Chapman & Associates Ch. 03 free porn video

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Generation X

When Tess entered the Chapman and Associates office Anna smiled and said. :’She’s here, go on in.’ Tess pushed Zoe’s door open and walked in. Zoe was leaning against her desk and a young girl with a surprised look on her face stood beside the sofa in just panties and her arms folded over her chest. She was beautiful, tall, slim and blonde. What’s not to like about this scene, Tess thought? She walked toward the girl nodding to Zoe and dropping her purse on a chair. When she was beside the girl she said. ‘Who do we have here?’

‘Samantha Ray.’ Zoe said.

‘Prospective associate?’ Tess asked already assuming she was.

‘Possibly.’ Zoe replied. ‘But I’m afraid she is a bit too timid for our business.’

‘Nonsense.’ Said Tess. She took one of the girl’s arms still draped across her chest and lowered it to her side. ‘You’re just too sweet.’ Tess pulled her other arm free and let it drop to her side. Tess put two fingers under her chin and lifted her face. She lowered her lips to the girl’s and they kissed. The girl returned it and parted her lips when Tess offered her tongue. When their mouths parted Tess said. ‘A little too sweet, that’s all.’

Tess moved behind the girl and brought her arms to her chest and cupped her breasts. ‘You have beautiful breasts.’ Tess said and kissed her on the neck. Tess looked to Zoe who was watching intently. ‘You want me to fix that?’

Zoe just smiled. ‘Maybe you should ask her.’

Tess turned the girl’s head to the side and brought her lips to her cheek and kissed her. ‘Zoe thinks you need to toughen up a little.’ The girl remained quiet. Tess added. ‘You want to work with us, you have to be able to handle yourself.’ The girl nodded. ‘Good.’ Tess said.

Tess walked over to Zoe leaving the nude girl standing exposed in the middle of the room. The girl moved her hands to cover her sex. Without seeing her, Tess said. ‘Don’t do that.’ And the girl dropped her hands again.

Zoe grinned at Tess. ‘You have such an amazing ability to read people.’ Zoe said.

‘Just beautiful girls.’ Tess corrected. ‘Speaking of that.’ Tess looked back. ‘We’re picking them a little young aren’t we?’

Zoe grinned. ‘She’s my neighbor. I’ve been fucking her mom for a couple of years. From the minute she found out what I do, she has wanted to work for me. I’ve been putting her off for quite a while.’

‘That does not answer my question.’ Tess said.

‘We had her eighteenth birthday party on Saturday.’ Zoe replied.

Tess grinned, looked at the girl and looked back to Zoe. ‘So, less timid?’

Zoe nodded. ‘My pleasure.’ Tess said.

‘I thought it might be.’ Zoe said.

‘Will you be joining us?’ Tess asked.

‘Lets see where it goes.’ Zoe replied.

Tess turned back to the girl. ‘Set down.’ She said. The girl backed up and set down on the sofa. Tess kicked off her sandals. ‘Samantha, Is it?’

The girl nodded. ‘I would prefer if you spoke.’ Tess said.

‘Yes, my name is Samantha.’ The girl said.

Tess pulled her Tee shirt over her head and let it drop. ‘Do they ever call you Sam?’

‘No.’ The girl replied.

Tess unbuttoned her shorts. ‘May I?’ She said. ‘Call you Sam?’

The girl nodded and then caught herself. ‘Sure.’ She said.

‘I like the name Sam.’ Tess said as she pulled down the zipped to her shorts and Sam’s eyes seemed to follow it. ‘Do you know what we really do here?’

Sam started to nod and then said. ‘You have sex with women for money.’

Tess moved closer. She unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. ‘We pleasure female clients, what ever they want.’ Tess said.

Tess opened the front of her shorts revealing the top of her red panties. ‘As much as they want.’ She worked her shorts over her hips until they were down to her thighs. Her crotch was clearly visible to Sam and Sam’s eyes were focusing on it. ‘As long as they want.’ Tess continued.

When Tess released her shorts they dropped to the floor and she stepped out of them, kicking them away. ‘Are you sure you can do that?’

‘Yes.’ Sam spoke and was nodding while looking at Tess’s body.

‘Are you sure you want to do that?’ Tess questioned. Tess slid her thumbs into the top of her panties.

‘I do. I really want to. I just know I can.’ Sam was whispering.

Tess was sure she saw the girl lick her lips. Her thumbs eased her panties down to just above her sex. Her flat abdomen and her smooth shaved mound were in full view. ‘Ready to show me?’ Tess asked

The girl just nodded but Tess let the infraction slide. She moved in close to Sam and put a hand on the back of her head pulling her face into her silk covered crotch. She heard Sam inhale deeply. She held her face buried there for a long time just rubbing the back of her head and letting her learn the smell of her sex. ‘Take off my panties.’ Tess instructed.

Sam pulled the silk panties over Tess’s hips and down her long legs to the floor, Tess raised a foot and Sam pulled the panties off and then she raised her other foot and the panties were finally free.

Tess moved to the end of the sofa and set down. She leaned against the arm and raised her right leg, draping it over the back. She patted her pussy. ‘Please me.’ She said.

An hour and a half later Tess still had a leg over the back of the sofa and was coming down from her fourth major orgasm. Sam’s face was still between Tess’s legs and Zoe was sliding onto the sofa behind Sam with her harness in place and a very impressive eight-inch rubber dildo attached. Tess took hold of Sam’s hair and lifted her head. ‘Sometimes our clients like to fuck us.’ She said and Zoe pressed the fake cock to her vagina and Sam laid her head on Tess’s stomach as it entered her.

Sam moaned and groaned and took the full fucking from Zoe. She came at least twice as Zoe slammed the long cock deep inside her sex. When she finally pulled free of the girl she stood up and unhooked the harness. With it in her hand she looked at Tess. ‘You want a turn?’

Tess shook her head. ‘She’s had enough and I think she’s fantastic. She is going to be a very nice addition to our group.’ She could feel Sam relax, her head still in her crotch.

Fine.’ Said Zoe. ‘I’ll have to find her an apartment. She can’t continue to stay at her mothers while she’s fucking for a living.

‘She can stay with me.’ Tess said. Sam raised her head and looked at Tess. ‘How bout it?’ She said.

Sam nodded.

‘Speak.’ Tess urged.

‘Yes.’ Sam said. ‘I would like that.’

Tess smiled at her. ‘If you do, you are going to be having a lot of sex working for Zoe.’ Tess hesitated. ‘And I will be expecting you the have a lot more when you get home.’

‘I figured that.’ Sam said.

‘Then it’s settled.’ Tess said. ‘I get to keep her.’

A slight turn of events.

It had been three months since Sam moved in to Tess’s condo. Sam was adjusting to her new job without issue. She was earning big money and getting nice tips, which was how Tess gauged how she was pleasing her clients. Evenings usually involved some sort of dinner, usually a salad, a movie, some serious primping and then Sam and Tess retiring to their own bedrooms. After her shower, Tess would usually make her way to Sam’s room, walk in with out knocking, pull off her panties and crawl up on the bed and straddle Sam’s face. Sam would then work Tess into frenzy, giving her a major orgasm. Tess would then get up, find her panties, pull them back on and sit down on the bed. She would rub Sam’s back for a few minutes before kissing her on the shoulder and asking of she needed anything. Sam knew to say no.

On Saturday night Tess stopped at a place named Bobby’s Bar. It was a quite out of the way place Tess had found some time ago. She could drink without being hit on and it was unlikely that she would see anyone she knew, the perfect place to get loaded.

four months earlier, Tess was setting at her favorite place at the short curved end of the bar where she could see the entire place and watch the owner/bartender, Bobby Hicks. Bobby was a six foot six inch ex basketball player who still insisted on working out every morning. He was fit and handsome. Bobby was also African American.

It was after eleven when Bobby walked to her end of the bar. Other than the two of them, the place was empty. ‘Sorry but time to close up.’ he said.

Tess shrugged. ‘I should be going anyway.’ Tess said. She stood up and made her way to the door. Bobby watched her sway her ass under a short skirt.

Fifteen minutes later Bobby was walking through the parking lot toward his truck when he saw the front end of a 240 SL parked on the other side of his dodge. When he walked around the front of the truck Tess was leaning against her car door. ‘Problem?’ He asked.

‘Not sure.’ Tess said. She turned and instead of walking closer she went to the rear of her car and just stood there. Bobby walked around the car and back to where Tess stood. ‘That depends.’ She added. Tess leaned forward over the trunk and pulled her skirt up around her waist. ‘That’s all I can do. The rest is up to you.’

Bobby moved behind her and unbuckled his jeans and worked them over his hips taking his briefs with them. When his nine-inch cock sprang free it slapped against the back of Tess’s leg. From the mass of it as it hit her, Tess knew Bobby was all she had guessed.

‘I don’t have a condom.’ Bobby said.

Tess arched her back. ‘Jesus, don’t be a dick, Fuck me for Christ sake.’ She pushed backwards wanting to feel the big dick deep inside her sex.

Bobby tugged her panties down to mid thigh and ran the fat head between her labia lips finding Tess already wet and he lubed himself with her juices. When his cock found her vaginal entrance he pushed inside her and Tess moaned. ‘God I knew you would be good.’ She said.

Bobby pushed more cock into her and began fucking her with slow deep strokes. Tess was working her ass in time with Bobby’s dick. When he sank his entire nine inches into her Tess tossed her head backwards and shoved herself onto his cock and began jerking he ass up and down bringing Bobby to an immediate climax. He shot his seed deep into Tess as she put her head onto the car and groaned as his sperm coated her womb.

Bobby leaned down and kissed Tess’s shoulder and said, ‘Sorry, I guess it’s been a little longer that I want to admit.’

‘I can’t imagine why.’ Tess said. ‘Your cock is incredible.’

‘If you want to give me a few minutes I would be happy to have another go.’ Bobby offered.

I know you would.’ Tess said. ‘And it would be fantastic but I have to get going. Another time I promise.’

Bobby pulled out of her and pulled up his pants as Tess reached for her panties and tugged then back into place. She turned and straightened her skirt, kissed Bobby on the cheek, got in her car and drove away.

Tess averaged a visit to Bobby’s once a week. She didn’t always wait for him at quitting time but when she did, they would fuck for an hour or mire, her taking Bobby’s seed at least twice, sometimes three times. It was always in the parking lot behind Tess’s car. One time they actually fucked in a rare Arizona rainstorm.

This Saturday night it was after midnight when Sam heard the key in the front door. She smiled knowing Tess was home. She had long since stopped caring that Tess rarely wanted to please her sexually and that she was always expected to provide any desire Tess my have. She loved Tess since the first time they met and she would do anything for her, anything.

Tess walked into the den where Sam was listening to jazz and reading a book. When Sam looked up a stranger was standing beside Tess. ‘This is my friend Bobby.’ Tess said. Tess held out her hand and Sam put her book down and stood up. She walked over to Tess. Tess wrapped her arms around Sam and kissed her. When their lips parted, Tess moved her lips to Sam’s neck and kissed down and over her upper chest above her crop top tee shirt. Tess finally looked at Sam. ‘Go get ready for bed.’

Sam turned and walked down the hall to her room without question. ‘I’ll get us a beer.’ She heard Tess say to Bobby.

Fifteen minutes later Sam’s door opened and Tess came in, Bobby followed. Sam was standing at her dresser. She wore a baggy tee shirt and was pulling on clean panties after having a quick shower. Tess moved behind her and put her hands over Sam’s. Sam let go of the panties and put her hands on the top of the dresser. Tess began rolling the panties back down her legs until they fell to the floor. Sam stepped out of them. Tess took Sam’s hand and led her to the side of her bed. Tess leaned her backside against the mattress and pulled Sam back against her so they were both facing Bobby.

When Tess nodded Bobby unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. When he pulled them free she stood up and Sam saw the huge bulge in his briefs. Bobby pulled his tee shirt off and then slowly lowered his shorts. A massive cock arched out toward Sam. ‘I’m going to let him fuck you.’ Tess whispered and pulled her top off of her.

‘Tess, I. You know I’m not.’ Sam couldn’t think.

Tess kissed her neck ‘Don’t worry.’ She said. ‘You just enjoy him.’

‘Birth control?’ Sam whispered.

Tess patted her ass. ‘Get on the bed.’ She instructed and Sam raised her knee and climbed up, rolled over on her back and waited.

Tess turned her hands palm up and motioned as of the say. ‘There you go.’

Bobby crawled up on the bed between Sam’s long beautiful legs. Her lean body laying in the darkness looked so desirable. Bobby kissed her on her stomach and over her breasts. He sucked on each nipple as Sam drew her legs up along his waist. Bobby wasted no more time and guided his cock to Sam’s vagina and pushed into her.

Sam grunted as she received a five-inch offering of Bobby’s cock and then she moaned as he pulled it back and pushed again. The muscles of her vaginal walls gripped the invading cock and urged it deeper. It wasn’t that she wanted to be with the man as much as she wanted desperately to please Tess. And if Tess wanted her to fuck this black man unprotected then that is want she would do.

Bobby was stroking seven inches of cock into her now and Sam was rocking her hips to accept him. She had buried her face into Bobby’s huge chest as he pounded her. Sam crossed her legs over Bobby’s back and Bobby sank his entire length into her. Sam whimpered as Bobby started to fuck her rapidly. Each shove caused his big ball sack to slap against her ass and when he would pull out until only the fat head remained in side of her, she would squeeze her cunt to hold him in.

When Bobby’s ass clenched and his back stiffened, Sam braced herself. Bobby shoved into her one more time and held himself deep inside. As his seed was spraying into her womb Tess was rubbing her cunt as spontaneous orgasms raged through both girls.

As Bobby emptied his nuts into Sam, she worked her ass up and down on his still hard cock trying to make her climax last. When Bobby finally pulled free he rolled onto his back and tried to breath. Sam just lay where she was, her knees still in the air, her head lying to one side.

Tess came to the bed on Sam’s side. She kissed her lover passionately while she stroked Bobby’s cock. When their lips parted she smiled at Sam and then leaned over and took Bobby’s dick in her mouth. Tess sucked it down her throat and as her tongue worked on the fat head she could feel it begin to grow back to life.

In only a few minutes she pulled her mouth off of the now erect cock and smiled at Sam and then at Bobby. ‘Do her again.’ Tess requested.

Tess rose and leanied against the dresser from where she had been watching, Bobby rose to his knees between Sam’s legs without asking permission, He placed his cock at Sam’s sex and shoved his entire cock
into her. She was well lubricated and eager to have the huge dick back inside her. Sam had her legs in the air and was fucking up on his dick before Bobby could settle into a steady pace.

Tess smiled at her girl taking the big black dick so well. I guess it has been quite a while since she had been with a man, she thought, months at least.

Sam was tossing her head around as the long dick disappeared into her forcing her into the mattress. ‘Oh my God.’ Sam cried. ‘Jesus, so good, please, yes, I want to.’ Sam babbled as Bobby fucked her through another climax. Sam was pumping her juices over Bobby’s cock as he used her at his will. Over and over he slammed into her until he groaned and started pumping his black sperm into her once again.

Bobby and Sam were still lying beside each other with arms entwined when Tess returned with a couple of fresh beers. She handed one to Bobby as he pulled himself up against the headboard. He took a long pull and smiled at Tess. ‘I owe you.’

‘A lot.’ Tess smiled back. Sam had rolled onto her stomach. Tess nodded and Bobby Grinned. Tess went to the nightstand, opened a drawer and removed a tube of K-Y. She spread a generous amount on three fingers and put her other hand on Sam’s back.

When her fingers entered Sam’s ass crack and found her anus Sam raised her head to protest. ‘Relax baby.’ Tess shoved in one finger. ‘I think he has earned to right.’ She added a second finger and started fucking them into her. ‘Bobby has been good to you tonight.’ Tess added a third finger and shoved them in as deep as she could and then began stroking her fingers in and out of Sam’s ass. ‘Lets be good to Bobby, shall we?’

Tess pulled her hand free and ran both hands up her back. ‘Shall we?’ Tess spoke more sternly.

‘Sam nodded and said. ‘Sure. Of course.’

Tess lay down beside her girl. ‘All yours.’ She said to Bobby. Bobby knelt between Sam’s legs and pushed her right leg wide as Tess took her left leg and placed it over her thigh. Tess rubbed Sam’s long lean back and said. ‘Raise your ass baby.’ Sam lifted up to meet Bobby’s cock one more time.

Bobby guided his dick to Sam’s anal ring and leaned against her resistance easing the fat head of his cock into her very tight opening. It was not as if this was the first time Sam’s ass had received a sexual intruder, Tess had been taking her regularly with strap-ons of varying diminutions depending upon Tess’s mood at any given time. And Tess had accumulated a real selection of toys over the last year and a half.

When bobby shoved his full length into Sam she gasped. No matter how many times she would be used that way she would probability never get used to the feeling she got as a huge dock hit bottom the first time. She squirmed as Tess ran her hand down her back and over her ass. Tess used her fingers to spread Sam’s ass cheeks offering Bobby better access to her lover. Bobby was fucking her with a real purpose and Sam was finally responding to him, working her ass up onto his cock as it took her.

Tess moved her hand to Bobby’s butt and up has back, Tess leaned in and kissed his stomach as he fucked Sam’s ass. ‘Cum in her pussy.’ Tess said.

That was all it took. Bobby shoved into her once more, pulled himself free over Sam’s moaning complaints and entered her vagina just as he erupted in her a third time.

In the two months that followed, Sam had been seeing clients about twice a week. She was beginning to collect a nice following. Because of her young age, many were wealthy college coeds from Tucson wanting to explore new horizons and Sam was providing the gateway. Tess was in such demand she could have one and some times two clients a day. The money was fantastic and between the two girls they were socking away cash in a dozen different bank deposit boxes. However, it was cutting into a lot of personal time.

Two weeks after Bobby’s visit to Sam’s bed, Tess had arranged a second visit. She had called Sam and asked her to meet her at Bobby’s bar, the two had drank and talked and laughed for a couple of hours until final call was made and then waited around beside Tess’s car until Bobby walked up. Tess simply pushed Sam over the rear trunk, lifted her skirt and pulled her panties down. Bobby did the rest, ending with a huge sperm deposit in young Sam. Tess then knelt down and sucked Bobby back to life. When he was ready Tess lay over the car trunk next to Sam and Bobby took her. When Tess had finished climaxing on his cock, Bobby pulled free, stepped behind Sam and took her again, dumping a second equally potent load of seed into her.

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When I woke up Sunday morning it was already almost noon, Tom must have let me sleep in. While it was a nice gesture, I was a little surprised since he had spent so little time with me last night but had said he wanted to talk to me. Was this his way of letting me know how angry he was that I had been spending all my time at Dave and Gloria's house? If only I could tell him the truth, but I was scared of what would happen when he found out what I'd been doing in the last weeks. I still...

2 years ago
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The Artifacts of Borhm

You're just finishing a hard day in the fields, the elderly couple who've owned these farms for generations appreciatively pay you for a hard days work, and expect to see you back for another days work tomorrow. You make your way into town, passing by the same old archway that travelers have passed under for many years, but have not crossed the threshold back out of town, as most settle down to this quiet farming community. The town is bustling as last minute transactions are made at the market...

3 years ago
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Diary of a Jailbird

October 17Dear Diary...You showed up in my first care package, and since I'm not doing anything else, I might as well write in you. =)Lemme tell you a bit about myself.  I'm Casey, Casey Shepherd.  I'm, 19, really tall...5 foot 11 to be exact (yay tall me!), weigh about 150 lbs, slender and toned from playing volleyball and softball, straight blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, 38c, size 10 feet.  In the winter I like to go snowboarding.  If you haven't figured already, I'm a big tomboy.  All...

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Wife Restores Sexual Balance

Restoring Sexual BalanceI was a bit pissed off that my husband Andrew, had fucked our best friend’s teenage daughter. Not because he was fucking a young girl – Arkie was also our daughter’s best friend – but because, well I admit it……I was jealous. It wasn’t the first time he had fucked her – that was at our home a few weeks earlier. But that was more understandable – on that occasion Arkie and her mother Anna had stayed at our house on Saturday night. Although Anna and Andrew and I all slept...

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Private Dick Chapter 2 The Interrogation

“Dani, you know I love you,” Shirley bleated out, leaning over me to reach down to my crotch, to rub Big Girl that stood harnessed to my groin. The curvy girl rubbed and pressed her breasts tight to my arm, hoping to entice me into sex. Shirley often tried that, and often it worked but I wasn't in the mood for that.“Not today, Shirley.” I pushed her away, staring at the tumbler in front of her on the aging mahogany bar. There was only one woman on my mind, her name was Liz, and that morning...

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Is It Really Til Death Do Us Part

Is It Really Til Death Do Us Part? By Cabinessence(MDW) Who knows what random quirks of fate there are that allow certain moments of our lives to be captured forever. These unexpected fragments of time that become indelibly etched upon bits of canvas, developed images upon photographs, or played out on cartridges of videotape. These are the memories that the passage of the years can never airbrush away to remove all the stains of ugliness or the echoes of pain. I am sitting here...

2 years ago
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Two AM Orgasms

Sighing softly to myself, I look at the clock just in time to see it flick to two am. The red glow from clock is bright, I can’t seem to get any sleep tonight. The fan blows softly over me, tickling my skin against the sheets, Mmm I love that feeling. It’s dead silent except the chirps of the crickets. It’s one of my favorite sounds, lying here listening to them is so relaxing. I know I need to get to sleep, and it’s not like I’m not trying, I just can’t seem to stop my mind from thinking…...

4 years ago
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The Heatwave The Coach House

The Coach House Despite being in her early forties, Judi Breakspeare was still an extremely good-looking woman. A mane of wavy blonde hair framed her fine, faintly aquiline features, and the merest hint of laughter lines around her baby-blue eyes only added to the overall attractiveness of the ensemble. Her body was still firm, her stomach trim, her thighs long and flat, and her ankles shapely. Perhaps her boobs had lost a little of the lift that had once made wearing a bra almost superfluous,...

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PervPrincipal Chloe Cooper Christmas Compromise

Chloe is called to principal Green’s office because of her son. The kid sabotaged the protagonist of the high school Christmas play to take the role himself, but was discovered and now faces expulsion, a terrible mark on his record. Chloe would hate to frustrate her son’s dream of going to Drama School, so she’d do anything to avoid his punishment. Sleazy Mr. Green has an idea on how to prevent this: Christmas is right around the corner and Chloe can sit on his lap for some hardcore fun. Chloe...

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AssParade Lilly Hall Bubble Butt Gets Popped

Lilly Hall is hanging out by the pool, She is excited to show us her new bathing suit. we’re even more excited to see her jiggly ass, she makes waves in the water with her butt. She gets it nice and slick with oil. Her ass is so round and juicy. She shakes it some more before we get her inside. Criss Simon is waiting to pop her pussy with his long dick. He gets it ready and wet by eating her ass and pussy. He gives Lilly a rough fuck. until he cums all over Lilly Hall’s beautiful...

1 year ago
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Wo Etne Ladke Aur Me Akeli Thi

Ham log uske dost ke ghar ke bahar tak aa chuke the aur abhi tal naveen ka lund jhada nahi tha… Me lagatar chuse ja rahi thi thi uske lund ko.. Uska akk dum sidha aur naso se bhara hua lund bahut pyara lag raha tha pura ka pura lund me thuk se gila hua pada tha chudai aur mene jo pure raste lund chusa tha uski wajah se chaamk sa raha tha.Khair ham uske dost ke yahan pahuch gaye the aur abb naveen uske ghar ke bahar hi gadi me beth kar lund chuswa raha tha……. Thodi hi der me uska lund bahut full...

3 years ago
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A Private Function

A Private Function OKAY, I'm not sure what I've got myself into. I'm not sure what is going to happen. I'm not even sure where I am! But, what I do know is that I look pretty, I feel amazing and I am teetering on the edge of going crazy with excitement... Let me tell you what I'm talking about. I'd been swapping pictures and fantasies with Gwen for a while. You must know Gwen, the prettiest, subbiest sweetest party-girl. You must have seen her pictures. Those long long legs in...

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Vayeitzei/Vayishlakh by shalimar I am crying, just looking at the dirt covering my baby sister. 'Why?' the only thing I could think of. 'Why did she have to die giving her son life?' I remember when we met Jacob. She had tendered the sheep that day; I was at home weaving. I knew Rachel was smitten with love that day, but so was I. He was so handsome, those strong muscles. And that jovial smile. I longed to have him hold me. I would have settled for a kiss, a touch, but I...

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Where Ponygirls come from

Where Ponygirls come from Summer was not your typical 15 year old girl. She didn’t go to school (well not any school you would recognize). She didn’t keep up with the latest fashions (those were useless to here). She didn’t spend her idle time online or on the phone. She had a job in the family business one that she loved, and that business was being a ponygirl. Ever since she was 13 years old she had been a pony girl like her mother before her and all her younger sisters on the compound where...

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Life With Alpha II Alphas WorldChapter 7 Refugees

Disclaimer: Elizabeth, Rosalind Lutece and related characters are property of Irrational Games or 2K Games or someone who isn’t me. All artificial persons herein are based on characters owned by their creators, not the author. WARNING: Spoiler alert for Bioshock Infinite. I don’t normally give a lot of spoiler warnings, but in this case, the characters end up discussing the ending to Bioshock Infinite and, to a lesser extent, the Burial at Sea expansion in some detail. So, if you haven’t...

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Think about it

Think about what you would do if you answered this email. Think about me coming to your place or you coming to my place downtown and we are both nicely dressed, me in a suit with a casual collar, you in some sort of lovely attire, with great shoes, something nice not slutty. Imagine we both greet each other and say hello, like any other acquaintance. However this is different because we both know something more than just a friendly meeting is about to take place. We are introduced to our new...

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Child MagusAppendix

Once again, the here are the women appearing in Child Magus, in order of appearance... First appearing in chapter 1: Brigette Woods is based on the physical appearance of Model Bambi Woods. The character is 41 years old, with hazel eyes, and blond, wavy, mid-back length hair. She's Caucasian, has a slim build, stands 5' 9" (1.75 m), and weighs 135 lbs (61.23 kg). Her measurements are 38-24-38 in (97-61-97 cm) and her bust is 32E (81E). Erica Carmichael is based on the physical...

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Imogen... Collins... stood, naked as usual, in front of the full-length mirror. She touched the shining steel collar – removable, now, as she was no longer an Indentured Servant, or a slave. Her hands moved to her heavy thighs and broad hips, stroking upwards, following the curve of her thick, if well-defined, waist, to cup and lift the heavy, pear-shaped breasts she’d hated so. Brown nipples, swollen from over a year of frequent stimulation, grew erect – over an inch long, and thick as her...

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You Dont Have The Balls

You don't have the balls: Writer's note: Looking up "poof" on the Urban Dictionary web page I noticed this word could be used to describe creationist Christians. This inspired me to produce this short story. I am sorry for those who prefer longer stories but I rarely get the time to write or read longer stories after a day in the office. I wanted a man to corrupt. John was a Christian. I decided he was the ideal man to corrupt. He went to Church every Sunday. Every...

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Doctors Visits Part 2

The following morning she wore a smile which rested on her face almost all night long. Amanda, after having orgasmed four times the night before, due to what Lucas had done for her now was in another world. That smile on her face remained there all day long. Throughout the following day, she could still feel them. His fingers, up inside her pussy like they’d been, and moving about endlessly, turned her on and turned her on some more as she got wetter and wetter and came for almost forever. He...

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Sincy swallows loads while he watches

Realizing there’s no point in messaging you, Lateshay, rather than allowing you to, I’ll make my request public. At first he only brought laptop out from under bed after our love making had begun, no more, now computer feeds wall mounted plasma TV showing your videos, soon as I get in bed I know what’s coming. First reading “I know deep inside she's thankful to me because she is getting good cock because of my big tits. She needs me!” I was enraged, why would write that! Well, as they say, time...

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Lisa triple Ds

as with all my stories this one is 100% true. names have been changed to protect the guilty. it has taking me some time to write about Lisa because she passed away from a heart attack about 3 years ago. this is a tribute to Lisa. RIP Lisa....i miss you..... i met Lisa at my job but she worked on a different floor than me. i didn't think nothing of it until we were thrust into working together to gather some data that the company needed. she had to move her office a few cubicles from mine. i was...

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Recapturing the Stray Husband

Recapturing the Stray Husband By Rosie I played the message on my machine for probably the hundredth time. "Stephanie, your husband is with me. You can come pick him up when you're ready to apologize and promise you'll stop abusing him." Though I knew my mother's voice by heart, I couldn't resist running it over and over again. It appeared on my machine an hour after Jack tearfully run away - then it made me angry, both at him for being such a spineless sissy, and at her, for...

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sis and Me

My mum was away for the weekend on a business trip and I was left with my sister! Anyway I was downstairs watching TV whilst my sister was upstairs taking a bath. I decided that TV was boring and I decided to go upstairs and go on XHamster for a while and jack off of course. So I got upstairs and went into my bedroom, striped off all my clothes and sat in front of the computer, I got a hard-on nearly straight away, it was pointing up towards the celling, I got XHamster up and immediately...

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Dirty Angie 2

Angie was thrilled when Dave got the new job. He finally had a chance to make something of himself and provide for his young family. Angie and Dave had married in their early twenties, he was twenty-two, she twenty-one. Neither had gone to college. Dave was working in a small pay day loan office and Angie was a waitress.They met at church. Both had been somewhat loners, neither dating much. Angie had only moved out of her parent's house two years prior. They were somewhat of an anomaly, as they...

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New Years Eve Birthday

My wife is our family's social secretary and planner, except for my incidental sexual encounters with young women. New Year's Eve festivities were no exception. "Harvey, dear, we've been invited to the Bangers' for New Year's." I looked up from the latest issue of my car magazine, where a bikini-clad woman was selling brake pads. "The Bangers? Who are they?" "Their daughter Wanda used to go to school with Anna, but they moved downtown. This is a reunion for the girls, and a chance...

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The New Apartment

Introduction: A new home and a big surprise… Well, those wonderful episodes with my uncle and my special boy scout friend were long gone. I had been with quite a few boys & girls, men & women since those days. I was in my mid 30s, had been laid off from my last job and had decided to move to Las Vegas where I had heard there was still a lot of work available. I sold most of my belongings, emptied my savings and rented a moving van for what little I had left. It was Friday morning and I was...

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Quarantine Pristine 2

Quarantine Pristine By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two Owen was exhausted after a restless night's sleep as his stomach acted up and his mother constantly came in to check on him and remedy any accidents that might have occurred. He gave her no grief as she did whatever she had to under his nightgown at various times during the night, as he been woken but fallen right back to sleep a couple of times. When finally Sabrina shook him awake him in the morning and he...

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First Time For Matteo

First Time For MatteoBy: Londebaaz ChohanThe public schools were not the best nor they were bad by any standards but somehow both of Matteo’s parents put him in a Catholic school, that was over 80 miles away from home where he lived in the boys hostel attached with the school. The teachers, the principal, the guards, the office staff and anyone else attached with the school as an employee, always had a face as if they had just had a very bad taste in their mouth. The discipline was extremely...

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The Punishment of Amy Larisa

The Punishment of Amy & Larisa .........It was a saturday night, & it was pissing down with rain, i had my mate Jim around for a porn & wanking/ sucking session Jim had an awesome 11" cock that was so fat i could not quit touch my finger & thumb around it when i wanked it.......dispite Jim being a very fit guy he loved to be a sub, & i had him tied up in my attic sex room, Jim was in a recliner black leather chair with his arms tied at the elbows behind the chair back,with a...

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Lucy at work

Lucy at Work (1) Lucy worked in another department of the firm. I occasionally met her atwork, we agreed that it was nice to eat lunch together at the local pub. Itworked out that we did that 2 or 3 times a week. It turned out that she livedonly a hundred yards away from my house. She dressed well and was very intelligentcompany. Increasingly I looked forward to our lunchtimes. We chatted about our interests and personalities and the conversations startedto become more serious. When she said...

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Summer Stroll

It was a warm summer day. I decided to take a stroll through the Lavender fields to a stream. There has been a swing hanging the for as long as I can remember and it seems like the perfect day to go wander. I go barefoot so I can feel the soil and grass beneath my feet. I run through the field, laughing as I go. Eager to reach my destination. My summery dress almost matches the petals on the Lavender plants. My dress is pale purple, spaghetti straps, with a V neck and comes to my ankles. My...

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A Lustful Liaison Part 1

A man begins a daring, taboo relationship with two eighteen-year-old girls The dictionary defines lust as ‘a strong sexual desire.’ But I think it’s more than that. There is something pure… something primeval about true lust. It began like any other day. Being early September, it was more autumn than summer, although it had turned decidedly warm for the time of year. That and the fact that I had just begun a week off work meant that I was in high spirits. Like every day, after breakfast I...

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Friends dady

Note : This story is completely fictional! Amy’s dad was, always looking out for us. I guess that was one of the things that attracted me to him. The other of course that even in his early fifties, he had a body that would put most guys half his age to shame. Once i was invited for my bestfriend amys 20 birthday . Amy knew me as i was gay she didnot mind and was my class mate in college .I slept that night in herhouse i heard some noise and saw Amys father Mr. Brown’s waking towards the...

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CherryPimps Anny Aurora Dana Wolf A Hot Girls Night

Anny Aurora has been stood up again!!! What kind of guy would ever do that to such a babe? Luckily for Anny her best friend Dana will show her just how awesome and sexy she is getting those wonderful natural tits in her mouth and make her pussy feel better. Dana loves that Anny has no panties on and takes her time fully indulging in that sexy hot body! Anny loves Danas fingers all over her shaved pussy and soon finds Danas pussy right on her own face as she leans back enjoying Annys tongue as...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 6 Testing Security

By the time, we got back from Lassen, James and Mary/Fran had upgraded the bios for the nanobots. James had performed animal tests. Everything worked as planned. Now came the scary part. Someone had to actually test the new bios upgrade. Sushi reminded us, "We need to test the upgrade on two people. That is the only way we can really test the new bios. The other thing is there are only two people that really need the upgrade. They are Tag and me." James looked at Marsha and Mary/Fran. He...

2 years ago
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Introduction: WHEN WE WERE STILL YOUNG Thanks everybody for all the constructive criticism. This is my first attempt at writing, Ive read and loved most of the stories on here so this is my time to contribute. PART II So here I was standing on the side of my sisters bed buck ass naked, slightly shaking from the anticipation of what was actually going to happen. I was excited and scared at the same time, not moving a muscle. Finally sis said that wasnt so bad, was it? I shook my head and she...

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