriend leaves me at his friends house and I have sex A weird situation just got a whole lot weirder! Ok, our relationship was weird as my boyfriend Jake explained to me. I was sharing him with this bisexual chick who worked as a whore and went by the name of Lucy, we got on great, she wanted to tongue my cunt sometime (uhh yuk, really?) when i was next sucking Jakes cock like a good girl…I believed her. so the relationship between Jake and I was weird to say the least. Taken...

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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 11 Bait

Hobo and the Proper Villain were a common sight in the Crossroads. And they usually drew smiles with the PV riding along on Hobo’s back. Pilar or Walker, often both of them, took Hobo out almost every day. But even when she wasn’t along, her presence is felt. I was walking through the Wrigley lobby one afternoon and I heard Pilar speaking firmly to Scout and shy little Wally Maypole, “Remember, it’s Hobo’s walk, not yours. It’s a dog walk, not a people walk.” Both men nodded...

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Lupe The Colombian Guesthouse MILF

I want to tell the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse, on the Pacific coast of Colombia, in South America. But I must give you some background first.I had graduated from university here in London and had then taken a year out travelling around the world. On my travels across Europe and Asia, I had pursued my passion for photographing the natural world. I had set up a website and posted updates almost every...

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The Invention II Touch of LustChapter 9

Janet’s surprise was so complete, she nearly spit out the juice. Which would have made a mess, only Ryan’s mouth covered hers, so all that happened was that her tongue found itself inside the teenager’s mouth. She froze - and then Ryan felt her shudder. Her eyes fluttered once, twice - and then she groaned, pushing her lips against his. Her tongue darted out, swirling within his mouth. Ryan still had his hands on her hips, the silky fabric rubbing against her skin. The bottom of her negligee...

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Saving Caitlin Ch 01

If you’re looking for a ‘stroke’ story, this probably won’t be for you. If you want lots of sex in every conceivable way, it may be better to go to any one of the other amazing stories by very talented Lit authors. There is very little of that kind of story here until later. If you hang around, your need for a sex fix will be satisfied. I do promise submissions will come fairly quickly. If you decide to stay, I hope you enjoy. All comments welcome. Maddie. I want to thank all of you who read...

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All for Jasmine Part 2

All for Jasmine By Samantha Jay © November 2001 Part 2 - Jason and Karen The smell of breakfast being cooked wafted into the bedroom and brought me slowly back to consciousness. I was confused; Barbara never cooked breakfast. Slowly the events of the last two days came drifting back. I then realised who was cooking and, more frighteningly, who was meant to join her. Had I really agreed to do this? I got up and went to the bathroom. After my shower, I shaved my...

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(L)21:38 - Message from 213-200-0944(21:38) 213-200-0944:Hey(21:39) you:Hi, Do I know you?(21:39) 213-200-0944:Yeah, My name's Justin(21:39) you:Sorry, do you have the wrong number? I don't recall meeting a Justin?(21:39) 213-200-0944:haha, you might know of me from instagram? @justinbieber(21:39) you:look buddy, i don't know how you got my number but please just leave me alone it was a hilarious prank(21:39) 213-200-0944:nice one, but seriously this is me.(21:40) you:yeah, cause you would...

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Ring of TruthBlog 9 Kathleens ordeal

September 22nd 2004 The university was again in full swing. I'd started my research project, which was a continuation of the work I did for my doctorate. Now though I had a PhD student under me. He is a sporty type so we don't have much in common socially but he is fairly clued up on the work we have to do. Much of it is routine, mundane stuff. Setting up an experiment and seeing and recording the result on a database. Then repeating it twice to check the results only to find they were...

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Srujan Tho Dengulaata

Hai everyone ela unnaru nenu srujan naku tinder lo oka pilla match aindi and adi bed varaku vellindi , ee story ni thana matalo narrate cheyanu and her name is Dr. Anjali so over to Anjali, Naa peru Anjali, naa vayasu 28 naa figure 34-28-34 height 5,8 nenu Nalgonda Jill lo MD General Medicine final year chadivi tuna Hyderabad Pilagadu, Vadi peru srujan aged about twenty five years, height six feet ki oka half inch takkuva untadu, pedda muscular ani analemu kaani fit untadu nenu tinder lo...

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Love Is Forever Part Two

As John and I pulled back up to the house, Luke and Danielle stood on the front step, and Johns father, Dominic, stood on the lawn with his arms folded. His face was unreadable. All the men in the family looked the same somewhat. Dominic has blue eyes and brown hair, just like Luke The brown hair applied to John, too, but he got his eyes from his mom. Danielle has reddish-brown hair and green eyes. Dominic is in his early forties, but he doesn’t really look it, he is still pretty fit, with only...

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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 27 Calm Before the Storm

Logan sat on the bed, in the private room provided for his comfort and convenience, and stared out the window. Three months ago he had dreamed of the unimaginable luxury of a real bed to sleep on. A clean shirt and trousers had been provided for his comfort as well as a porcelain basin for washing up and candles for light. There was even a mirror and a working clock on the wall. None of it meant a damned thing to him. How could it, knowing Beauty was suffering less than two hundred feet...

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Mail Order Bride

Permission granted for copies for personal noncommercial use. No other grants or permissions allowed to archive elsewhere. MALE ORDER BRIDE by nanomage I was cruising through the web when my attention was caught by an interesting link at the bottom of the page at freebie titty site. MAIL ORDER BRIDES. Amazing, I thought, A nineteenth century idea, in a twenty-first century medium. Clicking on the site, I was rewarded with a page full of full of lovely ladies from all...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 20

The tomato delivery truck stopped to clear customs. It was a matter of routine. Their papers were all in order, and the enclosed body of the truck was empty except for a few used, empty crates. NAFTA was a wonderful thing for JJ Reodondo's trucks, as all the border crossings were routine, now. Even the drug and explosives sniffing dogs were giving their approval to the trucks. Reodondo's drugs were taped to the inside of the diesel tanks, in vacuum sealed, triple wrapped plastic. No trace...

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Entering The Lifestyle Part II

If you haven’t read part one yet please do so now, as it shows how this amazing day began. Feel free to comment on anything I have written thus far, as all feedback is greatly appreciated. Now, just sit back, put one finger on the arrow key, place your other fingers wherever you wish, and have a good time!!                 This was like something out of a porn movie. I sit back against the headboard, gripping her hair, as this beautiful sex goddess is trying to take my whole cock in her...

Group Sex
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The Price to Pay Parts 46

The Price to Pay - Chapters 4-6 By Alys Chapter 4 I switched to a lower gear as I approached the climb up to Cwmdu. I had been cycling for an hour and it was still only 8am. The rhythm of my body movement and breathing, the wind on my face, the sights, sounds and smells had created an inner feeling of well being. There was nothing like an endorphin high. About another 15 minutes and I would be meeting up with...

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My first chance to wear stockings

I have an auntie who was always considered glamorous, she was c***dless but used to like having both her nieces over to stay and impart her worldly way on us.We, typically, were always rummaging through her drawers, looking for clothes to wear and shoes to put on. We were still c***dren dressing-up but she imparted the notion of stockings and garter belts, though the later, did never have the same effect as the former.She never married and being a society girl, was never short of male friends,...

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Amanda playing Truth or Dare

Around Christmas time the spirit and the mood is perfect to organize these little private evenings with your friends . You know what I mean , you invite around 4 to 8 people , and you play some funny but mostly naughty games , like there is strip poker and spin the bottle , and lets not forget , the most favourite game all time : Truth or dare ! Who hasn’t played that before ? Having to tell the truth to those annoying private question , confessing to your best friends , or dare something , to...

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Best cocksucking day of my life

I was new to cocksucking, having only sucked four cocks in my life. Actually the first cock, I only held it in my mouth for a few seconds. Then the guy sucked me. I was so ashamed of what had just happened I couldn’t wait to get away from him. I had met him on a city street where gay men cruised. I got out of my van and waited for someone to stop and offer me a ride. He took me to his home where we did the deed. Well, the shame lasted for only about a week. I wanted to do it again. I went back...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 36 School Days

I went into the station the next morning at 0730. I figured I would go in early and see the shift changes and roll calls for a bit to get a feel for things from the bottom up. After roll call, I headed back to my office, only to get stopped by Mindy Hollis. She dragged me back outside to the department parking lot and over to the corner it shared with the impound yard. “This is where we should build a storage annex,” she said. “Why here? In this corner?” “It’s the best choice. It’s inside...

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Oopswife came home early

I had plans to meet a guy I met on a bi/gay hook up site for a little Friday afternoon fun. The guy was looking for someone to come over and just lay back, relax, and let him give them a long, slow blowjob. I usually like to meet someone that is looking to suck & be sucked, but there wasn't a lot of guys looking for fun on a Friday around noon, so I agreed to go to his house. When I got there her opened the door wearing a white housecoat. "Come on in" he said, and I followed him inside....

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Learning to toy my ass as a boy

One of the first things I tried, ill-advised, was the toilet paper roll holder without lube. I lay on my side on the bathroom floor, with the shower running in the background, and reached back with the cylinder in my hand, trying to part my butt cheeks with my fingers while still holding on to it, and pushed against my ass hole, trying to make it go in. Wasn't happening. My asshole seemed like it would never budge, and I gave up after a few minutes. The next thing I tried was a toothbrush....

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Late shift at work

I thought I would share an experience I had years ago when I worked in a supermarket as a department manager. As I was a department manager I had to do one or two late nights a week where I had to work till about 10pm. In the evenings we used to have students and part timers working about 6pm to 10pm shifts to answer the phone and check prices and it was one of these evenings that this took place.I was chatting to one of the ladies who worked for me in the evening, her name was Clare. She was...

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       The Mistress slowly stepped over to the basement door, and the sound of her four inch heels clicking on ceramic tiles was deafening. She reached the door of the basement and stopped to listen to the gale outside. The sound of the rain beating on the tin roof of the shed sounded like the devil wailing to raise the dead. There was a wind howling through the trees, and the sound was only adding to the coldness of the winter night. A wisp of a smile was on her lips as her mind acknowledged...

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My First Orgasm

Hi mithali here. I am a 19 years old girl. I recently came across this website and thought to post my unusual incident. Well, I am 5-4, 42kgs. The story I am going to narrate happened to me 8 months back. We stay in a single storied building with one room on first floor. That single room was occupied by an engineering student. He was in 2nd sem – probably 2 years younger to me. He was very lean but tall and appeared to be very studious and sincere till this incident happened. My parents are...

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Missy Brother and Dad double incest

My name is Sean, I got stuck helping out at a Prom for girls and boys. My sister Missy was inside dancing, and I was checking out all the young girls. They were all so hot looking in their fancy gowns. I sat with my dad outside who was drunk. Dad started telling me about how I ought to get me a girl. He went on and on how hot they were. Finally he leaned over in his whiskey breath and said: “Your sister is hot son. I’m gonna tell ya someth‘in, and you must promise never to tell anyone...

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