Crapshoot Ch. 02 free porn video

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John rubbed the back of his neck. Things weren’t going so well. He wasn’t in bad shape, he was still up, but he had lost most of what he had won. He felt her hand on his back.

“Hi Honey!” she sweetly sang.

He didn’t turn from the table. The shooter had just made point, he didn’t want to be distracted.

“Why don’t you take a little break? Come up stairs with me and I’ll make you feel so good,” she purred.

“Not now, damn it! Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“It’ll just take a little while. The game can wait an hour.”

“Damn it, Judy. We didn’t come here to…Look, not right now, I…”

“Snake eyes!” growled the player next to him.

“Fuck!” exclaimed John as the stickman raked in his money. He turned, glaring at his beautiful wife. “Beat it Judy. I was doing just fine until you showed up!”


“Beat it I said! You’re bad luck!”

Crestfallen, Judy stepped back, tears welling up in her eyes. She turned to flee, but immediately ran into a big man who instinctively put his hands around her back. Startled, Judy looked up.

“That’s no way to treat a beautiful lady,” said the stranger.

Then she recognized him. He was the manager who had checked them into the hotel.

“May I buy you a drink?” asked Nick.

“I, I…”

“Don’t cry sweetheart, your mascara will run.”

Judy glanced down and choked back the tears. Eyes still misting, she stared up at Nick. Handsome in a rugged sort of way, he was impeccably dressed. She liked the feel of his big hands resting on the swell of her hips. It felt…comforting.

She glanced back at John to gauge his reaction. He was oblivious to her and the fact that just two feet away, another man had his hands on his wife. She wrinkled her nose, then suppressing her anger turned back to look up at Nick with a weak smile.

“Judy, isn’t it? I’m Nick Clametti.”

“Pleased to meet you,” she said earnestly making no attempt to pull away. He had a look in his eyes, she’d seen it before in countless men, a look of barely concealed desire. ‘Well at least someone thinks I’m pretty,’ she thought.

“How about a drink?” he asked.

She thought for a second or two, smiled broadly and replied, “Yes, I’d like that very much.”

Nick signaled for a cocktail waitress. “What will you have?”

“Pina Colada?”

“Anything you want.” Nick turned to the scantily clad cocktail waitress. “Missy, bring the lady a Pina Colada.”

Missy flashed Nick a big smile and batted her eyes. If she was lucky, she thought, maybe he’d want to tie her up and ravish her with his big cock tonight.

“Thank you,” said Judy, aware that his hands were still on her hips. “You’re very kind.”

“We want all of our guests to have a good time. Especially our most beautiful ones.”

Judy blushed at the compliment.

“It’s a little crowed here near the tables,” he said matter of factly. “Let’s go over by the bar.”

With the palm of his hand on the small of her back, he guided her through the crowd towards the bar. By the time they reached the relatively sparsely populated area, she noticed that the tips of his fingers had slid down just inside her dress. Missy incepted them with Judy’s drink.

“Thank you,” Judy said sincerely as she took the offered drink.

“You’re welcome,” replied Missy insincerely. Missy looked up at Nick, seeking his approval.

He ignored her. Not that she wasn’t attractive, all of his cocktail waitresses were attractive, it was just that he could have her anytime. His cell phone rang. Answering it he nodded to Missy that she was dismissed.

“Boss, the kid is still winning at table twelve,” intoned Bruce from the security room.

“See anything?”

“No. Hands are always above the table. He doesn’t look up when the cards are dealt, so he doesn’t appear to be getting signals from an accomplice. I can’t tell from here if he’s got a receiver in his ear. Must be simply counting cards.”

“Fuck,” muttered Nick into the phone. He hated card counters, the guys with a knack for remembering what cards had been played, and therefore what cards remained in the deck and therefore what the odds were that he would draw the cards he needed to win. “Run his mug against the data base. Maybe he’s been identified before.”

“Gotcha Chief!”

Whenever a card counter was identified at a casino, his picture was posted on the internet so that other casinos could identify him quickly. If there were a match, they would throw his ass out with a warning not to ever come back. Usually that was the last they’d see of them, but sometimes they just didn’t get it the first time, and when that happened things got messy.

Nick flipped the phone closed before turning back to Judy. “Sorry Honey, but I have to take care of some business. Why don’t you go to the spa, have a manicure, pedicure, get your hair done, have a facial, and a massage. I’m sure you will feel a lot better after that.”

“I don’t know,” she mused keenly aware of the costs.

“Let me call it in for you, put you to the head of the line.”


Nick held up his hand to cut her off, then he called the receptionist at the hotel spa.

“Sandy, Nick. I’m sending you a special customer. Name’s Judy Marsh, wearing a red dress. Give her the works… Thanks, doll.” Nick smiled and motioned in the direction of the spa, “They’re waiting for you honey. Enjoy it.”

Before she could say anything, Nick was gone, working his way over to table twelve. She took another sip of her drink, watching as Nick disappeared into the crowd, sensing that she would see him again. “He seems interested,” she said to herself. “I’m interested,” she mused with a wry grin. Her smile turned to a frown. “I’ll show John not to ignore me. Bad luck! He has some nerve!” She finished her drink and headed for the spa.


John felt elated. He was up again, not significantly, but the trend was in the right direction. He turned to see if Judy was there by his side. He ruefully thought, ‘Why can’t she be here when I’m winning? Doesn’t she know I’m doing this for us?’ There was no one to answer his queries, so he turned back to the table frowning.

As soon as Judy walked up to the desk, Sandy, a drop dead gorgeous brunette with curly hair, cheerfully asked, “Are you Miss Marsh?”

“Yes,” replied Judy, pleased with the service.

“We’re expecting you, this way please.”

Judy caught the indignant glare from a lady who was waiting as Sandy led her into a backroom with a massage table in the center. As simply furnished as the room was, it was at the same time elegant, with a waterfall and pool along one side. Sandy handed her a towel from a neat stack near the door.

“Why don’t you get undressed Miss Marsh while I go get your masseuse.”

Judy removed her shoes and then her dress, wrapping the towel around her for modesty. Soon Sandy reappeared.

Sandy pointed to her necklace. “I’d better take that. Don’t worry, I have a safe to put it in.”

Judy removed the necklace and as Sandy disappeared with it, she had second thoughts. She was about to follow Sandy when a burly brute appeared in the doorway.

An involuntarily twinge gripped her pussy at the sight of the ugly man. His white t-shirt was pulled taut over his very muscular chest. He had huge arms and legs like tree trunks. His smile did little to alleviate her fear of him.

“Miss Marsh,” he began in a deep, rasping voice, “I’m Bruno. Shall we begin?”

Judy stared, frozen in place with fear. She couldn’t help
but stare. Bruno had about the ugliest, most menacing face she ever saw. His head was massive and sat directly on his shoulders with no discernable neck. His dark eyes were set deep into his face, peering animalisticly from their caves. His nose was broad and flat and his lips were thick and puffy. Then she noticed the numerous scars across his face.

Bruno sensed her discomfort. She was no different than any other woman, repelled by his bestial looks. It was his job to put her at ease. He smiled and touched his brutish face. “It’s okay Ma’am, I used to be a boxer.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she pleaded appalled at her rudeness, “I didn’t mean…”

“It’s okay, Ma’am. I scare myself some mornings.” He walked into the room and patted the table. “Just lie down here Ma’am, and we can get started.”

Judy got up on the table where Bruno directed her to lie on her stomach, her head resting on her arms. As he began to pull back her towel, she felt another twinge in her pussy, this time born of a fear that he was about to discard her towel altogether. She was about to protest when he asked, “Ma’am, do want me to cover your buttocks with the towel, or would you rather I discard it completely. If I discard it, I can do my job better.”

“Keep me covered, please,” she squeeked.

“Yes Ma’am.”

Bruno when to a cabinet and removed a bottle of hot oil. After pouring a generous amount into his massive hands he began working the oil into her shoulders as he kneaded her muscles.

The massage felt so incredibly good. Accompanied by the soothing sound of falling water, Judy soon began to relax. Bruno worked her back down to the towel line, then he worked first her right arm from her shoulders to her fingers, then her left arm. By now Judy was relaxed, very relaxed. Bruno began massaging down her right leg, beginning with her thigh and working his way down to her foot and her toes. He began again with the left thigh, working his oiled magical fingers down her shapely leg. By the time he was finished with her left toes, Judy felt like she was in heaven, drifting through the clouds, her body loosely jointed. She was so enjoying the massage that she didn’t notice, or rather didn’t protest, when his hands lifted the towel and began kneading her gluteus maximus.

After several minutes more than necessary, Bruno took his hands from her delectable flesh. “Ma’am? Ma’am, if you would turn over please.”

Judy barely heard his voice. In a near dreamlike state, she rolled onto her back.

Before applying more hot oil to his hands, Bruno feasted his eyes on the naked beauty lying before him. He loved this job. It sure beat the hell out of getting his head hammered fighting in the ring. He looked up to where he knew a camera was hidden and beamed. Then he turned his attention back to the perfectly proportioned treasure lying on the table. He began working her shoulders and neck, all the while studying her firm tits with their dark, quarter-sized aureoles and long, thick nipples. Judging by the way they jiggled and moved as he worked her shoulders, he knew that they were all natural. He smiled to himself as he thought, ‘And I get paid for this?’

After working each arm and hand again, he slid his hands down her sides, avoiding her breasts. That was the hardest part of his job, resisting the temptation. But the hotel rules were very clear, besides the Boss was interested in her. He applied more oil and rubbed her belly, working his way lower down her torso. He now admired the neatly trimmed triangular patch of pubic hair.

Working her right thigh again, his fingers were a mere inch from her pussy. Her legs were slightly parted, giving him a clear view of her shaved vulva. As his fingers dug into the flesh of her inner thigh, the lips parted slightly, revealing her glistening pink paradise. It took all of his willpower and control not to slide a finger up her snatch. She’d enjoy that, he was sure, but the rules were rules and he had to maintain a degree of professionalism. Reluctantly he worked down her leg to her feet. He changed sides of the table and worked her right thigh.

Bruno glanced up. She had her eyes closed, lost in a world of total relaxation. Exhaling, he bent forward, down towards her pussy and inhaled. Her womanly scent filled his nostrils. He lifted his head to exhale, lest his hot breath cause her alarm. He felt light headed, intoxicated by her pheromones. He glanced at her face again, she was apparently unaware of his action. He gripped his cock for a moment as he had a raging hard on, had it ever since he removed the towel from across her butt, but her scent now nearly drove him wild. Then he quickly took in another deep breath of the sweet smell of her sex.

Feeling a slight stirring of the air near her crotch, Judy dreamily opened her eyes partially just as his head came up for the second time. Sensing that all was well, she languorously closed her eyes. Bruno caught sight of her half opened eyes and slowly exhaled.

Rules or not, he wanted to fuck her. He reached for the button of his pants. Just then Sandy appeared at the doorway. She pointed to her watch, signaling him that he had taken too long, they had other guests waiting. Regaining control of himself, he nodded in acknowledgement. Soon he had completed her massage.

Bruno’s eyes scanned up her body. She seemed asleep, her eyes closed, her breasts heaving with each breath. She became dimly aware that the wonderful kneading had stopped. She sighed, then opened her eyes as she heard Bruno saying, “Ma’am? Ma’am? We’re finished Ma’am.”

“That felt wonderful!” she purred stretching like a cat.

Bruno offered his hand and helped her sit upright. Only then did she realize that she was completely naked and that not only had she been on display for the ugly brute now smiling at her, but that his hands had been all over her body. Her face flushed red as she covered her bare breasts with her hands as she searched around for something to cover herself with.

Bruno graciously held a large towel open for to wrap herself in. She stood, having no choice, and allowed Bruno to wrap the towel around her torso.

“I hope you will come back and see me again, Ma’am,” said the hulking masseuse.

“Yes,” she said feeling suddenly very foolish. “That…that was wonderful. You are very good with your hands.”

“Yes, Ma’am. Anytime.”

“Miss Marsh?” said Sandy at the open doorway. “This way please.”

In almost a daze, Judy followed the shapely brunette to another room. Sandy indicated for her to sit in the barber chair. Soon an Asiatic woman appeared, and applied a hot compress to her face to open up the pores. Once the hot towel began to cool, the beautician removed it and began applying the warm goo of a facial mask.

Judy lay back, completely relaxed after the massage, and enjoyed the pampering she was receiving. Once the mask was applied, the beautician asked her about the hairstyle she wanted. Judy hadn’t thought about changing her hair, but as the beautician showed her several styles, she began thinking. She was tired of hassling with her long hair. John liked it long and made a fuss every time she broached the subject of a shorter, easier, hairdo. ‘Well, I’ll show him,’ she thought as she settled on a cute cut that would be sheik yet easy to maintain.

She was directed to another chair, where she lay back for a shampoo and conditioning. Moving back to the barber chair, she was surrounded by two manicurists. One worked on her fingernails, the other her toenails while the lead beautician cut and trimmed her hair. Once her hair was styled and the manicurists finished, the beautician pealed off the mask, and then waxed her eyebrows.

Gazing in the mirror, Judy liked what she saw. She ran her hand across her smooth, blemish-free face. Her nails were exquisite. “Yes!” she excla
imed turning her head side to side. “I like it, I really like it!” The Asiatic beautician beamed.

“You look like a doll,” said Sandy from the doorway. “I wish I could wear my hair like that! You’re knockdown gorgeous!”

Judy smiled broadly, basking in her own radiant beauty. “Well, I hope my husband notices,” she said laconically.

“Oh, he’ll notice,” assured Sandy, “unless he’s dead or something.”

Judy laughed at the little joke. She felt great, better than she had in a long, long while.

Sandy led her to another room where her clothes were laid out for her. Watching as Judy slithered back into the slinky red dress, she remarked, “You have a beautiful body, Miss Marsh. And that dress! You’ll have every man and a lot women drooling all over themselves.”

Arching her eyebrows, Judy nonetheless accepted the compliment without comment. As she sat on a bench to put her shoes on, Sandy knelt, caressed her foot for a moment and then slipped her right shoe on. After finishing with Judy’s left shoe she looked up and smiled.

“I’m not into that sort of thing.”

“What sort of thing?”

“Girls,” said Judy icily.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Miss Marsh. I didn’t mean to imply… I didn’t mean to…”

“Alright, alright, I think I misunderstood.”

“I, I…”

“It’s alright. Now if you’ll return me my necklace…”

“Certainly. I have it in the safe at the front desk. If you will please follow me.”

At the front desk, Sandy stooped and opened the safe, extracting Judy’s diamond necklace.

“Here you are, dear,” said Sandy as she handed the necklace back to Judy who received it with a measure of relief. Fastening the glittering necklace around her neck, Judy looked up. “That’s everything Miss Marsh. I do hope everything was to your satisfaction. I’m sorry about…”

“Don’t worry. It was really my mistake. Please accept my apologies.”

“Well,” said Sandy with a degree of relief, “everything has been taken care of. Please come back and see us again.”

“It was wonderful. I hope I can come back, soon.”

Judy turned and walked away, looking and feeling like a million bucks. ‘It was so nice of Nick to treat me to that, I’ll have to find a way to thank him.’ Little did she realize that the full four hundred dollar tab had been placed on their room bill.


As Judy walked into the casino invigorated by her visit to the spa, she heard Nick call out, “You are absolutely gorgeous! Love your hair!”

Judy relished the compliments and smiled broadly at her suitor. As Nick moved to her side, he put his arm around her back. A tingle of excited anticipation surged through her at the feel of hand at the small of her back.

“You were damned pretty before, but now…Excuse me, I apologize for being so forward, but you are without doubt the sexiest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

Judy blushed, her face nearly matching the shade of her dress.

“I am sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“No, don’t be sorry. I should thank you. It’s not often that a married woman receives such compliments from strange, but handsome men.”

“You find me strange?”

“No,” she laughed, “it’s just that…well, thank you, you’re very kind.”

“Did the spa treat you well?”

“Oh, yes, like royalty. The massage was fabulous. The masseuse was a little scary at first, but he was good. I’d love for him to do me again.”

“You must have had Bruno. He is an ugly bastard, but he gives a fantastic massage. I use him all the time.” Nick paused, studying her, reading her like a book. She was hot one all right. He hadn’t had a chance to watch the tape of her massage, but judging by what he observed earlier in her room, he knew that she enjoyed the sensuous pleasures of Bruno’s skilled hands. “Will you join me for dinner?”

Judy was sorely tempted to say yes, but she knew that in spite of John acting so piggish earlier, she really needed to seek him out. Maybe he would be ready for a break. Maybe he’d give her what she needed…what they both wanted.

“I think I’d better check up on my husband. He’s been playing craps ever since we got here this afternoon. I’m sure he is probably ready for a break. But thank you though, it’s very kind of you to ask, I’m flattered.”

Nick smiled down at her as he pulled her against him. Gazing into her big blue eyes said, “You’re husband is a very lucky man.” The bulge of his genitals pressed into her stomach, sending her heart fluttering. “Well if you need anything, anything, just ask me and I’ll see what we can do to make your stay a memorable one.”

Flustered she stammered, “Yes, uh, thank you.” She expected him to kiss her and she wasn’t so sure she would resist.

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Isaac slowly woke up, VERY slowly, pretty much tectonic-plates-slowly. His body was not so much heavy as just incredibly numb, his eyelids felt like they had been separated from all nerve endings and muscles. The right side of his gut was sore, but everything else ... just felt so fantastic. Isaac had woken up from anesthesia before, once when he had broken his arm while working and needed a titanium brace bolted to the bones. He remembered waking up being one of the best experiences in his...

3 years ago
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Veronica Verified 1 Intro Inge Pix

Veronica and 'Inge' show some similarities, like being both just over twenty and showing some photos.Veronica and 'Inge' show contrasts in all other respects, mainly meaning 'Vero' is open & 'Inge' is shy!Veronica and 'Inge' are both shown on several sexy photos below, although none of them is fully nude.Veronica and 'Inge' are unaware they are invited for the same lovely long warm weekend, two together. Veronica and 'Inge' are taking their 'Erotic Entrance Exams' for a short Summer School...

3 years ago
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I Left My Heart and Her Vibrator in San FranciscoChapter 3

Back in the room, she pulled something out of her purse. "I snagged a couple of shrimp out of the extras they bought. Want to try me out as a bowl?" She offered a low, naughty laugh. How could I resist? She spread her legs on the edge of the bed, and, after finishing the shrimp, I finished her clit -- without cocktail sauce. The mixture of orgasmic sounds, with hysterical giggles, is fascinating. After we were resting, I offered a couple of club suggestions. "From what I've heard, The...

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The StormChapter 26

“Alone at last. Shall we go and ‘relax’?” Jennifer asked and I laughed. “What kind of relaxation did you have in mind?” I asked. “Well, I’m pretty stressed. Maybe some kind of massage would help. Could you do your special massage – you know the one with that special tool you have.” I laughed, picked Jennifer up in my arms and carried her into the bedroom where I sat her on our bed. Jennifer started to take her clothes off but I stopped her and took on that task myself. I reached down and...

1 year ago
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Coming Home Ch 02

When Ellen and Tom woke Sunday morning, they lingered in bed while the rain was still coming down. Both still sleepy eyed and reflecting on the night before, they were contented to lay in each other’s arms savoring every minute of being together almost afraid if either spoke it would break the spell and they would realize it was nothing more than a dream, a fantasy long lost in time. Tom rubbed Ellen’s back feeling the softness of her skin while the scent of her was as he remembered it like a...

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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 4 Grand Exposition in Kats Grand Home

"What the fuck are you?" Trixie shouted, trembling. After a fucked up day in which Stasi agents had closed in on the Courage Players essentially destroying them, and one had grabbed her from her S and M studio and injected her with a powerful sedative and she awoke in the middle of the Black Forest in an army ambulance driven by the Stasi abductor and administrator of the injection, the passenger in the truck/van with weird eyes and a gloriously beautiful and cute and calming face had...

1 year ago
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Party Surprise

My sister's husband may have been a bastard, but he knew how to throw a party. Sharon, my sister, was eight years older than me, but despite the age gap we had always got on well, I couldn't say the same of her husband, Mike, they had been married for two years and I still didn't like the bugger. Needless to say he returned my 'affections' and had it not been for Sharon I would not have been invited to the party on that fateful night. Though I was only sixteen I looked older and had...

4 years ago
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My 78 yr old principal

There was this principal of mine who was a pervert. I never liked him at all as he was very old but strong enough and smart as it the classroom or extra tuitions that he used to offer to us students he always used to come and stand beside me and then keep his hands on my shoulder and then always trying to go down towards my big breast..though i was a teenager but my figure was awesome…you guys wont believe but my bra size at that time was 36d and had a nice arse as well…also i always...

1 year ago
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My Give Away WifeChapter 6

Back at the cabin we all hurried inside. There were not, as far as I knew, any plans beyond sating our lust. But apparently Ashley’s charmingly dirty mind had come up with a sexy idea on the ride back to the cabin. As soon as the door closed behind us she said, “You guys go in the living room and get comfortable. We’ll be down in ten minutes.” It was actually closer to twenty minutes but it gave us a chance to catch our breath and regain our strength. As soon as we were alone I got up and...

2 years ago
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Quick Rules

This agency only employs men who prefer to be ladies, so certain standards are required so everyone realizes it is serious and not part time. Some of the rules are to stop easy swapping between gender, others for pleasure. The work can be in any sort of environment, and you should dress according to that place. YOU SHALL FOLLOW THIS CODE OF DRESS. The penis will always be taped out of sight unless it is needed for other than urinating. If required stitches can be used to keep these...

3 years ago
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Shirts and Skins PickUp Game Leads to Gangbang

I grew up in a college town, Gainesville, Florida, home of the Gators, and my high school friends and I played basketball on our high school team. We were good, but not good enough to earn college scholarships.My name is James, and my four friends and I all had good enough grades to get into the University of Florida and we took advantage of the intramural program to continue playing basketball, which helped us stay in shape. We also played pick-up games when the intramural games were out of...

College Sex
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The Teacher Mom Made Slave By Bully Part 8211 2

Hi guys this is southindian fucker back with the 2nd installment of the series teacher mom made slave by bully Give your valuable comments ,feedbacks ,suggestions and you want stories to be written for your fantasy mail me My email id is Com Story continues……….. Please read the first part to understand Vicky the next day woke me up by poring a bucket of water over me…. Vicky:rise and shine son of a bitch…. I woke and went to the toilet and brushed and did the morning routines…. It was...

2 years ago
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The Beginning Ayesha Part 3

As soon as Jatin heard that, it was as if a tiger was given a free hand to maul his prey. He held my hair and pulled my head back. Came close to me and said…”Since the day I saw you, when u served us breakfast, with your mangalsutra dangling between your cleavage, I knew you could never be loyal to one dick. That day when you saw me in your room, I had come to sniff your panty. I wanted to come in the bathroom and see your naked body under shower, but you had locked the door. In the club I...

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Secret Admirer

Miranda had just gotten home from work on Friday evening after a tiring day, and had nothing on her mind but taking a hot shower and curling up on the sofa with a good movie. She wandered into the bedroom of her apartment, took off her clothes and looked in the mirror. At almost 30, she was lovely. Her blond hair fell in waves past her shoulders and to the middle of her back and her light green eyes, though they were tired at the moment, were still clear and beautiful. She wasn’t fat, but not...

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POVLife Kiara Cole Hungry For Mushroom Tips

Kiara Cole was going to get the whole wine and dine experience tonight, but it turns out she could care less. She would much rather be on her knees eating dick than a nice meal. She gets down and takes our studs hard cock in her mouth, stroking it with her hand and getting it wet with her tongue. Then, she slides her pussy back and forth on our studs veiny prick, spasming as she rides in orgasmic delight. Finally, our stud is ready to explode, and he splashes a sticky load of sperm all over...

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Bhabi Aur Didi

Mera naam aneez khan aur meri umer hai 20 saal ki hai aur meri didi ka naam sania kiumer hai 22 saal aur mera bhai ka naam hai naazim khan hai aur bhabi ka naam tahmina tabassum bhai naay naayi shaadi hoyi thi mera aur bhabi khoob jaam thi hamesha main aur bhabi hansi mazak kartha rahta tha ek roz ki baat hai main bhabi baat kar raha tha ki achanak bhabi na pouchi kya tumhari koi girl friend hai maine jhad se keh diya aap jho hoi aap ka hota hoya aur koi doseri girl kya zaroot bhabi shareer...

1 year ago
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Sibling Switch Part 2

"Come on, Darian. You look good. They won't have a clue that we aren't who we look to be," said Danielle, extending her hand out towards Darian. Standing at the top of the stairs, Danielle and Darian stood in each other's bodies. Danielle being to the calmer of the two, she naturally took the lead in the situation. "I don't know,' said Darian shyly. 'I just feel so awkward wearing all these dark colors and white make-up." "Oh, stop being such a girl. Just come on," said...

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Nicole Jouney Of A Slave

NICOLE: JOURNEY OF A SLAVEBy. Charles E. CampbellCHAPTER 27THE REUNION   Tanya was still laughing as she turned and strode out of the women’s washroom at Logan Airport. Not sure what was expected of her, slut closed her cape and sped out as well, hoping the Jewish woman hadn’t yet reported the incident to anyone . They went straight to the baggage claim area and then out from the airport to short term parking. Tanya never spoke. Her long legged strides were gigantic, little Keri needing to take...

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A Love of Two Teachers

“Spit it out,” Mr. Miller said roughly, “You know it’s true.” Mr. Lee sighed. “I already told you, I wasn’t flirting with Palmer! I mean really now, Bill, this is getting ridiculous. You think that I, a teacher, would think about any student of mine like that?” Bill Miller laughed derisively. “Well, that explains why you, Eric Lee, single, is around him like ninety percent of the time, eh?” “That’s not true!” Eric said frantically. “He’s just a good student, that’s all.” “Come now, that won’t...

Gay Male
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Gang Bang Whores

Gang Bang Whores This is the third part of my story. In ‘Virginity Lost’ I told the true story of how I had my virginity taken aged 16 by one of my school teachers. In ‘Sisters’ I told how the same teacher had a threesome with me along with her younger sister. This experience really set me on a course sexually for the rest of my life. I now jump almost 8 years to when I was a newly qualified junior doctor working horrendous shifts in a busy city centre hospital, constantly in fear that...

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MageChapter 16

It was getting close to supper time when I returned to the gym. I sat among the girls and talked about what I wanted to do and why. With the Plugga as an example they came to understand that this may not be as bad as first thought. Some had the religious hangups of Earth, others had fairy stories to guide them and this had to be pointed out. The two worse damaged trainees were too damaged to even attempt this type of spell. The next most damaged had been dead for twenty minutes before I had...

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Eddys Garage Ch 03

These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. Part three of five: Paul and Leia, the girs go to work This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow * Laura was waiting patiently for me. I suspected she wasn’t near as drunk as the rest. ‘You don’t like beer?’ I asked as I sat. ‘Not all that much. But really I wanted time to spend...

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Lost EmpireChapter 9

Laughing Derrick read all the reports that came in, the commander of the ship that had fired on them screaming that they were an ancient evil that needed to be destroyed. Leave it to be said that the man, was placed in a restrictive jacket and holding cell. After Shelby detected the change in scan designed to specifically to detect them, Derrick became very interested in the man responsible for it. "Shelby," Derrick started, "can you link with the Ranger computer, obtain onboard video...

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Mia and the French Father

It's mid-summer, and I've taken the some time out before final year to earn a bit of money as a nanny in France. It's incredible how much parents will pay for you to look after their children. I've landed a fantastic deal, a young couple and their adorable children in the south of France, complete with my own top floor suite.Late one evening I had decided to take a bath, it was warm enough to keep the long french doors wide open in both my bedroom and bathroom, and with the moon streaming in...

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The Pastors Sinful FamilyChapter 5

The following morning, Helen was standing at the kitchen sink. Her children had just left for school. If she was honest, she would admit to being excited about spending more time with Jeff Willet. A sly grin came to her mouth as she thought about what she told her husband the night before. She will forever remember the look in his eyes as he realized she was no longer the faithful wife he had married. She had to squeeze her thighs together as she remembered how he thrust harder and deeper...

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After Moving Motherinlaw in chapter 3

After Moving Mother-in-law in chapter 3The next morning when Magee and I woke up we only had time for a quickie before we got up to eat breakfast and dressed and off to work which is what we did with Magee having to leave first as usual.At noon when I got to stop work long enough to eat dinner I gave my mother-in-law Magee a call since it is the time she usually got time to eat her dinner where she works at, “Hello.”“Hello, may I speak to Magee Henderson please?”“Speaking.”“How is it going...

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Manmoirs Hot For Teacher

Priscilla knew a teacher at school, Madelyn. Madelyn had just become a part-time teacher at the College in some department I can't remember. Regardless, Priscilla introduced us back in January. From then on I would run into Madelyn around our building on campus, and I bumped into her a couple times in the main cafeteria. Around early March we crossed paths in the cafeteria where she asked if I wanted to join her. I wasn't in a rush so I sat down. I couldn't help but notice her nice ass when she...

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GloryHole Danielle Derek 01282019

Danielle Derek is a professional sex worker, and like all workers in general, she’s out looking for a gig! Turns out there’s a local adult bookstore that bills itself as a “superstore”, meaning there’s the front of the store, which features DVD’s, sex toys, lingerie and lubes; a little further back, there’s a stripper pole and stage; deeper yet there’s windowed booths where ladies perform pussy tease shows behind a window; and yes…all the...

4 years ago
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Never To Forget

Never to ForgetBy: Londebaaaz Chohan Twenty Eight years! It is a very long time but for Jorge Diaz, it was only like yesterday. He remembers it like yesterday. He was a senior at high school, just turned 18 couple of days ago. His driving license was like the biggest joy for him because, it announced his adulthood. Driving past the local adult books and other paraphernalia store for the last almost a year, he had always wondered why it was such a taboo to visit that store. Today, he was free,...

3 years ago
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Chudayi Ke Din Chdayi Ki Raaten 8211 Part I

Meri kahani har kism ki chudayi se bhari hui hai. par apne vichar likhna. Aap logon ki pyari Huma. Mera naam Sudha hai aur main BA main padhti hoon. Dikhne mein sunder hoon lekin nature sharmilee hai. Mera figure 36-26-36 hai aur rang gora hai. Pichhle hafte tak main kunwari thee. Maine porn stories padhi thee aur blue films bhi dekhi thee jiss karan mujhe sex ki samajh to thee lekin kissi ne mujeh kabhi choda nahin tha. Main chudayi ki ichha ke karan hamesh apni chut ko shave kar ke rakhti...

2 years ago
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Fun With Friends in DorsetChapter 4

We all met at a ten pin bowling alley for some afternoon fun. Louise and myself had dressed casually in jeans and small tank top style tops. The game was fun with Louise and myself being pretty rubbish at throwing the ball but still enjoying the game. There was lots of chat as we had a few drinks, and all we recharged our batteries for the sexy fun we knew was coming later that evening. Louise told us as we all sat enjoying having a drink after the game, of how she had enjoyed some fun after...

3 years ago
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How i lost my virginity imagination

My imagination began at the local bar. Being very shy and introverted as I was, I sat at the bar near the end by myself as usual. I came here knowing that it was occasionally frequented by gay men. It was impossible for me to meet women and I had hoped that I might be picked up by one of the men so that I might experience sex with someone.While sipping my second glass of wine, the bartender came up to me with another glass of wine and told me it was compliments of the gentleman in the corner...

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Lesbian Houseshare and Me Prt 1

We met in a small cafe and worked out the details.Natalie was the friendlier of the two, full of nervous laughs and wild hand gestures.She had long brown hair and wide round eyes.Janet, meanwhile, had a slightly aloof manner and a sarcastic way of saying things.She was younger than Natalie, 22 maybe, and had blonde hair matched with a "chewing a wasp" expression mouth. I moved in a week later and for most of the first month I was flat out at work, never home before 8pm and I hardly saw...

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XXX Ben 10 Story Small Problem Part 2

Ben saw his chance. If he could bombard her with enough compliments perhaps he could escape this without further injury. Taking a deep breath he launched himself into his rant. “Of course. They’re gorgeous. At my size they’re the size of grandpa’s Winnebago. They’re two enormous sexy balloons of flesh and just looking at them is getting me sexually aroused. Their size, their shape. The size and colour of those nipples and their hardness; they are the most perfect specimens of p*****n mammary’s...

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The Ring of Time

Prologue The camera starts panned out, you can see the whole of earth from space, but in the place of land you see great rolling planes of fire. A long time ago all-mighty ancient beings had sacrificed themselves in order to save the known Universe from a foe long forgotten. With a sudden boom of light, like a shock wave coming from the center of the planet you feel the shock as it travels through and past you. The earth is peaceful and the ever in-crouching darkness of the void pushed back,...

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First LoveChapter 39

How long had she been with Kasey? A month? She couldn't remember. But was she really going out with him? She knew she'd look like a fool if she asked. She hadn't slept with him, although she almost had. They had made out a few times, more than a few. To be honest, he didn't seem all that interested in her actually. It hurt deep down, but she knew that maybe that was just his way, cool about everything, even love. Love? Echh, love was crap. Probably she couldn't ever experience love....

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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 24

"NO!" someone screamed as my blood pumped out of my body, the small blade buried in my chest. The pain was excruciating and I gasped, my eyes going wide, though I saw nothing. My body collapsed forward when she released my hair, driving the blade deeper into my body. I gasped again, unable to scream, unable to breathe. I slumped onto my side, my vision fading as my life blood pumped out across the stage in a pool of crimson. It fascinated me, this ever-widening pool around me that tasted...

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