Hallelujah Ch. 02 free porn video

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‘I don’t care where the boy’s worked, or who he’s worked with! D’ya get that, Bennie?! He could be Johnny fucking Cash and it wouldn’t excuse this shit. I wouldn’t care if he was rookie enough to make this kind of amateur error. I work with your studio because your studio is professional, and…and sonically effective. This…recording is too nice a word…is neither. It’s your mess now, Bennie. You can explain to the label why you were unable to provide the producer THEY chose for THEIR artist with someone capable of following the simplest of directions. You can explain why they asked for a song and got this…this…this fucking mess! I simply will not be held accountable for a mistake made by one of YOUR employees!’

Walter Russel’s face has invented new shades of crimson. Actually, it’s been experimenting with them ever since he heard the playback of the track we’d cut. You might think he’s being overly dramatic, or just an asshole, but I get it. No, really. I do. As much as I hate to admit it, I realize that we pretty much snowed the guy. He was brought in, contracted to help work the song, and we shut him out. But fuck if the new version of the song isn’t the best thing I’ve heard in years. It has soul. It knows three different kinds of magic, all of them deadly. It has ‘fuck me’ eyes. And I’m not backing down on it.

Bennie’s been listening to Walter’s rant, and nodding apologetically at all the right moments, but his eyes have stayed locked on me the whole time. The right side of his mouth twitches sometimes. He’s not raised one word in my defense.

Yup. I’m getting fired.

Finally he turns to Walter. ‘I apologize for everything, Walt. You know I don’t stand for this kind of thing, and I realize that it was one of my employees…’ too much emphasis on that word. As in, ‘soon to be ex,’ I suppose, ‘…who caused the debacle. I will be notifying the label that they will not be charged for this morning’s session, and I intend to cover whatever time you were in with the band as well.’ He snorts air through his nose. We all know Walter didn’t show up until hours after we’d started work. Even for having to juggle sessions, he was way late. ‘But that aside, this does not have to be a big mess. The room is still set up, the equipment is ready, and I have another engineer who can be here inside of twenty minutes. You can still get your song done today, the way you want it done. At a reduced charge.’

‘It’s not his song,’ I interject. Nobody acknowledges me.

Walter draws himself up and responds to Bennie instead. ‘I don’t think you realize the full extent of the disaster this…’ he fails to come up with a good insult, and just waves his hand at me, ‘…child has created. Fields was on the phone to his manager as we left to come see you, raving about how happy he is with the track and how he refuses to cut it again. That man is talking about walking out if I so much as ask him to recut it!’

Bennie sighs. We all know just how sad it would make him to have one less Teddy Fields song in the world. ‘All right,’ he says, ‘we’ll go down and talk to him together. And forget the manager. He’s nobody. We’ll speak directly to the label. They’re a smart group. Besides, Fields doesn’t have the sales clout to make good on a stance like that. If he plays hardball, he might just find himself out on his ass.’ He stands up, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. ‘Jake,’ he says as an afterthought, ‘go home.’

I stand up with them. ‘I’d like…’

‘Go home!’ He shouts at me. ‘I’ll call you tomorrow, but I think we can both agree that today has given plenty of evidence that this studio might not be the best fit for your ideas or methods. Go home.’

They walk out, and I’m left standing there. Thirty-three years old and it still feels like I just got done with a trip to the principal’s office.

Well, fuck. I guess I’ll go home.

Buck Nelson, of shiraz fame, is sitting out on his deck…our deck, really…with a glass of wine in his hand when I get there. He’s got a logoless baseball cap on, tilted forward so that the bill is drawn down over his eyes a bit, and a t-shirt with a large hot dog on it that says ‘Want some?’ across the top. He waves at me as I come up the stairs.

‘Jake! Buddy! All done with work for the day?’

I shrug, pulling my plastic deck chair over to his table and plopping down. ‘Probably forever, actually.’

‘Oh shit,’ he sits up straight. ‘What’s the word?’

‘The word is fired.’ I squint out at the midday sun, feeling sorry for myself for a moment, then I remember that song and my mood lifts. ‘But fuck, my friend, did I help make something beautiful today.’

‘Oh yeah? And how does that manage to get you fired?’

‘Well…I guess it wasn’t the right kind of beautiful. I heard the ocean, and hearbeats, and entire universes imploding. The producer heard a duck’s fart.’

He chuckles. ‘Cheer up. I think I’ve heard that song before anyway.’ He toasts to that. ‘What will you do now?’

‘Haven’t even thought about it, yet. I guess I could go back to New York, or somewhere else. There are a lot of great records I like being recorded in small niche markets. Omaha had that a few years ago…people like Bright Eyes, M. Ward, Rilo Kiley. I imagine I could go out there, see what’s left.’

‘Never heard of any of them people.’

We share a moment of silence. I look over at him. ‘So why aren’t you working on this fine Monday?’

‘Had to take a personal day,’ he winks. ‘I had no say in the matter.’

‘Why’s that?’

‘Because,’ he lifts his glass, ‘my malbec is ready, and wine is an impatient lover.’

‘Never heard of a malbec. Is that a grape, or a place?’

‘A grape. Very dark. Pretty tough tannins. Some places in the world make it softer, a little more fruity, but I like my malbec dry.’

‘It has alcohol in it, right?’

‘So I hear.’

‘Well shit,’ I grin. ‘I don’t suppose you have any extra?’

‘Just ninety bottles or so, all bulk aged and ready,’ he groans as he stands up to get me some. Three minutes later I’m enjoying a gifted bottle and shooting the shit with him as we watch the sun sink towards the horizon.

‘So tell me,’ I say, helping my third glass vanish, ‘how do you manage to get all the supplies for something like this? How do you even learn how to do it? It seems like…shit…ninety bottles of wine? Is your apartment inexplicably bigger than mine, because I wouldn’t know where to put that kind of volume.’

‘Actually, I do this with a friend of mine. He’s a dentist, has a big house out in the ‘burbs. That’s where we do all the work and store most of the final product. I just take a few bottles…say a dozen or so…with me at a time. His basement is our laboratory and cellar. We’ve got hundreds of bottles down there, and more in the works. Ninety bottles just happens to be my half of this particular production.’

‘And you really drink enough to keep up.’

‘We try ever so hard to.’

I shake my head. ‘The whole basement. He must not be married.’

‘Oh, he is. I don’t ask what he has to do to get his wife to go along with it. I assume it’s something vile and disgusting.’

‘Maybe she just likes wine.’

‘Maybe,’ but he seems disappointed by the idea.

‘So how does one go about making their own? I’m curious. You see, I just came into a large amount of free time, so I might be on the lookout for a new hobby.’

‘Well, how I do it and how you would do it are very different things. I go whole hog, while you’d be working with kits. To some degree it’s a ‘who you know’ kind of a game. I happen to have befriended a guy who can get me grapes from US vineyards, which is a lucky draw. That’s hard to come by. So I purchase whatever grapes are out there in the right volume, and my friend and I crush and destem them and go through the whole process together.’

‘I wouldn’t want to do tha

‘Hell, no.’ He laughs. ‘What you would want to do is go down the Fermenter’s Surprise and get a basic equipment setup. It’d cost you maybe a hundred and fifty bucks, but it’ll give you everything you need to make a wine kit. Those…the good ones…can be bought for very reasonable prices, and you can make some very good wine with them. You spend maybe four bucks a bottle when it’s all said and done, and the quality is more like twenty or thirty dollar bottles of wine.’

‘No shit? But that…I dunno. I don’t think I’d like that. It’s like with music: I like being more actively involved, I guess. Making decisions, not just obeying orders. That kit thing sounds like buying your kid a swing set and following the step-by-step to come up with exactly the picture on the box.’

‘No, no way. There are a lot of little things you can do to improve your kit. Once you know what you’re doing you can start tweaking and ultimately that will lead you to bigger and better things.’

‘Give me a ‘for instance.”

‘For instance, you add extra metabisulfite, and age it longer than recommended. You can end up with incredible results. Or, you can end up with shit.’

‘Wow. I had no idea.’

‘It’s easy to get lost in this hobby,’ he pours us each another glass.

‘I don’t suppose you’d pop down to this Fermenter’s Surprise with me right now and help me get what I need? I could use something to get my mind off losing my job.’

‘Can’t,’ he grunts.



‘Oh. That. I guess I am, too.’


A sunny, female voice calls out my name and turns my head. It’s my friend the gymrat lady with the cuckold husband. She comes bounding up the stairs, all smiles. Shit.

I like to think I’m a good person, and I like to think that fidelity and honesty are among the things I most cherish in a relationship. So I’d love to say that it’s the alcohol, or the need to boost my esteem after getting fired, that results in the two of us being in my living room with my pants around my ankles and her stradling my lap in her underwear and bra. But I don’t really know, and I won’t pretend to.

Maybe I’m just horny, or maybe I’m just as big a bastard as any other guy out there. Maybe that drive to breed is just all that we are. Probably, it’s the bastard thing.

What I do know is that I don’t smell any cigarrettes on her breath, and her body is fantastic for approaching forty. It’s way better than I remember it. A fit torso, all nice curves and soft warmth without too much added weight. Her hands cup my face as she kisses me. Then she leans back and bites her lower lip as she unhooks her bra. A shiver runs up my pine She pulls my head in, and I take a nipple into my mouth. Some women don’t really get much out of that, maybe this one does. She moans and her hips roll softly in my lap. She reaches down with one hand and slips it into her own panties. God, I love older women.

She lifts my head, and we’re kissing again. She strokes me through my underwear. Her lips move to my neck, and then down my chest, and I’m thinking I’m in for a real treat. I lift my hips as she pulls my boxerbriefs up and over my erection, and I sigh when she places a pressured, pouty kiss on the shaft, but instead of taking me into her mouth she’s back up and straddling me again. Somewhat awkwardly, as though this is something she’s new at, she guides me into her body, and then she’s rocking atop me. Maybe it’s the disappointment brought on by the tease of oral attention, or maybe it’s the fact that, now that I’m inside her, the thrill of conquest is suddenly absent. Either way, as soon as I feel her body envelope me the lust and excitement vanishes and suddenly I’m just eager to get this over with. I could kick myself for giving in at all.

This is a married woman. Somewhere out there, faceless though he may be, is a man who thinks that she loves him. He’d probably bet his life that she would never do to him exactly what she’s doing to him now.

I think of Jasmine, and I groan.

Mrs. Married thinks it’s something she’s doing, and she lets out a kind of out-of-breath chuckle as she rolls her hips atop mine. Seeing a way out, I make a little more noise than I otherwise would. Grunts, gasps, moans, whatever. I think about it like making a record…for an audience of one. A collection of sounds designed to appease the listener. What I’m really doing is feeding her ego, and it takes her a lot less time to reach orgasm than it did the other night. Afterwards, she cuddles for a moment, makes some small talk, and leaves. I fall asleep.

The sun is going down when the telephone wakes me up. I jump up to get it and fall over the clothes piled on the floor. I get there by the third ring.


‘Jacob.’ It’s Bennie’s voice.

‘Oh. Uh…hi.’

He still sounds pissed. ‘You know, you really fucked up kid.’

‘I guess.’

‘That was a dumb thing to do. And maybe it’s just luck, I dunno, but…shit, maybe this was your plan all along.’ He sighs into the receiver.

‘What was?’

‘Teddy Fields’s label apparently agrees with him about the song. They sent a clip of the work you did to the producer of the film, and he loved it, too. Wants to play it over the end credits. He’s even talking about working it into a scene near the climax.’ He snorts. ‘Never will understand those Hollywood types. Terrible taste in music.’

‘Well,’ I say, equally bemused and uncertain, ‘I guess, tell Teddy I said congratulations.’

‘Tell him yourself. Look, kid, it ain’t all roses. You made a mess and then some. Walter Russell walked. He won’t have anything to do with that song, and he especially didn’t like getting upstaged and shot down in front of me or anybody else. He’s off the project. Teddy Fields wants you to help finish the track, and his label seems to agree. If it’s a producer’s credit you were after, you’ve got it.’

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. I’m speechless. The song is gonna play over the end credits? They want me to produce? I just fucked a married woman AGAIN? What the hell kind of day is this?!

‘Well?’ he asks.

‘I…I guess I…’

‘Come produce the track. Be in at tomorrow, before eleven, in studio B. You’ve got Wednesday morning from nine to noon in C to mix and prep for mastering. And Jake? Once that’s over, I don’t want to ever see you in my studios again. Understood?’

‘Yeah. I do. Look, Bennie, I’m sor…’ He hangs up.

Well, doesn’t this just beat fucking all.

Teddy Fields’s song is going to get heard, and it’s a little bit my fault. I dance a little victory dance, which looks terrible, and start to pacing the room. What I really want is to celebrate, but I’m sure Buck is passed out or close to it by now. I don’t really know anybody else in the area…I’m not about to call up Fields, even if I knew the number, and I don’t think Bennie’s as excited about this as I am.

The two people who were my closest friends when I lived here before? I don’t think they’d be real thrilled to hear from me, either.

So I decide to take a walk. I just want to be around people, so I head for downtown.

It’s a gorgeous night…not nearly so humid as this city usually is. There are tons of people out, many of them young lovers or nuclear families. Smiles and laughter. It’s a good crowd to get lost in. Lots of good vibes.

I stop and listen to a guy play acoustic guitar on a corner for a while. He’s older, black, and he has fat fingers. He can’t play much more than chords, but his voice is enough to make for something special. He’s sweating like crazy…I’d hate to see him out here when it really is humid. He practically slaps through and into the soundhole as he plays Sam Cooke’s rendition of Summertime. I love it.

Moving on, I’m watching the sky as the sun begins its final descent and I’m damn near skipping. If I get nothing else out of Nashville, I produced a lone song that, a
s far as I’m concerned, is absolutely spectacular.

My stomach mentions food. Huh. Looking around, I spot a place called Demos’. I chuckle at the serendipity of the name, and walk over to investigate. Peaking in the window, I can see that it’s more than a bit spendy for me. But then, I’m celebrating, right? Fucking right.

I start to turn towards the door, but something catches my eye. A familiar face. I turn back too fast, before my brain has a chance to process what I’ve just seen.

My face goes up to the glass just in time for Jasmine, THE Jasmine, sitting two tables away from me, to turn in my direction.

Our eyes meet.

Time stops.

Her mouth drops open. I can’t tell you a thing about my own expression…just the sight of her has turned all my other senses off. My whole body is numb.

She looks incredible. Her hair is done up fancy, the spendy kind of done up like one might get for a wedding or a fancy ass party. She’s wearing a nicely fitting, expensive looking dress. She has a neckless on, and make up. She’s six years older than the last time I saw her, and perfect.

She mouths my name…hell, maybe she says it aloud.

There, sitting across from her, is AJ Knox.

Fucking AJ.

He’s dressed up, too. Still looks fit, and confident, and comfortable. He turns in the direction she’s looking and sees me. To his credit, he handles it better than I do. He simply waves, like it’s no big deal. Like he doesn’t even suspect that I’m praying for his death each night. Like he wouldn’t understand why, even if he did know. And then he turns back to her and continues his conversation. I’ve been dismissed.

I linger too long. I can’t help it. I’m feeling lightheaded. The whole world looks like there’s vaseline on the lens. Jasmine stands up, as if to come out to me. AJ says something with a patient expression on his face, and she stops. They’re talking now, and I take the opportunity to leave.

I don’t exactly run. But I get pretty close.

Needless to say, my night has been thoroughly ruined. I feel like such an idiot. What did they think, seeing me staring at them through the window like a lost puppy? Fuck fuck fuck! I mean, Jesus, what were the odds of me running into them at all? Ever?!? Let alone now, just as life has seen fit to finally throw me a little bone.

I don’t sleep much that night. I’d like to say the drama at work is part of what keeps me up, but the truth is it’s all about Jasmine. Jasmine, AJ, and the new visual of them living in happy, domestic, upper-class bliss.

Probably the hardest thing to deal with when you lose the love of your life is to have to discover that you simply weren’t that to them. I know exactly what Jasmine meant to me. I have no idea what I meant to her at all. Sometimes I wonder if I meant anything.

I think about the gymrat, and the faceless cuckold husband, and I feel sick. It seems only fair.

The next day’s session with Teddy Fields goes by without incident. The truth is I’m just not as focused as I was before. The technical aspects, the overdubbing and mixing, all feel so mechanical to me. The music itself, melancholy and murky, is now weighing down the same soul it helped lift up the day before.

Teddy notices and, after the session is over, he leans on the door frame and asks, ‘You gonna live?’

I blink at him. ‘I…yeah, I’m alright.’

He shakes his head. ‘Lemme tell you something, see if it helps: in December of 1811 there was an earthquake in Arkansas that was so powerful it caused the Mississippi to temporarily reverse its flow.’ I stare at him blankly. He raises his eyebrows at me. ‘It made the fucking thing move backwards,’ he smiles. ‘Know what I’m saying?’

I go with honesty. ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about, Teddy.’

He folds his arms and leans forward slightly from the waist. ‘I’ve never seen a river flow backwards, personally, so I don’t pretend to be an expert on the subject. But I still feel like I can say, with some authority, that it probably looked a lot like you do right now.’ His smile turns empathetic. ‘So tell me about the quake.’

‘It’s a long story,’ I shake my head, ‘and there isn’t a short version.’

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I didn't mean to be locked up in the library that night. It was the night before a major essay was due to be handed in, and the only books available to provide the answers were the kind you couldn't check out of the building. Fair enough, I shouldn't have left it so late, but I was fairly confident I could dash off the 1,000 words required within a few hours. So when I turned up at seven-ish, fresh from a post-football practice shower, I wasn't even rushed. And okay, call me a sports jock if...

2 years ago
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Wife Showing In Puerto Banus

We were away for a weekend in Puerto Banus in Spain and were going out for a special birthday, champagne and all the works. My wife, as usual, had dressed to please me in a white cotton dress that was tied gypsy style across her breasts. Although not overtly see-through, it gapped sufficiently showing she was not wearing a bra. Underneath, she was completely naked; she had shaved herself so that no shadows would show her missing clothing. I had been extremely turned on all evening as we dined...

1 year ago
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FUCKEDThis was when i was still in schoolit was in eleven grade my favourite teacher MR.Y wanted me to go over to his house for some lessons.when i got there i knock at the door ...no answer i knock again still no answer. the door was opening so i let my self in . I knew i was his favourite student and i knew that he wanted me but we could have sex at the school. So i knew that now would be the time so i wore no bra nor panties and i wore the smallest shirt and skirt i could find . as soon as i...

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Fascinated By A White Large Penis

My name is Mela. After marriage, I moved to Scotland with my husband AJIT as he got an IT job here from India. I am about 5ft with a normal figure 34C breast and slightly plump. AJIT always likes my plump figure as he said too thin is not his liking. AJIT is about 5ft2. In Scotland, we look small with so many big white people. After we moved here and settled we started to spice up our sex life by watching porn or making a video of ourselves and watching. AJIT has cock about 5 inches which I had...

4 years ago
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Musings and Ramblings

Hi everyone! My name is Nate, but most everyone knows me as ‘Barkeep’. That seems to be the most commonly used salutation, until closing time. Then I get to learn all of my nicknames. When ever I meet someone new I automatically say ‘What’ll ya have?’ I’ve gotten a lot of funny looks from people until I tell them what I do for a living. The interesting part of my profession is that I DO get treated as a professional. When I took my first bartending job, I had no idea that I would automatically...

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Riding Mr Johnson

My sexual relationship with my boss, Mr. Johnson, began with a sizzling hot blowjob in his office, the door locked and the blinds drawn. Despite not being very physically attracted to him (he was balding and meaty) I took up his offer to get on my knees and suck his cock on a particularly stressful day. I had to discovered that I quite enjoyed servicing him with my mouth. His dick, although only five inches, was thick and fat, and his balls were big and a joy to suck on. After the first...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 49 Preparations

May 1979 On Monday afternoon, Kent and Jennie picked me up to get my tux fitted for the wedding. I was very happy to see that they had selected traditional tuxedos rather than some of the gaudy colored ones. All the groomsmen would wear black with light purple cummerbunds and ties and Kent would wear black with light blue. Jennie wanted me to wear black and yellow. I thought the offsets were interesting. Jennie explained that she was wearing light blue and her maids of honor were wearing...

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Rediscovering The Neighbor

Rediscovering The NeighborBy: Londebaaz ChohanAfter graduating from college; I was very lucky that it took only 3 years and my business was booming. My parents were thinking to sell the house and move to a small but nicer, more practical and needing less care home. I suggested and they were happy to sell this house to me. They were glad that the house that had lots of family memories within its structure remained in the family and I was eager not only because I got a good price but also of my...

2 years ago
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Plucked by aunt Traci

It,s late. I was in my room siting by the window when aunt Traci visited. The visit was unexpected. I had just showered. My robe revealing wet, soft, pale nipples. I saw her shift and her gaze lingered. She licked her lips. Her gaze lingered ..’ I i felt the tip of my breast twisting gently. An lips twirling around my nipple. A hand on my vagina. ‘ hi...’ she moaned hugging me. Grazing my breast. The pale wetness of my breast glistening. Her eyes on my breasts seemed spellbound. She and I had...

2 years ago
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My first man on man experience with the new neighb

It was a Saturday morning when Gloria the new neighbor lady came over and asked if my wife was home, I told her that She ran over to Walmart and would be back shortly, she said why don't I just wait around them in which I said okay and let her in. As we walked up the steps she began grabbing my ass and said thanks for the three way with you and your wife the other day. I told her it was really hot and I was looking forward to doing it again in which she said I was hoping you'd say that as she...

4 years ago
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On Impulse

On Impulse By Cheryl Lynn This is a somewhat different fantasy story for me in that in involves messy diaper play. I don't particularly care for this type of story line but decided to give it a try. It is total fabrication on my part and may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use must receive author's permission. Usual disclaimers apply. This is probably not a story for the sweet sentimental reader. On Impulse It happened on a crazy impulse. There was no...

1 year ago
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A Kind of Acceptance

Another year had gone by and it was Christmas again. Samantha pulled her red coat tightly around her as she ran lightly to her car. She turned the engine on and sat, waiting for the frost to clear from the windscreen. She couldn’t believe where the time went. It seemed so long ago since she had seen James, yet, as she checked her hair and carefully applied makeup in the rear view mirror, the memories of their last meeting came flooding back, causing her to pull her breath in sharply as her...

2 years ago
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Pornstar Concubine

Your mind was racing. After the long drive from Baltimore you were finally turning into your new development outside of Los Angeles. Its exciting to be moving to the City of Angels with all the glitz and glamor. The new promotion and transfer into the entertainment wing of your management consulting firm that your grandpa had found is an added bonus. However, it is also extremely nerve racking. Despite losing two days in New Mexico due to car trouble- the movers who were supposed to arrive...

1 year ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 4 A Frayed Knot Afraid Not

Gregg was sitting at an Internet café just down the street from the hospital. He often came here to get business done. It was one of the few escapes he allowed himself. Closing down the University webpage he had just finished with, he sat back and smiled with satisfaction. He was proud of what he had just done and he knew it'd go a long way toward rewarding his students for all their hard efforts. Looking down at his teacup, he saw that he had drunk it to the dregs and considered ordering...

3 years ago
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Fridat Night Pt 2 Saturday morning

I awake with a moment of disorientation. Where am I? What is that noise? Where I am, comes back quickly as I see Sara waking up next to me. The noise is my phone in my jeans. I get to it and see the number is listed as chubby blonde.“Hello?”“Um Hi. I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m the girl from the club you told to go home?”“Yes, I remember you were the pretty blonde who was a little drunk.” I look over at Sara as I say this. She doesn’t seem bothered that I complimenting some girl...

2 years ago
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How Chocolate Made It Happen for the Other Twin

As mentioned, Lisa’s mother dropped her off and you could tell by the look on her face, she was still upset. Uncle Mike opened the door and let the very attractive girl enter his house, still talking to his sister-in-law through the screen door, obviously still agitated. As she passed him, he noticed her long blonde hair, was gathered in a decorative scrunchie and she was dressed in a short skirt with a sheer blue blouse that showed off a matching sports bra she had worn underneath. . . as...

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Short and Sweet

This story, like most of what I publish, is a total fantasy, not a word, person, or location is based on anything more than an erotic thought in my head. I have had a couple conversations with someone that provided some inspiration, I will leave it up to her to find the part(s) that are all hers. Hope you enjoy, love to hear comments. Short and Sweet[/] I met Charlotte, really more by accident than design. I was single and she was too, so that was a plus in the sense that neither of us had to...

4 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 04

It was Saturday. However, this wasn't just an ordinary Saturday. It was my 22nd birthday. As it turned out, my girlfriend, Becca, had something big planned for me early that morning. I was sleeping in my bed when she woke me up at just past Midnight. As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed that something was different. Everything was black. I reached for my face and felt it. Becca had wrapped a blindfold around my eyes, blocking my vision entirely. I heard her giggle as I struggled...

3 years ago
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Payback from Barbar M

Introduction: Barb received such a satifying massage from her favorite massage specialist, Pete, she felt it only necessary the returne then favor on her next visit The week went by faster than I expected. Today, Barbara wanted to reward me by giving me a massage today. She was so ecstatic with pleasure and warm feelings throughout her whole body last week, she wanted to do the same for me. I told her to wait until next time because today was for her. I had never received a massage from a...

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The Pool Party0

I did lose my head, but I can’t pretend I didn’t know what happened, or that I wasn’t in control. I could try to rationalize but I know deep down, I had just wanted it, no matter what, and I took it. I figured I would pay the price, but I think . . . . I think I am going to get away with it. It sure had kept me hard. My wife just the other day said I was like a teenager, with how much I had been pushing for sex. She sure seemed happy with my renewed interest. So I guess I owe it all to...

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Craigslist Chronicles Ch 04 Alex

It's been a few weeks since Alex, and I last hooked up. We've been keeping in touch regularly via text, but his schedule has been busy the last few weeks. Thankfully, we both had the next few days off, and both had some free time. We've been planning this overnight trip that both of us were extremely excited about. A few weeks ago, while at a conference for work, I got a free night's stay at any of their establishments because they messed up on our rooms. I decided to share this free...

2 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 32

Chuck This morning was going to be a normal morning. That is, if there is such a thing as a normal morning in the zoo I call home. After I woke up, I slipped on my peg, drained my accumulated overnight bloat, and went outside to form and relax. While I was moving to each new position this morning, instead of music, I was putting together a plan. I wanted to gather all of the IDs with safe deposit keys and visit each location to move the assets to a single location. I already had begun using...

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Bait and Switch Retype Ch 1920

Ch 19 It takes me nearly an hour to convince mom that she hadn't see an alien ship abducting Summer, and thankfully my sister is there to back up my story. Summer and I agree that my sister needs to leave our mother's home, though, just so that a repeat occurrence isn't likely. Her first thought is to come up and stay with me. When I point out that we aren't likely to be able to keep our hands off each other, and people will notice, and that Lela and/or Harana can pick us up easily...

2 years ago
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A Thousand BucksChapter 4

To understand this story you should read it from the beginning. A special thank you to Estragon for making my story a much better read. After Jenny graduated she started working full time at the motel. I had a talk with Harold and he went in a couple hours a day to see if Jenny needed any help. He told me he felt like he was more in the way than helpful. Jenny was doing a great job. I raised Jen's salary to six hundred a week. I gave Harold three hundred but he and Emma would be moving to...

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NFBusty Didi Zerati Every Inch Of Me

Masseuse Jimmy Bud is just getting ready when Didi Zerati enters the room. Jimmy tells Didi strip down to her underwear. She obediently peels off her dress to unveil some sexy sheer lingerie, then slips out of her bra, high heels, and stockings. The last thing to hit the ground is her garter belt. Slicking up his hands, Jimmy goes to work on Didi’s back and shoulders. Moving lower, Jimmy oils up Didi’s calves all the way up to her thighs. Didi can’t help but moan in pleasure...

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Sow and ReapChapter 5 He is My Brother

Life was better after that. The six of us were together almost constantly. Joey and Ryou were almost as close as my shadow most days, and Honda and Anzu were only a step back from that. Mutou was a childhood friend of Honda's and spent almost as much time with us. Mutou was a strange boy with wide eyes, spiked tri-colored hair and an air of both innocence and sadness — which he hid most of the time under an onslaught of deliberate cheer. The old Seto would have found Mutou's constantly...

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Granny Taught Me

The summer of my 15th year I had to go stay with my 75 year old great grandmother. My parents thought she was getting old and might need some help around her farm. I hated the thought of this as granny had no cable tv or internet. I got there and yes was bored out of my gored right away. I spent time farting around the barn chasing snakes and throwing rocks in the pond. the first week was painful, all I had to do was jack off which I did alot of. Sometime during the second week, I had got up...

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A Friendly Surprise

New York City in the spring is the best time to visit the city. The urban landscape fraught with metal and steel and concrete set ablaze by Time Square’s symphony of sounds and firework electric displays can’t help but make you feel alive! Mandi had just arrived at JKF airport for business. It was her first time in the city and she was in awe. Riding in the cab, she got a text message from her friend Karen. ‘Guess what? I’m in NYC. SURPRISE! Dinner tonight?’ Mandi grinned. She loved Karen....

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Highlight Reel

In my wife's view, this is not a particularly special evening. It's not our anniversary or the birthday of anyone special; just an ordinary Thursday night. The problem is that my lovely wife, for all her brilliance, warm-heartedness and all-round sexiness, just doesn't realise one important thing. The Ashes start tonight.Perhaps it's for the best, since Charlotte was born in England and I was born in Australia. So The Ashes – with more than a century of rivalry between the two countries – could...

Straight Sex
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Transvixen Transvestite Rock Band Chapter Three

Transvixen By Michele Nylons Chapter Three: No Good Deed Chelmsford Dance Hall was packed. Wendy's efforts promoting the concert had paid off. That very morning she had appeared on the local FM morning show. "So Wendy Grayson, manager of Transvixen welcome to the show," the radio DJ began. "Thank you John," Wendy responded. "So...I'm going to ask you the question that's on the lips of anyone who has seen the posters and flyers for tonight's Transvixen debut concert. Are...

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The Howling Family

My punishment, as always, was to stand naked and totally still in the room while my mother and Uncle made breakfast and talked. I could feel my Uncle's eyes roaming my naked body like little biting gnats. It wasn't as if he made an effort to hide his gaze. I didn’t look at him, I didn’t need to. Even now, I knew that my Uncle's eyes were lingering on my breasts. My nipples tightened and grew. I hated my own weakness. He would take my hardening nipples the wrong way. This was my punishment...

3 years ago
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My Next Door Neighbor

I have always had a fascination with women in leather, ever since I can remember. It started with leather pants and skirts, especially mini-skirts and then over time grew to include boots and heels, gloves and now it is covers about everything. I can see an older woman who is not in great shape wearing a snug fitting leather coat and I get a raging hard-on. That is the only thing that has stayed consistent: I prefer tight fitting leather (although a long skirt or dress that gets loose can still...

1 year ago
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The Secret Celebrity Orgy

Author's note: This story features real people in situations that are completely fictional. All characters are over 18 years old and any ages not specified should be understood to be over 18 years old If you like what you’re reading please use that like button and leave comments. I love getting comments, feedback, suggestions and likes determine what threads I prioritize. You moved to LA six months ago with Becca, your aspiring actress girlfriend, a fun, goofy, pretty thing who you’re madly in...

4 years ago
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Awesome Fun With Neighbour In Hyderabad

Hi I’m regular reader of iss .. I would like to narrate story which happened this february and with the permission of anitha(name changed).   Coming to the story anitha 34 is married hyderabadi with good assets and fair. She has two children one ukg and the other 4th standard.   Both husband and wife are software professionals. Mithun , anitha’s hubby is good person but due to his work pressure he was not able to take care of anitha sexually.   Anitha is not a talkative , calm going..We used...

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Forbidden Desires 8211 Part 4 Wedding Anniversary Gifts

There was a knock on the door. Shahid got up and opened the door. It was Prashant. “Hey, sorry to disturb you, kids, but I wanted to talk to you about something,” said Prashant. Roja laid there on the mattress, covering herself with the blanket facing us and listening to the conversation. “Ok… go on,” said Shahid. “Well, today is our 30th anniversary, and I want some wedding anniversary gifts for her, and it kind of requires your help,” he said. “What is it? I will be glad to help,” Shahid...

4 years ago
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Indian school sluts

Names changed to hide their true identity.A little adventure of me and my classmate with the slut of our class and with the daughter of a horrendous teacherhere goes Indian loversphysics labvisitng it aftr a year n it feels like v hd jst left ystrdayfrm kirans table on the right 2 the 4 long wooden table,2 the almirahs holding lab intruments on our left....everythng lukd d samei steppd inside the empty lab...u behind fishin out ur celphone n clickin pics at random (that ws wt u did most of the...

2 years ago
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The Hike Part2

Before Myra could turn around to investigate the noises in the bushes behind her several sets of large hands took control of her little body. She screamed in surprise. The last thing the girl on the ground mumbled to her was enjoy it. She was carried off away from her. A giant hand controlled her head by grasping the back of her neck. Other large hands grabbed her wrists like vice grips and she was whisked up off the ground when her ankles were seized. She was carried effortlessly...

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