harry potter 11
- 3 years ago
- 39
- 0
* Set in New Zealand
Gradually friends and family left the house following the post-funeral function until only Harry’s youngest daughter Anita remained.
‘Dad I’ll stay the night. You can’t be in this house alone, not tonight of all nights.
‘Off you go love. I won’t shoot myself. I’ll have a few quiet drinks and think about some of the times I had with your mother.’
‘Dad you scare me when you say you won’t shoot yourself. Give me the gun, I’m taking it with me.’
‘Nah you’ll only end up accidentally putting a bullet through that useless jerk you live with.’
‘Dad I know your father hated lawyers and you grew up with that prejudice. Arnold is rather nice otherwise I wouldn’t be with him.’
‘Does he fuck you stupid?’
‘It’s okay, I can talk rough. Your mom’s not around.’
The attractive blonde burst into tears and Harry hugged her and said yeah, he missed Amy too.
Anita left ten minutes later after more tears and kisses and without the gun. She’d been told if she wished to take it she’d have to fight her father to get it out the door.
She sniffed, ‘You always were a tough bastard. Why on earth I’ve always loved you I have no idea. You and your ways would make some of my girlfriends vomit.’
Harry grinned, well used to Anita’s stretching of the truth.
‘Tell you what Anita,’ he said, patting her ass. ‘Drop that chiseling lawyer and get yourself a tough-ass man and marry him and live happy ever after. You have a pathetic streak in you and need a guy around you who’s rough diamond and will stimulate you.’
‘God you are an asshole. Well let’s say you’re right, and I’m not saying you are. How do I make your grand ideal happen?’
‘Keep telling the lawyer his breath stinks and he’s getting fat and he’ll soon leave you, guaranteed. And then you phone Steve Young who has a daughter and ask can you meet him for a drink. Say you wish to talk about moving in with him. You’ve always wanted a family. You haven’t managed to get pregnant so the next best thing is to marry into a family unit that’s without a wife/mother.’
‘Listen baby, just because he was the first guy to get into your pants that’s no reason to vilify him. And he’s possibly the best fuck you’re ever had.’
‘How could you possibly know that?’ she shouted.
‘Father’s know these things,’ he said inventively and watched her face turn crimson.
‘Just do it baby.’
She was crying again. She kissed him, called him an asshole and hugged him tightly, and when they reached her vehicle she sniffed as he opened the door of her SUV. She climbed in and said she’d think about what he’d said.
‘You’ve been a marvelous dad to me and knew how to fill the hole for me emotionally when I learned how mom thought the sun shone out of Lynette’s butt.’
‘You now control your own life Anita. Line up the life you want for yourself, no backing off. Lynette’s less than happy in marriage and you must work to avoid making similar bad decisions. Take the chance to mother a girl who needs a mother.’
‘Bye dad, and thanks. Oh don’t be mad if I take no action.’
The women had cleaned up for Harry and someone, probably Lynette, had even left him a ham salad with two slices of buttered bread under a tea towel with a big slice of apple and apricot tart for a light evening meal. He thought weren’t women great and poured a whisky and thought about his dear deceased Amy.
* * *
It was a long time ago, mid November 1967, a time when small town evening newspapers were flourishing although the threat to their existence from TV was already biting into economic viability through competition for advertising and luring away readership. It was a time of social liberalization of people though improved pay, growing ownership of motor vehicles and an improved national economy as time pushed beyond the recovery years that followed the destructive period of World War 11.
Harold Boone, now calling himself Harry, had just turned eighteen and been promoted from a cadet grade three reporter to a J1 (a first year junior grade) reporter on the Rutherford Times in the small North Island city of Rutherford.
The short, fat and balding managing-editor Mr Bassett stood in the doorway of his office and shouted, ‘Boone to my office, briskly now.’
Not another grading lift already, Harry thought optimistically.
He trotted through the newsroom, ignoring the curious stares and nodded to Mr Bassett as he went past him into the dingy and very untidy office. He stood and looked down at the seated girl and checked if she had breasts. Something appeared to be there.
‘This is my niece Amy Wiseman, youngest daughter of Major Wiseman, DSO.’
‘Good morning Amy.’
She nodded without replying.
‘You are making wonderful progress in learning the ropes here Boone. I’m attaching Amy to you and want you to teach my youngest niece everything you know to accelerate her progress. My sister, Amy’s mother, expects this of me.’
‘Are you sure females are suitable to become newspaper reporters sir?’
‘How dare you question my judgment.’
Harry was up to this debate. ‘No one is perfect sir and judgment can become clouded when dealing with relatives.’
The face of the unpopular editor turned purple and he was shaking in anger and his glasses were fogging.
‘The boy is right Uncle Toby. ‘It’s mother who wants me to become a journalist and she pressured you. Do you want me here?’
Uncle Toby pulled out a handkerchief, pulled off his glasses and mopped his face.
‘How old are you Amy?’ Harry asked and she said was going on seventeen.
‘Why don’t you finish high school?’
‘I have completed. I’m what is known as being academically advanced.’
Harry nodded and said that equated to being very bright.
‘Have you ever cleaned toilets?’
Amy was nonplussed and said, ‘Of course.’
‘Been in fights with girls?’
She nodded, not looking at her uncle.
‘Been in the homes of very poor people?’
‘Yes and I’ve nursed the sick. Is this you assessing me if it’s possible I would stand up to the rigors of being a gatherer of news?’
‘Yes she’s very bright Mr Bassett and appears capable of standing up for herself. I think we should give her a trial.’
‘I have already decided to sign her on Boone. Stop attempting to do my job for me. Amy will start in the morning as a first-year cadet and will remain at your side during all your working hours and I want you to pass on your knowledge, holding nothing back.’
‘Certainly sir.’
The editor looked suspiciously at his junior reporter. ‘So Boone, what has changed to produce this new attitude?’
‘In my opinion, after due deliberation in assessment, I believe Amy has the potential to knock the spots of some of the younger reporters you currently employ.’
‘Oh do you think that, backed by your wide knowledge and great experience. Just watch that you don’t get too big for your boots Boone.’
‘Yes sir.’
‘That’s better. Now that you have seen and heard from this arrogant young chap Amy, are you prepared to work in tandem with him?’
‘Yes Uncle Toby. He has the potential to succeed with me.’
The two males stared at seemingly meek Amy.
‘I’ll get her motor going and then there will be no holding her back Mr Bassett. Then I’d expect a fat bonus to come my way.’
‘Back to your desk Boone and work hard and the only thing fat around here is your smart alec lip.’
‘Whatever you say sir. Until tomorrow then Amy. For god sake wear a shorter dress and lipstick.’
The shout rattled the flyspecked window that gave a dreary view out to a moss encrusted brick wall of the pressroom.
Boone left the room hastily, taking care not to slam the door.
This relatio
nship between Boone and his editor would have appeared strange to Amy if she’d been aware the relationship socially was very friendly with her uncle calling Boone Harry and Boone calling his editor Toby.
Everyone in the long newsroom looked at Harry, having being distracted by the editor’s angry shout.
‘Back to your desk and finish that article Boone,’ called Mr Spencer the chief reporter. ‘You have been sacked have you?’
‘No stir. I was called in to receive my usual commendation and to meet your new reporter.’
‘A commendation for what and what new reporter?’
‘You will be advised in due course sir. As you know I have a growing reputation for being first with the news.’
‘Boone you tell me now or I’ll screw off one of your ears and kick your ass.’
‘Please be gentle with me sir. I believe Mr Bassett shared this information with me about the new reporter in confidence. You told us in training sessions as reporters we must never breach a confidence.’
‘Yes you fool but that does apply when I need to know something.’
‘Well you won’t have long to wait sir. She starts in the morning.’
‘She!’ Mr Spencer almost yelped.
A buzz raced around the room. Even Jack Smith the racing editor, who was having a nap having been at the racecourse that morning at 5 a.m. to observe time trials of horses being prepared for races on Saturday, sat up straight to listen to discussion on this startling revelation.
Harry bashed away with two fingers on the black battered Imperial typewriter, finishing his article based on his interview that had began at 8:20 of the new Chief Postmaster on his first day on the job.
Mr Archibald had predicted that within a few years practically all mail would be delivered at centers around the country by airplanes.
Asked if that would make the mail trains obsolete he’d replied, ‘I don’t believe so. The Railways is a Government department and Governments don’t declare their unionized employers redundant. The mail trains will be given another name and people who staff them will have their duties redefined. For example perhaps they will be called flower trains because they take flowers to markets or butter trains because that take butter to ports for shipment to markets overseas.’
The Chief Postmaster was asked couldn’t airplanes also take flowers to markets and he replied, ‘I daresay that could happen. I hadn’t thought of that. Perhaps there will be redundancies.’
The young reporter took his article, typed double-spaced on to one side of A5 sized paper, the article being submitted now called ‘copy’, and dropped it into the wire basket called ‘the copy box’ on the chief reporter’s desk and a carbon copy into another box in case it was deemed good enough to be edited and taken to the Post Office to be telegraphed to the national news agency in Wellington that supplied subscribing newspapers in New Zealand and also subscribing foreign news agencies.
Mr Spencer took the ten pages held together with a paperclip and said quietly, ‘What’s her name Harry?’
‘I don’t have a girlfriend sir.’
‘No you fool. This new female reporter.’
‘It’s starts with ‘A’ sir.’ Harry whispered and turned away.
‘Boone get your butt out of this office and go and find us a front page lead story. Leads don’t have to be always written by senior reporters. Earn your wages.’
Scowling and playing with his pencil moustache, the chief reporter looked at the story in his hand about the new Chief Postmaster predicting the demise of mail trains. Mr Spencer realized he was holding that day’s lead story providing nothing of greater moment turned up.
‘How did that insolent young jerk manage to screw something like this out of a senior civil servant like a Chief Postmaster who traditionally are as tight-lipped as the Queen’s portrait on a postage stamp,’ he muttered.
Harry went to the illustrations department and asked for a photographer.
‘What’s the assignment?’ asked the surly illustrations editor Nick Smith, working on a crossword puzzle.
‘I’ve been asked by the chief reporter to go out and find today’s lead story.’
‘You poor sod, that’s his method of getting you out of the newsroom because it embarrasses him seeing you sitting on your bum and not knowing what to do.’
‘I’ve already written the new Chief Postmaster story.’
‘Oh you did that? Frank said that was a great interview.’
‘Thanks Mr Smith.’
‘You cheeky prick. I wasn’t complimenting you. I don’t compliment reporters, in fact I don’t give reporters the time of day. Now piss off.’
‘I want a photographer.’
‘Well you’re not getting one, savvy?’
‘In that case I’ll have to report your refusal to Mr Spencer. I understand Mr Spencer was your sergeant during the Korean War?’
Nick gave Harry a murderous look and yelled, ‘Jack out here with a camera and go with Boone on roving assignment.’
The cadet photographer Jack Reynolds walked off with Harry very excited, saying he’d never been on a roving assignment.
‘What do we do?’
‘We keep our eyes open for the slightest lead.’
‘What a woman’s dress falling down?’
Harry sighed and said it was unlikely Jack would ever become an ace photographer if he thought flippantly like that.
‘Sorry Harry. I wasn’t aware you could be serious.’
They walked the streets without the slightest sniff of anything unusual and Harry noticed no woman’s skirts were falling down.
They were almost back to the office when it happened.
A guy rode along slowly on an old Indian motorcycle and stopped just up from Ben and Jack, pulled a revolver out of the pocket of his ex-Army trench coat and fired four shots into the Penny Arcade across the road. He’d remained standing still astride his idling motorcycle.
One bullet hit a woman in a white dress in the chest and she screamed and fell, blood appearing. She lay still and silent.
People shouted and screamed.
‘Oh shit,’ Jack said.
‘Take a shot of the gunman, do it now,’ Harry ordered.
Jack reacted well and did that.
‘No get much closer… take a full frame (35mm) shot.
Jack did that, getting quite close.
The gunman saw Jack and aimed and shot him.
‘Jesus,’ cried Harry, darting forward to the fallen Jack who was groaning.
Two guys aged about forty, were grappling with the guy.
Two women were bent over Jack and Harry thought they had a chance of helping Jack more than he could. He picked up Jack’s dropped camera and went in real close and took one exposure as the gunman in the struggle fired two more shots into the air.
He saw Harry who was only a little over six feet away, aimed and pulled the trigger.
Harry froze and heard the gun click and then saw the two men finally pulled the big guy off his motorcycle and leap on him.
Harry turned and rushed back to Jack who’d taken a bullet in the chest.
His eyes were glazed and he said softly, ‘I’m done for Harry. Please tell mom and dad and Jill I love them and always will.’
‘Hold on Harry, and ambulance will be come.’
‘Let me at him son,’ said Mr Livingston the chemist.
‘I’m an ex-Army nurse. Let me help,’ said a woman who crouched down beside Mr Livingston.
Harry, feeling terrible, took that photo. He then took a photo of the exterior of the Penny Arcade, amazed how clearly he was thinking.
He then rushed over to the arcade and photographed people around the dead woman, at least she looked dead and women bystanders were weeping. Jack went inside a little way. People were still screaming and he photographed a woman with a scarf trying to stem blood from a guy’s ear. He’d been shot along the side of the head.
Jack entered the cashier’s booth that was empty, grabbed the phone and called the chief reporter.
‘Bert (Mr
Spencer) it’s Harry. There’s been a big shoot up at the Penny Arcade. I had Jack with me and he’s dying. The maniac shot him while Jack was taking his photo. One woman is dead. Get photographers and reporters down here fast. I grabbed Jack’s camera and took half a dozen photos so alert Nick (Mr Smith) I’m coming in.’
Harry slammed the phone down before the chief reporter had uttered a word and rushed outside where a huge crowd had gathered. With relief he saw Jack was being lifted into one of the two ambulances. Well it was now over to the medics.
Running back to the office around a corner two streets away Jack saw two Times photographers running flat out down the street and two reporters not far behind them. They just waved and he didn’t shout out in fear of diverting them.
Harry was still amazed how calm he was and in his mind he saw the first minute of that dreadful shooing flicking over in his mind time and time again.
He raced up the stairs and into the newsroom and shouted, ‘Jack could be done for… bullet in the chest… very close range.’
Nick Smith raced up, hands outstretched. ‘Give me the camera buddy. You did brilliantly Harry. Guys like you saved our butts during the war.’
Bert Spencer came up and held out his coat. ‘Put this on Harry and keep calm. Shock could hit you any time soon. Terry just phoned to confirm what you said about the shoot-up. Drink this. It’s milk with a slug of brandy. Sit down here and just quietly tell me what you saw and I’ll write the story, your story. It’s best we do it this way.’
Harry was almost through when shock hit him. He shook and his voice quavered badly.
‘Sorry boss,’ he said and began sobbing.
‘Harry it’s fine. You’re young and learning. Nothing like this has ever happened to you before. Just sit quietly for a couple of minutes and led my assistant Brenda hug you.’
‘What about Jack?’
‘No news but let’s think no news is good news. Police confirm the assailant is in custody. He was dismissed from working at the arcade yesterday after being drunk and sexually assaulting the cashier. Sergeant Rowland said it’s thought the guy was a sniper during the war. Thank god he wasn’t armed with a rifle.’
Harry said, ‘Continued holding me Brenda. I think you are helping to calm me. Let’s continue with my story boss. I can still see the images. God I hope they don’t stay with me.’
A photographer took a photo of Jack in Brenda’s arms and dictating to Bert who had an old-fashion visor shading his eyes from the overhead lights as he typed. It was one of the photos that appeared in that afternoon’s ‘Home’ edition and Final edition of the newspaper. The ‘Country’ edition missed the big event because its print-roll had finished half an hour before the shooting and the ‘paper cars’ were already delivering those newspapers to rural towns and individual rural subscribers.
Harry had been a member of the city’s camera club for three years so his photos had come out fine. Jack’s had too and amazingly Jack had taken a photo of the guy about to shoot him.
The newspaper reported Jack had been badly wounded and was unconscious and his condition was critical.
As soon as Harry and Bert were clear, they took a cab to the hospital. Illustrations editor Nick Smith had gone on ahead of them.
Nick told Bert and Harry that there had been no change in Jack’s condition but he’d spoken to Harry’s mother and the chief surgeon had told her Jack had survived long enough to suggest he had a fighting chance of pulling through the trauma.
At that Harry remembered one think he’d forgotten when dictating the story.
He moved away from the group and followed the signs to the critical care unit.
A severe looking woman said only immediate family members were allowed beyond her station.
‘Could you please ask Jack Reynolds family to come out here so I can talk to them.’
The senior nurse took a close look at Harry and held up that afternoon’s newspaper and said, ‘This is you isn’t it, Harry Boone?’
‘Yes ma’am.’
‘Wendy takeover please.’
Another nurse came forward and the senior nurse took Harry to the room where Jack’s family and their church clergyman were gathered, drinking tea.
‘Omigod, it’s Harry Boone,’ cried Jack’s mother who had read the stories on the front page and all of page three about the shooting. ‘I really don’t wish to hear sympathy or about this ghastly shooting,’ Mrs Reynolds said.
‘Jack gave me a message for you before he fell unconscious.’
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Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter or any of Jared Campbell's songs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cause fate, it's in my way and I don't have the patience to put life on hold, I think I'm holding out for something more. ~Fate, Jared Campbell Eleven-year-old Albus Severus Potter was standing in front of the window in the drawing room of his London house, Grimmauld Place. He had been standing perfectly...
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Chapter 6 - Too Close an Encounter ~~~***~~~ When Harry shut the door to his room and descended the stairs he was, perhaps, the happiest he had ever been in all his life. The sun sent golden rays streaking through the coloured windows above and cast a golden image on the floor below, tinged with enough red to make Harry think fleetingly of Fawkes. His hair a tangled mess, he was wearing a T-shirt, boxers and socks, one with a rather large hole through which the large toe on his right...
Harry Potter and the Birth of a New Sun Chapter 1 - Dreams in the Heat ~~~***~~~ Drip. In the silence… drip… within the warm stone walls… drip… Harry could hear every sound… drip… from every room… drip… and could not sleep… drip. The rain, which only moments earlier had roared outside the castle like the hidden waterfall of the Forbidden Forest, left only the lingering drip of water into shallow pools collected between rock and mortar. Uncovered and naked on his bed, he was still...
Chapter 51 - The Truth Revealed ~~~***~~~ With the help of Gabriella, Harry wore a two-piece black pinstripe suit and polished black shoes. Unfortunately his hair, which started out the morning better than normal, was now as disheveled as ever. The manager at Marley’s Men’s Shop had told him that a black handkerchief was a poor idea, but Harry thinking it appropriate for a funeral didn’t listen. Now, he understood why it was a poor idea. It was strange being fitted for a Muggle suit...
Chapter 41 - A Reason to Be ~~~***~~~ Harry set his quill down on the desk next to the parchment. His hand was cramped, his back ached, and he was so tired he considered laying his head down and going to sleep. Still, it was as if a great weight had been taken from his shoulders. The sky was blue and the sun bright as it streamed into the classroom. An odd contradiction to the subject matter he’d just finished describing--astronomy. He had completed his last end of term exam and was...
Chapter 21 - Protecting the Snake ~~~***~~~ Outside, the rain continued to pour down as Harry made his way back to the Gryffindor common room. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen this much rain. The conditions were miserable, and Harry had to sneer, thinking of Malfoy and what he’d have to do to return to the castle. By now, the Slytherin would be up and about in Hogsmeade. What would he try to do? Harry stopped to look down through a window to the Hogwarts grounds below. Through...
Chapter 11 - An Unhappy Inheritance ~~~~***~~~~ It was dawn, but still quite early. The sky was a glowing deep purple and in the dim light it took Harry a moment to adjust his eyes and clear his head. He slipped on his glasses and patted the edge of his bed where Hedwig hopped to his side. He untied the post from her leg and held it in his hands. The dreams of the night before were washed from his mind as he looked at the writing. It was addressed simply: Harry, My Love. His heart began...
Prologue The golden candlelight flickered off the stone walls, walls built before the founding of Hogwarts, before the campaigns of Charlemagne, before the birth of Christ. These walls endured the battles of Pharaoh, and of Caesar, and saw the creation of magic in the earliest of days. The rhythmic chant of the sixteen, cloaked in black, resonated against the walls, which somehow knew what was to come. A thin, toothless, smile creased her aged face, worn by years of waiting, but now…...
There was a dark and stifling silence in the small, disheveled bedroom at the top of the stairs. The room wasn’t much to look at, but it was arguably a great improvement over the cupboard under the stairs. The shadows of the room held a troubled boy with dark, unruly hair and an unmistakable lightning bolt scar. In torment, he writhed in his bed as he slept. It was frustration and fear rolled into one. He felt as though he were being held back from something, or perhaps from someone....
The sun dropped in the sky over the castle, mottling the horizon with swirl of muted pink and gold. The air held the crisp feel of the approach of cooler nights and the smell of fall was in the air. The new school term had begun at Hogwarts again. If it hadn’t been for the sheer weight of things to come, it would have been a very pleasant evening indeed. A boy with dark, untamable hair and an unmistakable lighting bolt scar sat quietly looking out of a castle window from his dormitory...
________________________________________ It was a nice garden, the garden at Malfoy Manor. At one time the bushes were elegantly crafted topiary, a menagerie of fantastic creatures in fanciful poses, but they had been untended for a year and now they looked just like bushes. Just here or there you could see a shadow of a dragon, the wing of a swan. It was like looking at clouds. The grass had grown up too, long blades that got between your toes. It was half wild but then that was good. It...
________________________________________ “Harry?” Padma said quietly, standing at the end of the hospital bed. Harry seemed to be sleeping, his chest rising and falling weakly. His eyes were red, like he’d been crying. Perhaps the pain was worse than he let on. She felt bad for needing to wake him. “Harry wake up.” She reached out and tapped his leg. He jerked fitfully, but his eyes flickered open. He didn’t speak though, didn’t acknowledge her. He just stared off into space. What had...
Anyway as a result I may be slower to post than usual as I try to beat this twisty, hellish yarn I choose to call a story into submission. Sorry, hopefully the story will be better for it. In other news: OVER 200,000 WORDS! HORAY! ________________________________________ “Hello?” The shopkeeper peered, bleary eyed, at the figure standing on the other side of the glass door. “Sorry we‘re closed now.” “Good.” The hooded man pushed the door open roughly. “Then there will be no...
________________________________________ “One… two… THREE!” Harry yanked up on the broom and tried like hell to hold on as it shot into the air. He saw the stands come into view and screamed, throwing his weight up and scraping over the top by an inch. He tried to slow down but the broom didn’t seem to hear him. He was forced to try and control it as it careened along the ground. All he could do was try to aim the thing like a bull in a rodeo as it bucked and vibrated at sixty miles...
________________________________________ Harry lay on his back on his bed with his mothers locket dangling above him. The bloody thing was taunting him he was sure. He had run some detection charms over it and been shocked to find that the thing was wrapped up six ways from Sunday. Harry flicked through one of the books laid around him but found nothing he hadn’t already seen before. “What now Harry.” Neville had asked him earlier that day when Harry was dragging his way through some...
“Someone back up on the street that I‘d rather didn‘t recognise me.” “Oh right. Bloody paparazzi.” Harry stepped back out into the street and did his school shopping quickly. When he walked back past Fortescue’s the wizard was still there, showing the waitress a long scar on his arm. * Harry stood in the country lane and rechecked the letter he held in his hand. He was sure he was at least in the right village and probably on the right road. It was just that the road went a...
The owl swooped down over sleeping London, a letter, signed and sealed in emerald green clutched in its talons. Even if it had had only the stars to see by it would still have been able to fly true, but it wasn’t necessary. London sleeping was almost as bright as London awake. But light or no light this delivery was a tough one. The post owls prided themselves on being able to find anyone but it didn’t make it easy when the address was simply … London, somewhere… But Dumbledore had given...
A/N: Sorry for the delay in getting this out, I had an accident with my flash drive and everything on it was deleted including the first draft of this chapter. But things are on track now, so getting back in the swing of things, a rewrite of the chapter from the beginning… Read, review and enjoy! After taking Simon’s wand and returning Luna’s to her, Harry left the boy magically bound on the couch with Jacey to watch over him. Allowing him to gently pull her down the hall to the...
Ron slammed his fists down on the bed, tired of feeling guilty and mad and frustrated. Maybe he needed a friend right now after all, someone to talk to and help get some of this off his chest. Harry had claimed to want to listen… but that had been while he’d come to defend Luna’s honor. He didn’t really feel like talking about any of this to the guy who was now in all probability sleeping with his first love. He sat up at the sudden sharp knock on his door and quickly strengthened the...
A/N: Welcome back! Lots to learn, so away we go!   Harry’s words hung in the air between them, full of intentionally unintended emotion. Luna had asked him why, had needed a reason for why he couldn’t just let her be as she was begging him to do. And so he had given her one that had stunned them both into silence. He felt he had somehow put one foot too far over the edge- of what he wasn’t sure. But he had to find a way to fix it. "I could never just leave you like this, I couldn’t...
A/N: Read, Review, Enjoy!   Harry woke in a panic, clutching at his stomach. He found only a small clean bandage, not the wooden dagger he’d been dreaming of. Trying in vain to look around at his dark and blurry surroundings he began a search for his glasses, reflecting as he moved that while he felt stiff and sore, the terrible gut-wrenching pain he remembered was gone. Where was he? What had happened? His fingers finally brushed against the lens of his glasses as he blindly searched...
Finally the door opened and his heart leapt into his throat. He was supposed to protect Cho last year, and had turned on her instead. If she really was orchestrating some grand scheme against the others from behind bars, then he hated to think what she had planned for him. Feeling cowardly for his thoughts, he straightened up and put on a smug face. After all, he would be the one getting to leave after they were done here. They sat her at the small table and shackled her to the chair,...
This is a work of fiction and any similarity between events depicted and those recently reported in the press is entirely coincidental. Harrie"Harry, do you love me?" Rhoda asked suddenly, completely spoiling my mood."No," I replied, as I pulled out of her, with my tool sort of shrinking and oozing slime into the condom without me actually cumming."Why not Harry?" she asked."Cause you're the neighbourhood whore I guess Rhoda," I explained, "That's why I pay twenty five...
Hi Guys this is your Rajiv again after successful incident which I shared with you. It was in the name “She made my day”. Thanks for ISS and also for you friends who sent me feedback about my story. It was awesome I never thought I’ll get such a tremendous response from you especially from the girls and auntys’ from Banglore who encouraged me to write my next encounter with my Dream gal.please send your feedback to rajiv.sathya1 at gmail dot com. Lets go the story as usual I changed the names...
I sent her an email detailing what I had been doing.and told her how her friend Irena phoned and asked me for dinner with her and her ten-year younger toy boy. The next day I received a return email from my lady Julie. ‘Very pleased you enjoyed your sexual tryst with Irena and Ben. I set that up for you with Irena and Ben on the proviso I give Ben a blow job while Irena licks my cunt lips. Would you like to watch baby? And I am pleased that you confirmed Ben is bigger than you, more than...
Sitting in an uncomfortable metal chair in an interrogation room at Homicide Central for the next day and half almost without a break gave me plenty of time to think. I shifted the events of the last few weeks about in my tired skull and all of the known facts around and around into different positions and I thought I understood the entirety of the big picture. Well, a portion of the entirety anyway ... maybe just not the really important part though. My problem was that I still didn’t know...
After being married for 19 years, our sex life dwindled quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, I didn't need it 3 times a day or anything, but we were down to just a few times a month. I understand she was tired from the k**s and everything, but now that they were no longer babies, sleeping through the night, going off to school, etc. the excuses should no longer be there.Some of the excuses got old. She didn't like lingerie because it "degraded her" or because she "looked fat in it." Blowjobs became...
Saturday October 22 We met everyone in the lobby. “Where y’all want to eat?” Wyatt White asked. “I know of a good barbecue place that’s not too far from here.” “Daddy, David and his family might not want to go to one of your favorite restaurants,” Scarlet worried. I could tell that Ashley and her group were staying out of the decision. “I could eat some good barbecue,” Mom said. “I hope it’s nothing fancy.” “It ain’t fancy,” Clay, Scarlet’s supposed boyfriend, assured us. We ended up...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Mind-Controlled into Lesbian Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they'd locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy...
Good Riddance by Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Ambiguity I was always conflicted about my gender. I mean I knew almost everyone in the world saw me as a male, despite my bob of blond hair, doe-like eyes and long lashes. But I didn't. I saw myself as a female. A female with a little cock and some pretty little testicles. At least they were pink and mostly smooth. So it was me against the world. Most of the world, anyway. The mirror was undecided. Naked, with one hand...
Hi raj again . Any ladies. Aunties want fun , inbox me its safe and confidential This happened during the new year party which was a private party and only with in close friends. Currently I live in chennai now, but for new year bash I went to my home town to celebrate. There it all started which was a wonderful expirence . Without wasting time let me start the story. It was december 25th and many of my relatives are celebrating christmas , I went to my friends place to see their decorations...
IncestI was a new child case social worker. I had just graduated from college and was eager to start. I had a wonderful childhood with loving parents, however, I had a few friends that did not. They were shuffled from foster home to foster home and it grieved me to see it. I vowed to care for lost kids when I was in junior high school and now I can do something about the system that looses so many kids. My first day on the job the lead social worker gave me a case. A 17 year old girl lost both...
Lately I have been hanging out with a new friend of mine. His name is Zach Walsh and man was he hot. Shaggy brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes, great personality and body. I couldn't help but want him for some reason. I think at this time I really started to question my sexuality. Zach was 5'4 and 110lbs pounds maybe. When I started hanging out with him I gotten into a phase of seeing how big my friends were. So at sleepovers I would wait until they were fast asleep and feel them up a little...
Don't let anyone ever tell you that moving to a foreign country is easy. That person is either a liar or moved to Canada. I don't even know why I did it. I quit a better paying job to move to Belgium, a country that speaks three languages that I can't, for the unimpugnable reason that a voice called to me one morning. Not a mysterious voice or anything, I just overheard someone at Starbucks talking about Belgium and thought, "hey, why not throw away my life?" So here I was. In a...
This part wasn’t edited/beta read by anyone . I apologize for any mistakes in grammar. **** I wake and she’s still sleeping. She’s curled around her pillow, arms folded under her head. Her breathing is soft and rhythmic. Her beauty takes my breath away. Her resemblance to Gerry is still a shock but I feel as though I know this girl in a different way. It will be hard to let her go. Initially, when I hired her for the month, it was to help ease the pain of being in my hometown where the old...
Hatching A Heroine Chapter 7 Written by Emilie Ember Edited by Talia Elliott Belser Content warning: The following chapter contains depictions of violence and blood. Melissa shifted nervously on her horse, one arm across her midsection - beneath her breasts - and the other clutching desperately at the reins. They'd left the city walls behind almost an hour ago, heading out and onto a forest road. They had been lucky enough not to pass anyone, yet, but Melissa was sure that...
Jack had gotten Ted and Al each a beer, and they were standing in the living room when I walked in. The expressions on all of their faces told me that Jeannie and I had been right with our choice of dresses. Three pairs of eyes went directly to my protruding nipples, which were even more obvious in the bright light of the living room, and then each pair went off in their own direction, all of them washing over me with lustful appreciation. My uncle came over to me and kissed me on the...
This fantasy is a stretch of what really happened. THe part with me engaging in sex with others didnt happen on that night - but I wish it had.My ex gf was a hair dresser. on night she was dressed super hot and we stopped in at a party hosted by a fellow gay hair dresser. THe guys all had those Italian looking shoes with super long toe area. Everyone was dressed really nice except me. In the living room there was a very nice custom bar set up. I could tell it was made years ago and had traveded...
Hi, this is Mullakudian (names changed) here. I’m a native of Kerala, but settled here in Chennai, in Anna Nagar, along with my Parents, for the last 35 years. This happened in 2006 and is a true incident. My father is a senior officer in the merchant navy and he used to be out on the ship for nearly 7 to 8 month at a stretch. Only my mother and me where there at home. I am the eldest and am working with an MNC as finance manager. My sister is married and she has settled in Kerala and my...
Sept. 16th, 2018 Today, we’re going to another place that’s fairly dark. But Darian, you’re sick, your mind could be gone in a few years. You have a right to be angry. You say that, but do you really mean that? I don’t think you do for the simple reason I don’t think a lot of people have ever been angry. True anger is dark bloody emotion that most people won’t admit to feeling. I do. Even if they admit to feeling it to themselves they won’t explore it or share it with others. Part of my...
DAD’S OLD ARMY BIDDY CHAPTER 1 I have known Dennis Miller almost all my life, he and my father were old army buddies back in the day. However, when daddy suggested that I treat his old army buddy, the idea was not all that appealing, at first. I had just turned nineteen, and daddy and I had been fucking for well over a year. My mom and dad spilt up after she found daddy and me in bed together. Mom tried to except the fact that daddy loved young girls, she knew that he had enjoyed his share of...
Hello everyone, if you’ve gotten this far then some part of my story has intrigued you. Please feel free to comment, or favorite if you enjoy my writing. I will post each chapter as it’s own story as to prevent confusion and the more comments i get on my stories the more I’ll write. But enough chit-chat, Here is the first chapter. Chapter 1: Jace sat up quickly and looked around, it had been a dream. Sighing he felt relieved and rubbed the back of his neck. He was always sore after he had a...
You don't have the balls: Writer's note: Looking up "poof" on the Urban Dictionary web page I noticed this word could be used to describe creationist Christians. This inspired me to produce this short story. I am sorry for those who prefer longer stories but I rarely get the time to write or read longer stories after a day in the office. I wanted a man to corrupt. John was a Christian. I decided he was the ideal man to corrupt. He went to Church every Sunday. Every...
Now the kiss had confused Katie. She wasn’t a lesbian, she wasn’t even bisexual, but she could notice a women’s beauty and therefore appreciate it. Admittedly, she had formed a slight crush on Lucy during the short time she had known her, but that doesn’t mean she could go from being as straight as ruler to being either lesbian or bisexual... Could it? Katie entered her squalid apartment, barely big enough to accommodate a dog never mind a fully grown adult, but it was home. After spending the...
Love Stories~~Authors Note~~ Sorry for taking so long to post this one up here, my laptop battery died and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to post it from my Ipad Mini. New battery is in the laptop so hope to commence writing at a quicker pace. ~~R.J. Chapter 22 I couldn't help but smile at the memories of that kiss and the moments afterwards as I was cleaning the makeup off my face off later that night. I had tried to wash it all off in the shower, but much to Mom's amusement I...
Ryan had finally found something – a job interview for a good position in his field that paid well and was in range of his soon-to-be new car. After scheduling an interview by email, he slumped over his keyboard, exhausted and relieved. He had a car, he had a job interview, now he just needed to nail the face-to-face and he might actually be able to climb out of this hole. He checked the clock on his taskbar, seeing that it was two in the morning. Time to get some sleep. He rubbed his itchy...
The warm August air fell upon the fairgrounds like a blanket that Friday night. Blaring bass from the concert in the main arena could be heard from miles away, and a group of friends sat in the dairy barn enjoying the music and some alcohol-cleverly concealed in bottles of gatorade and coke. Addie, a seventeen year old brunette bombshell with blue eyes and a dusting of freckles on her suntanned skin sat quietly on the hay bales in the corner of the bay, taking in the scene of drunkenness in...
First TimeSonal was spent, but I was still rock hard and even ready for some hot bathtub sex. She pulled my cock out again with one hand. Holding it at the base while she poured lots of oil on top of my cock with the other hand. The oil dripped down the length of my cock, drenching my balls. She then squeezed my cock real tight at the top and slid her hand all the way going to the base. She then slid her hand up the shaft again and continued to pump me fast and hard again and again. She was picking up...
Carl laid on the floor of the trailer for several more minutes, trying to get up enough strength to get to a chair. He had just made it to his knees, and the door opened. The Foreman, Wayne, looked startled to see the boss in such a state. "I'm sorry, Boss! I tried ta stop 'em, but they wouldn't have any of it. The shorter one whistled, an the lady that was over by the 'dozer came, an' she got me by th' arm, an' led me off. Tole me I WOULDN'T BE SORRY, fer goin' with 'er. By the time I looked...