Chapman & Associates Ch. 02 free porn video

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Just dropped in for a drink.

After a year of working for Zoe, Tess had gradually learned about most of the local bars and hangouts frequented by lesbians. ‘The Cherry Stem’ was in the center of down town and the a hot spot for the young up and coming as well as the more mature business executive types. Whenever Tess stopped by, the clientele always had one thing in common. They were quite beautiful, fit and well educated and most of them were still very cautious about advertising their sexuality.

Tonight was no different. The bar was two deep, the dance floor was crowded and the wine was flowing like, well wine. Earlier, Tess had made her way up the sidewalk past the line waiting to enter, when she stopped in front of Bess, the tall very butch woman holding a clip board and a two way radio, the girl smiled an said. ‘Tess darling, where have you been? Haven’t seen you around in months.’

‘Three weeks tomorrow.’ Tess replied.

‘Hey, like I care. Go on in.’ Bess slapped the clipboard against Tess’s butt as she passed.

‘How come she gets to go in?’ Tess heard someone in line ask.

‘She eats pussy.’ Bess said.’

‘Fuck that, I can eat pussy.’ The stranger in line added.

‘Not like her.’ Bess countered.

Tess was still grinning as she walked through the bar and toward the back where there was a quieter lounge area that was darker and had better furniture. A young waitress was standing by the door. Tess smiled at her.

‘There is a two-seater over there that’s available.’ The girl pointed to the far wall next to a fireplace.

‘Gin martini, extra onions.’ The girl nodded as Tess walked over and set down. Of the other seven or eight sofas and love seats spread around the room, all of them were occupied. There were couples kissing and groups talking and laughing and a few singles.

The waitress walked up and set Tess’s drink on the coffee table. ‘Tab?’ The girl asked. Tess nodded. As she walked away, Tess watched her little round ass sway under her short skirt. That short skirt was exposing very long tanned legs. ‘Nice.’ Tess thought.

‘Slumming?’ Tess looked up to see Anna smiling down. Anna looked as great as she always did. She was wearing a dark blue tam on her head, which went very well with the white blouse, dark blue pleated skirt and suspenders. The skirt was very short and the white knee socks and loafers did nothing to minimize her long legs.

‘Skipping school?’ Tess asked.

Anna flopped down next to Tess. ‘Had to stay after.’ Anna offered. She put her feet on the coffee table so anyone in the room could see every secret she had if they were to look. Tess scanned the room, they weren’t.

‘Bad girl again?’ Tess asked.

‘Bad, good? Who can tell?’ Anna smiled.

‘True.’ Tess said

‘Can I bring you something?’ The cute young waitress was back and looking at Anna.

Anna grinned at her. ‘Sweetie, my list is long.’ The girl smiled. ‘But let’s start with a double Jack black. Up, no ice.’ She nodded and turned causing her skirt to flair offering a glimpse of red panties. Anna was watching Tess as Tess watched the girl cross the room and disappear out the door. ‘You like?’ she asked.

Tess looked at Anna. ‘What the fuck is not to like?’

‘True.’ Anna replied. ‘Let me put it this way. You want?’

Tess laughed shaking her head. ‘I don’t know what’s happening to me.’ She explained. ‘A year ago sex with a women hadn’t even crossed my mind. Now it’s how I make a living and when I’m not working, I’m hanging out in a fucking gay bar.’

‘Ah,’ Anna said.

‘Ah?’ Tess said. ‘That’s your explanation?’

‘Look.’ Anna started. ‘Face it. You like girls, you like guys, you like sex. You have changed. Change is good, sex is good, guys are good and honey, girls are very good.’

Tess nodded as the waitress set Anna’s drink on the table. The young girl had obviously overheard Anna’s last words about girls being very good. She was blushing.

‘Well isn’t that cute.’ Anna said. ‘Sweetie, you have any idea how rare modesty is in this place?’

The girl shook her head. She looked at Tess. ‘Tab?’

‘Mine, if you would.’ Tess replied.

The girl nodded and started to turn away. ‘You working late?’ Anna asked.

The girl looked back. ‘Excuse me?’

‘I was just wondering if you might want to join us later?’ Anna said.

‘I, well, I don’t. I’m not allowed to.’ The girl was babbling. ‘With the customers, I mean. It’s a rule.’

Anna nodded and the girl turned to leave, Anna presented a cell phone from a pocket somewhere and smiled at Tess as she punched in a number.

‘Rules.’ Anna said. ‘Made to be broken.’ Someone obviously answered as Anna said. ‘I’m in the Blue Room,’ and hung up.

The two sipped drinks and watched the other customers kissing and exploring each other like they were in the privacy of their own bedrooms and totally oblivious of anyone else.

An amazon of a woman, over six feet and at least a hundred and sixty pounds of well-placed muscle entered the room. She looked around and when she saw Anna and Tess she made her way over to them. The woman was a full-blooded Navajo Indian, Dark skinned with high cheekbones. Very stunning and a very imposing figure Tess thought. ‘What’s up?’ She said.

Tess had met April Winters, the owner of The Cherry Stem a couple of times. Anna smiled. ‘We would like to party with her.’ Anna nodded at the girl now setting drinks on a table across the room. Anna obviously knows her better, Tess thought.

April laughed. ‘Yea, there’s a long line waiting for that sweetie.’

‘Well, can you move us up any?’ Anna inquired.

‘She’s not gay.’ April said.

‘Good, neither are we.’ Anna countered.

‘The fuck, you say?’ April said. ‘I’ll ask. That’s all.’

‘Ask sternly.’ Anna said.

April, who was already turning away, looked back. ‘Sternly?’ She said.

‘Very.’ Anna said and smiled at April. When she was gone Anna looked at Tess. ‘There are more lesbians in this place that in the LPGA and Zoe is responsible for most of them. All those wealthy clients of hers needed a safe place to gather and Zoe is the one who set April up in business a couple of years ago.

Tess watched as April stood at the doorway talking to the young girl. The girl looked over at Tess and Anna and then back to April. She shook her head. April said something else and the girl shook her head again. April leaned in close to the girl and spoke again. The girl said something and April nodded. April spoke some more and then turned and disappeared. But so did the girl.

Tess and Anna sat, sipping and gossiping about a few of the women in the room. It was about ten minutes later when Anna received a text. She looked at it then smiled at Tess. ‘If we force her to do something she doesn’t want to do, if we make her cry or if we even scare her a little, April say’s she will cut off our cocks.

‘Extreme.’ Tess said. ‘But I bet it would be worth it.’ She stood up.

Anna followed. ‘Indeed.’ She added. ‘Up stairs. The Lilac Room.’

Walking up the stairs, Anna said. ‘I’ve never cared for Lilacs.’

Tess grinned. ‘I’ll ask you again later tonight.’

In the private room, the two found walls painted black, dim indirect lighting along the ceiling and two small leather sofas facing each other with a six-foot diameter leather ottoman between them that was covered with a huge fluffy bear rug.

The door opened and a girl the two had not seen before came in carrying a silver tub containing an iced bottle of champagne and three glasses. She set it on a small table, nodded at them both and left.

Anna opened the bottle and poured out three glasses. She handed one to Tess and the two toasted. ‘To a great evening.’ Tess said.

‘Hope I don’t make her cry.’ Anna added. Tess laughed.

When the door opened again it was April
who entered leading the girl by the hand who looked a little frightened. April spoke. ‘I’ve been working on this little beauty for three months with no success. Who knew all I had to do was tell her I needed a really big favor.’

April put her hand on the girl’s back and then let it drift down and over her little round ass cheeks. April urged her forward. ‘So, she says she’s not a lesbian, never wanted to be and doesn’t know what to do.’

The pressure of April’s hand on her ass made the girl move away and toward Tess and Anna. ‘I know all of this comes as tragic news to you two.’ April shook her head. ‘Her name is Chloe if that matters. I promised her you would play nice.’ April left, flipping the lock on the doorknob and pulling it closed.

Anna was closest to the girl and she reached out and took her hand and tugged, pulling the girl close to her. Anna put the fingers of her right hand under her chin and lifted, while lowering her lips to brush over Chloe’s. Tess set down on the round ottoman.

‘I’m not Gay.’ Chloe said.

‘I heard.’ Anna said and kissed her softly. Chloe didn’t pull away but didn’t kiss her back either. ‘Neither are we.’

‘But you want to be with me?’ Chloe said.

Anna kissed her again and she felt Chloe’s lips move slightly. ‘You’re only gay if you have a religious experience while you do it.’ Anna brought her arms around the girl and explored her back and ran her hands over a remarkable little ass and turned her toward Tess. ‘I’m still waiting for mine.’ Anna added. ‘Say hi to Tess.’ Anna guided her over in front of Tess.

Tess spread her knees and ran her hands along the back of Chloe’s legs drawing her close. She looked up at Chloe and smiled. ‘Hello Chloe.’ She said. Tess’s hands slid up the back of Chloe’s thighs until she was cupping a soft round ass cheek in each hand.

Chloe felt Anna come up behind her and reaching in front, begin to unbutton Chloe’s blouse. Tess pressed her face into Chloe’s skirt covered crotch. Anna pulled the blouse free of her skirt and slipped it off of her shoulders and it disappeared. Anna then unzipped the skirt and pulled it up over her head and tossed it aside. Chloe stood between the two girls in just panties and bra as Tess began to kiss over her abdomen and Anna kissed down her neck and across her shoulders. Chloe’s head was starting to swim.

Anna kissed her way over Chloe’s back and down her spine as she knelt down. On her knees, she put her fingers into the top of Chloe’s panties and drew them over her ass. Tess’s lips followed the silk fabric, kissing over Chloe’s smooth shaven mound. Anna began licking her ass cheeks as Chloe’s hand found the top of Tess’s head and she ran her fingers through the curly blonde hair. Tess took that as a very good sign.

Anna finally pulled the panties free and stood up behind Chloe again. Sensing a change, Tess leaned back and the lay down on the soft rug and smiled at Chloe.

Anna unsnapped Chloe’s bra and tossed it away. Anna put a hand behind Chloe’s right thigh and pushed, raising her knee. ‘Up you go sweetie.’ Chloe placed her knee on the ottoman beside Tess and with a hand on her back, lifted her other leg and placed it on the opposite side of Tess, she was straddling the woman now. Anna kissed her along her neck again and Tess wrapped her hands around her waist. ‘Scoot up.’ Anna said.

Chloe hesitated and Tess gently tugged at her hips and Anna was kneeling

behind her helping her ease forward. Chloe found herself straddling Tess’s head and looking down at her face. Anna turned Chloe’s head to the side and kissed her cheek and licked along her jaw finally sucking her ear lobe into her mouth. When Anna pulled her mouth from Chloe she said, ‘Her lovers pay thousands for what you are about to get for free.’

Chloe moaned out as Tess raised her head and her lips placed the first kiss onto Chloe’s sex. Chloe lowered herself onto Tess’s waiting mouth and a jolt of electricity flashed through her as Tess’s tongue entered her vagina. Tess ran her hands over Chloe’s ass as she lapped at a very sweet pussy. Chloe started to slowly rock on Tess’s lips.

Anna walked around the ottoman so she was facing Chloe. Chloe’s mouth was partly open and the tip of her tongue was visible. Her right hand was fondling her left breast. But she was now looking at Anna. Anna pulled her suspenders off of her shoulders and then tossed her tam onto the sofa. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse as Chloe moaned out and her hips bucked as Tess took her clit into her mouth.

Anna pulled her blouse out of her skirt and tossed it with her hat. She unhooked her front clasp bra. When it fell from her shoulders, Chloe’s eyes were focused on her tits. Anna cupped them and looked at Chloe.

Anna knelt on the ottoman in front of Chloe and reached for Chloe’s hand, bringing it to her breast, Chloe’s fingers curled around it. Just then Chloe’s other hand sprang out grabbing onto Anna’s shoulder as an orgasm erupted from deep inside her. Anna watched Tess working on Chloe’s cunt and Chloe was humping back and forth on Tess’s mouth. Anna looked at Chloe and a tear was forming in the corner of her eye. Anna leaned in and brought her mouth to it and licked the tear away. Then she kissed the girl letting her tongue slid between the girl’s lips. When they parted she said. ‘Must not cry.’

Chloe shook her head. Anna kissed her again and she felt Chloe jerk again. Anna knew Tess was still working at her sex. ‘You want some more?’ Anna asked her. Chloe’s head nodded. ‘Oh God. I, I, I never.’

Anna kissed her deeply and Chloe kissed her back like they were long lost lovers. The girl was panting and moaning into Anna’s mouth. ‘We have all evening.’ Anna whispered and she ran her hands down Chloe’s back. ‘You relax and let Tess give you another orgasm. When she’s finished, well, you’ll see.’ Anna stood up.

Tess was running her tongue along the length of Chloe’s labia and sucking her clit and licking at her anus and Chloe was fucking up and down on her mouth and both of her hands held a fist full of Tess’s curly blonde hair. ‘Oh, oh, fuck, holy fuck.’ Chloe grunted with her head tossed back at a painful angle. Tess sucked hard on Chloe’s clit as a second orgasm slammed her forward onto her forearms and she fucked herself on Tess’s mouth soaking her with her sex juices.

When it had finally passed, Chloe laid her head on the ottoman trying to regain her composure. Anna had unzipped her skirt and stepped out, tossing it and stood looking at the two girls in just her panties.

Anna crawled up on the ottoman and gently rolled Chloe off of Tess and onto her back. She leaned down and kissed Tess. ‘Nice job sweetie.’ Tess just nodded and wiped her mouth on her sleeve. ‘You’re over dressed.’ Anna added. Tess nodded.

Tess got to her feet and looked down at Chloe who was looking at her. Tess bent down and kissed her and whispered. ‘Now that you know what to do, you are going to have to fuck us both, Anna, then me, then Anna and then me again. Tess squeezed her cheeks. It’s a game we play, Anna and I. We want to see which one of us can last the longest.’

Anna pulled her by the ankles to the center of the rug and then lay down beside her. She took hold of her left arm and pulled her over on top. ‘I would like for you to slide on down there and suck my pussy until I pull you off,’ Anna patted Chloe’s head and Chloe kissed her neck and began working her way toward Anna’s pussy just like she was told.

Tess could hear the young girl sucking at Anna’s tits and she unzipped her slacks. She lowered them and stepped out, adding them to the growing pile of clothing. She was wearing a black cotton body top with a snapped crotch. She left them on and poured another drink. Chloe’s lips had finally found Anna’s cunt and she must have been doing a pretty good job. Anna’s eyes were closed and she was moaning softly.

Anna wrapped her legs across Chloe’s back and was patting her head as she rocked her
ass matching the movement of Chloe’s tongue. Tess sat down on the ottoman and ran her hand over Chloe’s back. She squeezed her ass cheeks and her fingers slid between Chloe’s legs. Chloe lapped at Anna’s clit and her legs moved apart. Tess pushed her middle finger into Chloe causing Chloe to suck down hard on Anna’s clit. Anna gasped and pulled her knees up and her legs fell wide apart. Chloe raised her ass to meet the invading finger.

Tess added two more fingers sending them deep into Chloe’s cunt and Chloe’s tongue slashed at Anna’s clit in return. Anna cried out as her climax hit home and she began to expel her juices into Chloe’s mouth. Tess fucked the girl with three fingers, ramming them into her as her ass rose to meet them. When Tess finally pulled her hand free, Anna was lying back with her eyes closed and Chloe had turned her head and was resting it on Anna’s pussy, her little ass slowly lifting up and down.

Tess rolled the girl onto her back and nudged Anna. Anna looked up and then understood to move to the side and she did. Tess straddled the girl and eased forward as Chloe could only watch. When Tess was straddling Chloe’s face she reached between her legs and unsnapped her body top. She spread her labia wide. ‘Look her what I have for you.’ She smiled at Chloe. ‘You going to make me feel real good right?’

Chloe didn’t speak. She just lifted her head and kissed Tess’s clit and then took a long slow lick from her anus to her clit. Tess rocked her ass and Chloe began a steady repetition, starting at her anus and licking the length of her folds, sucking on her clit and flicking her tongue on it and them thrusting her tongue into the depths of her vagina as she passed on her was back down to her butt crack.

Tess was rolling her ass in circles and grunting when Chloe took hold of her clit and she moaned when Chloe’s tongue ran over her anus. Tess pulled her hair. ‘Stick out your tongue.’ She instructed. She lowered herself onto it as it sank into her vagina. She started humping on that tongue as Chloe forced it outward as far as she could and was breathing through her nose as Tess’s pussy smothered her mouth and her sex began to run over her face. Tess froze as a climax hit her like lightening. When it had passed, Tess rolled to her side and waited until her breathing had returned to normal.

Anna stood up and went to the end of the ottoman beside Chloe’s head. She knelt down and kissed her sticky mouth and even licked the girl’s lips. ‘How you doing?’ She asked.

‘I thing I need to pee.’ Chloe said. Anna put her hands under Chloe’s shoulders and helped her up. She pointed to a door and Chloe went through it.

Anna moved over and kissed Tess on the lips. ‘Well isn’t she just a treat?’ Anna said.

‘Quite.’ Tess replied.

‘You want to fuck her? Anna asked.

Tess held out her hands. ‘Sorry, I seem to be short one cock. ‘But I bet the hot little bitch would love it.’ Anna went to the sofa and picked up her purse. She pulled out a harness and waved it at Tess. ‘Ever done it?’ Tess shook her head. ‘Then lets call it job training. You’re bound to be asked for it at some point. Tess laughed.

Anna walked over and knelt on the ottoman. She slipped it over one foot and then the other. ‘You know, this would be a lot easier of you would stand up.’

Tess worked her way to the edge and stood up as the bathroom door opened. Tess watched Chloe as Anna pulled the harness up and synched it around her waist. As Anna snapped the straps around her thighs, Chloe walked over to them. ‘What are you doing?’ She asked. Anna stood up and moved behind Tess to make the final adjustments. She then picked up her purse and took out a blue velvet bag. She opened it and looked at Chloe. She took out a six-inch dildo and shook her head. Then she removed a seven and a half inch one, looked at Chloe and again shook her head. Finally she removed one that was nine inches long and very thick with a big purple head, She looked at Chloe and smiled. ‘Found it.’ She said.

‘I can’t do that.’ Chloe said. Anna snapped the big dong onto Tess’s harness. Anna set down and took Chloe by the arm and pulled her onto her lap. Anna took her nipple into her mouth and sucked on it. ‘Feel the cock.’ Anna told her and sucked her tit again. Finally Chloe reached out and wrapped her fingers around it. If felt so real to her. Anna released her tit and pulled her down so she could kiss her lips. ‘You can say no but you can’t say you can’t because I know you can.’

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A Picnic made in Heaven By BBWLOVER56             Have you ever wanted to enjoy an outdoor outing with someone that you really enjoy being with? How about having a picnic just for two? Would you also consider making mad passionate love out in the open? Let’s see if we can find that perfect setting in this story here, shall we?             Imagine riding horseback out in the fields of Montana where the skies are blue and the sun shining it’s warmth down upon us, now imagine we top a hill...

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The sacred rite of Litha

“Women spin your circle right, weave the web of dark and light…” The chant of the women rose higher and higher as they were dancing around a roaring fire deep inside a dark forest. They had gathered in their sacred clearing at midnight, celebrating one of the most magical nights of the year, Litha, or Midsummer as it is more commonly known. They had feasted on the offerings of the earth, drank mead and been merry, but now the most important part of their celebrations had started, The sacred...

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First Time Blow and Go Gay

It is my first time with another man, and it is supposed to be a simple blow and go. It starts out with his naked body on the bed, and with his legs spread. I am naked also as I crawl up onto the bed. His soft cock is lying sideways on his abdomen. I gently place my fingers under and around his cock. It is the first time I have touched another man's cock. I have to know what it feels like in my mouth. I am literally drawn to it as I lower my head down. I wrap my warm wet mouth around his soft...

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Sleep Over Part 20

Right after Kev said that, he moved back into a sitting posistion Followed by Ray and myself And we all took sips of our sodas And looked at each other and started to laugh Fuck me , that was fun Ray said Kev was moving his head in agreement as he downed the rest of his soda His eyes looking right at my cock Ray asked me my thoughts on what just happened I said, i want girls/women to do that with, But for now, you fags will have to do And we all burst out laughing. Ray got up to go...

1 year ago
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Under Cock Control

Jacob Morgan gazed out of his office window overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, which was loaded with both foot and auto traffic. When furnishing his office, he had made sure to have the furniture arranged in such a way that the great view was available to him throughout his workday. George Moyers tapped on the door frame to Jacob's open office door rousing him from his reverie. "Hey, Jacob, can I see you for a second?" "Sure George, what's up?" "We may have a live one for a takeover. I want...

3 years ago
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Christmas Pantomime Act 2

Meanwhile, the curtains had opened to reveal two women outside a house door. One was aged about forty and had on a tight fitting long dress, slit to the waist and with a plunging neckline whilst the other was no more than eighteen wearing a short skirt, thin top and bare midriff. “Come here my little one,” the older of the two called, “I have made this hooded coat for you to keep you warm and I need to see how well it fits.” “Thanks you mother,” the younger replied, “that is such a...

2 years ago
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Goes Without SayingChapter 14

On Friday he phoned Alex. “D’you fancy coming round for some beer at home? Celia is out on the town, so I’m housebound.” There was a moment’s pause before he replied. “Sorry old son, I’m out on a date. How about Saturday at the pub?” “That would be good, but if you came to mine instead, Celia would be there and the three of us could have an evening in together. I’ve plenty of beer in. You never see Celia and me at the same time. It would relieve her of another boring evening in.” Another...

3 years ago
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Fucking the pool boy

Tiffany sighed and placed her coffee cup on the kitchen counter. Her husband had just left for work. She knew he was cheating but as she looked around the gorgeous villa he paid for, she knew there wasn’t anything she could do.She wrapped her flimsy sheer silk and lace gown across her ample 36DDs, another present from her husband and thought about going shopping. Just then, Gary, the pool boy walked past the kitchen window. He’d grown into such a strappy young hunk of a man. 19 years old, 6...

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PornWorld Sasha Rose Zlata Shine Horny Housewife Zlata Shine Shares Glass Dildo With Her Lesbian Lover

Stunning wife Zlata Shine gives her lesbian lover, Sasha Rose a call and lets her know that her husband has left for work. She waits for Sasha to arrive and as the anticipation builds up, this horny babe pulls her panties to one side to rub her juicy pussy. Zlata pleasures her pussy with a textured glass dildo and Sasha arrives, joining in straight away! These gorgeous girls share the double-ended dildo, taking turns to satisfy each other. Zlata is on her back with her legs in the air when her...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 27 More Quiet Moments

Mickey, Cleo and I were the last three to leave the theater. We exited the airlock to find our sister concubines waiting. I found myself showered with hugs and kisses. "That was so much fun!" Tina squealed. "We have to do that again." "It was definitely fun," Bethany said calmly. "And there is no question that James and the others liked watching it." "Totally" Kitty said. "You realize that every citizen snuck in to watch it a second time." "Every one?" I asked. "Who was in...

2 years ago
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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 2

It had been almost an hour when Betty’s bedroom door opened. It had been a long awkward hour for Karen. She and her son heard grunting, giggling, slapping, and what was obviously a few of Betty’s screaming loud orgasms. Mark, Cheyenne, and Savannah seemed to pay no attention at all to it even though they clearly heard it. Mark introduced Tucker to his Xbox, and the boys started playing. “I have an Xbox one in the car,” Tucker said excitedly. “Oh, that’s cool. This is an Xbox 360, though,...

4 years ago
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Rain Dance

I am 27 year old married woman.My husband recently moved to a new bunglaw outside the city.He is very rich businessman.For all of you my name is kalpana singh which may or may not be my real name. Apart from my saas sasur there are two servants full time and a gatekeeper.Everyday lots of people come and go.After i got married for the first few months my husbanf was satysfying all my needs but afterwards he just became busy with his work.He told me that for a week he will be in bangalore for...

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My first anal

Just a regular Saturday night at my house, sitting in my computer room chatting to some online friends I had made. My wife came in the room and sits beside me, watching and reading the chatroom, she leans over and whispers in my ear. Do you want to come to bed with me or sit in here all night? With that question she leans over and grabs my cock through my shorts and smiles. Come to bed and see what I have in mind! Now knowing my wife it was the usual Saturday night fuck, which is always great...

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Bhabhi Ke Saath Apne Ghar Mein 8211 Part I

Hi there. This is Aaryan (22 yrs) and I’m from Hyderabad. I love reading ISS and I’m here to share my only sex experience I had about a year or so. I’m a straight forward guy and I love talking to girls, especially aunties. And here comes one! Rented in my home. Let me tell you about her. Her name is Rani (21 yrs), married, standing about 5’5″ and has a slim figure like a heroine, a body that makes anyone out of control. And so was I. It was the winter time then when I had my first experience....

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Zopalu Mavashi 8211 Mami Ani Mami Chi Zavadi Mulgi

Hello mitrano kasha ahat sarva jan mazya stories avadlya ki nahi jyani mazya last stories vachalya nasati tyani please zopalu mavashi ani zopalu mavashi  I  stries vachavyat tar ata storie continue karato tya divashi rati mama chya mothya mulila zavalya nantar amhi doghe apaplya jagevar yeun zoplo pan mala zop yet navhati me punha maza morcha mami chya balya mothya papayankade valavala ani jor jorat dabu lagato ani maza babu rav punga rangat yeu lagla me mama chya mothya muli la uthavale ani...

3 years ago
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Rest Area

I decided I had better pull off at the next rest area to grab some coffee and use the bathroom to get me through the second half of my drive home. As I got out of my car and began walking, I suddenly realized how badly I needed to piss and I made a beeline for the bathroom. Being fairly late at night, the bathroom was completely empty and I had my choice of urinals. I walked up to one, unzipped my pants, pulled my cock out, and began to let loose. The piss felt so good that I just closed...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 42 When all else fails

Ayeka surveyed the results of her efforts critically, any error was unthinkable as she could receive no second chance. Having expertly accented her eye's using a thicker darker liner than her usual, she had also lengthened her already lustrous lashes. A subtle appliance of turquoise to her lids as well. Making her eyes appear larger, more luminescent. Blush was therefore understated, barely notable as no less than seven distinct shades of skillfully blended red now enhanced her lips, giving...

2 years ago
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A vacation to remember

During those days i went to Ghana for a vacation. The whole family just chose a random place and we ended up in Ghana for a month long vacation. Now the first week was pretty normal just sightseeing and touring around the country. One night it was around 10 pm, my parents were asleep, I couldnt fall asleep so i went out for a walk. Now the hotel was in the middle of the city. Most people in that area spoke English but not all. I got thirsty and went to this shop to buy something to drink. I...

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Master Daddy Spank meeting

dad meetingWe first met in a online chat room after he sent an email to me. He had read my profile and know that i was bi and into bdsm. He was a "Daddy" who was into discipline and i was a "sub". A perfect match.A few chats and webcam inspections and it was decided that we would meet for a cup of coffee, nice neutral place, and see where that went. It went very well. He looked the part. Larger guy, glasses, balding, small beard, broad shoulders, dressed well in common business attire. Easy to...

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Intrigen und Interessen

Auch im Zentrum der Stadt, dem Rathaus, geht es nur um Macht, Sex, Geld und Interessen. Bei der Durchsetzung der Interessen wird alles angewandt: Erpressung, Vergewaltigung und sogar Mord. Dies ist ein kleiner Bericht aus dem innersten Kreis.

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Rani And Rain

Hi every one in indian sex stories site mera naam siddu hai. Mera height 5.5 weight 59 aur 5.5 lund hai… Now lets come to story. Raani aur mai best friends hai. Ham dono ke baare hamare ghar bhi pata hai. Ham ek dusre ke ghr ko jaate aaate hai.. Let as begin the story… Us din ham dono evening raani ka naya scotty lekar gaav ko aa rahe the.Usi waqk baarish aane laga maine kaha ki raani baarish rukne ke baad ghar ko chalege… Lekin wo nai maana aur kaha ki baariah to tej nai.. Maine request kiya...

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Aliass adventures Turning over control

Alias’s adventures- Turning over control By SG [email protected] 1: My big day        I suppose this all started over half a decade ago when I publish my very first story online. Hands down my all time favorite story that I’ve written would have to be my first. I was in my last year of being a teen and by law not old enough to even read the things I was writing about. My heart fluttered from excitement and fear with every word I typed as for the first time in my life I put in the...

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Nobody Likes PalarmaChapter 6 As Serious As Death

August 23, 1996 The news teams were a little delayed in arriving at Carsecusa. They had stopped to broadcast from the site where the impaled nude bodies of Saa Kalb and Nikosi Naser had been discovered earlier that morning. At the feet of Saa Kalb had been a sign reading, ‘Murderer and Rapist.’ At the feet of Nikosi Naser had been a sign reading, ‘Murderer, Rapist, and Thief.’ The discovery of their bodies had sent shock waves around the world, and every reporter in the region just had to...

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Mr Comma

"Hi, Mr Comma."“Hello, anybody there?”“Please Mr Comma, come out to play.”“No.”“Please Mr Comma, or should that be Ms Comma?”“Just Comma will do. And the answer is still no.”“Meany.”“Yes, why don’t you use Full Stop or Quotation Marks? You are always using them.”“Well, this is a job that only you can do for me.”“Oh yes.”"Yes, I promise you are perfect for what I want, and besides you are my favourite.""Horse shit. So far you have written eighty-one words, used Full Stop ten times and Quotation...

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After the Bath

You come out of the shower and sit down to dry your hair. I would come up behind you and begin to massage your back paying attention to your shoulders and neck. My hands would run all along and applying pressure to the sore and tense areas. I'd continue doing this moving all around rolling my fingers and pushing with my palms. My hands would slide down in front and massage your collarbone and further down to your breasts. The dampness of my hands feels cool on your nipples as my hands roll over...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 46 Malin

Thoughts There are two Malins, although most people only know the story of the second one who would rescue Anna's memory years from now. The first Malin arrived at the House years before Anna would need to hunt down her identical twin. Malin is representative of a certain type of economical, limited use robot that caught on wildly shortly before Anna left the House. It's perhaps good that they also caught on before the World Government started establishing its grip on things, since surely...

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Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 2

Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 2When Sara finishes giving me an earth-shattering orgasm, I cannot move. Once I stop trembling, I am totally spent but invigorated too and cannot relax. A thought comes to me and I sit up. Looking over at Sara, I see she has passed out from her exertions. Poor dear Sara, she is exhausted from the trip and her exertions just now.Her dark brown hair frames her adorable 18-year-old face. Her pouty lips open a bit remind be of the pleasure she has given...

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One Night in Bangkok

The sun cast an orange glow over The Grove as it set in the Great South Bay as if consuming all of Fire Island in its flame. Nick Morell walked along the boardwalk. The gentle autumnbreeze caressed his long, brown hair as he hurried on his way. Nick's 5'7" stature cast a shadow on the walks much greater thanhis height. His defined features created a handsome picture inthe late afternoon light. He walked past the fairy tale houseswith their unique names - Helping Hand, First-on-Main,...

4 years ago
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A Story of Love Ch 03

Parker Posey was making her way home through the crowded streets of Greenwich Village. It was a wonderful spring day and half the city seemed to be out enjoying the sunshine. It was one of the first really warm days of the year. This was truly New York at its best, vibrant life on the street and the air feeling fresh after an intense but short downpour earlier in the morning. Parker didn’t walk as much as she strolled through the crowded city. Parker was only a block away from her apartment...

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Computer Repair Part 3

During our chat I learned that Pippa never knew her dad and I got the impression that Alice didn’t even know who it was either so poor old Pippa had never had a father figure and what was good was that there was chemistry between us and she was starting to see me as that father figure she had never had, it was all nice to hear and she couldn’t thank me enough for what I had done for her with the PC, we learnt a lot about each other in the half hour or so we were there until Alice walked in with...

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Step Daddy Slave

Step Daddy Slave Step Daddy Slave.  Part 1: How it all started.  It started on a crisp December morning, I was in the bathroom getting changed and I got caught up in playing with my morning hard on.? I was concentrating so hard on my pleasure I didn?t hear the foot falls in the hall.? Next thing I knew there was a knock at the door but it must not have been latched because it flew open.? I stood there with my cock in my hand looking at my 13 year old step daughter Amy.? I didn?t even...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 19

We arrived back and went to our room, well the sitting area in my suite. It had become a popular meeting point. A moment later, Angela and Roger waked in from the hall. He said, “Jar, excitement seems to follow you wherever you go.” He chuckled. Angela smiled. “A couple of those idiots were injured when you thought they had guns instead of cameras.” I grinned. “It was a simple mistake since they had mounted their cameras on gun-stocks. Since they were charging us, we took reasonable...

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Along Came a SwapperChapter 2

The Bensons ate a hearty meal in celebration of Max's promotion, then washed their dishes and returned to bed, seeking to surpass the fervent joy of their Special. They both had to admit that the later climaxes didn't quite measure up to the bone-crushing splendor of that first grand culmination, though they also admitted that the effort had been delightful. They fell asleep only after totally exhausting their bodies that night, and Max awoke early the next morning to find Jackie bent over...

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Yuis Awakening Part 13

Yui and Sana were once again in Thailand, in fact Sana had asked Yui if she would like to partner again for the Thailand shoot, and Yui, though thoroughly enjoying long nights of love with Emi, thought that a break would be good, and now it was her turn to be away.Indeed, Yui had told Emi about her previous trip, and all the sexual adventure it involved. Emi winked at her as she left."Yui darling, I hope you can enjoy a sexy Thai girl while you are there, but be careful", she whispered before...

3 years ago
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Mrs SwansonChapter 2

His voice sounded confident on the phone: “Look, whore,” he said to her. I want you to free up your night. Meet me at the rialto at 8 PM; tell the usher, Chet, that you’re Pam and would like to sit in the balcony. Do you have all that?” “Yes,” she stammered, “yes, sir.” She was struck afterwards about how compliant she was, how compliant she’d gradually gotten in the days, since the original encounter. There was no thought in her mind about it; it was only and all this thing that was...

4 years ago
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Giggolo Service Surat Ki Jaan

Hi. I am saad kisi ko meri service chahie to batana zarur.Full satisfaction. Agar satisfied ni hue to tum jo bolo wo. I am from surat kuch dino pehle ki baat hai , mujhe jaldi paisa kamane ka chaska chadha.Maine bahut se ideas try kiye but saab phel ho jate , main janta hu mere andar talent ki koi kami nahi hai,but main kuch aisa chahta tha ki koi aisa kaam ho jisse main ek mahine main gadi kaharid saku. Maine bahut try kiya but koi faiyda nahi hua. Fir main orkut e ek din dekha bahut se ladke...

1 year ago
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Sam 15

{That was a falsehood. As you can tell I and my world are quite well. Thanks to Sam our triad is also whole again, Sam has already freed two of your corner worlds. I am hoping he can yours also.} Triada thought. {We will do all we can to help achieve this Queen Triada.} The elder replied. Sam sat nearby to see if they were going to need him anymore. {Thantas? Are you going to strengthen them now? Do they have enough strength to go through the process again?} Sam Asked. {For now I feel that...

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