Deathbed Ch. 5 free porn video

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Part Twenty-One

The rider’s face went stark white. ‘Bite yer tongue!’ he gasped. He surged up and vaulted out of the tub, water streaming from his thighs and genitals. ‘You ain’t got a *clue* who’s listenin’ to ya!’

‘It’s only words!’

‘Words mean a lot when you speak of things like that, darlin’! If they’re spoke at the right time, in the right way–or the wrong way! It ain’t just hot air. Believe you me!’

‘Oh, that’s right–you got yourself into trouble that way, didn’t you? The bad boy with an attitude and a big mouth? Looks like you’re better at getting yourself *fucked* than I am! You drove into the gates of Hell at full speed when you had no idea where you were going! That’s a heck of a lot more foolish than knowing your direction from the beginning!’

He snarled at me and shook his head like a lion, drops of water hitting me from his wet hair. ‘Don’t you speak to me that way, girl! I got a lot of years on you, and I ain’t fuckin’ stupid! I know what’s in store for me!’

‘You know you’re going to lose your humanity? That your soul is going to wither and decay into something horrible, fit for your master? That you were always reserved for a special honor? Who do you think saved your life twice in order to kill you at just the right time?!’

‘What?’ The rider’s eyes went wide in his pale face.

‘Hadn’t you figured that one out yet? You were hand-picked a long time ago, and the Devil is getting impatient. The web is closing around you! Every day you move closer to his ultimate goal! Once you went frantic with grief for your dead friends, and now you’ve come to love the sight and taste of blood! You’ve become as intimate with death and depravity as I am! You hadn’t had sex in fifty years because women were too afraid of the Hellrider, and then you just decided to take me! You’re losing the memories that remind you of what you were, and the more you lose the less you’ll care. You won’t remember me for very long–I’ll fade away into nothing, because I’m only mortal! Some day, you won’t even remember that you were once human!’

‘No!’ His face was reddening with fury, his jaw jutting. ‘I’m a man! I’m a *Texan*, dammit! I’ll never forget who I am!’

I laughed wildly. ‘You think Texans have a special dispensation? In another fifty years, or a hundred, you’ll be nothing but a huge, foul demon with a human face! A loathsome slave to everything that’s evil and bloodthirsty in this universe! You’ll rape and strangle any woman who takes your fancy! You’ll eat the flesh of those children you still pity and split their bones for the marrow! You’ve served only fifty years in Hell, Deadman! You haven’t even *tasted* what’s in store for you!’

He made as if to backhand me and I instinctively ducked. No blow fell. I looked up to see him clenching his fists and directing a sickening, acid stare somewhere in the vicinity of my breasts, his lips drawn tightly against his teeth. He didn’t even seem to see me.

His demonic nature flared in every line of his face and powerful body, but he couldn’t win a struggle with his own substance. Shoulders quivering, he brought his fists up to his blazing eyes and pressed them closed. I watched silently, my body trembling in both anger and terrible pity.

I couldn’t help him. There was nothing I could do against the power of Hell. Two condemned human souls cowered naked against the awful domination of fate and death. Whether they clung desperately to each other’s bodies or clawed and devoured them like cannibals, the darkness would ultimately bring all their efforts to nothing. Both of us by our own actions had consigned ourselves to darkness. Both of us had thrown away reconciliation with the light.

But he was right, I still had a chance, however slim. He had virtually none. His last hope would evaporate in a few hours, and then inevitably he would become what Satan wished him to be.

I didn’t touch him as he slowly regained control of himself, because I knew he was beyond comfort. He loved me, but even if I had been able to offer him such a blemished gift, the love of a woman like me was nothing kindred to salvation.

Part Twenty-Two

‘You’ll be wantin’ to get back to your Papa,’ he said at last.

‘Yes,’ I replied, wiping my drying tears from my face. I turned away and went into the bedroom, finding my clothes and hurrying them on. Deadman followed after a moment and picked up his jeans. My boots were somewhere downstairs, so I pulled my still-damp hair over my shoulder to avoid wetting my shirt and took a barefoot step or two towards the door.

The rider reached out, slipping an arm around my waist and stopping me. He had not yet snapped his jeans and they slid a little way down his hips as he pulled me closer and put his face into my hair. Drawing a few deep breaths through his nose, he stroked my cheek with one palm and held me in silence for several minutes. I didn’t resist, but I didn’t relax against him either. This was the point of no return, and both of us knew it.

‘Don’t go yet, baby,’ he said in a voice both soft and nearly shattered.

‘I have to go.’

‘Not yet.’ The rider turned me in his arms and bent to my lips. ‘Oh, my darlin’,’ he whispered in between kisses. ‘You can’t leave me like this. Just once more…I want to love you one more time.’


‘Uh-uh. Not like that. I won’t use force on you–don’t you want me, Irene? I’ll call you anything you like. Just come and love me.’

His jeans gaped open at the fly as he pulled my hips against his, the warm scent of his body surrounded me. My hands pushed against his bare chest, my fingertips in the light hair. His voice had a strange note of desolate tenderness. ‘Won’t you tell me you want me, darlin’ Irene?’

‘I…I…’ The burn in my chest nearly choked me. But I couldn’t say the words, I had never said them. He was right–words meant a great deal, because some of them were impossible to form in my mouth. If I ever could say them, my transformation would be complete. All I could do was stare into his face, my lips trembling.

‘C’mon, lie down with me,’ Deadman said, moving backwards with his arms around me and approaching the bed. ‘Kiss me, baby. It’s the last time, so let’s make it a good one.’ He nuzzled my throat through my hair. ‘It ain’t nothing but good with you, darlin’…’

‘The last time…?’ I echoed.

‘I won’t ever see you again. I want to remember you like that, Irene. Long as I can. You, all soft and naked and pretty. Hair all around you on the pillow. Your skin tastin’ real sweet…’

He followed every phrase with a gentle, penetrating kiss, his hands stroking and tangling my hair. ‘Damn, you are so beautiful. So sexy–but you ain’t a nice girl atall. You know about the things I know–seems like you were born that way. Like you were made for me.’

Deadman raised his head and looked at me with an ardor that gained potency by its very hopelessness. ”Course, there ain’t no such thing. I’m gonna lose you tonight. I wish it was gonna go on a little longer, but that’s the breaks.’

‘Don’t you want me to stay?’ I cried, suddenly clinging to him. ‘Don’t you believe I was meant to be here?’

‘Nah, you ain’t.’ He shook his head with a rueful smile. ‘You want to get on home to Papa. You don’t want to be here at noon tomorrow, anyhow. I’ll be gettin’ some visitors. Hope I was a good fuck for a couple nights.’

‘You…you know it’s more than that!’

‘Too bad, then. I’m gonna miss you. Come an’ fuck me sweet, baby.’ He spoke softly, seductively, letting his Texas drawl sand off the rough edges of his deep voice. ‘Spread those pretty legs for your ol’ Deadman. He’s lookin’ for a little old-fashioned lovin’.’

‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Yes.’ He put one knee on the bed and curled down with me.

For the last time, he unbuttoned my shirt and stroked my breasts. For the last time, he stripped me and himself and covere
d me with his huge body, my toes reaching his upper calves. His weight sank both of us into the mattress as he raised his hips and rubbed the big head of his stiffening penis up and down the cleft of my sex. ‘I ain’t gonna hurt you if I put it in? Don’t lie to me, now.’

‘You won’t hurt me.’ I clasped my hands around his muscular neck and arched my head back, my body offered up to his. ‘Just fuck me…’

‘You ain’t never gonna have to ask me that twice, darlin’,’ he said with a lascivious growl and kissed me with hungry lips. I was a little dry from the bath, so Deadman wasn’t immediately able to find an easy passage. He kept his swelling cock pressed against my vulva while he put his hands on my breasts and massaged them, rolling the nipples between his fingers. His wet hair lay cold on my shoulders.

I looked into his face above mine, studying every line and feature, and put my fingertips to his cheeks. I wanted to remember him, I knew that he was going to remain with me in my dreams no matter what, but I tried to encompass him with my eyes and hands while I still had him.

His long jaw, his sloped nose, his red beard, the creases around his heavy-lidded eyes, the wide, grim, sensual line of his mouth. All of him–I listed every mark and scar and freckle, the bulky curves of his muscles, the litany of dark images that sleeved his massive arms.

Everything about him seemed made for me as I seemed made for him. I longed for his touch, he was an astonishing bedmate, I knew he had fallen in love with me. And both of us knew that it was impossible. He had his fate and his burden and I had mine. All we had left was one more chance to warm the darkness.

‘Deadman…’ I sighed.

‘Right here, baby.’ He lowered his body to mine and took his erection in one hand, working it between my labia. ‘Aw, feel that. Gettin’ all wet for me…’

‘Yes…’ He left his penis half lodged in my entrance and ran his fingers through my pubic hair. My clit seemed to spark when he touched it, his calloused fingers stroking my moisture up and around the hood until they slid easily and he could stimulate me. I tilted my pelvis to help him, opening my thighs wide around his body.

Looking down between our chests, I saw his hand flexing between my legs, his fingers large and a little rough but long and even graceful, coaxing my body to respond. My buttocks tightened and relaxed at his ministrations, but the warmth and sensual enjoyment I felt depended even more on the intense, cherishing expression on his face as he watched me.

He loves me, I told myself. He truly loved me for what I was, not just for my body or my sexuality, though that was a great part of the attraction between us. The darkest colors of my psyche were beautiful to him, as his deathly nature was to me. If only I were capable of the emotion that even a demon could feel…

Gradually his cock pressed forward, easing my tight walls apart. Closing my eyes, I rocked my hips to show him the rhythm of my pleasure, and moaned with every slight addition of his length within me. The rider kept rubbing my clit and inner lips, my stomach muscles clenched with my increasing arousal.

Opening myself even wider, I ran my hands down to his buttocks and pulled him inward. Deadman responded with a powerful thrust, my pelvis rolling up and back when he slammed into me. His thick shaft caught at my entrance and I let out a gasp.

‘Baby?’ he said hoarsely. ‘I ain’t hurtin’ you?’

‘Ohh…keep going…’ The pinch eased when the rider drew out, and when he surged forward with a groan he sank deep inside my body, my moist, congested tissues yielding to him. ‘Ahhh!’ I cried, my breasts heaving.

He answered me with another groan, his eyes closing tightly, and kissed me. Drawing one foot up along his body, I pulled it from under his arm and bent my leg over his shoulder to let him go even deeper, moaning at his still-growing hardness as it filled me. His penis was so big I could feel it bumping my cervix, but after receiving it so many times over the last twenty-four hours I could now accommodate it more easily.

Deadman began to make love to me, thrusting in and out with my slick juices now smoothing his movements, taking long slow strokes as if to make the experience last forever. With a few repetitions he was grimacing, his cock rock hard. The flared rim of the head stretched my entrance when he withdrew almost all the way and plunged back again, balls swinging against my buttocks. I tossed my head from side to side on the pillow, then lay back with a long sigh of ecstasy and felt his body shake.

Although he maintained a slow pace, he seemed overcome with passion, barely able to control himself. As he took me I stroked his face and beard and watched his restraint grow thinner and thinner. His possession felt wonderful, his cock opening me to the depths with every penetration, but I concentrated on the emotions that provoked his changing expressions and his rapidly less-deliberate movements.

Already his sweat ran freely down his face and he breathed with a laborious, irregular cadence. Almost involuntarily, the rider began to thrust faster, sending quivering reverberations through me from groin to fluttering heart, and a great surge of tenderness for him mingled with the burn in my chest.

‘Do you like fucking me, Deadman?’ I whispered breathily. ‘Do you like pumping your hard cock in me?’

‘Uhhh!’ the rider moaned as if he were in pain. ‘God, woman!’

‘Are you going to fuck the life out of me, lover?’ He was going too fast for me to keep up, but I didn’t care. Knowing that I could send him to such fiery heights was bliss and I wanted to know how violent the inferno could become. ‘Are you going to shoot that hot load in my pussy?’

He nearly strangled on his cry. ‘Darlin’…if you keep talkin’ like that, I ain’t gonna last five seconds–!’ His hands hit the pillow on either side of my head and he reared up, all his weight on hips and palms.

‘Then come in me,’ I replied. ‘Hard as you can.’

The rider took me at my word and began to thrust fiercely. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I threw my head back and gave myself up to his savage lovemaking. Bruisingly heavy and fast, his strokes pinned me to the mattress until he howled deep in his throat and climaxed.

‘Irene!’ he yelled, lashing his head so that his hair whipped over my face and breasts. ‘God, I lov–‘

I caught him by the ears and kissed him to cut off the phrase. It had slipped out without his meaning to say it, I knew–he had tried to stay aloof as long as he could, and he wanted to be able to let me go. If everything was spoken between us, if every word that could be said was said, we would never be able to continue on our former paths. Everything would change, as Aitch had described it, the very weather wouldn’t be the same.

Deadman thrust deep and held the stroke, his cock throbbed with the ejection of his seed, my hip joints crackling from his force and weight. He went limp and crashed down on me.

For a few moments I couldn’t get a breath, the rider’s shoulder blocking my mouth and nose and his weight on my lungs expressing every ounce of air. I couldn’t stir him an inch by my own efforts. Massive as the lid of a granite sarcophagus, his body lay still except for his heavy panting. My vision began to dim, but he roused himself and rolled to the side, his softening penis leaving my body, and eased me out from under him.

Several minutes passed before either of us could speak, and I cradled him in my arms, stroking his hair as he breathed hot exhalations in my ear. My heart thumped hard against him, but there was no answering vibration in his chest.

Thoughts whirling with emotions strange to me, I imagined that I could take some essential life force from my body and share it with him: the only thing he lacked. He and I barely seemed to exist as separate people. We were one entity for a little while,
life and death lying in one bed, eternal lovers with a single heartbeat.

Part Twenty-Three

Eventually he raised his head and pulled a few strands of my hair out of his mouth. ‘You’re such a little thing, Irene,’ he said through a sardonic grin. ‘And you knock me down like a real fighter. Every damn time.’ The rider settled on his back and urged me over to him, resting my head against his chest. ‘Sorry. I didn’t give you a chance to come.’

‘That’s all right. I wanted you to lose control…’ I rose up on my elbows and leaned for his mouth.

‘You oughta be careful about that, baby,’ he said, chuckling. Our lips met. ‘Mmmm…you know what?’


‘You kiss good.’

‘So do you,’ I said, throwing a leg on top of him. He put one hand on the small of my back, tucked the other in the crook of my knee and kept kissing me. Our tongues slid together and wrapped around each other, I tasted his warm saltiness with dizzy pleasure and nibbled softly on his lips.

Again I was conscious of a new feeling–a simple delight in a man’s body and in his caresses. I was here because I wanted to be with him and for no other reason. I had nothing material to gain in this bed, nothing but my pleasure and his, no advantage to win or message to convey but our expression of pure desire and longing.

Glimpsing, so briefly, a kind of connection between man and woman that I had not believed existed, at least for me, all I wanted to do was make him some return for the love he had given to me, though it was almost unspoken and would remain so. Although I had a vast experience in bedding all sorts of men, I began to wonder while wrapped in Deadman’s arms if I had ever realized the true purposes of sex.

His penis, sandwiched between us, began to rise again in slow surges. ‘That’s a talented cock you have there,’ I teased him.

‘You just ignore him, baby. He’s got a mind of his own.’

‘Now why would I want to do that?’ I replied, snaking a hand down to clasp his cock. ‘Especially whe he gets such good ideas…’

Moving entirely on top of Deadman, I sat on his thighs and took his burgeoning erection in both hands, my fists fitting between base and head with room to spare. With gentle squeezes, I firmed the erection entirely while its owner watched in mild astonishment. I kissed the tip of his penis and rose up on my knees to fit it against my dripping vulva.

‘You ain’t worn out or anything yet? God damn.’ The rider shook his head slightly, smiling, and I leaned down to kiss him.

‘I know…I can’t get enough. Why?’

His lips muffled me. ‘Well, I’d be takin’ a lot on myself to answer that question, darlin’,’ he muttered when he ended the kiss. ‘Don’t want to brag or nothin’…’ I used one hand to hold his cock steady and pushed downwards. Parting me again, his stiff penis entered me to the hilt with one smooth slide.

‘Aaahh!’ I moaned, throwing my head back and beginning to move on his shaft. ‘I love…the way that feels…’

‘Yeah, I kinda got that impression,’ said Deadman, grabbing my hips, a few beads of sweat springing out on his forehead. ‘Irene, I ever mention you are one incredible lay?’

I couldn’t answer, occupied as I was with undulating my body up and down on his cock. Riding him, I rose and fell, my buttocks flattening against his thighs when I drove him as deep as he would go.

Deadman kept his gaxe level, watching his cock go in and out of me, and slightly flexed his hips at the top and bottom of my thrusts. Although he didn’t move much, I could tell he was utterly absorbed in what I was doing, his face flushed and his left eyebrow twitched. He stroked my thighs along their length, curving his palms over my bent knees. Back and forth, his calloused hands sweeping over my skin. Traveling higher, his hands smoothed my waist and sides and breasts.

When he reached to touch my face, I caught one of his big thumbs in my mouth and closed my lips to suck it and twirl my tongue along it. My motions accelerated when I did so, my pelvis rotating around his cock. The rider chuckled and slid the other hand from my hip to the top of my widely-parted sex, and when he touched my clit, I let go of his thumb and threw my head back so far that my hair pooled behind me on his thighs.

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Oh No That8217s My Husband

Mike and Diana had been married a long time and the candle had blown out. Life was routine and love and lust were suspended at best. They followed a pattern. Monday to Friday, home from work, something to eat, dishes in the washer and then they separated to their own rooms, Diana to what had originally been her sewing and craft room and Mike to his home office. There they both went onto the internet. Diana had started just looking round through boredom, then the internet being what it was she...

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Margies Innocence

It was just my daddy and I growing up-- my mom had died giving birth to me but daddy has always tried his hardest to be the best single parent he can be. He has taught me everything: how to ride a bike, throw a ball, tackle, and protect myself. He helped me read and count and climbs the monkey bars. For as long as I can remember my daddy has been my best friend and the person I trust the most. So when daddy said to do something, I did it. I don't even think I had a back-talking phase. I trusted...

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Sex on the Beach

Drops of water collected around my glass, which had become steamed up with condensation. I took a sip of the ice cold beverage, enjoying the refreshing taste of the aniseed and citrus zing of my Ouzo and lemonade. "Ha! This one's ironic!" I joked to my friend Steph, slamming the magazine I was reading down on the table. "Three letter word for warm. Real tough one that!" I shook my head at the crossword I’d been working on, pushing it to one side and reclining my Lounger back. "Man it's hot,"...

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My Daughter Decided That I was To Be Her First

My name is Ross Smith; I’m 46 and have a wife and two kids. My wife is named Rachel, she is 45. Together we had a daughter named Phoebe and a younger son named Joey. We live in Las Vegas Nevada and up until a few months ago we were just like any other family. My wife and I have always had a great sex life, never any problem. We have been together for over 20 years now and I have always been faithful. I still love her body; we still have sex several times a week. They say a man will...

4 years ago
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Selective Patterning Acquisition Mode

Selective Patterning Acquisition Mode By Bill Hart As I sat in my assigned room, I still wasn't entirely sure why I had answered that particular email. With my perfect 20-20 hindsight, I knew now I'd made a big mistake answering it. Unfortunately, I also knew I'd never be able to voice that unwanted opinion to anyone. I would have been much better off if I'd simply clicked on the 'delete message' of my email program as I generally did with all the spam email I got. That would have...

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Starting OverChapter 11 Merry Christmas Eve

The Christmas holiday came quickly, and soon it was December 23rd. As planned, everyone met at Mark's house at the appointed time. Dinner was delivered and quickly eaten. After enjoying some Christmas fun, the four teenagers were sent to bed in the basement family room with strict instructions to go to sleep and not stay up playing pool or talking. Shortly thereafter, the gifts were rescued from their confinement and placed under the tree. Trisha noticed that there seemed to be many more...

2 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 5

Business was picking up at the office. They were starting to handle an increase number of divorces which were adding to the present workload. Brian knew he was going to need to start looking for another associate soon. The way the economy presently was, he didn’t think he would have much trouble in finding one. Brian phoned Laurie and was pleased to learn that she was available this Saturday. She accepted his invitation to dinner. Laurie was always pleasant company and he was looking forward...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 63 Itrsquos My Master PC Party

I tried to have something for everyone. Nicky was essentially crowned my queen, her mother her (and my) attendant. A number of folks were given the offer to stay with me or go back to their lives, with mixed results. Kay, she of the butterscotch pussy, was now able to self-fellate herself and enjoy her unique taste any time she had an urge. As much as I love butterscotch, there was a certain Homecoming Queen who loved it (her) even more. Her mom, Judith, and Dennie Gallagher, the “gold...

1 year ago
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Subhash Takes His Maid Anal

Dear Readers, this is the third story about an Indian man and his maid. The first story was about how an Indian man, managed to entice his maid to have sex with him. The second story was about how he fucked her the first time. Subhash was anxiously waiting on the third day for his maid Sushila to come for her work. He would glance at the clock, pace his room and again look up. The clock was showing 10:00 A.m. Sushila was already an hour late and Subhash was fuming inside. Two days had gone and...

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No Special Effects

NO SPECIAL EFFECTS ================== Copyright (C) 1996 - 2002, Daedalus This story contains what is known as "transgender material". It does *NOT* contain any elements of m/m, s/m, b/d, humiliation, pain, or anatomically detailed descriptions of sexual acts. If this lack offends you, do yourself a favour and read no further. All characters and situations described herein are fictional and any resemblance to any real or fictional...

1 year ago
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A Lazy Day At The Office

Candice had met her new love Marcus at the corporate Christmas party. She was just walking through the room conversing with people when this handsome guy, with thick wavy hair, bold facial features, and a smile bright enough to melt an iceberg walked up to her and introduced himself. “Hello, I’ve not seen you here before; the names Marcus Kindcade, business manager.” Their eyes met, and she felt the gaze from his gorgeous blue eyes go clear through her, straight to her clit. Trying not to sound...

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Dick Potion 9

Your name is Matt. You are a 21 year old college chemistry dropout living back at home with his 2 sisters and mother, your dad left when you were too young to remember and you've never met him. Your younger sister, Mikayla, is 18, just finished high school and is preparing to head off to college. Even being related, it's hard for you not to admire her supple young body, her voluptuos D-cup tits and juicy teenage ass always on full display as she prances around the house in short shorts and a...

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Bobbies Wedding Getting Ready

The idea was suggested by Janice337's excellent story 'The Sissy Bride- What to Expect on Your Wedding Night'. I am grateful to Janice337 for her permission to let my imagination take a slightly different turn. Bobbie's Wedding ? Getting Ready. Copyright Jamie B 2005 'Time to get you ready Bobbie!? she exclaimed, and look who I have found to help us. I turned, my stomach opening into a bottomless pit, when I saw my beautiful Kaitlin standing in the doorway. She burst through with...

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Andys Training Chapter 9

Andy's Training, Chapter 9 - by: Cissykay It was hours later before I was released by Mistress Cissy. She moved me back to my cell and decided to spread eagle me to me bed. Of course I was made to service her for an eternity. It was as if she had never had a man give her oral satisfaction. "After this week, I won't be able to enjoy your gifted tongue any more, so I will get as much of you as I can for the next week." "But, Mistress Betty may come down and catch you. Don't you...

2 years ago
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A Birthday Surprise True story

A dear friend of mine, Marie, had been down on her luck. Her ex had been a dick to her and her and now she was struggling to sleep. I invited her round a few times that week and she slept ok most of the time. My own girlfriend at the time, Carly, wasn’t fussed at all. She knew I only had eyes for her. The night of my birthday came about and once again Marie had asked to come over. We three snuggled down and I could feel her bare legs against mine. Carly too was wearing just a pair of knickers...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 3

Yesterday had been quite the day by the time it had ended. I glanced down at my Mother wondering what she was thinking as we walked over to a bench and sat down with the most perfect view imaginable in front of us. There is nothing like an ocean and the wide blue yonder to make you understand your place in the grand scheme of things. "Beautiful," said Mom, smiling, "I could spend all day here like this." Stretching out my legs, I crossed them at the ankles and tried to bring myself back...

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My Wives secret

My wife is a stay at home mom who looks after my daughter Sammy, she usually has her friends over who also have children of there owns and they arrange play dates at each others house though it's usually always over mine as I have the biggest house, it was a Monday and work was more stressful then usually as I had to take some photos of this rich family who didn't like any of the ones I did and kept arguing with me that I was the worst photographer ever, after hours of taking photos they...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 20 Two Strikes and Youre Out

New Year’s Eve and Day 1977 I woke up before sunrise, as was the norm during deep Winter. I really was a morning person. I wondered if I should have tried to sleep in because of a late night I was going to have, but I figured that wouldn’t work. Maybe I’d take a nap after visiting Mary. I ate breakfast, showered, and dressed. I had moved the rubbers to my locking box. I pulled out the pictures of Birgit and Melanie and looked through them. I put them back, extracted a single condom, and...

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Making friends with my housemates

People always react in different ways when they find out about my cross dressing. Girls are usually more accepting than guys but everyone is different. I was twenty-two when I went to university and decided I would be completely open about it with everyone I met there. I found that most people were pretty cool with it, although some took some time to get used to it. I spent the first year living in halls with three girls and two boys, and thanks to the first night together where we all had a...

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Your wife cant do what I can do to you

I have been wanting this wonderful man for years now. He knew and I definitely let him know by being around him and when he'd walk by me when I was at his house I'd show him the pretty big tent in my trousers.I was thirty. Pretty experienced. I have never liked older men before but this guy who I came to know and love every single day was turning 50.I had heard that he and his wife's relationship was getting shaky. This day I went over to his perfect face and stroked his hair. Damn, he was so...

4 years ago
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TMF The Offer Chapter 6

We left the way we came in and headed back towards the residential areas. Lucas was quieter than usual as we walked. He seemed deep in thought. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll be ok. It's just alot to take in," he said quietly. "I guess so, you and Debbie seem really close," I pressed on gently. Lucas walked on in silence for a while. But then, as we walked together, Lucas suddenly opened up, as if unburdening himself. "She started working front of house when I...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 36

As she spoke, there came a rumble through the cave; a deep and long penetrating sound that they had never heard before. It appeared threatening, but there was nothing to see in the lit part of the cave: no dust, no stones, no streams of water, just noise. They all halted where they stood, confused and frightened. Even John was startled into rigidity as his body automatically prepared him for flight or attack. He had no idea what was happening. Raka was most familiar with the rear of the...

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Motel Jacking Fun

Jeff, 52, had been divorced for about a year. He and his wife married out of high school. After years of marriage he had wanted to try some new things but his ex-wife refused to do anything outside the bedroom. His biggest fantasy was to share a room with another couple and watch each other have sex. When he would mention it to her she would refuse to try it and call him some kind of pervert. As the years went on they grew farther and farther apart. Finally they decided that it would be best if...

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Movie Theatre show

So a bunch of my buddies and me decided we were going to go to an adult movie theatre the other night in the lower end of town. We thought "why not", just for kicks. It was me, my buddy Tim, his girlfriend Tina, and my buddy Rod. Now just to give you some background, my buddy Tim was not very nice to his girlfriend Tina. Actually, he treated her like shit. Always messing around on her with other woman, he was mean to her public. Very degrading towards her. The more he was mean to her,...

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Slow And Sure

A young polo-player of Berkeley Made love to his sweetheart beserkly. In the midst of each chukker He would break off and fuck her Horizontally, laterally and verkeley. Mother's head lay upon my shoulder, her breathing regular with sleep, my arm over her shoulder. I took a moment to inhale the clean feminine scent of her head and neck - enjoying the familiar comforting smell as always. With my free hand I unhooked the top button of her loose blouse so that her generous cleavage was...

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Husband Sucks My Cock

Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if maybe we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans and black speedo already. Their house was only a 5 minute walk from the bar. When we walked...

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Dad and Jimmy and I

My mom died as my b*****r and i were young teens. Life changed a lot for us then. Most of it better. Jimmy and i started to mature as I grew nice tits and a round ass and he got a nice big cock. My dad really noticed how his k**s were growing up. He was always looking at my tits and my ass. I loved him looking at me and i dressed to entice him. I wore thin tight t-shirts with no bra and my nipples would get very hard when dad stared at them.\\One night when I was asl**p i heard dad come into...

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Hunters Bounty

Author’s Note. This story contains no sex. Willie had been a private secretary in Hamilton, New Zealand for the last 15 years. She’d had several bosses during that time, the latest two she had taught how to do their job. In fact, she really didn’t need to work under a boss, she knew the job inside out and managed a good percentage of the work on her own. The only reason Willie herself was not appointed manager was that she was a woman. The law being what it is, nobody would admit that openly,...

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WebYoung Adria Rae Maya Kendrick Morgan Rain Melody Marks Focus Group Frenzy

A moderator has brought together four teens (Melody Marks, Maya Kendrick, Morgan Rain, and Adria Rae) into a focus group to figure out what makes them tick when it comes to adult entertainment. What can adult entertainment companies do to attract young women to subscribe to and watch their content? Melody starts things off by saying how important it is to her to have women creating the content. So if something is written or directed by a woman, it’s her jam! Maya believes representation...

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Double fisted

So i was a school teacher in a way west town in QLD Australia. . Just out of uni and not knowing what the fuck i was doing way out west. I mean WAY out west...cowboys and farmers was kind of it....Me ...I was this seriously built Surfey kind of guy. on my first teaching job ...a fish out of water in the local community but it was a catholic school so i kept my d**g laden lifestyle to a minimum in the town.I was teaching " art" at this convent school ...all good. But as soon as i worked back...

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the christmas shelter

It was Christmas and the homeless persons shelter had opened, this year there were more people than normal there, 14 year old Colin was there, his family had been made homeless when his parents fell into arrears with the rent and they were evicted, Colin was in a quiet area when he saw 16 year old Sara walk by, he had gone to the same school as her she was well liked at school, Sara was a volunteer at the shelter and had spoken to him a couple of times. as she passed she said if you want some...

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my first anal insertion

my first anal experience To start of with a little back ground I was 23 at the time this happened and it changed my life I had never had anything in my ass bigger than a finger as well so it was a very opening experience to say the least. I am not gay by any means I love women and pussy very much but I have gotten to where I love being fucked in the ass as well.Well my chow chow was my first he actually took my anal virginity against my will one night I came home a little tipsy and got...

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A Knightly Tale

It’s been a good year for the people of Camelot and King Arthur and his Knights. A good Harvest and Plentiful bounty for all subjects of his majesty and Queen Guinevere. Every one was happy as the Spring Festival started to come around. Merlin and the Knights were planning a party that no one in that century had ever seen. Sir Lancelot and Sir Gawain were putting up banners on the castle and the other Knights were decorating the castle grounds in anticipation for all of the people to come and...

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Coed SlutsChapter 5

When I woke up the next day, the sun was shining through the half-open blinds onto my face. I glanced at the living room clock and saw that it was nine o'clock. I had a class at twelve--plenty of time left to sleep. That's when I saw April. She was out of bed, bending over the stove and apparently making herself a cup of tea. That's not what got me, though--she was very close to being naked, and I could see the curved outline of her ass stretching through a pair of panties. She had on a...

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Last Frontier IIChapter 5 They Will Take Anybody Almost

Roxie completed her application to the State Police Academy, and was accepted. She figured they were desperate if she got in. Roxie was a tough woman though, and wouldn't take grief from anyone. The night after the incident, she went with Tim and Marie to the hospital to see Officer Langley. He was still in serious condition, and barely recognized them. "Now I know why you were standing over the SOB like that," Langley croaked. "My Captain told me that he raped one of you, and he had...

4 years ago
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The Girl next door

I’m John. I’m 19. It was college break and I had just gone home. Though most guys prefer going to parties, and getting drunk and laid, I’ve never been able to do stuff like that. I’m a bit of a nerd. Spending all day playing video games and watching Netflix. Luckily, I am fairly attractive. Six foot 2, shoulder length brown hair, with nice strong arms, pretty skinny, and size 16 shoe size. And trust me, it’s true what they say about guys with big feet.

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She opens her legs and the sin begins

She opens her legs and sinsSo my young wife 'sinned' for the first time about two years ago and I must confess I stilll get a hard-on thinking about it, every time! She is 20 years younger so I suppose it was inevitable, but it was still a huge surprise when it happened.. and I'll admit feelings of jealousy and a little anger before my primal instincts took over.I would never have known but for seeing a message on What's App from a former work colleague and it was obvious to me what happened....

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