Chapman & Associates Ch. 05 free porn video

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A badly needed vacation.

‘Sorry but we have decided.’ Tess said. She was setting across from Zoe in the Starbuck’s on the corner by the office.

‘Fuck, Tess, you can’t just up and leave town like this.’ Zoe argued.

‘Look, I’ve told you.’ Tess said. ‘Our clients know, they understand.’

Oh, sure, they understand now.’ Zoe lowered her voice. ‘But in a few days when their pussies get that itch, they will be out looking for a new girl who won’t go traipsing off to the islands for three weeks.

‘I’m not arguing about this. Sam is just two months pregnant so she still looks fantastic in her bikini. Who knows when we will be able to do this again, of ever.’ Tess explained. ‘Our lives are going to change soon.’

Zoe shook her head.

‘I have went over the schedules with Anna. Everything and every client is covered until we return.’ Tess added.

‘How good?’ Zoe asked.

‘What?’ Tess replied.

‘How good does she look?’ Zoe repeated. ‘In the fucking bikini.’

‘Oh my God.’ Tess said. ‘It’s about this big.’ Tess made a shape with her fingers.

‘Oh, fuck you.’ Zoe said. ‘Have a good time.’ She said it sincerely. She leaned in and whispered. ‘But when you two get back I want an hour alone with her.’

‘Fine.’ Tess said.

‘How about two?’ Zoe asked.

‘All right. But you’re stressing our friendship.’ Tess smiled as she turned and left the coffee shop.

Tess and Sam were as a table by the front window of Tony’s Restaurant. They were enjoying a wonderful dinner with a fine wine celebrating the start of their first vacation together. Their flight to Tahiti departs in the morning.

‘So what did Zoe say? Was she pissed?’ Sam asked.

‘Yes.’ Tess said.

‘So?’ Sam said.

‘I sold us out for two hours with you when we get home.’ Tess smiled.

Sam thought about it. ‘Are you OK with that?’ Sam asked.

‘I’m considering canceling our return tickets.’ Tess said.

Sam giggled. ‘Oh, don’t do that.’ She looked at Tess. ‘I’ll be fine.’

‘Slut.’ Tess said.

‘Slut fucker’ Sam whispered.

‘Slut fucker? Really? That’s all you got?’ Tess grinned and shook her head. ‘Just remember, wife beating night not be a crime in Tahiti.’ Tess said.

‘I’m not your wife.’ Sam countered.

‘You are the pregnant one.’ Tess offered.

‘Oh, yea,’ Sam said. ‘I keep forgetting that.’

Tess took Sam’s hands in to hers. ‘Please don’t ever forget that.’ Tess said.

‘No, I won’t, I promise.’ Sam said. She giggled. ‘Our baby is going to be black.’

‘Our baby is going to be beautiful and perfect and.’ Tess grinned. ‘Well. Yea, black.’ The two raised their glasses and clinked and as they laughed out loud, the people around them had no idea.’

They now lay together in Tess’s bed, something they rarely did. Sam had without hesitation, moved to Tess’s sex as soon as they were in bed but Tess pulled her back up and kissed her deeply. And then Tess did something else she seldom did. She spent the next hour taking Sam through three orgasms.

Tess was lying with her head on Sam’s stomach. ‘Do you think it can hear us?’

‘Yes.’ Sam said. ‘I just hope she doesn’t understand it.’

Tess laughed. ‘She?’

‘Well I want a girl and I don’t want to call her an ‘IT’.’ Sam said.

‘Fair enough.’ Tess said. We will refer to the baby as a she.’ She laughed again.

‘What?’ Sam said.

‘Well, if we refer to a boy as she for nine months he is sure to be gay.’ Tess said.

Sam ran her fingers through Tess’s hair. ‘It’s a girl.’

Tess kissed Sam’s tummy. ‘Please.’ She whispered. ‘Pay no attention to what I’m about to do to your mommy.’ Sam was laughing so hard Tess had to wait until it passed before she proceeded to give her girl her fourth orgasm.

Sam followed Tess onto the DC-10. They had seats 1A and 1B, first class all the way. As they were allowed early boarding, they had stored their carry-on bags and were seated before the coach passengers started to board. Sam wanted the window seat so Tess was by the isle.

‘What can I get you two?’ Tess looked up to see a tall nice figured red headed stewardess smiling down at them.

‘Can I get a gin martini with an onion?’ Tess asked.

‘I think I can handle that.’ The girl’s name tag read SARAH. ‘And how about your friend?’ She asked. Tess nudged Sam who was already looking out the window even though they were still at the gate.

‘Oh, I’m sorry. Ya, can I have orange juice?’ Sam asked.

‘Sure.’ Sarah smiled back.

Tess looked at Sam and Sam patted her tummy. ‘No booze this trip. Hope it doesn’t dampen our fun.’

‘I would almost bet on it.’ Tess said.

They had been over water for hours, it was dark and the cabin lights had been turned out to accommodate those who wanted to sleep and that was almost everyone.

Tess stood up. Sam’s head lay to the side and her eyes were closed. Tess went forward to use the bathroom. Sarah was milling around in the kitchen area. She was alone. The rest of the cabin crew was in the rear service area. Sarah smiled at Tess when she went into the bath.

A few minutes later as Tess exited the toilet, Sarah looked up and said. ‘You two a couple?’

Tess nodded. ‘More than not.’ She explained.

She’s cute.’ Sarah said.

‘Very.’ Tess said. ‘I’m guessing you’re gay also?’

‘She smiled. ‘More no than yes these days. We broke up two months ago.’ Sarah explained.

‘That’s tough.’ Tess consoled.

Sarah just rolled her eyes.

‘Hold that thought.’ Tess returned to her seat and said something to Sam. Then Sam stood up and made her way to where Sarah was standing. Sam didn’t say anything, she just pointed at the toilet.

‘It’s vacant.’ Sarah said.

Sam stepped in and turned to look at Sarah. ‘You coming?’

Sarah hesitated. ‘Well.’ Said Sam.

Sarah stepped into the tight quarters as Sam sat down on the toilet seat. She turned Sarah to face the sink and Sarah leaned over. Sam pushed Sarah’s skirt up around her waist and found the top of her panties pulling them down to her knees.

Sam spread Sarah’s ass cheeks and pressed her lips to Sarah’s sex and kissed. She then ran her tongue along her labia and Sarah started to shake. When Sam drove her tongue into Sarah’s vagina she moaned out and then shoved her fingers in her mouth to stay quiet.

Sam worked her tongue in the girl driving her nuts. ‘Been so long.’ Sarah muttered. ‘So good.’ She pushed her ass back to Sam and humped her mouth as she road out her first orgasm in months. ‘Holy shit.’ She said and tried to stand up.

‘Hold still.’ Sam said. She ran her tongue up the girl’s butt crack to her anus and shoved. Sarah started shaking her ass like she was suffering a spasm. A second climax hit her immediately and she could only hold on to the sink and press her head against the mirror. It took five minutes for it to finally pass.

Sam stood up and worked her way past Sarah to the door. She opened it just enough to slip out. When she looked back, Sarah was reaching down trying to find the top of her panties.

A small boy was waiting to use the bathroom. ‘You might want to use the one in the back. Someone got really sick in there. It’s a mess.’ Sam told him. The little kid wrinkled his nose and turned around disappearing down the isle.

Sam was setting down in her seat as Tess looked at her. ‘What’s on your shirt?’

Sam looked down. Her tee shirt was showing a few wet spots across her chest. Sam shrugged. ‘Guess.’ She said.

Tess took a wet wipe out of her purse. ‘Well at least wash your face.’

As Tess and Sam passed Sarah exiting the plane in Tahiti, Sarah said. ‘You are a very lucky girl.’

Tess paused. ‘Are you talking to me or her?’ She asked.

‘Yes. ‘Sarah said.

‘Ah.’ Tess said. ‘True.’
The Windjammer Resort was advertised as the finest on the island and neither Tess nor Sam could find reason to disagree. Their room was enormous with a king bed, small kitchen, huge tub and shower and best of all, a Jacuzzi on a deck overlooking the ocean.

After unpacking, the girls took a long shower and a short nap. Well, Tess napped, Sam spent the twenty minutes using her tongue trying to wake Tess up. She succeeded.

The two girls donned short summer dresses, thong panties and no bras. As they exited the elevator and headed for the outdoor restaurant, a number of envious eyes watched them pass. Tess was certain she saw the tall hostess run her tongue over her upper lip as she turned to direct them to their table. ‘I hope this will be fine?’ She said.

Tess nodded as the hostess pulled a chair out for Sam. Tess set down across from her. ‘I’m Claire. Please let me know if you need anything.’ As she walked back to her podium near the door, Tess watched the girl with long tan legs as she went.

Sam took her hand. ‘Me?’ She said. Tess looked at her. ‘Before this trip is over I am going to have a tan too. Are you going to look at me that way then?’

‘I already do.’ Tess replied. ‘Every day.’

Sam squeezed her hand. ‘I know.’ She said. ‘But I suppose you are always going to be checking out the waitresses.’

‘She is not a waitress.’ Tess said. ‘But yea.’

‘Well, I am.’ Tess and Sam turned to see a cute girl standing at their table with a broad grin. She was short and petite, wearing a black skirt and white blouse with a black bowtie. ‘I’m Ella and I’ll be your server this evening. Ella was a mocha-skinned beauty with dark eyes and straight black hair down to her waist. She handed menus to each if them. ‘Drinks?’ she asked.

‘Gin martini with an onion.’ Tee said. ‘Water for her.’ Tess added. The girl looked at Sam. ‘Can’t handle booze.’ Tess said. ‘Goes completely crazy.’ She added.

The girl smiled. ‘Really.’ Tess said. ‘Wild woman.’ Elle just nodded and went for their drinks.

‘You bitch.’ Sam whispered. ‘She’s going to think I’m a nut case.’ Tess smiled at her.

When dinner was over, the girls ordered a Tiramisu to share.

‘Would you like me to bring your check now?’ Ella asked as she returned to their table. Tess nodded. When it was placed on the table, Tess just signed their room number and her name.

‘I’m a little worried.’ Tess said. Ella looked at her. ‘We’re gong for a walk on the beach and then back to our room.’

Ella nodded. ‘The beach is very safe.’ Ella offered.

‘That’s not what worries me.’ Tess said. She continued. ‘When we get back, I’m going to take a shower and I’m afraid this one will raid the mini bar.’

‘You’re full of sh…’ She caught her self and stopped. ‘Stop teasing me.’ She said.

‘You can never be sure.’ Tess said. She took the girls hand and wrote 1545 on her palm.

Walking along the beach, Tess had Sam’s hand in hers and it was quite except for the waves lapping the sand.

‘So, you have a plan brewing in that evil mind of yours?’ Sam said softly.

Tess stopped and pulled her into her arms. They kissed a long sweet passionate kiss. A couple walking the other way grinned as they passed by. ‘I don’t care for plans.’ She said. ‘I much prefer spontaneity.’

They kissed again and Sam felt like she would melt into Tess’s arms. ‘You know you can say no anytime you want and I will honor that. No argument from me, I promise you.’

‘Thanks.’ Sam said.

‘Thanks?’ Tess countered. ‘That’s all you got?’

‘Thanks very much.’ Sam added.

‘Better.’ Tess said.

When the elevator opened on their floor, Ella was standing waiting for it. Tess smiled at her. ‘I was waiting to go back down.’ Ella said. She raised a finger pointing over her shoulder, ‘I knocked on your door.’ She added.

‘We weren’t there.’ Tess said.

Ella nodded. ‘I though you were playing a trick.’

‘We weren’t.’ Tess said.

Tess took Sam’s hand and they walked out of the elevator. She held out her other hand and said. ‘Coming?’ Ella took it. The three walked side by side to room 1545.

Once inside, Tess opened the mini bar and removed a small bottle of red wine. She opened it and leaned against the small fridge. ‘Sam, I bet this one looks delicious when she is undressed.’

‘Want me to find out?’ Sam asked.

Tess looked at Ella. ‘You mind?’ Ella shook her head.

Sam reached for the tie first and worked it side to side loosening it and she pulled of apart and dropped it. She then slowly unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off of Ella’s shoulders. When she unzipped Ella’s shirt the blouse fell free and Sam worked the skirt over her hips.

Ella was looking a bit vulnerable so Sam took her face in her hands and kissed the beautiful girl. Sam returned to undressing her and unhooked her bra, freeing sweet medium firm breasts. ‘Get on the bed.’ Sam said.

When Ella lay in the center of the bed, Sam crawled up on the end of the bed between Ella’s legs. ‘I need for you to take off your panties. I want to know this is your idea.’

Ella hesitated and then slowly drew her fingers to the top of her panties and began easing then down. She lifted her ass and pushed them over her hips. She drew her knees up and slipped them off of her feet.

When she placed her feet flat on the bed with her knees still pulled up, Sam looked to Tess and smiled. ‘Any requests?’

‘Yea. No screaming and stay out of the mini bar.’ Tess said. ‘I’m taking a shower.’ Tess disappeared into the bath and closed the door.

The patio doors were open and a gentle breeze was blowing the curtains inward. The room was dark as Sam’s lips touched Ella’s sex for the first time.

Twenty minutes later Tess came quietly out of the bathroom to fond Ella now on her stomach with Sam still at her sex. Ella was moaning softly and Tess could tell she was coming down from what was probably not her first orgasm. Tess set on the edge of the bed and ran her fingers along Sam’s back. Sam squirmed knowing who it was but leaving her lips clamped onto the sweet girls clit. ‘Maybe you should take this lovely girl to the shower and then join me in the hot tub. Sam groaned like she wasn’t ready to turn her loose.

‘It’s a long vacation we’re on baby. And besides, we have all night.’ Tess patted her head but was looking at Ella who was looking over her shoulder. ‘Besides, I promise you can have her again.’ Ella grinned. Sam got to her knees and looked at Ella. ‘To the showers.’ She instructed.

Tess was in the hot tub on the patio. Her legs were stretched out, her arms were along the edge of the tub and her head was lying back. She was studying a sky full of stars. When the two girls exited the bath they came out on the patio nude and hand in hand. ‘Join me.’ Tess said.

Sam helped Ella into the tub and climbed in after. Sam set down next to Tess and Ella immediately knelt in front of her, wrapping her arms around Sam’s neck and kissing her.

‘I take it you are happy that we were not simply playing a bad joke on you?’ Tess inquired.

Ella mumbled ‘Uh huh.’ Keeping her lips pressed to Sam’s.

‘Learn some things, did you?’ Tess asked.

Again came. ‘Uh huh,’ from Ella.

Tess reached over and pulled Ella away from Sam and said. ‘Show me.’

Tess pulled herself up to set on the edge of the tub. She lifted her left leg and moved it wide, setting it down into Sam’s lap between the two girls.

Sam’s hand found Ella’s shoulder and she pressed, leaning the girl toward Tess. ‘Please my girl.’ Sam said.

Ella moved in front of Tess. When Tess looked down at her, Ella looked nervous. ‘You ever do this?’ Tess asked.

Ella shook her head. Tess put her hands on Ella’s cheeks. ‘It’s easy.’ She said and guided the young girl’s lips to her sex. Tess set there with Ella between her legs while running her fingers
through Sam’s hair. ‘Oh my, you are such a good teacher.’ She said to Sam.

Tess moved her free hand to the back of Ella’s head. She started slowly working her hips in time with Ella’s tongue. ‘Yes, yes.’ She mumbled. ‘Right there.’ Tess gasped as a climax caused her abdomen to tighten and her fingers gripped the girl’s hair. She humped on her lips for maybe three minutes before she released her grip and leaned back breathing in short ragged breaths.

Ella looked at Sam and then drawled over between her legs. With her still sticky face, she kissed Sam, shoving her tongue into her mouth.

Sam could see Tess turning around and kneeling in the seat, folding her arms and laying her head down. Her ass was just above water. Sam kissed Ella again and said. ‘Do her again.’

‘But I.’ Sam put a finger to her lips.

‘Do her again.’ Sam instructed.

‘Fine.’ Said Ella.

‘Yes it is.’ Tess called back without raising her head.

Sam giggled right into Ella’s mouth as they kissed.

Ella moved over behind Tess, put her hands on Tess’s ass cheeks and lowered her mouth to her pussy. Sam reached out putting a hand under Ella’s chin. ‘Higher.’ Sam said and lifted Ella’s lips until they touched Tess’s anus. Sam pressed the back of her head. ‘Do her really good.’

As Ells worked on Tess’s rear, Sam was running her fingers between Ella’s legs pressing on her clit, driving her crazy. It was also causing Ella to attack Tess’s anus with new interest. As Tess began to increase the rolling of her ass, Ella shoved her tongue deep into Tess and Tess arched her back and came so hard she cried out loud, grunting into the night air. It was after four when Tess opened her eyes and looked at the clock on the nightstand. She was on the bed and Sam was standing behind Ella pulling her panties up.

‘Having fun?’ Tess asked.

‘I didn’t think you wanted her to stay the night.’ Sam explained.

‘Hey, more the merrier.’ Tess said.

Sam grinned and whispered. ‘You want to stay?’

Ella said. ‘Sure.’

‘I’m going to want to watch you do her again.’ Sam said.

‘OK.’ Said Ella.

‘Right now?’ Sam asked. Ella nodded. And Sam pulled her panties back off.

As young Ella’s wet lips touched her pussy, Tess closed her eyes and smiled.

It was ten o’clock when Tess woke again. Sam was gone but a note was on the table. ‘Remember, I have a ten o’clock appointment at the spa? My new toes and I will meet you at the pool bar for lunch. Tess smiled and headed to the shower. As she soaped herself, she could tell her labia was more than a little sensitive. She smiled again.

At eleven-thirty Tess slid onto a stool at the outdoor bar next to a waterfall that was splashing into an enormous swimming pool. Three other people, all setting on the opposite side were drinking umbrella drinks and laughing.

The barmaid was a very tall girl with an amazing ass hidden only by a grass skirt, she was leaning over the bar on the far side thrusting her ass in Tess’s direction. Standing on her toes to wipe off the counter made it appear even more pronounced. When she finally turned around and looked Tess’s way, Tess was still staring at her body. She walked over to Tess and asked. ‘What can I get you?’

Tess smiled at her. ‘Gin martini with an onion.’ Tess said.

‘Ah, my first drink order requiring a vegetable.’ She said. Looking at Tess she said. ‘Everyone wants fruit.’

Tess nodded and watched the girl turn and move to the opposite side and mix her drink. When she returned, Tess was staring and her legs again. She set a martini glass on the bar and poured her drink from a metal shaker.

Can I say something?’ The girl asked.

‘Sure.’ Tess said.

The girl leaned in. ‘I’m not gay.’ She said.

Tess smiled. She turned her hands palm up. ‘Hey, it’s a big world. Room for everyone, right.’

‘Right.’ She said.

The three other people at the bar got up and left, one of them saying it was time for lunch.

The girl leaned against the far side of the bar, looked at Tess and pulled her right knee up, placing her foot on a beer case. Her grass skirt fell to the sides revealing her long leg all the way to her black panties. She rolled her leg to the side and then back.

It was then that Sam said. ‘Want to see my toes?’

Tess looked down and smiled. ‘Beautiful.’

Sam grinned. ‘And what can I get you?’ The girl called to Sam. She had not changed her position.

When Sam looked, she said. ‘Fuck me, great legs babe.’

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College Madness 8211 Part 1 Hot Classroom Sex

Disclaimer:- Dear reader, the characters and names used in this story are works of fantasy. So, if you are having the same name as these, please forgive me. And yes, I am hoping the readers were of the adult category. Keep it in mind and let’s get started. I used to study at Hyderabad government college. Our college classroom was at the end of all other rooms. And the room in the other row was the computer lab. That room used to open on exams days only and remain closed during the rest of the...

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Hypnotized Wives gone wild

The Eagles held their annual St Patty's Party and Mitch had put on a Hypnotist show, people squawking like chickens, thinking they were hot and cold, frozen in place a good clean family show for the k**dos early in the evening. Corned beef and cabbage was the fare of the day and in general a fun time was had by all. Mitchhad even given his pal Mike's wife a subliminal suggestion that every time he said,"Top of the Morning" She would yell back "BEST HYPNOTIST THATEVER LIVED!" and not even...

4 years ago
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Blockade Runner Chameleons Plasma Rifles Book 1Chapter 10

Dumitrescu was trapped. He had been awoken by the sound of blaring alarm klaxons. Worried, his attempt to contact the op center went unanswered. His apprehension rose to new heights. All attempts to contact his command staff also went unanswered. Even the stilling of the alarm did nothing to quench his rising dread. He didn't fully trust the Colonel. If there was a problem it could be him behind it. Still he needed to know if that was the source of the problem. He decided to call him. His...

1 year ago
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My Adopted Daughter

We adopted Shannon when she was sixteen. She came from an abusive home in Cleveland and she came by the way of a family that knew we were looking for a c***d. We had never entertained the idea of an older c***d, we were only in our early 30s ourselves, but she was in need and we were having problems getting a c***d.We didn’t know the problems in the home or what she had been through. She was scheduled to arrive on Friday, and we had already cleared the room, gotten her a bed and dresser, and...

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Euphorica The Lead Singer

When I was almost 19 I was in love with a man. A much older man. At 43 years old, he could’ve been my father, but he didn’t at all look his age. I don’t know how he managed to stay so frozen in time, but his smooth, porcelain skin didn’t appear to be a day over 30. A few of my friends had raised their eyebrows at my latest infatuation, not because of the age, but because he wasn’t “conventionally” attractive. He was very thin, with only a slight bit of muscle noticeable through his signature...

Straight Sex
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TeamSkeetAllStars Alex Coal Jasmine Daze Lauren Phillips Pristine Edge The Draft Game Day Orgy

What’s up, Team Skeet fans? We’re trying something a little different with this All-Stars update. We’re using our mini-series, The Draft, to celebrate certified hottie Alex Coal! Draft day is finally here, so Pristine, Alex, Jasmine, Lauren, Bobby, Brad, Brock, Ryan, and Tony couldn’t be more excited to get the party started. It’s a typical football day until Brock (Taco) uses Jasmine’s prowess to distract the other players. Soon, this fantasy draft turns into a full-blown orgy, and everyone...

3 years ago
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Hometown HeroChapter 5 The Conclusion

I took off work early Friday to go home and speak with Mrs. Amore. I knew it would be awkward but I had to know for sure. How could I just go up to Mary and ask her for a DNA test. I knew Mrs. Amore would tell me the truth; after all, it affects her daughter as much as me. I knocked on the Amore's door and Vivian opened it smiling at me. "Hi, John. It's so nice to see you. Please come in. Mary's still at the clinic. She won't be home for a few hours. What's the matter, John? You seem...

2 years ago
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Franziska ist ein süsses unschuldiges Mädchen. Ich weiss nicht wie alt sie ist aber sie geht erst in die 10.Klasse des Bischöflichen Gymnasiums. Sie wohnt mit ihrer Mutter in der Nachbarwohnung. Sie hat wahrscheinlich keine Freunde und Freundinnen. Sie ist sehr einsam und schüchtern Franziska hat eine tolle Figur, lange dunkelblonde Haare und einen wohlgefromten Mädchenhintern in knallengen Jeans. Ihre Brüste sind wohlgeformt soweit ich es in ihrem Ausschnitt sehen kann. Geilerweise trägt sie...

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ENM Intertwined

Four gorgeous guys end up becoming friends thanks to an embarrassing event in their shared pasts. Since then, they have just been trying to live out their lives but somehow end up naked and embarrassed in front of the people they get involved with...and then some! As for these men: There is Rorke Blazeman; with a name like that, of course he became a muscular party planner with a party-sized ego to go with it. He secretly has a fetish for tomboyish girls, particularly his childhood friend who...

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A Splendid Night

The curtains drawn, candles lit, as the essence fills the room. The house is quiet as I listen to Enya. Feeling the relaxation run through me. I try to sleep but overcome with excitement. I reach between the sheets, removing my pants, softly touching my thighs running up. Teasing myself as I touch my clit. Rubbing round and round. As I feel the rise I reach down to my nightstand. Grabbing my toys. Turning my vibrator on high instantly I'm more aroused. Round and round I keep going "oh god it...

1 year ago
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Blacked Arya Fae Blonde Gets BBC From Brothers Friend

Beautiful Arya’s brother has his friend staying at their house for the weekend and she knows full well that his room has a perfect view of the pool. She puts on her sexiest swimsuit, making sure she is looking irresistible. She’s had the hots for Jason for a while now and it doesn’t take long before he spots her laying in the sun and joins her there. They talk for a while, fanning the flames of their attraction, and before long they are making out and she is living out he fantasy she has had...

3 years ago
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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 9 The Seduction of Rick

“Fran, we should change the rules. Let’s totally share Rick. No jealousy. We both get all of him. He will have Team Girlfriend. Or two sisters as girlfriends. And no drama. We will both, love might be too strong a word, care for him deeply.” “Thank you, sis. I was going to try to give you 75 to 80% of him. But this is better for both of us. I assume you still want your cherry popped first.” “Yes. Thank you.” “This Friday he will fuck me first. Naturally, you will watch. We let him recharge...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Gabbie Carter Lauren Phillips Idolized

SCENE OPENS on Gabbie Carter, a babysitter, as she is let into a home by her clients, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley (Tommy Pistol and Lauren Phillips). They are warm and familiar with each other since she’s been babysitting for them for a few months now. Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley are both excited for a night out, reminding Gabbie that she can help herself to anything in the fridge, rent movies, call her friends – she’s over 18, and they have lots of trust in her – she’s the...

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A good fuck

This story will contain : bdsm, fantasy and sifi elements, gay sex, sissifacation, transformations and various other kinky things. You have been warned. First a description of the world this story will take place in: In this world things are simple, there was a natural order to the way the world worked: real, strong, masculine men were at the top and then as you go further down the chain of society you reached the lowest of the low the bimbo sluts whose bra size was bigger than their IQ. The...

3 years ago
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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 19 Windup

Jason welcomed Yoyo, Korin his wife, and senior admirals and generals and partners to his estate and he and Yoyo made the introductions. Jason took Yoyo’s group to meet the leaders who remained on the estate. Smith had repaired the damage. The estate looked pristine and as it was when he arrived. “Jason you look healthier and younger,” said Korin, “Can you remember when you were emperor?” “I don’t recall anything. I like the same people and I behave as I did, but I have lost my past,” said...

1 year ago
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The Lake 2

This is what happened after our encounter by the lake. After our encounter by the lake side Beth and I made our way back to the bothy and soon everyone was awake. After brewing coffee we started to discuss the plan for the day. From someone whom I had only vaguely known a few hours ago Beth was suddenly all I could think about. I noticed the way she walked and sat, the shy way she looked when she spoke, the way she pushed her long brown hair from her face. By now I was desperately thinking of...

4 years ago
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The Sex Table

We chatted for a while, when he asked me to move my cam so he could see my tight little slick pussy. I moved the camera between my legs, and spread my legs wide. I started to rub my long red nails over my panties along my lips. I began to feel a throbbing feeling. I asked him to wait and I went to the bedroom and pulled my big pink dildo out of the drawer. I came back in front of my little cam, he sat patient waiting for me. I gently pulled my panties off so he could see my...

2 years ago
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“You know Margie, that hot new woman in my department?” said Bert. “The one who’s your boss?” said Winnie. “Not exactly,” said Bert. “She reports to my boss, too, but at a higher level, and sometimes I have to work for her on a project. But that’s the one. I have been lusting for her for six months, and I found out yesterday she was a lesbian.” If Winnie didn’t already know, she could have told from the tone of his voice that...

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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 14

Then she tried with her old boyfriend and then with Mr. Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby. In her quest to have her own child she visits an ashram to take special treatment. She was given Diksha and named Maya after Diksha. In Part 13 you Read Maya ( Zeenat) bent down to touch the wet floor of the toilet and looked through her legs at the mirror behind. Oh...

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Jessinta Ch03A The Bullys Moll

Introduction: This is the continuing saga, which is Jessinta Jovanoski (Jovi to my friends). I am now sixteen and very sexually active at school and within a Motorcycle club. My attributes are, 152 (501), 45kg (93lbs) and with small breasts (32A). I have blonde reddish shoulder length hair and pasty white skin. My home life was by now non-existent, so my association with a Motorcycle club was my surrogate family. Six months have now passed since my last chapter and I am now over sixteen years...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Blake Blossom Hot And Horny

Blake Blossoms arrives home to find that the air conditioner is broken. The heat tends to make her horny. She explains to her roommate that the longer the AC is broken the hornier she’ll get. In the middle of this explanation, her roommate accidentally spills his cup of water all over her white shirt, revealing her perfect tits. From there, Blake only gets more turned on. So she pulls him over to the couch to have some real fun. She pulls his cock out and begins to suck him off and titty fuck...

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Sissy Gets XRaped

I was late for my appointment for my x-ray - this didn't help my dilemna. I had forgotten when I got dressed this morning that I even had an appointment. The office called me during the day to remind me. Normally, there wouldn't be a problem except I was having my knee x- rayed. Why would that be a problem? Because I was wearing long pants - jeans to be exact. And bright, pink, lacy panties underneath them. And coffee colored pantyhose. The matching bra I was wearing I didn't think would...

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A Different Kind of Heaven Ch 01

The following story is purely fiction and bears no resemblance to any actual life events. Characters are a work of imagination and do not reflect anyone real, living or deceased, or fictitious, and all are 18+. Please feel free to leave any questions, comments, of concerns, as they will be greatly appreciated. ***** Caroline woke up to the sound of an unfamiliar alarm going off. She reached up to turn it off, only for her hand to hit nothing but air. She looked around to find herself not in...

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Diaper Fetish

I had confessed to my wife about my diaper fetish and she told me about how she had always wanted a threesome. She had participated in countless endeavors with me, so one night we decided to fulfill hers and add something to keep me happy as well. Finally the night had come her friend Samantha was coming into town. She had told her about a crazy sexy night we had planned. We had prepared everything, the pile of fresh diapers, brand new and filled baby bottles, and of course the wipes and...

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BurrChapter 15 Margarets edification

Things did not go as I had anticipated they would. I still had the key to the middle cottage that Alice and I had used for the dance lesson in my pocket; I planned to take Margaret there and see what would happen. She had suggested we could go for a walk and just hang out. This, she said, was Paula's suggestion. I wondered what else Paula had put her up to. Margaret also said we didn't have to do anything if I didn't want to. That made me wonder if she was getting cold feet about 'doing...

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Quickie Futanari Stories Caught

They were six minutes into class. I can't fucking believe this, why did she wear a dress today? Paige tried to look elsewhere in the room. Anywhere would have done it, the wall, the cute girl with the green wig. I like the wig, especially with those glasses. But she couldn't look away for long. She tried. Again. But Professor Hughes always brought her back. She would turn away from the white board on her heels, fast enough to swing her skirt wide and flash just a few inches of her thighs...

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Just a peek

Old homes out in the country are not built like the homes of today. Big families had to make due until they could do better. Often times, houses started off little more than a shack in some rural areas. As the family grew larger, rooms got added on, when and if they could. My wife grew up in a house like that. Whenever we would visit, it would always trip me out on how close they lived together, in separate rooms. This is the story of one of those visits, I'll never forget. My wife, Ilsa, was...

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My Wife8217s First Threesome 8211 Part 1

Hi all thank you for choosing to read my story . All my stories are real and not fictitious. Thank yo all for your valuable feedback on my previous posts. This story happened exactly 2 years back. Myself and my wife both of us are very excited about sex and sexual adventures .I am lucky I got a wife who is so horny. First I will explain my wife to you .Her name is vidya (name changed) and she is 28 years old. We are from cochin in kerala. Vidya is about 5 feet 2 inches tall slim body with...

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Cottage Life

Saturday, August 26 What fun! How groovy! It's been three days now and I've not worn a stitch of clothing. I'm like a real nudist, though of course I'm not one. I'm just liberated. I look at my reflection in that battered old mirror in the corner of the kitchen. I look real groovy. Natural. My hair's got real long and I really dig the look of my pubes. So much hair! If the girls back at Roedean could see me now! No more Dizzy Dot! It's Free Liberated Dot! Still, it gets a bit boring in...

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A Country Boy Can SurviveChapter 6

Clarkesville, Arkansas Earlier the same day... “Uncle Albert, are you sure that attorney from Batesville can be trusted? It’s been three hours now and they’ve not shown their faces. Do you think Joe and Jack made him a better offer to help them?” Al Barrow asked his Uncle Albert as they waited for the others to meet them. They’d spent the night at the BestWay Motel and Lounge off exit 55 on I-40 in Clarkesville, Arkansas Now they were waiting for their local attorney to deliver their hired...

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The Bounty HunterChapter 8

Anna woke up groggily, the effect of last night’s slosh fest still weighing heavily on her. Her unwillingness to get up from the couch was only aided by the fact that her head was throbbing, almost as if all the fluid in her brain was dying to burst out. Anna tried to gather her bearings as best as she could, wondering how she would go through the rest of her day. The rest of her life even. Any purpose she had in life seemed to have been lost. She got up from the couch, stumbling over the...

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Brians Adventures Ch 12

Chapter Twelve: Rialtige The next morning came all too soon if you ask me. I was quite content to hold Jealile late into the morning but yet we knew that we had to get moving. The day would not wait for anyone and the road was calling us ever onward towards Kincaid. The sun was up and climbing ever higher by the time we were ready for the road. As you can imagine it takes some time to hitch the wagon, load it, and then arrange the equipment, supplies and personal stuff in it just so. Of course...

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57 From cheating housewife to who knows what Pt3

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt3 Tuesday began with the usual late brunch, rain drizzled down the windows, thou roughly depressing, Jack hadn’t seemed to notice either me or the lousy weather and had set off with his phone in his ear without even a cheerio. I burnt the toast daydreaming, and it was the last of the bread, so it was a quick run to the shops or a soggies breakfast, the shop won and dragging on a mack and wellies off I set. I got back to find my instructions...

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Taken by my neighbor

I should go back to the beginning and explain just how I unwittingly found myself in the situation. I moved into this small rental home just a few weeks ago. It is in a very nice quiet neighborhood where most of the people are friendly and tend to mind their own business. There are neighbors on each side and both are older gentlemen One is divorced and the other told me he was a confirmed bachelor. We have talked frequently and they seem to be very nice. Now, I guess I should reveal my...

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Helping My Sister Shave III Friends and Secrets

Carmen lay on the bed, spread-eagled, trembling. I was poised, above her, a pair of scissors in my hands, as I gazed triumphantly over her dark, hairy pussy. My sister Liz sat on the other side of the bed, her hand on her totally bare pussy. "Do it..." she whispered, her voice tinged with seductive aggression, "...this bitch deserves it!" "Well done sis!" I thought to myself. I had had plenty of opportunities to help maintain Liz's already carefully groomed pussy, but for the first time I would...

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Milking Time B4 Chapter 11 The Main Event Interl

Chapter 11: The Main Event - InterludeIt was twelve thirty on the Sunday afternoon of the Main Event. After having a light lunch, Barocca and Jeanne gathered all that they would need, and headed off to Dee Dee's lab. Barocca gave Jeanne a mild sedative just before they left. "What's this for, Barocca?" "When I stick you in the cloning machine, you've gotta lay as still as possible for two hours. This'll help you relax when the time comes." As they strolled through the corridors, the girls...

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Brother Cucks Brother or Does HeChapter 4 2008 Miami

I quickly settled into my new life in Miami. There was no choice. We had a million things to do and my partner and I each worked more than one hundred hours a week for the next six months. And we got lucky. Hey, we didn't become millionaires or anything overnight but within months we knew it was going to work. That it might take some time but we'd found a little Internet niche that could make us some money. And if we played our cards right, if we worked our tails off, that we just might...

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Meri Maid Servant

Mein yeh khani likh rha hon ak aise anand ke anubhav ko btane ke liye jise mein shayd hi akshro mein byan kr skuga,,fir bhi meri koshish rhegi,,Mein ak engineering mein pdne vala student hon, hmare ghar ak kam vali thi, bad mein osne apni beti ko bhejna shru kr dia vo dekhne mein thodi sawli thi pur bipasha se kam nai, meine kabhi use itne gaur se nai dekha,,,ak baar ki baat hai mere sessional exams chal rhe the, Sari rat pdte hue katne ki vajh se mujhe bht nend arhi thi,,subh mein kuchi nend...

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