Caught On Camera Ch. 01 free porn video

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The young man’s name was Aaron Olson. He was a high school senior and he lived with his mom and his grandfather. His dad had died when he was two. His mom worked full time in his grandfather’s camera shop, and he worked there part-time. Aaron, his mother and grandfather all lived in her childhood home.

The Bardoorian sisters occupied the house across the alley behind them. Like his mom, they also grew up in the same house they were living in now. Lisa, the older of the two women is in her early forties. Lisa is a lawyer, and was recently elected District Judge. Marie, the other sister is a little bit younger and is a Librarian at the public library. Both women are single and neither has ever been married. The two sisters and Aaron’s mom have been best friends forever.

Aaron walked through Bardoorian’s yard as a short cut to get to school. This night he was on his way to a basketball game where he was planning on taking pictures of the girls on the schools cheerleading squad. His camera was loaded with 1600-speed film and he was thinking about lens openings and shutter speed when a movement in the house caught his eye.

Leaning back in an overstuffed chair with her feet up on an ottoman was the Judge. Lisa can best be described as diminutive. She is small in stature with a rich flowing mane of wavy jet-black hair. Her dark eyes with their heavy lids were closed and her bushy eyebrows were scrunched together and she was biting at her lower lip. She was wearing a gray sweatshirt and black sweat pants. She had her feet together with the pants pushed down around her ankles, but her knees were a mile apart. The Judge had her hands stuffed down through the top of stretched out white panties and was furiously rubbing her crotch. Aaron could hardly believe what he was seeing and without even thinking about it, he brought the camera to his eye and started snapping off pictures. After a couple of quick shots, he slowed down and focused in on the spot where her hands were working away and then on her face. She would alter between biting at her lower lip and letting just the tip of her tongue slip between her full lush ruby red lips. With her head tilted back and her eyes closed, she looked like she was in seventh heaven. As he watched she arched her back and simultaneously cupped her pussy with both hands before stretching out her legs and relaxing back into the chair. She sat still for a few moments then she took her right hand out of her panties and sniffed at her fingers before licking them. A short time later she pulled up her pants and sat up.

It was at this point that Aaron realized the possibility that he could be seen by anyone passing by, and with a camera in his hands he could be found guilty of being a peeping tom. He hurried off down the driveway and went on to the school. His straining and throbbing cock demanded attention, so he headed straight for the john and beat off before going to the game.

At the gym Aaron sat with six or seven friends fairly high in the bleachers. He was able to get several shots off when one of the cheerleaders would be thrown high and spread her legs really wide right in front of them. He moved down to floor level and took several photos of the girls in various pyramid type formations as well as individual shots. After the game he had to promise is friends he’d bring the developed pictures to school on Monday if they were any good.

Aaron’s grandfather had gone to Florida for a couple of months, and he and his mom were alone in the shop the next morning, which was Saturday. When she went out for lunch he got the films developed, but didn’t have a chance to examine them closely and only got a cursory look before stuffing them away in a jacket pocket. He sure didn’t want his mom to see what kind of pictures he was taking.

After dinner that night he finally got a chance to be alone in his room and was examining the pictures and beating off to one of Judge Lisa when his mother scared the shit out of him by knocking on his bedroom door. ‘Lisa and Marie are coming over in a couple of minutes to play bridge. It would be sweet of you to join us for a little while.’ His mom said.

At that very moment Aaron was looking at a picture of Lisa Bardoorian sucking pussy juice off her fingers and his mom is asking him to go down and play bridge with this woman. He had always thought that Lisa, and Marie for that matter, were attractive women. The dark Armenian eyes, hair and skin color make both women quite attractive. He’d masturbated many times thinking about them, but now…NOW HE WAS IN FULL ALERT HARDON LUST FOR LISA.

‘OK mom.’ He shouted while he continued to masturbate to the photo of Lisa that made her look like a very sexually satisfied woman. ‘When they get here let me know and I’ll come down.’

The four played bridge for almost three hours. He tried as hard as he could to be the dummy and let his mom, who was his partner, play the hands. This gave him lots of time to examine Lisa without being too obvious. Aaron also looked a little closer at Marie and his mom. He thought all three women were good-looking and couldn’t understand why none of them were married. His mom hardly ever dated anyone. But she had married his dad, so she probably wasn’t a lesbian, but maybe the other two were he thought.

Near the end of the evening his mom and Marie went out into the kitchen leaving Lisa and Aaron alone. She was always lecturing Marie and his mom about helping teenagers learn the meaning of life, so He figured he’d try something with her. ‘Lisa…’ Aaron started and fumbled a little bit. ‘I’ve got a ethical or maybe it’s a moral problem, and I’m wondering if you would have any time to talk with me about it?’

‘Sure Aaron, anytime. Is it something you want to talk to me in private about?’ She asked.

‘Yes. Could you meet me tomorrow afternoon? We could meet in my grandfather’s ‘pout house’.’ His grandfather had fixed up a den in the garage so that he could get away from Aaron when he was a little kid. Now the two used it as a TV room. Sally, Aaron’s mother never went in it to the best of his knowledge.

‘Sure,’ she said. ‘I’ll meet you there at about two tomorrow afternoon.’

He was ready for the Judge well before two. He had three pictures of the cheerleaders stacked on a coffee table, and the one of Lisa sucking her fingers, tucked away in the back of a drawer. After Lisa arrived and they engaged in a little small talk he hit her with his alleged problem. ‘I took pictures of the cheerleading squad at the game last Friday, and when I developed the pictures I found that I had a lot more than I bargained for. I admit that I was trying to get a few up skirt panty shots for my friends to see, but I’m not sure I should show these pictures to anyone. Would you tell me what to do?’

The 1st picture showed a girl suspended in the air with her legs wide apart. The focus was so great that you could see the stitching on the edging of the leg holes of her panties. The dark green panties had pulled up tight into her ass crack and you could make out the camel toe shape of her pussy. The 2nd picture showed a pyramid shot with one girls hand pushed up in the ass crack of the girl she was holding up, and the 3rd one had this very same girl with her hands squeezing the tits of her teammate that she had just caught after some routine.

‘Well, Aaron, I see two or three different things that you can do. First you could just burn the pictures and try to forget that you even took them. I know that would be hard for a horny teenage boy but that would be one choice. Another would be to give the pictures to the girl that seems to be the aggressor in a couple of these shots and let her know that others, especially you, know that she has been caught in her inappropriate behavior. And you could take the one of the girl that has her crotch on display and ask her for a private session with you. I wouldn’t recommend that you blackmail her, but maybe you could get lucky and sh
e’ll trade you an up front live view of her private parts in exchange for the picture you have.’ She said this with a crazy little grin on her face before she added, ‘Morals are something you have to decide for yourself. You have to live with the consequences, therefore only you can make the right decision.’ Lisa stated this with authority and a very serious look on her face.

‘I like number three.’ He said.

‘I figured you would she laughed. ‘Be prepared however, she may be really upset at you and come out swinging or suing. Make sure nobody overhears you making your proposition. OK? You need to keep that in mind because it is illegal, if not immoral, to take pictures of nude or semi nude people without their consent.’

‘I still like number three a lot, Lisa, but I have one more picture to show you.’ And he went over to the drawer and removed the picture and handed it to her.

The picture showed Lisa with her pants down around her ankles and her panties pushed down far enough so that her dark curly pubic hair spilled out the top. She had one hand up underneath her sweatshirt that was clearly holding onto her tit and the other hand was at her mouth with her lips wrapped around her middle finger. There was a bead of sweat on her upper lip, and her half lidded eyes conveyed a portrait of a wanton sex vixen that looked like she had just finger fucked herself.

‘Oh my God…how in hell did you ever get this photo?’

‘On my way to the game last Friday I spotted you through the window. Would you be interested in trading me something for the picture?’ He asked.

‘You little shit…I ought to ring your neck!’ Lisa shouted as she tore the photo up into little pieces and flung them at the grinning young man.

‘Would you be interested in trading for the negative?’ He said smirking. ‘How about you let me examine your nude body for thirty minutes and I’ll destroy the negative. I would like to look at you, touch you and watch you masturbate at the same time I do. That sound like a fair trade to you?’

‘And if I say no?’

‘Well, I hope you won’t say no. I know absolutely nothing about females. I masturbate and dream, but I have never experienced the real thing. You’re about as real as anything I could ever conjure up. Please. I hope you agree without getting too pissed at me. Please?’

Lisa just stood and looked at Aaron for the longest time before she spoke ‘OK, go over and lock the door and take your pecker out and sit on that chair. We’ll do it right now, and if you don’t destroy that negative, I’ll hang you from a lamp post by your balls.’ Lisa said, figuring that if she didn’t do it right this second, she would chicken out. If the public ever saw a picture of her like that she could kiss her Judgeship goodbye. Besides she found it kind of sexy that this young handsome boy found her attractive enough to blackmail her into sex. Lisa was still wearing the clothes she had worn to church services that morning, and when she slowly loosened the buttons down the front of her blue and white dress she watched young Aaron intently. When the dress dropped to the floor she stood in front of the young man wearing only pearl earrings, a matched pearl necklace, and a light blue nylon bra with lace edging. Below the waist she had on a dark blue half-slip that covered her panty hose and a pair of light blue panties that matched her bra. Navy shoes with mid sized heals completed her outfit.

Lisa stepped out of the shoes and reaching up underneath the half-slip she pulled her panty hose down her legs. She bent forward with her hand on the arm of Aaron’s chair while standing first on one leg then the other she removed the garment. Aaron had started slowly beating off when Lisa had unbuttoned the first button, now he had to force himself to slow down and not get carried away. The pear shaped dangling breasts, barely held by a lacy bra, were only inches from his face. He watched mesmerized as Lisa bent at the waist removing her stockings. He almost lost it when she pushed the half-slip down and stood erect with her feet close together.

The light colored panties she wore seemed to accentuate the shape and richness of her pubic hair while doing nothing to conceal it. Nipples the size of acorns pushed out from inside the thin bra that was stretched when she reached back to release the hooks. Lisa could feel her nipples harden and the juices start flowing as she removed her clothes in front of young Aaron. She was getting turned on knowing that the pulsating inflamed cock being manhandled in front of her was going to explode in a matter of seconds. She felt proud that her forty-year-old body was still attractive to this young stud. With the bra unhooked it hung loosely from her chest and she let the straps fall down her arms and drop to the floor at her feet. Bending caused her unbridled breasts to sway slightly as she pushed her panties down over her ass and to her knees where they subsequently fell of their own accord to a puddle at her feet with the rest of her things. Standing tall she pushed her chest out proudly and smiled.

Aaron was squeezing his dick as hard as he could trying to prevent himself from coming, but as Lisa leaned forward, presenting her engorged nipples to him he erupted with such force that his first shot landed on the floor between where he sat and the Judge stood. The second and third shot went even further and landed on her panties at her feet. He just stared at the beautiful woman wearing only a pearl necklace and earrings as he milked out the remaining semen and let it dribbled off the end of his cock.

‘Wipe yourself off with these.’ Lisa told Aaron as she handed him her soiled panties. She kept her eyes locked to his as she bent down and retrieved her brassiere from the floor. Hooking the bra in back she thrust out her hairy mound toward the young man aware that her clit had harden and had extended itself within the thick forest surrounding her pussy. She could actually feel her juices trickling down the inside of her thigh.

‘You’re not going are you?’ Aaron cried. ‘Our agreement was that I could touch you as well.’

‘Tough shit! That’s it we’re not doing anything else. Destroy the negative or your ass is grass. Get it? In fact, I think you should get the negative now. I’ll wait three minutes for you to get it. Move goddamn it now!’

When the young man left it didn’t take but a few seconds of finger manipulation for Lisa to give herself a self satisfying little orgasm before she finished dressing. When Aaron handed the negative over, Lisa let her stern scowl turn into a light smile and she pulled his head down and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. ‘Thank you. Now let’s both forget that this afternoon ever happened. Maybe next Saturday you can be my bridge partner instead of your mothers.’ And with that she left.

Lisa Bardoorian had a grin on her face from ear to ear and kept forcing herself not to cry out loud until she got inside her own home. Once inside the door she could no longer hold her joy and excitement inside and almost collapsed because she was laughing so hard. Rushing up the stairs she literally leaped onto the bed her sister Marie was napping on. ‘Oh my God…Oh my God!!! You’ll never in a million years guess what I just did. Oh my God!!! I don’t believe it…Oh my God!!!’

‘Slow down Lisa, for Christ’s sake. What happened?’

‘I took all my clothes off and stood absolutely stark naked in front of young Aaron Olson while he jerked off. I don’t believe I did that. Oh my God!’

‘You did what!’ Marie exclaimed as she got caught up in the enthusiasm generated by her sister.

‘Well it’s kind of complicated, but last Friday I was feeling horny and had my hands in my pants rubbing my pussy and Aaron spotted me through the window. He had a camera and took a picture of me. I looked like a wanton hussy slut. You know kind of like you always look.’ Lisa laughed. ‘Anyway, he blackmailed me into stripping for him in exchange for the pic

‘You should have him arrested.’ Marie said.

‘No, he was so cute and he’s so innocent that it’s unbelievable. I don’t think he had ever seen a woman naked before. Besides you wouldn’t believe how horny it made me. He left me alone while he ran and got the negative, and it took me about ten seconds to reach an orgasm. My juices were running down my legs I was so excited.’

‘So now I suppose you’re interested in cock again?’ Marie asked.

‘No…I don’t think so, but his cock was so cute. It was fairly long, but thin and it did look like it might taste good. Maybe I should call him up and we could both take him on.’

‘Lisa! Remember you went all through school with his mother. You’re the exact same age. Now me…I’m a lot younger than you are, so maybe you should call him up just for me.’

‘Bull shit. You’re only two years younger, and you’re way old enough to be his mother. And anyway, I don’t want to be his mother, I just want to mother him a little bit. Do you think Sally does him?’ Lisa said as the two sisters laughed and hugged one another. Marie slid her hand up the back of Lisa’s thigh until she reached her older sisters bare butt. She could feel the wetness in the ass crack and she knew that Lisa was still turned on and looking for sexual gratification.

‘I can tell you had a good time because you’re wetter than a toilet bowl, but another thing, I wonder if you know what you did with your panties?’

‘Oh my God! I not only left my panties but my pantyhose as well in Sally’s dad’s ‘pout house’. Maybe I should go and get them. What do you think?’

‘I think you’re crazy, is what I think. I also think you should slide over to the edge of the bed and let me help you take the edge off that nervous energy you picked up screwing around with young Aaron’s mind. Would you like me to use a vibrator in that horny gash of yours?’

‘Yes…you know I bet I could get my hand all the way around Aaron’s cock. It was just about the same size as this little gadget you’re using on me, except the head wasn’t pointed, but round and looked like silk.’

Marie slid the long slim vibrator with its ‘C’ cell batteries all the way in her sisters slick wet tunnel and turned it on full force. Then leaning forward she sucked and played with the shinny erect clit as she held the short curly hairs away from Lisa’s heated up vulva. After helping her older sister reach the peak of sexual satisfaction Marie backed off just a little, but as Lisa pulled her head tight into her crotch she sucked as hard as she could until Lisa gently pushed her away. The two sisters drifted off into a light sleep nestled in the arms of each other.

As Aaron stood in the doorway and watched Lisa walk across the alley toward her own home he felt some conflicting emotions. On the one hand he had viewed his first fully naked woman and she had even kissed him. On the other hand, the bitch had reneged on their agreement. He was supposed to get to touch her, and watch her masturbate, and he didn’t get to do either of those. Still on the third hand he had twenty-three more pictures of Lisa, and maybe he could leverage another session where she would do what he wanted her to do. Maybe if he played his cards right he’d even get to fuck the sneaky little bitch. When she went into her own house Aaron grabbed the cheerleader pictures, shut the door to the garage and went into the house and up to his own room. Going through the pictures of Lisa he found two that really were really explicit. Both showed her face at the height of sexual gratification, and both showed enough of her crotch so that you could tell that she had been pleasing herself.

Looking at the cheerleaders pictures once again, he tried to develop a strategy in his mind that would work so that he could get both Tammy White maybe to show him her snatch, and Christina Nelson to let him feel her up the same way she felt up her fellow cheerleaders. He stroked his cock and thought on these matters until his mother called him for dinner. After helping his mother with the dishes the two played a couple games of Scrabble before Aaron went off to his room to finish up his homework. Sally decided to tidy up the house before the cleaning lady showed up Monday morning. Getting someone to come in once a week was a real luxury, but She liked to get the clutter picked up before the lady came. After blitzing the house she went out to the TV room in the garage. What looked like scraps of a torn up photograph were strewn across the floor, and when Sally bent down to pick them up she found a rumpled up pair of woman’s panty hose. Then in the corner of a chair, she spotted the wadded up women’s panties.

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Digital Camera

Please feel free to send me a comment on the story. For those of you who have emailed me thanks for sharing your kind words. I have enjoyed reading the emails about the stories and ideas on what should happen with some of the characters. Thanks for the kind emails. It's nice to know that people enjoy reading them. Since they take a long time to write. If you find an error, I highly encourage telling me (as I have few mistakes!). I am trying to fix my grammar and tense mistakes. Enjoy, and let...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Candid Camera

Roxanne Ward stepped off the elevator on the ninth floor of the McKenna building, promising herself that she would stop feeling sorry for herself that she had to work tonight. Because she did, she was going to miss the company's legendary Christmas party, held this year at the skylight lounge up on the twenty-ninth floor. It was an event that people waited for all year, and she was going to miss it. "Well you knew the drawbacks when you took this job," the blond-haired twenty-one-year-old...

3 years ago
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The Hidden Camera

We had a few cars being broken into around our neighbourhood and a few ofmy neighbours had house alarms fitted but the trouble I found with themis that they go off for all sorts of reasons and no-one takes any notice.I decided to buy a wireless video camera. I bought it on ebay verycheaply and when it arrived through the post the next day I quickly setit up.My neighbour Frank called round and asked me what I was doing and I gavehim a demo. He said he would like one but was useless at doing...

2 years ago
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The Boss and Her Camera

The first job I had after graduate school was with a graphic design company. By small, I mean there were about twenty people employed and, while it was considered up and coming, the company that hadn't yet solidified its reputation.Anyways, my decision to work there - as opposed to another more established company that had offered me a better pay/benefits package - was made after meeting the woman who ran the company.After being interviewed by the personnel director and a project manager I was...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Me and My Camera

This may sound a bit warped to the male readers (and maybe some female as well), but lately I’ve discovered a new way of getting myself off. It all started by buying an inexpensive video camera and one day, while in a particularly horny mood, I decided to videotape myself. It took very little planning. I basically perused through a folder filled with naked girls, which obviously got my six-inch cock up and running. That took all of ten minutes before I decided on which one would be the lucky...

2 years ago
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Dirty Girls and a Camera

This story takes place about a year after me, my little cousin Stephanie, and my girlfriend Johanna’s first sex romp together. I wouldn’t say the three of us got together frequently over that following year, but we had our share of liaisons. The girls liked to dress up and show off their bodies. I certainly didn’t mind. Johanna and I were living together by this time, and we invited Stephanie over to our place on a Friday night for a night of drinks and fun. Johanna had cut her brown hair...

1 year ago
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First time on camera

“I am going to fuck your ass now babe. I want you back on your knees.” He moved and I fell off him as he had commanded and crawled to the side of the bed my ass open and twitching knowing what was coming. Jason tossed the camera on video record on the bed, focusing it directly on my face. He wanted to capture every moment. I grimaced as I feel his hard rod enter me. Although I was ready, open and totally willing, the start is always a task for me, but as usual once he was in oh I felt so good....

First Time
4 years ago
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My New Lover A Camera

"Bollocks," I heard myself saying, as the A4 sized folder slipped from my under my arm hand and fell to the floor in the middle of the Starbucks in Greenwich. As I bent down, I quickly looked around, hoping no one had heard me, maybe I had said it under my breath, I rather ambitiously thought.I heard a nice, male voice say."Hey, let me help."I didn't look at the owner of the voice. "No, no it's ok," I said panicking a bit as I knelt down and tried picking everything up as quickly as I...

1 year ago
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The Camera

"John!"your busty MILF of a stepmom Meredith calls from downstairs. "You little pervert! Did you take my bra again?!" "No, Meredith!"you call back. Ugh. She was so annoying! It was bad enough having to put up with her and your bratty twin stepsisters Riley and Miley when your dad was alive, but now that he was dead, they made sure to make your life a living hell. Although you did take Meredith's bra a couple times... But even so! The only reason Meredith ever married your old man was because of...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 24 Smile for the Camera

With our trip through the cave behind us things calmed down around Camelot. With no unusual surprises or disasters in the making, I found I had some spare time to pursue my hobby: photography. Kim and Cathy's photography teacher expressing her appreciation for the albums the girls had brought to Show and Tell, got my interest re-invigorated so I got busy in my studio setting up for some special pictures I wanted to shoot. With the cooler weather of fall upon us I decided to do most of my...

2 years ago
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C is for Camerawoman

"I didn't watch that particular video. I am pretty sure it was yours, though.""There are many available on the internet, Honey. Different days, different camera angles."As the tintinnabulation of coin jingles and slot machine jangles harmonized around us, I observed the woman eating lunch with me at our table in the sandwich market. She was clearly abashed about her online activities."Barb, I think it's cool."She blinked at me, her wavy, red tresses framing her beige cheeks. "You...

2 years ago
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Hot Indian Couple Has Sweaty Sex On Camera

Last week, my friend invited me over to his house. He had also invited a girl over. The girl was gorgeous, and as I stared at the sexy pics in his phone, he told me he had invited her over, and that she was a super freak. When she finally came over, they started making out on the couch. After a while, I felt a tap on my arm. I looked over and her hand was touching me as she stopped kissing my friend. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. She then got off my friend’s lap and sat in mine,...

2 years ago
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Playing with the ParkersChapter 8 Getting it On On Camera

When we resumed the picture taking, I noticed that Don's erection had subsided. I had an evil thought that I was going to try to bring it back again. I supposed that Tad had gotten a boner, too, although fully dressed, his was quite a bit easier to hide from public view. Again Louise, still nude herself, was fully engaged, helping to pose me on their big bed. "I'm wet," I told her. "I'm going to get your bedspread all gooey with my lubrication!" Louise laughed. "It'll all come out...

2 years ago
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Candid Camera

Lindsay fastened the new lacy polka-dot bra at her back, straightened her stockings and observed herself in the three way mirror. “Very nice,” she said to herself and left her dressing room. Cade would be home any minute and she wanted to make sure all her preparations were in place. She walked down the long hall to the study, glancing at herself in the mirrors that hung along the walls. She smiled to herself, imagining the surprise and pleasure she would she on Cade’s face. She opened the...

3 years ago
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Cousins Caught on Camera

My life changed drastically and permanently two weeks ago, even though nothing significant happened. I was having a casual discussion with a friend, and I recalled the embarrassing time when my ex-girlfriend walked in on me jacking off in the bathroom. It was a bit unnerving at the time, of course, but barely anything to fret about. I recalled the time I accidentally saw my mom's naked breasts for a brief moment, and he told me about a time his dad walked in on him masturbating. We laughed at...

2 years ago
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In The House of Forgotten Cameras

"Could you help me with my camera?" she asked. I was trying to pull the fog-shrouded pylons of the Golden Gate Bridge into focus on the ground glass of my old view-camera. As if by magic, Jillian's lithe silhouette emerged from the swirling fog. Even in the inverted image on the camera’s focusing screen, she was most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. "Umm… I guess. Sure." I stammered, climbing out from under the camera’s dark cloth. Back then, I was a quintessential San Francisco kid. Skinny,...

3 years ago
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Me and My Camera

This may sound a bit warped to the male readers (and maybe some female as well), but lately I’ve discovered a new way of getting myself off. It all started by buying an inexpensive video camera and one day, while in a particularly horny mood, I decided to videotape myself. It took very little planning. I basically perused through a folder filled with naked girls, which obviously got my six-inch cock up and running. That took all of ten minutes before I decided on which one would be the lucky...

4 years ago
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Married With cdren The Camera

Peg Bundy was sitting on the couch, eating bon-bons and watching Oprah on television when the doorbell rang. It was her next-door neighbor Marcy D'arcy."Hi Peg," said Marcy flopping down next to her on the couch, "I just needed somebody to talk to. I'm so lonely without Jefferson."Marcy's husband Jefferson, along with Peg's husband Al, had supposed gone off on a week long "fishing" trip at a remote lake in Wisconsin. Peggy suspected that they were spending most of their time at a nudie bar near...

2 years ago
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Wrong Side of the Camera

WRONG SIDE OF THE CAMERA I am Steve, a 22 year old television presenter, determined to get to the top as quickly as possible and don't care what I have to do to get there. I have a growing reputation for doing those things no-one would dare do, or want to do, even though it has meant over-coming a few of my own phobias, not to mention the odd black eye or broken nose. It seemed all my efforts and sacrifices were beginning to pay off when I was asked by one of the smaller satellite...

2 years ago
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Celebrity Camera

My name is Johnathan Edward Doe. I live in Hollywood, and am the agent of a very sexy female celebrity. It's a well-paying job, obviously, but there is a slight...problem. She is such a bitch! She has no respect for me, calling me a creep and saying I picked 'bad publicity' for her to do, although I was suggesting she do various charity and non-profit events for her to visit. Was it my fault she had so much damn money she didn't know what to do with it?! No! It was her own fault for being so...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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First time on camera

The last week of the term was finally over.. No more study, no more exams, I felt so relieved it was over i slung my bag in the corner of my room, sat on the couch and kicked off my shoes. Fucks me what the holidays have in store, but I don’t even care, relaxation would be enough.. My family can’t afford to go away on holidays, my foster Mum works constantly and rarely has a day off, so it would be up to me to make my own fun.. I have lived with Janet, my 38 yr old surrogate mother for going...

2 years ago
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Dead Light Camera

Author’s Note: This is not an erotic story, but there is some sex here. Again, this was built around the germ of an idea that took on a life of its own. In that regard, it’s not a stroke story. It’s an homage to music and the connection with the spirit world. Long before Robert Johnson, many artists were rumored to have sold their souls for the chance to perform at the peak of their artistry. From that, I tried my own spin on the myth. I try to put a lot of different ideas in my stories, so I...

2 years ago
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New Camera

"Show me dad," his daughter asked. Carefully he unpacked his new purchase and handed it to his only daughter. "Oh it's quite heavy," she gasped as she held it in her hands. "Yeah, it's four million pixels wherever that means," he laughed. "It means there are four million tiny specs of colour making up the picture," she said. "Yeah, what ever," he said, "all I know it's expensive and takes good pictures. "Are you going to take any of me," she asked. "Yes I expect so...

1 year ago
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Candid Camera

Mariko and I met for lunch at Crown Center – a large indoor mall in downtown Kansas City. We were both reporters at two KC newspapers and had begun an affair at another midwestern paper before meeting again. She had full lips, haughty cheekbones, ink-black hair, large, liquid, deep brown eyes and a body and mind to die for. I was married, soon to be divorced and she helped me out of that jam before we eventually went our separate ways about a year later. Because of our work schedules and my...

3 years ago
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Caught on Camera

I guess you could call this a cautionary tale. In all honesty, things are changing so fast in the workplace and other public areas that everyone should be on their toes to check for video cameras and listening devices that eavesdrop and record their every little indiscretion. It wasn't that long ago that I was in a cushy job in a major city getting paid a nice salary for doing practically nothing. Things were moving along quite nicely until I started having some domestic difficulties related...

3 years ago
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Fucked in Camera

I’am a beautiful young lady of 24. I’am married to a older guy of 48, who was a film producer. I was very much interested in movies and wanted to be a actress. After my consistent effort I signed a movie which was being produced by my husband. He did not reveal to his closest friend that I was the heroine of his new movie. He declared tbat he was signing a new sexy girl for the project. I prepared myself for the movie and looked very pretty and sexy too. One of the popular hero Ravi Kumar was...

2 years ago
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Flash of a Camera

I am a total nut when it comes t photography. A picture can tell a thousand stories, there's always more to what meets a picture. My name's John Doe, 25 year old photography major living with his mom... life's good... well it got better when my scientist uncle sent me a glowing rock saying it's a unique power source and that people are looking for it so i have to keep it safe. I'm sat on my bed looking at this tiny thing and realise it's the perfect size to fit into my camera battery slot. A...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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I Bared Myself for Daddys Camera

There has always been a sexual thing going on with my father, whether my mother knew or not, I can only speculate.It was he who bathed me, and would do so nude himself, and now that I know more about sex, I can remember him being erect and my touching him intimately, until he came.My initiation was to have my lips and mouth smeared with semen, and later with other bath night sessions, was to sweeten the experience using a lollipop, scooping his ejaculate with the sweet, and suck it.When my...

1 year ago
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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 6 Sinning for the Cameras

Chapter Six: Sinning for the Cameras By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Discovering my preacher father was a hypocrite had awakened me to the sexual desires I had suppressed. As I watched him through the window of his church office at Thousand Oaks Methodist fucking the redheaded Donna Paxtor, married to Deacon Bill Paxtor, I realized how the adults in my life had lied to me. They told me sex outside of marriage, and in it strictly for procreation, was sinful. It was a chore to create new...

2 years ago
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The Camera

The Camera By Margaret Jeanette Jason Truax was unpacking his fishing equipment. He was just returning from a weeklong Canadian fishing trip. It had been a very successful trip. He would have a lot of good memories from it. He unpacked and put away his clothes with some going into the laundry and the clean ones getting put away. He was in a hurry to get back to work. He went in and booted up his computer. He was writing a novel. It was a suspense novel and he was ready to go....

2 years ago
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Hidden cameras

When Jean’s brother-in-law Ian retired he and her sister Marion decided to downsize and move to a smaller property near us. They managed to find a house a short walk away and they stayed with us for a few weeks while the house was rewired and decorated before moving in. The new wiring included a burglar alarm, internet cabling in all rooms, external security CCTV and smoke detectors. After all the furniture had been moved in Ian and Marion had a grand opening and we went to look around the...

3 years ago
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Candid Camera

At least life at home was good. Her daughter Evelyn was growing up to be a beautiful young lady, she had been so excited last weekend to get her driver’s license. She looked a lot like Suzanne in the eyes, and a bit in the butt, and her hair was obviously of her mother’s heritage, but everything else . . . it had to come from her father. Suzanne had never met any of Frederico’s family, because he really didn’t have any. His parents died young and he was an only child. Evelyn had followed...

2 years ago
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The Hidden Video Camera

The sound wasn’t the greatest, but you could clearly hear Ed Ford say to his wife, “Edie, you still have the best set of tits I’ve ever seen,” as he grabbed a handful of her flesh as she walked past his side of the bed!!!” As his hands grew more insistent, she offered no resistance when he pulled her down on the bed and kissed her hard on the mouth, while letting his free hand roam over her voluptuous body!!! Almost immediately she began tugging at his boxer shorts until she had exposed his...

2 years ago
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Seducing Best Friend On Camera

Hello beloved readers, I’m back with my second encounter after the saint. I got a lot of mails asking for my second story as I promised, here I go! First let me introduce myself again for your ease to imagination. I’m 20, handsome 34 waist, bi-curious, huge ass, 6 inched fat penis, 5″10′. While let’s say Yash is 5″11′ average penis, skinny, 21. He gained penis size later years though. I mention real story so I rather focus on play than to eroticism. After I got my virginity broken, it was hard...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Lights Camera

Andrea made her way down the stairs juggling the full laundry basket. Even though she was rewarded an unexpected day off work with pay, the real work of household, husband and two sons never seemed to end. She pushed by the weed-whacker and managed a good hip-check on the street hockey net stored outside the laundry room.She sorted through the laundry, separating the whites from the coloured. She shook her head at the quantity of sport socks and underwear her boys went through on a bi-weekly...

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