Hallelujah Ch. 01 free porn video

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Note: There really is a Blackbird studios in Nashville, and I used it (or my memory thereof) for much of the physical description of the studio here. However, the characters I placed within it are in no way representative of the people who actually work(ed) there, and are in fact partially inspired by individuals I met at an entirely different time and place.

‘I remember,’ says August Cooper, the weathered lines of his face framing a red-rimmed stare. His lips are pulled back a little, exposing the tips of his teeth. It’s a face he often makes, grimacing out the final fragile years he has on this planet. He glances over at me, but I only nod. I’m waiting for him to continue, because I want to hear it.

Because I believe him.

‘I remember the trains.’ He looks down at his hands, or at the cup of coffee he’s holding in them. I can’t tell which. His swollen knuckles flex softly. They look painful, but he’s never mentioned any discomfort to me. He wouldn’t. That’s just not who he is. ‘They came through town, carrying soldiers east. Seemed like every day they came. Big, long trains full of men going to war. I was twelve years old. We would go down, my friends and I, and sell them newspapers.’ The grimace softens into a grin.

I nod. I don’t say anything. I’ve heard this all before, but I want to hear it again. I enjoy hearing this story. And this might be the last time.

‘They always wanted cigarettes,’ August sniffs. ‘Well, we didn’t have cigarettes, we had newspapers. Usually they bought them. They came back on trains, too, later on. Going west, of course.’ He stops for a moment, telling a dozen other stories with his silence. Then he says, ‘I took a train home, you know. After Korea.’

I do.

‘Got off on the wrong stop. Not on purpose, though. We got off the train, me and…and some of the other guys.’ Neither of us acknowledges that he can’t remember the names. ‘We got off the train to buy cigarettes. Well, there you go. We left our bags on the train and everything. It took off, and we,’ his laugh is a wheezy, breathy thing, ‘we didn’t have but one dollar altogether. All our money was in our bags, on the damn train. Never did get mine back. Anyway, we were about a hundred miles from home, yet, so we had to hitch hike the rest of the way. That turned out alright, too. Took a day and some change, but it turned out alright.’ He shakes his head. ‘You couldn’t do that, now.’

August Cooper smacks his lips, his story over but his mouth not yet willing to stop talking. Eventually, the lips give up and it’s time for me to tell him my own story.

‘Grandpa,’ I say, ‘I’m going home. I’m going back to Nashville.’

He raises his eyebrows, but its amusement rather than surprise. ‘Is this for sure?’

‘It is.’

‘Well,’ he smiles, ‘It’s about time. You know I’ll miss our visits. Not many people have the time for a man my age. Your mom used to listen.’ We share a moment of silence. He looks at me sideways. ‘You gonna be okay? You know, if you run into the people you might run into?’

‘Yup,’ I lie.

‘Even Jasmine?’ he cuts right to the point.

‘It’s been long enough that I can handle seeing her, if that should happen. And it’s a big enough city that it might not.’

‘You’d be surprised. It’s not such a big world, not at all. Your car work alright?’

‘It runs fine, yeah.’

‘Good,’ he nods thoughtfully. ‘The trains aren’t what they used to be.’ He coughs, the way someone coughs who is well used to it. ‘Is there anything I can do for you, before you go?’

‘I’d like to hear another story, if that’s okay.’

He smiles, and I wonder if he’s as aware as I am that we may never see each other again.

‘Alright. What was I talking about. Korea. You know I wasn’t supposed to have to go.’

I nod. ‘You were at a base in Kansas, weren’t you?’

‘Yup. And I was due to stay there until my friend and I decided we needed a weekend off. We couldn’t get passes off the base, so we took the only vehicle that would get us out guaranteed: the colonel’s jeep.’

He goes on. I don’t do anything. I just listen.

Part One: The Minor Fall


She has one of the all time greatest moans.

My hand slides down her stomach, and her hips lift to encourage my approaching fingertips. They pass over a cesarean scar, faded and soft like a pale smile below her navel. I slide right past it, my attention lies further south. Her head tilts back and her mouth opens, and I can see the dark hints of too much work and not enough sleep under her eyes. She’s got to have at least seven years on me, and obviously there’s at least one kid somewhere waiting for her to get home, but he, she, or they will just have to wait. I’m only getting started.

I slide two digits down her wetness and then gently enter her. It’s easy, hell, at this point her whole body is a living, breathing invitation. She makes a sound, and I won’t try to define or describe it, but suffice to say the basic message is ‘keep going.’

I do.

I pull back from kissing her neck and lean down to take a nipple into my mouth as my hand explores her. That’s more for me than for her. She’s an attractive enough woman, with an inviting smile and flirtatious eyes, but her breasts far outshine her face and I can smell a cigarette on her breath.

I twist my wrist so that the base of my palm is pushing against her vulva, applying some pressure to the area surrounding her clitoris as my fingers move inside her. That’s more for her than for me. It’s not the most comfortable position for my arm, but she obviously approves. I imagine the moaned response as a song she is singing only for me.

Her hands go to my shoulders, fingernails digging in a little bit as her lower half rolls against the movements of my hand. She hasn’t exactly been the most giving lover so far, and she’s only getting more selfish as we go on, but to be honest right now she’s giving me exactly what I’m looking for. After a six month dry spell, I just want to know I’m still capable. I want to affect somebody, to make them react and to feel the accomplishment of their pleasure.

The noises increase, and I can’t help but grin when her hands start pushing down on my shoulders. Pretty demanding for someone who hasn’t so much as touched me below the waist. But who am I to complain? I lower myself down between her legs for a taste and she gasps, gripping me with two hands. One goes to the back of my head and one on top of it. She doesn’t want me going anywhere for a while, and that little seductively insistant movement is all the foreplay I require. Go ahead and lay there, lady. You had me at hello.

Later, when I reach down and pull a condom out of the heap of clothes by the bed, she seems almost disappointed to see it. That’s a bit of a surprise to me. I’m not sure what to make of this woman who was apparently prepared to have unprotected sex with a man she met at the gym little more than a week ago. Nothing in the eight days since I approached her in the treadmill area had suggested she was a slut or easy. If I wasn’t busy trying to get laid right now I might pause and worry that she could become one of those women who you never quite get rid of, the clingy ones that fall too hard into relationships they should know better about.

As it is, I do the worrying without the pausing, and simply sink myself into her body with a single thought: ‘what the hell is her deal?’ Pretty erotic moment, I know.

I get my answer twenty minutes later when, after the act is over and done, she reaches up to caress my cheek and I notice the band of pale skin on her ring finger. I double-check it as her hand falls back to her chest, but there’s no need to.

Definitely married.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit!

She sees me looking at it, and misreads my expression. She gives me a wink, like I must be proud to have bedded another m
an’s wife. Like she approves. ‘He’s out of town,’ she says with a smile. ‘He barely notices me anymore.’

And there it is.

I could just kick myself. I really should have seen this coming.

See, I have this theory about infidelity. I know that statistics will tell you that more men cheat than women, and the scientific theory is that men are more inclined to cheat, but I don’t buy it. Most of that stuff is self-reported, right? As in anonymous questionaires, statistics pulled from divorce filings, or something like that. But I think it comes down to the way the sexes think, talk, and measur. What appears to a man to be a yes-or-no, straight forward question, will appear as something entirely different to a woman. She finds a lot more implication in the phrasing than he does. It’s a language barrier. Where a guy reads that as a simple question, ‘have you ever cheated on a partner or spouse,’ which is a simple yes-or-no, a woman reads the underlying judgement (‘are you a cheater?’), and that’s where it all goes wrong.

I suppose I could be totally off, but if I’m skewed it’s down to experience. In my brief lifetime, I’ve personally known four people who were caught cheating. All four were women. That could very easily be coincidence, and I accept that, but if you put that anonymous questionaire in front of those women I suspect that they’d be classic cases of what you might call ‘informed self-reporting.’

Example one, and the one I find the most upsetting: when I was in my teens, my mother had a long term affair. Apparently it continued for more than a year before she kicked my dad out and married her boyfriend. At the time my adolescent brain processed this event as being both their faults, and I divided my anger equally. She never bothered to correct this misperception, which bothers me to this day. What my father must have gone through.

If my mom was ever asked if she ever cheated, though, I am absolutely sure she checked the box for ‘no.’ See, my parents had gone through a couple of rough years prior to the divorce, and they were frequently fighting over anything and everything. I usually found someplace else to be when that happened. I’m sure my mother’s thought process would be that she didn’t cheat, ‘not really,’ because the marriage was over and dead and my dad just hadn’t realized it yet.

Both my parents died young. My dad passed from cancer twelve years ago, and my mom died in a car accident a little after my twenty-first birthday. By the time I was done being angry, they were both gone.

Another example, though: my best friend since high school, Sam, was engaged for a while to a girl he absolutely adored. Everything was right in his little world until she sat down across from him one day and admitted that she was seeing someone else, the engagement was off, and could he please have his things out by the end of the week so Shawn could start to move in. It seemed crazy, like a switch just flipped in her head, until months later when we learned that Shawn the boyfriend got the exact same treatment. Turned out that this girl would cool on a guy, lose her interest, but not tell him until she’d found a replacement. Why? I swear to god, it was just because she needed someone to help pay the rent. I shit you not. She couldn’t cover it on her own. That’s literally why.

But in her mind, I’m sure she’s not a cheater.

In high school I worked at a local Walmart-style pharmacy store. This woman worked there who somehow managed to dodge the divorce bullet after her husband found out that she’d had a brief affair…while pregnant with their child. I don’t know much about it or her, but I remember her crying with her friends in the break room about how mixed up and confused she’d been lately and how the guy seduced her. How she hadn’t even wanted to do it. She even put some blame on the hormone shifts from the pregnancy. Put that questionaire in front of her and take a guess what answer she puts.

And then there’s Jasmine Jones. Fuck. I don’t even know what happened there. One minute we’re in love and the next I’m replaced. I wonder what Jasmine Jones would say about cheating. I really do.

And now, apparently, there’s this woman. He barely notices her anymore, he doesn’t make her feel sexy. It’s his fault. Don’t even try calling her a cheater. She won’t hear it.

It’s a little jaded, I know, but please don’t think I’m trying to paint all women as criminal. I just figure that they’re probably as inclined to break their promises as men are. The needs we seek to meet by entering into a relationship, if they can be called needs, are vast. I don’t doubt that they have to power to fuck all of us up in some way or another. Temptation probably strikes some at just the right time. The difference being that a man has to set out to cheat, since he usually has to be the one actively wooing and attracting his prey, where a woman’s temptation often comes to her.

Like I did.


She’s sitting up in the bed, now. In my bed, far from where her husband thinks she’s sleeping. She stretches and yawns, her arms reaching out above her head. The movement pulls her breasts upwards a little, making them appear fuller and perkier, and I’m almost turned on. No, I am turned on. My morality suffers even greater defeat when she stands and shuffles into the bathroom. It’s not a model’s scrawny ass…it’s a woman’s, and that’s fantastic.

The next morning we go out for breakfast. She seems like a nice person. She seemed like a nice person before. Unfortunately, that doesn’t matter anymore. I’m furious with her for what she let me become. She used me to cheat on her husband, and that just breaks my heart.

After breakfast I turn down a chance at more sex, and in fifteen minutes she’s in her car and on her way home. I call the gym and cancel my membership. Three weeks in Nashville and I already have a place on my ‘must avoid’ list.

I sigh and check the time. Almost eleven. That gives me an hour before I need to be in the studio.

The place smells like a construction site. That’s pretty typical of big studios. I’m not sure if it’s the acoustic treatment, which can smell very much like fiberglass, or something to do with all the cables and cleaner. I just know that they tend to stink a little.

Bennie, the station manager, is talking to me, and I so want to tell him to shut his fucking mouth.

‘Jake,’ he says as he ushers me out of the hallway and into his office, ‘this is going to be a great month for Blackbird.’ He said that last month. I’m sure he says it a lot. ‘Hell, just today’s sessions include…’

And, no, he doesn’t trail off there. I just stop paying attention.

I could tell you the long rambling version of how I got around to being a recording engineer, complete with lists of records that ‘changed my life’ and famous artists I’ve gotten to work with, but let me just say that I fell in love with music very young and I couldn’t play guitar. Or piano. Or drums. Or sing. So, deflated, I started considering the guys sitting on the other side of the glass, and that was that.

It was always my intention to record in Nashville, if for no reason other than I grew up there and the city is extremely proud of its musical history. It rubbed off on me, I guess. Even now, as disappointing as my homecoming has been, the whole town retains a bit of a magical quality in my mind. This place is like Disney World for people who want to make records. I want to believe in the magic.

Blackbird studios, however, is doing what it can to ruin that.

I took the job there…the first time I’ve ever contracted exclusively with one studio…for little reason other than that nothing else was available. Want to know what it feels like to try and sneak into a country club? Try getting a job in the recording business in Nashville. Fuck, it’s almost impossible.

The climate at Blackbird reflects this. Elitist, without much youthful e
xuberance, the whole place is populated by what feels like a professional paint-by-numbers work crew.

But to be honest, it has some pretty great qualities to it. Studio A, the biggest one, is just gorgeous. It’s a giant, open room like the kind the luckier bands in the 60’s got to use. Huge, huge, huge, with twenty-five foot ceilings. Looking down from the control room you can imagine the Beatles tearing up She Loves You while female fans storm the premises in pursuit of their idols. The whole thing gives me a hard-on to cut some records.

It also has a pretty great gear list…a lot of older and vintage stuff in there with the modern digital junk…and a laudable client list. Working there gets me in the door, adds to my resume, and gets me meeting people who might eventually be able to help me land someplace even more impressive.

In the meantime I have to deal with Bennie, who almost manages to make it not worth the effort.

Bennie is a true southern boy, a bit of a racist, and a man with very little interest in music. He’s also the guy who hired me.

I’ve spent the last few weeks following him around, getting used to the protocol and dynamics of the studio. Not recording anything. It’s been eye-opening, there’s a much more regimented, business-like approach here than any other studio I’ve ever worked in. There are a lot of country records being churned out factory-style, and Blackbird isn’t a shelter for creativity so much as it is a business with a dull-eyed middle-aged maturity to it.

I am way out of place.

The equipment in this place isn’t quite as impecably high end as it had been when I worked at Ladyland, where only the best would do, but there is an abundance of vintage potential. Compressors and tape reels that hadn’t been in heavy use since the mid 70’s coat studio B, all of it clean and well cared for. Studio A, the big one, has a Neve mixing board so glorious that I can’t help flexing my fingers when I look at it. I bet it has a history. It was the kind of state-of-the-art toy in 1975 that might have been used by engineers recording Springsteen’s Born to Run sessions or Dylan’s Blood on the Tracks. In the smaller rooms some of the other gear is more mid-range in terms of cost and quality, but I tend to think that such gear is often the best, and can be used incredibly well by someone with a clear understanding of its quirks and qualities. Some of the best sounds can come from using bad gear in a great way, and I have a feeling I could find sounds I’ve never managed before if I could just get Bennie to shut the fuck up and put me on a session.

I’ve got another feeling, just from watching Bennie and the others work, that the cheaper gear is cheaper because it rarely gets used. They seemed to have a system down, with very little variation between one session and the next. A bass guitar I watched them record for a country song yesterday was recorded almost identically to a bass guitar recorded for a folky pop song a week ago. I suppose that’s part of that legendary Nashville consistency, or whatever, but it isn’t the way that I think or work. Make no mistake, I intend to find out the limits of this studio if I can get away with it.

For now, it’s Friday afternoon and I’m sitting in Bennie’s office. He’s still talking. I tune back in.

‘You’re set for Monday morning,’ he mumbles to his computer screen.

‘Sorry?’ I ask.

‘First part’s nine until noon, then you’ll be back to finish at one thirty. You’ll wanna get in there a few hours early to start setting up and turning on the machines.’ Bennie taps on his mouse a few times. ‘It should be easy money. One track, and Walter Russell is producing. He’s good, though he’ll be out in the morning. He’s got a more important session in Studio A running until lunch. All you’ll be doing in the morning is laying a rhythm track. He’s already sat down with the band and talked arrangements, so they know what to do.’

I blink, confused. Walter Russell isn’t a name I know, but that’s no big deal. Producer’s names tend to float by me, never really sticking. I find it incredibly odd that Bennie would give me such a no-frills rundown of a session booked in his studio, though…and especially that he wouldn’t even bother including the name of the artist!

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My Wife Brings My Work Home

“You should go to work late today; your wife needs that dick of yours.” “Grr, you know I'd love to but you know I cannot let down work.” “You're early everyday... by an hour. Fulfil me; I'm sure they won't mind.” “I can't; life has priorities. I'll make it up to you when I get home.” “Or I could just call up our mutual friend and have him take care of me…”  “I've got to go.” That is the fourth time this week she has mentioned him. Ever since I've told her that I am bisexual, she keeps hinting...

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Emilys Adventures Volume 1

Emily could see her panty line in the mirror as she buttoned up her tight jeans and looked in the mirror. She new that she was supposed to wear a thong with these jeans, but she detested them. She didn't like flossing her teeth, so why should she floss her butt? Thongs didn't leave anything to the imagination - there was no anticipation with a thong - it left no package to unwrap. And so she had a thing for visible panty lines and always found her self drawn to them when she came across them on...

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Chapter One First Time Stray

About 7 or 8 years ago my children were young and as one of my boys played football, we got to know a lot of the parents of his teammates. I became friendly with some of the wives and assisted in serving water, running concessions, etc. One wife, in particular, I was friendly with. She was attractive and our boys became friends and they’d spend some time together not associated with school or football. The husband/father was in sales in the extermination materials business. Our families would...

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P1 My First Blowjob received not given

I don’t want to be a guy, but sometimes I wish I had a penis. You know?—————————————————————————————————————I sat amused as one by one he showed me his dildos. Friends, strangers, lovers, they’ve all said they felt very free and open with me sexually, like I’d never judge them—and I never do. But I hadn’t had a show and tell with a guy and his sex toys before. He had mentioned it and I had asked. I was curious. He was nervous, but with a subdued excitement. We were both a little drunk.“And...

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The Thorny Rose Part II

Dedicated To My Friend Sir_Jim The Thorny Rose was only a few miles away from the exit and right at the edge of downtown. Not completely seedy, but not situated in the upscale part of the City either. It was a typical bar that mostly catered to regulars and locals. Most likely it was the same story as all her other previous dates, if you can even call them that. Always the same fuckin’ scenario he thought. Mom excited that a man wants to take her out and show her a fun night on the town. Guy...

1 year ago
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ditt ventyr

prolog du ser ut som du vill veta hur du ser ut så se dig i en spegel. okej ? bra. du har hjälpt dina föräldrar att rensa upp hemma hos er och du har precis hittat en gammal kamera. du tar upp den i dina händer och tittar på den. du ser att den är jättegammal kanske 50-60 år. du går ner från vinden och ser din mamma stå och damsuga, du tar upp kameran mot dina ögon och ser igenom den. du ser något men du skakar på ditt huvud.

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My Sexy Maid Sita

Hi, I’m Nish. 6 ft tall and well built. This is the story of my maid Sita. This happened many years ago when I was working as a manager on a large farm. We, the senior staff, had bungalows and were given one of the lady workers to do all the housework.About 2 years after I joined, a new maid Sita came to work for me. Sita was about 32, pretty, with a figure of 32B-24-34. She was a mother of 3 c***dren and had a drunkard husband.One day she didn’t come to work. I sent for her and she came with...

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I came in for the job interview not really expecting to get it! I was totally under qualified but I figured hey what do I have to lose? I had on my best outfit and I thought I looked rather great myself...I had my best nylons on and my fuck me pumps which have jet black stiletto heels, then my blouse is cut low enough so that you knew what was in there and the twins were looking good today if I do say so myself... I was loaded for bear! As my old boyfriend used to say! Mr. Jeffries opened the...

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The Change

The Change by Amy Brett Day One I knew I'd fucked up when I did it. It was truly stupid and I didn't have to be told by anybody. Yeah, I wanted the video game but I knew I couldn't just take it. Stupid. "Stop right there," the man from the game store said. I thought about running but I was pretty sure he could catch me and I think he probably knew who I was anyway. I stopped and he grabbed my arm to take me back into the store. He didn't look even a little...

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The Sissy Effect

[This story was inspired by another short story I read online some time ago, titled 'The Bimbo Effect.' (Not the one I see for sale on Amazon). In that story, a male character transforms a dominant career woman into a bimbo. It made me think that what's sauce for the bimbo was also sauce for the sissy, so wrote this version. Enjoy.] The Sissy Effect Luke Armstrong reviewed the last quarter's figures on his computer screen in his large, luxurious office. It had been a great...

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End of the Road

“Oh you’re joking!” I can’t believe it. Nothing like a nice relaxing end to the week, stuck in a plastic death trap with a clueless driver, reeking of anything floral to mask the heavy smoke. Just brilliant! It happens every time I don’t want it to. Whenever I’m stressed, bored, miserable or just gagging to get home, the late ride home is a taxi. As if staying at my dreary school for extra wasn’t bad enough, there’s a sodding taxi to put up with. But I’m moaning, time to look at the...

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Sibling Possession

“Come on Cass,” I complain, “did you really have to do that now?” I glanced down at the mess in my pants I was left with as my older sister, 21 year old Cassandra, giggled standing next to me. She grinned as she looked down at me, her long black ponytailed hair swaying back and forth. “Sorry Ken,” she began, “but I was kind of pent up and you were right there so I…” her voice trailed off. I smiled as I gazed at her, this was a normal occurrence for us so we didn’t take it too seriously....

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Teacher Ko Ghar Me Choda Majese

Hi friends my name is rohit.Main aurangabad me rahta hu.Meri age 21 hai.Height 5.8 hai.To maine socha kyo na mai bhi apni sex ki bat apse share karu.To ye bat tab ki hai jab me 18 sal ka tha.Tab maine teacher ke sath pahli bar sex kiya tha.To jinhe bhi meri story achi lage to wo muze jarur mail kare or jo friendship karna chahte ho wo bhi muze mail kare.Email To ab story pe ata hu.Us waqt me aurangabad ke pas ke taluke me rhata tha.Jab me 12th me tha tab mere school me teacher padhaya karti...

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Biancas Assistant Part II

Author's Note: I want to say thanks to everyone who left such great reviews on the first chapter! It's incredible to get that much feedback on a first submission. There's a lot of build-up with this entry, hopefully the payoff is worth it. You should go back and read Part I if you haven't yet. Thanks for reading, comments are always appreciated! Bianca's Assistant by Charlene B. II. Justin and his mother pulled up to the familiar driveway of the Sinclair house. She leaned...

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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version AlphaChapter 9

To say that Carly got noticed when she walked into the day room, is like saying that if you fall into the river, you might get wet. The room was full of young men, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two, all of whom lived a lifestyle that kept the testosterone in their bloodstream at peak levels. And here appeared a girl who was lush, and ripe, and who fairly exuded sex appeal. About half of them thought she was somebody's Italian girlfriend, and were jealous of whoever that was. As...

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The Lass Initiated the Laird Explosive Highlanders Series 35Chapter 4

Sam questioned the wisdom of his decision to stay in with a book as he sat on a settee in the professor’s drawing room the next evening. Harriet sat straight with a book of her own right across from him, her tea on the side table. The simple chignon, the demure light-blue dress and her engrossed stance did nothing to distract him from the gnawing desire coursing through him. The gnawing desire that had poured through him the whole day. They had worked diligently on the paper from morning...

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Nai Chachi ke Saat Age ki baat

Hi Yeh meri hum-umar chachi ke saath neri rishtey ki dsataan hai. Mein pahle hee bata chuka hoon kiase Toronto meinhamara chudaii ka rishta shuru hua, chachi ki daughter Shweta ko breast se doodh pilate samay. Phir hum chacha ke job par jane ke baad roz nange ghar mein ghoomte khelte, yahan tak ek doosre ki gaand bhee tatti karne ke baad saaf karte kai baar. Phir mein wapas chhutti se Buffalo aa gaya, mein aur chachi phone sex karte (yeh baat 25 saal pahle ki hai). Phir chachi ne India jakar...

4 years ago
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Island Girls Part 3 Alone At Last

Island Girls Chapter 3 Freude, schöner Götterfunken Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilgtum! Ode an den Freude Ludwig von Beethoven_ I helped Stephie up over the bank. I had an almost surreal feeling shiver over me, as though I was chasing a white rabbit who was late for a mad tea party. I slipped my arm around her waist as we hobbled across the road to the cottage. “How’s your foot feeling?” “A little sore,” she admitted, “but it’s not bad. I just...

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The VaseChapter 5

Things couldn't have been better. Then things couldn't have been worse. Some more of the better occurred when the princess went to the modeling agency. I accompanied her, bringing my past shots. We didn't need to make them presentable, becoming the agency's newest finds. It didn't result in a lot more work for me since the teen model shoots happened far less than the regular models. Greater frequency came in a large part because the princess and I had chemistry and we did shoots...

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The Birthday Gift

He is waiting in the car outside as you expected, as he said he would.  It is the middle of summer, and you are wearing a short skirt and a thin blouse.  As per usual you have taken off your bra and underwear, and attached weighted clamps to your labia.  Your heart had raced as you walked out of the building.  Your nipples are visible through the thin material to anyone looking hard enough, and even the smallest breeze would have lifted you skirt enough to show the weights dangling from your...

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Disgraced Fiance

"Disgraced Fiancee" Written by Rikki: "OMG, Laura please, don't make me do this," Dave pleaded one last time as it was now time to stand before her entire family and beg their forgiveness for his sexual indiscretions. She straightened the dress he was wearing, then adjusted his earrings. "No Dave, the talk is now over. You will perform this embarrassing act for me, and ask my family to forgive you. Then and only then will I make the decision whether I...

2 years ago
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Virgin Sis Unlocked By Brother8217s Key

hi doston, ye meri pahali story hai aur koshish hai ki meri pyari bahno ko jarur pasand aayegi aur vo mujhse contact jarur karengi,khair baat aaj se 8 sal pahle ki hai jab mai 15 sal ka tha aur meri chhoti bahan preeti 14 sal ki thi aur hum dono ninth class me padte the.hum dono ke alava ghar me mummy-papa the.ghar me mera alag kamra tha aur preeti,mummy ek room me sote the aur papa aksar thodi-bahut drink karke govt job karke aate the to vo drawing-room me hi sote the.ghar me ek desciplined...

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You Cant Do That

“You can’t do that,” I told myself as I stared longingly at her sexy bare legs. Tasha was the new office girl, and she was stunningly beautiful. She sat in a small open cubicle at the front of our office cubicles, greeting potential customers and answering and routing calls to the sales agents. Every so often, she’d casually walk to the back of the offices and to the break room or perhaps the ladies room and then casually walk back to her work station, which was just a few feet from where my...

Office Sex
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Tim Goes Undercover

Tim Goes Undercover By Moe 1) The Assignment I picked up the phone and answered, "Accounting, Tim Bradley." It was my sister Tracee on the line and she said rather urgently, "I need to see you in my office. Something rather important has come up and I need your help." My sister is eight years older than me at 30 and she is the president of our family company. She was working for our father who founded and ran the company when he suddenly died of a heart attack five years...

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Farm Chemistry

Farm Chemistry by Brat Edit by Umgestalten Day One The four young people walked under the heat of the July sun in the direction of the farm that they saw in the distance between the fields. They were tired and thirsty after their long march. The two boys carried the two backpacks and tried to keep up their spirit by making jokes about the cows that where grazing in the fields around them. "Tom, are you sure that we are going in the right direction?" asked Marie, the youngest...

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A Harsh Reality Pt 05

CHAPTER SEVEN ‘I can’t believe you got married without my permission or approval!’ Liam shouted. Miriam winced as her father continued to yell at her. ‘I am a grown woman. I should be free to make my own decisions about who I do or do not marry!’ Miriam exclaimed. ‘You’re Jewish Miriam, and he, he kills Jews!’ ‘No he doesn’t! His father has ordered the deaths, but not Will! He didn’t even know what went on in the camps!’ Miriam protested. ‘You shouldn’t have his child Miriam. Abort it,...

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I Remember

It all started when I was young but I’ll get to that story later. I used to work in a small city and just on the out skirts of city limits was an adult book store call the gas light. I used to drive by it every day and never thought about it. Then one day a co-worker and I were going oh a parts run. My co-worker was an older gentleman in his late 50’s. I was about 28 or 29. As we passed the gas light he said “don’t ever go in that place man” and I didn’t ask why so he elaborated “there are guys...

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Swinging From the Family TreeChapter 5

It was time for another party and my parents were hosting again. They were popular hosts because our house was the best for a big weekend orgy. Friday afternoon found people gathering and sex occurring. Babs asked me to again mark our room as off limits. I did. Friday afternoon saw us watch Ben and our Dad double penetrate Aunt June. She was making noise until Hannah mounted Ben's face and pushed June's face into her butt. Someone had already fucked her ass and filled it with a load. I...

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A Cuckold Wedding Ceremony

Jayne held Steve’s hand as they stood on the hotel steps looking up at the airport coach preparing to leave. On board were close family and friends that had flown out with them to the Dominican Republic ten days earlier for their wedding. They both waved at their two boys and then Jayne turned to their parents. Her mum was still laughing from her parting remark. “Remember, we want a granddaughter this time.”“Mum!” Jayne had responded.Her mum laughed. “Well, your father and I are expecting a...

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Anniversary Issue

Anniversary Issue The young female reporter looked seriously into the camera, and started speaking. "As practically everyone on the planet knows, today is the 5th anniversary of the momentous day when superhumans began appearing. "S" day, as it came to be called, was the biggest moment in the history of the planet, and so today we are pleased to present this anniversary edition, interviewing some of those who were among the first transformed ..... Roll tape." The Nevada desert...

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Trying Out The Cruise Spot

There's a park that I see is written up on a local gay cruising website that gets a lot of attention on that page. I've noticed lots of guys posting how they got lucky back on the heavily wooded trails pretty much all day. I had always fantasied about hooking up in a place like that and wondered how risky it would be not to get caught and or arrested which is what's kept me from going to places like that. It was sunny and unseasonably warm one Saturday afternoon and I decided to drive over...

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Against Her Will I Gain The Perfect Wife

My wife, Rhonda, and I have been married for 7 years. We are both 33 years old. She is an extremely attractive natural redhead who measures 36-24-35, with between a B and C cup, depending on the time of month, flat belly that indents from her hip bones, a narrow waist, and when laid back has a very prominent pubic mound. In other words, she is a very hot dish for which I am extremely lucky. She comes from a very strict Catholic upbringing and was a virgin when we got married. Because of her...

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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 11 Cataclysm

Trish was just back from a family trip to Ireland with her mother and two uncles. Just back and much welcome. Down in our Lair, she was sitting comfortably between Froggy and me. (As an aside note to scientific ... um, scientists, The McGovern is equally proficient with both her hands. By that, I mean right and left. Froggy and I are quite content to sit on her right side or her left side. I guess years of training with us has made her ambi ... ambi ... something to do with sexterous, you...

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Tracy 4

Tracy - 4 by Pamela ([email protected]) As instructed by Tracy, I went upstairs and dressed in my bra, panties, pantyhose, crinoline and dress. While she had told me to make myself pretty, I didn't know how to do that, so I had to return to her and ask her if she would mind helping me to become pretty. "That means putting on makeup, Greg. At the minimum you need to use rouge, lipstick and mascara. Come with me to the bathroom and I'll show you what to do. Pay careful...

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Watching HerChapter 2

Sunday evening came before we were ready for it. We locked up and left for home about dark. Glen thanked us for giving him the most pleasant week end he had ever had. We got in the car. Fay said that there was nothing very remarkable about the week end. It had been "Laid Back" and not very exciting. Glen said it had been very exciting for him. He had cought his first fish, spent his first night in bed with a lovely woman and spent his first week end with real people. Fay asked him what...

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Then You Wear It 4

We caught up with everyone in the third bedroom. They were all impressed with the house and were making suggestions about use of space and paint colors, etc. The funny thing, though, was that the sisters were making sisterly suggestions about drapes and fabrics and things like that to me - not Opie. Stranger, still. I liked it that way. I liked being included. As we headed out of that room, Josie held me back and whispered, "Umm, Kimmy, I wasn't eavesdropping or anything, I was just...

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Spontaneous Public Nudity Some Highlights Part 5

This event took place while on holiday with Susan down the coast from Sydney. I have covered some of her exploits in previous submissions. On this occasion, I was the one getting naked for an audience.The house we rented for the week was across the road from the beach. It was a two story house, with rumpus room and garage at ground level, at the top of a steep rise of from the road. The garage was locked, probably containing the owner's car and personal belongings. On the upper level were the...


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