My daughter Miriam ch04
- 4 years ago
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Craig is a little disgusted as he seems to have to almost fight his way home with seemingly everything set in his way to detain him.
Meanwhile, Amelia almost can’t sit still as she waits nervously for him to get home at last and this time, she’s determined, feeling like it’s now or never, and she’s not prepared to accept never.
She doesn’t know it…
But neither is Rosa.
And in the skies over Kansas, Emmy wonders what’s wrong with her, though she does get to know some of the life and times of the strange cowboy that she’s flying with. 0_o
20 September, 1946 – a paved old road somewhere north of Eagle, Idaho
Craig was a little disgusted.
He’d been doing alright for a time on his way to Horseshoe Bend and beyond, but as he went, he’d been watching a low bank of dark gray cloud moving in and sure enough, it had begun to rain.
And not just rain, it teemed down, soaking him faster than he knew that he’d have been able to stop and pull on his rain slicker before being soaked. Not that it would have helped all that much. All that Craig had was a regular raincoat. He’d never found anything made yet to wear while riding a motorcycle in the rain.
Oddly, he’d found himself thinking about Rosa for a little while to keep himself from muttering the bad words which kept coming up in him over this awful ride home. He smiled once too, because he just liked her. He’d gotten used to her voice being loud when she didn’t mean for it to be. He just accepted that – and he did like being able to talk to her or Amelia while signing. It felt almost like a secret code or something – though he knew that for a lot of people who lived with impaired hearing, there was no game to it because it was vital to them as a means to make themselves understood.
He’d surprised himself a little later on when he’d found himself thinking about her body. She’d seemed rail-thin to him when he’d first met her, but once you got her out of her cowboy boots, she seemed a little more proportionate. And anyway, on her, it looked good.
He’d sighed to himself, hoping a little that Rosa might have found someone for herself. He’d asked her about it once after he’d gotten to know her a little and she’d told him that it probably wouldn’t ever happen due to her deafness and her looks.
Craig had felt a little of the sadness which came through the frank way that she’d said it and he thought that for a lot of men, it might be correct, but he didn’t think that everybody wouldn’t like a girl like her. The concept just seemed so wrong to him. A woman like her, slightly on the small side, with long, black hair and warm-toned skin who rode a Harley three-wheeler and could shoot the eyes out of a snake with a pistol.
He chuckled, what in hell wasn’t there to like about a girl like that? He’d even seen her breasts once and liked them. They were small, but he didn’t care. He thought they were sweet.
Then he remembered the way that so many guys that he knew seemed to be stuck on huge tits and he wondered what was wrong with them – and that was the way that he saw it too.
Then it got stupid – when he suddenly felt himself stiffening and not being able to find a way to sit on the saddle without at least a little discomfort. He’d just gone through one of those episodes not long after getting onto this ratty road. He’d been thinking of Amelia then and now he wondered if he was just some kind of hound or what.
He shook his head at himself and just motored on doggedly through the rain.
Then the pavement had given out and he was on what should have been a dry and fast gravel road, wide as anything and just waiting to be paved over.
But not after a deluge.
After that point, the rain had stopped as quickly as it had begun but he was trying not to skitter around in the mud while he kept to some kind of speed where he could at least drive in fourth gear to save fuel. A few miles further on, the road was dry but dusty, never rained on at all by the fast-moving squall.
So now he was a bit annoyed since he was sitting on his parked motorcycle and finding that all of the rain had not only re-coated him with mud, oh no.
It had just freshened up what he’d been wearing all day.
He looked in the mirror, wiping it a little with his glove so that he could watch the state trooper get out of his cruiser to walk over. Craig didn’t know just how long he’d been back there, but it couldn’t have been too long, since the cherry on the top of the car still looked clean.
The front of the cruiser was another matter entirely.
The cop’s face looked grim as he came up.
‘Do you know how fast you were goi – Sweet Jesus!’ trooper exclaimed as he reeled backwards a little bit.
Craig shook his head, ‘No officer, I didn’t hit a bear. I just drove through what he was hunkered down next to my trail to leave for me. I’m on my way home to Cascade after spending the spring and summer on fire watch.’
‘Gawd,’ the cop said, out past where his elbow was holding his jacket sleeve over his nose, ‘Well that explains why you were going so fast – if you were trying to leave that smell behind.’
‘Something like that, ‘Craig said, while trying not to smile, ‘I’ve been wearing this since nine this morning. How do you think I feel?’
The cop looked a little sympathetic, ‘All the same, I want you to slow down some, son. I’d hate it if I had to be the one to come see where you died from going off the road – though I guess that finding you wouldn’t be too hard – even in the dark.’
‘Do you want to see my license?’ Craig asked a he pulled off his thinly mud-covered gloves.
‘Oh hell no, ‘the trooper groaned, ‘I want to see you and that smell gone up the road from here – and soon.
Just take it easy from here on out. I’ve been trying to stop you before you get to the next big bend in the road up there, maybe three more miles. They tore it up this summer and the gravel is some soft and deep. You hit that at the seventy-three that you were doing and you’d be dead sure as anything.’
He turned to walk away, ‘So slow down, hear?’
Craig promised that he would and he felt a little thankful for the man’s efforts as well as his warning. He yelled out his thanks as the man got back into the car.
Craig swung out the kickstarter and with just one kick, the Indian was idling, seeming almost to want to tempt him into rolling it on some more.
He wondered for a moment if it was just happy to be away from the wilderness and wanting to forget all about being parked for months with only weekly runs as a little exercise. And all the while quietly aching to get back to the more civilized place that it held in Cascade. Maybe it was just trying to be helpful, having sensed that it’s master wanted to be home so much. He smiled to himself. Maybe it was a little of both.
‘You hear that?’ Craig grinned as he pulled his goggles back down over his eyes and began the chore of pulling wet gloves on, ‘With a tail wind – or a bad smell, you’re a little faster than the book says you are.
I know!’ he chuckled as a thought came to him, ‘You just want to see Rosa’s sweet Harley again. I never thought of motorbikes having love lives before. Bet you can’t wait to see her, huh? She’s got that nice swell to her back end and all… As trikes go, I do have to say that she’s got a nice, wide butt on her. I just never thought that my bike was an ass man.’
He shook his head with a laugh at his thoughts, but he made a mental note to himself to try to sketch out the comic little cartoon that he had in his mind at the moment.
As he clicked into first gear to pull away, Craig asked himself if he was finally crazy for riding that hard, and he was a lot more judicious after that.
A few minutes later and there it was. The trooper hadn’t been lying. The road was soft as butter in some places and he had to stand up o
n the foot boards to lean this way and that to help the bike get him through.
Worse, he’d seen no sign warning of the conditions as he’d approached. He saw the sign lying there in the dirt of the shoulder as he’d crawled carefully past.
Horseshoe Bend was a small place and he was through it before any of it left an impression on him. All that he had now was forty miles – and nearly all of that was paved. He thought of Tad and Amelia, the two women who had been mothers to him, Deke, Harry – and Rosa too, and how bad he wanted to see them again.
Then he did the right thing and kept it at fifty and no more.
Amelia heard him coming before there was any sound of it in her ears from inside of the café. She looked up from the big sink where she was just finishing the last plate and then she was hurrying through the place as fast as she could go, her dishwashing apron still on as she wiped her hands on it.
The intense glow of her bright smile was almost blinding the patrons who were in her way as she rushed to the door.
Before she was even halfway there, she could hear the beat of that motorcycle clearly. The engine was a V-twin, but unlike most Indians and almost all Harley’s, to Amelia, that sound was singular, and she’d never heard any other bike make that noise.
‘HE’S HOME!’ she yelled, not giving a damn who might not care. Her mothers would and she knew it.
Craig slowed and signalled with his hand, just before he made an illegal U-turn to pull into an open spot outside of the café.
Amelia stood just inside the door, knowing that he had things to do before he could just walk away from the machine. She watched closely as he found neutral and swung out the stand to lean the bike on. She wondered how he could even see where he was going for all of the mud on him, and when he pulled the goggles up to rest on his forehead, he looked like a racoon in reverse.
But it was Craig and there was no possibility of any mistake to Amelia.
He looked tired – just as she expected him to. On top of that, he was clearly filthy, caked with dried and not so dry mud here and there. She watched him sit for a moment with the bike just idling contentedly, thumping softly under him as he reached to turn off the headlight, as well as the blackout slit-light that the machine still wore from it’s days as a test vehicle for the army.
His hand eased back from the switch and he sat for a moment, looking down at the lovable old thing that had brought him home once again and then he smiled, obviously glad to be home.
And dirty or not, Amelia sighed as she looked at him, he looked so good to her.
She was out of the door in a flash, fully meaning to sweep him right out of the saddle with her very first hug. She watched his eyes come up and she saw that instant of warm and happy recognition there in that face.
But then the eyes widened as he realized what she wanted to do and he held up his hands as though in fear of his life from her, ‘No Amelia, NO!’
She was already beside him, her arms already held out to hug the daylights out of him as she so needed to do. But then everything changed.
‘Craig! Whats the mat – HOLY JUMPIN…’ She stepped back, looking as though she wanted to throw up.
‘You smell like – AAAHH!’
‘I know,’ he said with a disgusted frown, ‘And a bear’s ass at that.’
‘You wait here,’ she said after a moment of thinking, ‘You know everybody’s dying to see you just like I am. But you can’t walk in there looking and especially smelling like you do. There’s a lot of paying customers in there. I’ve got a better idea. I just gotta tell our mothers and I’ll be right back.’
‘That won’t change the way that I smell,’ he groaned, ‘Christ, I can’t wash this out. I’ll probably have to burn these clothes.’
‘Just stay put, Handsome,’ Amelia smiled, ‘You give me a chance and I’ll save the day for you.’
The way that it worked out was that Rebecca and Marjorie both tried to go see Craig, but while the smell seemed to be just the thing for flies and wasps to want to be near, it repelled people like nobody’s business.
‘You ran through a pile of bear crap?’ Marjorie asked as she almost choked, ‘What did he eat for dinner the night before, a whole family of skunks?’
Rebecca stood with a grimace on her face, but Marjorie could see that it was a thoughtful grimace all the same. She grabbed Rebecca’s hand and pulled her away, ‘I don’t need to hear your opinion about what it might have been. Come on!’
Amelia tapped Rosa on the shoulder and she began to sign to her, asking her to follow them and Rosa nodded.
‘Rosa’s gonna follow us so that, while Craig gets clean, she’ll hose his bike down.’
She walked up to Craig, though she kept her distance a little, ‘Just head out to your dad’s hangar and we’ll meet you there and open it up for you.’
‘I need to get clean, Amelia,’ Craig sighed, ‘I can’t stand the way I smell a minute longer.’
She nodded, ‘And that’s what we’re gonna do. Rosa and your dad put in a shower there over the summer. I’ve got a change of clothes in my car for you. I was a little prepared for you this year, since you never come off the long road back home clean. You seem to attract bad weather and things.
I just wasn’t prepared for you to be this stinky,’ she giggled.
‘Whyja call me handsome?’ he asked and Amelia’s face took on a taciturn look. If she could throw away what had bothered her so much, then she wasn’t prepared to let him slip back into his shell either.
‘Because you are, Craig. You always were to me, and now, even wearing bear shit and mud, you’ve made it into ‘gorgeous’ in my book. So don’t you try to give me any trouble, or I’ll just tell Rosa that I’ll gently wash your motorcycle and she can hose you off.
Your choice – and the hose is cold water only- pumped straight outta the Cascade reservoir and not heated at all – not like the shower would be.’
Craig tilted his head, trying to figure it out, ‘So… if I do this right… then it’ll be you gently washing me off, I’m hoping?’
He’d said it that way as a small joke, just so happy to see Amelia looking so much more like the girl that he grew up with. He didn’t actually mean it of course, bu-
‘See, that’s what I love about you,’ Amelia smiled softly, ‘Handsome AND smart.
I’ll meet you there.’
By the time that he’d gotten turned around and ridden up the road, they were waiting for him, both of them heaving to open the large hangar doors. He would have pulled in, but Rosa directed him to park not all that far from her trike. He asked why, forgetting about her hearing for the moment, so she told him, trying not to be too loud that she really would hose his bike off, but before that happened, she intended to take all of his things and put them into the box at the back of her trike.
‘That way, I can just haul it for you, and I won’t have to worry about wrecking stuff because of the hose.’
He nodded and said thank you by signing it to her, wanting her to see that he was remembering and Rosa smiled warmly with a nod.
He walked into the hangar, but Amelia called him over toward the shower, ‘Don’t look there yet,’ she said, ‘That’s a surprise that you can’t see just yet, though I’m dying to show you.’
He turned back to look at her with a bewildered look.
‘And anyway,’ Amelia smiled, ‘I think that’s for Rosa to show you. I just helped some with the planning and after it was done.’
‘You’re sounding kind of intriguing, Amelia,’ Craig smiled. ‘I don’t know what all this is about, but now I feel kind of like we’re kids again and you’ve got a surprise for me.’
She waved her hand in front of his face, ‘Well that’s nice, but you’re not smelling much better, Craig. So get a move on and let’s get you clean.’
She led him – at a very long arm’s length to the bathroom that he’d never seen yet and he s
tared for a long moment before he began to grin, ‘This is really nice. You mean that Dad and Rosa did this?’
Amelia nodded, ‘Rosa’s kind of a Jill of all trades, you know. Ok, she never worked in a café or a diner before she got to us, but she did work at a lot of jobs and she’d no stranger to building stuff. Your dad was amazed and once they got going, he didn’t want to stop, so they put in other things after that.’
She sighed a little, ‘Course Rosa hasn’t exactly done a whole lot of this interior decorating stuff, otherwise she’d have probably put in another shower with girly colors, you know?’
‘Uh,…’ he began, ‘Why are there… two showers in here?’
‘Oh that,’ Amelia chuckled, ‘Well, that was because they went into town and ordered it all together and then they had to wait a few days for everything to show up and one day, Rosa was here and she saw that it had all arrived and was on the truck with the driver waiting and so she checked it all against the list that she’d made and it was all here. They unloaded it all, and the guy drove off.
Then since she knew that your dad was gonna be coming in that night and might need the hangar, she moved it all inside, but out of the way right at the back, behind the oil drums for the heater in the winter. Well she had a couple of days off from the café to work on this, so she just went to my house and stayed in the spare room that night since it wouldn’t be that far to walk to get started in the morning.
Your dad came home that night and he didn’t see anything of what they’d ordered, so he went home all mad that nothing had been delivered yet. Your mom hadn’t talked to Rosa because Rosa can’t really hear well enough over a phone, so she didn’t know a thing about it.’
Amelia grinned, ‘So in the morning, Rosa came here to get started, while your dad was down at the building wholesaler’s tearing anybody that he saw a new asshole. They tried to look up if it had been delivered, but he was on a tear by that time and I can just see him roaring at them all that it hadn’t been delivered and that was that.
But the store had ordered several of everything, since they saw that it looked kind of nice and they know that there’s gonna be a couple of new houses built in town soon, so…’
Craig began to chuckle, ‘So, they delivered it again?’
Amelia nodded, ‘Right. When the two of them met up, Rosa showed him what had come in and where she’d put it all and she was a little scared that she’d done something wrong, but Uncle Deke said no.
They took a good, long look at everything and then he said that he’d never liked little bitty showers like the one at the house anyway because he’s kind of a big man, so they scratched their heads and figured out a way to make a bigger wider shower with all of the tiles they had, and if you want to, you can turn them both on.
The thing that he did do was to take back the water heater that he’d bought for a bigger one and he apologized to everyone for his mistake and settled up with them. You know how he is about things like that. So that’s how it got this big.’
She pointed with a serious expression, ‘Now you check your pockets and take out what you don’t want ruined, and then you get over there and take your clothes off carefully and get into the shower to start scrubbing. I’ll move the clothes outside and tomorrow, we’ll see what all we can save, if anything. If we do find something, we’ll need to wash it in the tub here the hard way. Neither one of our mothers will let us live for long if we try to use their wringer washers.’
He looked at her, ‘You mean you want me to just strip off there and walk over here to get into the shower?’
Amelia rolled her eyes as she held up her hand to start counting fingers, ‘One – I have seen you buck naked before when you and Tad swept out the hangars for my dad and Uncle Deke. It was hot as hell that day with no hint of a breeze and the two of you had your shirts off.
But sweeping that dust just moves it around if you don’t have any of that sweeping compound stuff which you used up before you got even one swept out and it’s an all-day job for two men to do that. The two of you didn’t get done until it was getting dark.
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Alistair's Beard, a Her TV story. Characters: Alistair/Cybill a 6' red-headed Scotsman, 175 lb 58 years when we first meet him but 28 in reminiscence Ingird, Alistair's present day wife, 2nd marriage. Iris and Amaryllis, his daughters, 5'10", both tall redheads, 31 and 28 years Prudence 5'10" brunette, slightly overweight 32 years Diana her lover, 5'11" slender brunette, athletic 34 years Henry/Harriet 5'8" mousy hair, 165 lb 33 years Joanna, his wife,...
This is one of my older stories that I never got around to posting… ***** It was another hot sultry day by the lakeshore, and the late afternoon sun was glinting like a million diamonds on the surface of the calm lake. I had been lulled to sleep by the droning sound of powerboats way off in the distance, and the heady scent of a summer lake. I had lived there for a few years, in a small rustic cabin surrounded on three sides by mature yellow birch and hemlock. It was a nice quiet place, with...
When I was younger in my 30s I rented this house that was the last house on a dead end street. One of the first days I lived there is when I noticed the mail lady. I was pulling in to the little spot where I parked . As I was getting out of my car she was walking towards my place. The first thing I noticed was her red hair. I have always had a thing for red heads. She might have been 40 years old or close to 40. She had on those blue shorts and her blue button up mail shirt. She had nice long...
Delina the mail lady was a hot mess she didn't just deliver mail she also did sex she would walk down the street in tight black stockings , and a short shortsor a dress that would ride up her ass , you could see her cumming as she walked down the street with high heel shoes on to give men the mail and umm sex. Her boobs hanging out of her tight shirt she was a hot mess so sexy and nasty delina wanted to fuck the men on the street in there houses she would go to the houses with men waiting to...
Erotic FictionJust as I always do, I sat down at my desk after dinner and logged on to my personal e-mail account. I had been separated from my wife now for about 6 months, and the divorce was taking forever to get done. And, after living on my own for a couple of months, I had decided to start dating again. So, I was on three different on line dating sites, two that were “vanilla” and one that was very much adult oriented. My nightly routine was to see if I had any e-mail from someone on the sites, then go...
IncestMailroom Slut By kimmie oh It was nearly half past noon. I glanced nervously at the clock. I always got butterflies before he came. I pushed my chair away from the desk, crossed my office, and quietly shut the door. The lock clicked. If I had only listened for that click a week ago I wouldn't be in this predicament. I reached under the desk and slid out the overnight bag I had brought from home. Then I quickly undressed. When I was completely naked, I pulled a tiny...
Deidre Simmons gets a lot of attention in the office. A lot of . . . inappropriate attention. It's not uncommon for her to find a pair of amorous eyes zoned in on her tits or ass, or have a superior whisper something in her ear that would have him out on his ass faster than he could blink. But it doesn't bother her, either. In fact, she welcomes it—revels in it, and will even get a little piqued when someone ignores her. Her friend, Samantha, chalked it up to the nasty divorce...
Straight SexMonday, July 13th. Gatwick Airport. What the hell was wrong with me!? Why had I worked so hard to get here? How did I not realise that pretty much the last thing I ever want is to be away from my family, particularly my little boy? Why the fuck was I going to a country where I’d be practically illiterate, dependant on the good will of the very people I was going to spy on to speak English with me! And how in the world was I going to be a spy when I had a sodding Wikipedia page and an IMDB...
********* Just who ARE the strangers in town? Meanwhile, back in the Beechcraft, Emmy finds other things to love. 0_o ********** Bea’s Café, 6:35PM, Cascade. Idaho They walked into the café and it was packed with many of the people that they all knew, so it turned into a bit of a party where nobody could get anything because Marjorie and Rebecca wouldn’t let Craig go for a long while. Rosa and Amelia looked at each other and started serving just to keep everybody at least a little...
In my life, things always happen when I least expect them particularly with sex. I am an average guy average build with an average cock (6”) and definitely not a player. About three and half weeks ago, I am sitting at my desk as I work from home and travel a couple of days per week for work. The doorbell rings around 11AM, it is my mail carrier Cindi asking to use the bathroom. This is very odd as she delivers mail like clockwork around 2:00 – 2:15PM everyday for the last 14 years – never...
Copyright© 2007 by DB. It's the classic mistake of the Internet age. Perhaps it's classic because sooner or later it will happen to you, either as sender, or recipient. I was that recipient. Minor details are disguised to protect the privacy of those involved. Hi D... thought you'd find this interesting... this is from a man I knew in the -- club. I met him the same night I met J-- so he never had a chance. I have never been attracted to him in any way but he has always be ga ga...
Earon chuckled to himself. Which certainly was quite normal given that he was a young trickster god. But today his chuckling was a little more profound. He was sure that today's prank would be his best one yet. Not that it was hard to prank mortals. But still, he tried to beat his previous best. That is what trickster gods do. He really had to stifle his chuckling as mortals drew near. A group of adventurers. Two of them women. Perfect for his goals. As they drew nearer Earon checkes...
The glow in my genitals which had been slowly growing finally reached its peak and that wonderful pulsing of my penis throbbed out a small amount of man juice. Being in my 70s, I didn’t shoot too much anymore which made cleanup easier but didn’t give my partner as much of a thrill feeling it spraying on her insides. I removed my mouth from her nearest breast and gave her a long and tender kiss. She was on her back and I was on my side with my legs under hers. After about 10 minutes of...
The last time I was at Hamad I had been escorted off the plane soon after landing. This was much better. For some reason we didn’t use a jetway to get into the terminal building, so I was treated to a blast of the familiar heat of Doha. It felt strangely comforting, for some reason. It’s not quite the same as the heat of Los Angeles, or Las Vegas. Maybe it was because we were so near the sea. For the first few seconds it felt a bit like a warm hug. Isn’t that odd? An airport bus drove us to...
I suppose it’s only normal that you take on the English accent to which you are most often exposed. In my case it started when BBC 1 and 2 were made available on the Dutch cable network. I loved almost every show they put on and that shaped my theretofore rather unremarkable Dutsj Ekssent. Well, Lexy grew up watching shows and films like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Beverly Hills 90210, Clueless, The Twilight Saga and related TV trash. Not every character on those shows speaks Valley Girl, but...
I was a typical teenage male. All I ever thought about and all I ever wanted was SEX. Although, the object of my infatuation at the moment, to achieve my goal of having sex as much as possible, was my wonderful big titted, big assed mother. Every time I masturbated, all I could think of was fucking my mom. I loved her, like any son does, but I was also in love with her.I was slowly getting obsessed with wanting to fuck her. I started taking her dirty panties and absorbing the wonderful smell...
IncestI being the typical teenage male, all I ever thought about and all I ever wanted was SEX. All though the object of my infatuation at the moment to achieve my goal of having sex as much as possible was my wonderful big titty, big ass lovely mother. Every time I masturbated all I could think of was fucking my mom. I loved her like any son does, but I was also in love with her. I was slowly getting obsessed with wanting to fuck her. I started taking her dirty panties and absorbing the wonderful...
The lunch room in our company was small but not tiny. So when the presidents secretary sat down at my table where I normally sat alone I looked around for someone holding up a camera. You see I was the mail boy, pranks as the others called them, or hazing as I liked to call it were a daily part of life. She on the other hand was the type of secretary porn tries to capture. I had never seen her in anything but a black suit and skirt that was as tight as it was short. Her hair wasn't always up...
TranssexualCHAPTER 1I have become, in the course of a few short months, a sexually charged submissive trampy, sluty, sex slave. There really are no other terms to describe how I now feel about myself and I think that, for the first time in my life, I feel sexually fulfilled. I have never been particularly submissive but, for some reason, having my sexual activities directed by someone else, in fact a stranger, whom I have never met, is a particular turn on for me. Over the course of these months I have...
Hello every one. This is Ajay 24 male from Hyderabad. Interested girls married unmarried widow unsatisfied women can contact me at my mail id Coming to the sex story as usual I woke up in the morning. I had a glance on my mail id.Got a mail from a woman saying that she like my encounter with my widow aunt. We introduced ourself. She told that she is married but unsatisfied with her hubby. So she needed me. I accepted. We texted each other for 2 days via mail .She told that one fine day we can...
Permission granted for copies for personal noncommercial use. No other grants or permissions allowed to archive elsewhere. MALE ORDER BRIDE by nanomage I was cruising through the web when my attention was caught by an interesting link at the bottom of the page at freebie titty site. MAIL ORDER BRIDES. Amazing, I thought, A nineteenth century idea, in a twenty-first century medium. Clicking on the site, I was rewarded with a page full of full of lovely ladies from all...
Plastique Surgery 2: Mail-Order Slut Mail-Order SlutBy Darqside Perhaps it had been because he was ignored by most of the girls in college, or even that none of them were interested in him, but John was sick of it.? He needed something to stave his appetite, his hunger, his NEEDS. Something he could be able to predict, something he could control.? A wild beast tamed by an incredibly sturdy leash. He?d tried online dating services before, but none of them seemed to work very well,...
Clair, Dee and the Visit Clair hurried to Dee's home, feeling anxious. He had been told to arrive before ten. He has been ordered to be smooth and hairless, wearing his sexiest lingerie under his drab, male clothes. He was very keen to ensure that he prepared exactly right and had spent ages with depilatories, razors, lotions, creams and perfumes to ensure that his skin was as glossy and fragrant as he could possibly get it. He had managed to avoid too much onanism, saving himself for...
“Clair why can’t I have a piece of ass” was such a simple question. It started an unexpected chain of events, it is all the chaos theory. Clair is my beautiful, alienated older sister. Clair is a classic sociopath with few human emotions or feelings. She is a promiscuous slut because she gets pleasure from sex. Now Clair was not your run of the mill High School Cheer Leader slut, she has some class and is slutty with a few selected guys. Clair is a classic California Girl, blonde, slender,...
Chauhan june 24(5 hrs ago) to me Hey my dear little friend,how are you??Its been lonely for days without you,i nearly forgot how a sissy looks like…Oops,sorry for the language and to this mail too because this will be the end of it all.No more humiliating stuff, no more ragging,and no more punches, and certainly no more hardcore mouth fucks,ok??Because I got a better mouth than yours,all this ends in this mail,but its still in your hands on how “this thing”goes from here… Well,to be frank I got...
IncestSaturday June 27th, 2015. Dallas Road, Ealing. “Good morning.” “You’re up early?” said Kelly, who I found scooping yoghurt into a bowl of muesli when I sauntered into the kitchen. She’d spent the night at my house, in her own room. “Are you kidding? It’s five minutes past eight! I’ve been staring at the ceiling for half an hour, trying to get back to sleep.” “Well, give it another go. Or give me ten minutes and I’ll come and wear you out.” “Cheeky cow,” I muttered, as I filled the tea...
I signed another document and followed Miles into a cavernous space, which was rather dark. Two men in lab coats scurried away. Miles waited until they were gone and then flipped a switch on the wall near the door. Bright lights in the ceiling clacked on and unveiled a turning plateau with a car under a black tarp. I could see the tyres, but not much else. Miles and Hugo shot each other a look and grinned. “Carstairs! Your new vehicle! Feel free to do the honours.” I stepped onto the...
I woke up around eight in the morning, an hour later than I’m used to. I walked to the other side of the house, to Asim’s bedroom, and heard snoring. That was good. I had a quick yet annoying shower and took some time to spruce myself up. I’m not one of those men who are completely hopeless when they’re single, but what with Mel being a professional make-up artist and hairstylist, amongst many other talents, I rarely needed to groom myself nowadays. But now I was spending time shaving around...
It was about ten minutes to showtime. I’d be at the mosque in three minutes or so, although K-T would drop me off at the mall entrance and then proceed to another destination. We were making good time, because although some traffic kept moving, many cars just pulled to the side of the road wherever there was space near a mosque. Sometimes cars were abandoned in the middle of the road, blocking each other in. The police never made a fuss: after all, everyone was supposed to be praying. Men...
Ray Parker had just arrived at work. The morning had been hectic, the usual chaotic schedule to get the kids off to school, his wife left very early to her nursing job so it was always his job to get the kids dropped off. Having to hit three schools to drop off four kids always seemed to take longer than he allowed for. The company that Ray owned and slaved at every day was both his blessing and curse, when he had started it five years back it had all been a dream, build it up, make a ton of...
Selecting “Reply”, I begin to type a response to your e-mail… What a pleasant surprise, I loved your e-mail! The things your words do to my body. Well, to be truthful, my hormones and cock, they seemed to be linked intimately… The moment I see you’re name in the e-mail’s ‘from’ line, my shaft begins to swell, pressing painfully against my boxers, and my balls constrict in anticipation… Of course, I have to excuse myself, right then and there, regardless of what I’m doing! I need to feel your...
Last night I had a dream that I had just met you for the first time. You were this twenty-something-year-old man that moved into the apartment across from mine. We exchanged pleasantries a few times when checking the mail. I hate to admit it, but I would sometimes wait until I saw you coming before I nonchalantly strolled outside to walk with you to the mail boxes. Your quiet disposition was accompanied by your intelligence about everyday subjects, and I yearned to hear the next thing you would...
SeductionIn the morning when I woke up Sonya was in the bathroom taking a shower. While I lay in bed waiting for her to finish her shower I thought about our love making and how wonderful it had been. She had let me know at the restaurant, by giving me a peek under her skirt, that she was planning on making love to me but I almost fucked that up by picking a fight with her. My mind wandered back to the reason we were having problems and I then I suddenly realized something about that fateful night....
I've been talking to the mail lady for years at my apartment complex... It started out very friendly. We would talk for a few minutes every day when she delivered the mail. She was very sexy... She was married, about 45 years old. 5'5, around 130 pound, brown hair and eyes... 36C tits.. It was a cold January afternoon when she was delivering the mail. She was about to finish up and take her lunch break... We got to talking, and I invited her into my apartment for lunch. She accepted. She took...
EroticStill Monday July 7th, 2015. A government building somewhere in London. (smiled.oddly.hosts) I was made to sit alone in a room for about ten minutes, so ordered by a man who clearly had no intention of getting me a cup of tea. And I did ask, twice. He was a bit shorter than me, but also a bit wider. Instead of a suit he wore something that was supposed to give him a military look but made me think of a fisherman: a brown shirt, brown carpenter pants, army boots. He was ginger, but his hair...