Auntie Mabel Ch. 12 free porn video

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Chapter Twelve. Fivesome.

Alison had hated men, ever since her father had raped her on her eighteenth birthday. He had beaten her naked arse and fucked her from behind, when she had told him that she was a lesbian and wouldn’t give him any grandchildren to inherit his empire.

In moments of introspection, since that incident. She had been honest enough to accept that had he not raped her, she may well have grown out of being a lesbian. Looking back she realised that being brought up by nannies and sent to all girls schools during her formative years, had almost ensured that her first love would be a female.

Her name had been Pamela, she was the same age as Alison and they had liked each other from the first time they met. Soon they were best friends, and often snuggled into bed together to share the gossip of the day. All the teachers at their school were female.

The girls were not allowed out into town without a chaperone, so never had the opportunity to meet boys. Consequently the main topics of conversation, were boys and kissing. Pam and Alison would practice kissing on each other, in case one day they would meet a boy, and be able to kiss them with confidence.

One night in their Dormitory after a birthday party for one of the girls, they had both drank wine that had been smuggled in to the school. They snuggled in together as usual, and Alison looked at Pam lying there in her pyjamas. She had often seen her naked in the showers.

Pam was a true redhead, her skin was very pale and she had large breasts. Her pubic hair was red, and she referred to it as her ‘burning bush’. That night Pam’s pyjamas were not fully buttoned up, and Alison could see Pam’s nipple. It looked like a small strawberry, and without thinking Alison kissed it.

She watched in amazement as it went hard and stuck up. Pam rubbed it between her fingers, ‘ Look what you’ve done, it’s throbbing something awful,’ she complained. ‘Let me kiss it better,’ Alison offered, and lowering her mouth onto the swollen nipple began to gently suck it.

Pam lay there quietly as Alison sucked her. ‘Bloody hell I think I’ve wet myself,’ she exclaimed in horror. ‘Of course you haven’t,’ Alison assured her, ‘ let me check.’ Alison slipped her hand between Pam’s legs, and sure enough found that her pubic hair was wet.

They had overheard the older girls talking about getting wet, meaning that their fannies were getting juicy. ‘You randy bugger, this is cunt juice,’ whispered Alison. ‘It’s your fault for sucking my tit, so you can dry me off,’ stated Pam. Alison got a hanky, and rubbed it between Pam’s legs.

However as fast as she rubbed it dry, more cunt juice squirted out until the hanky was soaking. By this time Pam was moaning and grabbing Alison’s hand, held it tight against her wet cunt. Alison’s fingers slipped inside Pam’s cunt easily, and she felt Pam close her legs tightly so she couldn’t remove them.

Alison was worried, Pam seemed to be convulsing and gasping for breath. Thankfully she soon stopped thrashing about, and her legs relaxed allowing Alison to pull her fingers out of Pam’s cunt. ‘Bloody hell, I don’t know what just happened but it was bloody fantastic whatever it was,’ Pam gasped, ‘ I think I just came over your fingers.’

‘What did it feel like,’ asked Alison eagerly. ‘Let me show you,’ replied Pam, and thrust two of her fingers between Alison’s legs and deep into her cunt. She gasped in shock, as she felt her most private place invaded by Pam’s fingers.

She could feel them moving about inside her, and soon her cunt was wet and feeling strange. She opened her legs wider so Pam’s fingers could go deeper inside her. Alison felt a wave of pleasure so intense that it was almost painful, slam through her body.

She jerked and spas med, under the covers until Pam had the sense to extract her fingers from Alison’s cunt. Afterwards they just lay together, snuggled up and hugging each other. ‘I love you Aly,’ whispered Pam. ‘I love you too,’ she whispered back.

Looking back on it now it had been so innocent and loving. Just kisses cuddles and caresses. Pamela had married someone in the Foreign Office, and had kids. It was only the beautiful Alison, that had remained a spinster.

Alison was a very sensual woman, as her affairs with Mabel and Diana proved. Alison and Mabel had just returned to the stables after a ride. They had caught John with his rampant cock sticking out of his jodhpurs.

Seeing John standing there embarrassed with his dick out, made Alison’s lips twitch into a smile. Mabel spotted this, and in a flash of inspiration told John to drop his pants.

John trusted Mabel implicitly, and instantly pulled his jodhpurs down to his ankles. He stood there looking bemused, with his dick starting to droop from embarrassment. Alison thought he looked so funny, standing there with his dick out.

Before she realised what she was doing she was giggling to herself. Soon her giggles became outright laughter, and tears were running down her face. She couldn’t stop, every time she looked at John’s dick it was getting smaller. She was gasping for air, as gales of mirth shook her body.

Mabel began to worry, as Alison’s horse became nervous at the unaccustomed noise from it’s rider. Mabel walked over to it, and tied its reins to a post. She reached up and helped Alison dismount. No sooner had her feet hit the floor, than she collapsed into laughter again.

She was whooping deep breaths of air into her lungs, and tears were streaming down her face. ‘Leave us for a minute John,’ ordered Mabel, and he was only too pleased to be able to shuffle away into the stable. Seeing him shuffling away with his bare bum and his pants around his ankles drove Alison into a paroxysm of laughter.

She was now seriously gasping for air, and was in danger of hyperventilation. Mabel knelt beside her and rocked her gently. ‘There there darling, I’ve got you, your safe with me.’ She whispered.

Alison’s laughter, suddenly turned into heart rending sobs of grief and pain. Mabel held her until it had run its course, and she was just laying in her arms getting her breath back. ‘I was always so scared of a man’s cock, ever since he raped me.

The thought of such a frightening thing ramming into me, scared me shitless. I’ve been so afraid for years of men and their fucking cocks. Seeing him standing there with his dick out, really brought it home that there was nothing to fear at all,’ said Alison between sobs.

‘A man’s cock is for our pleasure darling girl, I’ll show you later if you want,’ said Mabel kissing her lovingly. ‘He had a great idea though,’ said Alison as she got to her feet, and went to comfort her horse.

‘ I would love to see you riding naked on ‘Snowburst’, she is a lovely white horse and I want to video you doing it.’ Mabel just hugged her tightly, she couldn’t refuse Alison anything today. She felt that she had reached a watershed, and broken through it at last.

John was hiding in Jane’s room, he had changed into his normal tee shirt and jeans and felt a lot more comfortable. Jane was laying on her bed with him, they were just hugging. She didn’t know what had happened after she had left, but guessed that it had been something heavy. John had been uncharacteristically quiet since he joined her. Plus he hadn’t tried to fuck her.

She was very pleased to hear the sound of laughter, as the girls returned to the house. Kissing John she jumped out of bed and ran to join them. Mabel and Alison were laughing and giggling together. Jane ran up to them and hugged Mabel, ‘What happened to poor John, he is hiding in my bed. I think he is scared to come out?’ She gabbled excitedly.

Alison went to Jane and to her surprise hugged her tightly, ‘It’s my fault I’m afraid, but I swear I will make it up to him,’ she said. Jane didn’t understand, but took the opportunity to hug Alison back. Alison was so much taller than her, t
hat Jane’s face was pressed between her breasts.

Alison was stroking Jane’s hair, and when Jane looked up at her she leant down slightly and kissed her full on her mouth. Jane opened her mouth to Alison’s tongue, and returned the kiss passionately. ‘Put her down Alison, you sex pot, I’m starving and want my dinner,’ ordered Mabel sharply.

Alison reluctantly released Jane from her hug, and taking them both by the hand led them into the dining room. Mabel Alison and Jane sat down at the table, Alison sent Diana to fetch John. The girls were so hungry, that they started dinner without him.

John looked up in apprehension, as someone walked into the room. When he saw it was only Diana, he breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed back onto the bed.

‘Thank the fuck it’s you, God knows what’s going on here but I don’t,’ he complained to her. ‘They all seem very happy Jonny, and want you to join them for dinner.’ She said. ‘Women! I’ll never understand them in a million years,’ he said to himself.

He felt the bed move, and saw that Diana had climbed on it and was kneeling beside him. Her hand stroked his groin, and despite the mental trauma of the past hour his cock noticed the attention. Diana opened his jeans and pulled his cock out.

It was soon standing to attention, and after a few long sucks she straddled him, and without any fuss lowered her hot cunt onto his cock. He watched as she bounced her cunt on his cock, her cunt was very hot and wet, and her breasts were bouncing in time to her fucking.

‘I needed this Jonny I’ve been wanting your young cock since I first saw you,’ she panted. ‘Do you like my cunt on your cock?’ ‘Oh yes Diana, I love your cunt on my cock, and you have beautiful breasts as well.’ Hearing this Diana took off her top, and exposed her naked breasts to his gaze.

Her nipples were enormous compared to her breasts, and her breasts were very big themselves. John had never seen such big nipples, they could really be called teats. They were hard with desire, and were the size of his thumbs.

He just had to suck them, and sitting up in the bed he grabbed a bouncing breast and fed one of her teats into his mouth. It was fantastic, he sucked at her teat as she continued to fuck his cock.

John noticed that she had hairs growing around her nipples, and looking down at her cunt he realised that he couldn’t see his cock, as her cunt hair completely hid it. The sensation of his mouth sucking hard on her breast, and his lovely big young cock deep in her cunt made her come at last.

He watched as she threw her head back in ecstasy, and he felt his balls being soaked with her hot juices. ‘Ohhhhh Jonnnnny ,’ she groaned as her orgasm flooded through her. She collapsed onto him, and lay there jerking and shuddering as her orgasm receded.

John gently rolled over so she lay by his side, his cock slipped out of her throbbing cunt and he quickly tucked it into his jeans. Leaving her there on the bed, he rushed downstairs to dinner, he was fucking starving.

Jane was too busy stuffing her face to notice John’s tardiness in appearing. As soon as he entered the dining room he made a beeline for the hot buffet sideboard, and loaded his plate up. Sitting down at the table, he attacked his food voraciously.

Mabel and Alison just picked at their food as usual, spending more time chatting than eating. Eventually Jane was full, and turned her attention to John. ‘Guess what John, Auntie is going to do as you suggested and Alison is going to video it.’

‘Yeah right,’ he mumbled. Alison watched him devour his dinner, he was so young and she had to admit handsome. He had such an appetite, and not just for food if what Mabel had told her was accurate.

She realised that a great dark cloud, had lifted from a part of her mind. Her fear of men had been obliterated, by the image of this young man standing in her yard with his cock out. He had looked so funny and yet vulnerable, she knew she had hurt his feelings and male pride. Alison was honest enough, to want to compensate him in some way.

She leant over and whispered to Mabel. ‘How can I make it up to John?’ ‘Fuck him,’ said Mabel dismissively, he was temporarily in her bad books for suggesting the Lady Godiva show.

It would be a great show for those watching, she was sure that she would look great, riding around on a snow white horse stark naked but for her hair. However it would be her naked arse, bouncing up and down on the hard leather of the saddle.

Alison looked at her in surprise, she hadn’t expected Mabel to suggest fucking him. On further reflection however, perhaps it would lay the ghost of her father once and for all.

It would need some careful thought, she had no intention of bending over, while he rammed his big cock up her cunt. It would effectively be her first time with a man, and she would want to be in control of things as much as possible.

‘What’s our plans for this evening Auntie?’ asked Jane. ‘Well it’s a bit late and far to cold for the Lady Godiva routine,’ replied Mabel grumpily. ‘I have an idea that might amuse you Jane,’ offered Alison, ‘how about playing some games?’

‘What like Monopoly or something like that?’ ‘Not quite, this would be more in the nature of role-playing.’ ‘Oh great, do we get to dress up?’ ‘What a good idea Jane, yes I think it would go a lot better if we dressed for the part,’ answered Alison.

‘How about Roman’s and Slave’s?’ suggested Alison with a smile. ‘Great, who gets to be the Slave?’ As one the women turned and looked at John. ‘What?’ he said looking up from his plate for a second, ‘What?’

After dinner Alison poured wine for everybody, and they sat around the fire drinking and chatting. John finally realised that he had been roped into the girl’s plans again, and just shrugged, what was the worst that could happen?

Alison sent Diana upstairs, to sort out a variety of costumes for the night’s entertainment. She noticed that Diana seemed happier than she had been lately, and was pleased.

When she judged that they were all slightly tipsy, Alison led them upstairs to her bedroom to get dressed up. Alison and Mabel were to wear long ankle length togas, befitting their age. Jane had the same, but with a very short skirt.

John was given a gladiator type costume, it was mostly straps above the waist and a short kilt that just covered his arse as long as he didn’t bend over. John was initially reluctant to wear it, until Jane pointed out as he had fucked everyone in the room except for Alison and Diana, he needn’t hide behind false modesty.

Mabel happened to be looking at Diana when Jane said this, and noted that she averted her eyes and blushed when Jane had mentioned her name. ‘Oh my God John, don’t tell me you have fucked Diana already. Where did you find the time, let alone the energy to fuck her?’

She grabbed hold of his ear, and threatened to pull it off if he didn’t confess. ‘Don’t hurt him please, it was my fault,’ admitted Diana, ‘I seduced him in the Stable and then in his bedroom. I needed a young man badly and couldn’t help myself, he has such a lovely big young cock.’

‘Very well join the club Diana, that makes it a foursome by my count,’ said Mabel with a smile. ‘Who knows what the night may yet bring,’ said Alison enigmatically.

They all looked very sexy in their costumes, except for John. He tried to keep his boxer shorts on under his kilt, but it just looked ridiculous. The problem was solved, by all the girls jumping on him and pulling his boxer shorts off.

During the process his cock somehow became hard, and there was much touching and fondling going on. Jane even went as far as stealing a little suck, until she was pulled off him by Diana. ‘Don’t do that you greedy girl, Jonny has already fucked you up the arse today. Let someone else have a chance.

‘Jane went red, as Mabel and Alison looked at her enquiringly. ‘My bum was sore from all the riding.’ She e
xplained. ‘So you thought you would get John to fuck it better?’ asked Mabel in amazement. ‘Well it did take my mind off it,’ Jane answered defensively. ‘We are going to have to put you in a chastity belt young madam if you keep on like this,’ Mabel scolded light heartedly.

‘How do we play this game,’ asked Jane, desperate to change the subject. Alison made them gather round and explained the game. ‘We blindfold the slave and tie him to the bed, then he has to Identify whoever it is that is touching him. The contestant must not use her hands to touch him’

John offered no resistance as they blindfolded him, and laying him on his back secured his hands and feet to the four posts of the big bed. ‘Now be quite everyone, no talking or giggling, I will point to the first contestant. If John guesses who she is then he wins, if he doesn’t then the contestant wins,’ said Alison. ‘Wins what?’ asked Jane. ‘It’s a surprise,’ replied Alison, pointing to Jane.

Jane quietly crept onto the bed and lifted up John’s kilt with her teeth. His big cock was just laying there minding its own business. The first thing he knew, was a warm mouth kissing his shaft from his balls to his knob. The rest of the girls looked on in wonder, as his cock came to life.

Under the by now expert ministrations of Jane’s mouth, it stirred as if alive and then raised its head inquiringly. Jane sucked his knob into her mouth, and ran her tongue all around its circumference. Soon it was upright and eager as usual.

Jane hadn’t bothered to wear any knickers under her short toga. She straddled him, and commenced rubbing her pubes against his shaft. ‘Jane,’ shouted John in triumph.

‘Fuck me, how the fuck did you know so soon you fucking cunt?’ she yelled in fury. ‘I told you your cunt is like a plucked chicken,’ giggled Mabel. John smiled, as soon as his shaft had felt a smooth cunt rubbing it, he knew it must be Jane. She was the only girl who shaved her cunt, he didn’t know about Alison and he seriously doubted she would actually play, but all the others had hairy cunts.

‘Go and sit over there,’ said Alison, and then pointed to Mabel. Mabel also crept onto the bed quietly, and only using her mouth started to suck her favorite man’s cock. She bobbed her head up and down on his shaft until he was moaning and thrusting his cock up to meet her hot mouth. She didn’t attempt to deep throat him, as she knew he would recognise her special technique.

She stopped sucking his cock, and taking her breasts out of her toga brushed her nipples over his face. She allowed him to suck one of her nipples into his mouth, and suck on it. ‘Mabel,’ he shouted.

‘How the fuck did you know?’ she demanded. ‘That’s for me to know, and you to find out he replied cheekily.’ Jane had been eliminated, which left Mabel and Diana. He would recognise Diana’s massive nipples instantly. Therefore it must have been Mabel, because he didn’t think for a minute that Alison would actually play the game. Mabel went and sat with Jane.

To the girls surprise Alison pointed to herself, and climbed up onto the bed. John was laying there feeling pretty smug, as he knew it could only be Diana. Still he intended to have his cock sucked, before he denounced her.

Again a hot mouth sucked his cock to rigidity, this mouth also licked around his balls and between his legs. His cock really got interested, and the girls could see a drop of pre-cum fluid oozing out of his knob. To the watching girls total amazement, Alison positioned her cunt directly over his standing cock and lowered it gently down.

John gasped as he felt the unmistakeable heat and feel, of a cunt being lowered onto his cock. He could feel it sliding down his shaft, and was surprised when it stopped a few inches above his balls. It was then pulled back up his shaft until it nearly slid off his swollen knob. This was repeated faster and faster, until he was being well fucked by the mysterious woman.

John thought he knew why she wasn’t thrusting her cunt down onto his balls. Diana had a very hairy cunt, and knew he would recognise her cunt hair against his belly. She was trying to make him think that it could be Alison fucking him.

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Auntie Sue 3

I never really slept that night when i went to my bedroom i could hear them talking and then they started fucking again they both came again as i laid on my bed wanking my young boy cock thinking about the promise my sexy Auntie had made to me!! I woke up and could'nt really believe if last night happened or did i have a very vivid wet dream!! I always wake up with a hard-on this morning it was so hard it was almost hurting, i heard Auntie Sue in her bedroom, i went to the bethroom and as i...

3 years ago
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Auntie Wanted More Than Just Her Tits Sucked

Just back from another day at school, I entered the living room to find my aunt dozing with my cousin, Sam fast asleep in her lap. Auntie Kim is stopping here while my mom has taking dad away for a few days to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Even though I am sixteen and can look after myself, mom insisted Kim came to look after me.She has just turned thirty and became a single mother, four months back, she had an affair with the boss where she used to work and was well rewarded if she left...

4 years ago
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Auntie Marilyn

originally submitted 8 years ago by retired user eremiti Marilyn Goodge studied herself carefully in the mirror. "Am I getting old," she mused as she stroked her face, studying her high cheekbones with the close scrutiny that only a very beautiful woman could do. She was still a knock-out and she knew it, it was just that earlier on that day she had witnessed something which had shocked her profoundly and had caused her, for the first time, to wonder if she was getting old.The voluptuous 35...

4 years ago
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auntie gets cleaned

My stepmum came off the phone. “It’s your auntie again”. I thought “my life’s not my own 22 years and a skivvy”. Since she’d broken her leg 2 weeks ago I had barely had time to myself. She’d snapped the ligaments in her knee tripping over her cat. Being eight and half months pregnant didn’t help either. Luckily junior was okay. But she had been practically invalided and house bound since the accident. I was her favorite for obvious reasons (search for aunties pee problem) hence the...

2 years ago
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Auntie Estela takes a chance on me

That warm summer afternoon I was fucking my sexy girlfriend Ana so good. We were alone at my own bedroom and we did not expect anyone home for a couple of hours.My relation with Ana was serious and we were engaged to marry next year.My sexy girlfriend was on her knees and elbows and I was fucking her tight cunt from behind, when suddenly the bedroom door flew open and my loving Auntie Estela stormed in. My aunt was an attractive woman in her late forties, still worth for a good fuck. She had a...

3 years ago
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Auntie Marilyn chapter 3

"How nice of you to come and see me," Marilyn Goodge said a little nervously to hernephew Peter. She was still embarrassed from the sexual encounter she hadwitnessed with young Jenny Phillips and didn't know quite how to act around herattractive young nephew. It was almost as if she were seeing him for the first time,she had only thought of him as a little boy, but now, having seen him suck Jenny'snipples so expertly she was beginning to see him in another light."I brought you a little present...

3 years ago
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Auntie Marilyn Chapter 3

Chapter 3"How nice of you to come and see me," Marilyn Goodge said a little nervously to hernephew Peter. She was still embarrassed from the sexual encounter she hadwitnessed with young Jenny Phillips and didn't know quite how to act around herattractive young nephew. It was almost as if she were seeing him for the first time,she had only thought of him as a little boy, but now, having seen him suck Jenny'snipples so expertly she was beginning to see him in another light."I brought you a little...

1 year ago
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Auntie Mames New Niece Part 3

Auntie Mame's new niece, Part 3 In just a couple of hours, my life seemed to have turned upside down. Having arrived at Auntie Mame's for the summer, I suddenly found myself engulfed in fragrance, wearing a dress and carrying a bag full of my new panties and training bras. And now, we were headed for the salon. When we got into the car, Auntie Mame pulled out another package. "I got you a little extra surprise," she said. It was a handbag. Not a big leather handbag like my mom...

2 years ago
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Auntie Mames New Niece Part 4

Auntie Mame's Niece, Part 4: Back to Macy's It was hard to believe it had only been three or four hours since Mom had dropped me off to visit with Auntie Mame for the summer. At the time, I'd been a real boy, wearing blue jeans and a comfortable tee shirt. Now, we were walking out of Lisa's Beauty Salon hand in hand, and everything had changed, from the ribbon in my hair to my embroidered short dress to my Mary Jane shoes. I still wore the unmistakably girly scent of J'Ador, the...

2 years ago
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Aunties Pool

I had moved into the apartment a month ago and was settling in nicely. It wasn't big but it was mine alone, which I preferred to having to share a place. The whole trying to find flat mates and then making sure everyone paid was a hassle I was tired of. I had a few friends over for a house warming a week later and then settled down to the daily routine of work and getting out on a Friday night and meeting women. The local was a great place to meet women so that always made for a night to look...

1 year ago
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Auntie Rolanda Drives Richard Home With a Detour

Auntie Rolanda Drives Richard Home....With a Detour! Installment Two by Jessica Aireson So, here I was, buck naked, kneeling before the gorgeous Phyllis who had just noisily ejaculated an enormous load of hot silky jizz into my eager mouth. I knelt between her legs, astounded at what had just happened. My mouth and throat savored the warm, milky, and slightly salty gelatinous mass. I was acutely attuned to the sensation of Phyllis's shapely and silky stocking-clad legs embracing...

3 years ago
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Auntie Amanda Receives a Gift

It was 3:15PM. Amanda was driving home from work. She had been staying with her older s****r Beth for the last few months while looking for an apartment. Beth was divorced, living alone except for her teenage son Doug. She was always gone very early to her job and never got back before 6:30. With Amanda’s shorter hours, she was the one to make Doug his cereal and see him off to school. And they often ran into each other in the afternoons if each were around the house. As she drove home to...

2 years ago
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Auntie Amanda Receives a Gift

It was 3:15PM. Amanda was driving home from work. She had beenstaying with her older sister Beth for the last few months whilelooking for an apartment. Beth was divorced, living alone exceptfor her teenage son Doug. She was always gone very early to herjob and never got back before 6:30. With Amanda's shorter hours,she was the one to make Doug his cereal and see him off toschool. And they often ran into each other in the afternoons ifeach were around the house.As she drove home to Beth's house,...

3 years ago
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Auntie Claire Mends A Broken Arm

Terry’s suppressed groan from his bedroom down the hallway sent chills through me. I had goosebumps imagining his discomfort while the house nurse changed dressings. It didn’t matter that I had warned him about the Down Hill Mountain Challenge. That I thought he was too young for that sort of thing. I was trying to be protective not make him lose confidence. I had so much empathy for him.I tried to busy myself in my brother’s kitchen and drown out the sounds from Terry’s bedroom while the nurse...

3 years ago
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Auntie Claire Mends A Broken Arm

Terry’s suppressed groan from his bedroom down the hallway sent chills through me. I had goosebumps imagining his discomfort while the house nurse changed dressings. It didn’t matter that I had warned him about the Down Hill Mountain Challenge. That I thought he was too young for that sort of thing. I was trying to be protective not make him lose confidence. I had so much empathy for him.I tried to busy myself in my brother’s kitchen and drown out the sounds from Terry’s bedroom while the nurse...

2 years ago
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Auntie Claire and Amy

Auntie Claire and Amy’s massageClaire woke knowing today was the anniversary of when her husband left her and she was going to go out and treat herself and that meant another pair of shoes. She dressed as she always did which was smart and elegant with stockings and a pair of high heel shoes, although as she was now in her mid-fifties the heels were just a little bit shorter than they used to be. She still liked to hear the clip clop of the heels on the ground and knowing that many men and...

3 years ago
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Auntie Hayley reaches into her bag of tricks

The summer and thus Auntie Hayley's trip was drawing to a close much to my dismay. She was using me daily as a fuck bag doing unspeakable things to me and technically she could have got into a lot of trouble if I had not enjoyed it so much!My day always started down the hay shed where she would give a quick hand job to start my day well! She always let me finger her sopping wet cunt as she tugged on my member! Hayley would help me get off at various times during the day if needed and there was...

3 years ago
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Auntie Gets Her Two Big Wishes

[Contains: F/Young F, Lesbian Sex, Girl-on-Girl Impregnation & Babymaking]Connie is happy with most of everything in her life. She has established a very successful interior-design business by forging links with some of the top architects in the city. She has her own large penthouse with great views of the harbor and several very good friends. But, there are two things missing. Her beloved husband died 3 years ago, just at the time they had planned to have c***dren. There has been no one...

2 years ago
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Auntie Mames New Niece

"Well, you must be Patrick!" "Yes, ma'am. Are you Auntie Mame?" "Oh, yes! I've been SO looking forward to your coming. Goodness, you have pretty eyes, and such long lashes." "Thanks, I guess." I had to admit, Auntie Mame was beautiful, and she seemed nice enough, if overpowering. At any rate, it had been made very clear to me that I was to obey her without question. "We're going to have a lot of adventures in the next few weeks," she said. "Let me look you over." She stepped...

1 year ago
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Auntie Turned Me into Her Little Boy Slut

Introduction: Please see the tags and dont read if you doPlease rate on the quality of the writing not whether you like the subject matter, indicated in the tags. For as long as I can remember I was infatuated with my Auntie Celeste. Who wouldnt be? She was a gorgeous, sophisticated lady who always looked perfect–long, wavy auburn hair matched by long, shapely legs, an hour-glass figure, dark smoldering eyes enhanced by mascara and eye shadow, and ruby red lips. I was often alone with her, even...

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Auntie Anne and her slips

Several weeks ago, whilst on vacation from college, I had the most extraordinary, but wonderful experience with my Auntie Anne. She had discovered that I had for many years harboured a secret desire to see her slips, or petticoats as she called them. On this particular day I was sitting opposite Auntie, who is an attractive woman in her mid-forties, and caught sight of the lace hem of her slip as she crossed her legs - rather provocatively I thought. I immediately felt my cock swelling at this...

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Auntie Sue 2

After that first time playing around with my Auntie Sue I could'nt stop wanking!!She was always in my thoughts and I spent as much time there as possible, the teasing continued along with the wrestling i came a few times as i wrestled her! I would push my cock against her at every opportunity and touch her big tits! One weekend I was invited to stay over my Uncle was there as well i sat on the settee cuddled up to Auntie Sue as usual i was as hard as ever until i remember Uncle was there!! They...

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Auntie Haley sister Lilly and my fucked up world

"How are you going pencil dick, have you had a wank today" it was fun being woken from a great wet dream with those words from my sister Lilly! We had developed a sort of love/hate relationship since the numerous encounters around the house this year.I wasn't exactly sure where I stood with her, firstly she would be nice to me and then not so. Lilly had made it a habit of sneaking into my room late at night to administer my 'punishment' This started with an insult to which I would ignore to be...

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Auntie Mabel Ch 16

Chapter 16: Alison Buggered and Impregnated Alison knew she would have to work on cultivating Jane, if her plan was to be generally accepted by all. She walked over to where Jane was sitting despondently, and whispered in her ear. ‘Jane, could you give me a hand please, I need your opinion on my going away outfit.’ Jane was still groggy from Alison’s bombshell regarding selling Armatage Hall, and moving into the village with them. She allowed Alison to lead her out of the room and towards...

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Auntie Made Me Cum With Her Feet

Introduction: I had wiped all the cum off my mums feet now and they looked as good as new, i kissed them and gave them a little massage and put her shoes back on. We then both walked into the restaurant and found the rest of the family sitting round the table singing me happy birthday. Auntie Made Me Cum….With Her Feet This is the second part to come from Made Me Cum Series Read the first one to understand the background of this story. ...

2 years ago
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Auntie Mary Part 1

When I woke that Saturday morning, I still ached all over. But it was a good ache; an ache that reminded me of the amazing experience I had had at the rugby club. But it was the phone ringing that got me out of bed--not many people use my landline, most use my mobile (cell phone, to my American readers). My mobile's by my bed. The 'real' phone's in the living room. Anyway, I jumped out of bed and tried to put on my dressing gown as I dashed through to the living room, but the answer phone had...

4 years ago
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Auntie Footjob

It was a Thursday evening,at 18:00 precisley,i had to go to my aunt's house to take her digital camera to donwload her photos;while i was riding my bike,i was thinking to how totry to lick her feet (I touched and massaged 4 or 5 times them),when i finally arrived.I saw my uncle in the garden cutting the grass,and after saying "Hi" to him,i got intothe house: my aunt was stretched out on the sofa,with closed eyes (but she wasn't sleeping);she was wearing a white t-shirt that emphasize her big...

2 years ago
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Auntie Made Me Cum With Her Feet

This is the second part to come from Made Me Cum Series Read the first one to understand the background of this story. ___________________________________________________________________________________ I had wiped all the cum off my mums feet now and they looked as good as new, i kissed them and gave them a little massage and put her shoes back on. We then both walked into the restaurant and found the rest of the family sitting round the table singing me happy birthday. the...

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auntie Barbara

Well here I am again I have been in lockdown now for seven nights with my auntie Barbara .and I do not regret one minute of it she has gone from having no sex in nearly 7 years to having this cock of mine three and four times a day . Last night after dinner we sat in the front room having a drink I started to ask my auntie Barbara about her sex life with my uncle Vic she said it was okay I suppose he did not like sex very much I don’t think he would last just a few seconds .before he cum .when...

3 years ago
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Auntie Courtney the Cougar Mamma

“Oh; hi sweetheart. Did you have a good run?” I replied as I applied the finishing touches to a pie for the evening dinner; “did you go far?” “About 10 miles I guess.” He panted as he took a carton of orange from the fridge. “Just enough to get everything pumping.” I looked up to see him grinning as he took a swig of juice. I instantly looked away but felt my face begin to blush. Lewis is my sister’s eldest son and was staying with us until he started a local University...

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"Well, I wasn't going to say anything about it...her...but now that you mention it I could sort of tell she might be kind of wild the sack. She sure does talk a lot of trash when she's high." "Joy likes to brag a lot to. I'm sure you've noticed," I replied. "Especially when it comes to her bedroom antics." Jeff tried to play dumb by replying, "Brab? About what?" I turned from my driving duties as we rocketed down the interstate long enough to give him a smirk...

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Auntie Paula enjoys my dick in her ass

I had fucked my Auntie Paula that afternoon at her house by the seaside. Better we could say, she had fucked me…After enjoying a very nice sex time at the backyard, we both dressed up and went to the beach, to meet my mother there.I knew that my mother knew what had happened…She smiled at her younger sister and whispered in my ear that Auntie Paula would give some lessons about anal sex later…I really was having a strong desire to do anal. I had already fucked many girls, but none of them had...

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Auntie Jean Rides My Young Cock

I dated a woman for a while and got to know her family quite well.One day i was lying in bed at home when i heard the front door open.As i lay there wondering who it was the bedroom door opened and in walked my partners Auntie Jean.She was dressed in a tight blouse,which could hardly contain her ample breasts,a very short leather mini skirt,black stockings and black boots.Before i could open my mouth to say something she came over to the bed and pulled back the covers.I had been playing with my...

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Auntiersquos Naughty Boys chapter 7

Shortly after the bus with barred windows left town, Julie told the matron that shehad to piss, and Lisa joined in that that she had to go "Number Two." The older ofthe two matrons said that the girls had had plenty of time to take care of these thingsback in town, in the jail, before boarding the bus that was to take them back toreform school. But the younger matron pleaded for them, saying that what harmcould it do if they stopped at a gas station to let the girls relieve...

4 years ago
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Auntie Hayley the Nympho cums to stay

Well, when it rains, it pours as they say! No sooner as I had nailed my sisters sweet body, it had seemed my sexual prowess (or lack thereof) was on show for all to see! I refer to my Mom's crazy sister Hayley. She was a few years younger than mom and was certainly the talk of the family with her free spirited antics!Auntie Hayley came to stay during summer break, a time that encompassed Christmas and New year so there was a lot of celebrating and drinking. As a minor I just partook in the...

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Auntie Donna

She's a hairdresser and takes care of her self, painting her nails to match her outfit which would have been chosen and picked out the night before, her face is round and she seems to always have a smile on it no matter what she's doing and her looked after white teeth compliment it well.Donna has brown eyes and a button like nose. Okay, a little bit of history, when I was a young lad and wanking 4 or 5 times daily, Donna was a frequent fantasy in my head and i was always trying to get a...

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