Dirk Saber P I Jane Russell Ch 04
- 3 years ago
- 50
- 0
Without rainfall and without bloodshed, the 4th of July parade ended in the Catholic Church parking lot at the opposite end of town. Dick Tracy appeared anxious to water some trees, so I parked my Ford in the shade and let my Dick loose. Screw the leash law. My Dick is well behaved. As I stood leaning against the fender watching him sniff and spray, I pondered my approach to Aunt Becky, a.k.a. Janie. Should I act sociable and sophisticated, or tough and cynical?
Because my keen senses were totally distracted, I jumped when I felt a tap my shoulder.
‘Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,’ said a soft voice filled with sincere, feathery tingles.
Turning quickly, I answered in an unmanly squeak, ‘You didn’t.’
Then I cleared my throat, looked into Aunt Becky’s milk chocolate, melt your heart eyes, and decided to be myself for a change. ‘Well a little, you caught me daydreaming.’ Then I smiled and added inside my head, ‘about you.’
She’d put on a thin, blue robe over her ‘Outlaw’ movie costume, but it didn’t detract from her physical magnetism. I struggled mightily to keep my eyes from wandering down.
‘How may I help you, Ms…’
She held out her hand for first contact, ‘Renaldi, Rebecca Renaldi. But please, call me Becky.’
Her hand was warm and delicate, but the grip firm and direct. The alliteration in her name sounded poetic, but I deferred to her request. ‘Okay, Becky.’
As a distraction, I turned my eyes away to locate Dick Tracy, and spotted him hunched over relieving his bowels.
She followed my eyes, and said, ‘Dogs have no shame.’
‘No, they don’t.’ I said, pulling out a biodegradable poop bag from my suit pocket.
Unsure of how to take the conversation from poop to private investigator business, I waited for her to start. Surprisingly, she asked, ‘Are you John Smith?’
‘Yes, I am.’ My surprise must’ve been obvious. I suck at poker. My facial expressions are understandable, like a boner at a nudist camp.
She smiled coyly, and said, ‘It’s a small world. We have a mutual acquaintance.’
Intrigued, I asked,’ Who?’ sounding oddly owlish.
‘Samantha Watson. Her law firm represented me in Los Angeles. After they won my case, I needed someplace safe to hideout for a while. When I mentioned my brother lives here, Samantha said I should look you up if I needed help. She said if I felt in danger you’d keep me safe.’ Becky paused, looked away, and then added, ‘She said you were the best Private Dick she’d ever met. Finding you here, today, is just a happy coincidence… fate.’
Becky reached out and ran her fingers over my lapel. Her touch made me quiver.
‘She didn’t say you were into cosplay.’
‘Cosplay?’ I’d never heard that term before. But because I’m involved with society’s criminal element, the first thing that popped into my head was the allegations against Bill Cosby. ‘What’s Cosplay?’
‘It’s short for costume play. Dress up play acting for adults.’ She sighed, and added. ‘I love costumes. I wanted to be an actress. Costumes are a part of who I am, on and off the stage.’
I felt conflicted. I didn’t want to mix business with pleasure… again. I just wanted the pleasure half. The fate I wanted with Becky had nothing to do with work.
Becky misread my expression, and said, ‘I can pay. I have money.’
Keeping it professional, I said, ‘Good to know. What can I do for you?’
Attractive women are used to getting their way. So my pretend indifference to her obvious flirtation blunted her pretense.
She became serious, and said, ‘I’m being stalked. I have a stalker. I thought about a restraining order, but I know how ineffective they are. Once you’re dead, they work great.’ She laughed without humor. ‘I don’t want my brother’s family involved. So, I’m looking for another place to stay… temporarily.’
‘I see.’
Dick Tracy completed his toilet.
To stall for time, I said, ‘Just a minute,’ and cleaned up my Dick’s mess, dropping the bag in the Catholic trash can while thinking, ‘Holy shit, Becky wants to stay at my house.’
I returned to find her squatting down and petting Dick’s colossal head, her magnificent cleavage on display beneath the parted robe.
‘You can stay with me, until I convince your stalker to take a hike.’
‘Really? I appreciate it. I feel safer already.’ She stood, looking relieved, if smiling and gorgeous is a relieved look.
‘Where are your things? At your brother’s?’
‘No. I’ve been staying at different motels. All my stuff is in my van.’
‘Good. I’ll drive you to it. You can follow me home, and you can tell your brother you’ve found a place to stay, but don’t say where. It’s safer if no one knows where you are.’
‘How can I tell anyone where I’m staying when I don’t even know where you live?’ Looking ill at ease, she added, ‘Tell no one?’
‘Good point. You can tell your brother, and call him later with an address if you want. Make sure he knows it’s for your safety.’
‘Okay. Thank you. I’ll be right back.’
I returned to my Fordor Deluxe, put my Dick in the backseat, and started the engine. Becky returned a few minutes later with her suspicious, big brother. It took some convincing, but he finally agreed his little sister needed a bodyguard for a while.
We drove in silence back to where the parade began and retrieved her vehicle, a Honda Odyssey. Apparently, we had vehicle preferences in common, as well as what she called cosplay. The back was filled to the ceiling with cardboard boxes.
I pulled up next to it, and said, ‘Follow me. It’ll be easy. I live outside the city. You won’t get lost in traffic.’
‘It would be easy to follow you anywhere,’ she said, laughing, ‘I doubt there’s another car that looks like yours outside of a museum.’
‘That’s true,’ I agreed, feeling foolish.
Maybe Becky picked up on my discomfort. She touched my sleeve, and said, ‘It’s a cool car. I love it.’
I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home, keeping an eye on her van in the tiny rearview mirror. Planning ahead, I would call Samantha. I needed to know the rest of the story. God, I miss Paul Harvey. Sam would fill me in on the details, plus I wanted to thank her for the referral.
Taking a circuitous route, we arrived safely. No evidence of a tail. After unloading her personal items into the guest room, I replaced my van with hers inside the garage. When I returned to the house, much to my dismay, Becky had made a quick change from her sexy movie costume to red shorts and a loose fitting white blouse. Still, there was no hiding her curves completely.
‘Nice place, very secluded.’ she said, standing in front of the picture window that overlooked the backyard. She watched Dick Tracy sniff along the fence. ‘I like dogs, too.’
‘Good. Dick is my best friend. I’d hate to banish him from the house,’ I said, taking in the enticing view she presented. In profile, the sunshine made her thin blouse semitransparent. Noticeably absent was any means of undergarment support. I thought it would be rude to mention it and embarrass her. Then I wondered if she posed purposely for effect.
‘How much are you going to charge me for 24 hour protection?’
Okay, time to get down to business. ‘Here, look this over, but remember, everything is negotiable.’ I handed her a contract with a list of my rates.
She looked it over, while I looked her over.
‘Hmm, seems fair’, Becky said, turning to face me. The blouse jostled provocatively. ‘Although, if this situation drags on, I may want to renegotiate the deal.’
Holding out a pen, I said, ‘Just sign on the bottom line, and then we’ll discuss your case in detail.’
Becky walked over to the dining room table, all the way around to the far side, and bent over to sign – ample cleavage with pokies on display. Nice. Intentional? Gotta t
hink so. Maybe we were already renegotiating the deal. I may have to read one of Trump’s books. I wonder if there’s a chapter on carnal capital investment. Probably not, because he respects women so much. If you’re wondering… yes, that’s sarcasm.
I sat across the table with pad and pen, and said, ‘Okay, Becky. Tell me what’s going on. I’ll listen, and ask questions as needed.’
‘Okay,’ she said, and then after a brief pause began, ‘When I was in L.A. trying to become an actress, I became acquainted with a number of men in the movie industry. It turned out my resemblance to a dead film star made it difficult for me to find legitimate work. No one wanted to hire a look-a-like, unless it was for some low budget porn movie.’
Becky paused, frowned, and took a moment to compose her thoughts before continuing. ‘I began doing mall openings, charity events, and private parties posing as Jane, just to pay the rent.’
‘Jane?’ I said, acting oblivious.
She sighed, and said, ‘Jane Russell. She was a sex symbol in the 30’s and 40’s. Few people remember her outside of Hollywood. I think I could’ve been a good actress if given a chance.’
‘I see. Go on.’
‘One of the men I met, Lloyd Fairweather, became infatuated with my ‘Jane Russell’. He kept asking me out, and wouldn’t take no for answer. When he finally broke into my apartment, I had him arrested, and now he’s angry. Last week, I found an anonymous note pinned to my door. It read, ‘You’ll never see it coming.’
‘Fairweather, is that his real name?’
‘Legally yes. He changed it from Boyd Schlitzmiester to sound more appealing.’
Do you think he really wants to hurt you?’
‘I do. You see, he was a celebrity impersonator, as well. We’d work the same jobs occasionally. He would dress up as Bela Lugosi’s Dracula, but once whispered to me he always wanted to play Jack the Ripper. That comment didn’t leave me warm and fuzzy.’
‘So, I should be on the lookout for Bela’s doppelganger?’
‘Lloyd worked part time as a makeup artist. He could change his appearance like a chameleon, and that’s what makes the threat so scary. I won’t see him coming.’
‘Do you think he knows where you are now?’
‘I’m not sure. I once told him where my family lived.’
I wrote down on my pad, ‘Google search – how do I find the invisible man?’, and said to Becky, ‘I think you should lay low for a few days. With Fairweather friends like that who needs enemies. If he does check out your brother’s place, he’ll probably give up and go home if he doesn’t see you.’
Standing, I said, ‘That’s enough for now. I need to get out of this suit. Cosplay time is over for another year.’
Becky stood, and pulled her blouse down tight to straight it. ‘Too bad. You look badass as a gangster.’
I swallowed hard, raised my eyes from breasts to brow, and said, ‘This isn’t a gangster costume. I was impersonating FBI agent Melvin Purvis. But I am badass no matter how I look.’
‘My mistake,’ and then grinning, she added, ‘Melvin Purvis, I’ve heard of him. Didn’t they call him pervy for short?’
‘I doubt it,’ I said, feeling peeved. No one mocks my hero. ‘I’ll be back in a few minutes. Make yourself at home.’
In my room, I stripped off the zoot suit and hung it in the cedar closet until next year. Sitting on my bed, I picked up my cellphone and dialed Samantha Watson. It had been months since we spoke. Would she even answer?
After four rings, she did. ‘Hello?’
‘Hi, Sam, it’s John.’
‘John Smith, Dirk Saber PI?’
Oh! John! How are you?’
Disappointed. ‘I’m good. Can’t complain. How are you?’
It took her three minutes of nonstop yacking to inform me of all the life changing things she’d experienced since leaving me.
Finally I worked in the reason for my call. ‘What can you tell me about my new client Rebecca Renaldi?’
This wasn’t going as well as expected. ‘Rebecca Renaldi. Your law firm represented her, and you recommended my services to resolve her stalker problem.’
‘I don’t think so. What does she look like?’
The easiest way to describe her was, ‘She impersonates Jane Russell.’
‘Okay, that rings a bell. When I first came to L.A. the firm was representing several prostitutes who agreed to a plea bargain in exchange for testimony against their high society Madam. I stayed with the girls in a hotel room for protection until they testified.’
‘I see.’ Dammit. My stomach sank. ‘How did she get my name?’
‘I probably dropped your name in conversation on one of those long, boring nights of girl talk. You were a lot of fun, John. I’ll never forget you.’
‘Thanks, Sam. We had some good times together.’
‘Anything else I can do for you?’
‘Nope, that helps a lot. Thanks.’
‘Call anytime. Don’t be a stranger. Buh bye!’
‘Nice talking…’ too slow, she’d already hung up.
I lay back, pondering what I should do next. Rebecca Renaldi was a prostitute, and she lied about Sam recommending me. Was this some kind of scam, or did she really need protection? Why would she want to con me? My detective work would have to begin with finding out the truth. After putting on shorts and a tee shirt, I went in search of my house guest.
Walking by the living room window, I spotted her in the backyard, playing tug of war with Dick Tracy. Turned out that Becky was no match for my Dick. He shook his mighty head back and forth, making her arms and chest bounce in response. He pulled and jerked backwards, as she held on tight to the rope and pulled in the opposite direction. Her constantly oscillating breasts put tremendous strain on the blouse, which suddenly caused a catastrophic buttonhole failure, opening the garment for full and fabulous exposure.
Becky let go and stood with her hands on her knees laughing. In a winded voice, she said, ‘I give up. You win!’
Dick moved closer to her, shook the rope for her to grab, suggesting he wanted more, that the fun ended too soon. My Dick and I were in sync as usual. But Becky had enough. She straightened up, while buttoning up.
I moved to the dining room table and brooded over my next move. Anyone who likes dogs can’t be all bad. Becky definitely had a couple of redeeming, voluptuous qualities. The bigger question remained. Why did she lie? Now all I had to do was figure out what she wanted from me. I already knew what I wanted from her.
‘Hey,’ she said, interrupting my lecherous thoughts. ‘I’ve had an idea.’
‘About what?’ I asked, taking in her tousled hair and flushed cheeks, the consequences of playing with Dick.
‘I don’t have a lot of savings, so I was wondering if I could work off some of your security bill.’
Intrigued, and jumping to erotic conclusions, I asked, ‘What do you have in mind?’
‘I could cook and clean. Be your maid while I’m here. This place could use a thorough dusting and vacuuming.’
Not quite what I’d hoped for, I said, ‘Really? You’d want to do that?’
‘Sure, why not? I need to keep busy. I hate just sitting around, and it would save me money.’
‘Okay. I accept.’
Why not? I wasn’t hurting for money, and it was an offer I could accept without guilt, unlike some other services I secretly hoped she’d provide.
We agreed on an hourly rate and guessed at the amount of time needed. We sealed the deal with a handshake.
Letting go, I said, ‘I have some ideas I’d like to run by you.’
‘Okay,’ she said, a little apprehensively. ‘About what?’
‘Have a seat.’
Watching her face closely for any sign of distress, I said, ‘I’m thinking about calling Samantha Watson in L.A. and asking her to look into Lloyd Fairweather. See if he has a record. You had him arrested, so he should be in the system.’
She frowned, and looked unsure, but then recovered, saying, ‘I never pressed charges, so there is no
record of him breaking in. I just wanted to scare him off. I’d just finished with my court case and didn’t want to go through that ordeal again.’
‘Do you mind telling me what that court case was about?’
Becky suddenly became angry. ‘Yes, I do mind! It had nothing to do with Mr. Fairweather. It’s personal and none of your business.’
‘Sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,’ I said, but her anger put new doubt in my mind. ‘Samantha would check on Mr. Fairweather’s whereabouts if I asked.’
‘No. I don’t want to involve any more people with my problem. I’m paying you for protection just for a little while,’ she said, standing and turning to go. ‘That’s all I want.’
I watched her ass sashay out of the room while thinking, that’s not all I want. A few seconds later, her bedroom door closed sharply.
Sitting in my home office once again, I leaned back in my chair, put my feet on the desk, and closed my eyes. Maid Becky had drained me mentally as well as physically. When the whirr of the vacuum cleaner stopped I woke from an unintended nap. The desk clock reported a twenty minute snooze had elapsed. An unsettled feeling settled upon me. I needed to do something normal, do something that would get Becky out of my head so I could think clearly. It was the perfect time to brush Dick. ‘Dick,...
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She was later than usual because she had wanted to talk to the woman in charge of the care home about her mother’s condition. He mother had been suffering with dementia for a number of years, but recently she seemed to have worsened. She no longer recognised her daughter and Jane’s visits often consisted of her sitting silently beside her mother as she pretended to be knitting. She checked her watch, it would be half an hour before the bus arrived at the depot, then she had to change to...
We begin our story in search of Jane Bondage, the most prized agent in her Majesty's secret service. Queen Lezbeth sent out most of her entire force in the search for her.You see, Jane retired a few years ago to a location unknown to everyone to avoid her powerful enemies as well as AT&T telemarketers.The world was in desperate need of her now more than ever as the evil Dr. John Covid spread his bug throughout the world.The evil Doctor had sprung many of his accomplices from prison. Their...
BDSMJane wakes up at 6 in the morning and quickly gets dressed and leaves. 'Man that was so humiliating and I have to go to Miss Thompson's house next Tuesday. Shit.' Jane gets home and goes right to bed. Next morning, Jane wakes up and goes straight to the shower. After a long shower she throws on a pair of shorts and her t-shirt(you know the one). As she goes in the kitchen she is surprised to see her mother home. Jane asks "Shouldn't you be at work?" "Yes, I called in sick. I was...
Chapter 1 It was summer vacation. Dick and Jane helped Mommy and Daddy pack up the car. Then they sat in the back seat of the car. They had their seatbelts on. Their little sister Sally sat in a car seat between them. Daddy drove the car. Mommy sat next to Daddy in the front seat. Daddy drove down a country road. Everybody sang. Daddy parked in front of a cabin. The cabin was beside a pretty lake. Mommy took Sally into the cabin. Dick and Jane helped Daddy unpack the car. There were other...
Jane -- The coming of Carol. Jane lifted a dirty hand to brush the sweaty fringe of hair from her eyesand looked with satisfaction at the end result of her labours of the last fewweeks. Solid and sturdy, it looked smaller than she'd expected but she knewit would seem larger from inside. She walked around it, pausing at its doorto work its lock several times to reassure herself of its fail-safe operation,before putting away her tools, each in its proper place, and leaving the barnfor her...
Mary Jane sets a trap (humiliation version)By lilguy [email protected] Jane finds out Black cat sleeping with Peter and sets a trap for a catfight Author note- This was a commission I did for someone elsehttp://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/lilguy31/profileFelica (aka Black Cat) sleeked through the roof tops in a skin tight catsuit. It was tight and leather hugging natrualy and tightly to her body. It had little mini pockets to hide all her gear. The pants hugged to her butt showing the...
Wednesday finally came, and Jane phoned my work once again as my ‘Aunt’ to tell me her ‘cover’ story about how we knew one another. “If anyone asks, we play golf together Jane informed me. “Only my two best friends know about you”. “Also, 7pm is too early for you, arrive about 8.30pm and wait in the bar. I want to make it look like a chance meeting. Not an invite”. I was listening intently to Jane’s soft voice, getting slightly turned on. “Seems a bit over the top, but ok.” I replied before...
Issue 11: Mary Jane loves Spider-Woman Reed motioned at the large piece of equipment he'd been working on and I piqued up. "You've got a scientific curiosity right? This is a transdimensional inverter I've been working on... do you want to see this machine tested?" "Do I!!" I beamed as I followed him to the transdimensional machine. I examined it closely as Reed explained it's principles to me in detail. "Wow. How do you factor in... Oh you've used Heisenberg compensators!" I...
It was three days since their adventure, three days of Jane constantly thinking of what had happened, three days of her picturing herself naked in front of three strangers, sucking their cocks, she could still feel their cum on her breasts and face. Three days of seeing herself laid out on the pool table, Brendan between her thighs, pumping his seed into her. Three days of thinking how her husband had calmly walked over, using her mouth while Brendan used her cunt.During that three days she had...
POSTING SOMEONE'S ELSE'S STORY The story herein is told as best as I can recall it. It occurredduring 1948-49-50. There are continued incidents that occurred 1952-58.Over the years I have relived these events countless times, carefullyreconstructing in my mind many forgotten details and conversations -- atone point undergoing hypnosis to recall details or events that lay buriedunder a lifetime of other thoughts and concerns.What follows is presented as clearly as I can remember... The single...
Tarzan and Jane had spent a week in the jungle, after their first meet, using everywhere they saw fit to fuck like a****ls. The jungle never seemed to be at such peace with every living thing within it getting laid. Tarzan took Jane to one of his favorite spots in the jungle. As they walked past the brush of the jungle Jane came face to face with a lagoon, who's beauty exceeded that of the safari an sunset. Throughout the week Jane had fully abandoned her clothes, claiming doing so to further...
Jane didn't get home till after six in the morning and as she laid in bed trying to get to sleep she smiled for the first time in a long time as someone may finally be able to help her. Dave had said that he would take away the majority of the commands if she would trust him. That was suppose to happen next week, unfortunately he had to go to a conference in Canada at noon, and wouldn't be back till the following week. Jane falls asleep thinking of better times. When she wakes, she gets up...
True Story of Jane Part 1 When I first met my wife she was 23 and I was 28. She had been married once before. I learned very quickly that she was very sexually experienced and I found out she had had a black American soldier, who was stationed in England, as her boyfriend for a while. I pressed her to tell me more about sex with him and she readily admitted that he had the biggest cock she had ever taken (and she also admitted she had taken quite a few). She said that his favourite position was...
Jane was wearing a dark long flowing dress, spaghetti straps, open from the neck line all the way down to the small of her back, six white buttons down the front. She wore black Steve Madden Deja Vu platform shoes, red lipstick and a splash of smokey grey eye shadow.She was quickly walking down the street, as if she was late for an appointment. She was clenching her small purse in one hand and a ticket in the other. She walked down the stairs into the subway station. She could feel the warm air...
Granny Jane sat in her garden, breathing in the summer breeze. She wore a lime green bikini that contrasted well against her lightly tanned body. She loved the summer, and sitting in her garden sunbathing was a great way to pass the time.Granny Jane was in her late forties; her blonde hair had recently been cut a little and her grey-blue eyes seemed to twinkle more. She had a small nose that sat above a thin, glossy-lipped mouth with pearly white teeth. She was a picture of beauty and looked a...
LesbianThe country lane was becoming more and more familiar, as he approached his Aunt Jane's place. This trip to visit her was certainly not his idea; it was, in fact, his mother's idea. She'd said that Jane was in a major slump, after the death Uncle Henry, and wasn't apparently getting things done. She'd then said that she hoped that a visit from Jaime might settle her down and provide some extra help that she needed to get some things done around her house.Jaime, recently arrived from Iraq, and...
"Now, Jane," he said, not whispering but still below a normal voice level. "I want you to answer me very truthfully. Did you or did you not enjoy sucking my cock and swallowing my cum?" Without flinching, Jane/Joe answered. "Yes, I did. To both." "And do you want us to do this again... and again?" "Yes!" "And how about ass-pussy fucking each other?" "Yes!" "And if I want to piss in your mouth and have you piss in mine?" Jane/Joe was quiet, thinking. Then: "Yes, even...
What a great year this was turning out to be. I had just completed my internship with a company and was offered a full time job with a sister company in another state. I was excited about moving to a new city, but because of my reckless spending I did not have much money in the bank to afford a big move like this. It was depressing to know that after just turning twenty-five, I did not have much to show for my hard work. I was scheduled to begin my new job at the beginning of the next month so...
Jane was going to make something of herself. At age 24, she was determined to get through law school and become a corporate lawyer. Nothing else matter to her. Other people were merely puppets that existed only to help her reach her goal. Her beauty was merely a tool that she used to get others, especially men, to do her bidding. Unfortunately for Jane, the tables were just about to turn on her. Jane was like a hellcat around the law school library. She would make impossible demands on the...
Jane was going to make something of herself. At age 24, she was determined to get through law school and become a corporate lawyer. Nothing else matter to her. Other people were merely puppets that existed only to help her reach her goal. Her beauty was merely a tool that she used to get others, especially men, to do her bidding. Unfortunately for Jane, the tables were just about to turn on her. Jane was like a hellcat around the law school library. She would make impossible demands on the...
Jane was going to make something of herself. At age 24, she was determined to get through law school and become a corporate lawyer. Nothing else matter to her. Other people were merely puppets that existed only to help her reach her goal. Her beauty was merely a tool that she used to get others, especially men, to do her bidding. Unfortunately for Jane, the tables were just about to turn on her. Jane was like a hellcat around the law school library. She would make impossible demands on the...
First year of college and she felt overwhelmed instantly. Crammed tight against two-hundred withering, sweaty bodies, Jane fought her way to the sign in table. Elbows hit ribs, shoulders brushed one another, and asses cuddled into groins. The moment she burst to the front of the crowd, Jane sighed with relief. Quickly stating her name and year, the senior running the table ended up tossing her into a co-ed dorm. Looking at the piece of paper the senior had thrust into her hand, Jane headed to...
College SexJaneMy wife, Jane and I, David, have been married for 21 years and she is 40 years old, while I am 45 years old. We met when she was 18 years old and I was 23 years old, at the same factory. We have 2 k**s, both have moved on with their lives and we have regular contact with them. She is still as good a looking woman as she was when I first met her, all those years ago. But sex between us has become a bit stale over the past few years, and even she admits to that. Jane stands 5 feet tall and...
Mom made the phone call and called me back to say that everything was settled and that Aunt Jane would not mind at all. It was settled then. I packed my belongings and headed out with about one week to move in and reacquaint myself with my Aunt. Driving up to my Aunt's house I wondered if I had made the wrong decision? I walked up to the door and was happily greeted by my Aunt Jane. After exchanging hellos we adjourned into the sitting room to catch up on each other's lives. "So Brian,...
JANE By Lorna Elizabeth Black CHAPTER 1 - NEW BEGINNING Two years ago, I was, to my mind, in a bad way. My marriage had just ended in divorce and I'd lost my job through redundancy about the same time. So all in all, I was what you might say, in a fairly desperate state. However things were beginning to improve slightly, I did manage to get another job as a clerk in an accountant's office in another town. Although I had spent most of my working career in the insurance...
Sally Mist walked into her house after finishing her morning run, sweat running down her 26 year old petite body. As she walked past her living room door she could not believe her eyes. There, sitting in her easy chair, without a stitch of clothes on, sat Brian, the campus gardener, with some Bimbo kneeling in front on him between his legs, with her head bobbing up and down. "What in the hell is going on here?", she yelled at Brian. Brian quickly jumped up, searching for his clothes and...
Changing JaneI: The End Of The Same The sun blared light through the small bedroom window. Jane had been woken up this way for the past seven days, ever since she decided to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life for a break, a little time alone to reflect on herself and where she was heading. As the light poured in through the window, Jane rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and roused herself awake. She looked at the small clock on the bedside table and saw small red numbers...