Felicity Ch. 22 free porn video

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She was tall, beautiful, and a successful model at sixteen.

She had been beaten and forced into sex at the age of nineteen. The attack was by a prop man that worked at a large studio and he had been murdered before his case went to trial.

Suspicion had been centered on Fiona’s American father but he had an airtight alibi he had been in Texas and Fiona had not told him she had been raped.

No one had been charged with the murder.

Claudette was Fiona’s best friend in the business and the most responsible for helping her put the attack behind her. Claudette counseled and encouraged her for over a year before Fiona had the courage to return to work.

Claudette was the top model in London at that time. At the age of twenty-six she had made and spent a lot of money. She had partied with princes and rock stars. She knew aristocracy and mobsters.

Fiona suspected that her attackers demise had been at Claudette’s request. She certainly knew people that could accomplish that.

Fiona worshipped her.

Fiona was twenty-five with a flourishing career when Claudette showed up unannounced at her flat one evening, not an unusual occurrence. She brought with her what she claimed to be the most delicious wine she had ever tasted.

Fiona did not normally drink but out of politeness she drank half a glass with Claudette, toasting her friend.

The drink had been drugged.

When Fiona regained consciousness she was naked, tied to her bed with her arms and legs spread apart. She was being slapped on her face hard.

Claudette was in the process of slapping her again when she saw Fiona’s big blue eyes staring at her in shock and disbelief. Claudette gave Fiona an angry, hate filled smile then bent her head and bit one of Fiona’s breasts until she had drawn blood. While savaging her breast with her teeth Claudette plunged three fingers into Fiona’s pussy.

Fiona had recovered enough to realize that Claudette was also naked, that she was being forced into sex again, this time by the woman she had trusted implicitly, the woman that could have had her body just by asking.

Fiona decided that she was not going to give Claudette the pleasure of screaming or begging for mercy. She stared at Claudette in silence and endured. This seemed to infuriate Claudette and she slapped Fiona hard.

There was a short period of time when the assault stopped. Her attacker was out of Fiona’s field of vision.

Fiona had hoped that it was over but soon saw that the worse was yet to come. Claudette had strapped on an impossibly large dildo and was in the process of mounting her.

The only cock of any kind to have ever penetrated Fiona’s pussy had been on her late attacker.

Typically he had a small dick, which had been removed by his murderer.

Fiona did pleasure herself regularly but used only her slender fingers.

The monster cock between Claudette’s legs was at least ten inches long and very wide. Fiona expected it to hurt but when Claudette forced herself into her pussy the intensity of the pain was such that Fiona briefly lost consciousness. Although she still had not made a sound she could not keep a tear from rolling down her cheek.

Claudette stopped in mid stroke and stared at the tear as it rolled down Fiona’s cheek. She saw the pain in Fiona’s face. She sat back and pulled the dildo out of the savaged cunt.

It was coated with blood.

Fiona had closed her eyes and had steeled herself for another penetration but instead felt Claudette leave the bed. Fiona was alone for nearly half an hour. When Claudette returned to the bedroom she was dressed and had obviously been crying. She looked at Fiona one last time and walked briskly out of the room. The last thing Fiona remembered from that night was the sound of a sob, never sure whose it was.

She awoke in a hospital bed. The nurse told her that she had been there two days and had lost a lot of blood.

‘If your friend had not called the police and insisted they check on you it would have been fatal. You have a lot of stitches in you.’

Fiona absorbed the data and slipped into a deep sleep.

Five months after the attack she returned to work, no longer as the beautiful girl next door but as the ice queen that none could have. Her career skyrocketed and she amassed a fortune.

There were more assaults for her to endure, the most telling one by the press. Fiona had her fill of being vulnerable and had started an intense martial arts regimen. As muscles appeared on her body the press began speculation on her sexuality and femininity. Her job offers began to dwindle.

A pleasant early June assignment in the U. S. turned ugly when a tall model from Africa physically attacked her on location in Florida. Fiona rendered her unconscious with two well-placed blows, breaking her attackers nose and a rib. Every one knew that Fiona had not initiated the fight and was simply defending herself. The other model was generally regarded as a world-class bitch.

However, the witnesses were aghast by the viciousness of the blows and as the ambulance sped away Fiona saw sympathy forming for her attacker.

That was the last straw.

She called her agency and left a message saying she had just retired.

Fiona left the South Beach location and kept driving until she found herself sitting by a river outside a small town in central Texas, her father’s original home.

In her mind she thought, ‘This is far enough.’

She bought a large piece of land with a beautiful small lake. She built a large cabin for herself and settled into her solitude. She went to the small town for groceries once a week and ran the trails on her property everyday. She had her exercise equipment, her library, and her music center. She practiced yoga and worked at achieving peace with the world.

She was completely unaware of the worldwide search for her. Her father assured all concerned that she was just fine and simply needed time to recharge. Her father and her sister were the only two people who knew her whereabouts.

She was also unaware that after the video of the attack from the African model had become public she had become a heroine. People cheered as they saw the woman crumple to the ground from the knockout blows.

The woman was even forced to make a public apology to Fiona or kiss her career goodbye.

Had Fiona known any of this she would not have cared.

In October she went to London and packed what was important to her and shipped it to her new home. It was a lot less than she expected.

Her father and her sister Bobbi were the only ones to know of her return and quick departure. They were happy with her decision to seek a new life away from the spotlight.

Fiona’s sister’s life would soon lead her to Texas too. Fiona would not be completely alone in the new world.

Her arrival had caused a lot of speculation in the small Texas town. Even though she looked like a supermodel her British accent and her formal, very reserved demeanor kept most at arms length, that and the fact that she was six feet tall, athletic, and seemed to keep an undercurrent of anger within her.

If anyone had recognized her they kept it to themselves. In typical Texas fashion she was simply allowed to be.

Years later Fiona’s quiet life changed when she was visiting a state park that features a series of cascades and small falls. When she first heard the voice it sent chills down her back. Then she saw her, Claudette.

She was leading a group of children down a trail as she explained to them what they were seeing. She was perhaps fifteen pounds heavier, her trademark blonde hair was now brown and cut short but Fiona was sure it was she.

Anger boiled in Fiona and she would have attacked her then if not for the children present.

Keeping herself out of her view she followed Claudett
e until she saw her get into a school bus with the kids.

‘How delicious,’ she thought. ‘She has become a school teacher.’

Fiona made a note of the school districts name on the bus and, on the pretext of trying to return property left behind at the park, managed to get the name of the school and the teachers that sponsored the trip from the districts office. None of the three teachers was named Claudette however.

Fiona had repressed all memory of her after the attack. She had told the police that she did not see her attacker, never knowing why she did so.

By the time Fiona had recovered and was back working speculation on Claudette’s whereabouts had died down.

Some guessed that she knew Fiona’s attacker and was hiding in fear of retaliation if she talked. Some feared she had been killed.

But eventually everyone became satisfied with the rumor that she went to work in Australia because they liked bigger bodied, older models. Smug meanness was as popular as ever.

Slowly Fiona concentrated her memory on what she knew of Claudette. That she used a professional name was obvious. That she was American came next. Was she from Texas? Fiona did not remember and wondered if she ever knew.

She hired a private investigator to do a background check on the three teachers whose name she had.

A week later she sat on her porch in the cabin as she mulled over the report. All three were married. One had a child that was twelve so she was eliminated from consideration. The other two seemed to be the wrong age, one too young, one too old.

The older woman may have been the one but Fiona allowed the possibility that it may not have been Claudette she saw at the state park.

Her mind drifted as the moon rose until she was suddenly jolted by a seemingly random pattern firing of neurons. She opened the report and looked at the birth date of the older woman. It was the day of her attack, Claudette’s birthday. The woman would have turned thirty-five on that date. That was Claudette.

Fiona planned her revenge carefully. School would be out for the summer soon. Claudette’s husband was an accountant and he would be leaving her alone at their house every day. Fiona toyed with the idea of waiting a few days so she could be sure Claudette would be alone.

She could not wait.

She was parked down her street when the husband went to work on the first Monday of summer vacation. Barely containing her rising fury she rang the doorbell as soon as he was out of sight.

Claudette recognized Fiona immediately. Shock was quickly followed by fear in her eyes. Fiona shoved her roughly into the house and shut the door behind her. She slapped Claudette’s face sharply then continued pushing her down the hallway until she saw a room with a bed.

Claudette was wearing a robe that Fiona roughly stripped off her body. She shoved the naked Claudette onto the bed.

Fiona reached into her bag and brought out four strands of rope and tied Claudette.

Fiona’s mind had registered that Claudette was not resisting but it was not until she herself was naked that she realized that Claudette was accepting her fate, accepting her punishment.

That infuriated Fiona just as her stoicism had provoked Claudette and she slapped her hard twice, drawing blood from her lip. She mauled Claudette’s breast with viciousness and drew blood with her teeth.

She went back to the bag and brought out the strap on dildo. It was bigger than the one Claudette used on her.

Fiona saw her former friends eyes widen when she saw the gigantic plastic cock. She then saw a very sad smile spread across Claudette’s lips. Fiona slapped her again then paced the room.

This was not working the way she wanted. The fury was rapidly draining out of her body.

She was done.

Slowly he unbuckled the unused strap on. A spike of anger flared and she hurled the thing against a wall.

Fiona took a deep breath and sat on the bed next to Claudette. She spoke the first words either had uttered since she had been attacked.


Claudette looked at Fiona in disbelief. She had stopped her attack before exacting full revenge

‘You were always better than me,’ Claudette said with a glance at the dildo on the floor.

‘Prettier, younger, more bankable. You had zoomed past me in the industry. I was getting old and fat. My pampered life was coming to an end and I was mad at the world, but especially you. Your fame and fortune were assured. I thought I hated you.’

‘You called for help,’ Fiona said. ‘You stayed in London until I had recovered. Where you waiting to be arrested?’

Claudette nodded and said, ‘Yes. I left town when I heard that you said you had not seen your attacker. I had no intention of injuring you. When I saw you looking at me with such great disappointment in your eyes I got angry and shoved the dildo into you. I had not lubricated it. I did not expect your pussy to be so small. The pain I saw on your face forced me to see myself for what I was, and what you really meant to me.’

There was a long silence that continued as Fiona untied Claudette then dressed. Claudette sat up in bed and watched in silence.

Leaving the dildo on the floor Fiona left the bedroom and headed for the front door. Claudette followed.

As Fiona stepped onto the walkway she turned to look at Claudette, or rather at Teresa Green, still nude, framed by the open doorway.

‘Fiona,’ Teresa said. ‘I was in love with you then. I still am. Did you love me?’

Fiona nodded yes, got in her car and drove away.

That evening she was sitting at her cabin by the lake feeling very tired. She watched as the moon rose and watched the trailing Jupiter for a while.

Suddenly Fiona burst into tears and cried for the first time in many years. She knew she could not hold them back so she allowed her tears to flow.

Thirty minutes later she was down to infrequent sobs.

Her anger had vanished. She felt her shoulders relax.

When it was over she went to bed and had her first truly restful sleep in years.

The following morning she sat naked on her porch. She was caressing her pussy as a prelude to masturbation, relishing the fact it would be the first one in years not coming from angry need.

It was her thirtieth birthday.

She saw movement on the porch of the cabin directly across the lake from her and picked up her binoculars to look.

She saw a pretty redhead, naked and masturbating just like she was.

She kept her binoculars trained on the woman as she began to masturbate in earnest.

The woman must have noticed something because she picked up her own binoculars and trained them on Fiona.

Fiona waved at her, the woman waved back.

They watched each other masturbate to orgasms.

Fiona could feel the wide grin on her face, the first in years. She had forgotten how enjoyable sex was.

The woman was waving at her. She was signaling that she wanted Fiona to come over.

Fiona put her kayak in the water and started her trip across the lake immediately. She had not bothered to dress.

As she neared the other cabin she began to giggle. The warm sun and the cool morning breeze on her naked body made her feel alive. The glide of her vessel over the still water as she effortlessly propelled her way across the lake made her body sing.

The smiling naked woman waiting for her on the shore had her sex juices flowing. That morning her new life began.

The woman simply took her hand and led her to her bed. A dozen orgasms coursed between them before they introduced themselves.

‘Hi, I’m Clara,’ the redhead said.

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CarolChapter 6

Over the following days, Bob would walk Carol from school to make sure she was safe. This also afforded him a few minutes for kissing and fondling each other before her mother came home. Carol was expecting her mom at any time and did not want to get undressed during this time. That limited them to rubbing on the outside of their clothes and kissing. Of course, he loves kissing most of all, and so has no objection to this. He always left before Carol’s mother came home. Since Bob could not...

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Kenny BurnsChapter 2

Dad finished with the customer and turned toward us. "And who is this young lady?" "Dad, this is Francie Reilly. Right now we are exploring a relationship. You'll hear all about it at dinner tonight." "What's to hear about?" "How, when, and where we met. While away on vacation I tracked her down after six years. I've become acquainted with her family and now she is here to become acquainted with mine. I'm hoping before too long you and Mom will take some time and travel to meet...

2 years ago
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Two Friends Share a Halloween Costume chapter 3

This story stands on its own merits, and you do not have to read the original stories to enjoy it. The original stories dealt with a heterosexual man and his first foray into gay sex, this story continues his story but it is strictly heterosexual. My Name is Dave. About five years ago, my best friend seduced me while we shared a Halloween costume. A lot has happened since then, Tom and I are still best friends, but he moved away so I have not seen him in a few years. Since that time I, have...

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Lynn and I had known each other for 5 years. She lived for a short time in my apartment when I was in between girlfriends. I used fondle and caress her breasts, or rub her body when I was lonely or just aroused. I was 25 at the time. I never crossed a line, for that reason we remained friends. I liked to be assertive and controlling, enjoying shoveing my cock down her throat shouting vulgarities at her like "take it all down your throat slut", makes me aroused. I can be a very, very bad...

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Nautical DelightsChapter 20 Night Time Games

Emma spent most of the day with Kate in their suite, and that evening she ate in their stateroom, alone. She was very miffed that she had not been invited to dine with the Emir, although her husband, Thomas, had been, and she suspected that the Captain was also with them. The food the eunuch brought her, however, was excellent and the wine some of the best she had ever tasted. It was not until this visit that she had truly appreciated how important it was to have the wine at exactly the right...

3 years ago
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Diane Through the Looking Glass

I came home one afternoon to find the house empty. Then I remembered Diane had a meeting that afternoon for some organization or group she had been volunteering with recently. I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, dropped my tie on the kitchen bar and walked out to the pool area. We had just had some work done recently replacing the tinted sliding glass doors with hurricane wind resistant sliding glass doors. They were reputed to withstand flying debris up to 135 miles per hour. Diane and I...

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Kat My Sex Life Part 5

Introduction: These stories are about my true life experiances. They take place in the 1980s I couldnt wait to meet up with Mr. DAngelo. That Friday I hung out with Karen. We smoked some pot and ended up going to a porno movie. It was my idea. The theatre wasnt that crowded maybe 20 people were there. We sat in the very last row, no one was around us. We had walked in during the middle of the movie. We were buzzed laughing and joking around. It was Karens first XXX movie. I guess we were...

4 years ago
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Love Family SingersChapter 11

After a very restful night’s sleep, the Loves’ had breakfast, with Dad leaving for work. “Michael,” my mother said, “Anything specific you do or do not want Nevina and I to wear this evening?” “Provocative, but not slutty, please?” I said getting a slap on the back of my head from my brother Charles. “Pass that on to Nevina please, and also don’t wear the same color dress, please?” “What about the girls?” she asked. My brothers had left the table, so I helped her clear it. At the sink I...

1 year ago
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Club Night

I hadn’t been at the club very long when he came over to me: a very handsome man, tall with dark hair and blue eyes. ‘You have a perfect ass,’ he said. I was wearing a sexy, little minidress which barely covered my ass and I knew it would turn men on, but I didn’t know it was going to happen this quickly. I smiled up at the tall stranger. ‘I’m flattered,’ I said. ‘I’d like to pull up your dress and lick your ass,’ he said. It was a ‘clothing optional’ club and I knew he would do it if I told...

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The Villa Chapter 4

Chapter 4 -- Up on the RoofI slowly surface. Things are turning. I'm lying on my back. I lift my head and turn it towards you. You're on your side, facing me and up on one elbow, a smile on your face. Your other hand is doing things to me that sends my head reeling. "Lay back and close your eyes," you say, "It's taken me ten minutes to get him hard without waking you so just enjoy."I close my eyes, lay my head down and groan. Feeling your fingers doing wonderful things to me, my toes are now in...

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Fucking my wife in the shower and showing her off in a bar

Introduction: 6pm Friday night, were getting ready to go out but my wife hasnt told me what her plans are yet. We are in NYC. I stare at my wifes ass as she bends over in front of me. Shes teasing me and she loves it. Slowly she slips her panties off each foot. Each move is deliberate and calculated. Each twist and turn exposes a different part of her rear end. I can see her tight little ass hole teasing me. God what I would do to fuck that hole. But its a tease, it stays tight for a reason. ...

4 years ago
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Teacher to perform part 2

For picures see part 1 "Teacher to perform"Chapter 4Phil said " Someone pass her that beer glass. Miss Bush, put it under your pussy to catch the juice, and keep it out of the way of the camera while you do it." I took the glass and put it's cold rim just below my open hole. Phil told me to adjust it and when he was happy with it's position. He told me to hold firmly in place and Carl to carry on.Carl unfastened another bottle and passed it to my free hand. I sniffed the goo in the bottle as...

3 years ago
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Road To The Sex Offender Registry Part 1

I suppose the best way to start this off is to give you a disclaimer. I am a convicted sex offender whom will be on the sex offender registry for the *rest of my life*. I tell you this because I want you to know the life-ruining consequences of my actions before you hear them. I also want to show you that I am putting it all out there, exactly as it happened, so that my experience may hopefully serve as a warning for those of you who find your urges to be too much to bare at times. While every...

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Born To Be A Babe Part Two

After discovering that I enjoyed wearing sexy little panties, tasting cum and having a big vibrator in my ass, I began to have these auto-erotic sessions, every day.While wearing panties and playing with my ass with a dildo, I would lay in my bed and fantasize about all the big cocks I wanted to satisfy for men. While I was only 16 years-old, I had decided I was a girl and I wanted to wear sexy lingerie and be with men. The only place I had ever had men come on to me was walking down the...

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Avogadros Jungle of Serious bodily Injury

?So you went to the ?get together? at the old Kappa Beta house ?Cannibal Women of Avogodro?s Jungle of Lethal Bodily Injury(3/20/06 version)  I? First Contact Lewis Merriwether and Clark Williams followed the trail with enthusiasm and skill.? They were the best of the third platoon of Easy Company, of the 11th Special Forces Battalion, the best of the best.? They picked their way cautiously through the thick brush, following the signal from the transponder hidden in that feminazi...

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Shy wife not any more 8211 6

Dear all. Hi. Email your comments. “Some of what I told you before is true. Except that Balram wasn’t as shy and reluctant as I made him out to be. He is very talkative and charming. And has a way with words. And because he doesn’t look that great, his skills at conversation and manipulating are even more surprising and caught me off-guard.” “Right from the first day, he talked a lot. Told me about himself, his family, his dead wife, his kids. Asked me about myself. Where I grew up, what I...

2 years ago
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Lonely Soldiers Wife

For a number of years my husband served as a Major in the British Army. For some of the time I accompanied him on his tours to Germany. Germany is a great place to be posted but not much good if you are a horny woman who likes her husband in bed with her every night. I think for the first 18 months we were there he spent half the time away on exercise or courses. The story I am about to relate is of one such occasion. I think it was in 1982 we had been posted to a camp near Koln. Because Mike...

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A Wild Encounter At A Spa

Hi once again!!! Thanks for your overwhelming appreciation on my stories. This is Ronit from Delhi, 26 years old and a average looking guy with 6.5 inch boner. In the last 10 years, I have had many experiences with guys and I really cherish them. I am here today to share one of such wild experiences; I had been to a spa in Delhi recently. It was a Friday evening and I was returning from work, tired and frustrated from usual office routine. Thought of getting relaxed but none of my friends were...

Gay Male
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long night

Mr. Franks went upstairs to bed as I laid on the couch, my butt hole hurt but not in a bad way. I kept thinking about what I seen come out of Mr. Franks dick. What was it, why did he make those noises, did it hurt, I wonder if I could do it too? While I tried to sleep, my mind kept running these thoughts. I finally fell asleep. I was woken by the feeling of being shaken, I opened my eyes, looked around and seen Mr. Franks pulling at my underwear. He seen I was awake, saying "-shhh, lift your...

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Its only natural

March 2012. This feeling is so good it ought to be illegal. Technically I suppose it is, which is maybe what makes it more fantastic. It’s a glorious day, unseasonably hot and summery. The kind of day where almost everyone finds a grassy country park in which to picnic. I can see them enjoying themselves on the field through the canopy of trees, laughing, playing ball games, Frisbee, cycling, walking dogs, eating and drinking. All beneath a cloudless, azure sky. The birds high above us are in...

1 year ago
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Hyper Dreams! In a world of 4K Ultra-HD teen cherry-popping movies and immersive VR anal fisting scenes that make you the fister, people are often surprised to learn that I appreciate a good erotic story from time to time. When the porn scenes play out in your head, the sluts are never ugly, and the action is never phoned-in or boring. That’s one of the main reasons I was so excited to find out about Hyper Dreams.Since 2011, Hyperdreams.com has been offering “Erotic Sex Stories With A Twist!”...

Sex Stories Sites
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Cat girl Charity The fox and lion

Introduction: What would you do if someone could steal the very memories we hold and treasure as our own most precious of gems and jewelry, those memories that make us and then find them all gone. Having known something precious was there and now gone for good. What would you do. Have you ever looked into a mirrors depths and seen the wonders of the image reflected back? What about having a second and a third mirror close enough to where you can see reflections of the other mirrors in the...

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Italian Lessons

It was my daughters birthday and I had met my ex wife and the two girls in a lovely Italian restaurant that someone suggested to her. Neutral ground I had thought, but things hadn’t been too difficult between us and the girls had both enjoyed it. It was late on and the three of them had gone home across town to where then three of them lived. I was sitting in the subdued light of the booth, in the now empty restaurant nursing the end of a cappuccino and brandy, awaiting the arrival of the bill....

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Poor Sarah Pt 1

Introduction: Sarah tells her teacher the story of her first time Sarah was beautiful. Being beautiful is hard. There are stares, unwanted advances, assumptions that are made, people judge others on looks. That is just the way it is, and for Sarah it was no different. Prom Queen, at seventeen she was in love with Jim. Yes, captain of [enter popular high school sport here]. They were stars of the school. She was beautiful. She was too beautiful. You look like a slut. He whispered in her ear as...

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The Girl Upstairs

He heard a noise upstairs, and froze listening, there it was again coming from the front bedroom, the he remembered the new flatmate who'd moved in last week he had only seen her briefly, when she came and looked at the flat, he looked in the fridge wondering if there was any wine, probably not the other flatmates would have drunk it, he finished his sandwich whilst watching the news the house quiet the flat mates all out somewhere, he looked towards the ceiling listening to her moving about. ...

Straight Sex
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Rachel

"Hi, I'm Rachel, and yeah... I guess you can call me a sex addict," I giggled as I looked at the expectant faces surrounding me.I thought about that statement for a minute. Of course, I'd never called myself a sex addict out loud, but the idea of it sounded almost kind of sexy. Of course I knew I was supposed to be all serious standing there in the classroom at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. But really, how can you find the seriousness of group therapy at all?They were a miscellaneous...

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