Educating Harry Ch. 08 free porn video

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‘Thirty eight,’ gurgled Susan to herself as she tumbled into the turn, then, ‘thirty nine,’ a few seconds later, as she turned for the fortieth and last lap of the pool. Susan stopped at the wall panting for breath, she always liked to go flat out for the last three or four laps of her work out.

She stood for a few moments breathing deeply, before suddenly becoming aware of a pair of hands clapping behind her. ‘Maria, my goodness, you scared me to death, where did you spring from?’

Maria laughed, ‘I assumed you were here because your car was, but you didn’t answer the door bell, so I guessed you were swimming. I let myself in with that key you lent me a couple of weeks back. I’ve been watching you for almost ten minutes. You put on quite a show. I didn’t know you swam nude.’

‘Only in my own pool,’ laughed Susan, ‘When no-one is supposed to be watching. Now pass me that housecoat,’ she added, as she pulled herself from the water.

‘When did you get back from Coffs Harbour?’

‘Last night,’ replied Maria, ‘Fairly late, so I thought I would call in this morning, to catch up. As you can see, I haven’t been idle, coffee?’ she suggested, pouring one out, not remembering when Susan had ever refused. ‘And,’ she added, ‘Some hot scones which I bought on the way over.’

‘How did your Coffs Harbour trip go?’

‘Oh ok, not particularly interesting, just routine, more to the point, what did you make of the famous Joe Callaghan last Thursday evening.’

‘He was ok,’ responded Susan unconvincingly, ‘Well, really rather nice I thought… but hey, just a second, why did you say famous?’

‘Hmmm,’ responded Maria, ‘you really don’t know do you, I had better explain. Joe Callaghan Susan, is reckoned by most Rugby fans as probably the greatest half back to play for Australia for the past forty years.’

Maria couldn’t have predicted Susan’s reaction, she started to giggle, then a little more, until finally she was shaking with laughter. ‘Oh what an idiot I was,’ she sniggered, regaining control a little, ‘I asked him what had happened to his finger and he told me it was bitten off in a Rugby game. ‘Then I told him… you’ll never guess,’ she giggled, ‘I told him that Rugby was a nasty violent game’

‘You didn’t,’ this time it was Maria who dissolved into laughter. ‘Susan, you really should read the back pages of the newspaper some times. Joe Callaghan’s finger is one of the legends of Australian Rugby. Let me tell you what happened.’ ‘When Joe was eighteen or nineteen, he took a gap year before going to Uni. He travelled in Europe, and during the winter played Rugby in France for one of the top clubs. Any way, in a particular match, one of the opposition was a very tough international who had played sixty times for England, and who had a terrible reputation for violent foul play. Joe, who was younger fitter and much more skilful, made this guy look stupid, One thing led to another and when Joe was caught up in a loose maul the guy bit the end off Joe’s finger.’

‘Oh how horrible,’ protested Susan.

‘But that wasn’t the end of it, the referee an Irishman, hadn’t seen who had done it, so it looked as though the English guy had gotten away with it, because he was not even sent off. It was half time shortly afterwards, Joe was patched up, and despite what his coach said, he insisted on going back on. At the very first scrum in the second half Joe lined up the biter and hit him: just once, but so hard the guy lost five teeth to one punch. By good luck or bad, depending on your point of view, the match was being televised and the pictures were all over the media the next day. Basically, the story was, ‘180 pound Aussie battler belts 260 pound English thug,’ he became an Aussie sporting hero overnight.’

‘Didn’t he get into trouble?’

‘No, not much, well he was sent off for the rest of that match, but he was lucky.’


‘Firstly, the referee being Irish, saw it as a sort of natural justice, and he issued a pretty soft report, and secondly, the French Rugby Union has never really regarded thumping an Englishman as a terrible offence, so he pretty much got away with it.’

‘I still think it was awful,’ said Susan censoriously, ‘but did you say he played for Australia.’

‘Yes he did, and within three years he was the main reason New Zealand were defeated in two series, which as you can imagine, for me as a New Zealander, where Rugby is almost the national religion, that made him a real villain. But quite suddenly, after only twenty or so internationals, he was finished before he was twenty four. Severe cruciate ligament injury,’ Maria explained, ‘It can take at least a year or more to recover from that, if at all, so he decided that he would call it a day.’

‘Oh the poor man,’ sympathised Susan, ‘But at least it saved him getting hurt again.’

Maria laughed again, ‘Susan,you just don’t get it, if Rugby players, or any footballers for that matter, worried about getting hurt, the game would not exist. They are not even allowed by the rules to wear any protective gear at all, so they know they are going to get hurt practically every game.’

‘Well I sort of knew that, but I still don’t know how they can actually enjoy it.’

‘Never mind,’ responded Maria, shaking her head, ‘But remind me next winter, and maybe we will go down to Sydney and see one of the international matches at Homebush, more to the point,’ she continued, ‘I wonder how soon it will be before you hear from him again,’ then noticing a slight smile from Susan, ‘You haven’t… not already? He really is keen isn’t he.’

‘He emailed me, to remind me of his promise to deliver anything to Alice in Chicago that she might want, and he also told me he would see me again when he got back from overseas. That irritated me a bit, seemed a bit pushy I thought, taking me for granted. He could have asked.’

‘Guys like Joe tend not to ask Susan, they go for what they want, and deal with the consequences.’

‘Yes I know, but for the time being I shall play it cool, I am just not the sort of person who commits emotionally at the drop of a hat, and I find it a bit disconcerting. ‘Anyway,’ Susan continued, ‘That’s enough of me, what are you up to today?’

‘Not a lot, a few odds and ends of shopping which I missed doing by being away, then this afternoon, Harry is going to start to clear all those old bricks and slates for me. The pallets were dropped off a day or two ago, and he told me that he would begin late this afternoon, so I had better be there when he starts.’

‘Just remember,’ grinned Susan, ‘not to start any silly squabbles, as I remember the last time we spoke, you told me how you felt the urge to put him in his place.’

‘I did I suppose,’ responded Maria, ‘But isn’t that pretty much your response to Joe, you are trying to keep him in his place, or at least at bay.’

‘Mmmm maybe,’ acknowledged Susan looking thoughtful, ‘But I also remember something Alice told me, she said that Harry had an uncanny ability to know what she, and I suppose any woman wanted, almost before she did. That, if it is true would make him a dangerous proposition, perhaps you might be a little out of your depth,’ she challenged.

Maria snorted indecorously, ‘Don’t be so ridiculous, no kid of his age, no matter how smart he might be is… hang on Susan, I’m not going to fall for your teasing, no,’ she decided smiling, ‘I shall be perfectly proper and deal exactly as I should with the young man.’

‘However,’ Maria conceded to herself as she drove away from Susan’s a few minutes later, ‘What I decide is perfectly proper, is entirely up to me.’

At about four thirty that afternoon, Harry’s Ute lurched into Maria’s driveway, she was waiting for him, desultorily pruning bushes next to her swimming pool.

‘Hi,’ he greeted her.

‘How do you manage to get that old heap registered, it’s falling apart’ Maria enquired genially,

old ute? replied Harry, not taking the slightest offence. ‘The body is a bit battered, but mechanically she’s as sound as a bell. Good enough for what I want, carries everything, and is very reliable… quite handy for rescuing damsels in distress too, when they pass out,’ he added grinning.

‘Ok,’ laughed Maria, ‘Now we had better have a look see, before you get started’

‘Jump in then,’ suggested Harry and when Maria had done so, they made their way slowly down the track, next to which and near the old house, Billy’s truck driver had left a load of steel box pallets.

‘What happened to all the bushes and brambles?’ said Harry rather surprised. ‘I had expected to spend the first couple of days clearing them.’

‘Goats,’ replied Maria cryptically, then she explained, ‘I got Mrs Williams from Culgong to send down a small flock of her goats, only a day or so after you first looked at the job. Within a week, they had eaten almost every bush, thorn and blade of grass there was in the paddock.

‘Well, they have certainly made the job a bit simpler,’ said Harry, ‘And they also seem to have exposed quite a lot more bricks than I had calculated’

Harry started to unload his tools, so Maria decided to leave him to it. ‘I might pop back later to see how you are getting on.’

Harry nodded, and Maria turned to walk back up the steep slope to her house.

Harry finished pulling his barrow off the ute and glanced up for a moment.

‘Wow, she looks good,’ he thought appreciatively, as he watched Maria’s impossibly long legs and magnificent ass undulate slowly and strongly up the hill.

Maria was deliberately putting on a show, and walked a little slower for maximum effect, just before she reached the trees at the top of the slope Maria looked back, and was a little surprised to see that Harry was watching her. She gave the briefest of waves and turned again towards the house, but this time with a huge smile on her face. ‘Well well,’ she smirked, pleased with herself, ‘So Harry Salt is not completely immune after all.’

Harry was thinking along similar lines. ‘At least she wasn’t looking for an argument today, and she is a pretty spectacular, but was that for me, she can’t have me on her agenda…. can she? Don’t be a fool,’ he admonished himself, ‘there’s no chance.’ But however dismissive he might be, that small thought kept recurring in Harry’s mind, ‘Would she, nah, no chance… but maybe, just maybe she might.’

He then buckled down to work. Starting from the point furthest away from the house and nearest the track ,he picked up all the loose bricks first. The sun was still warm in the late afternoon, and although he was wearing only shorts, a singlet, boots, and a floppy hat, he was soon warm and covered in dust and sweat. Harry, however, quite liked this sort of repetitive work. He did not like training, or going to the gym to keep fit, but if he could do some manual labour which had a result, he reasoned that if it achieved the same end, it somehow made the repetitiveness worthwhile.

It also gave him time to himself, and time to think He thought for a while about Trixie and what had motivated her, but couldn’t figure her out any more than he had been able to immediately after their time together. In his mind, Harry compared her for a moment with Maria, ‘Now, she is different, she talks a lot,’ he said to himself, ‘But it’s still clear as mud why she seems to change her mood so much from one day to the next. Still she seems ok today, wonder if it will last.’

He worked on steadily, only stopping occasionally, to take a drink from one of the two big bottles of water he had brought with him. After about two hours he had filled two pallet boxes and started a third. ‘I’ll give it another ten minutes’ he thought, and set to. He didn’t notice at first, that Maria, as she had said she would, had returned, and sat on the wall next to the old house. She just sat there watching him, and he decided after a brief smile of acknowledgement to finish the section he had allocated himself.

‘Mmmm,’ Maria said to herself, ‘He doesn’t have any idea how sexy he looks, all covered in dust and sweat, and I’ll bet he doesn’t have a clue what I’m thinking.’

Harry stopped quite suddenly and walked over to her, ‘That’s it for today, if it’s ok with you, that is how I would like to do it, a couple of hours each day, late in the afternoon.

‘Fine,’ Maria concurred, ‘I brought you a drink, though I see you have some of your own.’

‘Thanks,’ said Harry, ‘but you can’t have too much on a warm day,’ and he accepted her offer.

‘You’ve made good progress,’ commented Maria.

‘Thanks to the goats,’ grinned Harry, ‘That was a really good idea, saved a lot of time, it’s just going to be a long steady slog, I reckon it will take three to four weeks, maybe a bit less.’

Harry then changed the subject, ‘I was wondering when I was working, do you have any plans, what you might do with the old house.’

‘Nothing definite,’ replied Maria, ‘It will depend on what sort of condition it is in, I haven’t even got inside yet, the windows and doors all being welded shut with that steel work.’

‘I could fix that for you if you like,’ volunteered Harry, ‘it would only take an hour or so to get the steel off that small window with an angle grinder. I would need to borrow Fred’s portable generator.’

‘Could you? It’s about time the old place was opened up.’

‘Alright then, I’ll bring the genny along, say on Wednesday or Thursday.’

Over the next two days Harry followed the same routine, he turned up late in the afternoon, worked for a couple of hours, maybe a little more, Maria would come down for a chat later on, and then he went home.

But the routine was not quite the same, the banter between them grew, ‘You’re looking good today,’ said Harry, eyeing the close fitting top and shorts Maria wore.

‘I feel good,’ responded Maria pushing out her ample chest, and running one hand slowly through her long hair.

The banter started to turn to blatant flirtation.

‘But good for what?’

‘Hmm, I don’t know, maybe good for anything.’

‘Anything, now that would have to be good.’

‘You don’t look too bad yourself, at least, for a guy who is covered from head to foot in dirt and dust.’

‘And that,’ thought Harry is the problem, he was already half sure that Maria might respond if he made the first move, but being rather more naïve than he realised, he thought that the dirt and dust would put her right off. If only Harry could have read Maria’s mind.

‘God, I’ve laid myself on a plate for him, when is he going to do something? I wonder if he has any idea how wet I am, just thinking about it. But I am not going to risk being knocked back, and made a fool of.’ Which last point, was the exact same reason why Harry was holding back.

So the moment passed, each seeking, even longing for an opportunity, but not knowing quite how to create it.

Harry reminded Maria, ‘Tomorrow I am bringing the generator and will have a crack at getting into the old house. I’m going to get in through that small second level window, as that has the least steel to cut. If you are at home, could you come down an hour or so sooner than usual, as I will be working from a ladder, and it would be handy if you could pass tools up to me… would save a lot of time,’ he explained.

‘Fine, I’ll be here, entirely at your command.’

Over dinner that evening, Harry told his aunt about his plan to get into the old house. ‘Oh I wish I could be there, to see what you find.’

‘Probably nothing,’ laughed Harry, ‘Why should there be anything there at all?’

‘Well,’ explained his Aunt, ‘Mr Lalor said all those years ago that welding the steel shutters and doors were to keep thieves out, but although I never thought about it much at the time, that it just doesn’t make sense. Fifty years ago country people didn’t lock their hous
es, let alone a work shop or anything like that. Plenty of people today in Hawksworth still don’t lock up very much, most people took Mr Lalor at his word, but there is a much more rational explanation,’ Aunt Diane paused for affect.

‘Go on,’ laughed Harry, ‘I’ll play the sucker, what are we going to find?’

‘A tractor,’ replied his Aunt firmly, ‘a fifty five year old tractor’

Harry hooted, ‘Come off it, half the farms in the district have an old tractor in a shed somewhere.’

‘Yes, but it may be a very particular one, in fact if I am right, I will be able to tell you the exact make, year of manufacture, and possibly the serial number.’

‘Wanna bet on it?’ challenged Harry.

Aunt Diane thought for a moment, ‘Alright,’ she said, ‘I’ll write down on a piece of paper exactly what I think you’ll find. There you are,’ she said, suiting the action to her word, ‘I’ll put it behind the mantle clock and you can check it after you have got in.’

‘How about a stake then?’ asked Harry.

‘Not sure,’ replied his aunt, I’ll think about it, and you can do the same. Only rule is that the loser can’t refuse any legal and reasonable request.

‘Done,’ said Harry emphatically, ‘And as you are going to lose, I’m going to spend all day thinking up something really good.’

As Harry’s day turned out, he was so busy that there was little time to think of anything before he arrived at Maria’s. She had not yet returned and as it was unusually hot for October he used the hose next to her swimming pool to cool off. Just as he had thoroughly soaked himself, Maria’s car drew into the driveway. She grinned to see him standing there in just a singlet and shorts, soaked to the skin.

‘You don’t need to use the hose, there’s a shower attached to the equipment shed. I use it because it’s a salt water pool and I don’t like the salt to stay on my skin … but,’ she added reflectively, ‘At least with the hose I can admire the wet shirt display’

‘I suspect Maria,’ suggested Harry, eying the hose and looking at her closely up and down, ‘In fact I’m pretty certain that you’d look far better in a wet T shirt than me.’

‘Well, you’re not about to find out whilst I’ve got this outfit on,’ she said, making for the house, ‘It cost far too much.’ She then added ‘I’ll see you down at the old house in about twenty minutes, I have to change first.’

‘That’s fine,’ responded Harry, ‘It will take me at least that long to get all my gear ready.’

Within a few minutes Harry had unloaded the ladders and tools, and had started the generator. Maria did not keep him waiting, she arrived as soon as he was ready to start. ‘You have certainly dressed for the part,’ commented Harry. Maria had changed into some old boots, a pair of shorts, and a sleeveless shirt at least one size too small which revealed a lot more than it covered. She was also crowned with a battered and improbably large straw hat to keep out the sun, which continued to beat down in the late afternoon.

‘This,’ said Harry ‘is what we are going to try. This particular window is covered with a piece of thick sheet steel, but it appears to be secured by only four bolts. All the other windows and doors have many more bolts, and the steel is much heavier, so I would prefer to do them from the inside. What we do when the steel is off depends on what we find behind it. I’ll need you to generally fetch and carry tools and suchlike. ‘

‘Ok,’ responded Maria.

Harry started on the lower bolts the screech and sparks of the angle grinder soon indicating that he was cutting metal. In only a minute or so the first bolt was broken, and moved the ladder to get at the second. That too did not last long, and Harry descended to take a breather. The third bolt took much longer as it was awkward to get at, but eventually it snapped. ‘We will have to be careful with this last one, so stand well back as the steel plate will probably fall off quite suddenly.’ That proved not to be the case as the steel remained stubbornly in place.

‘I think a bit of corrosion is holding it, pass me up that big tyre lever.’ Harry was right and with a little more leverage the steel suddenly gave way, falling with a heavy clang to the ground.

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Educating Stan Part 1

Stan was my third husband, I met him while visiting my friend Judy in Florida. He was a young sailer, barely nineteen, and I was twenty four and married twice before. I guess you could say that I was his first real love and absolutely his first sexual experience. We had been dating for almost a month before we had any intimacy at all. He was so sweet to me, which was charming but I was a woman in my mid twenties and needed some dick. It occurred to me that Stan was probably a virgin and I...

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Educating my innocent cousin

This is a true story that happened when I was in high school.My cousin Sylvia and I were exactly the same age. Our families were close, but we lived in different cities, so we only saw each other for holidays or for a week on a summer vacation every once in a while. When we were younger, she was just like any one of my many cousins, someone to run around and play with. As we became teenagers, like any teenage boy, I couldn't help but notice that Sylvia was becoming a woman, getting tall, with...

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Educating my innocent cousin

This is a true story that happened when I was in high school.My cousin Sylvia and I were exactly the same age. Our families were close, but we lived in different cities, so we only saw each other for holidays or for a week on a summer vacation every once in a while. When we were younger, she was just like any one of my many cousins, someone to run around and play with. As we became teenagers, like any teenage boy, I couldn't help but notice that Sylvia was becoming a woman, getting tall, with...

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Educating Danielle Part One

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Educating Danielle Part One By Karen E. Lea Chapter One Nearly four o'clock, Friday. I looked out from my office window overlooking the photo-graphic studio where the days work was finishing up. I had dinner plans for...

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Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic Chapter 4 Hormones and Training

The after dinner conversation continued with Ms. Lee alternating between friendly champion and professional counselor roles. "Kaylie, I tried to convince Dr. Taylor that you needed medical help right away to prevent unwanted puberty. Unfortunately, the referral to Dr. Taylor did not work out as I hoped. She could have helped, but she decided to go by the book and insist that you have the personality assessment and get documentation from the psychologists first. Doctors acting as...

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Educating Penny Ch 02

He waited Tuesday morning, busying himself with work but his mind never wandered far from thoughts of his plans for her. She would be here, promptly after class… he had no doubt in his mind. Indeed, as the clock rang the half hour, he heard a car pull into the garage. Smiling to himself, he waited. He’d left an envelope prominently located on the tool bench, and knew that shortly he’d be hearing the garage door close as he’d directed, hiding her car from view and rendering her at his mercy and...

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Educating the Capo Ch 03

Educating the Capo Ch. 3 A lot of people have asked me to continue this novel so here is the next chapter. I apologise for the long break in the story but I made the mistake of starting another story, The Real Estate Connection, and falling in love with the characters and plot of that story. I felt I owed it to you folks and myself to continue this work too… so here it is. Hope you enjoy it folks. Kiwiwolf * Carol rolled over and slid off the bed. ‘I’m heading into town today baby. Maria...

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Educating Ariel

Educating Ariel, a story by Ariana! – My actual name “Ariel”, I whispered as I came to sit next to you on your bed, you were taking a nap and looked up at me and smiled. I remember that smile, it was the same one you’ve given me the previous few weeks when we sat next to each other in math class. I didn’t pay much attention then but I can now remember how you moved your leg under the desk so that it would touch mine, your summer dress revealing your gorgeous leg up to mid thigh level – I made...

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Educating Cindy

Introduction: Cindy was only 13 Educating Cindy Cindy was 13 and in Junior high. She was a tiny little thing and her little titties had just started to develop. She hadnt developed pubic hair yet but her period had just started and she was experiencing new feelings. Her Mom and Dad were divorced and she lived with her Mom and she missed her Daddy. When Mom got a new boyfriend Tom, she liked him right away and being an affectionate little girl she always gave him hugs and kisses before she went...

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Educating the girls Part 6

Introduction: Arriving home the girls could not wait to try out their purchases Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 6: The Orgy Arriving home the girls could not wait to try out their purchases. Conrad told them to put them in Bonnies room for later. Hearing Conrads car pull up Jerry went to check with Angela and to find out from Conrad how things went. Conrad told him everything and left no detail out and Jerry was well pleased. Now he could fuck his own daughter any time he...

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Educating the girls Part 5

Introduction: Conrad looked round the room there were several booths all round the room and at the other end a section had been curtained off Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 5: Angelas cherry They were led down another passage and through a small door .Joseph helped Conrad and the girls carry the clothing they had yet to try plus the ones they had not rejected. Settling back to the task Conrad was left to help the girls choose. Joseph kept popping in and out to check how they...

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Educating the girls Part 3

Introduction: Bonnie was the first down to breakfast. Her parents had seen her naked and her Father had fucked he Educating the girls By anon y mouse Chapter 3: Showing off Morning was a heady one as all 3 woke they all had nice thoughts about the previous evening and what lay ahead. Bonnie was the first down to breakfast. Her parents had seen her naked and her Father had fucked her so she saw no harm in being naked. Conrad was the next to arrive but he was wearing his shorts Morning...

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Educating the Girls Part 9

Introduction: Maybe we should be in the movie business Beth exclaimed ]Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 9: Help me please Jerry and Conrad put the girls to bed. With the video Jerry and Conrad were able to show Beth and Ruby how the day had gone and both women were impressed Maybe we should be in the movie business Beth exclaimed That would need distribution and costs replied Jerry Besides it depends if theres a market for this stuff and the legal crap True Beth answered Just...

3 years ago
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Educating Ariel

Educating Ariel, a story by Ariana![/u] - My actual name :)“Ariel”, I whispered as I came to sit next to you on your bed, you were taking a nap and looked up at me and smiled. I remember that smile, it was the same one you’ve given me the previous few weeks when we sat next to each other in math class. I didn’t pay much attention then but I can now remember how you moved your leg under the desk so that it would touch mine, your summer dress revealing your gorgeous leg up to mid thigh level - I...

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Educating Danielle Part 2

Educating Danielle Part Two By Karen E. Lea Chapter Six We arrived home and I let Daniel put the Rover in the garage, then took him home. Laura greeted us at the door and Daniel couldn't tell his mum about his day quick enough. She studied Daniel's face while he spoke, when he had finished she said, "Daniel have you been wearing makeup?" He froze, and then hesitantly said "No." "Please don't lie; I can see some on your neck." I stepped forward,...

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Educating Danielle Part 3

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Three Chapter Nine We rushed home in the peak hour traffic, fast as it would allow. Seemingly, everybody was going in the same direction as us. Eventually I turned into our street; we could see Laura watering the garden in the distance. I told Danielle to wave to her mum as we drove into the driveway. Laura must have heard the Rover slow for the driveway, as she looked up, we both waved. I accelerated up the...

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Educating Danielle Part 4

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Four Chapter Sixteen The Saturday morning of Lady Carrington's daughter's wedding dawned bright and clear. Thursday night, Laura, Danielle and I as Karen, had gone shopping for clothes, a uniform so to speak. We settled on white short sleeved blouses with navy blue above the knee skirts, tan panty hose and three inch navy blue pumps with a block heel. After a small breakfast, I went through my bathing ritual, then...

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Educating Danielle Part 5

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Five Chapter Twenty One Next day dawned overcast, but no rain in sight. I had the Rover outside idling, when Danielle and Laura came out with lunch in a soft chiller bag. Laura looked good in a cotton dress and sandals. Danielle had on a white sleeveless top, a black mini skirt and her white sandals with the two inch heel, her makeup immaculate. "Hi daddy." "And where do you think you are going, dressed like...

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Educating Danielle Part 6

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Six Chapter Twenty Nine The next week flew by. Monday, I organised Laura's present, arranging for delivery on the Friday at her work. Laura came and saw me when I arrived home from the studio. She related the events of the day. His friend with the coach, faxed over a bill for the fuel used. Mister Faraday had apoplexy when he saw the price. One hundred and twenty three dollars and fifty cents. He rang his friend and...

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Educating Danielle Part 7

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Seven Chapter Thirty Four Friday morning dawned clear and bright, after a light breakfast, I met the girls out at Laura's car and took them to the hair salon for their appointment. We walked in to a deserted reception area, I was about to ring the bell, when a flamboyant guy came out and in a French accent, "Madame, Mademoiselle, welcome to Pierre's' trained in Paris, how can I be of ze assistance." "Knock it off...

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Educating Danielle Part 8

Educating Danielle Part Eight By Karen E. Lea Chapter Thirty Nine We entered into a large motel suite. It was chaos. A guy sat at the table reading the paper, obviously the father, and a young guy watching music videos on the television. Two girls sat on the lounge. It wasn't a happy room. There was crying coming from the bedroom; I know knew who had the room I had originally booked. Tanya introduced her father Mark who was pleased to meet Laura, and her...

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Educating Danielle Part 9

Educating Danielle Part Nine By Karen E. Lea Chapter Forty Four Next morning I awoke entwined with Laura, I don't think we had moved all night. It had gone six and I rose to have a shower. After I finished, Laura took my place after a quick kiss. While I was dressing I could hear Daniel moving around in the kitchen. This was a new experience for me, having other people in the house. We ate breakfast together, Daniel promised to have the washing done...

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Educating Danielle Part 10

Educating Danielle Part Ten By Karen E. Lea Chapter Forty Seven We drove down the motorway heading towards the studio; we decided Danielle to dress as femininely as possible. She had on a mid thigh black skirt, three inch court shoes and a sleeveless figure hugging white top. Her makeup was flawless. We were first in this morning; we opened up, turned the lights on, started the computers and threw the junk mail faxes into the recycling bin, where in the hell do...

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Educating Danielle Part 11

Educating Danielle Part Eleven By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty The Entrance is a large holiday town, sitting on the entrance to Tuggerah Lake, one hundred kilometres north of Sydney, with the ocean to the east and Tuggerah Lake to the west. Two hours after leaving home, I drove in to the underground security car park, having done some grocery shopping on the way. Pulling in to one of my allotted spaces, I turned the Rover off and slid to the ground. My name...

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Educating Danielle Part 12

Educating Danielle Part Twelve By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty Four Next morning we had breakfast, during which I made arrangements for them to visit the accountant, once that had been done, to open a bank account, using his advice. Sam was waiting for me when I arrived, he followed me upstairs and I sat at my desk and read the contract, "Sam, Sam, Sam, where's the domestic/worldwide clause and payment terms?" "Well...we thought, you know, she's...

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Educating Danielle Part 13

Educating Danielle Part Thirteen By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty Six The next morning we rose early and readied ourselves to go and meet Danielle at the driving school. After a light breakfast, we showered and dressed. I put on a black skirt, three quarter sleeve blouse and three inch black sandals. Laura had a black skirt and a white sleeveless knitted top with a cowl neck. She finished it off with shoes with a three-inch heel. Our plan was to go shopping at...

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Educating Danielle Part 14

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Fourteen Authors note: I commenced writing this story in 2002, so any time line reference or dates in the story are based on 2002. Karen. Chapter Fifty Nine We arrived at Kim's place at two. The butler took our bags from the car and showed us to our room. We freshened up and went downstairs to the party. We scanned the guests for Danielle. Laura had a death grip on my arm, "Don't you dare leave me by...

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Educating Danielle Part 15

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Fifteen Chapter Sixty Four By six that night we had settled in a caravan park at Bathurst, two hundred kilometres west of Sydney. We rose early the next morning and headed west, through Bathurst, Orange, Molong, Wellington arriving at Dubbo. After lunch we visited the Western Plains Zoo, and found half a day not enough time to see all the animals. Five o clock we headed off to find...

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Educating a Coed

Educating a Coed Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing as a girl for years, but it was only when I went to college that I was able to improve myself by going out more often. Within the first year I had mastered many of the problems I had, like makeup and hair, and was able to expand my wardrobe quite a bit. In my second year I even dated a few times, but never let things get too far, and although I was getting better, it wasn't until I found some sites on...

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Educating a Coed

Educating a Coed Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing as a girl for years, but it was only when I went to college that I was able to improve myself by going out more often. Within the first year I had mastered many of the problems I had, like makeup and hair, and was able to expand my wardrobe quite a bit. In my second year I even dated a few times, but never let things get too far, and although I was getting better, it wasn't until I found some sites on...

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Educating Sam chapter 1

I was fresh out of my second marriage and was tired of the same old places and faces. At the ripe old age of twenty four, I was bored to tears. My best friend Judy was home from Florida where she had moved with her husband when he joined the Navy a couple years before. We were visiting one night and I was venting to her about how I needed a change of scenery. Everywhere I looked all In saw was reminders of my failed relationships. She suggested that since her husband would be out to sea for...

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Katie trucker fucker cuckolds Harry

I’ve been travelling a lot recently. Change of job. I enjoy it, but too much time alone. It does have some advantages in that I get to meet some interesting people.I had had an important meeting earlier in Edinburgh and I was dressed appropriately. A tight fitting black blouse, under a fitted grey jacket with short grey skirt, stockings and a pair of black high heels. I was in a small wine bar, in Perth, doing my paperwork over a glass of wine. I was distracted by a beefy bloke at a table...

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At Least Wendy Believes in Harry

I tighten the nut on the last wheel, push the unit onto the conveyor belt, and move today’s penultimate brass tally token from one box into the finished box. I note that there is a whole final turn of the hourglass before my shift ends. But I can go early if my quota is complete. I place a washer, a painted wheel, another washer on the next axle and hand-tighten the nut. I lift my wrench, almost as tall as me, when I hear “Psst!” behind me. ‘Sceptic’ Alec Bumbletree is behind me, he leans on...

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Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic Chapter 1 History Lesson

Kyle was half listening to his eighth grade teacher as she droned on about recent history because he was furtively reading ahead in the book as usual. There were topics in the book that he knew Ms. Jayne Wood would be skipping over, and he was curious about them. He was well aware that boys were discouraged from independent reading or any independent academic activity, but the girls were encouraged to be learn and study whatever they wanted. Girls could even select their own books to...

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She tells me her much older husband died a year ago. The only man she has ever had. “I realise now I have missed out on a lot in life. A sex life and sexual pleasure especially, I am naive when I compare with my girlfriends. They tell me my past sex life could only be described as vanilla at best. I need a man to educate and show me what I have been missing.” She has me intrigued. I do love an articulate woman who can talk about her sex life and discuss it without any embarrassment. “How...

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