Doc Ch. 15 free porn video

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When I got up the next morning just as daylight was starting to lighten the eastern skyline, I was anxious to get started on the two gypsy caravans. However, my ladies quickly let me know that they had other plans for me.

As I was about to sit down to breakfast, Running Deer said, ‘We will need meat for the coming winter. You need to hunt so we can stock up. We also need skins and furs for winter. You should also take Standing Bear with you, to show him how to hunt.’

‘I was planning on working on the wagons today. There’s lots to do to get them ready to use on the road, and I don’t want to waste any time getting it done.’

Even to me, it sounded like I was whining… I gave myself a mental shake and bucked up. There had to be an efficient way to handle both priorities. In almost the same thought, the obvious answer made me feel stupid.

‘Still, hunting for winter is just as important. I think we can do both — we’ll hunt in the morning, which is the best time anyway. Then I can work on the wagons in the afternoon and evening while you ladies do your thing with the carcasses. What do you think?’

The women folk allowed as how that might just work when they realized it would also allow them to attend to their other chores and household duties without rushing them.

With a plan firmly in place, Bear and I quickly finished breakfast then went to find Grandpa to see if he would like to go hunting with us. He was at the main house with the others, just finishing his own breakfast. I considered myself an early riser, but these folks were usually up and doing well ahead of me.

I said, ‘Uncle Henry, the girls say we need to stock up on meat for winter. I guess they’re not used to the way that the white men eat yet, plus they don’t seem to care much for beef, they would rather have Buffalo, venison, or any other wild meat. So… looks like I need to go hunting. Do you want to come along?’

‘Sure! Sounds better than hanging around here all day.’ Grandpa grinned.

‘They want me to bring Standing Bear with us, too. They say he needs to learn the ways of the forest and how to hunt. I thought he might be too young, but they were really insistent. Do you think maybe we should take the other boys with us also?’

Grandpa shrugged, then smiled broadly. He explained his thoughts on the matter, which jived nicely with my own.

‘Well, by our standards the boys are a mite young, but by Indian standards, they’re well past the age where they would begin learning their hunting skills. All of them would already have been taught some of the basics by now — especially the two older ones. By their age, Bear and Brad would already have taken small game, and maybe gone with the older hunters for the bigger animals. So, with that in mind it won’t hurt a thing to take them along.

‘They might be a bit young yet to try and shoot large game by themselves, but they can sure watch and learn. I think the two older boys might be able to try a couple of shots, as long as we supervise them.’

I could see Grandpa’s enthusiasm grow as he warmed to the subject. As I listened, I got into the spirit of it, too. This could be a fun experience, and of course, if we managed it properly, would just add to the bonding that Bear and I already seemed to be enjoying.

‘Yeah! That should work! I think I might have just the rifle for them to start with. It’s not big enough to be used on large game, but it’s perfect for rabbits and prairie chickens. It’s the Model 39 Marlin .22 Lever, a very good gun for somebody to learn to shoot with. Matter of fact, I have two of them.’

Grandpa raised an eyebrow when I mentioned the name ‘Marlin’ and rattled off a bunch of questions: ‘Is that a gun by John Marlin? I heard about him. I thought he only made revolvers and hideout guns. If it’s one of his, then it’ll be good because John Marlin makes nothing but the best. I didn’t know he made .22’s. The only .22 I knew of until now was the Smith and Wesson .22 long. It’s only been out for a few years.’

‘Yep, it’s a John Marlin rifle, but it’s actually based on his model 1893 from my time. Still it looks enough like a ’73 Winchester, unless you look too close, that it should be fine for the boys. I’d forgotten about the Smith and Wesson round. That’s good. My rifles are .22 Long Rifle, but will handle a .22 Long just fine, so if we ever run out of my ammunition, we’ll still be able to get some. It should be a long time, though, if we’re careful, because I have several thousand rounds. One of the stores from my time had a big sale and I bought several bricks.’

The ‘big store’ was Walmart, but I wasn’t going to explain that particular up-time concept to Grandpa. Maybe, I mused in a pipe dream, if we twisted this timeline just right, the depredation of small town shopping and small business by the chain box stores and Sam Walton’s in particular, could be avoided. I did explain to Grandpa that a ‘brick’ was a box of 20 boxes of 50 rounds. He understood right away.

‘Well, that sounds like just the ticket for Standing Bear and Brad as a starter. They sound like fun rifles. I’m gonna have to try one of them varmints out myself. We can take Davy and Jake along too — they can hold the horses. This should really make for a fun hunt.’

I didn’t know if Grandpa’s enthusiasm stemmed more from the idea of the hunt, the chance to try out an up-time weapon, being with the boys, or a combination of all. I suspected all, but heavily weighted on the being with the boys. After all, kids were his biggest single joy.

Now that we had that out of the way, and Grandpa fully on board, I began to plan the details. ‘So, how do you want to do this? Will we take the wagon or just a couple of pack horses?’

Grandpa replied, ‘I think it might be faster if we’re all mounted and just take a couple pack horses with us. That way we won’t have to stick to any roads like we would have to with a wagon because some places around here the trees are awful thick. We might not be able to carry as much but at least we won’t need to worry about the wagon making it through the bush.’

‘You’re probably right. We can always make travois like we did before if we get a lot of meat. We also need to let everyone know the general area where we’re going. Bear, why don’t you run off and gather up the other boys so we can get started?’

I returned my attention to Grandpa. ‘I’ll ask the women to get us a lunch ready in case we’re out past lunch. While they’re doing that, we need to set the boys down and explain a bit of firearm safety before we take them into the woods. There is no way I want any of the boys to be hurt. A .22 might be a small round, but it can kill just as easy as a .44.’

While we waited for the boys, I told Grandpa about Miller still renting out the cabins. I could see it was really starting to piss him off. Grandpa’s face darkened with rage and his voice came out deadly cold.

‘That dirty, rotten, greedy son of a bitch! Next time I see him, I’m going to kick his ass!’

I was glad I had managed to get Grandpa out of town last night before he found out. His anger today was bad enough — I shuddered to imagine what might have happened if he’d been with me when I confronted Miller last night…

After I managed to get him calmed down a bit, I told him the whole story. ‘After I left you with the Judge, I dropped the horses off at the stable, then I went over to open one of the cabins so we could use it for the night. When I got there, they were all full, and one of the men told me that Miller had rented all of them out — five miners per cabin, for three dollars a night each.

‘I was mad and got Miller out of bed. Just like you now, I was ready to kick his butt, too. He admitted that he had rented them even after you and I had both clearly told him not to. He also admitted that he had charged $3 per man or $15 per cabin, and that he had rented out all three. That came to $45 a nigh
t that he was bringing in for the rental of the cabins.

‘I told him that since we had been gone three days, and that he had probably rented them out each day we were gone that he owed us the rent. He didn’t deny that he had rented them all three nights, so I charged him $185 — $135 rent plus $50 fine for renting them without our permission.’

I laughed, ‘You should have heard him bitch when I gave him the choice of either paying up or go to jail!’

The word picture I drew of Miller fussing over the money he lost really got Grandpa laughing. For once, that cackling laugh of his was directed at someone else’s misadventures and not me.

‘It serves that greedy bastard right! There ain’t no better way to fix a greedy bastard like that than to take his money! I still think I’ll kick his ass next time I see him, though.’ Grandpa gloated.

When Bear returned with the other boys in tow, we rounded them all up and took them to my cabin where we sat them down by the gun rack. These boys, including Standing Bear, had grown up with guns as part of their culture. Regardless, although they already knew they weren’t toys and you didn’t fool with them, weapon safety is a lesson that cannot be driven home too often.

The boys, knowing the importance of the message, listened attentively as I explained the proper way to handle firearms, always stressing safety first. I took each gun out of the rack and demonstrated the proper ways of handling each. Then I concentrated on the Model 39’s and had each boy, including young Jake, handle each and show me what they had learned. Jake needed help to actually hold the relatively heavy weapon (for him, that is — he was only four!), but like the man he was to become, he soon proved competent, as did all the others.

As I walked them through their lesson, I realized I was uttering almost word for word the lessons that my Grandpa Jake had taught me. Then, when I watched the young Jake sit down with a huge grin after his turn showing what he had learned, the strangeness of what I was doing really hit me! Here I was, teaching the boy that became the man that had taught me when I was a boy! I thanked whatever Power it was that had brought me here for the opportunity in my original time to learn these lessons so I could share them with these boys in this time.

Given their background, all the boys learned quickly and soon we were ready to leave. As Grandpa and I had already discussed, we took two pack horses to carry any kills. We packed the lunch my ladies had done up for us, and the six of us mounted up.

As we settled into the routine of riding, I got to thinking. I don’t know why I got onto that particular subject really, but I realized I had been spending money as fast as I could make it. I guess maybe the constant concern of making ends meet and being a good provider for my family was always at the back of my mind. With that in mind, I decided to head us over to where I knew there was a large pocket of gold.

I thought if we had a small amount of gold, it would supplement my income as a doctor and marshal, and we could use it to trade for some of supplies that we would need. However, first I needed to make sure that it was where I thought it was. So far in this time, I hadn’t found any physical differences, but I still wanted to be sure I could find it.

There were problems concerning any gold we might take from the ranch. Not the least of which, I knew how Grandpa felt about gold miners. I thought that to him, for us to mine gold would seem like a betrayal of his principles. However, I knew of a possible solution that might help him see things from a different perspective, which would allow him to change his mind.

I just needed to make him understand that the gold actually belonged to the Indians. Any gold recovered from land leased from them — meaning our ranch — could and should be used for their benefit. The upheaval of moving their camp to the ranch meant less gathering and Crazy Horse’s expedition to lead the army away meant less hunting.

Therefore, the people were going to need to actually trade for, i.e. buy, more supplies from the white man than they normally would, just to help get them through the winter. The People didn’t have any money, and normally eschewed it, but they would need it or its equivalent, just to survive. Enter the gold that we could mine right here on the ranch…

But, the sudden appearance of quantities of gold in the local market was a problem all by itself. We did not need or want another gold stampede in the Black Hills area, and especially around our ranch. Thus, any gold I used for trade must just be in small quantities that I would explain as having been taken in as fees from my doctoring of the miners. We certainly did NOT want people to even begin to think I might have made a new strike locally.

Noticing that I was lost in my thoughts, Grandpa asked, ‘What are you thinking so hard about Clay? You’re sure not acting like it’s hunting. Your mind seems to be about 5 miles away.’

I looked over to the boys to see if they were paying much attention to us. Seeing that they weren’t, I explained, ‘I was just thinking about how expensive everything was around here because of the gold rush. And the People probably won’t have enough supplies for the winter between moving and the hunters being away with Crazy Horse. Enough supplies to see them through the winter will cost a lot of money. They sure don’t have it, so it’s up to us, but that’s going to be more than what we have right now.

‘It’s been bothering me in the back of my mind for awhile now, but as we’ve been riding, I really started to ponder on it. I was almost to the point where I thought it was hopeless when I remembered that pocket of gold I told you about when I first arrived.’

Grandpa sat upright and gave me a sharp look. He was about to say something, but I waved him off before he could get started.

‘Now, before you start in, I do know how you feel about gold miners. But… regardless of that, we need to do something, otherwise many of our people will starve well before winter is done. So, I thought if we used that pocket of gold, we would have enough money to buy the extra supplies we will need.’

Grandpa was quick to voice his fear of what using that gold would produce. ‘Yes, we could buy some supplies, but as soon as them idiots heard we had gold, they would just start another damn fool gold rush. Only this time, they would be on our land, making another damn mess, just like they do everywhere else they look for gold!’

‘Not if we just spend a small amount at a time. Then we could claim that the gold was just payment for my doctor services.’ I explained.

‘That might work if we didn’t try to spend too much at once, but what happens when we have to make large purchases for the whole tribe? As soon as we pay with that much gold, no one will believe it was for simple doctoring, and the rush will be on again!’ He spat as he found the major weakness in my argument to use the gold for the good of the People.

‘That, I’m not sure of.’ I admitted, but even as I did, another idea occurred to me.

If it worked, it would help solve several issues: It would draw the gold hunters away after a red herring. It would allow the Indians themselves to develop and appreciate a legitimate use for the white eyes’ money within the ‘all-for-one’ structure of their culture. And with that, it would establish the Indians as people who understood the value of money in the greater society, thus legitimizing in the minds of their white adversaries their business dealings as ‘landlords’ of the Paha Sapa — after all, money ‘talks’.

‘Here’s an idea, Uncle Henry! If it worked, it would drive the miners nuts! Suppose we could get Red Cloud to waltz right into the assay office with a good sized poke of that gold… And … just also suppose he claimed that some of his braves found the gold some place else other than around here… Wou
ldn’t that let us have enough gold to do what we need, and also get the miners out of our hair by starting a gold rush someplace else — preferably someplace that no one, white or Indian, has any other use for? Maybe he should claim that he found it in the Badlands?’

‘Now that is an idea! Them poor dumb sons o’ bitches could be wandering around there for months and if they ever did find their way back to these parts, they’d like as not be halfway starved to death. All the ones who haven’t found anything here and that’s most of ’em, would go running off there if they heard gold had been found in the Badlands.’ Grandpa’s cackling laugh as he contemplated it was purely evil.

‘Well, whatever might happen, at least they’d be out of our hair for a while and not causing any trouble around here. I don’t normally wish ill upon anybody, but if they were to fall upon some very hard times out there, it might serve some of those idiots right. And… who knows? Maybe there really is gold out there, and some lucky S.O.B. will find it.

‘If THAT happens, then I can almost guarantee the only miners left here will be the ones with working mines now. There never were that many. The only mine that survived into my time that I know of was the Homestake, over at Lead. We’re just looking to hurry that along!’ I laughed as I contemplated the sweet irony of the Indians deliberately starting a gold rush as the ultimate weapon in their war against white expansionism and greed.

Grandpa’s grin threatened to wrap right around his head as he declared. ‘I love it! Let’s do it! Show me where that pocket is Two Lives!’

Grandpa’s use of my Sioux name was not lost on me. My plan to help the people and tame the local gold rush put me firmly in the Indian camp, and for the first time I could remember, I was truly proud of my Indian heritage and could put aside the memories of the teasing and bigotry I had experienced growing up.

‘Yessir! Follow me!’ I picked the pace up to a canter and led my party toward the pocket of gold. It wasn’t really very far. In my time there were indications that it had been worked a bit, but never seriously. The physical evidence also suggested it had been long after the gold rush of this period.

When we got to the general area where I remembered the pocket of gold being, we had to look around for it because everything was different from when I found it. Like I had suspected when I first found it, there was no sign that it had been found and worked. At this time, it was just a pocket of gold waiting to be discovered.

I remembered it being in a dry wash. In my time, a flood had washed away a tree, exposing the pocket. Someone had found it and worked it a little, then abandoned it. I figured at this time, that tree was still standing and if I could remember accurately where it was, we would find the gold.

I explained what I was looking for, and then we all looked around at the trees that were close to the edge of the dry wash. Finally after about 15 minutes of searching, we found a tree that looked familiar to me. It was already leaning, and would succumb to the next flood. The trees on either side were smaller than I remembered, but I was sure I recognized their general shapes.

We confirmed we had found the pocket when we scratched at the dirt below the base of the tree and found some shiny nuggets embedded in the side of the wash. We had started out on a hunting trip, so we didn’t have any shovels with us, but we soon found a couple strong branches that served as crude mattocks. It was hard digging, but after about an hour we had found enough high grade nuggets to fill our saddlebags.

‘Damn that was a lot of work! However, it looks like we got enough to get everybody through the winter with extra for spare.’ Grandpa declared in satisfaction.

‘Yep! There’s enough there to back up Red Cloud’s claim that they found it in the Bad Lands. And, we can always come back if we need more. I hope he goes along with it.’

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After our sexy reunion last night, I wake up to you touching me. Just lightly, with a soft touch along the elevated side of my body, down over my shoulder and the curve of the side of my body. On its way back up, your hand dips down to graze the side of my breast, the tenderest part. I let out a deep breath and my chest moves as I feel my raised nipple harden. You respond immediately, quickly moving your hand to grab and squeeze my whole breast. I keep exhaling deeply, making a lot of noise as...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Princess Hiba

My cock has been caged since before puberty , my body stunted by aggressive hormones and steroids. Strict diet and physical exercise. I have natural large B-cup breasts, a perfectly round ass and beautiful legs. My hair is past my ass, my body completely hair free. My name is Hiba it meaning in Arabic is “gift” . And that’s what I was a gift to Prince Ali Bashir. Given to him by my family to repay a debt. I don’t remember them or know who they are.Prince Bashir was a man with many beautiful...

3 years ago
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Marathon Girl

The incessant pounding of rubber soles to pavement thumped focus. Then determination. I can do this. I will do this, each stride seemed to say. I must do this, thought the runner, why I don’t know, but I won’t rest until the training is done and the race is complete. The sweltering heat was relentless. Lelanni wanted it that way. Anyone can train at six in the morning before the torturing sun is high in the sky. That which doesn’t kill me will only make me stronger. The twelve ounces of water...

4 years ago
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Micro Skinny to Chubby Bunny

Micro Skinny to Chubby Bunny What a total delight that was! I bet that bitch was totally ashamed and embarrassed as all hell when she left. Or should I say he with that massive penis that was raging. I bet he was totally getting off to all of us, perv, serves him right. Jamie was thinking this as she was showering and cleaning up after teaching her morning fitness class. Looking in the mirror thinking oh yes, this is the body that everyone desires and I now have it. She works the mornings...

3 years ago
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Wife breaks the routine

After three years of dating and two years of marriage the sex had started to slow down. One sexless week would turn into two. When my wife asked about it I let it slip that I thought sex had become routine. It may have been a mistake but as it turned out honesty was the best policy.That evening I was mortified when I overheard her telling her older sister what I said. Her sister was a new age feminist wanna be psychologist. I just knew this could lead to no good. I heard my wife nervously...

Wife Lovers
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Caught Snooping

The door opened and a middle-aged couple entered the premises of my humble office. “Have a seat.” The couple sat down on the chairs in front of my desk. “Hi. I’m Clarissa Morgen. What can I do for you?” I reached my hand out to them and shook each of their hands. “My name is Paul Shafer, and this is my wife, Helen.” The man answered. “We were told you could help us find out missing daughter.” Finally! Another case! It’s been a while since I had anything to work with. “Can you tell me what...

3 years ago
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SQUEEZE BEES After baseball practice, Sean takes Jeff home with him because Rachel is working. “Sean, you’re the best,” as Jeff jumps up on him for a full bear hug. “And you’re a special kid,” one arm wrapped around Jeff’s back, the other around his bottom. As he leans to put him down, Jeff quickly holds on tighter. “I’m too happy up here.” “How about we cuddle in the living room instead, so I can relax?” “That’s even better,” climbing down as he speaks. Sean sits back in...

1 year ago
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The Summoned

Your world as you know it, is about to change. As a portal from another dimension pulls you from your original home world, Earth. Conveniently, this is happening while your standing in front of the toilet, holding your dick, enjoying your morning pee. All you are wearing are the briefs that you woke in, which currently are at your ankles. The portal’s bright blue light spirals and contorts your vision, as it pulls your body to the other side. Within seconds your standing in the middle of a...

4 years ago
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My True Odyssey of Slavery and SubmissionChapter 4

In all my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined that pain could bring so much pleasure! I had always thought that the 2 sensations were separate and apart – one could not lead to the other. But I was so wrong. Over the years to come, I would experience much worse pain which would lead to euphoric pleasure but for now, I could only remember what it felt like when Panek’s cock stretched my ass as he fucked me. However, just to be clear ... I didn’t cum as a result of the anal penetration...

1 year ago
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The Real Housewives of McKinney Part 4

I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...

3 years ago
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Victorian Days and Nights Chapter 4

Luna opened her eyes and looked about the dark room, already a week had passed since she returned to England. Although the room was dark, she could tell the sun was still in the sky. Vampires didn't really sleep; it was more of a meditation state to save energy but only when they felt safe. Positive that someone had been in her room, Luna hesitantly opened the door. "Do you wish anything from us, Mistress?" At the end of the hallway stood the two red headed chambermaids. "Were you...

2 years ago
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Birthday Gift For Mom 8211 Part 2 Sex With My Mother

Hello, My Dear Readers. It has been a while since the first part of this story was published, and I do know that the interest generated has slowly faded. However, thanks a lot for the positive feedback you had given me. This new episode is dedicated to all the wonderful people who sent me messages suggesting I continue the story. I hope you like this attempt. As it is an immediate continuation, reading the earlier part will make this more exciting. Happy Reading! “Are you a virgin?” my mom...

4 years ago
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Strangers on a train

It’s 6:30 and I’m on the subway, heading home. I’m in a seat, something I never do, and the train is very crowded. A woman squeezes through the crowd, stopping in front of me. As I am sitting, I see her from the waist down. She’s wearing a white button down shirt tucked into a skirt, that ends a few inches above the knee. She’s also wearing an overcoat of some kind and sheer hose on her long, gorgeous legs. Heels, of course, to accentuate the stellar shape to those lovely stems. I rise and,...

1 year ago
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An Island Ch 02

On Friday night, all of us get together at the pub—all the couples plus me, Mac, and whatever floozy he decided to bring that night. He was always bringing a different girl each Friday night. Lora and Lee, the newlyweds, were already back from the honeymoon. They were arguing over something about the house. ‘So I guess the honeymoon is over.’ I laughed as I ordered a beer. After about an hour of drinking, Mac and a blonde showed up. ‘You’re a little late Mac.’ I snapped. ‘Yeah. Well, I was...

1 year ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 11 Mnage trois

Paul led his two charges into the hall. Jennifer asked him what class was next and he told them it was math. Betty made another face. She hated math. Paul told them that after math they had lunch and then study hall. He intended to take care of Betty's spanking by Jennifer in study hall but she didn't have to know that yet. He wondered what her parents would say when they found out. The three of them headed off for the next class. Jennifer let Paul take lead, lost in his thoughts of all...

4 years ago
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Girl Meets World Teaching Smackle

Girl Meets World - Teaching Smackle[Takes place during: Girl Meets Smackle]It was a quiet night in Greenwich Village, and Riley, Maya and Smackle are sitting in Riley's room giving Smackle a makeover. Earlier in the afternoon, there was a debate between John Quincy Adams and Einstein Academy, Farkle lost the debate and Smackle won. After winning the debate, Isadora invited her arch enemy out for a smoothie date. Smackle seeks Riley's advice on how to win Farkle's heart, even though she knows...

1 year ago
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Wet Lightening

The summer rain pounded against the roof, swirled down the gutters and turned the yard into a huge mud hole. The pack of kids, boys and girls ranging from 4 to 14, ran in and out of the back slider, whipped into a frenzy of delight by the rain, the mud, the mess and the fact that none of the adults were paying them much attention. As if the energy was contagious, the dogs barked joyfully each time a young body streaked past. At the kitchen table, Melissa was in a deep discussion with Joy,...

2 years ago
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The Flight to Paradise Mf inc cons rom

The Flight to Paradise by SpectreOfHell The airplane was definitely in trouble. Even the flight attendants were buckled in six ways from Sunday, and everyone was grasping at the person next to them, certain that the plan would plunge out of the sky at any moment. And all Lyle could think was, ‘I should have expected this.’ Beside him, his twelve year old s****r Lacy was white as a sheet, which was saying something since she was normally dark hued like their mother had been. She had her eyes...

3 years ago
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My Wife Gets Experimental

I’ve been married for 5 years now and whilst sex with my wife was great we had started to look for alternative ways to turn each other on. My wife, to be quite honest, was a little straight laced when it came to the bedroom department, most of our sex sessions ended the same way with her riding me to climax all done with the bedroom light off. She is stunning so I don’t know why she was like this, but one night after a little too much drink that was all about to change. My wife is 5ft 7′ tall...

3 years ago
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The Girl Stories Mission 7

A strong smell of farm animals could be felt there. Some cows were secured behind a wooden bar in the far side, and the top of the barn was filled with rolls of hay. Lilly was quite surprised by the look of it. She noticed the man in charge was talking with, what looked like the owner of the barn. The farmer was a large man in overalls and a checkered shirt. He had three boys and a well dressed girl around him, all around Lilly's age or older. And he had a naked girl on a leash. The girl was...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Gina Valentina Family Bills

Tommy Gunn will do anything for his stepdaughter Gina Valentina but when the bills start piling up and she needs money for a concert he just can’t cough up the money. Gina comes up with a wild idea that they can do amateur porn for an online niche site catering to those who are turned on by family roleplay. Tommy isn’t keen on fucking his 18 year old step-daughter but with the money they will make, he’s seriously thinking about reconsidering his moral standpoint. Gina hands...

1 year ago
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Camera action

One day I was surprised to see a large box being delivered to the house. I hadn't ordered anything, and Michael hadn't said he had either. I text him to see and he just replied 'It's fine, just leave it.' I was tempted to take a peek into the box but I knew that Michael wouldn't like me to do that. He came home from work at noon for his lunch with a big smile on his face. He kissed me and I could tell by his mood that he was happy. "Good day at work?" I asked as his hands clutched my...

1 year ago
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no fucking chapter one

It’s time to play hard. Last night I got caught up in a fit of rage. I introduced the group of boys known as ‘the losers.’ Brent was a tall dork with a bad haircut and raging teenage acne. In his memory I was not girlfriend material. He hadn’t dated a girl and he was a sophomore. I entered the equation as a delinquent freshman pretending to be innocent. Another night I will tell you the story of devious behavior before I was a freshman. How I lost my virginity is a totally different...

2 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 6

Van Daddock was struggling to read Julie's suicide note, which Bobby was holding in front of his face. It might have been easier if Bobby didn't have his foot on his throat, but he chose not to complain about that. When he'd finished reading, he managed to rasp out, "I don't know anything about that! I haven't seen Julie in months!" Bobby ground his foot a little more forcefully into his neck, cutting off his air supply. "Care to try that one again?" he asked coldly. "You had an...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 420

The C5 arrived back from Thailand Sunday afternoon. The freight they carried was tightly wrapped with canvas and quickly off-loaded and spirited away. It took longer to refuel the plane than it did to off-load the freight. The time of Monday’s flight was going to depend on the post trip inspection. The mechanics worked on the checklist until dark and were going to require several more hours Monday morning. I was taking Monday and Fridays off from KCC now and should have been taking more. I...

2 years ago
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Listening to JackChapter 21

Forty-eight hours later, Emily finally pushed the down button on the penthouse elevator, holding a rather special briefcase at her side, her little visit with Tobias and his friends finally at an end. She was wobbling on her high heels as she stumbled through the lobby of the Ravenwood, her whole body still shaking with lewd excitement from the aftermath of the marathon gangbang she’d just been a part of. As she made her way down to the main doors, she suddenly became all too aware of the...

1 year ago
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Death Mask

Death Mask It's a small chapel, with wooden pews and light streaming in through an abstract stained-glass window. The music is gentle, religious. The space feels heavy, like the air has weight. I decide to sit at the back on the left hand side: a lone young man in a cheap black suit, staring at the flimsy photocopied order of service and avoiding the eye of anyone else who comes in. The photo on the cover is a good one, and in color, which is surprising. I smile looking at her face,...

2 years ago
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Summer transformation Part 1

My jaw hit the floor as I read the first email I ever received from John. My mind twisted, heart raised, and my pussy pulsed repeatedly.A week earlier I had posted an ad on craigslist... One of those late night drunken fantasy ads where you spill your darkest desires, wake up the next morning and think "wow... I really am a pervert!" My ad was placed M4M, M4MM, M4MW, and T4M. I wrote:" 18 year old looking to experiment. 5'5", 170, naturally smooth. School is out so I have lots of free...

2 years ago
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Tomorrow is Another Day Ch 02

I’ve had a number of requests to add another chapter to Tomorrow is Another Day, Ch 1, a Vietnam helicopter story. In celebration of the DC Circuit Court’s 2-1 opinion upholding the Second Amendment as an individual right, I went out the other morning and punched a few hundred holes in some corrugated with a .45 ACP 1911 much like the one I carried in a leather, chest mounted, tanker’s holster thirty-five plus years ago. Only pussies carried .38 cal revolvers. On the way to and from the...

3 years ago
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Deryk 3 Portuguese Man o War part 3

Deryk lay sleeping and recovering beside me, his naked body still blotched and scarred from his traumatic encounter. As he did so, I picked over his shorts, partly to check that there were no bits of Man-o’-War left on them but also to go through his pockets. I was curious. In one pocket, I found an old leather wallet, still damp and stained from being in the sea. In it were no credit cards - nothing as easy as that - just a few matted dollar notes (dollar notes are washable by the way –...

4 years ago
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Gods of GardheChapter 9 The City

Chad sat tailorfashion in the center of a small clearing amidst ancient trees, his muscles relaxed, his eyelids drooping nearly closed. Facing him, Charis and Ahlenya sat side by side, similarly intent. Between the three of them a fistsized lump of gold lifted inch by inch into the air, creeping steadily higher under perfect control until at last it came to rest several feet above their heads. Chad could feel the nugget's massive presence in the new way that he was still learning to...

2 years ago
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My first real love

This story is my experience with my first real love. It happened thirty years ago.I was a bartender in college and I had always been lucky with the girls. I somehow had managed to keep three to four girlfriends at a time and never really understand why I needed to. Anyway, my new profession had made it easier than ever to get laid. One night a thirty-something man came in with two really good looking girls. At the end of the night he asked me if I wanted to make some extra money. I cautiously...

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Everythings Just Beachy 7

Everything's Just Beachy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Seven Hunter couldn't help but really rub her fingers back and then he bit his lip, looking into her eyes. He was as confused as he was excited as they gazed at each other, and he was suddenly really happy he was in a sun dress. "Am I ever?" replied Hunter. "I figured you would be," winked Kara. "What girl couldn't use a nice romantic night out with no parents around, right?" "Seriously? Yeah?" smiled...

2 years ago
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QUEST Dragons Hoard

Viermaes wakes up, slowly standing up off the thin layer of silver coins that was all the lay between (A1) Him (A2) Her and the cold cave floor. The dragon stretches slowly, bringing their muscles back into action after months of slumber, ensuring that their (B1) Four legs (B2) Two arms and two legs (B3) Four legs and wings (B4) two arms, two legs, and wings are back in full working order before heading to the surface. Viermaes looks around at the empty wasteland surround its cave, and decides,...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 11

"Holy fuck, dude, I swear I thought their black shit was gonna go apeshit on each other!" Richie cried in a voice somewhere between concern and jubilation. "Ohmigod, Jason, your own mother!" Melinda said. "Did she do anything to you?" "Shit, I woulda loved to see her try with what his Dad's sportin'!" "Richie, you are such a dick sometimes, you know that?" "Oh come on, he was on our side! Even Jason said his shit looks different from everyone else's shit." "Yeah, and so...

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