Felicity Ch. 71 free porn video

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I was at Jasper National Park in Canada camping by myself. I had become used to camping by myself, I had not wanted that but everyone I knew had outgrown that stage of their lives.

I had a semi girlfriend but she was not a teacher and could not take off on long camping trips. I assuaged her feelings by taking her to Las Vegas as soon as I got back home.

I had just set up in Jasper after spending the night in a hotel in Banff and decided to walk around and take in the sights. In truth most northern forests look pretty much the same and smell pretty much the same. What I liked was the quiet, the isolation, and the surprises.

My campground had at least eighty tent sites but there were fewer than ten of us there. Of course it was still June and most campers of the northern woods don’t vacation until July. In fact I had to wait two days before a snow covered highway in Glacier National Park was cleared before I could move north. Several times that trip people looked at my Texas license plate, shook their head and smiled.

My tent site had a fast running shallow stream behind my tent. Across the highway there was a trail that led up a mountain. I took that trail and encountered a couple of guys from Germany coming down. They told me the trail ended about five kilometers further up at a ten meter wall of snow that blocked the trail.

I turned around and walked back down with them.

I saw a small trail going down to the side and said bye to them and took it. The trail became a ravine and made walking difficult so I took a small trail that led me to a small valley. I did admit it felt a little spooky there.

I sat to rest and saw it was already late afternoon and would be dark soon. I took the small trail back but never found the ravine.

I heard a truck somewhere above me so I hiked up. I came out to a highway about a kilometer down from the campsite so I followed the road back. I fixed myself a can of corn beef hash, drank a beer, and watched the stars appear.

I heard something thrashing through the stream behind me and saw a moose heading away from the highway. I wondered if the bridge over the stream was high enough for him to go under or if he had to cross the road. Even though I already had many pictures of moose it was my first Jasper moose so I took a picture.

It had been a long day for me so I went to bed. It was probably before nine in the evening.

I was up before the sun had completely cleared the horizon. No one came into the restroom while I was there and was happy to see my water was already boiling when I got back to my tent. I did remind myself that I was at altitude and the water was not that hot but it was hot enough for my instant coffee and I ate peanut butter cookies with it.

I was just starting on my second cup of coffee when a bear just walked through my tent site.

It was a small black bear, perhaps two winters old but I looked around for its mother anyway just in case. The bear settled in by the stream and began munching on the new grasses. Again it was not the first black bear to walk through my campsite but I took a picture anyway.

Something on the far side of the stream suddenly got the youngsters attention and it began to sniff the air. With resolute steps it suddenly walked through my site and away from the stream.

‘What would scare a bear? A bigger bear?’ I asked myself.

I looked towards where it had been looking and saw nothing but thick woods. I took a picture anyway then went back to my second cup of coffee.

After a while I picked up a faint whiff of skunk and decided the bear may have had an unfortunate encounter with one earlier in his life.

So far all of the interesting stuff had happened by the stream. I considered turning my tent and the picnic table around so I could face it.

I was a good hiker that never lost the trail I had taken, until yesterday. That bothered me so I decided to repeat it and see were I went wrong.

That time I took some red tacks before I began. I walked up the trail until I saw the small one I had taken the day before, except this one never turned into a ravine and ran more or less parallel to the stream. I had placed tacks by the head of the small trail and had continued to do so about every two hundred meters or so.

The trail seemed to go down which feIt felt strange since across the road from the park there was a mountain. The stream was still headed behind me and the campground.

About a thousand meters later I needed to make a choice so a put tack on a tree and took the trail that seemed to be mostly level. A thousand meters later I decided it was a boring trail and decided to turn back but decided to eat my snack and drink some water first.

I was enjoying some marshmallows when I smelled a skunk. But no, it wasn’t a skunk. It was a different aroma, more like skunk cabbage but less irritating. I looked around and saw nothing. I took pictures of the area the smell was coming from, I figured if there was anything there I would find it when I loaded the pictures to my computer after I got home

On a whim before I began my trek back I left a small stack of marshmallows on a rock. I hoped it would be of interest to Stinky.

I was about halfway back to my tent when I began to feel I was being followed.

The last time I had that feeling I was in fact being followed, by a grizzly bear. That encounter became a happy memory for me.

The bear was an old female and she was simply walking the trail I happened to be on. We were in Glacier National park and she was apparently very much at ease with humans.

Like now I was headed out of the trail.

When I turned to see what was behind me she stopped. I said good afternoon, took a picture, then walked on at my previous pace. I talked to her for about two hundred meters before we came out to the trailhead. Just in case I went to the far side of my car and I took pictures as she looked both ways before crossing the road.

However, this time I did not see anything moving behind me but took another picture on general purpose. The tacks led me back to my campsite well enough and I was soon relaxing on my folding chair by the camp table.

After a supper of canned chili and oyster crackers I decided to see if anything was in any of the pictures. I zoomed in on the images and still saw nothing.

I though I again smelled the somewhat unpleasant aroma and walked to the stream and took a picture of the other side of the stream. That time my flash went off and whatever was on the other side reacted to it.

I hurriedly apologized and put the camera in my pocket. No more pictures I promised. Then I did something stupid, I walked across the stream and left a stack of marshmallows on the other side. It was stupid because the water was cold and now my sneakers were wet.

It was also stupid because I had approached an unknown creature I could not see but had pissed off.

Anyway the creature did not go far, I could still smell it. I went back to my table and brewed some tea to which I added a bit of rum. I had taken one sip when I took my camera out of my pocket and decided to see which creature would never trust a human again.

My mind refused to accept it, I knew they were myths but right across the stream looking at me there it was, Bigfoot. It took me a while to calm down and stop shaking as I inspected the picture.

Maybe there is more than one kind of Bigfoot, this one was somewhat slim and no taller than me. I expected the creature to look like a giant middle linebacker but its body shape was more like a basketball player. Then I noticed her breasts, it was a female.

I wondered if I was the first human she had ever seen. I felt like she was young although likely an adult. I wondered how many there were around me. It may have been three in the morning before I got any sleep.

The following morning
I turned my dome tent around to face the stream. I pulled the picnic table until it was even with my tent opening. I took my chair and my coffee to the bank of the stream and talked to the forest. I hoped she would still be there but there was no sign of her.

As I got up to get more coffee I looked to see if the marshmallows were gone and they were. I knew any number of creatures could have eaten them but I preferred to think she had accepted them as my apology.

My sneakers were still wet and I was just wearing socks but I decided to take another offering across the stream. I put carrots and some lettuce in a disposable bowl then added marshmallows. Before I took the bowls out to her I added a peanut butter cookie.

I took my offerings further back but to a place where I could see her if she came out.

After changing socks I went to the car and brought out my flute, got my coffee and resumed talking to her. After I finished my coffee I began to play the flute.

I had been a member of the symphony orchestra for five years but had to give it up when I moved out of the city after my divorce. My ex was also a member of the orchestra. I still practiced regularly but I normally did not have an audience. That morning I hoped I did.

I played a bit of Beethoven that was not composed for flute and hoped she would be fascinated by the sound. I saw her, she was peeking around a tree trunk to see where the sound was coming from.

I caught her eye and explained the thing in my hands was a flute and it made sounds if you blew into it just right. I demonstrated a good sound and a bad sound then resumed the Beethoven piece.

She again hid behind the tree trunk. Then I though I saw an arm move from behind a different tree. There was more than one of them.

As I played I looked intently and decided there were three of them. I fixed two more plates and put them next to the first. I was going to run out of cookies.

Soon I noted I needed to pee. I decided to do so into the stream and just took my cock out and peed. As expected they were not looking, probably.

My cock was OK in size but unlikely to approach Bigfoot standards. I put it back into my sweatpants as soon as I was done. I resumed playing my flute.

The one in my picture was the first to come out. I nodded to her just as she was about to carry her plate away but even though she did move back she remained in my sight. She apparently dared the others to come out and both did together. They quickly picked up their plates and hurried back to where they first were. There was apparently an unvoiced disagreement about whether they were far enough away until I resumed playing my flute.

They sat as they listened and ate the marshmallows first. Then the carrot. They ignored the lettuce and ate the cookie. They were fascinated by the music and they stayed there while I played. I studied them.

One had darker hair and tits. She was bigger than the other two and her hair was longer. One was smaller than the other two and had no tits, a male. His hair was somewhat reddish. My first companion groomed the older female at times.

I decided they were a family, Mom, big sister, youngest son.

Between songs I talked to them even though I realized they had no clue to what I was saying. They had yet to vocalize for me. They seemed to be mesmerized by a particular Vivaldi song and became a bit agitated when I played so it became every fourth song for the rest of the morning.

Suddenly all three vanished. A car was driving into the camp and as soon as they went past me down the loop they suddenly reappeared. I rewarded them with their favorite song.

Another car came down and I wondered what day it was and decided it must be Friday, the cars kept coming and the family either stayed hidden or walked away. I did not see any of them the rest of the day.

I took a trip to the Columbia Glacier that afternoon and was properly awed about having a mile of ice under my feet. The cold climbed up to my knees.

I drove to the town of Jasper and bought some supplies and more marshmallows, carrots and cookies. On the way back I ran into a traffic jam as cars stopped to take pictures of mountain sheep. I added to the delays in traffic, I had never encountered them before. They were the second but lesser surprise for me that trip.

That Saturday the camp ground was half full although I still had no neighbors. I did not expect to see the family and didn’t. By Sunday afternoon the camp was almost as deserted as it had been. Maybe seven more tent sites were now occupied.

I wondered why most people were at the end of the loop and decided to walk down and see. I saw a bigger bathroom with showers. I saw the stream bend around the loop and it had rapids. Had I not been in a hurry to set up camp I would have been down there too, and not had new friends. I realized the sound of the rapids likely masked the sound of my flute. I was not disappointed.

The following morning I carried my now dry sneakers across the stream and began walking a trail on that side about ten meters away from my tent. I again used the tacks to mark my way. The trail was clear and I knew it was the right way because their aroma permeated the path.

The trail forced me under a highway bridge and to cross the stream but I could do that without getting my feet wet so I did. About two hundred meters further I suddenly found myself running into previously posted tacks. I had been there before. It had been a much shorter trip to that spot that morning.

I was on the trail where I had felt I was being followed. I then realized I was being followed.

I did continue past what I knew was the last tack so I resumed planting them every two hundred meters or so. I stopped for some energy drink and an energy bar then continued after leaving three marshmallows behind.

I was maybe five kilometers from the campground when I heard a strange humming sound, It took me a while but my hair stood on end when I realized someone was humming Vivaldi. I joined in the humming and continued on.

Suddenly my girlfriend among the species was in front of me. She did not want me to continue down the trail. She signaled for me to follow her and we went through the woods. She got down and signaled me to do so. We crept up to a ledge and I looked down.

There were around a hundred creatures down in a glen. Some very large specimens were wrestling. Some very large specimens were in a small group to one side. Some were scattered outside the group. There was a ring of females surrounding the combatants.

I watched as the as the combats ended with the capitulation of one. It was a gentle combat, more of a test of strengths. The loser would go to its knees and the victor pulled his head to his crotch as he caressed the losers head.

The entire ceremony struck me as a ritual, the losers may have had a cock in their mouth for seconds but they were not being forced.

The victor was soon approached by several females who got on their hands and knees and he would choose one to fuck which he did in front of all the witnesses. Once done the female would stand, punch the male softly in the chest then leave. The male would then join the smaller group of big males.

The loser would join the larger group of males. My guess was they were waiting for the alpha males to be fucked out and get the leftovers.

Outside the the conglomerate there were young males just watching. I thought I recognized the young male of the family. He was behind the group of winning males.

My friend became excited. Her mother had just presented herself to a winner. He picked her mother and my companion seemed to be very pleased.

That male made love to her mother. He reached around her and one hand went to a tit as the other went towards her pussy. I looked at my companion with a look of curiosity and she sat and pointed at a bump at the top of her pu
ssy. She had a clit.

Without thinking I put a finger on it and she froze. I caressed the clit and she closed her eyes. I caressed a tit and her pussy clenched around my finger as she emitted a low growl. Fluids flooded my hand.

Then I again did something stupid, I licked her pussy. Another low growl and more fluids. She was easy. As I continued eating her pussy I released my erection.

I gently pushed her to her back and slid my cock into her. Another low growl and we were soon fucking. She may have had seven more orgasms before I got mine.

I kissed her as I rubbed my nose on hers. Then I saw her mother standing next to us.

I was afraid for my life until I saw the look of wonder in her eyes. I got on my knees and licked her mother’s pussy. Her growl was not at all low and I hoped her mate had not heard her.

I still had my cock in her daughter and she was trying for another fuck so I continued to eat her Mom’s pussy as I fucked her daughter with a rapidly diminishing cock. It ended when her Mom fell to her knees. I got up and slid my cock back into my sweatpants. I resumed watching the event below as mother and daughter cuddled.

Eventually I took my lovers hand, kissed her Mom’s lips, then led us back to the trail. I was holding her hand which she found confusing. I kissed her lips which she found mesmerizing. We were now across the stream to my tent. She was hanging back as I took my shoes off.

She was reluctant to follow me but did, I helped her into the tent, closed it and got nude. She saw my erection and immediately lay on her back.

I kissed her pussy to orgasm, sucked her tits as I masturbated her to orgasm then made love to her for about thirty minutes. I lost count of the number of orgasms she had. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

She was trying to figure out how to open the tent when I awoke. I showed her the tab and she was delighted to see she could open it. She stepped out, walked to the middle of the stream and peed. I peed into the stream downstream for from her.

She seemed to be disappointed. I had apparently missed an opportunity to show my appreciation of her.

She stayed by the stream as I set up the cooking utensils. As I prepared dinner she caught and ate something.

I boiled some carrots and a potato for her and added a raw one of each for her. A added a marshmallow and a cookie to her plate. I fixed myself a hot dog then thinking she was a big lady I added a bun to her plate.

We ate in silence, she cleaned her plate and seemed to still be hungry so I made her a grape jelly sandwich. She loved that so I fixed her another.

A car drove past us. She did not try to hide but did freeze in place. My tent and table were not in the headlights of anyone passing by and they would have needed to turn their heads just to see my tent. We were behind my tent. I wore only my sweatshirt.

After dinner I took out my flute and played for her. She watched as I pursed my lips and blew air into the mouth piece and manipulated the keys with my hand. She hummed the Vivaldi as I played it.

She kissed me. It was not a well delivered kiss so I took her head into my hands and taught her proper kissing techniques. She was a fast learner. She was also checking on my cock often. Another hour I thought.

I found my iPod and after cueing the Beethoven I had played for them I put the headphones over her ears and pressed play. The song she liked was third in my Q. She was awed by the sound of a full orchestra and she was just as awed by the fact that such big sound could come from such a small thing. She recognized the Vivaldi when it was its turn and closed her eyes. I busied myself cleaning up and making chocolate.

I saw her mother watching us from across the stream and waved at her to join us. It wasn’t until she was sitting next to her daughter that she noticed the earphones.

I handed her daughter a cup of warm chocolate and put the headphones on her mother. She acted like she wanted to run away from the sound but her daughter stopped her and kissed her. It was a fine kiss.

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The Bear Who Was All Worthy

It was finally five o'clock, and I couldn't wait any minute longer just to set off home. Taking a cigarette and lighting it up as the darkness has already filled the universe around me, I walked with the happy thought of me taking a good share of rest after a long tiring day at work. I reached the subway and sat there by myself watching what was going on. There wasn't so many people at that time and at the next stop, literally all of them got off. As the door began to close, a man made it...

2 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 2

“HASKILL!” “Yes, Lady Sheogorath? How can I assist you today?” “Have I told you how much I hate this job?” “In the last year as they measure time on Mundus, that would be one thousand, three hundred, and forty-two times. Forty three if you count Sun’s Dawn the 2nd twice, since you seemed to enjoy that day enough that you lived it twice.” “Well, it IS the traditional summoning day for Sheogorath, after all. But I digress, as I find myself wont to do after these centuries of either filling...

1 year ago
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A Room With A View

The hotel room door opens. She walks in, swinging her hipsand singing. She’s wearing a dark shirt, tight where it matters, the top few buttons undone enough to show her cleavage and the edge of a black lace bra. She has a skirt too, black, but it barely reaches her thighs. Her favourite. Black stockings, following down to a pair of small heels that she kicks across the room as the door swings shut behind her. She stretches, hands above her head, chest straining against the tight, thin fabric...

3 years ago
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the toilet brush part 3

I was lay on a dirty cold floor. I didnt know where i was. I remembered what had happened with masters wife, the coward he had been. It must have been her that did this to me.I tried to move but my hands were tied behind my back, and my feet were tied together. My breasts were still in their tight bondage, god they must have been atleast dark purple by now. And god they ached.The room was very dark and i couldnt see anything. I hated it, not knowing where i was and what was happening. I could...

1 year ago
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it was a hot summer day. and I sat one sam on a beach. the beach as I sat on was not an ordinary beach. no to this beach went all around naked. all men have a naked boyfriend or a girlfriend I have no girl. I am alone. on the beach where all naked people were happy. I wanted to do something fun this last week is left on my summer holidays. ten minutes is good. and then there came a nice, hot chick. bride began to talk to me. she was as old as me. I had clothes...

3 years ago
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New to Konoha

Creators note: This is my first original story so please be gentle. Please feel free to add your own chapters. You are alone. But that's ok, you're used to it. Since a child you know not who your parents are. The story that you have heard was that you had been left at the gates of Konohagakure during the night. Nobody knows where you came from, who you came from. The Third Hokage being the generous and loving man he is took you into the village with open arms. He treated you as if your family...

2 years ago
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Mrs Lavender 35 LonelyChapter 2

Ranch House Iris and I were reclining in sun chairs, secluded by shrubs and flowers. Here within the grounds of the Ranch house, life felt far from the madness of life. After my reunion with Guy earlier, the lads had both set off to join a cricket match. Now we could chat about Guy’s expectations of working at the ranch. I found Iris an attractive woman with fair bubbly hair and hazel eyes that sparkled while she spoke. Her voice had unmistakable breeding and the work-shirt she wore...

1 year ago
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My UnFairy Tale

by Michael Richard on Wednesday, November 19, 2008.Once upon a time, (I think it might have been a Thursday), in a kingdom far away, (it might have been down the river just past the bend, you know the place), there lived a brave knight. Now this knight heard some tavern tales about an enchanted tower in which an evil wizard locked away some king's beautiful daughter. The story continues to say that the wizard died before he could lift the enchantments he placed on the surrounding forest, and...

3 years ago
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Hayleys Second Photoshoot

After the previous evening, Hayley was absolutely buzzing in anticipation at the thought of doing another photo shoot with Pete. She had enjoyed the first one so much, and despite previously thinking that posing nude was tacky and for, in her own words, ‘cheap sluts who don’t respect themselves,’ the experience from the day before had completely changed her perspective. The thrill she had experienced was intoxicating, and she could not wait to repeat it later when she finished work.The day...

2 years ago
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Road TripChapter 2

“The 32? What’ll you give?” “I asked you first,” I said. “It’s got a rod right through the side of the block,” he said. “That’s my problem,” I said. “This is the best side.” So ... I got out of the Van and hobbled my way over to the Ford. The off side had a dent in the fender ... I could lay the fender on the ground and bang it out with a sledge hammer. I was already planning the conversion when he suggested two hundred dollars. “Write me out a receipt.” I fished out the two bills. “I...

1 year ago
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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 9 Never Trust A Bimbos Heart

The two burly security guards of BimboTech threw Willow into a transparent plexi-glass cell. It stood in the middle of a large and luxurious room. Willow got up at once to pound the glass with futile fists. She could tell that this was a prison. And that she needed to escape from it. But the men pulled her away from the wall. They forced her into a peculiar looking chair. Her hands and feet were secured. Her neck was latched with a collar. All she could do was look forward. And cry. "Now...

2 years ago
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Memories of an old friend

friends mom would give me a peak with loose bath robe. would accidently not close her bed room door while dressing. would want me to try on pants and watch me do it. She would get drunk some time and her GF would bring her home. Her son was with his dad and I saw the car pull up. Summer time and I was out late. So I said, I will help her in. Her drunk GF said great, I am not in good shape my self. So in the house and into the bathroom. She insisted i stay with her. she left her undies and pants...

3 years ago
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A Knock At The DoorChapter 4

In the middle of the night Joel drifted in and out of sleep. He was spooned behind Janie and they both slept naked. Joel's cock was hard, nestled between the cheeks of her boyish little ass. His arm was around her, holding a tiny breast, his fingertips rolling a nipple into a hard nub. Joel wished he were sucking that nub, as he drifted back asleep and into a dream. In his dream Janie took his cock into her mouth and nursed on his precum. He dreamed that his cock, still wet from their...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Ella Knox Stepsisters Revenge

Ella Knox has been having a rough time living with her stepbro and his girlfriend. Stepbro was usually tolerable but the girlfriend was a total bitch. One day Ella decided to fuck with the girlfriend and wear one of her shirts. This lead to a heated argument and a glass of water getting thrown on Ella. It was time for revenge! Later that day stepbro wanted to fool around with his girl, but all she wanted to do was watch her show. This is when Ella came in and blew stepbro right there on the bed...

2 years ago
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Amon Laila

We found ourselves unexpectedly alone at the doorway, the rest of the party having already made their way upstairs. The dim lighting picked out the honey gold in your hair as you turned towards me, pausing with that half-smile. So soft-spoken as you quietly greeted me. I caught my breath and replied in kind, striving to hide the tremor in my voice. Your blue eyes searched mine, suddenly intent. I gazed up into your face, heedless of my expression, seeking answers in your own countenance. Warm...

2 years ago
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Playing With Mom 8211 Task 3 Watching Porn With Mom

Hi guys. I know my episodes are getting late. Now let’s get into this story about watching porn with mom. This is the next part of the story, If you are new to this part, please go through the previous parts. Let’s see what happened the next day. That night I had not slept. The whole night I was thinking about naughty stuff about my mom. I was completely naked in my room masturbating, thinking about my mom. It was morning, and I got a call from my friend Rohit. Rohit (phone call): Dude, what...

2 years ago
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Magazine Quality

Patrick got to the dance fashionably late. It was one of the rare times that he didn’t have a date, the object of his most recent attentions had smiled and told him that she already had a date. Jennifer was the most popular girl in their freshman class at State. Patrick had dated her in high school, just a few times. Like always, she was either with one jock type or another most of the time, even getting her attention for a few minutes wasn’t easy. If she wasn’t surrounded by a half dozen of...

1 year ago
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My last rubber splash and go event

A few weeks ago my partner was lamenting the fact that he had not had the chance to fuck me with my pussy already full of spunk for a few weeks, something he rearly enjoys doing after a gangbang or dogging evening and I never say no to getting my pussy well filled. As spring was in the air I was feeling a bit horny anyway so we decided to host another of my what I call my Splash and Go evenings.I have several adverts on swinging and fetish websites so I can usually rustle up a number of cocks...

1 year ago
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Meeting on a train

I was on my way home with the train when two girls seated themselves across from me in the stall. I said hello to them, both of them lit up and giggled a hey back. We talked for an hour on the train, and really hit it off. They were 18 and on a trip to the capital; and very interested in talking to a college guy. The most chatty of the girls was Carly. She was a skinny brunette, very skinny, and tall; probably close to 175 cm. She had about shoulder long hair - or that's my best guess because...

2 years ago
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Lover Of Cum

Okay, I admit it: I'm a complete slut. I love the look of men, the smell, the touch, and everything. I'm a complete sucker for cock, (no pun intended) and want as much as I can get. So when Mark invited me to be the cum catcher for one of his parties, I was all for it.Once I got there, there were about thirty guys standing around with drinks and no clothes! I was almost drooling when Mark walked up to me and asked me to get naked like everyone else, then he introduced me to the group as I took...

4 years ago
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My Wife Shared

Before we married my wife and I decided to we would be quite honest with each other, what I mean is if anything sexual happened to us when we were apart. My wife Jill told me all about the men and women that had been in her sex life before we met and likewise I told her about mine.A few years ago after an office party she came home with a grin on her face so I knew something had happened, I didn’t need to ask she was only too keen to tell me all about it. Seems one of the juniors, a young man...

3 years ago
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Corporate Training Turns Into Sex Training

Hi all, I am Sam here with my another wonder full experience with one guy whom I met in a training session in my company… training was arranged in Hyderabad for nearly 20 days (that became our honeymoon period). I reached a day before the training starts. I was given company accommodation which we have to share with other guy. He is suraj from Bangalore but never seen him in my office . he too reached on same day evening. His is nearly 5.8 height fair and soft guy. We had a nice chat had dinner...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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A Sisters Bet Part One Lessons

My sister, Jessica, and I have always been competitive. She’s twenty-one, a year older than me, but I’ve been told we bear a strong resemblance to each other.I picked on her a lot, although she would get me back. Sometimes I would ask her, “What’s so special about being a girl? Jeez, I would think being female would be such a hassle. Wouldn’t it be easier if you had been born a guy?”She retorted, “Why on earth would I want to be a guy? I love being female.”I shook my head. “I don’t get it.”“You...

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The Experience of Being Mindbroken

Your name is kitty A, Anderson. You just turned 18 a mouth ago. Your just like most teen girls, with a sexy but cute teen body, short dark red hair and dark red eyes that bring out your tomboy personality. Saki, your mom, knocked you out and left you on an deserted island. After a mouth of surviving on the island, live has started to actually get pretty good. You lay awake in your tent wondering when Saki is coming to get you. "Man, when I get back I'm never talking to her again. It wasn't...

3 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 7 What Tomorrow Brings

While Gretchen sobbed on a chair in the gym lobby, Nina poured out her heart in the front seat of her car, just around the corner. Both women felt that some major part of their lives was about to end, that rather than a new door opening, one was firmly slamming shut. After about fifteen minutes, Nina pulled herself together and looked in the mirror on the back of her car's visor. Her face was devoid of makeup, which was easily explainable to her husband, but her swollen, red eyes would be a...

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Ana and the black janitor

Ana and the black janitor.That Tuesday evening I was working late at my office. The place was not much crowded. I headed towards the washroom. The day had been warm and I was wearing a black skirt which was reaching almost my knee and a light white shirt.As I was washing my face, some strange shadow moved on the mirror.Then I saw Manfred, the black janitor, standing behind with a weird smile. When I turned to leave, he pinched my buttocks. I shouted in surprise and turned and slapped him hard....

2 years ago
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The sun was now rising. June stretched her arms and woke, standing from the tree she leaned her back on. She usually took several naps during the day and sometimes at night, while her favorite friend, Helaman, was very much a morning person who usually slept several straight hours at night, but still slumbered this morning. Unlike June, he kept afloat. That's when they heard crying. The worst sort of whining. A pair of ghosts, whom had been dead for eons now, were walking through this beautiful...

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What i did with you

There you are in front of me. Naked. Your hands are ensconced in handcuffs with velvet linings and are attached to a pole which runs parallel to the ceiling. Your feet are also captured in velvet lined cuffs which are attached to rings in the floor. Your legs are slightly apart, and you are not in any discomfort at all.   I come a step nearer so that I am directly in front of you, and I can feel your breath on my chest. It’s warm and coming in shallow breaths. I reach out and cup...

Straight Sex
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 37 Karls First Visit

It was about a week after Sarah arrived that Karl's curiosity got the better of him. He had heard the story of Geoffrey's and Alf's visits to Jacqui's Place within hours and had heard several versions of each of them since. With every telling they became more fantastic than before. When he got to Jacqui's Place, the door wouldn't let him in. It chimed to Jacqui that there was a visitor and she pretended not to recognise him. Eventually she let him in and agreed to list him as a regular...

4 years ago
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Dawns First and OnlyChapter 2 Saturday

I woke up early as usual, about 5am, and saw Dawn's smooth back curled up at my side as she slept deeply. I slipped out of the huge bed and into the shower, and what an impressive shower it was with hot pulsing jets hitting me from front and back. The hotel staff had left my wash kit all set out from my couriered overnight bag, so I shaved, etc before walking back into the huge bedroom to sit in the Lazyboy chair and read my book while Dawn slept on. I sat so I could admire her sleeping...

3 years ago
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My Black Friend Tricks Me Into Massaging Him

My neighbor Mike is a good friend of mine. We often hang out, play basketball and watch football on Sundays. I am married and my wife likes Mike so we all get along fine, but Mike and I are closer friends. Mike is 34 years old and is a big guy. He is about 6 foot 3 and weighs about 225 pounds and very Black. He used to play football in college and is still in great shape. I am athletic but not as athletic as Mike. I am white, 40 years old, 5 foot 11 and weigh 185 pounds. I guess back from his...

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Swing Party Part 3

Part 3 Joey came back into the room with Deb. I was sitting on the bed, watching another couple fuck up against the wall. ‘Ready?’ Deb asked. ‘I’m always ready,’ I replied. ‘You know that.’ Debbie told me that she was going to sit back and watch, like a cheering section. I asked Joey to lie on the bed with his legs spread. His hard cock pointing straight up, I got on my knees, put both hands on it, and started sucking. I was pumping his cock with long, deep sucks. The bed must have been cheap...

3 years ago
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The GameChapter 11

The weeks following the tournament were eventful indeed. One evening as the two women lay in each others arms after an especially romantic round of lovemaking, Coleen looked to her lover. "Even though you broached the subject at the tournament, I want very much to marry you, Sienna." "Coleen, I do love you but -- I think you know why I said what I did at the tournament." "Yes, you got us out of a very sticky predicament. But you also said you meant it." "I did, but not...

2 years ago
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Dare Book IChapter 10

It was deep into winter, late January or maybe even February, I didn't know, when I was out for my early morning toilet. My body was working perfectly and I was as healthy as I'd ever been in my life, despite spending many hours every day outside in the cold and damp of a Washington winter. It rained a lot, and snowed often too, but only rarely did the snow last more than a few days. Above us, in the hills and mountains, I could see the permanent snowline and the wind coming down from the...

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Fucking my elder sister

Hello friends,This is Prasad from hyderabad. This incident happened on 1-1-2008. I am aged about 38 married with 1 kid. I have an elder sister who is about 43 married but does not have kids. On Jan 1 i went to her house to convey new year greetings. As i wanted to give her a surprise i entered her house from the back side as i peeped inside what i saw was mind blowing..my sister was standing under the fan wearing only a petticoat and blouse and enjoying the fan breeze and squeezing her breasts...


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